Southern Belle Hell
- 4 years ago
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I began my last year of high school in the fall, travelling each way for what seemed like hours on a bumpy school bus. I made some friends, mostly female since to the good old boys I was just a Yankee nerd. One girl in particular had her eyes on me, a buxom blonde, whom I later found out was in her first year. She was on the bus when I got on each morning and openly gave me the come on. I never sat next to her but on the way home she sometimes planted herself next to me. Her name was Sonja, although around school, she was known as Dolly because of her upper body charms. She mentioned one day that she was a distant relative of my aunt, on her mother's side. That meant we were distant of cousins and I thought she would leave me alone. I told her jokingly that we could never have a relationship since we were cousins. She just laughed and said that was the best kind of relationship. When I told her that I was probably three years older, she laughed again while expanding her ample chest. She looked down at her two peaks and then smiled at me suggestively. She was certainly well endowed but I had no intentions of scaling those peaks at her age.
That evening I brought up Sonja's name at supper. "She's a good one Sean," Paul remarked nodding thoughtfully. "Family too, you wants me talk to her folks?"
"Talk to her folks? What do you mean; what about Paul?"
"Marriage, of course. You two'd make a nice couple and she won't last long with that equipment, blond hair and all. There's a lot of young pubs sniffing around that gal already."
"She's just starting high school, Paul." I said shaking my head. "Anyway, I'm quit happy here. I don't need a wife just yet."
"Well, Ah'll talk to Carl all the same. We's pals from way back."
My auntie just smiled at me but said nothing. I wondered why Paul was so persistent that I should hook up with this girl, except maybe because she was better looking than any other girl in the school. Perhaps he expected me to share my future wife with him the way he shared Sona with me. I never fucked or kissed Sona though, she just blew me once a week or so; Paul seemed to insist on that. Maybe, I thought, he was investing in his own future. One turn deserves another they say but somehow that kind of turn didn't suit me.
My auntie amazed me; here she was, barely eking out an existence on a marginal farm income and she belonged to several volunteer charities in her church. Several times a week she attended meetings there, organizing drives for this and that. Sometimes she would be gone for two or three days, driving her dated mid sized Chevy, helping out in neighboring towns. At times, she would bring Honeybee with her to help out. This was about the only time other than Sunday church when Honeybee got to wear anything. I don't know how she justified her life style with her faith but I did hear her say once: that how she lived her life was between her and her Lord.
When Auntie was away, Honeybee would eagerly made up for her absence. As soon as I got home in the afternoon, she would practically rip my clothing off and get me into the tub. She said that fancy learning had to be washed off before supper. In addition, a load of cum was usually removed from my cock, sometimes right in the tub.
She would fill the tub lifting pails from the hand pump on the sink. Some of the water would be heated on the wood stove and then dumped in the tub. It was amazing to watch her handle those pots and pails. Paul had made her a couple of stepped boxes suiting her size that she used for climbing up and down. Any offer to help would be bluntly refused. "Ma chore," she would say. "Ma Massa not do ma chores, wouldn't be right."
Sona would be watching jealously while making supper but since Paul was usually out somewhere on the farm, that's all she could do. I could sense that she had strong feelings for me; stepping out of line behind her husband's back however, was not in her makeup. She would smile at me as Honeybee blew me and sort of rub her thighs together as she tended her cooking. Once Paul came in and she or Honeybee got him washed, Sona was quick to satisfy him and with that of course herself. She seemed to get her rocks off, even when blowing Paul or myself. Sometimes when he was doing her doggie style, she would have her eyes on me with an expression that oozed with lust. I thought at first that she was just enjoying being fucked and I knew she was but eventually I became convinced that she was also fantasizing about me. It was flattering to have three women adoring one-self and I relished the attention every day.
The next couple of years seemed to fly by. I became a half-decent farmer, according to Paul and managed to finish high school with fair grades.
Sonja, who had by now ripened into an even shapelier Dolly lookalike, was spurning all offers from other boys. She told everyone that we were to be married as soon as she finished high school. We didn't date and I had never told her whether I was interested in marrying her. The whole thing seemed to be an ongoing joke except for the fact that she wasn't dating anyone else.
Then without warning about a month after my graduation, my world fell apart. My Auntie while on one of her volunteer trips about a hundred miles away, died of a stroke. She was all the close family I had in the world and her passing threw me into a deep depression.
She was buried in a small cemetery nearby after the church services. More than two hundred people attended her funeral, expressing their condolences to Paul and myself. I knew very few of these people but she had lived here all her life and was much loved for her activities in the church.
On of the mourners introduced himself to me as auntie's attorney and handed me his card, with an appointment date written on the back. "We have some business to discuss son, try to make time on that day." I nodded and absentmindedly stuck the card in my pocket, being too dazed to really listen.
In the days following the funeral, I spend as much time as I could, working at whatever I could find to fix or maintain on the farm. Paul spoke little if we were working side by side. He hadn't cried at the funeral like I did but I knew he was suffering. Neither of us had any kind of sex for a long time.
Sona seemed to be cheerful in a supportive manner, coming from a different culture she probably had her own way of dealing with death. Honeybee was totally devastated; doing her chores fully clothed in a halfhearted and spotty manner.
It was honeybee who found the appointment card in my pocket several days after the funeral. Not being able to read, she knew enough that it could be important and handed it to me. I showed it to Paul who thought I'd better go there on the appointed day. Neither of us had given any thought to what would become of the farm. We were living in a house with no owner, which meant we could soon be without a roof over our heads.
We drove to the lawyer's office on the appointed day about a week later and I asked Paul to come in with me. It turned out that there was a will and that I had inherited the farm but not until I turned twenty-one. Paul had been named as my guardian until then. According to the Attorney, she had come in to write up the will a year ago, after being told by her doctor that she had a condition for which there was no cure. There was also a sealed envelope from auntie, which he advised me to read in private.
It didn't hit me until we were half way home that Paul was left with nothing and that now he would be employed by me. He didn't seem upset by the results of the meeting or act any different from his usual self, so I left it alone for the time being.
I opened my Auntie's letter later that day in the privacy of the chicken coop. It was a place where I was used to come and sit when I wanted to reflect or read in peace and quiet. I found the soft intermittent cackling soothing somehow.
I opened the letter and began to read her schoolgirl longhand.
"Dear Sean: When you read this, I'll be gone upstairs. Please don't be sad; though I know you'll cry, it's in your nature. You have your whole life ahead of you and I just hope that despite all the losses you have suffered in your short life, you will look back and remember me as someone who loved you very much. I'm so happy that you came and that you have taking an interest in the farm. Don't worry about Paul he inherited his fathers spread a few years ago. It's rented and he will leave in a few years when you can run the place yourself. I think Honeybee will stay with you, at least if she has her way, so please look after her. I have a piece advice for you and I hope you will take it to heart. I know young people want to go their own way when if comes to marriage and so many fail, because life just don't go as we plan it. I know Sonja very well; she has worked with me in the church for several years. You know she has her heart set on you and I know the two of you are soul mates. How do I know? Well there are some things in life that only age can work out. Trust me Sean she is the one for you; it's in her eyes. I love you and the Lord willing I'll to be your guardian angle, watching over you until we meet again. Remember life must goes on; be happy. Love Auntie."
I put the letter back in the envelope and cried and then I laughed at the same time when two chickens began squabbling over some morsel on the floor. Auntie had loved those chickens, there was just something about these simple creatures that made her happy. I decided that I would always have chickens on the farm, as a sort of connection to her.
Sona and Honeybee had supper ready when I got back in the house. Paul was still back out there somewhere. He had spent a lot of time in the woods behind the farm since the funeral.
"Paul say you own farm. I very happy Auntie did so." Sona said smiling sympathetically.
"Ah's happy too, young Massa. You's family, is only right." Honeybee spoke with a lot of sadness in her voice. Auntie was the only real family she'd ever had and I wowed to honor auntie's wish and always look after her one way or another.
"Well I said," clutching my letter, "I was a little concerned about Paul before reading this. But I guess that part will be all right." We were finished supper by the time Paul came back. "Auntie's letter told me about your farm," I said. He just nodded and ate his supper quietly.
That night after dark, Paul screwed Sona without spanking her before or after. I listened to their moans and then as they finished to the sound of the Crickets outside accompanied by Honeybee's breathing next to me. It had been raining and the air was thick with humidity but now the sky was clearing up, at least enough for the moon to light up Honeybee's face. She was wide-awake looking at me. She smiled in her submissive matter and then a cloud hid the moon again, hiding her dark features.
"You wake Massa too? Ah cain't sleep too." I felt aroused having listened to Paul and Sona but the thought of doing it made me feel guilty. The moon lit our faces again and her female intuition read my mind. A little arm reached out and five fingers caressed my face. "Ah's ready when you's young Massa. Ah's always here."
"I know Honeybee but... " I felt guilty about doing it. I could sense that her little body was trembling with anticipation. Her hand found my bare chest, caressing and stroking. Then down over my stomach until her short stubby fingers found my semi hard cock. She had never taken the lead before but it had of course hardly been necessary, since in the past her services were called upon several times a day. She began to shake almost feverishly when she grasped my cock. She moved quickly as it stiffened, lubricating it with her lips. It suddenly struck me as she straddled me, facing away and quickly impaling her little body, that she was a nymph. She groaned with satisfaction, bouncing up and down as I grasped and kneaded those perfect black spheres. She must have cum three times before I did, while I dug my fingers into her padded cheeks. Dismounting, she licked and sucked me clean as usual. Somehow in the dark she found a wet towel and came back to wipe down my sweaty body.
"Ma Massa feels good now?"
"Yes Honeybee real good." She wiped herself and got down next to me. I put my arm around her as she cuddled up close.
"Ma young Massa happy with Honeybee? Ah wants be a good nigger slave."
"Honeybee, you're not a slave that's against the law and I don't like that N word."
"Yes Massa but I wants be called nigger and Ah wants be you slave." I didn't know what to say to her; how could anyone be that submissive? I remembered what Auntie had said about Honeybee being a natural submissive. It was somehow different if she'd been white; in which case, it would be sort of a game.
The next morning during breakfast Paul suddenly yelled at Honeybee. "What in tarnation is you doing with them duds on!" She quickly ripped them off with an expression of relief on her face. "Now suck this, Nigger!" She eagerly unzipped him and began sucking noisily. "And you Jappie show that ass to the boy and suck him off. Git!" I whacked Sony several times and she got down on her knees sucking while looking up at me with that adoring 'I'm yours' expression of hers.
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Sonja insisted on going for the marriage license the very nest day. Her parents arrived at the town hall and signed her away. She held on to that piece of paper like it was made of gold. The wedding was set for the Saturday after next. Her parents would arrange for a hall next to the church for the reception. It was a difficult time for me, despite the fact that Sonja had known all along what was going on in our house, I felt uneasy about Paul's sexual behavior. Strangely, Sonja didn't...
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Melanie had never slept so well in her life. Jarvis had fucked her for hours the afternoon before, and when it approached the time when their father was expected home, her lusty brother had shot four loads into various orifices of her body, and Melanie had come too many times to count. Rhett Wilkerson had commented during supper that he had never seen his children looking so tired before. "I just don't see how you can be tired, Melanie," he said, winking at his lovely daughter, "What...
Melanie's erotic adventures had led her to regions beyond her wildest imagination. Imagine what Daddy would do if he ever found out that I've not only been fucking Brutus, but Randy Hardman, the son of his worst enemy! Worse than that, even, Melanie was beginning to fall in love with the handsome young man... Randy had called her the next day, and they had arranged a clandestine afternoon together. It had been wonderful; a picnic by a secluded pond and a long, luxurious bout of hot...
The days continued to speed by in rapid succession, and Melanie was becoming quite reckless in her sexual exploits. A day didn't go by when she wasn't embarking on another sexual adventure. She fucked her brother constantly. Frequently, she would sneak into his bedroom at night, or he would come into hers, and they would copulate till dawn. Then, she was seeing Randy Hardman regularly, and they found all sorts of places to make love in. Once, she sucked him off in a movie theater. A couple...
Stepping off the bus, I waited for the driver to open the baggage compartment. A young Asian woman approached me, flashing a smiling expression of recognition. "You Sean boy, come Chicago; OK?" I nodded inquisitively, having expected my great aunt. "Yeah, I'm Sean all right. Who are you?" "Oh, I Sona, hired man wife; he in truck." Pronouncing truck with an f, she pointed at a vintage Chevy half-ton across the street. The driver tipped up the baggage door and I found my bags. Sona grasped both...
EroticSonja insisted on going for the marriage license the very nest day. Her parents arrived at the town hall and signed her away. She held on to that piece of paper like it was made of gold. The wedding was set for the Saturday after next. Her parents would arrange for a hall next to the church for the reception. It was a difficult time for me, despite the fact that Sonja had known all along what was going on in our house, I felt uneasy about Paul's sexual behavior. Strangely, Sonja didn't seem to...
EroticIt was a steamy-hot summer night about 1 a.m., just outside the Memphis city limits. Mosquitoes large as crop dusters droned and bit at will. I was running radar on one of the county back roads, notorious for being a speedway between local watering holes. ‘I should be able to collect a bit of revenue for the Sheriff's office and keep some other poor fool from having to blot up some drunk's body from the pavement after an accident,’ I thought as I sat in my cruiser – waiting. ‘Okay. Here comes a...
EroticI began my last year of high school in the fall, traveling each way for what seemed like hours on a bumpy school bus. I made some friends, mostly female since to the good old boys I was just a Yankee nerd. One girl in particular had her eyes on me, a buxom blonde, whom I later found out was in her first year. She was on the bus when I got on each morning and openly gave me the come on. I never sat next to her but on the way home she sometimes planted herself next to me. Her name was Sonja,...
EroticCopyright© 2003 For four years almost every time I travelled the side street to gain entry to the main road there is a plump woman who waves to me. Her house is on the corner and she is either sitting on her porch, feeding the birds, hand watering her garden, from early in the morning to midafternoon. Always the same smile and wave, if she was elderly I could accept this as being normal, but this woman is in her late thirties early forties and not the type of activity one expects at her...
Hi friends, I am Anil and work as an engineer in a software company. I am 35yr old and married man with 2 children. I frequently travel to US on my work and stay in company leased accommodation and use the company provided transportation. Coming to my physical standards, I am 5.6, fair 60kg and waist 30 and handsome with good bottom, hands are lean like feminine and skinny. The important here is I have man boobs of size A. I have been straight and never went topless in front of other than my...
Congratulations on your recent marriage, John Doe! I hope you have many enjoyable years with your new spouse, although I did notice you looking over your new stepchildren as well throughout the ceremony… Before you share your story with us, there is one thing we need to know. Are you male, female, or somewhere in between?
IncestI stayed awake on purpose, enjoying my unexpected and totally pleasurable access to the buck-naked body of this large, sexy, wonderful young woman. As big and intimidating as Tess' body was, there didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on her anywhere. I could have stayed there indefinitely. Well, I did stay there. I stayed flush against Tess' warm back and butt and my erect cock stayed nestled right there where either one of us, with the least bit of initiative, could have put it to excellent...
Nick sat on one of the benches, his back leaning on the side of a locker, with a sweat soaked white tee shirt, his eyes were closed but he had opened one aware of Jacob's presence. Nick was tall and slim with lean muscles, his head topped with dark brown hair which was cut short with his bangs to one side. He had the same skin tone as Jacob but more tanned, and his face covered in acne. The most intriguing feature of Nick at present was that his blue cotton shorts are pulled down to his...
Turning to Darkness Part 3This is fiction ( although I think i****t is a great thing, I do not support the kind of brutal activity that poor lil Rachel faces in this story. ) By the time school was over there was not much daylight left. It was a depressing fact about late fall, one that Rachel’s history teacher had commented on today. “In the past people worked from sun-up to sun-down, that made for long days in summer but very short ones in winter. With the invention of electric light more...
Hello friends.This is Rocky here again to tell you about a sex encounter of me with my friend girlfriend.First i would like to tell you something about myself.I am 5ft 9in tall guy with a 7 in rod which had satisfied 3 girlfriend of mine and 2 married women.By not wasting my time i would like to tell you about the story.This all started after my graduation when i had joined a reputated IT company.All things are going smoothly when after working for 1 year i got the news that i am going to be on...
It was a miracle that the memories of that second date didn’t make me fail all of my finals. School should have been the first thing on my mind, but it came at a distant second place, after Morgan, and the time we got to share together at the movie theater. Any time I wasn’t texting her, I was thinking of her. Kevin of all people reminded me that I should study for the finals, though Mother also was glad to give her two cents as well. That said, I tried to be humble but I wasn’t delusional –...
Wealthy lesbian woman befriends and helps a homeless woman. They called her the cat woman, albeit she only had three cats. Maybe, they called her cat woman because she fed stray cats and a cat or two always lingered by her back doorstep meowing for her attention and affection, hoping for some food, too. Her name was Jenna Charles. Ever since her long-time lover and companion, Ruth Charles, died of breast cancer three years ago, she lived alone on Beacon Street, near the corner of Charles...
Fifteen days later Kyle is lying on a thick branch halfway up a large tree as he examines a fortification through his telescope while talking to Dana, Larry, KK, and Nadia - who are also on thick branches. The tree they’re in is just below a high ridge and they’re about two miles from the fort they’re studying. Sighing, Kyle says, “Well, we’ve studied them for three days and the only things they do the same each day are their meals and sending out the patrols. I don’t think it’ll matter if we...
I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much. As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well...
Love StoriesI have published this story on another site before. Ich habe diese Geschichte bereits auf einer anderen Webseite für erotische Fiktion veröffentlicht. Ich stelle sie hier erneut ein, um zu erfahren, ob mein Stil zu CHYOA passt. Alle Personen sind 18 Jahre oder älter. Es war spät. Andere würden vermutlich sagen, es war schon wieder früh. Ich hatte mit den Jungs in unserer Stammkneipe das Spiel angeschaut. Der Sieg an diesem Freitagabend sicherte dem Club die Europa League Teilnahme und welch...
8 1. Tinkerbell correctional facility? - July 2054 He looked out of the window. The flight to Sydney was taking off. Only 1,5 hours and they will have traveled the entire distance from L.A. to Australia. He had never been to Australia. Since the have opened the new route via stratosphere rockets back in 2047, he had this dream of flying there. It would never happen. The door opened and a woman in her twenties entered. ?Hey. My name is Kathy. Your parents send me. I am going to...
I allways was very shy. as a k**, I didn't even dare to talk to a girl, let alone have sex with her. But I was very curious and had collected quite a collection of porn magazines. Being a k**, I didn't have much money though, so I had to make do with whatever I found, and one day I found this magazine with a skinny white guy being used as a fucktoy by two hugely hung black guys!At first, I was shocked, but in time, this mag became my personal favorite, and I used it every night to jerk off to,...