FidèleChapter 35 free porn video

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Liquid fire raced through his cock as he exploded in the warm, wet heat of her mouth. He’d come plenty of times yesterday, but not nearly as often as he’d wanted to, and with far less actual pleasure than usual; the eroticism of the situation combined with his very specific and ordered kinky script meant that every time he was able to seek release, he was already on its brink. The fellatio — to which she’d been treating him since some point before its intensity finally woke him from an extremely erotic dream — was, even for her, one of her most comprehensively seductive efforts, and when all that pent-up desire finally detonated, he filled her oral cavity with a truly prodigious load.

She noisily swallowed every drop, returning to his rod time and time again to suck more cream from the tip. It wasn’t until he was completely spent that he opened his eyes for the first time. To his surprise, she’d finished him off while completely covered by a sheet.

“Isn’t it a little stuffy down there?”

“I was enjoying myself so much I didn’t really notice. But now that you mention it...”

“Come join me here in the light, then.”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean, you can’t? Is this your way of saying that you intend to begin round two? Because your last blowjob was so incredible that I’m a little on the oversensitive side right now.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“What is it, then?”

There was a long silence, and he was about to lift the sheet himself when he heard her sigh. “I look like a zebra. A zebra that got into a fight with a pack of hyenas. Kinky hyenas that completely ignored rum and sodomy in favor of the other thing.”

Oh. “We both knew what would happen. It’s okay.”

“No, Luke, you don’t understand. You’re going to think I’m ugly.”

“Kathryn, you could never be...”

“Yes, yes, you said that yesterday, and I thank you, but that’s not what I mean. I have bruises and marks everywhere, and they’re pretty severe. As soon as you see me, you’re going to start regretting what we did.”

Uh-oh. “Do you?”

“No! That’s what I’m trying to explain, Luke. I don’t want you to see what you’ve done and start apologizing or swearing to never do it again. I want you to see me and be proud that you were the one who did these things to me. Not just proud, but happy. Can you promise me that?”


Kathryn grumbled at the declarative immediacy of his answer. “Well, then I’m never emerging from my cave. Could you slip breakfast and a thermos of coffee under the covers?”

“Would you like to hear the rest of my answer?”

“You’re going to have to speak louder. It’s harder to hear you in here.”

“I can’t promise, because I’ve never done anything like this. Some spanking and playing around with paddles or spatulas or whatever — and not, for the record, all of it with Liz — but nothing even close to what I did to you. Probably also with people who bruise a lot less easily than you do. I’ve absolutely no doubt that I’m going to be shocked, dismayed, and terribly sorry when I see how I’ve damaged the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And then you’re going to talk me through it, slowly convincing me of everything you just said you wanted. Because I’m helpless to resist you, you know I’ll eventually accede. That’s the promise I can make to you.”

“You know, for such a smooth-talker who’s saying all these absolutely perfect things, you were really very mean to me yesterday.”

“I was indeed. Now, my love, come up here. I’ve always wanted to snuggle a zebra.”

“You failed to include that in your list of kinks.”

“I didn’t want to frighten you.”

“Okay, here I come. If you flee in terror, though, I’ll...”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Brave words. Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

Her hands and arms appeared first, and he quickly realized why: aside from some minor abrasions around her wrists, they were just about the only completely unmarked part of her body. The other untouched part — her head — appeared next, her face as ravishing as ever. Except...

“There’s a bruise on your cheek. A small one, but it’s there. How did that happen?”

“Where?” she asked, feeling around with her fingers. He moved them to the right spot. “It is a little tender,” she remarked.

“I don’t understand. I was careful not to get anywhere near your face.”

“Is that so? During the final hour, when I was dangling from my puppet string, what were you doing?”

“I was ... oh. Right. Sorry.”

“See? You’re already apologizing over a tiny little bruise from an average, everyday face-fuck. It’s not like you slapped me.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it average...”

“Call it whatever you like.”

“I find myself needing to ask: do you enjoy being slapped?”

“Very much so under specific conditions, but for obvious reasons it’s rarely happened, and I’m also fine with that. You can if you want, but you’d best do it soon. Anyway, if this barely noticeable mark bothers you, you’re definitely not prepared for the rest.”

“I already explained that I’m not. But I need to see it anyway.”

Though she was obviously still dubious, she slowly lowered the sheet until her breasts were revealed. It took every bit of his strength not to gasp in horror. Her usually flawless orbs were a galaxy of red, blue, purple, and black bruises, welts, and belt marks — the lashes he’d applied to their undersides were the most painful looking of all — and her left nipple was swollen and asymmetric.

“So what do you think of your handiwork now?”

“Kathryn, I...” She didn’t say anything, studying him closely as he stared in disbelief at the result of his punishments. Gingerly, he reached out to probe the damage with a shaking hand, but he stopped before making contact with her flesh. “Go ahead,” she encouraged.


“You broke it, you bought it.”

“This really isn’t the time for jokes.”

“Actually, yes it is. The problem is that you don’t realize it yet. Touch them. I mean it. In fact, I insist on it.” As softly as he could, he traced the outlines of the most visible marks ... the narrow tassels of the flogger, the wider and sharper outline of the belt ... gradually working his way toward her distended nipple. The moment he touched it, she hissed with discomfort, and his hand jerked away.


“Still apologizing. What did you think was going to happen, I’d wake up and everything would look and feel fine? I told you I mark easily. Did you think I was lying?”

“No, of course not. But I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Says a man who spent hours doing exactly that, all according to an elaborate plan he’d apparently been working on for days. A plan which I loved beyond reason, by the way.”


“Luke, stop starting sentences you can’t finish and look at me. No, not at my face. Look at my breasts. Look at what you did to them. This is exactly what I wanted. This is also what you wanted. The sooner you accept that, the better off you’ll be.”

“I just ... it’s...”

“Yesterday, I told you that one of the only things that wasn’t okay was that I was going to be ugly. I wasn’t worried that I was going to be ugly, I meant that you would think I was ugly. In other words, exactly what you’re thinking right now. I want you to think the exact opposite. I want you to look at me exactly as I am, wearing every single mark and bruise you gave me, and think I’m beautiful. Because I certainly do.”

It took well over a half hour for Luke to endure a full survey of her body. Again and again Kathryn had to talk him down from an apologetic ledge, assuring him that despite her pain — both visible and invisible — she was blissfully content with her condition. The horizontal stripes across her stomach, thighs, and back particularly stood out, because unlike damage he’d done elsewhere, they were isolated amidst stretches of otherwise unblemished flesh. Her clitoral hood was swollen with more than just arousal, but she explained that, other than a slight lingering sensitivity, she felt no other aftereffects from the fairly minor amount of abusive treatment it had suffered, and also that — if he was as interested in an encore as she was — she wanted him to be a lot harsher in that particular area.

Her buttocks were even more difficult to survey than her breasts. He’d been somewhat unrelenting the day before, sure that they could take more aggression than the rest of her, and in terms of the amount of pain he’d caused her his supposition proved true. But now, seeing the results, he was having a terrible time dealing with it; her most enticing feature had been reduced to a dark forest of horrors.

Though she talked and pleaded and cajoled, Kathryn couldn’t break his resistance nor his constant urge to apologize and swear that he’d never do it again. Sputtering with impatient frustration, she rolled out of bed. “Stand up!” Dazed, he did as she ordered. “Give me your hands.” When she clamped them over her breasts he immediately tried to pull away, but she wasn’t having it. Instead, she squeezed harder, forcing his fingers to dig into her sore flesh.

“Kathryn, stop! Let go!”

“Not until you listen.”

“Doesn’t this hurt?”

“It’s like your fingers have been replaced by sharp knives.” Evidence of her admission was visible in the sweat beading her brow.

“Then why? I told you that I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”

“I wanted you to hurt me yesterday. You wanted the same. You went rather out of your way to do it, after all.”

“Yes, but I...”

“Well, now I want something else. Now I want you to acknowledge ... no, I want you to embrace ... the fact that you hurt me because we both wanted it. This,” she growled, exerting even more force to squeeze his fingers into her aching mounds, whimpering as she did so, “is what we made. It was beautiful when we created it, and it’s beautiful now. Not just what you and I see, but what I’m feeling. The pain itself is beautiful because we achieved it together. So, you are going to stand here and be part of my pain — a new pain, an entirely different yet equally majestic pain — until you agree that it’s ours and that it’s beautiful. I may not be able to get pregnant, Luke, but this is something that we can craft together. You and me. Out of our love.”

“How is this love?”

“Did you feel hate or anger while you were striking me?”

“Of course not.”

“Did you feel indifference?”


“Then tell me what you did feel.”


“Did you feel dominant? Like you held my entire wellbeing in your hands?”

“Yes, much of the time.”

“Good. That’s what you should feel, because you did. Did you ever stop loving me while you felt that way?”

“Absolutely not, but...”

“So you did this while loving me. Just as importantly, I loved you every single moment it was happening. This morning, when I woke up and looked at myself, I loved more you intensely than I ever have, because we loved and trusted each other enough to do the incredibly difficult work to create all of this. This was done out of love, Luke. It couldn’t be any other way between us. Only one time in my life have I submitted to someone for whom I didn’t feel any love at all, and that was only because I needed to know so much more about this side of me. By the way, I’ve now revealed something you may or may not have realized: I fell a little bit in love with Faith when we spent out day together, and by the time I left I was probably even more in love with her than with Alejandro. I think it’s because we’re so alike on the inside, but she gets to do and be all the things I can’t. At least not yet. Unlike you, however, I didn’t ask her out,” she teased. “Darling, yesterday I gave you things I’ve never given anyone else. I did it because I love you, but I also did it because you love me. Why is it so hard for you to accept that? Why do you want to reject what we’ve given each other? Yesterday, you promised me you wouldn’t. How can you go back on your promise now?”

It was as if a typhoon, a hurricane, and a tornado were battling for supremacy in Luke’s utterly overwhelmed brain, except that all of those storms were different expressions of Kathryn and his feelings for her. He felt paralyzed, caught between an atavistic revulsion for hurting someone he loved and the demanding Coriolis of her words. And then, like overstressed tethers snapping under an incredible strain, the emotional restraints that held back the torrent shattered, and a flood of insight and understanding washed away the tumult.

“Let go of my hands, Kathryn.” Her eyes widened at the measured evenness of his tone, but she did as he asked. Releasing his grip on her breasts, he took her nipples between thumb and forefinger and squeezed, hard. She cried out in clear agony, clutching at his hands, but he held on until she stopped. A few tears escaped down her cheeks, but she finally managed to hold his gaze. In her limpid eyes were gratitude and love at his understanding, and he returned it tenfold, driving his lips into hers, kissing her with passionate fury, but not letting go of her nipples until their mouths broke apart. She gasped and heaved in the aftermath, but as soon as she caught her breath she leapt at him, knocking him backwards onto the bed. Seconds later his cock was buried inside her pussy and she was frantically grinding into his supine form, using him to bring herself to orgasm after orgasm.

This wasn’t lovemaking. They fucked like animals, tearing at each other’s flesh in a frenzy of lust. Luke impaled her over and over, position after position, in a fruitless attempt to sate her ravenous need. He didn’t go out of his way to remind her of her pain, but neither did he avoid it, and from time to time he gripped, scratched, or dug his fingers into flesh, causing her to yelp from something other than ecstasy. Her orgasms were relentless, deafening, and gradually becoming more of both, as if she was building to something monumental.

After hours of passionate rutting without pause, she rolled to her hands and knees and tossed the lube at him so hard that it bounced off his chest and onto the floor. “Fuck me in the ass, Luke. Take me as hard as you can. Ream my slutty hole. Come on, you beautifully evil bastard, fucking ruin my guts just like you have everything else.” It was at that point that he, having retrieved the lube and applied it to the relevant locations, rammed his throbbing cock into her anal canal and arrested the flood of filthy entreaties.

“Spank me!” A moment’s reluctance quickly dissipated, and he laid into her brutalized flesh with a mighty slap. “OWWWWW,” she howled, panting and wailing in response to the myriad assaults on her body, then demanding that he do it again. Which he did, with more and more aggression as her crazed lust skyrocketed into the upper atmosphere. Eventually, the power of his thrusts was too much for her to withstand and she collapsed onto the bed. He followed her down, yanked her legs open, and continued to jackhammer her colon.

There was no more spanking except of her relatively untouched flanks, so she raised her upper body to furiously stretch and pull on her own nipples, screeching incoherencies to the heavens as he brutally savaged her rectum. And then she arched her back, opened her mouth, and held that position, still and silent; a strange and enduring rictus the likes of which he’d never seen from her. He kept on ravaging an ass that was tighter than he’d ever experienced with her, but otherwise it was like she was made of stone. After perhaps five minutes of motionlessness and silence (aside from the staccato beat of his groin slapping into her cheeks), she slammed her head into the pillows, raised it again, and screamed. An unearthly, eardrum-shattering noise that might have surpassed the volume and duration of many that had issued from her throat the day before. On and on it went, pausing only for the momentary recapture of breath, while she uncontrollably flailed and writhed under his anal assault. With a triumphant roar of his own, he flooded her innards with a turbulent ocean of ejaculate and collapsed on top of her, exhausted and spent. Even though he was no longer moving, she continued to wail rhythmically, as if he was still thrusting into her. He slipped his arms beneath her quaking body and held her tight, riding out her carnal euphoria.

From behind them he heard a thump. Though he didn’t withdraw his organ from her convulsing anus, he twisted his head to see what had caused the noise.

There were three overstuffed bags on the table. One of them was nearly horizontal.

There was a grapefruit on the floor.

There was a redhead in shock.

Irina was standing in the kitchen, one hand over her mouth and the other buried in her unbuttoned shorts, her steel-blue eyes as wide as full moons.

“Uh ... wait...” Luke carefully extracted his shaft from Kathryn’s ass and covered her with a sheet. It was a somewhat absurd gesture, given what they’d just been caught doing, but his lover seemed very far from consciousness, and in the confusion and embarrassment of the moment he couldn’t think of anything else to do. Slipping into the bathroom, he gave his shaft a brief rinse, donned a robe, and reemerged to greet a woman that even he agreed had been put through a lot.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you until later.” What a dumb thing to say. As if I had any idea what time it was, or would’ve stopped even if I did.

“Luke, it’s one in the afternoon. And, for what it’s worth, I’m never coming over here again without calling first. I like porn as much as the next chick who’s leading a largely sexless existence, but this is way too much for me.”

“It’s one?” He glanced at the clock. “Holy shit, I guess it is. I...”

“Lost track of time, did you? Tell me: how long have you two been at whatever that was?”

“Uh, I don’t know. She woke me up and ... things progressed. Probably since about eight.”

“Jesus. I know she can essentially go forever, but now I’m really impressed with you. Anyway, let me ask this again: what the hell did I just witness?” Luke noted, to the distress of his overstimulated phallus, that she was still vigorously masturbating. Not only that, she was wet enough that he was able to hear it. “I never did anything like that to her. Not even close.”

“I’m sure you...”

“No. Don’t patronize me. Trust me, I’d remember it. Sure, we had some amazing, mind-blowing sex. She’s the best lover I’ve ever had, though I’m sure I’m just one in a very long line of people who’d say the same about her. But ... I mean, what the hell, Luke? She looked and sounded like she was dying.”

“I don’t have an answer. That’s the first time I’ve seen her like that. I mean, she had some pretty disruptive orgasms with me, Alejandro, and you know who, but I have no idea how...”

“Yes you do. Yesterday you broke her with a million orgasms, and today you broke her with one. Yeah, yeah, I’m sure it was actually about her fortieth, or maybe her four-hundredth, but I was only here for the spectacular finale. I don’t think she’s going to be moving for a while. In fact, I doubt she even knows I’m here.” Indeed, Kathryn was moaning into the pillow, occasionally convulsing as if still in the throes of a climax, but offering no indication that she knew she was being observed and discussed. “You really must be that great of a lover after all. With her, I mean.”

“Irina, I...”

“I sensed a little bit of it myself, you know. You didn’t know going in just how damned difficult it is to bring me to orgasm, but it never threw you off your game and you managed it every time. It’s something your friend Wendy learned the hard way, and I felt bad about how much it frustrated her. With you I didn’t make a big deal about it, because I knew the number of times we’d have sex was extremely limited. Anyway, climaxes weren’t really what I was after when I agreed to have sex with you, but I can promise you that very few people have gotten it as right the first time as you did, and one of the rare exceptions is flopping around on your bed right now. I’m sure that if we could somehow have a whole bunch of sex, you’d eventually rearrange my erotic world just like she did, but for all the reasons I’ve explained that’s probably not going to happen. In any case, there’s no amount of sex that could ever help us reach the level I just watched you reach with her. I don’t have it in me. That wasn’t just you, and it wasn’t just her either. That was both of you.”

“She told me, back when we were having our post-traumatic conversation, that you two were on some sort of elevated sexual plane, but whether it was doubt or jealousy — I don’t know, and I don’t want to know — I admit that I didn’t quite believe her. But I do now. I guarantee you that no one else has ever done that to her. If they had, she’d be with them right now, and neither you nor anyone like you would even exist in her universe.” She removed her hand from her shorts, casually licked her fingers, and rearranged her clothing as if nothing unusual had been happening. She didn’t appear to have reached orgasm. “You really are her perfect sexual partner. I envy both of you. I feel sorry for you, too.”


“Because it’s not enough to make up her mind, is it?” Seeing his expression of dismay, she countered, “Oh, don’t give me that face. You know it’s true. You can’t fuck her into your future. If it was possible you just accomplished it, but to my knowledge she’s not packing a suitcase, and so you already know you can’t. I know it hurts, and I’m sorry. In fact, I know very well how much this specific thing hurts. I know what it’s like to experience sexual nirvana with someone you can’t have. Or might not be able to have, which I think is where the two of you are.”

Luke’s shoulders slumped. “Every time with her is something new. At first it was just experience after experience beyond whatever we’d done before, but now it’s something beyond what I’d ever imagined possible. Sadly, though, you’re right. She ... look, I’m sorry and I don’t mean to hurt you, but she tells me I’m the best lover she’s ever had, and by such a large margin that it’s not even close. That makes me feel amazing, of course, but the fact that it’s not enough to ‘win’ her is painfully clear. And then, to top it off, the other day she tells me that Bill’s only somewhat better than average in bed. How am I supposed to take that? He’s not even satisfying her basic needs at the moment. More than that, he won’t give her all the crazy adventures she desires, and he never will. I can. I do. Which is why I can’t understand...”

“Luke.” Irina hugged him for a while, then stepped away again. “I’m not offended. I’d have to be blind, deaf, and emotionally crippled to not see that the two are you have a sexual connection so far beyond anything she and I had that they’re not even comparable.” A sad sigh followed, and she stared at the floor as she continued. “You know, this is something else that I understand better than most. I know that I rocked her sexual world much more than Bill ever did or would. She even admitted that to me when she broke up with me so they could be exclusive, and it made me feel exactly like you feel now. She and I were better in bed than they were, or are. We were exploring dominance and submission, and we were getting better at it. I did, and would have continued to, let her sleep with women, with men, bring either or both home to fuck both of us ... whatever she wanted, I was up for it. I couldn’t indulge or participate in her wildest fantasies while Sasha was still so young and reliant on my near-constant presence, but later on I think at least some of them would’ve been possible. When she left, I dwelled on this until I drove myself insane with frustration.”

Lowering her voice to a murmur, she continued, “Bill’s a very good man. He’s a decent man. He’s treating her horribly right now, but only by their standards; by any non-sexual measure, they’re a highly compatible couple and they always have been. To the extent possible, he and I get along fine. But we’ve never been particularly close, and the decision to keep a certain distance is an unspoken but mutual one. He, I think, does it out of respect for our past, which makes him a much better person than me. Because on my part, it’s disapproval. I’ve no way to promise, or even know, that this is separable from unworthy feelings of jealousy and betrayal, but even though I like him as a person, I’ve never been able to accept that they’re right for each other. And nothing that’s happened since they got married has changed that assessment.”

“Kathryn was looking for someone like you, but the hard truth is that she never would have found you because she was also looking for someone older. I can see by your expression that you already know this about her, so I don’t have to explain it. I did too, and in fact I very clearly remember the day she first told me she was attracted to Bill, because it was the day I already knew I’d lost her. There was an interregnum between confession and decision, and we made the most of the mourning period, but it was over when she started pursuing him. Who, after all, could resist her pursuit? But the thing is ... and I want you to listen to this carefully ... she loves him. I know you know that, and I know she’s told you that, but you need to be very clear about it. It’s why I lost her to him. It’s why all their sexual incompatibilities didn’t matter, in the end.”

“When she loves someone, Luke, she’s utterly devoted to them. I suppose you could say it goes hand in hand with her submissive tendencies — I don’t know, I’m not a psychologist — but despite all her ferocity and independence, she gives over some massive portion of her individuality to the person she’s with. No one other than her partner will ever see or know it, mostly because the force of her personality is so overwhelming that it’s impossible to think of her as belonging to someone else, but that’s how it works with her, and that’s what you’re up against. There are plenty of reasons — especially if he doesn’t change his ways — that she should leave him, whether for you or because she deserves things he can’t give her, but the road to that decision isn’t just strewn with rubble, it’s blocked by nearly impenetrable fortresses; each and every one of them constructed by her. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

He nodded sadly, and she gave him another conciliatory hug. “And now, having suggested that you have no hope, I’m going to give you some. She’s never, ever been unfaithful. It’s simply not in her nature, for all the reasons I just explained. And yet, she’s cheating right now. Not just with you, either. So something has changed. I don’t think it’s just about your dick, as lovely as it is, nor is it about how well you use it. And I don’t think it’s just about his absences either. I really don’t have any clear idea what’s going on in her head, and that’s mostly because she doesn’t know. This is all new and terrifying to her, and while you two are essentially fucking each other into insensibility you’ll never have a chance to figure it out. But I want you to understand something I don’t think she’ll ever tell you: she’s scared. At the same time you’re giving her everything she’s ever wanted, you’re also taking away part of who she is. Part of the reason she can’t stop escalating the erotic stakes with you is that it delays the moment she has to confront her own bewildering demons. And, if I may be presumptuous, I think the same is true for you.”

“I don’t know how this is going to go, Luke. I really, truly don’t. I know your friend Wendy is deeply concerned about the two of you. Aside from you, I’m probably more on Team Luke than anyone you know, even though it would mean I’m out of a job. But I still can’t help but worry that it’s all going to end in disaster. You can apparently make her come like no one else ever has ... like no one else ever could ... and I fully accept that your love for each other is genuine and all-encompassing. but I still sense disaster and horrible pain in everyone’s future. A few minutes ago I told you that you broke her. I didn’t use that word by accident, because I know what it means to her in terms of submission. I was never able to do that for her. You have, and apparently more than once. But if you break up her marriage, you might do more than break Bill’s heart. You might break her in a way even you still haven’t. Please remember that while you’re figuring out what to do next, Luke. Please.“

She straightened herself. “I have to go. Otherwise, I’m going to have sex with you, because I’m uncontrollably horny. That’s a terrible idea right here and right now.” Impulsively, she kissed him on the cheek, reached into his robe give his half-hard cock a few strokes, then bounded down the stairs.

Kathryn was still groaning and trembling, temporarily oblivious to the tides that threatened to drown them.

Same as Fidèle
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Sex With Swamiji

My name is Aruna aged 31, working as a secretary to the CEO of a MNC. My husband Suresh is working as Area Sales Manager for a pharmaceutical division of reputed company. I got married at the age of 21. At the time of marriage he was Sales Executive. He was mostly on his wheels. Almost twenty days out of house. We always spend the days with great enthusiasm when he was with me. The married life went in a pleasant manner. Initially we decided to postpone the c***d option for two years. We were...

2 years ago
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my gangbang

OK. I have always dreamed of being gangbanged but never dared try. Last Weds I invited two male friends over for drinks and fun. My husband is away! They asked me to dress up which I did, black leather jacket, panties, and stockings. Then we went upstairs where I stripped ( see pic) and bent over a chair. During the session, the doorbell rang and the friend I was blowing said he'd take care of it. I was being fucked and vaguely heard laughter and voices from below. Just as I came, the door...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Camila Cortez Movie Parody 2

What is “Movie Parody.” Pornographic parodies are a timeless staple in the adult film industry, so we wanted in on the action. In this episode, we’re parodying a beloved spooky classic—see if you remember this one. Camila Cortez is home alone when she gets a mysterious phone call. The man on the other line starts asking her a bunch of questions, but when he tells her that he’s watching her she screams and starts running for her life! The masked ghost chases Camila into her bedroom and when she...

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BackroomCastingCouch April 09142020

24 year old April is here today looking to get into the adult industry. She told her boyfriend she was coming today, and he seemed to be cool with it. So Cam and I are gonna put her to the test. These last few girls who’ve come by have been ready to do absolutely anything to get our recommendation, and April is no different. From jump street she’s eager to showcase herself. She gets naked, toys her pussy and ass, and doesn’t hesitate to start sucking Cam’s cock. April...

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The Family Meeting Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! By the time Daddy was done with Frank's niece, my father seemed to have come to terms with me sharing my love with another family. That night the Pattersons showed my father how a real family of swingers lived and played. After Dad had finished banging Brook, Frank told his boys that it was their turn to take care of their little cousin. Brook was sitting on the sofa when Grant pulled her to her feet. Pinning her against the wall while Kate and Carla...

4 years ago
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“So, have you made up your mind yet? Where are we going tonight?” my husband, Greg, asked. “It's a toss up, baby. Part of me wants to go to the casinos, but a bigger part of me wants to go to the strip club, like we talked about,” I told him, as we drove home from his mom's house. My mother-in-law agreed to watch my 2 daughters for the night. Tonight was our 7th anniversary, and since I rarely have the weekend off, we really wanted something fun to do. We sat silently in the truck for awhile,...

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Jocastas Playground the Pool Boy

Jasmine laid out on the chaise longue, feeling the sun beating down on the deep bronze of her skin. There was a full suite of tanning beds inside the spa, but the rare break in the Pacific Northwest cloud cover meant that she had to take full advantage of it while she could. Thick, raven mane fanned out behind her head in like shimmering black silk, she adjusted her oversized tortoiseshell sunglasses, and closed her eyes. The curvaceous MILF could feel the sweat beginning to bead on her...

3 years ago
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Auntie Hayley reaches into her bag of tricks

The summer and thus Auntie Hayley's trip was drawing to a close much to my dismay. She was using me daily as a fuck bag doing unspeakable things to me and technically she could have got into a lot of trouble if I had not enjoyed it so much!My day always started down the hay shed where she would give a quick hand job to start my day well! She always let me finger her sopping wet cunt as she tugged on my member! Hayley would help me get off at various times during the day if needed and there was...

4 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 16

We left for Stockton, after going online and filling out an application for O’Hara and O’Hara Real Estate, LLC. We had multiple tasks, first to get to Stanford and get the papers to take to The University of the Pacific. I knew it would take longer to find a parking space at Stanford, then the time it would take for Caroline to pick up her transcript ... so I dropped her off in front of the Administration building. I found a place to park and just like I thought, she was out and raring to go...

2 years ago
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Kizzi looked into the big brown eyes that she loved so much. She was happy to just lie in bed with Marco all day. Then a car drove up. Marco jumped up, barking, swinging his tail in wide arcs. Kizzi sat up and sighed. She knew she’d get no rest today, God forbid everyone leave her alone on a Sunday. She put on her silky purple pajama top over her very sheer tank top, needing some cover, and walked barefoot across the carpet to the front door, where someone was knocking. She opened the door,...

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Brians Adventures Ch 14

Chapter Fourteen: Trouble in Greatfoot Those next few days were not ones that that I particularly liked, for it was non-stop riding with not much time for anything else. Now I like to ride a horse as much as the next fellow, but everyday we got up early and rode till long after sundown. Like the first few days of the ride, we ate on the move and stopped only briefly to let the horses rest. Everything was go, go, go, push, push, push, onward to Greatfoot. We wanted to get to Greatfoot before...

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Dog Walkers Make A Decision

Having met whilst walking dogs sixty-three-year-old married woman Emily Wagstaff and fifty-nine-year-old divorced Trevor Hinton developed a friendship that rapidly turned into an affair.They had sex as often as practical but, although certainly not happily married, Emily was reluctant to leave her husband Arthur who at this stage had no idea that his wife was getting fucked elsewhere although he had very little interest in doing it himself.The lovers had taken a detour via Trevor's house before...

2 years ago
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My New Toy

My mother died about 10 years ago and since then my father had thrown himself into his business and today he is worth a fair bit so to compensate for my deprived upbringing he supplied me with anything I wanted. TV's, stereos, game consoles and now that I was old enough he had got me my first car. Seeing that I had wheels I spent even less time around the house so my father gave himself a little gift in the form of Zoë. She is a 24 year blonde who worked as a receptionist at one of his...

3 years ago
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Never Forget

Introduction: Twin Brother And Sister Struggle To Maintain A Secret Relationship It was never supposed to be anything more than what it became. Kyle had grown up with Katie. He had watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman that she was. She was his best friend. She was his twin sister. They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had...

1 year ago
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Piano LessonsChapter 3

Waking up on Sunday became a exercise in laziness for Kristy. Waking up when the sun is warm and strolling downstairs to an empty house was nothing new to her, but always welcome. This time though, she could hear her brother practicing, and could only assume his tutor canceled. She poured herself some cereal, and listened to him play. It was a new piece, and he seemed pretty good at it. Kristy then realized her mistake when he started to miss a few keys in the song. She thought about his...

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Teen boy meets Young Girl

This is a continuation from my previous story "MILF & Young Teen Boy"In that story, Jerry spent the afternoon with his best friend Brads Mother, and a very heated afternoon at that, in this story Jerry is about to meet another member of his best friends family, his younger sister! read on to hear what happens, Jerry is also a lot more confident in the end.Jerry had been thinking about Miss Anderson ever since they had spent the afternoon together, and now he had to return to the house to...

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injured stepson

I'm susan,35, pretty and i have a very nice body for a 35 year old. I am married to john,50. It was my first marriage and his second. we've been married for just 2 years now. John and his first wife are divorced. john has a beautiful son,Greg, who is 18 years old. he's tall and slightly built. He's a football player and a very active boy. he also loves motorbike racing.I have always wanted to fuck a 18 year old. Young studs got a lot of stamina and unlike my weak 50 year old hubby, they can...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 16

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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3 Months As Sex Teacher

Hi my name is sunny(changed) this is the story about me and my sister 4 years ago i was 21 and she was 18 a virgin with nice pair of boobs and 0 size body.i was strong and healthy due to doing workouts at gym and was looking good in shape that any girl would have chosen me as her boyfriend. My story starts in the winter season at the time iwas living at her residence because she is my mama daughter we were close to each other enough that i was telling her each and every thing i have done with...

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Shamita8217s Sexy And Erotic Adventures

GrayWizard here again, this is another story of my imagination. Hope you enjoy it. Shamita woke up early that morning, it was a Sunday but she had a lot of work to do. Being a working housewife is never an easy job but Shamita did her best. Shamita was married to Arjun when she was 22 years old, it was an arranged marriage but only for Shamita. Arjun had known her for 3 years before marriage and fell in love with her. He convinced his parents to talk to Shamita’s parents for their marriage as...

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Raj Experiences 8211 Part 2 Movie Make Out

I am a 30-year-old male, based out of Delhi. I have always been attracted to women. (I believe I got this from my father as he was a Casanova of his time.) I have always liked mature women with big boobs and big ass. I imagine spanking the ass as soon as I see a big round ass. Although, having decent features I never had the gravity of attraction working in my favor. I am 6’ feet, with athletic built and full of etiquette. I have had many friends who were girls but never been lucky. This story...

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My First Fuck part 3

by me After that first weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, things just got better. Every weekend was nothing but a fuck fest. I had things done to me I never thought could be done. But last weekend seem to beat them all. We had went to a friend of Grandpa's, named Mike. Mike had a farm about 20 miles outside of town. He had cows, horses, pigs, chickens and dogs. The farm also had a huge barn. Mike gave me the full tour. We were...

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My Third Story by blueslipman

I know you're waiting for me. Even as I come through the door, I can feel you. I don't make you wait. I'm as excited as you are. So I drop the stuff I am carrying in the living room, quickly undress down to my underwear and hurry up to the bedroom, pausing only to remove a scrap of material from the pocket of my pants.Once I cross the threshold, I pause. You're sitting on the edge of bed. You've closed the blinds and you're waiting, waiting for me. And I smile, knowing that you planned this. I...

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Friends Remembering the AfterParty

Friends: Deleted Scenes - Remembering the New Year's After-partyEarlier in the day, Rachel had broken up once and for all with her ex-fiance, Barry. Now at the end of the day, she and Monica sat on the couch. "You Okay?" Monica asked."Yeah." Rachel replied, thoughtfully."Really?" her roommate pursued, placing her hand on Rachel's arm. Rachel took a sip from her glass of her white wine and set it on the table. "Yeah!" she answered, more confidently, and rested her hand on Monica's leg. "Y'know,...

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Every Woman Has a Price19 Hidden Assets

The customer frowned. He put his purchases in his backpack and walked away from the counter. The bell tingled with the door announcing his exit. Val watched him leave flatly. She belonged to a man. From her ovaries to her smile. She didn’t have to give that out anymore. She yawned. Another text from Kirk vibrated her phone across the glass display case in front of her. He was extremely needy today. Everything was an emergency. Like he was away on one of his trips without her. He needed sex...

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The Fellowship

"Well, looks like we're the first to arrive," Stuart mused as he steered the car containing himself and his fianc?e into the designated parking spot outside the studio where they'd be spending the rest of the day. "If you think that means we can be the first to leave, forget it," Jamie said with a smug grin. "Cheer up! I know you don't like being on this side of the camera, but it IS only for one day, you won't be wearing anything extravagant, and you yourself said this whole shoot was a g...

1 year ago
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Late Shift

I always knew that Casey was strange, but I never anticipated this. It was late and I was just ending my shift. It was the first time I had worked a night shift at the office. I heard a loud crashing noise in my boss' office, so I went to investigate. I knocked a few times, and although the light was on, I heard no reply... Only a terrible silence, followed each hollow knock. I felt my heart tremble. What if something was wrong? "Hello? Ms. Sinclaire?" I called. No answer. I thought over a few...

Straight Sex
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Commercial Company

Deftly backing the trailer into the spot where the guard said to, I climb down from the tractor, unlatch the fifth wheel, disconnect the air and electrical lines, and lower the landing gear. ‘Damn,’ I mutter, looking at the darkening sky, ‘I hope it doesn’t start to rain!’ Climbing back in the cab, I pick up the satellite unit I use to communicate with the company. ‘Dropped at the lot’, I send them. ‘I’m about out of hours today, and I’d like to go get a shower and some dinner. Think you can...

4 years ago
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Stuck In Her Bicycle Chain

Stuck In Her Bicycle Chain Angie was standing in front of my house crying when my wife sent me out to help her. Angie had her long skirt caught in her bicycle chain and she couldn’t get it out. I lifted her bike and carried it as she walked along with me toward my tool shed out back. She was really concerned about her dress getting ruined. I was concerned about how I was going to get it out of the sprocket with her still in it. Obviously that was not a problem because she...

2 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 13 A Present for Wendy

At quarter to eleven, two friendly familiar faces showed up in my room. "How do you feel, Patti?" asked Linda. "Just a little sore, but nothing worse," I said. "We'll be in shortly," said Julie. "The ward is nearly empty because of the weekend, so let us do our rounds and then we'll both be back." The candy striper who had sat with me since Einstein left was clearly pleased to be able to move on to something else. I hadn't been much company for her, as my thoughts had been...

3 years ago
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Best together

Karen Marking pulled into a space in the small car park alongside the school. She sat for a moment or two collecting her thoughts. She knew that she may have to face one or two awkward questions from the man she’d come to interview, Yorke Millen, the acting headteacher, and she needed to make her guarded answers acceptable. Three years earlier she had interviewed him in very different circumstances. Then she had been a television presenter on a weekly current affairs program, confident, brash,...

Straight Sex
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The Voyages of Luscious Lucy Ch 01

To the thousands of readers who have enjoyed my stories, I say thanks! This new offering, The Voyages of Luscious Lucy, is a work in progress and I don’t as yet know where it will lead our characters. Once again, our hero is an older musician type guy who gets himself into all kinds of kinky situations with the fairer sex. If any of you have any ideas for situations, feel free to send them along through Author Feedback, and I’ll twist them into this randy tale. Read and enjoy! Chapter One:...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 13

Hollow female voices with high pitched tones danced in and out of my awareness. "No one wakes up from a death sleep after seven days," an older woman said. A younger woman's low voice responded, next to my ear, "Nor have I ever seen sword wounds close and heal before my very eyes like an unseen hand sewing a shirt. You were not here but I swear it is truly what happened the morning after the attack." A different woman with a raspy voice, said, "We saw the blood, the wounds and the...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 9

At my insistence, we pushed hard on the way back home, knocking two days off the return trip. The dull ache in my shoulder hadn’t returned at all since we left the Hacienda, so I felt comfortable pushing a little harder. As we dismounted in front of the courtyard gate, I asked the cousin who took my horse to send a message asking Nantan and Miguel to dinner this evening. Saddlebags over our shoulders and carrying our bedrolls, we entered the Hacienda looking forward to seeing our wives and...

1 year ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 15

It was almost six when I called Anna. She was the girl Joe and I met after the basketball incident. She answered, "Hello?" "Hi Anna, this is Britt. Is now a good time to talk?" "I just walked in. Let me set down the phone for a second and unload ... There, I'm back." "I just got back in town, and wanted to see if you had any time available to get together?" "Do you mean tonight or this weekend?" "It means that on Monday morning I have to catch a flight to Orlando, and I can...

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Laid Bare Chapter One

Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Shotgun! Author's Note: This is the sequel to my story 'Consent' and although the story stands on its own, a better understanding of the characters and their backstory is to be had if you read the prequel. As always I hope you like my little six chapter yarn and if you are inspired to leave feedback it is always appreciated. ???????? Michele Celia Bettany was standing in her walk-in robe deciding what to wear for the day. One side of...

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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 04

Susan, kidnapped, raped, and threatened with disfigurement, had discovered escape in the traditional sense wasn’t an option. Her captor had maneuvered her into an unwilling acceptance of his hospitality. The man with whom she agreed to temporarily abide fascinated and frightened her, but she saw him mostly as an obstacle to her primary goal. All she really wanted was to return to her former life as a woman of the world and successful attorney. Shawn, Susan’s would be assassin, now host and...

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Awesome Threesome With An ISS Reader And His Wife

One of the readers reached out to me after reading my stores on ISS. He reached out to me first through an email, and then we started chatting online. He introduced himself as Aslam, aged 38, living in Dubai. His wife Faiza was aged 33, and they had 1 kid aged 3.5 years. We started chatting daily and became good friends. They were married for 5 years. He was working in one of the retail outlets, which was in another city. It was approximately 4 hours of car travel from Dubai. Due to the...

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When my mother split up with her second husband she asked me to a pay her a visit

The last year I turned 21 and everything started to happen all at once, as if all my life I was waiting for the beginning and finally there it was. Last year my mom Estella, for all intents and purposes, left my stepfather. He’s a total dick who is borderline insane, bi-polar, and a womanizer. He had it coming. They were married for 6 years, with him being sweet and charming in cycles, and then being a massive, controlling dickhead for the rest. Twice she’d left him, but for...

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3 Different Guys All Related

So I am a lawyer in a smallish town, but its fair to say I am well known for my work and my socializing. Over the last two weekends my husband and I have gone sailing around the Whitsunday Islands as we had a small vacation. And apparently my reputation as a cock loving Nymph has followed me here as well. You see over a two day period, I was seduced and fucked (actually just a sexy toy for these guys:) )by 3 men. The amazing part is they were all related to each other!I will start with the...

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The Insurance Claim

Cindy lay on the bed staring at the ceiling and wondering what had come over her lately and how she had let her life undergo such massive change. The days had been normal days, or as normal as days had been for her. Up at six, get the kids up and ready for school and then start breakfast for the kids and her husband Tom. See the kids off for school and Tom off to work, wash the breakfast dishes, throw a load of laundry in the washing machine and then take her morning shower. And then last...

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Leanne. 1 Leanne yelped as the first slap struck home on her bare arse cheek, leaving a red hand mark and a stinging sensation she hadn’t felt since she was very young. The second slap caught her other cheek and brought tears to her eyes. The heat was making her wet. Her embarrassment of having her arse stuck way up into the sky heightened her arousal. Being bent over a car bonnet with her pants around her ankles and her skirt hitched up over her waist was bad enough, but knowing that...

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Daddy and his girls final part

As the girls left the bedroom dressed in only bikini bottoms and a towel, but carrying clean vest tops, they heard the front door open. "It's only me" I shouted. "Course it is," Jenny said, "no one else has a key". "What are you two up to ?" I asked seeing my girls walk past wrapped in towels. "It's a lovely day, we're gonna top up our tans. Didn't think you'd be home yet " Jenny continued as she walked right past me towards the kitchen, and the back door. "Hello Daddy, " Sky said as she...

1 year ago
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Start of Wifes Bi Live

Prior to going to Korea, I finally got my wife to start sucking my cock. She always thought it was somethine only a whore would do, so I told her she had a choice, become my whore and suck or else I'd go find a lady that did and she'd have to live with it. So, she agreed finally and started sucking. I'd always sucjed her pussy before and after having sex with her and would always licke her pussy clean afterwards as she didn't like the cum dripping out. So I had her do the same and she really...

First Time
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Chained and Spanked SisterChapter 8

“Well, look at them!” Peggy sprang from her mother, jerking around to see her brothers standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Her mother’s finger was jerked out of her cunt by her sudden turn. Joan stood quietly. Peggy cringed back against her mother when she saw they both carried leather belts. They had dressed in jeans and t-shirts, with sneakers on their feet. “Mother, don’t let them, please!” Peggy began to sob as she pressed against her mother, her eyes wide with fear. “Mother,...

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Hot Cubes

The warm water cascaded down my body as I scrubbed along to wash away the soap.  "Macy!" I heard my boyfriend, Jake, call out to me. “I’m in the shower, Jake. Give me a minute!” I called out back to him. Having a spare key to my house, he usually let himself in and out as he liked. The key often came in handy when he planned surprises for me. I smiled at the thought and quickly finished showering, not wanting to keep him waiting. I pulled the shower curtain to the side and reached for the towel...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Jessie Saint Sneaky Stepsister

Recently, Jessica Ryan has gotten remarried and has moved her daughter, Jessie Saint, in with her new stepdad and stepson. Jessie is instantly hot for her stepbrother, Rion King, but she knows her mom won’t approve if she flirts outright. She decides to get sneaky about her comeons. First, she waits until Rion is brushing his teeth and then joins him in the close confines of the bathroom. Rubbing her front against Rion’s back is just the start as Jessie sneaks between Rion and the...

2 years ago
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Missing Panties and a Curbside Seat

Chris sat alone. His table was on the patio where he could see the cars as they pulled into the restaurant parking lot. He waited for her and wondered what to expect. This had been the second time in a row that his wife had been late getting back from the office. Half an hour later, she finally walked through the door. "Helen!" Chris looked into the parking lot. He wondered where she could be parked, since he had been watching the lot obsessively and hadn't seen her drive in. "I'm...

4 years ago
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Fucked my little junior3

It is an fictional story .. hope you give an positive reply and comment for this type of story if you want I’m a 22-year-old boy just passed out of engineering with a size to die for (whatever you can imagine ). It so happened that I and one of the juniors started talking very casually because of a group of mutual friends.She was a very short girl with the right amount of assets at the right places.I had an eye on her from the first time I talked to her..She was just so cute that I felt...

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Neetus great ass

At present soni is married & has a beautiful daughter like her. We had sex after her marriage also, but the frequency has reduced. Anyway this time i will tell you my sex experience which took place because of soni. She dint help me by purpose. But her act ended in helping me eventually. Soni still now have no idea about this. Because i feel that such relations are better when they are kept a secret. This is about having sex with a friend neetu who had introduced me & soni at her party. Many...

1 year ago
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Nipsie and my Dirty Supermarket Surprise

I did something quite rude and even a bit pervy today, and I fucking loved it. It was the fault of a pretty little blonde lady called nipsie. That is her xhamster page. She has a few pics of her gorgeous self in lingerie; one topless. She also has several galleries of similarly built athletic mature ladies she would like to suck on.She says she is in her fifties but she looks maybe 40. she has beautiful little breasts that I wouldn't have looked twice at a couple of years ago. I was a confirmed...

2 years ago
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To touch to feel

Things changed in me, something was different. I had always wanted to wear panties, the lace against my skin turned me on, it was addictive. But I held back, I couldn't risk being found out, so I had only done it a few times in my life before that day. Every time was amazing though, when I masturbated and came wearing the panties the relief was captivating, explosive, addictive. Each time I wanted more, I wanted to feel the lace against my skin but I held back, I just stored the...

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