Listening to JackChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 28
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It was close to six o’clock when Emily finally arrived at school. She didn’t really remember
why it had taken her so long to arrive, but she guessed it was because she was doing something important. For Jack, the pretty blonde teenager thought dreamily to herself, nodding as she strolled into the side entrance of the school by the main gymnasium. Definitely something important, for Jack. She knew whenever those sorts of things happened, her head got all sorts of swimmy and fuzzy and
she’d kind of forget where she’d been, or what she’d even been doing, sometimes for hours. But the swimmy and buzzy feeling in her head felt good, really good, almost as good as getting fucked good and hard by her hot, sexy brother Jack. So, she didn’t mind so much about the forgetting anymore. Because she knew it would all be
good, just like Jack wanted.
As she made her way through the school to the girl’s locker room, Emily could see that the main gymnasium was already packed full, every seat taken by the students, teachers, and parents of Patriot High. Considering how full it was, though, the gym was oddly quietly, which surprised Emily. It was the first pep rally of the year, with Patriot High’s football squad ranked as one of the best teams in the county, facing one of its biggest rivals, Chamberlain Central, who was also ranked as one of the best teams in the county. It should’ve been totally rocking in the gym, with noise and nervous excitement already blasting out into the hallways beyond its doors, everything going wild and crazy in anticipation of the pep rally about to get underway...
... and yet it wasn’t.
Everything was orderly. Calm. Still.
“About time you got here,” Donna grumbled, as Emily finally made her way inside the girl’s locker room. “We’ve been waiting for you.” The entire cheer squad was assembled there, getting changed into their brand-new cheerleading uniforms, which had been provided to the team only a few days ago by some generous, anonymous donor to the school. The tops of the uniforms were translucent, sleeveless crop tops, light blue with red and white stripes, with the word PATRIOTS lettered neatly across the front. The lettering was just wide enough to cover up the nipples of the girls wearing them, as none of them bothered wearing a bra beneath the filmy, next-to-nothing tops.
All of the cheerleaders wore brand-new pleated red-and-white cheering skirts ... although calling them ‘skirts’ was perhaps a touch too generous. The skirts were maybe five inches long, if that, and were so short that not only was it obvious that absolutely none of the young women who wore them were wearing any underwear ... it was also blatantly obvious which cheerleaders liked their nether regions completely shaved or waxed, and which preferred to be neatly groomed instead.
The girls on the squad all also wore white ankle-length bobby socks with red-and-blue sneakers, and those with long hair either had tied their hair back in ponytails or pigtails, using bright blue bows or ribbons decorated with sparkling silver stars ... and bright red lipstick.
Needless to say, the scant and distinctly slutty uniforms left very little to the imagination.
“Sorry,” Emily said to Donna, grinning happily as she casually stripped off all of her clothes, “I was, um,
busy, remember? With
Jack, of course. I was, um, doing something important for him. Can’t say what though, he made me promise. But, um, I’m here now, right?”
“Absolutely,” said another voice. “We’re just glad you’re back, sweetie.” Samantha stepped away from her own locker, joining Emily and Donna. The word SLUT was proudly scrawled in black marker on Samantha’s perfectly toned abdomen. Emily realized that WHORE was similarly written on Donna’s tummy ... and, for that matter, all the cheerleaders in the locker room had equally similar epithets lovingly emblazoned on their flesh.
Plucking a black marker off a nearby bench, Samantha crouched down slightly to inscribe the words CUM DUMPSTER in large letters across Emily’s flat tummy. Emily giggled excitedly as the felt tip of the marker tickled her bare skin.
“There,” Samantha purred. “That looks much better.” She casually wrapped one arm around Emily’s slender waist, brazenly thrusting her other free hand between her fellow cheer captain’s bare legs. Emily squirmed and squealed excitedly as Samantha shoved two fingers right into her naughty cunt, shamelessly pumping them deep into her glistening depths. She didn’t know quite
what it was, but lately, she couldn’t get enough of Samantha. Even when Emily wasn’t having one of her deliciously naughty threesomes with her and Jack, Emily was constantly
thinking about her tall, sexy, slender blonde cheerleading co-captain. And by thinking about Samantha, that meant thinking about sucking on her luscious, whopping tits, or burying her face between Samantha’s thighs to lick her sweet, sweet pussy, or to kiss her slow, deep, and hard, sucking on her wiggly tongue ... even when Jack wasn’t around. Which was weird. Because deep down, Emily felt like she didn’t even really like Samantha, which
was totally wrong, of course, just like the weird thought she had that Samantha couldn’t stand being with her either, that deep down she probably hated Emily, that every time she went down on Emily it was totally humiliating, which
was totally ridiculous, of course.
After all, Jack loved it when the two beautiful blonde girls were together. Jack thought they were so, so sexy together. And Jack
was always right.
Of course.
So, as Samantha drew Emily even closer to her in their embrace so their mouths could meet in a sensual kiss, Emily also reached down between Samantha’s legs, loving how hot and damp it felt between her thighs. She slipped her middle finger into Samantha’s juicy cunt, fingerbanging the taller blonde girl with a ferocious, unbridled need. It was only a matter of moments before the two cheerleading co-captains were busy humping each other’s hands, pawing at each other’s tits and wantonly sucking face. Emily’s knees had already started to buckle as Samantha’s sticky, talent fingers quickly brought her crazily close to the brink of an orgasm...
... except she suddenly remembered that Donna was standing there. Right there, next to them. And apparently asking her something.
God, so annoying.
“What ... um, what did you say?” Emily managed to say, as she broke off her sultry kiss with Samantha. Undeterred, Samantha moved her mouth down to the nape of Emily’s neck, her fingers still pumping inside Emily’s steaming snatch, still making her feel so wickedly good. God, it was hard to think.
“I said,” Donna repeated, with more of a hint of irritation in her voice, “so you did your secret thing, right? With Jack? Not someone else? It’s done? Whatever your, um, supposedly secret thing was?”
“Yeah, of course it’s done,” Emily snapped back. “And of course it was with Jack. Who else would it be?” She could feel a throbbing start to build inside her head. There was a smugness in Donna’s voice, like she knew something that Emily didn’t, and that was super fucking annoying. God. Why is Donna being so fucking strange? she wondered in confusion.
“Oh, I can think of someone else,” Donna said. It was hard for Emily to tell if her best friend – if she even was her best friend anymore – sounded happy or mad. Probably both. “Maybe...”
“ ... maybe?” Emily repeated. Her head throbbed some more. However, Donna’s voice had trailed off, her head cocked to the side, her eyes blinking rapidly as if she were staring at a whole bunch of colored lights blinking in front of her face. Purple lights, maybe.
Again, weird.
Weird was turning out, as it seemed, to be a particularly apt way to describe the day.
Then Samantha slipped her tongue back into Emily’s mouth and her head stopped throbbing.
“Yeah ... right,” Donna said, as she continued to watch Emily and Samantha make out. “For Jack. I totally forgot. Sorry.” The gleeful anger in her voice had vanished without a trace, replaced instead with utter bewilderment. The dark-haired teenage beauty turned her head, staring awkwardly up at one of the flickering fluorescent ceiling lights, away from Samantha and Emily, looking at the lights like they were the most interesting things in the world. “So ... Jack’s done, um, right? With, uh ... I don’t know. Something. Whatever.”
“Mmmph ... oooh!” Emily grunted. Samantha’s thumb had just found her clit, so conversation was definitely not on her mind. “Yeah, he’s done... ooooh!!!“
“Did you talk to him about us, Em? Like I asked?” Donna asked timidly.
“Yes,” Emily gasped, “yes, yes, yesssss...”
“Good,” Donna replied, nodding happily.” I haven’t been with Jack in over a week, Em, and you promised me that we could both be his special sluts, that he would fuck us both, that he would definitely fuck me ... you promised.”
“Uh huh... ohhhhhh...” Emily breathed happily. “Yes, the three of us... mmmm, together ... good sluts, yes, yesss, ohmigod, yesssss...”
“Awesome,” Donna murmured quietly, still staring up at the flickering fluorescent lights. “That makes me so happy ... I can’t wait to feel him inside me again. Jack’s so amazing.” Some of the other teenaged cheerleaders were also now staring raptly up at the lights as well. For some reason, a few of them seemed to have changed color, from a bright, antiseptic white to a soft, soothing...
... well, purple.
“What?” Emily asked, finally turning to look at Donna as the throes of her orgasm finally subsided. “Oh, sure. Tonight. Whatever. I’ll tell Jack.” She was only kind of paying attention to what her best friend was saying. Her small hand had slid from Samantha’s front to her delectable rear, still staying under the crazily-short hem of her co-captain’s super-short cheerleading skirt, and she was having way too much fun tickling the tiny pucker of Samantha’s asshole to actually, well, think. She knew for sure that Samantha loved taking it in the ass from Jack – she was one of the few girls who could even take his full length up her tight bottom, which Emily had to admit was damn impressive.
I have a new strap-on about as big as Jack’s dick, Emily mused idly, as she started pushing the tip of her finger up past Samantha’s naughty brown ring, making the tall, slutty blonde squirm in wicked delight. I wonder if she’d like me fucking her ass with it after I tongue-fuck it first ... mmmm, I bet Jack would like to watch that ... that ought to get him really hard ... and then maybe he’ll stick his cock up my ass, fuck me like a good little slut, that would be amaz—
“Girls,” another voice said sharply. “Play later. We have work to do right now.”
Mrs. Winter stepped in front of Emily and Samantha, SKANK neatly written across her own stomach. She wore the same cheer outfit as did the rest of the students, the skimpy top straining with herculean effort to contain the blonde teacher’s whopping tits. She also wore a pleated skirt that was a little too short for her, which made her look even slightly more ridiculous that the rest of the squad ... but Emily didn’t mind. Sure, Mrs. Winter – sexy, pretty Mrs. Winter, who all the boys lusted after in History class – didn’t look much like a prim-and-proper History teacher anymore. Or a respectable cheerleading coach. Sure, it made Mrs. Winter look like a MILF stripper at a seedy burlesque club who didn’t mind giving back alley blowjobs after closing time.
But that was why
Emily though Mrs. Winter looked super, super hot.
“Yes, Mrs. Winter,” Emily and Samantha said in unison. The rest of the cheerleaders nodded as one as well. Reluctantly, Emily pulled her finger out of Samantha’s asshole, and lewdly sucked on it before giving her fellow cheerleading co-captain a saucy wink. Samantha grinned and winked back.
Emily decided that her daydream of using the strap-on on Samantha definitely needed to happen. Soon.
Like, really soon.
Emily finished getting herself ready, and then she and the other girls ran out into the main gymnasium of Patriot High. The bleachers were already packed full for the pep rally, filled with all Emily’s classmates and all of the rest of the students at school ... and really, all of them. Emily was slightly surprised to see some of the faces in the crowd, some of them students like her dopey brother Todd and his friends, the kind of students who normally wouldn’t be caught dead at something as lame as a pep rally for some stupid football game.
They’re here to see us ... to see me... Emily thought excitedly. She clapped her hands together in glee, and then waved to the crowd and she and the rest of the cheerleaders strode out onto the wooden gymnasium floor. There were more than just students out in the crowd, too. Teachers, of course, and some faculty. Parents ... mostly dads, though, which was odd. Emily could see her mom smiling and waving back excitedly at her, which was awesome. But most of the other parents didn’t look excited. In fact, some looked kind of horrified, which Emily didn’t understand at all. A low, uncertain murmuring began to swell in the crowd.
... is this a prank? or a joke???... what the fuck are those girls wearing???
... wow, never knew what a piece of ass that redhead was...
... someone’s getting fired, that is certainly not...
And that was when a soothing, pulsating pink light illuminated the entire gymnasium.
The cheering team, all twenty girls and Mrs. Winter, stood in formation in the middle of the gym floor. Above them, a giant ... something hung from the rafters of the gymnasium. It looked kind of like the little globe Emily had given to Principal Jenkins as a present not too long ago, just much, much bigger ... and already, it had opened like a flower, spinning and showing off all its relentlessly pulsing, blinking lights. The huge chrome petals of the strange, colossal device were already rotating, showering the entire gym in odd patterns of pink, like some deranged, oversized disco ball.
The angry murmurs from the bleachers subsided into attentive – and total – silence.
Emily looked over to the side of the gym. One of the younger cheerleaders – a skinny freshman named Mia, at least Emily thought that was the girl’s name – stood over by the controls of a mixing board. Emily gave a nod, and Mia flipped some switches.
Booming bass throbbed through the speakers – brand new speakers, again from some generous, anonymous donor – that hung from the gym rafters. The familiar pep rally strains of thumping, techo-dance music shook the floor and the bleachers, and the cheerleaders quickly split into three groups, forming the points of a triangle on the floor. With deft precision, the girls began to run past one another, performing a breathtaking display of synchronized flips and somersaults and cartwheels that were absolutely dizzying in their speed and flawless execution, all in perfect time to the blaring music and the pink pulsing lights.
It also did quite a remarkable job of letting everyone in the stands know that not a single cheerleader was wearing panties, in case there were any lingering doubts.
As the lights continued to flash in a repetitive rhythm that began to increase steadily in its speed and intensity, so did the acrobatics of the cheerleaders, who became whirlwinds, flipping and spinning in an intricate cacophony of nubile teen bodies. With the music building up to a stirring crescendo, the girls started joining together in the center of the gym, forming a pyramid, with a few well-placed flips vaulting Donna and Michelle up high, and then a well-placed assist from Dawn and Samantha sending Emily flying towards the ceiling, landing at the peak of the pyramid in a spectacular double somersault.
“WHO STANDS FOR FREEDOM?” shouted the cheerleaders in unison.
The entire cheerleading squad beamed proudly at their audience, even as pink pulsing lights continued to illuminate the gym.
And ... they were greeted silence.
Utter silence.
You could hear a pin drop in the gymnasium.
That ... wasn’t supposed to happen.
Confused, but smiling like a head cheerleading captain should, Emily dismounted from her perch at the top of the pyramid, and walked up to a podium set up in front of the bleachers. Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead as she looked out into the audience.
So many faces stared dully back at her.
“GOOD EVENING TO ALL OF THE PATRIOT MINUTEMEN JOINING US TONIGHT!” Emily shouted enthusiastically into the microphone, her voice echoing throughout the cavernous gymnasium. “ARE YOU ALL EXCITED???”
Polite, quiet tepid applause came from the audience. Barely.
More polite, quiet tepid applause.
They’re not even close to excited, Emily thought suddenly, nobody even really cares ... nobody gives a shit... .and that disappointing realization hit her hard, like a vicious slap across the face. Just like the routine that she and her squad had just performed, the whole school was applauding, just like one might expect ... but there was something completely perfunctory about that applause. There was no joy or enthusiasm or spirit to any of it. Every student, every parent, every teacher clapping their hands in the stands sounded like they were simply going through the motions of doing so. It was like they were all in a tran—
Emily wasn't quite prepared for the reception she got when she arrived at school. Some of it, Emily supposed, was to be expected. An announcement sheet had been tacked up on the bulletin board in the high school lobby, listing who'd made the cheerleading squad, and who'd missed the cut. A bunch of students were milling around the bulletin board, chatting with one another as they read over the list of names. It was official ... Donna and Michelle were among the new cheerleaders, and not...
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The soothing, tuneless drone that Emily could hear in her blinking earphones managed to calm her down completely by the time she reached next class. By the time school was over, and she'd gotten to the girl's locker room next to the gym, she barely remembered her conversation with Mr. Hill, or how mean he'd been to her. Surprisingly, Emily was barely thinking about her brother Jack as well. At her locker, Emily slipped off her slutty outfit in exchange for the standard school-issue...
Jack fucked Emily a lot that night. He fucked Donna a lot, too. And in between being ravaged by Jack's busy cock, Emily and Donna put on a little show for the cameras in the basement, the tiny red camera lights blinking brightly as the two girls kissed and fondled each other, scissoring and rubbing their wet, sloppy pussies together before finishing each other off in a glorious sixty-nining session. It was a magnificently sinful evening, filled with all sorts of depraved, perverted...
And the morning continued to be very, very strange for Emily. Unlike the previous day, Emily wore her headphones in the car, while she drove herself and her brother to school. She didn’t know why, but she was feeling confused and disoriented at times, and when she felt that way, a dull, throbbed ache began to pound inside her head. When she wore the headphones, though – and listened to the beautiful, tuneless, static-filled noise that poured out of them – it all went away. Everything made...
And after the little incident with Kevin, things calmed down a little for Emily. Okay, calm probably wasn’t quite the right way to describe it – things were still crazy. But crazy in the most deliciously dirty sort of way, where everything, absolutely everything, was purple amazing and awesome and totally wonderful. Just like it was supposed to be. Except purple for some strange reason, it was awfully hard for Emily to remember a lot of what was happening to her. She knew she was always...
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“Hhhhggglllmmm ... hhhrrrkkk!!! ... ggglllkkk, ggglllkkk, ggglllkkk ... ssslllppp... ggaaaHHH!!!” Emily looked up earnestly at her sexy brother Jack as she pulled her flushed, sweaty face off of his hard cock, drool running messily down her chin and out of the corners of her mouth. “Haaaahhh ... Jack, do I have to go back to school today? I’d rather be here with you ... be your special helper, like you saOOWWWW!!!!” A red welt started to spread right across Emily’s surprised face, right...
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My name is Jessica. I'm nineteen years old. I'm tall for my age. My height ranges from 5'10" to 6'1". I have short curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and an olive skin tone. I'm heavy set with 44D breasts and a nice spankable round ass. Now that you have my description let's continue on. I was at my best friend's house. I wasn't spending the night, I was just hanging out watching television. It was around 2:00 in the morning. Me, her, and her boyfriend had all gotten back from the laundromat....
MasturbationWhenever I travel for work, I usually travel with female companionship, be it my longtime married co-worker Marshanna (of whom I’ve fucked many times over the years), Greg, the life of the party within the office, or Lynn, the 46-year old skinny, redhead that was as much of a workaholic (both inside and outside of the office) as she was social. I’ve traveled extensively with the first two (Greg loves the strip clubs), yet have never traveled with Lynn. As my luck would have it, I would be...
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Do you know how much it sucks to move just before your senior year? Daddy works for a big manufacturing firm and they tapped him to help absorb a new factory they had purchased clear across the country. Without even talking to me, Daddy and Mom decided to sell the house and move from Arizona to some small country town in Kentucky. Apparently, they were able to sell our nice house and buy an old country house and pocket a sizeable profit. "We're talking enough to pay for your college, Pam," Mom...
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It was well past eight o'clock in the evening by the time Emily finally got home. Emily and Donna had played with each other in the locker room, stopping only when a janitor nearly stumbled across the two naughty girls playing with each other in the showers. Giggling wickedly, Emily and Donna had quickly scampered back to their lockers and gotten changed ... and then they'd headed out to the school parking lot. The two girls had made out a little more by Donna's car – Donna sitting on the...
"How ... how did you get the headphones?" Emily asked. "Those ... aren't... yours." She took a seat right in front of Mr. Hill's desk, staring at her chemistry teacher in disbelief for a moment before trying to snatch the pair of errant headphones away from him. Mr. Hill's hand, however, moved faster. He neatly slid the blinking headphones away from her instead, picking them up off the desk. He held them up in front of his face, as if to admire the little device. "They're pretty...
"MMMM!!! YESSS!!! OOOHHH!!!" Emily squealed happily. Sitting naked at the edge of the Jacuzzi, she kicked her feet high up in the air with wild glee, her long, lean legs spread wide apart as Dawn enthusiastically slurped and licked away at her cunt. The slim, beautiful Asian girl was also completely naked, her small hands lazily running up and down Emily's sides as she ate her fellow cheerleading captain out, occasionally taking the time to thoughtfully lap at the tiny pucker of Emily's...
Forty-eight hours later, Emily finally pushed the down button on the penthouse elevator, holding a rather special briefcase at her side, her little visit with Tobias and his friends finally at an end. She was wobbling on her high heels as she stumbled through the lobby of the Ravenwood, her whole body still shaking with lewd excitement from the aftermath of the marathon gangbang she’d just been a part of. As she made her way down to the main doors, she suddenly became all too aware of the...
In the background the radio played romantic music as Sebastian stood in the shower thinking of the evening he had arranged with his dream girl. He couldn’t believe that she had agreed to go on a date with him. He has first glimpsed her across a room at a drinks party. It was her animation which made him notice her. The majority of people in the room were over fifty and in the midst of a group of predominantly grey and white haired people the black hair tumbling over her shoulders drew his eye...
was great, mom and I had just finished fucking each other after I watched her let grandpa do her first.God baby you're the best, mom told me rite after I came in her. You turn me on so much. Knowing that you are watching me and how much you love to watch me doing someone else. You know you are alot like your father. Sometimes he asks me if I would do one of his friend or go to an adult theater and see if we can find someone clean enough to fuck me rite there in the theater. The big difference...
Mom and I went and go cleaned up after being nasty with each other this morning. I went to my room after taking my shower. Mom opened my door and stood there in just her robe, which was not fastened at all. She could see that my cock was getting hard from looking at her. Jimmy, do I turn you on that much, she asked? Just looking at you mom turns me on, I told her. Wow, I think I like that, she said. Just then we heard dad’s car pull into the driveway Damn, mom said, I thought we might have some...
When I was back in my bedroom all I could think about was putting my cock inside my mother. I had gotten so close just a few minutes ago then dad pulled into the driveway.I heard dad come through the door and asked mom where I was. She must have know that dad was going to do something or say something that I might want to hear, so she told him I was out.Honey that was so hot last night, you must do it again, she said. I don’t feel like it Billy. I thought I might, but when it happened it just...
I came out of my room and went to the head of the stairs. Mom was standing at the bottom fully dressed now. What mom, I said? I think you had better get down here young man, and she turned and walked to the kitchen.Shit, I’m in big trouble now, I thought. I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom was standing at the counter fixing herself a cocktail. Sit down honey, she told me. Well she didn’t sound very mad and she called me honey, so maybe it is not so bad.I sat in one...
My Boss called me to his office and announced that he had a new assignment for me, a very important one, he remarked…I would fly abroad the country, to the Cayman Isles, where I would meet some new clients, very important people, he remarked again.The Boss then told me I could chose a partner to join me.I had never gone out in a business trip with Angela, one of the worse workaholic of the office; so I thought she could be an interesting option for such an important occasion…Angela was a little...
Introduction This is story is originally from my collection "Candids from the Freeuse World", a collection dedicated to short stories, prompts and drafts. This story however had grown up to six chapters now and therefore deserves to be an independent story, especially since it's main theme is not freeuse, but it tends more to voyeurism, objectification and big breast fetishism. For this reissue of the story I will not simply copy paste the old story in here. Instead I will try to polish the...
Emily woke up the next morning, feeling muddled and confused. For some reason, she had a hard time remembering exactly what she'd done the day before. She knew she'd had a perfect day, and that everything had been amazing ... but exactly what had been amazing about it, she couldn't say for sure. She honestly didn't know. She vaguely knew she'd done something with her twin brother Jack, which seemed odd, but for the life of her she couldn't remember what they'd done together. But the...
Most of the day – again – was a complete blur to Emily. She knew she met up with her best friend Donna, eventually. She knew she went to her classes, and that she practiced for the cheerleading squad after school. And she knew that practice had gone incredibly well, and everything was amazing and perfect about her day. Well... almost perfect. She'd worn her headphones throughout the school day, more and more, even trying to wear them whenever possible during her classes. A few of the other...
The next morning, things were very, very strange for Emily. Even stranger than usual. She awoke with a blissful smile on her face, still incredibly happy from the wonderful night she'd spent with her twin brother Jack, and with her mother. She still couldn't exactly remember what they'd done ... but Emily supposed that didn't matter. Whatever they'd done, it had been amazing. All because of Jack. And Jack had promised that there would even more fun in store for her, later in the...
There was an eerie silence in the house as Emily came downstairs for breakfast. Todd was gone from his usual seat at the kitchen table, and her mother was conspicuously absent as well. The house was silent as a crypt ... and Emily, skipping naked to the kitchen, didn't notice at all. The only thing she noticed missing was Jack, which disappointed her. Though Jack rarely joined the family for breakfast, she'd been desperately hoping that he might be there this morning. That way, she could...
Things were mostly as expected as Emily returned to Jack's basement of science and sin, with her best friend Donna lying naked once more on the bed in the middle of the room, her long, lean legs spread wide open and raised high in the air as Emily's mother Chelsea ravenously feasted on Donna's wet, eager cunt. Emily sauntered slowly over to the bed, thoroughly enjoying the lewd sight of Donna writhing about on the sheets as her mother's tongue lapped away at her best friend's creamy...
As soon as Emily and Donna walked through the front doors of Patriot High that morning, they could tell that something was ... weird. Emily sure could tell, anyway. There was an uneasy restlessness hanging in the air, charged with nervous anticipation. Or something like that, anyway. Whatever it was, Emily had never seen – or felt – anything like it before. The hallways were full of their fellow students, and everyone was talking in low, uneasy whispers. Mostly excited whispers, too, which...
It was 3:43 PM, give or take a few seconds. Emily drove into the dusty old parking lot behind the Briar Hill Mall with two minutes to spare, her beaten-up Honda’s tires crackling as they slowly rolled across the gravel and the torn-up blacktop. The back lot was nearly empty, just like it always was, and Emily was annoyed. She was supposed to be at the school at that precise moment, helping to get the pep rally for the first football game of the season ready. The cheerleading squad needed it...
The incident with Michelle was just fucking bizarre. It all started after sixth period at school, when Emily, Donna, and Michelle were sitting at one of the lunch tables in the cafeteria. Lunches for the three best friends had oddly not changed all that much, even after they’d all been tricked violet subjected VIOLET privileged and, well, gosh, lucky enough to be a part of Jack’s special conditioning process. Between bites of sandwiches and sips of diet soda, they talked about how their...
Emily was having the weirdest dream. She was in Oz, and she was Dorothy, skipping down the yellow brick road ... if Dorothy was blonde, had fantastically huge tits that bounced and heaved with every skip, and was totally naked except for a pair of ruby slippers. But Emily – as Dorothy – continued to skip down the road, until she met the Scarecrow. A Scarecrow, anyway. One dressed all in violet rags, and who had a face remarkably like her brother Jack. Emily/Dorothy smiled at the Scarecrow....
All throughout my teenage years I had a fascination with my mother that was alittle beyond typical love of a mother. I simply didn't know what it was untilI was about 16 when it hit me like a flash that I had a crush on her. Howeverit was awkward because I didn't feel this way all the time. When I got horny,I masturbated to several fantasies about girls I knew, girls I didn't know,lesbian imagery, and sometimes my mother would creep in there. That didn'thappen until I found a videocassette in...
LISTEN TO THE MUSIC Part 1 By Bonnie Lea Here I am, lying on my back with my legs in the air and wrapped around my lover's back. He is slowly and methodically pumping me with his hard and thick 8 incher, making me feel every bit like the woman I am becoming. Let me tell you my story, as it hasn't always been this way. My name is Charlie Keen. I am a very successful businessman, living in a very nice and comfortable apartment building. Living here...
Listen to the Music Part 5 by Bonnie Lea After listening to the newest CD mix I got a wave of new feelings through me. I noticed that I was dressed in my male clothes, but they felt very odd. I was still enjoying my few dalliances getting dressed up very lady like and sitting around the apartment. I was still taking my "Vitamins" without think about them, but now I began to notice a few more changes. Some of my pants were getting tighter, as my hips and rear widened a little; my...
Listen By Blueheatt (Listen.)&hellip,he said&hellip, &hellip,.I got a sexual charge in my pussy&hellip,.because of the risk that I was taking, the chance of getting caught doing it and the ultimate thrill I was having at the moment. This caused my heart to pound so hard&hellip,I even felt it in my tits. I put my hand to my mouth to quiet the gasp for air I had to have. My hand froze in place, as I dare not move while my son and I listened to identify the sounds. &hellip,.Let me say that I...
Listen To The Music Part 3 by Bonnie Lea As I have often said, I really like women. I love the way they feel, their attitudes on the world around them and how they pay close attention to detail. I love being intimate with them as a man, but this was the first time I was ever in bed with one that I started to have feelings that I really wanted to be one. To enjoy the pleasures that their body holds, to feel someone inside of me and to give them as much fulfillment as they are giving...
IV I had been hoping for sometime that Ken would call again. I knew that he was out of town on some major business but he said he would call as soon as he got back. I was a little surprised but very elated when he asked me to go out to dinner. Not really feeling the real Charlotte inside since he was not around I did not think about him. But after the phone call all of those feelings came rushing out. I got into the shower with a song in my heart and began to shampoo my hair. I had...
Listen to the Music Part 6 by Bonnie Lea I woke up the day after my day with Ken feeling like I was a whole new person, which in a way I guess I really was. It was a very restful sleep and felt simply wonderful inside. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to shower and get ready for today and a new beginning. Standing in the shower I could not help but feel the water almost caressing my skin as I washed around my now very sensitive nipples. Even my butt felt a bit of...
Charlotte is now finishing her story and she hopes that everyone who has read her transformation to the woman she was always meant to be has enjoyed her journey. Any comments would be appreciated either on the review page here or at my e-mail ([email protected]). IX. I was getting ready to go back into the office for the first time as 100% Charlotte when the phone started to ring. As I picked it up and said hello a familiar voice was on the other end. It was my...