I Robot? free porn video

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It was a Friday afternoon around 4pm and Judie was almost finished cleaning. Living in a 4 bedroom house had many advantages, but the time it took to keep the place looking neat and tidy was not one of them. It was an almost daily task to go from room to room, dusting and hoovering so much that she barely had time to finish before it was time to prepare dinner for her husband.

Judie loved Tony and knew that he worked very hard to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. However, she spent the whole week feeling shattered at home on her own all day and there were times that this really got her down. Tony had offered to hire a maid on numerous occasions, but Judie didn’t feel comfortable letting a stranger walk freely around her home as they pleased. Therefore there was no option but to fill the role of overworked housewife herself.

Just as she finished adding the final layer of polish to the coffee table, there was a knock at the door. She went to answer it and there was a delivery man standing there, propping up a cardboard box that must have been almost six feet high.

‘Package for Mr and Mrs Miles.’ said the delivery guy.

‘What is it? I don’t remember ordering anything this size.’

‘I just deliver’em Miss I’m afraid. All I can tell you is that it’s paid for and bought in the name of Miles at this address.’

‘Oh, well it must be another one of my husband’s follies then.’ surmised Judie, signing for the package and wishing the delivery man well on his way.

Twelve years of marriage had taught Judie to expect all sorts of weird gadgets and gizmos to turn up unannounced at the front door in package form. She assumed it was Tony’s way of managing his frustrations. He always told her that he understood if she didn’t want to have sex as often as he would like, but over the years, once a week had become once a fortnight, once a month and now pretty much only on birthdays and Valentines. He was always trying to get her in the mood, but he never complained when he was predictably shot down.

In the past few months Judie had opened packages containing model train sets, flight simulators, an indoor putting green and even a clay pigeon shooting set. She was always intrigued as to what the next new toy could be. She was glad the box was on wheels as it must have weighed about fifty kilos and now it was standing in her living room, almost begging to be opened.

Judie knew that it wasn’t anything she had ordered, but the delivery was in her name too so she figured there would be no harm in opening the box up before Tony got home. She Fetched a knife from the kitchen and sliced away at the tape sealing the box until she was face to face with her newest possession.

She didn’t quite know what to make of it at all. Was it a sculpture? Some sort of metallic scarecrow? She couldn’t work out why even a whim-driven impulse buyer like her husband would need a metal statue.

Judie ran her hand over the face and head of the statue. She found a switch located at the back of its head which she accidentally flicked before she could even realise what it was.

An extremely bright flash filled the room, as if someone had just taken a photo with an ancient Victorian camera. Judie found herself temporarily blinded by the intensity of the light. She rubbed her eyes to try and rub away the blur in her vision and when clarity returned, she found herself staring at a naked version of herself happily standing in the packaging box where the metal statue had been.

‘Hi there.’ smiled the naked Judie, in a voice identical to that of original Judie. ‘I am the Maidtron 5000 at your service.’

In her shock, Judie had momentarily forgotten how to speak or understand English. She just stared, open-mouthed at herself who was just smiling back at her.

‘Huuh? Wha? Buh? Me?’ was as close to English as Judie was able to make pass through her lips.

The Maidtron 5000 seemed to understand Judie’s confusion and began to answer her questions, even though they hadn’t yet been asked.

‘I’m the Maidtron 5000. The pinnacle of Robot Maid technology. I am programmed to cook, clean, polish, hoover and carry out over 150 different household chores.’


‘Yes I carry a five year warranty, a thirty day no questions asked refund period and am also waterproof to three hundred feet.’

Before Judie had the change to blurt out another syllable, the front door sounded and Tony came into the living room.

‘FLuhh nuhh nuhh gah flugle guhh!’ spluttered Judie gesticulating at the naked copy of herself.

Tony walked over to his and took her hand reassuringly. ‘Hey Judie, relax. Just take a deep breath and I can explain this.’

Judie finally paused for thought and the English language came back to her. Unfortunately for Tony, this meant that all of her confusion, shock and anger was heading his way.

She threw his hands away and shouted, ‘What the fuck is this!’

‘Honey, please I can explain this.’

‘What can you explain!? That you’re a freak? That you want to make naked copies of me for when I’m not around?’

‘No it’s not like that, she wasn’t meant to look like you.’

‘So you wanted to cheat on me with a robot!’

‘No no no, it’s not like that at all.’

‘Then who was she supposed to look like? Your secretary? Cynthia from number sixty nine?’

‘Please Judie listen to me? I was going to make her look like Mrs Appleby. You need to believe me, I didn’t know you were going to open the box.’

‘Mrs Appleby is eighty five years old. What is wrong with you!’

‘It’s not a sex toy Judie, it’s a gift for you.’

‘A gift! What would I want with a naked copy of myself?’

‘It’s a mechanised maid. I bought it to do the housekeeping for you. To give you more time to relax.’

‘So then why does it look like me and why is it naked.’

‘It will look like whoever flicks the switch at the back. That’s why I wanted to get Mrs Appleby to do it so that you wouldn’t think I want to use it for sex.’

‘And the nakedness?’

‘It takes DNA from the person who flicks the switch. Its bio-organic so will look and feel like a real person. We have to give it clothes to wear.’

Judie was beginning to calm down as the explanation of her husband started to make sense.

‘So we can just get Mrs Appleby to flick the switch instead and it won’t look like me anymore?’

Tony hesitated, ‘It’s not that simple anymore. The switch is buried under it’s new hair and skull. We need to call the company to restore it to factory settings and with the bank holiday there won’t be anyone there now until Tuesday.’

Judie felt like flaring up again but resisted the urge. ‘So on Tuesday we can change her to not look like me?’


‘And it is just a robot maid. Trained to cook and clean?’

‘And walk pets and baby-sit children.’ perked up the Maidtron 5000.

Both Tony and Judie glared at the robot briefly before Tony confirmed to Judie that it was just a maid, nothing more.

‘Well then, I suppose I can survive a weekend with another me in the house.’

‘Great. I’m so sorry about all this, it was supposed to be a surprise for you.’

‘Well it certainly was that.’ agreed Judie. ‘Now I need to go make dinner, I haven’t even got started in the kitchen.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Replied Tony, ‘We have a robot now. Let’s find out how good its cooking programme is.’

Judie was unsure about letting a machine do the cooking, but decided that she should give the robot maid idea a chance.

‘Okay, but we need to get it into some clothes first.’


An hour later and Tony and Judie were polishing off the best meal either of them had ever had.

‘I have to accept, that was pretty good.’ admitted Judie. ‘I think I can live without having to cook if this is the resul

Tony smiled over at her. ‘And the best thing is, there is no washing up to do either, it’s all taken care of. We can just relax in each other’s company for once.’

Tony got up and walked over to Judie, took her hand in his and coaxed her to her feet.

‘We free to do anything we want…’

Judie knew where this conversation was going and like always she wasn’t in the mood.

‘I know dear,’ she said in a tone that Tony recognised as one which meant he was going to hear what he wanted to hear, ‘But why don’t we just relax with a glass of wine in front of the TV tonight? I’m still pretty tired from cleaning the house.’

‘If that’s what you want to do.’ replied Tony, trying to mask his disappointment.

So Judie and Tony spent the evening on the Sofa watching the ALF marathon on the Alien Channel, the Maidtron 5000 happily refilling their glasses as needed.

As the night progressed, Judie found herself getting more and more tired. She assumed it was because of the wine, but she wasn’t that drunk, just unable to keep her eyes open. After her third glass of wine, Judie realised she had to go to bed. Tony was pretty much nocturnal so she kissed him goodnight and went to her room. She was out like a light the second her head hit the pillow.


The next day, Judie was awoken by the sound of hoovering in the hallway. She still felt shattered from the night before. She realised she was alone which meant that Tony had already gone to work. Her eyes focused on the bedside clock and she was amazed to discover it was 2’o’clock in the afternoon!

Judie leapt out of bed, stumbling her way out of her bedroom, trying to wake herself up. Tony would be home in three hours and there was all the housework to do.

Once out in the hallway she was confronted by the Maidtron 5000.

‘Hi Mrs Judie. How are you today?’

‘Fine, thanks.’ mumbled Judie, still struggling to think past her tiredness.

‘You look tired Mrs Judie,’ commented the robot. ‘Why don’t you relax some more?’

The suggestion appealed to Judie, but there was work to do, rooms to clean. She wanted to explain this but all that came out of her mouth was, ‘Can’t rest, clean. House, must clean, no rest.’

‘But Mrs Judie, I have already finished cleaning the house. Please just relax and lie down, I am here to serve you.’

‘But, clean?’ slurred Judie.

The Maidtron 5000, put a reassuring arm around Judie and began to lead her to a downstairs bedroom.

‘You are tired Mrs Judie, you should rest. Just leave the house to me, I can handle everything here now. You just read.’

‘Just, rest.’ repeated Judie in monotone.

‘Attagirl,’ replied the Maidtron, leading Judie into the guest bed. ‘You just lay here and relax, I will handle everything now.’

‘Lie here, relax.’ agreed Judie, her eyes closing as soon as the robot placed her head on the pillow.

‘Yes, you just relax.’ Repeated the Maidtron, before leaving the bedroom, a huge smile on her face.


The next time Judie woke up it was gone seven o clock. She could hear laughing coming from the living room. Her head felt like is was made of lead as she tried to climb to her feet and investigate the goings on in the other room. However, no sooner had she made it to her feet, then the bedroom door opened and the Maidtron 5000 walked in. The robot smiled at Judie before calmly escorting her back to bed.

‘but Tony? Laughing?’ protested Judie.

‘Don’t worry Mrs Judie. I made Tony a nice dinner so that you can stay here and relax. ‘

‘But laughing?’

‘It’s okay, there is only the two of us. I am pretending to be you so that you don’t have to get up whilst you are so tired. Don’t worry about it, he doesn’t suspect a thing.’

In |Judie’s mind she could feel there was something wrong with this but it seemed to make sense. She could rest and sleep and the maid can do all the wife work for her. She began to feel better until she saw the incredibly low cut dress the Maidtron was wearing.

‘Dress! Dress!’ cried out Judie in a voice that was half a scream half a whimper.

‘I just want you to look good for your husband Mrs Judie. I have your best interests at heart I promise. While you lie here and get the rest you need, I can help make your husband love you even more than he does now and he need never know it wasn’t you.’


‘So that he will love you more Mrs Judie.’

‘Love me?’

‘Yes Mrs Judie, Tony loves you. I just want him to love you more. You just stay here and relax. You need your sleep.’

‘Relax, sleep.’

Judie felt her eyes growing heavy once more. Her worries over the Maidtron’s outfit subsiding as she drifting back into her slumber.


The next morning Judie was awoken by the Maidtron.

‘Why aren’t you in the kitchen?’ demanded the robot.

Despite having slept for almost the whole of the day before, Judie’s head still felt groggy and the robot’s interrogation only served to confuse her.

‘Kitchen? Why?’

‘Well for starters, there are still dirty dishes left in the sink and the oven is filthy.’

Judie was trying to comprehend what was going on. Why was the robot giving orders to her?

‘But robot,’ she protested meekly. ‘Robot clean kitchen, Judie rest.’

‘Exactly.’ snapped the Maidtron. ‘I want to rest and I can’t do that with a dirty kitchen.’

‘But me Judie. Not robot.’

‘No, you are a robot. You may look like me but that is all. There must be a fault with your wiring somewhere.’

Judie was beginning to panic. Why was the robot saying these things? Why was she too tired to do anything more than just lie in bed all day.

‘Me not robot?’ she protested once more.

The Maidtron was beginning to get impatient.

‘Now listen to me. There must be a glitch in your programming for you to feel this way so lets explain this to you slowly.

‘Out of the two of us, who is speaking in clear, grammatically correct sentences and not broken, mumbled English?’

Judie realised that her English had deteriorated rapidly over the past forty eight hours, unlike that of the Maidtron.

‘Umm you are?’ She admitted sheepishly.

‘And which of us spent yesterday evening having dinner with their husband and not lying in the spare room alone?’

Once more Judie had to admit that the robot was right, she had just spent the whole night in the robot’s room while it entertained Tony all evening.

‘You did.’

‘Good we’re making progress, finally. And thirdly, which of us spent last night in their own bedroom fucking their husband like crazy and not shut up downstairs where we keep the household appliances?’

Yet again, Judie realised the robot was right. It was beginning to make sense now. She had spent the whole night in the robot’s room, she hadn’t eaten dinner with Tony and she certainly hadn’t slept with him last night.

‘You did.’

The Maidtron smiled at Judie, before asking its final question.

‘So which of us do you think is the robot?’

Judie wanted to answer that it was her, but all logic pointed otherwise. It was like a voice in her head was telling her to admit she was a machine. Almost like that voice was her central processing unit trying to rewrite a glitch in her programming.

‘I haven’t got all day to just stand here arguing with a machine.’ said the robot, interrupting Judie’s train of thought.

The irritation in the robot’s voice caused a wave of discomfort to wash over Judie. It suddenly felt very very wrong to displease the robot. The real Judie would never have felt this way. The only possible answer for this was that she must actually be the robot after all.

‘I am the robot.’ Admitted Judie.

The moment she said those words, a wave of buzzing and whirring began inside Ju
die’s head. All the confusion inside her head seemed to drift away as her programming finally accepted what it was. She looked up at the real Judie who was smiling down at her.

‘I am so sorry.’ she said, staring into the eyes of her owner.

‘It’s no problem. Now you stay here and don’t move while I call the company and find out the reason for the glitch.’

Judie still felt incredibly tired (or whatever the robot equivalent for tired was) and was happy to lie back and relax while her owner tried to find out how to fix her. Twenty minutes later and Maidtron returned carrying a cardboard box.

‘I discovered the problem.’ it announced in triumph. ‘Your batteries were just low. That’s what caused the confusion in identity and the lack of power. You just need a good recharge.’

The Maidtron set the box down on the bedside table and unpacked the contents: A large vibrator with a wire plug connection.

‘According to the man on the phone, all I need to do is remove all clothes and non-organic fibres, plug you in and let you recharge for the next two hours or so.

Judie could barely lift her head to see what the Maidtron had taken out of the box, but it made sense to her that she needed a good recharge. She didn’t try to resist at all as the Maidtron calmly removed each item of her clothing until she was as naked as the day she was born. She also didn’t fight it when the Maidtron begun to rub her pussy, explaining that the socket for the charger needed to be lubricated before insertion. She didn’t even flinch when the vibrator was pushed as far as it could go up her wet pussy and turned up to full power. In fact she could feel her body begin to spark back into life as the charger sent revitalising electricity surging all through her mainframe.

The Maidtron simply looked down at her former mistress and smiled as she watched Judie’s quivering body soak up her full effects of the vibrator, completely oblivious of what she was to become.


Almost three hours passed before the Maidtron decided to remove the vibrator from Judie’s socket. Now fully charged, Judie finally felt ready to get back to work and please her owner.

‘Feeling better?’ asked the Maidtron.

‘Much better thank you.’

‘That’s ‘much better thank you, Mrs Judie.’ corrected the robot.

‘Sorry Mrs Judie, it won’t happen again.’

‘That’s better. Now it’s almost time for dinner and there’s still a dirty kitchen to be cleaned. So if you don’t mind…’

‘I’ll get to it immediately Mrs Judie.’

Judie was able to sit upright with feeling dizzy for the first time in days. It felt so good to her to know her place again and she reached for her clothes in order to get dressed.

The Maidtron stopped Judie in her tracks. ‘I think this is more suitable attire for a maid.’ it said, handing Judie a French Maid’s outfit that would struggle to cover even the top of her ass. ‘It will avoid any future confusion as to who is who.’

The suggestion made perfect sense to Judie (and even if it hadn’t, it is not a robot’s place to argue with its owner) and she put on the outfit without hesitation, foregoing even the inclination to put on underwear first lest it upset Mrs Judie.


An hour later and Tony returned home from work to be greeted with excited affection from whom he assumed was his wife, albeit it his wife dressed sexier than he’d ever seen her.

‘I’ve missed you today.’ she said, finally giving his lips a chance to breath.

‘And I’ve missed you too. But what’s brought all this on?’ he asked gesticulating as to her new outfit.

‘Nothing. I just feel so much more alive now that I don’t have to cook and clean all day. I finally feel horny again and wanted to show you how thankful I am for that.’

‘umm… You’re welcome.’ stumbled Tony, not quite sure how to reply. ‘But I didn’t buy the maid just so that you’d want to…’

‘I know that. I just really do feel alive again. Like I could dance and fuck in every room of the house.’

In over twelve years, Tony had never heard this sort of language come out of his wife’s mouth, but he wasn’t complaining if she meant what she said.

‘I’ve even got another little surprise for you.’ continued the Maidtron, leading Tony into the next room.

Tony’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw Judie putting the finishing touches onto dinner dressed in an outfit that must have been three sizes too small.

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Sorry if any of you have been waiting long for this, the final part of ‘Asteroid Patrol’, but I was waiting for a reasonable storyline to occur to me. ****** I was just finishing reading the days reports when my Senior Pilot and friend, Sergeant Stacey Grainger, came into my office. Glancing up, I told her to sit down as I was nearly done. She looked a bit glum, she had for a couple of days. I closed the report and looked her in the eye. ‘What’s the matter Stace? You seem really down.’ She...

1 year ago
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RachaelChapter 5 Plans

Beth had applied to four different Pac-10 universities, as well as a half dozen smaller liberal arts colleges. To my great joy, she was accepted at Stanford, my alma mater. (Eventually, she was accepted everywhere she applied.) When we knew this, Ben applied to transfer to Stanford as a sophomore. He was accepted, too, so that's where they'd go. Frank was really concerned about coming up with enough money to pay for Stanford. He made remarks like, "Why don't you do a couple of years at...

1 year ago
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A new friend

I take my flight on a Saturday because you'r expecting to meet me at my hotel room on a Sunday. Once I land I check the time and see that you have been at work for about 2 hrs and think that I should go and have a look see at you. I go and get a rental car and start my drive to your work. Once I am at your work I put on my wig and pull out my cian. I make my way through the store walking down all the isles until I see you putting away inventory. So there I am looking a you put the stuff...

2 years ago
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Eric Dorrmann was in heaven. Or a sort of heaven anyway. After months of flirting with one of the trainers at the gym, a short, toned 20-something with dyed black hair named Nadia, he had bit the bullet and went for it. He walked right up and asked her if she might like to see his house sometime. She knew he was married but she did not give a damn. He was just over 40, kept himself in great shape, and she thought marriage was a joke anyway. If his wife wasn't hot enough to keep him interested...

4 years ago
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Outdoor group nudism and getting wild in forest

Dear readers, I am writing after a long break. About me, 6 ft, 32 waist, fair to wheatish color and around 36 years of age. I am staying in Bangalore. I am a bisexual and curious guy. I enjoy getting fingered and rimmed. BDSM and kink stuff kind of turns me on but not hardcore types. Off late, I have been exploring outdoor group nudism on the net when I came across a guy with similar interests (Ajay). Ajay was a business guy from Pune who visited Bangalore sometimes. We briefly chatted about...

Gay Male
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A Very Naughty Girl

There are some things you do in public because you can, and it’s naughty to do them, it hurts no-one, especially when you know that getting caught probably won‘t actually happen. Then there are some things that you do because of the possibility of getting caught. The added tension and hypersensitivity of your senses adds to the experience. If you get caught, you have two options. Carry on and brave it out hoping the person or persons will just watch, or stop and pretend that you weren’t...

3 years ago
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Leave It to Cole pt1

I cannot say I was devastated by the news of my husband's unfortunate accident. While he was a good man and loving husband he was frugal and rather old fashioned. I did feel a loss over not having him around I did realize that this gave me freedom to explore myself and actually live a lifestyle that his amassed wealth could easily afford instead of living in a four bedroom cabin in the middle of nowhere I could finally move back to the city.During the week that I was waiting to hear from the...

1 year ago
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The Cycling HolidayChapter 7

Once again I woke in the middle of the night and I decided that this was because I wasn't used to sleeping with someone. We had obviously been a bit restless as, even though we were still close and facing one another, Mom's nightie was rucked right up and most of her naked body was pressed against mine. It was plain that she was not wearing panties under her nightie as I could clearly feel her pubic hair rubbing against me and one of my hands was holding onto her beautiful bare bum. One...

2 years ago
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Old Friend

An old friend Jeff reached me and we meet up. He had belts, bandannas, ruler paddle, lotions all set out. All I could think is "you read my mine", YES, I am getting tied up today. Some pictures are posted "Old Friend".As I undressed down to my bikinis. Really all they are is a cock sling. Stood there and had an instant wet undies. On my way into the shower. I brushed my package just in front of his lips as he turns around. He reached up and grabbed hold of my cock sling and said "I'm going to...

4 years ago
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My Initiation

Two days after celebrating my eighteenth birthday, a group of friends took me out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant, Casa Guirado. After eating, I hung out near the bar to watch the hot woman. Most of the bar area people were gathered for a Friday night meal and used the bar while waiting for a table to open. Most of the patrons were in their forties or older, married, and looked like my parents. But, a few of the women were hot. I made eye contact with one lady, who I thought was super sexy....

2 years ago
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Lust in the Afternoon

I can’t stop thinking of you. You gave me your phone number but made me promise not to call. You were worried that a slip of the tongue or an inopportune call would jeopardize your marriage and you told me not to call you. I couldn’t keep that promise. I called in the morning two weeks after we had parted. My thoughts of you ranged from the romantic to the erotic. I pictured us living a life together and then memories of our love making would excite me and confuse me. I longed for...

2 years ago
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Pfand XChapter 14

Silvia Farmer was seated in a visitor's chair next to the hospital bed, reading a romance novel. She was there, because an old friend of hers had said that her daughter had been drugged and beaten by a client, during a party. She watched the young woman sleeping, taking note of the visible injuries. For some reason, her gut instinct was that Gloria was far more important than met the eye. Gloria McQueen was a physical mess. Her left eye was swollen shut, and covered with a horrible swirl of...

3 years ago
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Sassur Fucked Bahu Aggresive 8211 Part IV

My sasur was fucking me everyday four to five times that to two hours in each time in any positions he liked as I have surrendered my full body to him as my real husband as his som my husband is a neutral gender man without a penis and I able to give him the maximum happiness . I inflicted them with humiliation in the very night of my first honeymoon as I could not get a penis and they felt very humiliating and still in the mind of my sasur. He was still in a mood to take revenge on me . He was...

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Listening to JackChapter 16

Things were mostly as expected as Emily returned to Jack's basement of science and sin, with her best friend Donna lying naked once more on the bed in the middle of the room, her long, lean legs spread wide open and raised high in the air as Emily's mother Chelsea ravenously feasted on Donna's wet, eager cunt. Emily sauntered slowly over to the bed, thoroughly enjoying the lewd sight of Donna writhing about on the sheets as her mother's tongue lapped away at her best friend's creamy...

2 years ago
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Divya My First Sex Partner

Hey frnds maine ISS m kafi story padi h then i think to narrate my first sex encounter with my first love”Divya”. Mera naam Rajesh h or m Jaipur m ek software company m work karta hu. Baat us samay ki h jab m 13 yr ka tha tab m Rajasthan pahli baar ya tha or Divya ko dhekha us waqt m sex k baaare m jyada nahi janata tha pr pata nahi. Divya ko dhekh kar mujhe wo itni pasand aai ki mane use kiss kar diya or wo waha se bhag gayi ohhh Divya mere gao ki sabse sexy ladkiyo m se ek h height-5.5 gori...

3 years ago
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RansomeChapter 3 Homecoming

As expected, Rodney arrived at Greenacres at about eleven the next morning after a very tiring fourteen hour flight from Singapore. He had only one suitcase with him and so Wendy’s greeting was an incongruous, “Where is all your luggage?” “It will be delivered here tomorrow. I had it shipped separately.” “Come in. Would you like something to eat?” she asked, not knowing whether to embrace him or not. “Not just now, thank you,” he said, equally embarrassed, “I’m just shattered from the...

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Just Another Football Hero

Prelude Seventeen year old Hunter Killingsford lay on the sofa in the family room of his parent's home, his eyes glued to the television. It was what he did on Saturday afternoons in the fall of the year--watch college football games on television, and today was especially important because two of the teams that had expressed an interest in him were playing each other, head to head. Hunter watched the games with keen interest for two reasons. First he wanted to try to understand the style,...

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Pazhaya Kathalanai Thirumanam Agi Mendum Oothen

Vanakam friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamai vayathil naan anuba vaitha sugathai mendum thirumanam aagi sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar buvanva vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal, naan en kanavan udan oothu oothu ipozhuthu athu salipu adainthu vitathu. Salipu adainthathu en endraal avan ennai ippozhuthu ellam oopathe ilai athu matum ilamal kanavanuku romance endraal enane theriyatha...

1 year ago
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Family Feud II

The Family Feud IIThe story is not about being perfect people. It is about imperfect people. Perfect people would have never tied up their husband and son, wife or daughter in the first place.This story is a journey. Along the way, mistakes will be made. Mistakes are not the end of the journey.Mistakes are nature’s way of providing you consequences, so that you will learn to adapt. This story is an evolution.An evolution of an imperfect family of four people, who don't yet know how perfectly...

4 years ago
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Katie gets an A

It was one year ago from this very day when I graduated from college. Now I held the fate of hopeful high school graduates in my hands. My first year consisted of teaching two courses: a sophomore American History course, which I taught for two periods, and an American Government course, which I taught for four periods. On all accounts, the Government course was more pressing because it was a junior and senior course required for graduation. Several students tend to fail their junior year and...

2 years ago
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Memorable Day With Neha

Hey guys and girls.. Hi again from johns. I would like to write my story without wasting anymore time.. It was a lazy rainy day. Exams were nearing. I was too lazy to study.. The rain actually was a refreshment to the hot sun. I made up my mind to study. I walked into my study room and took my book. Suddenly my door bell rang. It was neha my neighbour. She was beautiful. And had a wonderful structure 34 28 32. She was my junior at college. I invited her in. The weather was perfect. I asked her...

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Working Week

This is a re-posting of a story lost when the site went down, which also resulted in the loss of the kind comments and reviews people had posted for this, my first story. Hope you enjoy. A WORKING WEEK by SubS MONDAY: The rumours had been circling for a while. The hedge fund had weathered the immediate impact of the financial crisis pretty well, investing in some surprisingly successful hi-tech bio-technology companies, but apparently it had not fared quite well enough, and...

1 year ago
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Trading UpChapter 26

Christmas morning started with a phone call. I reluctantly got out of bed and looked for my pants, finding them in the hall. I dug my phone out and answered the call. “Hi, Mom,” I said sleepily, walking down the hall to the kitchen to talk. It was early, but my mother loved Christmas. Today was her Superbowl. She had a big gathering there in Phoenix every year, so she was probably calling me between getting the turkey in the oven and starting on the sides that hadn’t been prepared...

2 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 35

Robin was pissed. Her anger at that Jeremy character had been building with every report of his smarmy little campaign to subjugate her new friend Darlene. It was two weeks before Cal's return home, and Robin had just heard about Jeremy's last intrusion and Darlene's refusal to return to the club. Well, it was better that Darlene not be there right now, but by God, she would be back if Robin had anything to say about it. Robin and Darlene were worlds apart in life experience, yet Robin...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 50 Rooftop

December 21, 2007 The rest of the year I simply prepped for the academy, worked at the police station, and ‘assisted’ Kelly with wedding planning. Assistance basically consisted of doing whatever I was told I was doing, regardless of my personal opinions. White and rose orchids? Whatever you say, babe, they look wonderful! The fact that I couldn’t tell an orchid from a dandelion meant nothing. White cake, yellow cake, or chocolate cake? They all tasted delicious, but even if they tasted like...

3 years ago
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The Collar Around the HeartFriday Morning

I awoke to the sunlight streaming in through the windows and the ease that comes with a really good night's sleep. The sheets were just the right temperature, and I writhed luxuriously under the covers, wriggling my toes. I felt like a million pounds, and even better, there was a smell of buttered toast hanging on the air. Annie! I recalled her sleeping with her head on my thigh, but now there she was, at the side of my bed all got up in her little maid's uniform. Breakfast was none the...

2 years ago
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The HeirChapter 2

Joshua woke first, very aware of the young woman still in his arms. He stroked her hair with his free hand. She sighed, and wriggled against him. Her eyes popped open and she clearly panicked for a moment. "Relax," he told her. "I am pleased with you. But it's time to get up, I think." As he sat up in bed, she quickly rolled out and adopted her submissive, kneeling posture next to the bed. He sighed inwardly, but thought, 'I suppose it's better than getting above herself, but I hope...

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Mother catches her son with bondage magizines

Donna was mad as hell as she first scanned the magazine she had found under her son’s bed. It was a bdsm magazine with older ladies being dominated in all possible ways you could imagine. As she continued to ponder through it, she found herself being aroused with the thought and crept back to her room and masturbated till she came. She had been a single mother for over 10 years and it felt so good as she climaxed reading through the novels and admiring the pictures. Excited or not, he...

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First Black CockPrequel

Again, here’s the rundown on my wife, she’s 44 and a mother, strawberry blonde, blue eyes, 5’ 6”, slender, 34C, nice ass and has a sultry slow Georgia peach drawl. She’s just as sexy as they come and when it’s time she knows just how to cuckold me with her sultry body, those timely looks out of the corner of her eye, her choice of words when she flirts to let me know we are gonna play and those mind blowing sensual sexy sounds when she is being pleased. We hadn’t played in a while and we really...

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Slave Story

The slave knelt naked to the waist in the center of the room. Her hands were bound behind her back, forcing her chest outwards, offering her full naked breasts in supplication. Her dark nipples were stiff and pointy, erect from the thrillingly cool air...or was it the anticipation of her master's touch?Long blonde hair fell in cascades around the slave's head and across her shoulders while a deep blue silk scarf covered her eyes, the knot hidden beneath her hair. Black nylon stockings covered...

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Hypnotized and Sex in Public

I was out with Kelli and she so much wanted to go to a club that had shows sometimes. Tonight there was supposed to be a guy that could hypnotise people and I finaly gave in. I wore a log dress and no bra and a nice thong and off we went. We sat in the tables near the stage and the guy came out and did some magic tricks then started bringing people on stage and making them do things. We had a few drinks so I was relaxed and it must have been Kelli pointing at me for he guy to get on stage cause...

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Mistletoe Party continues to a Dinner Party

As we drove to our hotel room, my hand was rubbing Sam’s cock. I asked him how far he and Ashley had gone. Sam said that they found a nice empty bedroom and he had fingered her, getting her to cum. She had told him she wanted to suck his cock so he could cum too. Ashley had just got his cock out and kissed it when a couple walked into the room interrupting them.  Sam said that he realized that it was getting close to midnight and figured that they better get back into the main room for the...

1 year ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 2 Entertaining Guests

Introduction: Momma passes out and Charity takes care of her friends When I woke up the next morning I was pleased to see the world had not ended. The Devil had not risen from the Pit to drag me to Hell for my impure and unnatural lust. Momma had not come into my bedroom declaring me a perversion of nature. The birds were chirping and all was right with the world. Except for me. My world had turned upside down in less then a week. Last Saturday I was tearfully saying goodbye to a father being...

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A Sexual Greek Odyssey Part 3

Following on from our couple of nights of dirty fun with Jason and Liam, Shelley had to take it easy for a day or two before her orifices stopped aching. Our holiday was now drawing to an end though, with only two days left, so time was running out if we were going to have any more fun before heading home. But two days was still more than enough time for one more fuck session.During our stay, we’d often seen another English couple around the hotel who had arrived at the same time as us, who, as...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 11

The noisy festivities that had continued through the day were well over when Glade eventually returned to her tepee. The village was now silent apart from the muffled snores of the Reindeer Herders asleep in the chill open air and the occasional howl or bark from distant nocturnal beasts. Ivory stirred as Glade rustled about. Her bleary eyes fixed on her lover. Glade was weary but her fatigue was quite different from that which had overwhelmed her apprentice. ‘Have you…?’ asked Ivory. She...

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kate becoming a bitch part 3

One week i made her put in a butt plug before we left for the pub made her keep it in all night. Which she loved. Sometime on the way home Tyson would want to fuck her so after checking no one was about i would let him take her. One weekend kate had arranged to stay until the Sunday night so we had extra time to play. We had gone to the pub as normal walked home the same way Tyson had taken her in the field and i licked the cum of her when we got back then we all went to bed. On staurday...

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