Kamma widow and myself
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
The following day Róisín and I joined two of the MAGES team, journeywomen Ekaterina and Liliya, along with Mage Brianna and took a driverless taxi to the Troianovan northern maglev station. I kind of knew from my studies the previous night what a maglev was but this was my first view of the actual thing. To my mind it was classic science fiction of the Flash Gordon era in a bullet-like missile tube of approximately 100 metres in length, resting (for want of a better word) on a trestle as people boarded.
“It’s the only way to approach with the power off,” Brianna answered my unspoken question. “Otherwise you’d fry from the radiation.”
“No wonder they don’t use planes,” I chuckled.
“They use those thopter things for flight operations, but there’s too much chance of an over-master shooting down any plane encroaching on their territory as they aren’t well disposed to tourism or the availability of travel for their own people,” Brianna explained.
“So Loegria-Albany is the first ever direct connection between rival states ... so to speak?” I asked.
“Yes, non-stop in just over half an hour as this is the express,” Brianna stated.
“Just under the speed of sound?” I queried.
“Yes, they can go faster, but its environmental impact is immense,” chuckled Brianna. “Up to 1800 mph has been posited but they’d have to build the lines underground in a vacuum, I’m told.”
“Expensive,” Róisín commented.
“Very, although a few of the girls offered to help out and Ketty is looking at it as a final gesture before retiring,” Brianna replied.
“Yes, a Mage could dig a tunnel or rather fuse a tunnel easily in any direction we wanted,” Róisín mused.
“Yes, and Ketty knows this, although she has the job of explaining it,” chuckled Brianna.
“Ah yes, explaining the inexplicable,” I chuckled by way of reply.
“Very much so, John,” Brianna stated.
“Well, we don’t want a friend to find trouble simply because we can do things easily the Loegrii of this country can’t,” I said.
“Definitely, John,” Brianna admonished.
“Still I’m sure Ketty will find a way,” Róisín said with a grin as we made our way to our seats which had admonishments to remain seated until up to speed in Loegrian which one of the other passenger’s thoughts told me.
“She’s already started a company that in theory has some new and ‘untested’ boring equipment,” Brianna added.
“So not long then?” I asked.
“Probably next year,” she added with a wry smile of her own.
At the appointed time, almost to the second we felt the maglev raise itself from its cradle and begin its forward momentum. Within seconds we could feel the acceleration pressing us into the seats which continued for nearly a minute until at last it eased off. Staring out of the window I watched the scenery both familiar and at oft-times quite unfamiliar as the maglev itself mostly went under towns and cities as it raced towards Eidyn, the capital of Albany. Other than a warning to return to our seats a minute before deceleration and the seats surprising us by turning to a rear facing position we simply sat alone with our thoughts as we headed towards what for us was the unknown.
Eidyn was definitely different and Edinburgh it certainly was not. For one thing there was no castle and no rock either, come to that, apparently the over-master clan who used to rule the country hated the thing and used the rock itself to make buildings and the city walls. The rest was similar to Troianova though instead of silvered mirror-like windows, the Albanese had chosen gold. As for the people, well the native dialect came across more Polish sounding to me and there was a lot of bio-adaption and body enhancement amongst the natives, something Albany was apparently famous for along with bio-engineered soldiery. These days though I was told they’d destroyed the creations of war and moved into genetic research and the cloning of body parts for transplants.
We were met by an official delegation of the Albany police, known as the Inspectorate, although they struck me as more of a paramilitary outfit, who had been tasked to deliver us to the local governor and hence (presumably) to someone who could guide us to where this hidden lab was supposed to be located.
It was soon obvious that the guy we were meeting was hostile to our presence, though not to our mission. He had been a servant of the old regime and did not like the current government and its subservient (as he saw it) position to Loegria. Yet still he was a professional through and through and was determined to show that his force could and would be helpful to us in our search for the terrorists plaguing Loegria.
“We realise that we are intruding on your authority,” Brianna explained after the perfunctory greetings. “But we have specialist abilities that will aid us to locate the lab and those who presumably work in it and guard it.”
“So I’m told, this MAGES group I believe?” he acknowledged.
“Yes,” was all Brianna would admit.
“I can’t allow you to go out there alone, you realise this?” he asked.
“We know and we’ll follow their instructions as it’s your jurisdiction,” Brianna replied.
“Yes, they’ll have to be handed over to us,” he stated sternly. “But if a crime has been committed, they’ll be handed over to Loegria and their courts.”
“Agreed,” Brianna replied. “The documents for extradition are being lodged with your justiciars now.”
“So I was told, but we can only release them to you if the crime warrants it by our laws,” he added.
“We know. We don’t want the workers, we want the brains behind the operation,” I said. “The ones who sanctioned the setting off of a nuclear device in Troianova.”
He slowly nodded and we could sense that his mind was far more at ease with the situation, seems he’d been expecting wholesale extraditions of Albany citizens to a foreign power for what was deemed an atrocity. For our part, we really just wanted to close down something being used to hurt Loegria and our friends there.
We hung around for an hour or so whilst ‘arrangements were made’ mentally scanning the people around us and making a few notes of where the bodies were buried, sometimes literally. The Inspector it seemed ran a tight ship; his staff were personally loyal to him, if not the state government and it was quite efficient if somewhat hostile towards the outsiders.
Finally though we were led outside into a courtyard and a couple of what the Loegrii (meaning the people of the planet, not just the Loegrians of the country) called thopters which were sort of like helicopters but with a single high powered turbofan on top which could tilt in the way that the rotor blades of a helicopter could. They were however much faster and could carry, it seemed, a massive workload as the things literally bristled with weaponry and sensors.
We shot into the air and I could feel the competence of the crew as they checked with local traffic control as they plotted a route over what to me was the Midlothian Valley but was simply filled to capacity with what amounted to a megacity stretching as far as the eye could see westwards.
“So where do you get your food from?” I asked eventually.
“We used to make it from bioyeast, only the rich could afford real food,” the inspector replied. “Now we buy from Loegria, who grow and export lots of fresh produce.”
“And you trade with Loegria?” I went on.
“Bio products, chemicals, medical supplies,” he said after a moment’s thought. “Their terms were generous and we’ve started to manage our own exports to the over-master territories at a much cheaper price than they are willing to sell to each other.”
“That’s how Loegria started and expanded,” Brianna added.
“I know, and we’re grateful to an extent, but we have a proud independent history of our own and don’t want to be tied to their coat-tails,” he replied.
“Shame you invaded them and held them down for nearly a decade,” journeywoman Ekaterina admonished.
“Yes, they have no reason to particularly like us either,” the inspector sighed. “It’s led to difficulties...”
“Yes, though we are doing our best to smooth them over,” Ekaterina replied.
“As are we,” he rebutted as her eyebrow raised. “We are, it’s just our people are far more insular and like to take our customs with us ... whilst disapproving of others customs it has to be admitted,” he sighed.
“It will get better, you’re far more as allies than the sum of two separate nations,” Brianna said soothingly.
“So we keep getting told,” he replied.
“Would you rather go back to over-master control?” I asked.
“Hell no!” he retorted angrily. “It’s just that it might be best for people to decide for themselves rather than have all this propaganda thrust at them.”
“Ketty thinks the same, but others disagree,” Brianna explained.
“Archon Ketty?” the inspector asked.
“Now there’s a Loegrian I can admire. Shame she’s retiring,” he said.
“Ketty will be around for a couple of years yet,” Brianna confirmed. “I suspect she’ll get her own way eventually, she usually does.”
“I hope so, it’s her that is keeping this fragile alliance together as people are still terrified of the future and a far stronger neighbour to the south of us,” the Inspector said.
“Joras, her replacement, is cut from the same cloth, though their personalities are quite different. Yet he sees the problem of telling everyone that things are fine to be self-defeating,” Brianna replied.
“We’ll see, though in a couple of years it might be quite different,” he mused.
“I should imagine it will, your people will be able to see what their prosperity is bringing them, rather than it accumulating in someone else’s pockets,” Brianna continued.
“To many it has,” he replied. “Ah, we’re getting close.”
We had moved north to another valley abutting what to me had to be Loch Lomond, but was somewhat reduced in size. Below was what appeared to be a small village and we were descending downwards towards it. It was then that some form of laser or plasma bolt was fired at us. Fortunately we had the Thopter shielded and all that happened was the bolt’s energy being dispersed and a box carried on Ekaterina’s knee lit up as if it were actually doing something.
“Shields holding, they’ll need something a hell of a lot more powerful to breach it,” she intoned to the stunned crew and members of the Inspectorate.
“You have a portable shield?” the Inspector finally asked as we headed fast towards the ground.
“The MAGES do, yes. Don’t ask, we won’t tell and any attempt to steal it will have dire results for the thief,” Ekaterina replied.
“Is that how you thwarted so many assassination attempts?” he finally asked after apparently mulling Ekaterina’s statement over.
“Partly, we have very good intelligence analysis too, hence our trip up here,” I replied.
“Whoever was manning that battery appears to have moved it under cover,” one of the pilots announced.
“Silly of them, now we know to investigate further,” the Inspector replied.
“Well, they probably knew nothing about the shield,” Róisín said.
“True, but shooting down an Inspectorate thopter would have drawn a response come what may,” he replied.
“Yes, clearly someone was not being cautious, or perhaps they knew they were exposed anyway,” Brianna mused.
“You needn’t say more, the leak likely came from my office,” he sighed.
“Not from any we observed today,” Liliya replied.
“You can read minds?” he asked puzzled.
“No, we are trained to observe human behaviour as well as a whole host of visual tells and cues,” she replied. “Your staff is loyal to you, and you are suspicious of us, though not to the extent of blocking this investigation.”
“No traitors?” he asked cautiously.
“Amongst the ones we saw today no, not even the guards on the gate,” Liliya replied.
“That would narrow the search down a little if we needed to investigate,” he mused.
“We would help if asked,” Brianna added. “Only you would know the results.”
“I’ll think about it,” he finally replied.
We had all now disembarked from the thopters and were looking around. I, like the rest of the Mages, was still mentally tracking whoever had tried to attack us, but realised that they were deliberately heading away from the compound where the suspected lab was in order to try and draw us off.
“This way,” the Inspector commanded and his staff fanned out heading towards an innocuous series of buildings approximately half a mile away.
We five Mages also spread out, each of us looking at a metal box attached to our forearms on which we were projecting mentally human life sources as well as a stream of data indicating energy sources too.
“Hold!” Róisín announced and pointed towards a series of scrub brushes. “Ten hostiles, armed with energy weapons, possibly projectile weapons too.”
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The house wouldn’t look odd at all in the suburb of an American city. In a suburb of Paris, it did. As would the others around it. Three story clapboard with a garage part of its structure. Joe rented a Citroen, and had the limo driver, who had been approved by those that had given them the information about the place, drive them to the location. A limousine would be far too obvious in the neighborhood. The house’s owners didn’t need that. They had waited for the car’s arrival and opened the...
John and I became instant friends when he had moved in to the house three doors down. I was 9 and he was almost 11. We were both in Boy Scouts and we were inseparable. A few years later, I had just finished eighth grade and it was summer vacation. I was going to be starting High School as a freshman and John was going to be a sophomore. One afternoon John and I were in his bedroom and I saw a condom on his dresser and asked him what it was. He told me it was a rubber that he had gotten from the...
Sometimes, I feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, man. I work forty-hour weeks and try my best to pay my 300-dollar-a-month rent ( it’s a shared apartment ) and school fees, but it’s not enough. I owe Carleton University well over a thousand dollars, and I doubt they’ll give me till May to pay it. We’re on the last day of January 2013 as I type this here tale. It’s an unusually warm day in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I’m just a guy trying to get by. The name is Stephen...
So I went into the hotel gym I was staying in and it turns out that the sauna is co-ed. Now given that it si a sauna well, who really wears clothes, but just in case I took in my towel. When I got in there were mostly guys and a few women. Everyone was mostly covered, which was fine. And almost everyone appeared to be in couples except for two guys and me, which was also fine. After awhile people started to leave and it was just me and these two guys. I had been freezing all day so I wasn’t...
Horny stepmom Jennifer White records a home video for her stepson Tyler Nixon to watch. Her striptease doesn’t end until she has peeled off her bra and thong and plunged her fingers deep into her landing strip fuck hole. Things come to a head when Tyler brings his girlfriend Maya Bijou home from college and his stepmom still wants to fuck. Jennifer’s seduction attempt is eventually successful as Tyler’s objections slowly die off. Jennifer starts by stroking and sucking...
xmoviesforyouSo, I had just left a strip club and was feeling unsatisfied. I'd managed to get out before handing over my life savings in the hope of a discrete handjob that was never going to arrive. So I was walking down the street, in a slightly seedy part of town, horny and frustrated, and slightly pissed off.I saw a girl walking by herself, pulling a small rolling suitcase behind her. Heading home from a trip, perhaps? I decided to have some fun. I slowly caught up with her and walked beside her for a...
[ For my friends A&T---and for all those interracial cuckold lifestyle couples out there! ]The day before, Mara had fucked three of the four African men we'd made plans with months earlier, all at the same time---and the memory of that was still very fresh in my mind as we sat outside on the beach together. The wind off the Atlantic ocean stirred the slender palm trees above us, and the salty scent of the sea, mixed with that of the Jasmine and Oleanders, made for an exotic effect.I glanced...
Wrong Time for a Trip to the BathroomStrong hands pulled mine behind me, and I felt and heard the unmistakable sensations of a nylon tie-wrap locking my wrists securely behind me. A deep brown voice whispered into my ear, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like I got myself a little piece of white meat to play with".A very large black hand clasped tightly over my mouth prevented me from responding, protesting, or finding out what the fuck was going on, the voice continued: "I tell...
I got many mails from my friend who really liked my story and they are encouraging me for my new part of story so please send me your comments about the story so i can write more hot and horny story to make you cum. You will enjoy my story but please i need one help from you please feedback me on my email id I came home with beer and cigarettes after some time later i lit one cigarette in front of mom and opened the beer bottle and started having it. Mom got shocked and she started shouting on...
Incest“They’ve left for work.” She informed him as a panicked look crossed his face. “We have just enough time for a quickie.” Mark unzipped his cargo shorts and pulled out his dick, shoving it into her mouth with no ceremony. He was still upset with her from last night, and felt pretty aggressive. As he quickly grew to his full size, she tried to back off of him a bit, but he grabbed her head and held it in place until his crown was pushing into her tonsils. She started to choke until she...
So roughly around Sep 2013 I went to a beer tent with my girlfriend for a few drinks & music. While we were sitting at a table, a young guy around mid 20's started talking with me. I didnt show much interest but he kept it up.... After a few beers, I hit the stage to dance & after a few songs he was behind me talking to me again. I kinda took the flirting in stride as I already have a man at home. He ended up grabbing my waist and I said you can dance but no touching... He said, Awwww...
Tyler… a friends daughter is a very sexy 17yr old, (and she knows it!) with short dyed blonde hair, lovely looks and a gorgeous body. With sparkling blue eyes and full lips, she’s developing nicely! Tyler helps to clean our house sometimes. It was on such a day , with the rest of the family out and me working from home that she came round to do the cleaning. As usual Tyler just walked straight in to the house shouting ‘Hiya’ as she closed the door. One of these days that sort of abrupt entry is...
I feel you slide your hand along the curve of my rib-cage, I’m shivering in pleasure from the simple touch. I watch your hand move along my skin, taking my breath away with each movement. You slide your hand up along my rib-cage to my full breast, the palm of your hand skims along my nipple forcing it to become rock hard instantly. I gasp out, pushing my breast up towards your hand with a soft moan. Your lips press against mine with a soft sigh. The way your lower lip teases me with kisses, a...
After Her flatmate hooks up with Brake, Angel knows she just has to have a taste of him too and he’s only in town for one more day, so she has very little time to prove just how bigger fan she is. She has heard the whole story and knows that her friend struggled with his attributes, and after arriving at his house and enjoying a few drinks, she’s ready to show him what she can do. Angel is about to go above and beyond what most fans could only dream of, and she’s going to find out just how big...
xmoviesforyouIt was a beautiful wedding, with the father of the bride beaming with pride. The mother, too, was beaming, but hers was the product of a soft alcoholic glow. Linda was radiant in her flowing gown, and just a wee bit tight herself. Bill was handsome, tall and straight. The bride wore white and the groom wore black, but it was the groom who was virgin. Bill had led a sheltered life and had not gone with many girls. Until he met Linda, he had considered his mother his best girl. The reception...
四 The nightmares fit a pattern. I’d be in my apartment building’s corridor, find myself in vivid encounters with angry, confused souls, mostly men, wearing dark blue prison clothes with a bar code like number on the front and back of their shirts. They were in pain, these men. Physical pain. Psychic pain. Many were riddled full of bullet holes, and they were holding spades, trying to dig into the floor. Their festering, open gashes, flesh wounds were streaming dark red blood as they stabbed...
First I have to tell you something about my wife. My wife is a proud woman. She is rather pretty, and she never leaves the house if she's not looking great. Not only the hair and make up, but also her clothes. I love it too, just like every normal guy, when people look at her when we're walking by. It's like I have something you want, but can't have. Every man wants a woman like that! Who would stick with the ugly troll if he can show off with the princess? But back to the story... My...