FidèleChapter 43 free porn video

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“So, do you have anything you want to tell me?”

The ice in Bill’s voice reached deep inside his guts and stabbed at everything within reach, but there was nothing to do but endure it. “Do you really need to hear me say it? Do you want to hear me say it?”

“Humor me.”

No way out but through. “We had an affair, Kathryn and I. We had sex.”

“Is that it?”

“No. We...”

“You what?”

“We fell in love. We are in love.”

“And where was I while this soap opera was unfolding?”

Luke couldn’t look at him. “Home, sometimes. Mostly not.”

“So you decided that it would be fun to take advantage of my absence and screw both my wife and me.”

“It wasn’t...”

“Let me tell you how it was, and you can let me know what I got wrong. You met Kathryn at a bar, and like everyone else who’s ever met her, you decided that you wanted her. Nothing happened that night, because she still remembered that she was married and you didn’t get her drunk enough to forget. But then you discovered a back door and wormed your way into our lives. And once you were there...”

“No. Seriously, no. That’s not how it happened.”

“It is. It’s just not the version you tell yourself.”

“But it’s not ... it’s...”

“Then go ahead and tell me the story that’s going to make me feel better.”

Luke finally managed to look at him. Fury, desperation, but most of all pain were fully evident on his face, and all three threatened to compress Luke’s heart into a lifeless husk. “There’s nothing that’s going to make you feel better. But I never had a strategy, and though I know it doesn’t mean much to you right now, I debated taking the job until the last possible moment. Yes, I wanted her, but as you say so does everyone. Yes, while lying awake at night staring at the ceiling, I dreamed about something happening. But I didn’t expect it, and I didn’t plan for it. And I absolutely didn’t want to hurt you. You were my...”

“If the word ‘friend’ passes your lips right now, so help me god, I will put my fist straight through them.”

Luke sallowed hard and nodded, accepting that this was how it was going to go until he was allowed to leave. “I had no idea how she felt about me, or if she had any thoughts about me at all, and in the beginning I did everything I could to keep my feelings to myself. I’m sure I wasn’t always successful, but I did try. I didn’t realize how she felt about me until...”

“You can spare me the lurid details. She told me everything.”

“She said she would.”

“Yes, even though it takes her a while, she always follows through on her emotional commitments, though apparently not on her promises of fidelity. Whereas your abilities in both realms leave a lot to be desired, you deceitful little shit. Given the choice between respecting a marriage and an old family friend, or fucking my wife, which one did you choose, and how long did it take you to make that choice? Don’t worry, I already know the answer to both.”


“Ten days. That’s how little I, my marriage, and your self-respect meant to you.”

“Bill, I...”

“You’ve lost the right to call me by my first name.” Bill glared at him for a while before continuing. “I’m surprised you don’t have more to say for yourself.”

“In my defense? What would be the point? I don’t have one, because there isn’t one aside from the fact that I love her. I don’t know what I could possibly say that would change things, or make anything better for you. It happened, and you apparently know all about it. I know you’ll never believe me, but I really am sorry that we did this to you.”

“So you both claim. And you’re right: I didn’t believe her when she said the exact same thing, so there’s no chance in hell that I’m going to believe you.”

“I...” For the first time since his arrival, Luke noticed that Bill wasn’t wearing his wedding ring. He experienced a wild riot of emotions at the sight, but exerted a tremendous effort to keep them from his face. The effort failed.

“Don’t get too excited. I couldn’t stand the sight of it anymore. And even if it means what you hope it means, what makes you think that I’ll let the two of you be together?” His tone was low and menacing. Neither the comment about kicking him out a window, nor about putting a fist through his face, had felt like genuine threats, but for the first time a genuine thrill of fear shot through Luke. It sounded less like a threat than a promise. “You probably thought you could run off somewhere and be untouchable. You forget who my friends are. I could make both your lives so difficult that your only alternative would be to live out the rest of your days in separate and solitary misery. And I still might do exactly that out of pure spite, because you both deserve it.”

Choking back a gasp, Luke asked, “Is that why I’m here? Am I supposed to beg you to to take it easy on us? Because if that’s what you want, I will, especially for her sake. Is this some sort of negotiation?”

“If it is, you’re in way over your head. Because you’re finally realizing that I could do it, aren’t you? And it hurts, doesn’t it? The thought of losing her — of having her snatched away right when you thought you might have a future with her — doesn’t it make you hate the sort of person who’d do such a thing?”

Luke gulped, desperate to escape a room he felt closing in on him. “Yes,” he whispered.

“Good. Because that’s about one percent of how much I despise you right now.”

“And Kathryn?” he asked, suddenly concerned for her wellbeing.

“I strongly suggest that you keep her name out of your mouth while you’re in my presence.” Luke kept his lips tightly shut and nodded. “You know the biggest reason I hate you, Luke? It’s not because you and a whole bunch of other people had sex with my wife. It’s not that you did all this right in front of me and lied about it. It’s not even because you fell in love with each other. No, it’s because you both took me for some sort of goddamned idiot.”

“We didn’t...”

“Yes you did, and I’ll tell you how.” He leaned back in his chair. “I knew all along.”

Luke was stunned into silence. The threat and fury drained out of Bill’s face, leaving only emptiness and regret. Behind all the anger and bravado, he was a broken man. Luke forced himself to stare at the shell and accept responsibility for his role in hollowing it. It was one of the worst feelings of his life, especially as he knew he deserved it.

“When I started working so much more, and especially when all the travel started, I knew exactly how much I was hurting her. Hurting our marriage. And even though it would’ve permanently damaged my name and my reputation, I was on the verge of walking away from my most difficult clients just so that neither of those things would keep happening. But then you came along, and I made the third biggest mistake of my life. In case you’re wondering, the first and second were taking on those clients in the first place, and not throwing your card in the garbage the moment she handed it to me.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have to tell you that Kathryn always wanted certain things I couldn’t bring myself give her. I never thought she’d cheat on me to get them, but I was apparently mistaken about a great number of people’s honesty and integrity. But because I thought I could trust in the fundamental strength of our marriage, I made a terrible decision that I’ll regret forever. I decided to give you two the opportunity to have a little fling.”

“You what?”

“The fact that you’re surprised is exactly why this enrages me so much. Within moments of walking through my front door, you lied to me about the fact that you two already knew each other. Both of you did, though she at least had the courtesy to warn me that she’d play along, and that I should too. You don’t think I saw right through you when you pulled that shit? Do you think I got where I am today by ignoring signs and signals that blatant?”

Luke was stunned into silence for a while, but finally managed to whisper, “She was right.”

“I didn’t catch that.”

“She was right. Ka ... sorry, she said that she suspected you knew. Or at least that you’d figure it out. I didn’t believe her at the time, because I couldn’t imagine it, but she was right.”

“Well, would you look at that? It turns out there’s one more lie she didn’t confess to me after all. One more misguided attempt to spare my feelings. Unfortunately, you’re both long past deserving credit for the insight.” He sighed. “When you arrived, I hadn’t fully committed to anything, but then I saw the way you two looked at each other at dinner. I listened to the way you talked about your work and the way you talked about each other. After a few days, it was absolutely clear that she was just as interested in you as you were in her. And that’s when I made my fatal error. I didn’t say or do anything to stop it. In fact, I pretended I had no idea.”

“I don’t understand. I know I’m the very last person you want to hear ask this question, but why?”

“You’re right, you are the very last person. She was unhappy, and growing unhappier by the day. She was also angry, and growing angrier by the day. We were doing something we’d never done before: fighting without quite being able to get things back to normal once the fight was over. And I was desperate, trying to find a solution that wouldn’t require me to sacrifice everything I’d worked for. Another fatal mistake, and the one for which I’m most to blame. I didn’t choose work over her, but I sent her a far too obvious signal that it was a sacrifice I was temporarily willing to make.”

“I knew I could never tolerate being present for all the things she wanted. I tried, but in the end I just couldn’t. And so, I figured that maybe she could have some of them while I wasn’t around. I’d look the other way, she could temporarily salve her unhappiness by having a brief affair with someone who would never be a permanent presence in her life, and by the time you were gone, all my professional chaos would be settled and I’d be able to be a better husband again.”

“Of course, you had a front row seat for every single one of my miscalculations. I thought she’d hold out a lot longer than she did. I thought you would, too. I thought you’d both feel more guilty about it. I thought I’d be home more often, but the opposite turned out to be true. Even when it become obvious that you two had gotten out of control, I still didn’t suspect that love would be involved; that’s one hell of an acting job that you both managed to pull off. Near the end, when you were coming up with one pathetic excuse after another to extend your stay, I started firing warning shots across your bow. I was surprised that you didn’t appear to notice, but even then I didn’t reach the right conclusion.”

“I did notice. But you’re right; by then it was too late, and nothing short of forcible eviction would’ve changed the situation. When did you finally work it out?”

“I knew about the sex right from the start. About an hour after she stormed out of this very apartment and went back to the lake after that charity gala, I realized that I’d practically thrown her at you. That, it turns out, was my last chance to stop it before anything happened. And then, the very next day, she’s taking a completely unplanned trip to Oregon without giving me anything more than a quick call from the airport. She didn’t even stop by the office to say goodbye. Only an idiot couldn’t figure out what she was running from. The extent to which you two treated me like a blind fool makes me so goddamned furious.”

“So why didn’t you stop us then? Or at least say something? We hadn’t gone very far. It wasn’t too late.”

“Trying your hand at being a marriage counselor, you shitheel? I didn’t stop you because I was partly responsible for it happening in the first place. It was how I stupidly handcuffed myself; stopping you would have revealed my complicity. If I intervened with her, she’d know that I’d intended to allow it, which wasn’t something I wanted her to know because I was afraid she’d think it was an indefinite pass. If I intervened with you, I’d have to explain why I sent you away two weeks into an unfinished job, possibly with the same result. So I decided to let it run its course. Again, this was all predicated on my inability to even consider that she’d fall in love with you.”

“Then I’m really, truly sorry for what I’m about to say, but that’s something you should’ve known might happen. Not that she’d fall in love with me, necessarily, but that she was likely to feel love for someone with whom she was having ... I mean, you probably know even more about her past than I do, and...” Luke trailed off, nervously gnawing on a fingernail, terrified that he’d overstepped his bounds as he watched the fury return to Bill’s expression.

“You arrogant asshole. Don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t know about my own goddamned wife.” He looked like he was about to leap over the desk and assault his guest. But then, like a cord snapping, he slumped even lower in his chair. “Unfortunately, you’re right. I did know, but I was so distracted and conflicted that I forgot. I never should have forgotten.” It felt as if Bill was on the verge of tears, and for all his guilt and fear, Luke retained enough respect for a man he’d irreparably harmed to hope he’d avoid breaking down in front of someone who’d hurt him so badly.

He overcame it after a few minutes of struggle, but went on in an even more defeated tone than before. “The worst part is that I had one more mistake to make. Despite everything I knew, I thought it was over. You were gone, I was home, and we were still together. I kept a very close eye on on her after that, and I knew she hadn’t seen or been in contact with you since you left. She seemed happier with me than she’d been in a long time, and while I knew some of it was her trying to make it up to me, I also assumed it was because my wretched plan had somehow worked. Of course, now I know that it was all just another enormous sewer of lies. My travel never stopped, but I filed the insanity I’d allowed in our past, and decided to focus on our future. And then, one day, I got an offer. An escape from the immensely frustrating professional life I was leading to do something good for a change. Tremendous good. But there was a catch: I’d either have to travel even more, or we’d have to move.”

He dropped his head into his hands for a moment before sitting up straight. “I didn’t think it would be such a big deal. I should’ve just said no, but instead I kept coming back to the fact that I knew she felt isolated and lonely at the lake, and I thought she might jump at the chance to be somewhere else. I stewed over it for a week or so. And then, one night, I went home and told her all about it. She didn’t say much or ask any questions, which should’ve been my first warning. She just listened. When I was done, she made me a cocktail and changed the subject. I don’t remember the exact day this happened — and I should, because it was the day I definitively ended my marriage — but you do.”

Trying to suppress a surge of emotion at what he’d just revealed, he asked, “I do?”

“Two days later, she invented a nonexistent meeting and met you for coffee.”


“When I came home that night, it was like she was a million miles away. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that the meeting hadn’t gone well. Except that every single time that sort of thing had happened in the past, we’d always talked about it afterwards. She couldn’t even bother to come up with a plausible cover story.”

“After that, the lies and deception started to accumulate. Not long after that, I knew that you two were back to your old tricks. I did everything I could do to stop traveling, even though it was doing massive damage to my reputation. But it didn’t matter. Given the smallest window of opportunity, she kept running back to you. At that point, I knew it was almost certainly too late, but eventually I gave her an ultimatum. Not about you — I still hadn’t told her I knew about you — but about the job offer. She coldly informed me that she needed some time alone to think about it. It was one of her most brazen lies, and I can’t believe she didn’t immediately realize that I knew it was a lie, but by then I was so used to her lying to me that maybe neither of us cared anymore.”

“How did you know it was a lie?”

“She virtually ignored me for the rest of the week, and then she spent the next four days at your apartment. I’m guessing you didn’t pass the time discussing my job prospects.”

There’s no need to inquire about the obvious, I guess. “Am I still being watched?”

“Yes. Don’t worry, there are no bugs or hidden cameras in your apartment, and there aren’t any filthy pictures or videos sitting in a private investigator’s safe. Knowing when people come and go, and having evidence of those movements, is more than enough to build all the case I need, and it’s not like you two were going out of your way to hide anything. Plus, seeing anything in more detail would make me throw up. It would also make it far more likely that you’ll leave here missing some fingers. But you should know that, even though I wish I didn’t, I have a very detailed knowledge of your sordid little life. Is that curvy black-haired tart the waitress?”

“She not a tart.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but she is a waitress at Caveau, and that’s where she met you and Kathryn during your twisted version of a night on the town. I told you, I know as close to everything as anyone ever could. She also had sexual relations with my wife on two separate occasions, and during the latter she knew Kathryn was married. Were I you, I’d rethink your attempt to defend her honor. And the other one sure sluts around, doesn’t she?”

Luke felt his own ire rising, but realized he had no legitimate defense; Liz hadn’t hesitated for a moment to jump into bed with Kathryn, either. Still, he had to try. “Be as angry as you want at me, but please don’t blame them or call them names. Almost everything they know about your wife is based on what I’ve told them. Nor did ‘the waitress’ know Ka ... your wife was married until long after their first time. And being open and free about sex doesn’t make someone a tart or a slut. You know, maybe if you’d tried to...”

“Go ahead, motherfucker. Go ahead and say it. Tell me that if I’d only let Kathryn sleep around or taken her to sex dungeons, I’d still be happily married. Test just how close I am to putting you in the hospital.”

“I just...”

“Your free-spirited girlfriend isn’t a slut because she has lots of sex with lots of people. She’s single, she can do whatever or whoever she wants. But she knew my wife was married and had sex with her anyway. All three of you did. So no, I don’t actually have to respect either of them. And especially not you.”

Luke just swallowed, for there was nothing he could say. Though he didn’t want to hear it or face it, and he still didn’t like hearing people he cared about insulted like this, Bill wasn’t wrong.

“And that leads to another thing that I can’t get over. The two of you knew, of course. Irina knew, your blonde friend knew and took my money anyway, that photographer and his woman knew, your waitress and your other girlfriend knew ... hell, even Sevinay knew ... and not one of you respected me enough to tell the truth. Plus, there are deliverymen out there who’ve had their eyes and hands all over my wife, yet still had the audacity to shake my hand and chat with me like a goddamned chump.” He’d worked himself back into a thunderous rage. “Can you understand how emasculating that is? How much it makes me want to do exactly the same thing to you, except a hundred times worse?”

The fear returned. Bill seemed like he might be on the verge of violence. His fists were tight, white-knuckled balls, and he was breathing heavily, staring daggers at Luke. His next words seemed calmer, but there was a lurking threat behind them that grew as he spoke.

“After her little vacation to ‘think about it’ by planting herself in your bed for a while, she came back to the house, sat me down, and broke my heart. She told me everything, in excruciating detail. And then she hit me with her own ultimatum. She said she’d be willing to stay married to me, to do her best to love me as much as ever, and even to move so I could take a job that wouldn’t do so much damage to our relationship, but that unless I could change and give her at least some of what she’d always wanted, she could never again promise fidelity.” He let that hang in the air for several tension-filled minutes until Luke couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

“And... ?”

“Even though she’s treated me and our marriage with such incredible disrespect and contempt, I’ll never stop loving her. But that’s something I couldn’t accept.”

Luke’s heart leapt.

“Didn’t I warn you not to get your hopes up?” He stood, reaching into a drawer and extracting a large manila envelope. “While I’ve gotten a certain satisfaction out of yelling at you, I knew it wouldn’t really fix anything. I’ve enjoyed your panicked expressions much, much more than the yelling, especially because they’re justifiable. And that’s why the one I’m about to plaster all over your sickening face is the one I’m going to enjoy most of all.”

He tossed the envelope onto the desk, far away enough from Luke that he realized it wasn’t meant for him, but rather as the prelude to a point. “This is the first step on the short road to our divorce. I guarantee that she will sign it, or I will make both of your lives a living hell until she does; hers because I want her out of mine, yours out of pure spite. Until it’s approved by a judge, which would normally take a while, but won’t because of my connections — not that I think she’ll fight me on anything — she can choose to live here or at the house, and we’ll figure out an equitable division of assets,. When it’s over, I’m retaining both properties. You will not, by the way, resume your sordid affair in any property we jointly own unless you want to suffer serious consequences. One more thing: I’m keeping all the wine, save for one very specific set of bottles that you know I don’t want. But you won’t get those either. They’ll be opened under the supervision of my lawyer and flushed down the toilet, one by one. Yes, it’s a giant middle finger to both of you, but especially you, and I’m just petty enough to raise it.”

“Despite a still-burning desire to do so, I’m not going to actively come after you in all the ways that I could, but I will make your life here increasingly uncomfortable. If you see me on the street, walk the other way. If you see me in a restaurant, or a bar, or any other business, leave. Even if you were there first. If you’ve taken a job working for one of my friends or professional acquaintances, cancel it before they do. You already know you’re going to have to move, whether or not you’re accompanied on that journey, so you might as well start planning and packing now.”

“Just in case you think I’m not serious about any of this vindictiveness, I want you to understand all the collateral damage you two have caused. I forced Kathryn to fire Irina, and there’s a clause in this petition that prevents her from setting foot on the lake house property anymore. It’s going to be rough on her finances until she can find another job, but she should’ve thought of that earlier. That also means no more guesthouse meetings with her new girlfriend, but considering that they both knew about you two, and one of them was sleeping with my wife, I really don’t give a shit about their relationship. I also fired Sevinay.”

“No...” Luke’s guts churned and his eyes ached. This is exactly the kind of conflagration that Wendy warned me about. Irina did too. How could all three of them not hate both of us after this?

“She took it pretty well, all things considered, but she also showed me a side of her that I’d never seen before. She thanked me for all my help and promised me that she understood why I had to let her go, but then she had the audacity to look me in the eyes and tell me that I bore an equal share of blame for everything that happened. I haven’t decided if she’s right or not, but that indecision is the only thing keeping me from making sure she’ll never be hired by any of my friends. Out of all of you deceitful motherfuckers, she’s getting off the easiest. That said: after Kathryn’s, hers was the betrayal that blindsided and hurt me the most.”

“What’s yet to be determined is just how much I’m going to hurt you. And so, this next part is where you will sit there and watch as I decide your future. I wish the irony was as delicious as it seemed on paper, but I’m really not capable of feeling anything but hatred for you. Still, I’m offering you a choice. That’s more than you ever offered me, and just part of why I’ll always be a better man than you. Are you ready?”


“I don’t actually give a shit if you’re ready or not, I just wanted to watch you squirm a little longer. I need an answer from you, and you’ll start giving it to me immediately upon the cessation of my question or I’ll consider it unanswered. Here goes: if I allow you and Kathryn to be together — and don’t for a minute believe that your future together is assured even if I don’t interfere, because for reasons that should be obvious she absolutely does not hold you blameless for what will be the very public and extremely unpleasant dissolution of her marriage, nor for the pain you’ve managed to cause others, including one of your closest friends — what are your actual intentions? How and where will you live? What kind of future do you think the two of you can have?”

He sounds like an overprotective father trying to decide whether or not to let his daughter get married. As ridiculous as it is, this is something I have to get right, or he’ll do to me what he did to everyone else. I’m finally convinced he’s both capable and willing.

“My love for her has never wavered, and if she’ll have me, it’s my intention to spend the rest of my life with her. I don’t mean this as a comment on your marriage, but I’m committed to giving her everything she wants, and I believe that I can. As for the details, we’ll move somewhere else and build a life together. It won’t be easy, and we’ll both have to give up much of what we’ve known, but I’m prepared to make that sacrifice. I’m aware that my skills are more easily transferrable and that it will be harder on her, but I’m ready to support her in every way possible. Most importantly, I’ve no doubt that I can make her happy, because I already have.”

Bill scowled at the last part. “I notice you didn’t claim that you couldn’t be happy without her.”

“That didn’t seem like a wise thing to admit to you.”

“You’re goddamned right about that.” He returned the envelope to its drawer and collapsed into his chair. “You’re responsible for explaining this to your parents, because I see no reason to end my friendship with them, but do it soon or the version of the story they hear first will be mine. If I’m ever forced to see you and Kathryn together, I will hurt you. Not necessarily physically, but quite possibly permanently. If you somehow doubt that threat, don’t doubt this one: I can make it impossible for you to work again at any level above checkout clerk. Don’t test my resolve.”

He looked like he was only minutes away from a complete breakdown. “The only reason you’re getting away with your limbs and most of your reputation intact is the most unlikely one imaginable: I still love her, and despite everything you two have done to me, I won’t ever stop loving her. So that’s my final warning to you. You’re going to have to work for it, but I’m giving you a chance to make her happy. If you try and fail, and I find out about it, I’ll burn you alive and piss on the remains. Are we clear?”

“We’re clear.”

“Then get the fuck out of my life.”

Luke staggered into his apartment. The moment the door closed behind him, all the wrenching emotions of the past hour coalesced into a wretched nausea. He barely made it to the bathroom before voiding his guts.

A while later, having cleaned up as much of the mess as he could, he sat on the floor in a cloud of despair and wondered what he should do. Everyone’s going to be so angry at me. Wendy, Irina, innocent little Sasha, even poor Sevinay. I can’t deal with Liz right now, and at the moment I don’t even deserve Olivia’s help. I know I can’t get anywhere near alcohol without endangering my life, but I have to do something. He stared at his phone. Kathryn. I have to talk to Kathryn.

But when he picked it up to make the call, he saw that he’d received emails from several of the people whose names had been darting in and out of his thoughts. Emails from people who usually communicated via other means. Shuffling to the table, he opened his laptop and read them in the order he thought he’d find least debilitating.

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Ivy Wolfe wakes up beside an empty bed. Carter Cruise left the center and Ivy is about to do the same. This place is not healthy and she needs to leave, but Magdalene St. Michaels doesn’t want her to leave. She asks her to pass by her office one last time before she makes her decision. Ivy agrees, but only for a few minutes. When she sits in Magdalene’s office, she finds a venerable and different person. Magdalene opens up to Ivy, and tries to explain that by treating those girls...

3 years ago
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Exposed Hotwife Part 01

NOT MY STORYA new story, writing at the request of another nicely evil member. Mmm, Thanks for the victim's photos. Sorry, I'm not sharing those. lolChris is a 45 yr old school teacher. She has bleach blond hair, and an attractive body for her age. Her and her husband enjoy a secretive 'Hot Wife' lifestyle. Nothing really kinky; Just the odd man here and there. Her husband likes to 'loan' her out to his friends, as well as powerful people in their community. Many perks come from the later;...

3 years ago
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Secretary walks the walk of shame

Catherine has always been above everybody else in the office; after all she was the Personal Assistant to the boss. Immaculate make up, glowing red lipstick, blow dried hairstyle, tanned and every single day of the year without exception dressed in proper business attire. The typical high powered female business executive in a jacket and skirt, a blouse, shiny panties and fantastic high heels. Yes Catherine knows how to use every advantage of her heels, gaining a few inches in height to talk...

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rich boys love 17

when me and harvey faced the front of the class we listened for about 20 minutes then harvey tapped on his desk to get my attention. i looked over at him and he was rubbing him self though his jeans i reached over with my head and wispered "need some help with that?" harvey smiled and said "i cant help it you make me hot" anyway at the end off the lesson me and harvey walked out of class holding hands like we always do now. we went to the toilet and i pulled harvey jeans down and his...

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Neighbour Aunty Changed Me Part 8211 2

Hi, this is Amul again. First of all thank you for all your mails. I never expected that I can get such a huge response from you guys. I am really happy about it. For naughty chats mail me. This is the second part of the story so I would like to suggest you that people who didn’t read the first part please read it as you can get the whole idea of the scene. Thank you. To the new readers, my name is Amul. I’m 21 years old. I am 5.9″ tall and has 6 inches cock and I’m not joking. This story is...

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Tiffany Watson Hell Hike E12

By now, you know that nothing gets past the watchful eye of Ranger Dick in his quaint cabin on his own little acre of nature, especially pretty blonde teenage girls with superior ttits like Tiffany Watson. Ranger Dick has a big network of helpers feeding his insatiable desire for extreme teen sex, role play and slave training, but he’s got enough cock to go around and more than enough energy to engage in endless rough sex with these wide-eyed sluts. Tiffany is brought to the desolate...

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Captive FamilyChapter 3

"I'm glad it's you, baby!", said his mother huskily. "It's so much more exciting having you fuck me, sweetheart!" Cathy tingled all over with pleasure. Her initial fears about letting her son fuck her up the ass were almost gone, washed away by the rising heat of anticipation. Her horny young son had fucked her cunt, now he was going to fuck her asshole. The wild, incestuous wickedness of it heightened her pleasure a hundredfold. Bobby began to move his cock inside his mother's...

1 year ago
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Reality Sucks

100% fiction!I don’t much care for reality shows. So how ironic is it that my idea is now the hottest reality show on television, thanks to three sexy TV news anchors, two cute local teens I met while shopping for food, and a lovely bank-teller from across the street. Reality shows, I find, are mostly as far from reality as you can get... or they’re trite... or they’re boring... or any combination of these three. I mean, how ‘real’ is it for gorgeous young adults from southern California and...

Group Sex
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good progression

it's been some time since i made you come in the garage. neither of us has said anything about it. to anyone, or eachother. i know you'll be home alone this weekend, all weekend. you just happened to post it on facebook. totally innocently of course.i text you to ask if it's convenient to pop around and drop off that film you lent me 3 years ago. you reply saying to give you half an hour to get sorted. within 15 mins i'm closing your porch door behind me and letting myself into your open house....

4 years ago
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my fantasy

Brian had been a true gentleman. Despite the tameness of what I wanted to experience he had happily gone along with my scenario without trying to pressure me into doing anything else. His front room was warm, an open fire cracking away, whilst soft lighting added to the relaxing atmosphere. He moved over to me and ran his hands over my chest, his hot breath on my face as he kissed my neck. I thought he must be able to feel how fast my heart was beating in nervous terror. I remember standing...

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Bait and Switch Ch 4

Author's note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as i****t. While this chapter doesn't contain this, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if this subject bothers/offends you. All characters are over eighteen, as I can't abide k**dy-porn. If all this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.Also, this story in no way ties into my other stories. Sorry if there has been any...

2 years ago
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Long Drive Turned Into A Lusty Drive

Hi, this is erav again.Thank you for the reviews for the previous stories. I am here share my experience which happened on my summer vacation.Tired of repeating this but as a writer have to I am 5.8″ height with a boneless rod of 6.7 inches from Tamilnadu.Any aunties/ girls interested in me can contact me at to the story.The heroine of the story is madhu ( name not changed).She was my classmate in my 11 standard.I haven’t spoken to her while schooling.She also a reserved typical Tamil girl and...

4 years ago
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Padoswali aunty aur uski behan ki choot phad diya

Hello friends, main aaj phir apni ek chudai bhari khani sunane ja raha hu.i m from ranchi.Main subah 6 baje tution ko jata aur karib 10 baje vapas aata seema aunty apane ghar par jaise koi aurat apane husband ka intjar karati vaise hi vah khana bana kar naha dhokar mera intjar karati thi. Jaise main 10 baje unke ghar aata. Vah darvaja khola kar mera apani sexy smile se mera swagat karati. Aur jaise hi main ghar ke under aata vah darwaja band karake mujhase lipat jati aur main unhe vaha se...

4 years ago
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Rock and roll all night

I knew it was going to be a fun night, but not like this.I was off to see my favorite band play a rare live show.When I got to the gig I went straight to the bar for a quick beer before the gig. Thats where I saw her. Standing by herself, looking bored and hot at the end of the bar. Blond and red hair, old (and very tight) t shirt, short plaid skirt, fishnets, and a pair of Chuck Taylors. And the body? Well isn't it obvious? Amazing. I made eye contact and a smile, and she stared through me...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

first time oral sex blow job Rick gets hired on to work in the neighbor's yard and garden/It was 1970. I had just turned 17 when we moved to a new town. We hadspent the weekend moving furniture and unpacking boxes. Mom and dad hadgone to work, leaving me home to finish up, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door see who was there. Before me was an absolute babe! She looked to be around thirty five. Tall, jet black, shoulder length hair, tight blouse, tight slacks, amazing looking rack, killer...

2 years ago
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Multiple Personalities

Most days I am completely convinced I have multiple personality disorder. All the different emotions run through my body at any given moment, surging to the surface or getting locked away deep within myself. Each personality fights for her own space, her own unique needs, all while trying to please the beast within my groin as well.My dominant personality is Amanda. She is crazy and funny and happy all the time. She likes cuddles and sensual love, believes in true love and expects romance. She...

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An old friend visiting home

I had a former colleague from my company, living in another city. He had visited us a couple years ago and my sweet wife Ana had commented that he was a very attractive man.She was right; my old friend Joseph was a tall man, well built and handsome according to several ladies opinion…We were due to work together for a small business in his town. He invited me to travel at his town, as we developed some plans.Some days before going there, I called him, informing that I would stay at a nice...

4 years ago
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Rebeccas Peace

Rebecca's Peace By Cindi Johnson of Dallas, Texas Part 1, Wanting Maria It was one o'clock on a Friday afternoon. I had gotten off work early that afternoon, not because I had anything much to do but just because it was a nice autumn day and I had accumulated several days of unused vacation. My job as an accountant at NationsBank kept me inside and occupied, such that come the end of the week I was usually more than ready to leave work and relax. I had been working...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 46

I arrived late back from the gym at Craig’s place, about 11 o’clock and he was already there, eager to know how things had gone with Mike. “Well, I got the job with no problem and the terms seem okay. At least I will have enough cash to keep the wolf from the door, but the great surprise was what Mike and I had got up to that afternoon. If you can believe it, he invited me up to his apartment- he lives above the bar, by the way, in case you did not know - and we spent the entire afternoon...

Gay Male
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Things Happen For A Reason Ch 07

Luke and Sarah strode up the path to the Fletcher house, or rather mansion, Luke thought to himself, eyeing the large estate with trepidation. He and Sarah had argued over breakfast about how best to approach the newly-married Bree-Anne Fletcher. He’d wanted to do it alone, so had Sarah. They’d finally settled on doing it together. ‘The shock value of both of us might stun her into revealing more than she would to either of us alone,’ Sarah had pointed out, and he’d had to agree. When he...

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Introducing Miss DriscollChapter 3

Miss Driscoll’s classes never ended on time. It wasn’t that she didn’t take her job seriously - she was undoubtedly the most committed teacher at St Augustine’s - but many of her pupils didn’t want to leave when the bell rung loudly to signal the end of the lesson. For the girls, she was an aspirational figure. They saw the way she carried herself with effortless poise; her deep brown hair highlighted with blonde hanging over her shoulders, subtle makeup perfectly complimenting her smooth,...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 3 Sherry WinstonChapter 3

Sherry met him at the door. She was clothed, but that didn’t last long. “I lied,” she said, shyly, clasping him close. “There’s nothing wrong with the radiator.” She reached up for a kiss, and he gave her one, squeezing her buttocks, too. Her eyes were slightly out of focus when he pulled away from her lips, and they opened. He slid his fingers up her back, and under her arms, to caress her breasts, before beginning to unbutton her blouse. “No bra today,” he said softly. “I need you so...

4 years ago
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A New Start Ch 01

A new start .. A Serial story by Alex Carr. © 2011 *********** Part one … Her touch was like velvet, her lips so sweet. ‘You are my Adonis, Sire – my passion, my desire’ Then I felt her touch make me grow. ‘You are beautiful, a treasure to behold’ Marguerite continued stroking me with her hands outstretched, waiting in anticipation for her passion to grow with me, seeing her head go down now as I run my fingers through her hair. She loves to tantalise and tease, I know that by now,...

2 years ago
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The Club

Introduction: Julie stepped out of the cab, pulling her jacket tighter against the cold evening The Club By anon y mouse Julie stepped out of the cab, pulling her jacket tighter against the cold evening wind. Her friend Sarah followed her, paying the twenty dollar tab. Well, this is it, said Sarah cheerfully, flicking a lock of brown hair from her face. Are you sure? asked Julie, looking about nervously. Across the street from where the cab had dropped them off stood a large building, built...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 140 Domestic Responsibilities

"Got any basil in this place?" Jess grumbled one night. "Sorry, Jess, no basil," Warren told her. "Who does the shopping around here anyway?" she said. "He does," Sophie said, pointing at Warren. "Good. I'm going with you next time," Jessie told him. "Hey, if I'm going to help with the cooking, I need to help with the shopping." "OK," Warren grinned. That Saturday, Warren and Jess headed out to the supermarket. "So, you went out with Ryan last night. How was it?"...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 62

Tina was very excited. She was actually out on a real date. Her first ever! Considering the price of everything, she offered to pay for her part, but Adam declined her offer. She couldn't say she was surprised, but she felt it would have been impolite not to offer. Sarah, Brenda, Kelly and Carl were there waiting for them once they arrived and got inside. They already had a good spot in the food line. "So no problem with the 'rents?" she asked, as Allen and Tina walked up. He had yet to...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Elexis Monroe Gia Paige The Block Parent

Lesbian MILF Elexis Monroe is masturbating in her bathroom when she hears a commotion outside. It’s teen Gia Paige arguing with her overprotective father who’s driving her crazy trying to prevent her from growing up too fast. Elexis is concerned for her neighbor and volunteers to be a Block Parent, so Gia can have a safe place to go in the neighborhood. When Gia sees the Block Parent sign in the window, she rings the bell and follows Elexis into the bedroom to talk about her issues...

2 years ago
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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

1 year ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 17 Seven Days Of Sex Days 1 2

This is a fairly long story but I broke it into two parts so that you can read the first half in one sitting and find your place easier if you want to come back and read some more. Also, I would like to say that this will be the start of a seven day sexcapade for Missy involving two of her past flings. Please enjoy and rate and comment at the bottom. Happy reading!! ,) It was now Monday and mom had to work. I was left home alone and I had already began a 10 day holiday with about 8 days...

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Brady Bunch Story Challenge Past Ass Brady PhasesThats CrazyChapter 6

Brady Crazies Author’s Note: Marcia thinks that a girl who is suddenly interested in Greg is actually using him so that Greg will vote for her as head cheerleader--over Marcia. That girl’s name was Pat. This is Sci-Fi. Marcia and Pat both attended Westdale High School. The two schoolgirls along with their families had volunteered to colonize the moon after arriving on a space shuttle earlier in the year 2278. The two schoolgirl-cheerleaders had gotten themselves in a peck of trouble!...

4 years ago
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Card night with surprise ending

Last Friday I attended a card night at a good friend’s house. It was a real hot night so we played outside on the patio under the stars and the outside lights. There were six of us round the table and agreed a limit to which we could bet and as I was low on funds I was glad of the lower limits.   I had not played in years and was just filling the place of another pal who could not attend. I was very rusty but soon got into the swing of the game. We played poker and drank lots of beer as the...

2 years ago
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The ImamChapter 20

THE ADVISOR OF EXECUTIONS 21st of Rajab 1417 (December 3, 1996) Tariq waited for Asif Mohammed, Advisor of Executions for the Islamic council. Tariq hosted a dinner for this very dear friend who returned from a successful tour of India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. When he arrived, Asif looked ill, but his wife was buoyant, radiant, and talkative. She and Samira sat close together, while Tariq and Asif stood stiffly with warm tea. Asif dressed in a cotton kurta and topee, while Tariq was...

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Mr Violets revenge

"30 years ago there was a demon from another world, a powerful demon that fed on psionic energies. He was going to make the world his plaything, until a group of heroes from various worlds managed to take him down and lock him away in a cage made of silver. A cage that dampened his powers. And kept him from the young and powerful that fed him. He especially loved to feed on the young women of the world, but now he is alone. Forced to be subservient to all those weak humans that should be there...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledCast

.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Somewhere in Time - A Road Less TraveledCastCopyright© 2010 by MattHHelm "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."R. Frost

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I didnt even know I HAD one

My 22-year-old daughter now stood before me, totally nude, having followed my instructions to disrobe. Her sobs of despair and humiliation increased. She had come to me seeking a Daddy and had found instead a predator. But she knew what was expected of her as a female, bending her left knee, arching the foot and pointing the toes, posing to please. "Good girl," I remarked.And now a loud cry escaped her, coming from deep in her lungs. Strands of her long, red hair were now sticking to her large,...

1 year ago
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 14

The cab pulled up in front of their home. "Wake up my dear, we are home," he said, gently nudging the sleeping Chelsea. She had fallen asleep on his lap on the ride home. She roused, her disheveled hair falling in her face. "I'm sorry for falling asleep on your lap, Master," she said, brushing her strawberry hair out of her eyes. "That's ok little one - you were pretty tired on the plane. And the whole trip has been pretty hectic. It's only understandable that you would be tired." "Thank you...

1 year ago
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Dads best friend

My dad had a sexy good looking friend that I had the hots for for years. All I could think about was getting him naked and getting naked beside him. I wanted to fuck him bad.I finally got my chance. Mom and dad went out of town for a few days and asked him to check on me to be sure I was ok. When I knew he was coming over, I just wore my bra and panties. I have nice full tits and a tight firm ass. I wore a low push up bra that barely cover my nipples. When he walked in he stared at my full...

2 years ago
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Vacation with my family part I For LesLara84

(note: I am not the author. I have no intention of trying to plagiarize or take credit. When the real author, LesLara84, finally posts this story without any HTLM codes, I will delete this. I apologize for any harm or anything, Im just doing this because this seems like a good story. I added limited spacing but did not change any grammar, punctuation or spelling.) Vacation with my family Hi everybody! I am Stephanie or just Steph like all my friends call me and this story is about the first...

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My WeekLong Affair with a Hot Escort

This was the third time I was meeting Xena. I was having an affair with her and I had kept it a secret from my wife. What do I say? I was addicted to her or rather my cock was addicted to her pussy. And she was naughty as hell so I enjoyed doing things with her of sexual nature. I don’t feel bad having an affair with a hot escort like Xena. Once, she invited me to her apartment and she had a “friend” there. I fingered both of them and licked their pussy alternatively. It was a big success for...

Extra Marital Affair
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My Sisters Keeper

Jane was off to college at Boston University.    I was a senior in my high school, which in the back woods of Maine consisted of grades “K through twelve”.   I dreamed of someday following in Jane’s footsteps and going off to a big city, and leaving this North of Nowhere town. Maybe I was naïve, but my life was going nowhere fast.   I grew accustomed to small town antics and choose to swim nude in a stream rather than attend my classes.   Although I was very talented, my grades were...

First Time
1 year ago
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Sister swaping

Mai ek 19 sall ka ladka hu Mera naam Rakesh Hai or mere friend ka naam Haresh hai. Meri bahen ka naam Jimi hai or Haresh ki bahen ka naam Lina hai. Ham Charo ek bar Goa hamare ek Resort pe gaye the. Vaha ham char hi the. Lina bahot hi sexy ladki hai vo bahut hi bolati raheti thi khas kar mere sath or meri bahen Jimi Haresh ke saath. Mai or Haresh dono ka gay relation tha or vo meri gaand marta tha or mai uski ham ek dusareka land bhi bahot hi chuste the or Spirm bhi ek dusreka pite the. Ham...

2 years ago
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Another therapeutic clinic visit with organic medi

I regularly attend a specialist BDM clinic that caters for the medical needs of a submissive patient. Being that bit older now I go there for erection and ejaculation problems treatment. This usually consists of sensitivity tests, humiliation and several BDSM treatments including strapping with a wide leather strap, caning, anal stretching with internal examination and testicle stretching with weights. The Dr usually puts together a suitable package of treatments that I consent to without any...

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A Young Girls Introduction To SexChapter 15

Ellie was half-finished with her blowjob when the phone rang. Mr. Jones answered it and whispered something to the other party, who ellie suspected was the women they were expecting. "All right," Jones said, breaking out of his whispering. "It's a bit unreasonable, but all right. We'll meet you there in ... say twenty minutes." Without looking at Ellie, Jones got up from the bed and said, "Get dressed. We're meeting her at a place she said she likes to use. It doesn't sound like...

4 years ago
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The Mystery of MagicChapter 6 Getting Home a Little Late

After that, it was anticlimactic. She bathed for the occasion, dressed as she had been, refusing offers of a gown. Later she stood on the dais, with the King, his son and his son's wife, his wife holding the boy. Next to him stood his other sons, then King Menethil, his wife and the two Princesses Ilona, King Jotan and his queen and at the end of the line stood Bridgette. There was nothing said about the events the day before. The presentation was followed by a nice dinner, then music and...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 13 The Waiting is the Hardest Part

January-February, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I mailed the letter from the Lisle Post Office on Tuesday during my lunch break. I had no idea what Karin’s response would be, or how that would affect her visit. All I could do now was wait. I was also waiting for Friday, and dreading talking to Anala about the situation with Joyce. I was waiting, nervously, for my lunch date with Becky. And I was waiting for a call from Connie. All of those things weighed heavily on my mind at work and in class...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 42

"Morning." Hope muttered, quietly, shuffling out of the kitchen with her hands clasped around a large cup of tea. "You're up early." Marcus observed, slowing his exercise to a halt when he realised he was being watched. "You don't look like you got much sleep, either." She observed, swiping a pile of hair out of her face as she curled up onto the sofa. "It wasn't a good night." He admitted, turning to put his equipment away. "You don't have to stop just because I'm here, you...

2 years ago
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The thwarting of Napoleon Drake

“I want those launch codes!” “Never Drake, I would rather die than hand you the keys to our arsenal.” The two sets of eyes watched the laptop screen intently. Watching the first edit of a new Napoleon Drake episode together had become something of a ritual for Dylan and Heather. The show was a hit in 13 countries. The Austen Animation team had trebled in order to keep up with the demand for episodes. There was now even talk of a feature length movie version, and yet the pair maintained the same...

Quickie Sex
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Bhai Ne Randi Banaya

Hello everyone! Mera naam Shanaya haii aur ye meri 3rd story haii. Meri pichlii 2 stories pe aap sabkaa response dekh krr maine ek aur story share krrne ki sochi. Meii app sab se request karungii ki agar aapko te story acchi lage toh please apnaa feedback dijiyegaa. Mera email id hai. Aap sabka feedback mughe bahut help karegaa. Aap sab apne experience aur fantasies bhi share krr sakte hai jinhe meii apnii stories mei use krr sakuu. Please apnii suggestions zaroor dijiyegaa. Email – Mera naam...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 34

As soon as she got home each day, Mom would strip down to her panties. That was just the beginning. Lucy would often be waiting at the door for our mother. She’d throw her against the wall and passionately make out with her. Mom would reciprocate, of course - if she didn’t, she’d risk talking about sex, and she could never do that. No, far better to make out with her teenage daughter than risk revealing what an absolute pervert she was. I’d sometimes stand there and watch as my...

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Bi Crossdresser Thats Me part 3

Last stop was makeup. I always dreamed of being a passable red head. Chris said "I will show you how to do this another time. Today we'll make you passable! This is Annie she is going to help me with you makeup." I found out later that Annie was transgender. She had a beautiful smile and face and a voluptuous body. She didn't say much but went right to work.My back was to the mirror as they worked they're magic. When they finished and turned me to face the mirror I was speechless. In my...

2 years ago
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Scent SeductionChapter 6

It was two weeks since the new arrivals in the neighbourhood took up residence. I had noted that they were a young muslim couple - he acted all tough and she was subservient to him, dressed in that head to toe covering. I had tried to engage them in conversation when I jogged past but he had just ignored me. She hung back in the background, but from what I could see she was very young (based on her hands which was all I could see). I watched the cam footage from their house with interest....

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