FidèleChapter 43 free porn video

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“So, do you have anything you want to tell me?”

The ice in Bill’s voice reached deep inside his guts and stabbed at everything within reach, but there was nothing to do but endure it. “Do you really need to hear me say it? Do you want to hear me say it?”

“Humor me.”

No way out but through. “We had an affair, Kathryn and I. We had sex.”

“Is that it?”

“No. We...”

“You what?”

“We fell in love. We are in love.”

“And where was I while this soap opera was unfolding?”

Luke couldn’t look at him. “Home, sometimes. Mostly not.”

“So you decided that it would be fun to take advantage of my absence and screw both my wife and me.”

“It wasn’t...”

“Let me tell you how it was, and you can let me know what I got wrong. You met Kathryn at a bar, and like everyone else who’s ever met her, you decided that you wanted her. Nothing happened that night, because she still remembered that she was married and you didn’t get her drunk enough to forget. But then you discovered a back door and wormed your way into our lives. And once you were there...”

“No. Seriously, no. That’s not how it happened.”

“It is. It’s just not the version you tell yourself.”

“But it’s not ... it’s...”

“Then go ahead and tell me the story that’s going to make me feel better.”

Luke finally managed to look at him. Fury, desperation, but most of all pain were fully evident on his face, and all three threatened to compress Luke’s heart into a lifeless husk. “There’s nothing that’s going to make you feel better. But I never had a strategy, and though I know it doesn’t mean much to you right now, I debated taking the job until the last possible moment. Yes, I wanted her, but as you say so does everyone. Yes, while lying awake at night staring at the ceiling, I dreamed about something happening. But I didn’t expect it, and I didn’t plan for it. And I absolutely didn’t want to hurt you. You were my...”

“If the word ‘friend’ passes your lips right now, so help me god, I will put my fist straight through them.”

Luke sallowed hard and nodded, accepting that this was how it was going to go until he was allowed to leave. “I had no idea how she felt about me, or if she had any thoughts about me at all, and in the beginning I did everything I could to keep my feelings to myself. I’m sure I wasn’t always successful, but I did try. I didn’t realize how she felt about me until...”

“You can spare me the lurid details. She told me everything.”

“She said she would.”

“Yes, even though it takes her a while, she always follows through on her emotional commitments, though apparently not on her promises of fidelity. Whereas your abilities in both realms leave a lot to be desired, you deceitful little shit. Given the choice between respecting a marriage and an old family friend, or fucking my wife, which one did you choose, and how long did it take you to make that choice? Don’t worry, I already know the answer to both.”


“Ten days. That’s how little I, my marriage, and your self-respect meant to you.”

“Bill, I...”

“You’ve lost the right to call me by my first name.” Bill glared at him for a while before continuing. “I’m surprised you don’t have more to say for yourself.”

“In my defense? What would be the point? I don’t have one, because there isn’t one aside from the fact that I love her. I don’t know what I could possibly say that would change things, or make anything better for you. It happened, and you apparently know all about it. I know you’ll never believe me, but I really am sorry that we did this to you.”

“So you both claim. And you’re right: I didn’t believe her when she said the exact same thing, so there’s no chance in hell that I’m going to believe you.”

“I...” For the first time since his arrival, Luke noticed that Bill wasn’t wearing his wedding ring. He experienced a wild riot of emotions at the sight, but exerted a tremendous effort to keep them from his face. The effort failed.

“Don’t get too excited. I couldn’t stand the sight of it anymore. And even if it means what you hope it means, what makes you think that I’ll let the two of you be together?” His tone was low and menacing. Neither the comment about kicking him out a window, nor about putting a fist through his face, had felt like genuine threats, but for the first time a genuine thrill of fear shot through Luke. It sounded less like a threat than a promise. “You probably thought you could run off somewhere and be untouchable. You forget who my friends are. I could make both your lives so difficult that your only alternative would be to live out the rest of your days in separate and solitary misery. And I still might do exactly that out of pure spite, because you both deserve it.”

Choking back a gasp, Luke asked, “Is that why I’m here? Am I supposed to beg you to to take it easy on us? Because if that’s what you want, I will, especially for her sake. Is this some sort of negotiation?”

“If it is, you’re in way over your head. Because you’re finally realizing that I could do it, aren’t you? And it hurts, doesn’t it? The thought of losing her — of having her snatched away right when you thought you might have a future with her — doesn’t it make you hate the sort of person who’d do such a thing?”

Luke gulped, desperate to escape a room he felt closing in on him. “Yes,” he whispered.

“Good. Because that’s about one percent of how much I despise you right now.”

“And Kathryn?” he asked, suddenly concerned for her wellbeing.

“I strongly suggest that you keep her name out of your mouth while you’re in my presence.” Luke kept his lips tightly shut and nodded. “You know the biggest reason I hate you, Luke? It’s not because you and a whole bunch of other people had sex with my wife. It’s not that you did all this right in front of me and lied about it. It’s not even because you fell in love with each other. No, it’s because you both took me for some sort of goddamned idiot.”

“We didn’t...”

“Yes you did, and I’ll tell you how.” He leaned back in his chair. “I knew all along.”

Luke was stunned into silence. The threat and fury drained out of Bill’s face, leaving only emptiness and regret. Behind all the anger and bravado, he was a broken man. Luke forced himself to stare at the shell and accept responsibility for his role in hollowing it. It was one of the worst feelings of his life, especially as he knew he deserved it.

“When I started working so much more, and especially when all the travel started, I knew exactly how much I was hurting her. Hurting our marriage. And even though it would’ve permanently damaged my name and my reputation, I was on the verge of walking away from my most difficult clients just so that neither of those things would keep happening. But then you came along, and I made the third biggest mistake of my life. In case you’re wondering, the first and second were taking on those clients in the first place, and not throwing your card in the garbage the moment she handed it to me.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have to tell you that Kathryn always wanted certain things I couldn’t bring myself give her. I never thought she’d cheat on me to get them, but I was apparently mistaken about a great number of people’s honesty and integrity. But because I thought I could trust in the fundamental strength of our marriage, I made a terrible decision that I’ll regret forever. I decided to give you two the opportunity to have a little fling.”

“You what?”

“The fact that you’re surprised is exactly why this enrages me so much. Within moments of walking through my front door, you lied to me about the fact that you two already knew each other. Both of you did, though she at least had the courtesy to warn me that she’d play along, and that I should too. You don’t think I saw right through you when you pulled that shit? Do you think I got where I am today by ignoring signs and signals that blatant?”

Luke was stunned into silence for a while, but finally managed to whisper, “She was right.”

“I didn’t catch that.”

“She was right. Ka ... sorry, she said that she suspected you knew. Or at least that you’d figure it out. I didn’t believe her at the time, because I couldn’t imagine it, but she was right.”

“Well, would you look at that? It turns out there’s one more lie she didn’t confess to me after all. One more misguided attempt to spare my feelings. Unfortunately, you’re both long past deserving credit for the insight.” He sighed. “When you arrived, I hadn’t fully committed to anything, but then I saw the way you two looked at each other at dinner. I listened to the way you talked about your work and the way you talked about each other. After a few days, it was absolutely clear that she was just as interested in you as you were in her. And that’s when I made my fatal error. I didn’t say or do anything to stop it. In fact, I pretended I had no idea.”

“I don’t understand. I know I’m the very last person you want to hear ask this question, but why?”

“You’re right, you are the very last person. She was unhappy, and growing unhappier by the day. She was also angry, and growing angrier by the day. We were doing something we’d never done before: fighting without quite being able to get things back to normal once the fight was over. And I was desperate, trying to find a solution that wouldn’t require me to sacrifice everything I’d worked for. Another fatal mistake, and the one for which I’m most to blame. I didn’t choose work over her, but I sent her a far too obvious signal that it was a sacrifice I was temporarily willing to make.”

“I knew I could never tolerate being present for all the things she wanted. I tried, but in the end I just couldn’t. And so, I figured that maybe she could have some of them while I wasn’t around. I’d look the other way, she could temporarily salve her unhappiness by having a brief affair with someone who would never be a permanent presence in her life, and by the time you were gone, all my professional chaos would be settled and I’d be able to be a better husband again.”

“Of course, you had a front row seat for every single one of my miscalculations. I thought she’d hold out a lot longer than she did. I thought you would, too. I thought you’d both feel more guilty about it. I thought I’d be home more often, but the opposite turned out to be true. Even when it become obvious that you two had gotten out of control, I still didn’t suspect that love would be involved; that’s one hell of an acting job that you both managed to pull off. Near the end, when you were coming up with one pathetic excuse after another to extend your stay, I started firing warning shots across your bow. I was surprised that you didn’t appear to notice, but even then I didn’t reach the right conclusion.”

“I did notice. But you’re right; by then it was too late, and nothing short of forcible eviction would’ve changed the situation. When did you finally work it out?”

“I knew about the sex right from the start. About an hour after she stormed out of this very apartment and went back to the lake after that charity gala, I realized that I’d practically thrown her at you. That, it turns out, was my last chance to stop it before anything happened. And then, the very next day, she’s taking a completely unplanned trip to Oregon without giving me anything more than a quick call from the airport. She didn’t even stop by the office to say goodbye. Only an idiot couldn’t figure out what she was running from. The extent to which you two treated me like a blind fool makes me so goddamned furious.”

“So why didn’t you stop us then? Or at least say something? We hadn’t gone very far. It wasn’t too late.”

“Trying your hand at being a marriage counselor, you shitheel? I didn’t stop you because I was partly responsible for it happening in the first place. It was how I stupidly handcuffed myself; stopping you would have revealed my complicity. If I intervened with her, she’d know that I’d intended to allow it, which wasn’t something I wanted her to know because I was afraid she’d think it was an indefinite pass. If I intervened with you, I’d have to explain why I sent you away two weeks into an unfinished job, possibly with the same result. So I decided to let it run its course. Again, this was all predicated on my inability to even consider that she’d fall in love with you.”

“Then I’m really, truly sorry for what I’m about to say, but that’s something you should’ve known might happen. Not that she’d fall in love with me, necessarily, but that she was likely to feel love for someone with whom she was having ... I mean, you probably know even more about her past than I do, and...” Luke trailed off, nervously gnawing on a fingernail, terrified that he’d overstepped his bounds as he watched the fury return to Bill’s expression.

“You arrogant asshole. Don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t know about my own goddamned wife.” He looked like he was about to leap over the desk and assault his guest. But then, like a cord snapping, he slumped even lower in his chair. “Unfortunately, you’re right. I did know, but I was so distracted and conflicted that I forgot. I never should have forgotten.” It felt as if Bill was on the verge of tears, and for all his guilt and fear, Luke retained enough respect for a man he’d irreparably harmed to hope he’d avoid breaking down in front of someone who’d hurt him so badly.

He overcame it after a few minutes of struggle, but went on in an even more defeated tone than before. “The worst part is that I had one more mistake to make. Despite everything I knew, I thought it was over. You were gone, I was home, and we were still together. I kept a very close eye on on her after that, and I knew she hadn’t seen or been in contact with you since you left. She seemed happier with me than she’d been in a long time, and while I knew some of it was her trying to make it up to me, I also assumed it was because my wretched plan had somehow worked. Of course, now I know that it was all just another enormous sewer of lies. My travel never stopped, but I filed the insanity I’d allowed in our past, and decided to focus on our future. And then, one day, I got an offer. An escape from the immensely frustrating professional life I was leading to do something good for a change. Tremendous good. But there was a catch: I’d either have to travel even more, or we’d have to move.”

He dropped his head into his hands for a moment before sitting up straight. “I didn’t think it would be such a big deal. I should’ve just said no, but instead I kept coming back to the fact that I knew she felt isolated and lonely at the lake, and I thought she might jump at the chance to be somewhere else. I stewed over it for a week or so. And then, one night, I went home and told her all about it. She didn’t say much or ask any questions, which should’ve been my first warning. She just listened. When I was done, she made me a cocktail and changed the subject. I don’t remember the exact day this happened — and I should, because it was the day I definitively ended my marriage — but you do.”

Trying to suppress a surge of emotion at what he’d just revealed, he asked, “I do?”

“Two days later, she invented a nonexistent meeting and met you for coffee.”


“When I came home that night, it was like she was a million miles away. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that the meeting hadn’t gone well. Except that every single time that sort of thing had happened in the past, we’d always talked about it afterwards. She couldn’t even bother to come up with a plausible cover story.”

“After that, the lies and deception started to accumulate. Not long after that, I knew that you two were back to your old tricks. I did everything I could do to stop traveling, even though it was doing massive damage to my reputation. But it didn’t matter. Given the smallest window of opportunity, she kept running back to you. At that point, I knew it was almost certainly too late, but eventually I gave her an ultimatum. Not about you — I still hadn’t told her I knew about you — but about the job offer. She coldly informed me that she needed some time alone to think about it. It was one of her most brazen lies, and I can’t believe she didn’t immediately realize that I knew it was a lie, but by then I was so used to her lying to me that maybe neither of us cared anymore.”

“How did you know it was a lie?”

“She virtually ignored me for the rest of the week, and then she spent the next four days at your apartment. I’m guessing you didn’t pass the time discussing my job prospects.”

There’s no need to inquire about the obvious, I guess. “Am I still being watched?”

“Yes. Don’t worry, there are no bugs or hidden cameras in your apartment, and there aren’t any filthy pictures or videos sitting in a private investigator’s safe. Knowing when people come and go, and having evidence of those movements, is more than enough to build all the case I need, and it’s not like you two were going out of your way to hide anything. Plus, seeing anything in more detail would make me throw up. It would also make it far more likely that you’ll leave here missing some fingers. But you should know that, even though I wish I didn’t, I have a very detailed knowledge of your sordid little life. Is that curvy black-haired tart the waitress?”

“She not a tart.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but she is a waitress at Caveau, and that’s where she met you and Kathryn during your twisted version of a night on the town. I told you, I know as close to everything as anyone ever could. She also had sexual relations with my wife on two separate occasions, and during the latter she knew Kathryn was married. Were I you, I’d rethink your attempt to defend her honor. And the other one sure sluts around, doesn’t she?”

Luke felt his own ire rising, but realized he had no legitimate defense; Liz hadn’t hesitated for a moment to jump into bed with Kathryn, either. Still, he had to try. “Be as angry as you want at me, but please don’t blame them or call them names. Almost everything they know about your wife is based on what I’ve told them. Nor did ‘the waitress’ know Ka ... your wife was married until long after their first time. And being open and free about sex doesn’t make someone a tart or a slut. You know, maybe if you’d tried to...”

“Go ahead, motherfucker. Go ahead and say it. Tell me that if I’d only let Kathryn sleep around or taken her to sex dungeons, I’d still be happily married. Test just how close I am to putting you in the hospital.”

“I just...”

“Your free-spirited girlfriend isn’t a slut because she has lots of sex with lots of people. She’s single, she can do whatever or whoever she wants. But she knew my wife was married and had sex with her anyway. All three of you did. So no, I don’t actually have to respect either of them. And especially not you.”

Luke just swallowed, for there was nothing he could say. Though he didn’t want to hear it or face it, and he still didn’t like hearing people he cared about insulted like this, Bill wasn’t wrong.

“And that leads to another thing that I can’t get over. The two of you knew, of course. Irina knew, your blonde friend knew and took my money anyway, that photographer and his woman knew, your waitress and your other girlfriend knew ... hell, even Sevinay knew ... and not one of you respected me enough to tell the truth. Plus, there are deliverymen out there who’ve had their eyes and hands all over my wife, yet still had the audacity to shake my hand and chat with me like a goddamned chump.” He’d worked himself back into a thunderous rage. “Can you understand how emasculating that is? How much it makes me want to do exactly the same thing to you, except a hundred times worse?”

The fear returned. Bill seemed like he might be on the verge of violence. His fists were tight, white-knuckled balls, and he was breathing heavily, staring daggers at Luke. His next words seemed calmer, but there was a lurking threat behind them that grew as he spoke.

“After her little vacation to ‘think about it’ by planting herself in your bed for a while, she came back to the house, sat me down, and broke my heart. She told me everything, in excruciating detail. And then she hit me with her own ultimatum. She said she’d be willing to stay married to me, to do her best to love me as much as ever, and even to move so I could take a job that wouldn’t do so much damage to our relationship, but that unless I could change and give her at least some of what she’d always wanted, she could never again promise fidelity.” He let that hang in the air for several tension-filled minutes until Luke couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

“And... ?”

“Even though she’s treated me and our marriage with such incredible disrespect and contempt, I’ll never stop loving her. But that’s something I couldn’t accept.”

Luke’s heart leapt.

“Didn’t I warn you not to get your hopes up?” He stood, reaching into a drawer and extracting a large manila envelope. “While I’ve gotten a certain satisfaction out of yelling at you, I knew it wouldn’t really fix anything. I’ve enjoyed your panicked expressions much, much more than the yelling, especially because they’re justifiable. And that’s why the one I’m about to plaster all over your sickening face is the one I’m going to enjoy most of all.”

He tossed the envelope onto the desk, far away enough from Luke that he realized it wasn’t meant for him, but rather as the prelude to a point. “This is the first step on the short road to our divorce. I guarantee that she will sign it, or I will make both of your lives a living hell until she does; hers because I want her out of mine, yours out of pure spite. Until it’s approved by a judge, which would normally take a while, but won’t because of my connections — not that I think she’ll fight me on anything — she can choose to live here or at the house, and we’ll figure out an equitable division of assets,. When it’s over, I’m retaining both properties. You will not, by the way, resume your sordid affair in any property we jointly own unless you want to suffer serious consequences. One more thing: I’m keeping all the wine, save for one very specific set of bottles that you know I don’t want. But you won’t get those either. They’ll be opened under the supervision of my lawyer and flushed down the toilet, one by one. Yes, it’s a giant middle finger to both of you, but especially you, and I’m just petty enough to raise it.”

“Despite a still-burning desire to do so, I’m not going to actively come after you in all the ways that I could, but I will make your life here increasingly uncomfortable. If you see me on the street, walk the other way. If you see me in a restaurant, or a bar, or any other business, leave. Even if you were there first. If you’ve taken a job working for one of my friends or professional acquaintances, cancel it before they do. You already know you’re going to have to move, whether or not you’re accompanied on that journey, so you might as well start planning and packing now.”

“Just in case you think I’m not serious about any of this vindictiveness, I want you to understand all the collateral damage you two have caused. I forced Kathryn to fire Irina, and there’s a clause in this petition that prevents her from setting foot on the lake house property anymore. It’s going to be rough on her finances until she can find another job, but she should’ve thought of that earlier. That also means no more guesthouse meetings with her new girlfriend, but considering that they both knew about you two, and one of them was sleeping with my wife, I really don’t give a shit about their relationship. I also fired Sevinay.”

“No...” Luke’s guts churned and his eyes ached. This is exactly the kind of conflagration that Wendy warned me about. Irina did too. How could all three of them not hate both of us after this?

“She took it pretty well, all things considered, but she also showed me a side of her that I’d never seen before. She thanked me for all my help and promised me that she understood why I had to let her go, but then she had the audacity to look me in the eyes and tell me that I bore an equal share of blame for everything that happened. I haven’t decided if she’s right or not, but that indecision is the only thing keeping me from making sure she’ll never be hired by any of my friends. Out of all of you deceitful motherfuckers, she’s getting off the easiest. That said: after Kathryn’s, hers was the betrayal that blindsided and hurt me the most.”

“What’s yet to be determined is just how much I’m going to hurt you. And so, this next part is where you will sit there and watch as I decide your future. I wish the irony was as delicious as it seemed on paper, but I’m really not capable of feeling anything but hatred for you. Still, I’m offering you a choice. That’s more than you ever offered me, and just part of why I’ll always be a better man than you. Are you ready?”


“I don’t actually give a shit if you’re ready or not, I just wanted to watch you squirm a little longer. I need an answer from you, and you’ll start giving it to me immediately upon the cessation of my question or I’ll consider it unanswered. Here goes: if I allow you and Kathryn to be together — and don’t for a minute believe that your future together is assured even if I don’t interfere, because for reasons that should be obvious she absolutely does not hold you blameless for what will be the very public and extremely unpleasant dissolution of her marriage, nor for the pain you’ve managed to cause others, including one of your closest friends — what are your actual intentions? How and where will you live? What kind of future do you think the two of you can have?”

He sounds like an overprotective father trying to decide whether or not to let his daughter get married. As ridiculous as it is, this is something I have to get right, or he’ll do to me what he did to everyone else. I’m finally convinced he’s both capable and willing.

“My love for her has never wavered, and if she’ll have me, it’s my intention to spend the rest of my life with her. I don’t mean this as a comment on your marriage, but I’m committed to giving her everything she wants, and I believe that I can. As for the details, we’ll move somewhere else and build a life together. It won’t be easy, and we’ll both have to give up much of what we’ve known, but I’m prepared to make that sacrifice. I’m aware that my skills are more easily transferrable and that it will be harder on her, but I’m ready to support her in every way possible. Most importantly, I’ve no doubt that I can make her happy, because I already have.”

Bill scowled at the last part. “I notice you didn’t claim that you couldn’t be happy without her.”

“That didn’t seem like a wise thing to admit to you.”

“You’re goddamned right about that.” He returned the envelope to its drawer and collapsed into his chair. “You’re responsible for explaining this to your parents, because I see no reason to end my friendship with them, but do it soon or the version of the story they hear first will be mine. If I’m ever forced to see you and Kathryn together, I will hurt you. Not necessarily physically, but quite possibly permanently. If you somehow doubt that threat, don’t doubt this one: I can make it impossible for you to work again at any level above checkout clerk. Don’t test my resolve.”

He looked like he was only minutes away from a complete breakdown. “The only reason you’re getting away with your limbs and most of your reputation intact is the most unlikely one imaginable: I still love her, and despite everything you two have done to me, I won’t ever stop loving her. So that’s my final warning to you. You’re going to have to work for it, but I’m giving you a chance to make her happy. If you try and fail, and I find out about it, I’ll burn you alive and piss on the remains. Are we clear?”

“We’re clear.”

“Then get the fuck out of my life.”

Luke staggered into his apartment. The moment the door closed behind him, all the wrenching emotions of the past hour coalesced into a wretched nausea. He barely made it to the bathroom before voiding his guts.

A while later, having cleaned up as much of the mess as he could, he sat on the floor in a cloud of despair and wondered what he should do. Everyone’s going to be so angry at me. Wendy, Irina, innocent little Sasha, even poor Sevinay. I can’t deal with Liz right now, and at the moment I don’t even deserve Olivia’s help. I know I can’t get anywhere near alcohol without endangering my life, but I have to do something. He stared at his phone. Kathryn. I have to talk to Kathryn.

But when he picked it up to make the call, he saw that he’d received emails from several of the people whose names had been darting in and out of his thoughts. Emails from people who usually communicated via other means. Shuffling to the table, he opened his laptop and read them in the order he thought he’d find least debilitating.

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Debuting for you today is the sweet young teen Marilyn Sugar and she has come to Private Specials, Deeper is Better to put on a real show with the lucky Alberto Blanco. As soon as this horny girl is picked up by her man she wastes no time heading straight in for a blowjob right there in car! Then watch and enjoy as they take things back to the apartment where Marilyn continues to show off her cock sucking expertise before offering up that tight wet pussy for a hard fuck as she moans and screams...

1 year ago
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Married Couzen Fucked by Me

visit here to see toon savita bhabhi sex series[imgage][/imgage]visit on to see more pic like these Hi Freinds, I am Amit from Ahmedabad with 28 years of age and working with private I-MNC. This experience I would share with you guys which happened to me at my elder bros wedding.It was before 2 years when my b*o was to marry and all the functions were well organised. Relatives and friends gathered at our home and my dad has made...

3 years ago
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William Becomes Freddies Toy

William Potts was a freshman at college.  It was his first time away from his parents, and he was trying to adapt to college life. William's roommate was a basketball player who was quite popular.  His name was Fred, but everybody called him Freddie.William was shy and introverted, where his roommate was loud and boisterous.  William was not tall and was relatively thin.  He looked like a girl and was quite pretty.William had fair skin and blonde hair that was curly.  He was blue-eyed, but for...

Gay Male
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Fantasy Camp

Our business is called "Fantasy Camp". It was basically a cross between "Make a Wish" and the old TV Show "Fantasy Island". People would come in and we would video tape them explaining their fantasies, give them a price that included a handsome profit and, once it was agreed upon, we would give them not only their fantasy, but a professionally edited video (or series of if necessary) of them living their fantasy with their voice over or picture in picture describing their fantasy as they are...

2 years ago
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Bar Girl Ch 11

Chapter 11. ‘Two-Tit Body-shot.’ Remittances from abroad. Hotel on Perimeter Road robbed. Daddy’s birthday party. Tequila shooters. More Nick. The first two rules. The following morning, Blen carefully washed her heavily stained costume. Taking the laces from the corset and the veil from the hat, she laid them flat in the basin to soak in soapy water for a couple of hours. Then, with great care, she rinsed them thoroughly, gently rubbing where necessary. Pulling them into shape, she laid them...

4 years ago
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Forward to the Stars Ch 08

I’m working on a sub chapter that follows Susan and his days but that’ll be awhile in the making. Still, any and ALL comments are wanted. *********** ‘Captain.’ Wailed Cora over the com. ‘Would you PLEASE do SOMETHING with your nieces? They won’t let the babies rest. It’s also well past time for them all to be a sleep as well.’ Brian chuckled. ‘All right Cora, I’ll come back and get them to bed.’ ‘Captain before you do that we seem to have picked up a disabled truck on the highway.’...

4 years ago
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Damien Skylar chapter 41

Kerberos-Demon of the pit. Aikaterine-Pure. Akeldame-Feild of blood. Adelphose-of the same womb. Beniamon-son of the right hand and Demogorgon-Grim demon. Hecate is the mother of all witches. I chose these names to correspond with the character's personalities and such. And Cyprus is one of the acclaimed birthplaces of Aphrodite. I did my homework. Enjoy" Originally posted on my account of the same name on '...' thoughts. Chapter 5 *Part 13* Kerberos' (The...

4 years ago
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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 11 Best Laid Plans

Sally coughed politely as she opened the door. "Sorry to interrupt, you two. Breakfast!" She giggled delightedly. "It's all right, Russie! Finish what you were doing." "He wasn't doing anything. He was just lying there like a ... what was it you call them in 1999, Sal?" "Idle sod? Lazy toad?" "Toad, that's right. You're a toad, Russell. Making a lady do all the hard work." She flung her hair back and prodded down at his chest with a stiff finger. "No, not there! It...

1 year ago
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Sexual Adventures With Elder Sister Threesome With My Gay Neighbor

After our first sex adventure we both became quite open to each other and used to tell all our dirty secrets to each other. During one of those confessions I told her that I am a bisexual person and my first is with a gay who is our neighbor. She got very curious when she heard it and wanted to know more as she never new anyone who was gay though she heard it from her friends. I managed some gay porn video and showed it to her. She was very turned on seeing all this and wanted to see it live....

2 years ago
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Lucid Wet Dream

Twenty five years on, one can easily see the mistakes made in their youth. But, as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. There is little to be gained by rehashing past mistakes in your head again and again, losing sleep over it, and making yourself mental in the process. And yet this is exactly what I did on a regular basis. It’s said that without closure, no relationship is ever truly over. It’s also been written that sometimes closure can come from writing a letter to your ex that you never...

Straight Sex
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The Sex Story that Leaked

I would usually spend my Saturday night sitting at home, eating leftovers, binge-watching my favorite show, and going to sleep at eleven. However, this Saturday night was going to… I would usually spend my Saturday night sitting at home, eating leftovers, binge-watching my favorite show, and going to sleep at eleven. However, this Saturday night was going to be different. My roommate and close friend, Katy, convinced me to go out to a party. I was reluctant because I had a boyfriend and...

1 year ago
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It was a normal Thursday working day, time passing by, sales getting done, admin work all coming through, and the type of day were your thinking 'Nearly ***** Friday'!Anyway, Went to my last appointment, 3pm, last appointment of the day. Wasnt expecting much, until the lady with whom I had the appoitment with cme along, and asked for me, 'Adam'.Looking up, I couldnt stop starring, up appeared a stunning, gorgeous blonde lady, aged between 35-40 yrs, slim sized between 8-10, and a black dress...

2 years ago
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The Bet

I drove up the long drive in my old car, it looked a little out of place at the large house with several very nice cars sitting outside. Paul was a star on our high school football team as was Mark. They had invited me over to hang out. I really did not fit in with this crowd but I was good at football and was looking to make it work. We did hang for while and I felt we were having fun. Then it happened, the small event that would change my life forever. The money was on the table. Two hundred...

2 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 13

“Begged you?” “Yes ... if I had gone to fetch I wouldn’t have been shorted 20 SNJ’s.” “How many aircraft did you buy?” “Forty ... forty SNJ’s” “SNJ? Like AT6’s?” “With tailkooks and better suspension.” “But you only got 20?” I proceeded to expound on the truth. “You got 20 SNJ’s, 19 F8F Beatcats and a F7F?” Wait for it. “What’s the F7F?” “Why don’t we go out to the airfield and you can see for yourself?” The tax man said... “I don’t think I’m going to like this.” “I’ll drive ......

2 years ago
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Once was

Jake walked into the hotel bar just after 9 pm. A hundred hotels and a hundred business trips over the years left him weary and made him realize even more that his good years were far behind him at fifty-eight years old.He sat at the bar as he always did; usually near the end, so he could look at the people living and loving their lives as he once did. He remembered the butterflies in his stomach and the anticipation he used to have for the "hunt" when he was their age. He enjoyed picking his...

Straight Sex
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Death Row

Death Row by Waldo This is a multi-chapter story with a transgender theme. While there's very heavy sex, I concentrate more on the story than on the sex. If you're underaged or have any major hang-ups, I suggest that you don't read any further. Chapter 1 - The AhChing The solid clank of the heavy metal door echoed through the long hallway. Although the hallway was brightly lit by overhead lights, there was a cold and unfriendly pallor that could only be understood by...

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Stitch And Bitch Club

Stitch And Bitch Club Hello, My name is Gloria and I’m fourteen years old. I have been a member of the ladies quilting group for about a year now. Mom took me to my first meeting when I turned thirteen because she wanted to keep an eye on me. She told me that it was so that I could learn a hobby and I did. I learned a whole lot more than just a nice hobby too. I learned just about everything that I know about sex and the people in my community from our gatherings. I affectionately call...

1 year ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 10 The trio finally arrive at Karron Some mysteries revealed

Alyssa looked down over her lovers and saw that she had their undivided attention. They listened to her eagerly, intrigued to learn more about the beautiful blonde girl they cared so much about. “As you know, I grew up on Karron. It’s a bleak inhospitable place, a massive asteroid that’s been gradually hollowed out as the mines have dug deeper. Slums have built up in the old abandoned tunnels and there’s thousands of people living there now.” Calara didn’t know much about Alyssa’s history...

2 years ago
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Trust Built Through Correction

Trust is a word that gets tossed around a lot in the context of DS relationships but it's such an intangible and there is no set process in how to build or strengthen it. It can take ages to build and seconds to destroy. You know it when you have it, or when you've lost it but how did you get to that point? This is a story of how a bond of trust was strengthened following an emotional session of correction.They had gone through the usual steps of chatting online and felt that there was enough...

2 years ago
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I Woke part 10

I Woke, Part 10 I panicked. My day started by going to the courthouse for the opening of the trial of the attacker of Allison Allen. I had been stuck in her body for months, and I felt my chance to get some justice for her was failing. I had gotten a sneak peak at the Crown's case against this young man, and without some miracle, I felt it was at best a 50-50 chance to get a conviction. Sitting in the courtroom while we waited for our case to be heard, I got a crash course in how...

3 years ago
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Watching and fucking my twin sister

It was late at night, probably around 2am. I was usually waking up around then to go for a pee. Normally I would just use my ensuite however it was being re-plastered from some water damage. This meant I had to walk across the hall to use the family bathroom, mainly used by my twin sister. As per usual Jess had left it in a right mess. There was makeup everywhere and clothes all over the floor. I was dying for a piss. I pulled my cock out from my boxers and aimed for the bowl knowing that if I...

2 years ago
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MY STEP sister PART 2

If you read my last story you will know that I have started to have foreplay and oral with my step sister. I called round a week later, Mum was out shopping and dad was outside tinkering with the car. So here I am in the kitchen stood in the kitchen and my step sister has just gone to the fridge and made sure that she rubbed across my dick as she went past and smiled at me, without saying a word she come over to me and kissed me full on the lips and pushed her tongue into my mouth and I knew...

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The SparkChapter 7

"He's not in here" I heard a voice call out. I knew the voice from somewhere but I had no idea what the words meant at the moment since I was waking up. That changed as I heard the shop door slam shut. What did they mean I was not in there? Whoever it was that had shouted was close enough to wake the dead or at least me from a sound nap. Opening my eyes I realized that I was not in my bed and with the strong smell of oil in my nose the memory of last night came flooding back. Getting to...

3 years ago
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The Missadventures of Michelle Section 1 Chapter

Chapter 4 Every day of the next week was agony. I would wake up in the morning with a hard cock that ached to be stroked. Resisting the urge of releasing all that cum that was building within my cock was getting tougher and tougher to do with each passing day. During the day my mind would drift off to a dream state. At night my dreams were filled with the images of the previous weekend and all four guys sitting in my living room naked and stroking their hard cocks. Remembering the image of...

1 year ago
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The Coin

*** An adult drama in three parts in which women of strong temperament and passions play a vital part. Act I Reign Of Irene, Empress Of The Byzantine Empire. Byzantium Late 797 AD. The island of Principo, Convent of St. George. Act II Reign Of Catherine The Great Of The Russian Empire The Russian Empire Summer 1750 AD. The palace of the Kremlin. Moscow. Act III In The Midst Of The Russian Revolution. Revolutionary Russia Autumn 1919 AD. Lubyanka Prison, Lubyanka Square in Moscow. *** Act I...

2 years ago
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I was bored one afternoon

It was my day off. I was bored, and very horny. I can't help myself some days. Well, I thought to myself, I can either jerk off quickly or take a drive to one of the two adult stores with peep shows. It didn't take too long to decide.I live in a very cold climate, and it was fairly cold out today, so as tempting as it was, I wasn't going to dress up in a cute skirt. I slipped into some tight jeans and looked at my profile in the mirror. I sure wish I had a better ass. Just a bit more of a...

1 year ago
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LA FunChapter 36

Beep, beep, beep, beep. Monday morning was here with a busy week ahead. The girls were easy to wake up and dress for our morning workout. Donte came to the gym room with us and worked at his regimen. Jules obviously had a direction this morning, and was all business as she hurried so she could get through breakfast and check on the overseas markets early. She was talking to Katie about an imbalance between the Swiss Franc, English pound, and the Euro. I didn't understand it, and wasn't...

1 year ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 29 Babies

Finals week! Just the whisper of that phrase caused the brightest of students to tremble. I sat at our lunch table and watched everyone lose their minds. I had never seen such stage fright since I was twelve, and had to piss off the back of my uncle's fishing boat, while everyone watched. This was ridiculous. We had all survived finals before. I didn't understand why everyone was suddenly freaked out. Being a man of action, I needed to solve this. "You're all a bunch of wimps," I...

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"This can't be real!" I shouted from my position on the floor. Slowly I backed up in fear. Laughter rang thorughout the abandoned church. "A church? Really?" a womans voice asked. "how so...unoriginal. You've got to be the 12th human who's summoned me inside of a church." I couldn't speak, both because of fear and awe. There standing before me was perhaps the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life. Her skin was a nice shade of olive, and it looked so smooth and natural, yet...

Mind Control
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Nana is so happy you came to visit her

"My, my. Where did those things come from? You didn't even wear a b cup bra last i seen you." I stepped back, checking her from head to toes. "Look at you! You became a really pretty young woman with all these nice curves." She blushed nicely. It was cute. Oddly, i thought she'd be taller than me but i guessed she took from the little shrimp her mom fucked many years ago. We took your stuff from her trunk and got inside. We went in the kitchen. I served us some limonade. She kept...

2 years ago
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RetributionChapter 11 Mexico

“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ariana Marie Intimate POV Anal

Ariana Marie’s asshole gets filled with Jules’ massive cock! Ariana’s looking sexy as ever in her metal studded lingerie with matching collar and wrist cuffs as she teases you while sitting in the sunlight. She shakes her body, giving you a peek at her pretty pussy though her sheer panties while she rubs herself before crawling over to Jules. Ariana pulls down his shorts and gets to work sucking and stroking his thick cock, making sure to spit on it and rub it against her nipples too. She sucks...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 21 A Perfect Job for Ruthie

January ended on an ominous note for both Mike and Ruthie. Mike received an e-mail from his sister Colleen telling him that his parents had held a garage sale and sold off about half of their furniture. Even more disconcerting was the news that Mr. Sinclair had given Mike's sister all of his LP's and instructed her to sell them on the Internet. She found a collector that bought the entire collection, along with the record player. Once the sale was final and the records were shipped to the...

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Tendencies Part Two

His words crawled right between my legs and made my clit tingle. “Who said that I needed to be fucked at all?” My face burned as I shifted in my seat. The look on his face said it all. He knew me. Well. By this point, I guess that he should. He had been fucking me for three of the last four years that we worked together. Sex was great with him, it always was. Although we worked in different capacities, our roles were closely aligned and we collaborated on an almost daily basis in some way. He...

Office Sex
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Or more appropriately: Me, My Ex- Girlfriend and Her Best Friend Prologue: Winter 2006 I had just turned 27 years old.  I was living in a garage apartment in Florida.  I was writing every day and had just gotten a deal to publish my first book with an added three book deal signing bonus.  I was seeing a girl named Amanda that lived next door to me.  She was beautiful and we were both healthy and happy.  Life had finally settled down.  Things were looking up and the future was...

3 years ago
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Hardcore Revenge Sex 8211 Part 3 Fucking the moms

Till now, we saw how Raj blackmailed the bride in front of her throat fucked husband in their marriage. And he took both the bride and groom’s mothers to the room to discuss the issue. I like the older women in front of me. A 56-year-old and a 59-year-old. Both are very obese and sexy looking. But what type of man needs age to fuck a woman. They just need a pussy and boobs. And what do women need in return? A long penis. I do not know whether they are happy to fucked by a 6-inch long and...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 23

When I went back to Erica’s office, I tapped on her door and Becky opened it after peeking out to see who it was. “Josey, get in here. We’ve just made plans with Lou Ann to help us have fuck and suck party in the theater.” They told me all about their plans and I was as excited as they were. Since Lou Ann was out of school today, she had made plans to spend the day with Mona in her office and she was hoping they’d get to go out on a call in her patrol car. A little before noon, I picked...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Gift

Hi people! This is my first time of writing an erotic story so apologies for anything that isnt good, and comments and ratings will be taken in good heart.*Names have been changed throughout the story. Also apologies in advance, if there isnt much sex wise in this story, but more will happen next chapter, if people want another chapter.Chapter 1.Hi there, my names Natasha. I'm an average girl, who is 5' 5'', 8 and a half stone and long blonde hair. I suppose I dont have a bad figure and I'm...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Hurt. By Tanya H. I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel, I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real. (Trent Reznor) I ran. Swearing and vile words followed, but couldn't catch or slow me. Cloaking myself in night I escaped the fat slob; his stench, sneers and urgency for my mouth and body. The phone I'd snatched from the cab I threw, no use to me, though clearly expensive. When it splashed I laughed. The bastard probably used it most for porn, for leering at...

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Fucked My Boss Business Partner

Hello friends…I am Raj, 31 yrs old, 5.10”, average looking, married guy working for a Stock Broking firm in Kolkata. I am new to this site and like it so much that i decided to write my own story … Mail me your comments on . It happened around 5 Years Back. The atmosphere there was excellent as in with lot of good colleagues around. The worry of my life was her (Sangeeta), she was my Boss’s Business Partner & his Bed Partner too (I suppose). She was in her 30’s, 5’ 4” tall and good looking....

4 years ago
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A Unique Shade Of Violet

That was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now.  It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it.  He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going.   It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly.  He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now.  Just the...

Oral Sex
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Cat Fight 19 Space Battle

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks Malant -  2 1/2 months quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco...

4 years ago
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Frigate CoveChapter 7 The Changing Tide

Cam waited until after nine the next morning before he called the hospital. "Can you tell me if Ms. Glynnis Urquhart is allowed to have visitors, please," he asked the receptionist. "Let me check, Sir," she said, pausing for a moment before speaking. "No, Sir. She is still in Intensive Care. Are your Mr. Stuart?" she asked. "Yes, that's right. Is there a problem?" "I can't answer that, Sir, but Doctor Chan would like to see you on Monday morning." "Oh ... okay ... what...

2 years ago
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My Mothers Best Friend

My mother and Mrs. Robinson had friends for as long as I could remember. I have also had a major crush on her ever since I started liking girls. Mrs.Robinson was a nice lady. She was my mom's best friend so I knew it would only be a crush. What was I to do? If I told her how I felt she'd have given me the "that's so cute" line. Something I truly didn't want to hear. I kept my feelings to myself. After I graduated from college I went to stay with my mom. The arrangement we made was perfect. I'd...

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Summer Rain

Summer Rain by Carol Collins The moon was bright and full in the cloudless nighttime sky. The light from the moon and millions of stars reflected in shimmering ripples across the surface of the lake. Around the shoreline, parked in cars and sitting on park benches, people in love behaved in ways that were as old as Mankind. Some kissed. Some made love. Some talked. Some were content to simply hold hands and enjoy each other's presence. Jimmy and Suzy cuddled on the front...

2 years ago
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My first timean unexpected pleasure

I spent the summer of 1983 in New York with my dad and stepmom. I was 18 and was in between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I had a cool job as a bank messenger on Wall Street and plenty of time on my hands. I used that time to hang out in Times Square which, at that time, was porn heaven. Many hours were spent looking at all kinds of loops in the peep booths. Everything from guy/girl, lesbians licking and sucking sweet pussies to shemales and crossdressers. I had seen my first...

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rainy night part 2

I said how about this weekend you and I take off somewhere? She said how about next weekend so we can actually plan something? He said that sounds fine Lynne. They had just finished dinner when there was a knock on the door and Bill was getting up and Lynne said I will get it. Lynne went to the door and when she opened it there stood a woman with big breasts wearing a too tight half shirt and jean shorts that looked like they had been painted on. Hello can I help you Lynne asked/ Yeah...

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Daddys Little Girl

Daddy’s Little Girl I was always told that I was daddy’s little girl. Mom told me that almost every time. She would say, “Daddy’s little girl doesn’t wear panties under her nightgown.” “Daddy’s little girl wears short skirts and sits with her knees open.” “Daddy’s little girl kisses his cock goodnight.” “Daddy’s little girl lets him pinch her nipples.” Mommy was always telling what I should do as Daddy’s little girl, so when I was thirteen years old I didn’t know any better. We...

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WizardChapter 12

Two weeks later, Jayne was setting up residence next door. Taffy, still sad at the loss of Ted, was glad for the company. Jayne had the twins and Taffy, plus getting re-established to take her mind off Ted's death. The union lawyers were mounting a case for a large compensation package. Life was returning to some semblance of normalcy. The babies were thriving and Taff was fully into 'mother mode'. Between her and Jayne, they would have to be the most well cared for kids in the...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 8 Who Brings Boys to Malls

Tony settled into a hard chair in the food court at the mall and began sipping his Coke and leafing through the latest issue of Road & Track. One of these days he really was going to own a Porsche he thought. It was one of those things you couldn't ever really justify buying; then again he did drive a new Celica GT-S. He had bought it mainly based on the recommendations from this very magazine as being a reliable low-end sports car with better than average performance. More importantly...

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