To Catch A Merchant PrincessChapter 4 free porn video

Alicia sat cross-legged beneath a cherry tree in the garden, blissfully savoring a few of the ripe fruits, plucked directly from the tree. As with the day before, her parents were simply too stunned by her sudden shift in behavior to articulate their disappointment. She knew the reprieve wouldn't last long, but she planned to take advantage of every moment.
A beam of sunlight shone upon her spellbook, open in her lap. The spell to soothe sore and chafed nipples from nursing a child intrigued Alicia because it had potential to cure the same caused by her often elaborate and uncomfortable wardrobe. Though still a little weary from her late night in the city, she still felt giddy from the trip — and the subsequent reunion with Thakkor.
She could still see the look in his eyes as he stood with her in the moonlight at the servant's gate. For a moment, she'd thought for certain that he was going to kiss her. In fact, she'd actually felt irritated when he didn't, instead returning to the city after saying that he hoped to see her there the next evening.
Enough of that. Study, Alicia, she silently chided herself as her body reacted to the memory of his face and how badly she'd wanted that kiss. Her recent lapse in manners would eventually fade from her father's mind — taking up with a vagabond sellsword certainly would not.
The words of the spell she studied were quite similar to the other two spells she'd mastered, and Alicia found that this magic came to her easily. After only an hour or so, she felt confident that she knew a little over half of the spell. The encouraging results pushed her even harder, reducing her world to the spidery words on the pages before her — until the snake slithered out from under a patch of violets on the opposite side of the path.
Whether alerted by the sound, a flash of movement in her peripheral vision, or pure intuition, Alicia looked up from her book just as the serpent appeared on the path. She recognized the venomous reptile by its copper-colored head and attempted to scoot back, around the tree.
The action caused the snake to rear its head up in an ominous posture. Alicia froze in place, her eyes locked on the snake. Her hand rested against her spell pouch, providing her with a possible solution. With slow, minimal movements, she withdrew one of the miniature arrows from inside the pouch.
The snake remained in front of her, well within striking distance, seemingly daring her to move. Alicia raised the arrow in front of her, prompting another frightening change in posture from the serpent. She whispered the words of the spell, moving her fingers through the few gestures necessary to call up the magic. The magical darts probably wouldn't kill the snake, but they would certainly stun it and make it think twice about coming near her.
Just as Alicia completed the spell, she felt a tingle in her thigh that she knew came from the dagger sheathed there. It distracted her for a moment just as she whispered the final word and directed the tiny arrow toward the snake. The arrow vanished, and again Alicia felt the tingle — stronger this time.
Curiously, Alicia knew the magic hadn't failed. She could feel it within her dagger. Somehow, the weapon had contained the magic and held it there. With the same slow movements she'd adopted since the snake appeared, Alicia unsheathed the dagger. She pointed it at the snake, concentrating on the strange sensation of magic there. Her magical dart leapt from the dagger, striking the snake right in the head. The creature curled up with a hiss and rolled over on its back, twitching from the bite of the magic.
Alicia wasted no time in scurrying to safety.
Once a safe distance away, seated on a limestone bench, Alicia examined her dagger. Gwen had suggested that the dagger was made for a wizard, and that certainly seemed to be true. While the ability to hold spells and release them with a thought was useful, it could also prove troublesome if she couldn't learn how to control it.
Alicia retrieved another arrow from her pouch, looked around to make sure that no one was around, and cast the spell at a brown, curled leaf lying upon the ground. Again, she felt the tingle from her dagger, but ignored it. When she finished casting the spell, the dart hurtled from her fingers and blasted into the dried leaf.
Pleased with the result, she decided to try to contain a spell within the dagger. She pulled one of the miniature candles from her spell pouch and cast the light spell she'd utilized to navigate the servant's corridors the night before. This time, when she felt the dagger reacting to the magic, she opened her mind to the weapon. The tiny candle vanished, and Alicia could feel the presence of her magic within the dagger, awaiting her call.
A second casting of the light spell yielded the same results, and Alicia could feel both of the spells distinctly within the dagger. At least I won't have to speak the words of the spell when I sneak out to the city tonight, she thought.
Continuing to experiment, she cast another dart spell into the dagger. She could tell the difference between all three spells, and knew she could call up whichever she wished with nothing more than a thought. On a whim, she cast first the fertility divining spell, and then the spell to lessen the pain and discomfort of deflowering into the dagger. With the last, she had a sense from the weapon that it could hold no more.
Alicia sheathed the dagger with a wide smile, appreciating Gwen's gift even more, now. She couldn't wait to reveal the secret to her friend. She sheathed the dagger and decided to return to her room to continue studying the new spell. The encounter with the snake made her too uncomfortable with the thought of focusing on her book in the garden again.
As she stepped out of the garden, Alicia smiled at the sight of the sun sinking toward the western horizon. She hoped she could remain hidden away in her room as much as possible, because she didn't know if she could contain her anticipation for her venture into the city tonight. With that pleasant thought in mind, Alicia hurried to her room.
Her mood buoyant, Alicia stepped from her bath and prepared to dress for bed. She considered changing into what she planned to wear into the city, but thought better of the notion. Her mother might decide to finally confront her about her recent behavior, and finding her not dressed appropriately would raise questions she couldn't answer.
Once she toweled dry, Alicia slipped into her silk chemise and retrieved her new spellbook once more. She felt as though she was on the cusp of mastering the spell, and she was eager to do so.
Before she could open the book, she heard a knock on the door. Quickly slipping the book beneath her overstuffed pillow, she called out, "Yes?"
Kylie answered, "I have some of your laundry."
"Come in, Kylie."
The young woman entered carrying a woven wicker basket, and Alicia offered to help. After removing her panties from the top of the basket, Alicia's eyes widened at the sight of the clothes she'd worn out last night in the bottom. She'd carefully hidden the clothing away, planning to wash it herself in secret.
Kylie whispered, "Your escape didn't go entirely unnoticed. Don't worry, we're not going to say anything. If you plan to go out tonight, it would be nice if you'd tell me, though. The stairs in the servant's corridors are just beyond the wall behind my bed. I entertained all manner of nightmares about ghosts and thieves until I discovered the true source of the sound."
"I'm sorry," Alicia apologized with a little smile.
"I thought I might go into the city this evening as well. I would truthfully feel much better if you'd let me go with you."
Alicia sighed inwardly, not happy about having anyone go with her into the city.
Kylie's voice dropped even lower when she whispered, "I know about the young man who walked you home, as well. That secret is mine alone, and I will neither interfere nor speak a word of it to anyone. I'm quite happy for you, actually."
"He just offered to accompany me," Alicia quietly protested.
Kylie smiled knowingly. "Of course. Will you let me come with you?"
Alicia nodded. "Yes."
"I'll slip something under the door when I'm leaving and wait for you by the servant's gate."
Still not overjoyed with the intrusion on her clandestine excursion, Alicia accepted the necessity. She knew that Kylie would have only found some way to follow even if she'd refused. Kylie took her assignment as Alicia's personal servant very seriously.
Her spellbook once more in hand, Alicia sat back against the oaken headboard of her bed to study until the hour grew late enough to make her escape.
"Got someone with her, she does. A pretty little thing, too."
"It is of no matter. The woman is a mere servant. We are prepared for far more dangerous opposition."
"We allowed to play with that one, once we got yer prize?"
A sigh emerged from deep within the man's hood. "She is irrelevant. Do with her as you will. Should your foolish indulgence interfere with my goal, rest assured that the consequences will be — unpleasant."
"Of course, Milord," the unkempt brigand replied with a wide, evil smile that revealed his yellowed, broken teeth.
The hooded man turned toward another in a voluminous robe of dark blue. "You have her, I trust?"
"Of course, Lord. My trinket has latched firmly onto her shoe. She will neither discover nor dislodge it."
"You will have your payment once she is in my possession. Stand ready and remain hidden until the woman returns from her nocturnal visit to the city. Do not fail me."
The brigands surrounding him nodded and grunted their agreement, sounding all too eager for the task put before them.
The common room of the Dragon hummed with conversation, music, and laughter. Smoke from many pipes hung in the air, made tolerable by breezes from the frequent opening and closing of the door, and open windows near the dark-beamed ceiling intended for exactly that purpose. The smell of cooking wafted from the kitchen — venison this evening.
Alicia returned to her corner table with Thakkor after convincing him to join her in a dance, the smile on her face so wide that it felt almost unnatural. Though he had absolutely no experience with dancing, he'd proven more than willing to learn, and caught on quickly. The physical contact made Alicia feel giddy with delight.
Kylie had left Alicia to her man almost immediately upon entering the Dragon, seemingly content to see her safely inside. That suited Alicia well, quelling her fears that the other woman would hover protectively over her the entire evening. From what Alicia could see, her personal servant was garnering no small amount of male attention herself.
"That was actually sort of fun. I probably looked like a complete idiot, though," Thakkor said as he pulled out Alicia's chair. He then chuckled as he walked to the opposite side of the round table to sit down.
"Nonsense. You did quite well for your first time. Dancing isn't all that different from fighting, when you think about it. You just practice until you get it right, and then you can do it without thinking."
Thakkor took a drink of his beer, and then wiped the foam from his closely cropped beard and mustache, having learned early in the evening that Alicia found the sight of foam in his facial hair amusing to a point that she couldn't ignore it. "Never really thought about it. It's been a long time since my Pop was whacking me on the head when I set my feet wrong, but I felt about the same way out there a minute ago as I did then."
Without even realizing what she was doing, Alicia twirled one of her golden curls between her finger and thumb. She did notice Thakkor paying attention, though. Her heart thudded in her chest as he admired her — his gaze unthreatening, not lewd as were those of so many men, and filled with touches of wonder. "I am quite sure you will find it easier each time."
"Well, I have a good teacher — and a beautiful one at that."
Alicia's rapidly beating heart skipped one beat upon hearing him say those words. She blushed, almost overwhelmed by his first unquestionably romantic compliment. "Thank you."
"Just the truth. If dancing is like fighting, I'm not sure I'd want to square off in a fight with you. You float like your feet aren't even touching the floor out there." He hiked his thumb toward the area in front of the musicians set aside for dancing.
"Alicia, it's after midnight."
Alicia turned toward the voice to find Kylie wearing an apologetic smile. Alicia glanced at the water clock above the bar and sighed, seeing that Kylie was telling the truth. She then looked back at Thakkor and said, "I suppose I should be going."
"Want me to walk you home?"
"I'd love that," Alicia answered. The widening of his smile made her tingle all over.
"I think I'll stay for a bit since you have someone to walk you home — if that's okay?"
Alicia turned back to Kylie, knowing full well that the young woman was giving her space. "That's fine. Thank you for accompanying me to the city. I had a good chat as we walked. We will have to do it again soon."
"Perhaps tomorrow," Kylie responded with a knowing smile and a wave. She then returned to the bar and the men doing their best to attract her attention.
"I could do with a walk in the night air to get all the smoke in here out of me, anyway," Thakkor said as he stood. He stepped over to pull out Alicia's chair, and then offered her his hand to help her rise.
Alicia couldn't fight her blush, or her grin. Every story she'd ever read about knights in shining armor flashed back through her head, thoroughly embodied in the handsome man standing before her. For a few seconds, the couple stood staring into each other's eyes, and then Alicia acted on impulse, maintaining her hold on his hand as she stepped toward the door.
Thakkor's remark about floating felt very real to her as she walked hand-in-hand with him across the hardwood floor. His grip was somehow both strong and gentle at the same time. His expression took on an almost boyish cast, a sharp contrast to the confident, seasoned warrior she knew. Alicia didn't need one ounce of womanly intuition to know that he was enamored of her, it was written on his face as plainly as words on a page.
No words passed between the couple as they walked through the darkened city streets and out the gate, though both certainly spoke volumes with their eyes. Alicia's mind raced, wondering if he might kiss her at the servant's gate this time. The thought of that nearly made her swoon, and it was all she could do not to stop, stand up on her tiptoes, and kiss him. She quickened her pace unconsciously, and Thakkor matched her perfectly. Moving almost as if one, the pair passed out of the circle of light from the city, toward Alicia's home.
About halfway between the city and her father's estate, Alicia felt a chill run up her spine — and not a pleasant one. At her side, Thakkor tensed, his expression darkening and his eyes roaming the moonlit countryside.
"What is it?" Alicia whispered.
"Something isn't right out here. I don't know if I heard something, or saw something, or what. Stay close, and be ready to run if I tell you." Thakkor released her hand and reached for his sword.
At that very moment, men burst from small copses of fir trees on either side of the road. Thakkor snapped his sword in front of him, doing his best to put his body between the men and Alicia. Propriety forgotten, Alicia drew her dagger, adrenaline surging through her body in a torrent as she set her feet, warily watching the men approaching.
She barely heard it, but Alicia recognized the cadence of someone casting a magic spell somewhere nearby. She had just enough time to warn, "Magic!" before the spell wrapped around her.
In a flash of light, she and Thakkor vanished, leaving behind four very confused men with bared swords.
"Where are they? What have you done, you incompetent fool?" The masked man snarled, cuffing the wizard next to him hard in the side of the head.
"I ... I don't know. I cast a simple sleep spell. I assure you that I cast it correctly, and I have no idea what happened."
"Find them!" The masked man ordered his men. "Find her with your magic, if you can manage to do so without causing another catastrophe," he then growled to the wizard.
"Of course, Lord. At once."
Alicia jumped, staring at her dagger in fright. The weapon spit arcs of purple lightning, but she felt nothing when the miniature bolts touched her skin. She did feel her stomach churning, though. At her side, Thakkor looked no less surprised, or green.
"What the hell?" He quietly asked, letting his sword drop. "What was that? Where are we?"
"I don't know," Alicia replied, recognizing nothing as she stared off into the horizon, which seemed to stretch out forever. In every direction, fields stretched out to the horizon, occasionally broken by the ghostly specter of what she assumed were trees and bushes.
Thakkor groaned and held his stomach. "Well, at least we don't have a bunch of swords pointed at us. I feel like my beer's about to come back up, though."
Alicia nodded. "I feel nauseous as well."
Thakkor sheathed his sword, but didn't tie the peace knot, revealing that he certainly didn't think that the danger was over. "I think we're out somewhere on the Great Plains. Never seen anyplace this open except for there."
"But how?"
"Like you said — magic. Doesn't make much sense, though. If I was going to magic someone somewhere, I'd at least be there waiting for them."
"I believe it was an accident. My dagger is magical, and I think it interfered with someone's spell."
"So far, it looks like a stroke of good luck. I'll take lost in the wilderness at night over staring down swords any day." Thakkor looked up into the night sky and studied the stars until he found his bearings. "Well, I'm pretty sure I'm right that we're on the Great Plains. That means that Freeland is north." He pointed off in one direction and continued, "So we need to head that way, and look for some sort of shelter."
"How far away is Freeland?" Alicia asked, feeling strangely alive despite the complicated circumstances.
"If we're on the northern edge of the plains, about four days. If we're anywhere south of there..." He trailed off and shrugged. "Plenty of water out here, lots of game, and edible plants. We may not be terribly comfortable until we get back to civilization, but we shouldn't have to worry about eating."
Alicia smiled, thinking that several days alone with the handsome warrior wasn't an unpleasant prospect. "I'm glad you know how to live off the land. I'm afraid my education is rather lacking in that area."
"Looks like there may be some trees up ahead, and we need to go that way anyhow. Good chance we can find what we need to make a shelter, or maybe even a dry cave that isn't already inhabited."
Alicia turned away and sheathed her dagger, though she was tempted to do it in full view of Thakkor. "Shall we go, then?"
Thakkor laughed. "That's the spirit. You ever consider taking up the life of a vagabond sellsword?"
If it meant being with you — in a heartbeat, Alicia thought, and almost immediately blushed a vibrant red. Fortunately, the pale light of the moon hid her embarrassment. "My father would have an apoplexy."
Thakkor signaled for Alicia to follow, and started out as soon as she did. "My Pop did when I decided to sell my sword instead of taking up with the city guard. He got over it. Fathers do that, though it may take a while."
"I'm not so sure about mine," Alicia responded in dismissive tones, wary that the tall grasses could conceal snakes, or any number of dangerous animals.
"I may need to beg your Pop for a job when we get back. Fantil's never going to take me back after vanishing like this."
"Trouble seems to follow me wherever I go of late."
"C'mon now, where's that spirit of adventure you had a minute ago?" Thakkor asked, taking Alicia's hand and raising it high as the couple walked.
Alicia had no trouble smiling. "You are right, of course. Let us adventure."
The adventure, however, involved little more than a stroll across the seemingly endless sea of rolling grasslands. Alicia quickly wished she was wearing her practice uniform rather than a blouse and skirt, because even if the tall grasses didn't hide dangerous animals, numerous plants determined to cut and scratch her bare legs certainly lurked there.
Alicia ignored the discomfort and kept pace with Thakkor. He'd walked slowly at first, but picked up speed when it was obvious that Alicia could keep up. The woodlet he'd mentioned loomed ever larger, until the couple finally reached the small woods. A wide trail led into the trees, culminating in a large circular clearing at the center.
Thakkor turned to Alicia and smiled. "Good news, I know this place. We're at the far north edge of the plains."
"That is welcome news," Alicia agreed, thinking that the clearing within the trees actually looked inviting.
"Not much in the way of comfort here, but the weather looks good, so we can probably bed down on some pine needles."
The handsome warrior's choice of words sent a rush of aroused heat flooding through Alicia's body, centering in her loins. She stepped closer to him, lost in his blue eyes, her lips slightly parted.
Fortunately, the couple's intent gaze meant that they were not looking directly at the flash of brilliant light when the brigands appeared.
"Kill him. Take her," Alicia heard a cultured voice demand.
Alicia pulled her dagger just as Thakkor intercepted an attack from the first of the four swordsmen. Steel rang out on steel, shattering the quiet of the night, accompanied by the grunts and snarls of the battle-joined.
A cry of pain erupted a moment later as Thakkor's parry opened a wound in the first attacker's arm. He had no opportunity to press the attack, as he had to defend against a second swordsman an instant after inflicting the cut.
One of the men reached for Alicia, but she turned away from his grasping hand and slashed. Her fine, sharp dagger opened the man's palm and his wrist. With an almost womanish scream, the man dropped his sword and grabbed his wrist, which was spurting blood at an alarming rate.
The fourth swordsman, previously seeking an opportunity to attack at Thakkor's back while the other two kept the warrior occupied, turned on Alicia when his wounded fellow fell back. She feigned a stab with her dagger and the man stumbled backward, obviously surprised and wary.
A gurgling cry accompanied one of the other murderous men collapsing to the ground. Thakkor's bloodstained sword instantly whipped into a parry of his second opponent's blade.
Recognizing the danger of the quick, skilled warrior, the man facing Alicia turned on Thakkor. The unkempt swordsman leapt toward Thakkor, his blade raised high for a double handed cut.
Alicia only realized she was moving when she felt her dagger bite into flesh and jar against bone. The man screamed in pain, twisting away and wrenching Alicia's dagger from her hand.
Seeing the movement in his peripheral vision, Thakkor took advantage of having pushed his other opponent back to snap the hilt of his sword into the stabbed man's temple. The blow caused the man to stumble toward Alicia, and she reacted with the only weapon she had available. She brought her knee up hard into his crotch, and he crumpled to the ground with a whimper, still struggling to remove the dagger from his side.
With only a single opponent left standing, Thakkor pressed his attack. His skills far outweighed those of the man facing him, and Thakkor opened the man's throat in a combination of two blows.

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