Me my didi or monkey
- 4 years ago
- 19
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I have to admit it. I have a slight problem... okay, I have a pretty big problem. But now, I'm going to address it once and for all. And the solution is right in the UPS man's hands as he approached my front door. I stared at him silently, keeping myself fixed on the small brown package that he held, watching him from the window of my apartment. My mind was swimming with anxiety.
Is this it? Will this actually work? Does he even know what I bought? The questions kept coming like a flood, making my fingers twitch nervously. I bit my lip. And despite the deed of me buying it already, I was starting to regret my decision. Maybe this was a bad idea. What if I get caught with it on? I finally shook my head, exorcizing my thoughts. I already bought the damn thing. What’s done is done. What I needed to focus on was the moment at hand.
I peeked out the window and saw that the delivery man had already vanished from my line of sight. Several moments later, there was a knock on my door, three loud strikes by the hand. I inhaled, stood up from my couch, and moved towards to door, giving a slow relaxing exhale before I grabbed the handle.
As I opened it, I saw the delivery man up close. He was a chubby and bearded man with a uniform that looked as if he just came from a buffet before going back to his job. Stains of ketchup and mustard were splattered all over a shirt that barely covered his bloated belly. His hair was a mess, seeping out of his hat.
Tucked under his arm was the package which I eyed with both anticipation and trepidation. There was no turning back now. It was taking all I had to hold back the anxiety. But I suppressed it. The delivery man glanced at his clipboard and then at me, giving me a double take before doing his greeting.
“You, um... Jared Farris?" He asked.
I nodded, quickly. “Yes. That’s me."
A smile appeared on his face. “I got something for ya," he replied. “It must be really important since you asked for express shipping. Luckily, I got here just in time." The comment almost made me jump out of pure embarrassment before I recognized it as a stale joke. I stuttered for a moment before he handed me the clipboard, produced a pen from his back pocket, and clicked it for me. “Just sign right at the dotted line and I'll be on my way, buddy."
I flashed an uneasy smile, taking the pen and placing my signature right where he wanted. Every now and then I gave him a quick glance at the man and the package as I felt his eyes feel my form. Does he know about it? Or is he just messing around? Every second that went by I could feel paranoia creep into my mind, prodding at me. I had to get out of here and fast or else I was going to have one hell of a freakout.
I finished up my signature and gave him back the clipboard before he handed me my box. I felt the rough texture of the cardboard in my hand as I stared at it, not letting my eyes wandered. Silently, I examined it. I finally got it. After such a long wait, I finally got it.
"Alright! Now, you have a nice day, sir," the delivery man said snapping me back to reality. I smiled back awkwardly as he left and watched him until he exited the building. But the moment he left, I dashed back into my apartment, slamming the door in my way and expelling my stress out from my mouth. My back pressed against the wood of the door as I took a deep breath.
I couldn't believe it. It finally came and it was now in my hand. And now I had a new challenge right into my hands. Below me, my hands were trembling as I slid down my back to sit. My heart was beating heavily, rapidly, shouting at me to open it up already. I was being torn in half. One part of me wanted me to rip it open and snatch the contents that it held like some kind of kid at Christmas. The other wanted me to throw it out the window and forget I even decided to buy it.
But alas, the first voice was screaming louder than the ladder. I dug and pried at the tape and opened it up, revealing what was inside. My mind race, my fingers worked wildly, tearing up everything they could get on to before showing what was inside.
And there it was.
In my hands was a small metal chastity device. Small gaps were all around the cage, with one hole poking at the front end. On the back was a metal ring that was connected to the smooth cock cage. I could open and close it using the built-in hinge. I looked inside the device, feeling the inside for how much room I had. It looked to be enough room for my flaccid member. But there was one little problem. I still was a tad bit stiff from this morning.
As I mentioned before I had a pretty pressing issue; my sex drive. Not to brag but I can be a major freak when it comes to sex. And that was my problem. My libido has no off button. Day in and day out, sex was on my mind. And it had gotten to the point that it was starting to be a distraction. It didn't help that I was a bisexual guy with a nearly infinite list of fetishes under his belt. Everything from oral, exhibitionism, feet, you name it.
Hell, I even I had sex at my work. Boy, that was great. One day, I was feeling rather feeling frisky and it didn't take me long to find another good looking stud that shared the same kind feeling. A few minutes later, I was taking my lunch break with a new acquaintance. And a few minutes more allowed me to get a salty surprise from him. Boy, did that perk up the rest of that day. I was ashamed at first. But deep down, I loved it. I might even do it again.
But that's all going to change now. I needed to keep my desire in check. I needed to tame myself before I start becoming an insane addict that couldn’t go fifteen minutes without having something shoved his rear to get his rocks off. And above all, I was worried what others would think of my deviancy.
It's true that I got around a lot. But I always was cautious about my secret self. I made for certain that my identity was safe, that nothing could trace me to my deeds. So sadly, all my little 'adventures' were only one night stands. But it was best that way. As long as no one knew the real me, I was okay with that.
Now that I got the cage, it was time to don my denial. Grabbing the silver lock that was also in the box, I walked into the bathroom and flicked on the light. I started to undo the zipper of my pants and slipped them off before taking off my shirt. I was on the edge and rattled. As I stripped down to my bare body, second thoughts were tapping on my shoulder.
My hesitation was getting worse and my eyes couldn’t help but keep themselves locked upon the chastity device, watching it as if it was some kind of wild creature, waiting to strike. I couldn't wait any longer. Just staring at the device was making me shiver all over. So it was time to do the first leap.
Taking my naked member I started to push it inside the steel cage. I gasped as it grazed the edges. Sheesh, it was cold. You'd figured being put inside a box would keep it warm but it was like someone put it deep in a pile of snow for a while. Inching inside, I covered the entire length of my cock with it. I opened the back ring to slip my male sack inside and closed it.
Now, it was time for the moment of truth. I grabbed the lock, making sure it was unlocked before feeding the iron hook through the holes in both sides of the opening ring. I took a deep breath as the other half me clawed at me. It was hard. No sex. No masturbating. No pleasure. Nothing.
There was going to be no turning back once I put the final lock on. And I knew that. But my fingers still hesitated to sign the waiver. They trembled, wanting to rip the cage off, wanting to indulge one more time, wanting to feel one more orgasm before being denied one more time. Still, it had to be done. I inhaled sharply, bit my lip hard, and snap the lock closed.
It was done.
My male hood was now in prison, locked away in his unknown sentence, with not a single way of telling when he'll get out. I exhaled slowly and placed my hands upon my head. I did it. I finally did it. Now the next question was how long could I survive without the need, that primal desire? Even now, I could feel my member tap and press against the bars of his cage, unable to break free.
I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, examining my naked form. I've always admired my feminine-like body, how my slim chest and curved hips gave an aura of androgyny. And my skin was soft and smooth. It was a like having some sort of superpower. If I wanted I could easily pass as a male or a female with a blink of an eye.
I still remember the Halloweens I spent dressing up like Jessica Rabbit or Sailor Moon, giving all the guys a little show as I walked by. Boy, they got a nasty surprise when they found out the truth. Even now my body hasn't changed much. But now, between my legs, there's a small piece of metal that housed my cock like a wild animal. I eyed it with shaky legs, still regretting my decision. But it was for the best. I didn't need any more distraction with my work life. I was going to take my self back.
Not wasting any more time, I slipped my pants and shirt on and went after my shoes, getting myself ready. Speaking of work, I had to head there soon or I was going to be late. I hunted down for my belt, weaving it through my pant loops. But each motion I made finding my things reminded me of the cold tap of metal, the solid bands of steel that rubbed against my legs as I moved, I was in chastity. After gathering my things, I headed out the door.
This is going to be one hell of a day…
I worked at a local bakery called The Honey Acres. It was locally owned and was relatively close by to where I lived. It only took me a ten or fifteen-minute walk just to get to work. Lucky me! For the most part, it was just like average retail work. I sold bread, coffee, muffins, you name it. It was pastries galore. Most of the time it was an easy paycheck. I come in, do my work (provided I don't decide on having a sexual experience during), and go home. Nothing was really stressful here until now.
The whole time I was there, I was constantly reminded by the chastity device of what I've done. And it was starting to be a lot harder than I thought. The urge, the desire, the need, it was all coming back full blown. It's rather surprising how you never truly appreciate something until that certain something is locked away out of reach. This was going to be tough. And here I was at work, on standby, feeling the twitch between my legs.
Deep breaths, Jared, I told myself. Deep breaths. This was only day one. You can't chicken out just yet. Not now.
The doorbell rang throughout the store. Thank God, a well-timed distraction. But as my gaze rose up I started to spot who was coming in, regretting to have ever done so. Coming in was a curvy young blonde with a hair length that reached to her shoulders. Green shining eyes, soft skin, dainty feet sheathed in black heels, and a smile made with Ruby red lips. Her voluptuous breasts bounce under her blouse with each step she took.
This only made my swelling problem worse as she walked up to the counter of the store. Folding her hands right on the table top, I had no choice but to approach her, taking deep breaths. It was the only thing I could think of. I was about to greet her. But she stopped me, tilting her head for a moment before speaking.
"Do I know you?" She asked curiously, eyeing my attire and raising her scanning eyes up to my face. The question threw me off and made the hairs on my neck raise just slightly. Why is she asking that? Does she know? I quickly answer back before the awkwardness sank in.
“No, I don't believe so ma'am," I said defensively. My voice was calm and friendly. But I wanted to change the subject now. “I think you have me confused with someone else. One of my coworkers looks just like me and usually works during my shifts."
“No…" she commented. “No, I'm sure I know you from somewhere. I just can't put my finger on it…" she trailed off, kept her eyes fixed on me for a moment, and propped her head on the table. Deep inside, alarms and red lights were blaring wildly.
Does she know me? Does she know about the secret me? For a moment, the script cards I had in my hand were now scattered all over the place, leaving me at a loss of words. What should I do? What should I say? My voice was stuck in my throat and I stood there like a deer in headlights as my composure was slowly being chipped away. She giggled before I could do anything and waved off the thought.
"It's nothing to worry about, anyways. I get around town a lot. So there's bound to be a lot of familiar faces."
“Well isn't that so?" I said joining in on her laughter and hiding my insecurity behind a hasty smile.
"Now, what was I going to ask?" She trailed off to glance at the menu. Then she perked up and placed a finger on an item, returning her gaze back to me. "Oh yeah. Two blueberry muffins and a slice of coffee cake, please," she said.
I nodded then began to reach over with gloved hands, fetching the items that she requested and placing them in a brown paper bag. Closing it up, I placed the bag on the counter. Then, I began to tap at the keys on the cash register. Occasionally, I'll glance at her, not helping myself to at least admire her beauty. She was… unbelievably sexy.
From her face down to her legs, each second I indulge made the cage rattle just a bit louder. I almost wanted to just blow my cover here and now and just take her. I still had a lunch break that I can call on. And the restroom had a lock on the door. If only. But I kept my mouth shut and went on to finalizing the purchase.
"Eight dollars and fifty-nine cents, ma'am," I spoke. I saw her flash a smile as he reached into her purse and produced a wallet.
"You must get a lot of customers here, don't you?" She said as she took out a bill from her wallet and handed it to me.
“It sometimes gets busy," I answered as I started to run the numbers in my head, returning her change to her. She only kept her pleasant manner, leaning closer to me, not letting those eyes draw away from me for one second.
"I bet you could use some time to unwind a little." I glanced down for just a second, spotting the open cleavage that was previously hidden from her blouse. “I know I would with all the traffic going in and out of the store. But that's just me. I'm not the kind of gal that waits for orders all day behind of counter," She giggled with a bat of her eyelash. I knew where this was going. My mind was saying "hell yes!" but I knew that was absolutely impossible at the moment. Sadly I needed to turn her down fast before it gets any awkward. With a small sigh, I leaned over the counter. An expression of boredom was on my face.
"Sorry. I'm already taken," I stated firmly. That was the usual response to back off. But she only brushed off the reply, keeping her smile.
"Come on. Don't be like that," She replied
"No. Seriously. I'm taken. And I'm not interested."
She paused for a moment before speaking. "Are you sure?" She said coyly, prolonging the prodding. I narrowed my gaze, adding a bit more to the message. “Alright. Fine. I should get going anyways. And I shouldn't be distracting you from your work." She stepped away from the counter, produced a pen and a slip of paper from her purse and started to jot down something. I only rolled my eyes. She really didn't know when to quit. After writing down the message, she flipped it over and slid it toward me. "In case you change your mind, here's my number. And please don't hesitate to call me."
She then spun around on her heel and left, letting her hips sway, giving me just a bit more eye candy before leaving. I took a deep breath. This chastity crap was already becoming a pain. Although, she was a persistent one at that. I looked down at the blank slip and for a moment, contemplating what to do with it. I could trash it. But at the same time, the image of her shined in my head, reminding me of her sexy curves and smooth skin.
However, the provoking dream brought me back to reality as I heard the rattle of the cage. I had no choice. If I kept it, it would just torment me more. I picked up the slip. But my eyes then suddenly widened at the number that was written on the piece of paper.
"Looking for your key yet? 575-3697."
Instantly, I panicked. Inside I felt as if all my dirty little secrets were pouring out one by one into the light. I felt exploited, naked, thrown into the spotlight as a closet deviant that was desperate to get laid. What the hell did she mean by, “looking for your key yet”? Did she know? Was there even any way for her to know? I gripped the counter and started to take deep breaths.
"Calm down," I told myself. "Take it slow. Just keep calm." I repeated those phrases. Every second that went by, my heart started to quiet down a bit. Yet, it still raced. I glanced at the clock. 4:00 pm. I had three more hours before my shift ended. Then I could go home and lock myself in my own home for the night.
Despite her looks, she was already putting me in a nervous wreck. Who the hell was she anyway? I had to settle down, focus on work, and keep myself cool before I start freaking out more of the customers. Once 7 rolled around, I could go home and detox. But there was a good thing about this at least; I was no longer thinking with my dick.
7'o clock couldn't come any sooner. The moment I saw my replacement, I sprinted out the door without a single care to give. Despite what the busty girl said, whether it was a bluff or not, there was still an important detail that I completely forgot about. I never saw the key in the box. I was so wrapped up in my own damn punishment, I didn't even check to see if the key came with it or not.
Deep down inside, I was furious with myself. And that rage was fueling the power in my legs. I flew down the sidewalk and to my apartment. Without skipping a beat, I barged into my room, slammed the door shut, locked it, and scoured the entire area for the box.
I found it near my sofa in the living room. Quickly I peeked inside the brown cardboard container and shouted in agony. Nothing! But that didn't stop my search. I frantically tore up the entire place, starting with the sofa, looking under everything I could lift up. The carpet was next. Then, I searched the bathroom. Every possible hiding place was getting checked at least twice. From every small nook and cranny, I searched in a wild panic. But nothing came up. There was not even anything that even remotely looked like the key. Nothing at all.
Defeated, I slumped down to the turned over couch and slammed forehead into my hands. How could I be so stupid?! I got so caught up with cutting myself off from sex that I completely forgot about the way to release myself. I looked down at my pants and stared at where the cage was at. Now what am I going to do about this, I thought.
Getting bolt cutters was the first idea. But I quickly shot that one down. The mere thought of having something like that near my groin scared me half to death. Picking the lock was out of the question. And I doubt there was any way I could break it without hurting myself. I sat there, running through all my options, trying to find some way to get out of this.
… Then I remembered the note. Raising my head up, I started to dig into my pocket. "Yes!" I hissed to myself as I found the piece of paper. I flipped it open and grabbed my cell phone. My fingers jabbed at the buttons hastily, praying to God that she knew where my key went. It started to ring. and on the fourth one, I heard a voice.
“I was wondering when you were going to call me," The voice giggled from the phone, sending waves of anger throughout my body.
"Where the fuck is my key?" I growled back at her. I was done playing around. If she knew where it was at, then she better tell me.
"I'm not telling you," She responded. Her toying and teasing nature went away. There was now a cold chill secreting from her voice. “Not with that kind of attitude that is."
"I said give it back!"
"And I’m ordering you to show me some respect," She snapped back. That statement blew a big powder keg inside as I raised the phone to my mouth and shouted.
“I don't know who the fuck you think you are. But I'm about to find you and beat the shit out you if you don't give me back my fucking key!”
"Keep testing my patience and we'll see how your boss feels about having a whore as an employee."
I choked for a moment, went silent, and stared at my phone in fear. My stomach quivered and rolled around in a circle. Every ounce of anger quickly flushed out of me. "What did you just say?" I managed to get out after swallowing.
I felt her smile seep out of the phone. “That’s probably why you got that chastity device of yours. To tame your inner slut I'm assuming? After all, it's rather hard to fool around with a locked up dick." I couldn't believe it. It was coming true. My one big nightmare was coming true. Deep inside the panic was coming back, this time stronger than ever.
But I listened to what she said. "I know all about what you did. You bought yourself a cock cage because you thought you were becoming too much of a horn dog. But I got a feeling that's starting to be a bit hard for you isn't it?" She couldn’t be closer to the truth. “It’s probably even harder to relieve yourself without the key to the lock," Another chuckle came from her voice.
"How did you get to it?" I questioned, worried, extremely worried, not wanting to believe any of this at all.
“I don't reward little sluts that misbehave," She simply replied back. "But if you want your key back I suggest you listen carefully." I dare not speak back. My ears were focused on the phone. “Call this number back in exactly 8 o'clock. Not a minute later. In the meantime, get dressed. Get something pretty on. A nice skirt maybe with some heels or maybe frilly dress would look cute on you. Surprise me." I bit my lip a little. She wants me to cross-dress. Great. “Now, I must get going. I'll expect a phone call from you soon, my little boy toy."
She hung up. All the strength in my legs left me as I collapsed to the floor. This can't be happening to me. It just can't. My cover was already blown. And what's even worse, I was being blackmailed. My palm went to my head as I tried to keep myself together. I had to keep calm. I had to keep cool. I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened. Instantly, I shot back to my feet and rushed to my closet. I only had twenty-five minutes to get a dress. I couldn't afford to waste them now.
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Diana Birthday Pool Party with Jackie Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party .we both known this just might be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for. We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to...
I was typing away on my borrowed PC minding my own business when I heard a knock-knock-knocking on my chamber door. I am tempted to say, "Quoth the Raven nevermore." But no, that would be taking unfair advantage of the readership. I had taken the apartment in the low rent area near the projects because it was all I could afford, and it was close to the private school that I am an all around handyman at. It's a one bedroom walkup in a dilapidated and all but condemned tenement in South...
I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn't understand he attached great...
I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn’t understand he attached great...
It must have been early and I was in that half somnolent state, neither asleep nor awake. I wriggled my body a little, savouring the way the quilt seemed to envelope me in its soothing embrace. I turned onto my side, drew up my knees, pulled the cover even more tightly around me and began to drift off again. I became vaguely aware of the weight of his hand resting on my ribs and I smiled as I dozed, feeling his fingers home in until they cupped my breast and his thumb began to press and rub the...
Quickie SexKnowing that his Mistress will be home soon, cumdog steps from the shower and hurriedly dries off his body and assumes his position on his knees beside her bed as she liked him to be, naked. He hadn't seen her in days and he was in such a state of arousal and need at the thought of what she will do to him that night that his cock was rock hard.He hears her open the front door and drop her keys on the table. He sucks in his breath as he listens as her footsteps get closer to her bedroom. He...
By Lazy Dave This story started in Spain or better Majorca, the German news was full of it, trying to shock the public. “Donkey Pedro rapes German tourist”. They showed a picture of a normal looking donkey stallion and of course, a well built German girl, about 5 foot 7 inches, 140 pound, blond haired, long legs, and a very good figure. My first thought was, that donkey has good taste, and my second thought was “Thank god they didn’t find out the truth” It started as a experiment really; I...
"Why?" I said. "I'm over her. I have no need to be around her. She's got her man. I've got my woman. What on earth could be the reasoning behind wanting to socialize with them?" "I still feel weird about this whole thing, Mick. You gave so much. You need to feel good about that at some point. I get nervous or concerned or something when I see you go pensive on me, and you do that a lot, Mick. "I don't know if socializing with them, especially her, will help in that respect; but...
Night time has a way of allowing the desires of the heart to rise without exception. No reality of day to interfere with what is right or wrong, sane or insane, lust or love. It makes no difference. It follows a radar of its own primal, intense, and without restraint. That’s what drove him to stop by Kelsey’s place at one in the morning. He had thought about her for too long, wanted her for too long, held back by commitments that were not spoken but still there gnawing at him. Although not...
Preface:A few weeks ago I visited my local pub. As I was approaching, the owner of the pub was seated outside and chatting to a man I had never seen before. After inviting me to join them, she introduced me to the man whose name was ‘Chimp.’ A short while later, she asked Chimp how his old buddy, ‘Donkey’ was doing… Naturally, with those two strange nicknames in mind, I couldn’t resist writing this story.*I bought my first home for an unbelievably low price. Although it needed a lot of work, it...
Gay MaleThey were both shy nerds. Neither dated much and neither got laid often. Their lives revolved around their work so neither was aware that they were lonely. He was twenty-five and she was twenty-four. Each had graduated cum laude from their high schools and universities. Each had a good job and made more money than they needed. Each lived in modest apartments two blocks from the park. Their jobs were one block from the park and they ate lunch in the park. The problem was that their jobs and...
Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Do The words of the 1964 song by Manfred Mann that I was humming to myself were, very apt when I saw the person I was due to meet walking towards me. It was a beautiful crisp, clear autumn day with the sun shining out of a clear blue sky but with a cool northerly wind blowing the browning leaves around in gusts. "There she was just a walkin' down the street." Her beauty was immediately obvious. Her long blonde hair was blowing in the wind, a lovely...
NOTE: Hey guys, this is my first story here, so please bear with me. Hopefully it forms a good base to continue from. Any feedback would be appreciated, and feel free to add a chapter. Enjoy. It was the announcement that shocked the nation. Interrupting the television premiere of the latest Marvel film, a news bulletin announced that scientists had discovered and clinically trialled a new technique to prevent Cervical Cancer and STDs that had a 100% success rate. Given the simple application...
It started just like every other day, nice and warm, sun was shinning, wind softly blowing threw the windows, another beautiful day was starting. I had already packed the lunch we were going to have, and tea's were packed as well, you hear me humming in the kitchen, and you sneak up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and kiss my neck, i spin around and smile and softly slap you and tell you that you scared the hell out of me, but i love you anyway, you look around and see everything is...
"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...
Have you ever asked the question, ‘where is my porn?’ Maybe you have when you’ve found that your downloaded porn is suddenly gone! Oh! Your drive is failing – better buy a new one.Or when you’ve noticed that your favorite porn site seemingly vanished into thin air. Oh! It happens to the best of ‘em!Next time you ask that question, don’t ask yourself: ask your device’s assistant. Maybe that bitch Siri, Bixby, Cortana, or that hermaphrodite over at Google will show you ‘Where Is My Porn?’ Yes,...
Free Porn Tube SitesAs someone who'd always even slept in a bra, Mickey's new freedom was instantly noticed upon her arrival home. Whipping up a four-cheese lasagna, her mom dropped her sauce ladle when she saw her daughter exit Mary Ann's car topless. She froze as Mickey casually unloaded her bike and hefted it over her shoulder. Turning to wave, Diana DiCapra reckoned the neighbors across the street got a full-on view of her daughter's deformed breasts. Mickey locked her bike to the storm gutter and ran...
She smiled... I had noticed her right off. A redhead with a drop dead body. She was so remarkable, so beautiful, so damned sexy! I, of course, am just me... Jericho. I'm not much to look at, certainly not the type a woman smiles at for no particular reason. Nope, a woman smiles at me and I immediately check my fly. She was still smiling... I checked my fly. It's zipped up tight. What could she be thinking? I mean, I can be quite charming, no doubt about it, but I'm the kind of man a...
And there he was, buckling over, gritting his teeth and trying to hide the pain. I had it confirmed. Dr. Oswalt had been glancing at his female students more and more over the past few weeks. I wasn't the first to notice. I remember Leanne pointing it out to me way back in October. But after that, it seemed obvious. He was constantly taking looks at my tits, and everybody else's. I remember the theories … he wasn't banging his wife anymore, he was just becoming a creepy old man, etc. I...
BDSMIt was the happiest day of Misty life to be married to Bob. He was a good man, loving, kind, gentle and considerate. Aside from that, he also is a good provider and could provide her with the simple creature comfort she needed in her life. Misty was so happy that she finally found her beau and is now married to him. After the honeymoon, Misty and Bob finally settled into a comfortable routine at home. He and her took turns taking care of the house, the pets and the garden. Bob's house was...
BDSMSalam dosto yeh meri dosri story ha meri pehli story aliza ki seal tori aur uski chudai ki thi ek baar phir me apne baray me btaa do me 27 saal ka ek avreage boy hu aur mera taluq pakistan lahore se ha koi b larki ya auntie mujhse dosti krna chaey tu mujhe mail zaroor kry…..Mera mail address ha Yeh story meri aur mere ek dost ki friend ki ha jiska naam irum tha aur mammy 32 aur dekhne me bhi bahut khubsurat thijisko k me uski girlfriend samjhta tha per unke beech me sirf frndship thi tu baat...
Marci trembled. She'd killed him. She'd actually killed him with his own gun. Marshall Whitcomb had been blackmailing her for sex for over a year. Today had been the last straw. The pictures he had were damning. That she'd lain with him that first time, fucked him, was not the issue for her. The issue was that he'd filmed it and had demanded she service him ever since. He'd taken her almost weekly since that first mistake, but today she had determined to cut him off even if he did show the...
Mickey glanced up and down the hall checking to make sure that the coast was clear, and when he was satisfied that no one was around, he slipped into the furnace room and made his way over to a step ladder that was leaning against the back wall!!! After making sure that the ladder was in a steady position, he climbed the ladder and peered through a small crack in the cement!!! "Holy cow," he muttered out loud as he pulled his pecker out of his pants and began beating his meat, "this is fucking...
First TimeDear readers this is the 2nd part of my story “Transform My Didi”, aapke bahut se emails mile or mujhe bahut khushi hui ke aapko meri kahani pasand aayi. Prastut hai kahani ka dusra or antim bhaag. Didi ke sath hui ghamasaan chudai ke baad hum dono thak kar so gaye the. Kareeb 2 ghante baad didi ne mujhe aakar jagaya. Didi : Sanju uth..dekh 10 baj gaye hain…chal uth jaa…or tayaar ho jaa hume market chalna hai. Main angadai lete hue utha or achnak mujhe hosh aaya ke mein toh ekdum nanga hi so...
Hi! Mera nam ASHOK hai aur mai 20 sal ka ek juvak hun. Meri didi ka nam Sangita hai aur uski umar kareeb 26 sal hai. Didi mujhse 6 sal bari hain. Humlog ek Middle-class family hai aur ek chote se flat me Mumbai me rahate hain.Humara ghar me ek chota sa hall, dining room do bedromm aur ek kitchen hai. Bathroom ek hi tha aur usko sabhi log istemal karte the. Humare pitajee aur maa dono naukri karte hain. Didi mujhko Amit kah kar pukartee hain aur mai unko didi kaha kar pukarta hoon. Shuru shuru...
Spanish Donkey Friday ?Are all of you stupid or what? shouted Miss Wolfensohn just after cominginto her classroom. She wildly threw their examination on her desk. For a moment a deadly silence reigned in the room. The teens dared not evento move, holding their eyes down not to look at their History teacher, thoughthere was a lot to look at. Vanessa Wolfensohn was a 35 old pretty, really pretty woman. Usually she dressedin jeans and sneakers highlighting her round ass and her long legs. She...
Aik din jab main bhair say ghar aya to pata chala didi or jijju ki fight hoe hai or wo naraaz ho kar aye hai . Didi ki shaadi ko ko koi 1 and half year hoa tha or es beach kafie baar in ki fight hoe thi . Dad out of city job kartay thay to mom school main job karte thi baqi bacha main . Study main kafie nalaaiq tha . Edhar didi muj say koi 6 saal bare thi or bhohat he piyare thi . Unki shaadi kar to di thi magar ghar main khush nahi thi . Roz saas bahu kay jaghray . Didi bohat he piyare thi...
Mera naam Sanjay hai, umar 25 saal, 6ft lambai or dekne mein hatta katta or sundar hoon. Yeh kahaani aaj se 4 saal pehle ki hai, Jab mein college mein tha. Mere ghar mein mere alaava meri mummy or Didi Priya 28 saal rehte hain. Mere papa ki 6 saal pehle heart attack se death ho gayi thi. Papa ke jaane ke baad Didi ne padai ke sath sath job karni shuru kar di thi. Waise toh papa ki insurance policy se hume kaafi paisa mila tha jiski vajah se financially koi problem nahi thi. Didi jab 25 saal ki...
Hi i m Raj ye meri paheli story hai jo bilkul sacchi hai bahot sari incent story ko padhke mujhe bhi khayal aaya ke muje bhi apni story share karni chahiye. Ye story meri aur meri sagi bahen ki hai abhi me 24 saal ka hu aur bahan 28 saal ki dono ki abhi saadi ho chuki hai silsila saadi se pahle ka tha. Aajse 6 saal pahle jab me javani me kadam rakh chukka tha didi 22 salki ho chuki thi mujhe didi ka body bahot hi attract kar raha tha. Meri didi ka figure aur khubsurti din b din badti ja rahi...
Salem was never this good. Witches of the northeast have not only survived, they have thrived and evolved. Their great dark magick gives them ulitimate power over all men. And the men actually love giving all they can give for Gina the goddess. ***************************************************************** Before today, she has lived every fantasy. Except one. At 20, Gina is at her peak of perfucktion. Roller-blading has shaped her legs and ass to be even more equisite than her...
FetishHi friends, Deepak Sharma here again with another real part of life Story ,Mene ISS pe 3 real stories likhi ap logo ko bahut pasand ai, thanks again ISS and all of u, abb apni 4th story leke aya hoon I hope u’ll like it,,ek baar fir koshish kar raha hoon ke apne dimag mai yadon ki film ko apke samne rakh sakoon ,,mai jab bhi wo guzra waqt yaad karta hoon to sex ka mood naa hotey bhi mera lund khara ho jata hai,,normal sex to sari dunya karti hai lekin incest karne ka apna hi maza hai apni hi...
Maine apne kapade utare aur apne lund pe oil lagana shuru ker diya. Khoob malish ki. Lund aur gotiyan dono hi oil se bhiga li thi. Ab to main ready tha ki sweta jaise hi aayegi use pakad ke khoob chodunga. Kareeb aadhe ghante baad gate ki ghanti baji aur main fanfanate hue lund ke sath gate pe gaya aur gate khola. Tab tak didi bhi baher hall main aa gayi thi. Gate khola to dekha ki sweta ke sath uska chota bhai bhi aaya hua tha. Use akele nahi bheja uske gher walon ne. To main apne sale ko dekh...
Mera nam Raj 18, mumbai ka rehane wala hun, hamare gar me hum 4 log hai, me mera mummy, papa aur 25 age ki sister. she is married.. ok ab me mere first sex experience ke bare me app ko bata ta hun. jab me 16 yrs ka ta tab mere sister unmarried 23 age ki ti, uski shadi ki bath ho geyi ti aur shadi ke liye sirf 20 days baki ti, hamare ghar me mere mummy dady alag kamre me sote hai aur me aur sister alag kamre me sote hai, ek din mere sister ki seheli sister ko ek sex book lakar di, sex kaise...
Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....
By : Bajaj.Rahul25 Hello to all ISS Readers! Agar aapke paas pura time ho to meri real story ko pade otherwise apna time waste na kare Jin logo ne meri pichli story didi se liya b’day gift nahi padi mai unko apne bare me bata deta hu ki ye story meri aur meri badi behan Sonia ki hai Isase pahle ki mai next part of my pervious story start karu mai un sab behno aur bhabhiyo ka dhanayawad karta hu jinhone meri purani story ko bahut saraha. Mere pass bahut saare emails aaye aur bahut saari ladkiyo...
Jab ghar main enter hoa to dhahka didi aye hoe thi , didi bed pay bhathe hoe apnay dono bazoo gothnoo pay rahkay apni motti motti or lumbe kali ankhoon say ansoo nikaal rahi thi or amma pass bhathi unhay chup karra rahi thi or bol rahi thi , bus chup kar jao ab jo karna hoga mujhay karna hoga . Tum parayshaan mat ho . Sab theek ho jay ga . Itnay main mian kamray main aya to bola kiya hoa sab theek to hai ? Amma boli kiya theek hona , tumharay jijja aik bacha to payda nahi kar sakta or es...
Hello! I am Vikky from Haridwar. I am 30 year old. We are three child’s of my parents.(me 30, my elder sister Varsha(35) working as a hr and my younger sister Payal(24) studying) the story is 10 years old.when my sister got married , her hubby was working in pvt company as manager so she got transfered in doon. Achanak mere jija ko company ki kisi training ke liye bombay jana pada for 2 months. Jiju requested my parents to send me to stay with sis. Main dehradoon dav mein padhta hun, aur...
Ek baar phir guddi didi Meri pyaari sexy guddi didi ki kahani aap sab pah hi chuke hain .ab main apko agey ki kahani bata hoon jab didi ko main shaadi ke kareeb paanch saal baad mila lyonki papa ka transfer ho gaya tha to hum bahar chale gaye they . Hua yoon ki main padhne ke liye mausi ke yahan aya graduation ka second year tha . Pat chala ki jija ji ka transfer ho gaya hai posting lucknow ho gayi hai. Mausi to bechaini se intezaar kar rahi thee . Akhir didi waapas aayi dekhta kya hoon ki jis...
Im Raju from Bombay meri big did jo muj se 5 sal bari thee…1 sal pehlay os ki shadi ho gai or shdi k 5 moth bad did ki apnay pati un bn ho gai is liye wo rooth k wapis hamaray ghar a gai….jb wo ai to pehlay b moto type means soft body or shadi k bad thoro oor moto or nikhri nkhri dikhai deti thee 1st day os ne mom ko btaya wo 4 moth ki pragnent hy ye bat me sath walay room me honay ki wja sun li os time muje itna pta tha pragnent means kal ko baby aye ga…….os k anay se dad mom pareshan rehnay...