The Destroyers, Book 2: Hope And BetrayalChapter 27: Vengeance 5; Vengeance Is Mine free porn video

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Commodore Thompson stood there issuing orders to the crew of the Oregon.

"Lieutenant I want to know what is going on. Who authorized the launching of those mech lifters?" On the screen, lifter after lifter was dropping out of the bay and heading north. "How many mechs?"

Lieutenant Commander Shawn Edwards looked at the Commodore and replied, "Sir, I don't know. All I know is that the red alert went off in the mech bay, and then three wings of mechs or thirty mechs loaded up and left the ship. At the same time an S.A.R. team was dispatched as well."

As Captain White came running onto the bridge, Lisa appeared in a sparkling mist, and said, "Commodore, I sent them. Ted's mech has been destroyed and he has been captured by the cartel."

"What? Is he ok?" ask John as he turned to face Lisa.

Lisa accessed the ships sensors and replied, "Unknown at this time, I haven't been able to raise him. His locator beacon has him moving towards Medellin. I have dispatched the mechs to secure the remains of his mech and to rescue him. Unfortunately they will be inside the town before we can get there."

Tammy listened to Lisa and Commodore Thompson talk and then she walked over to the command chair and sat down.

"Who is the communications officer, who has sensors, and who is in charge of the helm?"

Shawn looked over from where he was talking to Commodore Thompson, and saw Tammy White sitting in the Captains chair. "Ma'am, I'm Lieutenant Commander Shawn Edwards. I'm in charge of communications. Ensign Tanya MacEwen has sensors and the helm is under the command of Lieutenant Joan Greenville."

"Thank you, Commander Edwards." Gathering her thoughts Tammy started issuing the orders. "Ensign MacEwen what's the report on the rescue mission at the hospital. Lieutenant Greenville, prepare to move the ship over Medellin."

Tanya looked up from her board at her name and replied, "Ma'am, sensors have determined there are no more survivors inside the hospital. We have recovered three hundred and twelve bodies, and rescued one hundred and sixteen."

Tammy cringed at the death toll and asked, "Thank you, Ensign. Are you sure there are no more survivors?"

"Yes, Ma'am. There are no more survivors. We have scanned right to the subbasement. They last survivors pulled out were in the maternity ward. We were able to save thirteen babies out of the fifteen that were in the ward. All survivors along with the dead, is on the ship. DNA samples have been taken of every body in the morgue, so they can be matched to their families, to be buried. They are shuttling up the families now, so they can be with their loved ones."

"Thank you, Ensign MacEwen. Commodore Thompson, I think we should build a space station that will be under the control of the medical department."

John watched Tammy take charge of the situation as she had been trained to do.

"That's a good idea, Tammy. I will send the orders to my office and have it implemented."

Shawn noticed his com board flashing, and stepped over to the board.

"Oregon, here. Go." Listing to the report he said, "Wait one."

Turning to Captain White, he got her attention.

"Ma'am, I have a Priority Red for you from Flag."

Tammy looked over to Commander Edwards, and replied, "Put it on screen."

Turning back to his com unit, he activated the screen.

"Go ahead Washington."

The flag bridge of the command battleship came on the screen, Admiral Thompson was sitting in his chair, the flashing the soft red glow of the battle lights highlight Ken as he was giving orders. Some one said something to him and he looked up into the screen.

"Tammy, we have a shit load of trouble. The signal was from the T'Lari battleship that came through the gate with the Washington. It seems she got this far and crashed. The NAT teams have found human and T'Lari survivors on board the ship. We have initiated a rescue of the human survivors. I don't know how many we can get out." Distracted by someone, Ken turned his head, and said something and looked back at the screen. "The first batch of survivors are coming out now, I have summoned the hospital ships to take care of the wounded and dead. Any word on Ted, is he back on board the ship?"

Tammy went white at the question, and replied with moisture at the tips of her eyes. "Ken, Ted's been captured by the cartel, they some how blew up his mech..."

On the screen, Ken gripped his armrest of his chair so tightly his fingers went white from the pressure. "Tam, use any resources you need, but get him back."

"I will, we have dispatched three mech wings to search for him. His locator has him being taken into Medellin. I have sent the mechs an order to surround the city and get him out of there. I'm about ready to issue an ultimatum to the city that they surrender Carlos Fajardo and Ted to us. Or I will begin deploying the ships marines and take the city."

"No, you will not. Use the ship's NAT's to get him out."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir, I didn't think of them." Tammy thought of the Oregon's Nat teams and their commanding officer and her mind flashed back to the trial.

Commander Jimmy Hutcheson looked up as the Judges of the trial came in and he came to attention.

Ted tapped his gavel on the pad and said, "Thank you everyone for being on time. I have received a message from Commander Hutcheson that he would like to address the court before we start. I know this is unusual for any court. However, I'm going to grant his request. Commander Hutcheson you may precede with your statement."

Jimmy looked at the court and then at the courtroom, and his eyes settle onto Doctor O'Neil as he spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the court, I wish to apologize to the court for my actions and my outburst yesterday. My actions were unprofessional of a United States Navel Officer. I embarrassed my Country, my President, the Navy, and everyone under my command. The only thing I can say is I'm sorry. I will accept any punishment you wish to bestow on me. However, I ask you not to blame my men for what I did. Thank you."

Ted stood up, and walked around the table to the commander and offered his hand.

"Commander, it wasn't your fault. We know you were sick and it was affecting your behavior. There will be no blame for it."

Jimmy looked at the Commander and took his hand. "Thank you."

Ted patted the man's shoulder, and walked back to his table and stood there while Commander Hutcheson sat down.

"Now I have a statement to make. After conferring with Commander Hutcheson's boss, General Polk, it has come to our attention that this was an official mission of the United States Government to try to steal this ship. All charges against Commander Hutcheson and his men have been dropped. However, I issue this warning to every government of the planet Earth. Do not ever try to seize one of our ships again. The next time we will bring the full force of our combined might down upon you. Right now, we have three ships, but in six weeks, we will be launching our first homebuilt battlewagons, destroyers, transports and hospital ships."

"We offer to every nation's citizens that if they wish to join the Federation they can. You will be tested before you're allowed to join to see if you're sincere, when you join you will be given the oath of allegiance to the Federation and you must give up all citizenship of your home country. We will cure any disease that you or your family has. We offer the cure for Aids, Cancer, Kawasaki Disease, and any other disease that is running rampant at this time, to anyone on the planet. We offer cures for drug addiction, inoculations that will make some drugs like cocaine and marijuana inert in the addict's system. We offer all these medical cures free, with no strings attached."

"In five hundred years this planet will be destroyed by a race called the T'Lari, the T'Lari consider humans, and all life forms, as food." Reaching down he picked up a small box and pressed a button on it. A hologram appeared.

"This is a T'Lari, ladies and gentleman. They average in height at around seven feet, but up to ten is not uncommon. They particularly like our children as their primary meal," Ted said.

The hologram changed to show the T'Lari slaughtering a small colony, and eating the people.

"This was a colony that was located fifty light years away. The T'Lari destroyed the Navy ships assigned to the planet and invaded. The remote cameras caught this footage of the main square of the city where the population was herded and eaten." Turning off the remote, he continued, "The T'Lari refused to talk with us, or even negotiate a peace. Every attempt of communication was wiped out to the last man, woman and child.

"At this time, the T'Lari are at war with a race called the Tralcan, and they will be destroyed in twenty years. We refuse to allow that and we will stop it. At the same time, I know you all are wondering about the destruction of Reno Nevada. In addition to what happened to the city, some of the religious right is saying it was because of the sin of gambling. Well, I have a few words for them. It was not because of sin. It was the fault of a race called the Crytherians. This race issued an ultimatum to the United Nations in nineteen sixty-one in a closed meeting. They told the world governments that if they were not allowed to kidnap fifteen thousand humans a month from around the world, then they would destroy every city in the world from space. The people who were kidnapped have been sold into slavery. We now have set up a webpage. If someone in your family has gone missing in the years since nineteen sixty-one, go to the web page. Look for your country and then go to the year and month you think they became missing. I should warn you that the Crytherians lied to the UN, they have taken a lot more of our people since nineteen sixty-one than they agreed on. The count is over ten million men, women and children kidnapped.

"Now back to the reason of the explosion, the Crytherian slaver in charge of the Reno area kidnapped a good friend of mine. We originally thought the slaver was a serial killer called 'the Brander', but we were wrong. It seemed that 'the Brander' used cloned tissue to make a copy of the people he kidnapped, and then left it as a dead body for the police to find. We wanted to stop him because we thought he had killed a good friend of ours, Amy Lasker. When we went to stop him from taking his latest victim, he grabbed Lieutenant Commander Thompson ... Admiral Thompson's sister. We tracked them to the moon and stopped the Crytherians there. We took their base, then blew up a destroyer, captured a light cruiser and the freighter that had been sent to take another shipment of slaves."

Ted picked up his glass of water, and took a sip and then continued, "The Federation condemns these kidnappings and will use the might of our Navy, even as weak as it is now, to strike back at them. We hope in nine weeks, a task force will attack their primary mining world where hundreds of thousands of humans are being forced to mine for the Crytherians. We will free our people and bring them home to their loved ones. This I promise you, the Admiral promises you, and the Federation promises you. Good night. God Bless Terra and her people."

Tammy snapped back to the present as someone said something across the bridge.

"Get me Commander Hutcheson of the ship's NAT teams up here. Lieutenant Greenville, move us over Medellin. Launch fifty fighters to circle the ship."

"Yes, Ma'am," replied Commander Edwards as he turned to his com panel and opened a line to the NAT team room.

Joan typed in the commands to the ship, and it started moving towards the city, passing over the mountain range.

Thirty seconds later the ship came to a dead stop, and Joan said, "Ma'am I've over the city."

Commander Hutcheson was addressing his NAT teams on the latest Sims test, when the com chimed. Walking over to the wall, he pressed the com panel, and he spoke into it.

"Commander Hutcheson speaking."

"Commander Hutcheson, this is Lieutenant Greenville up on the bridge. Please report to the bridge, ASAP. Captain White wishes to speak with you in person."

"On my way. Hutcheson, out." Jimmy turned to his teams and said, "I want all teams ready for deployment. I'm not sure what the mission is. I will let you know when I know. I want you all ready for..."

Suddenly a sneeze shattered the air.

"Franklin, you're excused. Get to medical. Have that cold treated. Watts! Get his gear ready for him."

Both privates nodded their heads and Private John Franklin walked out of the bay.

"I will be back."

Jimmy turned and ran out of the bay. He stepped into the nearby transport tube.

Tammy got up, and started pacing the deck. On the screen, a blinking blip showed Ted's locator beacon entering the city. It disappeared as he was taken into a building. Around the city, mech landers start landing and deploying their mechs, while above the city, fifty fighters start circling the besieged city.

"Tap into every TV station and radio station in the city. Translate it into Spanish."

Shawn entered the commands into his console and took over the stations.

"Yes, Ma'am. Tapping into the feeds. You're on, now."

"Good day, I'm Captain White of the Federation battleship Oregon, I have a message for Carlos Fajardo and his drug cartel. Release my mech pilot now and surrender yourself and the people responsible for the bombing of Saint Mary's Hospital in Bogotá. If you don't, I will send in my marines, and we will tear the city apart. I'm initiating a blockade of the city; the only ones who will be allowed to leave will be the elderly, and the families with woman and children. Anyone else will be forced to stay until we get my pilot back. If any harm comes to him, when I catch the ones responsible, they will pay for their crimes under Federation law. That is all."

As she was finishing speaking, Commander Hutcheson came onto the bridge.

Tammy turned to Hutcheson and said, "Jimmy, get your teams ready for insertion."

Same as The Destroyers, Book 2: Hope and Betrayal
Chapter 27: Vengeance 5; Vengeance is mine Videos

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 6 Leaving the Caves

After talking for an hour, everyone turned in and got some sleep. While they slept, Amy watched over them, by making an image of herself appear in each room. Sitting in a chair, she watched them sleep, and sighed with contentment. A crew, at last! It had been so long since she'd had anyone on board that she could talk with. She then went back to examining their plans about using the mech warriors as ground assault vehicles. She took what information she could find on the computer game (and...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 28

She was running! From what, she didn't know. All she knew, was it was behind her, always behind her. When she looked, she could not find it. Its heavy breathing was heard, and its breath was on the back of her neck. Pain flared through her body, as she was missing something that was important to her. She was running through a ship, being pursued by the darkness, running through the sterile walls of force screens, it was so close she could feel it. It was behind her, and it reached out and...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 3 One Little Girl and Many Soldiers

Ted walked down the hallway, passing people who were being guided out of the medical bays, and were being lead back down to the shuttles. Passing a side passageway, he started to head into medical when he heard the crying. Turning around, he saw a brown haired girl sitting against the wall. Her dress was slightly dirty, and her knees were pressed tightly to her chest as she rocked. Walking over, he saw she was about eight years old. Kneeling beside her, he said, "Hi, I'm Ted. Are you...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 29 Interfaces

The Federation battleship USS Washington: 1:50 P.M. Jessica handled the ship as though she was born to do it. The ship was shrugging off the enemy fire and her weapons were firing at the Washington D.C. shield trying to take it down. Turning her head she smiled at her husband and wife as the status reports came in from the fleet. "Enemy shield down to 36% power," reported Lieutenant Akiko Fujimoto. "Thanks, Akiko. Keep up the pressure," Tammy said just as Jessica screamed and the ship...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 13 Discovery

On the main screen, the shuttle with the NAT teams moved into the hanger and shut down. The image changed and they saw the twenty-four men and woman come down the ramp with their weapons on their shoulders. They were followed by eight techs, who would work the equipment in the dome. Ken sat back and watched the shuttle. His mind wandered back to the trial and all that had happened that day. Trial Ken looked up at the sound of the chimes at his door. "Come!" The doors slid open and...

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Love and Vengeance

1. Battle Another warrior met his end by means of my axe, reddened as it was, again, with a fresh new glisten. I surveyed the battling masses, a good foot taller than almost all other men I took advantage of a moment to plan my next engagement. There was a way through the melee to the other side of their ranks and axe swinging I carved a morbid path through. My blood was boiling, charged with the intensity of the battle, but cold it ran as I spied the means of my death. Mostly...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 34 Birth of the Apocalypse Squadron

The girls separated and headed for their quarters, where they started packing their belongings. Tina skipped down the passageway to her cabin, and opened the door and stopped. "Oh no! Sampson, what have you done?" Walking in, she looked at the dog's head and chest. It was covered in pizza sauce. The table was overturned. Shaking her head, she started cleaning the mess up. Ten minutes later, she had the auto-vac vacuuming the floor. She led Sampson into the bathroom, got the shampoo out...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 38 Battle for Karsakini Part 3

Governor Kailnis watched the strange ships come down. Before he could activate his defenses, the weapons on the freighter blew them away. "Order up the guard! We need to stop these invaders, send orders to the fleet to get us help..." an explosion stopped what he was saying and he turned his head and saw one of the armored hover cars explode as a giant war machine came in sight, and he continued, "Destroy that thing." Heavy laser cannons opened up from the top of the defense wall and...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Vengeance Is Mine

In Millie's Vast Expanse, not every story has a happy ending – not all lives are sunshine and rainbows. Demons walk among us, they move in the shadows watching, waiting for the opportunity to devour those they can. Sometimes the most brilliant minds have the darkest thoughts, sometimes the scales can't be balanced through the system. Sometimes people with the best of intentions take justice into their own hands. Offered up for your approval, the life and times of one Elizabeth "Shortcake"...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 20 A Scream in Hell Children from Hell

Kevin sneaked through the darkened ship, his plasma rifle at 'port arms' and ready to fire. Watching for the 'bugs' as he walked down the passageway, he came to an intersection. Stopping, he looked carefully in all four directions, and listened. Detecting nothing, he leaned down and marked the floor in the way he had come. He turned and moved to the right. Moving past a door, he looked in. Then he heard the scream. Jerking his head up, he ran silently towards the screaming and came to...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 12 Discovery and Planning

The transport tube doors opened and they stepped out into the hallway outside of the medical bay. Turning she led them down the short corridor and into the medical section. Molly was helping a young man to sit up in his bed as they entered. She was holding a glass in her hand. Once the patient had taken a drink from the glass, she set it down on the table. "Molly, I have some guests for you," Tammy said. "Be right there, Tammy." Looking at the young man she said, "Lieutenant Myers,...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 13 Mollys Dinner Recruitment

Molly watched her new friends drive away. When they were out of sight, she turned back to her mother. She stepped back in to her mother's arms and gave her a hug. Stopping the hug, she looked her mom in the face. "Mom, how about pizza tonight?" Kathleen looked at her baby, and she felt complete again as she realized the hole in her heart was once again filled. "What ever you want sweetie, the number for Pizza Hut is on the fridge like always." Shaking her head, she replied, "No mom,...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 33 Tinas Idea

Tina Wayne stormed into her room. The com had just announced that Admiral Thompson had reassigned all the adults under the age of seventeen back to Mars base. Grabbing a vase off the nearest table and hurled it across the room. It shattered into myriad pieces, against the far wall. "How dare he do this to me? He has no right!" she screamed. Sampson came boiling out of her bedroom, a half chewed bone dangling from his mouth. Seeing his mistress he ran over to her, his two hundred pound...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 25 Escape from Hell part IV

Ko'Nar heard the accursed Marines coming. He stood there waiting. His knives were ready, and in the rooms on each side of the passageway, some of the Royal guard stood ready to fight. Hearing the breathing of the humans, he waited until he saw the gun, and swung his upper left arm. The knife hit his target in its eye, and it went deep into its brain. Screaming as he stepped around, he started to hack at the next human, as it pointed a strange weapon at him. The next thing he knew, he was on...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 23 Escape from Hell part II

Corporal Ricker watched the T'Lari go through the dead ones, and start eating them. Within three minutes, it had cracked open a leg and sucked marrow out of the bones it found. Suddenly his com chimed in his head and he heard Tom Morris' voice. 'Corporal Ricker, this is Corporal Tom Morris. I am bringing in twenty-one survivors, one critically wounded, two KIA. Sean is one of the dead, but he went down fighting.' 'Okay, Tom. Let me take care of the T'Lari that's eating his...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 22 Escape from Hell

Sammy stood there, her axe and knife clutched firmly in her hands as she looked up at the creature, trembling in fear. The fourteen-foot tall creature reared up, its twenty-foot long tail swinging up and over its head. Its front upper claws clicked together as the lower two hands held giant swords. Its mandibles clicked and crunched the remains of the small child in its mouth. She looked down on the two humans as her forked tongue cleaned her face of blood and gore. "I so love your small...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 4 Seals

Commander Jimmy Hutcheson led the five groups of Seals down the Truckee River. A couple of fighters seemed to be flying search patterns so he had his men duck back under the water and hug the bottom of the river. Swimming along they pass the wreckage of downtown, and head the three miles toward the City of Sparks. Two hours later, after they surface near the backside of the 'Reno Hilton' the teams fanned out along the riverbank while Jimmy stripped out of his black suit and pulled on some...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 15 Medical and a Guest

Stepping out of the transport tube, Tammy walked into the medical bay, and over to a young girl. Looking down, she saw a beautiful child lying there, who should not have a care in the world. "Ashley, we will make it better for you, I promise." Tammy looked around the huge room, and saw Molly down at the far end talking to someone, and wandered down that way. As she got closer, she saw Commander Hutcheson sitting up in one of the beds. "Commander, you should start feeling better, now....

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 32

Dreams and the Launching of the attack Richard grabbed the tail of the creature they had killed. With it still stuck in the hole, he braced his feet and tried to pull it free, or turn it. He heard another click as it turned in the other direction. The hum disappeared as a loud snap came from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a huge bed, with piles of human skulls around it. A computer console stood next to the bed. "Damn it! It wasn't the tail that took out the gravity, it was...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 10 Avoidance and Destruction

Asteroids tumbled around the two Crytherian freighters as they slowly skirted the Oort cloud, at edge of the system. Aboard the Crytherian freighter, Bountiful Trove, Captain Jelkisa watched their escorts hyper to the ninth planet, to check out the sensor target they have picked up. Watching the view screen, he said, "Navigator Tilsi, set coordinates for two destinations, one the ninth planet, the other for the planet Karsakini." Turning to another Crytherian he continued, "Liskeria,...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 1

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 1 By Elliot Reid "If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me; I had it from my father." I snapped the book shut, eyes unfocusing from the text. With my fingers I massaged my temples, kneading tension away. I was approaching my birthday with mixed feelings. In two days I'd be sixteen. I'd have crossed another threshold. Would I feel more grown-up? I looked over at the stack of comic books by my bed, beside the Joseph Campbell and the Homer that I was...

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Night Skies Hotel VI Destroyers of Worlds

Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 31 The Rescues and the Vaskat

Ken watched the Captains file out and head back to their own ships. Sitting in his chair, he smiled at Kala, and said, "I think your plan is going to work, at least the other Captains were excited about..." he said. He looked up as the doors open and Tammy walked in. "Hi, love, it's good to see you." Tammy walked in to the conference room and stopping as she saw the platinum haired woman sitting across from Ken. "Hello, Admiral, who's your friend?" 'Hello, sister, I am Kalaria,...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 17 Ship of Hell

Ken looked up at the sound of the chimes at his door. "Enter." Susan walked in and faced Ken and came to attention. "At ease, Commander." "Thank you, Sir," Susan said. Then she continued, "Sir, the NAT's are going in, now." Ken stood up and hit save on his computer pad, saving the document he was working on, "Thank you, Susan, I will be right out." Walking to the huge bay window, he looked down on Pluto as Susan walked out of the room. 'What's down there?' he thought then...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 9 Beginning of Freedom

Ted recovered first, as he looked at his baby sister, and said, "Lisa what are you doing here? What do you mean the ship has..." Lisa faded away, re-appeared in front of him, and replied, "That is what I meant big brother." Ted felt the blood drain from his face as he looked at his sister. His thoughts flashed to Amy, trapped in her capsule, and he lost his temper. He growled, "No! I won't have it!" Walking over to the com unit, he pressed an icon on the panel, and said, "This is...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 18 Ship of Hell

Ken felt the connection close after talking to his mom, and he looked out at the bridge. His thoughts were on his sister who was lying wounded in the Oregon's medical bays. In his gut, he feared the worst because his dad was on the way to the Oregon. Looking around the flag bridge his eyes settled on Susan at the com station. He asked, "Susan any word on NAT team one?" "No, Sir. Nothing. NAT team two is going down now, they are going to have to re-bore the hole and see if they can get...

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