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[Author’s note: this chapter directly follows the Prologue.]

She grabbed him arm and forced him to face her, pulling back her hood to reveal a wild tangle of flame-red hair framing brilliant green eyes. She was incredibly beautiful. She was...

“You ... you can’t be...”

He staggered backward. One step. Two. Three.

“She told me...”

He fell to his knees, ignoring a cluster of sharp pains as they struck gravel and began sinking into the mud.

“You’re ... you’re not...”

“I’ve been waiting for you, Lucas Bronson.”

Luke stared at her. Every organ, every nerve, every fluid and tendon and neuron in his body frozen in disbelief.

And then everything started working again.

“No. You’re not her. You can’t be. You’re too young. I’m ... sorry about my reaction.”

“Too young? That depends on your intentions, doesn’t it? Maybe I’m older than you think.”

“No, I mean...” His face, already flushed from trying (and failing) to hold back so very many tears, reddened further.

“You’re right, though. I’m not her.” Her expression turned grave. “I’m sorry I’m not.”

“But how can you...?”

“ ... look so much like her? Believe me, the day we met was quite the shock. Anyway, as you can probably feel, the weather’s about to turn lovely again.” Indeed, a fresh mist was already coalescing into a size sufficient for the disruptive purposes of gravity. She held out her hand and pulled him to his feet. “Come with me before the deluge resumes. I have coffee, tea, leftover roast mutton, whisky if you promise not to go cartwheeling naked into the Irish Sea, and a warm fire. I also have a washer and a dryer. Because you, Mr. Bronson, are a mess.”

“More than you know. And call me Luke,” he gasped, still trying to regain the breath he’d lost while in shock over her appearance.

“Luke I shall call you. I’m Rhoswen Maddox, but feel free to call me Rose. Everybody else does.”

She led him down the slope to her house. They were about halfway there when he realized that she was still holding his hand.

“Here,” she said, handing him a pile of flannel. “My brother left these behind the last time he visited. I think they’ll fit you. If you don’t mind wearing pajamas in front of a woman you just met, that is. You can change in that room over there, and meanwhile I’ll see about laundering your trousers. Your coat, though...” She clicked her tongue. “As much as I’ve always dreamed about a handsome man falling to his knees the moment he sees me, I’m not sure introducing that much mud to your expensive coat was a good idea.”

He stared at her, dumbfounded, before blurting out, “You don’t just look like her, you talk like her.”

“Do I?”

“Like she used to, I mean. When I first met her. Like you’re...”

“Flirting, Mr. Bronson?” she shot back with a twinkle in her eye.

“I asked you to call me Luke.”

“Let me flirt the way I want, Luke. Especially as I’m still waiting for you to go change into your evening wear.”

Eyes wide, he turned and retreated to the bedroom she’d indicated. He heard her musical laugher as it chased him through the doorway.

“This is so good,” he moaned through a mouthful of mutton sandwich elevated by an assortment of homemade pickles and spreads. “I noticed sheep in the yard. Am I eating one of your own?”

“She was a sweetheart, but it was her time,” Rose responded with a soft smile.

“Are there more I didn’t notice?”

“You’re asking if I’m a farmer? No, I’m a numbers girl. I do taxes, I do accountancy, I work with barristers and solicitors, I assist with business plans, and so forth. There aren’t that many people all the way out here, so I take on anything I can get. Anyway, I don’t think Oxford would’ve appreciated me making such extensive use of their services in order to raise sheep. It’s a hobby, and a delicious one, but I keep animals because there have always been animals on this land. I feel like I’d be letting my ancestors down if there weren’t. Just sheep and chickens, though. Cows are too much trouble, and goats cause too much.”

“So you grew up here?”

“Yes. With my parents, an older brother, and an uncle. The uncle nipped off to Australia ages ago, my brother fell in love with — and, just as importantly, in — London, and when I finished university, my parents took an early retirement and moved up near Inverness. Apparently, the weather here wasn’t bad enough for them,” she added with a chuckle. “So now it’s just me and whoever’s next for the oven, which I suppose makes me the wicked witch of somewhere. I’ve certainly got the hair for it.”

“And you?”

“And me?”

“Are you ... I mean, I don’t know if you’re...?”

“So impertinent, Mr. Bronson.” She held up her left hand, waggling her unadorned fingers and smirking at his discomfort. “I am as you see.”

He couldn’t help but stare at her, even though she’d repeatedly caught him doing so with no reaction other than an amused smile. The resemblance was uncanny to the point of impossibility. Even her body was nearly the same; perhaps a little more slender, though still with unexpectedly generous curves. It was only when focusing on specific details that the differences appeared. For Luke, it was profoundly unsettling, and eventually he was moved to repeat himself. “I still can’t believe how much you look like her.”

“Pause that thought for now, Luke. Here’s another thing she and I have in common: I like to get to the point. It makes me unpopular with certain villagers who don’t much care for that particular trait, though most of them are already disinclined to listen to a woman anyway. And so, skipping right to the end: I’ve asked my friend Manon to gather your things and bring them here.”

“How do you know where I’m staying?”

“There’s only one inn, and Manon works there. Cute, short dark hair, flirtatious by nature, asked you why you looked so sad.”

“Ah, right. I remember her.”

“You should, especially because she thought you were handsome but overburdened. She wanted to take you back to her house and ‘heal’ you,” she explained with a smirk. “There’s a longer answer to your question, but let’s save that for later. Since you’re the only guest at the moment, she’s going to pack up your room and handle your checkout. Any shocking discoveries amongst your unmentionables that I need to warn her about?”

“No shocking discoveries, save for the dullness of my color palette. But she’s really just going to stroll into my room and pack my things?”

“It’s a small village, Luke. We rarely lock our doors. If there’s no trust, none of this works. And you haven’t exactly unpacked.” In response to his frown, she added, “Manon’s also the entire housekeeping staff during the slower months.”

“It feels like I’m being watched.”

“I’m repeating myself, but it’s a small village. For better or worse, everybody knows everybody else and their business. There’s not much to do or see around here, and even if there was, you wouldn’t be here for it at this time of year. Once you arrived, it didn’t take very long to follow the clues to their obvious conclusion.”

“Since I’m being kicked out of the inn, where am I staying?”

“Not in a manger, though given the number of sheep we have in these parts, I can probably call around if that’s your preference. Tonight, you’re having dinner with me and sleeping in the room you changed in. Tomorrow ... well, we’ll discuss that later.”

“You travel more lightly than any American I’ve ever known,” groused Manon as she dragged his bags over the threshold, “and yet you still have too much luggage.” She hung her drenched outerwear on a hook, slipped out of her boots, and crossed to the fireplace, energetically rubbing her hands. In a way he hadn’t while mired in despair, Luke realized just how adorably pixieish she was. The fact he hadn’t noticed until now was yet another indication of just how lost he’d been since he arrived. He suddenly felt more than a bit awkward about what he was wearing.

Rose turned to Luke. “How long have you been in Wales?”

“It, uh, took me four days to get here from Cardiff. Four and a half if you add the trip from Heathrow.”

“Four days? Did you walk?”

“No, I...”

“Never mind, I think I understand. Manon, his car’s going to be okay where it is, right?”

“I don’t know. With the thousands of holidaymakers we’re expectin’ for this glorious week of sun and sand, we might need that extremely valuable parkin’ space.”

“Indeed,” Rose snickered. “Can I offer you some coffee? Tea? Something stronger?”

“No thanks, though the last one’s temptin’. I’m still on the clock, though with him gone it’s not like we have any customers. I should just sod off for a few hours and see if anyone notices.”

“The lads will drink you dry.”

“Ha! We’re cleanin’ the hoses, and those tossers wouldn’t know how to reconnect the taps. Anyway, the weather’s too crap to take a day off, and I should be gettin’ back.”

“What do we owe you?”

“For this?” she scoffed. “Nothin’. Maybe a back massage, since I threw it out totin’ that suitcase.”

“Of course. Do you want it clothed or naked?” Luke’s eyebrows shot up.

“Naked, of course. But I didn’t mean from you, handsy,” she said, turning her head to wink at Luke.

Rose laughed, both at Manon’s forwardness and Luke’s bewildered expression. “Seriously, let me offer you something. What would you like?”


“No one likes those. Are you sure you won’t take a chicken instead?”

“I can buy a bloody chicken at the bloody butcher. You’re the best with taxes, and you know I hate numbers.”

“And yet, they let you operate the till.”

“I’m fine when the money’s comin’ in. It’s when it’s goin’ out that I get confused,” she said through a tight smirk.

“Okay, okay,” Rose gave in, “I’ll do your taxes. Again.”

“Thanks, love. Oh, and Mr. Bronson?” Manon sidled up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, leaving her hand on its twin a bit longer. “Your receipt’s in your suitcase. I tucked it into those nice silk boxers of yours. Closest I’ve gotten to anyone’s business for a while. And if you don’t mind me sayin’ it, you already look less sad than you did. I’m not surprised, though. Rose has that effect on people. If you’re goin’ to be around for a while, look me up at the pub. I’m available for back massages anytime, though if you want me naked you’ll have to wait until we’ve closed and I’m done tidyin’ up.”


Rose cackled as Manon stepped into her boots, put on her coat, and left.

“Sorry about that. She’s not always so direct about her intentions, though I’ve seen it happen before. You must have made quite an impression.”

“I’m standing here in flannel pajamas with my mouth hanging open. I’m not sure what impression I could possibly be making.”

“Maybe she thought you were sending her a message,” she countered with a sly smile.

“I wasn’t trying to.”

“I know. I’ve been told it happens anyway.” His heart skipped at the implication; there could be only one source for that sort of information. “For what it’s worth, if you’re after an uncomplicated shag you could do a lot worse. Despite the façade, she’s a sweet girl. A firecracker in the bedroom too, or so I hear.”

“I’m not here to...”

“She’s not either. That’s why it might work. Anyway, I’m not your matchmaker or your madam. Suit yourself.”

He decided that he needed to at least try to join the banter. “Are ... this is none of my business, but that conversation about a massage got me wondering ... I mean, have you two...?”

“With Manon? Mr. Bronson, I’m shocked that you’d ask such an invasive question of someone you’ve only just met!” She waited through about a minute of his sputtering attempts at an apology before bursting into laughter again. “We were just winding you up. I have seen her naked during one of those whisky-fueled swimming excursions I mentioned, or at least in theory I have, but it was pretty dark at the time. Sorry, I don’t remember any details or I’d share them, but you can see for yourself that she has a cute little body, and I assure you that she’s not shy about showing it off, in or out of the bedroom.”

He shook his head, diverting the conversation back towards her. “I’ll take it under advisement, but like I was saying, that’s not what I’m here for. What I want to say instead is that I can’t believe I’m standing here having such lighthearted chat with someone I’ve only known for a few hours, when I’ve spent the last few days in an emotional coma. I didn’t think anything or anyone could cheer me up, but somehow you’re accomplishing it. Thank you.”

“It’s the least I could do.”

“Rose, I’m incredibly grateful, and I’m touched by your generosity and your hospitality, but why are you doing this?”

“Because eventually, someone was going to phone and warn me that a pervert was staring down at my property, trying to catch a peek.”

He gaped at her for a while before breaking into a helpless smile. “See?”

“Been a while, has it?”

“Longer than I can remember,” he answered, slowly sinking back into his depression as the memories reassembled. “It was a serious question, though. You didn’t have to take me in, do my laundry, feed me ... none of it. Yet you are, and for a complete stranger. Why?”

“I wouldn’t exactly say you’re a stranger, but don’t ask me what I mean by that yet. And speaking of laundry, if you’ve taken four days to get here, that means you’ve got more that needs doing. Pile it up by the closet over there and I’ll take care of it for you. But the answer is obvious: I’m here to help you find what you’re looking for.”

“Which is? Because even I don’t know. My grand strategy pretty much ended where you found me.”

“You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself. But if you really want to pay me back...” She studied him speculatively. “How are you in the kitchen?”

“I can hold my own.”

“Luke, this is delicious. I feel like I’ve eaten this before, yet you used so many things that came from my property in a way I’ve never seen.”

“Have you ever had shakshouka?”

“Middle Eastern stew? Eggs, tomatoes, and so on? Yes I have, and I see what you mean, but...”

“Well, you had a little more leftover mutton and you also had its fat, so I fried the rest until it was crispy and used the rest of the fat to crisp the toast. You had herbs. You obviously didn’t have chiles, but you had radishes, which offer their own kind of heat. And you had all those amazing preserved tomatoes, which is really what inspired the dish. So all that plus onion, garlic, the cheese that you said your neighbors made from your ewes’ milk, and of course those wonderfully fresh eggs. It’s more than a bit of a diversion from the original, but I really enjoyed making something that’s mostly from your own land. Let’s call it Welsh shakshouka. I can’t even imagine what the actual name would be in your language.”

She laughed, and as it had already done so often, the sound lifted his spirits and soothed his anxieties. “Don’t sell me out to the authorities, but despite my teachers’ best efforts, my only real language is English, plus whatever French and Latin I’ve forgotten since Oxford. You’d have to ask an actual expert what to call this, because when it comes to Cymraeg I’ve the grammar of a Labrador Retriever. Though I’m sure there’s a ‘y’ in it somewhere. By the way, I’m sorry I don’t have any wine to offer you.”

He’d been smiling at her self-deprecating humor, but at the mention of wine a flood of associations suddenly overwhelmed him, and he fell back into a numb sadness. “I...”

“Luke, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to stir up unwanted memories.” To his surprise, her hand was covering his.

“No, it’s okay. Really. Your kindness and your company have turned what started as a truly wretched day into a surprisingly lovely one, and I drink more than enough wine. Anyway, being here is obviously going to stir up memories, unwanted or otherwise. Isn’t that why I’m here in the first place?”

She nodded sagely. “Do you want seconds, or can I clean up?”

He flipped his hand over so that they were holding hands. She made no attempt to pull away; on the contrary, her fingers supportively tightened around his. “Join me for seconds, and then I’ll help you clean up.”

“Mr. Bronson, are you flirting with me now?”

“I’m having seconds with you.”

“Suit yourself.”

“This is really nice. It’s Welsh whisky? Penderyn is the name of the distillery, if I remember correctly. Which bottling?”

“You’re right, though your pronunciation is atrocious. It’s the...” She picked up the bottle and squinted at the label. “The Bryn Terfel. He’s an opera singer from here. There was a whole line of these, and maybe there still is, but it appears I’m down to two bottles. I suppose I should amend that.”

“Don’t tell me you’re a spirits aficionado.”

“I won’t, because I’m not. I’ve certainly tossed enough down my throat over the years, but the only thing I’ve learned is that it makes me do stupid things, like midnight swims in the altogether. I like it, though.”

Silence fell over the room, broken only by the crackling of the fire. Luke was staring at her again, mesmerized not just by her obvious beauty, but by the exquisite torture of her uncanny resemblance to someone he thought he’d never see again. Eventually, she looked up and met his gaze, saying nothing. His hands started to shake. He wasn’t sure if it presaged the imminent return of tears or something else, but he was trembling and he couldn’t seem to stop it.

She gracefully rose from her chair and held out her hand. “Luke,” she said quietly, “come with me.” She led him to a thick rug right in front of the fire and pulled him down to the floor with her. At first he was confused, then he wondered if she intended something else and his breath caught in his throat, but she was sitting with her legs crossed and indicating that he should do the same. As soon as he complied, she slid closer.

“I know you look at me and can’t help but see her. Even if the circumstances were completely different, it would be hard not to because we look so very much alike. But I’m not her, yet I bear the pain in your eyes whenever you stare at me like that. I want you to see the ways that I’m not. Give me your hand.”

It was still quivering as he reached for her, but she took it between hers and moved it to the side of her face. “I know you must have her memorized, even after all these years. I want you to look at me, and I want you to touch me as well. Explore the differences. Move even closer if you’d like. You can use your other hand, too.” With a glint in her eyes, she added, “Unfortunately, this offer only extends to skin that’s currently exposed.”

“Rose, I wouldn’t...” He started to pull away, but she stopped him.

“If this was a date, I’d gradually expose more and more skin just to see if you’d be bold enough to take me up on the invitation,” she said with a sly smile. “But I’m taking this seriously, and I want you to as well. I’m here to help you however I can, but there are so very many years of sadness in your stare, and it’s an enormous burden for me to take on all at once. If you can convince yourself to see me rather than her, even though I fully understand she’ll reappear from time to time, then I believe I can summon whatever strength you need.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think anyone has that much strength.”

“Try me,” she answered, her brilliant emerald eyes full of defiance.

She moved his hands over her skin. Tracing her ear, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose ... even her lips, during which it was impossible to deny the sensuality in their contact. He did eventually move closer, studying her features and her skin itself. He ran his fingers through her hair, watching the way it took up the firelight and seemed to move with the flames.

Finally, he backed away. “You’re right. In countless superficial ways you are her, but you’re not. You’re Rose. I understand that now. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. Rose isn’t so bad once you get to know her. But it’s true she’s not Kathryn, and she never will be.”

“That’s the first time you’ve said her name.”

“I wasn’t sure you were ready.”

“I have to say: what you just did — what you’ve been doing for me all day, really — was more like her than anything in front of my eyes.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” she said, leaning forward and hugging him. He was keenly aware of her soft breasts as they pressed into his chest, but he embraced her in turn and did his best to ignore the enticement.

“Don’t be sorry,” he replied as he eased her out of his arms. “It was a good memory. I didn’t expect to have any of those here.”

“Manon would be happy to help change that.”

“I’m sure she would,” he said, almost managing a laugh. “But as I keep insisting, that’s not what I’m here for. Plus, it would be a form of avoidance with which I’m all too familiar. Maybe I’ll change my mind at some point, but for now, especially given the setting, I can’t afford that particular distraction. Anyway, I doubt anything she could do for me could compare to what you’re doing for me.” Rose raised an eyebrow, and Luke flushed with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to suggest...”

She patted his knee. “I know you didn’t. But you should be careful about saying things like that, Luke. The last time I got near anyone’s ‘business’ was long, long before Manon’s last time.” He gulped and blushed, but it was clear she enjoyed gently teasing him in this fashion. “Now, I think we should finish that bottle before we call it a night. Assuming you’ll join me in this worthy effort, of course.”

“How much is left?”

“I’m not sure. Does it matter?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

She stood and walked around the room, extinguishing lights, leaving the room illuminated solely by the fire. He also stood, fidgeting nervously, until she flung a sofa cushion at him. “Lean that against the table.” Confused, he complied. “This one too.” Another six pillows and cushions from various pieces of furniture flew into his arms, and he arranged them under her direction. “Now, sit down and relax instead of fluttering about like a startled hen.”

Moments later, she was standing between him and the fire, holding the bottle and their glasses. “Why are you all the way over there?”

“I was leaving you room.”

“You ‘leave me room’ by sitting at the center of the pile like you’re supposed to. There. Now lean back.” As he did, she nudged his legs apart with her foot and sat down between them, sliding backward until she was leaning against his chest. Pouring an unhealthy quantity of whisky into their glasses, she handed him one and clinked them together. “Here’s to memories. Especially good ones. Most especially new ones.”

“Uh, Rose, what are we doing?”

“We’re sitting in front of my fireplace drinking whisky.”


“Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“No. Yes. No. And yes.”

“Well, that clears it all up, then. And by the way, you don’t have to let your arms flop uselessly at your sides. Put them around me. I swear, it’s like you’ve never held a woman before.” She didn’t wait for him to acquiesce or argue, tugging on both until they were encircling her stomach. “Don’t worry, I promise to throw a drink in your face if you touch something you shouldn’t.”

“You’re her again right now. This is her.”

Rose was quiet for a while before answering. “I promise you she loves this.”

“But ... look, for the sake of clarity, can I just...?”

“You really know how to kill a romantic mood, don’t you?”

“Is that what this is?”

“I turned off all the lights and we’re drinking whisky while snuggling in front of a fire. Where I come from, that’s usually considered romantic. Are customs different on your planet?”

Once again, he came dangerously close to laughing. “I just ... Rose, please listen to me. My heart and my mind are a pile of rubble, and even more so than usual because I’m here. I don’t trust anything they’re saying to me right now. My day began in a haze of misery, yet since you found me it’s been so much better than I’d ever expected, and for that I have only one person to thank. You look and sound so much like her, you feel so much like her, and as I said, what you’re doing right now is her. In fact, she and I did something almost exactly like this once, a week or so before our relationship turned physical. But I don’t know anything about you, and I’m not sure I know anything about myself anymore. I know this is exactly what you mean by killing the mood, but I have no idea what we’re doing, and before I do or say something monumentally stupid with a person who’s been unaccountably, unimaginably kind to me, I feel like I need to understand what’s happening.”

He felt rather than heard her sigh. One of her hands caressed his forearm for a few moments before returning to her lap. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I can see how this must seem like a barrage of impossibly mixed signals from someone whose very existence is the biggest mixed signal of all, at least to you. That’s because a mixed signal is exactly what all this is.” To his consternation, she pressed even more tightly against him. “Starting from the top, and being as pointed as I warned you I can be: this isn’t a prelude to sex, or at least it’s not intended to be. To be outrageously blunt, and perhaps even to fluff up your damaged psyche a bit, I would quite willingly go to bed with you this very night, even though we’ve just met. Not just willingly, eagerly. Given the circumstances, however, I think we both know that’s something that could start, go, or end very, very badly, and that’s why we shouldn’t rush into it.”

“For what it’s worth, Kathryn and I are alike in more ways than you know. That I was immediately attracted to you wasn’t just unsurprising, it was something for which I was already prepared. For me, this is like skipping ahead to what was always going to happen without all the unnecessary preliminaries and mucking about, though I understand the same isn’t true for you. Yes, my attraction to you is working in your favor in terms of my willingness to have you in my home, do your laundry, feed you my recently deceased sheep, pour you half of my dwindling stock of whisky, and at least attempt to have a romantic interlude in front of the fire. One that I hope you’ll eventually let me have, once you can bring yourself to stop whinging. But I have other, more personal reasons for everything I’m doing that we won’t discuss tonight.”

“As for what we’re doing right here and now, it’s partly about you, but it’s also fairly selfish. I live alone, as you can see. My lack of companionship is by choice, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about that lack. I have friends — Manon, as you’ve certainly already guessed, is one — but I have neither romantic interests nor casual lovers at the moment. There are good men in this area, but they’re all married, some of them even happily. The rest ... well, in a place this small it’s always complicated, and the social price for a misguided liaison is much higher, so after a few errors in judgment I decided it’s just not worth it. I miss sex, of course, but when that becomes an unmanageable problem, I go elsewhere and find someone that I won’t have to see every week at the grocer or the pub to satisfy the urge. What I can’t satisfy is my desire for touch. For contact. Unfortunately, the sheep haven’t started looking good enough just yet.”

Her joke demolished the last of his resistance, and Luke finally broke out in laughter. Rose seemed so startled that she twisted around to watch. Rather than saying anything, he pulled her back into his chest and kissed the back of her head — he wasn’t sure if she even felt it through all her hair — whispering, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. If I’d known animal erotica was the key to your happiness, I’d have led with it.”

“Well, you made me laugh. But since you’re being so open with me, I’ll do the same: unfortunately, laughter isn’t the same as happiness. I know that’s a churlish thing to say when you’ve done so much to try to change that status, and it’s an especially coldhearted thing to say when a beautiful woman is in my arms, unburdening herself of secret motivations and unrequited lusts, but it’s the sad truth. Still, you did make me laugh, and I really don’t remember the last time that happened, or at least the last time it wasn’t feigned and hollow. So maybe there’s hope for me after all,” he said, though he didn’t actually believe it.

This time, when her hand stroked his arm, it remained there. “It’s a roundabout compliment, but I’ll take it. Anyway, if this is too confusing or difficult I’ll detach and sit beside you, if that’s really what you’d prefer.”

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How porn is watched has changed a lot over the years. We now live in a golden, nay, a platinum era of porn where it is both free and plentiful. It would be harder to go a year without seeing any porn than going a year watching porn every day.The Hero We DeserveThat I ended up in this universe, on this planet, in this period of time makes me wonder if I'm the hero this world needs right now. A hero who provides order to the endless barrage of fantastic porn pouring out onto the digital streets...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My first lesbian experience

My boyfriend and I had purchased a two bedroom rancher in a rather upscale neighborhood and had been in it about eight months when I came home from work to find he had left me. There was just a short note that said he wasn’t ready to settle down into family life, sorry. Of course my life came crashing down on me, I had no inclination that he felt that way, he always seemed happy and I was totally devastated by this turn of events in my life. A couple of days later, I was sitting on my...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e8 Renae Russell 30

We begin this week’s episode in the middle of a sex scene ... No dogs here though – just two slim, young, attractive women – near naked (they each have stockings and suspenders, one is still wearing a bra) ... Rolling around on a big white bed, kissing passionately, tongues pushing into each other’s mouths – mouths open so we can see the wet contacts, tongues wrestling in a very show-offy way ... They are clearly aware of the camera. We recognise the bra-less woman by the line of dog-paw...

1 year ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 18

One hears, “That’s as hard as herding cats.” I was reasonably certain that the cats referred to are the animal, small, furry, independent, affectionate in their own manner ... but, after the first day, I’m not so sure. I will admit that the recreational craft in our convoy were not all catamarans ... they were the worst offenders. Since we were supposed to be part of the escort, it was SV Flint‘s duty to ‘Cut ‘em out, ride ‘em in, ride ‘em in, let ‘em out, cut ‘im out, Ride on in,...

1 year ago
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Beautiful Mommy And Family Members

Hello readers, this is Pradeep from Bengaluru and is staged in rural part of Karnataka and I hope you will like it. My family consists of 4 people. My dad is 50 years old and owns a garment shop. My mom Rekha is 42 years old lovely lady and she is a housewife. My brother is 28 years old and looks dad’s business and I’m Pradeep 25 years old and waiting for job. This incident took 2 years back when I was in 2nd year college. Now coming to story and my dad and mom are friendlier with me and I...

1 year ago
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The Seduction Of Me Part 2

I felt weak after my orgasm. Cassidy still had her hand on my dick when we heard our mom walk in. Boy was I scared! I told Cassidy to quickly go to her room. She nodded and left. I grabbed my book and pretended to read it. My mom walked into Cassidy's room. I heard a short conversation. I then grabbed the covers that were ironically covered in semen and pulled them over me. Trust me, that was a little bit weird!After talking to Cassidy, my mom walked in. "Hey sweetie," she said. I still felt...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 5

I pulled out the barbecue and put in new charcoal. While it started to burn, I went into the house. I raced to the kitchen and saw Laura at the wood stove cooking. Her tight bun of hair was fraying in the humid environment. I came close to her, and with clean hands held the back of her arms and got close, "Hmm, smells nice. I will be back in a minute and cook the steaks." My bath was fast, but if we had a shower, then it would be even quicker. In the mirror was the boy I used to be. The...

2 years ago
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How I became a slut

My name is Barb. I am a 53 year old, white female, 5’ 5”, 138 pounds, with 38D breasts. I think I still look very good for my age with a nice body. I have two sons, 25 and 28, and a 32 year old daughter. This is a true story that happened just over three years ago, a month before my 50 th birthday. It was the night my divorce was final from my second husband a couple years ago and I had gone out with my girlfriends to celebrate. I came home a little tipsy, but not drunk. My youngest son had...

4 years ago
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From Saint to Slut Real QuickChapter 4

That first afternoon had passed with Iris showing me over the rest of the old house. It was originally Georgian with pieces added over time. The cosy flagstone kitchen was adjacent to the comfortable living room having a lovely French bay opening onto the pretty patio garden. It was choc-full of character; Upstairs had creaky corridors leading off to various bedrooms and bathrooms. and even an old family ghost had appeared in the past apparently. The room Iris had prepared for me was on the...

4 years ago
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His Name was Man of Steel

As I was answering some of the replies to my ad, I was sent an IM from Man of Steel. There was no small talk, no attempt to hide what he was driving at- the very first message was something to the effect of “So you’re looking to suck some cock?” It was pretty obvious that he was comfortable with having another guy service him, so I didn’t hesitate to tell him that I was. We started trading messages back and forth, talking about the standard stuff: his penis size, cut or uncut, stamina,...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

It takes more than an hour to buy a suit, usually at least two days if the place has any volume at all. When it’s necessary to get clothes for a funeral in a hurry, the only option is to purchase dress pants and a sports coat. Add a tie and a new shirt, and it’s possible to show up at a funeral and look halfway decent. Wandering alone and lost in a shopping mall, Ed had no clue as to what he was doing or where to go. There were so many stores here carrying all different kinds of things, that...

1 year ago
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NikkiChapter 21

Nikki's turn: I love being treated like an adult. Like I'm an equal. All of yesterday, me and my Dan, Tina and her Alan, Cindy and HER Dan, and Susan and her Jason, we're this strange group, you know. I thought I was the only one, you know, for that last few months, that was married to a guy that much older than me. But now there's a group of us. It's comforting. Don't get me wrong, I know that I can talk to Dan about anything at all, and THIS year, I have friends at school, but you...

1 year ago
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A Cuckold By Any Other Name Part II

John did not play well at all that Sunday in the local golf club’s annual tournament. Two years ago he had won it but his form was very poor that day. Three double bogies on the nine out holes had ruined his chances. He had been in quite good form the previous weekend and was tipped by some to win it again but John had other things on his mind that day. On Saturday morning he had woke up feeling on top of the world. He had put his thoughts about being cuckolded by Frank and Kate completely out...

2 years ago
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Lashes Chapter 19

Chapter Nineteen Splinters exploded as the bullet hit the wood beam, two feet above the gymnasium doors as Sofia ran after the girls into the large empty space, the sound of the men's running feet disappearing as the doors closed behind them. Four seconds she thought, four seconds to get these girls hidden, but where? Sofia looked left and right at the white painted walls, shadows and bands of light shining off the glossy surface from the skylights above looking like demons clawing...

2 years ago
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Case Study 301 I become a seductress

Welcome back to another episode of Case Study 301: I become a seductress Once again this is a story that has themes in which the characters go back to their childhood and reveal the myriad of sexual exploits that happened to them. Some of the themes will include the description of some underage kids fooling around. If these themes are not your cup of tea then please now. This is your warning before you start. For those of you who stumbled across this chapter as small synopsis will...

3 years ago
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Julias Antwort Ein Brief aus Australien

Julias Antwort. Ein Brief aus Australien Dem verehrten Leser wird empfohlen, zuvor "Ein Brief Tante Hildas an Julia" zu lesen. Liebste Hilda, danke f?r deinen Brief, den ich mit Freude und Verwunderung gelesen habe. Verwundert bin ich dar?ber, wie du dich entwickelst. Bisher war bei uns eindeutig, dass ich das Sagen habe und du mir gehorchst. Jetzt scheint mir das nicht mehr so eindeutig. Es wird wirklich Zeit, dass ich wieder nach Deutschland komme, aber im Moment sieht es eher...

4 years ago
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Delta TrixyChapter 20 Midas touch

As per usual, Lee’s place rocked. James and I were still attending our regular sessions at the Magicians school. However, because we were part of the family if the Wizards did a Sunday and it was a long weekend due to a holiday, we were included. This public holiday was Lee’s birthday weekend even though Earth time it wasn’t her birthday because our April was about six months out from theirs. Confused, well them’s the joys of planets spinning in their own time. Plus, we had all the issues...

1 year ago
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VacationChapter 73

Day Seven-three - Wednesday "You can't fall asleep on me and expect to sleep all night." "Huh?" "This is the way you're supposed to put me to sleep." Sue was sliding her pussy up and down on my very firm, very excited ego. She was moving smoothly up and down, taking me completely into her body until the head of my dick touched the end of her channel and pulled away sliding up with her pussy caressing my entire shaft. "This feels so good and you're going to fill me up with more...

4 years ago
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By Dabria Dixxon 2016 The alarm clock blasts you awake. "Damnit" you growl and reach over and hit the snooze. It's Saturday and you should be sleeping in but "Oh NO" your wife had to get you both invited to some lame picnic with a bunch of her boring, stupid friends. You would much rather sleep in, and lounge in front of the tv most of the day. The alarm goes off again and you roll over to find your wife not sleeping next to you. You have a raging morning wood and you sigh in...

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Community Involvement Ch 03

Autumn was already upon us, daylight saving was due to end, and Easter was only weeks away. The year was passing away too quickly, but the unexpected delights of starting a sexual relationship with the woman next door were certainly a highlight, to say the least. However, it had been quite a few weeks since our last meeting, which, like I have said previously, was not all that unusual given our respective busy lives, but the impending school holidays would make the ache to be with her again,...

1 year ago
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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 9 Lisirra

“Jason, you will be fully conscious during the trans-dim power infusion. You will not feel any different,” said the doctor. “The alien is talking telepathically to me; do you want to hear what it is saying?” Jason saw Mergal, who decided to wait with Jason, was listening intently. “Why not?” said Jason, “I have nothing better to do while we wait. I may get some sort of explanation.” “Listen doctor, I know you are busy out there. I know what you are thinking! You leave me alone or you will...

2 years ago
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DragonChapter 7

Hunter bolted upright in his bed. The sheet was twisted around him. He had been tossing and turning all night. No matter, he knew the answer. "The pattern has been broken," he said just to hear the words. The sound of his voice reassured him in the silence of the room. The clock read 6:03 and the sun was already up. After his morning piss, he worked his way through the seven movements of his martial arts training. Although it was still cool, the humidity was high. By the time he was done,...

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Her Aunt

This is a real story which I have phantasized so long about and it surprisingly and finally happened. We were last month during the pandemia in a place where we rented a house next to the aunt of my wife. We left Oslo more or less during the same time and as we understand each other so well with the uncle and aunt plus their k**s so well of my wife we decided to be very close during this uncommon August Holidays.Her uncle is an amazing guy I like a lot, their c***dren are in their 18-20 range,...

1 year ago
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No Need to be Chai

After the work day I had, I decided to go get something to drink. My company had lost over ten thousand dollars, and everyone thought it was my fault. Thankfully, I not only cleared my name, but I figured out a way to get the money back. Almost went home without a job, but, I pulled it together, and won the day. That deserved an icy cool beverage. I hadn't had a coffee drink in a long time, and I decided that was what I wanted. I headed to the coffee shack. I knew what I wanted, so I didn't...

2 years ago
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Finding Home

Found this gem onlineFinding Homeby Bob W.Sometimes it seems to me that destiny, fate, God, depending on how you tend torefer to it, has a very twisted way of working things. Most of us spend much ofour lives searching. Half the time we have no idea what we are searching for,yet we continue to push onward. That funny twist comes when that thing we weresearching for finally shows itself and we then realize it had been there allalong. Such has been the case for me and the home I have finally...

3 years ago
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Come with me in this wet dream

There is a straight line of bathing-hut on this part of the beach, all in white wood. Number 14. There it is. I look around. It’s a calm hot afternoon, not many people on the beach. I’m ahead of time. He should be here in ten minutes.I open the door and get in. Air is fresher on the inside. Five minutes and he’ll be here. A shiver runs through my back. I’m thinking about all we said while chatting, all the things we shared… And he’ll be here in 1 minute.I see the door knob turn. The door...

1 year ago
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Trip to Quebec City ended turning my GF into a dir

This incident is true and happened a few summers ago. My girlfriend at the time Kat accompanied me to a Rammstein concert in Quebec City. Kat is your above average buxom blonde , small but with big tits. I have to say Kat's best feature, other than her body, is her mouth. It looks hot and she knows how to use it.So back to the story. We took off for Quebec in the morning with a few male friends of mine and landed in our hotel without incident. The first night of the 3 day concert was the band...

3 years ago
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First time with a Guy

A Young Chubby Straight Lad has his first gay experience I had always been a little curious as most young men are even if they admit it or not. Tall for my age i stood around 6 foot tall even at the tender age of 18.At this time i hadnt had much luck with girls, id lost my virginity of course but i wasnt very experienced overall. I started a new job and i was getting along well with everyone and working hard, i had noticed the boss's extra interest in me.It started off as innocent accidents,...

2 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 8

After the meal we all trooped up to Tommy's room and he explained each of his project. It showed the data he had collected and the various mathematical formulas that could describe it. Tom looked at me and I just smiled. He could see the same thing in the way I talked to him before. Humans had found answers that were good enough and this led to mistakes and confusion. If they had used the more complete formulas then they would understand more of the world about them. Borin's voice came out...

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Lola and Mummy

They talked about condoms and Lola said ''I don't think I'm ready to have sex yet with a boy yet''. ''A boy'' her mother asked! Lola thought a while then said that she has been having feelings for a girl friend of hers in school, but didn't know what and how to deal with them. Her mother asked if she thought the other girl might have the same feeling for her. Lola informed her mother that the other girl Julianne and her had kissed once as a dear. She said it was a quick kiss on the...

1 year ago
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Bud Louise Part 3

Cutting class the first day of school part #3 (please read parts 1 & 2 of this story before reading this part). Note : this story is completely fictional! Mr. Ray Sr. smiled down at Louise and took her by the hand. They walked to the bathroom. As they both stood in the shower, he placing one of her feet on the top of the tub rim and turned the shower towards her body. As they both got wet, he than began washing her body. He washed her for a very long time taking especially long to clean her...

3 years ago
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Designated for Consumption0

I Mariah stood in line anxiously, waiting to hear her fate. Her graduating group was today’s batch to be assigned their designations by the Bureau of Resource Distribution. She found some comfort in the presence of her best friend Alan, standing in front of her. “Where do you think they’ll send you?” he had turned around to ask her. “I’ll probably end up sewing clothes in a warehouse.” “No way. I bet they put you in Human resource management, maybe. You’re really good with people.” “I...

2 years ago
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Learning Dizyntk 1Chapter 3 Making Dizyntk

Feya felt strange, she had for a couple of weeks. She could not figure out exactly why she was feeling off but there was no doubt in her mind that she was. She tried to push it to the back of her mind as she tended the garden. The sunlight felt good on her back, warming her in the chill morning. Michael was off checking the fish traps they had set in the nearby river. He had been her mate now for two months. That thought filled Feya with warmth from the inside to match that coming down on her...

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Breaking the Ice

//** IEF CRUISER AMERIGO BIO-STASIS LOG 5463 // DATE - UNKOWN // SHIPTIME - 21:47 // FATAL ERROR CODE #00A7C23B - CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR // ACTIVATE EMERGENCY REINSTATE PROTOCOL // PODS ACTIVE - A7 E41 A3 // SYSTEM SHUTDOWN INITIATED - MANUAL RESTART REQUIRED **/ The Imperial Exploration Foundation was developed following the Second Unification. Religion, politics, and social policy had all collapsed into a chaotic turmoil that seemed insurmountable. It was deemed prudent for humans to find new...

1 year ago
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Sex ed The boys class

"Come on boys let's take our seats and settle down," Helen Boyer said to her class of twenty two boys, "we've got a lot of things to cover this afternoon, so let's get cracking!!!" "I heard from the girls that you got a little bit side tracked during fifth hour," one of the boys in the back row cracked, "do ya think we can have the same kind off fun!?!" There was tittering all over the room and Miss Boyer had to use her ruler on her desk to restore order, but she ignored the question and told...

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Me and the teacher

100% fiction! I was inside the class after high school waiting for an interview with the teachers. I had been in the school for a week as a helper and it was a trial. I felt attracted to her from the beginning. As she bent down on the table to continue marking her work, I looked at her beaming you do. When i noticed her nipple. This instantly made me hard, i could feel my bulge. I just had the urge and started rubbing my bulge. She still hadn't noticed. She then had her back to me...

3 years ago
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Pornwriting MotherChapter 3

"My nipples, son," a croaky-voiced Stephanie said as she felt her son's hand manipulating her tits as he was kneeling between her legs, in front of the chair she was sitting in. "Touch my nipples with your fingers, please." Marty let go of his horny mother's tits, which dropped and jiggled back into their own shape, and looked at the reddish brown buds his mother was talking about. They looked as large as the nails on his middle fingers — larger even. The wide areolas were covered with...

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My Love Gracy

Names, location and venue has been changed to protect my loving girlfriend. Gracy and I got to know each other online and she has been my longest girlfriend ever of 9 years. We met when I was 16 and she was 17, me being extremely extremely uncomfortable with girls. But I instantly was madly in love with her(ok blame teenage hormones she had C/D cup boobs then and my eyes were stuck whenever she wasn’t looking). We met briefly on our first meetup in between her lesson as she didn’t want to...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 15

We all watched in stunned amazement as Amy and Sammi laughed, kissed and hugged each other. The apparent miracle that had brought them both back to life was stunning enough, but it was nothing compared to the miracle of Amy and Sammi hugging and kissing each other. There are some things in life that are just a given, and those two hating each other was one of those givens. Apparently, things could change. We checked on the guy that had not disintegrated. At least, most of us did. Amy refused...

2 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 5 Epsilon Station to Nockatunga Waterhole

The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...

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The High School RevengeChapter 4

"WHAT?" Nedia asked in horror. "I... I didn't know it was him. I opened the door and someone asked me if you live here. I just said yes, I... god I thought it was someone you knew. And when he asked if he can talk to you. I asked him about his name he answered "tell her Noah Mathew" Kate looked like she was about to be executed. "Hey Kate its okay. You didn't know. I just... O my god, how did he know where I live?" Nedia said jumping out of bed. "I don't know. Look, I think you...

1 year ago
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A Dream of Love

In my dreams, I come to you as you lie in your bed, naked under the covers. You have your back to me, but you stir as I slip, naked, into bed beside you. I have just got out of the shower, so I am hot and clean. I lie against you, my little breasts pressed into your back, my pubic mound against your smooth buttocks, my legs touching yours. I put my right arm over your chest, gently clasping your breast as I snuggle up closer. I wrap my right leg over your warm thigh and massage your leg with my...

3 years ago
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Lessons in Love Ch 02

This is another excerpt from the story I wrote called ‘The Stranger At The Well’. * Rachel gave birth to a son, and she and Donald rejoiced in all they had accomplished together. Zachary grew stronger and more alert day by day, as Rachel adjusted to their new life as a family of three. She took a length of fabric and wound it around her back and over her shoulder, securing the baby close to her breast and tieing it around her waist. Now she could return to some of her less strenuous chores...

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My Sexy Aunt Lucy pt 1

My mother’s brother, Uncle Joe, passed away suddenly. He was only 37. My mother was taking it pretty hard. The holidays were approaching and it would not be the same. He was 12 years younger than her and only 7 years older than me. Mom loved him so and even named me after him. For years I was known as Little Joe. I always looked up to Uncle Joe, he was good to me, took his time to teach me sports, and let me hang out with him which made me feel older and included. My Dad left my mother when I...

2 years ago
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Taking That First Step Part 3

Lance had arrived at the specialty shop as himself, a young man wearing women's lingerie under his jeans. He was met by the stunning Cassandra, the shop owner and his confidant. She treated him to a wig, lipstick, eye shadow and then directed to one of the changing rooms. Waiting inside was one of the sexiest lingerie combinations that he had ever seen. Upon exiting Cassandra reappeared clad in black leather, she looked tough and demanding. She escorted him to one of the couches where Cassandra...

3 years ago
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It Started as a Favor 3

Author's Note: This chapter is the third chapter in a story originally written by Guardiana. Please read those first, but quick summaries: 1. "A favour for my siblings" - Danny agrees to disguise himself as a girl to help his brother and sister attend a cousin's birthday party, a cousin that holds a grudge against him. 2. "It started as a favor" - At the party, things escalate when he is pampered and dolled up at a salon, then discovered by his cousin, and after she gets him drunk,...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes An afternoon in the Pool

Note : This story is completely fictional! The summer was in full swing and the weather was hotter that day than usual. I had just gotten up as I had worked the night before. The time was about 1:00 in the afternoon and the house was quiet. All the lights where off. The only thing I could hear in the back round was the humming away of the pool filter in the back yard, it was a sound that I had come to enjoy because it meant that the pool was open and that meant that the day's heat could be put...

4 years ago
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PotentialChapter 6

“Now, bitch!” Mandi came running. Starla, one of the other dancers, was sitting with her legs spread, glaring at her naked co-worker. At first, the other girls had bullied her, envious of her position - not only was she the most popular dancer at the club by far (especially with the increasingly-growing demon clientele), but Marty obviously favored her as well. Even his constant mocking hadn’t helped - the other dancers saw that he verbally treated her like trash, but continued to give her...

1 year ago
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The Hot Wife Part 3

Dale and Lara had restarted their romance and had been seeing one another for just over two months now. Lara had once again managed to wrap Dale completely around her figure and was enjoying her dinners being paid for and generally being spoiled while withholding sex from him. She was smarter now and didn't fully turn him down like she had when they were younger, she now understood enough about men to know how much or how little she needed to give to keep him on a short leash. Dale wasnt quite...

1 year ago
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Just A Card Away

Male Paradise, the ultimate game for men across the globe. Male Paradise is a game that rivals even the classic jumanji. Players are sure to enjoy the infinite scenarios the game hands out. Warning: 18+, Once started you can't stop, All changes made during the game are subject to being permanent.

3 years ago
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A 22 year old woman has an affair with a 50 year old married man

For about perhaps the 20th time I wondered if I was doing the right thing. So ok, we had talked on the phone lots of times, sent each other letters and e- mail, but meeting face to face was different, what if neither of us were what the other expected. I knew the basics about him he was 50 unhappily married, fun to talk to, clever with words, wore glasses and w shorter than what I was. He knew I was 22, single, taller than him, also wore glasses and just looking for some fun, and that was as...

2 years ago
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This is a follow up on my previous story, Dust in the Wind. Knowing that (long) story may put things into context. ‘Dust in the Wind’ – the title of the first story – was obviously borrowed from a song by the rock band ‘Kansas’, For the current story, I had the emotional song ‘Why’ from the Scottish singer ‘Annie Lennox’ on my mind. This story is not based this song – its storyline existed before I decided on the title – but I hope the song, in the back of my mind, somehow added to the...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 3

“Mike didn’t think you’d want the family to know you were coming,” she explained. “If he took the day off to be here, your father would have known. He didn’t think you’d want to risk the welcoming committee.” “I would have thought my Christmas presents told them where they stood,” I said. I’d sent a package of particularly nasty Christmas presents home. There was an ice-pack for my father with a note that said it should help with the swelling in his balls and a dildo for my mother,...

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