Himura Battousia Book 2: Kenshins PastPart 221: Yahiko's Fight 3 free porn video

(Yahiko leaps in front of Kujiranami's gun to snatch the boy.)
Shin'ichi: Kid!
(Kujiranami fires; Yahiko and the boy go flying.)
Shin'ichi: Kid--!
(Kujiranami lashes out with his huge hands, knocking policemen down all around him, then fires several shots at Yahiko while he's still in mid-air.)
(Tsubame looks up at the explosion.)
Bystander (near her): That one was incredible!
Bystander 2: If you got caught in that nothing'd save you.
Tsubame (thinking): Yahiko... Yahiko's going to die!
(The smoke clears.)
Kujiranami: Now... they're all... out of my way.
Shin'ichi (picking himself up): Kid...
Kujiranami: Battousai... where are you... You can't hide...
Shin'ichi: Kid!!
Yahiko (getting to his feet amid a pile of rubble): It's okay! He's not hurt!
Officers: He's not... hurt...
Shin'ichi: No... he means, the boy's not hurt... (thinking) He used his body as a shield to protect the boy from the explosion... (aloud) What a guy...
Yahiko (to the boy): Can you run?
Boy: Uh...
Yahiko: Can you run out of here?
Boy: Um... I think so...
Yahiko: We'll look for your dad later. When I tell you, run out of the city as fast as you can.
(A look of panic crosses the boy's face.)
Yahiko: It's all right. You're strong. In that big explosion you didn't scream at all. Right?
Boy: Um... right.
Yahiko: Okay. Even if you're scared, don't look back. Just trust me. I'll stop him!
(Kujiranami's eyes lock on Yahiko.)
Kujiranami: Battou... sai!
Yahiko: Run!
(The boy takes off.)
Kujiranami: I've found you! You're here, Ba... ?
(The policemen are clinging to his gun arm, interfering with his aim.)
Police: You think we'd let you?
Shin'ichi: You think we'd let you shoot him?
Kujiranami (shaking them off): Stay out of my way! Battousai!!
Yahiko:... Kenshin is fighting with himself now. It's an important battle. I'm not going to let someone like you interfere. At this distance you can't miss. Now fight me!
(Fallen to her knees, Tsubame is almost in a daze.)
Tsubame (thinking): Yahiko's going to die... Yahiko... Yahiko will... Someone-- someone save him... Someone--Kenshin. The swordsman Yahiko most looks up to in all Japan...
(She starts running.)
Tsubame (thinking): Kenshin--you have to save Yahiko!

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