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my name is zen im 16 and my dad was an highly paid assasin it was his pride in life and he always tried to bring me into the family business starting from when i was only 4. i've learned alot of tactics, how to handle and fire a firearm with precise pinpoint aim, and i am extremly good at martial arts it just came naturaly to me. before i was old enough to know what my dad was training me for he'd always bring me with him to his client meetings and show them what he called the next greatest killing machine. he taught me how to stalk and wait for the right moment, never get caught, and never fail. when i turned 13 he brought me along to a hit.

he always said i had to be cold and heartless during a hit but it never really stuck with me. the hit was on a crime lords daughter but ofcourse i didnt know this at the time. we where walking for some distance in a highly crowded shopping center when i see my dad reaching behind his back, he pulled out a dagger and slid it up his sleeve. i looked around for anyone who looked like a hit when out of the corner of my eye i see my dad tense up by the time i turned my head my dad had already relaxed and was pulling me when people started screaming like a conscerned parent would. we started runing with the crowd. i still could'nt see the target yet but i knew he was dead i decided to glance behind me and when i did i saw a little girl not even 5 years old with the dagger sticking out of her eye socket.

after that i vowed never to be a hitman but i knew my dad would be very angery if i told him this considering all the time he put in training me. when i was 14 my dad was killed by a prodigy child assasin named lee. it had turned out that the client who order my father to kill the little girl had let it slip who he hired to kill her. the crime boss instantly sent the best to kill the client and my dad when he heard this.

my dad had loose believes about saving money and only had 20,000 in the bank when he left. with no known relatives an nowhere to go i moved to a low payment apartment and only paid for the essintails such as water bill food and clothes. however soon i was 2 months over due with rent, wearing worn clothes, and barely feeding myself. i had recieved letters from my dads old clients who had saw me years ago asking if i was taking on the family business but eventualy i stopped even opening them. i'd rather starve be tortured and die 1 million deaths before i ever killed anyone good or bad.

i was on my way to the mailbox to pay the water bill with the money i'd scraped up when i noticed a black tinted car drive by, now wher i live is a pretty beat down location and this car was looking highly expensive so it immediatly caught my drove around agian and my hand automaticly when to where my dad taught me i should holster a gun,even tho i knew there wasnt one there i thought i could make it seem like i had one and wait this out. i figured anyone who knows about me knows what i could do ant probably had extra men everywhere. i looked around and saw two snipers and was still looking when the car came to a stop. the door opened and out walked a man who looked to be in his early fifties he steped to the side of the car and held the door open. next a girl who looked to be around my age walked out followed by a man who looked like a drawing from all his tattoos. the man in his fifties walked over to the girl and lent in to whisper into her ear and pointed at me. she shook her head yes and i started backing up but a silent bullet cliping the concrete behind my feet told me not to so i stood still. the girl got back in the car and the two men started walking up to me i tensed and relaxed preparing myself to fight for my life. when they got to me the older man had a cheery smile on his face like he was pleased with himself or something while mr.tatto's had a frown.

''zen i assume'' said the old man sticking out his hand. when i didnt take it he pulled it back and continued talking.''zen we're here because the man we work for has asked us to get the young girl you saw a bodyguard to her ehh unique specifitations ( i cant spell i kno shh the movies playing) zen you dont want to know how pleased i am to have finally found someone that she'll even say yes to''.

''now lets see if you measure up to our unique specifitations'',commented the tattooed man. when i turned my head to look at him i sensed a blow coming and immediatly blocked and countered and withdrew about 5 feet away.

when i looked at them agian the old man was picking himself up from the ground. i glanced to the car to see if someone was going to get out to shoot me. i saw that the back window was lowered enought for me to see pure green eyes staring at me.

''okay now that you know that we intend to fight you you should know the conditions...first of all dont majorly injure us/ the tattoed man snickered at that/ and if you lose you die'' the old man said.

i quickly ran up, ducked under a wild haymaker thrown by mr. tattoo and delivered a solid roundhouse kick to the old man's jaw. then in one fluid movement i side stepped the tatto mans next wild childish shot and delivered 3 quick blows to his solar plexus.

i stood upright agian and looked toward the car agian it looked like the girl was laughing hystericaly. i turned to run back into my apartment when i felt a ping in my neck. i pulled it out hardly 1 second after it went in and began running to a ladder on the side of the appartment building. i had barely made it two steps before i felt the world spinning i tried to stand my ground but enevitably fell to the concrete.

yay done with part 1!! 0.o but my imaginations dieing out so sorry if it starts sucking worst..wheres my damn pop corn...

i woke up groggy headed with my hands tied to my hands. i was on my knees in the p.o.w postistion. i made sure not to move at all after the groggy headedness wore off ( groggy headedness wth is that even a word..) i heard a soft humming beside me and i covertly opened my right eye the first thing i saw was a window with things zooming by outside of it so i guessed i was in a car but that was all i could see from that eye so i closed it and opened the left slowly when the blearyness went away i fould my self looking into emerald green eyes i jumped and tried to roll back but before i could i felt something cold and hard pressed agianst my temple. i froze and took a deep breath. the gun was tooken off my head and i openly looked around i was in what looked to be a limo with red interior. i saw, old man, and ...her. my eyes imediatly caught hers and i looked back down causing my medium lenth shaggy hair to shield my eyes. i started thinking for a way outta this but my nerves where racked and my head was still groggy so it was impossible but i figured if i was gonna die i'd make it on my own terms.

i mumbled,'' get it over with''. even to me my vioce sounded dry and raspy from lack of use.

''what'', the girl asked

i hadn't expected her to answer me but it did seem like everyone here worked in someway for her so i said '', get it over with just kill me, stop playing these childish games''

she looked truely shocked but managed to reply'', we, i dont want to kill you i just dont want to have one of these guys following me around''.

i looked around at the men in the car they all in some form looked scary i guess if u didnt know you could defeat them. ''why would they follow you around'', i asked a little slow on the uptake. ( omg this is getting painful 2 write it feels lame)

''i had to pick on of them to be my bodyguards, can u imagine that? me being followed by creeps? honestly i dont know why daddy insist on them at all''.

''what does this have to do with me''.

''hey bodyguard''. she said smiling.

''what if i say no''.

'' why would you'',she asked

'' because i have a life'', i said remembering all the nights i didn't eat and worried about getting evicted.

pff hardly my daddys people have been keeping tabs on you and they say that you dont do anything'', she said

i looked away and decided to sit there silent for the rest of the ride.

''exactly'', she mumbled.

about an hour later we pulled up at a large mansion with security gates and guards patroling with german sherperds. i felt that there was no way out of this and thought being a body guard couldn't be that bad its defonitaly better than being a murderer. i felt a sharp twinge and my stomache that told me that if it got me food then i needed to accept the offer.

the old man opened up the door an let the gurl out first then shoved me out. i was about to land on my face but i turned it into a front flip and landed awkwardly on my knees. the girl shot mr.tat a glare and reached down to untie me. when she was finished she said i had to go talk to her dad an then go to bed i had school in the morning.

''school'', i asked shocked

''yeah you do go to school dont you we're just tranfering you to mine'',she stated.

''no i dont go to school i kno everything i need to know'', i shot at her

'' oh really'' she smiled at me

yes'', i said following her to her dads office with three guys pointings guns at me

''huh i guess we'll see tommorow seeing as u do have the same clases as me you'll be taking all gifted classes.

the old man knocked on the huge oak doors and it was opened by(yo mamma 0.o dogged) an man who appeared to be in his early thirties opened the doors.i walked in and the old guy told me to sit down

''hello zen'',a man with graying hair and a formal business suit said.

''hi'', i replied starting to feel at ease with the situation now that it seemed that my life wasnt at stake.

i assume you've heard my offer?

i've heard what you want me to do for you, yes

so are you okay with the payment ammount?


did you not know you where getting paid


he let out a deep belly chuckle ( santa!!) and said'', where you going to do it for free?

i assumed i had no choice

oh you have a choice and i hope these two havent been too ruff with you,''he said gestering at old man and

i've been through worst

do you accept the offer and the responsiblility it comes with?

i was about to refuse but i remembered those emrald green eyes so i said'', yes''.

very good i have no doubt that you'll do a good job and you've saved me a lot of trouble my duaghter was very keen on having you as her body guard go. sam show him to his room and get him something to wear that my duaghter will approve of i dont want her throwing another hissy fit.

yessir'' the old man who i now kno is named sam says. cmon zen lets go

we left and walked through what seemed like a maze of hallways and finally stoped at a room with the number 67 on it

here you go zen this is your room for now ill send someone with your clothes in awhile but theres a bathrobe in the bathroom how about you take a shower you kinda stink.

i let that last comment slip away party because it was true and partly beacuase i wanted to ask him something. '' could you send someone with food too im kinda starving'' i didnt tell him that in actuality i really was starving because i hadnt eaten anything substantual in three days.

no problem zen ill have it brought with the clothes.

when he left i took a shower and got out on the way to the robe i caught my reflection in the mirror. i wasnt that tall probably 5'7 140lbs at the most but i was toned because i still practiced my martial arts religuosly. i had black hair down to my shoulders and blackish brown eyes i had asian tones because my mom was chinese or something my dad was very vague when talking about my mom.

just then there was a knock at the door i put on the robe and waited for them to open it / there wasnt a way for me to it was locke from the outside/ a man gave me a plate of food and clothes and left. i put the clothes on the dresser and sat down to eat my meal. when i was done i went to sleep.

( omfg did u see that im done with part 2 i must be god...i kno its horribly lame but 2 me its just finaly freeing myself of something that wont stop being in my dreams. me,god, how awsome would that be...i'd send u all 2 hell lol.)

i woke up befor sun set because thats when i always wake up and i cant just turn off my internal alarm clock. i did my daily exercises and tried to remember everything my dad taught me and adapt it to my situation.

about an hour later there was a knock on the door telling me to wake up and get dressed. i was alreadly awake so i got dressed in what was picked out. long sleeve white shirt and faded black jeans with black and white shoes with a check mark on them ( yeah i kno there nikes :p) i brushed my teeth and say on the bed going over tactics. i was excited about finaly going to school but i was trying to focuse on staying alert.

about thirty minutes later breakfast was brought to me and then i was ushered into the limo that had driven me here. not to long after i was in the limo the girl came running out and into the limo too.

hey i see you survived the night''she said smirking

i looked at her for awhile trying to figure out if she was joking or not when she burst out laughing

oh my gawd im just playing nobody is trying to kill you'' she said between fits of laughter

i grined and said'', you know my name whats yours''?

''my names nichole but people call me nikky"

okay nikky what am i supposed to be doing exactly

just follow me and be quiet, also your not my bodyguard okay?

okay i guess

we pulled up to a huge school sometime later and got out the limo. i thiught alot more people would be looking at a limo pulling up but i was surprised to see atleast 15 more already there. like she told me to i stayed about 3 feet away and followed her. she walked into a group of people sitting on beches infront of the main entrance.

hey nikky the group of mostly girls exclaimed togther

hey'' nichole replied back

almost immediately a girl from the group with light brown hair started flirting with me. this being a new experience for me i sorta felt uncomfortable and answered her questions about me with mostly yes or n answers.i glanced towards nikki and saw a football flying throught the air about to hit her in the back of the head.

i took a step behind her and spin kicked the football on top of the roof. i looked where the football came from and saw a gruop of guys some laughing hard and others staring wide eyed. i turned to ask nikky what she wanted me to do and when i did i saw that everyone behind me had seen what i did and was equaly wide eyed. then all the questions came at once i took a step away from the benches but stayed close to nikky ignoring all the questions and staying alert, talking to that girl almost made me let nikky get hit.

when they saw i wasnt talking but they turned the borage of questions torward her and it seemed to me that she was glade for the attention. i saw the group of guys walking toward us and tapped nikky on the shoulder everyone looked at the other group comin over.

zen if anyone tries to touch me stop them okay i dont like these guys

okay'', i responded

( okay people i gotta go 2 sleep ill send this and if i get a okay rating ill send the next 1) also im a true admirer of von armand and el hanes those two are the best writers point blank period...word 4 the wise= even when winning is illogical losing is still far from optional


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Witness Chapter Four

Chapter Four - Braidwood "If you hadn't spent all your time trying to put your pee-pee in her pooper and done your job we wouldn't be in this predicament." Brett Mendelsohn was ropeable and taking it out on Elliot Granger. "I know you're angry Brett but you better curb your mouth. The tranny cooze had changed her mind and I did everything I could to get her to stay the course," Elliot replied. Brett eyed him suspiciously. "Everything? What does that mean?" he asked. "I'm...

2 years ago
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A Day in Church

Copyright Notice: All characters and individual material are © Jasmine Becker 2012. All rights Reserved. The ‘World of Warcraft’ Setting is ©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. This is fan fiction only. This work may not be reproduced for commercial, marketing republishing or copying purposes. The work is sexual...

3 years ago
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GinnyChapter 14

Over dinner that night I met the colonel's two daughters. They were full of questions about who I was and where I got my funny accent. I explained to them that I came from Scotland which, though a country in its own right was also part of Great Britain. The older one wanted to know why the country was called great. I explained how it was made up of four countries welded into one kingdom and should really have been called Greater Britain because of that. Most people now call it the United...

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She loves her

Mary always loved women. She loved to see the girls in the shower at PE class. Loved the pussy and tits on the girls. She got her first lesbian encounter at college. She roomed with a very pretty girl and started to walk around with just a bra an panty on to see what the girl would do. Pam then started to parade almost naked with just a thong covering only part of her pussy.One day as Pam sat at her computer with just the thong on Mary went to her and rubbed her back. Pam seemed to enjoy it...

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Midsummer Nights

It might have seemed audacious to ask the woman they’d screwed over to do their wedding flowers, but Calvin and Ivy were desperate. Three florists had already cancelled on them, and the summer wedding season meant everyone else was already overbooked. With a mere two months remaining until the big day, they had next to no time to find the kind of florist that could make their high-profile wedding into the exquisite occasion everyone expected. And Sofia Violet seemed like their only option.They...

1 year ago
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Callboy Ban Gaya Bhabhi Ki Wajah Se Part 2

Pehla part: Callboy Ban Gaya Bhabhi Ki Wajah Se – Part 1 Dosto ye meri kahani ka dusra bhag hai jo mai aap logo ko batana chahta hu par samay ki wajah se last time utna hi likh paya. Puri santusti k liye ye part bhi zarur padhiye aur hilaye ya ungli kar le. [email protected] And who ever contacts me, make sure to maintain privacy. I don’t want my sexual fantasies to effect my social life. Privacy assured.

3 years ago
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Alexiss black cock gangbang

Hi everyone, my name is Alexis, and this is the story about how I became a slut for black cock. Let me start off by telling you a bit about myself at the time. It happened in High School, when I was 17 years old. I was your typical popular girl, with a body to match. I was about 5’5”, 112 lbs, with strawberry blonde hair to my mid back, and sparkling green eyes. I had a nice pair of breasts for my age, 34 C, with an ass and legs all the guys drooled over. I acquired this body through years of...

2 years ago
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Ministers Daughter

This was a favorite of mine that went missing from this site, so here it is again with picsI arrived at Dan's house in the mid-afternoon. Dan was a good friend of mine. He was the pastor at my church. And he'd invited me over for the graduation party of his daughter Kimmy. It was a hot May day. And this was to be a pool party, but I'd decided I'd refrain from all that business and had left my swim trunks at home. I figured I'd rather just sit around and mingle, and have a good time. I don't...

5 years ago
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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeChapter 7 The Greatest

Nevin’s House, Bryanston, Ontario 5:45pm, Monday, October 15, 1979 “Hello, this is Mike,” I said after I took the phone from my mom’s hand in the main entrance way. “Hey, Mike! You don’t know me but I’m sure hoping to meet you on Friday at our football game at Medway. My name is Todd, Todd Daymend, and I’m the starting quarterback for...” “The Parkside Stampeders. Hey, Todd, and to what do I owe the pleasure of this much unexpected but welcomed call from our upcoming opponent’s starting...

5 years ago
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When she Swallows

So, you're laying back in bed, getting a wonderful bit of head from that special someone. Her lips are wet and by now so is every inch of your cock. Her tongue is flattened out against the bottom of your shaft and it does this delicious little swirl around the head on every upstroke. You can feel the moment closing in: balls start to tighten up, an electric feeling warming your testicles and rising up your shaft, your brain starts to shut down as your prostate takes over all thought...

4 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 5

Claire’s viewHi, This is Claire still. Neil’s going to share his perspective and thoughts on those deep conversations that started that Monday evening, just after Veteran’s Day 2016.  But as it was me who first took the lead in those conversations, it makes sense if I share my memories first.  You never fully remember conversations as they were actually said, however important they were.  But even now, nearly two years on, I have a pretty good memory of what was said on those November...

Wife Lovers
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just a regular goody two shoes

I guess you could say I was a little stuck up. Ok I was very stuck up. I was a goody two shoes when it came to sex. Missionary position, half ass blow jobs. That all changed when I met Devon. I don’t usually go for guys like him. But hey it’s hard for a black sista to find another good black man! He was tall, nice caramel skin, and eyes so clear milk chocolate deep you drown just looking at them. I usually go for some one a little older. He was younger than me clearly. He was a business man by...

2 years ago
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My name is Kelly-Marie, apparently my parents couldn’t agree on Kelly or Marie so I became a hyphenated child. About myself, I am rather large breasted, I will be covering their size later in this story. I married my high school sweetheart, football jock and current husband of some 300 plus pounds. Being large breasted I have not kept the figure that I had in school either, but no way have I allowed myself to go the way my husband has. Oh yes, this story is also about my son Jarred whom I...

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still nitemare part 1 of 2 parts

Jan 15th and she gets the call , this time he fucks her in the back of his sisters tahoe and she is claiming she didn’t come..PFFttttt !! Yeah right then that’s the first time... Anyway she says he owes her now of course... to be continued Jan 20th and she is back there right now getting what he owes her. That’s right her friend is in town and it’s a Saturday night and still she drops everything tonight to get served up. This comes after lastnite when he was trying to get her to go...

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Lesbian Dream Real Thing PT3

The door to the apartment doesn't even get a chance to click shut behind us before my hands seek out the curves of your body, desperate to feel you...but you easily overpower me and before I can even think to move I am pressed firmly against the door with your body against mine. I can instantly feel my wetness already, and I know that you are wet for me as well.Just when I think how I can possibly get you more aroused, your hand makes its' way in between my legs. You slide your fingers back and...

3 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 26

The following week, they were flying two, sometimes three, training missions a day. Until each one of them became an extension of the aircraft they flew. They practiced formations, low level between the North Welsh Mountains, simulated attacks, short landings and take offs, everything that Robert could think of that they might face in Afghanistan. In between there were the meetings with Alan and Taff concerning the logistics of moving four aircraft over there, plus the facilities and...

4 years ago
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The Fortunate Jepordy 4

The Fortunate Jeopardy - Part 4 by Sissie Maid Cuckold Steve's strong hands dropped from Laura's waist to her ass and he grabbed hold of her cheeks and pulled her to him. Laura's right hand fell from Steve's shoulder to his pants and squeezed a massive hidden cock as they re-embraced. The two love birds kissed for some time. It was a steamy kiss with their hands and bodies intertwining. Clearly they both wanted each other and were too far into it to stop the process. Finally...

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Breeding Bull

At 55 my only goal is now to seduce, coerce or rape beautiful young women. To defile their proud innocent immaculate bodies with my filthy monster cock. I love to see the fear on the face of a beautiful young woman, as she looks upon the monster cock that would 'ruin' her precious tender body. To hear them scream is music to my ears, especially the screams that are brought about as I thrust my big cock, 9" in length and 4" in diameter, into their tight little pussies then tie them to me...

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Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies.Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...

4 years ago
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Like Mother Like Son 13

************ Chapter 13 ************* So I'd been stood up by Tim. Perhaps this would be par for my future dating life. After all, he did think I was a middle aged woman. Although my perceived age might have played a role in theory, it wasn't a factor here. Tim had gone back to his wife. Of course I'd never met the woman but it made sense to think she was probably in her forties. I knew I shouldn't take the rejection personally but I was. My parents and Sammy did their best to...

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Charlenes Dirty MovieChapter 7

"Shall we go ahead now?" Greg asked Charlene. "We can get in a few good tosses, then let Mr. Roberts catch up with the action as soon as he reloads the camera." "The hell you will!" Roberts snorted. "You can fuck her twenty-five times as far as I'm concerned. But I want every one of them on film!" Charlene was impatient to get into the next sequence. She wanted to feel that magnificent cock shoving into her pussy. Damn! How she wanted to get herself wrapped around that hunk of...

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Accidental LoversChapter 9

Alicia Cooper knew she was taking a huge chance. She was risking everything she had, starting with her profession. Beyond that was her carefully rebuilt reputation, and ultimately her own freedom. Yet as she had stood in the doorway and watched her two young students stimulate one another, she was drawn in and overcome with long suppressed desires. She was taken back to her own youth when love and sex were more innocent and unencumbered by dictated roles of society. She recalled the touches...

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How I Became the Baddest Girl In Clarksville Part 12 Alex Doesnt Live Here Anymore

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 12 : Alex Doesn't Live Here Anymore -Killing and Arab- The sleepover was a dud. They say you don't know how much you miss something until it's gone. and I had to admit this was true about Brett. Until Friday night, I hadn't realized how much she contributed to our nerd posse. Even though we had friction between us the last few days, I wished she was with us now. She'd kept things popping at Abby's Halloween night. Without ...

1 year ago
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Taken advantage of on video Part 2

*** Part 2 A few days had passed since I was taken advantage of on video by jake and his friends and had to return to college. As I walked the campus so many guys were staring at me and more precisely at my breast. I looked down as I walked as I felt ashamed and I knew they had all seen the video. I ran into jake and his friends as I was walking and he blocked my way. We need to talk to you bitch come to the boys toilet with us now. There were a few guys there when we went in and vince closed...

Group Sex
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A Bird in the HandChapter 7

I woke up before Trip, but he rubbed his eyes and yawned awake when I returned from the bathroom. “Good morning, sunshine,” I said. “You wanna go for a swim? It’ll wake you up faster than coffee.” “Sure.” The lake was calm and glassy when we arrived, and the dew still lay heavy on the grass. Trip looked uncertain. “How cold is it?” “Better not think about it.” With that, I ran toward the edge and kicked into a long, flat dive. I marveled at my reflection on the calm surface before a...

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Teenage Adults

Teenage Adults My twin sister and I were excited to turn thirteen years old, but not as excited as our parents were. That morning Mom came into my bedroom with Judy and Dad. Judy and Mom were both naked. That was the first time that I had seen either one of them naked. Judy walked over to my bed and lifted the covers to see my hard-on. She bent down and sucked the head into her mouth and then got on the bed straddling my legs before sitting down on my cock. It slipped right up...

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Mundraavathaaga Pirantha Kaama Pisaasu

Naan oru gramathil vasithu varugiren. Peyar Seenu, vayathu 26. Ennaku 3 athai pengal irukiraargal. Athil oruvalai thaan thirumanam seithu kola pogiren athu muthal pennai thaan ennal thirumanam seithu kola mudiyum. Aanal ivargalil mundraavathaaga pirantha kaama pisasu ondru irukirathu athu naan siru vayathaaga irukum pozhuthe enathu sunniyil kaiyai vaithu pidithu irukirathu. Eppozhuthum vilaiyaataga sunniyai pidithu vilaiyaadikonde irupaal, enaku appozhuthu theriya villai ival valanthathum ennai...

4 years ago
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Uncle HarryChapter 6 Thursday and More Lessons

The next morning I woke up, as usual, before my two lovers – that sounded strange to me, but really, really nice. After starting the coffee I went back in and woke Sandy up with a few strategically placed kisses and nips. Once she was fully awake we went into the shower and had a shower together which, of course, involved each of us washing some 'special' body parts of the other. After we dried off and went out to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table. I asked Sandy "How we proceed...

3 years ago
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Hanumangarh Ki Business Lady Ko Pool Me Choda 8211 Part 2

Mera naam raj sarma hai.Main hanumangarh mein iti kr raha tha tab mujhe geeta mili jise maine raat bhar choda.Aap pahla part bhi padhenge to sab samajh aayega.Ab aagi li kahani…Geeta ne lagbhag 10 baje khans lgaya.Khana bhoot hi laajwab tha.Maine khane ki tarif ki to pata chala ki khana bnana geeta ko bahot pasand hai.Khana khane k baad mujhe neenf aa gai pata hi nahin chala.Raat bhar jagte rahe the.Dopher ko 2 baje jaag aai to dekha geeta vahan nahin this.Wo thodi der mein as...

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