The Destroyers, Book 2: Hope And BetrayalChapter 38: Battle For Karsakini Part 3 free porn video

Governor Kailnis watched the strange ships come down. Before he could activate his defenses, the weapons on the freighter blew them away.
"Order up the guard! We need to stop these invaders, send orders to the fleet to get us help..." an explosion stopped what he was saying and he turned his head and saw one of the armored hover cars explode as a giant war machine came in sight, and he continued, "Destroy that thing."
Heavy laser cannons opened up from the top of the defense wall and smashed into the Cheetah that had appeared. It exploded into ruin.
Then fifty more Mechs came charging down the roads leading to the capital building and opened fire. The outer walls exploded as plasma cannons, railguns, heavy lasers, missiles and machine guns ripped the defenders to shreds, while marines rushed forward to capture as many of the leading officials as they could and vacuum any computer systems they could find.
Crytherian warriors engaged the attackers in hand-to-hand combat, while others rushed the officials towards the escape tunnel and freedom. Governor Kailnis watched as his mate was passed down into the tunnel, and then he turned to descend.
As he took his first step in to the tunnel, the door exploded inward. Strange looking creatures rushed in and started shooting everyone. Within seconds, every remaining Crytherian in the room was either dead or unconscious. The marines followed down into the tunnel capturing the rest of the government's staff.
Captain Louis Hollow stood in landing bay one, with the rest of the medical teams, as the shuttles started landing with the first load of rescued victims. Marines stood ready to guide the unwounded to quarters, while antigravity sleds stood ready to carry the wounded to the medical bays.
The first shuttle in had a picture of an eighteen-wheeler on its side. It slammed onto the deck and skidded to a stop. All five of its ramps and doors opened. Marines rushed onto the shuttle, and started carrying the wounded off the ship. One marine, wearing a flight suit, stepped out carrying a small child who was crying in her arms.
"Lieutenant I will take him," replied Louise as she stepped up to the marine.
"Ma'am, his name is Johnny Ra ... Johnny Armstrong, I am adopting him. He has no family."
"Okay, Lieutenant Armstrong, that's fine by me. Now, we have more wounded to get up here in the next few hours, and I need you on your shuttle. I will treat him, and have him taken to your quarters."
"Thank you, Ma'am." Looking down at Johnny on the gurney, she smiled and said, "Johnny, you be good. I will see you in a little while."
"I will, Gail, I promise I will be good," replied Johnny, as he looked around at all the healthy humans rushing around the huge ship helping the escaped slaves.
"Johnny you're going to sleep now, when you wake up you will be healing," replied Captain Hollow as she injected the boy with a sedative.
Around the bay, thousands poured out of the shuttles. They were led away while many more were taken to the giant medical bays to be healed and the thousands of doctors that stood ready to assist them.
As the first ten shuttles lifted off, ten more came in and it continued this way for the next several hours.
Around the system, ships fought and died trying to free or stop the rescues of the hundreds of thousands of slaves.
Across the bay, two shuttles came in, filled with new mothers and their babies and were rushed up to K-deck and the maternity wards.
Louise watched as her people did their jobs. She was about to return to her duties when a commotion by one of the shuttles caught her attention. Turning, she watched as a hundred marines rushed towards the ship, and started herding the prisoners away.
Governor Kailnis snapped his wrists around and the human went down when he hit him in the throat. Bellowing he started kicking the downed human as more rushed towards him.
"Touch me you scum? I will teach all of you your place."
Louise ran over to the fight, pulling her .357 magnum, and came to a stop in front of the Crytherian.
With a backhand slap that got his attention, she snarled, "Shut up, you fucking bastard, or so help me I will just blow your head off!"
Kailnis head snapped back and he was looking into the barrel of one of the largest human guns he had ever seen.
"Human, release me, and it may go easy for you," he snarled back.
"You don't get it, do you, asshole? We are blowing your fleet to shreds! Already we have blown up your two battleships, and ten of your cruisers, for the loss of one destroyer and fifteen hundred humans. Governor, you're going to stand trial for crimes against humanity, along with anyone else responsible for the kidnapping and murder of ten million humans."
Stopping her tirade she watched as they helped the marine onto an antigravity bed and took him away.
Then she continued, "And Governor, we love good trials. You will get a fair one, and then a noose or a bullet. We have your signature on documentation authorizing the raping of our world for our people. So do not even think of trying to deny it." Turning to the marines around her she issued her orders, "Take this scum away, and clear my deck, we have more people to rescue."
Sixteen-year-old William Odessa sneaked through the city, his knife held ready while around him explosions rippled through the defenses as he moved towards his target. Running down the street, he came to an overturned hovercar. He knelt beside it as he watched his target.
Noticing that the guards were gone from their posts at the doors, William ran across the street and slammed his back against the wall. As he moved to the door and listened for any sound, he heard a rumbling noise. Looking around he saw coming up the street three huge tanks that rumbled towards the intersection with fifty or so foot soldiers escorting them. Their armor sparkled in the sunlight while one waved a strange box around and then stopped while pointing right at him.
"General Anderson, I have seventy-five humans in the building ahead of us," replied Corporal Elliot Wilson as he knelt behind a metal container laying on its side, the doors popped open and he could see that it was full of some type of electronics. Spotting something like a PDA/Laptop, he placed several in his pack.
William watched as the strange troops headed his way.
As he slid along the wall towards the door, he said, "Hold on, Lisa, I am coming."
Just as he reached the doors, they flew open and, five Crytherian warriors stepped out with their weapons raised, and they open fire on the strange troops.
Corporal Wilson snapped his plasma rifle up and started firing at the Crytherians and that was when he saw the human.
"Check fire, we have a non-combatant in the line of fire."
Major-General Tom Anderson looked around, and spotted the skinny kid with the knife, and he issued his orders.
"Cease fire! Tanks, move up! See if you can get them to run."
The weapons go quiet as the tanks move forward, their barrels pointing at the Crytherians and then one fired, shattering the hover car to the left of the building with a huge ball of plasma. On the speakers in the language of the Crytherians, they were told to surrender. They refused and charged the huge ground tanks.
Major-General Anderson waited until they were almost on top of the tanks before he shouted, "OPEN FIRE!" five seconds later the warriors lay dead and the marines rushed towards the building.
William watched as the troops came charging his way, and then he ran into the building and slammed into a Crytherian female. With a quick thrust of the knife, he stabbed her under her chin and then he was running through the building looking in each of the rooms.
Each room held his worst nightmare, human females in their final stage of pregnancy, about to be torn apart by a Crytherian young as they give birth. With tears running down his face he continued his searching while behind him he heard more gunfire and yelling. Running up the stairs, he charged onto the third floor, where he started searching again, and finally stopped at one of the doors. Inside, a young girl of about sixteen lay on a bed. Her belly so swollen it looked like she was having triplets. She was screaming, but no sound was coming from her mouth, due to the metal band around her forehead.
Tom followed the young man he saw run into the building, he had glanced into the rooms and he was shocked at what he had seen. He felt tears at the corners of his eyes but held them back as he snapped out his orders.
"Get these women evacuated, and inject them with nanobots to destroy those alien fetuses."
Hearing a door slam, he checked his sensor and saw the person was going up another flight of steps. With a burst of speed, he started running. His armored feet slammed down on the tiles of the floor, cracking them as he ran. Hitting the stairway door with his shoulder it flew off the hinges and down into the basement as he turned and started up the steps, his infrared screen showing him the footprints of the man he was tracking.
William walked into the room, went to his sister on the bed, and held her hand. Tears were dripping down his face as her eyes focus on him, and the pleading in them to stop her pain.
"Lisa, I love you," he said.
Yanking the band off so she could talk, he kissed her forehead.
Lisa Odessa looked up at her twin brother and begged, "Kill me, now!"
"I can't, Lisa," William replied, as he shook his head flinging the tears away as he dropped the headband.
"You have to William, it's going ... aarrgg." she started breathing heavier, and continued, "The pain! It's eating me! Please ... oh please! Kill me! Make it ... aarrgg." Lisa's body arced in pain and dropped back onto the bed.
"I love you, Sis," William said as he raised the knife and took aim for her swollen belly. Closing his eyes, he slammed the blade downward.
Tom followed the images of the tracks and he stopped as he heard talking and a woman pleading for someone to kill her. Pushing the door open, he saw the young boy raising the knife. As the blade started its downward thrust, he lunged forward and got his hand in front of the blade. He grunted in pain as the blade pierced his hand.
He cried out, "Son of a bitch, that hurts."
William opened his eyes as he heard a voice. He turned and looked into the face of an older man. Then he looked down, and he saw his knife was all the way through the man's hand. Staggering back the man yanked the knife out, pulled out some type of bandage, and wrapped it.
"Who are you?"
Tom looked at the man and then realized he was just a young boy, and replied, "Hello, I am Major-General Tom Anderson Federation Marines, we are here to get all the humans off this..." a scream interrupted him.
He looked down at the woman on the bed. Reaching into his pouch, and he pulled out a nano-injector and injected it into the girl. Within seconds, the Crytherian warrior spawn was dead. The nanobot's started using the Crytherian's body to replicate themselves as they began healing the girl.
"Your sister is going to be okay now, within a day you both will be on your way home to Terra," seeing the confusion he changes his words, "I mean Earth." Stepping over to the boy, he changed the setting on the injector and dosed the boy, as he continued, "This will start any curing that you need, and it will also destroy the bomb in your arm." Turning he picked up the girl and started carrying her out the door.
Stopping at the door, he looked at the boy, and asked, "Are you coming, boy?"
"My name is William, and that's Lisa, and yes I'm coming," replied William.
As he followed the big marine, it dawned on him, that they were going home.
Goris lifted his laser carbine and sighted down the street at the invaders. Below in the central courtyard of the palace the invaders were herding the slaves onto the shuttles and taking off. Reaching down, he activated the Thrack cannon attached to the laser, sighted onto one of the giant robots, and he fired. The projectile flew through the air and smashed into the chest of the robot and the explosion hurled parts of the machine across the compound. Pressing a switch on the weapon, it quickly reloaded as he sighted onto one of the shuttles and fired again. Then he was running as they remaining robots turned and opened fire on his building. Hurling out the back window he activated his antigravity belt and flew to his next hide.
Lieutenant Samuel Wilks looked out the view screen of his Bengal Mech, and watched as the marines hustled the slaves onto the shuttles. There, other Mechs quickly injected them with nanobots. Activating his scanners, he turned his Mech and was hit by an explosive device that shattered the Mech. The ejection mechanism hurled him up and out of the Mech as it exploded. As he descended, one of the shuttles partially exploded as the remaining Mechs open fire on a building further down the street.
"Damn it," he said as the explosion hurled people out of the ramps as flames licked the insides.
Running through the building a pair of new missiles loaded, Goris knelt beside an open window and sighted down the road, as the robots started moving out. Sighting one of the larger robots, he fired and was surprised when the missile exploded early and it turned towards him. Firing the second round, he turned and started running as the building flew apart around him.
Colonel Vickie Hazel felt her Death Stalker Mech sway as the missile impacted on her shield, whipping around she sighted the second missile coming at her and aims all her weapons on the building where it came from. Opening fire with all eight plasma cannons, three heavy lasers, and a pair of 120 mm auto cannons the building literally exploded under the deadly fire.

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