HomebodiesChapter 10 free porn video

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Gath had clinic duty the day the apparatus for spiking the water of the Maidu and the Shiloh arrived. There was not much to it. Two hemp boxes, one for each site, barcodes and shipping labels affixed that identified them as having come from Homeport Topside. Each box was little more than half a meter cubed and weighed less than a kilogram. They did not rattle when shaken. A third box arrived as well. It was heavier and oblong shaped, approximately a meter and a half in length but only twenty centimeters square. All three boxes had the words: Deliver to Clinic Medics ONLY! ONLY properly authorized and briefed personnel to open or utilize.

“What now?” asked Gath, who had put his finger on the derm for receipt of the packages. “Should we open them up and take a look? We’re authorized, aren’t we?”

“Not at the moment,” said Weasel, who was looking at the packages nervously. “I was given explicit directions to keep these all in my office until the briefing tonight.”

“What time is the briefing?” Gath asked.

“Immediately after clinic closing,” Weasel told him.

“And who is briefing us?”

“An engineer from the special forces battalion,” Weasel whispered, awe in his voice at the thought of an actual special forces member. “He’s coming all the way from Homeport Ground.”

“And he’s going to be the one who installs these things?” Gath asked.

“That is my understanding,” Weasel said. “The mission will fly at zero-hundred hours local. We provide the overwatch team and the medic.”

“I see,” Gath said pleasantly. “And which medic are we going to provide?”

This was still an unsettled subject. None of the CVS medics felt comfortable installing a medication cartridge into a water supply of a people when they knew nothing about the drug contained within. Weasel had the authority to simply order one of them on the mission, but that too was a gray area. If the medics, in good faith, believed that order to be an illegal one—and there was certainly an argument that could be made for that point of view—it was not only their right to refuse to carry it out but their obligation under more than a millennium of case law.

“I will simply pick one of you if you can’t come to an agreement on this matter,” Weasel threatened. “Someone has to go. You’re excused because of your so-called ‘light duty’, but...”

“You could go, couldn’t you?” Gath asked.

“Me?” he asked, in disbelief. “Go out on a deployment?” He said the word deployment the way other people said gangrenous skin rot.

“Why not?” Gath asked. “Didn’t you recently tell me that you were a fully qualified medic, just like the rest of us?”

“I am, but...”

“And, of course, you keep up with the physical fitness requirements of combat ready personnel, just like the rest of us...” He gave a steady, piercing look at the whiteshirt, who, it was well known, had not been seen running the track in well over a metric year now. “ ... don’t you?”

“Of course, I keep up with PT requirements,” he said, perhaps a bit more protest in his voice than was really warranted. “But I’m the supervising medic. My presence is needed here on the base at all times, so I can handle any circumstance that may arise.”

“Like a group of medics who are considering a declaration of illegal order?” Gath asked.

Weasel groaned and shook his head. “No one is really considering that, are they?”

“No one has said it out loud,” Gath told him. “But you have to admit, as a fellow medic who has gone through the same ethical and legal training the rest of us have, this order is on pretty shaky ground.”

Weasel raised his eyebrows. “Shaky ground?” he asked, confused.

“Sorry, I mean it’s like having unequal maneuvering thrusters,” Gath corrected.

“Ahh,” he said, getting it now. “Well, I can certainly respect how you and the others might feel that way. I suppose there is an argument—albeit a weak one—to be made that full disclosure of the substance in those medication cartridges does need to be made to the medics installing them. On the other hand, however, I believe Doc Voogle covered that quite nicely in her briefing. Higher medical authority than ours has already approved the dosage and administration of this medication. There is no need for us to be briefed on it. We only need install the cartridges and change them on occasion because of a legal technicality.”

“So, you’ll be willing to fly out and install those things?” Gath asked him pointedly.

“I already told you,” Weasel insisted. “I do not go out on deployments.”

“It might come down to a choice between that and it not getting done,” Gath said. “Are you prepared to deal with the ultra-white docs when they ask why no one is following orders over here?”

Weasel did not want to think about this. He made a few more remarks, none the least bit helpful or insightful, and then grabbed the delivery boxes and stormed off to his office.

Taz, who had been sitting at the med tech desk the entire time, shook her head a little as the clinic door slid shut behind him. “You ever wonder,” she contemplated, “what kind of low budget genetic combination service his parents used to put him together? I mean, it must’ve been one of those places that takes promo codes you find in the Firstday news brief advertisements.”

Gath chuckled at her words. “Yeah,” he said, “it is hard to believe he is the result of the best possible sperm and egg combo in the samples submitted.”

“Seriously though,” she said, “do you really think Bong and Zen and Sax are going to declare the order illegal? That would certainly cause some waste converter fouling, wouldn’t it?”

“To use a groundie expression, if I may,” Gath replied, “I think you will see some serious slag rolling up the proverbial hill instead of down if that were to happen.”

She had been intimate with him long enough to quite catch the jest of what he was throwing down. “I guess things are going to get pretty interesting around here soon.”

The day rolled on. It was not a terribly busy one as there were no major deployments scheduled—save the runs to the wells tonight—and the norovirus epidemic, which had been brought back to CVS with the returning deployment marines had petered out.

The disease had indeed rampaged through the battalion of marines that had been deployed to Crescent City, with more than eighty percent showing symptoms and verifiable viral particles in their waste packs before the order to return to their respective bases had gone out. Most of the suffering was slight in nature as the medics of the battalion, alerted by Gath’s findings just before he got wounded, knew to be aggressive in treatment and rehabilitation at first symptoms. Patient zero was never identified positively, but it was discovered that the disease had come from a group of marines out of NOS who had then contaminated the communal latrines and chow lines at the staging area.

From there the disease spread throughout the entire battalion, taking root and incubating in the two days before they actually went to their assignments on the line. Once deployed, the disease manifested in those infected but had a hard time spreading further ... at least not until the deployment ended and the marines returned to their home bases. NOS, who had already gone through one epidemic during the deployment (which is what identified it as the starting point) got the pleasure of rolling through a second one. CVS and SCS, who also supplied marines for the Crescent City deployment, rolled through epidemics of their own as infected marines returned to communal slaggers and, more significantly, roach pits.

At CVS the disease had pretty much burned itself out before Gath had even returned from the hospital at NAWM and resumed clinic duties. The combination of anti-virals and group awareness to go get treatment at the first symptoms—as well as hand hygiene memorandums and other forms of education—made the epidemic about as tolerable and short-lived as it could be. Still, there was a lot of lingering paranoia about the disease. For days after the last verified cases were cured, marines and other personnel kept coming into the clinic whenever they had so much as a slightly loose bowel movement or a couple of gurgles in their stomachs after chow.

This was the first day that not even one of the paranoia cases came in.

One person who did come in was Dizza Yankeur. She did not come in as a patient. Instead, she came to say goodbye to Gath. As she entered the room she had two suitcases and a back pack with her. Her expression was a mixture of sadness and anger.

Yank had indeed been approached and a request made of her to assist in the formation of a plan that would allow the medics to work out how best to infiltrate the birth reduction drug to the Modoc. Gath—who agreed to make the approach as he had a relationship with her—and Weasel had visited her two days before. As expected, she had been appalled at the very suggestion and had wholeheartedly, and with more than a few choice words, refused the request. Gath asked Weasel to avoid reporting her refusal—to stall as long as he could with reports that Yank was ‘working with them’ but no solution had been found as of yet—but Weasel and Yank both refused this one. Weasel because he was Weasel. Yank for a more heartfelt reason.

“I want it on record from the start that I am opposed to all aspects of this plan,” Yank told them firmly. “Let them do what they will to me, I will not lift a finger to help the Fleet poison those beautiful people or anyone else.”

True to her word, Voogle immediately put in an order to reassign Yank to Mars studies and get another cultural anthropologist assigned to the region. And Yank’s appearance in the clinic now indicated it was not an order that got mired in the bureaucracy.

“You’re shipping out already?” Gath asked, as he saw her baggage in hand.

“It seems like they really want me out of here,” she confirmed. “I have a seat on the cargo flight that’s going back to NAWM. From there, I’m on the 1700 to Homeport Ground and the 2100 to Topside. Two days after that, I’m in guest quarters on the Redrun 4 going back to Mars to pick up another load of poisoned food for the homebodies.”

“Whoever wept, Yank, I’m sorry,” Gath said, his sympathy genuine. No matter how annoying and naive she could be, she was firm in her convictions and it was not fair what they were doing to her.

She gave him a weak smile. “What can you do?” she asked. “At least I’ll be able to accompany my new friends from the Crescent City fiasco on their journey. They’ll be going to Mars with me. They are absolutely terrified of every aspect of what lies before them. They haven’t got used to flying in AVTOLs yet but now they’re going to fly into space and to another planet. When we get to Mars I’ll accompany them down to the colony for refugees at Libby and help them get acclimated. I do know more than a few people down there, though I haven’t visited in more than a year now. I’ll get them settled in somewhere and comfortable.”

“It’ll be good for them to have a friend along,” Gath said.

“Yes,” she said, her smile increasing a little. “I guess every ion storm does make for less interior maintenance.”

“That’s what they say,” Gath agreed.

Her smile faded and the hurt expression reappeared. “Still, I’m going to miss working on this planet, working firsthand with the very people I’ve devoted my life to studying.”

“What are you going to do next?” Gath asked. “After you helped your new friends get settled in?”

She sighed. “I suppose I’ll stay in Libby for a while. Most of the refugees we house there are third generation or beyond and have never experienced anything other than oral histories of their ancestors, but there is still work that can be done. I thought about going back to Alpha Zulu system for a sabbatical, but that won’t be happening for at least six cycles.”

“No?” Gath asked.

“No,” she said. “It’s funny. There is no civilian transportation available out of the Sol system for at least that long. Fleet personnel get priority on the seats, you know, and they tell me that they’re undergoing a major shift of forces in and out, so I’ll have to wait.” She shook her head. “I swear to Whoever, it’s like someone wants to keep us all here.”

Gath raised his eyebrows at this. He had heard nothing of a major shift in forces. “You can’t leave the Sol ... even if you want to?” he asked.

She nodded. “That’s what they say,” she confirmed. “I don’t mind much though. I really think of this system as my home, when you come right down to it.”

“I think this is where you belong,” Gath told her. “I’m sorry they’re pushing you out of here, Yank. I know we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I respect you and the work you do. You’re very passionate about it and if there’s anyone who gives these hopeless people a voice, it’s you. Maybe more of us should listen to what that voice says.”

“They’re human beings, Gath,” she said seriously. “Never forget that. And what the Fleet is doing to them is wrong. I believe there will come a reckoning for it one day.” She looked at him pointedly. “Everyone needs to decide what side of that reckoning they are going to be on. I’ve made my choice. Have you made yours?”

With that, they shared one last hug and she left, heading for the hangar building. She left Gath with a considerable plate of food for thought.

Weasel actually managed to make it to the briefing on time. He rolled in with almost three minutes to spare, carrying the boxes that had been delivered earlier. Bong, Sax, Zen, and Gath were already there, sitting around the holo desk when he entered. Their guest for the evening was still not present.

“So... , “ he said nervously, eyeing each of them in turn. “Have we decided on which of you is going to accompany the mission?”

“We have not,” answered Sax, the senior of them.

This did not please Weasel. “I simply must insist that a decision be made on this matter,” he exclaimed.

“Because that keeps you from making a decision yourself?” Gath asked.

“That has nothing to do with it!” Weasel insisted.

“I want to hear what the hume has to say in the briefing,” Zen said. “After that, I’ll be ready to think about deciding what to do.”

“I don’t think he’s going to give us the information that we request,” Gath opined.

“Me either,” agreed Zen. “But I’ll at least hear it out first.”

“I do not want to have to order anyone to participate in this mission,” Weasel told them. “I would prefer it be on a volunteer basis.”

“And I don’t want to carry out what might later be ruled an illegal order,” Bong countered. “That makes me a little leery of volunteering.”

“This does not fall under the heading of illegal orders,” Weasel insisted.

“Oh really?” Bong shot back. “Did you get promoted to federal circuit judge at some point and not tell us? Because as far as I know, that’s the first level that is allowed to decide what does and does not fall under the heading of illegal orders.”

“You don’t have to be a judge to evaluate your orders,” Weasel barked at her.

“What the tork is that supposed to mean?” Bong asked.

Weasel had no answer for her.

“There’s always the option of you carrying it out,” Gath reminded him.

“Supervising medics do not go out on deployments,” he said. “I told you this earlier.”

“What are you scared of, Weasel?” Bong asked him. “Are you scared to actually strap on some armor and go out in the field, or are you scared that it really might be an illegal order?”

“Do not call me Weasel!” he yelled at her, refusing to answer the question.

The door slid open and their guest arrived. He was a male, first career age, but well into that first career, which made him ten to fifteen years older than the medics in the room. He was an unassuming figure, standing at an average height, with a face that was neither striking nor ugly, a skin tone that bespoke of a high ratio of African genes in his ancestry. He was bald and had no facial hair, as was the custom. His body was the trim, muscled fitness of a combat soldier. He wore a marine corps duty shirt with the rank of master sergeant upon it. Below that was the intertwined SF designating the special forces. The insignia on his other breast was the symbol of the engineering corps.

“Hello,” he greeted them, his face unsmiling, his eyes dark and probing, his accent classic spaceborn. “I am master sergeant Tumult, special forces engineering division. You all can call me Toomey, if you like.”

They all greeted him and welcomed him to their clinic, exchanging the standard active military meeting active military without significant rank differentiation shake and bump. Weasel almost drooled at the sight of him, making Gath wonder, not for the first time, if he was actually a nofe—not that there was anything wrong with that.

“I assume you were all briefed on the purpose of tonight’s mission?” asked Tumult once they were all seated and the official meeting was begun.

“The installation of a device into the water supply of two groups of Opies,” Gath said. “The purpose for which is to infiltrate a birth reduction drug into said water supply.”

“I have never heard the term ‘Opies’ before,” Tumult replied, “but yes, it seems you were briefed. The purpose of this briefing is to go over the actual mission itself and our respective roles in it.” He looked at Weasel. “I trust I have an overwatch team assigned? One of at least squad strength?”

“We’re going to send two squads commanded by a staff sergeant out with you,” Weasel told him. “We’ve had some recent issues with the homers known as the Shiloh and their well is just a few hundred meters from the edge of their village.”

“Issues?” Tumult asked.

“They were the group that was making cholera and sending it downstream to enemy homers,” Gath said. “Perhaps you heard about that?”

“Ahh,” Tumult said. “That group. Had to handle them with a rough hand, didn’t you?”

“We chased them out of their village, destroyed their labs, confiscated all of their batteries, and wrecked quite a few of their homes as collateral damage during the mission,” Gath said. “They have reason to dislike us a little more than your average homer.”

“Don’t worry though,” Weasel assured him. “We have extensive deployment experience here at CVS. Two squads will be able to handle anything those homers try to throw at you.”

“We?” said Bong, glaring at Weasel.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m sure two squads of marines will be sufficient,” Tumult said dismissively. “The procedure itself is quite straightforward. It should take me no more than twenty minutes to install the device and, once that is done, no more than two minutes for the medic to install the cartridge.” He looked them over. “Which of you will be joining me on the mission?”

“Uh ... well, we haven’t actually made that decision quite yet,” Weasel told him.

“You haven’t?” Tumult said, without surprise in his voice. “Is there some difficulty in coming to a decision on this matter?”

“No, no, of course not,” Weasel said, shaking his head strenuously. “It’s just that ... well ... you know?”

“It could be that I do know,” Tumult said. “I have been told that in other places where this is taking place tonight in the Homeland, some medics have refused the orders, citing them as illegal.”

“Really?” Bong said. “In how many places?”

“They are in the minority at this point,” Tumult said. “At least that is what the whiteshirts are telling me. If we are dealing with that here, I would like to know now.”

“We haven’t quite decided yet,” Gath told him before Weasel could pipe up. “Why don’t we go through the briefing and then we’ll come up with an answer for you after?”

Tumult looked from face to face, one by one. Finally, he sighed. “As you wish. Just have it known that I know nothing about the drug contained in those cartridges and I will not be able to enlighten you any further on that aspect. I’m just the installation guy.”

“And you have accepted your orders as legitimate and legal?” Bong asked him.

“I have,” he said. “But then, I’m not the one administering the drug. I would not presume to influence your decision in this matter.”

“Fair enough,” said Sax. “Let’s see what you got.”

They saw what he had. He opened up one of the boxes and pulled out the device he intended to install. It was an unassuming device, far from a miracle of engineering skill and technology. It was a simple sleeve that fit over the main water pipe. Attached to the top of it was a housing for the cartridge with the drug. Attached to the side of the housing was a spring and lever system that, Tumult explained, would be mated to the pump handle mechanism the homers used to draw the water from the well. As they pumped the handle to get their water, the same action would pump the cartridge housing, allowing the drug to flow into the water through a small, sealed hole that would be drilled in the pipe.”

“Won’t they see this thing?” asked Weasel.

“They will not,” Tumult replied. “It will be installed below the pump housing, just where the pipe emerges from the ground, inside the well body itself. The homers do not have access to this part of the system and the work we will be doing will look to them like nothing more than the routine maintenance that we do on those wells once a year or so.”

He then picked up the larger of the boxes, the oblong shaped one. He opened it and reached inside, pulling out a piece of black carbon fiber material, rectangular in shape, fifteen centimeters long, four wide, two thick. “This,” he said, hefting it up, “is the cartridge itself.” He handed it to Gath, who sat closest to him.

Gath took it, noting its weight. It was fairly hefty for its size, maybe three hundred grams. There were sealed holes in both the top and the bottom. Other than that, and a tiny stamped part number—0147C259—the cartridge was featureless.

“As you can see,” Tumult explained, “the cartridge inserts into the housing. You put it in, part number down, and the female coupling on the bottom will snap into a corresponding male coupling at the bottom of the housing. That is what will draw the drug out and into the water supply. The top female coupling is for ventilation. You will note it is slightly smaller. It plugs into a corresponding male coupling on the lid of the housing. The part number is just a guide. It is impossible to install the cartridge with incorrect orientation as the male and female couplings will not snap into place and you would not be able to close the lid on the housing. You do not need to worry about front to back orientation as the cartridge will work correctly in either orientation as long as the up and down orientation is correct. Any questions?”

“So ... if the lid closes, we put it in right?” Gath asked.

“Correct,” Tumult said. “There are no electrical parts to this device. It will work as long as the pump itself works and as long as there is drug in the cartridge. The pharmacists and docs who came up with this thing mandate that the cartridge be changed every six local months. They tell me that the cartridges likely have enough drug in them to last for eight local months to a local year, but since there are no exact figures on just how much water any given population of homers draws from their well, the worst-case estimate of six months will be used.

“Changing the cartridges is easy. All you need to do is open the well housing with the access tools your engineering teams have, open the lid, pull out the old cartridge, and put in the new one.”

“What about leakage of the drug when the used cartridge is removed?” asked Zen.

“That will not be a problem,” Tumult assured them. “Once uncoupled, the holes seal permanently closed. A cartridge, once removed, cannot be reinstalled for this reason. It there should be any minute amount of drug substance on the external portion of the removed cartridge, it will remain confined to your gloves and washed away when you perform the post-mission hose down. The used cartridges are to be disposed of in your standard clinic category 4 hazardous waste receptacles.”

“Seems pretty straightforward,” Gath remarked.

“It is straightforward,” Tumult assured him. “Any other questions?”

There were none.

“All right then,” Tumult said, looking them over. “Who, if anyone, is going with me?”

Bong, Sax, and Zen all looked at each other. Then they looked at Weasel, who refused to look back at them. None of them spoke up.

“All right then,” Tumult said with a sigh. “If you’re going to declare an illegal order, I respect that and I won’t try to talk you out of it. I just need to hear you all say it so I can start talking to the whiteshirts.”

“I haven’t been ordered to do anything yet,” said Bong. “Therefore, I haven’t been given an illegal order.”

“Me either,” said Zen.

“Or me,” agreed Sax.

Tumult looked back at Weasel. “Well, supervising medic Cooler,” he said, a definite contemptuous tone in his voice, “it looks like the proverbial ball is in your court. Are you going to order a medic to go?”

Weasel was actually chewing his lip in his tortured indecisiveness. He was saved from a very unexpected direction.

“I’ll go on the mission,” Gath said.

Every head snapped toward him in surprise.

“Are you joking, Gath?” Sax asked him, knowing the groundie had an odd sense of humor.

“No joke,” he said, “I’ll go.”

“But Gath,” Bong protested. “You were the one who has always been the most opposed to all this. Why would you decide to go?”

“I have my reasons,” Gath told her.

“Medic Stoner,” Weasel said. “I hate to look a gift load of hydrogen in the acquisition records, but you can’t go. You’re on light duty, remember? You have not been deemed fit for outside deployment.”

“I’ll be fine, Coolio,” Gath told him. “I’ve been working out, my leg holds me up fine, and we won’t be doing any climbing or marching on this mission. It’ll just be a matter of walking from the AVTOL to the well. And what’s that going to be, Tumult? No more than half a klick, right?”

“Much closer than that if I can help it,” Tumult said. “It’ll be up to the mission commander, of course, but I see no reason why we can’t land right next to the well.”

“But what if the Shiloh decide to make a fight out of it?” asked Bong. “This is the first time we’ll be in contact with them since the cholera incident. We don’t have any idea how they’re going to react.”

“I’m sure that two squads of marines can protect me if that happens,” Gath said. “I was out there in the field in Crescent City. I’m not exactly combat naïve.”

“Sounds good to me,” Tumult told him. “If you’re willing to go and you think you’re physically fit for the mission, I say welcome aboard.”

“I’m sorry,” Weasel said, strenuously shaking his head. “I simply cannot allow a medic who is listed as unfit for deployment to go out on one. I cannot!”

Gath looked at him. “So, you’ll go in my place?”

“Uh ... well ... uh ... I didn’t say that,” Weasel stammered. “I’m simply pointing out that...

Gath turned to the other three medics. “Are any of you volunteering for this mission?” he asked them.

“Volunteering?” Bong asked. “No.”

Sax and Zen both shook their heads as well.

Gath turned back to Weasel. “Coolio, are you volunteering to go on this mission?”

“I do not go out on missions,” he repeated.

“Well, I am volunteering,” Gath told him. “Now you can let me go despite my status, or you can order one of the others to go and risk having them refuse under the illegal orders doctrine, or you can go yourself. Those are the choices. The decision is in your hands.”

Weasel chewed his lip again. It looked like it would start to bleed soon. His eyes flitted from face to face. Everyone was staring at him expectantly. Finally, he turned to Gath. “Are you sure you can complete this mission in your present condition?” he asked him.

“Piece of cake,” Gath assured him.

“Cake?” Weasel asked, confused at this seeming non-sequitur. “What does cake have to do with anything?”

“It means delta V on the line,” Gath told him, translating to the spaceborn analogy. “I can do this.”

Another couple of lip chews, a few scratches of the head, and a nervous twisting of the hands. At last, Weasel made a decision. “All right,” he told Gath. “You can go.”

“Demonic,” Gath said, a strange smile on his face.

“So, it’s settled then?” asked Tumult.

“It’s settled,” Gath replied, before any other objections could be raised. Bong looked like she actually might want to raise some, but she kept her peace for now.

“All right then,” Tumult said, standing. “Meet me in the hangar at 2330 local for final mission brief, Stoner. If all goes well we’ll be back by O300 with both units installed and operating.”

“I can’t wait,” Gath assured him. “I’ve got myself a brand-new suit of armor and a brand-new medic pack I’ve just been dying to try out.”

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I wasnt watching

I Wasn’t Watching Have you ever sat just looking at the sunset? I have, often. It’s one of those moments in life which is fine alone, better shared. Imagine a late summer evening, the sky is aflame and the warmth of the day has settled in your bones. Nothing spoils that time, ever. No matter what troubles you, it is insignificant for those moments between the heat of the day and the chill of the night. I wasn’t really watching her. The party was ebbing, the barbecue cooling and there were more...

2 years ago
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messaging with an admirer

I thought i would share this because this interaction really turned me on....i want more of you to share with me and message me for chats like this....i finally let in one night when he came over begging to fuck me in the ass....i let him fuck my pussy first and finally got so excited when he started sliding the head of his cock on my asshole i was so turned on i let him pop the head in and out telling him he could only put the head in that was all....so he started by just sliding the head in...

1 year ago
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The CureChapter 9

“You are summoned to the Upper Level ImpSec Medical Resource, David,” the AI announced as I was busy getting out of bed minus Kirim who was on early shift that day. “Be there in sixty turns (thirty minutes roughly),” I yawned. “I will inform them, David.” One sonic shower later, dressed and feeling happier having supped a glass of tuch and eaten something that looked like fruit, I turned up at my place of work in the Upper Levels. “Ah, subject 1341, you’re here,” came a patronising voice...

2 years ago
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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

Oh man, I can't tell you what a wreck I was when I woke up this morning. I still wasn't sure what was going on with Jennifer, although I think I was starting to get the picture, and it made me a little uneasy. For some reason I woke up this morning, and the first thought that popped into my head was "she's in love with you, dummy," and suddenly things started to fall into place. A lot of the things Jennifer had been doing were clearly the behavior of a girl in love with a guy, and it...

2 years ago
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Secrets RevealedChapter 4

On that Friday, after the kids had all gone home, Harold found me. Looking around conspiratorially, he told me about a party planned for late that night at the pool. There was going to be booze and everybody was going to go skinny-dipping. "Bill will shit if he gets wind of this," I warned him. "That's why we're keeping it quiet. I heard Bill is going home this weekend. So how about it? Are you and Patrice coming?" "I don't know if she'd go for a party that wild but I'll ask and...

3 years ago
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Wife swapping in panchmari

Hi friends, this is my real experience of swapping which i want share with u without hesitation and also this is my first submission to iss to read it rate it and leave a comment. First i introdusc my self we r couple aged about 28 and 26 living in bhopal i am working as a n doctor and my wife is housewife. After 2 year of marrige hum dono ka ek doosare se bore hone lage the. Wife ka sex main intrest bahut low ho gaya tha.aisa nahi tha ki meri wife ki dikhne mai koi kami thi per phir bhi ghar...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 11

Hoot accepted his Dad’s suggestion to miss Sunday night services and after sitting for a while in his Dad’s shop, he showered and went to bed. He left his Dad a note on the table that he would take the little Ford Coupe to work on Monday and asked that he or his Mom help him get his Harley home. ‘I’ve gone from no wheels except my bicycle, to a Harley, a ‘38 Plymouth hotrod, and a ‘32 Ford hotrod. I reckon for sixteen years old, I have more to be thankful for, than I have to be sorry...

3 years ago
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Unbecoming A Princess

Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...

3 years ago
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mom cleans up after me

I would clean everything except his room he told me not too. One day while cleaning the house i kept passing his room a complete pig sty, i couldnt bare it any more i decided to go in and clean his mess , he wouldnt mind i thought h'e'd appriacated it I thought. Rite as i enetered the room i could smell a aroma, i didnt know what it was exactly it was a clamy damp smell, it smelt mild. I didnt know why i liked it as much as i did i couldnt recall the smell for some reason. I quickly...

2 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 15 A Fitting End for Dr Steele

Remember the Evil Doctor Steele? He is working on the farm as a farm hand. He really likes taking care of the chickens. He spends most of his days cleaning, feeding and watering the chickens. We run the chickens free-range. Doctor Steele sets up fencing on fallow plots of land and lets the chickens go. Every night he feeds the chickens in the hen house. He provides nesting materials in the same location. Every day he harvests eggs. He marks three eggs and leaves them for the hens to hatch....

4 years ago
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Highschool Harem

Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...

3 years ago
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My Asian Domination pt 1

my boyfriend sky was taking me to a party his friend was throwing. i wasn't really up for it. because i knew all eyes would be on us. sky is good looking and alot of girls like him. he has medium length brown hair, blue eyes, an amazing smile, and a cute butt. just the typical guy every teenage girl wants. he treats me good and all but he isn't quite what I'm looking for. i hear my name being called from across the room. " Tiffany!" Cassandra runs towards me. " hey wutz up?" "...

2 years ago
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Getting Loud

(All characters are at least 18 years of age) "We're here!" Your mom Cynthia says excitedly as the car comes to an abrupt stop, jolting you awake. "What do you think John?" She asks turning to you, gesturing to the house out the window. You didn't expect much, but after seeing the house you started getting a little excited for what's to come. "Looks like an upgrade to me!" You say enthusiastically looking towards your mother with a smile. "Lets get unpacked then."

2 years ago
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bbw for bbc

Over the past year my wife has put on what I call sexy weight. She's not necessarily obese but the added stress of breast feeding and a new job has given way to some extra well defined curves.Before pregnancy she was a 34B. A few months before giving birth and now well into year one of breast feeding she's swollen to 36DD. Her ass has gotten fat too. She's almost pouring out of her old jeans. It definitely makes for a bit more fun during sex as I don't have to worry about hurting her when I...

1 year ago
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The Billionaire Rapest Chapters 13 Edited

Chapter 1 My name is Alex, and I'm a 22 year old billionaire. My father and mother started a gym together, and turned it into a huge corporation, having 100 thousand of their gyms open throughout Canada, and the USA. I was their only child, and they had me work out till I was a monster, 5'10", and 210 pounds, all muscle, but more importantly I was their sole heir. So two years ago when I was supposed to be in the USA for a trip on my own, I checked into the hotel, stole a car and drove to...

1 year ago
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My current Fantasy

This is one of my own personal fantasies. Its about a boy that's currently a part of my life. I had been debating writing this for quite some time now and would like to know what my readers think. Regards The Magister He is such a sweet boy. His name is Sebastian and I have recently developed a little crush on him. I admit I don't know him very well, but Bas and I are quickly forming a close-knit bond that I hope will lead somewhere. Now Bas is your typical adorable nerd. He even wears black...

First Time
1 year ago
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Broken Inside Ch 01

*note: this is my first shot at writing so please go easy on the comments, hope you like the first glimpse of Kathy and Brandon’s story. Enjoy!* * ‘Miss Grey!’ My head jerked up from the notebook I was doodling in, writing my name over and over in curvy fonts. A jolt ran through me and my eyes darted around. Crap. The whole class was staring at me. Then my gaze landed on the source of the interruption. Stormy grey-ish blue eyes stared back at me. Fuck, looks like I am the interruption. I...

2 years ago
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Dead Write Ch 07

*A repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit.* ****** Sam enjoyed the landscape of Sherry’s body, as the shower rained on her pink hills and valleys. His fingers slid from her satisfied clitoris to splash in her belly button pond. Wrapping his arms just under her breasts, he hugged her, and whispered, “You’re beautiful.’ In the quiet afterglow, while holding her in his lap, he thought of Jan, and realized three years had passed since making love had been uncomplicated by illness....

3 years ago
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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

Introduction: Some great sex after I was picked-up Girls Wild Night Out I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon...

3 years ago
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Ex wife fun true story

Ex wife realIt was the late 80’s, living on a Caribbean island with my former wife, we had a good sex life but I would always try and push her boundaries. This was our fun night we would do every couple months.My wife was 5’, blonde haired, blue eyes with c cup tits and puffy pink nipples. Her pussy had lovely long inner lips perfect for eating and fucking. This is not her but close to itWe would start our adventure on Monday, no intercourse, no orgasms all week, just foreplay. I would call her...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Jessie Lee Rocky Emerson Inked Pink

Jessie Lee is at home when her friend Rocky Emerson comes over. Rocky comforts Jessie, who is devastated that her boyfriend cheated on her. Rocky suggests that they go out shopping to get Jessie’s mind off of what happened. But Jessie doesn’t feel like going out, instead asking Rocky if she would stay and cuddle with her. Rocky is happy to do what Jessie asks, and tenderly cuddles her friend. As they’re cuddling, something occurs to Jessie and she asks Rocky why THEY never...

2 years ago
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Sweet laila

I am a regular reader of i.s.s.for a long time i wanted to post a real thing happened in my life.it actually changed my attitude towards sex. It is as follows.my cousin laila use to visit my house on most of the days for one thing or the other.one day she told me that she wanted to meet me tomorrow to tell me some thing important. I waited for the next day. When she came ,she called me and both of us went outside.in the open farm there were small bushes and rocks. She asked me to sit near her...

1 year ago
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The Master of O Chapter 5

The next morning Dorothy awoke and waited patiently in her cell for the Mistress to come let her out. She was eager to start the day off better than yesterday went and to show the Mistress that she had learned her lesson. This time, if the Mistress came up behind her and played with her, she would respond appropriately!"Well, well, does my little pet want to come out to play?" Mistress said, coming into the room and seeing Dorothy standing there waiting for her."Yes Mistress," Dorothy said."I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Living Beyond the Day a PP StoryChapter 5

I went through the window and opened the door. I told Dad about the Liberty. "Son, she must have been more angry or hurt than we had imagined. Let's go at least to the top of the valley road. Cut everything off." I turned off the burners on the stove and hustled out to my Liberty. Dad was in the drivers' seat and had the engine running. We hightailed it up to the top of the valley. Pat was there trying to get through. Dad said, "You go to her and talk." I ran up to her. "Pat, stop...

2 years ago
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First Encounter With Sister Sindhu

Hi ISS readers, first of all i would like to thank ISS to know that there are people like me who loves to make love with their sister. I gone through many stories in this website, i dont know how many of them are true, but gave me some kind of boldness to write this true story which happened just few weeks back. Thanks to ISS. first of all let me tell you about me n sindhu. i m sri doing my final yr b.tech from visakhapatnam ans sindhu is doing her B.tech 1st year from vizag as well.i really...

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Revealing Afternoon with Donna

His cock was so thick that my cunt was stretched to the point of tearing. I could feel every vein along its rigid rubbery surface as it tore deep into my womanhood. My juices eased the assault on my cunt somewhat but his powerful strokes where relentless and he fucked deep into my very being. He held my hips in his powerful grip as his cock bore deeper and deeper into me. His cock was so very big. It was longer and thicker than any cock that ever split my pussy lips previously. It was...

4 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 Be My Baby It took me awhile to get to sleep and I found it almost impossible to remain in that state. Sam wasn't up for any fooling around and drifted off quickly with his arm and leg draped over me possessively. This was what I'd wanted, wasn't it? Why was I having these gnawing doubts about everything? If I had the chance, I'd definitely take a few days and just go off by myself somewhere. The weight of the entire situation was beginning to drag me down. ...

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Nylon Experience

Mr Williams lived down the road from us and was a widower of some years, he lived alone and most days would see him out and about in his garden during the summer but come winter you didn't see him much so my Parents began sending me around to his home to see if he needed any help with shopping or anything else he wanted. It was no hardship on my part as I liked the old goat he was pleasant enough and had many stories to tell .....if you had the time to listen that is. One day I popped around...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 116

Dear Willow and Family, I got a few minutes to read your letter recently, and I have to say that after Ensign O'Mally got out his e-reader and started looking through human books on how to navigate around the galaxy the Aer Lingus' AI got a lot more cooperative. Our methods might be a bit primitive by the standards of the Confederacy, but we were sure we could find our way back to Tellus-At (we said that just to see if the AI was at all historically literate about humanity) if...

1 year ago
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The Roommate Part 1

Emily was suddenly woken up by a blaring noise - her alarm. She picked up her phone to shut it up, but through her sleepy eyes, she couldn't see the screen correctly to turn it off. She finally gave up and held down the power button until the phone shut off completely. She turned on to her back and pulled the covers over her head. She did not feel like going to work today. Early shifts suck. She lay there for a little while longer, contemplating calling in sick. But, she was up for the position...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Good Friends

after about two hours and half, the school was almost clear, i think there was only janitors, so i could proceed to leave the school. i opened the door, and i walked few steps without any worries. the door had two walls to each sides of it hiding the door from viewers, both walls were huge, so then i see a girl kicking her soccer ball on the wall, i could remember that person anywhere..it was a friend i had. i walked over her and she smiled at me, i was happy by the display of greetings, but...

3 years ago
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Rituals or Moan Scream Die

The fire in front of them crackled and roared and warmed them despite the crisp autumn air.It was their annual Halloween night ritual and had been since they were pizza faced and still in braces and giggling about the latest boy bands and debating who was better, N'sync or Backstreet Boys. Candace always said it was N'Sync and to this day if you asked her she would tell you that they were somehow more iconic than the Backstreet Boys to which Mariah would wholeheartedly disagree and Heather...

2 years ago
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Meeting My Fantasy

I'm finally meeting you after so many months of flirting.  How shy and embarrassed I am  to meet someone I've only ever talked to online, yet I feel so comfortable as if I already know you. I know we both desperately want to fuck each other as soon as we meet, but we restrain ourselves from doing so for the sake of formality. I play guide and show you around some scenic spots on the island, and I know the whole time you are checking out my cleavage in my low cut dress where the straps don't...

1 year ago
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The Boys

The Boys The two men eyed each other with caution. Both were embarrassed by their near nudity and the displayed feminine items. Both men were in chastity both wore identical stainless steel chastity cages of the ball trap design. Their enclosed penis pointed down and the balls extended and were on display. Helen sat in a comfortable wicker chair and smiled at the boys. She crossed her legs and sipped her wine. Helen had on a pair of wide legged comfortable jeans, a white tunic top...

4 years ago
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First Threesome MMF Bi

In my last two months of high school I was fortunate to be dating a girl named Kristin. She was a couple inches shorter than myself, blonde, blue eyes, thin and horny as hell. My first date with her ended with her greedily sucking my cock in her parent's basement rec room.That was only the beginning of what turned into a summer of discovery and sexual adventures that still make me hard today to think about. It couldn't have been more than a couple of weeks together that Kristen began to...

4 years ago
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New Start Rays StoryChapter 7

"Phillip this isn't you, is it? I am sorry that I haven't returned your calls. And my other emails have been so very cold. But things have changed. I am so confused. I really think I need some space." As Ray read her email he nearly did a back flip. She needs space! Talk about the kiss of death. Phillip Marriot your days are numbered. And God help us all if I ever see you, Ray thought to himself. 'Dana, is who as important as why?' 'Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness,...

3 years ago
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Band Control Ch 1

My name is Tim Fisher and I am the bass guitar player and backing vocalist in an alternative rock band. We are a local favorite that plays both cover tunes and originals. Also in the band are Dan Stephens, Matt Larsen, and Jason Miller. Dan is my best friend and he plays lead guitar and sings most lead vocals, Matt plays rhythm guitar and sings some lead and backing vocals, and Jason is our drummer. Dan and I were working on a new original song when I discovered the power that certain music...

2 years ago
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The Gardener

I'm home from college for what feels like the first time in years. The house hasn't changed much in my absence, it's still huge, still empty and still quiet. Last year my mum got married again, for the third time. I've only met this husband a couple of times and I intend to keep it that way. I know he only married her for her money, he doesn't hide it well and I'm not even sure he tries. I've been back a week and have managed to avoid them, it's rather easy in a huge house. I'm holed up in my...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 16

During the season my chats with Beth became less frequent. I would speak to her at least once a week, but gradually our time visiting decreased. Instead of spending an hour on the phone going over every detail our week, we'd spend 15 minutes hitting the highlights. By early November, I was glad we hadn't tried to continue dating — mostly because I was seriously involved with someone else by that point — The Ice Queen. By the time I took over the starter's job the first week of October,...

1 year ago
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Morning Wood

AJ was a very difficult man, stubborn beyond imagining.  He was very stern and set in his ways.  Some might even call him “old fashion” in his beliefs.  He believed that women belong at home, while the men provide.  His childhood had been a pure hell, as an abusive mother controlled the home, and everyone in it.  AJ, as a child, had watched his mother control and abuse his father, and had vowed to be different.  His father was WEAK, and AJ, refused to ever be viewed as weak.  It controlled his...

1 year ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 19 Busy Holidays

Billy came out while Jesse was still separating the milk. "I couldn't find anybody worth a damn. There were a couple of winos passing through who stopped for a glass at Ed's and that's it." Jesse nodded. "Billy, from what Marie tells me I may have put the ranch in jeopardy. She is going to be busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. We are going to be away off and on for the next few months. So let's feed extra heavy and less often. That will make it a little easier on...

2 years ago
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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 16

Jenny, Amy and John had been sent off to bed. Mandy had marched Janice off for their own session alone. The remaining adults took time to engage and play with the four smaller children. The playroom was surprisingly neat. Gail wondered how that was so, until she saw a crayon being absorbed by the floor of the room. Adults and children played with clay, and drew pictures, and sang songs. As the children became more comfortable, the connections became more physical - innocent, to be sure, but...

3 years ago
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Heart of the Yukon

The journey to Dawson City had taken its toll and Joyce Jacobs could feel every mile of it throughout her body. Her weariness made the arrival at her destination all the more relieving. Months after leaving her home in Philadelphia she was standing on the docks of her destination after a perilous journey by sailing ship, then pack horses to Bennett Lake and by boat down the Yukon River. All the other travelers she journeyed with were men looking to make their fortune in the gold fields. Being...

2 years ago
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Romance With My Private Assistant

When I reached the place, Riya was already present and enjoying the party. She was wearing a navy green sari with a strapless blouse. The blouse narrowly managed to hide her assets. As I approached her, she smiled and lowered her head, shy of her looks as she hasn’t worn saree too many times. Moreover, in this avatar, her navel too was getting exposed through the sheer material. I complimented her saying she was looking gorgeous too which she blushed and thanked me. As it was a high-level party...

3 years ago
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I am an exhibitionist and my boyfriend doesnt know

My name is Alessia and I am twenty-three years old from Italy. Ever since I was in high school I had understood that I was a little bit exhibitionist. I loved wearing low-cut tops and I felt quite horny when the teachers looked at me, also because my class was mostly made up of girls and homosexuals, so that was my only satisfaction. I knew the feeling was there, but I had never really fed it.After high school I moved to Turin where for budget reasons I lived with three boys and another girl....

1 year ago
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I You

I’m confused. I’m in that stage, when one is falling in love, which you can’t quite figure everything out. Sure, the sky is still blue and the sun still shines, but there are so many new emotions to deal with. Where do I start? How do I even begin to express everything inside of me? So many thoughts are swirling inside my head, it is almost impossible for me to decipher any of them. But there is one thought which comes to the surface, time and time again. Can I say it? Of course I can say...

2 years ago
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Monica Getting What Shed Wanted All Along

Monica had known early in her teen years that sex and sexual pleasure were something she was always going to want more of and to really enjoy. She'd had several very hot and lusty sexual relationships but none perhaps as hot in its own way as the one she'd enjoyed with Bill. But, the one thing Monica had always wanted more than anything was sex -- hot lusty fucking both sucking her lover's cock and having him thrust his hard cock inside her pussy and fuck her until they were both consumed...

1 year ago
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10 year reunion pt 2

After I was untied and let go from them it was after 2 I thanked them and went to get dressed but they had torn my clothes up pretty good taking them off me all the buttons on my blouse were gone my bra was torn my skirt was ripped but wearable my pantyhose were still on me the crotch all ripped open and full of runs so I put my skirt on put my bra and blouse in my purse and put my jacket on and as I got outside I had to get the water out of me I only had a few blocks to moms but I couldn't...

4 years ago
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Elaine and JamesChapter 3 Talking some more

I now saw Elaine pretty well every time I went to the Health Club. We said our hello's, asking after each other's health and worked out, apart from a smile that was all the contact we had. Until a couple of weeks had gone by. She came up to me as I was getting my adrenalin pumping on the treadmill. "Do you think we could have another coffee?" She asked. "Of course." I answered. "Shall I see you outside in twenty?" "Great. I'll be there." It was a good feeling driving with...

2 years ago
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Sisterinlaws Pregnancy

My sister-in-law’s husband stopped having sex with her in her ninth week when he found out she was pregnant. My wife, Cindy, after learning of this she confided in me as to what was going on with her younger sister - June. She said that her husband Frank, although he loved her, just couldn’t seem to bring himself to have sexual relations with her while she was carrying their baby, out of fear he might hurt the unborn child.This was driving a wedge in their marriage to the point that her sister...

1 year ago
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Poolish Desires

S is an interesting creature, she doesn’t quite know herself well enough to understand the effect she has on men as well as some women. Of European decent she wasn’t raised with the rigidity of American morals and is an unconscious exhibitionist. One summer day we took a long respite at beautiful and huge public pool at an exclusive hotel in Las Vegas, you’d know the name for its reputation is based on poker. She’s 50 but you’d never know it due to a regimen of weight work and running, with a...

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