The ProfessorChapter 19: Lisa’s Experiment. Holidays. AI Conference free porn video

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Lisa spent about three-quarters of the nights in December with us at the house. Life was a little easier for the month, especially after exams were through, since she had her own transportation. Ash, Chris, and I spent the week before Christmas week going to Robotix every day, a fact that made Ray Jennings – the head of the company – very happy. A couple of the algorithm efforts we’d worked on over the summer had stalled, and we were able to help the teams get them moving again. We also got a chance to talk to him about the February conference and solidify our ideas for papers to deliver to the hundreds of attendees.

We’d come home at night from Portsmouth arriving about the same time that Lisa got home from the university. She was exceptionally busy getting a leg up on closing out the financial year for the institution. We’d do a communal dinner and then get into some sex play. A few nights someone would drop out for one reason or another; getting one’s period was the most common excused absence. With four women that was a frequent event; fortunately they were out of sync.

I avoided presuming to have sex in the evenings, but I seemed to be in the minority on that count. Also with four women in the house at least two if not all of them were horny. I thought I might be seen as arrogant or egotistic if I just expected to make love every night. It seemed that when I held back that made at least a couple of the women exceptionally needy in a sexual way. I wasn’t into playing games either.

We’d developed a somewhat crude vocabulary around what each of us wanted to happen: fuck or make love. We used other less definitive terms too, often in fun: boff, sex me, smush, get laid, do the ugly, hide your salami, and so on. I tried to always be accommodating, and I usually got to engage in what had become my favorite pastime – eating pussy and delivering several orgasms to my partners that way.

Also, on the sex front, Lisa decided that Christy and Ash needed lessons in fellatio. I became a very willing subject as she instructed on the perfect blowjob. There were a lot of laughs too. She claimed expertise based on nearly thirty years of extensive research and experience. Marcia watched and learned a few things too. I relished our lessons, and once it was the only time in my life I had four tongues simultaneously on my cock.

I made sure that each day and evening we built some intimacy between us that went beyond the sexual kind. I found a book entitled ‘365 Questions To Ask Your Spouse’, the idea being that you’d discuss a question a day. I brought it home from the used bookstore I’d been prowling around in and we started that night. I’d open the book to a random page towards the end of dinner and pose one of the questions, and that would then trigger a meaningful discussion.

Typical questions we kicked around were ‘What are you afraid your mate might find out about you?’ ‘What is one thing you wouldn’t want to fight about?’ ‘What role does sex play in a mature relationship?’ ‘How do you feel when your spouse looks at someone else?’ ‘What would you feel if your partner cheated and what would you do?’ ‘Does religion or spirituality play a role in your relationship?’ Although the questions were aimed at a couple, we turned them into general discussion topics that the five of us would talk about. I guess in a way it was Truth or Dare on steroids.

I confessed to a long and somewhat embarrassing history of masturbation due to lack of companionship, then spousal neglect, and then unwillingness to develop any relationship to girlfriend status until I met Ash and Chris. There were parallels for the girls, as well as admissions to feelings far earlier than any that the rest of us already knew about.

Lisa was unique; she talked about needing to prostitute herself, and then about being the school slut in high school. She also talked about her bar hopping more recently, and then even how she’d go out behind the place to the parking lot where she was waitressing and blow some guy or let him get his rocks off in her.

Lisa also talked about getting pregnant with Ashley when she was graduating from the community college in the area. The guy was just a casual fuck and no one Lisa wanted any kind of relationship with. He’d been long gone when she figured out the pregnancy, but she said he found out and did provide some money to her to help with ‘the kid’ for about five years. As soon as she’d birthed and was cleared for sex, Lisa was back freely fucking with even less restraint than before the baby but more attention to birth control. Later, she had three short marriages that each ended almost as soon as they began. Ash got a fire hose stream of knowledge about her mother’s less flattering side.

I admitted to feeling possessive about all four women, but stated that I hoped that Lisa would find someone in her life that truly fulfilled all her needs and desires. Lisa laughed and told us that had been one of her hopes too since she’d been ten years old, but that in the meanwhile living with us was a great substitute. She called me her surrogate Prince Charming.

Marcia revealed some of her vulnerabilities around the two prior serious relationships she’d had that fell apart when she confessed her bisexuality. We had a long discussion about our biases, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia and then a couple of long talks about sexual kinkiness and what that meant for each of us. We each were pushed to admit things we’d just as well keep buried without thinking about them. I admitted to having spent years wanting to fuck my sister. On the other hand, I was surprised at how accepting and inclusive most of my partners were.

We bought a huge Christmas tree and put it up in the living room all the way up to near the peak of the cathedral ceiling. I’d never had a tree that big, and had only seen one our size outside. Decorating it became a challenge and required that I ultimately buy a taller stepladder than any I had.

We put most of our presents under the tree and each of us pledged not to shake or feel any of the boxes without permission. To my knowledge everyone adhered to our ‘no peeping’ pact.

We invited Doug and Deb for dinner and a fun evening two nights before Christmas Eve. The five of us unanimously agreed that we wanted an unbridled fuck session with the couple, and they were equally enthusiastic about another engagement with us – our fourth.

We spread out one of the large mattresses and some of the ones from the twin beds around the Christmas tree, and exercised our lust – even giving sex performances for each other to get us all jacked up sexually. I remember the night especially well because it was the first time I came in one night in each of the women; I had five hard releases with attendant mind-blowing feelings over the course of six hours. I gave at least four times that. I’d never been that keyed up before. I figured one of the reasons was that I’d been practicing so hard with Ash, Chris, Marcia, and Lisa.

Deb and I were able to have an especially romantic liaison. We really did have a deep spiritual connection with each other, and not just the lust and sex connection. We both found that kissing each other while we were making love sent us into an unique heavenly place.

Christmas Eve just the four girls and I made love under the Christmas tree again, and it was sweet and tender for each of the women. Lisa was now ‘one of the girls’ in my vocabulary, despite her being a few years older than I was. We then curled up right there and pulled a couple of blankets over us and slept. It was one of most memorable nights of my life.

Christmas morning we were awake on the early side. After making love again, we did an extensive breakfast and then brought our coffee mugs back into the living room and started to open presents. I had gotten a couple of items of clothing for each girl in my life, as well as some fancy cosmetics. I got a couple of sweaters, some cockpit gear for my hobby of flying that I’d hinted about, and a professional photograph of the four women all dressed up to the nines and looking into the camera with love in their eyes.

When the presents were gone a modest effort to clean up the wrapping papers and boxes started. I said in a loud but pleasant voice, “Wait! We’re not through.”

The girls sat down again and I moved in front of Ashley.

“Ashley Caldwell. I love you. I want you in my life for the rest of my life. I feel we belong together, and so as a token of that love, I give you this diamond because a diamond is forever.”

I produced a jewelry box from my pocket and held it open. Inside laid a simple gold chain with a large sparkly diamond pendant.

Ashley looked at me to be sure I was sincere, and I couldn’t have been more serious. We kissed and I carefully put the necklace on her, adjusting it so it hung just above her bare cleavage.

I quickly moved to Christy, and repeated my pledge of love. I presented her with a diamond pendant necklace. I also explained so that the others could hear, “I would have gotten rings but for fifteen year olds they may be hard to explain.”

My sidestep to Marcia surprised her. I repeated my love for her, “Marcia Calassio, I love you and want you with me forever. As a token of that love I give you this necklace. Never doubt my feelings of love for you.”

Before I could even put it around her neck, Marcia lunged into me rolling us back on one of the mattresses. She kissed me like never before, and kept repeating ‘I love you. I love you.’

Lastly, I turned to Lisa. She looked panicked suddenly. This was totally unexpected. I smiled at her.

“Lisa Caldwell, I love you too. I don’t know what the future holds for us, and so I’ve been a little reserved in this regard, but do know that I want you with us until the end of time. That said, I know this lifestyle is difficult for you and maybe uncertain in the long term. Whatever happens, know that you are always welcome here and that you will always find deep love for you here starting with me.”

Lisa’s necklace was a beautiful blue sapphire, her birthstone for her September birthday. She gasped when she saw the necklace and tears of happiness ran down her cheeks as I put it around her neck. I got such a passionate kiss, and then, “Jim, I love you so much. I really love you.”

After the jewelry and the pledges, we cleaned up a little and then got out of our pajamas. The five of us had pledged to visit Christy’s parents in early afternoon, and Marcia’s parents after that. The only other parents that would have liked a visit were mine and I promised them a call around noontime before we started our visits.

My parents did not know about my lifestyle. I wasn’t sure how to explain it to them, particularly the fifteen year olds. I knew I would be branded a pervert and lecher and be forever banned from their lives. I had admitted to Marcia as a girlfriend, and having a couple of other girls I ‘dated’ once in a while. Since they were in Florida and seldom wanted to leave their haven, I thought it unlikely that they would discover my life.

I had a younger sister in San Jose. She was a graduate student working on her Ph.D. in biochemistry, and we talked on the phone about four times a year to remind ourselves that we did indeed have additional family on the other side of the country. The few times my parents had left Florida it was to visit Emily and not me. Occasionally, I flew my plane to Florida or the south, and saw them.

My call to my parents was only about fifteen minutes, mostly rehashing stuff they already knew about my teaching from my Facebook page. I mentioned needing to visit some of my girlfriends’ homes on social calls that afternoon. That subtly let them know that I was not gay, despite having gone almost four years since my divorce. My dad had once hinted at his concern. I thought he read too much fiction.

My call to Emily was even shorter. I got a quick update on her studies and her dissertation. She was job hunting in preparation for her late May graduation. I asked about her anchor points in California and she told me she was burning bridges in preparation for a job search. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but it sounded permanent and rendering her a totally free agent geographically.

New Year’s Eve the weather wasn’t too cold or stormy, so we drove into downtown Boston and met Doug and Deb for dinner and night on the town. We went to a couple of clubs after dinner that would admit Ash and Chris. The fact that Lisa, Ash’s mother, was with us made a difference at both clubs. Ash and Chris dressed to look as old as possible, and I guess it worked. They stuck to diet cola just in case. Around eleven, we headed to Boston Common and what was called First Night. Several bands were playing there, and then down by Quincy Market where we went shortly before midnight. At midnight there were a few fireworks over the harbor. We then recovered the car and headed home, saying goodnight to Doug and Deb with lots of laughter, hugs, and kisses in front of the parking garage.

On Monday, Ash, Chris and I headed to Robotix to put in a full week of consulting. Ray Jennings started the week with us Monday morning explaining that they were ready to integrate some of our software into a larger program that would drive a comprehending, learning, and talking bust of a cyborg they had named Olivia. Olivia would be the smartest ‘bot except maybe for Watson – the cyborg that IBM had built that became famous because it competed on the TV show Jeopardy. We knew from our earlier work that we’d have to carefully pronounce Olivia’s name as nearly four distinct syllables for recognition.

We got a new charter from Ray based on some contract work he’d received from Apple Computer. Olivia needed to learn to drive. Robotix was going to work on the complex Artificial Intelligence software and sensors to go in self-driving cars. Because autonomous cars had been in the news so much, we were all excited to shift our attention to something becoming so mainstream. We did have to sign nondisclosure forms for Apple that were tougher than any I’d seen.

By the end of the week, Ray had Olivia mounted in a custom rack in the driver’s seat of a two-year-old BMW belonging to Robotix. The bust had been dressed up to look almost human, complete with sunglasses and winter hat. Atop the car was a state-of-the-art LIDAR system looking at everything going on within 360-degrees of the car and out for hundreds of yards. A special computer resided in the back of the car to augment what Olivia had in her head and chest.

The teens and I arranged our winter semester schedule to have Tuesdays and Thursdays again available so we could work at Robotix. Again, I arranged with Ray that he would assign them grades for their work on the new project that also dovetailed into a Special Projects course at the university that I oversaw.

I’d cleared all the arrangements with Deb Summer who also had a ‘special interest’ in the two fifteen year olds. We both winked at each other acknowledging that some of that special interest stemmed not from their intellectual abilities but rather Ashley and Chris’ ability to eat pussy like championship cunnilinguists, providing dozens of happy orgasms to their target at any moment. Both Deb and Marcia extolled their many virtues in the area, and Lisa even admitted to having her world rocked by the teens on a frequent basis.

The winter weather returned with a vengeance in mid-January. The temperatures dropped to below zero, and then we had three back-to-back ‘clippers’ – as the weather channel called them, which collectively dumped over two feet of snow on the area. Fortunately, we had enough warning not to get stuck someplace other than home.

With our weather warning system on high alert, we also managed to also have the right books and computer files with us to continue with our university work – teaching or studying for various classes, and even to work remotely the days we missed commuting to Robotix.

A further result of the storms and our careful planning resulted in Lisa being with us rather than marooned in her small home in Westborough, almost an hour away on a clear day.

We had yet to have ‘The Discussion’ with Lisa that we’d talking about over the Thanksgiving weekend, when we’d had our mini-orgy with Deb and Doug. At that get-together Lisa had engaged in serious sapphic sex for the first time in her life. She’d also been tricked and ended giving and receiving cunnilingus from her daughter, a point that had bothered her quite a bit at the time. Lisa wanted to think about all that was going on and try to evaluate whether or not she wanted those kinds of activities in her life and also whether she could be interested in some kind of group relationships such as what I had with Ash, Chris, and Marcia.

At Thanksgiving, we’d said we’d all talk about Lisa’s situation some time in January, but that didn’t happen, in part because we were all so busy with work and getting ready for the new semester that started in mid-January. I also thought that Lisa wanted some additional time to enjoy her experimentation.

The third weekend in January, however, Ash announced that we were to have a serious ‘family’ discussion and that Lisa was both the topic and focus for our remarks. I spent a few days getting my head around what I’d come to think of Lisa. I also took a few moments and got some input from Deb about Lisa’s work at the university since I thought that reflected on the mood she was in.

Same as The Professor
Chapter 19: Lisa’s Experiment. Holidays. AI Conference Videos

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The Business Conference

Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. This time around, my workmate Livy had attended the conference as well. She wasn't supposed to attend; another colleague had been scheduled, but due to the newest merger talks, Livy ended up filling the...

4 years ago
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The Conference

Life had been really boring lately. Work was a chore, my sex life was dull and I needed something to spice up my life! Little did I realise that the opportunity to attend a stay over 2 day conference with work would do the trick! I am 5’8”, quite Amazonian in build with large breasts, sex lately had been rather boring, I had had a couple of casual relationships with men but nothing seemed to hit the spot. I was summonsed to the boss’s office and was instructed to attend a two day conference...

4 years ago
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Babs Final Conference

At 63 Babs had taken enough of working life and she decided to hand in her notice and take early retirement. She would get to spend more time with her husband and perhaps they could have even more passionate times than even what they were having at the moment and that was not too bad at all. It would also give her the chance to re-ignite her passion for writing. She had written for many years mainly for the likes of MILLS and BOON but now she wanted to write from the darker side of her life...

2 years ago
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Out of Retirement Breeding Conference

Wife was lured out of retirement to attend just one conference as her expertise on the subject made her former employer feel they had to throw a truckload of money at her as she's the best on the subject. Frankly, their attention on her made her feel fantastic and very much needed. She attended the 2 day conference and excelled at her presentation and Q & A session. Company secured a huge order and based on the order was to be paid a retainer for a couple years whether she worked another...

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Episode 88 Copenhagen Conference

Author’s NoteThis story is part of a mini-series that started with a little girl called Grace going shopping with her Dad for a new black bikini in Episode 83.No characters in this episode are real except for Alia (sorry babe – only a brief mention) and Lola G-spot (who might be able to read it if she ever gets her PC working properly).All events are purely the result of my warped imagination.At the time of writing, I believe that no SexBots are quite as advanced as Suchi – we wait in...

3 years ago
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A very boring conference

I had to attend a conference and left Victor home alone. My loving husband had been stressed during last months and then our sex life was a real mess. It made me be fucking horny and aroused most of the time…After the first day the conference was absolutely boring to me; but after dinner, I met some interesting people there at the hotel.One of my colleagues was called Tom, a divorced lawyer who was there assisting, but also looking for a good time. He was attending the conference in the company...

3 years ago
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Sex With Hot Girl With Big Boobs At Company Conference

My company had organised a three day conference and executives from all over India branches of my company attended it. My company had booked flats in service apartments. One of my responsibilities was that arranging and taking care of executives’ accommodation and their other needs. After receiving few executives and shown their flats, I was bit tired. That’s when I saw her. A cab came through the front gate of the society and stopped in front of the apartment. She came out of it. She was...

2 years ago
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Summer Holidays

Author's Note The wicked step mother is a familiar theme and Aaron Swindling's Step Mother Knows Best, is my particular favourite. I wanted to write one where the step son refuses to be a victim and succeeds in maintaining his dignity and essential decency under difficult circumstances. Be warned there is very little sex and no humiliation. Summer Holidays Holiday Plans Shay Pegg gazed out of the window of the rapidly moving train, idly watching as the countryside...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 11 Holidays

By the time school closed for the Christmas and related holiday season recess, our extended family had reached a new stasis. Misty lived with Penny, Joan, Doug, and me all the time. There was no longer the pretense that she’d go home two or three evenings a week. Instead, Brad and Marjorie came to us a night or two during the week, and on the weekend. Sometimes it was only one of them during the week, as the other traveled for business. We also had a place for them – a guest room that they...

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Alone for the Holidays

Here it is the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I am sitting all alone at my kitchen table with a bottle of Jim Beam and my gun. I'm not a big drinking man but I did get the Jim Beam whiskey to build up my courage to do what I'm about to do. You see, this is the first Christmas I would be spending by myself in my sixty-four years of life. My wife of forty-two years died three months ago leaving me alone. Not everyone has Happy Holidays. I can see that now. It's not that my marriage was all...

4 years ago
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The Conference

It was really flattering, really, to have my boss ask me to speak at a conference in Reno. Yes, I was the one who'd done most of the design on the water quality model, but I still feel like a peon, someone holding up the totem pole from the bottom. When I think of conferences like this, I think of the important people speaking about important work they've done. I don't think of simple, staff engineers talking about basic tasks they've done. It was actually at that point that I realized I...

3 years ago
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DeMontagu Holidays

Authors note: I got a little distracted from the story I was supposed to be writing and came up with this. It is something of a prequel to some other ideas I have been having. If you are good at maintaining a female persona, dominant, and feel like doing a paragraph based roleplay along any of the lines below, please feel free to get in touch. Dear Paul, 20 years ago I was the Headmistress of a girls boarding school which was relocating to a more urban location. It was a very sad...

3 years ago
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Janets Experiment

Janet's Experiment - By chuck--------------Story Codes:F/m F/m+ D/s BDSM bondage consensual humiliation romanticSynopsis:This story was inspired by a comment in the forum section describing a favorite fantasy in one sentence: "Mmmmm...a room full of male subs each begging me for their turn to cum and the one who gets to is the one who pleases me most, while the others watch in jealous agony..."--------------It was Friday afternoon. I was bored and had no prospects for the weekend.  I found...

2 years ago
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The Caribbean Experiment Chapter 1

The strong Caribbean winds buffeted Jacque and I as we strolled along the one mile stretch of pristine beach at the start of our three-week holiday.  The warm breeze and the taste of the sea was a welcomed change from the hectic month we had in the city.  We didn’t even stop to unpack once we arrived and made a beeline straight for the beach.  We have always relied on these get-a-ways to recharge and reconnect as a couple. We had only planned on a short walk before getting back to get settled...

1 year ago
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Angies Experiment

Day 0 Angie?s ExperimentBy: Michael Alexander  Day 0?? ?????????? ?10:36pm Hi.? My name is Angie.? I?m twenty one years old, almost twenty two in a month or two.? I?m five foot five, one twenty eight pounds, with shoulder length cropped blonde hair, which admittedly comes from a bottle.? I?ve lived in Texas all my life, and have enjoyed every minute of it.?  I have to admit, I feel a little trepidation about this ?experiment?.? While appealing on the short term, I worry about the...

4 years ago
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Shannon and the Milgram Experiment

?Professor Stanton?? The young woman peered through the doorway into the small one-window office.?Yes? Oh, Shannon, it’s you.  You’re here about the psych experiment required of all my students, right?  I’ve been expecting you.?The man rose from his wooden desk chair and extended his hand towards the pretty young college student, ?I’ve been going over the research assignments and I noticed that you haven’t completed yours yet.  Most of the other students finished theirs a few weeks ago.??Yes,...

1 year ago
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The Legal Conference

After several years of university, I decided it was time to leave study behind for a while and get a full-time job.Truth was, I hadn’t been too successful at uni and had switched courses on several occasions hoping to find the one that I’d really enjoy and apply myself to. But each time, it was the same. I’d be all enthusiastic for a few weeks and then I’d decide that partying was more fun and my studies would suffer.Plus, my Austudy was a pittance and at twenty-two years of age I was sick of...

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The Conference

I learn the true meaning of women’s empowerment at a women’s empowerment conference. My name is Laura and I work for a medium size company, owned by a woman and I am considered a rising star in the company. A conference was being held in Miami for women’s empowerment and the owner of my company decided I should go. I think she picked me because I am single and the conference is five days from Wednesday thru Sunday so it wouldn’t be a problem for me being there for that amount of time. I checked...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Sex at a conference

We are sitting in a conference room and I am bored. She is sitting in the room, she is beautiful and also seems bored. We furtively glance at each other, and then look away, we glance again then look away. She is blond and I am brunet, she has blue eyes and mine are brown, she has a dimple on her left cheek and I have a scar above my right eye. We stare at each other, we both stand up and leave the conference. Her room is nearer and we make for it. She fumbles with the keys, but then we are in....

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cheating at The conference

This happened when I was 26 years old. I am married. The only person I had ever had sex with was my husband. We were trying to have a baby so I had gone off the pill. I had to go out of town for a conference for my work. The conference was to start on Tuesday and finish on Thursday afternoon at 3pm. There were no flights until late Thursday so I scheduled a 1pm flight on Friday. That should get me home about 3:30.The conference finished on time and I went back to my room. There was nothing on...

1 year ago
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Married Stranger at a Business Conference

I've had sex with women I'd just met, several times. Some from online, some from bars and clubs and this one from a work conference. We were in a fairly large city on the east coast for a large sales conference with about one thousand sales reps from my region. On the last night, we all went out to party. I actually didn't have much luck at some of the more fun clubs. I stopped in at a bar next to the hotel on the way back to my room and chatted with some VP's with one of our vendors. They...

1 year ago
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Intimate massage at a conference

I was seated in the row furthest back, to the left of me sat a fairly short girl with black hair ending somewhere around her shoulder. She's was average looking girl but not without any real fashion sense and a bit shy, however she had the nicest ass around, round a bubbly.We were sitting right next to each other in the empty back row when the speaker told us since it was a long conference a quick massage would do us goodWe were told to stand up and turn to our left. The girl I had just met was...

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Sex at a conference

We are sitting in a conference room and I am bored. She is sitting in the room, she is beautiful and also seems bored. We furtively glance at each other, and then look away; we glance again then look away. She is blond and I am brunet, she has blue eyes and mine are brown, she has a dimple on her left cheek and I have a scar above my right eye. We stare at each other; we both stand up and leave the conference. Her room is nearer and we make for it. She fumbles with the keys, but then we are in....

1 year ago
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Tamis Clothes Experiment

Tami ran, her bare feet pounding against the hard sidewalk, the three wheels of the jogging stroller she pushed in front of her spinning rapidly. Her breasts bounced rhythmically on her naked chest as she ran, terror filling her and causing her to flee.She turned onto the leaf-lined street where she, Rod and baby Ella lived. She made it to the path up to her house and stopped suddenly. She swooped the baby up in her bare arms and took the steps two at a time. Using a key that was attached to a...

2 years ago
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December holidays part 12 Caitlyn

The rest of New years day after Skyler the escort I hired left, I chilled watching tv and relaxing giving my cock time to recover for Caitlyn who wants to see me once she arrives back on the 3rd. The day went by quick and I was soon fast asleep that night. Waking up Sunday morning I got up and tidied the house as well as doing laundry after all the sex I had on my parents bed. It reach 1pm and while eating lunch and replied to my girlfriend Jessica's messages as we were chatting. I then...

3 years ago
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Ana claiming for some holidays

Ana claiming for some holidaysIn mid September I convinced Ana we could take a free week and go to some nice place in the Caribbean waters. She was delighted, but then she told me that her boss would say NO as usual.Then I told her I could go with her and see whatever we could do. My sweet wife entered her boss office and found him sitting in his desk, another man besides him.Her boss was named James, a bald young man, always seemed disgusted with himself and of course, with everybody around...

2 years ago
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The Experiment

Shortly after I posted my story, "The Experiment," I went back and looked at it again and decided that it had been a failure. I simply hadn't realized the potential that I had seen in the article that had given rise to it. It was supposed to leap off the screen and grab the reader; instead, it just lay there doing not much of anything. Here on the list we were talking not long ago about whether you could revise a story too much; I fear that the original version of this story had not been...

3 years ago
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The Holidays Guest

Based Upon the Short Stories: Accidental Introduction to Animal Sex Parts 1 & 2 by Susan N. Hi. My name is Hailey and I live in Connecticut. This story took place over the most recent holidays. Rock is my brother in law's dog. I had sex with him. My God, I just said that, didn't I? My brother in law's name is Henry. My husband's name is Mike. Mike is two years younger than Henry, the oldest of the four Whitfield children. I'm 38, two years younger than my husband. Rock is six or...

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