ElevatedChapter 16 free porn video

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"He's still not answering." Armand cupped his hand over the receiver by his mouth and looked positively gleeful to report this small transgression by Malcolm. "Maybe he's gone to bed and unplugged the phone."

"We could probably improvise," Aquilinia offered. "I never had a marking strap. I just used a leather belt with the buckle removed."

"There's one of those hanging in your office closet at home, sir," Rose added.

Corvus smiled indulgently at his slave and his director of media relations slash presumptive lover. The two of them were clearly looking forward to the beating more than he was and Rose, having insisted it was necessary, seemed positively gleeful. He may not share their enthusiasm, but his dread at the idea had definitely faded.

"We could head over there," he offered. "Make sure nothing's gone wrong with Malcolm being left alone. Should we bring Clover? I know how she likes to take care of the sick and wounded."

Rose cast her eyes downward. "If you wish, but she sometimes gets upset when she sees me being beaten."

"How many times has she seen that?" Corvus asked as he led them out of the steward's office.

"I wasn't counting," said Rose. "Most of them, I guess."

Corvus shook his head. He might not have believed Rose's assertions that she could actually enjoy being beaten if Aquilinia wasn't right beside her confirming everything she said. The world had rapidly gotten much stranger and deeper today and was showing no signs of slowing down.

As soon as he climbed into the car, Aquilinia sat crosswise on his lap, put her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was sharply reminiscent of a different kiss from a different woman in this same car, but different enough that he was able to return the kiss without the lingering doubts he'd had with Crispa. Aquilinia was much less complicated than Crispa and their relationship concomitantly so.

He drew back and stroked her hair. "You're not what I expected from my media relations director."

Aquilinia laughed and kissed him again. "It's our dirty, little secret. Most of us are horribly transgressive. The first lesson any spin doctor learns is that the one reputation you're never going to repair is your own. Senator Petronius has given five speeches excoriating spin doctors as a group since I started working for him. We get scapegraced for every bad thing that comes out of Rio and we never get credit for the good."

"I won't..."

She placed a finger to his lips to stop his words, then kissed him again. "I wrote those speeches for him. Our calling is to provide the forms that let an office holder do his job. Providing someone to take the blame is part of that."

"It doesn't seem fair," offered Corvus.

"It's not. But it's very, very liberating." Aquilinia unbuttoned the top button of Corvus's shirt and ran her hand his bare chest. "Anything I can do, I've already been accused of worse by association. We provide a service - like cloaca men and hetaerae and in return, nothing further is expected of us."

Corvus drew her in for another kiss and heard the privacy partition closing. Rose had set it in motion, giving them privacy from the driver, but was watching avidly.

"You know, that sounds like a challenge," Corvus pointed out. "Are you sure there's nothing you could do that's worse than what you've already been accused of? It's important to have something to strive for."

Aquilinia laughed, wriggled, and extracted her panties from under her dress. She held them up for Corvus to see, then threw a leg over him, so she was straddling his lap.

She shook her head. "I could be the guest of honor at an orgy held in the back of this limo and not be half the doxy I've been called in a hundred speeches."

Corvus gripped her hips, his body responding as much to her Pluto-may-care attitude as to her actions. "I don't think I qualify as an orgy."

Aquilinia unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Corvus lifted his hips to clear them and Aquilinia pulled them away before positioning herself over him and impaling herself on his cock. "That sounds like a challenge, senator," she gasped. "It's important to have something to strive for."

She rode him in relative silence, only the sound of their bodies moving together, their breathing, and the low grunts and moans she made filling the car's cabin. Corvus made only small motions with his hips and contented himself primarily with drawing down the top of her dress to kiss and suck her breasts. Otherwise, she seemed to be doing all the work.

As her pleasure rose, she clung to him tighter and tighter until her arms were wrapped tight around his chest, her head on his shoulder, and her whole body shuddering with wave after wave of pleasure. Corvus held her just as close and at the end drove up into her, lifting off the seat with each of three short thrusts that sent him over the edge of his own rising climax.

"Here it is." Rose emerged from the closet in Corvus's adopted office, holding out a folded-over leather strap in both hands.

Corvus accepted it and gave it a couple of experimental smacks across his palm. "All right. How do we do this? Is there like a post or something we're supposed to tie you to?"

"There might be one out in the slave house," said Rose. "I've never been out there."

"We could just do it over your desk," offered Aquilinia. "The posts are generally for serious beatings. This is more like play."

"All right." Corvus gestured with the strap. "So, I guess we just..."

Aquilinia held out a hand. "May I?"

Corvus relinquished the strap. All at once, Aquilina's posture became more martial as she gestured at Rose. "Slave, take off your clothes so I can give you a proper whipping."

"Yes, mistress." Rose made a very serious face only slightly ruined by her attempts not to smile as she lowered her head and stripped out of her clothes.

"Place your palms flat on the desk at shoulder width and spread your feet the same way. If you move your hands or feet, you earn extra lashes. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Good. Assume the position."

If anyone had asked Corvus, he would have had to admit that he was absolutely fascinated by what was unfolding in front of him, so he was just as glad that Rose and Aquilina were paying more attention to each other than to him. Then, Aquilina turned to him and gestured with the folded-over strap to a chair directly in front of the desk. "Why don't you sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy the show for now?"

The chair was directly in front of the desk and had Corvus staring directly at Rose's hairless sex and heart-shaped ass. It also gave him an unobstructed view of the first angry red mark that appeared on that ass when Aquilina whipped the strap across Rose's buttocks.

Rose's cry of pain had Corvus rising immediately from his seat, but Aquilina held out a hand to indicate he should stay where he was. "Did that hurt, slave?"

"Yes, mistress," panted Rose. "It was just right."

The next lash drew another sharp cry from Rose, but it sounded less like pain and surprise and carried the beginnings of arousal. Each subsequent strike shifted the ratio until Rose's cries were indistinguishable from the sounds she made when being fucked.

"Wait!" said Corvus suddenly. Aquilina paused on a backswing.

"I thought we were just going to beat her across the shoulders where the marks would show clearly."

"This is just to warm her up," said Aquilina. "Get her in the right headspace for being beaten along the shoulders."


Rose looked back past her own body. "It's working, sir."

Aquilina ran a finger roughly between Rose's legs, eliciting a sharp cry and drew it to her nose. "You're soaking wet, slave. I think you should be whipped extra for that."

"It will be as you say. Service is a ... yipe!" Rose's words were cut off by another lash across her ass followed by another. She moaned with each strike until the sound coming from her throat was constant. Only then did Aquilina move on to her shoulders.

"Aren't we supposed to be sharing duties?" Corvus raised his voice to be heard over the whipping. He'd been uncertain and a little horrified at first, but he couldn't deny that his desire had risen with each strike until it was painfully obvious. He'd gone from unsure he wanted to be there to not wanting to be left out.

"We can switch off if you like," Aquilina answered, punctuating her sentence with another lash across Rose's back and a low moan from the slave. A light sheen of perspiration coated her arms and chest. "Or you could just fuck her while I beat..." the lash came down again and Rose howled. " ... her some more."

It was an outrageous suggestion and one Corvus would have assumed he'd find unappealing if he weren't rock hard at the moment and his fellow participants not only willing, but gleeful. He rose, stripped out of his pants, kicked Rose's legs apart, and took her in one savage motion. She cried out in a higher note than she'd been responding to the lashing with.

Corvus liked to think of himself as a thoughtful and considerate man, contemplating each move he made and not prone to recklessness, but there was no rational thought as he sprang from the chair, undid his pants, and drove into Rose in almost a single motion. Hand on her hips, he thrust hard.

"Your feet moved, slave. Three extra lashes."

Corvus didn't slow his pace. "My fault really. I actually lifted her off the floor."

Aquilina gave him a look that had him quickly adding, "But whip her for it, not me."

She grinned and laid three lashes across Rose's back in rapid succession. With each strike, Rose cried out and convulsed, her whole body clenching hard around him. He lost his last shreds of self-control in that moment and drove into her, matching the timing of his thrusts with the rise and fall of the strap.

After a while, Aquilina laid her last lash across Rose's back, dropped the strap and rubbed her shoulder with her other hand. Corvus gestured her closer, then dragged her to him when she got within reach. She gave a surprised little squeal, but wrapped her arms around his neck to extend the forceful, demanding kiss he gave her.

The three of them were still locked together like that when Corvus's pleasure blast past the point of no return and exploded into Rose, etching fireworks on the insides of his eyelids.

Corvus woke without realizing he'd fallen asleep. Rose's feet were resting on his chest and Aquilina's head on his shoulder. After the beating, the three of them had barely made it to the bedroom before hands on bare flesh became mouths on bare flesh and trailing downwards.

As his relationship with Rose and Clover evolved, he'd found something sweet and transcendent in the way the three of them moved together, knowing and touching each other in a way that conveyed affection even more than desire.

What he, Aquilina, and Rose had done last night was the diametric opposite. It put him more in mind of Quad's sharks than anything else - falling on each other, their nostrils full of the scent of blood or sex, driven by a need that never passed through the rational mind. It was profane and grotesque and something everyone should experience at least twice before they died.

Just as he was starting to wonder why he'd woken up, he heard again what had awakened him. Someone was moving around in the family room. He'd meant to ask Quad to put the house under surveillance, but with everything that had happened in the last few days, he'd just forgotten. Everyone not in bed with him right now was supposed to be at his father's house.

Heart racing, he slid out of bed and tied on a robe, eyes searching for something he could use as a weapon. There were antique swords on the wall in the family room, one of the few effects left over from Labeo Vitellius that he'd decided to keep. But they weren't going to do him any good out there. He had to settle for one of Aquilina's platform shoes.

Still crouched, he crab-walked out of the room, across the hall, and into the family room where he was able to crouch behind a couch. When he saw who was there, he gave a relieved sigh and stood upright. "Malcolm."

Malcolm shrieked like he'd seen a ghost, clutched his chest, and whirled for one of the antique swords on the wall. Halfway there, he broke his forward motion and turned, stumbling, to face Corvus.

"You're supposed to be at your father's house tonight!" he shouted, still panting. Then, his eyes went to Corvus's hands and he smirked.

Corvus looked down at the shoe in his hand, cleared his throat, and went to toss it back in the bedroom. Aquilina was up on her elbows, blinking sleep out of her eyes, but Corvus placed his finger to his lips and nonchalantly tossed the shoe back where it had come from before returning to the sitting room. Malcolm was still standing there in the sitting room, watching him. "You were going to kill me with an espadrille?"

"Not you, no," said Corvus. "I thought you were an intruder."

"That you could subdue with a shoe?"

Corvus laughed. "It was the best I could do. The swords are out here."

"One of the wine bottles in there would have been a better choice."

"I was improvising," said Corvus. "We did try to call ahead, but no one answered."

Malcolm sighed, recovering his composure by the second. "Sadly, the amount of work that needs to be done to open a house that's been in decline as long as this one doesn't decrease along with the number of hands available to do it. Because Armand can never resist sending three slaves to do the work of one, there's suddenly an emergency and no one can be spared to meet the vendors or the contractors or do the marketing or anything."

"That's what you were doing at three in the morning?" Corvus looked pointedly at Malcolm's empty hands.

"Actually, I was meeting with the investigator you told me to hire - the one looking into the death of Labeo Vitellius. They are a compulsively nocturnal lot, even when their work involves a lot of running from government office to government office, all of which close before the sun goes down."

Corvus nodded. "What did he find out ... the investigator?"

"That Labeo Vitellius was a thief and a traitor to the New Roman Empire. His execution, while strangely handled, was entirely proper. He was stealing from the Empire for more than twenty years and had taken over a million denarii in that time. It's the same thing the Oracle Corporation is coming to realize and the senate will as well should they chose to investigate. I know everyone likes a good conspiracy theory, but there's simply no conspiracy here."

Corvus let out a slow sigh, relieved that the investigator hadn't found anything. "I didn't mean to startle you. Would you like a glass of wine?"

Malcolm started to move towards the kitchen. Corvus waved him off. "Sit down. I'll get it."

"You're here alone?" Malcolm sat. "You didn't bring anyone to serve?"

"Rose is in my room, but she can keep sleeping for now. I had to flog her tonight."

"I would have been more than happy to do that for you," said Malcolm dryly. "What did she do that finally incurred the wrath of even mild Corvus Gallicus?"

"Hey! I'm not that mild," Corvus protested, extracting a bottle of white wine from the refrigerator.

"Not that one - the Chardonnay in the back." When Corvus extracted a second bottle, Malcolm shook his head. "Not that one - the other Chardonnay in the clear bottle."

Corvus finally found the right bottle, poured two glasses and brought one to Malcolm.

"So, before I ordered you around like a first-generation Vulcan field hand, you were about to explain your fearsome and not-at-all-mild wrath." Malcolm quipped.

Corvus froze, a moment of genuine anger at having been so openly mocked rising to the surface, but then he laughed. "All right. Point noted. Still, I could flog you for that. I've got some experience now."

"I await your lash." Malcolm sipped his wine.

"Not you too," muttered Corvus.

Malcolm looked up, seemed to decide whatever Corvus had said wasn't meant for his ears and went on. "I meant only a small illustration of your basic nature. You have wrath in you, but you have humor and reason and wit. If you're genuinely wroth, I have no doubt you would act accordingly, but in a footrace, your wrath will cross the finish line long after humor has finished and gone home."

"That might be the most poetry anyone's ever used to call me a wimp," Corvus pointed out.

"Hardly a wimp, although you do prove my point," said Malcolm. "There may be no blood between you, but you're a good son for your father. You share so many traits - ones I don't see descending from the distaff side of your parentage."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," said Corvus. "But I wouldn't underestimate my mother if I were you."

"I do not for one moment underestimate Lucretia Tullius," said Malcolm. "She would have made a fine general or a sniper or the power behind the throne. I still don't understand why he felt he needed to marry her, though. A handsome, young general may capture the people's imagination by marrying a pretty girl. A man in his forties marrying ... a woman his own age does not have the same draw."

He looked up as if remembering Corvus was still in the room. "Forgive me for saying so. I know your own fortunes have certainly risen because of the arrangement. I don't mean to suggest you don't deserve anything you've gotten or will get."

Corvus shook his head. "My benefitting biases me to think it's a brilliant idea. It doesn't mean I don't want to hear where its flaws might be from someone with a clearer perspective. I will have to live with them."

Malcolm sighed. "Unfortunately, my perspective is at least as clouded. I've lived my whole adult life with the idea that there is Gaius and there is me and whatever he needs, I do for him. We've been through two wars together and almost two decades of peace and he's never needed a wife before now. I can't help but feel I've failed him in some way."

Corvus didn't answer. He couldn't speak for Gaius and he didn't think Malcolm's assessment of his mother entirely fair, a point Malcolm had already conceded. Malcolm broke the silence by saying. "I'm starting to ramble. You were going to tell me what Rose did to deserve a flogging."

"She poisoned a senator."

"Not a Republican, I'm assuming."

Corvus laughed. It didn't take Malcolm long to get back to unflappable. "No. She served Senator Rufius a drink spiked with rum. I didn't know rum was a poison, but I can't very well take her word over a senator's. Can I?"

Malcolm smiled. "Hardly."

"We wouldn't have come back to the house, but Armand couldn't find your marking strap."

"That's because I don't have a marking strap," said Malcolm, looking disgusted. "Such things are for a steward more loyal to those who serve beneath them than those he serves. They're meant to trick the master into thinking that their will has been carried out when it's all just a show."

"That ... explains why we didn't find it then," said Corvus. "I didn't realize it was a sore subject."

"Neither did I," admitted Malcolm. He finished his glass of wine. "I think a day of doing a whole household's work alone has made me unforgivably short-tempered. If you don't have anything for me to do tonight, I should probably get some sleep."

Corvus and Aquilina was at breakfast in the kitchen when someone knocked on the front door. Rose, walking stiffly, but smiling broadly, went to answer the door. She returned less than a minute later. "Luculllus Memmius is here to see you."

"I ... don't know who that is," Corvus admitted.

"He said he's a forensic accountant," said Rose.

Corvus smacked his forehead. "He's going to want to look at Labeo's old office. Rose, could you please go ... uh, straighten up after us a little before I let him in there. I think we knocked a few things over in there and I know we left some clothes behind."

Rose gave a stiff, little bow. Aquilina giggled. Corvus looked at her, "Should you be giggling over that? I can't imagine what happened last night being the sort of thing that would be good for my career if it got out to my enemies."

Aquilina shook her head. "Forensic accountants are an offshoot of the Truthspeakers. They take a sacred oath to protect a client's privacy. We could have let this Lucullus watch last night and, as long as he was in your employ at the time, he wouldn't be able to tell anybody what he'd seen."

"Even so, I'm just as glad we didn't invite him to watch and I'd rather he not figure out what we were up to," said Corvus. "I watch TV. I know what these forensics guys are like. He'll sprinkle some powder on the desk blotter and know somebody got the strap there last night."

"Forensic accountant." Aquilina emphasized the second word. "He's probably just here to look over Labeo's books for the senate."

"Actually, he's working for me. I wanted to understand what exactly happened here in case the senate does decide to investigate. I don't want any rude surprises."

"Good thinking," said Aquilina. "You'll have to tell me if he finds anything so I know how to spin it."

Corvus went out into the entry hall, shook hands with Lucullus Memmius, and made small talk for as long as he could. Fusa had filled him in on whose office he was going to be investigating and who Labeo Vitellius had been, but Corvus decided to explain it all again, ignoring Lucullus's protests that he'd been told all this already.

Malcolm stepped into the entry hall. "Forgive me for not getting the door. I was in the back of the house taking an inventory."

"Not a problem." said Corvus. "Malcolm, this is Lucullus Memmius. He's going to look through Labeo's private records and reconstruct how he managed to steal so much money from the senate. Would you please show him where the books and records are and give him any assistance he might need?"

"But, we've already investigated Labeo's crime. The senate went over his books. What more is there to investigate?" Malcolm sounded faintly exasperated.

"That's what Mr. Memmius is here to tell us. Maybe there's nothing else to investigate, but I wanted to make one more pass." Corvus smiled and patted Malcolm on the shoulder. "Please show him where Labeo's office is and give him any assistance he asks for."

"Of course." Malcolm inclined his head and indicated that Lucullus should follow him. "This way, please."

When Corvus returned to the kitchen, Aquilina looked up with a grin. "There you are. Where were we?"

Corvus chuckled. He was still worried the forensics guy would somehow figure out what they'd been up to last night, but he had been enjoying the conversation. "You were about to explain to me why all patrician girls are perverts?"

"Not all patrician girls - just all the girls who've come of age in the last twenty-five years," Aquilina clarified. "That's how long girls' companions have been really popular. Before that, they grew up just as frustrated as plebeian girls. Fifty years ago, it was just as deviant to have a girl lick your pussy as it was for boys to keep buggering each other once they go off to college."

"I ... didn't realize there was a lot of boys buggering each other before college," Corvus admitted.

"Well, not a lot - but it's generally viewed as a phase when it happens." Aquilina reached over and stroked Rose's hair affectionately as the slave brought over a fresh pot of coffee. Rose rewarded Aquilina with a smile. She was moving more slowly than normal today and her motions were a little stiff, but it seemed to Corvus that, far from being resentful, she was actually standing a little closer as she moved today as if she wanted every excuse to brush against them. "Teenage boys will put their cocks anywhere they fit. At least they don't get splinters from each other's bungs."

Corvus laughed and pointed to his chest. "Hey! Teenage boy here."

Aquilina shook her head and leaned over to kiss him. "You are a man in your teens. Big difference. Trust me. My brother's twenty now and still acts like he's fourteen. You're eighteen, going on statesman."

Corvus drew her closer to kiss again. He knew Aquilina was stroking his ego, but the stroking felt good, so why stop her? "So, how does this make them perverts exactly?"

"Well, most girls start to get seriously curious about kissing around eleven or twelve so they go to their companion for kissing lessons. They start to blossom a year or two after that. The companion is charged with helping them be comfortable with their own bodies. They touch. It feels good. They want it to feel better. The companion does what they're told." She shrugged.

"But, I thought that was the whole point of a girl's companion. How does that make them perverted?"

"Well, we start kissing girls at eleven or twelve. We enter the marriage circuit at sixteen, but we're still not supposed to be kissing boys. Most girls take four seasons on the circuit just as a matter of form. By the time we're supposed to be kissing boys, we've been kissing girls half our lives and that's what seems normal."

Corvus noticed Aquilina had switched from "they" to "we" and had a million other questions besides, but there was a crash from the office and he heard Lucullus Memmius shout, "Be careful!!"

Corvus sighed, banged his head on the kitchen table a couple of times, and went to see what happened. When he got into the office, the massive oaken desk was askew, the rug that it normally rested on to protect the hardwood floor folded over on itself and crushed beneath. Papers and the forensic accountant were sprawled on the floor. Malcolm knelt with his shoulders bowed and his head down. Lucullus reached out a hand and Corvus helped him to his feet. The man was a little red-faced, when he rose, but grinned broadly.

"Ah. I was just about to come find you. As I was telling your boy here, I found something interesting."

Corvus still didn't understand how anyone could look at Malcolm and think "boy," but now was hardly the time to split hairs. "What have you found?"

"A Seius & Sentius!" exclaimed the accountant.

"Which is what exactly?"

"A wooden safe of sorts ... and sort of a puzzle box and ... well a lot of things." the accountant gestured at the rug. "It's built into the floor of this office." He went on to explain about who Seius and Sentius were, how they'd come to build these custom hidey-holes for wealthy men to hide their secrets, and a lot of other details that were probably very interesting for men with a passion for antique gadgets, but Corvus was only half-listening. He was staring at the floor as if hoping he could see through it to what lay underneath.

" ... always wanted to hide it under heavy things, particularly desks, but that was a mistake. If he'd put it anywhere in the house but here, it would have taken much longer to find it."

Corvus forced himself to pay attention. There were too many people in the room to be having this conversation. Aquilina had stepped into the doorway with Rose pressed lightly at her side.

"Aquilina, will you excuse us for a few minutes, please?"

A flicker of disappointment crossed her eyes, but she smiled and said, "Do you mind if Rose shows me the shower for a while?"

"Not at all. It can take a while to see all of it." Corvus deadpanned.

Once they'd left, Lucullus said, "Anyway, I suspected..."

Corvus turned to his father's steward, still kneeling off to the side. "Malcolm, would you give us some privacy, please?"

Malcolm looked surprised by the request and didn't rise from his knees until Corvus made an "up" gesture with his hand. Even then, he said, "Should I clean up the papers I've spilled before I go?"

Corvus shook his head. "No. It's fine. I know you have a lot of work to do with the rest of the household being at my father's house. We'll take care of it."

Malcolm inclined his head. "As you wish."

Once he'd gone, Corvus turned to the accountant. "You were telling me what you suspected?"

"Yes. I suspected there had to be a hidden ledger somewhere. Caepio Naevius did the investigative report for the senate and while his work is always sloppy, it was particularly slapdash this time. But I couldn't help notice that he only ever investigated half the story. Unforgivable, really. But, what can you expect from government work?"

"What does all this have to do with dropping my desk exactly?"

"Ah, right. I was getting to that." Lucullus raised a finger. "Anyway, Caepio only did the bare minimum. He glanced through the official ledgers and found enough numbers that didn't add up to justify a charge of treason, then he stopped. Shameful."

Corvus frowned. "I thought the senate hadn't decided whether or not to investigate this."

"This could hardly be considered an investigation," offered Lucullus. "But any time there's a charge leveled, there has to be some proof. This isn't Europe. Caepio was called in to look over the books right after the execution. He probably wrapped up his 'investigation' in an afternoon. I heard the Oracle Corporation is asking for a political investigation to see who they can blame for this mess, but that's a whole nother animal."

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Sheets of Passion

Copyright ©2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. he air of the bathroom wrapped around me as my arms wrapped around her. Dee had just gotten out of the shower, her nakedness drew me like a magnet, the warmth of her body, the addiction being closeness to her. I gazing into her eyes, falling into a...

3 years ago
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Sissy Mission 6 Poodle Skirt Sissy

Sissy Mission 6: Poodle Skirt Sissy By Cheryl Alison I sat on the bench assessing my surroundings. It was a well-kept small town, with a cobblestone main street and nicely maintained historic buildings. Banners and awnings in the front of shops fluttered in the breeze, advertising everything from antiques to hardware. Since it was a town located on a large lake with lots of recreation opportunities, it was busy on this early June day. People strolled up...

1 year ago
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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 4

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

4 years ago
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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Story” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xSo Ted and I got into the whole playing with others thing in our early fifties and the first couple of guys I had fun with were very well endowed,...

2 years ago
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pokemon world ch 3

After we all washed up she told me that was realy tiring and that there was no way she could handle three cocks at the same time. I told her it was ok you dont have to. She told me thanks then I asked how come her sister didnt hear us. She told me she went to town to hang out with her friends. I went to hang out with Adam at his house while Mika took a nap. It sure is easier to hang out with someone that you know better then people who are seceretive. We got some of our pokemon (he only has a...

4 years ago
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Sex with neighbor8217s wife

Hi ISS fans, this is kunal once again bringing you another sex experience with my friend’s aunty. My friend Arun called me up saying that he and his parents were leaving for Hyderabad for some wedding function and requested me to stay in their house during their absence at least in the nights. He told me that they will be back in six days. He told me that he is leaving the keys with their neighbor Mr. Madhavan house. I said Okay and asked him if he had any vcd’s to watch (blue films). He said...

3 years ago
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A simple text

I hear the chime on my phone, and as I shut the coffee pot off and run water into my cup, I pick up the phone and my world comes to a screeching halt. “I want you ready for me when I get home… and keep yourself on edge all day baby... I’ll know if you don’t. You’ll do this for me baby… be a good girl for Daddy and don’t cum.” The hard throbbing between my legs, my creamy thighs, swollen clit, all respond to those words. A low moan leaves my lips and my hands drift up to my lips, tracing their...

3 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 18

Trae felt Kat join him in his silent reflections. ‘What happened, Trae?’ Kat asked him. ‘I know who I am and I don’t wish to be that person,’ he replied sadly. ‘Why? Are you a bad person? I don’t believe that you are. I have never felt that in you,’ she replied. Trae sighed and hugged her and the cuttails who seemed to have joined him in a field of flowers beside a stream that he had placed himself in. He knew the place was one of his favourites in his valley and he felt he had conjured...

1 year ago
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Craigslist First Time

I had been separated for about 8 months, still dealing with some issues, drinking quite a bit. By this point, I had already "hooked" up a number of times at the bookstore theater. Not just getting blown, but also now sucking cock...and loving it. I started to think about it a lot, especially when I got drunk. The problem was, I lived a decent distance from the theater. So, I started checking out Craigslist. I was amazed at all the men looking to hook up. Most were straight, or bi. The cock pics...

3 years ago
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Used in Bathhouse

I woke up Monday morning with a terrible cold. Just my luck,I was playing semi pro soccer and the most important game of the year was in 2 days I was working as a physical trainer and I had 4 clients booked for the day, I got my phone and canceled my appointments and went back to bed. Not being able to get any rest due to nasal congestion, fever plus my body was just hurting . The state final was Wednesday so I only had 2 days to fight of my cold. Laying restless in bed thinking how I could...

3 years ago
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Dirty Sex With My Girlfriend8217s Brother

A surprising turn of events when I went to drop my GFs brother home. 100% true story which took place a few months ago. I am sitting in my bedroom writing this story and my cock is get rock hard just thinking about it. My name is Rakesh. I am not gay and have never had a gay thought in my life. I have a girlfriend, Priya and we’ve been together for 3 years. This event happened a few months ago when Priya and I moved in together and he brother, Praful, came to visit. Priya and Praful are twins...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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I don't believe in love at first sight. Not for me, anyway. I need three dates. Exactly three. The first date it's all physical attraction stuff. You know, tits, ass, face, eyes, butt. Shallow, but that's the way it is. The second date is more cerebral. Conversation ability, opinions, beliefs, and so on. Of course, that first date stuff is interfering all over the place. But it's the third date that matters. I mean, I can handle two dates with any girl on the planet, almost. But that...

1 year ago
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Gay Group Story

Gay Group StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan We needed a versatile, young, gay boy in our group. I was sure, George the high school junior, I had in my collection of faggot boys was the best fit. He had a nice, thick 7’’ long cock and had asked me many a times to bottom for him, knowing that I shall not do it. He had told me of couple of instances when he fucked and did wonderful with the girls, he fucked. He said that he had good stamina and I could vouch for that at least because I had to struggle to...

3 years ago
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Bahamas Adventure

Bahamas AdventureOne time when we were vacationing in Florida we took this day cruise to the Bahamas. All the way over there this young black hunk was watching me with my husband on the deck. When we got our mopeds at the cruise ship terminal and rode to our hotel, I was surprised to see he was checking in to the same hotel. My husband I played beach volleyball when we got there, then went back to the room to make love and order room service. After a nap, we dressed for the evening and went to...

2 years ago
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My horny Aunty

This is my first post my aunt is a very sexy lady she is 32 years now am 23 now for the past 5 years i mastrubate thinking of her. She stays next to my house with her son her husband is at abroad i used to see her boobs standing near her and talking to her when she is washig or cleaning the floor as time passed by i began to loose my control she was very free with me. I started to touch her boobs and other parts of the body without her knowledge but after some days she was not minding me...

2 years ago
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The Pain and Pleasure Journals

The Pain and Pleasure Journals By Estaban Bacca (All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 by EstabanBacca) Prologue My name is of no importance to these journals. My history is that of almostany young woman of my generation. There is nothing startling or unusual init indicating a predilection for the dark side. My place of birth, my childhood,my time at the university, these are all totally immaterial. This is not amemoir or a biography. If you continue to read, you will have to accept the...

1 year ago
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 20

Angela had gone on Monday, and Victor’s friends left on Tuesday. Victor sat alone in his large house and realised Christmas was less than two weeks away. He did not look forward to it with any confidence. Every year previously, both when he was on leave from the army, and after he left, he spent the time with his sister, but this year he would be alone. He idly wondered why this was a rather daunting prospect. After all the twenty fifth of December was a date like any other, and a good...

2 years ago
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Keeping the Flame

The night a slow dinner for both of us. The choice maybe not the best with noise and a crowd with neither of us able to feel like we were talking to each other anymore. The drive home a continuation of what was. The lighting of the street making the mood even more somber. More grim than anything needed to be. The key sliding into the door almost an echo and me stepping aside to let you in with my motions more robotic than anything else. The same thought in both of our minds ‘is this it.. will...

3 years ago
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Deadly Desires

The first time I laid eyes on him my heart pounded rapidly against my chest. He was tall, lean, slightly dark skinned with short black hair, and had the most beautiful eyes of brown and a touch of blue.  He was absolutely gorgeous, a god! I met him at my husband’s work dinner party. We had smiled at each other and felt the burning desire in both of us that we wanted each other. His name was Matt Graham and a paramedic at the local emergency centre. As I sat near the bar drinking my third or...

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Coats and Beds

That all changed at the regional speech contest in Des Moines. I had finished my performances in the morning and spent the rest of the day hanging out in the cafeteria with a few friends. Our time goofing around was interrupted by two different students running up to me. The first said, “Mrs. Nell wants to see you immediately. She said you’ll find her in the coaches prep rooms.” You could tell I was in trouble because of the glee the student showed in reporting to me. He definitely knew...

1 year ago
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First Time Bad Girl

She fumbled with her key, partly from the beer but mostly in anticipation. It had been a great evening at the bar. The band was fantastic and her friends had made themselves scarce when the guy standing beside her had struck up a conversation, and eventually left with her. The key turned in the lock and they entered the darkened living room. He tossed his leather jacket on the chair as she went up the stairs towards her bedroom. This is perfect, she thought, no pretense, just a fantastic...

1 year ago
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CopurniaStory 2

One day, after I had lived in Copurnia for approximately two years, I was wandering down a back street late at night, pondering the song that I had just recorded, thinking of ways to improve it. It was a song that questioned why people continued to live on, even in the face of hopeless odds. I was wandering in this fashion, sort of slowly, when... I heard a woman's voice call to me from a back alley. "Come here," she said to me quietly. "I need you to satisfy my sexual hunger." I...

3 years ago
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An American War HeroChapter 2

The stairs did not go as deep as David had presumed. He and the servant turned left along a corridor and then up some more stairs. Through a door and they were outside once more. "What the hell's going on here? Thought David, and wished he had been able to wear a side-arm. In the gloom, he looked nervously about. "This way Sir" prompted the butler. David sighed and followed. Along darkened Downing Street they walked until they came to s small flight of stairs down to a basement door. His...

1 year ago
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Anitas RescueChapter 16 Tribute

The next morning found the whole crew up early. While the concert wasn't until four in the afternoon there was a lot to do. The Gilchrist foundation had promised a stage and a piano but that was about it. Over breakfast, Kyle, Chrissie, and Gwen were discussing just how one got a piano onto a stage that was on a beach. That wasn't really the problem though. There was a stage on the beach, and there was a piano, and there was everything else. Anita was with the Smith's for the day so all...

4 years ago
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My Boss

Lisa was going crazy, I was not sure what to do but lay there. Lisa was on top of me, my cock buried deep inside her wet pussy. Her boobs were flapping around, her hair was a mess, she was dripping sweat everywhere. I was not sure if I would cum, this was not how I pictured my first fuck to be. ‘Yes! Yes!’ Lisa muttered as she fingered her clit. ‘Oh my goodness, Yes! I am cumming! ooohhhhhh!!!!’ Lisa screamed. I could hold back no longer as Lisa ground down onto my cock. Everything went into...

4 years ago
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There and Back Again Ch 3334

Chapter Thirty-Three: Rejection and Acceptance When I woke, I was in Alistair’s tent. For the second time. I mostly could tell it was his tent on account of the fact that he was lying in it, right beside me. There’s not a lot of room in a bedroll, really, so I was plastered to his side while he was on his back, arms up and hands behind his head. He jumped like he’d been shot when I opened my eyes, and I sat up and scrambled away from him. My skin felt like it was burning again where it had...

4 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 7

It would have been easy to stay in her bed. She'd have let me. She'd have let me fuck her too. But somebody had to be the adult. I imagine there were a few snorts out there, just now, at me characterizing myself as being "adult" in this situation. Those people would say it wasn't adult of me to do anything at all with a fifteen-year-old girl, and then do more with a sixteen-year-old girl, and then keep doing more and more while she was seventeen until I fucked her. "Ludicrous" is a...

1 year ago
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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 12

(Day 8, Walker Lake, in Alaska's Brook Range) After an early start, they group got underway, and made the slight detour to Walker Lake. There, they circled the lake three times waiting for Jeff Owens to catch up, before Grif set the Caravan down and taxied to the southeast end where the cache tower was, and the base camp had been. Sheila wanted to make sure that was where she wanted to build, and decided that Grif and Tara had indeed picked the ideal spot. Grif knew it was, since it...

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Big Arab Dick one

I went to an adult video book store for the first time. It was exiting. My dick was stirring and getting hard in my pants. I was enjoying viewing the porn playing in the video machines. I had never sucked cock before, but watching a voluptuous naked girl sucking a black guy’s huge penis was a real turn on. I have to admit the black guy’s enormous daddy dick looked inviting to suck on.My own penis was rock hard. I had unzipped my fly and was jacking off when I hadn’t noticed the glory hole in...

1 year ago
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MylfXJoyBear Sienna Day Jess West All Female

Eva is tired of feeling underappreciated. As a woman in football, the other professionals don’t take her seriously – they all just tell her to ‘get her tits out’. Over a glass or two of wine, Eva spills her troubles to her friend Scarlett, a women’s football coach. Cuddled on the sofa, the girls get closer and gentle foot rub soon turns into passionate kissing and incredible girl-on-girl action. As the two women explore each other’s bodies, they lick each other’s pussies before bringing...

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Date Night

Dee decided to take me on a date night since we both work so much. We went out to one of our favorite restaurants and then we were going to see a movie. After dinner we still had some time to kill so we decided to run to a few stores. Dee had his hand on my knee and he was slowly sliding it back and forth up my leg. He knows the sensation drives me crazy because he gets close enough to my pussy but still doesn't touch me where I want him too. I get really turned on during the car ride but it's...

2 years ago
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Beast in MeChapter 5

By some sort of unspoken agreement, no one dressed for breakfast the next morning. It seemed pointless for everyone to put on their clothes, then go downstairs and take them off again. Consequently everyone wore their robes to the table. Since there was no particular hurry, they had a leisurely meal, and when they were finished the girls helped Ruth stack the dishes. "You say Barb's going to be here at nine?" Allan asked Sharon. "That's what she said. She was supposed to call first,...

1 year ago
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SEX FORMULA 69 Foreword; The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of Mother Nature’s authority. At the moment, Ambassador Horse was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, the constant cacophony of the Vegas Strip could be heard, the discordant sounds of whoring and gambling signaling the beginning of another day in Sin City. It was the summer of Formula 69. It was the summer of my betrayal of my boss and best...

3 years ago
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Very Satisfying Quickie

We are lovers, so time can be a problem. But I will take a quick meeting over not seeing him anytime. We were meeting after work. The anticipation of getting to see him that evening had my pussy so swollen and so wet I couldn't even focus on work. All I could think about was ripping my clothes off and letting him fuck me. I called him when I was leaving work. He was already there waiting for me. Just the sound of his sexy voice sent thrills inside the pit of my stomach. My pussy was so hot and...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 19 The Waltz and Other Dances

Dexter managed to get his office moved to the new office space Sunday, while the kids were visiting their mother. He was pleased with the progress he had made in establishing his website as a real business. He sat behind the cheap desk ... a really cheap desk ... thinking that it wouldn’t last a year. The difference was two hundred dollars for a desk versus a two thousand dollars for a desk. He doubted the website would last five years. It was one of those temporary businesses: like pagers,...

2 years ago
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Built Upon Sand

Prologue. From Out of the Past. The waiter showed me to my table in the hotel dining room. I ordered a glass of wine and then scanned the menu. As I made my decision about what to order the wine arrived. I sat back casually surveying my fellow diners, weighing up the possibilities. They were mostly elderly couples bent on spending their retirement money before the Grim Reaper cried ‘Sans everything.’ I was in transit from the city to one of the areas where a very successful mining operation...

2 years ago
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Best Clean Up Ever Pt 2

That morning at school I had to hide the fact that I was fucking the quarterback, not easy when every time you see him your dick grows in your pants. I saw one cute kid was staring me down, but this guy was so cute it wasn’t even funny. This guy’s name was Jonas, he was 5’2”, ginger with these dark green eyes that made you want to fuck him right then and there. I noticed that he was staring at my crotch, and since I was wearing jeans it really showed, I looked up at him and said, “You know...

4 years ago
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Fucking on Webcam my neighbor saw me

Modern technology allows strangers to watch you as you fuck in your own bed and that's what happened to me, thanks to my fucked up husband.My name is Emma, as many of you already know. I'm a twenty-Six year old female, an age that sexually puts me in my prime an before this incident I would concur I was a tad out of control sexually as much as sexy wives are with a cuckold husband.Five years of intense marriage had to wane sometime and like all marriages waning sexually, we introduced elements...

3 years ago
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Im Not Man Enough

[Make sure you read the guidelines on the story summary. -- Torg] I felt very out of place at the nightclub. Not Kelly though- god, she looked good- the tight white dress showing off her incredible body to mouthwatering perfection! Every guy in the place was checking her out; as usual they thought I was her father... "We can go, if you want," she shouted in my ear. "No, you go and have a dance. I'm fine, honestly!", I lied. "I'll only dance if you come with me," she implored. I laughed and...

2 years ago
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Watching Irish Mom Getting Deliciously Fucked

I woke up with a start, my brain slowly coming into focus. I smiled as I realized it had only been a dream. But what a dream! In my dream, my mother and I were naked on her big bed, making love. I often fantasized about being in my beautiful mother's arms. She is awesome. Her name is Yvonne and we live in Dublin. She stood five feet seven inches and weighed in at one-hundred-and-f******n pounds. Her face was gorgeous. She had big brown eyes and a small nose. She had beautiful hair, thick and...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 53 This should be Interesting

Allison had brought up some interesting questions. Looking at it now there was a lot we still didn't know just because we hadn't really been making any effort to study and discover what I could do. Somewhere along the line we had stopped trying new things. What she was asking seemed like very simple and basic things. I made a mental note to talk to her and Bob about setting aside some time to discover things like this. Shannon may have some insight as well. I didn't want to involve Rebecca...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyRAW Arya Bella Can8217t Help But Feel Horny

Arya Bella just shot her first creampie scene, but she is not yet done. The gorgeous tattooed hottie with big natural tits didn’t even bother changing her clothes. She is still wearing the pink lingerie and stockings used for the shoot. All the talking during the interview only made Arya hornier. Unable to control her lust any longer, Arya starts giving the lucky stud a sloppy blowjob. She then rides the hard dick like a real cowgirl. Arya’s big titties bounce a lot while she gets...

1 year ago
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Uncensored Hentai

It’s fucking weird how Uncensored Hentai is still something of a rarity even in 2023. The internet and pop culture as a whole both seem to get a little bit kinkier and a little bit more sexually liberated every day, yet so many Japanese porn cartoon sites still cover up the wee-wees and hoo-has during all the best scenes. Whole fucking families sit around to watch dicks and dragons together on HBO these days, but you’re telling me I can’t see an animation of a schoolgirl’s butthole with a...

Hentai Streaming Sites
2 years ago
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Kates Virginity

We kiss, we held hands, we cuddled. I was too romantic and perfect for her to not give me what I wanted, but I wasnt going to push her to do that anytime soon. I loved her and I couldnt lose her that way. She had this golden brown hair, with dark brown eyes. Her skin tone was a little paler than normal, only because it was winter, anyway. Her smile lit up the room with a radiant perfection. I never looked at her body intentionally before, and she never let me. -Monday- It was just...

3 years ago
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Becoming Caras Sissy1

Cara and I got along famously, and had a lot of fun and adventures that were both romantic, and exciting. She accepted and loved me for who and what I am, and was more than happy to please me, and receive my loving. In the course of our relationship I revealed to her that I had a huge thong fetish, and she quickly stocked up on a few pairs beginning to wear them on a nearly daily basis. She was smoking hot, with the cutest face, easily a foot shorter than me, a fit body from playing...

3 years ago
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Short Skirts No Panties

Friend’s is what we are and what we have maintained being…..at least that’s what I thought until last Thursday. When I missed work on Wednesday I thought you would come to my cubicle telling me how boring things were and filling me in on what type of workload corporate was dumping on us because of one of their errors. But when I see that you’re seated at my desk it startle’s me. You jump up and give me the biggest hug; squeezing me tight as you tell me how much you missed me. When I go to...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 04

Chapter 4 — Jambalaya: She must pose in a public bar without underwear. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s adventures during a series of challenges, including going to a public bar wearing revealing clothing and...

1 year ago
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Oral 10 her pussy responded quickly to my licking

Mummmmmm Bud, that feels so good baby! Oh yes Bud! Lick me! Mummm lick my swollen pussy baby! Make it feel so good! Mummm! YES!", she moaned out to me as I lay between her thighs licking that sweet pussy! I had her going in only minutes! She was humping her cunt on my lips and when I stuck my tongue into her hole she arched and began to fuck it! "Oh god Bud! Oh god yes Lick it baby! Oh fuck! That feels so good! Ahhhhhh! I'm cumming! OH God faster baby! Lick it faster! Yes! Oh fuck like that!...

4 years ago
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He was oblivious to the hot summer night outside of the cab of his semi. The air conditioning hummed softly in harmony with the eighteen wheels beneath him as he cruised down the familiar interstate. Although he had driven the route countless times over the years, he still enjoyed it; there was always something new to see on every trip.He particularly liked driving at night, enveloped in darkness. It made him feel further removed from the hectic madness of the everyday world that was all too...

Wife Lovers
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part VII

Nobody was more surprised than me when I pulled the cotton bud from Abe’s hand to find the end shortened. Trish gave a faint smile but Abe looked decidedly disappointed. I had won. I would decide how and when the cuckolding story would end. Trish sat down on the edge of the bed beside me and rested her hand on my thigh, “I suppose this is where the story ends then?” She said. I could sense the disappointment in her voice. “Abe and I were hoping that you would let us make love,” she told me...

2 years ago
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Chain of Desire

The Past. It was one of the vivid dreams. Even when she was in it, she could tell. She could feel her heart beating faster just at how real everything around her seemed: blades of grass under bare feet, a cool breeze against her skin. The sound of screams borne on the wind. She looked down at her body. She was sleek, compact and well-muscled, a match for her form in real life. But she was naked. Her body was covered from neck to knees in an intricate tracery of blue tattoos. Her nipples...

4 years ago
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Letting my wife fill her fantasy fills mine and i

When my new wife and i got together we were sitting around having a few drinks and just talking. i was playing with her pussy while we were sitting on the couch and i ask her do you have a fantasy that you would like to try. She was shy telling me and then she said i have always wanted to try a black man. She had very little experience with men anyway as far as numbers go. I told her that would be cool but i would love to watch him do you. At this time she had no idea that i loved cock too. ...

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