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Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.

Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please contact him at [email protected]. Or visit his weblog at . Any comments are gladly accepted and encouraged.

     A Sequel to ?A New Haunt? and ?Coffin Duty?.

     There was horror in the evening air. It was in the dried leafs darting around Brandy?s ankles and in the chill that crept through her jacket as she stood by her car. There were few lights on in the old two-story farmhouse. Most of the house was already finished for this year?s fund-raiser.  The barn was finished as well. Brandy could see the pulsating green light that glowed eerily through the windows and doorways there. Even knowing what Brandy knew about what was lurking in both places, the effect was still very creepy.

     This year, the club had decided on an alien invasion theme. There was plenty of material to draw upon, from The Mist to War Of The Worlds to Signs. Brandy was at first reluctant with the theme, but her boyfriend Grant was so enthused about the genre that it infected her as well. Of course, because of the theme, there was more work involved in prepping the place and Brandy volunteered when she could. Thankfully, Grant could spend a good part of his spare time at his job working on the project.

     It had been a great year this year. Grant and Brandy had started to be an ?official? couple. He understood her better than any person she had ever been with. Most men, she knew, were attracted to her long blonde hair and generous boobs. And most didn?t really see past that. Grant did. It had been two years since they had met and less than a year of actually going out, but it felt as if she had known him since childhood.

     The bondage club had been a refuge from her mundane life. She could get tied-up and relish her sub-space within the warm confines of the old  farmhouse. Grant had always been a very good ?Master?, but she always felt guilty about having to go back to her ?real? boyfriends. Finally, after having bound her up to a Saint Andrew?s cross and with a gag firmly in place, Grant had worked-up the courage to ask her out on a date that didn?t involve leather or rope. Brandy thought about it for about a millisecond before nodding yes. After that, she dumped her old boyfriend and never looked back.

     Grant was good with his hands in more ways than one. A good deal of the bondage furniture that graced the basement of the place was constructed by him. She always thought he was in construction but he always said no. It took over a month before Brandy could pry out of him what he really did for a living: Grant owned his own junkyard; one that had been in the family for generations. He had learned how to tinker and build because he had to.

     It was his tinkering that had brought Brandy here. Grant had been working on a secret project and he wanted her to be its first victim.

     Rounding the corner of the house, she could see more greenish lights out in the center of the field. This year, their corn maze was an elaborate crop circle with Grant?s contraption towards the end. Several of the guys had helped him with it but Brandy couldn?t get them to say a word about it other than ?you?ll see.?

     As Brandy crunched her way through the dark maze, she thought about how tempted she was to sneak out here to look at what he was doing, but decided against it. The best thing about surprises was the surprise. So she bided her time a waited for him to invite her.

     There were a few silver clouds in the night sky and the moon wasn?t much more than a sliver, making the maze that much more sinister. Corn stalks splintered off into the dark. Several times Brandy had to take her flashlight out to look at the map. Even then, she had stumbled into a dead end where a cocooned corpse was moaning its automated message.  She caught her breath and continued on.

     This is the kind of thing the blonde craved. Not knowing what was around each corner or what that low humming noise was that seemed to vibrate through the maze. Several times she thought she heard a rustling in the stalks, but when she stopped, it seemed to stop to.  With every step, however, she knew she was drawing nearer to the green glow she had seen earlier and her curiosity trumped her fears.

     The noise was getting louder as she came closer to where it was. A low mist drifted over the path and snaked away through the stalks. Brandy?s steps were more cautious, not being able to see the path itself. Then, rounding a corner, she saw a silvery-gray saucer partially imbedded into the ground. A neon-green glow seeped out from beneath the craft, illuminating the fog that whorled around it like a cloak.

     ?Grant,? Brandy called out, but there was no reply.

     The alien craft was huge; bigger than her apartment living room. Some thick, stringy goop oozed over it in several places. Carefully, she made her way around the ship, trying to find an entrance. Grant was probably inside preparing it for the haunted house opening that weekend.

     ?Grant,? she yelled again.

     Grant had done a remarkable job. The ship looked just as good as any Hollywood set. Even up close, Grant?s workmanship was remarkable. Touching it, Brandy could feel its low vibrations as she made her way around it. Finally, through the mist, she could see a small opening that was not unlike the open jaws of a trap. Slime dripped from the tips of its sharpened teeth. A torn jacket was impaled by one.

     Brandy stopped and stared. It was Grant?s jacket; his favorite work jacket.

     And it was torn to pieces.

     Stepping closer, the blonde could see several dark stains blotted over the jacket. It looked like blood but then again their haunted house had lots of things covered in what looked like blood. It wouldn?t have been an issue if it hadn?t been Grant?s jacket.

     Suddenly, she really didn?t want to be here alone.

     ?Grant,? she yelled, ?If you are trying to scare me, I swear to God I will kick your balls down your throat.?

     Brandy heard nothing more than the growling hum of the craft.

     The blonde also noticed that the fog was getting thicker and the cornstalks around the craft were fading into a black wall. Carefully, she stepped back and began to retrace her steps. She dared not turn on the flashlight again to look at the map.

     Then Brandi heard the shuffling in the stalks.

     ?This is fucked,? Brandi thought to herself. There was no way this was real. Grant and the club were messing with her. She was sure of it. They all knew her love of a good scare. They all knew she loved to go to the movies just to get frightened. But she knew it was all Hollywood magic. The only time she had really been terrified was her unintended introduction to the club via the haunted house; except now.

     ?This is not the way into a woman?s panties, Grant,? she called out into the mist.

     The blonde could still hear the rustling in the corn, growing nearer.

     Unconsciously, Brandy had been backing away from the noises, one small step at a time until she felt her back pressing against the craft. Feeling along the metallic shell, she carefully made her way back to the opening of the craft. Quickly, she pulled out her flashlight and beamed its light into the mouth. It was dark and reddish and reminded Brandi of looking down into someone?s throat.. Without hesitation, she stepped through the jaws.

     As soon as the girl?s foot hit the floor, the whole room started to glow an evil red. She could see along the back wall a knot of tentacles writhing like a pit of snakes. . .

     ?Boo!? Grant said inches from Brandi?s ear, causing her to scream.

     ?You shit-head,? she yelled, punching him in his broad shoulder.


     ?Did I scare you??

     ?Fuck you,? Brandy said stepping back.

     ?I take that as a yes,? he smiled.

     ?I hate you,? Brandi grumped, crossing her arms in front of herself.

     ?I don?t think you hate me as much as you think you do. You were scared and you loved every second of it, sweetheart. Besides, the best is yet to come.?

      Despite being pissed about Grant getting the best of her, it was hard to stay mad at him for very long. His grin could charm the pants off of her any day of the week. The fact that he was well muscled in a work-a-day like way didn?t hurt either. It was a very good scare and she shouldn?t be mad at him for giving her something she craved.

     ?Okay, I?ll forgive you this one time, Grant. Don?t make me regret it,? Brandi said.

     ?Oh, after I show you what this thing can do, I don?t think you?ll regret one little thing. Now, do you remember last year?? he asked.

     How could Brandi forget. The first night she had been assigned coffin duty where she was tied-up and vibrated the whole night in front of a bunch staring Halloweeners. Of course, they didn?t know there was something buzzing turning her on. They just saw a pretty young girl bound and struggling not to get nailed in a coffin. It was one of the most erotic things she had ever done. To be bound in public and being teased into one orgasm after another was a fantasy she had never dared to hope to come true.

     ?Yes. . . .? she whispered. Already, the thoughts of that night started a tingling through her.

     ?Well, let me show you what you?ll be doing this weekend.?

     Grant leaned down and gave Brandi a nice, long kiss. He always counted his blessings and Brandi being his girl was always his first one. She always gave one-hundred percent of herself, whether it was helping him in the yard or being a willing victim in the bedroom. At first, everyone thought she was your stereotypical dumb blonde, but she was smart as a whip; one of the smartest people Grant knew. The fact that she was dating him over all the other guys that had their sights trained on her was still a mystery to him.

     ?You mean right now?? Brandi purred.

     ?No time like the present.?

     Brandi noticed for the first time how warm it was in her.  Not uncomfortably so, but enough to ward off the October chill.

    Grant reached behind the wall of tentacles and brought out a gym bag, ?I got you your costume this year. I know it might not look like much, but I think once you are in place, I think you?re going to appreciate it more.?

     Brandy?s boyfriend tossed her the bag and disappeared behind the squirming wall. What would she be this year? A sexy witch? A buxom pirate? A demure harem girl? Brandy was eager to find out. She quickly unzipped her bag and pulled out her costume: A old gray sweatshirt and a pair of worn jeans.

     ?What the hell, Grant?? she yelled at him.

     ?Quit your whining and try them on,? Grant answered.

     The blonde could hear him rustling around in back, setting up whatever ?props? he needed for his victim girlfriend. This was as lame a costume as she had ever seen and Grant usually had very good taste when it came to that sort of thing. But she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Brandy shrugged off her jacket and pulled her white sweater off. After unhooking her bra, she shimmied out of her jeans.

     ?Your panties too,? Grant said as he emerged from in back of the tentacles.

     Brandy did as she was told, hooking her thumbs under the straps and slowly peeling them off of her hips and down her legs, stepping out of them when they reached her ankles.

     ?That better?? Brandy asked demurely, crossing her arms in front of herself.

     ?Much, but as much as I would like to keep you that way, I think a few customers might complain.?

     ?Why, don?t you think they?ll like what they see?? Brandy smiled.

     ?No, I think you might make them jealous..?

     Brandy bent down and picked-up the sweatshirt.

     ?Well, I wouldn?t want that now. I guess I will just have to be a little more situation appropriate, huh??

     And with that being said, Brandy pulled the shirt on over her head. She noticed the something hard was on the inside of the front of her shirt. They were two hard plastic cups fastened so that each settled near her nipples. Brandy knew right away what they were for and adjusted each over her nips, cupping them. The sweatshirt was a bit tight and emphasized her breasts well. The top part of the cups poked out of the shirt looking like a pair of black rubber nipples.

     The jeans were next. It wasn?t hard to miss the open crotch sewed into them. It wasn?t large but it was enough to allow Grant access to her. The jeans were as form fitting as the shirt. She fastened the small leather belt and stood back smiling at her boyfriend; hands on her hips.

     ?Your shoes too. I didn?t bring a pair so you will have to wear what you have,? Grant said.

     It took a second for her to slip into her sneakers. Brandy could already feel the stir of butterflies in her stomach, knowing soon she would be helpless and she hoped well attended to. Grant leaned over her and cupped her face as his lips met hers. Soon, their tongues danced over one another as he grasped her tightly to himself, feeling her body moving against his.

     Without a word, Grant pulled away and grasped one of Brandi?s wrists and pulled it in back of her before doing the same to the other. She felt the cool steel of cuffs click tightly around each and a warm flame flickered within her. With her hands now bound behind her, Grant took her arm and led her to the writhing wall.

     Upon closer inspection, Brandy could see that the tentacles were really made over garden hoses painted reddish-pink and clothed in some sort of translucent latex rubber. Grant pulled them aside to reveal a pair of pipes sticking out about a foot off of the ground.

     ?Step up, my dear lady. The show is about to begin.?

     Grant held her as she climbed up. They were spaced about a yard apart and Grant had to help her maneuver into place. Once there, Brandy watched as he looped a small strap around her right ankle and buckled it tight, doing the same with the other. Brandy was forced to keep her legs open in order to stand. Grant then took a tentacle and wrapped it around one of her calves.

     ?Comfortable?? Grant asked.

     Brandy nodded. She was already starting to ebb into her subspace. Grant smiled at her and grabbed a thicker tentacle and positioned it over her chest. There were two fasteners on it and he gently clamped each of her cups to it before curling it around her waist. As soon as the first was fastened on, she could feel a slight suction on her nipple, sending flicker of pleasure through her. Grant reached up under her shirt to make sure that each cup was over her stiffened nipples.

     The bound girl then felt her boyfriend?s finger gently caressing the soft curls of her puss. Brandy knew Grant liked her having a little nest even though being clean-shaven was the usual thing that subs did.  And she liked having him tease her there. Slowly, his fingers dipped down until he was touching her swollen lips, parting them so he could tickle her clit.

     Each touch was like a fiery lance of bliss piercing her. She found herself pushing herself towards him only to find him ease away, teasing her.

     ?Grant. . .? she began to say.

     ?Not another word or I will gag you. Understand??

     ?Yes,? she said.

     ?That was another word,? Grant grinned.

     With that he pulled out another tentacle. This one had a large pear-shaped gag fastened to it. Brandy dutifully opened her mouth. The gag filled her mouth as he buckled it tightly around her head. She imagined it would look like the alien beast was muffling her screams.

     Secretly, Brandy loved being gagged. It allowed her to be noisy and bite into something at the same time. She had heard that it was like a Champaign cork, holding every good inside and that is exactly the way she felt.

     Brandy glanced down to see Grant picking up yet another tentacle. This one was another thicker one. About halfway along it was one of her pink gel vibrators, one with a separate egg that would rest against her clit. Grant slowly eased it inside of her, making sure it was fully inside of her before anchoring it with a thin leather strap. The rest of the tentacle he wrapped around her hips firmly, making sure it was tight.

     After entangling her in a few more tentacles, Grant stepped back and looked over his ?ummphing? work. With everything in place, Brandy looked like a hapless female victim of the alien monster. With a flip of a switch, the cat-like red eyes of the monster glowed on. With another switch, the vacuum pump speeded up and caused Brandy to squeal in surprise. Finally, he turned on the vibe to watch it do its magic.

     The erotic burning within her flared and Brandy bucked against her bindings. The suction on her nips sent needles of pleasure shooting through her each time they pulsed and the hum of the vibe within her fueled flare after churning flare of passion.  The fiery bliss swelled inside her until she couldn?t take any more. She screamed into her gag as the white-hot ecstasy engulfed her again and again until she was too spent to fight against it. Finally, the buzzing stopped and the cups released themselves from her pleasure-aching nipples. If it wasn?t for the straps and tentacles holding her up, she would have fallen into a puddle on the floor.

     Brandy glanced up. Grant was holding their digital video camera, capturing everything on CD. They both enjoyed watching their escapades over and over again and seeing where they could be more creative.

     She smiled around her gag.

     Setting down his camera, he stepped up to Brandy and caressed her cheek.

     ?I don?t think that was a very convincing performance, honey,? Grant said, ?I need to see more passion; more fear if you want to do this all this weekend.?

     Brandy just looked at him.

     ?Let?s take it from the top and this time, give it your all,? he said as her once again turned on her vibrator, ?We?re going to do this all night until you get it right.?

     Grant then turned the vibrator back on.

If you enjoyed this story and would like to see more of my writings, please e-mail me at [email protected]. , visit my weblog at or follow my latest updates on Twitter.  Any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated. 


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Inspired by: Monty Python’s, ‘Quest for the Holy Grail’ but it is very different. In a parallel universe to ours: Sir Smiley the Steel Handed, Knight of King Arthur’s Round Table, crawled out of the Black Swamp to the door of the Castle Black Plague and pounded on the door! BANG!! BANG!! “Open up! Open up! I seek the Scepter of Life!” Soot, dressed in a white nun like habit opened the door’s window, looked around and then down and said, “Oh there you are!! Oh, you are injured! Let me help...

1 year ago
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FapHouse Erotica

Don't you fuckers find the combination of faphouse and erotica in one link odd? Maybe masturbationhouse.erotica would sound better, you know, more classy? Hey, it is what it is, a long link that will lead your straight to my favorite xxx page -!Ok, I lied about the favorite part, but I did review a couple of times. That crown/castle logo is engraved into my mind. The simple conclusion is that the logo is worthy of TPD. It managed to beat the odds and...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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TwobyTwo Chapter 2

Two by Two - By: Beverly Taff Chapter 2 Victoria, or as everybody called her, Vicky, was overjoyed at her appointment to the veterinary chair. It meant complete independence financially but much more importantly; she would never again have to suffer the constant unwanted advances and attentions that had plagued her life. Vicky was confused and angered by men. She had been raped in high school and the scars still burned. Sex with men was forever after, associated with pain...

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Caught Her

My girlfriend, Amy Lopez, and I come from the same hometown in Texas, a border city by the name of Laredo. We don't see each other much anymore, since we go to college seperated by a few hundred miles. I'm studying at TAMIU and she's over in UCLA. Still, as often as we can, we try to get together and spend whatever time we have with one another. With a break between semesters, we are both back home and taking it easy. I've been over at her place most of the past week, since my parents have been...

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Harriet A PrisonerChapter 2 Memories of Happier Days

Gwendoline had to postpone her marriage after her father's sudden death just after Christmas. As his only child she was now now a Countess, which pleased her a lot, and very rich, which pleased her even more. She had been incredibly busy for the first few months, moving into her parent's apartments and out of her own small but beloved flat in the upper floors. Her mother had gone to live in France with a sister. There had been some very hard financial decisions to take and negotiations...

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Marvadi Bhabhi And Me

Hello guys, this is Raunak aged 25 from Mumbai. I am single and always crave to enjoy with married women because of their experience. Though I have equal appeal for young and single ladies too. I am sharing this experience which happened with me a month back. Please mail me at with you valuable feedbacks and lovely messages. Those interested in being friends too can mail me (if u know what I mean). So I have a fantasy for Marvadi women as they are really hot and I always dreamt of fucking...

1 year ago
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Meine Chodana Sikha

Mein hun Neelam. Log muze pyaar se Nilu kahaten hai. Mein aap ko meri kahani sunane ja rahi hun ki kaise meine chodana sikha. Ye kahani meine ‘Neelam Ni Jaagruti’ ke nam pahale likkhi hai lekin Gujarati men. Meine socha, yadi Hindi men likhi jaay to jiyada readers use padh saken. Mein 22 sal ki hun aur do sal se shadi shuja hun. Meine economics men B.A. kiya hai aurbaroda ki ek prakhyat bank men naukari karati hun. Mein aur mere pati niyamit ISS padhaten hein. Hamen bahut pasand hai. Mere pati...

2 years ago
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Jill the Jinx

Just when I thought things were starting to look up, my luck turned rotten. After two resoundingly bad marriages and the slow financial death of double whammy alimony, I had managed to score a tender young thing with an ass that promised paradise on earth. It was entirely accidental meeting Jill at the car wash because I usually washed my ten year old Chevy right in the driveway. She brought the happy back into my life with her submissive attitude and willingness to try anything at least once...

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Gloryhole Gabbie 02

“So, uhhh… that happened,” I said.“Yup,” my dad replied.We sat in silence for a moment, both staring out the window at the hood of his truck. He shifted into gear and pulled out of the parking lot of the sex shop without a word. Recently I had taken to attending the glory hole at said shop, and things were going well until my dad came in for a blowie. I didn’t know it was him when I started. That’s kinda the whole point of glory holes, you don’t know who you’re sucking or getting sucked by....

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Inside These Four Walls

Introduction: Nikki is the exotic girl that always goes for what she wants. And Savannah happens to be one of the things she wants most at Richmond Academy. Nothing is stopping the mutual attraction that Nikki and Savannah feel towards each other, so why cant they shake off the feeling that theyre hiding this huge secret? I just want to have sex with you. Nikki whined as she followed me through the library. Not right now, Nik. Oh, cmon! She sped up her pace so she was pressed behind me while...

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If you cant be with the one you love

I had actually expected to find them fighting, just pounding on each other and clawing each other's faces and pulling each other's hair, so when I saw them like that for like half a second that's what I thought they were doing, that they had been fighting and had ripped each other's clothes off and Cait had thrown Lucy down and Lucy had gotten her in a headlock between her thighs or something stupid like that but that's how my brain made sense of the whole thing. And then I thought I was...

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My chawl mohalla

Hello i am suresh and rest of the identity is concealed for obvious reasons .now i am 25 years old .it is incidence of some years. This incident is just unbeleavable but true, and it can never happen in general because it is rarest case. Then i was living all alone in a chawl in my own building or own chawl . I was studying in 10th class , my parents were recently shifted to our village . We had good business at this place and it was run by my father and uncle that’s his elder brother. We had...

1 year ago
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Pretending to be a Girl part 3

Pretending to be a Girl Part 3 By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hey Robin...come with me a minute please," said Abigail. "Robin, you know what's going on here. I know you were dating some Blacks guys for a while and I was thinking maybe you knew one who liked to get his dick sucked and would be up to helping out Missy learn to do it right." Robin got a big smile on her face, "Ya sure, no problem. I dated this one guy, Tyrone, he loved to have his cock sucked I mean he liked it too much. I...

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Broken by the Twins

This is my first story and it is also a true story. A friend told me about this site and after reading a few hundred stories, I thought I would try it. My name is Tiffany and I live and grew up in upstate NY. We get bad winters but the summers are awesome. The summer between 7th and 8th grade was a big learning experience for me. I had just turned 12 years old when this happened and was getting ready for the 8th grade. I had blonde hair, about 5’1”, 90 lbs, and was a 32B then. My...

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Unto the Gates of Poazach Ch 03

************************************ This is part 3 of the Unto the Gates of Poazach trilogy. I haven’t yet received a lot of feedback on much of my work, so I once again make this plea. Everyone who can spare the time, vote and comment to reflect your like/dislike of my work, it will really help me out as a writer. Thanks, I really appreciate it. ************************************ UNTO THE GATES OF POAZACH Part III: The Siege of Poazach So did the Heiress continue at her former pace,...

3 years ago
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Screwed By My Two Friends

By : Samblr243 Hi this is Sam again hope you liked my first story “fucked by 3 guys in cochin. That was one of de wonderful experiences I had, I got lots of response on my yahoo and planetromeo too I am “virgo4423” on manjam. Now I am gonna tell u about one more group sex experiences which I had though I didnt want to do it but it happened the story goes like this. Once I had organized a small get together for my gay friends at my friends home my house was just walkable from his house we had...

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My Family Chapter One and Two

My Family- Chapter One: Arrival I lived in Chicago, Illinois and this summer, my cousins from Sweden were coming to do an all-American road trip and of course, my brother and nanny were dragged along. I know how you guys like a solid description, so here’s one early. My name is Alyxandre, but most people call me Alyx. I’m a boy of course, weigh about one-hundred, twenty pounds and stand at a tall height of six foot, one inch. I am pale as fuck and I have curly black hair that reaches past...

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My wife at a party

This is what happened one night at a party. Wendy my wife is 35 weighs about 135 pounds and is 5’11” her tits are a D cup. We have been married for 15 years and have two k**s but from the way here body looks it is hard to tell. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body. I had always wanted her to show off more and had even tried to get her to talk about it while we were having sex but she would always say she couldn’t. It was always in the back of my mind...

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Two of three

Two of threeOK so we have read the story of Belinda (if not you need to read the story called times three first to make sense of this one) now I had moved jobs but Davey was still one of my best friends.During the many times I had been up to Davey’s house for drinks and parties BBQ’s Etc you would never see Belinda and Caroline’s mother in-law at the same time? This was due to the fact Margret thought Belinda was fucking her husband at one...

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My first time with a man

I have long been a reader of erotica but this is my first time as a contributor. Actually, this is the first time I am telling anyone about my first (and so far only) experience with another man. I met my wife when I was 20 and got married a few years later. We have been together for 20 years, have 3 kids and a good sex life by most standards. Earlier this year I realized that I was with my wife for half my life and have been faithful to her with few sexual experiences prior to her. I also...

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Rachel and the Nude Beach

One of the young ladies I dated for a couple of years was named Rachel. She was 5’7”, 118 pounds, 34C-20-32. She had very long brown hair that reached the crack of her ass. Her eyes were brown and her face was quite pretty. Rachel looked like a fashion model and I enjoyed the way all of the guys watched her when she walked by. In fact, a number of ladies also watched her. All of this attention made Rachel very self-conscious as she did not like to be the center of attention. She preferred to be...

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A faithful wife in her fifties shares a naughty secret with a randy teenager

I still find it hard to believe that I could find myself in the situation that I’m in. A month ago I was a happily married fifty-two-year-old mother and grandmother who doted on her husband and family and would never in a million years imagine doing anything to put their happiness at risk. Today I am an unfaithful wife who has fallen under the spell of a man young enough to be my grandson who revels in making a cuckold of my unsuspecting husband. It all started about a month ago, when my...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 20 The FixerUpper

He almost felt tempted to walk through the door and yell ‘honey, I’m home’, but somehow he wanted to take Aron by surprise. No such luck, though, as the guy was expecting him, his arms crossed over his chest and a stony look on his face. “So, what do you want to tell me?” Aron spoke first. “What? No smooches?” Carter opened his arms wide and walked towards Aron. Apparently, the guy was not in the mood for his shenanigans. “Where have you been and why did you turn off your phone?” Aron...

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Working as a Waiter in Speedos

------------------------------------------------ I saw an ad online looking for “Exhibitionist Waiter for Private Party”. It was coming up to Xmas and I really needed the money. I was feeling pretty happy about my twenty year old body these days, I was training for some long distance swimming events which involved spending a lot of time in the pool. With all that training I was starting to tan up nicely and I had lost about ten kilograms which put me in the slim category. Let me quickly...

2 years ago
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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch 2

Over the next couple of months, Juice and I trained together several times a week. She continued to critique my form and pushed me past boundaries that I never thought possible. As a consequence of my massage sessions, Juice’s stiff back began to loosen up and she was seriously training for the first time in several months. One Thursday evening when I arrived at the gym, passing through the reception area, I saw Juice was finishing a training session with one of her clients.“So, Juice, what are...

Straight Sex
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A new life begins

When we finally arrived at his property I froze in fear as the trunk popped open. He pulled off the headphones and blindfold and I blinked at the sudden light, it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust as he pulled me from the trunk and dropped me on the ground. He let me sit there and watched me for a few minutes. I blinked and looked around, seeking escape but seeing only a house and deep forest. "There is no escape from here." he said harshly watching my gaze "You'll never make...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 8 Hawaii

Shannon had us to the airport in record speed, we arrived there at 5:30am I looked at my watch and said, "You know this being the owner thing isn't all it's cracked up to be, I shouldn't have to be here this early." Shannon looked at me for a second and said, "Well as a lowly employee with a mean boss this is what it will take to keep him off my back for a little while, I am sorry that you had to find a girlfriend that has other obligations in life." Then she smiled a big smile and...

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Violent VixenChapter 3

What now? Oh god, what now? Vicky was lying in bed, Debbie already gone to school. Her mind was spinning, trying to overcome the dreamy urge to remember every moment of the night before. They had parted wordlessly, with a small kiss, and he pressed his business card in her hand. It was on the dresser. "Any time, any night, whatever you want, Victoria." Written in a neat, careful script. She wanted him. She wanted to fuck. She wanted to hurt them, to hurt terrible men. She moaned to the...

4 years ago
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Horny Mom

So it had all come to this. My mother, the pillar of the community, was now engaged in a prank war with her sister. They were both adults who were highly respected members of the community. They were both accomplished professionals in their careers, and always acted properly in public. But who says women can't have their fun too?It all started during a big family gathering at my grandparents' ranch property in California. The place was huge and we got to see all sorts of distant relatives. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 222 Two Wonderful Rights Become a Wrong

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 (Continued) I arrived at the designated time. A couple of the group's girls were waiting for me just inside the driveway. They jumped in my car and directed me where to drive. The motel had a large building, presumably with some rooms, the restaurant, and whatever other facilities would be open to everyone. It also had several detached bungalows scattered around the grounds, one of which I was directed to drive to. The bungalow was like a small, luxurious house. Even...

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Sometimes we do things that have no rhyme or reason. We just do it without thinking. My name is Jillian Springston and I and my family live in a small town in Southern Indiana. If there were such a magazine called the "All American family", the four of us could well be on the cover. By the four of us, I refer to myself and my husband of nineteen years Jake; my daughter Lisa and my son Brian,who just graduated from high school this past June. I of course am on the high end of thirty something,...

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The Nightmare

Authors note: A short story I thought I'd write, heavily sex themed and transformative, not too dissimilar to any of the other works I write. Hopefully it's enjoyable. Please leave a review if you did enjoy it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at Peace! THE NIGHTMARE Jon had been having a lot of recurring nightmares lately. To the point whereby he'd not wanted to go to bed any more. It had gotten to the point...

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MadduxChapter 3

Sheet, blankets, and pillows were on the floor of Kelly's bedroom. I was on the floor in Kelly's bedroom also. Technically I had a buffer between the floor and me. I was on top of a pretty 16-year girl, but it wasn't Kelly. "Oooh," Jenny moaned in response to my deep thrust. Kelly was on her back right next to Jenny. I was going back and forth between the girls. At this moment, my dick was inside Jenny. I pulled back and rammed in hard. "I'm cumming!" cried out Jenny. She arched...

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Shoplyfter Aften Opal Case No 0851993

October 17th, 3:27 pm, Case # 0851993 – Young, white adolescent teen suspected of theft violently resists apprehension by loss prevention officer. Loss prevention officer is forced to tie suspects wrists to chair in order to ensure safety. Suspect is informed that she has been caught on camera stealing an elder customers purse. Suspect initially denies claims as further interrogation techniques are deployed. The rest of this case file is considered classified. Evidence logged on October...

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Ben Rosewoods Quickies

Welcome to this collection of short stories by yours truly. Most of these are vanilla boy-girl stories, but anything that deviates into more kinky fuckery will be labeled as such. If you enjoy any of these stories, please consider donating to my Patreon. I've got nothing else to say so have a photo of the lovely Alina Lopez.

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