Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 13
- 2 years ago
- 30
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“No more for now,” he urged a clearly fatigued Kathryn as she sleepily suckled his sensitive glans. “It was as exquisite as always, but let’s take a break. We have all day. Come up here and get some more rest, my love. I can tell you need it.”
“Thank you,” she acknowledged, licking the last of his ejaculate from her lips and sighing with contentment as he protectively embraced her. “It was a long day and night, and you wore me out in all sorts of ways. Will you sleep alongside me?”
“We’re tired for the same reason,” he laughed, wearily, “so of course I will.”
“Thank you.” She huddled even closer. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I don’t understand why you’re so much better than any lover I’ve ever had. I mean, I know I love you and that we have a connection beyond rationality, and I know you’re exceptionally skilled at a lot of things — especially the way I like them — but how can so you be so much better? What is it about you? And why am I so addicted to it? To you?” She was tracing her fingers through his chest hair as she rambled.
They’d drifted awake at roughly the same time and almost immediately began making slow, tender love, but their mutual fatigue brought about another break sooner than their (now)-standard multi-hour bacchanal would suggest. Since then they’d been talking about sex, which they both agreed was less interesting, but also less tiring, than having it. “You’re ... I’ve just ... Luke, as you can tell, I don’t even have coherent words to express what sex with you is like for me. Were I religious, I’d worship you.”
“I’m picturing you kneeling piously.”
“Darling, you know I’ll be on my knees a lot no matter what. But I don’t think what happens next will be all that pious.”
“Would this religion make heavy use of punishments for naughty behavior?”
“It’d better, because I intend to earn a lot of them by sinning as often as possible.”
“Draw up the sacred texts, then. And for what it’s worth, everything you just said applies to you as well. But now I’m curious: if I’m the best lover you’ve ever had, who’s number two?
“Do you really want an answer?”
“I’m curious, that’s all. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine too.”
“No, I will. Let me think about it.” She paused for while before blushing and offering a surprising response. “You’re going to be surprised, perhaps, but it’s Faith. Not,” she cautioned, “necessarily based on our single day together. But I know what she and I could be with more time to explore. It’s not just that she’s so skilled and intuitive, it’s that she’s...”
“She’s you, except living a life without limitations or boundaries save for maintaining her privacy. Yes, I figured that out almost immediately.”
“And that’s another reason you should be with her. Though now that I think about, it I guess my answer is more than a little self-centered, because I’m essentially naming a less filtered version of myself as the second best lover I’ve ever had.”
“I actually thought you might say that anyway. At least you didn’t answer ‘my hand.’”
“As much as I enjoy self-pleasuring I wouldn’t even put myself in the top thirty. I need partners for great sex. Anyway, isn’t your hand your second best lover?”
“Most frequent, certainly. Though you’re making an admirable attempt to claim that particular throne as well.”
“I do my best.”
“So thirty’s close to your number, is it?”
“Now that’s a question no one should want answered. It’s higher, but that’s all I’ll say. Where does your supermodel girlfriend fall in your sexual hierarchy?”
“Stop calling her that. To be honest, I think she’s probably second on my list as well, though with the same caveats you made.”
“See? One day with her and we’re already under her carnal spell. Can you imagine what it’d be like to be with her all the time?” The thought clearly aroused her.
“You mean as a duo or all three of us?”
“Either way.”
“I’m pretty sure she’ll always need a battalion of sex partners to keep her satisfied, especially given how much she travels. Speaking for myself, though: since I can’t even handle one of you, the two of you together would put me in a very early grave ... though I’m sure it’d be worth it. I suppose if it was just the two of us it’d be a little like this, except without nearly as much love. Because she’s absolutely right about that.”
“I told you to...”
“ ... stop giving up on love. Yes, I remember. I’m not. I’m just keeping it focused where I want it most. There’s only one love I care about, despite the fact she’s constantly trying to push me into other women’s beds.”
“You know that, if we’re together, I’ll be doing that a lot, right?”
“What if I don’t want you to?”
“Do we remember last night differently?” she asked with a smirk.
“Fair point. Would you expect the same from me?”
“Pushing me to be with other women?”
“Or men.”
“That would be up to you.”
“But would you want me to?”
“Only if it made you happy.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“You should take it at face value. If you wanted me to be with other men or women, I would enjoy it very much, of course. But even if you wanted me all to yourself, I’d be completely content.”
“That doesn’t sound very equitable. Why would you let me experience other partners if I wouldn’t allow you the same freedom?”
“You’re right that, absent the need to consider anyone else’s feelings, I’d cast a very wide net, but I’d much rather do it with a willing and enthusiastic companion, and I’d greatly prefer that companion to be someone I love. Someone with whom I can share my experiences. But that means taking his or her feelings into consideration. Since we’ve been together, I’ve been with three other women and two other men. You’ve had no trouble accepting the former, but you’ve clearly struggled with the latter.”
“Two men? Who’s the ... oh, right. Look, it’s not exactly what you think. It’s not the idea of you having sex with another man that bothers me. And in any case, the two you’re talking about came with special conditions. One’s a former lover with a minotaur’s cock, and despite all my brave words and your patient assurances, it took me a really long time to relax about that. The other, of course, is your husband. I think if the man was just some random third party ... like, say, if Olivia had been Oliver ... I’d feel a lot less conflicted about it. What bothers me is me, or rather us. It’s my lack of certainty about us — the fear that you can be taken away from me, which in one of those two cases is a well-founded fear — that causes my anxiety. I didn’t think Wendy was a danger to our relationship, and I certainly didn’t worry about Olivia, either. It’s not how Faith operates. I’ve told you that I might feel a twinge were you and Irina to hook up, but only a temporary one, as choosing someone else over her is a choice you’ve already made. Aside from Bill, there’s only one lurking threat about whom I worry all the time.”
“No, although perhaps I should.”
“No, you shouldn’t. Who, then?”
“Professor Art Fingers, of course.”
Snorting with laughter, she slapped him on the chest. “Jerk. And here I thought you were being serious.”
“I was. I just thought that the mood needed lightening. Anyway, who’s your number three?”
“Are we really doing this?”
“We can stop at three if you’d like.”
“I’d like.” She thought for a moment, and then a sly smile appeared on her face.
“What? Who is it?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“I won’t be jealous.”
“It’s not that. He’s a judge now. A fairly well known one, too. He wouldn’t want his name associated with this story.”
“I can keep a secret.” She raised an eyebrow at him until he capitulated. “Okay, okay, fine.”
“We were clerking for a judge. Less than a minute after we met — this was our first day on the job — we both just knew we were going to have sex with each other. We barely even knew each other’s names, yet there was an instantaneous surety. In fact, it started that very night. We went to a bar with the intention of getting to know each other better, had exactly one drink, realized that none of the preliminaries mattered, and went to his place. We had a torrid two week affair, going from bed to work and back again. We didn’t date, we didn’t go out, we didn’t even really talk very much. There wasn’t much sleep happening, either. We just worked and fucked. And that’s all it was, too; there was no making love and no hint of feelings, from either of us. As for why he was so good, I don’t really have an answer I could put into words. Unlike you, he didn’t possess any specific skill I could point to as extraordinary, his penis was completely average, he wasn’t ripped or even particularly handsome, but he just ‘got’ my body and my sexuality in a way no one had ... until you came along, that is. And then it ended.”
“Because his fiancée from back home decided to fly in and surprise him at work.”
“Was there a big sexy catfight involving hair-pulling and the ripping of bodices, and more importantly is there a video of it?”
“Hah! By the way, as long as it ends in steamy girl-on-girl action followed by a threesome, that’s yet another fantasy of mine. No, it’s not like she caught us necking in the file room or anything. We kept it professional at work. He panicked when she first arrived, which meant I ended up having to introduce myself to her while he stood there sweating, but afterwards I made myself scarce so she wouldn’t catch me glaring at him. As far as I know he never told her, and I certainly didn’t. But he read the room, and two days later he was clerking for a different judge. He did eventually marry her, too. If I wasn’t doing something vastly worse right now, I’d feel sorry for her. Or maybe the sex is worth it, and she can’t help but love him anyway.”
Luke took a moment to absorb her self-recrimination. “No feelings at all, though? That seems out of character for you.”
“None worth mentioning, but you’re right. I mean, I was having terrific sex with the same person every single day, so I suppose if we’d kept on going I might have started wondering if there was anything else to it. I think it was because the relationship was so purely and obsessively sexual. I didn’t know what kind of music he liked, what his hobbies were, how big his family was ... none of that. Apparently including the fact that he was engaged. I was extremely annoyed, both at him and the fact that the sex was over, so I guess that’s a feeling,” she cackled.
“So you wouldn’t have kept having sex with him once she left?”
“Oh, hell no. Not just because of the fiancée, but because he lied about it. See? I had morals back then.”
“You have morals now. If you didn’t, this would all be much easier. What if you’d known in advance?”
She had to ponder this for a while. “I don’t know. Probably not, but then again in my current incarnation I’m not the best person to be opining on the ethics of fidelity. I know I tried really hard not to interfere with existing relationships. I obviously played around with some couples, like the jazz club story I told you the other day, but I don’t think — aside from the art class incident, in which it’s fairly likely at least someone was doing things they shouldn’t — I ever knowingly slept with someone who was in a committed relationship without their partner’s consent.”
“Something I can’t say anymore.”
“Luke, I didn’t mean to...”
“No, don’t worry. I didn’t think you aimed that at me. But I’m in no position to opine on the ethics of fidelity, either. Especially since my desires go well beyond mere infidelity.” To this she had no response, especially as the tremendous guilt behind his words was painfully obvious. “Anyway, I usually can’t do much more than nod and gasp at your stories, but for once I don’t have to. Great sex without feelings is something I’m quite familiar with.”
“So I assume that means Liz is your third?”
“Unquestionably, though if she knew about this conversation I guarantee she’d make the most vigorous possible case for at least reascending to second.”
“That’s really hot to think about. You should tell her.”
“Tell her about this conversation. If she’s as much of a nympho as you say she is, you’ll enjoy the hell out of that effort. I know I’d give it my all. Invite her over and tell her she’s been demoted. You obviously can’t tell her by who, but...”
“I don’t know. It feels wrong.”
Concern troubled her visage, and she sat up and folded her legs. It was clear that difficult words were on the way. “Luke, there’s something that worries me, and this seems like as good a time as any for me to talk to you about it. I know you too well not to see this coming, and I have to at least try to stop it. Once you leave here, you’re going to go back to your apartment and just sit there, staring at the walls. Oh, I’m sure you’ll go to wine tastings and spend time with Wendy...”
“She’s already put me on a two-week probationary time out, after which there’s some sort of ritual involving enforced public drunkenness and confession, followed by enforced public sobriety. The latter, I’m told, will involve a lot of Luke being yelled at, which I’m looking forward to a great deal.”
Kathryn laughed, though there was little levity in it. “I’m sure you are. But, left to your own devices, what you’re not going to do is date. You’re not going to have sex. You’re going to sit at home and brood. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that — a respectful distance might help honor what we have, and give you the chance to figure some things out without me distracting you — but only for a little while. Give it two or three weeks if you must, but then I want you to have sex. Obviously, you should call Liz and bone like commitment-free rabbits. Go visit Olivia and rock her world. Leave the apartment and meet new people, then bring them home and fuck them. Go on dates. Hell, date Faith if you two can arrange it. Please do this for me, Luke.”
“Why would you ask me to ... how can you possibly expect me to do any of that? Even assuming I want to, which I doubt, it won’t work. For one thing, it’ll end up being a repeat of what happened right after I met you. I wouldn’t even be in the room with them. At best, I’ll be wishing I was having sex with you; at worst, I’ll be thinking about having sex with you. Liz let it slide once, for which I’m very grateful, but even she’s not going to be willing to let me use her like that again. For another, I’ll be comparing them to you, especially in bed but in other ways as well, and there’s no way they won’t fail that comparison. I can’t do that to someone else, and I can’t do it to you, either.”
“To me? You wouldn’t be doing anything to me.”
“I’d feel like I was cheating on you. On us.”
Kathryn chewed her lip for a while, as if she was reluctant to say what she was about to say. “Luke, until or unless I do something to make it impossible I will be having sex.”
“You heard me.”
“No, I mean ... well, of course you will, but...”
“Until an inflection point is reached, and maybe even after that, I’ll be having sex with my husband as often as possible. While you’re sitting in your apartment brooding, that’s one of the things you’ll be brooding about. The strain of waiting and not knowing what’s going to happen with us will be hard enough without you obsessing over that fact.”
“I ... I don’t...”
“Look me in the eye and swear that you’re not thinking about it right now.“ He sighed in defeat, for they both knew the truth. Her tone softened. “And that’s with me right beside you, naked and willing to resume having sex with you whenever you’re ready. When you’re alone in your apartment it’s going to be much, much worse. So, my love, one way or another, you are going to have to figure out how to put that beautiful dick into someone else’s pussy without thinking about me. Because the alternative will drive you mad.”
He covered his eyes with a forearm as if to ward off something hovering directly in front of his face. Something he desperately wanted to avoid seeing. “You’re right. I hate everything about it, but you’re right. There’s one thing you’re failing to consider, though.”
“To you, this conversation sounds like yet another way to prepare you for inevitable heartbreak.”
He sighed again. “I guess I really am that transparent.”
“You are to me, my love. Do you know what I’m going to say in response?”
“That no matter what happens, you want me to be happy.”
“Exactly. Whether I stay with Bill, move on to a life without either of you, or make you wait on my decision to be with you, you’re going to need a social life. A sex life. Even a love life. And if I do end up with you ... well, we’ll have our first series of potential adventures already lined up, won’t we? There’s so much more we could do with Olivia, for example, and I know Liz and I would get along famously.”
“None of which changes how I feel about it. They’re not you. That’s the only thing that matters.”
“Stop giving up on love, Luke.”
He reached for her, pulling her back into his arms. His heart was hammering in his chest. She felt it, shifting until her ear was directly over the pounding organ. She listened for a while, tenderly kissed the point at which it threatened to beat straight through his ribs, then once again laid her head directly atop it, stroking his arm in silent comfort until the hammering slowed.
We’re talking in circles and there’s nothing else to say. Nothing to do except be with each other. While we still can.
They didn’t get out of bed until shortly after noon. Lunch became the breakfast they hadn’t had; coffee, fruit, pastries, and a lot of silence and tired eyes. The rejuvenation process was completed by separate showers. When Kathryn emerged from the bathroom, dabbing her hair with a towel, she found Luke staring at the lake.
“A blowjob for your thoughts,” she hummed as her breasts pressed into his back and her arms wrapped around his waist.
“I’m not sure they’re worth that much.”
He couldn’t help laughing. “It’s not a negotiation. I’ll happily take both, but you can have the thoughts for free.”
“So? Spill!”
“I was just watching the clouds roll in.”
“What... oh!“
“That is, if you’re up for it.”
“Two consecutive days of public fornication? Who are you, and what have you done with my prudish lover?” Tossing the towel onto the bed, she reached around and gently stroked his cock with both hands. “Remind you of anything?”
“It reminds me of everything. Except this time, you’re cleaning the window.”
“Tsk tsk, Luke. You don’t actually think I’m going to let you just waste your delicious semen like that, do you?” Before he could respond, she was sitting on the sofa, pulling him closer until his erection was pointed directly at her mouth. “That’s better. How long do you think it’ll take to completely cloud over?”
“I’m not exactly a meteorologist.” He peered at the sky. “Maybe an hour?”
“Mmmmmm. One hour-long session of oral negotiation, coming right up!”
By the time the last vestiges of direct sunlight disappeared, Luke’s legs were wobbly from standing relatively motionless for so long. Kathryn, of course, seemed perfectly content to fellate him forever ... though she’d been parsimonious with his climaxes, demanding only two along the way. On the other hand, the sofa’s leather surface was wet with her fluids, and she had to repurpose the towel to sop up the mess before they departed.
“Did I win the contract?” she asked with a playful grin. He shook his head in amazement, leading her out the door and towards the dock.
“God, YES! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, FUUUUUCK MEEEEE!!!“
He winced and stopped pumping. “You’re being ten times as loud as usual on purpose, aren’t you?”
“C’mon, Luke, don’t stop fucking me,” she begged, rolling her hips invitingly.
“Seriously, though.”
With an aggrieved sigh, she opened her eyes. Despite her arousal and impatience, they were filled with amusement. “Not ten times, because having sex out here really is turning me on. But what’s the point of having sex in the great outdoors if you can’t frighten a few fish?”
“It’s not the fish I’m afraid of.”
“There’s my beloved monk. I wondered when he’d show up. Baby, this isn’t like trying to sneak a quick and silent backseat hummer in a crowded parking lot, hoping no one will notice but secretly getting off on the idea that they might. We’re completely exposed, physically and aurally. You’re right: the belief that someone across the lake might hear us having sex is incredibly arousing to me. I know you’re not going to join me in this serenade of passion, and that’s fine. But I want to be loud. No, I need to be loud. Stop worrying about the volume and concentrate on what you’re doing to me, because I’m not faking the pleasure. I’m just making sure everyone else knows just how damned good it is, too,” she added with a sultry smile.
“I doubt the fish need any more convincing,” he mumbled as he resumed rutting.
Her deafening howls of ecstasy every time she climaxed were, he decided, among the loudest sounds to which he’d ever been proximate, and he was treated to quite a few before he was too uncomfortable to continue. In truth, the experiment — while in no way a failure and, in the end, exciting for both of them — was somewhat awkward and difficult to conduct. In the boathouse, on these very same repurposed boat cushions, Kathryn had been restrained and her movement limited. Without the benefit of restraints, their coupling kept moving the cushions around, creating gaps that widened until one or the other was in oscillating against the unforgiving and uncomfortable surface of the dock itself. At one point, Kathryn even suggested that he retrieve the restraints and secure her to the posts that anchored the dock, and for a while he considered it. But the danger of unexpected discovery while she was bound like that dissuaded him, and so they simply muddled through.
After stowing the cushions, he proposed an encore on the beach itself. She was surprisingly hesitant, which surprised him in turn; her reluctance to engage in any type of sexual activity was shocking and unprecedented. Eventually, she relented, but with a condition. “Only if I’m on top,”
“If you really don’t want to...”
“No, no, it’s fine. Bad memories of having sex on a beach, that’s all. Not your fault.”
“If it reminds you of something traumatic, we can...”
“No, not traumatic. Well, yes traumatic, but not in that way. Just ... a lot of sand.”
“It is a beach,” he quipped.
“No, I mean sand inside me. Everywhere inside me.”
“Oh. Ouch.”
“Yes, ouch. Especially since it took a few minutes for us to realize that the unexpected dryness in my vagina and the equally unexpected sensation of sandpapered penis was because he was thrusting through a tunnel of actual sand. We got carried away and we paid the price.”
“The cleanup wasn’t much fun, either. Anyway ... yes, absolutely let’s have sex on the beach. Later, when you’re fishing sand out of your butt, just remember that I tried to warn you.”
It was a somewhat odd experience (at least for him) to have sex with his head measurably lower than his feet, but Kathryn insisted on the position. As soon as her cries of passion began, however, he realized why: she was facing the lake, once again directing the considerable volume of her ecstasy towards her unseen audience. Their eminently satisfying climaxes arrived simultaneously, and when he was done filling her with yet another volley of sperm she collapsed on top of his body, breathing heavily and admitting that fatigue was catching up with her again.
“Only one thing to do about that,” he said, rolling over and sweeping her limp form into his arms.
“Luke, what are you ... no, don’t you dare... don’t you fucking...” The rest of her warning was inaudible as she plunged into the cooling autumnal waters of the lake. He dove in after her, absorbing the full fury of a ravishing but very angry redhead by holding her so tightly against his body that she couldn’t move. Eventually, she gave in and resorted to kissing and fondling him until he dropped his guard, freeing her from his clutches. Moments later, she was out of the water and fleeing across the lawn, laughing delightedly.
“Love, can you tell me how long?”
He was puttering around the kitchen, trying to figure out what he wanted to cook. On its face her question was vaguely worded, but given that it was a question he asked himself all the time, he had no trouble reading between its lines. “I can’t, but it’s going to be soon.”
“Why don’t you know?”
“I’m waiting for a sign.”
“No, seriously.”
“I am being serious. Based on the remaining work, I could leave right now.” She gasped, clearly unprepared for this response. “I’ve justified staying because there are incoming shipments to file and record — that’s the truth-enveloping-a-lie that I gave your husband, by the way — but of course those shipments will continue indefinitely, with or without me. The roadmap for future purchases has been finished for a while, I just haven’t shown it to you because it feels like another way of saying goodbye. I’ve taught you how to place future orders without my involvement. Nothing about the job requires my ongoing presence, and I could easily clear up any loose ends at home. I’m obviously staying because I can’t bear the thought of leaving, but there’s another consideration: the amount of time I can keep excusing it professionally is running out. I’ve been here for a really long time, and aside from one lunch and a few chats with Wendy, most of which weren’t about wine, I’ve been almost completely cut off from my industry. I need to maintain my network, keep up my education, and most importantly, find new work. The only actual answer I have is that I’m not going to leave unless we’re the only ones here and it’s been that way for a while. I want to have one more beautiful stretch of days with you.”
“And that’s... ?”
“Soon. It’s not tomorrow, but it’s not a month from now, either. It’s coming. I’ll know when I know. Ironically, it’s yet another choice that your husband will have a major role in making. You don’t happen to know his schedule, do you?”
“Aside from the fact that he’s returning Thursday around noon, no. I don’t think he does, either.”
“Well, then I’m here until that changes, and for an unknown period of time after that, but...” He trailed off.
“You’ll tell me, right? You won’t just slip out in the middle of the night?”
“Of course I’ll tell you. Anyway, how could I slip out when you’re always with me?”
“Luke...” She sounded terribly sad, and it tore new cracks in his already crumbling heart. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t want to go either. But I can’t stay. Even if we found some ridiculous excuse to justify it, things would just get harder and harder to hide. Here’s another irony: there actually is a way to justify it. It’s just that we can’t take advantage of it”
“There is?”
“I’ve never done work of this nature while living on site; usually, it’s a day or two to survey the cellar, after which I do the majority of the work from home. With most clients I make regular revisits to check on things, to suss out how they’re feeling about the wines I’ve introduced, and so forth. It’s part of an ongoing contract, and I prefer to do it in person whenever possible. But there’s no way I could do that for you, and I’m not even going to try.”
“Why not?”
“The contract’s with both of you, so he’d have to know about the visits. Just how many times do you think we could get away with me being here while Bill just happens to be away, if that even continues to be the case more often than not? Twice, maybe? It’d be like waving a cape at a bull. ‘Hey, look at us, we’re having an affair!’ So I’d have to come while he’s here. But that gains us nothing, plus I know I couldn’t deal with seeing the two of you together while completely unable to be alone with you.”
“You’re right, of course. It was a pointless hop, e and no good would come of it.”
“Exactly. I have to go. And then I lose you forever.”
“Luke, my love, please don’t...”
“Kathryn, as I’ve told you since we finally started talking about this, I’ve never had much hope. I still don’t. I’m going to leave and you’re going to choose to make the best of it with Bill. It might not be perfect or everything you want, but you’ll only leave him if he utterly rejects you. He’ll be angry if you tell him about us, of course, but if he loves you like I love you, he’ll eventually forgive you. I’m not prepared for it and maybe I never will be, but I’m going to have to start. I’ve tried to be noble, tried to be hopeful, even tried ... probably too late ... to be proactive, but I can’t win this one. And so I’m going to make love to you every minute I’m able until I have to go, and then...”
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Hi this is 21 year old chap from Bangalore. I would like to share a story with you. Kindly mail your responses at So that I can write more stories in a way you may like. Coming to the story it was a windy day when I was carrying some second handbooks to my room from a market. There are so many books that I couldn’t see anyone coming straight towards me. I just hit someone coming in my way. My books were fallen all over the ground. The one I hit was a woman in her early 30’s and carrying some...
Amy reached from beneath the sheets and groped around clumsily for her alarm clock as it beeped cheerily on her bedside table and knocked it to the floor. As her hand slid from the nightstand, following the clock to its doom, she let her arm hang lazily from the side of the bed. As she slowly rolled over onto her stomach she felt something squashing against her upper thighs. Something hard. Warm and damp, it pressed against her skin, bunching her panties to one side and making...
Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about and my roommate Mike, how we’d come to terms with my crossdressing, my attraction to him, and his willingness to have a horny busty T-girl go wild on him.Since we both were comfortable with it, as time went on, I began staying dressed more in our apartment. Nothing fancy, but during evenings and practically all weekend, more often than not, if I had no immediate plans to go out, I would wear the following. Pink...
CHAPTER ONE : The Visitor The cats were the first to announce his arrival. Tails high in the air they paraded up and down the hall. Pushing open the door to the living room, they rubbed themselves against her legs, gazing at her with bright eyes as if to will her to do something, to get up and follow them. She pushed them gently away, too deep within her book to want their interruption. A log fell to cinders in the fire with a gentle hiss while the old clock’s steady tick counted the lazy...
My name is Paul Jacobs and I’m 45 years old and enjoying life. It wasn’t until my ex Robin called wanting me to sign some papers from our divorce that had gotten missed I said ok, I can be there in two weeks well she started up and I said whoa there right now, we’re not marry so either go on my time table or forget it bitch and I hung up. It took her maybe three minutes to cool down and saying she was sorry and I was right ok, when you can make time call me first so I have the papers out of...
Looking for a free sex MMO game like meet and fuck club? I have been delving into the world of online porn games a lot lately. For those of you who follow my reviews, you may already be aware of the fact that this is a new interest of mine and that porn games have never really been my thing. I am generally the kind of guy who likes his porn to be direct and to the point.When I am horny, I am horny … Do you know what I mean? I don’t necessarily want to have to run around, save damsels in...
Best Porn GamesWhen they pulled up next to Elmo's house, he ran out to meet them. He stopped, his eyes widened and looked at Judge Reynolds in surprise, "Oh dear, Ralph! What are you doing with these disreputable characters?" "Well, Elmo, it seems I have made some strange alliances with unusual people." He chuckled humorlessly, "Though when one's nose is rubbed in it, one has to open his eyes and see what's before him." "Ralph, you have mixed more metaphors in one sentence than I do in a whole...
This is the first in a series of stories I am writing under the name Taboo High. Jo pulled out of the parking lot of her apartment building looking forward to a great day. It was Saturday and not only that, it was the first Saturday in six weeks she could just enjoy. Six weeks ago today she arrived in Denver to start her first job out of college. The following Monday she started her first job as a high school math teacher. Since then she has been busy each weekend: getting settled into her...
ReluctanceIn the deep lurking depths of the Underworld there lies a vast network of caverns, chambers and tunnels keeping ancient relics, ruins and cities hidden, from these dark caverns had ancient relics of power been discovered. Remnants of an ancient age when beings of vast power ruled over all of Avalon in harmony before falling away during a great cataclysm, leaving nothing but lost and forgotten knowledge amongst their underground citadels. These relics were to be called, Dungeon Hearts, when it...
Hi friends I am Shiva and I am 22 years old and from Bangalore. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my neighbour Sandhya mail me your feedbacks to Both our families are friends. She is 27 years old and is yet to be married. She looks fair, beautiful and very sexy. She always wears a T-shirt tops and a skirt leaving her legs below her knees open. I liked her and she also had the same feelings towards me initially I thought she was looking me like her brother but it was...
IncestFrom the moment he opened his eyes he was emotionless he felt nothing he stood to attention awaiting a task until the day came his master reveiled herself and all her slut dressed glory, that was the moment he felt a spark inside him and his body began to change and form as he continued to watch her he grew more and more aroused until he couldn't hold back anymore quickly grabing her and pinning her to the table he began running his massive stone member along her slit feeling her become wet...
FantasyDo I have the courage? “What must I do?” she whispered. Old Mrs. Weed patted her hand gently. “There are no observers,” she said. “If you would watch, you must join. If you would join, you must come as the goddess entered through the gates of death.” Rebecca caught her breath, torn between her own religious morality and the desire to know. To participate in a surviving witch cult, however, might be more than she wanted to know. She took a deep breath and tried to let it relax her. “You...
Hi, I’m Tracy and I’m 18 years old. Ever since school graduated, my parents have been stressing me more and more about what I need for college and all that crap. Not to mention my 3 younger siblings acting stupid and running everywhere. So since I wanted to get away, I moved in with my Aunt Gina for the summer. See, I always like Aunt Gina. Not just because she was fun to be around and was hilarious. She also was the sexiest 25 year old you have ever seen. Her legs went on forever, her stomach...
"Uuuhh," another wave of white heat seared through my body ripping me from my dream like state, and back to reality. I tried to lift my head. I had to get my bearings, but all I could see was the darkening gray sky above. I struggled to gather my strength. I had to reach the house. I had to get help. I fought to stay conscious but I was having trouble breathing and I was getting light headed. "Yes, darling, I do love you, I love you very, very much," again I heard a voice drifting into...
Friday Morning By the time Zane and Natalie finished their rendezvous in his car, they had to hurry to get to the school in time for class. They managed to park, share a quick kiss, and then bolt in opposite directions. As Zane was making his way to class he ran right past Carly standing outside the door of her first class. When he saw her he had to stop for just a moment. He ran up to her, leaned in close, cupped his hand to her ear and quickly whispered. “I just fucked Natalie” Carly’s...
So finally I’m done writing part 2 of my story ” fucked my GF’s cousin sister on my GF’s bed. If you liked my story please give me reviews and feedback on my mail – Or dm me on my insta account id – lustyfantasies97 I also trade my girlfriends pics so anyone up for girlfriend pic trading messages me. Also, I would like to know what people disliked about my story so those people who unlike my story please do give me your honest opinion. Those who haven’t read the first part please read it. The...
I’d made assumptions about Chelsea, or at least the content of her journal. She’d talk about her day, her feelings, perhaps offer a little insight into what made her tick. Anything but what it actually contained. To say that I was surprised by her first entry would be an understatement. She’d entered a description of a method for what she referred to as ‘Frozen Key’. Place key in plastic water bottle. Freeze overnight. Keys will be inaccessible until ice melts. Body warmth will speed up...
HardcoreI think Laura chose those words as a test. The Whizz sometimes just can’t comprehend how awful my social skills are. You, dear reader would most probably cringe at those words. Me? I just smiled and tried my best to give my lover my full attention. Not easy with a stallion’s cock deep inside you. Anyways, I was unaware of the usual reaction, Laura just looked at me, sighed then started talking. Laura had a plan, phase one, our getting engaged, completed. Phase two, living, loving and...
I'm tied to a chair facing backwards with my ass hanging over the edge of the chair. There's a bungee cord wrapped around my neck and it's pulled tight. It's just barely loose enough to keep me conscious. I can breath with a hiss and my head is pulsating with every heartbeat. There's a baseball bat shoved up my ass all the way to the top of the grip and it has been lubed heavily with bengay. I've gotten used to the burning sensation and have grown to enjoy it. It gives me something to mentally...
Hi guys (me baht khush ho ap k resp0se sy thank you so much agr ap ko satisfy hna ha to c0ntct me I am w8ing I love sex and I love 4play). .Me ik dafa phr hazar ho apni story k sht ye is story ka 3 part ha jo k baht darda nak ha ku k is me gand ki sel totany ka par0mis ho ga Phlye part me mjye baht acha response mila jis ny mjye agresive kia k me sub kuch btao jo bki b ha thank you so much to response my story + agr koi anuty ya larki merye sy satisfy hna chahti ha to contct me and my f.B uzar...
I was at the doorway of my stepsister’s room. There was enough light so I could see that she was sleeping. I slowly crept in her room, and found what I was after. On the floor was a pair of her panties. I kept my eyes on her as I leaned down and picked them up. I brought them to my nose and inhaled deeply. Then I slowly backed out of there and made my way back to my room. A few months after I turned sixteen, Jessica had her eighteenth birthday. She drank too much and undressed in the bathroom...
Jill was the mom of my best bud Billy. She was average height, nice tits, great body, and beautiful long blonde hair. She was a looker for sure. About once a month during the summer my family and theirs would go the coast with our sea doos and wave runners and spend long weekends there at beach houses our parents had. Both our families were large and it was always fun. Jill never paid much attention to me, I mean she did not pay alot of sexual attention to me and I did not expect her to. I mean...
The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission Happy reading and remember to vote if you liked it! Chapter 1 Emy looked out of the dusty window of the diner she was sitting in and didn’t even hear the...
7:55 AM – Bhide House – Gokuldham Society “Apne sara saaman le liya na theek se? Kuch chod mat dena peeche,” Madhavi puchti hai Bhide. Dono Bhide ki bag pack kar rahe hote hai. Bhide bag ki zip bandh karta hai aur ek badi si smile dete hue, “Chalo Madhavi packing ho gayi abhi mai aaram se Ratnagiri jaake Bhau kaka ko mil lunga.” Madhavi ko ek ajeeb si khushi thi apne pati ko ghar se bahar bhejne mein. Bhide apni patni ka chehra dekhta hai. Madhavi apne hi khayalo mein khoyi hui thi. Woh apni...
Having been truly bound to James in every possible way, being my Husband and Maker, I thought myself to be lucky and thusly happy. I was wrong.I quickly found he was foremost my teacher in this new and exciting life of the dark. Where once I was schooled in the arts of dance and song now I was schooled in the art of deadly seduction and once taught the skills of arithmetic and embroidery now taught how to drink deeply from an evil man. However I was a willing student and a quick apprentice to...
We had been dating for a short time and my girlfriend invited me to her home for dinner after work. We met after work, she worked a couple of blocks from where I worked, And rode public transit to her place. When I walked in the front door Sam's mother greeted us. I almost dropped. My girlfriend, Samantha's mother was drop dead gorgeous. Even though she was in her late 40's she was stunning. She did not have an hour-glass figure by any means. She had a nice fat ass great legs a little thick...
(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Joanna’s Tale, 07: Jo and Guy – their first night. Hello again, Lena asked me to write about my first night with Guy. Well, my first thought as we went upstairs to shower was how many times can he manage it tonight. I wanted it to be a bit more controlled now. This...
A day after Jeff left for his latest business trip I looked up from my book to see Linda walking my way. As she reached my deck she pulled her shirt over her head exposing her now nude body. "Ted, we have all afternoon. I've never sunned in the nude, I thought that would be fun. I can get rid of these tan lines." "I kind of like your tan lines, but sure, let me pull over the other lounger and we can enjoy the sun together, but be careful of burning on the lighter parts." "OOh I was...
It had been three weeks since Peggy had been taken to the clinic and placed under her husbands control. The combination of drugs and hypnosis had been wildly successful and Gabrielle and Peggy’s husband had used Peggy as a toy in many hot sex games. There had been no problems and just as Gabrielle and the doctor had predicted, Peggy had no memories of anything that had happened while she was being controlled. With just the use of the control phrase that had been implanted into her subconscious...
The plane set down outside a coastal community two states away from our home. We had literally flown most of the night to get there. Once the plane was down on the grassy knoll we were met by a rather large older European Sedan. It easily held the three of us and our bags. The driver parked the car outside the sleaziest motel in the area. Once the car was parked and before we were installed in the motel, he walked away leaving us to fend for ourselves. Most likely to report his car stolen...
Hello, everyone. This is my true sex story. It feels so good when you are resting in your cozy bed at your love nest. It’s so tiring to be a family man with no time for yourself. But people start to grow into their lifestyle. I also have a dirty secret, Meenu, my office junior, a petite, fair, and an innocent looking girl shares this bed with me, almost every weekend. I lie at my home about meeting and we both spend quality time here at my secret property. Meenu was so young when I hired her...
The bell chimed softly as the door slid open. Two women entered the elevator. The shorter one walked to the glass wall in front of them, resting her hands on the brass railing that guarded the three clear sides. Middle-aged, she was slender with light brown hair tumbling across her shoulders. She wore a simple black dress, held up by thin straps. Black stockings and black heels completed an outfit set off only by a gold locket suspended by a thin chain around her neck. The outfit might have...
Doris was really bored. In fact, everything was so routine on this run that she had put most of her systems on standby to save on fuel consumption. The shadows were getting a little long behind the mountains but she was able to sort out the shadings with very little difficulty. She was getting ready to make one last sweep along the northern edge of her area of responsibility when she saw the non-conforming intruder moving slowly from right to left but not fast enough to keep pace with the...
Melissa and I had various theories about how my powers developed or how they work as they do. Thanks to my friends and family's love, influence and their support from a very young age, my mind seemed to have melded the two abilities together, Precognition and Telekinesis, in such a way, that I could predict and help people in need. During my last year of school, my gift was only an instinctive guide and was only able to help me directly and other people who were very, very close to me in...
And I'm bringing you a love that's true. So get ready, so get ready. I'm gonna try to make you love me too. So get ready, so get ready 'cause here I come. --Get Ready (The Temptations) Kristen and I decided to spend the weekend with my parents for a change. This ate into the time I hoped that I'd have to finish doing music arrangements, especially now that I was planning the entertainment for Kristen's party. Fortunately for me, Merry was delighted to have Kristen around, the big...
As I come into the room I noticed it’s bathed in dimly lit candle light. Different styles of candles are s**ttered around the room. I find you in the middle of the room lying down on a bed, with candle-light flickering off your body. I slowly move towards the bed and look down at you, smiling. My hand comes down and runs quickly through your hair and lean down to kiss your lips softly. I look the full length of your body and see that you’re wearing a silk and lace teddy with thigh-high...
After dinner I had a special surprise for you. ‘Where are we going?’ you asked. ‘A nice little club,’ I replied turning down a long alleyway. ‘There’s a club here?’ you asked as we pulled into a small, back parking lot. ‘Not a lot of people know about it. It’s sort of a members only place.’ We walked up to a large, red, intricately carved, wooden door. I rapped three times on a large, iron knocker that was attached to the teeth of a bronze lion head. A small square in the door opened and a...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 75Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
Hey Guys this is Nayeem and am here with my new story. I wanted to post this story for a while now and here it is. The new readers of ISS make sure you read all my previous stories. And again,this is Nayeem and am quite fair and decently build guy. I workout regularly and also have a tool of 6. 5. I’m open for suggestions and discrete fun. Ladies/girls mail me at com Coming to the story, this happened last month when I was randomly surfing the internet and came across an app. I would not...
FINDING MY VOICE Chapter 5 - I finally find my own voice. The morning following my first public outing en-femme, I awoke early. I had been dreaming all night about Duncan, the man who, only yesterday evening, had become the first man to kiss me on the lips - or anywhere else for that matter! To say I was confused would be an understatement. I had never considered myself gay, but I definitely reacted as a woman when Duncan kissed me. I needed to talk this through with my best...
2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 50 My head aches so bad. I move it to the side and the pain is splitting. I feel my pillow on my cheek and I feel like a wave of relief. I'm in bed at my Aunt and Uncle's! I think of them finding me there in the family room and feel a wave of embarrassment. Still, I'm out of that dream! I think I must have the flu, a high fever would like explain it all. My stomach convulses and I jump...
It is a quiet Sunday in Sudden Valley Suburbs. Not much happens on these kinds of days, and on this particular one, all you've managed to do is sleep in late, and now that you're awake at two o' clock in the afternoon, you can't possibly get back to sleep. Suddenly, you realize your severe case of 'Morning Glory' in the middle of the afternoon...
BDSMI was deep inside Rosie from behind while her boyfriend Kevin probed Jessica when I noticed that it got much closer to dawn. I also realized that even Sookie, Sam, and Bill were intimate in some capacity with someone, much to my pleasant surprise. They didn’t have the black bug eyes, of course, but they were very much caught up in a new kind of debauched frenzy. I mused about this for a little bit when I heard a cough. “Don’t worry ... that was us. We have far more power than any Maenad or...
The Shrink by Paul1954 "For Heaven's sake - how much longer?" Andrew hissed as he dropped the old motoring magazine that he had been reading back onto the coffee table and looked at his watch. He was beginning to regret making this appointment, and would have thought twice about it if he had known that he would have had to spend over twenty-five minutes sitting here in this God forsaken waiting room that had probably not seen a paint brush anywhere near it for years. Still, it...
Sonntagmorgen. ich liege noch in meinem Bett, spiele mit meinen Fingern zwischen meinen Beinen, wie immer morgens, aber eher aus Langeweile. Ich hatte noch nie einen Freund, aber chatte regelm
We were in my library and TreFual had just explained the final premise to the text we were studying. Actually 'text' is misleading as the book wasn't a book in the normal sense of the word. The book was a stone dowel about two inches thick and a foot long with a spinner that slid along it's length. Reading the book was simple you simply slid the spinner along the dowel. Instead of words you received mental images, concepts, patterns of energy and feeling. You learned by virtual doing....
Trufex Industries was an up and coming business that dealt with most of the up to date call centers and the one person who enjoyed their work was Luke. He was one guy that everyone could rely on at the office, as worked in the technical support department of the business. If anyone had any problems with their computer, they’d give him a call and he’d be there in a flash. He wasn’t one of these up and coming people who preferred to stay at their desk and remotely control their pc while on the...
Straight SexAgain, two things had a profound impact on the admittedly silly, if not ridiculous mission Alex had set out for herself. The first was that, at 6:30 in the morning, she didn’t really want to get up, herself. Normally, seven was rise and shine time in the household. To her muddled mind, it seemed a shame to make Bob get up, too, so she just went to his bedroom, climbed on top of the covers, and nestled her left breast against his partly open mouth. “Bob,” she whispered. “Time to suck,...
“Captain’s on the bridge,” Crystal announced. “Status report?” “Twelve minutes to the Navy base. Going to DefCon One as previously ordered. No other ships on scanners. Modifications to Shark are finished and we are ready to launch.” “Are all crew members aboard?” “Charlie, Bev, Agatha, Aurora, and Dawn are aboard Rampage to assist with organizing and training the bot troops. Aella’s projected image is aboard Rampage, “ Crystal reported. “Thank you, Crystal. What changes were made to...
In dieser Mitschreibgeschichte soll sich alles um Frauen und ihre Familien, Freundes und Bekanntenkreise drehen. Es soll kein Kunstwerk werden. Einfach locker drauflos schreiben ... Folgende Charaktäre stehen dir am Anfang zur Verfügung:
I walked down the stairs with only one thing on my mind, my brothers’ dick. I wanted him so badly and I knew all his weaknesses. I walked into the living room where John was sitting on the couch watching TV. I stood in front of my brother in my small towel I took from a hotel. It was just long enough to cover my body. He stood up and just looked at me with his sexy eyes. His hand slowly crept up on my waist and pulled me close. John leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I giggled before turning...
IncestHey Everyone My Name Is Karan and I live in Chandigarh this story is about how I fucked my neighbor teen and her mom made them pregnant. Please Ignore my mistakes and any girl and aunty wants to have sex or sex chat can contact me with full privacy my email is I am 5″11 Tall and Fair but good looking and have a dick of about 6″.Alisha is Very sexy girl withe as milk not that tall with a hot figure I have never measured but anyone would die for her. Alisha Was my neighbor and was living next to...
I was listening to an old blues song with the same title, and this popped into my mind. I was also thinking of most of the stories I’d read lately about revenge, and how necessary some people thought it was. I had also been thinking about a creative way for a father to stay close to his children in the event of a divorce. So here it is. No over the top sex, no vicious acts, just a man trying to think himself out of a bad situation. ... Damn, turns out the Blues Brothers were right. It is...
Wilkins“She sure must be mad at us.”“Give her some time. She will come around. You have been a good judge of people till now.”“Yeah, I know. There is something different this time. I thought I read her right.”“She must be wondering about Chris too. I think we should let her deal it with and come to terms. Don’t do anything to fuck it up.”Mel paced around the house. For the first time, in many years, she was not sure of herself. She felt she was on shaky grounds with Jane.“Why could I not just...