FidèleChapter 33 free porn video

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Should this feel normal, or should this feel extraordinary? he wondered as Kathryn slurped on his cock And wouldn’t it be extraordinary if it was normal?

Despite their sexual marathon the previous evening (and the tremendous amount of wine they’d consumed), he’d had some trouble sleeping. His mind was unsettled by what seemed to be a key and unanswered predicate to their conversations to come: not whether they’d end up together, but whether or not they should try. He knew all the logical reasons against, but felt the powerful reserve of emotions that angrily contradicted those reasons. Sleep refused to arrive until he came to a decision.

Even if it’s not the wiser or more righteous choice, I have to at least try. I don’t want her to be the mother of all lost opportunities. She suggested that there may be a limit; that who I’ll need to become to ensure that she’s part of my future might be more than I can forgive. I’ll have to be wary of that. But I just can’t give her up without some sort of fight.

That conviction flowed back into his waking mind as she brought her passionate oral wakeup call to its usual climax, gulping down gouts of his seed and moaning with satisfaction as they slid around her tongue and down her gullet.

“And so, Mr. My Mind Was Drifting While Having An Orgasm, what’s it going to be today? Talk, work, sex, or a revelation of exactly when my blowjobs became so boring that they no longer hold your attention?” She was draped across his supine form, one leg nestled between his, while her drenched sex ground against his thigh. Her extraordinary breasts were mashed into his chest as her fingers played and toyed with the light hair that covered it. Despite her words, the lilt in her voice made it clear she was teasing. Nonetheless, he felt an apology was in order.

“You noticed that?”

“I do have a little bit of experience taking you into my mouth, you know. I recognize a distracted penis when I’m sucking it.”

“I seem to remember that you do, yes,” he said with a smile, caressing her crimson waves and moving them away from her face. “And my mind wasn’t really wandering, so much as relaunching a file it saved last night.”

“Your pillow talk desperately needs work, love.”

“What I was also thinking was how extraordinary it is for blowjobs of such surpassing excellence to feel normal.”

“Better. But you’re running such a deficit that you haven’t quite earned another one yet.”

“Actually, that’s fine. Last night you were all over me, so this morning I want to return the favor.”

Her grinding grew a little more rhythmic. “Even better. That just might get you out of the doghouse.”

“Wonderful. Before you let me out, though, I want to answer your question. Sex this morning, a little bit of work later, talk tonight. But there’s a wrinkle in our plans: at some point this afternoon, a delivery truck’s going to arrive with quite a bit of wine. They’ll unload the boxes straight into the cellar, but it’s going to be up to us to put it away. And, by the way, you’re going to have to sign for it. I didn’t see any point in scheduling the deliveries under my name, since they’re going to continue after I’m gone.” He forcibly put down a twinge of sadness at the unspoken implications of departing while the cellar continued to expand with wines meant to age as long as her marriage might.

“A truck full of muscular, sweaty, sexy men, eh?”

Luke laughed. “Sweaty is unlikely, given how far from their warehouse you live. Muscular is probable, but it’ll be two people at most. The rest calls for unfounded speculation. Having used this service in the past, however, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Why, are you thinking of tipping them with handjobs or something?”

Instead of answering, she rolled away from him and spread her legs. “Didn’t you promise me some sort of oral service? For some strange reason, I appear to be several orders of magnitude hornier than when you first made the offer.”

It’s the forest all over again. “My god, you are thinking about it!”

“Well, Luke ... the longer your tongue works its magic between my legs, the more likely it is that I’ll forget the entire idea.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, he moved on top of her and began kissing her neck. She sighed with pleasure as his mouth worshipped her flesh, and she was writhing by the time he arrived at her succulent breasts. For a long while he caressed and teased her nipples with the gentleness he knew she preferred, but when he realized that she was fighting against the buildup to orgasm, he moved on to her stomach. It rippled and heaved at the touch of his lips. When he finally descended to her sex it was a swamp, emanating a raw, urgent heat. Sensing her need, he skipped the rest of the preliminaries and buried his tongue in her hole, curling it upward and dragging it outward with enough force that it snapped across her sensitive clit. Three times he did this, and each time he was met with a deafening shriek. Suddenly, her hands gripped his head, holding it hard against her pussy as she wailed in uncontrolled ecstasy, pumping her essence into his mouth as he furiously assaulted her clitoris, maintaining her climax as long as he could. On and on he imprisoned her in the narrow band between the moment of unbearable tension and the moment of ecstatic release, unrelenting in his demands for her peaks, and she rewarded him with explosion after explosion. They’d done this so often he felt like a master at reading her signals and her desires, reveling in his ability to bend her pleasure to his will. It was something she’d been able to do to him from the very beginning.

I’ve never understood someone’s body so intimately, yet I feel like there’s so much more to learn. Tomorrow will be ... interesting, he mused as he introduced fingers to his manipulations. Kathryn’s orgasms rolled on, every momentary ebb followed by yet another eruption of carnal bliss.

Gasping for breath while shuddering though involuntary aftershocks, Kathryn was finally able to speak the words she’d been trying but failing to form since he’d released her from sensual bondage. “Jesus, Luke. You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted to redress an imbalance. That was so incredible, for so long, that even I’m not sure what time it is.”

“Yes you are,” he snorted, kissing the inside of her thigh and setting off another series of tremors.

“Okay, okay, I am. Still, learn to take a compliment, would you?”

“I did. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Love, ‘enjoyed’ is a pathetically under-equipped word for what you just did to me. That was ... look, if I tell you something important, will you promise that it stays between us?”

“Of course.”

“I mean it. You’re going to feel the urge to redeploy this information with one specific person. Don’t. You can’t. You’ll wound her if you try.”

“Now I’m both intrigued and a little scared.”

“You should be both. Luke, that was the best oral sex I’ve ever experienced. Better than any of my lovers, better than Wendy, better than Irina, even better than Faith ... though I admit that she could probably make a run at the title with a little more practice, because she’s more sexually intuitive than anyone I’ve ever met. But you know everything I want ... everything I need ... exactly the way and time I want or need it. And then you pull me away from the familiar and do something that’s totally new. You’ve known for a while that I can come virtually nonstop, but I’ve always had to work up to it. You just made me do it from the very start. No one’s ever done that before. I guess that means I’ve a few more cherries to offer you after all,” she added with a lopsided grin.

“Come here,” she demanded, pulling him from between her splayed legs until he was blanketing her scorchingly beautiful form and his erection was searing her flesh an inch or two from one of its favorite homes. Playfully licking her emissions from his chin, lips, and nose, she looked deep into his eyes and confessed, “You’re the most perfect lover I’ve ever had. No one’s even close anymore. I come more often, and with more intensity, with you than I ever have with anyone else. Even the biggest, most mind-rending orgasms of my life — like the ones I had when we were at Alejandro’s apartment and you were both inside me, or when I was finally allowed to come after so much torturous denial — were because you were there and deeply, intimately involved. I know this isn’t the time for our talk, but no matter what happens, I want you to understand and believe that I meant every single word I just said. You take me places I’ve never been. You hollow me out and remake me as a vessel for your pleasure, and because you do, I experience ecstasy unlike I’ve ever known.”

His heart swelling and shattering with every word, he answered, “The same is true for me, my love. I thought I’d had good sex ... I thought I knew what great sex entailed ... but I’m not sure I have words for what we do together, because I never imagined it could be like this. And since we’re still ‘not talking about it,’ just like yesterday,” he added with an unpleasant tightness in his throat, “I never want to stop. You know that, right?”

“I do. And just so it’s absolutely, crystal clear, I feel the same way.” The pregnancy of the uncomfortable silence that followed said everything she’d left unvoiced: no matter how revelatory or transformative the sex, all by itself it wasn’t enough of a foundation to redirect their futures.

They kissed for a while — a casual, comfortable exploration of their intimacy — until, with a slight shift of his hips, Luke slipped into her welcoming wetness. They moved together as one, saying nothing, only giving voice to their escalating passion with breath and the formless noises forced from their throats. Kathryn was building to her sixth or seventh consecutive peak when Luke reached for her legs and hoisted them over his shoulders, tightening the channel sheathing his shaft as he folded them against her body, driving into her sex with demanding force. Her volume overtook his, drowning his rhythmic grunts in the ululating arrhythmia of her surrender. Suddenly, she twisted to the side.

Assuming she needed a pause or a change of position, he began pushing himself off the bed. She locked her ankles behind his neck, momentarily arresting his withdrawal. Her eyes flamed with rampant desire as she handed him a well-used tube. Deftly uncapping it with a flick of his finger, he withdrew from her cunt, squeezed a dollop of its contents onto his cock, and worked several fingers-full into her rear entrance while she impatiently smeared the slippery lubricant all over a rod already glistening with her juices; a highly efficient routine that, for them, now operated like a flawlessly tuned engine. Pressing against her legs even harder, elevating her buttocks an inch or two higher, he repositioned himself and eased his cock into her back passage, gritting his teeth as the force of her orgasm clamped down on his invading spear.

Even though he’d switched holes, he immediately resumed the furious pounding to which he’d been treating her pussy. She reveled in it, howling with pleasure as he savaged her rectum with violent thrusts. Summoning an unexpected reserve of energy, he hammered her ass without respite, tearing countless climaxes from her body via her anal canal, nearly numb from the overwhelming pressure of his long-delayed release, yet holding it at bay with every last molecule of will.

Finally, well over an hour after he’d first plunged through her snug anus, he buried himself as deeply as her buttocks would allow and flooded her colon with a tidal wave of seed. Her climaxes were again unending as he filled her innards with semen. When his balls were finally empty, he collapsed atop her body, panting with exhaustion from the duration and raw athleticism of their coupling. Her legs fell back to the bed and her arms wrapped around his sweaty back, holding him close while she waited out her own slow recovery.

“You’re a sexual god,” she finally managed. “I know you and Wendy make all sorts of jokes about me, but I’m serious. It’s like you were designed in a laboratory to be my ideal sexual partner. That was amazing.”

“Thank you, but of course I’m no Art Fingers.”

“Oh, shut up,” she cackled. “Seriously: it just gets better and better. I’m no longer surprised at the unprecedented heights to which you take me; I just revel in them instead. But what’s really scary is that I don’t think we’ve reached the true peak yet.”

“Well, that’s good motivation to keep trying,” he said with as much confidence as he could muster. “Anyway — and I’m terribly unhappy to have to say this — we have to get up. There’s a little last-minute reorganization we need to finish before the delivery truck arrives.” He slapped her buttocks to emphasize his point, and she quivered with delighted approval.

“Do that some more and I’ll do anything you want.”

“You’ll already do anything I want.”

“True, but I promise you’ll enjoy proving the assertion.”

“I will, but not right now. Seriously, let’s have a quick lunch and then move some bottles around.”

“So demanding!” she teased, untangling herself and rummaging around in a drawer while his creamy issue oozed from her dilated ass. “But you’ve regressed to seriously unsexy pillow talk again.”

“So they’re arriving soon?” she asked, slotting another pair of bottles into the racks.

“It’s hard to say, but ... wait,” he self-corrected as his phone beeped. “They’re on their way. Fifteen minutes.”

“Okay. I’m going to run over to the house and change. I should probably look a little more presentable,” she called over her shoulder, departing the cellar.

Right on schedule, a truck pulled into the driveway. Luke asked the driver to maneuver around until they could extend their loading ramp straight into the cellar, and it didn’t take very long for a few dozen cases to make their way from the truck to their destination. The two men were just about to retract the ramp when the metal suddenly clattered to the floor, startling Luke and causing him to fret about the sanctity of that floor, until he realized that both men were staring past him, mouths open and eyes wide. He sighed and turned around, already prepared for what he was about to see.

Kathryn was crossing the driveway wearing her black bikini. Below the waist she was concealed by a diaphanous sarong that was almost (but not quite) transparent enough to reveal what was beneath. The already undersized triangles of her top seemed stretched over her irresistible breasts even more than usual, as if she’d tightened the ties just to achieve such an effect. Her chest moved as she walked ... nothing so crass as bouncing, but swaying subtly as she made the most unsubtle of approaches to the three disbelieving men. Her nipples were very obviously erect, though whether it was the situation or a quick bout of pre-emergence self-stimulation remained a mystery. Knowing her, it might be both.

“I understand I have to sign for something?” she asked with an insouciant flip of her luxuriant hair, which wasn’t just down, but which she’d obviously teased into an even more sensual tangle than usual. Uncomfortable silence greeted her question. Luke smirked and turned away, trying very hard not to laugh.

“Bill of lading, boys. Let’s have it.”

Fumbling with his shirt pocket, but unwilling to wrest his eyes from the stunning and nearly naked redhead, the driver produced a folded piece of paper and a pen. Luke relieved him of both and handed them to Kathryn, who smiled with feigned indifference over what she was doing to the trio as she pinned it against the side of the truck and signed with a dramatic flourish. “Here you go,” she said as she handed both items back to the driver, staring a seductive challenge into his paralyzed eyes. Though he was beyond amused by the theater, Luke wondered just how far she’d take it, for recent conversations suggested that he didn’t actually know.

To his mild surprise, it was already over. “Thanks for all the wine,” she said. “I’m sure I’ll see you kind gentlemen again,” she continued with an inviting lilt, turning and walking back to the house as the deliverymen continued to stare, mesmerized by the unimaginably enticing curve of her ass as it swung back and forth inside her sarong.

I need to let them off the hook or they’ll never leave. “I know. Believe me, I know. I assume you two have just decided to volunteer for all future deliveries. If so, you might want to be more careful about dropping things.”

“Wasn’t that hot?” she asked as her lips worked their way around his neck. She was back in casual wear, but it was clear that her encounter with the deliverymen had reenergized her libido.

“I’m not sure,” he answered, and she pulled her lips away with an exaggerated pout. The look in her eyes warned him that, if he persisted, this would be no lighthearted conversation.

“This is important to you, isn’t it?” He gently nudged her a little farther away before continuing. “Tell me why.”

“It’s not important to you?”

I feel like I’m standing amidst a cloud of angry wasps, all of them ready to sting the moment I make the wrong move. “Tell me what you mean, specifically, and I’ll answer as best I can.”

“You didn’t find my teasing arousing?”

“Yes. That part I definitely did.”

“Were you worried I was going to go farther?”

Be careful. “Not worried so much as curious and cautious. And ... okay, yes, maybe even trepidatious.”

“Luke,” she said, taking his hands between hers, “does the idea of me being with other people arouse or upset you? Or is it both?”

He shook his head. “It’s definitely both, and it depends on the person and the situation. You know how much I debated and struggled over Alejandro, even after I talked myself into it, and despite all your — and his — reassurances, there were many moments along the way when I felt utterly lost. That said, by the end it didn’t bother me at all. Faith and Wendy were no problem, but then again I’m a heterosexual dude, and an interest in watching two women having sex is apparently hardwired into our DNA. I admit I’d be slightly nervous about you being with Irina unless I was involved, though I doubt it’d last very long. But as you know, I hoped Alejandro would help me get over my jealousy regarding you and Bill. Unfortunately, last week proved that it didn’t.” He paused as she cocked her head. “I heard the two of you having sex.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Well, there were a lot of opportunities, so I’m not terribly surprised. I kept the windows open for a reason.”

Her admission was surprisingly hurtful. “You did?”

“Please don’t misunderstand me. It was absolutely not so you would hear — if I’d known you were going to be out and about, I would’ve closed them, but except for your morning exercise you almost never are — it’s just because the general idea of whatever sex I’m having being audible to anyone within earshot turns me on so much. Years of stammering and odd looks from landscapers and pool cleaners suggests that I’m getting exactly what I want, but I really didn’t mean for you to overhear us. I’m truly sorry, Luke.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t figure it was deliberate, and of course you’re right that I rarely leave the guesthouse. Still, I did hear you.”


“I hated it. But since I had no right to object, and there was nothing I could do about it, I went on with my day.”

“Well, it’s a special exception, I grant. But putting Bill aside, this is the second time you’ve reacted this way to the possibility of me pushing this specific boundary with others. Is it because we’re talking about men rather than women? Is it the surprise or the uncertainty that you don’t like? Is it about prior approval? If it’s your idea, or if we discuss it first, would that make it okay? Because I want you to understand that I’m quite content with that sort of arrangement, if so. I just need to know the rules.”

“Maybe. I really don’t know, because this is still so new to me. Liz and I have never been anything more than fuck-buddies, and even when she enthusiastically recounts an encounter with someone else — which she often does — all it does is make me hornier and more competitive. The only person who ever demanded the right to see, date, fool around with, or sleep with other people while we were in some sort of semi-committed relationship was Véronique, and as you know I resisted at first and, later on, withheld my own commitment as a result. I know that, if you and I have a future, we’ll be including other people in it, and I want you to know that I’m fine with that ... but I’m fine with it as an abstraction. I’m finding the details a little more confusing.”

“That’s completely understandable.”

“Is it? If it happens, the people won’t be abstractions, they’ll be real. Will I react this way every time? That doesn’t seem very reasonable on my part. Either it’s okay or it’s not.”

“I promise I won’t do anything else like that around you from now on.”

“No, no, it’s...” He rubbed his temple for a few moments. “No. Please don’t stop. Do whatever it is you feel like doing.”

“But it upsets you.”

“One of the things we don’t know about us is what it’s like to be together when it’s not just endless sex punctuated by food, wine, and a pathetically small amount of work. Part of yesterday’s talk was an attempt to amend that, though of course we ended talking about sex anyway. But if this is the person you want to be ... if this is the Kathryn I’m allegedly freeing to be who she really is ... then I need to see her. See you.” She nodded, her expression visibly torn between doubt and careful consideration. “There’s something else I’m trying to figure out, though. Why is this so important to you? Teasing and openness to random encounters rather than planned ones, I mean.”

She sighed and moved closer, as if physical proximity could somehow insulate them against what she was about to say. “Do you mind if I talk about Bill?”

“Probably, but he’s also part of us facing our reality. If it helps you explain, go ahead.”

“This was ... this is ... his hangup. He’s obviously okay with me being somewhat of an exhibitionist, or he wouldn’t be able to accept the dresses I wear, much less something like ... to pull an extremely unlikely possibility out of invented air ... me hanging out by the pool in a very revealing bikini while our hot young wine stud is sitting a few feet away. And he’s completely fine with the sort of low-level flirtation I engage in, which you know about as well as anyone. Even when someone gets very slightly handsy with me, he doesn’t intervene ... though I wouldn’t say it pleases him very much, either. But the idea of me physically interacting with another person in any overtly sexual fashion whatsoever brings his barriers up, hard. And that applies to everyone. At first I didn’t believe him; can you imagine a man who’s not interested in being with, or even watching, two women?”

“Despite what I said earlier, I’m sure there are plenty who aren’t.”

“Sure, but I could never have foreseen I’d end up married to one. And yet, somehow, I did. As I told you a while back, before we left the city I thought I almost had him ready to at least try a little adventure, just because he knew I wanted it so badly. We were going to go to a bar or a club and I’d seduce another woman into joining us ... at first on the dance floor, then at our table, and perhaps, if it all went well, to a hotel room for something more. I left it completely up to him to let me know if and when it was too much, or if he wanted me to stop. The truth was that we never even made it out the front door. One week there was one excuse, the next another, until I finally gave up. He was never going to be okay with it, and I was damaging our marriage by trying to change his mind. I’ve accepted that I never will.”

“Is that why you’re with me?”

“No, Luke. No. Absolutely not. In the beginning it was only about my irresistible attraction to you. Later, I realized that it was also about love. But I’ve told you more than once that openness to this sort of thing has been part of your appeal for a while now.”

“And that’s why my sudden resistance is upsetting to you?”

“Not upsetting so much as surprising.”

“How so?”

“It doesn’t make a great deal of sense, at least to me, that you’re fine leaving me alone with Wendy, or Alejandro, or Faith ... or that you’re okay with watching Alejandro feed that monster all the way down my throat and then absolutely pummeling me with it ... but a little exhibitionism and flirting with strangers is so distressing that it causes you to panic. Well, ‘panic’ isn’t the right way to put it, but...”

“No, it’s okay. And you’re right; now that you put it that way, it doesn’t make sense. So what would you have done with the delivery guys if your stick-in-the-mud lover wasn’t holding you back?”

Shaking her head, though she was smiling as she did it, she responded, “This time, no more than I did. Next time, maybe I’ll be rushing out of the shower and ‘accidentally’ drop my towel while I’m signing something. While they’re standing there in shock, I’ll give them both a hug of gratitude so I get something out of the experience, and then saunter back into the house, as if being naked in front of them was no big deal.”

“So you get ... oh, I understand. You want to feel that they’re hard because of you.”

“Exactly. I know some exhibitionists are into the feeling of humiliation that comes with exposure. I’m the opposite; I revel in the sexual power it gives me. I find it incredibly stimulating. Do you remember that first day we spent by the pool, before we started having sex? It turned me on so much, knowing what I was doing to you. Once I went inside, it was very difficult to stop masturbating long enough to change clothes and make dinner — you’ll remember that I didn’t exactly cover myself very well — and there were a few hours of encores after you left. The boat was even worse; I could barely get to sleep that night because I was fantasizing about you with pretty much every device I own. And yes, it’s really turning me on right now to see how you’re responding to these revelations. But Luke, there’s also something here that’s relevant to our discussion: I hadn’t one-hundred percent committed to having sex with you at that point, though I was certainly strongly considering it, but I went ahead and relentlessly enticed you anyway. I guarantee that, if we’d managed a repeat engagement by the pool before our relationship turned physical, I would’ve at least been topless ... and not covered like I was on the boat, either. It’s even more likely I would’ve ended up naked, which is how I usually spend my time out there. If I could’ve talked you out of your bathing suit as well, that would’ve fueled my orgasms for days.”

“So the only reason you don’t do things like that all the time is because of Bill?”

“Yes. While he’s happy to show me off up to a point — he’s come to accept me being naked while Irina’s around, for example — the rest is a line he wouldn’t want me to cross.”

“But you crossed it with me because...”

“ ... I was already most of the way to being unfaithful, as I’ve explained before. In retrospect, it’s completely obvious that the final step was so inevitable it might as well have been preordained ... the pool, the boat, cuddling at the rock ... but I needed a little time to grant myself permission to take it.”

He fell silent for a while, considering everything she’d revealed. As ever, there’s this yawning gap between what I’m prepared for and what she’s capable of. I felt it with Alejandro and Faith, I felt it during our experiments with dominance and submission, and now I’m feeling another expression of it. So am I more like Bill, or more like her? Am I capable of following her as far as she wants to go?

“Can I ask another question about Bill?”

“As long you’re prepared for the answer, now’s as good a time as any.”

“Are you satisfied with him? Sexually, I mean?”

“Why would you possibly want to know that?”

“I can’t really explain it, but I find myself wanting to understand him better. You love both of us, but we’re very different people, and so it must be for different reasons. I want to know what those are.”

“So you can make a better case for yourself? I’m impressed and horrified.”

“Why horrified?”

“It’s very lawyerly of you.”

“Now I’m impressed and horrified,” he joked. “Maybe you’re right that it’s all about advantage. Maybe it’s just a stupid retreat to pride, because I want to hear the specific ways in which I’m apparently better in bed. Or maybe it’s about knowing where I do and don’t measure up in a larger sense. Like I said, I can’t really explain it. If you don’t want to answer, though...”

Same as Fidèle
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My life was relatively boring, every day seemed to roll into one. Wake up go to work come home eat,sleep repeat.I live in a quiet middle class suburb and recently the neighbour who i had know for some time had decided to move house.He was an elderly man and could not maintain his house properly anymore and so put it on the property market. Before not too long a sold sticker appeared and as normal i was expecting new neighbours, little did i know what was in store for me.About a week later the...

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Cody Becomes a ManChapter 1

Jennifer: This story is not about me, really, but it does start with me, more or less. I met my husband, Randy, about five years ago. I was temping in an office and one of the managers in another department was introduced to me, Mr. Phillips. Well, soon Mr. Phillips became Randy, then after the assignment was over and I went on to other work, Randy and I began going out. He was really a wonderful guy. Steady, great sense of humor, very nice to be with. He was also interesting, always...

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Harry and the Milfs 2

It was a family dinner at the Potter manor. Hermione and her mother had finally moved in fully and they were having a fine time. With them at the table was Harry’s twin sisters, Rose and Violet. The two sisters were chatting with Hermione about wedding plans and where she and Harry would go for their honeymoon. The meal went nicely as the conversation was merry./That night Lily snuck out of her room and headed to her son’s. Tonight was her night with Harry and she wasn’t going to waste it. At...

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Mountain Storm

A fiction. the names of the participants are nothing more than figments of my imagination...The last couple month had been very hectic, with a series of new projects and programs to get up and running, so we promised ourselves we would get away to the mountains for a short break.We had hired a small unit overlooking the Capertee Valley. It was a two unit complex so there would be other people nearby, but the units were built in such a way as to maintain their privacy and retain their own...

4 years ago
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Brians Change For The Better

Brian's Change For The Better By Amber Lynn Love This story contains adult material and should not be read by any individual under the age of 18. This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story are fictional and do not represent any living or non-living people. Hi. My name is Brian, at least it was a year ago, and this is the story of how I learned that it's not nice to tease girls just because they're different from me. It all happened a year ago just after my...

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A made up love story

Who in here believes in fairy tale romances? I knew you’d say that so I’m going to tell you my story. It is a fairy tale romance. Some parts are funny, some parts are sad, but it was all written by God before time began. I met this guy named Randy in Algebra class when we were juniors at Washington High School. I’d love to tell you it was love at first sight, (so that it would go along with the rest of my fairy tale) but it wasn’t. I was seeing a sophomore in college at NC State named Brian and...

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Wifey finally tries ANAL after years of resisting

(From Dec 30 2016)After all these years I have FINALLY popped my wifes ANAL cherry and it was totally fucking amazing !!!! We are having a night away and after a relaxed afternoon sex session and a couple bottles of wine later and she was up for indulging me in my anal fantasy. What was most surprising was how fast we went from a finger, thumb then straight into having my cock balls deep in her little virgin ass and me pumping for all I was worth and filling her ass tube with my sour ball...

3 years ago
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Dost se biwi ko chudwaya

I am 28 yr old. This is my real story. I got married 3 years ago. Once surfing the internet, I found an interesting note, where a husband wanted her wife fucked by somebody else. This idea ne mere dimag me 1 naya vichar dal diya aur main bhi apni wife ko kisi aur se chudwane ke liye betab ho gaya. Us din k baad main roj nayee nayee planning karne laga lekin safal nahi ho raha thi kuch din baad maine apni biwi se kaha ki hum 1 naya game khelte hain aur humne Role Playing start kar di. Kabhi main...

1 year ago
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HumbledChapter 2 A Humble Introduction

The next day all I could think about was that guy on his knees, with his balls sac pulled behind his legs, sucking another man's cock while getting a whipping. All day I wondered what it would feel like to have my balls sac pulled behind my legs with no mercy. What it would feel like to be in his position? I even cruised the net looking for pictures or videos of men in that position. But I didn't know what the device is called. Finally, when I ran a search for 'cbt devices', I saw it....

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A Night on the Town

This is my first post, hope you enjoy. May continue the story if I get positive feedback.It was my 21st birthday, and my friends were taking me out for a night on the town. We had been going from bar to bar, getting drunk and trying to pick up women. Finding no luck with the woman at the bar we were at, we decided that it was time to move on again. We wandered down the street, looking for the next bar. We found one called the Dollhouse, and decided to go in. We found a table and immediately...

1 year ago
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The Breeding Grounds

The Breeding Grounds ??????????? Jake opened his eyes only to be greeted by a blurry image of what he thought was his bedroom. Still groggy, he raised a hand to his face so he could give his eyes a good wake-up rub. As his vision cleared, a few articles of clothing were the first to come into view. He looked up to find that he was laying on the couch in his living room. Had Jake been your average guy, he would have thought that was odd, as the last place he remembered being was in his...

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The Zipper

SPLASH! The ice cold water hit me like the wallop of a hammer. I was instantly aroused from the trance-like daze I had been in.My current state started several hours before. Our relationship started over a year ago. We first saw each other in a old, shabby, but safe, bar in my neighborhood—walking distance from my apartment; I had left my car there. I was significantly imbibing to forget my sleazy, abusing, cheating husband, from whom I was almost divorced. This was not my first foray into...

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Varsha Didi Lost Her Virginity

This sex story was narrated to me by Varsha Didi. Varsha was always a pretty girl. All the boys in the village had their eyes on her. Wherever she went, there was sure to be a set of boys hanging about to ogle at her. Varsha was not unaware of the interest boys had in her. She didn’t mind the attention and, in fact, she enjoyed being the center of attraction. Her parents’ too were aware of the interest their daughter generated among the boys, so they kept a very close eye on her. Over and...

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Hotel Surprise

Working in the big city has it's perks and drawbacks. The other night some of my coworkers and I went out for a small celebration at a local restaurant. Everyone ordered drinks and we enjoyed our latest professional success. Finally the crowd thinned out and I was leaving with some others. One of the guys suggested a place near the art center for the city to listen to some soft jazz and blues. A few of us met there and were nursing drinks not really wanting to get drunk just feel good. I...

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Sodomy in Salem

1692 - Salem, Massachusetts The trees shook in the cool evening wind. The leaves were beginning to fall to the ground, mixing with the bare earth to add a fresh new layer to the forest floor. Soon, although the trees didn’t know it, that new layer would be trampled down by the hooves of horses giving chase to a woman in a dark dress. She was being hunted down by a mob of enraged townspeople chosen by their god (or, more appropriately, by the Court of Oyer and Terminer) to capture anyone in the...

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AssParade Carmela Clutch Oiling the Big Butt

Carmela Clutch was hanging out at the pool showing off her beautiful curvy body. She called her boyfriend Peter. She needed some oil on her body. Peter oiled her whole body well. As a thank you she took him to the bubble bath. Foam was running through her ass cracks. It looked so sexy. She started to blow Peter’s dick. He fucked her in the bathtub. They took it to the bedroom. Peter licked her pussy while her ass was on top of him. She sucked his dick again and they fucked like there is no...

3 years ago
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Part 2 my mother the greatest cum dump of all t

ABSOLUTELY NO FRIEND REQUEST WITHOUT COMMENTS ON THE STORY.You must read part 1 to get the story and find most unique and creative sex scenes and dialog--------------------------------------------------------//////-----I started to pack my things. I didn't have much. A few tees, 2 pair of Jeans, a few undies and a towel. My toothbrush needed to be replaced. I picked up my little bag and walked to the door. Just before leaving the room, I turned around and looked back to where I had spent my...

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The Royal GeniesChapter 3

Harson woke up in the morning spooning Sofia, his erect cock and balls rubbing against her bottom cheeks. The prince opened his eyes, and memories came flooding back to him of the previous night's events. He'd released some sort of powerful being, a "genie", she'd called herself, who had sworn to fulfil his every desire. He'd lost his virginity to her, before taking the virginity of his young sister. Harson pulled away from his sister, and looked down on her. Large amounts of his cum...

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Bi Bi Miss American Pi

Samantha Bigby was arguably the most popular teacher in the high school. She was cute, young, full-breasted, and funny, but what made her especially attractive was her accent. She was a Brit. Originally, anyway, and very recently landed from the UK. She had just married an American serviceman who had brought her back to what her dad jokingly referred to as the colonies–Virginia, no less–and there she was when our story took place. She had never been to America before her marriage, so she found...

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First time cuckold

My wife was speaking with her friend Staci about hooking up with guys on the internet while her husband watched. After speaking with her friend on the phone, my wife pulled me into the bedroom and explained what Staci was up to, but not in a morally convicting way. She was explaining it to me sort of in a convincing way to get me on board with it. I asked her, “So what are you saying? You want to do something like this?” She said, “Honey, it’s only one time and if you don’t like it we can...

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My Prince Part 2

“B-Ben? What are you doing here? Didn’t you break your arm?” Connor timidly asked. “No, I almost did. Mr. Barlow thought I broke it. So are you such a whore that you decided to have sex with Alex the day you moved in? Nice, really nice.” Ben ranted. He came up with a nice little array of insults over the next few minutes, and Connor just seemed to sit there and take it. After a while I decided to step in. “Alright, alright, Ben, I think it’s time for you to go.” I said, and I...

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Sister In Law Part Six

Gill still looked like a deer in headlights as we joined her and Andy at the pizza place. "A great find," Andy said as we sat down."Thanks," Wayne replied.It was extravagant for a pizza place, they served us wine, and we ordered two large pizzas to share for the table.Andy told Wayne he was into the security business, mainly homes and businesses, but was venturing into other things. As usual, when he was with other men, Wayne just nodded his head and pretended he was interested; unless he saw...

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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 7

Miralda and Tavia were having a little fun. After the savage flogging of their two new slaves, Karena and Zena, the two teenagers would do anything that was demanded of them. They grovelled in terror, begged and pleaded to be spared more torment. But, all the same, more torment was constantly forthcoming. Miralda was exorcising all the terrible horrors she had endured for months and months; young Tavia was simply indulging in her natural sadistic instincts. It was mid-afternoon and both Miralda...

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The Encounter A Short Story

Important-read first! This story was written by a female friend and former coworker of mine. It involves herself with another female friend, who was also a mutual coworker of ours. I have changed the name in the story for obvious reasons. "Amanda" is married, bisexual and they have an open relationship. When talking with the girl who wrote this, she revealed being very kinky herself and always wanting to be with a woman. It turned out both girls liked S&M and were very submissive. Over time...

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The Motherly Thirst Of An Indian Son

Hi.. Readers.. This is my first story.. I may seem a bit in a hurry but trust me you’ll get what you will be looking for.. I assure you that..!! So.. Here goes the story..!! My name is Rishabh Rajput.. It started when I was in my 11th standard and i got my first computer. I was pretty excited about it as we belonged to a middle class family and hence wasn’t such privleged to get anything unless it serves a good purpose. Along with the computer came the internet as well.. My parents thought...

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Seducing Youth

It started when Dan invited us to join a bible study at his house on Wednesday nights. We did not know him or his family very well so we decided to join them. We all hit it off. I knew early on that we would become close friends. My wife and I began going to their house on the weekends and staying the night in the guest bedroom. We became like part of the family. The girls all adored my wife and I, and we loved spending time with them. One night we were all lounging in the family...

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The best season 2 P

When the best season starts you start to peek always with a little more attention especially if you have the sis very good like in my case :-P. It was spring when i opened the door of my palace and, at the beginning of the ladders, i've find front of me, sitted, my sis with a boy sitted beside her, i do not know if that boy was a boyfriend or a lover: -P, my sister had a nice pair of black-transparent pantyhose with low shoes and a skirt more or less at central-thigh and with legs bent and...

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A Most Pleasant Awakening

So lately I've been making a number of orders from Amazon meaning that I've pretty much constantly been waiting on deliveries. You see I live in a block of flats with a secure entry and whenever I've got a package on the way I need to make sure I'm awake and ready to let the deliveryman in. It's a pain but it does allow for some rather risqué moments. Risqué moments which have through the lens of the imagination given rise to the most pleasant fantasies.Only two days ago I was waiting for...

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Chantelle becomes bolder part 1

Come with me - in your mind. Let's go and visit Chantelle and see what she's up to.Imagine you're flying over the Scottish landscape to a small town, hardly more than a village just North of Dundee. It's called Brechin and Chantelle's flat is on the top floor. It's a quiet area in a quiet town on a reasonably quiet night for a Saturday. Just as well they're not inside her flat with her then!She's washed her dark, flowing locks; showered and shaved everywhere that counts; spent a long time on...

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Imagination 5

Imagination 5 "Continue!" She stood there glaring at me and it was obvious that I had to try and complete the sentence or regret it. "...b-because I'm going to be v-very frilly." "Hm! A very poor attempt. I'm really not satisfied with that. What's your name?" "Frilly, Sister." "Why are you called Frilly?." "Because I'm going to be very frilly, Sister." "Better! Get used to it because that is the only name you will have from now on and you had better answer immediately...

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Unwanted attention Chapter 4 5

Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....

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Hardonis Academy P12

Chapter 12, Third Day The three new friends met at breakfast the next day, they were all smiling. Even though they had not had sex with each other, they seemed sure of forming a tight bond. The Academy was centered on the Hall building, which included the dining area, library, club rooms, student council and newspaper offices, and the theater. To the East were the two dorm buildings. To the West was the sports complex, which included the medical office. To the north was the administration...

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A New Toy

A new toy. Something I had always been curious about. Something that seemed a little severe at the time, but was still something I wanted to do. In fact, the thought of it aroused me. I have a reputation for being a kinky goth chick with long black hair and skinny body that loves to experiment. The new toy was an arm binder. I had never worn one before, partly because they cost a lot of money, and partly because... well, there had never been one handy. This one was a gift, from my boyfriend...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER SIX Angie awoke suddenly and sat up on the bed. Mark was already gone to work apparently, as she was alone in the single apartment bedroom. She tossed the sheets and blanket back and twisted to hang her legs off over the side, but she didn’t quite have the energy to get up yet, so she sat, unmoving for a while, rolling thoughts of previous events around in her mind. In the last twenty four hours, she’d discovered that her husband had a...

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Upsetting the Cheaters

I'm not dumb except when it comes to women. I know, I know. Really aren't most men dumb when it comes to women? I know some of us think they know about them, that they understand them, but do they really? I think not. Like most men I just try to muddle through and do things as nearly right as I can. Having said that, I believe that is the reason it took me so long to realize I am really dumb when it comes to women and specifically to my wife. I had seen the signs of her disrespect and...

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The Arrangement

Which is why I entered into the arrangement I’m currently in. It’s perfect. There’s no other way to say it than I am the plaything of a couple I’ve known for years. They like to adventure out and I am submissive so … it works perfectly. I don’t want to ruin their marriage, and none of us really want anyone to know what our situation is. It’s for the pleasure of those involved and it works for us. Unlike most of my friends, I don’t have pets, I don’t have kids … I’m free to do as I...

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My Dirty Little Secret

Dear Diary, Do you want to hear a secret? … you see, the thing is… I’m a dirty little slut. It all started a few days ago… I saw him staring at my tits as they fought to escape my skimpy top and my flimsy bra. I smiled at him, bent over to pick up something that I had “dropped”, winked at him. He was hot, I could feel my pussy getting wet and soaking my favorite lacy underwear with my sweet juices. He smiled back at me, ravishing my body with one lust-filled look as I scrawled my number...

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War Of The Worlds II Part 2

Part 2 - Procedure  After my second pot of tea and my sandwiches I had the commissionaire flag down a Hansom Cab. The journey to my practice was uneventful, but quicker and drier than had I waited for a bus or walked.  I arrived with a good half hour to spare, and due to the fact it was the weekend and my assistants were not there I had to set about lighting the fire to heat the large granite rooms and the gas lamps for light as it was dark enough to feel like dusk already.  The door bell rang...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Superb Encounter Through Orkut 8211 Part II

Hi Friends, My name is Rambo(Name Changed)I am 27 years old and living in Australia, but I am basically from Punjab. This is my true story, not any fiction.2 years back when I went to India to get married with a gal of my parents choice, I spent 1 year in India then and I met one gal name Sohni from Chandigarh through Orkut. She was 18 yrs old and doing Bsc from D.A.V. College then. In my Orkut account I mentioned that I am Single. So she added me as a friend. I scraped her and asked her if why...

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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 8

Chrissy felt crushed. Just when she'd been hoping to keep her handsome father all to herself, he was announcing his engagement to Kelly. Now what was she going to do for fun all summer? She'd go crazy with frustration if she didn't have regular love-making from Daddy. There was no way she could conceal her disappointment. "I... I hope you'll both be very happy," she stammered, bursting into tears. "I guess I better leave you two alone now." "Wait, Chrissy," Kelly said, grabbing...

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The Road Trip

The Road Trip Belladonna "Eighteen hours," George Mallon said to himself with a smile while he stared at the map he had created on his phone. The mere idea of spending eighteen, uninterrupted hours en femme as he made his way back home made his manhood stiffen. It had taken months of planning, as well as mustering up the courage to go through with it, but George had put himself in the position to spend the longest continuous amount of time out his home en femme in his life. ...

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Einforderung von Sozialleistungen

"Ich habe ja schon viel gehört, aber so was noch nicht. Was glauben Sie wo Sie hier sind?", tobte Yvonne Kaufmann in ihrer Funktion als Sachbearbeiterin beim Jobcenter. "Wo ich hier bin?", tobte der etwa fünfzigjährige Spätaussiedler aus Russland Victor Damov. "Ich bin da wo ich meine Leistungen bekomme auf die ich Anspruch habe!" "Ganz genau. Und Sie haben sicherlich keinen Anspruch auf 400,00 € zusätzlich im Monat um eine Prostituierte aufzusuchen!", schimpfte die junge Sachbearbeiterin. "Wir...

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Maine Mami Ko Pregnant Kiya

Hi mera nam Rajan hai.. mai UP ka rahne wala hoon… mai aj apko apne jeevan ki sachchi kahani bata raha hoon…meri age 30 sal hai..aj se 8 sal pahle ki bat hai mai apne mama ke yaha milne gaya tha with family mai meri ma, pa..meri mami ki age tab 46 sal ki thi unke do bachche hai.. woh bahit sundar hai..aur bahut hi caring..jane ke bad hamne rest kiya aur mai so gaya.. do tin ke bad mummy papa ghar wapas aa gaye aur mai wahin ruk gaya.kyunki unke bachche hostel mai rahte the. to mama mami ne kaha...

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Big Trouble for the Bookman

Hey there. The name’s Bookman. Sam Bookman. I’m one of those guys who’s been around – you know, a stint in the army, a little hush-hush intelligence work, undercover cop – a little of everything. You know, Jack of all trades, master of most. Trouble is, with most lines of work, you have to put up with assholes of some description bossing you around. You know, mental midget know-nothings who think they know it all, or their daddy says they know it all, so they’re in charge. Well, I got real...

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LA FunChapter 44

I woke up wanting to exercise, but I sort of figured the girls wouldn't be that interested considering how late we were up the night before. We did have to be at the Rack by ten, and I needed to sharpen my stroke a little this morning. It was seven, so I went downstairs and found a coffee pot with mugs next to it on the bar. I poured a mug and set up the balls on the table for a standard drill. My stroke was there and I was making all the shots. I did a rail drill and was accurate, and then...

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Pickup and Pay

Pay and Pickup I posted a used paper shredder for sale on a local classifieds site a little while ago. I didn’t get any response and had to repost it a few times. I had just about given up on it, when a girl named, Sara asked about it. After a few exchanges, she said that she would take it and asked about arranging to pick it up and pay for it. I sent her my phone number and told her to give me a call. This was the first thing in the morning and I was in my bathrobe before my shower. I did my...

Straight Sex
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My Trip to the Mountains

My first group sex with three hot guys. My Hubby and I are among the few people in Colorado who don’t snow ski. We do enjoy hiking and with the mountains nearby, we have plenty of opportunity to enjoy nature’s beauty. A little background is in order to the set the stage for what became an unbelievable night. We have been in the Lifestyle for about two years and had mostly positive experiences. An FWB couple, Doug and Pat, asked us to join them for a long weekend in Doug’s...

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CherryChapter 23

The next morning I woke up lying on my side with my back to Ben and his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. “I love it when you wake me like that Ben.” I said. “Ben wakes you like that as well does he? Tanya loves it too.” Ryan replied. “Oh sorry Ryan, I forgot that it was you that fucked me last night.” “That’s okay Cherry; Ben’s probably waking Tanya like that as well. If we stay quiet I may get the chance to wake Piper this way as well.” We slowly fucked until I’d cum then instead of...

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Mom Lets Me Watch

At dinner mommy whispered in my ear that before bed she wanted to see me in her bedroom. I knocked on her door and she asked me to come in, and to my surprise there she was siting on her queen bed with a dark see through teddy and a pair of my boxers up to her cute little nose. She said, "whatta think honey?" and I replied that she really looked sexy. Mom took my hand at guided my up on the bed next to her giving me a perfect veiw of her beautiful sexy body. She had deep red heels on with dark...

4 years ago
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Blow Up Doll

Blow Up Doll By BlowMuP As she went down the street, Tiffany got several shocked looks from people around her. As far as she remembered, crowded sidewalks never used to be like that. Normally, on her way to work, the sidewalks were crowded but people still managed to go about without actually having to hustle their way through the crowd. These days, she seemed like a magnet to all those people, there was plenty of space on the sidewalk but people looked like they were all...

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PenthouseGold Carmina Kai Soldier Gives Asian Babe a Messy Facial

When G.I. Evan Stone is stationed overseas, all his erotic Asian fantasies cum true when he meets Carmina Kai in a dark alley. Her traditional Chinese dress quickly comes off revealing skimpy silk lingerie, and she’s soon on her knees giving him a deepthroat blowjob. Setting the exotic black-haired beauty on a crate, the stud soldier drills and licks her dark shaved pussy. The raunchy Penthouse duo get even dirtier moving the XXX action to the ground and fuck nonstop until a messy cum...


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