ElevatedChapter 15 free porn video

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Corvus Gallicus didn't have a hangover exactly. The whiskey he and Canus had drunk was too expensive to give something as quotidian as a hangover. Instead, he woke feeling like a man with the flu - every hole in his head stuffed up as if someone had drilled into his skull, filled it with molten lead, and let the lead cool into a solid mass. He groaned and shifted that massive weight long enough to open his eyes. The sun, like some eternally-patient assassin, took the opportunity to drive in twin daggers of pain. He slammed his eyes shut again, planning to regroup and sleep until sunset.

"How may we serve?"

Corvus groaned. and considered asking his slaves to put him out of his misery. Only one nostril seemed to be working and it wouldn't be that hard for Clover to hold it closed for a few minutes. But if he asked, she'd probably start wailing about iron knives. He should ask Rose.

"Are you unwell?" Corvus felt Clover's weight settle on the edge of his bed and a cool hand on his cheek. After a few moments, she added, "You don't seem to have a fever."

She sounded faintly disappointed. Corvus was starting to suspect that his body slave enjoyed taking care of sick people a little too much and viewed robust health as something of an imposition. "Not sick, just overdid it ... good of the empire."

On the other side of the room, Rose chuckled. "Should I have a bath drawn for you?"

"And have someone pour me into it, please," muttered Corvus.

"John is here this morning. I can send for him," offered Clover.

"No." Corvus had forgotten he shouldn't joke with his slaves like that. "I'll manage on my own, I think. Just ... give me a minute."

He dozed a little and woke to Rose returning to inform him his bath was ready. Corvus was still sprawled face-down and naked across his bed. By force of will, he rolled onto his back and sat up. The assassin-sun was still there, but Corvus supposed he would get used to being stabbed in the eyeballs after a while. He gestured to both girls to help him up. Once they had him up, they shifted to support him with their shoulders, but Corvus stepped away. "I can walk on my own, thank you."

They stepped back, but gave him uncertain looks like they were ready to leap forward and catch him if he tumbled forward. The looks pricked his male ego a little. "I can. I'm ... undiminished." He straightened himself up and strode into the bathing chamber, doing his best to appear dignified and statesmanlike while bare-ass naked.

He got to the edge of the pool before it registered who was waiting in the room for him. Nerida and Datura knelt side-by-side at the far end of the pool dressed in the translucent, diaphanous gowns of bath attendants. With the slave formerly known as Regula Vitellius dressed so simply, her hair down and loose, her makeup minimal, the two of them could have been sisters. As he stood uncertain at the other end of the pool, she raised her head and looked at him. "How may we serve?"

Corvus took a sharp right turn and strode back into his bedroom. Rose and Clover looked up from stripping the barely-touched sheets from his bed.

"Coffee first," he announced and sat down at one of the small tables that dotted his rooms. "And one of you go ask Paphian Nova to join me - once you've found me a robe."

Corvus stoically drank his first cup of coffee black. The bitter, faintly acrid brew was more a punishment than a stimulant, but it braced him and made him feel more Roman for having survived drinking it. His second cup he sugared and creamed normally. Being a stoic was one thing, but there was no point in being a masochist.

Paphian Nova burst into the room dressed only in a robe and her makeup half applied. "Has something happened?"

Corvus frowned, puzzled. "I ... no. Nothing's happened. Would you ... like some coffee?"

Paphian pulled a sour face, but it only lasted a second before her more gracious demeanor returned. She lowered herself elegantly into the chair and allowed Corvus to pour her a cup. "Yes, thank you. Rose made it seem like there was some rush. I was afraid something had happened."

"No. I was just surprised. She must have picked up on that," admitted Corvus. "Did you send Datura to serve in my bath this morning?"

"Not specifically. I told her and Nerida to come here and serve where they were needed. Did she do something wrong?"

Corvus gave a faint shake of his head. "She hasn't done anything yet. But I was naked when I realized it was her."

"That is ... traditionally how one dresses for the bath," Paphian pointed out.

Corvus frowned. "Is she ready for that? I thought it would take ... longer."

"To serve or to see you naked? As I told you in the beginning, every slave progresses at a different pace, but Datura has been making great strides ... unless she did something wrong?" Paphian frowned. "Did she respond in some way displeasing to you?"

Corvus shook his head again. "She didn't respond at all actually. As I said, I was startled to see her this morning, not displeased."

"Your father's man said every hand would be required here today," said Paphian. "I asked him about Datura and he said yes. Lily and Perry are here as well, helping with the wedding preparations."

"Will they be in my bath as well?"

"If you wish, I can send them. I think Perry's in the kitchen and..."

Corvus raised a hand. "No. I'd rather not have them in my bath actually. I was joking."

"Oh." Paphian made a face suggesting she didn't get the joke. "And Datura?"

Corvus winced. "Let her stay. If she's ready to start serving, I guess this is one place to start. How long until she's completely trained?"

"Years?" Paphian sipped her coffee. "She has a lifetime of habits to unlearn and there's a chance she'll never really be a proper slave, although I'll certainly make every effort to see that she does."

"I didn't mean that," said Corvus. "I meant ... when will she be trained for what I originally hired you to train her for?"

"Bed service? She's ready when you say she's ready."

"I know that. But when do you expect she'll be ready to your satisfaction?" Corvus poured himself another cup of coffee.

"She's ready now," said Paphian. "At least, I've trained her in all the basics. She understands the mechanics and some technique. She'll be more ready after her next lesson and even moreso the lesson after that."

Corvus closed his eyes, rubbed his temples, and wondered if Paphian was deliberately drawing this out to punish him for calling her away from her morning preparations. "All right. But when will she be completely ready?"

"After she's been doing it a while. No girl's ever completely ready for bed service until then, particularly if she starts out intact."

Corvus decided to try another tack. "You said you had a training program you'd designed specifically for her. How far along is she?"

"A little more than halfway through the first phase. As I said, she's making excellent progress. Of course, we can certainly move some lessons into the first phase if need be. It's up to you."

Corvus felt like he knew less than he had before he'd asked the question. "I ... trust your judgment on her training. Proceed as you see fit."

Paphian gave him a considered look. He wondered if she'd learned it from Lucretia or the other way around. Lips slightly pursed, eyes searching his face as if seeking and failing to find any signs of intelligence, it was a look that suggested he was being unforgivably dense.

"I can keep training her for a while with the other girls. Goodness knows the girls seem to enjoy it well enough. But, the skills don't really transfer to serving in a man's bed. And I can't even start her on boys until you've deflowered her. Otherwise, I'd be ready to start some time next week."

"Slave boys?" Corvus raised an eyebrow.

"They're generally best for training. Yes."

"I don't want her trained with slave boys," said Corvus. It wasn't really a conscious thought, just an impulse, but once it was out of his mouth, he made a snap decision and pressed on. "Once this wedding is over and I've graduated, I should have time for this slave owner's training you've offered me. We'll do it in parallel. You can teach her how to serve a man and teach me how to be served at the same time."

"You'll have blooded her by then?"

Corvus paused only a moment before nodding. "Yes."

Paphian's smile held a hint of satisfaction. "As you wish."

Fortified with coffee and Paphian's words, Corvus returned to his bathing room. Datura and Nerida were just where he'd left them.

As much work as he'd gone to in order to put a robe on, it only gave him a few seconds of too-late modesty before he was stripping out of it and sinking into the steaming-hot water at one end of the pool. Almost in synchronization, the two slaves stripped out of their gowns and dropped into the far end of the pool.

Corvus only caught a moment of Datura's naked body before it was just a reddish-brown streak under the water, but it was enough to shock him into a moment of sharp arousal. Datura swam with a sleek grace like she was born to the water. A faint scowl crossed Nerida's features, but Corvus was entranced. He'd never seen Regula do anything that could vaguely be considered athletic, never imagined the power and grace she showed in those few seconds approaching him at speed. He'd thought of her as something light and ethereal and, even when he'd fantasized about having sex with her, it had been an act more ephemeral than carnal.

She emerged at his side, hair slicked down, eyes bright like she'd kept them open underwater, water beading on her skin and hanging in fat droplets on her eyelashes. Rivulets ran down her chest to coalesce into a stream between her breasts that split again as it flowed out to her hips.

"How may I serve?"

Corvus looked in her eyes, searching for some sign of distress or fear, even if only to torture himself with it. The faintest smile quirked Datura's lips and he found himself returning it. "Just a bath today."

Nerida waded up to him on the other side, washcloths piled neatly in her arms. Her motions were elegant and sensual as wading went, but the look she gave Datura as the other girl extracted soaps and toiletries from a sunken compartment next to the pool said she knew she'd been outshone.

Still, she smiled at Corvus as she exchanged a cloth for a soap and lathered up a wet washcloth. As she leaned in to wash his neck, she moulded herself against Corvus's arm and Corvus put it around her waist, drawing her close. She rested her head on Corvus's shoulder and he could draw in a light musk overlaid with notes of honey and fresh-cut grass he was certain he'd never smelled on her or anyone else before.

Just as he was leaning in to get a better draw of Nerida's scent, Datura pressed herself in on the other side and a little electrical thrill went through Corvus. He turned and looked at her, lifting his arm to draw her closer unblock his own view. Water still beaded on one dark nipple and fell as he watched it gather and fall as if the weight of his gaze drew it downward.

Datura looked down at her own body where Corvus was looking, then moved in close. When Corvus's arm went around her waist and came to rest on her hips, she glanced down again momentarily, then back up at his eyes, another faint smile quirking her lips. It wasn't a slave smile, expressing pleasure in service or the polite, detached smile he'd seen her wear so many times when she was still Regula and he was nobody. It was a smile that said she found something pleasant when she'd been afraid she wouldn't. It was an honest smile and Corvus returned it, leaning in to better catch the scent she wore. It made him think of lemon, black pepper, and some sort of spicy incense. It made her smell exotic and foreign. He leaned back, still drawing it in, trying to catch both fragrances at once.

"Paphian has been teaching us how to choose scents that complement our body chemistry in a way we think will be pleasing to our master," Datura said in response to his unspoken question and smiled like she knew a secret. "She said you probably wouldn't even notice it."

"It's ... not anything I remember either of you wearing before." Corvus reminisced. Quickly, he added, "Not that I followed you around the halls trying to get close enough to smell you, but when I did catch anything, it usually smelled like flowers."

"We can smell like flowers if you prefer," offered Nerida. "You seem to like them well enough, but since you didn't name me after one, I thought you might want me to smell like something else. This scent reminded me of summer."

Corvus drew it in again. It reminded him not just of summer, but very sharply of summers when he'd been younger, before his mother had gone back to Europe, mowing the lawn outside the little house they'd lived in together on the outskirts of the capital. At twelve, he'd thought he hated mowing the lawn, particularly when the summer was at its hottest. It was hard, sweaty work to push the mower back and forth across the uneven terrain of their relatively tiny front and back yards, but he found he missed it when he moved deeper into the city. His aunt's house had no lawn at all and no excuse to strip off his shirt and feel the burning sun on the muscles of his back as he exerted himself unless he wanted to go down to the park and engage in the always-violent contests that his cousins and their friends thought passed for sports.

He hadn't thought about his cousins much since being elevated. When he'd been preparing to move into Gaius's house, he'd played with the idea of using some of his newfound wealth to make them as miserable as they'd so often made him. But those days seemed to be a million years ago now and his aunt had in fact taken him in so that Lucretia could resume her career. Without his aunt's help, he likely never would have been elevated at all. He owed her something for that and, if his cousins benefitted from any largesse he might send her way, that didn't seem like the tragedy it had once.

He looked up and saw Nerida looking down at him with a curious expression on her face. "I like it very much. Thank you." It occurred to him that he'd never offered to let Nerida or Gwen pick new names for themselves like he had Merula and Pera and he wondered if he should correct the oversight.

Nerida's hand went to his cheek and she turned his head so their lips were close together. Corvus kissed her, but only softly. "Just a bath today, please. I'm feeling kind of ... toxic inside."

On his words, Datura released some hidden tension she'd been holding and pressed closer to him, one arm settling around his waist with the other hand washed the side of his neck.

As awful as he felt in some ways, Corvus started to seriously consider taking Datura this morning. She wasn't really ready. He could feel that in the hesitations and the tension. Even as she'd changed so much from their last couple of meetings, there was still some core of resistance that wouldn't accept what was coming next. But that core would be there for a long time and he wasn't helping her shed it by restraining himself.

He turned and looked at Datura, really looked at her. Already, it was easier to think of her that way than to remember her as Regula Vitellius. That proud, imperious young woman would never have served like this, not for love or money. She worked and watched him watching her until her eyes dropped from his eyes to his lips.

And that was when he remembered he'd kissed Aquilina Herennius last night. A wave of panic rolled over him. What on earth had he been thinking kissing Aquilina Herennius?

He was pretty sure his media relations director had started it, but he'd returned the favor more than once. He felt like he'd just caught himself cheating and had to sternly remind himself that Crispa had a suitor now and was probably playing him and Atellus Rufius off against each other. If a beautiful, vibrant woman like Aquilina Herennius wanted to kiss Corvus and Corvus wanted to kiss her back, there was nothing for him to feel guilty about.

Datura's scent was tickling Corvus's nose as he thought about what he'd done the night before. It triggered another memory and he looked in his slave's eyes. "Why lemon?"

Datura gave him an uncertain smile. "In another life, there was a boy I went to school with. The first day of high school, he had a lemon in his lunch bag, cut into quarters. After he finished whatever he'd been eating, he popped one quarter into his mouth and ate it like it was an orange or something. The other boys made fun of him for it, but it just made me wish I'd brought my own lemon."

Corvus's eyes locked with hers and she didn't look away. If he'd seen even a hint of mockery there, he might have had to sell her or beat her and then sell her, but there was a different message there. He couldn't read it, but it wasn't mocking him.

He smiled and kissed her forehead softly. He'd never brought another lemon to school or even finished that first one, but four years later, when he'd left the school, a week still didn't go by without someone mentioning that damned lemon.

"Corvus, your parents have invited you to join them for lunch."

Corvus looked up to see Clover standing at the edge of the pool, hands clasped behind her back. He groaned and closed his eyes. He didn't really want to deal with Lucretia or Gaius while he still had last night's poisons slowly draining out of him, but he could hardly refuse. He gestured to the two girls attending his bath to give him a bit of room and they both floated a short distance away.

"Please send back word that I'll be along shortly," said Corvus, rising slowly from the pool. "And find me a good pair of sunglasses, please."

As Corvus stepped onto the pathway edging the house's main courtyard, Armand appeared out of the shadows. "Citizen Corvus, good of you to come. Should I announce you?"

Corvus shook his head at his father's assistant steward. "I'm pretty sure they'll still recognize me, Armand. Where's Malcolm?"

"I ... was led to understand he was at your house, sir. Was I mistaken?"

That got a frown. "No, maybe not. I just thought he said every hand was needed to prepare for the wedding. I guess he didn't mean his own hands, though."

"That ... wouldn't be entirely out of character for Malcolm. Should I call and tell him to get over here and help out?"

Corvus caught the quick smile before Armand could hide it and one flashed across his own features as well at the thought of ordering Armand to bawl Malcolm out for laziness. He wondered how common it was for slaves to express their rivalries by trying to get each other in trouble with their owners. It was probably one of those things Paphian Nova would teach him eventually. Still, he felt the need to shake his head. "No. I'm sure there's plenty to keep him busy at my house. Thank you, Armand."

With one more deep breath, he stepped onto the lawn surrounding the large breakfast table where his father and mother sat and ate.

"There he is!" Gaius boomed cheerfully. Corvus tried not to flinch. His mother watched him approach with a small frown on her face, but didn't say anything.

Something about that obvious look of disapproval on his mother's face irritated Corvus and made him bold. She'd often managed to unnerve him by looking at him like that until he started confessing things she hadn't known about. He wasn't going to play that game today and decided to pretend he didn't notice. He sat down, poured himself a cup of coffee, and speared a slice of muskmelon with a serving fork. "This is nice. We haven't had many opportunities to sit down together over breakfast."

"This is lunch, dear," said Lucretia pointedly.

"For you maybe," Corvus persisted, spearing another slice of fruit and ignoring the slave hovering nearby, trying to figure out how to get the utensil away from him so he could do his assigned job. "I've had a number of long nights this week and have just learned the valuable lesson that no mortal man should try to match Canus Petronius drink-for-drink."

Gaius chuckled. "That's a valuable lesson to learn while you're still young enough to survive it."

"Why are you spending so much time with Senator Petronius?" Lucretia demanded as if she didn't know the answer. "You do know he's retiring soon. Don't you? There are plenty of active senators you could be making friends with - the sort who might actually be useful to your future plans."

Corvus stared at his mother wondering if she hadn't woken up feeling miserable this morning as well. Her tone was a shade too shrill and her words a touch too chiding. It wasn't her style at all. It was like someone trying to imitate her style.

He decided not to rise to the bait, choosing instead to pop a grape in his mouth, chew it slowly, and swallow while he decided how to play this new game of Lucretia's. "Well, I do have plans to meet Atellus Rufius at the dance performance tonight. I doubt we're going to be friends, though. He's courting Crispa."

Gaius and Lucretia exchanged a look and, for just a moment, their postures changed becoming more tense and alert. In an eyeblink, they were back to their original attitudes - Gaius in a pose of relaxed camaraderie, Lucretia glaring at Corvus with more than a hint of annoyance. The transformation was so fast that Corvus wasn't entirely sure he'd really seen it, but it put him on alert that whatever his mother was playing at, they were both in on it.

Gaius laughed. "That's probably for the best ... not the part about courting the Widow Iunius of course. I thought she was your mistress?"

Corvus had used the tactic of following a controversial statement with a quick question often enough to recognize it when it was used against him. Gaius was telling him not to make friends with Atellus Rufius, but immediately changing the subject to avoid arguing about it. If he followed up on the technique, in a few days, he would remind Corvus that they'd agreed he wasn't going to make friends with Atellus Rufius and, had Corvus not been alerted that something was up, he probably would have fallen for it.

"I thought she was too," Corvus admitted. They were out in the open, away from the courtyard walls. Unless the table was bugged, it seemed unlikely that anyone was listening in. But that seemed like the only explanation for the shadow play Gaius and Lucretia were engaged in. They were almost certainly teaming up to manipulate him, but they were performing for an audience too.

That could mean only one thing. The table was bugged and they knew it. He rapped sharply on the hard wooden surface with his knuckles as if frustrated with the topic of conversation and saw Gaius jump a little in surprise. "At least, I thought she was going to be my mistress, but I was a little slow on the draw."

"You're better off without her," said Lucretia. "Everyone in your life is important to your career, including your mistress. You can do better."

"I don't know. I think she'd make a fine mistress for Corvus," said Gaius.

Lucretia narrowed her eyes at Gaius. "Don't you get any ideas."

Finally, it became painfully obvious what they were doing. Corvus usually worked alone, so he didn't immediately think of good constable-bad constable. But, it was textbook. His mother was backing him into a corner, making demands. Gaius was being chummy and sympathetic. If their script played out, Corvus would do everything his father suggested and reject everything his mother demanded. It was brilliant in its simplicity and time-worn effectiveness. He admired it even as it pissed him off. He wasn't going to stand for it, but he could admire it nonetheless.

He reversed gears. "Maybe you're right, mother. She hasn't been a very good influence, I'm afraid."

He could see Gaius's eyes twitch towards Lucretia, seeking guidance, but aware that too obvious a look would give them away. Lucretia opened her mouth, ready to slap down whatever he'd said, then was forced to close it as she realized he'd agreed with her. She locked eyes with him.

"A man your age can use a few bad influences from time to time." Gaius went on gamely, but Corvus ignored him, watching Lucretia. She didn't break eye contact, but rested her thumb under her chin and extended a forefinger up the side of her nose. It looked like a thoughtful gesture, but he'd never seen his mother make it before. She pursed and extended her lips fractionally, turning the thoughtful look into the universal symbol for "keep quiet" or as Corvus interpreted in the moment, "play along." His heart started to beat harder, but he gave only the smallest nod of acknowledgement. Lucretia returned it, then went back to scowling at him.

Corvus looked at Gaius, who seemed to be waiting for an answer. For a moment, he panicked, trying to recall what they'd been talking about only seconds before. He stirred his coffee, trying to think back.

"Corvus has more than enough bad influences already," Lucretia picked up where she'd left off.

"It's not really up to me now," said Corvus like he'd just remembered his next line in a scripted drama. "Crispa has a decision to make. Maybe she'll make it before I get involved with someone else."

He didn't know who was listening or why his parents hadn't clued him in. It would have been nice to think they'd deliberately slipped up, but it was too convenient an excuse and implied too much omniscience on the part of anyone spying on them. If they'd meant to tell him, they could have found a way. There were plenty of places on the estate where they could speak without fear of recording devices. They hadn't planned on coming clean today. They'd planned to manipulate him into action and he'd forced the issue by catching them out.

"I suppose there are worse ways to waste your time than with an unsuitable mistress," grumbled Lucretia. "For instance, you could spend hours and hours in a senatorial office when you're just going to hand over your proxy to your father's factor as soon as you leave for the Academy."

"I haven't decided on either of those points yet, mother," said Corvus, unsure whether his adversarial tone was an act or real. "If you're just expecting a rubber stamp, you can find someone else to take Petronius's seat. I've been training my whole life to join a senator's staff. Now that you've been good enough to provide me with an opportunity to do even more than that, I thought i would put some of that training to good use."

Gaius's face split in a broad grin. "That's commendable. I wasn't really expecting you to do more than put your name on the door when I offered you the seat, but an ally with a strong voice would be much more welcome."

Corvus looked at his mother, who seemed displeased, but didn't say anything. Choosing his words carefully, he addressed Gaius. "I'm most grateful for the opportunity to serve. And I certainly hope I can prove a strong ally."

"Of course you're grateful," insisted Lucretia. "If it weren't for your father, you'd be in your aunt's house right now studying for final exams instead of talking about what you're going to do with your vote as a senator."

Gaius caught what Corvus hadn't said and looked thoughtful for a long time before speaking. "I helped keep Canus Petronius in office for the last twenty years. Sometimes, I was the only one supporting him when everyone else wanted to see him gone. Even Canus and I didn't always end up on the same side of every vote. But what Canus did do for me was to come and talk whenever we were going to be on opposite sides of an issue so we could look for a compromise or at least not go at each other hammer-and-tongs on the senate floor."

Corvus considered some of his possible answers. Gaius prompted. "I hope you'll keep me updated on what you're up to."

That got a chuckle out of Corvus. "I'm going to have to. Marcella Herenius resigned yesterday."

Gaius burst out laughing. Lucretia looked back and forth at the two men. "What's so funny? Who's Marcella Herenius?"

"One of my spies in Senator Petronius's office," admitted Gaius, still chuckling.

Lucretia turned to Corvus. "Why are you spending your time upsetting how things work? Everybody spies on everybody in Rio."

Gaius laid a hand on the back of her hand. "Don't be too hard on him, Lu. It's good to see he's inherited your political acumen. And like I said, it's better to have a strong, active political ally than a passive one."

Corvus continued to grin. He was reasonably certain Marcella had been Gaius's only spy in his office, but he appreciated that his father had attempted to sow the seeds of doubt by implying there were more. He had a sense that the game they were all playing had just gotten a lot deeper and it was good to know that his allies were on their game.

Lucretia pursed her lips and sat back. "Sometimes, I think you boys don't enjoy your victories unless you've had a good brawl on the way to them. But I do hope you'll at least play nice with each other."

"We'll see," said Gaius. He shot a smirk in Corvus's direction. "If your head's still a little fuzzy after trying to go toe-to-toe with with Canus, you can use the steam room in the basement. I find it quite soothing when I've pushed myself a little too hard."

Same as Elevated
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Not So Geeky

A shadow was visible against the wall, broad and tall. It was not too late at night but I had gone to bed early as I wasn't expecting company. My flat mates had a small gathering downstairs and I avoided them at all costs. I loved being the only girl in a house full of geeky guys. Not only because I had constant help with my work, but because there was no risk of booty calls or uncomfortable sexual tension. I always left my door open so that I knew when it was safe to go down and get some food...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Escape Ch7

Escape Ch.7 As usual I'd like to thank you for reading and commenting on my previous chapters. I've brought the ending to the Revenge series and will be concentrating on the Escape series (that's if you want it continued) from now on. I'm happy to be able to submit this chapter on time and I hope you readers will like it. Please guide me if with your reviews and comments. Thanks and enjoy! WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations and incest. The Door Boy 19 year old...

2 years ago
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Chauffeurs Dirty Job

Copyright© 1994-2003 "There was a young man of Ostend, Whose wife caught him fucking her friend; "It's no use, my duck, Interrupting our fuck, For I'm damned if I draw till I spend." -The Pearl No. 1 "Michael, could you help me?" It was Mr. Dietel, my boss. "Of course, sir." I jumped out of my car door to see my employer half-dragging his wife from the open elevator. Thea was obviously quite intoxicated and not in control of her own faculties. I lifted her free arm...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Blonde AudreyChapter 3

Audrey was actually loving her growing belly as her pregnancy advanced rapidly. She wasn't getting bigger quicker than any other woman, but she was amazed when her knocked up belly began to start showing and it became increasingly obvious that she was carrying a baby inside her belly. So far, her husband Ed seemed to believe that in fact he'd gotten his sexy young blonde wife "with child" upon his return from his Air Force TDY. He seemed thrilled to think that he was such a stud and he'd...

2 years ago
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Sex Slave VirginsChapter 2

Mary made a break toward the door, but the big man grabbed her easily and flung her back against the wall. His shorts were off and she could see the front of his underwear poking out like a flashlight was hidden under there. But it wasn't any flashlight. She began to whimper pitifully. "Shut that crap up." Royce pushed her facedown on the bed and stripped off the bottoms of her bikini. She heard him gasp with delight as he fingered her plump, white asscheeks. "Uhhh, let me go! I'll...

1 year ago
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Walking out of my office, I noticed the cold air hit my face as I crossed the road to get into my car. I was feeling really happy and in a playful mood as I put my laptop and bag onto the passenger seat and so turned on. I knew my partner would still be at work, so I was looking forward to going home and having some time to myself. As I was driving home, I really felt like pulling my car over and reaching one hand up my skirt, feeling the tops of my black stockings and feeling my black...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 978

One day a young woman had just started playing her round of golf when she suffered a bee sting. Her pain was so intense that she decided to return to the clubhouse for help and to complain. Her golf pro saw her come into the clubhouse and asked, ‘Why are you back in so early? What’s wrong?’ ‘I was stung by a bee’, she said. ‘Where?’, he asked. ‘Between the first and second hole’, she replied. He nodded knowingly and said... ‘Then your feet were too far apart.’ “How To Stop Nail...

1 year ago
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My Dirty Skanky Slutty Girlfriend and Me

It was a hot sunny day. Me and my Girlfriend decided to go to the pool. I said to her babe why don't you put on that hot sexy little biniki I got you the other day. She said to me which one babe you have bought me loads of bikiki's. I said you know which one I am on about the one that is nice,short and colourful. It's almost see through but not quite see through. Oh I know the one you are on about yeah babe I will go get it and put it on for you. Cool babe you do that don't be long Mr Meaty...

First Time
3 years ago
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Inseminating Katie

I remember the afternoon when Katie and John moved in as if it were yesterday. It was one of those mournful autumn days so common in our northern English city when the removal van drew up opposite our house, closely followed by the car containing our new neighbours.Susie was first to speak, "Do you remember the day we moved in? It was ages before we got to know anybody. Anyway it's a miserable day, so I'm going over to invite them in for a cup of tea while their furniture is unloaded."Over the...

3 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 16

The night nurse introduced himself as Jerry. He was kind of short, jolly-looking, and too friendly. He made me tired just looking at him. Wes shook his hand, made some jokes, and got Jerry laughing. After that, Jerry was like putty in his hands, coming to my room constantly to check on me, hoping to get a moment of Wes’s time. I rolled my eyes. “Be nice,” Wes said, laughing when Jerry had disappeared. In a few hours, Elena and Janie arrived, carrying bags of food from Panera Bread. They’d...

2 years ago
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Moms 40

It's early in the morning and you're standing in front of your mom's bedroom door. Today is her 40th birthday and you have a very special surprise for this very special occasion. Since your parents got divorced 5 years ago, your mother has only been to two dates and they didn't go well. Her last date was over one year ago. You don't understand why she has been alone all these years, because she has a body to die for. As you got older, she showed it off more freely. Maybe she liked getting...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 25: AN INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOBob, the breeder, heard about the kennel guest addition completed by Nikki and Joe and decided this was the time to pursue an idea he had been work on for some time. He had held off bringing it up since Nikki’s attack, wanting to give her plenty of time for recovery and getting back into the swing on her own terms. That time appeared to have come based on the information he was getting from mutual acquaintances.Bob contacted Nikki with his idea. He explained to...

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Fucking My Neighbour Aunty

Hi this is jai . From andhra pradesh coastal region… Well i am sharing u a true experience which is happened to me… A 3 months back……. I completed my graduation with some backlogs so waiting to write my supplys so waiting for them….As i am getting bore all the day.. I joined in the gym… And worked out.. Well in 2 minths itself i got a well grown body… Well heroine of the story is our neighbour aunty priya… As i am getting too bore all the day i used to watch t.V quite often to time pass… My mom...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Georgia Jones Kristen Scott Dream Pairings Mrs Mrs Smith

Secret agent April O’Neil is married to secret agent Georgia Jones, but neither knows the other is a covert spy operative, until their next assignment. Their two separate agencies issue the same directive at the same time, to retrieve a briefcase from a third-party agent Kristen Scott. April beats Georgia to Kristen’s motel room, where Kristen is seated on the bed shackled to the briefcase. April convinces Kristen she’s a call girl sent by her boss to reward her for all her...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Halloween

This past Halloween I took advantage of a chance to attend a charity Halloween ball. I had to travel for business to a city in upstate New York for a few days, and my first day there I saw an advertisement for an annual Halloween costume ball taking place in the mansion of local philanthropist. The annual party raises a significant amount of money for a designated charitable foundation. This year all proceeds were designated to go to Hospice. The cause itself was good enough reason for me to...

3 years ago
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Kara Grows Up Visitor

Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...

3 years ago
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The Nurse Dream

This is how the dream starts: I’m lying on a bed in a hospital room. There must be some reason for me to be here, although I feel fine. I’m wearing my jeans and a T-shirt even though, as a patient, I suppose I should be in one of those embarrassing gowns with the back open. After flipping through the TV channels for a while, I get bored and wonder what’s wrong with me and when I’ll be discharged. Suddenly, a nurse comes into the room. I immediately notice two things: first, the nurse is...

2 years ago
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Mera Rajesh

Hi Readers, This is Kaveeta Gupta here; I back here with my new exciting experience to share with you. You will recall my earlier postings Fuck in Ass and Diwali fun. I am back here after a long gap as in between I did not find anything exciting to share with it was all routine fucks / swapping with my husband or his friends or with my female friends. But I was regularly enjoyed reading your postings. Just for your ready reference I will reintroduce myself. I am Kaveeta Gupta, married with one...

3 years ago
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Driving home

Driving home.This happened about 8 months after we got married. We had been to a party it was an hour's drive from Ramsgate . Before we went Jan asked if I would drive, yes but I said only if you wear stockings & your button up dress she agreed. I enjoyed the evening dancing and watching her dance & watching a couple of guys looking at her , she was wearing a knee length dress buttoned down the front with a few buttons undone . She had a lot to drink & by the time we started home...

2 years ago
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Double the Trouble

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: David and the girls waved at their mother until she turned around to face the airport personnel and shortly after disappeared behind the gates and scanners of the security check. They waited there for another minute, hoping to catch a last glimpse of Jennifer before turning around and heading out of the airport. They strode down to the nearest exit, the twins chatting amongst themselves a step or two ahead of their father. As they headed towards the...

1 year ago
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My first time with my best friends

One friday me and two of my friends were heading to the school parking lot talking. we decided that we were going to hang out that night. so later that night I decided to take a shower before leaving. when I got in I felt my penis begin to grow hard and thoughts of Dale on my friends was going through my head. Dale was 5'9 has hair kind of shy and very athletic. he is pretty built with a nice six pack. I have never had any gay thoughts because I was straight. but I went with the thoughts and...

First Time
1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Braylin Bailey Lily Larimar Stepsis Likes My Dick Pics

Juan Loco and his stepsister Lily Larimar are constantly bickering. This time, they’re fighting in front of Lily’s friend Braylin Bailey because Juan wants to see Lily’s cell phone. Eventually Braylin tries to broker a deal by pointing out that Lily has been saying Juan is a really cool stepbrother and Lily should let him look unless she has something to hide. Juan comes back by saying he’ll let Lily look at the dick pics on his phone if he can see hers. Still in the...

4 years ago
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Pomp and CircumstanceChapter 4

“So, any luck, Eva?” I asked my adorable Czech love slave. “Yes ... and no. Steve wants to meet with Zoe. Tonight. Just Zoe. I imagine that they have some ... issues to address from their marriage. I wonder if he knows that she’s married to Mary now, Master,” Eva informed me rather dejectedly. “Hey, sport, don’t let it get you down, okay? What can bring you back up?” I asked Eva, though I should have been prepared for her answer. “Chastity? Pretty please? I’ll suck, lick, and do whatever...

4 years ago
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The Roommate Pt 02

feminization – sissy – sissification – slow transformation – blackmail – femdom – anal – transgender – forced feminization – analIt's been a week since Claire gave me the formula to change my body, and "turned me into her slave" as she calls it. I've been able to keep going to classes without much problem, too. I always was the quiet one so my voice isn't a problem, I've been wearing baggy sweatshirts to hide my new boobs, and I've been putting my hair into a ponytail. Nobody seems to even...

2 years ago
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Nali told him. Ray shook his head looking at Miahally after Nali showed what had happened, a worried look on his face. the younger vision of the daughter said. Ray told the now smiling (Ray thought she was smiling he still wasn't sure) young female. Walking further they walked in an odd door 'hearing' an extremely angry voice from the other side. Ray asked the older female. the female spit at Ray. Ray said as he raised his hands and felt all the pain that she...

2 years ago
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Just me and Mr XX together making love 2

His touch was always pleasing, never any pain in his movements. That is unless you wanted pain like Louise did sometimes! He slowly pumped his thumb in and out of my pussy fucking it as slowly and gently as he could do it! My hips were rocking on it now and my pussy was squeezing it as it entered my pussy all the way every 2 or 3 seconds. He was also rotating it around as it moved in and out! The feeling was sensational. I began to rock faster and faster until I wasn't able to speak any longer....

3 years ago
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A Wall of FogChapter 6

The women and kids went straight to the Camelot Motel to check it out as our future home. This was an unusual situation because it was adjacent to another, smaller motel that I had forgotten about. The Camelot Motel was a two-story affair with something like 70 rooms as I remembered it. The great thing about it was that it had an outdoor swimming pool and an exercise center as part of the motel. The smaller motel next door had about 25 rooms, depending on how you counted the rooms with...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 64 Two Very Different Worlds

November 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Sensei,” Miyu said when Kara, the girls, and I walked into the dojo on Saturday morning. “Good morning, Miyu.” “Do you have a moment, please?” I nodded and we went to the small practice room for privacy, as Sensei Jim had a family in his office. “What can I do for you?” “I need you to meet a young man,” she said. “I think you might be taking this ‘not do anything without permission’ a bit too far!” Miyu shook her head, “No, I’m not....

2 years ago
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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 13

Jennifer’s story Mark and I had been wrapped up in a big blanket, standing in his living room, after having been caught out in the rain, kissing and cuddling to get warm, when I just had to have him. I took his hand and told him, ‘I know an even better way to get warm,’ and led him into his, into our, tiny bedroom. Mark’s a lot bigger than me, but he didn’t resist at all when I turned him around and just threw him down on the bed. I knew that he loved it when I got on top — that was the first...

1 year ago
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Its Cuckold Outside

“I don’t even know where we are. I can barely see through this snow,” Amy muttered. We were on our way to our friend Tim’s house for Christmas Eve. Tim lived deep in the Mountains of Colorado and the trip from New Mexico was a treacherous one. My girlfriend Amy was becoming irritated with me as the car ride seemed to be taking longer and longer. The further we drove into the Colorado Rockies, the more our car slid back and forth on the thick ice glued to the road. Snowflakes the size of...

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His Favorite Class pt2

With deadly accuracy, his cockhead found her g-spot and attacked it in full force. She shrieked with each thrust, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she realized her orgasm was upon her. No sooner had she resigned herself to be ravaged by his tireless thrusting with his throbbing tool than the earthquake began in her cunt. Her mouth tried to form words of warning to let Jason know she was coming, but all that came out were yells that reverberated around the room as her orgasm broke upon her...

3 years ago
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Lani James Their First Time Part 1 I may d

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years now and we still haven't fucked yet. We're both still virgins and it sucks ass. I still have my hymen and I'm 19. He's 21. He's a nerdy scrawny little geek but that's my type and I'm proud. His name is James. Mine's Lani. So today he got off of work at this cell phone store and he came home and crashed on the couch, right on top of me. "What the heck b*o, get off." I said. "Lani..." he moaned."Whaat." I moaned back."I'm hornyyy" He looked up at me...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 43

The three of us parked at Hardees where we did every morning including the one before where Jeremy had shot Mr. Bradshaw dead. The blood was gone but a piece of plywood covered the door where Bradshaw had fallen into it. "You don't reckon we have been banned do you?" Jeremy asked. "I hope not. The distance is almost perfect for our race," I said. Even Jeremy looked at me as if I should be more concerned about what happened. "What? He was going to kill me for screwing his wife," I...

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Border Adventure Ch 3

Nat stepped out of the bathroom with one towel wrapped around her torso and another wrapped around her hair. There was a curious smell in the air that she couldn’t quite place. She had to show a little cleavage for the towel to be wide enough to cover both her breasts and her genital area. As she slid one of the chairs away from the desk where she had her makeup case sitting, she noticed Frankie sitting on one of the beds with the blanket and sheets very rumpled looking. Nat found it odd that...

3 years ago
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New hypno

Imagine!Imagine your self dressed in your Faggot latex outfit. Standing on the street in a bad neighborhood. Master made you wear your lockable baletheels so you can only take little steps. You wear your face open Hood with the rubber pony tail. Held in place with your Masters collar. According to your Master it is important that your ugly Faggot face is always recognisable in public! Your clit is locked in the Tiny chastity Cage and you have a Thick steel ring around your balls. Attached to...

1 year ago
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Stumpy and Olive

As usual, I don't have any idea where this one came from. "Happy birthday, bro." It was a paid subscription to a dating service. A really high priced service, with guarantees of strict confidentiality and carefully screened members. I wasn't smiling. She saw. "Come on now, don't be like that. It's been fourteen months. Have you even gone on a date since then?" "That's your business how, exactly?" She stood up and towered over me. Man I hated that. Being eight inches shorter...

2 years ago
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My Uncle Tony And Me Hot Muscle Bears Part 1

At around 4:00 p.m., the doorbell rang. I went to go get it. Opening the door, Uncle Tony came in. At age 35, he was only an inch or so taller than me. His hair was short and dark. His skin was slightly tanned, darker than me. And he, like myself, was VERY burly as well. “Yo, Josh!” he said greeting me. “Hey Uncle Tony,” I replied, grinning sheepishly. “What have you been up to?” “Shit, chilling,” I said. “Bored as hell.” “Boredom is contagious,” he agreed,...

3 years ago
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Bad Boy

You open the door, come into the room, and set your papers down on the table. There is a dim light on, so you can see me sitting there waiting. You look at me and you can tell, you are in trouble. You’ve made me wait for hours and I don’t want any excuses. You know what you have to do. You sigh and start to take your clothes off, I study your body as you do. There is not a mark on you, yet. You know I’m not happy after waiting for hours without a single phone call. You know better than to make...

2 years ago
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Shilpa Shetty and Keerti Readdy

I am Raju and narrating a fantasy for you. I am aged 20 and a student of Fine Arts and I am little bit famous among my friends for painting Tattoos and things like this on different parts of the body. All my friends ask me to paint Tattoos on their arms, cheeks, etc. Even my teachers admire my works. Such a teacher of mine is a good friend of the famous celebrity Shilpa Shetty This incident took place when that teacher of mine was working with her in the film "BADHAI HO BADHAI." She needed...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 12

This day started as one of my usual Saturdays. My mother and sister were gone for the day. They had planned a nice shopping day in one of our bigger cities. And I, well I had decided to stay at home. I don't like shopping with my mum and sister. They always go in every clothing or shoe store they can find and look around for I don't know how long. They love to do this, but for me, it is like torture. No, when I need something, I just go to a shop here in the city, walk in, have a quick look...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 37

MONDAY, May 30, 2016 When the girls got on the bus on Monday morning, Rachael asked Larissa to sit with her. "This hockey camp your brother is doing?" Rachael asked the taller girl. "Do you have any information about it? Who to call?" "I don't," Larissa said. "But my mom would have all that information. You could give her a call anytime. She hasn't got a work permit yet, so she will be at home most of the day." "Great. Don't tell Marc, but there might be a chance for Bobby to...

3 years ago
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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 4 First Night on the Taurus Clipper

We had gathered in our new living room. I figured we needed to have some order in our pods, especially if I was not available. “Now I want to make some decisions. First, Helen is second in command. When Helen is busy, Joan is next in line. If neither one of them is available for whatever issue comes up, make the best decision you can and I will back you. “Helen, will run the household. She will be in charge of my schedule and household needs that are not immediately solved by obvious...

2 years ago
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Over The Knee

Lizzy Saunters sat nervously in her teacher's office as the taller blonde paced back and forth irritably. Liz was 5'6 and had long black hair that was currently done up in a quant ponytail as she had just come from cheerleading practice and was still in her red and white uniform. "What am I going to do with you, Liz?" Miss Alison Winters had caught the cheerleader cheating when she noticed that, not only did the answers -which were mostly wrong - match the ones on the paper of another student,...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 20

Bill’s meeting was open to everyone. My key people were seated at a table, and the other attendees were seated in chairs along the walls. All four of my wives were in attendance, with Cindy sitting at the table next to me. During prior meetings we developed a set of rules for conducting our meetings. A meeting was divided into participants and observers; with participants seated at the table, and observers seated along the walls or elsewhere in the room. The person introducing a topic...

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Birthday Present

it was my girlfriend’s birthday and I wanted to give her a present which she would never forget. I thought I should make this experience about her. I called her up on her birthday, wished her and asked her to meet me and spend some alone time with me. She wanted to spend the day enjoying with all her friends. It took some time to persuade her to spend some alone time and in the end she agreed for it. I went to pick her up and saw her and she had her hair open, slightly curved and dropping just...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Horny Corporate Wife After Party 8211 Pt 1

This is Arjun, 29 year old investment banker, working in Bangalore, born and brought up in Delhi. I want to share with you a hot encounter I had last night. I was visiting home (Delhi) for a family function and I was there for a week. My sister’s wedding is next month. I went home to help my family with the planning. The cards were ready and we were going to our friends and family, to invite them. I landed on Saturday morning and I set out with my parents to invite people. Saturday has been...

4 years ago
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The Widow At Number 56 Chapter 3

Chapter ThreeThe house was quiet.  All the stress and noise of Monday morning’s pantomime was over.  And now I could finally afford myself the luxury of my first hot cup of coffee in the now peacefully empty kitchen.In truth, the morning’s routine plays out like Groundhog Day, with every day pretty much the same, even down to the daily fight with my son to clean his teeth.  It’s a good thing it does too because I’m pretty much a zombie.  Since the audio encounter with Michael and Sofi, my mind...

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Mother and Daughter a Triology

Story 1: The Hazards Of Duke The aluminum bowl in the corner of my kitchen floor was unusually large, especially for a dog's feeding dish. But, it had to be... Duke, my neighbor's dog, ate more pounds of food in one day than I ate in a week. My daughter accuses me of hating dogs. I don't really hate them, I just don't like them much. And I think they should be kept outside... a house is for people, at least that's what my mother used to say. So, finding myself babysitting the most...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had been babysitting Joey and Laura for about two years. The Smiths were my favorite family to work for, since they payed twice as much as my other employers. Besides, Mr. Smith was a pretty good looking guy and it gave me food for thought. Even at age 11, Joey still needed a babysitter. Why, when I was 12 I was watching kids. Still, I was 18, 7 years older than Joey, so I was able to exert the needed authority over him. Joey's twin sister, Laura,...

2 years ago
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Before Work Fuck

Another day of me visiting my gf before I go to work. I normally go 3 times a week mon, wed and fri. Wednesday wasn’t a good day for her she was stressing about issues in the job and unexpected expenses. So instead of good sexual activities I had to be all ears and let her vent. Leaving wit my balls still full was a bit frustrating. Now if you’ve read my other stories you know I’m married and have a mistress. Me and my wife have a very weird relationship. We never have sex I only fuck...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 4

Edwina took responsibility for supper that night, which is why Cary was free to spy on me using the outdoor shower. According to Michael’s memories, Connie was extremely vigilant about keeping her little sisters away from her son while he cleaned himself up outside. That level of attention was more than enough to make Cary want to know why Connie was obsessed about hiding Michael’s body from them. When I thought about it, Connie’s strict code of behavior assured all three of her sisters...

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The last uprising part 3

III The scrape of the key in the lock woke me up. Dog, which laid with me in the bed while I was sleeping, moved anxiously. There was a late afternoon, so apartment was all in shadow. After the moment I heard somebody opened and closed the door. Then someone turned the light in hall on - as the door to my room wasn't closed I saw posture of my brother, Peter. Peter was seventeen, taller than I was in real life and more muscular. The dog jumped of the bed and came to greet, then came...

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