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Eight metric weeks after its captain was acquitted on charges of mutiny, the HSF Magnum pulled into dock at Triad Naval Base in orbit of Mars. Once the mooring clamps were in place and the airlocks mated and secure, Ox dismissed his crew from duties, commanding all of them to take three days leave.

“What about the reactor watch?” asked Phlegm. “We can’t just leave the ship unattended.”

“I’ll hold the reactor watch for now,” Ox told him. “Once those slackers who stayed behind report for duty tomorrow, I’ll have them handle it. It’ll be good for them.”

Phlegm looked doubtful. “How do you think they’re going to take it? Will we be able to maintain discipline on the ship after all that has happened?”

Ox shrugged. “Tork ‘em,” he said. “They can either follow my orders and behave as part of my crew or I’ll derm their transfer requests for them and get a new crew. I’m well beyond worrying about what anyone thinks about me.”

“Fair enough,” Phlegm said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay aboard and give you a hand?”

Ox shook his head sternly. “Get the tork out of here, Phlegm. Go out, hit the intox clubs, have yourself a good time. I don’t want you within half a klick of this vessel for the next three days. And that’s a torkin’ order.”

“Aye, Captain,” Phlegm said with a grin. “If you insist.”

“I insist,” Ox assured him.

Manny volunteered to stay aboard until the left behind crew reported back. She had orders to return to her own ship but it was currently out on a run and would not return for more than a week. This offer, Ox accepted.

“I’m sure we can find something for you to do,” Ox told her.

“I’m sure you can,” she said with a sly smile.

Taz, who had watched the entire exchange, said nothing. After all, Ox and Manny were friends and both were in the navy. Manny probably would be very useful in helping keep the reactor watch on the otherwise empty ship.

“I’m glad he’ll have someone to talk to,” she told Manny brightly.

Gath, who had also watched the entire exchange, just mentally shook his head. Even after all this time, the spacie propensity for self-delusion still fascinated him.

Gath and Taz both had orders to report back to CVS by the fastest available transport. They, along with the Modoc, would be catching a freighter that was heading to Earth in three hours. They had just enough time to gather all their things and get across to the civilian port before final boarding. The four of them made a final tour of the ship, saying goodbye to the crewmembers they had served with on this most stressful and interesting mission. Quite a few tears were shed during these rounds.

“We did the mothertorker, didn’t we, Gath?” Ox said as they met in the Magnum‘s foyer just before departure.

“We sure the tork did,” Gath agreed. They then exchanged the traditional departure shake reserved for close friends who would not be seeing each other for a while. Two elbow bumps, a fist bump with the right hand, and then a grasping hug and two back pats with the left arms. They held the hug part a little longer than was traditional.

“It was an honor serving under you, Ox,” Gath told him.

“I told you I’d make a spacer out of you, didn’t I?” Ox returned. He wiped at his eye a little and then patted Gath on the back one more time. “I’m going to miss your food most of all. I don’t know how I can go back to standard fare after eating your chow.”

“Find yourself a groundie and make him your culinary officer,” Gath suggested.

“I might just do that.”

The natives and Yank all said their goodbyes and then it was Taz’s turn. She gave her husband a quick, one handed hug and an even quicker peck on the cheek.

“Keep your eye on the next data dump,” she told him. “Hopefully we’ll finally get our sperm and egg data so we can start cooking one up.”

“Will do,” he told her. “Hopefully our financials will update as well. Everything has been such a mess because of the traveling.”

With that, Gath and the others left the ship. Yank took Cedric and Tom back to the space ladder port so they could return to the colony on Libby. Gath, Taz and the Modoc warriors arrived aboard the Redrun 6 twenty minutes before they sealed up the doors for the pre-departure checks.

The Redrun streaked out across open space, its fusion engines pushing it at one G. The natives all slept through the acceleration cycle thanks to the Phent-D injections. Gath and Taz no longer bothered. After so much travel during their mission, neither one of them were much bothered by Delta-V sickness anymore. Gath was even able to eat a burger and drink a beer during the cycle. Ox really had made a spacie out of him.

It was during the period of coasting that the news everyone had been waiting for finally made its way through the now unrestricted circuit points from the AZ system. Doc Bookender, the first of the conspirators to face trial for his role in the concluding resolution, had been found guilty of crimes against humanity the day before Magnum had started its return journey back to the Sol. The news they received now was of his sentencing. Taz and Gath watched the holo clip of it in the Redrun‘s roach pit.

“I have examined the probationary department’s report on you in detail, Doc Bookender,” said the judge in charge of the case. The Doc himself, standing in his Fleet uniform before the podium to learn his fate, looked ten years older than the last time Gath had seen him.

“Suspended sentence,” Taz guessed, her voice with a strong tone of cynicism in it.

“They wouldn’t dare,” Gath said.

They didn’t dare.

“While I appreciate,” His Honor continued, “your many years of service to the Fleet in both of your careers, your medical prowess, and your otherwise unblemished record, the crime you have been convicted of is perhaps the most serious offense undertaken by so-called civilized humans in the past thousand years. It is a crime that must be punished harshly if for no other reason than to give others pause if they should contemplate a similar endeavor in the future. For that reason alone, I have an obligation to sentence you to the maximum penalty available to us. Doc Bookender, you are hereby sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole or compassionate release.”

There was some uproar from the spectators but not as much as that displayed by Doc Bookender himself. He shook his head in disbelief at his fate.

“Do you have anything to say, Doc?” the judge asked him. “It is your right to be heard.”

Bookender looked up at the judge. “Yes, I have something to say,” he told him. “I did what I thought was the right thing. We have marines dying over there on Sol and an entire population of Earth natives who are going to die a horrible death when Mortimer arrives. Was what we tried to do so terrible? We found a painless, non-violent way to prevent those deaths and that suffering, to put an end to the untenable situation on Earth. You put a stop to it and called it genocide. You’re now going to send me to prison for the rest of my life.

“What now though? The problem is still there. We’re still going to keep expending tremendous amounts of resources to feed and clothe the homebodies. Marines are going to continue to die for those ungrateful people. And there still is no solution to the problem in sight. If my idea is not the answer, what is?”

“I don’t know what the answer is, Doc,” the judge told him, “but it certainly is not genocide, and we still have a few thousand years to figure it out.”

The judge gave a nod and two court officers approached. They put handcuffs on the Doc and led him away to his fate.

The next morning, it was reported, Admiral Zeal’s trial would begin.

The wheels of the cargo aircraft thumped down on the runway and the passenger area was filled with the roar of the reverse thrust. The aircraft went through a serious of turns and then the engines were shut down. Unlike the first time he had gone through this, Gath was now familiar with the routine.

“This is it, humes,” Gath told Catches No Fish and Fears No Darkness. “We’re back at CVS. Only one more flight to go.”

“Thank the spirits,” said Catches No Fish.

Fears No Darkness was a bit more morose. “Hopefully we’ll still be able to eat the blackberries and the fish when we get there,” he said bitterly.

“I think you stand a good chance, hume,” Taz added. “The very chaos before the judge sent the preliminary injunction works in your favor.”

They still did not know to what extent, if any, the plan to contaminate the Modoc’s food supply had been carried out. Reports out of the Sol system, though restored with the mysterious clearing up of the probe shortage, were still sketchy at best. When enquiries were sent on the status of the concluding resolution, no one wanted to give a specific answer for fear of being implicated in the scandal. They had not even been able to get confirmation that the Modoc plan officially existed, let alone if it had been implemented.

“Let’s get inside,” Gath suggested, opening the door into the cargo compartment. “We should be able to find some information there.”

They walked down the narrow aisle between the stacks of pallets and hydrogen tanks and arrived at the rear ramp just as it opened. Gath felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him as he beheld the inside of the CVS hangar with its AVTOLs and the maintenance crews scrambling about and the smell of machine oil and grease. And who should be standing at the bottom of the ramp but Gunnery Sergeant Korgan, he who had given Gath such a pleasant introduction to life at CVS all those cycles ago.

“Well, look what the tork the waste dump just dropped in here,” Korgan said as he saw Gath emerging. “They’ll let just about anyone serve these days, won’t they?”

“I’m like a pimple on your slagger, Gunny,” Gath told him with a smile. “I just keep popping up.”

“Good analogy,” the gunny said. “You always were a pain in my slagger.”

Gath walked up to the highest ranking enlisted marine on the base and they slapped elbows and did two hand slides. “It’s good to be back, Gunny,” he told him.

“No, it isn’t,” Korgan told him. “This place is still a punishment for something you did wrong in a previous life. Welcome back though.” He turned to Taz. “And you too, Corporal. How in the purg did you manage to get yourself assigned back here?”

“We requested it, Gunny,” she said. “After that whole clustertork we went through, they told us we could go to any assignment we wanted. We both chose CVS.”

“Why?” he asked. “Are you deranged?”

“I’ve been accused of that,” Gath replied.

He shook his head at their insanity. “Well, anyway, come see me before the end of the day for armor issue. There’s also a few things tactically we need to go over about the AOR.”

“Will do,” Taz said. She looked at him carefully. “How’s the mood here? I heard there are a lot of humes kind of scared about how this is all going to shake out.”

“There are a lot of nervous people around, that’s for damned sure,” he said. “The whiteshirts in particular. Scuttlebutt has it that they’re not going to go after anyone who supported the resolution unless they’re up at the ultra-white level, but ... well ... no one knows if that’s true or not.”

“They seemed pretty serious about Doc Bookender,” Gath said.

Korban nodded slowly. “Yeah, they certainly V-wasted his slagger. For now, we just go on with our jobs and hope for the best.”

“Are you in danger, Gunny?” Taz asked him.

He shrugged with feigned indifference. “I took over Sparky’s platoon when they pulled him off the line. I followed some orders to further the resolution. About a week after you all left, however, I changed my mind and came out against the resolution and have been on record as opposed to it ever since. Who knows?”

“I’m sure they’ll take that into consideration,” Taz said.

“I’m prepared to answer for my actions, just like you two were. I caught your trial on the holo, Stoner. I’ll tell you one thing, you’ve got a pair on you, hume.”

“Thanks, Gunny,” he said. “And I didn’t even slap them on anyone’s forehead.”

“How’s that?” Korban asked, confused.

“Never mind,” Gath said. “We’d better get inside. Who’s the OD today?”

“That would be Sparky himself.”

“No slag?” Gath asked, delighted. “They put him back on the line?”

“It was one of the first things they did once the injunction was issued. Everyone kind of went into protective mode at that point.”

“What about Colonel Lister?” Taz asked. “Is he still the CO?”

“For now,” Korban replied. He would say no more on that subject.

“Well, we better go check in with Sparky then,” Gath said. “Catch you later, Gunny.”

“Right,” Korban told him. As they started to walk to the tunnel entrance, he stopped them once more and stepped in front of the two Modoc.

“Is there something you require from us?” asked Fears No Darkness.

“I caught you two on the holos as well,” he told them. “Once they started to come through, anyway. You two did good out there. I can only image how much courage it took for you all to go on that mission. I wish you drank alcohol so I could buy you both a beer.”

Fears No Darkness smiled. “I wish I did as well,” he told the gunny.

It took them nearly twenty minutes to make it to Sparky’s office. Everyone they passed in the tunnels and in the building itself stopped them to give greetings, to ask questions, to tell them they had seen them on the holos. Gath sensed no hostility from the marines, only admiration and respect. It was quite a change from the CVS he had left behind.

At last, they reached the OD’s office and went inside. Sparky, wearing his white shirt and sipping from a cup of juice from the roach pit, stood and came around the desk to greet them. He did not bother with the ritual fist bump greeting. Instead, he wrapped up Taz and then Gath in a big bear hug.

“Tork me with a laser cutter,” he told them once the embraces were finished. “I cannot believe you two actually pulled that slag off.”

“It was quite a ride,” Gath assured him.

“We couldn’t have done it without you, Sparky,” Taz added. “If you hadn’t helped, we never would have gotten Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish onto the Magnum. If we wouldn’t have had them, well ... who knows how things might have turned out?”

Sparky turned to the Modoc. “You humes were bad-slagger,” he told them. “I caught your interviews and your testimony on the holo. You really were the factor that turned this thing around.”

“We did what needed to be done,” Fears No Darkness said.

“And you did a Whoever damned good job of it,” Sparky said. He turned back to Gath. “What a slag storm it’s been around here since you left. That torker Colonel Lister actually had me put under arrest at one point.”

“He arrested you?” Taz asked. “For what?”

“He figured out that I was the one who authorized your flight to go remove those cartridges from the wells. He was able to extrapolate from that that you probably picked up your friends here on the same trip. Of course, that wasn’t until word started to filter back here through the incoming data dumps. You were probably more than halfway to the AZ by then.”

“Whoever wept, el-tee. I’m sorry about that,” Taz told him.

Sparky shook his head. “It was no big,” he assured her. “I spent less than twenty-four local in the stir. You see, by that time the opposition to the resolution was huge, much bigger than when you’d left. People were starting to wonder by then just what was going to happen to them when all the details finally came out. Opposition declarations were flooding in faster than we could keep up with them. Lister kept trying to control things and keep our part of the resolution thrusting, but no one would follow any orders anymore.”

“What changed everyone’s mind?” Gath asked. “When we left, three quarters of the humes here were in favor of it.”

“Your mission changed their minds,” Sparky said. “Especially when we heard that the Glock just let you go through the circuit point. Releasing that information was one of the dumbest things Zeal could have done. I’m guessing he figured it would rile everyone up about mutiny and what happens when people don’t follow orders—that’s how he presented the story, anyway—but what actually happened is that people started to realize how strongly you felt about the resolution. They started to think that if Commander Peckett on the Glock and Commander Dripper on the Magnum were willing to risk their careers and their freedom over the issue, that maybe they were standing on the wrong side of it.”

“Amazing,” Gath whispered.

“You humes inspired people much more than you think you did,” Sparky told them. “In any case, once Lister figured out how I’d helped you, he put me under arrest on a variety of charges. Someone with a whiter shirt than his overruled him, however. I was released and returned to the adjunct OD position the next day.” He grinned. “You should have seen how pissed off Lister was about that.”

“I can imagine,” Taz said, smiling.

“I’m pretty sure he’s feeling the noose tightening around his neck these days,” Sparky added. “He supported the resolution to the end, accused anyone who registered opposition to of treason. My guess is that the legal proceedings are going to reach at least down to his level. He saw what happened to Bookender. He’s pretty much been shut up in his office for the past two weeks.”

“I wish I could feel bad for him, but I don’t,” Gath said. “Tell me something, did anyone ever go out and replace those cartridges I took out of the wells?”

Sparky shook his head. “No one ever did. No one would follow an order to do so.”

“That’s good,” Gath said. He looked over at the Modoc and then back at Sparky. “And what about the plan to contaminate the Modoc’s food supply? Their fish and their blackberries? Did they ever move forward on that one?”

Catches No Fish and Fears No Darkness stared intently at Sparky, waiting for his answer. He did not let them suffer.

“Not even close,” he said. “They never got beyond the planning stage for that little mission. Too many people refused to participate in the resolution in general by the time they got their little genetic modifiers ready. Not a single blackberry or a single fish has been infused.”

An audible sigh of relief was expelled from both warriors at his words.

“Thank the spirits,” Fears No Darkness said.

“That is the best news I have heard since leaving this planet,” said Catches No Fish.

“I’m glad I could share it with you,” Sparky told them.

“When can we go home?” the quarterback asked next.

“I have priority orders to get you two a flight back to your territory as soon as possible,” Sparky told them. “I’m assuming that Taz and Gath will want to go with you?”

“Absolutely,” Gath said.

“Purg yes,” said Taz.

Sparky nodded. “How does first light tomorrow sound?”

Fears No Darkness answered, offering up a phrase he had learned in his travels with spacers and marines. “It sounds like a slagger-tork,” he said.

Just after sunrise the next day, the AVTOL 60 lifted off of the runway and made the transition to forward flight. It turned to the northeast and climbed to four thousand meters of altitude. Inside was Corporal Dill in the control seat and Taz in the right side seat. In the back was Gath, Catches No Fish and Fears No Darkness. Dill, Taz, and Gath wore their newly issued armor, complete with helmets and Z-55 rifles stowed in their leg holsters. The two Modoc were dressed in the deerskin clothing they had taken off in another AVTOL more than a few moons before. Both natives, however, had bags that contained shorts, shirts and shoes that they had worn in their travels. They wanted to keep them for mementoes of their journey—assuming, of course, that they weren’t summarily executed immediately upon landing. Neither of them looked out the viewscreen as they flew.

“Do you really think they’ll kill you for what you’ve done?” Gath asked them.

“I don’t really know,” Fears No Darkness said. “What we have done is unprecedented. No one has ever violated the law in the manner that we have for as long as the law has been in existence. We did have a compelling reason, but...” He shrugged. “I just don’t know.”

“Are you sure you don’t want us to give you asylum?” Taz asked. “We can do it quite easily. Purg, you two could live like kings if you wanted to. You’re celebrities. They’ll give you your own talk show or something.”

“I do not know what a talk show is,” the quarterback said, “but I must decline nonetheless. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to go with you.”

“As did I,” said Catches No Fish.

“We must now face the consequences of our actions, no matter what those consequences may be. If we must die for our actions, so be it. At least I’ll die knowing that I sacrificed my life to save my people.”

“Fuckin A,” said Catches No Fish.

At Gath’s direction, Dill had programmed the AVTOL’s Flyer to take them directly to the village. They came in low, low enough to see more than a hundred Modoc looking up at them from their huts.

“Circle around a few times, Dill,” Gath told him. “Let’s make sure they know we’re here.”

“I’m on it,” Dill replied.

They made four passes back and forth. With each pass, more and more Modoc appeared below, their figures coming out of the woods, out of the huts, out of nowhere.

“I’m reading three hundred and eighteen homers down there, humes.” Dill informed them. “Enough to make sure you have a very bad day if they decide they want to give you one.”

“Fears No Darkness told me that four hundred and eighteen lived in his village when they left,” Gath replied. “Of course, four of the women were in late pregnancy and have probably delivered by now.”

“That’s a lot of torkin’ homers,” Dill said. “Are you sure you want to go down there?”

“We’ll be okay,” Gath said. “I’ll see where he wants us to land.”

The Modoc had been unable to hear the radio wave transmitted conversation because of the engine noise and the low voices. Gath flipped on his external speaker and turned his helmeted face to the quarterback. “Three hundred eighteen humes down there that the scanner can see,” he said. “Where do you want to put down?”

Fears No Darkness looked down at the scenery below. He pointed. “That clearing there, just to the south of the main village, by the north bank of the river. That is our bathing hole. Since it is a winter morning, no one should be there right now. Can you put us down there?”

“Easy as a handjob,” Gath assured him. He relayed their decision to Dill, who was not happy about it.

“That’s really torkin’ close to those homers, Gath,” he said. “It’s only about a hundred fifty meters.”

“They won’t hurt us, Dill,” Taz said. She was technically in charge of the mission. “Put us down where told.”

“Didn’t you say they might kill your two homers on sight?” Dill asked.

“They might,” Taz said, “but they won’t hurt us. Bring us down where indicated. Now, please. If anything happens to us, just lift off again.”

“You know I’m not going to leave a marine and a medic down there to fend for themselves in the middle of a homer hoard,” Dill protested. “You’re asking me to put my slagger at risk for this slag.”

“You will do as ordered, Dill,” Taz told him. “Put us down and we’ll exit the aircraft. If anything untoward happens, you can give us air support.”

“Wouldn’t it be a better idea to...”

“No,” Taz barked. “It wouldn’t. Put us down where instructed. Now.”

Dill shook his head. “You’re torkin’ funeral,” he said. He instructed the Flyer and the aircraft banked and began to transition to hover flight.

They set down in a spray of blowing snow and dirt, the wheels thumping to the surface just ten meters from the bank of the icy Pit River. Dill opened the rear ramp and kept the rotors turning.

“All right,” Gath told him. “We’re taking off our top armor and switching to the earbud comms.”

“You’re doing what?” Dill barked, speaking as if they were mad.

“Don’t worry about it,” Taz said. “We know what we’re doing.”

“You say so,” Dill said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Gath and Taz pulled off their helmets and shucked off their top armor, leaving them in their underarmor layer. They kept on their leg and waist armor and kept their weapons in their holsters. Each picked up a pack they had put provisions into. This might be a short deployment, but it also might be a long one.

“All right,” Gath told the Modoc. “We’re going out. Follow behind us. We’re going to walk straight from the bottom of the ramp until we’re well clear of the aircraft. The rotors are still turning and, while they’re high enough they won’t hit a human, we still don’t walk under them. Got it?”

“Got it,” Fears No Darkness said nervously.

Gath and Taz plugged in their earpieces and quickly mated them. They then walked down the ramp and continued toward the tree line. The two Modoc followed behind, carrying their own bags.

“You with us, Dill?” Taz asked as they approached the trees.

“I’m here.”

“Go ahead and lift off. Circle around at about a thousand meters AGL for now.”

“I’m on it,” Dill asked. “You should know, however, that there are more than thirty homers heading directly for you from the village. They’re less than fifty meters out now, moving at a good clip.”

“Understood,” Taz said. “Now launch.”

He launched, spraying the four of them with snow, pebbles, pine needles, and other debris. The AVTOL rose above the trees and then moved off to the south, transitioning back to forward flight. The engine noise faded away but did not disappear.

“Homers are still moving in,” Dill reported. “They’ll reach you in a minute or so.”

“Copy, Dill,” Taz said. “We’ll be fine.”

Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish, meanwhile, were looking at the small clearing and the bank of the river in wonder and awe.

“We’re home,” Fears No Darkness said. “I was not sure I would ever see it again.”

“It has been quite a journey,” Catches No Fish agreed. “The Pit has never looked so beautiful to me.”

“What now?” Gath asked as he and Taz searched the tree line to the north, their unenhanced eyeballs searching for the figures of the Modoc warriors they knew were approaching. They could see nothing, could detect no sign of their presence as of yet.

“We should walk to the center of the clearing,” Fears No Darkness said. “We will wait for the warriors there. Do not draw your weapons no matter what happens. They may kill us, but I assure you that you will not be harmed in any way as long as you make no attempt to help us.”

“You expect us to just stand there and let you get killed?” Taz asked.

“Yes,” Fears No Darkness said. “That is exactly what I expect. We are resigned to our fate. If we must die, then so be it. Do not involve yourselves.”

Taz clearly did not like this but she agreed. Gath did not like it either, but he too agreed. They began to walk, stopping in the center of the clearing. A minute went by, and then two. Gath continued to stare at the tree line and see nothing.

“Where are they?” he whispered.

“They are there,” Catches No Fish whispered back.

Finally, figures began to appear one by one—long haired figures dressed in long sleeved deerskin. All were men. Their faces were expressionless as they stepped into the clearing, their numbers spread out in a line that stretched for more than fifty meters. All had their axes and knives on their belts and their bows and arrows slung over their shoulders. None held a weapon in hands, however. They held there, just staring at the four in the center of the clearing until a face familiar to Gath stepped out a little further. It was Cries Like Thunder, who, Fears No Darkness had explained earlier, would have been appointed back-up quarterback in his absence.

The quarterback and his back-up stared at each other for an indeterminate amount of time in silence. Finally, Cries Like Thunder stepped forward, closing the distance. Four of the younger warriors stepped forward as well. They continued to keep their weapons stowed.

“You have returned,” Cries Like Thunder said, his expression neutral.

“We have returned,” Fears No Darkness agreed with a nod. “We have traveled far and have seen many wonderous things on our journey, but we are now back, ready to answer for our actions and meet our fate.”

“And you brought star people to our very village?” Cries Like Thunder said. “You have been among them for nearly six moons, eating their food, intermingling with them, breathing their air. Did you think this a wise decision?”

“They present no danger to us,” Fears No Darkness told him. “They carry no disease and harbor no ill will against our people—on the contrary, they have done a great service for our people. They are our friends. More than that, really. They are our brothers.”

Same as Homebodies
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I Watched at the Gym

For the past year or so I have had a constant battle with my weight. I would put on a bunch of pounds and then loose a few. At the suggestion of my Doctor I decided to start walking for exercise. I have always liked walking so it seemed the perfect way to start getting in shape. I joined a local gym as the weather here is not allowing me to walk outside in my yard. The gym is pretty new, it has an outdoor walking/running track, an indoor walking/running track, weight rooms, an outdoor...

2 years ago
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Samantha the Slutfour years later

As she moved from the bathroom to her boudoir, her mind started to consider the selection of her undergarments for her rendezvous later. Before design and structure are considered colour was her primary concern. Not the matched coordinates of a Versace skirt and blouse that was a statement to the whole world of her outer self of elegance, but when revealed the lingerie colour would say more about her mood than any words or actions in that most intimate of moments. She turned to her large...

1 year ago
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Just your ass tonight

My cell phone vibrated. “U free?” No emoticons were in the text message. She was horny. We met on a summer’s morning, a few years back, while we were waiting for the bus on our way to work; she smiled at me and asked if the bus was ever on time. I laughed and replied, no. I had stared at her many times on the bus and subway, at her tits to be specific. They were large, meaty, full and firm. In the summer, she flaunted them. Tight t-shirts, low cut tops and unbuttoned blouses. They would...

Quickie Sex
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Mom Porn

I sat quietly at the table eating my dinner as mom and dad spoke about the lack of money in their checking account. Dad pulled a business card from his pocket, it was a modeling agency that was looking for an average housewife model. Mom was a hottie in her early days but now that she was nearing fifty she was showing her age. Do not get me wrong, she is still good looking, curly brown hair about to the middle of her back. Big brown eyes, nice medium size tits, wide hips, and a nice ass for a...

1 year ago
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The Best of Friends Ch 03

Chapter 3 is very short. True love conquers all, right? ,-) ~*~*~*~*~*~ Immediately after the seatbelt light was extinguished by the captain, almost all the passengers stood to retrieve their jostled belongings from the overhead compartments. Keely, however, was not one of them. With her cell phone to her left ear and her finger in her right ear, she told Darbie that her plane had landed. Most travelers would have friends or loved ones waiting for them in the airport, but Keely didn’t see...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 7

 As much as I knew she was right, the wait – even though only a matter of minutes – would be excruciating, a situation that was not helped at all by her raising my pussy-slick fingers to her mouth and sucking her own sweet honey off of them as she stared into my eyes! I damn near creamed myself when she did that, and it may have been one of the most erotic moments I’d ever experienced. Throughout my entire lower abdomen I ached with arousal, a dull ache that I knew would persist for hours even...

Wife Lovers
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PornMegaLoad Vanessa Videl Vanessa8217s Fucking Return

What’s it like living next door to a porn star? If it’s anything like what happens in this scene, it’s very good. Because in this scene, 56-year-old Vanessa Videl sucks and fucks her young neighbor. She does so as a way of thanking him for helping her with her bags, but the main reason she does it is she loves young cock. And, let’s face it: because she hasn’t had any porn cock in a while. “I have not filmed for over three years,” Vanessa said. “I...

4 years ago
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Girls Demons and Futas

*Author’s note: This story is Public, if you have an idea, start writing (but please read the rules first)! If you are not sure about something you want to write, feel free to ask me anytime!* Mankind faced the threat of extinction, as a strange epidemic eradicated all men. To save humanity, an ancient witch circle stepped out of the shadows and taught the people their art; the art to summon a demon and merge with it, becoming a futanari. With this, humans could prevail. Today, the countries'...

2 years ago
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The Ghost and Me part 6

It was the first time that I went to sleep with Sam and woke up next to her. It was something that I was looking forward to in the future. Sam was lying towards me, still sleeping. So, I grabbed a lock of her hair and tickled her nose. Sam's brushed her nose first, with the back of her hand, then she opened her eyes. She looked straight at me and started screaming. Her voice was so loud, that I jumped out of bed without thinking. The screaming stopped as fast as it started, and I was...

3 years ago
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This is an original story, all rights reserved. You may freely copy, download, and post this story. This is the third in my "Naughty" series. Apollo NAUGHTY*CAL ADVENTURES I scratched off a ticket at the burger place hoping I might get some free fries - I couldn't believe that I had actually won a two week trip on a Carribean cruise liner. Sure I had to double occupancy with another winner, but this was the opportunity of a...

2 years ago
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She lived upstairs

Just finishing getting settled in, Doug has only been in his new apartment only 3 days and has already been bombarded with requests to fix things. Doug got a great deal to move in if he would take on the handyman job that they needed to fill for that apartment. His close have not even been unpacked, and yet he has fixed 2 toilets, 1 sink, a leaky water heater and listened to complaints from the noisy neighbor about all the people coming and going from the complex. It's now the 3rd day living...

3 years ago
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How It All Began Part 1

How It All Began By Ohio Melissa It all began when my parents took me to a psychiatrist when I was twelve. I was completely depressed and they didn't know what to do with me, since I would not open up to them. My parents felt they had to get me right in the head, since my older brother was a drug addict that didn't want to stop, even with a gorgeous wife and a good job. Anyway, I couldn't tell my parents my problem because my father would disown me if he knew. I wanted to be a girl....

2 years ago
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Me Mom and Lots of My Friends

This story involving my Mom is true having begun many months ago. I’m writing only because I have no one else to share it with. All the names are real, although I’ve made up some dialog to enhance the story only because I don’t remember exactly every word that was said in each situation. As bizarre as this sounds, if it wasn’t for my friends, I would never have fucked my Mom. Let me explain. At the time, I was an eighteen year-old college male, in- between my freshman...

2 years ago
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I was heading out on a business trip and asked my wife is she wanted to join me. She was a bit reluctant as she did not enjoy flying. So I surprised her and said I had rented a care to dive the 13 hour there. She smiled and agreed to go with me, we had some planning to do with our k**s and get everything in order for the trip. To my surprise my wife handled everything in such a quick and orderly fashion. I came home from worth the day before our trip to find the house empty of our k**s just my...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 87

This joke makes sense if you live in Ontario Canada A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Kandahar when they came upon an Afghani terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was a Canadian soldier in a similar but less serious state. The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Canadian what had happened. The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway...

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Nisha8217s Tryst With Destiny

48 saal ki hotel manager aunty ne choodvaya Hi friend, how are you??? May be all are fine, mera naam rohit he aur me ek privet company me job karta hu, me aapko meri ek ajibo garib hakikat batana chahta hu, muje ek 48 saal ki hotel malkin ne blackmail kiya aur jordar hardcore aur pussy sex karvaya, meri age 26 he aur yeh kissa 2 sal pehle ka hai jab my pehli baar chandigarh aya tha kafi raat ho chuki thi sayad 10 baje the, is liye mene thyan nahi diya ke who kounsi hotel thi, Maine counter par...

1 year ago
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Cunning father in law

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am Cathy, 24, married to a loving but very emotional husband, Mark. Mark is 30 and is working as sales consultant. We’ve been married for 2 years now and still without a child. Medical check-up confirmed Mark was impotent. He was very disheartened about the whole thing because he loves kids. Because of this he couldn’t concentrate on his work and his work performance deteriorated. I had to do something to make him happy but I didn’t know what to do....

2 years ago
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sperma nd a germ

so this was the other day. i was in science class. i was looking at a picture of a piece of glass. on that piece of glacss thaere was a germ. a little bug that goes in your blood and transmit disease. MY teacher said that was a "BATCTEREIA." or a germ. now i thought i wanted to have sex really bad so i wanted to fuck a bacetria right inn its ass hole. i took the fucking slide and scrammed it up my uretha and ti broke. i ran d around the room fucking screaming and crying with my fucking...

3 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 23

Michelle's Story - Part 23 For Michael, these last few weeks at school couldn't go quickly enough. Full time life as Michelle lay ahead and his patience was getting thin. "You'll just have to wait," said John. "There is just 4 weeks left. They'll be over before you know it." Even so, he wanted the weeks to end, to stop this charade of not being overly friendly with Amy and Becky in class. They were among the best friends he had ever had, even better than Robert to a degree. But...

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The Escort Revisited

The Client slowly walked down the hallway, his large frame tense with anticipation. It had had been a while since he had walked down a hallway similar to this one. Though it seemed like only yesterday. He thought of the last girl, her body motionless against the bed after she was truly well fucked, a smile spread across his lips he had been sore for days after that night of debauchery. He absentmindedly grasped his briefcase tightly as he thought of the night that lay ahead. He stopped at room...

Straight Sex
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InBetween Chapters 6163

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this...

1 year ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapt 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...

4 years ago
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Ring Master First RingChapter 9

The hardon that came upon me as I looked over the couch was almost painful. They were all on the floor and everyone was extremely busy. Apparently I didn't need to get any snacks for anyone, they already had them. At least they were munching on whatever, or was it whomever, was in front of each of them. I reached over the back of the couch and picked up the TV remote. As I slowly increased the brightness of the near muted TV I could pick out a few more details of the lusty activities before...

3 years ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 7 Wednesday Evening

Robert - Late afternoon After getting out of the van, I walked in my house. My parents were in the living room watching TV nude. I saw a relieved look on their faces as they saw us walk in. "We saw a news flash that your school was evacuated." Dad told us, "They mentioned that when the fire alarm went off most of the students had already gone home with only a few after school programs and the some of the athletic teams still in the building." "Why did you not call?" Mom asked...

1 year ago
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Door to Door

A sick day. What a beautiful thing, especially when it's a mental health day. It felt nice to not have to deal with my idiot boss and his band of cronies. I managed to complete a huge number of things that had piled up and was beginning to settle into the game when the doorbell rang. I looked out the window and saw a vision of teen perfection. She was a girl that was on the verge of becoming a woman. I guess she was about 17 and was dressed to show all of her curves. She looked to be maybe...

1 year ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 38 Used

He walked straight over to Samantha and lifted her by the arm. Taking her over to one side of the room he slipped the gown off her shoulders and sat her on one end of a broad padded box, some three feet off the ground. Pushing her backwards he had her lie down on her back. Then the eunuchs appeared and her legs were lifted high and wide, and the Emir pressed his forefinger into her vagina. Rummaging about a little, he felt her virgin membrane and grunted in approval. Dropping his shalwar and...

3 years ago
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The machine streaked across the desert, screaming through bleak vistas of scorched earth where nothing lives without a little outside help. Joshua trees and desultory vultures. Fossils buried under the salt floor of ancient seas. She was hammering the gas, white knuckling the wheel until the screaming of the engine drowned out the screaming in her mind. She was riding inside a shot bullet, all done and hurtling toward any bull’s-eye she could hit. There was a world of shame in the rearview...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 3 Openly bisexual

Julie Parker was nineteen and openly bi. She was a slut, just like her twin sister, Linda. Julie loved sex. But, unlike Linda, Julie didn't concentrate only on men. No, she knew the pleasures she could get with female companion. And she still couldn't believe how some girls (like Linda) could live their whole lives without feeling a feminine touch on their hot bodies. They're missing so much! Women bring with them lots of fun that men simply can't provide. It was true, however, that...

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Kill or Be KilledChapter 4

If only I could catch up to them, who were they? I had no idea but I did know that they were well armed and very organized which made me think professionals. Three days later I found where they had stopped. I had circled the ranch for the fifth time, watching the four groups of roaming guards; each group was made up of two guards who seemed more interested in talking to each other rather than observing the area they were patrolling. There were three guards in the tower built in the center...

1 year ago
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Dream Love With My Girlfriend

Myself (Siva), I am a fan of Indian sex stories since from 2012.I am an engg graduate , ,age 25 from tamil nadu working at Nagpur. I am a tall and lean person looking enough handsome. here I am sharing my experience with my girl friend in a hotel. My girlfriend is a software engg working at chennai. We are in love since from the past seven years. After my job I usually meet her once in a 3 months and just for a day only. It went like that almost two year. I decided to spend 2 days with her and...

3 years ago
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Baby Boomers TaleChapter 15

When we were out of sight of the church I pulled Mum's skirt up and placed my hand on her pussy. She made no protest, just spread her thighs and thrust her groin forward. "My, you are horny this morning, aren't you? You're pussy's decidedly moist and I just bet you want to stop on the way home. Let's go to that lay-by that we visited last week and see what happens." She never answered, just drove down the side road and turned into the lay-by. When she had parked behind our bushes she...

3 years ago
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A Perfect Place To Hyde Part One

I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; Robert Louis Stevenson – The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydePicture the scene.Hotel suite–clean, well-appointed. Tasteful décor too–it’s beige, but you know, classy beige. Black hardwood furniture. Crisp white linen on the bed and tastefully patterned bedspreads, a complimentary shade…Alright, fuck this. Interior design’s not why we’re here. It’s a nice place, enough said. Now what else?Temperature comfortable–A/C managing...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet 20

I managed to concentrate on the subject enough to get through the class. I packed up quickly and hurried out with the crowd but was caught when Mrs. Stanton said "Mr. Walker, please stay for a moment." I waited until the door closed after the last student and then looked at her. She quietly said, "Albert, when I got home last night, I realized that I had left an incriminating piece of evidence here in the room. However when I got here this morning, I couldn't find it. Do you know...

4 years ago
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Wifes Fantasy

Would you like to have a couple to play with. She maybe masturbate in front of you with little touching teasing sex toy play while her big strong black african partner kneels behind you massaging your buttocks forcing your panties into your bum crack and the wetness of your soaking pussy. He would then slide them down just enough to run his tongue from your inner thighs to the base off your spine without touching your sex. She is kneeling on a bench in front of you, legs together pushing a...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 32

The next morning I was bright eyed and bushy tailed even though I got up before breakfast. After dressing I went to the kitchen. Teecha made me even happier since she had a mug of coffee in hand and turned it over to me promptly. "I hope you aren't going to put off the hunting again," Taachachi said. "No, I'm not, but remember, I'll be concentrating on exploring. Maybe Biltee will do some serious hunting." "He will. I reminded Raasha and Mayna yesterday that he needed to go this...

1 year ago
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Sis loves me

Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister Susan and I spent lots of time together, as we grew up. When we was young we would rassle in the back yard, play baseball on the school field, run with all our friends, and in general just have fun. This went on right up into High School. As we grew, I was amazed at the transformation Susan's body went through. As she gained height (she is 5 foot 10 inches, to my 6 foot even now), she also grew curves that were very pleasing to the eyes! Her...

2 years ago
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Jailbreak Megan Roman Inspired by the picture "Jailbreak" found on Prinny77's deviantart site (http://prinny77.deviantart.com/) Steffie knew she hadn't lived a perfect life. For 21 years, she had spent pretty much every day indoors, either watching TV, reading, or playing videogames. She had no friends, no money, and no social life, and meeting her end by accidentally touching a broken power strip did nothing to change her activity level. Hell didn't seem like a logical...

1 year ago
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Full service

"May I help you, sir," the attractive young saleswoman asked while Ryan Majors scanned the display of night gowns that were marked at twenty percent off!?! "Uh, yes, maybe," he replied while feeling the material on one of the gowns!!! "Is it a present for your wife," the lady asked?!? "Yes," he replied, "it's our fifth wedding anniversary and I just thought that maybe she might like something like this!!!" The saleslady, who introduced herself as Dawn answered quickly, "These might be a little...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 2 Liz

Liz lives on a small ranch off of CR 269 near Cobb Rd." Gypsy said, giving me directions to my 6pm appointment. "Make sure you close the gate behind you coming and going. Whatever you do, do not let Widow Maker, her prized Brahman rodeo bull get out. If you think we make a lot of money on your sperm, you should hear what she makes in stud fees off of this bull." she laughed. "Seriously, Liz will kill you if anything happens to that bull, that is unless Widow Maker gets to you first." Gypsy...

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The ProdigalThirtyfive

MOM AND DAD HEADED BACK to Nebraska on Monday before I went to Doc’s summer class. Lexi was staying with Jack another few days, but decided she needed to be back in Boston before Mel and Liss got home from their honeymoon. Wendy decided that now that the house was empty, she would do a thorough cleaning. There were two other students in the specialized affresco class. Adolfo Mazzarelli was exactly like his name sounded—tall, dark, handsome, Italian. Only he wasn’t Italian. He’d changed his...

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Spizoo Kasey Miller Sweet Blonde Gets POV Sex

Hot Blonde Kasey Miller is brand new and ready for POV Sex action. First, she teases you with her beautiful blue eyes, looking directly at you while she bends over to grab your cock and start sucking for a good time. Kasey sucks cock like a pro going deep throat, popping eyes and slippering saliva and cum in every stroke. Enjoy her natural tits and soft skin wearing jewelry over her neck, foot and ears. After a lot of blowjobs, she takes big cock inside doing deep penetration in every position,...

1 year ago
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Rosie the Renter

The doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone, especially the small young woman on my doorstep. The first thing I noticed was the kangaroo-style baby carrier on her chest with a tiny head visible. A diaper bag was hanging from her shoulder and a beat-up wheeled suitcase stood on the sidewalk. A hopeful face looked up at me and said hesitantly, “My name is Rosie. Do you have an apartment open?” I invited her in and brought her suitcase, then offered a drink. She chose water. I had the same....

3 years ago
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Fergie Takes It Up The Ass

It was two hours before show time. The black-eyed peas were all in their dressing rooms getting there outfits ready for the show. Fergie, the newest and only female member of the group, was putting on her tight short schoolgirl skirt and a skintight tank top. She had finished dressing and went to go check on the rest of her band. She first entered Will.I.Am's room. "Will are you ready yet?""Yeah Fergie this place is bumpin. I'm ready to get out there."Fergie was feeling a little anxious. She...

3 years ago
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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 7

It was the last dance, and, of course, it was slow. Almost everybody was dancing now. The fifteen or twenty percent of kids who hadn't made "that kind of friend" were already starting to get the dining hall ready for its more normal use as an eating facility, moving chairs and unfolding table legs, so that breakfast could be had the next morning. "So ... did we do anything you're sorry for?" he asked in her ear. She imagined that she felt the hot weight of his spunk inside her. She...

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knocking up jeannette pt 1

She ran her fingers over her stomach. She imagined that she felt a slight bump, but she knew it was too soon for anything developing in her young womb. Her fingertips moved carefully down toward her pelvis, over her pubic bone and touched on her turgid mound. Pressing down hard, and moving slowly but deliberately from side to side, a shiver rushed out over her body, briefly exploding inward, charging from her clitoris to her extremities and then released. She lay there, limp in the shafts of...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 225

This one is compliments of RabbiRabbit A US Marine Colonel was about to start the morning briefing to his staff. While waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing, the colonel decided to pose a question to all assembled. He explained that his wife had been a bit frisky the night before and he failed to get his usual amount of sound sleep. He posed the question of just how much of sex was "work" and how much of it was "pleasure?" A Major chimed in with 75%-25% in favor of...

4 years ago
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Camping with my Wife

My wife and I had been married for 4 years. Even now, I can't believe my luck. At 28 years old she is a revelation to behold. Not only has she turned a lot of heads with her long blond hair, delicate and beautiful face, perky 36C breasts, slim waist and a perfect nice and round ass, but she has always been completely dedicated to our relation and faithful.She kept herself in shape by long strenuous bike rides, and daily laps in the pool. Also, she is very successful in her professional career,...

Straight Sex
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The Blue Flame of Love chapter 2

  Abby’s parents brought her home where Morgan, Vince's mother, Jenna, his sisters Maureen and Elizabeth, along with Ted’s parents, had been cleaning and making prepared meals for her and the kids. She went to her room and saw two suitcases, with a note.‘Abby, this should be enough clothes, so Vince doesn’t have to worry about doing laundry over Thanksgiving. Jenna.’Abby put his clothes into the empty drawers. That was very sweet, Jenna, thank you. The President of the company told her to stay...

Love Stories
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Saras Journey Ch 04

We were just finishing up with dinner when the phone rang. Marcy picked it up and after a few words said, ‘Sara, it’s for you.’ ‘Sara, hi. This is Heather,’ the voice said. ‘I’m your step-sister from New York. I spoke with your doctor this afternoon and he said you had amnesia. Do you remember me?’ ‘I still don’t remember anything from before I woke up in the hospital,’ I said. I’ve been doing okay, though.’ ‘Man! It took me forever to track you down. Luckily the night nurse at the hospital...

4 years ago
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Trials Of An Indian Housewife

When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...

3 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 18

Jessica left under protest. I would have gladly gone with her, but I foolishly asked the question. Looking over to Jeanie, Theresa said, "You remember Tim? He acted very nice, didn't he?" Jeanie was nodding before the words came out. "Yes, he did." "That was before Jessica. He was wonderful, until that point." "What happened, dear?" my mother asked. "I got fat." Theresa noticed me looking at her. "Ok. I was pregnant." I was still looking at her and said, "You probably...

2 years ago
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The School Part Five

The School. Part Five. “Today, some of you may be pleased to know, is to be a day off as it were,” Penny announced in the classroom where we had gathered. “What we do at this stage, is to talk to you individually for an informal chat. Me with the girls and the boys with Peter, and we have the chat in the bar. So get yourselves into the lounge and we will see you alphabetically so that you can know when it’s your turn to come through to the bar. The dining room is only open during lunch and...

Group Sex
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When I first fucked the mother in law

This is the story about how I got to fuck my mother in law,I had been on this dating site looking for some fun between the sheets, I put in I wouldn't to travel about 12 miles from my address, So when the pictures came back and the age's I started to talk to one about 8 miles away she didn't have a picture, so I tht she must be married & just wanting to fuck, She told me her name was Liz, we chatted for about a week talking about every day things, then we got a bit more sexy, I asked her...

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