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Thanks for the response, which has been great so far. It really motivates me to keep writing, knowing that people want to read. I want to keep people entertained. Anyone who knows anything about getting some real life experience as a sissy in NYC should definitely give me some advice. I'd love to know how to find someone who'll treat me like a slut the way I fantasize about. Anastasia Toy [email protected] Popular By Anastasia Toy Chapter 4 I remember waking. There was pain across my body, a combination of dull and aching and sharp, spread everywhere, as if it was in no specific part of my body. After the pain, my first impression was of silence; I was very alone. Then I noticed a dim light from above, weak watery light dropping into the room from an overhead window I could not see. It wasn't much to see by. I could make out a long expanse of white, which I could tell by feel was cloth draped across me, and around me there were bars of glinting metal running parallel to the ground and perpendicular to it - I realized these were bed railings and metal stands. Finally I saw the outlines of tubes, barely visible, running from my body into the dark that surrounded me. I was in a hospital. Then I remembered where I was, and why I was there, and the pain I felt was swallowed by an overwhelming despair and a kind of terror that was mostly made of uncertainty. Eventually this subsided into a burst of frantic thoughts and questions. Where was I? Why was it so dark? Maybe I had been delirious from some disease for which I was now being treated. Why was I in pain? Why was no one attending to me? I was in a hospital, right? I realized that I hadn't thought to get out of my bed, and I tried to move - my hands and feet were stuck! Bound, it felt like, to something. I tried to give a yell, but all that came from my throat was a kind of strangled hoarseness, followed by a vicious pain. It is strange to panic without moving, but this was all I could do. Hours must have passed. Panic gave way to rage, at Lillianna and the rest of them, and then returned again. I pissed, but I didn't get wet; did I have a catheter? More hours passed. Had I been left to die? There was a creaking noise - a door opening! The sound of footsteps, and then a noise of boxes being moved, shuffling. Up on the ceiling I could see a the play of a beam from a flashlight - there was a grunting noise and more pushing of boxes - a large silhouette came in front of me - there was a click, a flood of light, a moment of blindness. And as my eyes readjusted, Antonio's cruel features gradually came into view. "I see you're awake, Barbie." I couldn't make a noise to respond to him, and so simply stared up at his face. "Don't look so afraid, Barbie. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to switch your bags and give you some medicine." He began to work. Looking around in the light, I saw that my bed was in the middle of a very small room: Antonio was cramped at my side. Three walls were heavy stone, but the fourth was plywood and looked makeshift. Several bags of fluid were connected by tubes to my body at various points; Antonio was removing some and adding new ones, injecting drugs into others, measuring out new fluids. I was desperate to find out what was going on. I needed to ask questions. I began to gurgle, and tried to put urgency in it. Antonio just laughed. "Shut up, Barbie. It's not going to do you any good to make any noise. I'm almost done and then I'll be gone for another day." My gurgling got even more desperate. "Don't worry, little girl. You're just recovering from surgery. Your Adam's apple is gone, and your penis is too. Well, it's not gone - it's replaced. So you have to stay here for about a week, while everything heals." I was almost screaming at this point, though the sound was awful to hear and the pain was almost enough to make me faint. I was enveloped by a total panic. Antonio's eyes flashed brightly; he seemed to be enjoying this. "You're going to destroy your throat, Barbie. We can't have that, so I'm going to have to sedate you. Be ready to sleep a little more." He turned around to some instrument I couldn't see. After a few button presses and beeps, he turned to me with a syringe, and quickly made a shot in my arm. Before long, I was adrift. I drifted sometimes out of unconsciousness into a strange state of waking dreams, which were so terrifying and disoriented that I was always glad to slip back into sleep. When I next woke up, the light in the little room was on, and Antonio was in it again, now sitting in a chair at my side. My thoughts were slow and confused. "You're up, aren't you Barbie. Nod your head if you understand me." I nodded. "Do you know how long it's been? Two days since I saw you last. You should be able to talk again, a little. Try." I did. At first I got a croaking noise, but after a moment I found a voice, if a raspy one. "Where am I?" "Tucked safely away in the back of a stockroom." "Why?" "Because, Barbie," - he seemed to take delight in calling me Barbie, but I didn't know why, or why he was doing it at all - "this is all thoroughly illegal, and we can't have everyone knowing what's going on. Gambeaux and I operated on you for over twelve hours in this tiny fucking room. You should thank us." "My penis?" "Your cock? It's gone, I told you. You have a nice tight pussy, though." I was numb from confusion, and didn't reply. He thought for a moment, and continued. "Not that anyone could tell. You look like shit. Like a man looking like shit." I stayed silent. I had suddenly realized that Antonio was very dangerous. He reeked of whiskey and menace. My fear went from abstract fear of a strange and uncertain future, to a very immediate fear for my physical safety. Antonio loomed over me. "I had to wait an hour for you to wake up. I had to turn off the sedative and wait for an hour for it to wear off. That was boring, and it smells awful in here. But you know why I did it?" I looked up at him. He was waiting for an answer. "No." "Because I wanted to make something clear to you." His tone became lighter for a moment, as if here were on a talk show. "You know, for me this is kind of a dream come true. No, not a dream, it's one of those things Lillianna talks about sometimes. A - a primal urge. Lillianna left me, and started fucking you, and now I've got her back and I'm taking your masculinity from you as revenge. That's pretty fucking cool, don't you think?" I didn't answer. It was strange to hear him talk so lightly about something so bizarre and so dark. "You know, the reason Lillianna left me is because I can be a real asshole. Like you know why I like doing plastic surgery?" I kept silent. "Because I like making women look hot. Not beautiful, but hot. Big fucking breasts, tiny little waists. Huge lips, big eyes. I like making them look like porn stars. And I like fucking them that way, too. And you know Lillianna - she hates all that shit. But she kind of likes it, too, is the weird thing. Always wanted to know how a man as smart as I was could be so savage, like she was complaining about it, but my theory is it's her favorite thing about me." His voice had lost its light tone, and now it was all menace. He had sharp features on a rugged face, but now he looked like a brute. "Because I'm honest about it - that's what she likes the most. She thinks all men are like this - even more so when she found your fairy ass raping that girl - but at least I'm up front. At least I do it with a little bit of honor. Whatever. Now she's fucking me. But somehow it's not enough. I'm still angry at you for being the first to have her after she left me. And I want to take it out on you. "You're lucky as fuck that Lillianna is keeping me in check. So goddamn lucky. If it were up to me you'd have quadruple D breasts and a tattoo that said cocksucker on your forehead. I'd leave you on the streets of Vegas, or in a ghetto. But she's got this whole little mission to educate everyone. Are you grateful for that, Barbie?" I was convinced that he was going to end his speech by beating me. The question was a relief, so I answered it. "Yes." "Well, you should be. Because she's all that's keeping me from having absolute power over you. And this is another point that Lillianna makes, about absolute power. She was saying that whenever one person finds that they have absolute power over another person, it's just a matter of time before he starts treating the other guy like shit. No matter how nice or civilized he was before, eventually he just starts abusing the other guy. "And I believe that. So you're lucky, because right now I'm going to take what I can get. And right now, I'm going to get you to fear me. I'm going to get you to respect me. Do you fear me, Barbie?" I definitely did, but I didn't know whether to admit it. My hesitation was too much for him, because he struck me firmly across the face. Quickly, I said. "Yes, yes I fear you." My voice was weak and rasping. He smiled and flared his nostrils. "Do you respect me?" I knew what to say time. "Yes, Antonio, I respect you." "Then you'll obey me, right?" "Uh, yes?" What did he mean by this? That's when I saw him stand up, unzip his fly, and remove from his trousers his penis, limp but still large in his hand. "Your eyes get so wide when you look at my cock, Barbie. Do you want to suck it?" I had no answer; I was almost paralyzed with fear by this hulking man who seemed on the verge of a psychotic rage. "Well, you can't, you horny little girl. But I want you to smell it. Smell it, Barbie." And he pressed his limp but flaccid penis up against my nose. Terrified, I breathed in deeply. "What does it smell like, Barbie?" Again I hesitated, though the smell was unmistakable, and again he slapped me hard across the face. "What does it smell like, Barbie? Tell me what it smells like." "It smells like pussy, Antonio." "Whose pussy, Barbie?" "Like - like Lillianna's pussy." "Why does it smell like Lillianna's pussy?" "I - I don't know. Because you've been sleeping with her?" "That's right, Barbie, because I've been sleeping with her. Because I've been fucking her. And who hasn't been fucking her?" I knew what he wanted to hear, but I was in a panic of despair as I said it. "I'm not fucking her." "And why not?" "Be-because - because of a lot of reasons." He slapped me. "There's only one reason that matters: because you're Barbie. Right?" What the fuck? "Right." I said what he wanted me to. He was huge and free, I was skinny, weak, and taped to a bed. "Say it. Say it all." "I'm not fucking her because I'm Barbie." "Exactly." He gave a sly laugh and pressed his cock back up into my nose. "You're not fucking her, Barbie. Instead, you're smelling her pussy juices off of the cock of the man who is. You know what, why don't you thank me for the privilege." "Thank you, Antonio." "For what? For the chance to smell Lilliana's pussy, or the chance to smell my cock." I had to guess. "Your cock?" He laughed, hard this time. He reached for a syringe, and began to give me a shot. "You know, you're so ugly I had to get drunk just to think about putting my cock near your nasty face. But I have a feeling you're going to turn into a pretty hot slut." As he left, I collapsed back into sleep. When I next emerged, it was only to a half-waking state. I was being pushed around awkwardly on my bed; I realized I was being dressed. The light in the room was hanging from the ceiling, lower than my head when I stood, and in the commotion it was swinging around, adding to my disorientation. I couldn't tell how many people there were in the room; they were sweeping me along like secret service agents after the president's been shot. I felt that sense of panic. And then we were in a hallway that seemed as if it had the sun for its lighting. I kept shutting my eyes tightly and then opening them. Then we were out in the even brighter day, and in a car. My panic gave way to a drugged calm as I settled into my seat, the low hum of the road below soothing me. I turned my head slowly to the left to see Lillianna driving, and in the back seat Antonio. I turned forward again. It didn't occur to me to say anything. After a time Lillianna spoke, her words sounding slow but paradoxically almost too quick for me to understand. I mean that the words sounded slow but my mind felt slower. "Tom, can you understand me?" I waited a moment to think about my answer. "Yes." "Jesus, Antonio, I think we gave him too much. He's pretty slow." "It'll be okay by the time we get there. If it isn't, drive around a few extra minutes." Lillianna took a while to speak again. "Tom, we're going to your lawyer's, and then to the dean of the faculty. You've got to give me power of attorney over you and your uh estate, if that's the right word." Pause. "Okay." Pause again. "Why?" "Because I'm going to sell your things to pay for the surgery you're getting, remember, it was part of the deal." "Okay." "And we're going to get you a sabbatical." "What?" "A sabbatical, for the next year." "Why?" "So that you can go to college, remember. Without losing your job, necessarily." "Okay." "Jesus, Tom, you sound like shit." "I do?" "Yes, but it's okay. Really, it works to our advantage, considering the story we're going to tell. Do you want to know the story we're going to tell?" "I guess." "Good, because you'll need to agree with me. This is the story: you've just been diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer, which has metastasized early but left you outwardly healthy. You have a year, maybe eighteen months to live, with a very small chance of survival. You're devastated and in shock. You want to spend the last months of your life in adventure, so you're leaving the college and selling your belongings to finance everything." "Uh." "Don't worry about the details. I'll do most of the talking, on the grounds that you're so upset that you don't want to handle everything. You just have to agree clearly to everything I suggest. Can you do that?" "I guess so." "Then let's go over the story. What have you been diagnosed with?" "Cancer?" "I can see we're going to need to review this a few times. Let's get started. It's bone cancer. Repeat that for me." We continued in this way for the rest of the drive to the lawyer's. Antonio waited while we went in. The actual meeting went without incident; Lillianna was well prepared. She had documents and affidavits of various kinds from doctors. They made a conference call to a doctor to confirm the diagnosis; I thought the voice might have been Gambeaux's, but I couldn't tell for sure. I spoke little, but enough to convince the lawyer of my intent. On the way out I used the bathroom, and there saw myself for the first time. Lillianna was right: I did look like shit. A week's growth of facial hair, red puffiness around my eyes, a drooping face. They had dressed me in a pair of khakis and a turtleneck that obscured the bandaging around my neck. I looked every bit the psychological wreck, and I suppose I was one, though not for the reasons we were claiming. We went next to the dean, a man with whom I had never been very friendly; in truth there were not many faculty members who were friendly with him, nor many who were friendly with me. Still, he seemed genuinely concerned when he heard my story, and quickly assured me that he would arrange for a sabbatical without requiring me to meet with the administration any further. I told him that I was due to board a plane for Mexico within the week, which was my own invention and seemed to please Lillianna. There was an uncomfortable silence, an awkward goodbye, and soon Lillianna and I were back in the car with Antonio, driving off. Our destination was Lillianna's house. We sat in her living room without speaking. They seemed to be waiting for something. I was still calm from the drug they had given me, though this had cleared significantly since I had first left the hospital, to the point that I was beginning to realize how artificial my calm was. As it dissipated, panic and anger began to take its place, and I became aware of pain in my groin and around my neck. Perhaps seeing this, Lillianna said, "Antonio, we shouldn't wait any longer." "I guess not," he replied. He got up and left the room by a door to my right, while Lillianna stayed staring at me. To this point I had been silent because of the drug; now I was silent simply because no one had said anything for so long, and everything was so strange. The normal rules of life seemed to be in suspension, and I had no idea whether a question would prompt violence or kindness. In any case I got a little violence. Without warning there has a heavy hand on my head; it was Antonio pushing me face down onto the couch. "Gently, now, Antonio," said Lillianna. "I'm being as gentle as I can. He's weak, but he's still a very tall man. You can't just toss them around." My face was now smothered into the couch. Antonio grabbed one wrist, and snapped something around it, then the other. I was handcuffed. He pulled me up to a sitting position. "What the fuck," I yelled, but this did little, as I quickly had a blindfold to go along with my cuffs. "What the fuck is going on?" Antonio slapped me from behind with a broad, open palm, but I refused to be silent. This was finally too much - I was coming back to sanity now, my mind sharpening, and all I could think about was the total arbitrariness of everything that had happened to me. Reason seemed to be suspended, my self-control was absolutely gone, I had no idea what was being done to me and less of what was going to be done. I erupted into a string of rambling questions, full of despair. I was less asking Lillianna, let alone Antonio, and more imploring a God that I had never believed in. I realized I was weeping. I don't know what they said to me in response, but Antonio bound my legs together with something, and laid me out on the couch. Someone turned a stereo on, the volume loud enough to drown me out, and I don't know how much time passed because soon exhaustion quieted me, and I fell asleep despite the wailing music. When I woke the music was off, and Lillianna was gently waking me. "I'm sorry, Tom, that it's been like this so far. I want you to know that immediately, that I'm sorry we haven't explained everything better to you. I want you to understand what's going on, now. I want to explain. Will you let me explain? I'm sorry." Her voice was so soothing, the first real kindness I'd had in what seemed an eternity, the first voice of sanity I'd heard without being drugged and insane myself. "Okay. Okay, yes. Please, let's talk." She helped me to sit up, and took the blindfold from my face. "I have to leave the cuffs on, but I'll explain that, too, if you'll let me. Don't get panicked quite yet. "First, how are you feeling?" I didn't know how to begin to answer this question; so much was wrong. But I tried: "Terrible, honestly. So awful. I'm confused; I don't know what's going on. I feel like I just had a nightmare that lasted a week." "You did, in a way. Being drugged for a week is not pleasant." "Then why did you do it. Why have I been tied up, drugged, not told where I was or what was happening?" She paused. "Tom, you have to understand that right now, I and the people who have agreed to help me are in a very weak position, and my first responsibility is to them. Right now, if you went to the police, or if you were even discovered, we would all lose our careers and go to jail, not just you." "I'm admitting this to you because you're smart. You would have figured this out. During this part of the experiment, you could have blackmailed us back, and forced us to let you go. Do you understand that?" I thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, you're right." "That's most of your explanation. That forced us to take extreme precautions, and it will continue to do so, until we've reached a certain stage at which we will be able to avoid all prosecution. Some of those precautions have been our treatment of you: keeping you bound, sedated, unable to speak. Others have had to do with your surroundings; that's why we had to operate on you in a makeshift secret room in the back of a storage area in the basement of the hospital. And keep you there. It's amazing that they were able to perform the surgery at all." My eyes widened. The pain in my groin! "What surgery?" "Your Adam's apple was shaved, and your penis replaced with a pussy." My whole torso was stabbed with a flash of panic and shock. "Relax, relax." "Fuck relaxing, I want to see." "Well, you can't, not yet. The bandages aren't ready to come off, and won't be for some time." "Oh Jesus, oh fucking God, what the fuck am I doing?" "You said yes to this. You made the choice." "Why did I say yes? And you, what do you mean 'choice'? I had no choice - it was this or lose my life, and now this is insane, insanity, do you realize?" "You keep saying that this is insane. But it's not; it's a measured response to a crime, a breach of morality, that you committed." "Oh come the fuck off of it, Lillianna, it wasn't rape. You know that this 'punishment' exceeds the crime I've committed." Lillianna's eyes flashed with anger. "Oh really, Tom? If what you did was exposed to society, the repercussions for you would have been much worse, much fucking worse. And that's why you agreed to this, because you saw that this was less punishment than the accepted alternative. What you don't seem to realize, Tom, is that you're being let off easily, that you're being given a chance to learn rather than to suffer. You don't even seem to want to accept that you raped a girl, that what you did was wrong!" "It wasn't rape -" She held a finger in front of her fiery face. "Not one more word on this topic. I guess I also forgot that this was to teach you, that the whole point of this was to show you something that words couldn't, to overcome a failure in your ability to empathize." "So one more word and I'll just beat the shit out of you for fun. Do you want to speak?" I decided I didn't. She said, "You know, you really test me. I'm trying to be patient, trying to be scientific and supportive of you as you go through this process. I don't want you to suffer more than you have to, but you can't spend five conscious minutes without pissing me the fuck off. Now, I have serious things to discuss with you, and I can't be angry at you while I'm doing it. So I'm going to leave you here for a moment while I calm down. If you make any noise, I'll have Antonio gag you. Do you want to be gagged?" "No, I'll keep quiet." "Good." And she left me to my thoughts. It was funny how well she understood certain parts of me while being totally oblivious to others. On the side of obliviousness: I was not a rapist, something which her scorned love blinded her to - but this is a point I've made. But she was right to explain to me the strategy of her game. That I could appreciate. I understood the druggings, the secrecy, the quiet, the midnight visits from Antonio. I was near a position of power from which she had to keep me. I was to find that my panic and fear and anger at my treatment were to give way to anger and loathing at being beaten. They had so far outplayed me in our competition. Well, they had a head start, and had so far kept me from having a chance. But eventually I would have control again, and then they would see that I could bend the rules, too. My reverie was interrupted by Lillianna coming back in. "Now, we have surgery to discuss." My thoughts raced back to my cock - gone! This was a continual shock to me, a recurring sense of despair. It was impossible not to be surprised by the thought that it was gone, no matter how many times it returned. "So far you've had two of the procedures mandated by the terms of this experiment. In the next battery of procedures you will receive the rest of them, but you may also receive any additional surgeries you'd like. Do you want any?" So surreal. "Remind me of the basics." "You'll have your hands and feet reduced in size, electrolysis on most of your body, and breast implants to an A cup. You'll also be getting some basic hormonal shots to downregulate your male hormones and upregulate those more prevalent in women." "Breasts." I was becoming dead to the absurdity of it all. "Yes, breasts. You might want them larger - girls with bigger breasts have more friends in college." "Fuck that. What else is optional?" "Well, you have very fine features for such a tall man, but your face is unmistakably male. The electrolysis will make it believable that you're a woman, but not totally convincing. Cosmetic surgery?" "No way. I want my face back when this is over. I don't need to be pretty for this nonsense." "Liposuction? Rib removal for a narrower waist? Fat transplants for a larger bottom? A more aggressive hormonal schedule?" "No, no, and no. I want to remain me as much as possible." "Fine. If you change your mind at a later stage, you can always come back for more." I was downright hostile at this point. "Whatever. Are we done with this little conversation?" "Yes, we are. Antonio?" Again he had slipped in the room without my knowing it. There was an arm around my chest, holding me against the couch, and a prick at my neck. The world was fading. "See you again in a while, Tom," said Lillianna. Next Chapter: Tom undergoes another round of surgery, and goes on a trip to Mexico

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The questions went on for hours; the sun had long since set outside before any of them let up. They went on so long that I had to ask for something to eat; I hadn't had anything since breakfast, which was a distant memory by then. They brought it to me, too, a sandwich one of them found someplace. I'd long since been uncuffed, and I wolfed it down with the water they kept providing me. A lot of the questioning had to do with the Liberator, which most of them had never heard of. They simply...

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I'd like to tell you how I was initiated as a bull to a couple dedicated to cuckoldry. This happened many years ago when I was a young student in Glasgow. I had won a place to study at Scotland's foremost art school and had travelled there a week or so before I could go into the hall of residence I had chosen for the first term. I had tried a few B&Bs in the area but hadn't liked what I saw.So I went a bit further out towards Kelvingrove Park and at the first place I called at the landlady...

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MAry Mother of Barbara

She was developing into a beautiful girl, Her breasts were enlarging and that summer was the summer of short skirts and hers were short. She seemed to blossom overnight and she was at the girls school and I was at the boys. We came home often on the same bus but many times it was a different bus and hers was a few minutes after mine. Once I was home I would head up to my bedroom which had a view right down the road, on the pretext of starting my homework, and watch for her...

3 years ago
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The One Nighter

The 1st oneI had seen Brandi for the first time in fie years two weeks ago and she was cute as ever. We had went to the Olive Garden to catch u with her and some of her sorority friends. We had a nice casual meal which consisted of all of us having a good laugh and not much else going on. Finished the night by dropping them all of and starring at Brandi praying that she would go for a hug or kiss or something, nothing happened. As i drove home that night i continued to text her and tell her...

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Kozhunthanum en soothum

My name is suguna, age 26, I am married. I am and my husband very closes in sex and we are very happy with one kid at coimbatore. I am a house wife and my husband is a busy business man. I want to narrate the incident in tamil. Please readers co-operate to me. My husband’s brother Suresh is living with his parents at Salem and he is studying correspondence course. Once he came for seminar class at Coimbatore he stayed at our house. His age is 19. He is a good boy. I like him very much because...

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Our First Threesome

"I decided something," my wife said, reaching across the table to take my hand. A beginning like that always sets off alarms in my head. This time turned out to be different, though. "If you want, you can ask Melinda if she wants to have a threesome with us." I was dumbfounded. Speechless. Melinda had been my friend before I met Sandy. Then she was our friend. We had all worked together. When Sandy decided she wanted us to be lovers, she asked about my feelings toward Melinda. I admitted...

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Janeys May

For some reason, I was feeling out of sorts a good part of May, and just didn't feel like writing a story. Then I had this dream... I woke up and tried to turn my head to look around. Couldn't. Looked straight ahead. Hmmm. My left leg appeared to be in a cast, in traction. Kind of hazy, but I figured I must be in a hospital. Yellow walls with grey doors. Machinery. Could be worse, I thought. Tried to move my right arm. Couldn't. But I could move my fingers, and I felt the edge of...

2 years ago
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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Seven The Unexpected

What a great start to the New Year! I can’t believe how randy Kyle got after that...rather fucking hot Christmas Eve. Maybe Calvin unlocked something inside him; he just couldn’t get his hands off me once we got under those sheets! One night I was woken up to feel his hands fixed to my crotch! It was so nice, that had to be one of the best nights so far. But it was yesterday that I was taught a valuable lesson. Here’s how it goes: Morning: nothing new, woke up to find Kyle holding onto me,...

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I am a fixer. That’s what I do. I am a middle man that arranges things for my clients. Over the years I have fixed it for many girls to simply disappear. The youngest was a newborn. The oldest, so far, has been nineteen. Sometimes I get specifics, sometimes a photograph, but most of the time, I am given just general descriptions. The ones I get photographs of are harder, but I have not yet failed. The last one was a sixteen year old, who I kidnapped on her way home from school. The chloroform...

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Charlies Guide to Life Ch 02

I woke up later that day and filled Stevie and Lex on most of the details from the date. I left out most of the ’emotional stuff.’ I hoped that maybe he would call. Stevie said that she had given him my number before the date. But as the days passed, I thought I had just struck out again. That is until I happened to eavesdrop on a conversation. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard Stevie on the phone: ‘You weren’t supposed to actually like her. I just wanted her cheered up,...

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Roman toy boy

Roman toy boyI decided to try and write something a little different from what I usually write and because I find Roman history fascinating decided to write a first person femdom roman historical story. I choose the mid 70 AD’s because it was a time of change but one where the empire was quite stable and also before Vesuvius erupted and the information we get from Pompeii. I also wanted to make it reasonably authentic and make my hero and the other characters Roman and not English circa 1980...

2 years ago
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Torrys Summer VacationChapter 4

"Tell you what," Torry's Uncle had told her as he regained his senses. "I need to clean up a little. How about, you put all of the dishes into the dishwasher and then run upstairs and put some clothes on. "By then, I'll be finished in the shower. Then we can make a box lunch and take a walk down to the creek. We can swim for a while and then have a picnic lunch. Sound good?" "Sure does," Torry answered. Her Uncle left the kitchen and took a few double steps up the stairway....

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My ex is a slut true story

True storyWhen i first met my ex, she wasn't quite a slut yet. She didn't like sucking dick and rarely did it, maybe 5 or 6 times only. Sex was boring to her. It was just plain old missionary and they never really finish her. She had fuck 4 guys prior to me and according to her, they were really small compare to me except one guy(the last one) was similar in size with me but slightly smaller. Now, I'm not the biggest but at fully erect I'm 7 inches in length and 4.5 in girth at the thickest...

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Marlena would whimper like a dog whenever I slid past her entrance. She needed my cock so bad, and began to beg me in a meek voice “P-P-Please Master! Please use your pussy. It – It wants you SO ba-aa-ad!”. I considered this just another punishment for her. She could barely contain herself, her hips were swaying with my movements, whining and trying to get my stiff dick to fall inside her. After teasing her I stopped right at her entrance. I didn’t give her any warning before I shoved all of...

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Employee Becomes Boss

About 5 years ago I was told by me boss I had to hire someone in my IT department that met certain criteria. I did not like it but I did what I was told. I hired a black man whose credentials were not the best but he did meet the criteria I was given. He started and it became apparent to everyone in the department he was not a hard worker. Finally after repeated talks we came to an understanding. He moved inventory and I would let him work by himself. This arrangement was really good. My...

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Stella Me and Danny Made ThreeChapter 2

Stella: My husband Danny was on yet another emergency shift at the mine; he was the Foreman now. Danny stood six foot six and weighed two forty nine; nobody gave any lip to Big Dan. Over the years he’d saved the lives of two fellow miners. To those he worked with every day; and often through the night, he was a hero. Year in, year out, Danny did the graft and brought home the bacon. Yet as his wife, I would have preferred him to be spending some time with me on a week-end? I know I had Anita...

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Lisas TaleChapter 3

Kyle sat at his desk on Monday morning. Lisa breezed in. Her hair was back in the tight bun and she was wearing her glasses. The skirt suit she wore came to a couple inches above her knee and Kyle regarded her legs. The heels she wore enhanced the shapes of her calves. "How's the printing going?" she asked. "We haven't started yet." "Why not?" "Because we don't have the file from the bank yet." "Why not?" "Because the bank had some sort of problem putting our file into...

1 year ago
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A husbands dream fulfilled

I had always secretly wanted to watch my wife with another man and finally the other evening I got my wish. Although she doesn’t know I saw her.We were on holiday in Hawaii and staying in a beach front hotel. Our room had a fantastic view of the pool and beach. We had come back to our room after spending the day by the pool sipping cocktails and getting some sun. My wife, Sue, said she wanted to go for a walk on the beach before dinner. I’d had too much sun so wasn’t up for a walk but said she...

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Ambushed Part 1

By the fall of 1976 Elizette and I had been deeply involved for over a year. A petite Brazilian, she had jet black hair the length of her back, flawless bronze skin, large, dark brown eyes, and a lissome, graceful body. At twenty, she was almost insatiably sexual. We would have sex five or six times a week, sometimes three times a day. Everything from long languid afternoons of massage and foreplay to quickies in public places. Once at a baseball game she sat on my lap in a tactically parted...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Becky Bandini Office Harassment Caught On Tape

So I have this horrible boss that won’t stop harassing me at work. He comes onto me ALL the time but no one believes me, not even HR! He’s always TOO nice, which I KNOW is just him trying to get under my skirt. He offers massages all the time even though I never take him up on it. I just wish he would stop it but what can I do? Since HR doesn’t believe what this jerk is doing, I set up some hidden cameras in the office to catch him in the act… and it worked! The tape...

2 years ago
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Three For Emily

“Of course you can come stay hun. I’m going to do some swimming and tanning pool side this afternoon if that’s alright with you?” She asked over the phone. “That sounds great I need some lounging around before I head back. I’ll be over in about 15 minutes.” I replied. I hung up the phone and finished checking out of the hotel. The day was pleasant and sunny as I drove to Emily’s with the top down on the convertible rental car. The wind felt reviving as it swept through my long, golden...

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Summer StormsChapter 3

For the next week, I was an emotional wreck. What had I done? Why had I done it? The second question was easier to answer than the first: I was horny and feeling neglected, which made me powerless to resist Amy’s desire and obvious attraction. But it was the first question that seemed to haunt my every waking moment. What had I done? There were several levels to that answer, and I didn’t like any of them. In a purely physical sense, I was worried that Amy might be pregnant. I could tell...

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Prom Night

When I was in high school, I was seventeen-years-old and dating an older man. He was forty-years-old and very handsome. He had taken me out to dinner and for ice cream and for walks on the beach. We had held hands and kissed but had never gone any further, but I knew he wanted to go further by the way he looked at me when we were riding in his car. I would see him looking down at my sexy, smooth tan legs and I would know, instinctively, he wanted what I had between them. Darryl had already...

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One of a kind

“Rayne! Can you hand me the plasma sensor?” yelled a big, red headed man with an elegant, curled moustache towards a young woman, long, black hair flowed over her shoulders. Rayne was part of an Artificers Guild and worked at Gerard’s Workshop. Gerard, the best artificer in town, even though his shop was far from the biggest in town, had personally seen to Rayne’s tutoring in the art of artificing since the day she snuck inside his shop as a little girl, hiding from a couple of bullies. You...

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Making Paul Watch Me

Whatever the reasons, I loved domination and found a surprisingly willing partner in my Paul. Thanks to Mario's early lessons I soon had Paul my first real boyfriend succumbing to my every whim. I did not know the term edging when I was tormenting Paul but it worked like a charm. We both knew that we were fortunate to find each other and married immediatley after college. Soon afterwards, I found that the internet was good for things other than plagiarizing essays. I would soak my panties...

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Sex With My Sister

This story goes back to many years, when we were a big joint family comprising of my grand-mother, my parents, 3 sisters & 3 brothers (including myself), i.e. 9 family members. We stayed in a 3 BHK Flat. As such, many a times some of the members had to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Sometimes we slept in some order and sometimes in another order. Quite a few times, the youngest of my 3 sisters, who is also just elder to me, slept on the floor with me on one side and my younger brother on the...

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FamilySinners Jane Wilde Step Daughters

Jane is fed up with how little attention her stepdad, Eric has been given her all day. She wants him to fuck her but all he wants to do is read. Jane rubs his stiffening cock over his jeans just as her mom, Lexi, walks in. Eric tries to conceal what is happening. Lexi warns the two to keep it down while she takes a nap before dinner. As soon as she leaves, Jane starts sucking Eric’s cock through his slacks. Just as she gets down on her knees Lexi returns. She doesn’t see Jane but...

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138 Bus In Sri Lanka

Hi! I’m new comer to this Indian sex stories community as an author. Hope you will enjoy my true life scenarios with strangers or one time sex encounters. This is the first of many to come. I’m 28 years old average built with nor or less fat with a tool which pleased many and still willing to serve others as well. This had happened to me more recently while I was travelling in a very crowded bus in famous 138 route in Sri Lanka. It was the morning rush hour, I squeezed into the bus which was...

2 years ago
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My Cute Cousin

Yeh kahani tab shuru hui jab mai 18 saal ka tha tha aur meri cousin sister 19 saal ki thi aur woh bohut hi jyada sexy thi. Uske jaisi sunder ladki maine sirf 1 ya 2 hi dekhi thi . Maine pehli bar porn videos dekhi aur mai bhi sex karna chahta tha maine apni baat apni cousin sister ko batai to pehle to usne mujhe yeh sab dekhne se mana kia par mai nahi mana aur ek din uske boobs dabay usne pehle to halka thappad mara par phir usne kaka ki ab mujhe sex addiction ho gaya tha aur ab kuch nahi kiya...

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The Preachers Wife

I had not expected the ship to be as huge as it was, dwarfing its surroundings. As I walked along the gangway I met him for the first time. I bumped into him when he turned to wave to someone on the pier. He bent down and picked up the purse I had dropped when we collided. There was a warm, friendly smile on his face as he apologized. He looked at me appraisingly, with a look in his eyes that caused a slight sexual tingling. His deep voice had a quality of authority, but also of tenderness. I...

4 years ago
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This is about a mom’s life in shambles. Janet was a pretty brunette, she and her husband Roy had two young sons. Roy was a salesman for a chemical company, so he did a lot of traveling. Janet wasn’t the prettiest woman, but her body more then made up for it. She had 40 dd’s a bubble butt short well-toned legs and a great smile. Her youngest had started 1st grade so she was alone most of the day. She was unaware that two dropouts who worked at the local supermarket had been scoping her out...

3 years ago
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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 12

Robert was surprised with how crowded the mall already was. Sure it was a Saturday, but it was eleven in the morning, and it wasn't a holiday weekend. Holidays were the only time the mall back in Deepwater ever got crowded. Then again, to compare that small shopping center back home to the Rale Valley Mall was a mistake. This thing was enormous. Eli groaned as he exited the car and said, "Do you always have to park so far away?" "These malls are littered with stupid high school...

1 year ago
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OnlyFans Leaks

OnlyFans Leaks have become one of the hottest commodities on the internet, which is fascinating to me as a professional smut historian. Five years ago, could you even have imagined this new breed of DIY pornstar taking over the whole damn internet the way they have? If you told me yes, I’d probably call you a fucking liar. Maybe you really are psychic, but if not, I bet you’re just as surprised as the rest of us eager perverts. I bet you’re just as horny, too.And that’s why you’re here, right?...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Money Is No Object Chapter 5 Another Surprise Before Going To The Gym

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 5: ANOTHER SURPRISE BEFORE GOING TO THE GYM The next morning, Rachael woke me up early. "C'mon sleepyhead, the beginning of your training to be the most beautiful bride possible starts now. Now, up you get and get into the shower and I will fix you a healthy breakfast." I got up, went into the ensuite, shaved my face really closely, which hurt as it always did, when I was Penny for more than one day at a time, before turning on...

2 years ago
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my 1st cock treat

after a long night of drinking and a next-morning hangover, me and my buddy Z from school wanted to hang out n chill for a bit. At my house, we sat around, watching a movie. There was a part in the movie where the main characters have sex, so we got to see some nice titties. after the scene, Z looked over and said, I'd like to cum on some titties like hers.. I replied me too. check out these titties too, as I walked to the computer. I pulled up some pics of a cpl hot babes, and he popped next...

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A night in oakwood with Karolina

I picked Karolina up at 7pm, she looked stunning as alway's, she had a tight black dress on, one that showed her figures off beautifully. Every wonderful curve on display, it stopped just before her knee's, probably for easy access to her. She looked amazing anyway, no wonder all my friends wanted to fuck her."Where we going" ? She asked"I've found a restaurant I would like to try, it's a new one in oakwood forest " That was a blatant lie, I had no intention of going for a meal with her....

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Teasin Tina

“Quick, turn on the heat,” Said Tina the minute we entered my dorm room, “I am freeeeeeeezing.” Tina and I were returning from a party late at night when we were caught in a sudden downpour. Drunk and already cold, we ran the final half mile back to my building in the pouring rain. “I cant control the heat in my room,” I replied to Tina with a sad expression on my face, “Its set on a timer, it will probably come on later on tonight.” “Then get me a towel please,” Tina asked, “I’m going to be...

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StrapOn Roommate

About six years ago I was in university and living on campus during the summer along with a few other guys, including a guy I roomed with off campus during the school year. Jeff and I were in the same program and we were taking summer classes while working for our department. He and I were fairly big geeks and only occasionally would we do social things like going to the bars to drink and socialize with friends. There were several women also living in residence then, including one attractive...

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Forbidden Fruit Part 2

"I'm so glad you were able to get out tonight," my best friend, Leslie, yelled over the roar of the music. "I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages.""Yeah, you're right. Not since James and I passed out after your super bowl party." I yelled back."I need a smoke, come with me?"I followed her out to the deck, grateful that the crowd and the music hadn't reached out here despite it being a sultry August night."I'm so sorry we couldn't make it to James' father's funeral," she continued,...

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Little Baby Girl

Little Baby Girl Ted runs afoul of some ladies when they mistake him for a pedophile. They try to get their revenge. I will let Ted tell it. Peace Belle. I woke up and found I nude and tied to a chair. It was in a basement. The girl that I tried to pick up last night said, "Bagged him good Anne. He is starting to come awake now." Anne said, "Good job Amy. Now we got this pervert, we can treat him for his problem right." I wanted to say something. I did not know what they were...

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My Younger Brothers Friend Part 5 Artie Finale

Me and Artie fucked whenever one of us had an open house, but we only got to see eachother about four more times before it was time for me to leave for college. Three days before leaving for school, Artie texted me that his parents were going to Atlantic City over night, and he was going to be home alone. His parents had some money, and were very modern. At 15, they felt that he could take care of himself, and I knew this would be our last opportunity together. I lied to my parents and told...

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Best Pill Service

What would the Best Pill Service entail if you were in charge? That’s something of a rhetorical question and I hope you keep considering it as you read this review, because this next shop aims to meet the definition. I mean, hell, it’s right there in the name! It ain’t uncommon for websites to call themselves the best in whatever category they occupy, whether they’re claiming to be the best free lesbian tube, the best online dick-pill store, or the best premium casting porn site. To be fair,...

Male Enhancement Pills
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XVIII

Julie raised herself up from the table on her elbows, looked down at her pussy and then looked at the two men standing half naked in front of her. “I hope you two are going to clean all this mess up.” Alistair and Jeff looked at one another. “Cuckold’s first,” Jeff said with a smile. Alistair stepped forward. He was used to going down on Julie’s soppy pussy now. He was used to feeling all that stickiness on his cheeks and having his tongue greeted by the remnants of sex. He was more than...

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Khubsurat Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto i m from Gujarat. Mera name jay jani hai. meri age 25 year hai or mai ek call center mai job karta hu. Mere land ka size 6″ hai or mai dikhne mai handsum bhi hu. Main regular reader hu or maine bahut sari story bhi post ki hai. Meri sabhi story ko bahut sare comments bhi mile hai. Ummid hai ki is story ko bhi comments mile. Mera mail id hai. Ab apko meri nayi story batana chahta hu. Jo ki 3 mahine pahle ki hai. Ek din mai job par se raat ko karib 10 baje ghar aa raha tha to raste...

2 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 10

In all of human history there has, however, never been a cause behind which all could unite. Peace, love, mercy, justice, every such ideal has found its detractors at any given time; education, individuality, achievement are all opposed by a tenacious few who have determined them to be somehow evil. Human beings can't even agree on their origins, there are still those who continue to insist that the Earth is flat, and many of most inspirational leaders of the past were in fact murdered by...

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