HomebodiesChapter 8 free porn video

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Thirty local days after the discovery and destruction of the cholera lab, Gath had the duty at the clinic. By local noon, just four hours after opening, he had already seen sixteen patients, only two of whom had anything verifiably wrong. A major deployment was scheduled for the next day—a two-night maintenance trip consisting of an entire platoon of marines and more than thirty technicians to a dam at the very northern fringes of the AOR—and the inevitable wave of vague, unidentifiable ailments had hit in force. The malady was so common that the medics and med techs had come up with their own name for it: Off Base Deployment Syndrome, or OBDS. Gath examined everyone but so far had issued only one day off pass. That was to a marine who had no verifiable problem but who had never come into the clinic for such a thing before and was therefore granted the benefit of the doubt.

“So, is it still hurting up there now?” Gath asked his latest patient—a female corporal who had come in complaining of chest pain with her breathing.

“Not right at this moment,” she said slyly. Gath had just placed the ERE around her chest and she was smart enough to know that it was capable of measuring the impulses from her sensory nerves.

“So, it stopped when I wrapped the instrument around your chest?” he asked.

“That’s right,” she said.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit odd?” Gath said, his eyebrows raised just a tad.

She looked up at the ceiling for a moment, as if pondering the chances. “I suppose,” she finally allowed with a shrug of her shoulders.

“You suppose?” he said.

She shrugged again. “What do you want from me, Gath?” she asked. “You’re the medic. I came to you for help.”

“Yes,” he said with a sigh. “You did. And you came to me for help six weeks ago when there was a deployment scheduled for a risk assessment sweep outside Merced, remember?”

“Uh ... yeah,” she said. “My back was hurting then.”

“It was your shoulder,” Gath said. “Your back was eight weeks before that, when you presented yourself to Medic Bongwater the night before a maintenance assignment to Tracy reservoir.”

“Oh ... oh yeah, my shoulder,” she said.

“And four weeks before that, it was your hip that was bothering you when you came to see Medic Zennish the day before a major interdiction assignment to Reno. Are you starting to see a pattern here, Corporal?”

“A pattern?” she asked.

“A pattern,” he said. “Something that repeats itself over and over in a predictable way. It’s a very common word.”

“I know what a pattern is,” she said angrily. “I just don’t see one here. Just because I happened to get hurt a lot right before deployments doesn’t mean there’s a pattern. There’s plenty of deployments where I didn’t get hurt, right?”

“Well ... yeah, I suppose that’s true,” Gath had to admit. “However, when you do get hurt, it always seems to be the day before a deployment, right?”

“That don’t mean nothing,” she said. “It’s just a coincidence.”

“Of course,” Gath said. “And the fact that we can never find anything wrong with you is another coincidence, right?”

“Exactly,” she said, pleased that he was on her program.

Gath sighed. “I’ll leave you hooked up for a few more minutes to try to catch a glimpse of this elusive pain of yours, Corporal,” he told her. “If I don’t see anything, however, I’m going to have to assume you’re fit for duty tomorrow.”

She rolled her eyes at the ceiling. “That’s what you torkin’ medics always say.”

“Sorry,” he said, though he was anything but. This five-minute encounter with a perfectly healthy marine with going to result in a thirty-minute DOC, of which he was already down five from the previous perfectly healthy marines.

Leaving the corporal on the exam table, Gath walked back over to the desk in the center of the room. His holograph station was on standby, as indicated by the rotating medical corps icon that hovered just above the stage. He sat down in his chair and leaned back for a moment, feeling a slight headache trying to establish itself behind his eyes. He tried to will it away but it wouldn’t go. If it got much worse, he was going to prescribe himself a little broad-spectrum prostaglandin inhibitor to push it back down.

“Meddy, open holo,” Gath said.

The icon expanded and became the chart for the corporal. He quickly added a few notations to it, tapping here with his fingers, swiping a few check boxes there, and then recording a brief summary of his assessment findings. It was just the barest start to the DOC, getting the basics in while they were fresh in his head. He then closed the chart for later, putting it at the bottom of the pile, as it were. As soon as it closed, the DOC that he had been working on when the corporal had been brought in reappeared automatically. He looked at the lines and checkboxes, at the name on top, and realized he could not even remember what the marine for whom this DOC was for had been complaining of.

“I think I need to clear my head a little,” he muttered to himself. “Meddy, close charts for now. Bring up my personal mail program.”

“You got it, Gath,” Meddy said. “I will remind you, however, that, despite the directive from General Vaxine authorizing the access to personal mail during work hours in light of the coming extended outgoing communications lag, Supervising Medic Cooler has issued his own directive forbidding it.”

“Yeah yeah,” Gath said. “I’ll take my chances.”

“As you wish,” Meddy said. “Personal mail program opening.”

The charts disappeared and the mail icon appeared briefly before opening up into a hologram of tabs relating to the various types and stages of mail. Gath touched the one labeled “inbox” and it expanded into a file full of recently received messages from the last data dump. Items he had already viewed were darker in color than those he had not. He had sixteen unviewed files, most of them from bill collectors trying to extract payment from him that, because of the communications lag, they did not know he had long since made, or companies he had once done business with who were trying to sell him things he did not need. He clicked on a file from his mother, which he had viewed but not yet responded to. It was a holographic message, as were most personal mail messages in this day and age, showing her from the waist up. She was an attractive woman, her face just showing the barest hint of her actual age, her brown hair long and flowing over her shoulders, as was the Brittanic custom. He skipped quickly through the four-minute message, jumping forward in twenty second hops, just so he could refresh himself on the questions she had asked and the information she had passed on. Since the message had been composed more than twelve metric weeks before, and, since it would likely be another six to eight weeks before his reply reached her, it was a little like talking to someone in another dimension. But that was life in The Fleet.

“End message,” Gath said. “Compose reply.”

“Holographic recorder in standby mode at default settings,” Meddy told him. “Recording will commence when you start to speak.”

Gath looked at the spinning record hologram, which was where the focus of the recording would be centered. He put a weary smile on his face. “Greetings, Mom,” he said. “I just received your last message to me a few days ago. As you can see from the time and location stamp on the message, I’m still in the homeland, still assigned to the Central Valley Secondary base on the North American landmass. You asked me in your message if there was any possibility of securing a transfer to a place a little safer...” He shrugged apologetically. “Unfortunately, that’s not really possible right now. It’s pretty much written in stone that you have to do a metric year at a forward base before they will even consider posting you away from the homers. That’s how The Fleet works. I knew that when I put my derm on the pad. Don’t worry too much about me, however. As I’ve told you before, we never set foot outside our buildings without full armor on. And while the homers are a vicious, dangerous bunch, they’re poorly armed and equipped, almost stone-age level. They kill each other wholesale but they’re not much threat to us. I know you’ve seen the reports of some of the deaths of marines here over the past year, and, as I told you in my last message, I was even involved in one of the incidents where one of our people was killed, but the odds are still very much in my favor. There was a cluster of deaths recently but that was a probably a statistical anomaly and nothing more. And even when you consider all the factors, it was only ten marines out of the thirty plus thousand stationed here on the planet. And I’m not even a marine, Mother. I’m the medic who tends to stay in the rear and out of harm’s way.”

He felt a little pang of guilt at lying to her on this last point, but quickly squashed it. The purpose of the message was to ease his mother’s mind, not to tell the truth.

He continued. “I’m coming to you today from the clinic where I usually work. Meddy, give my mother a ten second zoom out of the surroundings, pixelate the patients’ faces in the shot, and then bring it back to standard.”

“Understood, Gath,” Meddy replied.

“As you can see,” he said, “it’s indoors, deep in the safety of the walls, a simple clinic like any other. I spend most of my days in here, taking care of marines who twist their ankles or bump their little heads, or are having allergic reactions to the air. Nine tenths of what I do here is routine and boring, like today for instance. I’ve fused a few lacerations, looked down a few throats, and dealt with an endless stream of off-base deployment syndrome—I explained what that was a few comms back, didn’t I? This is my normal day, Mother. Not quite the excitement and death defying action you’re worried about me engaging in, I’m sure.

“So, by now Meddy should have given you the tenth of a credit tour and brought you back to my smiling face. Usually they don’t let me compose mail while on duty but ... well, there’s been a change in the order of things recently and they’ve made an exception. You see, they’re telling us there is a shortage of data transfer probes in this sector of space and, as a result, they’re going to restrict afferent communications—those are communications heading inward from the outlying regions like this one—for the foreseeable future. After zero five hundred Universal time today—that’s in about four hours—they’re going to fire off the last afferent probe from Sol and we’re going to have to wait until the next one accumulates five hundred petabytes of data before it is fired off. Each successive afferent probe until the Doxy system, five circuit jumps from here, will be the same. In these outlying systems it’s going to take a while for a probe to accumulate five petes of data, so the net effect is that it’s probably going to be at least a Britannic year before you get another message from me. I’ll keep sending them of course, but they’re just going to sit there in the probe stations until they get moved along. You and the rest of the family can keep sending your normal comms to me. Efferent communications—those are communications moving from the AZ and vicinity toward the outlying systems—will keep sending at the same rate. Does this make any sense whatsoever?” He gave a cynical shrug. “No, it really doesn’t. We’ve been kind of puzzling over that one ever since we got the news and no one can really offer a reasonable explanation for why they didn’t just tweak both incoming and outgoing equally if there really is a probe shortage. That’s life in the Fleet for you. Sometimes things make perfect sense but sometimes, usually when the ultra-whiteshirts get their little minds operating without consulting with the actual operational humes, common sense becomes a little uncommon.

“And so, anyway ... speaking of outgoing comms and news from the Sol system, you’re going to see a lot of my face when this data dump finally reaches you. In the same batch with this message will be a lot of news comms and holos about ... well ... kind of a nasty incident we had here with the homers. I’ve told you how savage many of them are ... about the kinds of things they do to each other. Well ... a few days ago I was the medic on an incident that was ... uh ... pretty bad, even by homer standards.”

He gave her a brief rundown of the cholera incident, softening up a few of the nastier details but omitting none of the facts.

“To tell you the truth, Mother, this one is kind of gnawing at me. You told me a few comms back that I seemed different after working on the Sol, that I seemed less sympathetic toward the homebodies, harder and more jaded. Well ... you were right, of course, though I didn’t really want to admit it. This place gets to you and these people ... these people living in the cradle of humanity...” He shook his head. “It’s hard not to get jaded as you look at what’s become of them, their savagery, their ignorance, their unwillingness to change for their own good.

“In any case, since I was the medic in charge of the operation, the whiteshirts and the command docs kind of made me the holo-boy of the incident. I think the fact that I’m a groundie probably factored in as well. You see, I’ve been told by someone who should know that there is a major change of Homeland Policy coming up and they know that the groundborn populations are the ones who are most opposed to any such change in the policy. As such, they recorded a briefing and an interview with me where I discuss all the nasty little details of the cholera incident and they’ve been showing it non-stop here in the Sol ever since it happened along with a lot of the holos I took on the mission, the most graphic ones in particular. I’m now kind of famous here and I have no doubt the same holos will go streaming out across human space—from one end to the other, but especially to the Fleet associated planetary populations—once it gets dumped out of the Sol circuit point. I was pretty mad when I gave that interview, Mom. Everything from that day was still fresh in my mind. I could still smell the swamp gas and feces, could still see the faces of those kids ... those children...” He shook his head. “I’m still mad, still disgusted by what these people are capable of doing, but I’ve had time to think now and I’m hoping they’re not just using my words as simple propaganda. That was not my intention when I gave that interview, when I composed that report, and if it comes across that way on Brittany, in the rest of human space ... I just want you and everyone who knows me to understand that ... well ... while I think that some modification of Homeland Policy might be in order ... I don’t hate these people and I am not an advocate of starving them or abandoning them. I just think we need to come up with something different ... something that does not just perpetuate this whole cycle of helplessness and despair they’re in.”

He sighed again, pausing almost long enough for the holo recorder to automatically pause. “I don’t know, Mom,” he finally said. “Maybe the whiteshirts and the spacie politicians really did come up with a solution. Maybe I’m worried about nothing. In any case, that is how things are going here in the Sol. I’m hoping to send a comm to Dad and sis as well but since I’m on duty until well past the final relay probe, I might not get a chance. If that is the case, could you please forward this comm to them and send them my love? I’ll be in touch when I can. Hopefully the next time you hear from me, I’ll be in a better place. All my love, Gath.

“Meddy, end recording.”

“Recording stopped,” Meddy replied. “Would you like to send?”

“Yes,” Gath said. “Go ahead and send it.”

The spinning mail icon began to send faster and the word “SENDING” appeared above it, flashing in red. A few seconds later, “SENDING” changed to “SENT”. A notation in smaller print, always present when a message had to pass through one or more circuit points, explained that, due to the variables of interstellar communication, there would be a necessary delay before the recipient received the correspondence.

“Returning to inbox,” Meddy said.

Gath looked at the tabs for a few moments, looking mostly at the last message from his father. He and his mother had officially dissolved their marriage now and he was involved in a romantic relationship with a female agricultural engineer he had met during a revamp of his farm. Her name was Andronicus Dealerman (Andy for short), and she was an attractive dark-haired girl with brown eyes and an engaging smile and tremendously large breasts. Gath had never met her, had only seen holos of her but she seemed nice enough, at least she did based on his father’s and sister’s descriptions of her. He ought to send him a personal holo as well, he knew, but his sense of duty kept him from opening the tab and starting a recording.

“Meddy, close mail program and get me the charts back,” he said.

“As you wish, Gath,” Meddy replied, making it so.

Gath’s message, like all such messages, was converted into binary code, encrypted, and sent from the medical holographic terminal via ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation to a base network receiver on the ceiling of the clinic. From there, fiber optic cable carried the message to the primary CVS server which shipped it through more fiber optic cable to a satellite transmitter atop a tower near the CVS base operations building. Once there, it was transmitted by microwave radiation to a communication satellite in geosynchronous orbit over the Amazon basin of Earth. From there, it went to a satellite receiver sphere mounted on the underside of the structure of Homeport Topside where it traveled through even more fiber optic cable to the primary server for Fleet Operations, Sol sector. This is the path that any message sent by Gath or anyone else in the Fleet who was stationed on Earth would have taken, even if the message had been intended for a user at a terminal across the room from the sender.

This part of the journey took a little more than one fourth of a second. From the primary server, the message was now supposed to be duplicated, with one copy dropped in the SENT file of the message’s author: registered user Gathius Stoner, Fleet Medic. The original was then supposed to be sent via boosted microwave radiation to the Sol-Proxima circuit point, either directly across open space to the circuit point’s receiver dish, or, if the circuit point was not currently in line of sight due to eclipse of either the Earth or Sol, to routing satellites in orbit of Mars or Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, whichever was more convenient, and then to the Sol-Proxima communications relay. This part, however, did not take place as it was supposed to.

A few lines of code had been inserted into the routing subroutine twenty-seven local days before. This code instructed a recently installed program to decrypt and scan any outgoing personal mail for specific phrases and content. Had none of those phrases or any of that content been present, the mail would be sent on its normal journey to the circuit point and a duplicate made and dropped in the sender’s SENT box. Gath’s message, however, did contain some of those phrases and some of that content. As such, it was diverted into a holding file deep within the server’s storage bin, behind three layers of voice pass and fingerprint guarded security programs. Once the message arrived in the bin, a return message was sent to user Gathius Stoner, telling him his message had been successfully transmitted, even though it had not been, and another message was sent to a holo terminal on the thirty-eighth sublevel of Homeport Topside, a terminal that sat in a private office inside of a secure subsection of the Fleet Operations area—a subsection that was accessed through a guarded door that was labeled OFFICE OF FLEET INTELLIGENCE.

Thirty seconds after the message was dropped into this special box, a second career age man named Gauge Flippart, Flip for short, had opened it and was reviewing it. Flip held the rank of Commander, the naval equivalent of a lieutenant colonel. This was a very modest rank in a building where most of the marine generals and fleet admirals who ran things in the Sol system had their respective offices, but in this case, the rank was deceiving. As the head of Fleet Intelligence in the Sol system, Commander Flip and his contingent of ninety men and women existed outside the traditional chain of command and in many ways were considered to be above it, able to utilize it for their goals and directives, many of which came directly from the upper echelon of Fleet Operations in Alpha Zulu or, as was the current case, from the very members of the civilian Executive Committee that ruled civilized human space itself.

Flip’s office, in contrast to the power that could be wielded from within it, was unassertive, with only a single desk with two holo terminals. There was no window, no private shitter, no couch, no water dispenser. On the wall above his standard issue office chair were a few photographs of his family. There was his wife of thirty-nine years, Amelesia, who lived in a bi-level residence in the Zanteca Space Complex nine circuit jumps away. There were his two children Veva and Syst, who were thirty-six and thirty-three respectively, the former a recently promoted Fleet lieutenant who was serving as a weapons officer aboard an assault landing ship in the rebellious Oleander Cluster, the latter a mid-level manager for Sparring Industries in the Hulu System, a company that provided the Fleet with communications equipment. There was, of course, no picture of his current lover Thepa, a thirty-three year old civilian woman who owned and operated a contract bakery that provided the Fleet stationed at Topside with sugary desert items, the likes of which were one of the few food luxuries that spaceborn consumed with any regularity.

He watched Gath’s private holograph message to the end and then replayed it once more, just for clarity. He shook his head slowly as the narrative neared the end, feeling anger primarily, but also the slightest bit of shame at what he was doing and what now had to be done. Still, these were trying times and the solution to a thousand-year-old problem was now at hand. He would do what he needed to do to be sure that solution was carried out without interference.

“Telly,” he told his computer, “return the mail message from Medic Stoner to the storage file and continue to notify me if any more are flagged.”

“As you wish,” the computer replied, its voice feminine with just a hint of a husky Alpha Zulu accent.

“Hold any further messages from Medic Stoner in storage until after the last afferent probe is fired. Once that occurs, go ahead and send them to the next probe.”

“As you wish.”

“And get me Doc Bookender. Highest priority.”

“Comming Doc Bookender,” he was told.

It took less than thirty seconds for Doc Bookender’s face to appear on the holo stage. He was wearing his standard white shirt of command, his face unsmiling, the stress of these past weeks showing on it.

“Bookender here,” his holo said, giving a nod of recognition. “What’s the word, Flip?”

“How are things going down there, Book?” he asked. “Is everything still moving forward?”

“Right on schedule,” Bookender told him. “We’ll be ready to kick off the operation one metric week after that last afferent probe fires off.” He shook his head a little. “I still think we should wait half a cycle, maybe more. If we give the new policy briefing to the Sol system just three days after that last afferent probe fires, people are not going to help but see the connection. They’re already going to suspect that that little probe shortage you’ve cited as the communications delay is ratslag—purg, a lot of them suspect that now—but with only a one-week period between that two events...”

Flippart sighed. “I hear you, Book,” he said. “Truly I do. We want to get this operation rolling as fast as possible though. We need to be well immersed in it by the time the first of the delayed afferent probes fires and all those messages and reports of what we’re doing starts working its way back to the groundies in the inner systems. We need to be well beyond the point of no return by then. At least with Phase 1.”

“The groundies are eventually going to hear about this,” Bookender reminded him. “Remember, it will take sixteen metric years for the entire plan to be carried out to completion. You’re not going to be able to contain news in the Sol system until then. I would be amazed if you managed to contain it even through this probe shortage period you’ve manufactured.”

“Look,” Flippart said, “We don’t really have to worry about the groundie population. We have authorization for this operation. Authorization under the constitution of the Federation of Human Space Inhabitants. This authorization was approved by both houses of the legislature and signed into law by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.”

“Yes,” Bookender said. “And it was all done in secrecy, without any news being released to our own people, let alone the various governments of the groundborn.”

“There is a clause in the constitution that says the information can be classified if there is a credible threat to the lives of marines or Fleet members,” Flippart insisted.

“Yes,” Bookender agreed with a sigh. “And you know as well as I do that this threat you’re hypothesizing is quite a stretch of the imagination.”

“Some may say that,” Flip said softly.

“Many may say that,” Bookender countered. “Quite frankly, I’m amazed that none of those legislative members have leaked anything to the media yet. That alone should tell you how grave what we’re planning to do here is.”

“Are you having second thoughts, Bookender?” Flippart asked pointedly. “I seem to recall that the entire basis of this plan was your idea.”

“I’m not having second thoughts about the plan itself,” Bookender said. “It is the most humane and practical solution to the problem of the homeland. I am having second thoughts about the secrecy however. If it’s such a great plan, why are we afraid to have the groundborn planets hear about it? Why are we engaging in what some would say is unconstitutional suppression of information?”

“We have no obligation under the constitution to tell the groundborn about this operation,” Flippart repeated.

“Agreed,” Bookender said. “But what about suppressing release of media reports from the Sol system under the guise of a probe shortage?”

“That is in a bit of a gray area,” Flippart reluctantly admitted. “However, it was deemed necessary by myself, the Speaker of the Legislature, and the Executive Council and I do have a legal order from that body to carry out such suppression. My common sense dictates to me that this is an order that makes sense and should therefore be obeyed. I have the utmost faith that a federal judge, if one should review this order and my response to it, would agree.”

“But no federal judge has been told about this order,” Bookender said.

“That is neither fore nor aft,” Flippart said. “In any case, what I commed you about in the first place has direct bearing on this order.”


“Yes. One of your docs has prematurely released information to one of the working medics on the surface. Because of this, there is now a group of people who know we’re about to announce a major change in Homeland Policy.”

“One of my docs?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

“Doc Voogle, your head of western hemisphere medical operations,” Flippart told him.

“Vee?” he asked. “Are you sure? She has been instrumental in the planning of this operation. She is the one who interviewed Medic Stoner about that nasty business near NAWM. She is the one who released those interviews and the holos he took of the incident to the press so they could be shipped out with the last afferent probe and rile up the population. It is those holos and those reports that might just keep the groundies on our side when the slag finally hits the intake.”

“Yes, all very commendable and a fine job on her part,” Flippart said. “She also apparently let it slip to Medic Stoner that a major change in homeland policy was soon to be announced and that this change was being referred to as a ‘concluding resolution’.”

“Vee told Stoner that?”

“She did,” Flippart confirmed. “And because she did, Stoner has apparently been flapping his jaw about it to every medic and marine at CVS. Some of those medics and marines, in turn, have spread that rumor to the outlying outposts they visit and even to NAWM, where other medics, marines, docs, and civilian scientists stage for travels far and wide across this little slaghole of a planet where they may then spread it to other Fleet personnel. Fortunately, the further the rumor spreads from flapping mouth zero, Stoner, the less coherent and accurate it gets, but still ... this is a serious breach of operational security and it has had me scrambling to keep it contained.”

“Contained?” Bookender said slowly, a scowl forming on his face. “How are you keeping it contained?”

“The rumor itself cannot be kept contained,” he admitted. “What I can do, however, and what I have been doing, it keep any trace of it from filtering out of the Sol system in that last probe.”

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"Are you going to jump?" Ted almost did. The unexpected voice from behind startled him, his body taking a half step towards the edge of the rock. He caught himself, hands not quite flailing for a safety railing which was not there. The roar of the waterfall filled his ears, the rocks far below suddenly very close. Balance once again regained, he turned. She stood on the dirt path, hands clasped before her. She was not pretty. To him, at least, not that he was influence much by physical...

4 years ago
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First time fucking a prostitute

-finali is over!! Alex says after a hard day at work. He was the last one in, all his co-workers were gone, now to go home have a few beers, a movie and go to sleep….a blowjob would be good to but he didn’t have a girlfriend ore a friend with benefits, he was all alone….life wasn’t easy, couldnt remember when was the last time he got a good fuck or a handjob, only porn and self satisfaction was his option. As he was walking to his car the only thing on his mind was a warm mouth ore pussy on...

3 years ago
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a passing chance

I hadnt seen Miles for about 15 years when we were at school and used to explore one anothers bodies.We´d sit in his bedroom and play with one another cocks until hard a gagging to burst. His was the first cock I saw cum apart form my own!so, the years passed and one sunny day we met by chance in a cafe in a busy town. We sat with oneanother a chatted about school days but avoiding the conversation about our sexual desires..We chatted out way through two coffees and a whisky each. Looking at...

3 years ago
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On the Prowl0

I think to myself before I open the door: You saw as you circled the area, there were no lights on in the main house; the barn was black, and the nearest neighbors, who are four acres away, did not seem to be home either. Now was the time if I was going to make my move. I hunker down in the driver’s seat and wait for what little cross traffic there is to pass before I open the door and slip out. I flip up the hood on my black jacket and ready myself. As the only car in sight passes my...

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TeenCreeper Brooke Haze E16

Truant Gets Trained Wannabe bad girl Brooke Haze is cutting class and smoking outside. Later, she’s picked up by her tough-guy boyfriend Bruno and whisked away to a less-than scennic make out spot, things quickly sour from there and soon she’s taken home. She dances around in her little naughty schoolgirl outfit briefly then receives a call from a mysterious Creeper telling her how she needs to be punished for being a slutty teen delinquent. Naive young Brooke doesn’t take him...

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The Perfect Prescription Part III

I swallowed nervously as Master greeted Dr. Johnson. I stood awkwardly trying to cover up my reddened tits and pussy, still stinging from the cat Master had used on me. Master slapped me hard on the ass and told me to greet the doctor properly. After I had, he told me to get some drinks ready and that he and the doctor needed to talk. I walked into the kitchen and prepared drinks for the men and set them on a tray. I carried it to the living room and approached my Master and the doctor. They...

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BoundGangBangs Jay Taylor DP8217d in First Gangbang Ever

Cute girl next door Jay Taylor is chilling at home when she hears a loud knock at the door. She opens the door to find a flustered Zachary Wild who needs help reaching his friends and their tow truck. She invites him in to use her phone and wait for his buddies. When his friends arrive, they are immediately distracted by Jay’s gorgeous tits. They pull up her top to kiss, lick, and smack her full breasts. Soon, Jay finds herself on her knees with cock in her mouth! This slut couldn’t...

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Away for the Summer Part VI

Away for the Summer, Part VI by Forsythe This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Please read Parts I through IV before continuing. Further edited versions to the segments of this tale may be found on my Deviant Art account: http://stipanow.deviantart.com/ After saying goodbye to her friend and thanking her once more for her help with the car seat, Sally came back over to the stroller to find Joe still trying to hide his face like an infant playing peek-a-boo. Reaching into...

4 years ago
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Tina VasquezChapter 2

"I gotta tell you guys." Roy was swaying in the moonlight, taking a piss in the low scrub a few yards from the bonfire. Mike felt pretty loose himself as he sucked down his eighth beer of the night and threw the empty across the fire to Miguel, who dropped it. "Butter fingers!" Larry laughed at the running back. "I gotta tell you guys," Roy repeated. "That's why I don't pull on the screens," one of the other linemen said, burping loudly. "He ain't gonna catch it...

1 year ago
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My Boss My SlutChapter 6

Brenda was still fucking her ass on my cock, she had never stopped moving; I just laid on my side while she did all the work. When Brenda had screamed and squirted her shaking had made my finger and thumb slip from her clit. I now put them back "OH GOD YESSSSS..." she screamed again, then I pinched again "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... SHITTTTTTTT FUCK MY ASS FUCK MY ASS HARD she bellowed as she once again squited her pussy juice all over her side of the bed. "We're gonna need plastic sheets,"...

2 years ago
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Cheap Thrills

Thanks to Mikothebaby for her tireless work editing this story. Let's get to it. It was yet another perfect late summer day as I hopped over the edge of the giant bucket and unsteadily ran towards the closest restroom. I dodged a man and his small son who were standing in the doorway, lost in a conversation about whether or not the boy needed to go. Coming at them from my angle, I could already see what the boy's dad couldn't. The reason his child no longer needed to go, was because...

2 years ago
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Secondary Education Chapter 3 Self Improvement

Secondary Education By Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 3 Self Improvement Please email me a comment if you are enjoying (or not) my story. Our apartment is dark, hot and empty when I get home. I am a latchkey kid, and have been since my dad went to jail for the penultimate time, when he got his second strike for dealing meth back in '02. Now, he's in for 25, and I am sure Mom is heading back into custody for parole violation. In her waste basket I find used...

1 year ago
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Beverly Hills 9021OH

Greetings, pervs, and pervettes. I'm Beth, a twenty-six-year-old, who's wandering aimlessly since graduating from UCLA with a degree in Italian Renaissance Literature. With such a practical degree I knew opportunity would soon come banging on my door replacing the student loan vampires currently camped at my Westwood double-wide.Broke and desperate, my nerves were as frayed as the jeans I've worn during my seven years of college. My baloney and generic hot dog diet were as tasteless as an...

4 years ago
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Dream Shave

This is my first time submitting a story, here it goes....So it was the beginning of summer a couple of years ago, we were all between 17-19 years old and we had just finished our exams so college was out for the summer and we were having a big party at a friends house.Everyone was having a good time, drinks were flowing, when I settled in one of the rooms chatting with three girls, Lucy (on the rounder side with an amazing rack), Lizzy (much fitter with E cup tits), and the girl that I fancied...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Brad and TracyChapter 3

I headed down the hall to Janet's room and heard the unmistakable sounds of feminine pleasure coming from behind Janet's door. I didn't really think anything of it; this wasn't the first time that I had seen her masturbate, and I was sure that it wouldn't be the last. The general rule there was not to disturb her. I needed clothes, so I just opened the door quietly. Her bed can't be seen from the door, so when I opened it and entered the room, I didn't really think anything about the...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome My First Orgy

My first threesome came after my first orgy. And I’m glad it did. While experiencing many people at the same time is great, it can also be overwhelming. You can get lost in an ocean of stimulation. It takes experience to learn how to navigate that ocean and direct its course. I had my first orgy at seventeen and became overwhelmed with the stimulation. At twenty-two, I had my first threesome and was much better prepared for the task.We did not plan the threesome. My college girlfriend, Ariel...

4 years ago
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Life Altering Experience

He stared at his sister exiting the pool, water dripping from her thin, tanned body It glistened on her stomach and legs, causing her bikini top to cling revealingly to her small breasts. It accentuated their soft curves, and the taut nipples peaked as the cool air hit them. Greg hated to admit it, but he was more aroused then he'd ever been in his life. His dick knew it as it hardened rapidly and strained against the confines of his shorts. Not that he needed his genitals to tell him what he...

2 years ago
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Sex In Venice

I had been to Venice several times and was never disappointed by its magic. Yes, there are hordes of tourists throughout the year, but what can you expect if you seek out such a preposterously over-the-top, baroque city-on-an-island? A man-made fairytale confection, doomed to eventually sink into the lagoon that surrounds it, like a latter day Atlantis.I had met Alicea on a European dating site. We 'clicked' from the word go and when I suggested a long weekend in Venice, she didn't need asking...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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A Birthday present for a virgin

Peter sat on the bed and pulled off his black socks one at a time. He wasn’t in any rush. He was in his boxers now but nothing else and he was leaving them on till the very last moment. Peter was a virgin. I say was, because at the time of writing, he has had his nuts well and truly busted. Aisha and Gemma had almost no experience with guys at all. Gemma had sucked a cock once. Aisha had sucked a couple of guys off a few years back and had had a single messy experience, on a different occasion....

First Time
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Colton came up to Joan and pulled her hair back, gently kissing her and pulling her tightly against him. He stroked her hair and gently nuzzled her hair, ‘I need you Joan… I need you right now.’ He whisperd against her throat. Joan moaned softly and pulled him closer, grabbing his hand pulling him up the stairs to her room. They went inside and both layed down on the bed. Joan looked at Colton, she saw his deep dark brown eyes, with dark black flakes in them. She loved his eyes. She tangled her...

1 year ago
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Her First Thrashing

His right arm rose and the cane he was holding rose with it. A slight pause at the top of the swing and then it lashed down again.….WHACK….. it landed across the centre of the pink bottom in front of him. The owner of that bottom sucked in her breath sharply and rocked forward slightly onto the balls of her feet before returning to her position just in time for …..WHACK….. it happened again. It had already happened twice before this narrative started and it was destined to happen twice more...

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Sarahs Bully

Sarah is sitting at her desk in her dorm when her roommate comes in. She recognizes her roommates look, feeling a bit of dread in her stomach.

3 years ago
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For King and Country Part 1

King & Country (part 1) By Miss K Prologue: Tangier.. Heathrow.. Vauxhall I heard the sea breaking below my window just before dawn and woke. I knew I was to fly back to London that morning. My leave of absence was over and I was to return to work. I lay in bed, feeling the grumble in my belly and rubbing the stubble on my chin from three days' growth. The heat was rising now, inexorably moving the coolness of the night aside as the blinds rippled in the rising...

2 years ago
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Sexy Sportscaster

 (This story is true, but I must hide certain facts like names) Hello, I'm writing from Indianapolis, which from this point on, I'll refer to as Indy. I am a 41 year old marketing executive for a large corporation that deals in sports apparel. We have a contract with the NFL, so I travel to numerous games during the year. This past weekend, I was in Honolulu for the NFL Pro Bowl. On Monday morning, I boarded a flight from Honolulu to Indy for the Super Bowl. I always fly first class, It's much...

Straight Sex
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Lanie was my next door neighbor. I was enamored of her since she moved in as a brand-new bride. I was 13, and she was 20 years old. Tall, blonde, with B cup breasts, and a beautiful set of blue eyes. I thought that she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Many nights were spent masturbating, and dreaming of her. Now she was 25 and I was 18 not much had changed. Then her husband left her. She came in to see my mother, and you could see that she had been crying. She told mom that she was...

1 year ago
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Feminine Experience 8211 Part I

Hii all iss readers, mai XXX (name changed) from Nasik (any married women from Nasik can contact me on feminine(dot)lover 86 at gmail dot com), ye story mai narrate kar raha hu joh 100% real hai. Is mai koi kalpanik kadiya nahi hai. Ye story jinki hai woh meri hai jab mai 6th std mai tha tab unki shadi mere bhaiya se yani mere neighbor se hui thi, jo ki ek bungalow ke malik hai aur peshe se businessman hai, ab meri sapno ke rani ke bareme batata hu wo goro chitti hai dudh ka color hai unka. Woh...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of ArchieChapter 3 Archie Buys a Mattress

The fabulous foursome of Archie, Jerry, Bettina and Veronica had their eighteen year old sunscreen protected bodies stretched out on Bettina's huge towel right next to the swimming dock donated by Mr. Hornsby, a local manufacturer who made his fortune in mattresses. Veronica got most of the stares because her twin buttocks were rising like Swiss Alps into the lazy summer air. Jerry was reading a dirty comic book with pictures of almost-naked girls running away from horny guys with lust in...

1 year ago
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Marwadi Bhabi Ko Us K Ghar Ja K Choda

Ek baar mene ek najara dekha ek marwadi bhabi apne ghar me pocha lga rahi thi wo 32 26 34 ki size ki he or lambe baal gori gori k koi b use dekhate he man he man me chod de uska blous pura niche aa gaya tha or saree ghutno se bohot uper thi wo apne kaam me busy thi to uska dhyan nai tha mere pass use us pos me dekhate he mera lund khada ho gaya or wo chali gi waha se turan bhag k aya or apne bathroom me ja k muth marke apne aap ko halka kar diya us din k baad to me unka diwana ho gaya jab wo...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of Bens Foot Fetish

As a private school teacher, I have a part time job to help make ends meet. I am working at the local shoe store. My infatuation with women's feet started in my teens.Corrine and I met at the shoe store. She is twenty-five years old and very attractive. Corrine is 5’6” with shoulder length auburn hair. Her eyes are light brown. I always make sure to help her every time she comes in.One particular evening, Corrine came in just as I was getting ready to close up. She wore a knee length pleated...

2 years ago
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Sexy aunt in tights

I sat at the bar in the kitchen looking across the room at my Aunt Pat as she talked to my Mom. I trying to appear both calm and relaxed outside because inside I was on fire. My aunt stopped by on her way home from work and had expected Mom to already be gone. Mom sat at one end of the table and Aunt Pat at the other. From where I sat I could see both of them in profile but, they could only see each other from the waist up. Aunt Pat was wearing very conservative knee length black skirt and...

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Cheating girlfreind 2

I have been a bit dim at times and not really chosen anyone decent to be with but my first proper boyfriend i lived with wasn't very good in bed, he was 32 and i was 19, but i was good in bed so it didn't matter too much. Anyway about a year of me being on top, and only me giving him oral sex i complained to my boyfreind that our sex life was pissing me off. That night we planned for him to go on top (yay missionary had never seemed so exciting) and give me oral sex for a change and tbf i did...

1 year ago
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Better Days

Better Days By Lyta Somabre This is my first try at this, so please add a review with any comments or constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. ******** Neil despised autumn. The falling of the leaves only served as an omen of the cold weather to come. If there is one thing a bike courier doesn't need its frostbite on his hands and face. As if this job didn't take enough out of you all ready. It was only 10:00am and he was dead tired. Neil Horowitz...

1 year ago
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Slave to Passion Chapter3 Drugs chains and dildos

The next day as i woke up i noticed that i was no longer in Kenith's arms. he was sitting on my chair and my master was infront of him. i saw him pour some pouder into the a glass of water and hand it off to Kenith, who, was perfectly naked with a collar and shakles on. he looked scared as he drank the water. i knew what it was, the Date Rape drug. I sat up as Kenith finished the water. he looked dizy and fell to his side panting a little. Master ran his fingers over Kenith's chest and...

1 year ago
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EuroGirlsOnGirls Sybil Agatha Vega SexAddicted Masseur Sybil Seduces Sultry Spanish Client in Sapphic Scene

Majestic Ukrainian masseur Sybil has invited you over to her place to confess a secret: she’s a sex addict! It doesn’t matter if there’s a guy or a girl around, she wants it all. And when no one’s around, she can’t stop pleasuring herself. To show you that she’s serious, she plays with her perfectly-rounded rack before taking out a dildo and rubbing her taut little twat with it for you to behold. But after making herself cum, it’s back to business as...

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AvatarChapter 7

Anna experienced a moment of disorientation as the world shifted around her. Suddenly she and Nicole were on a sandy beach with a tropical jungle off to one side. "Where are we?" "A little island in the middle of nowhere." "Why are we here?" "So I can convince you to give me a chance at being your lover." Anna was about to tell her not to bother, when a fantastic looking woman stepped from the jungle. She was only wearing a simple, blue dress, but that detracted nothing from her...

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The New Girl in School Part 5 Playing the Wife

New Girl in School Part V-Parent Teacher Conference and Confessions "What do you mean you can't attend this?" Chloe asked Morton, in a nearly pleading tone the afternoon after she got the letter in the mail. She gave him the puppy dog eyes treatment, in the hopes that he could make it. "No, sadly not, you should know-I am out and about all day during the week until 6pm or so," Morton retorted back to her face as they were eating an early dinner-chinese takeout since Morton couldn't...

2 years ago
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Monday Morning

I hate Mondays. They are the worse day of the week by far. It is the first day back to work and I sooooo don’t want to be there. I am tired from the weekend and I have to get up way to early to suit me. I am a night owl and always will be. As I get closer to work I start trying to come up with ideas for our Monday morning meeting. I have none as usual. Why anyone thinks Monday morning is a good time for a meeting I will never know. When I get to work I notice a new car in the parking lot. I...

Straight Sex
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The Island

This story contains graphic sex and the main character is turned into a human toilet. If this does not interest you read no further. THE ISLAND by Lauren Westley Chapter One I'll never forget how it all started. I was in the Caribbean fishing with 5 other guys. We were about 200 miles south of Florida when a squall suddenly appeared making the sky ominous and the waves quite treacherous. Our boat road the waves pretty well and we managed to radio for help but a half hour...

3 years ago
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Lightning Striking

The sound of the lawn mower hummed in the background as Kelley opened the windows in the house. The hot summer air mixed with the sent of freshly cut grass. Smiling, Kelley watched as Cam drove the lawn mower around in a small circle, trying to get the last stubborn weed before moving onto the next section of the lawn. The wind had picked up and dust was rolling behind the mower. “We really need the rain.” Kelley said out loud as she looked to the southeast corner of the sky. ...

3 years ago
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General Factotum

GENERAL FACTOTUM By Monica Graz EPISODE 1 CHAPTER 1 I was seriously unhappy when I met Linda. It was totally unexpected of course since I am not the flirting type and I never make a pass to a girl. It was as if everything was planned to happen that particularly warm and balmy Friday night. I was sitting alone in my favorite bar with the funny name 'joker', since my two closest friends were busy and couldn't join me in our steady Friday night...

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The Riverwake Tower

1. Prison Clara shuddered as she listened to the commotion downstairs. By the goddess, the guards had followed her to Maria?s tavern. She could hear them shouting and Maria?s screamed response. At least Maria had kept her word but Clara was concerned that her willingness to protect her friend could result in her being dragged off to the Riverwake Tower and clapped in irons, or worse. The walled city of Irulan was by no means a safe place, even for an experienced member of the thieves?...

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The Assistant Takes Control

Today begins my third week as an assistant in a semi-busy real estate office, and things are no more organized than they were when I started. Of course, I do my job and keep the office in top shape, but thanks to my realtor, they never stay that way for long. Despite his incredible good looks and mesmerizing charm, he needs constant reminders to keep up with his daily tasks and appointments. “Hong, Mrs. Smith called. She’s been trying to reach you for a week now!” I yell from my small office in...

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A New Doll Pt 2

Introduction ------------ Hi, it's me again: Barbie. I was a boy once, but on my 16th birthday, my Mom decided to turn me into a girl. That was 4 years ago. Now I'm 20, but I still look like a 5 year old girl. My little sister isn't that little any more, but she still likes to play with me. I haven't cum since, even though I still have my testicles. They are just completely useless hidden away inside my crotch, but they're still pumping hormones into my system. So I'm constantly...

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BlacksOnBlondes Amara Romani 01032017

Fourteen hung, horny Bulls in a pool hall on a Saturday afternoon. One petite Black Cock Slut hitching down the road…who just happens to pass by the pool hall. Her name? Amara Romani. Her goal? To swallow every ounce of sperm in the pool hall. How will she make that happen? Offer access to all three of her tight, tight holes and let the Bulls have their way! What you’re about to witness is an all-out fuck fest. Watch the Bulls pound her ripe cunt and puckered asshole. Watch them...

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Why Me MChapter 3 Compromise

Eric Stewart did not have much excitement in his life. He worked in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, which prosecuted about half the crimes which went to trial in the state of Illinois. Some of his colleagues prosecuted murderers, drug dealers, or perpetrators of intricate frauds. Eric was one of the guys who prosecuted traffic cases. He sang in the choir at Aldersgate, and the former choir director had made a habit of asking every possible singer in the choir to sing a solo at...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 02

Rosanna had walked five blocks before she found herself stopping and slowly turning around to see if Sol was still standing there. Why? Why did she care? She didn’t. She let out a low moan. Solace had already gone. What did it matter? Mattie was expecting her for dinner and she definitely did not want to be late. That was another trait they shared—punctuality. Sol had not known the meaning of the word. Mattie was always ready when she was supposed to be. Never more would Rosanna have to wait by...

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The aion

CHAPTER I I had just got home from work, about 10:00 pm on Friday night, and was looking forward to a long, hot bath and getting to bd. I parked my car in the carport and as I turned away, I felt myself grabbed from behind, and held by a strong arm, a hand across my mouth. A low male voice told me not to scream and not to fight, or I'd get hurt. However, the man told me that if I cooperated fully, no serious harm would come to me and he would let me go when he was finished. He asked if I...

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my sisers

Everyone has a weird family, but mine is just strange. My name is Alex, I have three little sisters, and we're spread out across the gene spectrum, thanks to our blonde mom and our dark-haired dad. Basically every pregnancy was a war between the dominant traits. I'm s*******n and tall with dark hair. Two of my sisters are sixteen year-old twins, and I have no problem saying that I want to fuck them (I'm a teenager and full of hormones, so I'll pretty much fuck anything attractive. Hell, I'll...

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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 2 New Experiences

Still a bit overwhelmed from the morning's discoveries, I decided to grab my laptop and go online. Looking around the room, I couldn't find it though. After looking everywhere else, I decided to look in my purse, where I saw a new MacBook Air. Well that was different than expected! I opened the door to my bedroom, not knowing what to expect (I was used to living in a studio, remember!). The door opened onto a large, open living/dining area and kitchen. Sitting on the couch was a...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 55 Challenge Accepted

March 28, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday, after my lesson with Doctor Blahnik, I met with Mark and Alyssa for our final catechism class. We finished reviewing the Nicene Creed, and then went over the baptismal rite to ensure they knew exactly what would happen on Holy Saturday morning. “Seriously?” Mark asked. “A horse trough?” “It’s painted gold with three-bar crosses on each side,” I offered. “The only other options are a river or a lake. We could probably arrange that, if you felt it...

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