Claire s Punishment
- 5 years ago
- 44
- 0
October 4, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
“You might look at yesterday’s scores,” Dad said as we girls arrived in the kitchen for breakfast.
The task was easy, as Dad had left the sports page open for us. Rhee sat and picked up the paper. A few seconds later, she exclaimed.
“Whoa! Petaluma drew with Boynton, 3-3! That left wing, Tanaka, had a hat trick!”
“Wow,” Gracey responded. “That’s good for the team, not so good for Rhee.”
Sandy asked, “Why would that be?”
Rhee answered, “The team is now two points up on Boynton for the league lead, that despite our slow start. Tanaka now has twice as many league goals as I do.”
“I’m sorry, Rhee.”
“That’s not a problem. I certainly did not start the season thinking that I’d win the scoring title as a freshman. I’m happy I’m starting. I’m happy with the team and that we’re now in first place, although, we’re only four games in of a league season of 12 games. However, we need to beat Boynton next time. There are...” [she looked down at the newspaper, then back up at Sandy] three teams that are one and three, and both Boynton and us ... and Petaluma should all beat those teams twice each. The league leader at the end of the season will probably be the team that avoids two league losses. Of course, there’s a league tournament involving the top four teams, as there was in the premier league, so the most important thing is being in the top four, and we’re almost assured of that. Shameka will make sure we make that, as she wants to graduate having won two straight league titles.
“I did notice that someone in this room is tied for the lead in assists, with whomever is feeding Tanaka goal ops.”
“I noticed that, too,” Dad said.
As Brett sat at our table, he said “hi” to each girl individually, the Go5 as well as Brittany and Cera. He was red, but he managed it. We girls looked at him as if he were something we had never seen before. All, that is, except for Liya.
“Hi, Brett. How is your day so far?”
Brett’s face went a bit redder, but he answered, “Okay.”
“Are you coming to our game this afternoon?”
He nodded, glanced quickly around, then said, “I am, despite that I know almost nothing about soccer.”
That instigated a quick lesson in the basics of soccer, with Heather and Liya doing most of the explaining, but with the rest of the Go5 and Cera filling in here and there, with reference to hastily sketched illustrations in Gracey’s notebook. Brett obviously became comfortable in the process, as he was not red for most of it. He even asked a question at the end.
“Do you play, Cera? You seem to know a lot about the game.”
“I did when I was young, but I’m not very athletic, so I gave it up. My older brother is on the varsity team, and he’s played as long as I can remember. I’ve been to ... a lot of his games. Shameka’s also a cousin ... of sorts. Third cousin? Something like that”
“You say that like you would have preferred to do something else,” Rhee said.
“No, I like going. I might have one of the best older brothers around. He’s always been nice to me, helped me. We’ve had our times, but, for the most part, I’ve spent my life looking up to him. Now, my younger brother I’d trade in a heartbeat.”
There was much chuckling, including from Brett.
“See, Brett. We girls aren’t that scary,” Liya said.
“I don’t know,” Cera responded. “Shameka’s pretty scary.”
“Yeah, but that’s only if you’re on the other team. Shameka’s great,” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, she is,” came from behind me.
I turned to see Shameka stopping right behind me and grinning over my head. That grin was obviously aimed at Cera, who was sitting across the table from me.
“You set me up. Didn’t you,” I asked her.
Cera grinned and nodded enthusiastically.
“Beth,” Shameka said as she put a hand on my left shoulder, “donchu be dissin’ mah cuz.” She squeezed my shoulder slightly, then slipped back into her usual way of speaking, asking, “And who is this delightful specimen of XY chromosomes?”
I turned as a grin broke across my face to see Brett glowing red. Liya looked at me, lifting her chin.
“This boy doing his best imitation of a ripe tomato is Brett Jacobs. Brett, meet the terror of soccer pitches throughout the state, Shameka Johnson. He and I have been in school together as long as there’s been school. While we used to play together a bit when we were really young, the rest of us are only just getting to know him.”
Shameka reached across me, hand extended. Brett looked at her hand for a couple of seconds, until Cera elbowed him.
He shook his head, then her hand as she said, “Nice to meet you, Brett. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you ... unless you hurt my cousin or teammates.”
She gave him a huge grin, then turned to me.
“I’m going your way after the game, so can give you girls a ride home if you want.”
“Thanks, but both Rhee’s mom and my parents will be here, so we’re covered.”
At the pitch after school, Gracey said, “Ah, the second of three home games in one week. Too bad we can’t play ‘em all here. Besides not having to get on a bus to go to a game, we also get to be in our history class. I think Mr. Jameson doesn’t like it when a quarter of the class is on a bus to some other school.”
“Yeah. Of all the classes to have all five of us, that’s probably the one that we, perhaps, should have avoided. Oh, well.”
“Yeah. I like his class,” Gracey responded, “and I feel a bit guilty about missing so many of them. He makes it interesting. I’m sure you remember American History last year with Mr. Borrr-ing. I would gladly have missed that class and dealt just with the book.”
“That is the truth, sister mine,” responded Liya.
We had completed our stretches and warmups by the time the East team bus pulled up, so I said to the Go6 members, “Shall we go welcome Rathi as Ann, Haven, and Zala did for us?”
We ambled over to the bus, arriving just as Rathi stepped out.
She gave us a big smile and said, “Hey, guys! It’s good to see you!”
The six of us each hugged her, and we spent a couple minutes catching up.
Rathi then said, “Rhee, you’re only tied for third. What’s the deal? Forget how to put it in the net?”
“Nah. I’m just giving everyone else a chance before I bury them getting 20 goals in the next eight games.”
Rathi grinned, then said to me, “I saw that you had a hat-trick of assists on Monday, so I know it’s not your fault that Rhee is so far behind this Tanaka girl.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Heather exclaimed. “You guys played them before we did. We went to school on you and the other teams that played against her. She had a really pretty goal against us, but Gracey mostly kept her under wraps.”
“I had help from Katie, Kim, and the center back without compare, Shameka.”
“Hi, Rathi,” Coach said as she joined us. “I’m hearing good things about you ... that you’re starting.”
Rathi quickly glanced around, then answered glibly, “Hi, Coach. Yeah, I am, although it’s not as fun as the premier team. We...”
The way she stopped, then shook her head suggested to me that she was going to say something less-than-flattering about East’s team.
Coach nodded at her, then said, “I came over to get my missing team members, as we’ve got some discussion and drills to do. It’s nice to see you, Rathi.”
“Later, Coach. Later, everyone.”
Back with the rest of the team, Coach called all to order.
“As we discussed yesterday, Rose is starting in goal and Hope will replace her at the start of the second half. How the first half goes will inform on what substitutions we’ll be making. We’re running the 3-2-3-2, with Rhee and Heather up front. Also as we discussed yesterday, their center midfielder is only a freshman, but she is quite good. Other teams have been successful by avoiding her and bringing the ball up the wings. Jess, Jules ... and your backups, you may see a lot of the ball at your feet today. Possession should be the name of the game today, but don’t be afraid to make runs and deep lobs if you see the chance. Shameka, cover anything else in the huddle that you feel needs touching on again. Now, go do the usual drills.”
In the pre-game huddle, Shameka started with, “Katie and Gracey are going to switch back to their usual sides, which means, Rachel, that if you see a good op to make a sideline run, go for it. Gracey, watch for her going upfield and cover for her if needed. Katie, Gracey, Beth, if you’re going to insist on moving up the middle of the field, use your passing skills and the Brits and our strikers. As Coach said, we want to keep possession as much as possible. Beth ... or anyone, do you have a kick-off play?”
Before I could say something, Gracey said, “I have a suggestion.” When Shameka gave her the go-ahead, she said, “Could we try to overload their right side on the kick-off? I thought that we could line up as per usual, but as soon as Rhee or whomever kicks off, have Rachel haul down the left side, along with Jess and Rhee, with Beth being an outlet.”
I probably was not alone in staring in surprise at Gracey. If Heather was surprised, she recovered first, as she said, “That’s a good idea, Gracey. I assume that you’d cover for Rachel. Jess, Beth, what do you think?”
I looked at Jess, pointing my chin at her; she took the cue.
“I like it. Putting on my Beth hat, Jules, that might give you a chance to sneak in the backside on a cross. Beth?”
“You beat me to the punch, Jess. I’m really liking this. Jules, you might want to play a delay and let Heather keep the left side of their back line occupied, then come in hard. Heather, fake like you’re going to send the kick-off back, but send it to Rhee. Rhee, don’t mess with Rathi. Once you get past their forward, send it left and parallel the ball upfield. Everyone, speed will be of the essence, so don’t hold back. If or when we get that far, we can flood the left side of the box. Heather, make sure about their left back.”
“Will do.”
“Okay,” said Shameka. “If we don’t get the kick-off at the start, we will probably do something else for the second half kick-off, as Rachel may well have already let her cat out of the bag in the first half. However, Gracey, that was a good idea. Let’s keep that in our arsenal for future games, particularly if we don’t use it here.”
East got the opening kick-off. Of course.
We were up 2-0 at the half and relinquished neither the lead nor the shutout. Everyone got in the game, including Mila, who got a stint in place of Heather in the middle of the second half, when we were up 4-0. Rhee got tripped in the penalty box and she suggested that Mila take the PK.
“Come on! You’ve all seen her in shooting practice. She’s really good! She can do it” Rhee insisted.
Since Shameka was off the field, Katie said, “I agree, particularly as Rhee thinks it’s a good idea despite that she could be giving up a hat trick to have Mila do it. Mila, do you want to do it?”
Mila psyched out that goalie by using her outside right. The shot was not even close to the right post, but the goalie had dived to her right, so it mattered not at all.
After the talking and laughing ceased, Coach said, “Good game! My first attagirl goes to the entire D – starters and backups, which threw another shutout. I want to point out that the D gave up four goals in the first two games. Before anyone on the D complains, I’ll concede that one of those was a PK and another a corner-kick set-piece. One of the other two was that beautiful play on which Tanaka scored last game through absolutely no fault of Mila’s. One of the important bits behind the story, however, is that we didn’t have our O in gear in those first two games. We didn’t have the right formation and then we didn’t have much experience in the right formation. Since then, our time of possession has been ratcheting upward, crossing 50 percent and being in excess of 60 percent over the past two games with today’s probably approaching 70 percent. It’s hard to score if you don’t have the ball.
“Attagirls go to Mila for her first high-school goal and to, apparently, Rhee for insisting that Mila take the PK.”
There was much chuckling.
“That was a good shot, Mila. You fooled her completely. Moving on, a hearty attagirl to Jess for out-assisting Beth today. Those were both lovely crosses. I believe that the goals that Heather and Rhee scored off those crosses suggest that they would agree with me.”
There was much laughing.
“An attagirl to all the backups who not only played well enough to avoid letting our lead diminish, but even caused our lead to increase. Although Mila scored the goal off the PK, the PK was a result of a set of lovely passing by Nicole, Lucia, and Mila to get the ball to Rhee so that she could have her shins broken by their center back.”
There was much laughing.
After the laughter died down, Rhee said, “Hey! That hurt! Don’t I get an attagirl for taking one for the team?”
There was much laughing.
“Okay. Sure. You can have two attagirls and you can decide whether you got one for the slight bump you got in the penalty box and the other for your two goals, or one for each goal.”
There was much laughing.
“Rachel Beck made a number of well-chosen runs up the left side. She was instrumental in both of the assists that Jess garnered and served up a lovely cross for Rhee’s second goal. Those runs and her stalwart defense, shutting down their right wing entirely, earn her the game ball. Congratulations, Rachel, and thanks for a superbly played game!”
October 6, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written October 8]
“Hey, Charlize!”
“Hey, Civia,” she responded, while she hid with her body the hand stop sign she gave Civia.
Civia saw it in time to stop in place and not hug Charlize.
“Hi, gang,” Charlize continued. “I see that Beth is up to her usual exploits, being in the top three in assists in your league.”
“She is, although, as Coach said on Wednesday, she got out-assisted on Wednesday by our left half,” Rhee said. “How many games have you guys gotten to play?”
“This will be number five and we’ve got two more scheduled, with a long shot at an eighth game. We’ll see.”
As her teammates headed on to the visiting dugout, Charlize relaxed a bit.
Quietly, she said, “I’m sorry, but that pain-in-the ... whatever who caused so many problems on our premier team actually thought that I’d throw a game just because you guys are friends of mine. Grrrrrhh! She’s so freaking annoying. I wish our coach would catch her at some of the shit she does, but...”
“I’m sorry, Charlize,” I said. “This should be mostly fun for all of you and help develop you and anyone else that might play in college. Has it been worth it?”
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Lovely, languid, quiet Saturday morning. Waking up next to a soft form. I have to touch that sweetly curved hip, just to tell myself I am not dreaming. The touch elicits a purr and a movement, several movements, actually, one of which put an arm around me. The hand at the end of the arm started exploring, finding morning wood. "Mmmmm, Stoney, is that for me?" "Yes, but be careful. It's loaded." "I thought we emptied it last night," she said, twisting in the bed. Her head dipped for...
My wife's dowry and my income from the family trust was more than enough to cover my new family's expenses since we were a frugal household and in truth were ensconced in my father-in-law's expansive estate with no expenses for servants or food. I had every intention of striking out on my own but my wife's reluctance combined with my appreciation for the fine lifestyle with little or no expenses weighted my decision in favor of satisfying my wife's desires. My cousin Darcy was...
Natasha leaned back in the chair and ran her fingertips from her forehead through her hair’s tightly permed, black tresses, trying to outstare the screen of her laptop. One hour’s exhaustive attempts to balance the spreadsheet’s figures and the situation was looking no brighter. Her reverie lasted some minutes, until it was finally broken by Sandy’s carefree singing, emanating from somewhere upstairs. Didn’t that just say it all? It wasn’t as though her room-mate’s finances were in a healthier...
I sat at my desk, my mind spinning; the implications of Lena's e-mail had a stranglehold on my thoughts. The after effects of our animalistic sex session were still deeply affecting me. I felt as if I was just getting over a heavy cold, I felt light-headed and drained. I'd had another mortgage consultation scheduled for later that afternoon, but the couple had cancelled at the last minute, having decided not to go ahead with the loan. Apart from a few loose ends to tie up, my time was my...
[This is a sequel to 'Cream Buns after the party'] It had been scary towards the end of the party as I knew, if any of the hotel staff had walked in, I would have been instantly dismissed in disgrace. That’s kind of not what you need in your first job after college. I had been asked to be bar tender in one of the hotel function rooms. I didn’t know it was a hen party and that these were all girls who knew me and used to tease me at school. I mean the teasing was OK, I kind of liked it you see....
BisexualCandy Stroker Part 6: Melinda and MeAfter that heavy duty weekend, I desperately wanted to tell Melanie what I’d done—not only tell her, but demonstrate! Would she be ready? Since I was working Monday, I told Mel I wanted to talk with her after school Tuesday, and we decided I’d go over to her place. She was pretty excited and told me she had big news for me. I could hardly wait.Whatever happened, even if I had to restrain myself from having complete girlsex with her, I knew we’d end up having...
First TimeCyberterix Model 1X-RS-F By Alysa Desiree January 15, 2005 I was out of work and had been for a year. Things were really starting to get tight as I hadn't been able to find steady work. If it hadn't been for my layoff payout, stocks and savings I would have been in sorry shape after only a couple of months. Even the little amount I got from unemployment wasn't really helping. It made it hard being a 41 year old male. It seemed most people wanted the younger generation. One day...
I lived next to this lady for years and didnt know anything about her even though I would occasionally go to her home to repair small things in her home and sometimes cut the grass for her. She never did say very much when I was around her but she seemed very nice and was very polite. Every time I would do something for her she would repay me the next day with something she had cooked, I would come home from work and there would be something wrapped in foil on my porch with a simple thank you...
EroticThis is compliments of the 'Shy One'. JEWISH LDIES BRAGGING ABOUT THEIR SONS... Four Jewish ladies meet after 30 years at their High School Reunion. One goes to take food while the other 3 start to talk about how successful their sons became. No. 1 says her son studied economics, became a banker and is so rich, he gave his best friend a Ferrari. No. 2 said her son became a pilot, started his own airline became so rich, he gave his best friend a jet. No. 3 said her son became an...
Not long after, the class was over. The song was long and so it took up most of the class. Lucas left the room along with the other students. Everyone was talking excitedly about the song and its origin. Behind the group of students, Marcus and his girlfriend were talking in low voices. “You said you met him in the first class. What do you think of him?” Amelia asked Marcus, who went silent for a few moments. He seemed to be thinking about what he was going to say. “It’s still too early to...
Chapter Nine: Daddy Unwraps His Virgin Gifts A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Happy birthday to you!” sang my six daughters. They were clustered around the kitchen table that had my birthday cake on it, all six of them smiling and clapping. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear daddy! Happy birthday to you!” The cake, covered in white frosting, had two candles on it, a Six and a Two. I was sixty-two...
(First entry from the Diary of V.Dorofeyev, translated from the original Slavic by O.Delacroix)i.With the help of Pavel and Yngvild, I was able to close the portal, sealing the cavern behind us before we were driven mad. Even now, a handful of days later, the site of divinity burns like a fever in my mind like a siren, calling out to me. My companions feel it too. Pavel weeps openly at the memory of our short sojourn beneath the veil of stars and I can see the longing writ upon the Dane’s...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWe took our car to meet other people (strangers) catching a charter bus to the casino at Lake Tahoe., figuring that it was going to take us about four hours to get there. They coach driver announced that the bus did not have a restroom (as the bus that was assigned to our group was out of service) and we were going to have to make a couple of stops to use the rest stop restrooms. On this charter bus, our contract stated they were to provide a meal and drinks, so we didn’t have to worry about...
The door was securely locked and the surrounding was quite calm. It was a Sunday afternoon. The climate was hot and humid. The wind blew occasionally with a warm breeze that hit my face through the open window. I was laying on top of my younger sister Anjali and she was below me with her eyes closed tightly. “Anna…Ethu thappu illaya?” she asked me as I kept silent looking at her neck as a drop of sweat rolled down and landed on her cleavage. “Thapputhan but unaku pidichu irukulla Anjali,” I...
Incesti m a 32 years guy frm chandigarh,and this was the true story of my life,every word is trueand i just wants to share my story with you,, i m always searching someone for my first gay sex, and finally one day comes when i touch somebody cock,he was guy working in phone billing department,his job was to collect money for bill payments,one day i recieve a call from that boy ,he ask my address to collect bill payment,i give him my address and then he comes ,he was a very shy guy i just try to...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman - Who's Who In The...
Humornow if you have read my other stories you can see i keep sex in the family.i never gave it one thought of banging anyone one from my family but the firsttime was with my cousin, it was hot then my aunt and my own my mom is very good looking she is like 5'2 135lbs not fat not chubby but built in the right places, huge round tits,and a shaved pussy, long brown hairhazel eyes, big lips, so hot. now i come home from work and my mother tells me that if i want we are going to the...
Look at this, the ones from my story Beautiful Betty, who made the biggest stink about attending, are the first ones here. Do you believe it? ‘Hey, Betty, you look very beautiful, as always. Davis, thank you for coming, it’s nice to see you.’ ‘Take your dirty paws off my woman, Freddie, or I’ll deck you and stomp you to death, you hack!.’ ‘Listen here, Davis, I have my wireless keyboard with me and I can write you out of the next scene if you give me any shit. Matter of fact, if you don’t...
Over the rest of the week I was considering Khrystiana’s comments. I was thinking that I had placed her in a very interesting dilemma. Based on a number of comments that she had made to me, I knew this young lady definitely did not enjoy the reality of a true punishment spanking. She had received enough of them to know how very painful they could be and she definitely did not look forward with any sort of anticipation to being subject to receiving another one. It was also very obvious that...
SpankingWell it sure looks like being on our site is graduation day for a lot of our college girls that have done some modeling or camming in the past. In the case of 21 year old Angelica, she’s done both and is no stranger to the camera. Sexually, she’s a wild one, just listen to her webcam stories and you’ll see what we mean! What else can you say about a girl that brings her own butt plug for TC to use, and uses it on the plane ride down? Add a pierced tongue and it starts to add...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Vicky I am in Jaipur. Now I am 27 working as a manager in a reputed firm, I Started to work at the age of 23. Now I am in good post. I want to tell you all the readers of this site my real life story how I had my first sex with a colleague in my office. She is married lady aged 25a keralite (to describe her… she is beautiful sexy lady…I think I don’t need to give more description more than this.). She had been working in the same office where I work for 3 yrs. However, we never...
There were two sofas situated facing each other in the living room of the apartment we had at the time, and when we got home my brother sat on one while I put some low music and dimmed the lights and Natasha went to fetch my good whisky. I made sure I was done before her and then lay on the other sofa in the hope that Natasha would sit next to Mark. However, my heart sank when she came in and sat with her knees bent on the floor between us. Had I just been imagining her attraction to him?Twenty...
CheatingJUST A GOOD OLE COUNTRY BOY GAY ADVENTURE STORYAs I admired Mikes magnifficant perfectly sculptured8 1/2 inch glistening Cock up close for the very first time,his command to get busy slowly Bitch Blowing him sent musicthrough my totally gay ears. Yes on my knees right in frontof him, the age old act of submissive Cocksucking was yetto add another hot spirited queer Suck Off to its ever growinglist. Like all attractive fully passable youthful looking SheMale Sissy Dicklovers, my long red...