MagicianChapter 42 free porn video

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"That was rather too easy," Julia noted. "You'd expect something a little more ... robust than a few dryad derivatives."

"Distraction," said Bryce. "The exits have now been sealed and rather effectively too, I can no longer sense the surface."

"Whatever sense you're using, it isn't one a Mage would use as I can sense the way we came and the surface of Moscow too," I replied, seeing nods off the rest of the Mages there including Rasputin.

"I rather suspect a demonic influence has spread its wings over the area and that's blocking our senses," Antonelli added. "Won't make a difference in the long run, just ensures we have to go forward into strife."

We kept moving, following the tunnel as it curved and followed what appeared to be the regular Metro line.

"Can you feel the strength of the wards woven into the fabric of the tunnels?" Morgana commented in general.

"Yes, my Mage. It would certainly keep out mundanes and a lot of magical creatures such as goblins too," I replied.

"Indeed, John. A lot of skill has gone into it, which suggests that the incident with the Huldran was simply a diversion or perhaps an attempt to see off mundane intruders," Morgana mused.

I had to admit I'd been worried about Morgana since the incident at her Manse. Her normal poise was well off and I suspected that like a burglary victim, the breach of her privacy had affected her deeply. Still at least she was coming out of it a little and taking more note of her surroundings ... at least I hoped so. I also knew there was damn all I could do about it as I'd never been able to understand her thought processes beyond the superficial, whilst she could (and did) read me like a book. Still with Julia and Simone along I wasn't too worried as I was pretty sure they could deal with any major issues my Mage might be having.

"Something wicked this way comes," intoned Antonelli, quoting Shakespeare.

What burst in amongst us was something I'd thought to be only a legend. Then again, I'd seen far too much of what was considered legend or fairy tale have very firm roots in magic or in this case Thaumaturgy. Whoever opposed us had summoned a Yaoguai, a demi-demon. Not one of the higher powers, thank God, but a malevolent animalistic spirit being that had its roots in Chinese folklore. It was also highly resistant to Mage powers. Looking rather like a skinned bear of some type, it was both swift and ferocious with taloned limbs capable of eviscerating anyone stupid enough to come within their range.

Fortunately we had amongst us several Theurgists who immediately began some form of defensive chant whilst we Mages used the effects of Magic to try and keep the damned thing at a distance. Unfortunately the thing was both strong and fast, the only advantage we had was that it wasn't like a higher power in that it was not immortal; or rather it could be killed by lesser beings such as ourselves ... assuming we got lucky.

Dodging a swipe from one of its fore-limbs by speeding up my strength and reaction times I pulled out my trusty trench sword and used it to bat away at the flailing claws whilst Morgana used a series of buffeting air blows to keep it off balance. Julia I believe was affecting the gravity around the creature whilst Simone appeared to be letting off a series of bright flashes before the creatures eyes.

If nothing else we were some sort of irritant to the thing and it ignored the chants of the Theurgists whilst darting forward to try and get at me who was closest. The sword I'd grabbed was barely enough to keep the creature at a distance and I was truly grateful to Mage Roxanne who'd taken it upon herself to teach me the rudiments of swordplay as I at least could attempt to attack various points of weakness I could see, though mostly at the moment that was the creature's eyes. I was also using telekinesis to send any available small object hurling at the Yaoguai to weaken it so that I could get in some sort of disabling blow.

The real killing blow came from those best suited for dealing with the forces of darkness of course and with a brilliant flash a beam of pure white light came from the ceiling to pin the creature much in the manner of a butterfly on a board making it scream in agony.

I was then able to use my enhanced powers to harden my blade and strengthen my arm and drive it home through the head of the creature ending its existence.

"We win again," I gasped out as I recovered my strength and equilibrium.

"Yes, that creature would have given any Mage pause and like as not been amongst a party of Theurgists before they had a chance to react," added Simone.

"Indeed," muttered Antonelli who had come forward to examine the creature.

"Not something I've run into before, not even at the Chinese border," Cyril mused.

"Whoever we face has great faith in their 'God' and is a formidable foe," Rasputin mused, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Care to speculate?" Bryce asked caustically.

"Iosif does not have this kind of ability, or rather didn't, besides this is a Chinese demonette and he would not, like as not, have the pull via Tchernobog to command one," Rasputin replied mildly.

"Demons and Angels are area specific?" I queried.

"Some are, some aren't, we don't know why and asking is a recipe for annihilation," Antonelli answered with a shrug. "Tchernobog is ... sort of, in that he's linked to the Russian people and hence to their Soviet state."

"Gotta love those higher powers," I chuckled.

"True John, very true," chuckled Antonelli in return. "I think it's part of the contract."

"I used to be quite pious until I met this man and discovered just what a bunch of posturing prima-donnas some of the angels can be," chuckled Bryce.

"Trust me, the demonic side is just as bad," Rasputin added.

"You're all as bad as each other!" snapped Morgana. "Now let's get on with this. We have souls to save and a reckoning for whoever violated my house!"

"As you wish, Mage Morgana," Antonelli replied with a sideways glance at me.

No matter how well our eyes were enhanced to see in the dark, there were powers afoot to make the tunnels seem claustrophobic and gave off the impression that at any stage something was about to leap out and attack.

"Subsonic emanations," Simone finally announced. "Not magic at all, simply another defence, one that we aren't suited to detecting as there's no Mage doing it."

"Clever," muttered Julia as she began raising some form of sound attenuating shield.

The feelings of dread we'd been experiencing dropped off immediately and we all relaxed just as we were attacked by kobolds. Kobolds are nasty creatures akin to goblins but far more powerful magically and can incinerate the unwary with their fire magic. Usually they leave humanity alone, if only because Mages tend to get involved at the behest of the various treaties we have with the mundane governments who mostly don't want magical creatures running rife in their countries as they cannot even detect them normally, never mind fight the bloody things.

"Take them quickly!" shouted Julia. "If they get a chance to combine fire magics they can be an absolute bugger to deal with!"

"Guard my back, John!" called out Morgana as she began unleashing some very nasty unsubtle spells at the milling creatures.

Unfortunately as with a lot of semi-magical creatures, kobolds are also highly resistant to the use of magic upon them. As it was, the fact that the Mages and Theurgists were also armed with mundane weapons and weren't affected by the various glamours which such creatures used to hide their presence had given us the advantage at least temporarily. That and the fact that both Morgana, Julia and Simone were far more powerful soon had the creatures trying to swarm them down physically in order to prevent their destruction. Rather than use magic I drew my cutlass and used it to keep the kobold warriors at a distance from my Mage. Simply using the odd spell to push them back physically if necessary. I noticed that the Theurgists were also doing the same for Aleksandr, Julia and Simone.

"They aren't retreating, interesting," gasped Morgana as she sought out the fire magic users amongst the kobolds.

"Same as with the previous attacks, someone has them under control, though this time not a geas," Simone replied as she literally blew a kobold to pieces with a very complex spell that merged with its defences only to corrupt them and turn them against the creature.

Watching the senior Mages in action was enough as ever to show me just how far I had yet to go in the mastery of magic. I couldn't even comprehend some of the powers they were throwing around. Not that it stopped me noting them for later study, one of the main advantages of becoming a Mage being perfect memory and what in later times would be considered unlimited data storage as memory constraints vanished when the brain of a newly emergent Mage adapted to the stresses of its new powers and became far more dense both in mass and compartmentalisation. There were other physical changes in Mages too when they became emergent, such as strengthened neck musculature to support a heavier brain and skull and an increase in nerve impulses carrying the brains signals to give increased strength and reaction times plus greater bone density, meaning that a Mage would sink in water where a normal human would float. But our understanding in the ways of medical science was only just opening up ways to understand just what was different about Mages in general compared to mundanes. Certainly we weren't a new branch of humanity, we were compatible sexually and our progeny were as human as those mundanes produced. It was the emergence itself which triggered certain physical changes and at the moment we had no clue as to how to trigger an emergence in humanity as no Mage had ever witnessed it happening. Few Mages had children who eventually became Mages, Merlin and Brianna being the only ones I could think of offhand and I'd never discussed her emergence with Brianna, though I rather doubt her father had been around when it happened. He'd simply been still involved with her mother I'd guessed or had put a trace on any of his progeny on the off chance they'd become emergent. Most female Mages simply chose not to have children if they could prevent it. The heartbreak of watching a child grow old before your eyes being far more than they could bear. Most simply waiting and hoping that we'd eventually find a way to successfully allow emergence from an outside evocation.

The expertise of the Mages as well as our spirited defence of them soon had the kobolds breaking as their morale was shattered and whatever was driving them was unable to keep them from retreating in headlong panic.

"Interesting, three different attacks by three different creatures, two of whom hold no allegiance to this part of the planet," Morgana mused.

"Does seem odd," noted Cyril, looking at Rasputin.

"I have nothing I can add," admitted Rasputin. "I never needed any magical creatures for what I was tasked with by Tchernobog."

"Yet you were aware of them?" Simone asked with a frown.

"Very much so, as with Mages those who work with other powers can see what's really there," he answered.

"Could you control them?" I asked.

"I ... I don't know," he admitted. "I suppose I could, but never needed to try. It was far easier to draw upon the power of my God and unleash that rather than use his power to direct others."

"Yet you would corrupt humanity to doing things your way," muttered Cyril.

"From a certain perspective yes, as you did too from your perspective," came his riposte.

"We corrupted no one!" Bryce snarled back.

"Tell that to the Crusaders and the Inquisition. Perhaps you'd like to comment on the Salem witch trials too?" Rasputin snapped back.

"That was not the work of Theurgists, if anything we tried to stop it," Antonelli replied mildly.

"Not nearly hard enough," Rasputin added.

"Perhaps, but that's irrelevant, we work for God and follow the commands of his angels, the allegiance of Tchernobog is uncertain to say the least," Antonelli interjected.

"He's neutral, not one of the Satanic horde," Rasputin answered.

"So you claim," Bryce hit back.

"Indeed I do, however this is getting us nowhere and we need to press on to save these souls Mage Morgana is so concerned about," Rasputin said closing temporarily the conversation.

"Whatever it is, I believe we are close, but also that they do not seem too concerned at our successes so far," Simone stated.

"Picking him up?" Julia asked.

"Definitely male, not too sure upon the number," Simone replied. "When focussed it's one, but when not it could be any number from one to three."

"Odd, most Thaumaturges are singular in that they don't tend to get along with others of their type," Antonelli mused. "Gives us an advantage at times."

"Save only you're hunting them down and they have time to prepare," Rasputin countered.

"Yes, there's always that," Antonelli acknowledged.

We were continuing to follow the traces of power in the tunnel and were keeping an eye out for traps or ambushes. It was already apparent to me that whoever was behind this had set things up that only those powerful enough to approach could do so and had deliberately set out three traps that would prevent mundanes, Mages or Theurgists alone from getting through. My one hope was that our opponent did not realise or could conceive of a mixed party trying to get to them.

Finally though I sensed that we had reached our goal, the tunnels opened out into a chamber which for all it was deep underground looked temple-like in its appearance. Great curved arches spanned the space and gilded columns rose majestically to give extra support to the cavernous spaces. The décor however was distinctly third rate.

"Tacky," murmured Morgana.

"Serious over-compensation issues," chuckled Julia.

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We were lying in bed in Deirdre’s hotel room recovering from a bout of mind-blowing liberating sex, at least from my point of view. I had wanted to make slow sensuous love to this woman who had suddenly become the focus of my life. Instead I lost my head and it turned into a long hard monkey fuck. It was a mistake. I don’t know what happened. One minute I was this guy trying desperately to impress the woman of his dreams. The next minute I was primal man staking his claim on Eve in the...

2 years ago
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The Lustful Truth Ch 04

By Wednesday night, I knew something was wrong. Jon hadn’t stayed over since Thursday, and now, almost a week later, I knew that something wasn’t right. Whenever I tried to talk to him though, he would kiss me on the forehead and tell me he’d talk to me later. Later turned into hours later, then days. ‘Jon, I need to talk to you.’ His back is to me as he files through some papers in a filing cabinet. ‘Uh, yes Bella, just give me a little while.’ He doesn’t look at me, he continues searching,...

3 years ago
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My girlfriend eats me

Introduction: This is a dark fantasy story. This story is going to be disgusting to some people, check the tags. Youve been warned. Written in the perspective of a woman. Are you sure you want to do this?, Emma said and looked at me. Yes, Ive never been so sure about anything. I need this., I say and lean over to her and give her a kiss. Me and Emma have been together since we both were 14 years old. That would make this weekend our 10th anniversary. We met at a pretty dull party. There were...

3 years ago
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Dr Katherine Made Me Hard Again

I sat in the waiting room, nervously tapping my foot. I knew I wasn’t the only one in this boat. A quick glance around the room showed several other tapping feet and drumming fingers. We all tried really hard not to make contact, but we all know why we are here. The dreaded ED, Erectile Dysfunction.As embarrassed as I was, I was also a bit hopeful. I’d already tried seeing a urologist and a psychologist, and neither of them had been able to give me any real answers as to why my dick wasn’t...

3 years ago
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The Maze Part II

The Maze – Part II     Carngie’s eyes flickered rapidly back and forth from under his eyelids. He unconsciously tucked in his arms and moved his knees closer to his abdomen to keep warm as he lay on side sleeping in the little closet he sought refuge within The Maze.     Sitting inside the village court hall, Carngie nervously picked at his finger nails.  The smell of smoked tubac filled the air, the afternoon light shining through the two west windows that created a hazy fog just below the...

2 years ago
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Converting the NeighborsChapter 8 Resolution

Sgt. Martinez wasn’t there when Chloe arrived at the police station, but when she asked for her, the desk sergeant took one good look at her and called her at home. Sgt. Martinez was there half an hour later. There was questioning. She was taken to the hospital. There were photographs and samples taken. She had a broken nose, a broken rib, and numerous small electrical burns, plus the fading injuries from earlier in the week which were still visible. Peter Reed was arrested that day. It took...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Black BF PT2 Blacken

Taylor had class most of the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Jordan knew that her mom didn't have a job. He decided he would go to Taylor's house and to "see Taylor" and act dumb like he had forgotten that she had class all day. He would see how her mom reacted and that might help him decipher all things he was wondering about the chubby little middle age woman with the huge tits who just happened to be his girlfriend's mom.The doorbell rang and Kimberly panicked a bit. She wasn't expecting...

2 years ago
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Finding Eve Ch 02

Once back at the Caywood house, Eve began to clean up the house and contemplated her next move. As much as she wanted to tie up all of the loose ends herself, she had to admit she was in over her head and would need help. She straightened the pictures on the wall and walked out on to the porch, lit a cigarette and thumbed through her contacts on her cell phone. ‘Hello’ said the strong voice on the other end. ‘Hey, I need a huge favor, can you come over?’ Eve asked. ‘Everything ok?’ Eve...

8 months ago
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MomWantsToBreed Lilly Hall Hijab Hunter

Lilly Hall is a horny milf, and she just can’t hide it. She saw some ladies getting naked and fucking online, and now she won’t be satisfied until she has livestreamed her own big naturals. She also knows her stepson Joshua Lewis has been checking her out. She confesses on her stream that she knows he’s into her and that she’s going to fuck and breed him. Setting up the camera, Lilly calls Joshua in. She is in full cougar temptress mode as she tells him that she knows...

4 years ago
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My fantasy came true

I always practice safe sex, well except for the fact that when I have sex I have the one rule, YOU HAVE TO COME IN MY MOUTH! My dream is to get this newest guy to get his brother in on this and we do a DP, have always wanted to and I think he will be the one to make this fantasy come to life for me. My other fantasy was to be tied up and blind folded and the last 24 year old did that for me. His name was James, and he was fine! He had a cock that could actually make me cum which is hard to...

3 years ago
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Matilda and the AssassinChapter 4

When Matilda awoke she was once again alone in the big bed. After washing up and dressing, she drifted around the apartment. She was bored. And then she remembered the yo-yo. Sadness overwhelmed her when she held it. She pressed it to her chest with both hands, wiping her watery eyes with first one shoulder and then the other. She missed Bobby so much. Thoughts of Skip Grafton filled her with hatred. The front door opened with a click. Matilda looked up. "We have a job," Leon...

1 year ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 2

Travis watched the dawn spread across the sky from the front room. He could feel the heavy bags under his eyes but he refused to glance in the mirror to confirm just how bad he looked. His feet were leaden and his head was logy as well. He gazed at the teenager sitting in the overstuffed chair, drinking in again her lithe form and her face. She was dressed in black britches and a black blousy shirt that shimmered when the light hit it. Her attire was complete with black boots that reached...

2 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 5

That evening, the news had another report on The New Plague: AMORFS. Apparently, the Powers That Be had a new working assumption. The three components had been spreading separately, harmlessly, in their own ways. But when the carriers came together at the rally, the components combined and started to have an effect. While one of the components was clearly a MORF variant, the other two weren't quite as clear. They were already spreading separately again. And none of them were mutating the...

1 year ago
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Karlee Grey 3100 631000

Because I've been on such a Twitter fapping kick lately, I've been able to jerk off to all of my favorite porn stars on Twitter. I didn't understand all the hype around Twitter porn back then, but I started checking it out myself. I get it; these chicks are nasty as fuck! Fortunately, Twitter doesn't give a fuck about what others post, and the people that post don't give a fuck either. Take Karlee Grey, for example; she's a pornstar that you've probably seen fuck some dude's dad on the hub....

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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She Is Beautiful Chapter 10

The wedding was beautiful and mercifully short, humorous and sweet. Sam and I hung out with Bryce as we all acted friendly and courteously to all the faces we didn’t know – which was ninety-five percent of the people there. The reception and dinner were fun with excellent food, good wine and a great DJ who knew how to throw a party instead of one of the rote boring DJs to be found at so many of these events.Suddenly, during a slow dance, Bryce was by our side. “So sorry but I have to take off –...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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A teachers erotic adventure pt5

Oh, Peggy, ‘Jennie said tiredly, ‘If it’s alright with the guys, I’d very much like too. I’m too tired and exhausted to be any good at it right now,’ she said looking at the two husbands who seem only a little disappointed. ‘Maybe we could plan it for another time, okay,’ the little English Lit teacher suggested to the obviously disappointed husbands. Looking at Jennie, now slumping from tiredness and exhaustion, the two husbands quickly relented and agreed to call it an evening Slowly a...

3 years ago
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Learnt sex in a sexy way

Hi Dear ISS readers, I’m a great fan of the entire writer who has submitted their stories for us. Today I decided to submit my own story for all of you, read this and enjoy.My Name is Sameer (age 24) I’m from Delhi, presently settled in Chennai, this incident happened when I was in Delhi, and doing my UG, I was 19 yrs then, I look Very charming and sweet thus many people calls me chocolate baby, I was so innocent and never much aware of Sex and love making, i’ve no siblings and in my school and...

2 years ago
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Mothers wish

Jack had decided upon a real razor today instead of electric one. It was the day before Christmas and there was some nostalgia in the air. Sure, he had an electric razor, but there was no romance in using this droning device, especially on such a special occasion. When the kids were still at home and it was oh so many years ago and Jack was still much younger, still before the war and even afterwards, he was preparing for his early Sunday morning ritual in the kitchen before church. ...

2 years ago
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Outdoors sex quickie with a stranger

By Dina PetroIt was a nice sunny day, when I decided to jog in the nearby forest, it was a week day, most people were at work, almost no body in there, I was in a tight training suit, that outlined my sexy and outer body curves all over, I was 18 years old by then, with a beautiful figure.As of a sudden I heard a voice of a man calling me “excuse me miss”I looked around and saw a real super handsome man of late twenties, he was dressed in casual clothes, but clearly looked like a high class,...

1 year ago
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A Come BackChapter 46 The End of Summer

I didn't wake up till long after the sun had. I felt sore and still mentally tired. "Billy?" I called, looking about. On the bedside stand there was a folded note: Rest well, help yourself to anything. I'll be just downstairs seeing to the horses. If you need me just call. Billy No Molly, No Cleo, and No Eddie. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed. It's what I needed. "Billy, I'll take you up on your offer." I said to the note and went to his bath tub and turned on the...

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muslim naukar ne maa ko choda

ye kahani mere bachpan ki hai jab main 5 saal ka tha mere maa aur pitaji ek sadharan ghar se hai pitaji naukri karte hai aur maa ghar ka kaam . maa mere bachan se hi ek gadrayi hui kamuk aurat hai jise bahut sex ki bhook hai. ek raat ki baat hai ki meri achanak nind khul gayi tab maine dekha ki maa aur pitaji dono nange ho kar kuch kar rahe hai main us waqt bahut chota tha kuch jyada samajh main nahi aya maine dekha ki samne wale flat ki khidki khuli thi wahan ek aurat aur mard dono mere maa...

2 years ago
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Subway Ride

Copyright © 2003 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Jacquie was, as usual reading as she rode the crowded subway. Holding onto the support that dangled from the roof of the car with her left hand, and with her book in her right hand Jacquie was concentrating on not noticing the crowed of humanity around her. When the hand touched her, she didn't give it too much thought, she moved away as an automatic response. As she moved away from the offending hand, Jacquie bumped into another person...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 31

Ken and Ellen returned to the porch where dessert was being served. He could feel that Ari was hungry and somewhat thirsty as well. Since the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, he decided that, perhaps, she should be fed. He began a low conversation with Ellen when they got in sight of the table. "My little slave there is quite hungry and thirsty. Would you mind if I fed her?" asked Ken. Ellen, sensing he had something in mind, smiled and nodded eagerly. "Not at all. Feel free to... do...

3 years ago
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Injustice IIIChapter 5

The following new character appears in this chapter: Kathleen O’Farrell Maureen’s Mother and Paddy’s Daughter, 5’-6’’ tall, 125 pounds, 28 years old, 34C-22-34, reddish hair similar to her Daughter’s and green eyes. Frank ‘the Fish’ Mastrototaro Gangster, the man Max is after, 5’-10’’ tall, 32 years of age, 190 pounds, black hair, dark eyes The previous evening in the Pub around the corner from Paddy’s shop, his three men had gotten a booth near the back and had started drinking before...

2 years ago
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Going Away

This is a personal fantasy of mine, hope you all enjoy it!! The day I had to leave for the city for three weeks I went to visit my girlfriend, she's about 5'7, 55kg, 10C and a dancer’s body. I was feeling pretty horny and was sliding my hand up her shirt to her bra-less tits and rubbing them, getting her nipples hard, as well as sliding them in her pants and stroking her pussy on her bed. At first she tried to stop me, "Stop it, everyone's home" she says "So, no one is coming in" I reply as...

Quickie Sex

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