The Keyholder Pt 4
- 4 years ago
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Fifteen days later Kyle is lying on a thick branch halfway up a large tree as he examines a fortification through his telescope while talking to Dana, Larry, KK, and Nadia - who are also on thick branches. The tree they’re in is just below a high ridge and they’re about two miles from the fort they’re studying. Sighing, Kyle says, “Well, we’ve studied them for three days and the only things they do the same each day are their meals and sending out the patrols. I don’t think it’ll matter if we ever do learn their routine, as this lot are big enough for it not to matter. We’ll just have to work out a way to take them down as they are.” The others all agree with his concerns and assessment while they all take turns using the telescopes to study the fort.
The fort is made from wood and is much like the wooden forts the US Army used to build in Indian Territory during the late 1800s. Logs set in the ground to make the outside wall with a fighting platform on the inside of that for troops to stand on. Two gates with a road joining them have a tower on each side of the gateway. There are numerous two story buildings inside with an open square in the middle. The fort covers half a square mile. The best estimates of the troops in the fort is around four thousand; they don’t all stand around long enough to be counted, so the estimate is based on the number and size of the troop barracks. From the shape and condition of the ground around the fort they all think it has a set of concealed trenches and pits in the last few hundred yards surrounding the fort. It’s also possible to see where the trees have been removed for about a mile around the fort, except for two small groups of trees near the fort, just south of each gateway.
The fort is built on a plateau overlooking an area of good grain fields. To the north is more of the mountain range that forms Shiloh’s northern border. The ridge Kyle’s force is hidden behind is between two valleys that run from the plateau to deeper into the mountains. The plateau is just under three miles deep with the southern end dropping another fifty feet to where a stream runs across this end of the plains below them. A road comes up along a sloping area from the plains to go up the length of this valley. At this point the valley is about a mile wide, but it opens up a lot more a few miles to the north. Just north of the fort is a ridge that runs from this road to the east for about four miles, to where another road comes up a slope from the plains to go to another valley in the mountains. The forest on the east-west ridge is like this one, but is only about one and a quarter miles from the fort. The road from the fort runs from this road to the other road in a straight line. The area to the south is mostly open plains with some farms on it.
This location gives the fort total control of access to the two valleys and the plains below while it extends control for quite some distance across the plains via patrol activity. It’s well located as a strong base of operations for this whole area. From this base you can control or defend the area for many miles very well. This fort is too big a base to leave in enemy hands for a minute longer than necessary.
Kyle and the other leaders climb down the tree and move back to their camp on the back side of this ridge. By camping in among the trees they make it very hard for a patrol to see them, unless it comes right up the valley. It was difficult getting the wagons hidden, but they were able to find enough spaces to back the wagons between trees far enough to hide them behind bushes and trees. The horses are further back under the cover and guards are out a fair distance. Three guards are still watching the fort activity from the trees.
Once back in the camp Kyle draws a map of the compound and the area around it in a patch of dirt near his bedroll. They all squat around the map to discuss possible ways to gain an advantage in an attack. After a while Kyle moves back to lean against a tree as he says, “We just have to face the fact this has to be an outright assault on the fort! There’s no other way to do it.” It takes a few minutes for the others to agree.
After a few more minutes of thought Kyle says, “Well, let’s agree on the limitations we have to deal with in this.” They all nod agreement as he looks at them, one after the other. “They cleared most of this land to build the fort to make a kill zone around it, so the two wooded areas close in have to be filled with traps of some sort. We have to remember to keep well away from them. The look of the ground close in shows they’ve got pits and traps set up all over the last few hundred yards, except the roads. So when we go in it has to be by the roads, but that also means they have to come out by the roads. That’s our only advantage. We’ve four sides we have to cover. The only way for them to get out to the north and south is by jumping down the walls. Those twenty-five foot walls mean they’ll break bones if they do, so they may try to get people out by rope ladders. I think a platoon or two spread out along the wall will be able to deal with anyone using a rope ladder. G Company can split up to handle that while the troops of H Company handle the scout duties to cover our backs. That leaves just the west and east walls to cover and take. Anyone got any ideas about that?”
The discussion soon rules out any straight charge until the force in the fort is all but destroyed. The defenses of the fort and the size of the force here is just too big for them to take on in a normal frontal assault.
General Phillips sums it up quite well when he says, “Our troops are the best around and I’m sure they can take out any force larger than them in a straight fight. But asking them to take on four to one odds, or better, is just asking for very heavy casualties, if not a total loss. If we concentrate on this side they can escape out the other for more troops. If we split up they can come out either side and we face eight to one odds, which I doubt we can deal with.” They all agree with him.
Larry adds, “It’s a shame we can’t use hit and run tactics on them in the fort! We need to cut them down a lot before we take them on.”
While he thinks Kyle’s eyes are wandering around his forces spread out in the forest below him. They come to rest on a wagon of rocks almost straight in front of him. He half smiles when he strikes his palm against his forehead, and he says, “What fools we are! We’ve forgotten our secret weapon made just for this situation!”
They all look at him as if he’s crazy and KK asks, “Secret weapon! What secret weapon?”
He smiles while he points down the hillside, “The trebuchets, they’re siege weapons and this is a siege situation. We’ll just use them a little differently to general past usage, we’ll use them guerrilla style.”
Nadia shakes her head and she says, “OK, so we use them to punch holes in the fort wall, what does that do for us when they’ve so many troops to fill the holes with?”
Kyle smiles, “That’s the point, Nadia, we’ll do things back to front! We won’t punch holes in the wall to get in and kill the troops. We’ll leave the walls alone while we use the trebuchets to kill the troops inside the fort. We’ve got a lot of shot rounds and plenty of local stones to make more, so we hit them with our version of a shotgun. A few of the bigger rocks to take out the towers and knock the gates down, then we can pepper the hell out of their parade area and where the troops set up to attack us. If they withdraw into the barracks we send big rocks in after them. It then becomes their task to come out to deal with us. The road becomes a bottleneck for their troops, not ours. We’ll also have to go through a lot of arrows, both firing at them and blind fire, but we’ll inflict heavy casualties without any harm to us and force them to come out at us. The hard thing will be the need to cover both gates in a strong enough force to keep them in until we can wipe them out.”
Dana is thinking hard all through this and he now decides to have his say on the matter, “Lord Kyle, there’s no way we can get one of the trebuchets and a wagon over to the other side without them seeing it happen. But we can get troops over there. If we send one regiment over they can set up to block the enemy by using their longbows. If the enemy comes out in a large enough force to be too much for them to handle they can inflict high casualties and withdraw away from them back to us. However, once that’s done the enemy has to either return to the fort or allow us to work on them piecemeal or abandon the fort to us as they pull out. Whatever they do, they’ll lose a lot of troops and we get them out of the fort. If they come this way in too large a force we hold our ground until the other regiment can join us and hit their rear.”
They all think on this while studying the map in the dirt. After a few minutes of agonizing silence Kyle sighs and says, “Much as I hate the idea of splitting the force, I think you’ve got the core of a good plan to deal with this. I had been looking for a way to wipe them out, but if we can get them to leave, that’s just as good a result for us. I also like the idea of having the second force as a totally mobile force. Right, we’ll keep the trebuchets together as one attack unit. The wagons can be deployed a little in front of them to give our people some protection and make a hard charge straight at the trebuchets impossible. The First Regiment will travel through the forest to set up in the edge of the forest on the other side until we call them forth after we engage the enemy...” Kyle stops because Phillips has his hand up to speak.
Kyle nods to him and Phillips says, “Lord Kyle, if the First sets up at the forest line I doubt the enemy will see them until they look for them. If they then wait until the enemy starts to open the gate they can charge to longbow range and engage the enemy with several flights of arrows before they get close. Depending upon the size of the enemy force they send out the First can then engage with lances or continue with short bows. I doubt the enemy’s first attack will be a large force, thus the First should be able to kill them all in the gateway of the first section of road to clutter it up a lot, making further attacks much harder. After that it should be possible for the First to just set up outside of enemy bow range and use their longbows on anyone they can see. Especially if the gates can’t be closed for some reason.” All the others nod their heads in agreement with this strategy.
“OK, Phillips,” Kyle says, “we’ll go with that. You take command of the First Regiment with Larry as your adviser. Be ready to pull out at full speed to come to our aid if we call for it.” Both men nod to show they understand their orders. “We’ll set up during the night and attack at dawn. The trebuchets will be set up just under half a mile from the fort with the wagons in a loose circle around them. The Second will set up just outside short bow range and within longbow range. Dana will lead the Second with Nadia as his adviser. If the enemy sally forth in a large force fire into them until they’re about halfway to you then fall back to the wagons. Tomorrow our main job is to protect the trebuchets so they can destroy the enemy.” They all nod agreement.
Kathleen speaks up, “OK, now you’ve the battle sorted out let’s get the troops fed and get packed to be ready to move out. We all need to be near the end of this valley before nightfall. There we can have a small camp for a good dinner before everyone moves to their final positions.” The leaders all nod agreement while they stand up. Seconds later they’re off to talk to their company and platoon commanders about the plans for today and tomorrow.
Kyle is standing on the seat of a wagon as he watches the fort in the twilight of the breaking dawn. All his forces are deployed as per the plan and both the trebuchets are sitting side by side on the road so they can fire directly into the gateway after it’s down. As the rising sunlight silhouettes the fort structure the senior ’gunner’ of each trebuchet is at work adjusting the aim to hit the towers beside the gate.
When the trebuchets were made their plans included a way to move the front of them up to a foot to each side to fine tune their aiming. The initial range is set and the first loads are in place. They’re ready to fire. Even the far wall of the fort is just within range of the forty pound rocks from the loads Kyle brought, if they accept it taking a bounce first. The fifty pound rocks may even make it that far after a few bounces.
The drums calling the troops to breakfast can be heard, yet all Kyle and his troops can see is the black on black of the fort wall with a hint of light showing over the far ridge to outline the top of the fort wall. The troops on the east side can see a lot more, but here the shadow of the fort still shrouds the road, so Kyle and his people are still in darkness. It’s been a few minutes since the drums stopped so Kyle figures the parade ground should have quite a few troops in it. Keeping his voice low Kyle asks, “Gunners, are you on your targets?”
Both men respond, “On target, Sir. Ready to commence firing.”
Kyle takes one more look around him, despite his good night vision it’s still too dark to see much. He takes a breath and says, “Fire!” Both crews are eager and ready, he hasn’t finished giving the order when he hears both trebuchets start their actions. The machines don’t make much noise and Kyle can only just hear the arm movement, thus those at the fort can’t hear them at all. Everyone except the few people busy getting the next shots ready watch the two dark shapes rise up into the dawn sky to fall on the dark shape of the fort.
Both shots are on target and they hit the towers. The northern rock flies above the middle of the rail to slam into the back of the man near the top of the ladder before smashing him through the back rail and into the top of the ladder. The only sound the others in the tower hear is the sound of the rail breaking as the dying man is shoved through it, soon followed by the thud of the man and ladder hitting the ground. The rock is slowed a bit by hitting the soldier, but it still has a lot of energy as it continues on its way after knocking the man off the tower. Seconds later the rock falls into the parade ground, smashing a few heads and chests in as it descends and hits the ground. It bounces up to about knee height and continues for another fifty yards before coming to a stop. In doing so it kills several men and another dozen are injured as it breaks their legs. The injured scream in pain. The sudden sound of men screaming in pain in the middle of the parade ground causes a lot of concern and consternation while others try to find out what’s going on. The other rock has a similar flight and effect, except it was a little higher and took off the head of a soldier in the tower before hitting the top of the ladder on one side to knock the ladder down. This rock’s fall to the ground has a similar effect on the troops.
The main body of troops is shocked by a couple of dozen troops in the middle of the parade ground screaming in pain for no good reason. Due to the location of the injured no one thinks they’re under attack.
In minutes the second round of rocks are ready to go and the aim is adjusted to hit the supports at the floor level. Kyle commands, “Fire when ready then fire for effect, you know your targets.” The second order releases the crews to fire as they get the shots ready. When he hears the trebuchets fire Kyle blows a low blast on his whistle for the troopers of the Second to fire a flight of arrows in a high trajectory at the fort as blind fire into the enemy troops on the parade ground.
Both rocks are on target. They slam into the front support of the tower just below the level of the floor. The southern rock has almost no deflection as it hits dead center. The rock smashes the front support on the gate side to cause the tower floor to sag forward before it hits the back support and the whole tower top starts to fall while it leans to that side. The men in the tower shout out in fright when the floor tilts and then scream in horror when it drops out from under them. The falling tower top dislodges the cross supports as it falls and the whole tower is soon falling down onto the road behind the gate. The rock continues on its way to inflict more deaths and injuries among the troops trying to get fed. The other rock doesn’t hit quite so dead on, so it takes a slight deflection from the front support. Thus it hits on the inside of the back support to knock it outwards. The overall effect is the same as the tower crashes down on the road while dropping all those in it to their deaths. The rock flies on to cause more deaths and injuries.
The screams of those hurt by the rocks are just starting when the flight of three hundred arrows arrives among the men in the parade ground, killing and wounding over two hundred of them.
On seeing the towers fall the gunners switch aim to the supports for the gates so they can drop them. The archers continue to send blind fire over the fort wall, killing and wounding many troops.
The guards on the wall look all around, but there still isn’t enough light for them to see the Shiloh force out on the plateau. The falling of the arrows tells them they’re under attack, but no one has thought to work out what angle the arrows are coming in at, so they’ve no idea where the attack is coming from - yet!
The archers fire faster than the trebuchets, so they get several flights off before the next round of rocks slam into the fort wall at the sides of the gates. They hit hard enough to shake the whole wall on that side as they damage the logs the gates pivot on. The impact alerts all in the fort to the attack coming from their western side. Officers and men now race for the western wall to see who is attacking them and with what.
Knowing the enemy knows they’re here Kyle whistles the ’Engage.’
Inside the fort General Dunne is sitting down to his breakfast when the first screams start. Wondering what’s happening he goes outside to see what’s going on. His adviser from the Black Army Headquarters, Martin James, follows him out. In the dawn twilight they can’t make out who’s screaming or why, but they can tell men are badly hurt from the sounds they’re making. The sound of the breaking logs of the tower supports has them looking toward the towers when more screams break out in the parade ground. Both men are turning their heads from one event to the other and back again since both are at a loss as to what’s going on, as are the dozen other senior officers who followed them out.
The sounds of the rocks hitting the gate supports followed by shouts of being attacked puts them all in action issuing orders for men to get ready to attack their attackers as they head to the wall to see what they can of their enemy. As they cross the parade ground they see a lot of dead and injured with arrows in them. General Dunne is surprised by this and asks, “How could they get close enough to fire arrows and not set off any of the alarms or fall into the pits and scream!” Before anyone can answer him, even though he’s not expecting an answer, the alert about enemy troops at the eastern wall comes in. He continues to the western wall while sending his second in command to the other wall.
General Dunne and several officers climb the ladders to the fort wall in time to hold on tight while the wall shakes to the hit of another set of rocks. He no sooner gets to the fighting platform than he hears a tearing of wood and he turns to see the gates fall from the wall and onto the road. Yet he can’t see anyone at the fort gate knocking it down. He turns to those with him and asks, “Are we being attacked by invisible people?”
Martin James almost laughs, but he manages to control himself and replies, “No, look hard, and you can see them out there! About halfway to the road into the valley. They’re a large blob in this light.” All of the officers look out and see the dark shape of the Shiloh force, but there isn’t enough light for them to make out what they are yet. They stand and wait for the sun to climb higher into the sky so they can see their enemy.
On the eastern side of the fort Phillips and Larry hear Kyle’s blast and give orders for their men to move out. During breakfast a change was suggested and agreed to; instead of waiting for the enemy to come out to move forward the First Regiment is moving into the combat spot now so they can open up on the enemy when the gates first open. In a few minutes the troops are kneeling on the ground with their longbows in hand, quivers against their knees, and their horses just behind them. They form a slightly curved line centered on the road a bit beyond the range of the short bows of the enemy. The platoon commanders have been given designated areas of the fort wall to watch when not in controlled fire, so they watch them and designate archers to take aimed shots at the enemy troops walking along the fort wall. Several of the enemy guards are soon falling down with arrows in their chests as the rest take cover and reports of the enemy sighting are shouted out as well as sending a runner to inform their commander.
On the north and southern walls the men of G Company are set up and waiting while just out of short bow range. They’re spread along the wall and a couple of them take a moment to take aimed shots to kill a few of the enemy troops walking the wall. The troops take no action to avoid the arrows at first, as they’re sure the arrows won’t reach them. After a few men are killed they change their minds about the range of the enemy arrows and take cover while keeping an eye on the enemy.
The gates are falling so Kyle orders, “Gunners, hold fire and switch to shot loads. Archers cease fire and be ready for volley fire.” The men reload the trebuchets with fifty pound loads of rocks about the size of golf balls. These are just big enough and heavy enough to kill men when hit on the head or neck, they’ll also break ribs and other bones. The archers relax and get ready to fire in volley fire. Some of the camp workers move along the line distributing more arrows to them.
All of the Shiloh force settle down and relax while they wait for things to develop. The next action is in the hands of their enemy, but they’re all set to handle whatever the enemy does - they hope.
Soon the sun is up enough for those in the fort to see the Shiloh force. General Dunne is angry and worried as he asks, “What the hell are those things on the low wagons? And what do those few hundred expect to accomplish against us, we’ve thousands of men in here?”
Martin James is thinking real hard, he knows he’s seen those things somewhere else, but can’t think where he did or what they do. He turns to look at the gateway. He frowns when he sees the rocks lying there. Turning more he sees more rocks in the parade ground. Thinking out loud he says, “I know I’ve seen rock throwers like that before!”
Dunne spins around, snarling, “What the hell are rock throwers?”
“General, I know you’ve seen farmers and kids using slings to throw rocks at crows and the like!” He gets a nod yes in reply. “Well, these are just a bigger version that throws bigger rocks. Look at the gates and where the men were hurt, you can see the rocks lying there.”
He does as suggested and he spots the rocks where there shouldn’t be any. “Damn, it seems they can do some damage as they’ve destroyed the towers and the gates as well as killed men.”
“Yes! They can do damage. But because the rocks are so large they take a lot of time to reload to send another. Also, once a rock is in the air it’s committed to that flight and we can move out of its way.”
Just then an officer reports back from the other gate to inform them of the enemy force set out on the plains there. Dunne shakes his head and he asks them all, “They must know we outnumber them! What do they hope to accomplish with this?”
Colonel Barr replies, “Well, if we sit here and let them throw rocks at us all day they’ll eventually kill us all and knock the fort down over our bodies. We’ve got to either sit here and let them do that or go out and attack them. It’s possible they’ve got more men in the forest who’ll charge out when we attack, if we send out a small force.”
Dunne thinks for a few minutes and turns to his two hardest cavalry commanders, “Colonel Bell, Colonel Davis, take your battalions out and eliminate these fools. Try to get a few alive so we can find out who they are.” He smiles as he watches the two men almost run down the ladder, these are his two most aggressive leaders. He says to Barr, “Even if they do have more men in the forests I doubt they’ve got another few thousand waiting. They both hand-picked the fifteen hundred cavalry troopers each commands. They’ve never failed to beat the enemy yet.”
James has been thinking very hard and interjects, “I bet these people are sent from Shiloh to clear us away. We know Shiloh troops cleared out our people at Collective and Sable. A force this size and armed like this explains why they were able to take out our people at Collective.”
“Hmm, yes. The use of something new like these rock throwers does explain why they were able to take out a battalion. We must have lost a few hundred men already and our defenses are a lot more than what they set up at Collective. They thought I was mad to build such a big fort wall! Well, now it’s justified. They had to waste some rocks on the gates before they could be sure of hitting our troops again. They must have killed half the troops at Collective before they knew what was happening. Well, now we can watch them die and play with their new toys afterwards.” General Dunne is very confident, but James isn’t.
Kyle watches as the enemy clears the mess on the road the fallen gates and towers make. Designated archers make the job harder by killing another twenty or so while they work on the mess.
Seeing his men are in range of the enemy archers Dunne turns and orders, “Shoot a few of those bastards.” Most glance at him, look at the Shiloh force, shrug, and take aim. Their arrows fall many yards short of the Shiloh line. Dunne swears, “Damn! How do they get such a long range when we can’t get close from a higher position?”
Barr replies, “Somehow they’ve made their bows a lot stronger than ours are and they’ve got more range. That’ll help if we sit down and shoot at each other, but the cavalry will cover that ground quickly and deal with them.” The others nod their agreement.
Kyle is watching the large force of mounted men forming up to leave the fort. He shouts out orders, “On the ’Engage’ gunners to fire one round toward the middle of the fort and reload. Archers are to fire three flights at those they can see inside the gateway. When they leave the fort the archers are to shoot in volley at the troops once they get ten yards past the gate while the gunners will shoot at those in the gateway and just beyond it. Get ready to engage.” The officers repeat the orders to their troops. In an aside to Kathleen he adds, “It looks like they’re sending two or three thousand cavalry at us.”
KK is worried about an enemy attacking force that size, but trusts Kyle knows what he’s doing and they can deal with this force.
The men are all mounted and forming into groups when Kyle puts his whistle to his lips to blow as hard as he can to give the ’Engage’ to all of his troops. He knows the sound will carry to the First Regiment and hopes they’ll interpret it as notice the enemy is about to send troops out.
The Black Army officers are still standing on the fort wall when the whistle blows. They turn to see what it’s about. They all frown as they watch the arms of the trebuchets swing down and around, the slings come up and the stones are thrown out at a slight upward angle. None of them knows what the small clouds of dark blobs represent, but when they’re about halfway to the fort James realizes it’s some form of shot. While he drops below the fort wall he yells out, “Shit, get down!”
The shot is aimed at the interior of the fort, but the stones spread out a bit in flight, so some are a bit low as they fly over the fort wall. Fifty pounds of small rocks that weigh about four ounces each means there’s two hundred rocks in each swarm that flies over the wall. Only a dozen are low enough to hit the men at the wall, but they hit with enough force to kill those they hit. Seven of the officers are killed and the other rocks move on to land among the troops getting ready to attack.
Not all of the rocks hit the men, some miss completely, some hit the horses, and some men are hit by two or three, despite them spreading out in flight. Twenty odd horses are jumping around due to being hit hard by the rocks, most dislodge their riders while other riders fight to control their mounts. Three hundred and thirty-six men are killed.
Due to all the attention being on the rocks none of the officers see the arrows being fired, so their arrival is a surprise. The nine hundred arrows of the three flights of three hundred fall among the troops while they’re disrupted by the rocks. By the time the commanders get their troops under control and are ready to go out they’ve got eight hundred and forty-seven dead with another two hundred and twelve wounded that won’t be joining in on the charge. The two colonels decide to combine what’s left of their forces to attack Kyle’s position.
Chapter 1 – The Keychain Danny sighed and looked around his room. He was going on four days without sleep now. It was after dinner time and he was just sitting in his room thinking. His life had gone consistently downhill in the past two weeks. His father and his sister passed away within a week of each other. Being a senior in high school, he could bottle himself up and push on. His mother however couldn’t. So she bottled her emotions in another way. Over the last week, she had become a...
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This is my first attempt to write fiction. The disclaimer: This story contains rape, sex, violence, revenge, and magic. So view desecration is advised. I am not going to lie. I took the rabbit's foot key chain from CCE without their permission. However, it was only an attempt to get them to finish their story. Please make comments. I also have another one in the works that will hopefully get Dill Bill to finish his burning candle story. I hope you enjoy! Oh and feel free to make...
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I remember that the elevator was playing Christmas Music as I rode the ten floors to the lobby. Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood except me. I was thinking that I probably should have taken the window to the ground. It would have been more scenic and solved each and every one of my problems. Being unemployed at Christmas is a bitch, but being self employed at Christmas was a roller coaster. You think you have it all covered but then the contract holder call you in. ‘Sorry Mr. Ames but we...
A couple days ago, my key holder came over for my weekly inspection. I was strung up from hooks in the ceiling. My hands restrained above my head and my legs were spread wide. My key holder expressed her displeasure with me as she picked up a rather large ball gag and forced it deep in my mouth. Then she removed her blouse and bra which then w=exposed the key that was hanging between her luscious breasts. She got down on her knees and unlocked and removed the chastity cage from my manhood.At...
The Key is in the Cum By Tweak For as long as I can remember I have always craved to be tied up and rendered immobile. I have been into self- bondage for several years now and recently I upped the stakes wanted to try something I had never done before. It was the most thrilling and embarrassing moment in my life. Last Saturday, I knew that I had the whole day to myself and that I could indulge my favorite pastime. So I slept in and woke up around 10:00 a.m. I was so excited...
For as long as I can remember I have always craved to be tied up and rendered immobile. I have been into self-bondage for several years now and recently I upped the stakes wanting to try something I had never done before.It was the most thrilling and embarrassing moment in my life. Last Saturday, I knew that I had the whole day to myself and that I could indulge my favorite pastime. So I slept in and woke up around 10:00 a.m. I was so excited for this was "the day" I was going to try something...
Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...
It didn't look like much. A key like shape made of what looked like something painted gold with what looked like a costume gem in the handle. It was hard to believe that this was the Key of Fantasy. It had taken Robert Roberts by surprise when he had been given it by his dead Great Uncle Pete. "Dear Robby, I bet that you're amazed that I left most of my stuff to your folks. But all of that stuff doesn't compare to the items that I'm leaving you. What you hold now is the Key to Fantasy. This key...
This story starts with a key, as the title suggests. Duh. For some reason the previous owners of the house I’m currently living in had a shed built in the back yard – not one of those flimsy aluminum things you see at every Lowe’s or Home Depot but an honest to God stick-built structure with a lockable door, shingled roof and even a window. If this were New York City I could rent the thing out for a thousand a month. It occurred to me one day that if I lost the key, which I was currently...
When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don't care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West. A Genny Story... Key WestI am Genny.Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. Wehad to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and thenon to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you haveever spent a long Michigan...
LesbianRABBIT'S FOOT KEYCHAIN - THE PHONE APP By CCE 4 PM YESTERDAY - The incredibly sexy girl turned and stared at me with a smile, slowly running her tongue, which was pierced by both a large silver barbell and hoop jewelry, over her wet, full lips. Dick sucking lips if ever there were some. She turned, tossing her long black hair over her shoulder, the bleached blonde tips ending just above her traffic stopping ass, beautifully on display in some very small black panties. She ran her...
Key West Fantasy Fest by Michelle bitv Part 1 It all started this past September when my wife told me she had booked reservations at a hotel in Key West Florida for the week leading up to Halloween. We had never been to Key West but our friends Ted and Laura had been there the previous year for the Halloween celebration and said it was a blast. Both Jennifer and I had been working hard all year so we deserved a break and the stories Ted and Laura told us made it...
I was walking along the street one day, as I often do, thinking to myself. I often looked in clothes shops, looking at the beautifully dressed mannequins that adorned the window displays. I really wanted to go in and try on outfits like those that they were wearing. However, things weren't that simple, I was a man and the clothes that I was admiring were womens ones. I longed to be female but events in my life were conspiring against me. I worked for a small firm that didn't pay too...
Hi Mera nam sana hy (not real name) aur mein lahore(pakistan) ky rehny wali hn mera figure aik dum mast hy buhat se larky mjy chodna chahty hain un mein mera bara bhae khuram b shamil hy mery famely members mein mein 20yrs mera bhae 24yrrs my father was ded n my mother 45 yrs. Ak school main principel hain aur mera bhai pujab university mein M C S ka student hy jb k mein FA ky student hn mera rung gora height 5 ft 10 inch aur 36 k breasts hy ye meri pehli chudae ky kahani hy jo maray apny bhai...
I have to admit it. I have a slight problem... okay, I have a pretty big problem. But now, I'm going to address it once and for all. And the solution is right in the UPS man's hands as he approached my front door. I stared at him silently, keeping myself fixed on the small brown package that he held, watching him from the window of my apartment. My mind was swimming with anxiety.Is this it? Will this actually work? Does he even know what I bought? The questions kept coming like a flood, making...
BDSM"All right, here I come!" The bedroom door opened, and Jaclyn exited. She wore a sexy angel costume; Dylan noted, to his dismay, that "sexy" in this context meant "half-naked." The costume consisted of a shimmering white bra, a shiny glitter-covered halo suspended above her head by a thin wire attached to a headband, a zigzag-trimmed white miniskirt, and white high heels. "What do you think?" Jaclyn asked, twirling around in a circle. As she did, her skirt blew upwards,...
It was almost 6 p.m. when Patrick Dunn finally got home on Wednesday night. He had worked an extra hour and a half to finish the wiring job he had been assigned that morning by Wayne Faulk, his supervisor. By staying the extra time, he'd been able to complete the job almost half a day earlier than the estimate had allowed. Mind you, he'd worked like hell all day, and he could feel it in his sore muscles. It was almost good that his wife Glenda had left that morning for three days of seminars...
It didn't take me long to find something to wear. The lucky choice of attire was a sexy school girl's outfit I used to wear in a lot of my "private" encounters. It was complete with a blouse and plaid mini skirt. To make sure I was up to bitch's standards, I threw on some makeup here and there to give me a bit of an edge.A little bit of lipstick here, some mascara there, it was my usual routine with crossdressing. If I wanted to be pretty, I could make myself look damn attractive. That I know...
BDSM"The weirdest thing I've done?" echoed Amy, giggling into her alcopop. "I don't know," she said in defeat. "Come on," pressed Megan, slumped on the couch next to Amy. "There has to be something that stands out." "Well," Amy admitted in between drunken laughs, "I've probably done a few things with my last girlfriend that would shock you." She took another sip of her drink. Megan took another swig of her beer. "Yeah, like what?" A sly grin was beginning to emerge on her...
Four days; I've dealt with four grueling days of not being able to touch myself. Jesus, how can anyone even do this without even going insane?!Ever since I crossed paths with that dominating bimbo, my entire routine had changed. And to be honest, I was surprised at how much sex was in my life. From the moment I woke up to the second I crashed and fell asleep, my mind was very frequently in the gutter, wondering when I was going to get some ass or where can I go to beat one off real quick....
CrossdressingJoe and Terri Bonnar moved from Pennsylvania to Marietta, Georgia in the mid-1970s with their four children: Paul, Peter, Teresa and Joseph. Shortly after settling in their new home in the golf course community of Canterbury, their final child, Matthew arrived.Joe and Terri were soon involved in social as well as golf, swimming and tennis activities at Canterbury Golf Club.They were a popular couple as Terri had maintained a voluptuous figure despite being the mother of five. The men at the...
Group SexGail is my son's wife, she is a thirty three year old spitfire. She stands five three and weighs an even hundred pounds. She has always known I think she is extremely sexy but only last month were we able to get on a closer relationship. After she admitted to me that my son wants to watch her with someone else I too told her about my own cuckold marriage to her mother in law. While showing her some pictures on my phone of my wife sucking the cocks of her male friends I pasted a picture of my...
This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.) A youthful outlaw...a
Back in the late eighties my girlfriend Chelsea and I spent a summer in Key West. We were both in our early twenties and had really just started seeing one another. She had long wavy honey blond hair with big brown eyes, stood 5’ 7” and weighed about 125 lbs. I was 6’, 180 lbs with wavy brown hair to my shoulders and green eyes. At the time I knew she was really good looking, but thinking back now, we were both probably pretty good. When we met, Chelsea already had plans to stay with a friend...
FetishThis is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. [email protected] SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.)...
Author’s Note: I want to thank my friend and editor Harvey for all his help on this piece. We drove home in silence. I knew both of us were still trying to mentally process everything we’d experienced at the Browns’. As we pulled into our garage, an apprehensive restlessness washed over me. I could only equate this feeling to coming down from a mind-blowing high. The sexual euphoria I’d just experienced now had to be reconciled with the reality of my husband and our marriage. God ... My...
The weekend in Paris had been fantastic, three whole days with Amy plus three consecutive nights of release. Returning to work had been hard, not least because he had now spent five continuous days inside the locked chastity cage. Nights were particularly hard as his cock had started to expect freedom. In the early hours it would throb and the pressure inside the cage would build. Ben would wake up and massage his balls while he watched his helpless red straining cock try to squeeze through the...
BDSMChastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 07bychastity_sissy©The only light came from the crack at the bottom of the floor. I tested my handcuffs as quietly as possible, verifying there was no way to squeeze my wrists out of their cold, metal clutches. I was completely stuck.I could hear my Ex on the other side of the door. She was panting heavily. I could only imagine her Boyfriend's cock ramming her inside and out, over and over again.I guess I should back up just a little bit, although there is...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 05bychastity_sissy©Almost every time my Ex had sex with her boyfriend I had to listen. My Ex had decided it was mandatory and would quiz me on how many times she had an orgasm just to make sure I was actually listening, not to mention drive home the fact I couldn't cum.At least, so I thought.You have to understand that not having an orgasm for over a week doesn't sound like a long time, and I'm sure I've gone longer than that without wearing a chastity device....
The rest of the girls in the room continue their seductive dance, I could see the fear and panic in their eyes as inwardly each of them hope that they wouldn’t be chosen next but they keep the smiles plastered on their faces and don’t miss a beat in their shared highly erotic dance, they couldn’t, they would keep dancing until they either collapsed due to exhaustion or I got bored with them. I pass my gaze over the naked teen girls taking notice of their curves, their unblemished skin and the...
Spells R Us and it's proprietor, the Wizard, are the creation of Bill Hart. Excepting the customer, all persons, firms, devices, and events named and/or described herein are products of the author's imagination and never actually existed or transpired. ________________________________________________________________________ Watsit Tuya's SRU: The Lazarus Key (Prequel to 'SRU: Thankyouverymuch') ________________________________________________________________________ Memphis...
"There." Malet said stepping back with professional flourish. "Not too tight across the shoulders?" He asked carefully. Kiyone surveyed herself critically in the three full-length mirrors provided. Still trying to 'get over' the current brand of strangeness. Events of the last few days hadn't given any of them time to think really, let alone adjust. One moment she was angrily discussing world domination with the queen and now the 'fresh' oddity of being fitted for a dress...
September 30, 2030 For days Katie was still shaken by the shocking experiences to and from Warrenton, especially the life-threatening situation with the rabid dog. It brought back the horrific memories of violence and death in the City. She was too distraught to set out with Clark on the expedition planned for Millbrook. He wanted to go just to know the lay of the land, see if there were any signs of survivors, and discover potential resources; nothing too specific. Despite his...
Hi, guys. I am Rohit. I am from Pune studying engineering. I am a good looking boy. I am 22yrs old.This is my first sex story so please try to understand. This is between me and my neighbor aunt. Her name is Sneha 35yrs old with a white complexion. We were neighbor since 5 years her husband was an alcoholic man and use to work in some company. And they had a kid who was in 4th standard when this incident happened. So, let me come to the sex story. I was in my third year engineering and was...
A few more feet, and she'd be at the top. With the aid of a rope that Iolo had tied to a column, Tansfora pulled herself out of the dungeon crevice. She looked down at the man who had been following her up the rope. "Dupre, I saw you looking up my gown." "Did you?" He crawled up the last few feet of the crevice, armor clattering, and sat down on the dusty floor with his legs dangling over the edge. "And why, pray, should I have ignored the rare opportunity to see an Avatar's...
Hey everyone. I’m writing my first story here so please do send me your feedback to Do encourage me and I’ll come back with sexier and better stories. Now coming back to the story….in my college years when I was about 19. I used to go in a two-wheeler to college everyday. One day I had parked my scooter and was walking to the campus when I saw one of my friends Pooja, she has got really big boobs and a sexy figure by the way. We both had come early to school on that day, and still no one had...
Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 4. THIRD BASE That night after dinner I took a shower and selected one of my new bras to wear and a matching panty. I inserted the breast forms into the cups and put on a new blouse and skirt. When I joined Miriam in the living room she said, "You look darling in that new outfit. We made a great choice there!" I was anxious to get to first base and then to second base and I flopped down beside Miriam and coyly tried to signal...
Key Party Part 2Tuesday had arrived, the day that Kristy, my wife, was to be with Charles. Ever since a few days ago when she had her gangbang orchestrated by him after the key party, she had been a little distant from me, proclaiming that she would be loyal to her new big black cock master.Worst of all, today, Tuesday, was our wedding anniversary. And she was going to be with Charles.I was sitting on our bed contemplating how my life had come to this point, when Kristy stepped into the doorway...
I have been married to my wife Angie for nine years and up to about two years ago we have led a pretty normal life. We did what most married couples did. We went to work, enjoyed each other's company, and found pleasure in each other's arms, remaining faithful to one another. We were very happy with the arrangement, until about two years ago when things were set in motion to put us in the lifestyle we live today.I always considered myself lucky to have met and married Angie. She is the most...
Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 3. SECOND BASE On a Monday at Miriam's apartment, before she arrived home from work, I set the table and did some cleaning. When I heard Miriam's key in the lock I ran to the front door and greeted her. I took some grocery bags she was carrying and brought them to the kitchen. A short while later after she had washed up, we worked together in the kitchen making tacos for dinner. While we ate dinner, Miriam asked me how my day...
Curse Monkeys. By Tanya H. The day started off in a most ordinary fashion and then all started to go wrong about 1135 when I followed Gail's example and nipped out from the office to use the facilities. Gail's my boss, we're both in the payroll department for the local council and our office is too big for us - there should be four in it, but after the last lot of spending cuts just us two were left. As you can imagine, we were fairly busy, but today wasn't too bad. Payday for the...
Remember those old cereal commercials where Mikey liked the god-awful stuff? I have a whole new take on Mikey.Growing up, Mile Sullivan was my best friend. We did everything together, including playing marbles, riding our bikes, swimming in the creek, and playing hooky from school.We weren’t really bad kids, just mischievous. Probably normal for our age and backgrounds. Our families were not rich or poor. Probably lower middle class. Times were good and Eisenhower was President. Ah, the 1950s,...
Bisexual"Run, Mickey, unless you want to bring that over here." "That" was his prodigious cock, now swinging as he ran and jumped. Yes, young Mickey happened to be running naked, his clothes in his hand. There was a good reason for this. Only a few minutes before Mickey had been feeding that cock into Mary O'Connell. As he paused a moment to catch his breath Mickey thought back to humping his long thick cock into Mary, giving her what she begged for over and over. At least until her husband...
As I am checking into the hotel, I notice you sitting in the lobby.You look up and our eyes meet.We then exchange a friendly smile. Before anything else can happen, it’s my turn to be helped at the front desk.I check in and throw a glance your way as I head to the elevator.Someone comes out of the elevator and bumps into me causing me to drop the envelope with my keys in it.I quickly grab my envelope so I don't miss the elevator and just manage to make it in before the doors close.Either by...
Tool repairs and sharpening, Odd jobs Michael & Katherine Corcoran, proprietors It had been a good five years. Mickey and Kat now had two children, their shop was a success and the city continued to grow around them. Locals knew that the 'Will return at 1pm' sign went up most days and rumor had it that it meant more than a lunch hour. Five years and still Kat wanted Mickey's long thick cock as often as she could get it. And Mickey desired her every day. Despite her initial concerns...
It was just my luck … Two years ago, my wife left me for another guy. A year later, I lost my high-paying job in a ‘corporate restructuring’. Now, just three weeks after moving into a new house, the heating packs up. Actually, I had a lot for which still to be thankful. My ex-wife’s new husband was rich, so her financial demands were relatively small. My kids, now grown and on their own, took my side and were a source of loving support. The redundancy payoff had been generous, and I had...
MatureI was typing away on my borrowed PC minding my own business when I heard a knock-knock-knocking on my chamber door. I am tempted to say, "Quoth the Raven nevermore." But no, that would be taking unfair advantage of the readership. I had taken the apartment in the low rent area near the projects because it was all I could afford, and it was close to the private school that I am an all around handyman at. It's a one bedroom walkup in a dilapidated and all but condemned tenement in South...
Mickey was the woman that most men spend their life hoping to find. Great looking in a wholesome girl next door sort of way. A fantastic cook and a baker who won prizes at the county fair each year. She was the adoring mother of three wonderful children, she sang in the church choir, and taught Sunday school classes. She volunteered her services to various local charities, was recording secretary of the PTA and even with all the above going on she still found time to spoil me rotten. But as...
I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn't understand he attached great...
The next afternoon, I was busily working away in my home office, making up for not having accomplished much (at least workwise) the previous day. Slowly, I realized that the room was getting chilly again. I put my hand on the radiator and, just as I expected, the boiler had conked out again. There was only one thing I could do: call Mikey the Plumber! The phone answered on the fourth ring. “Mikey, it’s Dave. The boiler has broken down again. What time can you come back to fix it?” I asked....
MatureAs I walked into the bar several men turned to watch. The new black dress was brief and eye catching. I paused in the doorway, letting them look there fill. I saw an empty table near the middle of the room and walked slowly towards it. A women turned to glare at me. I smiled in return knowing it was her husbands reaction to my arrival that had made her angry. My red hair bounced around my shoulders as I crossed the room. My dress slid up my thighs barely covering the top of my stockings as I...
When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don’t care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West. A Genny Story… Key West I am Genny. Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. We had to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and then on to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you have ever spent a long...