FidèleChapter 41 free porn video

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“Luke?” she whispered.

“What time is it?” he whispered back, his head throbbing. Not from an alcohol-induced hangover — they hadn’t even opened a bottle last night — but an emotional one.

“Time for this,” she murmured, kissing her way down his chest until her lips met his cock. It was unusual for her to wake him before she began fellating him, and curiosity eventually pried his tear-glued eyelids open. It was light out, but only just. Power still hadn’t returned, and the apartment was a little chillier than usual. Well, I know one way to keep warm, he said to himself, leaning back and concentrating on the waves of pleasure emanating from his expanding manhood.

The exhaustion of a long day of sex, and an even longer night with less sex but more difficult emotions than either of them would have preferred, sent them back into each other’s arms for a few more hours of sleep. When they finally stirred, the power was back on. Luke stared across the room at the microwave clock blinking its never-changing noon. If only those numbers could shape reality. We could stay like this forever.

He sighed, hugging her closer. She responded, though still without words.

Four days.

Neither of them seemed to be able to talk to each other. They shared breakfast, a shower during which he devoured her sex through several orgasms, and a through-the-window survey of the exterior damage. A number of branches had fallen, and the first of the season’s autumn leaves were scattered around what had previously been a pristine lawn, but otherwise the storm’s fury seemed to have been more audiovisual than physical.

“I need to check on the house and the pool.” Her voice was flat and emotionless.

“I’ll take a look at the boat and the beach,” he offered.

“Thank you,” she responded, taking his hand and squeezing it once before letting go. It was a cool, almost distancing gesture, as if she couldn’t bring herself to reopen her badly wounded heart. “I also have to make a few calls, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Lawn service?”

“Among others.”

“Ah.” He didn’t have to ask who “others” included.

“Everything okay?” he asked as she trudged up the stairs.

“One umbrella knocked over and some tree litter in the pool. The flowerbeds have looked better. You?”

“The beach is a bit of a mess; I guess the wind ended up blowing in our direction. Everything else looked fine.”

“That’s good.” She glanced at him before returning her sullen gaze to the floor. “I would’ve waited until after the weekend to clean up the mess, but given that B ... well, anyway, I had to schedule the lawn service and the pool cleaner over the next few days. Sorry.”

“I understand. It’s no different than having to put the wine away before I leave. I guess we’ll just have to be quiet and keep some emergency clothes nearby.”

For the first time in a while, he saw the faintest hint of a smile on her face. “I guess we will, unless you want me to generate some new story material.” Suddenly, she rushed into his arms, gluing herself to him as if she’d never let him go. “I’m so sorry about yesterday.”

“I fail to see how you did anything requiring an apology, and even if you did, you more than made up for it with everything else. It’s too bad that our last attempt to explore submission ended that way.”


“No. I think, given everything else we’re going through, it’s too emotionally fraught. Especially after what you told me last night.”

When she kissed him, he realized she was crying again. “You’re right, we shouldn’t. I’m just ... sad.”

“I know. Me too.”

“What can we do to stop being sad?”

“I don’t think we can. Which means there’s only one thing we can do.”

With a tear-streaked smile, she began shedding her clothes.

There was, for the rest of the day and well into the night, no stretch longer than five minutes without them at least touching each other. With the exception of dinner, there was no stretch longer than thirty minutes during which they weren’t engaged in some sort of sexual contact, every moment of it orchestrated by her. Though it wasn’t obvious to him until later, she was carefully managing the pace of his orgasms so that he never reached a point of collapse or exhaustion, all the while driving herself into an orgiastic frenzy during which he suspected she was attempting to set a personal record for cumulative climaxes. By the time sleep finally took him, they’d revisited absolutely everything they’d ever done together, often considerably more than once. And when he finally succumbed, it was with her still slowly riding his shockingly resilient erection. What happened next he never learned, though he was fully aware of the single obsessive thought that chased him into and tortured his dreams.

Three days.

Wednesday began and proceeded much like Tuesday, at least until mid-afternoon. With a mysterious smile and a refusal to offer any explanation, Kathryn disappeared for a little while, forcing Luke to distract himself with emails until he heard the guesthouse door open. To his surprise, she didn’t come upstairs but walked straight into the cellar. When she finally reappeared, she was toting a pair of baskets. “Put some clothes on, grab these, and follow me,” she playfully demanded. Moments later, they were crossing the branch-strewn lawn. His heart started to race, and his vision blurred.

He knew where they were headed.

It wasn’t a precise reconstruction of their first lakeside picnic — the many ways their poolside adventure had deviated from the original demonstrated the folly of such attempts — but rather a sort of bookend. As the season had changed from summer to fall, so had the cheeses. And this time, she was making him guess the identity of the wines.

“Do you actually remember what we drank all those weeks ago?”

“Of course: Brun ‘Terres Dorées’ Brouilly and Chidaine Montlouis-sur-Loire Clos Habert.” Without verifying his answer, she produced a foil-wrapped bottle and poured him a taste. “So now I have to put on a show for you?” he mock-complained. “What am I, a performing seal?”

“Can I make you do absolutely anything I want?”


“Then you’re a performing seal,” she smirked. “Dance for me, wine boy.”

“No problem, Wendy,” he mumbled while trying to analyze the wine’s color. The dim grey light of a blustery day — eerily reminiscent of the first time they’d visited the rock — made it difficult, but by the time his glass was empty he was brimming with confidence. “It’s still Chidaine, but it’s riper and sweeter, so it has to be the Les Bournais. Young, though the exact vintage would be no more than a random guess, as by now you own the last four.”

“And the red?” she asked, handing him a second glass of pale, burnished wine with a faded outer rim.

“Well, if it’s another Brouilly, it’s definitely not the same bottling. It’s pretty old, and...” After a few minutes of brow-furrowing analysis, he held out his glass for another taste. “Assuming this came from your cellar, and not from some secret fool-the-sommelier stash, there’s only one thing it can be, and so my guess amounts to cheating: 1998 Chamonard Morgon Le Clos de Lys.”

“Cheating or not, that’s still sexy as hell.”

“Not as sexy as when you do almost as well with absolutely no formal training. But will I perhaps be rewarded for the brilliance of my sexy-as-hell insight?”

“You know, since you don’t have to exert the slightest effort to get laid anymore — if anything, you’d have to exert more effort to pry me off your dick — I really should come up with a more meaningful reward system. But yes, your correct guesses will receive compensatory sexual favors. Now, relax and enjoy while we still can.” She peered at the low-hanging, fast-moving clouds. “I don’t think the weather’s done being metaphorical with us yet.”

She backed herself into his chest, balancing the cheese platter on her thighs. Instead of letting him serve himself, she periodically offered him morsels of bread and cheese, refilling their glasses whenever the need arose. “The first time we were here, eating and drinking almost exactly like this, did you ever imagine we’d end up doing everything we’ve done? That we’d fall in love with each other?”

“It’s difficult for me to know anymore. I think you may be conflating events, though. The first time we were here I tentatively put my arm around your shoulders, and you not only didn’t resist, you leaned against me. The second time was when you made me spread my legs so you could nestle between them, like you’re doing now. You chose that moment to explain you were tactile, which I certainly think you’ve more than proven.”

With a sexy giggle, she acknowledged, “I guess I have. But the first visit is the one we’re paying tribute to, right? The one with chenin, gamay, and cheese, I mean.”


“And the second was late-night Champagne.”

“That’s right. I also remember you telling me to stop worrying about my erection, which of course made me worry about it the entire time.”

“Not that you’ll be surprised to hear this,” she admitted, “but once I felt it pressing into my back, I was horny for the rest of the night. In fact, when I got home I quietly snuck into my office and took care of myself a few times before going to bed. And I might as well share another secret: I came pretty close to giving you a grossly premature handjob right then and there.”

“Why didn’t you? Wait, never mind, I know why you didn’t. Your husband was home.”

“Well, there was that, yes. Back then I still held to my rule about not having sex with you while Bill was around, even though I was already having a lot of sex with you in my imagination. But even if I’d been of a mind to break the rule that very night, it wouldn’t have happened because I wasn’t drunk enough to stop it from going farther.”

“You’re going to have to walk me through that leap, because I’m pretty sure I don’t follow.”

“The night after the charity ball — the night I made my big but manifestly unwise move into your pajamas — I was altered enough to make you come and then drunkenly weave home without worrying about my own satisfaction. If I’d touched you ... intimately, I mean ... the night we were here, I would’ve demanded that you return the favor. But I was not ready for that. Not ready enough, anyway. And for the record, I’d like to point out that you’ve once again evaded my question.”

“I have, probably because given everything that’s happened since, it’s hard for me to remember what was real and what was all in my head. Did I know we’d fall in love? I was already in love with you, of course. As for how you felt about me, or whether or not our relationship was ever going to turn physical, that was my period of peak confusion. In retrospect, it’s obvious that you were sending out a blizzard of mixed signals, and it would’ve been impossible for me to interpret them coherently or correctly. At the time, at least for me, it was more about the nexus of my desire, my caution, and my guilt. You were driving me insane, and I simply had no idea what to do about it, or what you wanted me to do about it.”

“I know I was, and I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, I was just as crazed. The difference was that I had an externally imposed structure that, at least for a little while, stayed my hand. Literally, that is,” she laughed, “until the night it didn’t.”

“So let me turn the question around. What did you think was going to happen?”

“I was still trying to deny the plain and obvious truth. Still fooling myself into thinking that I had things under control, even though everything I was feeling, saying, and doing indicated otherwise. That first week and a half — and I still can’t believe that’s how little time it took for all this to start — blurs together for me as well, but by the time we careened over the cliff I’d done pretty much everything except rip my clothes off and beg you to fuck me. All the sexual innuendo on the boat and elsewhere, constantly finding reasons to touch you, even though I knew exactly what it was doing to you — and to me, too — sneaking off for a romantic night of Champagne and moonlight while my husband was sleeping off his jet lag, interrogating you about your sex life, lounging around the pool in a bikini so small I might as well have been naked, encouraging you to go beat off because I couldn’t stop staring at your cock and I was growing increasingly desperate for it ... like I said, I was acting like a complete whore, with the sole exception of the one thing a whore’s ostensibly there to do. So the answer to your question, my love, is that I absolutely ‘knew’ we were going to have sex — the realization that we were in love took a little longer — but I would’ve denied it if you or anyone else had asked, and I would’ve have fooled myself into believing that I meant it. Like I said,” she added, punctuating her coda with a lusty swallow of the Montlouis and taking up her glass of Morgon, “I was in denial.”

“Do you ever wonder if we waited too long? In retrospect, it all seems so inevitable.”

“Not really. I know why you’re asking, especially now, but earlier would’ve been too soon. As it was, I almost screwed everything up by acting rashly. That night was like a perfect storm of motivation and opportunity: I was angry at my husband, I was dolled up and worked up, I’d been flirting relentlessly with you even though I wouldn’t have called it that, I was drunk, and you weren’t just available, you were obviously desperate for something to happen. You remember my story about losing control after the sculpture class, right? Well, that night was the moment I lost control with you. And then, the very next day, it happened again, with only your own restraint standing between what we did and complete capitulation. Since I returned from my panicked mini-vacation, it’s never stopped happening. Which is part of why I’ve been so willing and eager to cede control to you, because it’s clear that when we’re together, I’m no longer capable of it. I can control our sexual choreography, but I can’t control us.”

He tensed at the reminder of the previous night’s difficulties. She obviously felt it, as she twisted around to refill both his glasses and feed him a few more pieces of cheese. “Anyway, I don’t regret not getting together earlier. Those weren’t days and nights we could’ve managed without prematurely imploding. I’ve sometimes regretted the times when the intensity of our relationship stole hours, or even whole days, from us, but after last night I don’t anymore. Nor should you.”

“It’s hard not to,” he groused.

“I know, but listen carefully and tell me if I’m not right. Wall-to-wall sex isn’t a relationship. It’s not love, either. We’ve come as close as two people can to that exact kind of sexual excess, but though there’s been hurt, pain, and anger along the way, if we hadn’t experienced those things — the bad alongside the good — none of this would matter. It wouldn’t be real. You tell me over and over that you love me, with words and gestures and sometimes even silence, but the reason I know it’s true is that you can hurt me and I still love you just as much as I did before. Sometimes even more.”

To Luke, it seemed that the myriad and impenetrable grays of his horizon were inexorably darkening. If there’s been a theme running through the entirety of our relationship, that’s it right there. That love means I can hurt her. That I am hurting her by the very act of loving her. Wendy tried and failed to make me hear the words, and it took me a truly unfortunate amount of time to understand what they mean. But even after everything that’s happened, I still don’t know what to do with that knowledge. Am I supposed to keep on hurting her, or am I supposed to find a way to stop? I know I can’t stop loving her, and I guess that means I’ll never stop hurting her in all the ways she’s explained that I am, but I don’t see how I can keep on doing both unless we’re together. How can I go on hurting her if the entirety of our future is measured in days? Isn’t that the way to make it stop, just like she’s been saying all along?

Kathryn sat up again, scanning the sky. After a while, she stood and held out her hand. Though she spoke no words, he knew what she was asking. What she was initiating. Shaking off his grim hopelessness, he rewrapped the cheese and secured it on the bench while she did the same with the rest of the wine.

She drew close and kissed him, her eyes speaking silently to his of the intensity of her love, then started removing layers of his clothing. With fumbling fingers, he did the same to her until they were both naked. It was cool and breezy enough that he felt the approach of goosebumps — especially when she lowered him to the table-shaped portion of the rock formation, and the cold, unyielding hardness of the stone seeped into his bones — but then she began warming him in her own inimitable way, and all thoughts of any temperatures other than their own were forgotten.

Her lips traveled all over his body, paying lavish homage to realms she rarely visited and places her mouth hardly seemed to leave anymore. But their final destination was never in doubt, and by the time they reached it, he was painfully erect. At first, her oral attentions were a tease — a kiss, a lick, a lusty inhalation of his masculinity — but her hunger escalated until both hands were working his staff alongside her sucking mouth, never taking him to the root, but instead trying to pleasure the entirety of his shaft and his balls at once. It was a treatment he couldn’t resist for long, and when he finally poured his cream into her mouth and she greedily swallowed it down, it was more than just needed relief from the enormous pressure — not all of it sexual — that had been building in his heart and his loins. It was a tribute to, and a reward for, her love. Even more than her infinite skill.

The wind picked up, churning the lake’s surface into whitecaps and causing branches to wave back and forth. Leaves weakened by the previous night’s tempest gave up their hold on life and swirled away to join their fallen brethren.

Cradling his head between her hands, she slid up his body until her sex was positioned directly above his mouth. He made love to her dripping entrance, drinking her sensuous essence and feasting on her overheated sex, probing and caressing until she exploded, doing it again and again while she writhed and wailed and came, covering his face with her arousal.

The wind shifted, racing across the turbulent lake to steal its cooling humidity, buffeting a pair of lovers lost in an erotic universe that contracted towards singularity with every passing moment.

Rising up on her knees and shuffling backward, she bent down to offer a benedictive kiss, reached between her legs, and directed his cock into her depths, grinding and rolling her hips and crying out her pleasure. Her nipples drew roadmaps of desire across his chest. Her pace increased until she was pounding herself onto his impaling rod. Throwing her head back, hair whipping wildly about in the wind and the fury of their lust, she bellowed her climax, retracing the paths her nipples had forged with fingernails that scraped and abraded his flesh; claws dragging him to the edge of a cliff that released the animal and the pain within.

The wind howled back at her, at first mimicking and mocking, then desperate to surpass she whose pleasure pierced and turned back nature’s roar. Their writhing bodies were baptized by the spray from a surging wave as it crashed into the shoreline.

Gripping her buttocks, he reared upward and reversed their positions, just barely managing to cushion her head with his palm as he slammed her into the unforgiving rock. Her eyes spoke of nothing except raw sexual hunger, her lips wrestled with his, her legs widened and wrapped around his lower back to urge him to thrust harder, to thrust deeper, to take and possess and fuck her until she belonged to no one but him.

Raindrops battered his back. Wind-whipped leaves briefly abraded his flesh before swirling back towards the sky. Trees flung their razored fingers at him, stinging and lashing his skin. Nature fell harder and faster, scolding and punishing and then, when it made no difference at all to their furious coupling, showering them in resentful celebration. Kathryn screamed in continuous climax as the skies flailed in a futile and failed attempt to drown her passion. Luke dragged her to the end of the rock and stood, bending her legs back and hammering her cunt, giving in to a raw, atavistic, primal need to conquer beyond recourse.

The heavens drenched them with tears, wailing with desire and loss, howling in pain and ecstasy. Weeping without respite for a love beyond the cruelty of time. For a union that would last forever, yet might never again be.

“I think this would be a good time to overdose on vitamins,” she said through chattering teeth as they huddled in a fortress of blankets, cradling steaming cups of tea. Though their naked bodies were pressed tightly together, neither was yet warm enough to provide radiant comfort for the other.

“I agree. And I’m starting to think the tea should’ve come after a hot shower.”

“Better yet, a hot bath.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Though you might want to bring the tea.”

“Not the bourbon?”

“No, because once I’m warmed up I intend to make further use of you, and bourbon’s only going to get in the way.”

“Understood,” he acknowledged with an eager grin as he followed her into the bathroom.

Once again — though it was, in part, a decision made easier by how much they’d consumed before the storm arrived — they skipped wine with dinner. Having expended their fiercest energies in the heart of the tempest, they made slow, romantic love straight through the night and well into the morning.

Two days.

It was his final thought as he submitted to the seduction of Morpheus only hours earlier, and it was his first thought as Kathryn finished swallowing his load and his post-orgasmic heart rate slowed to a more normal pace. She’d woken him up and voraciously attacked his rod, but once she’d taken him right to the precipice, she held him there, teasing and edging him for nearly an hour until his balls ached. Her reward — multiple mouthfuls of ejaculate — seemed to temporarily sate her ravenous hunger, and she patted his chest and told him to rest while she showered.

Two days, he repeated, misery compressing his chest. Through the windows glowed a healing sun rising up through a bright blue sky. He hated both for being full of an optimism he was no longer capable of feeling. What was it that Sevinay said? Leave something unfinished, for tomorrow will arrive whether or not I remain to see it? It would be wise advice, were what I’m leaving unfinished anything other than our love.

They fought it as long as they could, but by the time lunch was over and they were entering their fourth or fifth hour of seemingly tireless rutting, their overwhelming sadness finally crushed the last of their resistance in its pitiless grip. For the rest of the afternoon they made love, rested, fucked, and rested again in a haze of tears, desperately reaffirming their love in word and deed, but finding less and less hope within their declarations. For the first time all week, she lost control over his climaxes. Eventually, he collapsed, exhausted and spent, pleading for some time to recover.

Dinner came and dinner went, they pushed themselves beyond all previous limits until there was no more darkness left to the night, and they slept on a pillow soaked with their despair.

One day.

Wide awake despite the early hour and so little sleep, Luke stared at Kathryn. Her eyes were as haunted as his. Her hand was wrapped around his manhood in preparation for their usual morning ritual, but he was neither erect nor aroused, and she was making no attempt to change either of those conditions. Instead, she stared back at him, bereft of words and devoid of life.

This can’t be it, he berated himself. We have so little time, yet here we are succumbing to the inertia of grief. But no one has stood still more often or more stubbornly than I have, and if it’s the only recompense I can make, this is the time to make it. If this is our last day together, this emptiness can’t be where we spend it. If today is all we have left, then I refuse to waste it. Not like this. Flinging her to her back, he buried his face between her thighs. She came within fifteen seconds of his tongue meeting her clit. And again, less than a minute later. He realized that all her tragic vulnerability came with an unexpected side effect: the entirety of her flesh was a raw, exposed nerve. I wonder if the same is true for me? Knowing her, I’ll find out sooner or later.

Scores of deafening climaxes later, Kathryn forcefully shoved his head away from her sex and clamped her legs together, silently begging for respite. I’ve never done that to her before, he mused, wondering if it was only the emotion of the moment, a new plateau in their connection, or a majestic horizon that would, in a matter of hours, no longer exist. She was murmuring incoherently, waving her hands at the empty air. He watched her flail and grasp at ephemera as a few tears escaped her tightly closed eyes.

They were the last tears he’d see her shed.

“You should pack.”

“I don’t...”

“No. Pack now. If not now, when?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then you’ll end up spending the final hours of our beautiful journey doing something neither of us wants you to do. Is that how you want to leave? In a panicked rush to stuff your last few belongings into a suitcase? Do it now. Do it before it becomes impossible. Do it so we can spend every beautiful moment together, without interruption, until there are no more moments to spend.”

“You keep calling it the end.”

“Everything has an end, my love. But there’s always a tomorrow, and one way or another we’ll see it together.”

“I don’t understand how you can call anything about this beautiful.”

“Because, my love,” she said, caressing his cheek, “everything about us is beautiful. And whether or not we cry or feel pain doesn’t change that. Not in the least.”

There was a preternatural calmness to Kathryn’s demeanor, as if she was taking on the full weight of their emotional burdens, burying it in a deep, quiet place so she could shepherd their waning hours with love and infinite care. He was deeply grateful, for every atom of his being was at war with itself, but the more he struggled and lashed out, the more generous and protective she became. He remembered Irina praising her skill as a caregiver, and wondered if this was yet another side of her that he’d never seen. I’ve only ever known her as the brilliant, vivacious, romantic, wicked, and sexually indomitable woman I love. Is this the maternal instinct so unfairly torn from her all those years ago? She’s comforting me because I’m no longer capable of controlling myself or my emotions, and she doesn’t want to experience these moments through an impenetrable veil of tears. She’s given me everything but the future, yet she’s somehow still strong enough to give me this.

He tried to steel himself, but there were piles of rubble around his heart that he knew would take more strength than he possessed to clear. I have to get hold of myself. The cost of her effort must be unimaginable, yet all I’m doing is taking. I have to summon the courage to do better ... if not for me, then for her. But where, other than her, can I possibly find that sort of courage?

“I...” Good start.

“Shhhh.” She kissed him for a very long time. Not to escalate, but to assure and affirm. “Finish packing. I’ll help.”

“You knew?”

“Of course I did.”

“You can’t possibly...”

“You’re right, I don’t. But I will. It’s something a woman does for the man she loves.”

Despite the relentless and thunderous orgasms to which they’d treated each other over the past few hours, he was restless and on edge, unable to remain still in their postcoital embrace, yet unwilling to leave her side. Once again she took the initiative to heal his open wounds, rolling away and pulling him from the bed.

“Put on some clothes — or don’t; it doesn’t matter unless the lawn folks are here, which it doesn’t sound like they are — and go for a walk. The air in here is thick, and not just with all the fluids we’ve released into it this week. Go and clear your head, or you’ll be no good to me later. I’ll be waiting when you get back.” The easy smile on her face, the lighthearted teasing — as if nothing at all about this day was different from any other — were incomprehensible to him. Yet he perceived no guile. Only openness, compassion, and love.

Unable to answer, unable to contradict, unable to do anything but cling to what was no longer there and fleeing farther away with every moment, he dug through his suitcase, threw on some unused workout clothes, and departed the apartment.

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American Geisha 2

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. American Geisha 2 By Paul G Jutras John and Sarah were American citizens, who had to move to Japan when the business that John worked for relocated his job there. The two waited at the airport for their son to arrive on the morning plane and join them. "Where is he?" John said, looking at his watch. "The plane should have landed by now." "They're...

4 years ago
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We left the party. I followed her up the stairs in the wake of her exotic perfume. She slipped her key card into the door lock, I followed her in and stood in the middle of the short hallway of her suite. The lights were mostly off and the remaining lamps gave her skin an almost shimmering glow. She had come across as stern, but passionate, so this didn’t worry me. She wore a tight black party dress, sleeveless, that only just reaching mid thigh. She was toned and fit; about a foot shorter than...

Straight Sex
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Shemale in bus with a nice girl

Hi dosto maree 3rd story ap ka leya bohat acha repons raha ap ki taraf sa specially females ka respons to bohat he zayada tha, such bataon to mujha itnee achee feed back ki umeed nahi thee, mai shemale haoin is waqt maree age 30 thee or khoob bara boobs jo 38 ka tha or land ka size be 6″ sa kuch bara tha, Maree nazar aik female par thee jo job kartee thee mai rozana usa dakhtee thee or imagin kartee thee, vo public taransport mai atee jatee thee, aik din maina socha ka is ka sath bus main...

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sissy for mum and my friends p1

When I was 18 myself and a few friends would go to one friends house on a Saturday night whilst he was baby sitting for his younger sibling. We would sit in his lounge have a few beers and put porn on. We would all sit there with hard ons in our pants but unable to wank because we were in our friends front room. Until one week when he decided to nip out for an hour chasing a girl. As soon as Rick had gone the porn went on and Ali (the cockiest and dirtiest of us) declared "fuck this im having a...

3 years ago
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Meri Tanhai

Hello Readers, My Name Is Sameer. I am 24 yrs old male, from Mumbai city. Since this is my first story on this web site, I figured I tell you a true story about the love of my life that I enjoyed twice in my life. The sun was shining in the window as I woke from our first night together. All my life I had wondered where my first love had gone. I knew Reena had married women and that her husband had died shortly after their daughter had been born. I am single person & I tried for years to locate...

3 years ago
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Essence of Cunt

DISCLAIMER: the following story is to be taken seriously only by wanking readers, further more only by wanking readers during the act of wanking, anybody who believes a word of it otherwise is a dangerous madman or madwoman.That said, dear gentle, intelligent reader,  I assume you wouldn’t quarrel with the idea that imagination is free?  Nevertheless please do not read this story if the idea of a young, fresh, hot, big-titted, moronic fucking cunt fervently seeking its own, appallingly...

4 years ago
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Politics Ch 04

Chapter 4: Resisting temptation The tension between Erika and Alistair had been palpable throughout the flight. Thomas had tried to ignore it, but Sally’s constant nudges in his ribs and her darting eyes in their direction made that impossible. Even the taxi ride to the Belfast City Hall had been awkward, so much so it had been a relief when Alistair and Erika separated to attend to individual matters that somehow had mysteriously appeared from nowhere. ‘What the hell is all that about?’...

2 years ago
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Anitaacutes niece wants more

Monday afternoon my sweet Ana and I were out getting some groceries. As I pulled into the driveway my wife recognized Jerome`s car parked there.She then hurried to the front door and was awestruck when she saw her sweet niece riding on Jerome´s black cock in the middle of the living room.The girl looked back at us watching her from the door; but she did not even miss stride on that black monster dick. As I got closer I could see why; her bottom lip was quivering, her legs were shaking and her...

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The PropositionChapter 6

If I had expected to get anything done at work, I was sadly mistaken. Jock and Joyce had swapped notes and I spent all morning in a continuous inquisition. All the more futile because I didn't have any more information to give them - they knew everything there was to know apart from Laura's attempt at propositioning me. I admitted readily that I was growing very fond of Laura. Joyce can read me like an open book, and Jock is no fool when it comes to human emotions so there was no sense in...

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Jennifer Becomes A Porn Star

This is a 100% true account of my first time as a porn star. It started when I added ChristianXXX as a friend on XHamster in 2017. He liked my look, so I flirted with him by writing that I would love to take care of his big, beautiful cock. He replied that he would like that and to let him know when I would be in Vegas so we could get together and shoot some video. I told him that I would be there in late September of 2017 and he set the time. He told me our scene would be a POV bareback scene...

2 years ago
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This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at hepburn666 [at] googlemail [dot] com .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more! [Synopsis] In the years after the German reunion a lot of West-German families claimed to get estates and property from East-German villages. They stated that the claimed property dis-seized from their (grand-)parents as...

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Mercys Quest

Torch in hand, Mercy made her way silently through the damp moonlit wood. Her nose twitched as she passed yet another moldering corpse. "He should have ducked." She whispered as she toed the still occupied helmet aside. The steel incased head clanked softly against its former body. Four limbs lay several paces in four differing directions. This was the sixth armored body she had passed. The king had sent his six most trusted knights in a bold attempt to rescue his only offspring, Prince...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Ria Sunn Cheating Housewife Ria Sunn Takes Intense DP Pounding From Husband And Lover

Naughty brunette housewife Ria Sunn is enjoying a nice relaxing shower, sensually running her hands all over her body while getting ready for the day ahead. As soon as her husband, Yanick leaves for work, Ria gets straight on the phone and calls up her lover, Angelo to invite him over for some fun. Angelo arrives shortly afterwards and licks Ria’s pussy before she kneels down and starts sucking on his shaft! They move to the bedroom and Ria bends over to take a doggystyle pounding when...

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TeamSkeetXSpankMonster Megan Hughes Self Pleasuring Stepdaughter Slit

Blue eyed princess Megan Hughes is a straight to the point kind of stepdaughter. This girl barely even tries to hide it as she masturbates at home! So, when her unsuspecting old man walks in on her, Megan cops to her sensual self pleasure session right away. She offers to play with his massive dick if he promises to keep it a secret from all her friends. She slurps his spying salami and lets him run his fingers over her sweet little vag. Then, he penetrates her inexperienced muff from behind...

1 year ago
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The Summer of 2005

Suzaine Chang is my uncle Dough'a wife. She is of uncomparable beauty being half Korean and half white. She had an oval face, almond shaped eyes and a super gorgeous body, a bit slim, firm but soft, her complexion is kind of a unique whitecreamy hard to discribe elegant taste. She has a very classy look and the contrast of wisdom and innocent in her eyes. Her breast was probably a B and her butt was tighly round and perfectly proportionate. I was just 11 when they got married but I immidiately...

First Time
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Michael first taste of spermENG

I invite you to my account:GayStoriesPLBelow, you can read the story "Michael - first taste of sperm", have a good reading and please leave a comment after reading.Michael - first taste of spermI had no experience with boys. In college I had a friend, Michael. I had 23 years, he was three years younger. I had good success with the opposite sex, he does not really, perhaps because he was not the highest. As buddies often howls? dżaliśmy, we walked together to the pool, uprawialiśmy sport....

1 year ago
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A Fowl Affair

Disclaimer: Although this is a work of fiction, the names of the individuals involved in the events portrayed herein, have been changed to protect the innocent, as well as to hide the identity of the guilty. However; who is innocent, and who is guilty, is a matter of opinion. John Smith picked up the last box to move out of the apartment. His wife, Jane, was waiting in the pickup truck. They were ready to move into their brand new, although previously owned, home. At least, it was new to...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Anya Krey Traveling for dick

Spain is such a lovely place, especially when Anya Kray books her stay at the Horny Hostel, she’s such a fine clientele. As she was trying to find someone at the reception, the cleaning boy saw Anya. It was love at first sight, her body was so tight. Tommy tried to help her with the key but he didn’t know where to search for it. That’s when the owner came and gave Anya her room to stay. While the cleaning boy was doing his chores, he heard a female noise that got him close to...

4 years ago
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The Headmasters Office

It’s after midnight and I’m writing this by torchlight under the covers of my bed, holding an ice pack between my legs. I can’t stop thinking about what happened after school today; hopefully writing this down will let me clear my mind and get some sleep. If anyone is reading, I don’t expect you to believe it, but I swear every word is true. ~~~ I’m in my final year at a posh boarding school in Sydney. It’s pretty cool in an old-world sort of way; as well as the normal business, science and...

First Time
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Bad Habits Need Hard Measur

For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...

3 years ago
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Rescue Climber

I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...

2 years ago
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Old Fiddles Play The Best Tunes

"Now get over to your grandmothers and see if she needs any help," Tim's mother shouted at him. Now how could a woman five feet two have so much control over a six-feet four twenty three-year-old soldier? It was easy she was his mother. Tim was on leave and his mother wanted him out from under her feet. Their home had small rooms and Tim's wide shouldered body made the room inaccessible to anyone else. All Tim wanted to do was loaf and watch the racing on TV and swig a few beers. His...

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You open up the box, grinning at the contents. FreedomVR. The newest and biggest improvement in Virtual Reality in years. Reaching in, you pull out a black suit covered with wires and sensors, setting it down to find the centerpiece, the headset. Fucking awesome. You flip through the instructions briefly, tossing them aside. You've done your research for this; you don't need them. You know you need to strip first, doing so before putting on the suit, watching lights on it come to life. You sit...

1 year ago
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A Normal Night Out at the Movies

Once in a while I need to try to be a little ‘normal’ and do some things for entertainment that don’t involve sex or taking off my clothes. Simple enough, right? Not for me. I have been told that I am ‘always on’ and I think that is true. A certain touch, an accidental brush against my leg, a suggestive look… and I get all tingly down there and my mind wanders. I don’t lose control and demand satisfaction right then and there, but sometimes I feel like I want to. Not long ago we went to the...

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White Lactating Wife is Impregnated at a Black Stag Party

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That is the case for my wife, Cindy, and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help.My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

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Fucked My Innocent Radha Bhabhi

Hi ISS readers this is Ram and this story is about how I went into a sexual relationship with my mother like innocent Bhabhi, Radha. We are two brothers Murli and I and I was younger and around 18 years old my brother Murli was married to Radha Bhabhi. She was hot and sexy female from Pune. She was homely but no one would stop staring at her beautiful body. She had huge busty boobs and lean waist and bulgy round ass. She was tall enough and also had long black hair. She was very down to earth...

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Late night at the office

Late night in the office. Project is over running and the workload is huge at the moment……….it is late and I should get back home to the wife, however need to get some stuff cleared and work back on track. Walking through the quiet offices it is eerie…..I am walking between the desks and the blank computer screens to a colleagues office to grab some notes which I know will be in a pad I left on his desk this morning in a meeting. As I approach Steve’s office I see that his light is still on...

3 years ago
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My failed attempt to stop it all part 3

My failed attempt to stop it all part 3 I drove home at the end of the day, my chest heaving in a fearful nervous anticipation of what I would discover and the things he had said in that email. I got out of the car almost reluctantly and went to the side door of the workshop, it was unlocked. I entered and saw a computer screen on my desk which had been moved to the middle of the room. As I looked the screen seemed to come alive before my eyes, I stood there watching it, my feet...

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College Chaos

I was standing in the kitchen and Alice was dancing infront of me, she looked unusually attractive, something about her body that night. In a moment she was moving towards me and we were dancing together and the pushed up against me, I could feel her tight round ass push up against me as she spun around. She and I had had a lot of tension over the last few months, but tonight was different, as the tension had cleared, something else had become a lot clearer. I could feel myself getting hard and...

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Summer Sex PART 2

"What time is it?" he grumbled into the sheets. I reached for my phone one the nightstand and clicked on a button. The screen lit up brightly. "7:00 am." "That's soo early," he whined. I laughed and got up and out of bed. I put on a silky robe that reached the floor and pulled apart the curtains letting the sun to shine through the window in a gentle yellow as it began to rise above the beautiful beach horizon. I stretched, then went to the shower and quickly popped in...

1 year ago
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For Twenty Years

Stephen’s life was this moment. If Alison wasn’t aware of the secret, his eyes tasting every inch of her should have been as effective as a tell-all book. Stephen had been reading her since they first met. For twenty years it’s been his curse, his dream, and now alone together in her bedroom, he took turns between sizing her up and thanking God that Alison became his reality. ‘That’s a little hard to believe, if not frightening.’ Alison took a step back as she spoke. It’s not every day a...

4 years ago
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Sexciting Goa Vacation

Hi friends, I am Bikash again to tell you another story. I have been writing for ISS for quite some time and thanks to your hundreds of mails and I am getting inspired to write more and more stories. If you find this story nice do please mail me at This happened a few days back on a vacation when I went on to visit the beach capital of India, Goa with my family. We were not alone as we were going there with a big group of known and unknown people, which included Lina. She was newly married and...

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Condition Chapter 8

I awoke first the next day. I quietly got up, took a shower, and slipped on a sheer top, miniskirt and heels. Seeing my full breasts through the top, it was difficult to believe the reflection was me. My image was both titillating and embarrassing. I briefly considered getting a bra, but I needed some coffee to clear my head after last night. Also, I had a feeling Dani would like the show I provided. Again the mixed messages that my look gave me, made even simple acts more complicated....

3 years ago
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my best friend got seduced by my girlfriend and fu

Amar girlfriend onek sexy shob chelera pagol oer jonno oer dudh onek boro r shundor ..oer ass o onek sexy oer body shape 36-24-36 ...oke dekhle emon kono chele nai je pagol hobe na..ekdin ami amar girlfriend ke nia amar best friend er bashai gesi friend er basha khali chillo er jonno girlfriend ke nia gesi chudte ...amar girlfriend ke sheidin onek sexy lagtisilo ekta tight sleeveless kameez porsilo oer dudh mone hoitesilo je jama chire baire ashbe....r kameez er gola onek boro chillo...

2 years ago
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BDSM Slave For Neighbour Aunty 8211 Pt 2 Clamps On My Ballsacks

Hi guys, I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS. Now let me continue with my story. I have never been handled this way before. I could feel her fingers move deep into my asshole as she kept on hurling abuses and insults right into my ears. “You are my slave from today,” she said into my years. “You do as I say, I use you in any way you want; and if I feel...

3 years ago
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All In Time part one

“They’re moving in with us? Mom! There’s hardly room for us, let alone those two!”Samantha huffed and leaned back in the deck chair, crossing her arms under her breasts, and bounced up when she felt the slight adjustment of the heavy plastic under her considerable weight. “Sammi, baby, I love Quentin, and Diondre lives with him for the same reason you live with me, it saved you money for your tuition to stay at home.” Janine shook her head and Samantha watched the sun sparkle off of the few...

1 year ago
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Sexual chemistry

Standing at the platform one morning , I feel this electric sensation run through my body -- the hairs on the back of my neck stand up -- and I feel goose bumps.. even though I'm hot from all the bodies around me -- I even have a dress on - red with spagetti straps --low cut but tasteful - have a important meeting today can't look to slutty *smiles* but mmmm very nice - curly hair today - not too much makeup - dont need any - can't hide the freckles lol anyways .. I look around for...

2 years ago
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World of Warcraft Fantasy Elvish graces

The owl hooted softly, gliding through the trees. It saw the great black cat seated below and descended. It perched itself on the branch nearby the panther. The panther looked at it with it's flashing eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement. Some silent word passed, but no one knew. Suddenly, the panther growled in a reassuring way, turned, and pounced through the trees, it's shadow growing fainter as it approached the jagged line giving away the huts hidden in the trees. Teylyn burst...

1 year ago
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Blind Love Ch 02

Two weeks had passed since that fateful day at the movies, and the situation between Daniel and Sophie had not improved, in fact, it had gotten worse. Their usually easy-going friendship had become awkward, and though he couldn’t be certain, Daniel got the distinct impression that Sophie was avoiding him. Daniel didn’t want to scare her off, but he didn’t want to miss this opportunity either, so he resolved to take matters into his own hands. He knew that Friday afternoons were the one day of...

4 years ago
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Before the Glory hole experience

My hubby wrote recently about how I discovered what a Glory Hole is and got to experience a huge black cock. It drove my hubby crazy with desire and we have enjoyed hours of great sex since. He keeps telling me how turned on her got when he walked in to the cube in the porn shop where I was getting stuffed with a huge black cock. I had told my hubby to go and get a xl sized condom so I could fuck the huge black cock that I was sucking. He had almost rushed out of the room. Soon as he was gone...

2 years ago
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My First Threesome Part Two

Following on from the last instalment, Steve & I were laying on the bed and Sarah came back in to the room. We were all still naked and more than a little bit drunk. Sarah lay between us, her head against my chest and a hand stroking Steve’s thigh. I was lazily stroking her hair. We were just chatting, enjoying each other’s company and relaxing. I said that I would have liked to see Steve’s cock in my girlfriends pussy as I have always enjoyed watching.Sarah started to giggle and...

4 years ago
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VACATION 2008 Part 2

THIS HAPPENED ON VACATION 2008 – TEENAGE VIRGINAfter a couple of days in the sun and the fact that Donna and I were shagging every day we both wanted something different, as we’d finished our evening meal we were having a few drinks in the hotel bar when it was obvious to me that the barman was flirting with Donna and she with him. I said “I’ll go and get a drink in a bar down the road and leave you to it” she said “Ok” and smiled.As I left I walked a couple of blocks to where I knew there was...

3 years ago
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Raven Ch2 Little Neighbor Boy The Two EarlyBloomers Meet

Chapter 2 – Little Neighbor Boy (The Two Early-Bloomers Meet) Words – 4,903 Same rules as the first, friends. C&C appreciated. Any mistakes seen, please comment on it. Also, prepare for some reading. **** Weeks had passed since Ravens mini-marathon of masturbation. Since that day, she fucked her little pussy at least once every 24 hours, maybe even more if permitted. She used her fingers and some phallus-shaped foods to get her juices flowing. She was walking home from her newly repaired...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Introduction: This is my first story on here, and really the first ive written like this. Jeremy pulled is truck into a parking space outside of the coffee bistro hed heard about form his friend Peeta. Looking at the building he shook his head and hoped he was right. Doesnt look like much. Jeremy best friend and co-worker Theodore said. Well Peeta said it didnt, but the inside makes up for it. Thats good cause Im hungry. Jeremy laughed. Youre always hungry Theo, Lets go. He said opening his...

3 years ago
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Fucking The Maid With Authority

Hello ISS readers. I’ve been following a lot of the ISS for about a couple’ weeks now. Noticing how wild the stories are, I decided that instead of hiding my stories from everyone, I’d share so it gives every guy a wood and makes every girl dripping wet. So without wasting any time, I shall go straight into the details I’m 20 as of today, 6’1″ tall with an athletic build and a 7″ pole which can drill anyone like a king. I live in Bhopal and I’m doing my engineering. I live here alone in a 2 BHK...

1 year ago
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My Experience With A Couple Of Bangalore

Hi, this is Rohit here from Bangalore this is my 6th experience and if any mistake please forgive me. Those who don’t know about me. My name is rohit I am 26 year old, 5.11 height, weight 65, and average body with the good big dick of 7.8 inch with the good stamina to fuck longer time. About that couple they both are 27 of age and they from Karnataka. She is smoking hot figure any one love to fuck her once they look to her figure. Her status is 34-26-34, the most amazing part of her body is her...

1 year ago
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EchoI walked into the grungy beer stunk bar. Smoke floated into my face. I cringed and held my breath as I walked past the assailants. The speakers blared from the small stage. My black jeans hugged my hips as I slinked to the bar. I felt the eyes of the men in the room on me and the lace tank top barely covering my torso. Well-endowed could rarely be hidden even if I wasn't dressing like a little slutty tonight. The bartender was pouring drinks for a pretty couple at the end of the bar, then...

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Flamingo By Cassandra Morgan Even before I was a sissy, I was a sissy. Mock me if you will. You know what I mean. Before I was a sissy with that word's connotations of sexual byplay, a submissive sissy, I was a sissy of the grandest kind. I was the frail child you see playing hopscotch instead of baseball, or jump rope instead of basketball. I was the little boy playing with girls long before he knew why. I was the boy with dolls. The idea was never to be girly. It was never a...

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Mystery girl

I was disappointed that they left. I had hoped to see and watch them fuck for a while. As I retrieved my tools from the shed, I decided to write them a quick note that I wasn't going to call the cops and just wanted to watch them. Maybe they won't be scared away next time. I went into the house to write my note. It simply said, "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you off. I just wanted to watch." I took the note to her vehicle and slipped it under her wiper blade. As I started to walk away, I...

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The time I got to fuck my friends daughter and gra

It was a late night at the bar for all of us, I was just about to leave when my friends daughter asked me if I would mind giving her and her daughter a ride home because they both had to much to drink and neither of them were in any shape to drive as we were leaving the bar I happen to notice my friends daughter and granddaughter we're both giggling and whispering and pointing at me. When we got in the car everything was normal until we got on the freeway I happen to look in the rearview mirror...

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