Listening to JackChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 30
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It was 3:43 PM, give or take a few seconds. Emily drove into the dusty old parking lot behind the Briar Hill Mall with two minutes to spare, her beaten-up Honda’s tires crackling as they slowly rolled across the gravel and the torn-up blacktop. The back lot was nearly empty, just like it always was, and Emily was annoyed. She was supposed to be at the school at that precise moment, helping to get the pep rally for the first football game of the season ready. The cheerleading squad needed it to be perfect, and more importantly, Jack needed it to be perfect, especially with all of the neat gizmos he’d been nice enough to make for them. It was going to be an unforgettable pep rally, that was for sure.
But with the stupid text from Mr. Hill, Emily couldn’t go. And she couldn’t even tell anyone why she couldn’t go. Not even Jack. Which made Emily’s head hurt, because she knew she was supposed to tell Jack things like that, he’d told her to, and she was his special girl, so she needed to, but every time she reached for her phone to tell Jack about it, she
And then she’d forget about the text for awhile. And Mr. Hill, too.
Fortunately, Donna took care of everything. Because Donna was so amazing. She told Emily not to worry about the pep rally preparations, that she and Samantha and Mrs. Winter had everything totally under control, and if Emily had something special to do for Jack, that was totally okay. Which was weird, because Emily when had started telling Donna about having to miss the beginning of the preparations, Donna already had known about it somehow. Except Donna thought she was doing something for Jack, not meeting with dumb old Mr. Hill.
Definitely weird.
But, um, after you get back, Donna had asked, and when we’re done with the stupid pep rally tonight ... we can both go back to your house, right? Donna’s hands had started fondling Emily’s tits at that point, pinching Emily’s nipples hard enough to make her moan. Jack will give us a reward for doing a good job, right? He hasn’t been with me in so long ... I want him so much...
Of course he’ll give you a reward, Donna, Emily had replied happily. Don’t be silly! The three of us ... we’re going to have so much fun together tonight. Trust me. And then she’d slipped her tongue into Donna’s mouth, fondling and making out with her best friend for the few precious minutes she’d had before she needed to go to her meeting with dumb old Mr. Hill.
And now, here she was. Ready to meet him.
With an annoyed scowl on her pretty face, Emily climbed out of the car, her cute white wedge heels crunching into the gravel. She wore a super tiny blue miniskirt with a white studded leather belt that lazy autumn afternoon, and the miniskirt was honestly about as long as the belt was wide. She wore no panties, of course, and the unusually warm autumn breeze delightfully blew up her nearly nonexistent skirt when it gusted, tickling and teasing her moist pussylips, which felt so good. And Emily’s enormous, heaving tits, which had swelled up again nicely to practically the size of bowling balls, strained mightily against the cute, tiny red halter top that desperately tried to contain them, her nipples hard with arousal. Though huge and unfettered with stupid nuisances like a bra, Emily’s giant breasts were still remarkably succulent and firm, bouncing lightly with each step she took to the lone, sleek black limo that sat in the far back corner of the lot.
Leaning up against the side of that limo was Mr. Hill, dressed a little more casually than Emily last remembered seeing him. Not that Emily really remembered all that much about the man. I don’t even know his first name, Emily thought uncertainly. And ... was he my English teacher? History? Chemistry? I can’t even remember. He wore jeans and cowboy boots, with a dapper tweed jacket over a black t-shirt, mirrored sunglasses covering his eyes. He held a small bottle of blue Gatorade in one hand, and he smiled warmly as he saw Emily approach.
“Good to see you,” Mr. Hill said. “Glad you could make it. There’s a few things we need to talk about. In private.” He looked around the vacant parking lot, which seemed to only be a rolling tumbleweed away from truly deserted. “I thought this would be private enough.”
“Whatever,” Emily snapped indifferently at her former teacher. “I’m just here ‘cause, like, Jack wanted me to come here.” She casually twirled a long, curly lock of her blonde hair around her finger. “Make it quick, I’ve got shit to do. Super important shit.”
“Really?” Mr. Hill asked. “Does Jack even know you’re here?”
“No,” Emily blurted out ... and then she frowned. That couldn’t possibly be right. She knew Jack would never want her to tell anything important
to Mr. Hill.
“No,” Emily said again. Her frown grew more worried.
“Can I have your phone?” Mr. Hill asked.
“Sure,” Emily said, without any hesitation. She reached into her little purse, pulling out her phone with its gaudy pink fake-jewel encrusted case, holding it out to Mr. Hill.
“No,” Mr. Hill said patiently. “The other one.”
“Right,” Emily said blankly, even though she had no idea what the fuck he was talking about. Still, she somehow knew to put her pink phone away, and to open the concealed flap in the lining of her purse that she hadn’t known about. There was a sleek black phone inside the pouch that she hadn’t known about, either, but yet she still handed that new black phone to Mr. Hill without uttering a word of protest.
“Thank you,” Mr. Hill said. He tucked the phone away inside his jacket. “Usually your texts serve us well, but sometimes we just need the full data upload. I’ll get you a newer version of that one back to you tomorrow.”
“Tomor ... what?” Emily asked. She felt very confused, and angry, like
someone was playing a trick on her. “That’s not even my phone.”
“Well, that’s what you always say,” Mr. Hill replied. “I guess you don’t know everything, then. And neither does Jack.” He chuckled softly, which infuriated Emily to no end. “You know, for a genius, he’s not really that smart sometimes.”
“Shut up,” Emily said irritably. She folded her arms sullenly across her massive chest. “Jack’s the best. He’s, like, the smartest person in the world. The universe, maybe. You’re just jealous, you know? If he’s so dumb, why are you so desperate to steal his headphones, huh?” She flashed a triumphant smirk at her former teacher. “Only one who isn’t a genius is you.”
“Oh, I never said Jack wasn’t a genius,” Mr. Hill said. “His headphones, the conditioning programming, and now the new delivery systems he’s developing ... they’re all amazing, in their own way. The technology doesn’t just break new ground, it shatters existing paradigms completely. But that doesn’t mean he’s a genius about everything.”
“Yes,” Emily said insistently, “he is.”
“Really?” Mr. Hill asked. “Your brother Jack needs to fund all of these technological breakthroughs of his. So ... he prostitutes a bunch of high school girls to make money, including his own sister? That’s really his best idea? Nothing better than that, risking so much for a few thousand dollars, at most?” He gave Emily a sad, pitying look. “And he gets the parents of a few of these girls to transfer their savings to him, none of which is very much, which immediately triggers a slew of IRS audits? With the devices he has at his disposal, why doesn’t he just use them on an investment banker? Or enlist the services of a professional hacker, and not one of his fellow horny online teenage friends?”
“ ... maybe he is doing that,” Emily said hotly. “Those, um, smart things you just said. You just don’t know it yet. And Jack is a genius.”
“Well, if he just wants to perfect his conditioning process, and tinker with his headphones, then yes, he is,” said Mr. Hill. “If he has grand delusions of being some arch-master super criminal, though, or taking over the world, or being some sort of serious player on a global political stage ... then no.” He chuckled again, which made Emily’s cheeks burn a furious red. “He’s gotten the attention of a lot of very powerful people, and even more powerful organizations. He’s an amateur playing in the big leagues, a horny, overconfident boy in a man’s world, and while his clever little devices make him a valuable asset, he’s starting to be a bull in a china shop, clumsy and stupid. You have no idea how hard it’s been for us to get so many people – local police, FBI, other government agencies – to turn a blind eye to what he’s been doing, just so he can continue his work.”
Emily stamped her foot petulantly. “Whatever,” she grumbled. “You’re such a jerk. You have my phone, so fine, whatever.” Her cheeks grew even redder, hating herself for so blithely handing over a phone she didn’t even
know about to stupid Mr. Hill. She didn’t even know what was on the phone, except yet
she did
remember... I hooked it up to Jack’s computers while he was sleeping ... took pictures of the screens ... decrypted the secure connection channels ... fuck, it’s so much ... oh, no, Jack, I shouldn’t have...
“Well, it doesn’t matter,” Emily finished lamely. “Jack’s still amazing, you have no idea, especially when –”
Mr. Hill held up a hand, cutting her off. “Enough,” he sighed. “I can’t take this right now, the never-ending ‘Jack is wonderful’ bullshit. It’s ridiculous, and it’s a lie. Let’s get your upgrade over with.” He reached into one of the inside pockets of his jacket, and took out a small metallic rod about the size of a pencil. The tip of the rod glowed with a soft, sapphire light.
“Um ... what’s that?” Emily asked anxiously. There was a part of her that wanted to run away from Mr. Hill at that moment, so, so badly, but
she couldn’t make her feet move. And she couldn’t even turn her eyes away from Mr. Hill.
“I’m going to turn on this device,” Mr. Hill continued. “I need to upgrade your conditioning – the programming you’ve been getting from us – but while you’re here, I think I should do something else as well.” He spun the little rod-like device around between his fingers. “My bosses will hate this, but I don’t care. I should’ve done this for you way earlier. Maybe things would’ve been better if I did.”
“Done what?” Emily asked. “Stop it, okay? I don’t want your stupid upgrade. I want to go home. I ... I want Jack.” She glanced back at her own little car, trying to will herself to run, and
failing miserably yet again.
“This device works a lot like the headphones you used to wear,” said Mr. Hill. He walked over to Emily, circling behind her, holding one of her slender arms with a firm grip as he pressed the small glowing rod against the back of her skull. “It’ll upgrade your Sapphire programming to up to level nine. However, I’m also going to lower the conditioning protocols that you’ve gotten from your brother Jack. I won’t take them away, mind you ... I’ll just dampen their effects on your brain, for lack of a better description. Kind of like turning the volume of your stereo down to zero, without actually switching it off. You’ll be able to see a little bit of the veil that your mind – and the real you – have been locked away behind ever since you started wearing those headphones of his.”
Emily laughed, not really understanding what the fuck he was talking about, pretending like she didn’t care. Deep inside, though, she was terrified. “Like, that doesn’t make any sense, Mr. Hill.”
“If you say so,” Mr. Hill replied. He clicked a tiny button on the side of the device.
There was a brilliant burst of intensely blue light, piercing and bright. Emily winced, falling down to her knees. For a moment, the pretty blonde teenager felt an eerily familiar yet awful sensation, like someone was stabbing ice picks into her eyes again, unbelievable pain coursing through her body. She felt her knees buckle, felt herself fall to the ground. And as the pain grew worse, as she grew dimly aware that she was curled up on the ground and screaming at the top of her lungs in utter agony, she realized that the soft, buzzing static that had been floating tunelessly in her ears for weeks, more quiet than a whisper but always there ... it was started to fade away into nothingness. She hadn’t even noticed that the static was there anymore, but now that it was gone, it was like she could suddenly hear again.
Hear ... and think.
It all came rushing in at her at once, thoughts trapped inside her head springing free, spiraling and crashing around her brain. Memories that had been hidden out of sight from her mind suddenly leapt out of her subconscious, dancing wildly around her mind. It was too much, everything dancing around and screaming for her attention, and she found herself writhing on the ground, lights flashing all around her, sapphire and purple and orange and even pink again, all different colors, all demanding so many things, all jumbled in a giant mess she could scarcely understand...
... my friends ... Donna, ohmigod, I’m so sorry...... Mom, I’m sorry, too ... Todd, you sick little fuck, I’m going to...
... Vegas ... those German boys ... what did I do... ?
... all those creepy videos ... that disgusting basement ... so many people watching...
... the lying ... all the fucking lies, Jack, how could...
... the transmitter ... I remember now, I know what I loaded on the phone, I remember...
... and I’m ... all those times Jack fucked me ... he knocked me ... I’m...
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no...
Emily didn’t know how much time passed. It felt like an eternity. Her head throbbed as a bright blue light settled into a rhythm in front of her eyes, pulsing in a repetitive pattern, flash flash FLASH flash, flash flash FLASH flash ... but each time she saw the pattern, it dimmed a little. And by the time the blue light had faded away completely, she realized that she was sitting in the parking lot, leaning up against the limo door, and that Mr. Hill was sitting next to her, one arm wrapped supportively around her slender, trembling shoulders.
“Are you okay now, Emily?” Mr. Hill asked gently.
Emily nodded.
“Do you know what’s been going on now? Do you understand?”
Emily nodded again. “I know,” she said. “But I don’t think I’ll ever understand.”
“A wise answer,” Mr. Hill replied. He sat there for a while, saying nothing, simply rubbing Emily’s shoulder consolingly. Emily rested her head against his shoulder, staring dully at her toes, so pink and pretty. Just like Jack wanted. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she rubbed her hands against her thighs.
Emily felt so, so cold.
“Now,” Mr. Hill said finally, after a couple of long minutes of silence, “are you ready?”
Emily nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”
“Good.” He got up, leaving his little blue Gatorade bottle on the ground next to one of the limo’s tires. Emily got up as well, vainly trying to straighten out her wisp of a miniskirt before just giving up in dejection. I look like a total skank, she thought angrily. These clothes ... my tits ... seriously, this is what my fucking brother thinks of me?
“So, here we are,” Mr. Hill said, as he straightened his coat. “A crossroads, as it were. Choices for you to make.” He laced his hands together, cracking his knuckles. “Something you haven’t been familiar with of late, I know.”
Emily took a deep breath. “Choices?” she asked. “What choices?”
“Being under Jack’s control, or being with me ... with us,” Mr. Hill said. “Unfortunately, you can’t walk away from all of this. You’re going to be under someone’s control, one way or another. And there’s no running away or escaping from that. For that, I’m deeply sorry. But you can choose sides. And that’s what I’m offering to you.”
“Yeah?” Emily said. “But you ... the people you work for ... you just want Jack’s conditioning process for yourselves, right?”
Mr. Hill nodded. “Yes. I’d love to tell you some glorious lie about how all of Jack’s work will be destroyed, or locked away for safekeeping, never to be used again, but you’re a bright young woman. Yes, of course it’ll be used by someone. And yes, it’ll probably be used for some things worse than what your brother’s already done, or is planning to do.” He reached down, picking up the blue Gatorade bottle and giving it a good shake. “There’s no white knights riding in to save the day, Emily. I’ll be honest, you’re just picking the devil you know or the devil you don’t.”
“Great.” Emily rolled her eyes. “That’s just great. Can you at least tell me the difference between the two devils for me, then? Or why one would be better for me than the other?”
Mr. Hill tapped the fingers of his free hand against his jeans. “Good question,” he said. thoughtfully “If it’s to help you, then let me just ask you this. Would you rather be miserable with the truth, or blissfully happy living a life that’s a complete and utter lie?”
“I ... I don’t know,” Emily said uncertainly. She wiped the last few tears streaming down her face away with the back of her hand. “Is there a difference?”
Mr. Hill shrugged. “That’s up to you,” he said. “If there’s not, then it doesn’t really matter what you choose, my dear. But if there is ... well, then you need to decide which is better for you, Emily. No one else. And I’ll do my best to make sure the better choice is possible for you, no matter what that choice may be. And that the consequences of that choice – well, that they don’t hurt you, or they just hurt in the least possible way. That much, I can promise to you.”
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The soothing, tuneless drone that Emily could hear in her blinking earphones managed to calm her down completely by the time she reached next class. By the time school was over, and she'd gotten to the girl's locker room next to the gym, she barely remembered her conversation with Mr. Hill, or how mean he'd been to her. Surprisingly, Emily was barely thinking about her brother Jack as well. At her locker, Emily slipped off her slutty outfit in exchange for the standard school-issue...
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And the morning continued to be very, very strange for Emily. Unlike the previous day, Emily wore her headphones in the car, while she drove herself and her brother to school. She didn’t know why, but she was feeling confused and disoriented at times, and when she felt that way, a dull, throbbed ache began to pound inside her head. When she wore the headphones, though – and listened to the beautiful, tuneless, static-filled noise that poured out of them – it all went away. Everything made...
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My name is Jessica. I'm nineteen years old. I'm tall for my age. My height ranges from 5'10" to 6'1". I have short curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and an olive skin tone. I'm heavy set with 44D breasts and a nice spankable round ass. Now that you have my description let's continue on. I was at my best friend's house. I wasn't spending the night, I was just hanging out watching television. It was around 2:00 in the morning. Me, her, and her boyfriend had all gotten back from the laundromat....
MasturbationWhenever I travel for work, I usually travel with female companionship, be it my longtime married co-worker Marshanna (of whom I’ve fucked many times over the years), Greg, the life of the party within the office, or Lynn, the 46-year old skinny, redhead that was as much of a workaholic (both inside and outside of the office) as she was social. I’ve traveled extensively with the first two (Greg loves the strip clubs), yet have never traveled with Lynn. As my luck would have it, I would be...
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Do you know how much it sucks to move just before your senior year? Daddy works for a big manufacturing firm and they tapped him to help absorb a new factory they had purchased clear across the country. Without even talking to me, Daddy and Mom decided to sell the house and move from Arizona to some small country town in Kentucky. Apparently, they were able to sell our nice house and buy an old country house and pocket a sizeable profit. "We're talking enough to pay for your college, Pam," Mom...
The next week, at dinner with all the family, Julie sprung a surprise on me. "Daddy, my two best friends Tina and Carly want to make love with you." "Hey, since when have I become the neighborhood stud? Not only did I agree to incest, now you want strangers in on it too? I'll end up in jail because all of this love." "Come on, Daddy. You know that both Tina and Carly sleep with their Dads and as there are no secrets between us they also know about us. They both do many men. For them...
It was well past eight o'clock in the evening by the time Emily finally got home. Emily and Donna had played with each other in the locker room, stopping only when a janitor nearly stumbled across the two naughty girls playing with each other in the showers. Giggling wickedly, Emily and Donna had quickly scampered back to their lockers and gotten changed ... and then they'd headed out to the school parking lot. The two girls had made out a little more by Donna's car – Donna sitting on the...
"How ... how did you get the headphones?" Emily asked. "Those ... aren't... yours." She took a seat right in front of Mr. Hill's desk, staring at her chemistry teacher in disbelief for a moment before trying to snatch the pair of errant headphones away from him. Mr. Hill's hand, however, moved faster. He neatly slid the blinking headphones away from her instead, picking them up off the desk. He held them up in front of his face, as if to admire the little device. "They're pretty...
"MMMM!!! YESSS!!! OOOHHH!!!" Emily squealed happily. Sitting naked at the edge of the Jacuzzi, she kicked her feet high up in the air with wild glee, her long, lean legs spread wide apart as Dawn enthusiastically slurped and licked away at her cunt. The slim, beautiful Asian girl was also completely naked, her small hands lazily running up and down Emily's sides as she ate her fellow cheerleading captain out, occasionally taking the time to thoughtfully lap at the tiny pucker of Emily's...
Forty-eight hours later, Emily finally pushed the down button on the penthouse elevator, holding a rather special briefcase at her side, her little visit with Tobias and his friends finally at an end. She was wobbling on her high heels as she stumbled through the lobby of the Ravenwood, her whole body still shaking with lewd excitement from the aftermath of the marathon gangbang she’d just been a part of. As she made her way down to the main doors, she suddenly became all too aware of the...
In the background the radio played romantic music as Sebastian stood in the shower thinking of the evening he had arranged with his dream girl. He couldn’t believe that she had agreed to go on a date with him. He has first glimpsed her across a room at a drinks party. It was her animation which made him notice her. The majority of people in the room were over fifty and in the midst of a group of predominantly grey and white haired people the black hair tumbling over her shoulders drew his eye...
was great, mom and I had just finished fucking each other after I watched her let grandpa do her first.God baby you're the best, mom told me rite after I came in her. You turn me on so much. Knowing that you are watching me and how much you love to watch me doing someone else. You know you are alot like your father. Sometimes he asks me if I would do one of his friend or go to an adult theater and see if we can find someone clean enough to fuck me rite there in the theater. The big difference...
Mom and I went and go cleaned up after being nasty with each other this morning. I went to my room after taking my shower. Mom opened my door and stood there in just her robe, which was not fastened at all. She could see that my cock was getting hard from looking at her. Jimmy, do I turn you on that much, she asked? Just looking at you mom turns me on, I told her. Wow, I think I like that, she said. Just then we heard dad’s car pull into the driveway Damn, mom said, I thought we might have some...
When I was back in my bedroom all I could think about was putting my cock inside my mother. I had gotten so close just a few minutes ago then dad pulled into the driveway.I heard dad come through the door and asked mom where I was. She must have know that dad was going to do something or say something that I might want to hear, so she told him I was out.Honey that was so hot last night, you must do it again, she said. I don’t feel like it Billy. I thought I might, but when it happened it just...
I came out of my room and went to the head of the stairs. Mom was standing at the bottom fully dressed now. What mom, I said? I think you had better get down here young man, and she turned and walked to the kitchen.Shit, I’m in big trouble now, I thought. I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom was standing at the counter fixing herself a cocktail. Sit down honey, she told me. Well she didn’t sound very mad and she called me honey, so maybe it is not so bad.I sat in one...
My Boss called me to his office and announced that he had a new assignment for me, a very important one, he remarked…I would fly abroad the country, to the Cayman Isles, where I would meet some new clients, very important people, he remarked again.The Boss then told me I could chose a partner to join me.I had never gone out in a business trip with Angela, one of the worse workaholic of the office; so I thought she could be an interesting option for such an important occasion…Angela was a little...
Introduction This is story is originally from my collection "Candids from the Freeuse World", a collection dedicated to short stories, prompts and drafts. This story however had grown up to six chapters now and therefore deserves to be an independent story, especially since it's main theme is not freeuse, but it tends more to voyeurism, objectification and big breast fetishism. For this reissue of the story I will not simply copy paste the old story in here. Instead I will try to polish the...
Emily woke up the next morning, feeling muddled and confused. For some reason, she had a hard time remembering exactly what she'd done the day before. She knew she'd had a perfect day, and that everything had been amazing ... but exactly what had been amazing about it, she couldn't say for sure. She honestly didn't know. She vaguely knew she'd done something with her twin brother Jack, which seemed odd, but for the life of her she couldn't remember what they'd done together. But the...
Most of the day – again – was a complete blur to Emily. She knew she met up with her best friend Donna, eventually. She knew she went to her classes, and that she practiced for the cheerleading squad after school. And she knew that practice had gone incredibly well, and everything was amazing and perfect about her day. Well... almost perfect. She'd worn her headphones throughout the school day, more and more, even trying to wear them whenever possible during her classes. A few of the other...
The next morning, things were very, very strange for Emily. Even stranger than usual. She awoke with a blissful smile on her face, still incredibly happy from the wonderful night she'd spent with her twin brother Jack, and with her mother. She still couldn't exactly remember what they'd done ... but Emily supposed that didn't matter. Whatever they'd done, it had been amazing. All because of Jack. And Jack had promised that there would even more fun in store for her, later in the...
There was an eerie silence in the house as Emily came downstairs for breakfast. Todd was gone from his usual seat at the kitchen table, and her mother was conspicuously absent as well. The house was silent as a crypt ... and Emily, skipping naked to the kitchen, didn't notice at all. The only thing she noticed missing was Jack, which disappointed her. Though Jack rarely joined the family for breakfast, she'd been desperately hoping that he might be there this morning. That way, she could...
Things were mostly as expected as Emily returned to Jack's basement of science and sin, with her best friend Donna lying naked once more on the bed in the middle of the room, her long, lean legs spread wide open and raised high in the air as Emily's mother Chelsea ravenously feasted on Donna's wet, eager cunt. Emily sauntered slowly over to the bed, thoroughly enjoying the lewd sight of Donna writhing about on the sheets as her mother's tongue lapped away at her best friend's creamy...
As soon as Emily and Donna walked through the front doors of Patriot High that morning, they could tell that something was ... weird. Emily sure could tell, anyway. There was an uneasy restlessness hanging in the air, charged with nervous anticipation. Or something like that, anyway. Whatever it was, Emily had never seen – or felt – anything like it before. The hallways were full of their fellow students, and everyone was talking in low, uneasy whispers. Mostly excited whispers, too, which...
It was close to six o’clock when Emily finally arrived at school. She didn’t really remember SAPPHIRE why it had taken her so long to arrive, but she guessed it was because she was doing something important. For Jack, the pretty blonde teenager thought dreamily to herself, nodding as she strolled into the side entrance of the school by the main gymnasium. Definitely something important, for Jack. She knew whenever those sorts of things happened, her head got all sorts of swimmy and fuzzy...
The incident with Michelle was just fucking bizarre. It all started after sixth period at school, when Emily, Donna, and Michelle were sitting at one of the lunch tables in the cafeteria. Lunches for the three best friends had oddly not changed all that much, even after they’d all been tricked violet subjected VIOLET privileged and, well, gosh, lucky enough to be a part of Jack’s special conditioning process. Between bites of sandwiches and sips of diet soda, they talked about how their...
Emily was having the weirdest dream. She was in Oz, and she was Dorothy, skipping down the yellow brick road ... if Dorothy was blonde, had fantastically huge tits that bounced and heaved with every skip, and was totally naked except for a pair of ruby slippers. But Emily – as Dorothy – continued to skip down the road, until she met the Scarecrow. A Scarecrow, anyway. One dressed all in violet rags, and who had a face remarkably like her brother Jack. Emily/Dorothy smiled at the Scarecrow....
All throughout my teenage years I had a fascination with my mother that was alittle beyond typical love of a mother. I simply didn't know what it was untilI was about 16 when it hit me like a flash that I had a crush on her. Howeverit was awkward because I didn't feel this way all the time. When I got horny,I masturbated to several fantasies about girls I knew, girls I didn't know,lesbian imagery, and sometimes my mother would creep in there. That didn'thappen until I found a videocassette in...
LISTEN TO THE MUSIC Part 1 By Bonnie Lea Here I am, lying on my back with my legs in the air and wrapped around my lover's back. He is slowly and methodically pumping me with his hard and thick 8 incher, making me feel every bit like the woman I am becoming. Let me tell you my story, as it hasn't always been this way. My name is Charlie Keen. I am a very successful businessman, living in a very nice and comfortable apartment building. Living here...
Listen to the Music Part 5 by Bonnie Lea After listening to the newest CD mix I got a wave of new feelings through me. I noticed that I was dressed in my male clothes, but they felt very odd. I was still enjoying my few dalliances getting dressed up very lady like and sitting around the apartment. I was still taking my "Vitamins" without think about them, but now I began to notice a few more changes. Some of my pants were getting tighter, as my hips and rear widened a little; my...
Listen By Blueheatt (Listen.)&hellip,he said&hellip, &hellip,.I got a sexual charge in my pussy&hellip,.because of the risk that I was taking, the chance of getting caught doing it and the ultimate thrill I was having at the moment. This caused my heart to pound so hard&hellip,I even felt it in my tits. I put my hand to my mouth to quiet the gasp for air I had to have. My hand froze in place, as I dare not move while my son and I listened to identify the sounds. &hellip,.Let me say that I...
Listen To The Music Part 3 by Bonnie Lea As I have often said, I really like women. I love the way they feel, their attitudes on the world around them and how they pay close attention to detail. I love being intimate with them as a man, but this was the first time I was ever in bed with one that I started to have feelings that I really wanted to be one. To enjoy the pleasures that their body holds, to feel someone inside of me and to give them as much fulfillment as they are giving...
IV I had been hoping for sometime that Ken would call again. I knew that he was out of town on some major business but he said he would call as soon as he got back. I was a little surprised but very elated when he asked me to go out to dinner. Not really feeling the real Charlotte inside since he was not around I did not think about him. But after the phone call all of those feelings came rushing out. I got into the shower with a song in my heart and began to shampoo my hair. I had...
Listen to the Music Part 6 by Bonnie Lea I woke up the day after my day with Ken feeling like I was a whole new person, which in a way I guess I really was. It was a very restful sleep and felt simply wonderful inside. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to shower and get ready for today and a new beginning. Standing in the shower I could not help but feel the water almost caressing my skin as I washed around my now very sensitive nipples. Even my butt felt a bit of...
Charlotte is now finishing her story and she hopes that everyone who has read her transformation to the woman she was always meant to be has enjoyed her journey. Any comments would be appreciated either on the review page here or at my e-mail ([email protected]). IX. I was getting ready to go back into the office for the first time as 100% Charlotte when the phone started to ring. As I picked it up and said hello a familiar voice was on the other end. It was my...