The Ring AOChapter 68 Baddies gone
- 4 years ago
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Dan Casey had mixed emotions about flying down to Florida. While he was happy to be leaving the cooler weather up north and heading to the sunny south, he had enjoyed the Saturday night dinner dates with Dana and Kerrie’s periodic layovers at O’Hare. Dana said she would see him when he came back north for the holidays but Kerrie said layovers in Tampa would be a rare occurrence for her. These were two great women and he would miss being with them.
Dee had sent him an e-mail saying that she wouldn’t be down south until after the holidays because of family commitments but she planned on going to the casino when she did come to Florida. That meant to him that she wanted to spend three and a half hours with Dan in a hotel room engaging in sexual activities.
While Dan admittedly had gotten somewhat spoiled by having some very satisfying female companionship. He knew that he could survive here in Florida without sex until he went back north for Christmas and saw Dana. He would just put more effort into his golfing and fishing activities and there was always playing bridge on Tuesday nights.
He thought that the days didn’t go by fast but they did and so did the weeks. He was always a little amazed when he noticed the current day’s date on the calendar.
Fishing had been deteriorating to where now it was only a hit-and-miss situation. It was going to continue to change and not for the better. The water temperature now was down to sixty-six degrees which was expected as it indicated the winter months were coming. An old-timer had told Dan that the bait fish move to deeper water once the water temperature hits sixty-five degrees and the other fish follow which makes for poor fishing. The forecast was for cooler weather.
Despite the changing water temperature Dan decided to take a chance and go to Fort Desoto County Park in the early morning and fish off their ocean pier instead of casting a fishing lure next to his condo. Maybe he would get lucky this late in the season and catch a few Spanish mackerel for dinner. If he got lucky, maybe he would hook into a bonito. Dan didn’t care to eat that fish but he enjoyed hooking one, fighting it, and landing it. It was a lot of fun hooking into this eight to ten-pound distance relative to a tuna as they were terrific fighters. There were people at the pier who were happy to take the bonito off Dan’s hands if he was fortunate to catch one.
Dan knew at a glance he should have stayed home when he pulled into the pier’s parking lot. There were only two other cars in the parking lot which told him that the locals knew fishing wasn’t good. He knew fishing was good at other times when he saw more than twenty cars in the parking lot.
He walked the pier and confirmed that fishing was bad with the two fishermen that were there. The extremely windy weather caused large waves which had clouded the water. It would take about four days for the water to clear assuming the wind didn’t return. After talking with these fishermen for about ten minutes Dan decided not to wet a line and to head on back to his condo.
Dan was thinking about what was on his to-do list while driving back to his condo. At this time in the early morning, there was no traffic on this road which was the main drag that runs through Terra Verde. He observed one bicyclist who was going in the opposite direction. There was a jogger in front of him going in his direction on the sidewalk. The jogger looked to be a female. He saw her take a funny step then stumble and fall down. She tried to break the fall by extending her hands in front of her.
Dan pulled his car over to the side of the road and stopped his car. He exited his car and went to this jogger who still was down.
“Are you all right?”
“I don’t know, my ankle hurts and I have some scratches. I guess that’s what I get for watching that flight of pelicans flying over and not where I was going. I should have seen that little pothole.
“Here, let me help you up.”
She started to stand but she groaned and grabbed Dan’s arm as she couldn’t stand on her right leg.
“Now I’ve gone and done it. To me, it feels like I have a bad sprain.”
“Are you sure it’s just a sprain? How about if I take you to St Anthony’s Hospital and we get that ankle checked out?
“I think it’s just a bad sprain and you have better things to do than to take me to the hospital.”
“Believe me! I have nothing better to do and I think you would feel better if we would get that ankle properly checked out.”
She agreed to go to the hospital but she almost collapsed while trying to take her first step to Dan’s car and she would have if she didn’t hold on to Dan.
Seeing her do this he said, “Excuse me but we are going to do this the old fashion way” he put one arm around her waist and another arm under her thighs and picked her up to carry her to his car. Dan in carrying her guessed that she was about five foot five or six inches tall and she weighed about one hundred and ten pounds.
He got into his car on the driver’s side after she was seated and belted in the passenger seat.
“We should be at the hospital in about twenty minutes. I should introduce myself to you before I start driving. My name is Dan Casey” and he extended his hand to her.
She shook his hand and said, “Molly Ringman, and it’s nice meeting you but this is not under the best of circumstances.”
Dan started driving and thought that Molly was older than she looked when she saw her jogging. He would guess she was somewhere in her early forties.
She asked him about himself during the drive and he gave her the Readers Digest version of where he lived, being retired, a widower, and splitting his time between Florida and Northern Illinois.
He was pulling into the emergency entrance at St Anthony’s before he knew it. He asked the security guard who was there if there was a wheelchair available. A wheelchair was brought out which Molly sat in. Dan had his car valet parked. He pushed Molly sitting in the wheelchair into the emergency room reception area and stopped at the desk to tell the receptionist why they were there.
The receptionist took some information and asked both of them to take a seat to wait for a nurse. There were only two other people in the waiting room.
A nurse came up to them about five minutes later and asked Molly what had happened. After Molly told her about her ankle, the nurse started to push Molly down the corridor. Dan continued to sit in the waiting room.
The nurse seeing this stopped and waiving to Dan and said, “Your husband can come along.”
Both Molly and Dan thought it would be best and save some time if they didn’t correct this misconception so they didn’t say anything to the nurse about not being married to each other.
They went into a cubicle and Molly was able to get on an examining table with the nurse’s assistance. A doctor came in, did a quick assessment, and ordered an x-ray. The nurse cleaned the scratches and applied some antiseptic.
The x-ray technician came in with a portable machine, took a few x-rays, and left.
The nurse brought a bucket with some ice water and had Molly put her injured foot in it. After the nurse left the room Dan asked Molly to tell him about herself while they waited for the x-ray results.
“Well let’s see, I’m married and have one daughter. Like you, I spend about five months a year here in Florida and the remainder in Columbus, Ohio. Both my husband and I are CPAs and we have our firm in Columbus. We started the business with just the two of us and it has developed to where there are a total of twenty people working there. I decided that enough people were working there, so I cut back on my work hours. My daughter graduated from Ohio State, passed the CPA exam, and took my place at the firm this past year. I’ll go back and work there starting March first to help out during tax filing time but I’ll come back down here in September. I do like the warm weather and working out although I think my jogging days are going to have to be put on hold for a while.”
“Does your husband come down here?”
“Yes he does and he’s coming here this weekend. I can only guess what his reaction will be when he sees me and hears about this.”
The doctor came into the cubicle and said, “Good news, the x-ray shows that there’s no break, only a bad sprain. We’ll wrap your ankle and ask you to keep off it for a while. I would think that you should be pretty close back to normal in two weeks give or take a few days. You should start soaking your ankle in warm water two days from now.”
The nurse came in and put an elastic wrap around Molly’s ankle. With that done and after doing some paperwork Molly was wheeled out to the main entrance door. With a little assistance, she was able to get into Dan’s automobile.
“Thanks for taking me here, it was a very nice thing for you to do.”
“My pleasure and it was nice meeting and talking to you”
When Dan parked the car at Molly’s townhouse, Molly questioned how she was going to get up the first flight of stairs. She said that there was a pair of crutches and a cane in the garage when they purchased this townhouse which they kept but their being in the garage didn’t solve the present problem. The problem was solved when Dan picked Molly up and carried her up the steps.
Dan helped her into her townhouse and observed that her townhouse was nicely decorated. He passed on her offer of something to drink. He asked her if she needed anything from the store. She told him she did and was planning on going shopping today but that was now impossible.
Dan gave her his contact card and told her to think about what she needed. He said to send him an e-mail with her shopping list. Dan said he was going shopping later today anyway, so it’s no bother for him to do her shopping. Molly said that wasn’t necessary since her husband would be here in two days but Dan’s insistence wore down Molly’s resistance.
Before Dan left he went into the garage and found the crutches and cane, cleaned them up, and adjusted the crutches to Molly’s size. He left them along with her laptop computer, cell phone, and diet soda, all in Molly’s easy reach.
Dan felt good about being able to help Molly while driving back to his condo. She seemed like a nice person and he knew she felt good in his arms when he was carrying her.
Back at his condo Dan signed on to the net and checked his e-mail after cleaning up and making something to eat. There was an e-mail from Molly thanking him for his help and concern. Her shopping list was reasonable as to the number of items listed in this e-mail.
Dan drove to Publix to do the shopping later in the afternoon. He was able to purchase all of the items that were on Molly’s and his lists. He also purchased a few additional items.
After leaving the store, he quickly stopped at his condo to refrigerate the items that needed it and then continued to Molly’s townhouse.
When he pressed the doorbell button he heard her say, “It’s open, come on in,” through an open window.
Molly was sitting on the couch and she had washed up. She had changed out of her jogging clothes into tan Capri pants and a white blouse. It also looked to him that she had put a little makeup on. She cleaned up well was his thought in seeing her.
Dan placed what he had purchased for her on the kitchen counter. He put the items that needed refrigeration into the refrigerator.
Dan told Molly; “I didn’t think you’d want to cook tonight. I brought some fried chicken, German potato salad and coleslaw. I also purchased a large roast beef sandwich that I put in the refrigerator for you to have tomorrow. I’m sure your husband will take care of you when he comes here in two days.”
“It’s so thoughtful of you to do something like that, thank you.”
Molly used a cane to make it to the kitchen table and told Dan where the plates, utensils, and glasses for the soda were.
Dan thought the fried chicken and Molly’s company were good. Molly was not afraid to say what was on her mind. She had a sly sense of humor and some of her remarks made him laugh.
Dan excused himself after the meal. He told Molly not to hesitate to phone him if she needs anything. She couldn’t thank him enough for what he already did.
During the week Dan didn’t hear any more from Molly. He assumed that things were going well for her. He was leaving in three days to fly back north for the holidays. Dana told him in a phone conversation they had that she would be happy to pick him up at the airport. He would be surprised if she wasn’t planning on staying overnight since it was a Saturday.
He wasn’t surprised at all since Dana did stay the night. Both of them said they missed being with the other. Dana was a little bit on the horny side and Dan along with the ‘2-fer was able to correct that situation.
The holidays were nice. Two of his grandchildren knew the truth about Santa Claus but they didn’t say anything to spoil Christmas for the two younger grandchildren. The amount of food at his daughter’s Christmas day dinner table could have fed three times the amount of people that were there.
Per his custom of avoiding getting too deep in his memories of spending New Year’s Eve with Jenny, Dan had booked his return flight to Florida on that day.
After having his fill of college football on New Year’s Day, Dan prepared his to-do list.
While checking his e-mail he remembered that he had Molly’s e-mail address. Dan sent her a short note saying that he was back in Florida and wondered how her ankle was.
He received a reply from Molly the next day. In it, she said that the ankle was just about normal and she’s doing some jogging but watching where she goes. She said she came back three days after Christmas but her husband stayed in Columbus because of some new customers and a large account that wanted to have a full audit done. She asked Dan about his plans now that he was back.
Dan responded that golf would be his primary activity till the water warms up for fishing. He said he had checked and there was a u-pick tomato place that was still open on the other side of the Sunshine Bridge. Dan said he was going there to pick some tomatoes and afterward he was going to the outlet mall at Ellenton.
Molly replied, “Do you want some company when you go to Ellenton? I was planning on going there myself.”
Dan replied by saying that he was going there tomorrow and would pick her up at nine.
Dan was pleasantly surprised when Molly answered the door after he pressed the doorbell button. She was wearing tight tan slacks, a yellow striped blouse, and high heel platform shoes. He also noticed that her makeup made her look younger than she was. Molly was one good-looking woman. Because of the shoes, she was wearing it was obvious to him that she wasn’t planning to pick any tomatoes but she surprised him. Molly had a change of shoes in a bag that she carried.
At the U-pick place instead of picking they each purchased a large box of tomatoes that was inexpensive and more cost-effective. There were also some other vegetables there that they bought.
Arriving at the outlet mall Dan asked her how much time she needed to shop. She asked for two hours to which Dan agreed and said that he would meet her in the food court when the time was up. Dan only needed about thirty minutes to do his shopping but he had long ago learned that women needed more time to shop than men. He did his shopping, purchasing slacks, three shirts, and a rain jacket, all of which he placed in his car. He went and browsed in a golf store and then continued to the food court where he sipped on a soda while looking at some of the tourist brochures that were there. He knew he had a one-hour wait for Molly.
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Love Stories0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...
My name is amjed bajwa am 30 years old now and consider myself a sex maniac. Till now i have had sexual relationship with 5 girls and some boys ranging in age from 10 to 15. I am mad after big fatties, with huge massive shaking hips and large boobs. I serf the internet for watching bbw sites and download clips and then masturbate. I get maximum sexual stimulation whenever i see fatties with huge shaking hips. I am a government servant and now posted in rawalpindi. Two years ago i was posted in...
Welcome to the next chapter in the world of Cougars football and romance. Many thanks are in order to Estragon who can read through anything and sort it all out, making everything look that much better. Thank you for your very watchful eye. Words can’t express the amount of gratitude. As always, thoughts/suggestions/feedback is always welcomed. Cheers **** After circling the block to find a parking spot a street away, Hadley Wilkerson finagled the small Honda Civic into a slim opening along...
continued from part 2 Just then, someone knocked on the bedroom door, and said the cops were outside. Eddie said he would be right out, pulled his pants back up and told me to "COME". I was not accustomed to being treated like a dog, and just stood there not moving.He opened the door and looked at me, and saw me just standing there. The look in his eyes said it all, he didn't say a word, and I ran to his side. He walked out thru the living room past a dozen or so guys and told someone to turn...
It was Penn Fillis' last year at school. It was high summer, and he was keen to get back. He knew that his work was exceptional, and he thought he had a good chance of being accepted into university. The whole world was opening to him, his sister was proud of him, and his schoolmates impressed. His twin sister Dee had Penn's brains, but enjoyed life far too much to want to be a bookworm like he was. She was always up to some kind of mischief. She climbed the huge oak trees around town, she...
My cousin tiffany had come to visit for part of summer vacation. At the time i was 15 and she was 17. She was very pretty slender sexy. I was not bad looking but she was better looking then me. A couple days after she arrived my parents decided to go on a vacation. They felt safer leaving us together then me alone. The day after they left i got the urge to mastrabate i hadn't since tiffany had arrived so i waited until she was in her room reading. I went to the bathroom and closed the door i...
LesbianRick was certainly not in the best of moods when he began to sweep up the drive. He had, had a major row with one of his relatives who was critical of his attitude to various interpretations of so called ‘holy books’. This only increased his own hostility that had exploded three years before when his wife, in her belief of acceptance and toleration led to her backing the demand of the Islamic community for a Mosque to be built on vacant land a couple of streets away. That was the final straw...
I went to visit my Uncle last month while my brother was away for training and what I thought was going to be a boring visit turned my world around. My uncle owns a small ranch (ony about 60 acres) with a small barn and some horse stables. Whenever I visit I agree to help with the chores and I get to ride any of his horses anytime I want. On this visit my uncle got called away for business which left me at home with his wife who is an attractive woman but it is mostly her body and her...
He has been my virtual Dom for a while now. We met in a glorified chat world with porn star avatars. Through these interactions and some voice and cam sex, he has come to control everything. He tells me when to eat, determines where I can go, how to act and what to wear. He lives thousands of miles away, but He marks my body nearly everyday. I am His canvas, His muse. He demands twenty spanks on the right ass cheek, I inflict the contact at his command. His voice, my hand, his marks. My body is...
BDSMHello readers mein aj apni pehli story ap sabke samne batane ja raha hun koi bhul ho to maf karna. Mera mane Aryan hai mein jabalpur mein rehta hun graduation kar raha hun or sath mein friend ke sath masti or bhi bahut Kuch ab mein apne bare mein or bata dun meri height 5’4 hai mein body slim hai or mere land ka size 9 inc lamba or 3 se 4 inc mota hai jo ladies ko bahut hi pasand hota hai Ab mein story start karta hun ye kuch mahino pehle ki bat hai meri mami or mama ek shadi mein aye hue the...
Porn Story 3 by Penny Farthing. I was still working at six, the rest of the office staff had already gone home except Mrs Heller. I cringed when her husband came in and stared at me. "Who are you?" I stood up and with knees trembling, said in my breathy voice, "I'm Robyn, Mr Heller," and I bobbed for him. "And what are you?" he demanded. "I'm a sissy," I replied with tremulous voice. "You're a what?" he almost shouted at me which brought his wife out of her...
– What you are doing is wrong.She wasn't crying. She stopped when she realized that the hide-and-seek was over. That before her body there was something greater than her temporarily discomfort, and stronger than her fairly trained muscles. The situation was grotesque, something pleasurable and horrible and unexpected, but only Alice seemed to perceive it. – What you are doing is wrong – she said again, without conviction. He didn't say a word. She could smell his body as he was pressing his...
My name is kiran. I belong to the interior part of tamil nadu. My dad died at when i was 3 years and my s*s was 1 year. We had sugarcane farms and we became poor because of drought and my mom was looking after them. I was sent to Coimbatore for my education to my uncle’s house. After completing my Xth class i decided to look after the fields and give rest to my mom. I came back to my village and there my house is on the outskirts of the village and our farms are covered by fence on all sides,...
The Dycus' double wide was surprisingly neat, Michael noted as he walked through the otherwise seedy home of his newest slave. Harley logos and various bike- and tattoo-related magazines were everywhere, but placed with apparent care and made clear the owners' passion. But Michael saw with some dismay that the décor did not change when he went into Connie's room. There were framed magazine photos of female speed queens of the past, like Cha-Cha Muldowney and Sarah Fisher (no Danica, he...
Today’s casting candidate Bree is 22 years old and an exotic dancer… that’s a fancy way of saying she’s a stripper. This girl is a super hot tall drink of water who looks great in her flowing romper thing she’s wearing. Bree really does have a bit of a leg up on the competition coming from the stripper ranks, she doesn’t seem to be too nervous. You’ll notice she really has this certain confidence about her I kinda dig. We get to know her a little bit, and then get her out of that...
xmoviesforyouBy 4:00, the Lyons and Hartcliffe building had already put in a reconciliatory call to their rebellious daughter company across the street. "Hello? Is this Moreno's son?" "This is David." "David, this is Charles Gillespy. We'd like to discuss, uhm... terms." "Mmmm... nah." "C'mon! How can these men go home to their wives dressed like... THIS?!" "Well, maybe it will teach them a lesson." "How can they go home to their daughters?! To their sons? That look up to them?! As...
Hello everyone, my name is pruthvi. I am 18 years old from rajkot,gujarat. I am a student of engineering in a reputed college of rajkot. I am basically from surat. I got admission in a college in rajkot, so I got shifted. I live here as a PG (paying guest) there is no one sharing my room. So this incident happened few weeks back. My mid sems were over and now reading vacation was going on for our external exam. In the afternoon I was surfing on facebook for some hot girls, when I came across a...
Gay MaleAfter moving to Atlanta, I asked my beloved husband if we could get a dog. Victor said it would be fine, since the new house had a nice back yard, enough for a sweet dog and I would have some company when he would fly out of town on a business trip…So, some days later, we get a very nice Lab, who belonged to some friends that were going to spend a couple months in Europe.Victor then offered them we could take care of her nice dog during their absence. They gladly accepted our offer…The name was...
Thanks to everyone at Transcripts TG Fiction for all their support and help. And thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave reviews. We really appreciate it. Chapter 9 Ethan and Esme stood aside, watching Jay and Stef talking. The sky above was a weak but clear blue. "Maybe we should go somewhere. Maybe get coffee?" Ethan nodded. She assumed he knew what Stef and Jay were talking about and no more wanted to intrude than she did. There was a queue for the coffee...
Katie stood beside her car in the parking lot of Fantasy World, the local adult superstore not too far from her apartment. It was part of a surprise for her roommate, Suzie.Suzie was a lesbian that Katie and her boyfriend, Anthony, had met in the local coffee shop. Suzie had approached the couple a few times to take their order and offer refills, and it had been Anthony who had told Katie to ask her to their place. He had known that Katie was curious about girls. Katie was thankful that Anthony...
BisexualMelissa's Second Conquest by Michelle X Hello, it's me again. Melissa, remember? I'm the one who makes a living out of turning men into women. A few weeks ago I told you about how I turned my jerk boyfriend Steve into a pretty secretary named Stephanie who now has a gorgeous husband. Well, I thought you all would be interested in hearing about my second conquest. I had figured that my feminization of Steve would be my first and only one, but another challenge soon...
(C) 2010 All rights reserved When the doorbell rang, Emily hurried over to open the door and smiled at Neil. ‘Hi. Come on in.’ ‘Thanks.’ He stepped inside and Emily closed the door. ‘I’m almost ready. Just need the shoes and earrings.’ ‘Typical woman,’ Neil joked and Emily rolled her eyes. ‘Seems to me we waited on you more than once when you couldn’t find your lucky shirt and we were going to a hockey game.’ ‘Touché.’ He grinned and put a hand on her shoulder, leaned down to kiss...
She turned her head towards me and smiled, walking almost on her tiptoes from the pool, her body dripping wet and her brown hair clung to her shoulders. I looked up from my book and struggled to divert my eyes from her beautifully pert behind in that sexy red bikini and the way each cheek bouced slightly with each step. It wasn’t the first time I’d checked her out, I’d spent much of our holiday so far trying to disguise the bulge in my trousers that appeared everytime I saw her in her bikini,...