Southern Belle Hell
- 4 years ago
- 27
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It was good to arrive back home. I was not surprised to discover that my yard had really taken a beating. The extended heat wave had taken its toll on my grass and many of the flowering plants. I had hired a neighbor kid to cut the grass and do some watering, but still; there is nothing that compares to the tender care and attention that I gave my yard.
I had arrived early in the afternoon. Despite having that woozy feeling that you get from a long flight, I wanted to stay up as long as I could. I have found that it's always best to try to get back into a normal routine as quickly as possible. I willed myself to go out and attempt to accomplish some of the tasks that needed to be done.
The first thing I did was to get the sprinkler going in the yard. I have one of those tractor types that move as it waters the grass. Once I had that started, I drove over to the Post Office to pick up the accumulated mail. I also stopped by the store to pick up some food items so that I could restock my refrigerator.
The next stop was the hospital. I wanted to see how my mom was doing. When I walked into the room, I could not believe my eyes. I have never seen my mother look so tiny and frail. Fortunately for me, she was asleep, and could not read the reaction on my face. I found a chair and sat down. I wanted to study my mom more carefully. It's always a shock when you see someone that you love in a hospital bed. It's even worse when they are really sick.
I sat by mom's bedside until she finally woke up. She was very happy to see me and reached out. I responded and took her frail hand in mine. It was so unlike the one of the girl that I had just left. I thought of how my dad must have held that same hand and marveled at its wonder and beauty. I imagined my father holding mom's hand to his lips and gently kissing it. So many years had passed and the ravages of time could be seen in the hand that lay before me.
I bent my head until I could reach mom's hand. It didn't matter to me that it was so frail, or that the veins were prominent, or that there were bruises from the needles. It was the hand of the women who loved me and had cared for me as best she could. It was the hand of the woman who I could always turn to, knowing that she would always be there for me. I kissed it ever so softly. I saw a smile flutter across her face. I closed my eyes and tried to think of mom in her better days. I searched for those long ago memories of when she was so vibrant and full of life.
We were interrupted about a half hour later when my brother and his family stopped in to see mom. Of course everyone was pleased to see that I had arrived back home safely.
A doctor stopped in to check up on mom. He held out his hand and greeted everyone in the room individually. He would say, "Hello, I'm Doctor Bashad," as he shook each hand. It took several minutes. When he had completed this process, he turned to mom to see how she was doing.
"My nose is dry because of the oxygen," she had responded.
Dr. Bashad had replied that he would make a certain adjustment. The nurse that was accompanying him said that it would not be a good idea to make the change the Dr. had requested. The doctor had then asked for the nurse's suggestion. She had explained her idea and then proceeded to make that change.
As the doctor left the room, he once again went around the room and shook everyone's hand. When he was finally gone, I looked around to see if there were some hidden cameras in the room. It really felt like I was participating in something out of a television skit.
I stayed for a few more minutes and then told everyone I had to get some sleep. I could feel the haze coming over me. I felt it was getting late enough that I could go to bed without messing up my schedule too badly.
It was so good to use my own shower and slip into my own bed. I can usually sleep just about anywhere, but there really is no place like home. I briefly thought about Anna, so many miles away, and then I was gone. I slept like a baby and didn't wake up until seven the next morning.
That morning I made my own breakfast. On the menu were scrambled eggs, bread with homemade jam, yogurt, and some hot tea. The jam was my mother's freezer jam. I consider it the best in the world. That special yogurt was the only thing I missed from my travels abroad. The rest of my meal was simply fine.
I had arranged to have the day off so that I could acclimate before returning to my job. I performed some necessary jobs around the house, paid some bills, and went down to visit mom at the hospital.
She had recently gone through a special procedure to see if there was anything that could be done to help her lungs. While I was visiting her, a doctor had stopped in to check up on her.
"Could you tell me something about how the procedure went," I asked.
"I should really defer to the doctor that was in charge," he responded. He then plopped down on a chair and made himself comfortable.
"Did they go into the heart with the catheter," I asked.
"Yes, they went into the left side of the heart," he responded.
"Did they go into the lungs," I inquired again.
"They did not go into the lungs," he answered.
I thought that was contrary to the information I had received earlier, but I appreciated the friendly tone that the man before me had responded with.
About an hour later the doctor that had actually performed the test came into the room.
I learned from him that they had actually gone into the right side of the heart. They had also performed a test in the lungs which had not gotten the results that they would have liked to have seen. This doctor was much more abrupt and had left as soon as he had delivered the results. He seemed to be all business, but I could appreciate that.
I sat there and scratched my head. Why had the previous doctor even made any comments if he did not know what he was talking about? It would have been better if he had just kept quiet. The only good news I had heard so far, was that my mother's lungs showed no signs of blood clots.
I left the hospital and performed a few more errands. I went for a bike ride and made my dinner. It felt good to be back in my own house and not living out of a suitcase.
That evening the phone rang. I picked it up and heard Anna's voice on the other rend of the line.
"You make it home safely?" she asked.
"I sure did," I responded. "I miss you."
"I miss you too," Anna said.
She went on to say that she had to leave for the hospital in the larger city. She informed me that she would be there for several weeks. We talked about a number of things and then finally said our goodbyes.
I sat in my chair for a long time. I tried to remember everything about her that I could. I could see her face, her smile, and her eyes. I tried to remember her smell. That was a little harder to do. I went to my suitcase and pulled out a scarf that she had given me. I held it up to my nose and breathed in deeply. It was her smell.
I longed to hold her close and feel the warmth of her breath. I knew that was not possible, but I could still dream. I pulled out my camera and gazed at a few of the pictures I had taken. They helped ... but I still missed her so much.
The next day I went in to work. I was greeted warmly by my boss and everyone the office. After a few stories about Russia, I was quickly brought up to speed. It was evident that there was a good amount of work that I would need to accomplish. I went to my office and set about applying myself to the task at hand.
My brother called and asked if I could stop by the hospital around lunch time. The team wanted to have a meeting to determine the next step in my mother's care. I could always take a longer lunch, if needed, so I agreed to attend the meeting. The hospital was only a short distance from the office.
The meeting was attended by a doctor I had met before and a nurse from the unit. The purpose was to determine the next course of action for my mother. The doctor went on to explain the various problems that my mother was experiencing. One of the things he said caught my attention.
"I thought my mother didn't have any blood clots in her lungs. You just said that she did."
The nurse was quick to respond.
"She doesn't have clots in her lungs. You are correct."
I was somewhat agitated. I suppose the jet-lag didn't help.
"Why can't you folks get the information right? I hear one thing from one doctor and another thing from the next doctor. I would appreciate it if you checked your information to insure it is correct before talking with me," I said calmly, but in a firm manner.
"Did you even take the time to look over my mom's chart?" I wanted to ask.
The doctor apologized profusely. It didn't give me much comfort. I could see that it was the nurse who really knew what was going on. I had interacted about as much as I wanted to with these folks.
What eventually came out of the meeting was that my mother would be moved to a temporary care unit. There she would receive daily doctor's visits. If given the go-ahead, they would consult with some other doctors to determine what treatments she should undergo. Some would be experimental. It was beginning to look like we might need to make some serious decisions about her care in the near future.
I kissed my mom and returned to work. It was quickly becoming evident to me that I had returned to the real world. The bliss that I had experienced in Russia was replaced by the everyday responsibilities that we all must face. I had a brief cup of coffee as I prepared to meet with a new client. Later that day, my boss went home early and left me in charge. I didn't get home until late in the evening.
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EroticSonja insisted on going for the marriage license the very nest day. Her parents arrived at the town hall and signed her away. She held on to that piece of paper like it was made of gold. The wedding was set for the Saturday after next. Her parents would arrange for a hall next to the church for the reception. It was a difficult time for me, despite the fact that Sonja had known all along what was going on in our house, I felt uneasy about Paul's sexual behavior. Strangely, Sonja didn't seem to...
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EroticI began my last year of high school in the fall, traveling each way for what seemed like hours on a bumpy school bus. I made some friends, mostly female since to the good old boys I was just a Yankee nerd. One girl in particular had her eyes on me, a buxom blonde, whom I later found out was in her first year. She was on the bus when I got on each morning and openly gave me the come on. I never sat next to her but on the way home she sometimes planted herself next to me. Her name was Sonja,...
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IncestI had seen Anna at work for the past two weeks…not a word of what happened at her house, when I fixed her sink. What a great night that was……………the night I found out she was a shemale!I fantasized about Anna all the time, yet nothing from her. It was our secret, and I dare not blow it with her.Finally one Friday Anna walked by and said she needed part of her wooden fence repaired, I told her I would be there first thing in the morning. I got there early, Anna greeted me at the door wearing a...
April 26, 2155 Thirty-two days later. "Tira-Mother?" Tika whispered. "Come in Tika. What time is it?" Tira responded sleepily. "It is after two o'clock." Tika told her as she entered her mother's den, finding only Tira and Menak within. "What is it?" Tira asked, then suddenly her face froze and she looked strangely at Tika. She reached over for her screen, wrote two letters on it, and said: white light. She shone it on Tika, and she and Menak could only stare. "Tika!" Menak...
As he walked past her bedroom he heard the unmistakable sound of his sister sobbing, crying out “What am I going to do? He’ll see it as soon as he comes home!” He paused at her closed door, concern rose for his sister as he could hear she was truly distraught about something. Curiosity caused him to open her door, to see who she was talking to, to find out why she was crying. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, legs spread at a 45 degree angle, bent up at the knees swaying to and fro as...
Don’t miss sizzling French sex goddess Clara Mia in her Hands On Hardcore debut where she demonstrates what professional dick riding is all about. The stunning tattooed vixen has been sexting with Vince Karter for hours and the two are finally meeting up to sexplore their chemistry and each get a piece of ass. The duo exchange oral introductions as Vince pussy licks her pink, and the green-eyed glamour model sucks his cock just before her curvy ass is pounded from the back in doggystyle....
xmoviesforyouLittle Sister Synopsis:When a young boy''s older sister graduates and goes to college in another state, he finds that their special time dressing as sisters leads to his discovering the girl within. [*][*][*] I find it hard to believe that I am about to wed my beloved Augustus and become Lady Constance Drew McNeal, because I was born a boy. I was born Conrad Andrew Lexington, but events led me to discover the girl in me. [*][*][*] I used to dress as a girl and have tea parties with...
After our holiday things got pretty much back to normal. Having experienced the pleasures of being a top; Ron and I alternated as Sue and Becky also enjoyed us and each other. Sue had even experienced giving my blowjobs although she had restricted them to when she was having her period. Like me, she wasn’t that impressed by the taste. I felt the same way on the occasions when I gave Ron blowjobs. I still laugh at those porn movies with the women making out that cum tastes so good. Obviously...
I jolted awake. My eyes strained to adjust to the blinding light pouring in through the curtain-less bay windows. Squinting, I held a hand over my forehead and attempted to look around the room I was in. I was sitting in a pile of white sheets in a room with no decorations. No furniture, no pictures, no nick-knacks, nothing. The walls were bright white, which I'm sure that had also to do with the sunlight. My head was throbbing like a million hammers were crushing my temples. I tired my best to...
College SexDream Two. ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. Dream Two. Part One. This dream I had really began in odd flashes without coherence until one night it coalesced into a full erotic dream. It appeared that I had a sister, one year older than myself and we both lived in the same flat. Ever since we were young kids, we would often see each other’s naked body so it wasn’t at all unusual for us to move about the flat in a...
First TimeAs soon as I got to my room I called the front desk and ask for a massage to help me sleep. In less than an hour there was a knock at the door. When I opened it there was a guy standing there. He said, "You asked for a massage sir, Life ChangingPart-1-of-1 I work for a software company and they sent me on a business trip to Dallas. I had no choice but to accept the job. When I got home I told my wife Sharon that I had to go away on a business trip for two weeks. That night we had one of the...
Sex With StrangerMs. B and Ms. J intensified their onslaught. T and C endured this degrading situation. Every time one tried to retreat from his cock touching the other's the ball tether and a whip quickly held him in check... each shaft stayed rigid, continuously rubbing against the other, mouths filled with the two headed dildo. For a brief moment their whipping stopped... some fidgeting was heard by the ladies along with their low voices.Their wives returned sporting their own erect shafts in the form of...
An irresistible girl (Laura Fox) desperately needs her car repaired. When the shop owner (Markus Kage) gives her the estimate, Laura reveals she doesn’t have the money and her credit card is maxed-out. Markus suggests a quid-pro-quo arrangement and Laura, having no choice, resigns herself to working off the bill. All the while, the shop’s bookkeeper (Bailey Archer) quietly takes in all the action marveling at how amazing Laura looks with a fat cock in her mouth. A closet-lover of big-dicks,...