HouseChapter 8: Well, Here's Another Nice Mess You've Gotten Me Into! free porn video

"Jason waited, you took too long so he went home." Jerry told me as I stepped from the bus to the veranda.
"Disappointment reigns," I said, in tone similar to sarcasm drips. "I'll continue my walk. Coming ladies?"
"Oh, please. I'd love to go," said Jezebel. "You need to put Dad's guns in the safe first. I'm not lugging them any farther.
Jerry did the deed. Everything in the hotel safe was as it should be. I made a small withdrawal. Signatures were exchanged and a new receipt issued.
When did she come? She must have switched with either Jillian or Julia at the gun shop. Damn it all. I have to figure out a way to tell these girls apart.
Julia commented, "Ah Hah! You're beginning to see the differences. I'll meet you later tonight."
Like Nereids, who could be dangerous to handsome men, as they were lustful and jealous, Jannell and Janice rose from the depths of the hotel veranda and said, "Nope, Julia ... you have had your ashes hauled and it's our turn."
Ah ... Jezebel switched with Jill.
Oh My ... Jannell and Janice ... promising. Julia stomped off pouting.
I wanted another Coke so we walked to the Shell. While I was there, I called home from the pay phone.
First I used one of my better ideas on the coin box and scrambled any little 'additions' that might be listening.
The better idea looks like a quarter but it sends a scrambling signal while it's in the coin box. The beauty of the scrambler? It looks like a quarter, acts like a quarter but I get it back at the end of the call.
I really should let the CIA know about it.
There was a message from my contact in Zurich. The address I was given for the holding company that pays the taxes on the house is bogus. So is the holding company.
This tidbit of information has gotten the CID and the Treasury Department involved. Treasury likes to know where American funds sent from Europe start and end.
The Germans did such amazing engraving work with the counterfeit British five pound note. To this day no one knows for sure if their 'fiver' is real or not.
America isn't admitting the Germans tried their magic on our money, and the Jewish engravers aren't talking. But Treasury is "taking an interest."
'Taking an interest' is normally the prelude to the fall of the gavel and the Judge pronouncing sentence. I hope they never take an interest in me.
So ... if the holding company doesn't exist, but the payments come from the Swiss ... who is paying? Should I say anything? Who should I call to find out?

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