KinksChapter 11 free porn video

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It was the middle of January when Sandra told me that her parents had invited me to their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, which would be the coming Saturday. They wouldn’t be doing much, there was no visiting family or friends, so it would be just the four of them, plus me. It gave me an idea.

“We need to get people together when we are ready to be extracted,” I said to Mrs Clarke after maths on Thursday afternoon. It was afternoon break now so we had a few minutes to talk. “How about we have a birthday party, or a wedding anniversary, or something like that?”

She frowned for a moment. “An engagement party might be better. Birthdays and especially anniversaries are known well in advance, so just suddenly putting on a party, might be seen as a bit suspicious. Particularly with some of the noises being made by some of the more extreme politicians.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. “But how are we going to find someone who’s just got engaged?”

She looked at me for a moment. “You are planning on asking her to marry you aren’t you?” she said pointedly.

I just looked at her, my mind completely awhirl.

“Close your mouth,” said with gentle amusement.

“Um. Um,” I said stupidly.

“Think about it.” She turned and left.

“Oh hell,” I muttered. I didn’t go and join the gang, I went and found a corner in the library instead, and had a think. I didn’t really get anywhere.

I was almost late for the last class of the day, technical drawing, which it has to be said I wasn’t that interested in. I was doing okay and had been told I was probably on for a C grade, or with only a little more effort a B. I got there just as the master was closing the door. The rule was that once the door was closed you were officially late and could be reported as such. Most teachers gave it four or five minutes before closing the door, this one usually gave it about seven, so really I was very late. Fortunately not too late as he let me in with a frown and a ‘tut tut’ but no formal warning.

I hung around in the classroom at the end, even after Mr Malcolm had left. For once I wanted to avoid Sandra, or indeed any of the gang. I needed to really think about what Mrs Clarke had said.

I picked out a pair of Mum’s knickers, one of my all-time favourites, but ones I also hadn’t worn since they had left. I lay on my parents’ bed, gently, almost absent mindedly, playing with myself while I thought about Sandra, about Mrs Clarke, and about what Mrs Clarke had suggested. I decided I liked the idea, but I also wanted to talk it over with Mrs Clarke and with both of Sandra’s parents first.

Mrs Clarke’s only comment was, “What are you waiting for?”

When I asked how we could get married, she just smiled. “Who said you had to actually get married?”

“Oh.” I frowned. “That wasn’t ... oh. Okay.”

Mrs Clarke gave me another much more brilliant smile and I felt my cock surge.

“A real wedding would be better, but they take time to organise, while an engagement party could be organised with no more than a few days notice.”

“How quickly could you organise a wedding?”

“In principle I suppose it could be done in as little as six weeks, but that does make rather a lot of assumptions. Three months might be a better minimum, and even then you might have to take pot-luck on some aspects.”

I nodded. “I’m not gonna ask her just yet, but yeah, I will.”

She gave me a pleased little smile. “Just let me know afterwards. Either we’ll arrange everything as soon as we can afterwards, or we’ll plan a wedding for mid June, say, and see if we can get a pick up then. How does that sound?”

I nodded, my heart suddenly beating very rapidly. “After my exams?”

She laughed. “After your exams.” She sobered quickly. “I’ll try and find out when the dates are; they should have been published already, at least in outline.”

I went out with Sandra again on Saturday, but it must have been obvious that I had something on my mind, because twice she stopped and asked me outright what the matter was. Each time I denied there was anything the matter, but she was obviously worried and I think even a little hurt.

She relaxed a little, but only a little when I told her I loved her, but I don’t think she totally believed me. At one point I actually stopped in front of a jewellers to see what, if anything she might look at, but she just urged me on. We were heading for a different art gallery at the time, and I think there might have been a time limit on entry or something.

The following day was the Walmsleys’ wedding anniversary. I asked Mrs Walmsley for her opinion. She gave a little screech and a huge hug.

“I haven’t asked her yet,” I said slightly bemused. “I haven’t got her a ring or anything like that.”

“Don’t you worry about that dear. She’d be happy with just a curtain ring. When are you going to ask? Will it be today? This afternoon? Do you know when the wedding will be? Who...”

I managed to get a word in. “NO! I’m not planning on asking today, nor do I know when. I don’t know when anything will be. All I wanted to ask you was did you think it would be a good idea?”

“A very good idea. But why aren’t you asking her today?”

“I need to get some stuff done first. It should only take a day or two. I hope. But in the meantime, please, whatever you do, don’t let on.”

She looked at me for a moment, then her face changed from the bright excited look it had had, to a calm but determined look. “All right dear. But make it soon.”

It was another twenty minutes before I could ask Mr Walmsley. I’d wanted to ask him first, but events had transpired otherwise.

“Yes son,” he said slowly. “I do think it’s a good idea. A very good idea indeed.”

“You do?”

“Yes son, I really do. Do you have a ring for her? Or anything else like vague ideas about dates?”

“No rings. Maybe mid or late June for a date. Not before then ‘cos we have our A-levels.”

He nodded. “Reasonable. Okay. You need to get an engagement ring. Give me two minutes and I’ll go and steal one of her rings so you can take it to the jewellers to have them measure it. It’ll only be approximate because it won’t be for the right finger. But if you tell them that, they may be able to exchange it for the correct size afterwards. And it’s likely to be only one or at most two sizes out I would think. As for a wedding ring, I can supply you with an old family heirloom. It was my grand-mothers and it was going to be for Georgina, but, well, I assume you know something of that?”

I nodded but said nothing.

He nodded as well. “So I think it going to Sandra would be perfectly suitable. I’ll check with Monica first to make sure she hadn’t had something similar planned, but I don’t remember her ever mentioning anything of the sort.”

“Thank you. Thank you very much.”

He smiled slightly. “Spend no more than about fifty quid. You won’t get diamonds for that, they’ll be something called zirconium, but they look close enough, and you cannot afford anything more expensive. Sandra has always been one for white gold rather than yellow gold. You’ll find she never wears gold or yellow or similar as it just doesn’t suit her. Silver does, or white gold; and it’s no more expensive.”

“Thank you,” I said again.

He paused and looked at me speculatively. “Would you like to get married before your exams, and have the honeymoon afterwards?”

“Er. I don’t know. Why? Is that a good idea? What would they say at school?”

“Don’t tell anyone. At least, don’t tell anyone that doesn’t absolutely need to know.”

I shook my head. “Not sure about that,” I said slowly.

“Fair enough. It’s just that I happen to know that a wedding slot at the registrar’s office for the first Saturday in April is available. Someone at work had booked the slot, but his fiancée walked out on him two weeks ago.”

“Oh,” I said, stunned. “I’m not sure. Can I think about it?”

“Of course son. Talk to your Mrs Clarke as well. She seems to have a very sensible head on her shoulders, and she’s acting as your guardian at the moment anyway.”

“I will,” I said. That had given me another idea, about how I got rid of all the jewellery I had collected. Some of it might be junk, but surely some of it would have some value.

The rest of the day went well, and shortly before Mrs Walmsley gave me a lift home, Mr Walmsley slipped me one of Sandra’s rings.

I gave Sandra a hug and a kiss after we got out of the car, as last time she had come with us to take me home. “I love you so much,” I whispered to her. She gave me one of her wonderful smiles, then got back in the car.

I took in a small selection of the jewellery to Mrs Clarke the following day. Only a small selection because I had games that day and didn’t want to lose too much if my bag got rifled or stolen.

She was shocked when I told her, I think quite badly shocked because she gave me a very strange look. I had to explain that all the owners had, in effect, given it. “Leave it with me,” she said coolly.

I nodded. “Thank you Miss.” I left, very upset with myself. I was sure I had just lost her as a concubine, and more importantly as a friend. I hadn’t mentioned what Mr Walmsley had said, I didn’t think that would have gone down any better,

I wasn’t sure she would turn up Wednesday evening, but she did. She did her normal inspection, but seemed a touch more distant than usual. At the end, she sat me down. “Now. Explain everything. In explicit detail.”

I still had all of the keys, and the one credit card that had a balance on it. I showed them to her and explained carefully, though I didn’t mention either the knickers, or the pornographic video in which I’d seen one of the twins telling me to raid their house. Instead I put it that one of the men had told me to do it, and that a few others had agreed.

“Why didn’t the rest agree?”

“They didn’t hear him suggest it, but at least some of the others must have been in on it as more sets of keys were labelled than just those guys.” I showed her the bunches of keys and explained how I’d taken that as implicit permission.

“What else did you take?”

“Food, and that’s about it. I did take a camera kit, and a couple of films that I hadn’t seen before.”

“Which ones?”

I pointed them out on the shelf. “These three.”

She looked at them and nodded.

“Nothing else?”

“No. Not that I remember anyway.” There was no way on earth I was going to mention all the knickers I had taken.

“Have you been back?”

“Only to one just up the road, and only to raid her freezer.”

She nodded slowly. “And you’re sure you’ve taken nothing else? Just food, jewellery and some camera kit?”

“Well, it’s not jewellery only. It’s any small trinket that looked like it might be valuable, but would be easy to carry and hopefully not break. Oh, I took any money I found, but there wasn’t much. There were telly’s and computers and stuff, but I couldn’t have carried them, nor easily sold them. The jewellery seemed the obvious choice.”

She nodded. “Fair enough. All right, get it for me and I’ll see what I can do.”

I got the small case that it was all in. I’d lined it with bubble wrap, and had wrapped a few of what I thought were more fragile things in bubble wrap as well. “Oh crumbs,” she whispered when she realised just how much was there.

She went through it slowly, separating out about ten items. “I’d like to keep these, for me. I collect these myself.” I nodded. I wasn’t going to argue. She handed me a bracelet. “Give that to Sandra as a present. Tell her ... tell her ... it was your mother’s. Or your sister’s.”


She pushed out four rings. “I’ll take these to a local jewellers near me and have them appraised. I can say I was left them by an aunt, or something.” She shook her head. “There’s far too much here to just take into a jewellers and say ‘give me a price’ because they’ll think it’s stolen property. If you’re lucky they’ll just tell you to go away. If you’re unlucky they’ll report you to the police, and if you’re really unlucky they’ll report you to some local gangster for poaching on their patch.”

She sighed. “I wish you’d told me this before. Why now?”

I told her about what Mr Walmsley had said. I wanted to buy Sandra something a bit more special than a fifty-pound zirconium ring, so I needed money. I also mentioned what he’d said about a wedding date in April.

Mrs Clarke looked at me hard at that news. “I’ll contact him later. In the meantime, you and I are going to go out at lunchtime tomorrow to buy your intended the best ring we can. I’ll pay for it. You can give me the money back as we sell this stuff. There is junk ... Ask Sandra to marry you on Saturday and we’ll have a party somewhere next Thursday evening.”

“Not here,” I said.

“Not here. Maybe at the Walmsleys’, but somewhere bigger would be better. It’ll be as many people as I can get together at such short notice that have agreed to be part of my pre-pack.” She sighed. “I just hope that I can get Amber capped by then. She’s wavering but she still hasn’t agreed.”

“What happens if you can’t?”

“Then the party will have to be smaller and it’ll just be a talking shop to try and sort out some bits and bobs for the collection. I’ve got it mostly sorted now, just a few other bits and pieces to go through.” She frowned at me.

“Have you spoken to Neeka yet?”

“Oh. No. Sorry.”

“Do it tomorrow. Or Friday. No later. Megan, no, not Megan. I keep saying Megan but it’s ... Margot, you couldn’t take her and Neeka, and I think Neeka would actually be good for you. From what I can work out, Margot would not do well in the Confederacy.”

“Sandra says she and Margot don’t get on.”

“That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. But talk to Neeka.”

“All right.”

The first thing I did the following morning was to catch Sandra and ask her about Neeka.

“Neeka? Oh. Yes, if you want.” She shrugged.

“Mrs Clarke recommended her.”

“Fair enough. Not objecting.” She smiled. “I don’t really know her but from what I can find out I like her.”

I smiled. “I’m giving you a veto on anyone. Except those I’ve already got, so anyone else.”

“And don’t you forget it, buster,” she said with mock aggression, poking me in the ribs.

“As if I could,” I laughed.

I gave her the bracelet Mrs Clarke had suggested. “This was my Mum’s. It was one of her favourites. Would you like it?”

She smiled at me. “It’s pretty. I guess at least it’s not a cast off or an unwanted gift.”

I shook my head. “I think Mum would have liked you a lot.”

Mrs Clarke and I went into town at lunchtime. We had to be back in less than forty minutes, though as I was having maths with her immediately after lunch anyway, I was not going to be later than she was.

She went into one jewellers, but made me wait outside.

“I told him they needed appraising for insurance purposes,” she told me when she emerged. “This one’s worth a little under three-fifty, the other three about seventy or eighty quid each. If I sold all four together, I might just get five hundred. Four-fifty would be more likely, maybe a little less.” She looked at me. “You have a ring to buy, and I’m limiting you to two hundred pounds. That’s the value of these three. I’ll keep them and sell them. The fourth I’ll sell on your behalf.” She grinned at me. “With a five percent commission.”


Her grin vanished and she nodded. “Come on then.”

We went into three good quality jewellers. Not the most expensive, but also not the dirt cheap ones either. We did find some rings, but neither of us was totally satisfied. Not in the price range she had set me.

“Oh bugger this,” she whispered. She went into a jewellers that we hadn’t planned on going into, and came out again a little later and gave me just four hundred quid. “That’s less my commission.”

“Um. Twenty quid?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Think about your percentages. Think about what that four hundred represents of the original. Try again.”

“Oh yes. Um. Four hundred is ninety-five percent of ... er ... I can’t do that in my head. About twenty-one pounds? It’s four hundred, divided by ninety-five, multiplied by one-hundred.”

She sighed. “Divide ninety-five by five?”


She looked at me.

“Oh. Er, four hundred is nineteen twentieths of the total.”


“Um. Except I still can’t do that in my head.”

She held out her hand in which was twenty-one pounds and a couple of coppers. “Four hundred and twenty-one pounds and five pence. I haggled him out of the extra one pound and five.” She grinned at me. “I suppose, technically, I owe you a quarter of a penny.”

I laughed. “I think I can live without that.” I did the sums on the calculator later. 421·05 ×0·95 = 399·9975. I frowned. I think, technically, I owed her a quarter of a penny.

She looked at her watch. “We’ve no time now. We’ll try again tomorrow lunchtime. Come on. We’re going to be late back at school.”

In fact we were only six minutes late, but Mrs Clarke made me go in ahead of her. She followed about thirty seconds later. That way she could pretend she didn’t know I had been late. I dropped into my seat next to Bondy. “Fuck,” I whispered. “I got backed up in the loo.”

He just laughed. He thought I was telling him I’d had a bit of constipation or similar.

“Sorry folks,” Mrs Clarke announced cheerfully as she came in a few moments later. “Everyone here?”

She left the door open for barely thirty seconds, then closed it carefully.

We picked up the perfect ring the following day. We were even lucky in that the jeweller had the right size in store. Point three of a caret of Brilliant Cut diamonds, in a solid silver ring. I had no idea exactly what ‘Brilliant Cut’ meant, but in the weak January sunshine they sparkled. It cost me a little over three hundred pounds. Was it daft? Of course it was. Was she worth it? Too bloody right she was.

“Should I go down on my knee when I ask?” I asked Mrs Clarke as we sped back to school.

She smiled wistfully. “My husband didn’t, but I ... maybe. See how it goes. Sometimes it’s romantic, sometimes it’s just silly. But do it at least in semi private. Doing it in a very public place just adds to her pressure. Particularly if other people can see what’s happening.” She gave me a soft and very beautiful smile. “Just be yourself, and be who she wants you to be.”

I nearly asked ‘who’s that?’, but just managed to keep my mouth closed. The rest of the day I was on tenterhooks. Once again I managed to avoid Sandra. It wasn’t easy but fortunately we shared no classes, and by running errands for Mrs Clarke during afternoon break, I managed to avoid her. I was convinced that if she saw me, she would somehow know. Somehow I would give the game away. Mrs Clarke was just amused, but said nothing.

“Sorry babe”, I texted her as I walked home after school. “got caught up with Mrs Clarke + lssns”.

“Ok cu 2moz?”

“Same place same time”

That just brought a smiley. We were meeting a bit earlier now, both because the days were shorter, and because her parents were happy with us being together.

“Need to see if Tee will come out next weekend,” Sandra said as I turned up at ‘our’ coffee shop just after ten. I hadn’t even had chance to say anything yet.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“She’s getting a bit stressed. Twice this week Amber nearly caught her father raping her. Tee is scared that once she finds out, he’ll just go for her anyway.”

“Oh, poor babe. Yes. Definitely. How easy would it be to organise a party and invite her?”

“What sort of party?”

I shrugged. I pretended to think about it while I slipped my hand in my pocket and retrieved the ring. I’d already seen that the shop was mostly empty: the weather wasn’t very nice, it was grey and windy and very heavily overcast. At the end of January it was still just close enough to the revelries of Christmas and the new year that most people still hadn’t recovered either their funds or their appetite for anything frivolous. The combination of the two meant there were even less people around.

Same as Kinks
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My first task was to take the three very nervous looking lady Mages along to Morgana's lounge. "Relax, you are under serious protection here," I said as we advanced into the room. "I know, it's just that Elymas is incredibly powerful and not someone who is easily stopped," Mary responded. "He will be doing very well to break through here and the effort required would leave him wide open to my counterattack," Morgana said as she entered the room with Seer Simone and Mage...

2 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 26

Melissa said, “I told Paul to talk with his dad. I took my suitcase and went out to the car. I don’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t have money for a bus or even know where the bus station was located. I looked back and Paul was behind me. His dad was following us out.” Paul picked up the story. “Dad wanted me to come back inside. I told him that there is no ‘me’ any more. There is only ‘us.’ Then I said, ‘If we aren’t welcome, then we will not stay.’ I think he finally realized that...

4 years ago
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Internet Dating

I had seen his profile weeks ago but dismissed it because he looked more experienced than me in the kinky department and I wasn't sure I was kinky enough for him. Weeks passed, men appeared in emails and disappeared just as quickly. I'm looking for something specific and I really don't have a lot of free time to waste in chats and meetings so I tend to dismiss them very early if they don't have potential. Then he contacted me. I was surprised to see that he had revised his profile, it was a...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Ariella Ferrera 24381

Irresponsibility – the cornerstone to any good college student. And Tyler is no exception, having partied hard last night and ending up crashing at his friend’s house, waking up and having no idea where he is, unbeknownst to his friend’s mom Ariella Ferrera. And after hearing someone in the house, she heads into her bedroom and seemingly sees her husband underneath the covers, so she goes straight for his cock! Only it isn’t her husband, no, no, no. It’s Tyler, her son’s friend, who has a lot...

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A Good ManChapter 18 Just How Things Worked

Clarissa greeted me at my locker Monday morning with a kiss that knocked me for six. Hell, we even got a few muted cheers from some of the people in the common room. She stepped back from me, I stared at her and felt a bit goofy as I said, “Whatever I did to deserve that, remind me to keep doing it.” With a flash of that killer smile, she said, “Just keep being you. And keep being my boyfriend.” And just like that everyone accepted us as boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course, Clarissa didn’t...

3 years ago
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At the beach a collaboration

This is my first story, written in collaboration with my inspiration, Smirk71. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it! We are still lying on the blanket on the beach, the sun is high in the sky, but clouds are approaching. I am still kissing your neck, nibbling on your ear, my hand is tracing lazy circles up and down your side. Your hands are wrapped around my neck as I nip your neck with my teeth. I reach up and place my hand over your chest, feeling the hardness of your...

2 years ago
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The Cowboy and the College Girl Chapter 8 and 9

Chapter 8 The long weekend. We load the bags of Vanessa’s clothes in the truck. Josie gives a hug and says ‘Be careful, you call me every day and let me know your are safe.’ Josie then turns to me and says ‘I don’t know you but you seem to be a nice guy. You better take good care of her and she better come back safe. ‘ Josie walks to the back of my truck and takes out her phone and take sa picture of my license plate. Then she walks back up to me and takes a picture of me and Vanessa...

3 years ago
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First time Anal sex

I am a student. The semester ended about two weeks ago, and, as every year, on the last day there is the annual diner-and-dance night. That was where I met Angela. She was 18. She’d just arrived three weeks before. As a courtesy, I of- fered to take her around and lend her any needed assis- tance. Last Friday night she called me and gave the excuse that she couldn’t make it back to her place be- cause it was too far away (a good 45 minutes’ drive), and asked if...

4 years ago
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Body Work pt 1

He had brought me with him in case the guy needed someone to steer the car when he towed it. However, the guy had brought a friend to do just that, and all we had to do was follow. The garage was on Main Street, but they must have meant “Only street.” There was nothing else around for miles. When we got there, the mechanic and his friend unhooked the tow chains and pushed Jeff’s car inside the tiny garage. In the pitch black we heard the sound of a pull chain, and one dim, incandescent bulb...

4 years ago
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Tammy Lisa and Karen part 1

It was Friday and the first thing I wanted when I got home was a nice warm bath to clean off the day’s hard work. I filled the tub with hot water and added some bubble bath. I shaved my legs and underarms. As I slid under the hot water I looked at my toes peeking through the bubbles, and realized I needed to reapply some polish. After a long soak I got out, dried myself off and went to my bedroom. I looked for a nice pair of sexy panties to wear, but was not happy with what I had, so decided it...

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In Plain Site

From my previous stories and blogs, you all know that my cousin and I started experimenting with each other at a very early age and it progressed into a very emotional/sexual and physical bond that gave me the sexual experiences I needed and wanted in order to be the person I am today. I have no regrets about what we did to and for each other over all those years, and I look back many times and masturbate happily and intesly on many of the situations we found ourselves in and the situations we...

1 year ago
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Hungry For Mindy

The amateur erotic writer posted a personal ad on alt.dolcett, alt.torture, alt.sadistic, and other newsgroups: > Mad scientist ISO young beautiful woman to > practice surgical experiments on. I will > open up your chest and abdominal cavities and > poke around inside you; maybe remove some > stuff and move other stuff around--just to > see what happens. Understand that I am not > a doctor and have no access to anesthesia or > antibiotics. The pain will be...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Younger Brother

My Girlfriends Younger Brother by Freethought32 This story involves teenage crossdressing and sex. Only read if you of age and like this type of material. It is purely fictional. I hope you enjoy. My name is Mark, and I have been dating my current girlfriend, Beth, for about a year now. We began our dating in the freshman year of college when we met in a sociology class and hit it off very well. We get along great and I have no complaints. Well, no major ones except...

2 years ago
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Wendy not her first rodeo

Wendy not her first rodeo;It seems so normal for Wendy now, her husband is saying goodbye as he leaves for work, three weeks this time. Her ritual begins, a quick clean and tidy of the house, a shower to wash away any thoughts of who she pretended to be. Today she slipped on some heels and a little silkrobe. Wendy tied it tight, it felt great against her skin and came down to just about cover her pussy when she was standing. It was a fine morning and having breakfast in front of the open patio...

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Hello Ms Tharpe

“Hey Jake watcha doin babe” “Nothin’ much just sitting in class”. Obviously, I thought. As you can tell she isn’t exactly the smartest pea in the pod. After that short conversation my mind was focused on that hot substitute. “Are we still on for tonight” “Umm I guess” “Great see you there babe” “Hello class my name is, as you can see on the board, Ms. Tharpe. Your regular teacher, Ms.Herman, will no longer be with you at this moment so for now I will be your regular teacher” ...

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You look down at the ruined corpse of the old warlord. He had been a big man, standing at least ahead above you, with chestnut brown hair, shoulder length with a longer beard, now soaked in his own blood. He had a name once, but no one would remember it after today. You look at your hands, also covered in blood and grim, and smiled. Being honest with yourself, you hadn't seriously thought you'd win. Just that you had to stand against him. You look around at the crowd gathered around you. They...

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The Cane Miss Bush and Me Part 2

Four full days had passed since my caning from Miss Bush, and four full days had passed since I had last masturbated. This was without doubt my longest period of abstinence since I had discovered the pleasures of this immensely pleasurable, yet sometimes frowned upon, pastime. Being caned naked by a beautiful woman was embarrassing enough in itself, but somehow I seemed to have the fortitude to overcome that. My dear old grandmother often used the expression 'What goes around comes around,' and...

2 years ago
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A freindly visit

I was in college for about 2 years now doing a computer science degree and I was a little sad that I didn't have a girlfreind yet. I studied, I did homework, I ate, I slept, but I never got to fuck somebody In all the time I was here. the College stereotype is so misleading I remember thinking but oh, man was I ever wrong! I had met a freind in my class and he was holding a party this saturday. He told me that his select freinds were invited and at that moment His eyes looked at me in a very...

Gay Male
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Lonely Rhodes Ch 05

I hope you all enjoyed this series thanks for reading. Also thank you Celibacy For Jealousy and luvtaread for their help editing The next day, Kim and Brett discussed the future. Kim said she was going to work on her upcoming album in Chicago to be closer to him. They also agreed that they would tell his family about who Kim really was. Kim also said that she was going to go through an image overhaul for the second album. It turned out she had been talking to Viv, who, as her former agent’s...

1 year ago
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wife fucks 3 teenagers on holida

My wife and I went to Turkey on holiday, at the time I was 32 and my wife was 29 I knew that the heat and relaxing atmosphere would make her so horny. We had been swinging for about 3 years in our local clubs, but this was the first time we had been holiday since we started swinging. On about the 2nd day Jane ( my wife), and I were lying round the pool, she was wearing a very skimpy blue bikini, and was lying on the sunbeds just chilling, . After a while I noticed 3 young lads who were about...

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Chilly Willy0

She helped the vice squad out from time to time, stake-outs, dressing in a plaid micro-mini and stiletto heels and halter-tops, long wigs, padded bra and tons of make up; it was not something she overly enjoyed. Being a detective, she loved, solving enigmatic robberies, catching "scam-artists", that flocked to Vegas, getting them "off the street". This was her life. She enjoyed most other aspects of her career, as a peace officer, the camaraderie, the sense she was making a difference....

3 years ago
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Fucking Old College Friend In Bangalore

Hi again. I’m akshay from bangalore. Any comments or feedbacks can be sent to . feel free to ask anything This story is about a girl in my previous friend group from a previous college. Her name is Veena (name changed for discretion purposes.) Veena is probably the nicest, cutest and most pretty girl you’ll ever come across. With a nice light brown skin color, she’s got curves, oh yes. I don’t know the numbers of her exact figure, but she has a great bust for a 20 yr old girl and a nice round...

4 years ago
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Photo Session

Photo SessionI will try to keep this short as I can. It's about my wife and I and another couple who visited us.We're married for 10 years, have 2 k**s, pretty much a decent couple. But we have fantasies too. Before we got married, we talked seriously a lot about 3somes and 2x2. But after wife got pregnant, and we got married, we became a "married with k**s" couple and the next k** was salt and peper to it.It was all a fantasy now, until I met these people from - i am not sure if i should say...

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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 5

Book 5: New Beginnings Part 1 Chapter 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author's note: Please understand that I do not believe that women should be treated the way that Frank treats Tanya in the beginning of this chapter, despite the fact that she loves it! And it's damned exciting to write it. I hope you have fun reading it, and receive it in the 'tongue-in-cheek' manner in which it is intended. Chapter 5 Tanya looked up at her manacled wrists as she leaned back against the...

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Forbidden pleasures First contact

After I hit the send button I found myself wondering if i'm his type. I'm more of an exotic beauty, or so I've been told. 5’5 soft brown skin and tight little figure. 34 c natural breasts and a nice toned shapely ass. All I could do was hope I fit the bill. Soon he replies with a key and i'm pleased to read that he finds me very attractive. With eager anticipation I click on his key to view his private showcase and am immediately i’m wet with desire for this blue eyed stranger. Wow this...

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My Aunthellip

My Aunt…I am a 17-year-old boy; I was born in Kuwait & came to visit my mom’s family here in Pakistan. My aunt is about 45years old, & she is married & has 3 c***dren. I had a crush on her for about a year & I always had fantasies of her. She had a 32D size breasts with huge nipples. And a sweat smell which always turned me on.Well it all started when I went out to cricket with my friends & after the game we all started to go back when it started to rain heavily I was just...

4 years ago
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Atep Mother

Atep Motheri am a 18 year old young my own step Mom….The Day when I first look her on my father’s wedding after the separation of my parents, I decided to fuck her and always looking to get a chance to fuck her as she was very attractive with huge boobs and huge but nice round ass and white body like milk…Finally the day come and I fucked her and fulfill my all wishes.It was going to be my birthday on 3rd of November. Nearly 5 days ago she asked me that what I wanted on my 18th birthday....

2 years ago
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Kathalan Nanbanai Enjoy Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en kathalan nanbanai correct seithu avanudan sexiyaaga enjoy seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar keerthana vayathu 22 aagugirathu, enaku sex seivathu endraal migavum pidikum. En veethiyil oru paiyan irukiraan avan peyar Mahesh vayathu 28 aagugirathu, ennai eppozhuthum sight adithu konde irupaan. Naan avanai thinamum sight adipen, oru naal naan avan veetai thaandi selum pozhuthu ennai paarthu un peyar keerthana thaane endru ketan? Naan appozhuthu ethum...

3 years ago
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The Novitiates Twin Problems

A year or so ago, somebody wrote a story called "The Novitiates" about an adventure of Anya (Bikini Beach), Dannie (SRU), and Erin (Bad Wishes). I liked the idea, and got about a third of the way into a story. I came across the thing lately and decided to get it off the "To Do" list. The Novitiates: Twin Problems By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 "So this is Bikini Beach." Deke Taggert looked at the park entrance as he pulled his Vette into the lot. There were a few older...

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Brothas fo Life

You are in your first year of university. It is Wednesday September 4, and Clubsfest is taking place. You notice that this university has a frat, called Sigma Epsilon Xi. You are excited by it and sign up right away, unaware of the implication of its name. "Thank you for signing up," the guy manning the table tells you. "We will send you an email by the end of the week." That Friday September 6, the email arrives. It reads: "Welcome! Thank you for signing up for the Sigma Epsilon Xi frat of...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 249

Saying Grace- a “gentle reminder for ALL of US” A visiting Priest was attending a men’s breakfast in Ohio Farm County. He asked one of the impressive older farmers in attendance to say grace that morning. After all were seated, the older farmer began: “Lord, I hate buttermilk.” The Priest opened one eye and wondered to himself where this was going. Then the farmer loudly proclaimed, “Lord, I hate lard.” Now the Priest was overly worried. However without missing a beat, the farmer prayed...

4 years ago
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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 11 Courage

Introduction: Tai must face his worst fear if he intends to rescue his friends Tai marched through the beautiful landscape with nothing entering his mind but his mission. He was surrounded by lush greenery and exotic landscape that could not be found on Earth. However he paid them no mind they were nothing more then distractions to him. His mind saw only the beautiful red headed angel, his darling sister and his princess friend in the clutches of their demonic captor. The thought drove him...

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Its our life style

My sextsee. We finally got our dream house no k**s home there on vacation with the grandparents so we got the collage girl next door to house sit for use wile we shop the hole time I new we both like how hot she was big tits,ass and we could tell that she was felling how fly we are . So where heading out to the mall day of shopping so as you where down stairs getting you guess bag and phone we forgot to put up our sex toys / fat dick dildo , vibrators lube and straponsI.e our bag of tricks I...

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I was relaxing in front of the television when the front door bell rang. My wife and I were not expecting anyone. I was already naked under my robe, ready for a little action later. She was soaking in a bath. I peeked through the eyehole and saw a girl standing on the doorstep. I pulled my robe tighter and opened the door immediately thinking she might need directions or to use the phone."May I help, young lady? Are you all right?" I asked looking past her. I didn't see a car in sight. "I'm...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII - Edging, pro-wrestling moves, side saddle? What exactly are Jezebel and Ismeralda up to? All shall be revealed. Mistress Ismeralda starts fucking me at a very slow pace. A slow, deliciously slow stroke out, and then a faster thrust deeper into me. Over and over the pace barely changes, then she picks up, faster and faster. I moan harder into the pillows. "Oh Goddess, oh Goddess, I am getting close." Mistress Ismy stops. And then, fairly...

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Meeting My Girlfriend After Ages

Hey guys, this is Subbu, and this is a real slow, long and a fantasy story. So here goes the story… Harsh got a job in denmark and had to leave India to work there. He was in a relation with a girl for 4 years. Her name is ashwini. An orthodox Brahmin girl who was very reserved and a virgin when he met her. In their long relation, he made her more open, broadminded and horny bitch. When he shifted to Denmark, they used to have a lot of video sex in Skype and were eagerly waiting for a chance to...

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Happy Anniversary Pegged

I am married to Porsche, who is a beautiful 5' 8" tall and seductive blonde with average size breast and a very nice firm ass. I have always had a fetish for Female Domination since I was in college, and a stripper in thigh-high boots spanked me on stage through my jeans at a birthday party.My wife knows that I liked Female Domination role play, but she preferred just vanilla sex. My wife and I have great vanilla sex but in the last five years of our marriage we needed something new in our...

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Paint It Black

I SEE A RED DOOR AND I WANT IT PAINTED BLACK Because of some quirk in human nature we always seem to remember what we were doing when some life-altering event happens. For me, well, it turned out I was doing something stupid and trite. We had just finished a major project at work and everyone on the team was given a week off. Half were to go one week and the other half the next. I remembered my boss, Wayne, pleading with me, "Damn, Jim. I know you have worked even more hours than I have on...

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