Shania's Song - Part 2 free porn video

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Shania's Song Part 1: The awakening They met in the kitchen at the end of the workday, a normal occurrence, the day was over and each had their tasks to prepare the meal. Dave and Kathy had been married for some time, was it almost six years now? Arriving home they met in the kitchen and talked while they cooked, it was a relaxation for both of them, they liked the routine and the harmony of being together. Who ever headed home first from work, usually stopped at the store and bought something, a nice red wine, some pork chops, they liked to surprise each other with the day's meal. Today was a little different, Dave was thinking about how to try and tell Kathy, he had been given a lay off notice today. His third job in six years. Dave was a little quiet and Kathy noticed; she had always been the more vocal one in their relationship. Actually, she was more dominant in the relationship, usually when she was displeased with Dave she let him know and helped him on his way to being a better person. Dave didn't mind actually, her dominance was more than not welcome; it was good to have some one to lean on and some guidance always made Dave feel better. Dave was very smart; a mechanical engineer that designed specialized equipment for heavy industry, his IQ was in the 130's. Dave disliked; no he hated having to put up with other people telling him what to do all the time. His prevalence for being a bit of a maverick on the job had led to being passed over for promotions more than once; a demotion during his career had rocked his self esteem badly. This latest notice was hitting Dave hard; he was nervous about telling Kathy, worried about his next job and really not ready to go to work for some one else again. How was he going to tell her? "So, are you going to tell me or what," Kathy asked while looking at him over the wine bottle she was struggling with, the dam cork was dry and refused to come. "Here, I'll do that" Dave replied. She watched him while he manipulated the cork out of the bottle; she hated that men were stronger. "I was a given a lay off notice today Babe," he said, finding it hard to look into her eyes. "What!" she exclaimed, "why?" "The industry is struggling right now, the market is in the tank," said Dave, "the company is down sizing and four of us were given notice today." "That's just great Dave, we were just starting to get ahead, another 6 years and the mortgage will be paid off, shit!" Kathy was upset, Dave could see it, he recognized the set of her mouth when she wasn't pleased. He had seen it more than once in their relationship. "I know Babe, I feel awful about it, do you think I wanted this?" he said, looking submissively down at the floor. "Baby I know it isn't your fault really, but how come you and not somebody else?" Kathy said with a sigh, rubbing her forehead as she spoke. "I wish I knew Babe," Dave replied. Dave felt his stomach churning, seeing the distress the news was causing his wife added to his own stress that he was no longer employed, a tear slid from his right eye. Kathy noticed right away, she reached out and took him in her arms, pulling him tight she placed a hand on his derriere, pulling him in close. She leaned in to Dave who by this time was crying openly and nibbled on his ear, when Dave started to shake as he cried, she bit his lobe gently. "Dave you are crying like a girl, stop this, or would you rather be a girl and cry a little bit more?" As she said this, she bit harder on Dave's ear, making him wince. "Yes Kathy, I'm devastated, I think I need a cry, a change, something to stop this shit in my head!" Dave was shuddering as he spoke and Kathy leaned back and took his chin in her hand and kissed Dave, hard, her tongue snaked it's way into Dave's mouth, Kathy twined her tongue around Dave's, sucking his tongue steadily in to her. Dave pressed hard into Kathy, letting her suck his tongue into her, it felt so wonderful to be held tightly and be made love to. Kathy released his tongue, but not her attack on Dave's mouth, she was giving his tongue fast soft licks, exciting him beyond belief, when he was fully painfully erect, Kathy bit his lower lip and took hold of his erection. She bit and squeezed him hard at the same time, Dave groaned and Kathy releasing his lip, said, "You little girl, if you're so upset and are going to cry, please go and arrange yourself you little bitch!" Dave felt his true self begin to open the door of his soul. He had always been attracted by lingerie and had a bit of a collection him self. He detached himself a little from Kathy and asked with wide open eyes, "You want me to change?" "If you're going to cry like a girl and act like one, you should look like one. Now go get in the shower and shave your body, it'll make you feel better; you know it always does. Here is a whiskey and take this pill before you go." She handed him a little white pill, Dave took it with wonder; he hadn't expected anything like this from Kathy. "Hurry up and take it girl," Kathy demanded, Dave took the proffered pill and swallowed it with the whiskey. He shuddered as the whiskey burned down his throat, it did make him feel better and the crying all but ceased. "Are you serious Kathy? You don't mind if I change?" "Honey," Kathy replied, "I know you are hurting and there is not much we can do about you're problem today, so if it makes you feel better, do it," as she spoke she stroked his cheek with her fingers. "You're so pretty and I could use some pretty companionship, I know we need to sit and think about things, but have you ever considered staying home for a while?" "What do you mean a while?" Dave asked guardedly. Kathy frowned at him slightly, "Well, you are struggling with you're career aren't you? It's pretty obvious, this is what? The 3rd job in six years, not to mention a demotion? Maybe its time you gave your head a shake and think about where you're going. Our mortgage is a little ways from being paid off, but we can re-arrange things so that you can take some time off for a while. I really think it would do you and us some good." Dave stood and stared for a second that seemed like ten. How did she know? It had been what he'd been thinking for quite some time. He almost had to shake himself to break his trance staring at her. "Wow" was all he could manage to utter. " How did you know?" Kathy smiled, "Never you mind you're pretty head about that." "Now, march upstairs and into the shower, I'll do dinner, but just for tonight. If you're going to stay home, you will have responsibility of the house," she said emphatically. "I think you should wear that little black teddy with the high cut thighs and the sheer black negligee, you know, the one that just covers your pretty little cock," she added as Dave started to turn away. "Oh by the way, that bulge in your pants will definitely show through your teddy, you should do something about that while you're in the shower .............." She was right as usual; shaving his body always did make him feel better, and the scented shaving cream smelled wonderful. He had started up the shower and adjusted it until it was steaming hot, now it was perfect. He began shaving his body; the very act made his cock feel alive with a mind of its own. He slowly sensuously ran the razor up his legs, starting at the tip of his toes and not stopping until he reached his navel. Dave was not a very hairy individual, he had often been teased about his lack of body hair through out his youth, his skin was soft and smooth except for his arms and legs. Even then the hair on his limbs was sparse. The smoothness of his bare skin excited him, his legs felt so silky, he loved to run his hands over them. He was going to go all the way this time; he began spreading shaving cream over his cock and little testicles. The silky smoothness of his cock combined with the steamy shower began to excite him; his cock was incredibly hard. He shaved it with pleasure, slowly, lightly running the razor down its length, pulling back so he could shave his balls and scrotum. As he pulled himself back, his hand began to involuntarily move up and down. He set the razor down on the side of the tub and began to masturbate himself. He leaned toward the wall, his knees were weakening, he had to support himself against the wall of the shower with an outstretched hand. As his excitement mounted he closed his eyes, he saw himself in black stay-up stockings, black 5" heels, naked except for a black cut out bra from which dangled a pair of 38C breasts. They were lovely and round; the nipples were swollen and enormous. They swung back and forth while his body moved to the rhythm oh his hand. He was almost ready to come, his hand moved faster and faster, he was breathing hard now, through his closed eyes he noticed his hair was auburn blond, long and sensuous, it had a beautiful wave and came to between his shoulder blades. A gold chain dangled between his creamy breasts, from the chain was a golden cross and beautiful golden "S" about two inches long. It was slightly inclined and he marvelled at its beauty through his closed eyes. "Mmmmmmm," came from him as he came close to erupting. His eyes snapped open as the shower curtain suddenly was drawn back; he looked at Kathy standing there looking at him with a small smile on her face. "I'm glad you took my advice, do you mind if I help?" she asked. "No Babe," he stammered with his hand still around his throbbing member. "That's not what I want to hear Dave, say please!" she demanded. "Pplease Babe," he stammered again. "Please Mistress is more like it girl," said Kathy, with a look that Dave knew she wasn't fooling around. "Please Mistress, will you help me?" he felt the colour rise to his cheeks as he said this, he was embarrassed but thrilled at the same time. "That's the idea girl, turn around and face the wall, the way you were, NOW!" she said with a growl to her voice. Dave immediately did as she wanted, her tone was something new to him, she had always been affirmative, but not to this extent. He found he was excited and just a little apprehensive of her. "That's it girl, now keep pulling that pretty little thing of yours. That's it," she watched Dave as he began to re-excite himself, she was definitely getting a rush out of this. Dave was more excited than ever, his pretty little cock was screaming for release, Kathy's new found dominance had thrilled him more than he thought possible. He forgot about his troubles and closed his eyes while he masturbated. He saw him self again, dressed in nylons and bra once more, but this time he was not alone. A man was on the bed with him. The man was fondling his breasts from behind. He was pulled tight to the man, his back against the man's hard body, they were on their knees. He could feel the man's hardness between his legs, pushing against his scrotum, Dave's ass was on fire, he was so excited he was rubbing his little ass against the man's shaft and moaning. The man began to kiss his neck and lift and squeeze his breasts, one hand trailed down Dave's side and began toying with his ass. The hand circled in at his little rosebud and began to press him firmly. His eyes opened wide as he actually felt a hardness pressing against him, he looked over to see Kathy with her vibrator in her hand, she was pressing it against his rosebud. "Do you like that?" she asked. "Oh yes," Dave replied and he began pushing his ass against the vibrator. He felt it begin to slip inside him and he moaned as his rosebud gladly opened to the hardness. His cock was alive now, he was stroking himself and wiggling his ass against the vibrator. "That's it Baby, you love to be fucked don't you," Kathy asked. "Yes, yes, yes, oh God I love it," Dave moaned. Kathy began to fuck Dave with the vibrator, using it like cock, pounding in and out of him. "I'm going to come, please fuck me," Dave gasped. "Not yet girl," Kathy said firmly and stopped. Dave shuddered as he could feel the vibrator all the way up inside him, like a hot iron. "What is your name girl?" Kathy demanded of him. "My name?" Dave replied with a shaky voice. "Well look at you, you're not exactly an overpowering male are you? What do you call yourself when you dress up?" Dave was turning red; he could feel his cheeks burning. "Well?" asked Kathy, giving the vibrator inside him a tap with her knuckle. The feeling of the vibrator inside him made Dave shudder, "Shania," he said in a low voice. "What's that girl, speak up!" "Shania, my name is Shania," Dave said a little more audible this time. "Shania, that's a lovely girls name, that will be your name from now on until I tell you different, do you hear me?" Kathy said with very positive tone to her voice. "Yes Kathy, I hear you," Dave replied feeling embarrassed but a little proud at the same time. At last, Shania can be a person instead of just his secret. "Yes what Shania?" Kathy asked giving the vibrator another little tap. Again the feeling of the vibrator being tapped sent a wave through Dave, or Shania. "Yes mistress I hear you." "Good, now finish yourself off and get out of that shower." Kathy leaned over and flicked the vibrator on, the vibration of the 8" dildo inside Shania's rosebud, caused her to tremble, all it took was a quick stroke of her erection and she came all over the shower wall. "Now don't forget to clean up that mess and I'll see you down stairs when you're dressed. I've left some makeup out for you, I expect you to look very pretty for me. Tomorrow we'll go shopping and get your own makeup and a few other things." It was Shania who stepped out of the shower, clean-shaven and freshly relieved, she felt wonderful and began to think that maybe things would be better if she didn't work. On the bathroom counter Kathy had left a body cream, a foundation, eye shadow, lip liner and lipstick together with a sweet smelling perfume that Shania loved to smell. After covering her smooth body in cream, which smelled wonderful and made her skin even smoother, she applied the foundation and the eye shadow and then carefully used the lip liner and lipstick. She loved the blue eye shadow, it made her eyes sparkle. The lipstick was a deep red and Shania admired how full it made her lips look. When she was done she sprayed herself with the perfume, and sashayed into the bedroom. Her black teddy and negligee were laid out on the bed, together with Kathy's 4" black pumps. They had the same size feet and Shania loved to see herself in high-heeled shoes. She was thin, five foot nine inches and one hundred forty pounds. Her legs were long and slim, in heels she believed her legs were as good as or better than any woman's. The black teddy slid over her smooth body, the silky feel made Shania gasp. Two thin spaghetti straps held the teddy up over her slim shoulders. The teddy was cut very high, exposing almost all of her little derriere and barely covered her little clitty cock. The black negligee was super sheer, her little teddy would show through the wispy negligee. She slipped it on and admired herself in the full length mirror they had against the wall of their bedroom. Her hair, she would have to do something about it! She looked very passable if one didn't consider her flat chest, but the hair was still too masculine. She returned back to the bathroom and using the blow dryer, fluffed her hair up as much as she could. She would use Kathy's curling iron to make it as curly as possible. It took some time but she believed she had it right. She had curled her hair up and back as much as she could. Then she twirled in front of the mirror and gave herself just another little bit of perfume. Once again she sashayed back to the bedroom. Shania sat on the bed and slipped on the pumps, standing she admired how her legs looked long and slim, they were smooth and shapely giving her a thrill as she slowly turned in front of the floor length mirror, stopping to admire her tight little derriere. "Not bad," she thought with a smile. "Mmm really not bad," smiling again. One last check of the overall effect in the mirror and she headed down stairs. The swaying of her hips came naturally, she hardly even noticed. Kathy did though, as Shania came into the kitchen full of the smells of dinner, Kathy watched her with a small smile on her face. She watched Shania entering the kitchen, she noted the way her hips suggestively moved beneath the sheer black negligee, how her teddy highlighted her long smooth legs ending in the black pumps. "Very nice," Kathy thought, "I wonder if Shania realizes how feminine she looks?" With just a little bit of effort, Kathy knew Shania would be a knock out. "Well, don't you look nice, how do you feel?" Kathy asked. "God, I feel better, you don't mind?" Shania replied with some nervousness, if Kathy were to reject her now, she would probably break down in tears again. Kathy came forward and hugged Shania, "There little one don't you worry, I love it. You look ravishing dear," Kathy let her hands trail down over Shania's derriere and slowly trace around with her fingernails to Shania's vulva. Shania quivered at the feel of Kathy's fingers on her, she felt her clit stiffen and begin to strain against the silky confines of the teddy. Kathy gripped her hard, almost painfully, "There, there girl, don't get in a rush," Kathy said while smiling and squeezing ever so slightly with increasing pressure. Shania felt her clit begin to protest and hurt under the attack and she began to let her knees buckle slightly. "What do you think you're doing?" Kathy said in a firm voice and still holding Shania's clit, she reached around and gave Shania a pull towards her by one cheek of that little derriere. Shania's breath sucked in as the pain increased and Kathy took a commanding hold on her, "You are mine and if I want to squeeze you, I will. Now, what do you say to me?" "Th-thank you mistress, I love to be yours," Shania said with a quiver in her voice. "That's a good girl," said Kathy as she manipulated Shania's clit with one hand while holding her firmly in place by the right cheek of her little ass. Kathy let her fingers of her hand trail towards Shania's rosebud while squeezing her clit hard. Kathy had very long sexy nails, which she used to flick over Shania's tight little rosebud. "That's a very hot pussy you have girl," Kathy said staring intensely into Shania's eyes. She massaged the clit harder, making Shania begin to wreath and moan with a shuddering breath. "Now you will only get that little clit of yours worked up when I tell you to, am I clear on that?" "Yyyes mistress, please you are hurting me." "Stop whining, or it will only get worse," Kathy said with a low voice that made Shania knew she was serious. Releasing Shania's clit, she put both her hands on that tight little ass and let her fingernails tease Shania's now very hot entrance to her pussy. Kathy pulling Shania tight to her she kissed her neck and bit her earlobe, none too gently. Shania gasped as she felt Kathy's mouth and teeth on her, it hurt but oh God, it did feel terribly good. "That's my girl Shania," Kathy said with her mouth firmly on Shania's delicate neck, "Do as you are told and we will do fine, do you understand me?" "I think so Kathy," Shania said while biting her lower lip. She gasped again as she felt Kathy's teeth firmly grip her neck and with an almost growling voice Kathy said, "My name is Mistress, I will tell you when you may call me by my name. Do you understand now"? Shania was almost in tears but biting her bottom lip hard in order not to show Kathy she was weak, "Yes Mistress, I understand and will only address you by your name with your permission." Kathy slowly released her teeth from Shania's neck, admiring where her teeth had left marks on the alabaster skin, she let her eyes drift into the eyes of her she- husband. Still holding the little derriere and staring intensely into the eyes of Shania, her soon to be created fem-fatal, she said, "That's a good girl. You do look sexy, now sit at the table, dinner is ready. And you may call me Kathy until I tell you." "Thank you Kathy," said Shania as she slowly pulled herself from Kathy's arms, looking demurely down. She bent slightly to pull out the chair at the dinner table and Kathy smiled when she saw Shania's derriere show through the silky negligee, the thong of the black teddy highlighted the creamy white of Shania's cheeks very nicely. 'Mmm,' thought Kathy, I am going to enjoy having that any time I want it. She watched again while Shania sat and crossed her legs, she fluffed her hair and propped clasped fingers under her chin. Kathy laughed out loud, God she was such a fem, neither one of them had probably realized just how much until this moment. "Did I do something wrong?" Shania asked with wide innocent eyes. "No baby you didn't, you are just such a little fem, do you like it?" "Is it wrong that I do?" Shania asked, "I love it, I love the way I feel. I never want to have hair on my body again." "No enjoy it, I think you will love being fem, you certainly are a natural. Tomorrow will be the real first day of Shania's life, are you ready?" Kathy asked. "Yes I am, for now anyways, I don't really want to think about work again for a few days at least." "OK sexy, then let's have dinner, but not too much, you have to watch your figure from now on. Tomorrow, you'll be getting completely redone, we'll be busy." Part 2: The Dawning Shania awoke with a feeling of d?j? vu, I must be still asleep she thought, how come this is me, it shouldn't be. She still wore the silky black teddy, as she ran her hand over the soft material, she felt the smoothness of her skin, "where have I felt this before, in another life maybe?" What ever the reason, she knew it was right, the thoughts of her problems as Dave were far away, she didn't want to think about them, she had other things on her mind. Dave could worry about those things; her concerns were now re-focusing. I have to be pretty for Kathy; otherwise she may look at someone else. As the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, the thought of Kathy made her eyes open wide. "Kathy, oh my God," rolling over she suddenly noticed the other side of their king size bed was empty, where was she? Has she left me already? Now that she was awake, the realization of her current state impacted her fully. My God, what have I done? The sound of the shower crept in to her state of near panic and relief seeped in to her, coping with out the support of Kathy was not something she wanted to think about at the moment. She stretched and sat up; the mirror of their dresser reflected her image, "Is that me?" One of the thin straps of the sheer teddy had slipped over one of her slim shoulders, her hair fluffy and curled back last night was now in disarray, hanging over her eyebrows giving her bangs a look that was quite interesting, she would have to play with that look when her hair was a bit longer. Her makeup was still on, a bit smudged nonetheless it gave her slim face a feminine look that she loved. She grimaced as she saw the morning's stubble, her beard had never been heavy but what little she had made her feel like the circus lady. She was staring at her image so intently, she didn't hear Kathy enter the room, "Hello sleepy head, it's about time you got that cute little butt out of bed" said Kathy. Shania jumped at the sound of her voice, turning she saw Kathy standing at the doorway, "Well you look pretty sexy honey," said Shania with a smile touching her lips. She did, she was wet from the shower with her long auburn hair hanging over one shoulder, a towel covered Kathy's breasts and torso but was short enough to allow a peek of her vulva to show. Shania saw that Kathy had trimmed herself in the shower. Kathy frowned a bit and Shania realized she has made a mistake reverting to what had been the informality of their relationship. Things were different now, Kathy was the dominant one and Shania should know better. "Girl, you haven't earned the right to call me honey yet," Kathy said firmly, striding toward Shania. Shania recoiled a bit, gathering the sheets around her. Kathy sat at the side of the bed and reached out and took Shania with one hand by the back of her head. "Pplease Mistress, I am sorry, I forgot," Shania quivered. She was trembling as Kathy pulled her toward her and kissed her, Kathy's mouth opened and her tongue parted Shania's red lips, incessantly playing and probing Shania's tongue. Shania could only respond, she loved the feel of Kathy's mouth on hers; her tongue was hot and wet, almost overpowering her. She kissed back and submissively parted her lips more and Kathy penetrated her all the way. Kathy suddenly broke off the kiss, still holding Shania's head in her hand, her other hand caressed Shania's breast, her nails flicked over Shania's nipple, making her moan. "These are going to be lovely when they are full and round," Kathy said, "would you like that girl?" Kathy asked Shania, looking into her eyes, holding her firmly by the head, letting her fingers play in Shania's hair while continuing to play with her nipple. "I never thought about it Mistress, I think that maybe I would like that, if it would you make you happy?" Shania responded almost in a moan, her nipple was on fire now. Kathy slid her hand from Shania's curls and stroked her cheek while relaxing on Shania's nipple slightly. "To have you content and very pretty will make me happy Baby," Kathy said. "I don't want to force you into any thing you don't want to do. I love that you let me play the part of the Mistress, but really, I think all would be better if we were friends and lovers rather Mistress and slave. What do you think?" "Shania was taken aback, she had been just getting used to the idea of Kathy as her Mistress, she even liked it to a certain extent. Friends and lovers? If she could have Kathy as her friend and her Mistress, she would do anything for her. "Kathy, thank you for giving me the choice. I think I would love it if we were friends and lovers, after all isn't that we always were? I do love that you help me to be Shania, Kathy I love it! So far I love being Shania and if we're friends and you find me sexy, I don't think I can ask for more; and yes, if you want me to fuller rounder breasts then yes, it is something I have always wanted, more than you know. But Honey, don't stop helping me to be better, if I do something wrong, please let me know." "Baby you have no fear of that, we are going to make you into the sexiest bitch in town." Kathy's last words were against Shania's lips again as she once again kissed her passionately, her tongue driving into Shania's mouth, licking her, playing havoc with her tongue. Shania could only moan again, and let Kathy's roaming hands and incessant tongue have their way, she loved the feeling of Kathy kissing and tonguing her, not to mention teasing her nipple and clit through the sheerness of the silky black teddy. Her passion was on fire as she was being kissed, breasts, my God breasts of my very own. She was moaning now as she saw herself in all kinds of sexy bras and low cut tops and dresses. She was close to coming and Kathy saw this, "My we are all hot and bothered," soothed Kathy as she broke off the kiss, "don't get too carried away Honey, we have a long way to go and I think you are going to enjoy it, so let's get started, get up girl!" She pulled Shania to her feet, and Shania had no choice, Kathy was a strong girl. She arose from the bed feeling wonderful; life certainly does take some interesting turns. "We have a big day in front of us Honey, so get that butt of yours into the shower," Kathy said as she pushed the slim shemale towards the bathroom. Shania could only smile as headed toward the bathroom. "You'll find razors, shaving cream and body lotion in there. Honey, make sure you are smooth as silk or smoother when you come out of there. Let me know when you are ready and I'll help you with your hair, just this time. We have to make sure your makeup and hair are perfect, we are going out!" Going out? Going out where? Shania looked panicked as she asked Kathy, "Go out? Where?" "Don't you want to go shopping and get your hair done?" Kathy asked with a smile. "Girl, don't ask or argue just get in there and I don't want to see you until your skin as smooth as silk." "Yes Mistress what ever you say," Shania was almost bouncing in her step as she looked at Kathy with love in her eyes, God she was going to enjoy this. The shower steamed her skin, making it soft for the triple edged razor. Shania luxuriated in the steam and the sensual-ness of the razor making her skin silky and soft. The body lotion was designed to soak in to the skin and soften; Shania could not believe the silkiness of her skin after submerging herself in lotion. She set to work on her face, Dam she thought; I have to do something about this hair on my face. She set to work shaving as close as she could, she shaved twice, the last time with soap, giving her face a very smooth and she thought, sexy bareness. She dried her hair and decided she needed it curled again, but first she needed some clothing, a girl can't wander around naked all morning. She sashayed into the bedroom with a smile, when she saw that Kathy had laid out one of her sexy black bras with a matching thong panty, she was thrilled, she felt very much like a young woman, preparing herself for a big day. She tucked her clit in and back and much as she could, while not having the largest clit in town she thought with a smile, I'm still not sure if those panties are going to cover everything up. At five foot eight inches and one hundred and forty pounds, Dave was not a very large man, hence his other body parts, shall we say, corresponded to his size. The thong panties slid up her sheer legs, as she tucked herself in she was surprised and delighted that the panties actually covered her and held her in place. The bra was a 38B; she and Kathy were almost identical in size so it fit her well. She loved the sheerness of it and how even though the cups were sheer they gave her just the tiniest bit of cleavage. "Well, we will be definitely doing something to improve that," she murmured as she admired herself in the mirror. She knew Kathy kept breast forms, "Mistress may I borrow your breast forms?" she asked out the door towards the interior of the house. Kathy's voice floated back from the kitchen, "Yes Girl you can, hurry you need to make us coffee!" "Ok, be right there," Shania answered back. She slipped the forms from the top drawer and placed them in cups of her lacy bra. Not bad she thought as she eyed her profile in the mirror, turning she admired how the thong accentuated her cheeks and gave a pretty vee between her legs. The breast forms gave her shape curves; she could almost believe that she was all female. Shania came into the kitchen in her panties and bra, Kathy noticed the filled out figure and how sexy her she-husband looked with black lingerie accentuating her figure. "Well I like that Girl, as soon as coffee is ready, meet me upstairs and we'll do your makeup and hair." "Yes Kathy, can I get you anything else with your coffee?" "No Girl, make sure you add artificial sweetener to yours, you are on a diet as of today," Kathy ordered. "Yes Mistress, how much weight will I be required to lose?" Shania asked. "Only about five pounds, you are pretty slim now, we just want a little more tightness around that pretty little derriere of yours. We want all of the boys to notice it and most of the girls." Shania almost spilled the water for the coffee, boys? She had never thought about being attracted to a man or for that matter, having a man attracted to her. "Well I'm not too worried about the boys Mistress, but I would definitely love it if the girls noticed me. Do you think they would find me attractive like this?" "When we are finished with you Girl, there won't be a woman or man who won't find you attractive, and you will like the attention you get from men, but just remember, you are mine!" Kathy said with a look that Shania knew better than to question. Secretly she thought it would be interesting to have men find her attractive, only the good-looking ones though. Kathy left and went upstairs, Shania poured coffee, humming as she did so. She didn't notice her posture, how she was bending with her knees together, and the natural feminine poise that she suddenly seemed to posses. She only knew that she couldn't wait to go upstairs and be made into the pretty flower she always knew in her heart she was. Part 3: The Day of the Rose Shania arrived in the bedroom bearing coffee, Kathy was ready for her, makeup, hairbrushes, curling iron and the blow dryer were all laid on the vanity table. "It's about time Girl, if you were any slower you'd be going be backwards," said Kathy with a low growl to her voice. Shania looked up in a start at the sound of Kathy's voice, when she observed the twinkle in her eyes, despite the menacing tone, she knew that Kathy was not terribly annoyed. In her sheer black bra and thong panties she placed the coffees on the vanity as daintily as she could and then knelt in front of her wife and Mistress. "Can you please forgive me Mistress for being so tardy with your coffee, if you would wish to beat me with one thousand lashes, I am but yours to do with as you wish. I was only trying to give to you, the perfect coffee." She maintained her head bowed demurely with her discourse, giving Kathy the benefit of towering over her submissive posture. Kathy smiled, God how David loves this she thought, I don't mind it myself so much either. This is going to be fun. Both she and David/Shania knew, or at least she hoped Shania knew, she wouldn't really do anything to hurt her but sometimes the game is best played with a few uncertainties. "Girl, don't tempt me, I can think of lots to do to you, including the thousand lashes. If you are not careful and hurry when I ask you something, you will receive a thousand lashes; and more! Now, while you are down there, you have not cleaned me in some time. I expect you to clean me when ever I ask." She parted the short robe she had donned and Shania saw that Kathy had almost shaved her vagina completely, there was only a thin strip of very short hairs leading up from her labia. "Now girl, I think you know what to do," said Kathy as she guided Shania's head towards her smooth vulva. Shania leaned forward slightly and nuzzled her mistresses' lovely silky skin at the top of the thin strip of hair. She grasped Kathy with both hands around her derriere and slowly slid her tongue down towards the parting of Kathy's now wet lips. She loved to taste Kathy, she had a sweet taste to her juices and Shania loved to drink them. As she flicked her tongue with quick rapid movements across Kathy's lips, Kathy emitted a groan and pulled Shania's face harder into her pussy. Shania used her grip on Kathy to steady Kathy's movements, she knew her wife, once she got going she would bounce both of them all around the room. Kathy may be the mistress but Shania was in control at the moment. She ran her tongue down the now enflamed slit, working the lips side to side with her tongue. Kathy was moaning loader now, her body was shuddering to the rhythm of Shania's tongue, Shania slowly worked her tongue back up the length of Kathy's lips. Her nose was buried in Kathy's abdomen, her tongue searching for the beautiful clit that Kathy possessed. As the tip of her flickering tongue brushed Kathy's clit, Kathy jumped and uttered a small shriek. 'Bingo,' thought Shania, she burrowed her nose in and began to work her lover's clit with quick hard fast licks, Kathy was moaning and weaving, starting to gasp faster and faster, Shania knew she was on her way to coming. "That's it bitch, suck me, eat me, lick that clit, you little pussy," Kathy was almost shouting. Shania was flicking her tongue back and forth across Kathy's clit as fast as she could, she reached up and slid a finger in the opening of Kathy's now soaking wet vagina. She pulled Kathy in toward her with her buried finger in Kathy's pussy and the other on Kathy's tight little derriere. As her finger slid in as far as it would and her tongue continued to batter an enflamed hot clit, Kathy screamed and almost collapsed on top of Shania. She came long and hard, her breath was gasping and she was moaning in time with Shania's flickering tongue. Shania was overjoyed, Kathy's juices flowed from her vagina and she greedily lapped them up. Kathy tasted so sweet and she must produce ounces of juice when she comes. Shania licked her lover's pussy until they were both so wet that another shower would definitely be called for. "Baby, please you are killing me," gasped Kathy. She allowed herself to fall backwards on the bed and Shania kept her tongue making love to Kathy's clit. Kathy moaned and raised her legs and Shania buried her tongue in Kathy as far as she could. "Oh Baby, you are the best little clit licker I have ever had, but please I can't take much more," moaned Kathy. Shania slowly relented; withdrawing her finger from Kathy's opening and looking deeply into her eyes, licked her finger clean. Kathy watched a smile and then leaned forward and kissed Shania deeply, probing her mouth deeply with her tongue. "Thank you Baby," she murmured between kisses, "Now it's time to get you ready." "But please Mistress," Shania whined, her little clit was rock hard in her panties. Kathy suddenly grabbed Shania's hair and pulled her face until they were nose to nose. "Bitch," she hissed, "I will tell you when it is time for that, don't you ever whine like that again. I will fix you." Standing she pulled Shania up by her hair, Shania was whimpering now, "Stop whining cunt!" growled Kathy as she shook Shania. "Now, pull down your panties, turn around and bend over the dresser." Shania did as she was told, letting the sheer black panties fall to the floor, bending over and gripping the top of the dresser with both hands. "Spread your legs girl, that's it," said Kathy as she none to gently forced Shania's legs apart. She grasped Shania's clit and pulled it down until was vertical to the floor; she was gripping her clit hard enough to make Shania cringe. A ribbon appeared in her hand and she quickly wrapped it several times around the now softening clit. She cocooned the clit with the ribbon and tied it off on the base of Shania's now flaccid clit. There was not much to see, a little slim red ribbon, she felt almost detached from it as she gazed down at it. "There, this will fit even better in your panties. Are you all right now? Do you understand? I want you to come only when you are ready and I will tell you when you are ready. Now stay that way, we have to start getting you ready." As Shania continued to lean over the dresser Kathy left the room and returned quickly. Shania gasped as she felt a cool moist liquid being spread around her rose bud. She breathed in sharply as she felt Kathy slide a tampon inside her anal cavity. "I expect you at all times to be wearing a tampon and to douche once per day. Today we will buy an anal trainer so that when the time comes you are ready," ordered Kathy. Shania couldn't help it, the intrusion in her tight canal felt alien yet it felt exactly right, it was is if she was meant to have the feeling of something inside her. The thought of being penetrated actually made her knees weak, if her clit had not been so tied up, she may have come on the spot. "OK Girl, sit," Kathy ordered. Shania pulled up her panties, making sure to tuck her clit well back and sat demurely at the dresser. "Tsk, your hair is a mess, watch and I'll show you how to get lots of volume and curl out of it. Now watch," said Kathy as bunched Shania's hair and wrapped an elastic band around the bun of hair. Kathy took a blow dryer and on medium strength began to dry Shania's hair, tugging the loose ends so that her hair dried in an upward direction. Kathy hummed a bit while she worked, she had done this for her sisters and she had always missed the company of a female. "Now, it's dry enough, we'll curl it over, giving you an effect of volume cascading over to your slim neck, this'll make you look thinner and give your hair lots of volume. Are you watching?" "Yes Mistress, I am, I love what you are doing," murmured Shania. Kathy was adept at curling, she had done this countless times before. Quickly she curled Shania's hair and then took a fine hair pick and fluffed Shania's hair until it was beautifully curled around over her ears, making her neck seem slim and yet, pulled back from her face, giving the appearance of almond shaped eyes. "I think we'll make your hair a little lighter Baby, would you like that?" Kathy asked. "Maybe some blond highlights, it'll really make you standout more, what do you think?" continued Kathy. "I think I would like that very much Kathy, but is my hair long enough yet?" asked Shania. "Today you are going to get extensions, it's the first place we are going today so you don't worry, you will be passable," Kathy replied. "We'll have them add some highlights, you are going to look dynamite Girl!" said Kathy. "Mmm that will be cool" said Shania, involuntarily her hips gave a little wiggle as the pleasurable thought of looking her best coursed through her body. Kathy saw this and smiled, "My aren't we the pleased little bitch, and now, now we make you a man killer, tilt your head back and watch closely how I do your make up. From now on after this, you will be doing your own make up." Shania acquiesced and leaned her head back slightly while watching Kathy's every move in the mirror. Kathy spread a light base coat over Shania's darker areas of her slight beard, "This will cover your dark spots until we can do something about having them permanently taken care of" Kathy said. 'Permanently removed?' thought Shania, 'Electrolysis?' She didn't say anything but a thousand thoughts were running through her head, 'How far is this going to go? I'm not sure but for now I'm not going to say shit and just enjoy it', she thought with a smile. Next Kathy took a base powder and lightly dusted the base coat, "This will set the base coat, it should until at least tomorrow and you don't really have much of a beard. Now watch while I do the foundation, this is very important. Too much will make you look obvious or like a slut, not enough may give away your facial hair, even as light as it is." Shania watched with her attention level at a peak, she was enjoying every second of this. It was like an old dream that had haunted her for the majority of her of her life had suddenly become as clear as the moon over a crystal night. It filled her with a sense of awe and made her shiver at the same time. Life sometimes had a funny of way taking the most unexpected turns. Kathy sparingly applied the foundation with a sponge, making sure to go lightly around Shania's eyes, her deep blue eyes were one of her best features and she wanted to them to standout with too much makeup. Once the foundation was applied, she took a larger sponge and patted Shania's face, uniformly blending the foundation with the base coat. She stood back to admire her work and was pleased with her effort. Shania was staring at herself in the mirror, she had not realized how she could look and she was amazed at the difference. Kathy took some more powder and very lightly dabbed it over the foundation, giving Shania a baby smooth complexion. "Now we're going to work on your eyes Girl, hold still and don't blink!" Kathy said. "I wouldn't dream of it Kathy, I can't believe what you are doing to me," Shania said with her voice low, she felt like a little girl being prepared, prepared for the life that had eluded her, she was on the verge and her heart was singing. "I should have done this a long time ago," she thought. Kathy took a 'China Blue' eye shadow and began to lightly dust Shania's eye lids, "We don't want you to have too much makeup today, we're going to the mall, not looking for men. This eye shadow will accent your baby blues, they are lovely and your best feature needs to be accented." She lightly dusted Shania's lids and then began to apply a darker blue eyeliner to her lower lids. She smoothly stroked on the eyeliner giving Shania almond shaped eyes, this was going better than Kathy expected, already Shania looked convincingly pretty and she would have no problem passing at any time. She would have trouble keeping the men away, well she would have to work on that. She didn't want to lose her husband/ girlfriend to a man, but maybe share? While these thoughts ran through her head she had a small smile on her face as she worked. "Kathy, are you sure you don't mind my being like this?" Shania asked, "The smile on your face tells me that maybe you don't mind? I don't want to do anything to come between us, but God I love what you are doing. Finally I can be me. Does or did David actually exist, I pretty much don't feel him right now." It was amazing to see the look in Shania's eyes as Kathy looked at her intently. "Honey, for the moment I love the new you, you look great and I am a bit jealous of your wide eyed innocent sex appeal, shit, you haven't even had a full day as a woman yet and you've already got the who me look. Just be a good girl, do as I say, I won't get you into trouble and I'll help you enjoy your time as a Shania. Just remember, I do know what's best and you will thank me later. And David can go fuck himself, we are going to have fun. OK little one?" Kathy had gently taken Shania's chin in her hand and was directly in her eyes. "Trust me and be a good little girl," she reiterated. "Yes Kathy, and I will do what you tell me, thank you Mistress," Shania replied, lowering her eyes demurely. "That's very good Girl, you keep that up and you'll have men falling at your feet all over the place. Now look up and we'll finish." The makeup was applied to perfection. Kathy applied a light blush to Shania's cheeks, her prominent cheek bones now stood out giving her face much more definition. Next Kathy applied a darker lip liner, Shania's lipstick would be a reddy mauve colour so the slightly darker liner would define her lips and give her lips a fully defined look, almost pouting. As she applied the lipstick she looked into Shania's eyes, they were sparkling blue and shining, God she was so cute. Kathy admired her work, she was good, her little creation was gorgeous, she lightly misted Shania's neck with some perfume, 'Coco' by Chanel. "Well, what do you think, look at yourself, I can't believe it" said Kathy as she pointed Shania to the vanity mirror. Shania stared at her reflection, looking back at her was a young sexy woman with sparkling blue eyes and dramatic curly hair and dramatically inviting lips. "I can't believe it either Kathy, I look incredible, will I be able to look this good all the time?" "Honey, when we are done with you, you will not only look this good all the time but you'll have to be careful going out. The men, and some ladies will be lusting after you," replied Kathy. "Now come with me and we'll get you dressed. She took Shania's hand and propelled her towards the large walk-in closet they shared. They were almost the same size, Shania actually had a little bit smaller waist than Kathy but her legs were longer. Kathy chose a skirt and jacket that had always been a bit too snug for her but should fit Shania perfectly. It was a black pencil slim skirt that came to about three inches above her knees, "This will go great with black nylons, here put on this pair of sheer pantyhose, stockings would be so much sexier but today we want practicality." She then chose the matching black suit jacket, it fit very snug and the material of the suit was almost silk, it's vee neck left an enticing view of her cleavage. A pair of black sandals with three inch heels completed the outfit. "Put these on while I get ready Girl and don't smudge your makeup or put a run in the stockings." Shania took the clothes with wonderment, it was really happening. She returned to the bedroom and sitting at the edge of the bed proceeded to slide the stockings up her smooth legs, the sensuality of the nylons gliding over her velvety skin gave her a rush, her face was hot and her clit was straining inside her panties. Once she had slowly slid the nylons up her legs, she ran her hands over her legs, around her clit and derri?re, a low moan escaped her red lips, the feeling was superb, she couldn't believe that it felt this good, she loved it! The skirt slid over her nylons, God there was that feeling again, the friction of the material against her nylons gave her a feeling of sensuality that defied reason. She buttoned the skirt at the back and pulled the zipper tight. The slim pencil style skirt fit her closely all over, she would have to be careful to take small steps, her movements were restricted by the tightness to short mincing steps. She donned the jacket, the sleeve cuffs were tight on her wrists and it fit intimately all over. Her breasts strained against the silky material and her cleavage was slightly showing, she was a young serious power dressed sexy woman. Carefully she sat at the bed and did up the high heeled sandals, damn, why hadn't she thought of it sooner? Her unpainted toe nails showed through the sheer nylons. She stood and took a few steps towards the door. The restricting skirt combined with the heels caused her to walk with a very pronounced wiggle, she could feel her derri?re sexually moving beneath the confines of the skirt. "Kathy, I need to do my nails, I can't go out without my nails done!" she whined. "Silly girl, that is something you are going to get done today, my friend Janelle is going to give you extensions and she'll have a pedicure and manicure given to you as well. I, of course, have thought of everything," replied Kathy who was emerging from the closet. She looked dynamite in a knee length lycra dark blue tank dress. "Ooh Mistress, you look divine. You are being so good to me, thank you, I can't wait!" replied Shania. "See? If you are a good girl things will go well. Now let me look at you. Hmm not too bad, I have a couple of clip on earrings in my jewelry box with a matching choker, put them on. We'll get your ears pierced today too," ordered Kathy. Pierced ears? Shania felt a thrill course through her body once again, if this kept up she would soon be a quivering mess on the floor. Wordlessly she turned to the vanity to find the jewelry, Kathy continued dressing. Her clingy dress accentuated her lithe body, she wore no nylons and donned a pair of three inch heel pumps in matching blue. The warm day meant no jacket, she and Shania would make quite a pair, it should prove to be an interesting day. "Are you ready Baby?" asked Kathy. Shania who had been concentrating on getting her choker just right, turned to face Kathy, "I think so Mistress, how do I look?" she replied. Kathy was looking at a younger woman with shorter reddish blond hair reaching her shoulders, her face was narrow with very defined cheeks , round innocent big blue eyes, a slim aquiline nose and lovely luscious red lips. A gold one inch wide choker adorned her slim neck with matching long earrings. The young woman wore a slim fitting black suit with a close fitting jacket and tight pencil skirt that showed her silky nylon adorned legs sexily, the tight skirt outlined her bottom very nicely, just slightly showing the outline of the thong panties. The narrow waist of the skirt flared her hips provocatively and her high heeled sandals gave her smooth legs a long and graceful look that most models only possessed. She was a knock out. With a little better hair, maybe modelling was not too far out of the question. "Do you know how good you look Honey?" Kathy asked in a low voice, she came forward and ran her hand down the front of Shania's skirt, teasing her vulva with long nails. "Does that feel good, do you like that? Get used to it, you are mine and you are so dam hot I can't believe it!" She ran her hand round back to Shania's derriere and pulled her close, she kissed Shania ardently, her tongue snaked its way into her mouth. Shania responded submissively, she parted her lips to allow that hot tongue to have its way. They kissed passionately and then suddenly Kathy pushed Shania back, "You little bitch, you are just trying to get me hot. It works! Now we can't ruin our makeup so don't be such a tart. Do you have your purse ready?" "Um I don't have a purse Mistress may I borrow one of yours?" "Tsk, you are such a helpless thing, here I though maybe you would be asking, take this one." Kathy handed Shania a lovely little black purse which complimented her outfit perfectly. "Let's go now Baby," said Kathy and ushered Shania towards the door. Panic struck Shania, go out? On the day like this? "Kathy I can't, I'll be noticed and...." "Kathy lightly slapped Shania across the face "Just shut up bitch and listen. Didn't I tell you that I would take care of you? No one, NO ONE can tell, shit I can't, you look better than me. Now get your ass going, we have spent enough time here." Shania's eyes which flown wide at the impact of Kathy's hand turned demurely downward, she wasn't hurt, just a little shocked, Kathy was showing a side which had never seen before. Was that another hot flush she was feeling? Oh God, here we go............. Part 4: New Woman's day The clashing sound of the door closing behind Shania made her jump, she was a bundle of nerves. Here she was standing outside, dressed in a tight black suit, which by the way, showed off her black nylon clad legs very sexily when she walked, the stairs down from the bedroom had been a challenge. Her pronounced wiggle made Kathy smile, her little creation was going to be a man eater, like it or not. Negotiating the door of Kathy's low slung sports car was a new challenge for Shania, the Corvette was not exactly tight skirt friendly. A "woo" of relief escaped her lips as she swung her feet daintily in and shut the door. She hoped none of the neighbors were watching, but then again, what if they were? "OK Baby?' Kathy asked. She leaned over from the drivers seat and provocatively ran her hand under the edge of Shania's skirt, allowing her nails to tease the sheer nylon of Shania's smooth legs. She felt so sensual, how could her darling she/husband have such smooth skin? "I believe I am ready Mistress, are you sure I will get away with this?" "Without a doubt Girl, now make sure you sit with your knees together and don't worry about a thing. This is going to be fun." Kathy backed out of the driveway and they were off. Were the colors of the world ever this bright, thought Shania? Her sense of observation seemed to match the amount of butterflies in her stomach, heightened was a rather poor way to describe her senses at the moment, volcanic was more apt. As they sped along the causeway towards downtown, the world's sights seem to flood her senses, she seemed to see, hear and smell everything. Kathy was chatting with her as they drove, she began by telling her that they were expected at Janelle's salon in fifteen minutes, where she expected Shania to be for about three to four hours. She would leave Shania there and run a couple of errands. "You're going to leave me?" Shania asked, she didn't want the panic in her stomach to be so plain in her voice, maybe it was her eyes the size of silver dollars that gave her away. "Yes I'm going to leave you there, you expect me to wait around for three hours? I don't think so," Kathy replied with an edge to her voice. "Listen, you want to do this, I am not exactly forcing you. If you aren't man enough or woman enough to handle it, tell me now. We can go back and you can be Dave again. By the way, if Dave isn't working, he either pulls his weight or he's on his own. I want to help Shania, but I'm the bread winner now, it's on my terms not yours. Well, what'll it be?" Kathy did not look at Shania during her statement, she kept her eyes firmly set ahead and her hands on the wheel, they must have been doing at least seventy miles an hour by now. Shania thought about being Dave again, her wonderful experience as Shania was just starting, be Dave again? Not likely! "OK Kathy, I'll do as you say, you are right, of course. I am just nervous, I want this so bad, but I don't want to be a freak, I'll do this and enjoy it." "That's good Girl, don't worry, I am not lying to you, you look like a woman now, with a little bit longer hair, no one will ever tell. In three hours you will wonder why you were so scared". Kathy looked over and smile coolly, "Now just relax you little cunt and enjoy it, nobody ever did this for me, you are very lucky. And, I think you may have just earned your first punishment for the day." "What, because I'm scared? Punish me. Listen Kathy, I'll appreciate your help and I understand you are enjoying the dominance thing, but don't let it go to your head." Kathy's eyes went suddenly wide when she heard this, "OK Girl, I'm sorry, but you are going to listen to me and I haven't described the punishment yet. You'll like it!" She laughed a bit as she said this and the tenseness was broken. Shania smiled at this, she was glad Kathy was not going to try and be the total dominance queen, things were going to work out.... They threaded their way through downtown, the Corvette sliced through the traffic easily, Kathy was a natural born driver. Shania had been to Janelle's a couple of times with Kathy before, but today's heightened state of nerves made her acutely aware of where she was now. They swung into the parking lot and parked, Shania's nerves were jangling again, she could not believe that she was here. Her new found femininity was making her heart pound and the dryness in her throat felt like the sands of the Sahara. "Let's go Girl, get your little butt out of here and remember, you are here to have fun. Enjoy it, every girl wants to be pampered," said Kathy. Shania meekly steadied herself and wordlessly opened the door and stepped out. Kathy joined her, taking her by the hand they strolled into Janelle's. The salon was decorated in art deco and Shania hadn't remembered that it was such an upper scale salon. A stern looking thirty something receptionist was at the front desk, tall and waspish, she was striking. As Shania and Kathy approached the podium, she greeted them. "Good morning, welcome to Janelle's. My name is Jessica, how may I help you today?" "Hi" said Kathy, "This is Shania she has an appointment with Janelle today, is she available?" "Of course I am available Kathy, how are you?" Janelle was stunning to say the least as she made her towards them. Dressed is an eye catching purple suit with a short snug skirt, her long auburn hair curled down over her shoulders and cascaded down her back. She was slim and tall, almost six feet in her none to modest four inch heels. The black pumps matched her wonderfully sheer nylons to perfection, her legs seemed to never end as they disappeared into the revealing skirt. She hugged Kathy and told her, "It's been too long, you look wonderful" "You are the pot calling the kettle black Janelle, my goodness look at you," replied Kathy. "Aw this is just a little something I threw on, now who is this ravishing creature?" she questioned as she turned to look at Shania. Shania had been doing her best to appear feminine, standing with her feet together, clutching her purse, she was having trouble getting her voice to work. "Janelle, meet my best friend Shania. She's here for your magic, Shania, do you remember Janelle?" "Yyyes I do, how are you," asked Shania as she held out her hand seeking a handshake. "My aren't we formal," chuckled Janelle as she leaned forward and hugged Shania as well. "Honey, we are going to be friends, handshakes don't work in my place. You look wonderful, Kath, you didn't tell me how good she looks, has she introduced you to her boyfriend yet?" Shania was about to stammer boyfriend what boyfriend?, when she realized that Janelle was being funny. "Not yet Janelle, but he better be hung better than her last one, the poor thing isn't standing with her legs together like that for nothing" with this retort from Kathy, all three broke out laughing, Shania felt the knot in her stomach unraveling slowly like a crimson ribbon unwinding. "We are going to get along famously," said Janelle, now come on back to my office and let's chat about what we're going to do. Coffee?" "Yes please," said Shania. "Me too," joined in Kathy. "Jessica?" said Janelle looking at her with raised brows. "Yes m'am," replied Jessica. The three trouped off to Janelle office, winding their way through the glitzy art deco salon, Shania saw several ladies getting their hair done, manicures were performed at a special station. They settled into Janelle's office in the back, while some what small, it was beautifully decorated with some interesting pieces of pottery and some fascinating pictures, Janelle obviously traveled. "You have some lovely things here Janelle," said Shania. "Thanks Hon, I try to get something from wherever I go. Now, tell me, what do you want done today?" Shania looked at Kathy, but she only looked back, her silence was obvious, it was time for Shania to speak up. "Kathy has told me you do extension, I would love to have longer feminine hair with body to it and about your length. Some blond highlights would be nice to. I need my nails done and I want my ears pierced." Shania found as she stated her desires she felt more positive and the words flowed out of her effortlessly. She stopped suddenly realizing her enthusiasm and looked again at Kathy. Kathy smiled back and said, "That is a bit of a tall order, can you do all that today Janelle" "Honey of course I can! Raquel will do her nails. I will take charge of your hair personally your hair Shania," said Janelle, "Is there anything else you want done?" "Do you do electrolysis?" asked Shania. Kathy looked at Shania, "Are you sure Hon?" she asked. "It is a big step, are you ready for it?" chimed in Janelle. "I want to look the best I can and yes, if I am going to enjoy me, I am going to enjoy all of it, do you mind Kathy?" she asked her mate. "Baby, you know I don't, how much would it cost Janelle," she asked as she turned to the auburn haired beauty. "Well its not cheap but if you guys are short a little, we can do some extended payments or something, maybe, just maybe Shania can do a little work for me to help pay. I have the feeling I am going to be needing a new receptionist soon," she said as she looked at her watch. "Excuse me just on sec," she said as she picked up the phoned and dialed. "Jessica, where is the coffee, did you go to Colombia for it?" she spoke with a firmness to her voice. A garbled reply came from the phone and she set it down. "Trouble?" Kathy asked with a smile. "She has a new girlfriend and she spends more of her time on the ph

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Whitneys Song

Whitney's Song: Every Teenaged Girl in America Wants To Be Me By Pirategrrl (c) 2000 1. SMUGNESS IS NOT HAPPINESS. "New message, left today at 11:35 am," the quasi-sexy voice cooed as I checked my voicemail messages from behind my desk. The snottiest, most overeducated assistant I ever had used to call it my Ayn Rand desk; gleaming metal, dominating the landscape of my office with swoops of stainless steel, black marble and ego, covered in the monuments of my importance as a...

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Aajker Sondhe Shudhu Dipika R Songe

Ami Raja Kolkata e thaki, unmarried, Kolkatar e ekta MNC te kaaj kori, amar boyos 30 height 5’8” ektu golgaal average chehara. Je ghotona ta apnader kaache uposhapon korte cholechi seta bochor khanek aager ghota… Amar ei jibone khub kom meye e eseche karon ami se bhabe kauke dekhtam naa…Kintu sedin, office theke, berobar somoy assistant Mili jiggasa korlo “Ki Rajada kothay jacchen???” Ami or answer ta na diei bollam tomer ki lift lagbe sune bollo “bhaloi to hoy” Ami oke namate raji hoy gelam...

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Song of ThanksChapter 13 June 615 1996 A Vision of Death A Song of Life

What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. Crowfoot South Dakota, June 6-8 Crying for a Vision Dreams are the answers to questions that we haven't yet figured out how to ask. Fox Mulder At the end of the feast to celebrate her acceptance as a new relative, Ominotago, as Courtney would now always be known here, brought the sacred pipe to Gaho....

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Singing Jasens Song Part 2

Jasen, hearing her quiet exclamation, looked over and saw the black plastic in her hand. There was shock and guilt on her face. “Easy there, Banner.” “I'm not mad.” Her tone gave the impression of correction. He had actually expected her to think that he was mad. “Huh?” “Or frightened.” Without taking his eyes off the road, he gave her a confused expression. “Bruce Banner only turns into the Hulk when he's extremely angry or anxious.” She used a light hearted matter-of-fact tone,...

4 years ago
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Singing Jasens Song Part 2

Introduction: To fully enjoy the story, please read from part 1. Part 2 begins directly where the first left off. After being offered a ride, Kairi finds herself in Jasens car being driven home. This is not the final part by any means, so for those of you who liked the pace of my other stories, try to not get disappointed just yet. Im also sorry to say that the third part may not be coming for a while (I should be doing homework), but Im hoping within the week. As always, I sincerely hope you...

1 year ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 5 A Night Relived May 1995

The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. Charles Dickens May 1995 Johnny Andersen was just hanging out at the upscale apartment of his best friend Darryl Sanders. Johnny often worked as Darryl's assistant on larger photo shoots and did smaller jobs like weddings for a living. Johnny was a perfectly competent and dependable photographer. He just lacked the special talent and artistic ability that put Darryl at the top of the field. But that didn't keep them from being...

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Song of ThanksChapter 4 Ten Years Apart May 1985 May 1995

May 1985 — May 1995 The Years Apart by Darryl Sanders Thank God, Grandma Kedrick was with me when I got that note. I found out later that the note actually was given to Robyn, who didn't want the responsibility. When Grandma offered to deliver the note, Robyn gratefully accepted. Neither knew what the note said, but they both knew it was bad news. The entire town knew that Courtney and her family had disappeared overnight. The local gossip was that Mr. Archer had deserted his family to run...

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Helping out a friend 3 another business trip 2 Sing a song

I slept like the dead, and woke up to the room phone ringing. "Sir, Mr Lim's driver is waiting for you." said the voice on the other end. "That's impossible, our meeting isn't until tomorrow," I replied. As it turned out, we crossed the international date line, so we did actually have a meeting that day. My bad. Worse, was that I was also supposed to have dinner with Mr Lim, and one of his Jr VPs, that evening, even though I'd made a date with our sexy flight attendants....

1 year ago
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The Girl in a Country Song Ch7 Ride Through The Country

Lukah and Jessie had decided to chill and hang around the house, on their first day off together in several days. After all, the weather report was calling for rain. The day started… Lukah and Jessie had decided to chill and hang around the house, on their first day off together in several days. After all, the weather report was calling for rain. The day started off as any lazy, rainy day. A small brunch, catching up on household chores and of course cuddling in front of the TV. As the...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 73 Sing Sing A Song

March 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “What are we doing with a full day off?” Clarissa asked when I returned from my run on Friday morning. “I had no plans except to relax until our concert tonight. Most everyone has at least one exam today, so it can just be us, if you want.” “Get your shower and come back to bed.” I quickly showered, dried off, and climbed into bed with Clarissa. She snuggled close and I put my arm around her as she got into our usual cuddling position, with her left arm and...

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Sing Me a Song

Karaoke. No matter how stressful things got at work or at home, she always had karaoke. It was the one time a week she could go and pour out everything she was feeling. Some nights she sang upbeat, fun songs like Hey Mickey or Life is a Highway. Some nights she felt soulful and belted out Bonnie Tyler and Meat Loaf. Billy Joel, Elton John, Journey, and Bon Jovi were frequently included in her lineup. She was even known to get downright silly and sing Weird Al songs all night. She wasn’t a great...

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Singing Jasens Song Part 1

Introduction: For those of you who have read my other stories, this one may — at first — not seem to follow the same flow, but stick with it. I dont think youll be disappoint. (Or maybe you will, but I certainly hope you wont). For those of you who have never read my stories before: if you are looking for nothing but raw meaningless sex, you are about as far from the right place as you can get. Part 1 of this series, like the others, does not contain any sex. I hope you all enjoy! As always,...

3 years ago
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The Alluring Song Of The Ocean UC

// 1 // - It was a quiet morning and Gabriel took a moment to enjoy the sun rising above the waves. Around him, he heard the familiar murmur of the ocean lapping at his boat, and the half-sunken houses around him. The same whisper of the water helped him to fall asleep every evening and greeted him in the mornings like this one. A grumbling of his stomach reminded him of the tasks at hand. As he looked in his secret stash, Gabriel had to suppress a sigh. A half loaf of bread, by now...

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A Beautiful WIsh Chp 2 Song of the New Day

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 2:  Song of the New DayLight poured in through George's bedroom window and splashed directly across his face.  He had tried to fight the growing realization that he was awake by covering himself with a pillow and willing himself back into a dream with Dawn.  But he eventually gave up, and picked himself up off the bed.  He looked around hopefully, but she was no where to be found.  The mood enhancing candles and furnishings were gone, and back were his...

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Song of ThanksChapter 12 June 211 1996 Relatives Created and Friends Divided

The choices we make and the chances we take, determine our destiny. Anon South Dakota, June 2-5 Hunkapi So too is the buffalo holy, because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka. Flat Iron (MAZA BLASKA) Oglala Sioux The afternoon was spent doing the shopping to bring Courtney's riding outfit up to practical standards right down to some very unsexy but comfortable "granny britches" underwear. Since a good hat and good boots are essential to anyone who plans to spend serious time in the saddle...

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Redemption Song

Redemption Song, by Armond Author's note: Gale's song at the end of the story is modified from a poem by the mystic poet Mirabai, translation Robert Bly. *** 1. Late Fall "So honored one, do you wish this creature? The Arch Priestess thought you and your brother might need another beast of burden, perhaps?" The ruddy-skinned guard shifted in the seat of her wagon to turn away from the cold north wind, her heavy gray cloak flapping about her. Meg squinted at the figure...

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Singing Jasens Song Part 4

Introduction: Sorry for the delay with this one. Couldnt get things quite the way I wanted them. Forewarning, there is no sex in this part of the story. If youre looking for a tale of meaningless sex, you should look somewhere else. To fully enjoy, please read from Part 1. Thank you to everyone for reading, rating and commenting! -SS Jasen rapped heartily, pausing to note the sideways 8 and chipped paint that adorned the discolored door. Despite dozens of car rides and even more conversations,...

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Singing Jasens Song Part 4

A few seconds of silence followed the sound of his knock before he heard a bolt shift. All at once, he was nervous, but his determination was too solid for him to back down. The door swung slowly, with a creak, and her face appeared in the opening. Surprise showed in her features, along with a small degree of confusion, yet he could not help but smile at the sight of her. “Jasen? What's up?” “Can you come out and play?” His words nearly trampled hers as he tried to get them out before...

4 years ago
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A song called Cunt

I was sitting staring at the screen, absent-mindedly chewing the end of a strand of my red hair when the Features Editor wandered over.“Jackie, have you heard of K-Pop?”I grinned at him. “Well yeah, but I don’t think that’s exactly my scene. I think I hit puberty about, oooh, fifteen years ago.”He smirked. “Very funny. This might be your scene though.”He slid a press release onto my desk. One side of an A4 page, titled ‘The dark side of K-Pop.’“They are playing at the Blue Angel tonight. I’d...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 60 Last Song

Labatt’s Limo to Glencoe High School 5:35pm, Friday, April 6, 1979 “What do you mean ... this can’t be the one and only time you’re gonna play with us?” Lynette exclaimed after Jennifer told all seven of us that this would be the last time she thought she’d be able to play with our band. “I, I just think that with my new gymnastics schedule and more importantly, listening to how E and Brick have sounded with you ... that I’m just...” “You’re still gonna do the odd ‘guest sax’ song or two...

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Song of ThanksChapter 6 Two Lives Rejoined May 1995 May 1996

Part 1 — Paradise When it was finally time to dress for dinner, Courtney and Darryl both knew that just outside their door was the real world, with problems they would have to face, together if they could. But the eighteen hours since they'd been reunited were the happiest they had ever had. The main purpose of the dinner, besides the fact that the happy couple was long overdue for a break and a sit-down meal, was to allow Darryl to become better acquainted with Jaclyn and Karl,...

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Singing Jasens Song Part 6

“You left this note for me?” She finally spoke slowly and carefully, running her fingers over the words. “The morning when you were gone... this was there for me, but I missed it?” With an excruciating amount of concentration, he kept his words organized and did not allow them to spill out at once. “I figured you must have been starving, I knew I was, so I only got up to grab some food from the lobby for us to eat. When I told you that I didn't bring you there to sleep with you, I meant...

4 years ago
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Singing Jasens Song Part 6

Introduction: Here is the final part. The wait even annoyed me, so Im very sorry for how much it affected any and all of you. Please feel free to comment with any thoughts. Thank you all for reading, and thank you infinitely for your patience. -SS The second they both crossed into the apartment, she closed the door behind them. Jasen thought for a moment that he heard the lock click, but wasnt sure. Her eyes were cast downward, moving again over the words on the paper. Nerves ran through Jasen,...

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This Song Is Over

I like to crank some tunes when I fuck. It sets the mood, you know? And Frankie is a great song to fuck to.Relax, don’t do it. When you want to cum. *1“Oh FUCK me Daddy! Yes, yes, yes fuckkkkkk me Daddy…”I pumped her harder and harder, both of us close. Having a woman call me ‘Daddy’ was such a turn-on for me.“Cum in me Daddy! Fill me up oh gaawwwwdddd!”Her pussy clenched tightly on me. Her back arched as she thrashed around in full orgasmic ecstasy. The candlelight danced on her magnificent...

Love Stories
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 5 The Bards Performance

The Erinyes Incessae – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi The howls of the rampaging barguest filled the night over the small town of Lor-Khev in southern Thosi. The Lesh-Ke Mountains loomed to the south, a wall of black that occulted the brilliant, starry sky I flew through. My eyes scanned the town. My prey lay in here. The target of Mother’s vengeance. I glided over the town on black-feathered wings, gripping my spear of fire in my hand. Already Angela of the Knights Deute, bastard descendant...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 16 Sing Me a Love Song

July 28, 1983, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday evening I was sitting in my room, practicing my guitar after having spoken with Tasha and confirmed our date for Sunday. Just after 9:00pm, there was a knock at the door. “It’s unlocked! Come in!” The door opened and Milena walked in, closing the door behind her. “Hey!” I replied. “What’s up?” “Got some time for me?” “Always. What can I do for you?” “Sing me a love song and then make love to me?” “Your wish is my command!” I grinned. “Come sit...

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Singing Jasens Song Part 1

The reason for it was simple, the "love" songs were slower and a bit less interesting for the audience. Eye contact, however, got the girls going and that giddy excitement spread to everyone around them. The never-continuously-look-at-a-girl rule helped to save them from the over zealous female admirers, though that couldn't be completely avoided. The male performers who were interested in more than just getting the crowd going would shift back to the same girl, one who looked willing, a...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionAfterward lsquoWelcome to the lsquo Concert Playlists and Book 6 Chapter Song

With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...

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Act III Sarahs song

Summer was now over and school was in full session. I had reconnected with Sarah and now she was the only thing on my mind. She was so beautiful with her black hair, bright green eyes, and the glasses she would occasionally wear, slipping the contacts on when she felt self-conscious. She wore converse no matter the time or season and I loved it.We were so alike in so many ways. We liked many of the same shows and read many of the same books. Our trauma was different, but we had a mutual...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 20 Breakup Song DoOver

I’d made an appointment to meet with Coach Hope before football camp. I wanted to talk some sense into him concerning Phil, Yuri and Roc and their desire to come with me to Mexico. He’d said he might suspend them for the first game if they missed the first week of fall football practices. I thought I might bribe him, so I went to Granny’s West and picked up coffee and cinnamon rolls. I knew they always put me in a good mood, so I assumed they would for Coach, too. “If you have what I think...

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The Survivor ch 2 Myras Song

Part 1: The Hunt Myra crept through the thick brush one careful step at a time. Rain had recently fallen and the slope she was descending was as slippery as it was steep. She was all too aware that one wrong step would send her sliding down to the bottom of the gully and give her presence away. Reaching a tree about halfway down the slope, she leaned against it and held her breath, listening to the sounds of the forest. The birds had gone silent and it seemed even the sounds of the insects...

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The Survivor ch 2 Myras Song

Part 1: The Hunt  Myra crept through the thick brush one careful step at a time. Rain had recently fallen and the slope she was descending was as slippery as it was steep. She was all too aware that one wrong step would send her sliding down to the bottom of the gully and give her presence away. Reaching a tree about halfway down the slope, she leaned against it and held her breath, listening to the sounds of the forest. The birds had gone silent and it seemed even the sounds of the insects had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Shania Twain and her Pets

Shania Twain was walking toward one of the barns on the estate she and Mutt had in Switzerland. She was going to feed her horses. She was dressed in loose sweat pants and a tee shirt. When she was away from the public she dressed as comfortable as she could. One of her dogs was cavorting around her as she made her way to the barn, the others were off on the estate somewhere. This dog was her favorite, he was a big German Shepherd, Tan and black, weighed about 110 pounds. His name was Tim and...

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Shania Twain and Trace Adkins Heat up the Desert

Shania Twain was riding in a helicopter passing over the hot California country side, headed for a remote location for a Photo shoot. One of the Top European Magazines was paying her good money for her time. They wanted to do an edition on the hot country music stars from America, They had their own photographers doing the shoot but had hired an American company for the production, the producer decided since they were hot stars he would shoot them in a hot location. Shania had a four day break...

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Shania Twain her assistant

Julie Stevens almost fainted when Shania Twain picked her to be her new personal assistant. She was just twenty-one years old and had already landed her dream job. She was a huge fan of Shania and had always wanted to meet her and now she had the chance to work with her every day. Julie arrived in Shania's hotel room about an hour before the country star was due and made sure everything was in place for Shania to be comfortable before her concert tomorrow night. Julie's cell phone rang and she...

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The Song Bird CH1

The day had been tiring and my mind was pleasantly contemplating a cup of tea, a shower and an evening meal as I drove the last few miles to the hotel. My usual hotel could not accommodate me on this trip so perforce I had to book another, slightly more expensive hotel. I drove a lot in my work, covering some thirty-five to forty thousand miles a year; and had done so for the last fifteen years without accident. Therefore, without boasting too much I considered myself a reasonably good...

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WORDS ADAPTED BY PROF POET-PETER FROM A 2007 HOT HIT BY Amy WHITEhouseWE QUOTE WIKIPEDIA IN ENGISH ABOUT AMY WHO DIED TOO YOUNG Amy Jade Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011) was an English singer and songwriter. She was known for her deep, expressive contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres, including soul, rhythm and blues and jazz.A member of the National Youth Jazz Orchestra during her youth, Winehouse's influences were Sarah Vaughan and Dinah Washington. She signed to...

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Raineys Song Ch 02

The smoke floating in the air made Aidan’s eyes sting and he wasn’t particularly enjoying the constant jostling of the closely packed crowd. It was Saturday night, a little more than twenty-four hours since he’d pitched writing an in-depth review of Seattle’s newest nightclub to Lynette. But now that he was here in the midst of the loud conversation and blaring music that made up the atmosphere of the club called ‘Soleil,’ he thoroughly wished he was home watching a Law & Order re-run....

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Sing a Healing Song

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 1 It all started with a trip to Ireland. Well, not "all". You could say some of it started the day I was born, and named Matthew D'Arcy, the only son of Mark D'Arcy, a football player, and his wife Annette. And maybe some of it started later that same day when Annette died from complications of giving birth to me. I was always a sickly kid, and my dad eventually gave up football so he could look after me better, and I have never doubted his love...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 6 Hot Mage Menage

Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi Jathibiyya’s hands grasped my naked hips, swaying them from side-to-side. Her breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard points that caressed my skin. My body moved under Jathibiyya’s direction. Chaun’s music wasn’t playing right now, but my body still boiled from the lust of his song even after the danger of the attack. Why had the changeling infected us with lust? To get Angela alone? “That’s it,” Jathibiyya purred, her fingers lightly...

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Shania Pt 4

We decided on a little bistro close to our apartment building. It was kind of dark, cool, and intriguing. The food was excellent. I didn’t eat much, though, as I spent most of the meal just looking at the angel across from me. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I shook my head. “Not a thing. I just can’t get enough of looking at you. You make this dark room bright.” “Thank you, I think.” She beamed at me. “You’re so bright and sparkling. You just look pretty.” “That is so nice. I’m so pleased you think...

2 years ago
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Shania Pt 4

We decided on a little bistro close to our apartment building. It was kind of dark, cool, and intriguing. The food was excellent. I didn’t eat much, though, as I spent most of the meal just looking at the angel across from me. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I shook my head. “Not a thing. I just can’t get enough of looking at you. You make this dark room bright.” “Thank you, I think.” She beamed at me. “You’re so bright and sparkling. You just look pretty.” “That is so nice. I’m so pleased you think...

Love Stories
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Shania Pt 1

Shania Taylor was too damned young to be a widow. But, that’s what she was. Her husband had been killed in one of those idiot drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, he’d been the one drunk. Fortunately, he’d lost control and slammed his truck into a tree. He didn’t kill anyone else. The impact broke his neck, and left his 27-year-old wife a widow. She looked stunning in black. Her blonde hair and pale skin contrasted with the dark fabric. As much as I pitied her situation, the vision of her in...

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Shania Pt 1

Shania Taylor was too damned young to be a widow. But, that’s what she was. Her husband had been killed in one of those idiot drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, he’d been the one drunk. Fortunately, he’d lost control and slammed his truck into a tree. He didn’t kill anyone else. The impact broke his neck, and left his 27-year-old wife a widow. She looked stunning in black. Her blonde hair and pale skin contrasted with the dark fabric. As much as I pitied her situation, the vision of her in...

Love Stories
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the song that became true

I woke up one sunday morning thinking about what i would do today. I was thinking while taking a bath and i decided it... i will just go out and walk in the street, maybe go to a park to lie down on the grass. So i ended up having breakfast and get dressed and i went out. I just started to walk and walk while i was listening music, i looked down to see the time on my phone and when i looked up i saw her... a Beautiful woman walking in the street perhaps aimlessly like me. When i saw her, the...

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Drum Song

It was the summer of 1683 when Jean Riel arrived in Lachine. His long journey from Limrik, Ireland to New France had finally concluded.The son of a French soldier and an innocent Irish maid he had stayed in Ireland after his father returned to France. He lived with his mother in Limrik until the age of sixteen when he travelled to find his father, with no success, and enlisted in the French Army. He was home visiting his mother on annual leave when word came that he was being re-assigned to the...

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Bird SongChapter 39 Tut tut

10:12, 8 September Jamie considered his options. Sinky was commanding the teenagers who were securing the Trident missiles at the Faslane base and Stuart was still in Liverpool. He decided that the best option in the short term was to take the trip to GCHQ himself. There was a heck of a lot of things to set in motion, many more people to deal with and being able to employ mobile phones would make things much easier. He calculated that it would be a worthwhile investment of his time, despite...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 7 DwarfQueens Hot Demands

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Xerathalasia – Ruins of Khan, Kingdom of Haz I smiled as I led my party into the ruins of the dwarven fortress of Khan. The wide entrance that pierced the thick, stone wall led to a courtyard. The ground had been covered by paving stones, yet despite that plants and trees had grown. The tree roots buckled up the thick paving stones. Swaths of dirt, pushed in by centuries of weather, allowed grasses and shrubs to grow. Nature reclaimed what the dwarves...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 46 Trust in Me The Pythons Song

Labatt’s Guest House, London, Ontario 8:14am, Friday, January 4, 1980 “Ha! I can’t believe that me and Lynette beat you at mini-golf last night, Cuda,” Shannon laughed as we huddled around the kitchen island in the guest house at the Labatt’s property. We had about twenty-five friends, who went to Red Lobster for dinner and then over to Fleetway-40 to bowl and play a round of indoor mini-golf. “Well, it was kinda hard to hit good putts when you were either jigglin’ your boobs in my line of...

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Shania Pt 3

I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much. As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well...

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Shania Pt 3

I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much. As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well...

Love Stories
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Shania Twain the Making of a Video

Shania his twisting her way around the diner, rubbing her hot body against different studs acting as patrons as she sings her song; Whose bed have your boots been under? And Whose heart did you steal I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? And who did you run to? And whose lips... She rubs her taught tits against the back on one of the younger cowpokes, who snickers at feeling her nipples brushing his back. "Cut!" Yells the videos director. "C'mon you guys. How many takes...

4 years ago
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Shania Epilogue

A year after I helped Shania bury her husband (we always referred to him as the ex), Shania and I were married, in a church, no less. Shania’s vision had a spiritual aspect that I hadn’t anticipated. While I had some trepidation about this facet and the effect it would have on our relationship, my wife, my brilliant, intelligent, and incredibly beautiful wife proceeded to educated me. “What we have,” she explained, “transcends this plane of existence.” “Of course it does,” I replied, smiling....

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