Arlene and JeffChapter 481
- 4 years ago
- 33
- 0
The tabloid cretin got the point and quickly crawled back under his rock.
It didn’t take as long as I expected before the reporters realized that I wouldn’t say a thing about Laura, no matter how they asked me. I deflected questions about my wealth as well.
“Did you lose the federal job that lets you take kids to your foster care complexes without anyone being able to stop you?” one reporter asked.
I shrugged and said, “How would I know? The police lost my phone, wallet, IDs, and everything they took from me during my arrest. I haven’t been able to make or receive calls since they arrested me. I didn’t ask for those permissions or government-granted authority. The federal government gave them to me, so they can take them back whenever they wish. I don’t know why they would since I’ve done nothing wrong, and they knew it before being arrested.”
“If you will excuse me, I am going to take my lawyer to dinner before I return home,” I told them.
Paula had already reached out to Laura and Laura’s parents to have them meet us at one of my restaurants in LA. We would be eating in full view of everyone there, but no reporters or media could get in to bug us. They could see us through the large front windows. A few scuzzy reporters tried to follow us, only to find they were as bad drivers as reporters.
I know hidden cameras and microphones are placed all over that restaurant, including bathrooms, prep areas, kitchen, and other rooms.
Once our group was seated, I had Paula on one side of Laura and her dad on the other I said, “Laura, I am so sorry that this happened. I should have gone with my gut to decline to come to your house for cake on your birthday. You were so excited I didn’t want to ruin it for you. Now everyone knows more about you than they should. That assistant DA went way over the line, and you happened to be the victim of her screwed-up mind.”
“Don’t think that, David,” Laura said. “I was a nobody at school. No one wanted to get to know me because I could get cancer again and die this time. At least the kids at school want to know what the hell happened.”
“Yes, Laura has gotten incredibly popular as a result. Not as much of if you gave her, or us, the Bugatti, but popular all the same,” Laura’s dad said.
Her mom said, “Because of your help getting the board to buy me out, we had no reason to stay in California. My dad had homes all over the place, and he left me the one where we spent much of my youth. It is in Nevada. A moving company packed us up while we were in court today. We would already be on our way there, but I’m not about to miss a chance to eat at this place. You probably already know that Nevada’s age of consent is sixteen. After all the hell your kindness put you through, if you want to come with my family to our new home, you can spend the night with Laura and not worry about being arrested.”
Paula said, “Don’t look at me. I’m not in control of your dick, David. I wouldn’t mind wandering around in Las Vegas now that I can get into some places I couldn’t enter as a minor. I still can’t go gambling, but I don’t have an interest in that anyway. I do suggest that you depart separately from David and myself. Those following us will be able to confirm we departed by plane. I recommend Laura and her parents decide to caravan to your new home in Nevada after dinner. I see no point in you returning to your previous home. Let the media crowd waiting there find you don’t live there anymore long after you have departed. I suggest you slip out the rear exit designed to let famous people escape the fans and paparazzi. David and I will continue out the front as planned.”
Dinner was excellent, and the staff didn’t know I owned the place, so they confirmed that this was another of my restaurants that always treated customers amazingly well. I left a sizeable tip and departed with Paula.
At the airport, those following us found that I didn’t have to go through security and had clearance to use the secured hallways provided to government couriers. Some bought tickets to try to continue their following of us. Paula and I didn’t make any attempts to hide. We did head down toward the plane that would take us to get a connecting flight home. Flying first class allowed us to be on the walkway alone. One of the pilots held the door open to the stairs they used to do pre-flight checks on the plane. Paula and I walked the short distance to the airplane that awaited us a few spots down.
A note on the controls said to use my David Jones call sign to clarify that I was departing, just not on the plane they expected. We were in the air to Nevada before the flight people expected us to board could finish loading first class. Our flight plan had us heading toward home.
“Aircraft David Jones,” I heard over one of the radio frequencies this aircraft tuned into automatically. “You are ordered to change course. We will escort you down.”
“Thanks, guys, but I already know the way. There is no need to give me the guided tour,” I told them as I showed them my jet was faster than theirs, even if it looked like a G5.
I dropped down below their line of sight and turned on the stealth system.
I landed at Area-51 unnoticed and moved right behind one of the planes that shuttle people back and forth. From the armed guards outside an open hanger, I taxied up as closely as I could and then triggered an alert that moved them temporarily out of the way of the hanger doors. The plane rolled silently inside, and I used the unique system to turn it around in place. Another distraction let Paula and I deplane unnoticed.
“What do you mean you lost them? That isn’t possible,” I heard the general yelling.
I got a ping on my implant that someone snuck his twins here, and he had no clue. It hit me that this would be right about the time for their birthday, based on when I came through here as Darren before my mission to free the man-in-the-machine and then end up at my first Spring Break with the Elites.
They were now eleven and cute as can be. The girl was a few inches taller than her twin brother, but he started puberty three months ago and two months before her. I walked over to them, got down on one knee, and they felt whatever it was that made kids with special needs want me to hold them. They got their arms around my neck, and I got my arms under their butts to stand up.
We walked over to where the General was still tearing into someone.
I was standing back from where he could see me when I held out the key fob I found hanging beside the door in the plane Paula and I used. It let out a loud beep like I was turning off a car alarm. That scared the shit out of the soldiers, and they rushed to surround the plane. They had their weapons drawn.
“General,” I said as the twins couldn’t keep from giggling any longer. “It is rude to invite me to meet the twins on their birthday and not tell me so I could get them gifts. I hope you don’t mind that I self-parked. I saw the welcoming party outside, so I guessed this is where you wanted me to park.”
Is he more surprised I snuck up on him, and no one noticed, or am I holding his twins?
“Let me introduce one of my best friends and lawyer, Paula. You won’t have me arrested if I do something nice for the twin’s birthday, will you? I don’t need more insanity today,” I asked.
As I would expect, the General recovered quickly and asked Paula, “Are you not a bit concerned that David just landed in Area-51 like he owns the place?”
Paula had changed into a skirt and t-shirt on the plane. She had them both removed in a few seconds.
“Sir,” Paula said, “I’ve had nearly all of my bones shattered, skull crushed, and spinal cord torn from my brain stem when my brain, after the impact that pulled my head off my spine. They skinned me to repair my muscles and tendons, plus various organs. It took me years to relearn or remember what I knew before the accident. David was there holding my hand when not trying to break the hospital’s exoskeletons. I’m the closest thing to a real-life human Frankenstein that has ever existed. So, no, David, landing at the most secure facility in the United States, in a stealth aircraft no one saw arrive or detected, doesn’t surprise me a bit. David and I have known each other for most of our lives.”
The twins wanted down and quickly went over to Paula to pull down her panties to look at her scars and then lifted her bra. Paula put one leg on a chair so the kids could trace her scars out where they went on each side of her pussy. When they finished, Paula got dressed.
“Daddy,” the boy said. “She is the one from the papers you had on your desk in the office. She is beautiful.”
Paula bent down to pick the boy up, and he quickly had his arms around her neck and legs around her waist.
I put his twin sister on my shoulders. She was as happy as could be.
Two soldiers rushed over, saluted the General, and said, “Sir, the plane is empty. We can’t find anyone.”
“At ease, soldiers,” he told them. “David and his friend Paula slipped right past you. They are the man and woman holding my children, who also arrived undetected. I suggest you find the officer in charge, and you three figure out how this happened. I will expect your report by twenty-two hundred hours.”
I told Laura’s mom that we had to make a stop on the way, so it might be tomorrow before we arrived at their home.
He asked us to follow him before asking Paula, “You wouldn’t possibly be willing to allow some of the egghead doctors to examine by chance?”
“If they don’t go trying to do a pelvic or anal exam, then I can allow that. Now it will come at a price of a favor when I might need to request it,” Paula told the General.
It surprised him that Paula readily agreed. His twin son refused to leave Paula when we arrived at the area where doctors would examine her.
“You are due for your checkup, birthday boy, so if you want to stay, you have to strip and let them examine you too,” the General said, trying to get his son to abandon wanting to stay with Paula.
He stripped right there and said, “Ok, but nothing in my butthole, and Paula has to hold my hand whenever they are going to touch me.”
Paula led the General’s son down where the nurses directed them.
“Dang it, daddy,” his daughter said. “He already has hairs, and I don’t.”
That threw you for a loop.
When her dad didn’t respond, I told the girl, “Hey, don’t be in a rush to grow up. Everyone develops at their own pace. I bet you didn’t even notice the small knots under your nipples yet.”
The girl leaned back, pulled up her shirt, and started feeling her chest. The General couldn’t see the girl’s tiny buds getting rock hard or know she got warm between her legs. Her firm mounds stayed that way even after she pulled her shirt down and put her arms around me again. I had to pinch her butt cheek when the girl started unconsciously grinding against my arm. That made her blush, and then she hid her face in my chest.
When we happened to walk into a noisy area, I leaned in to whisper to the girl, “I bet you already have more hair than your brother, but it is so thin, short, and light you can’t see it. Plus, your brother’s hairs are on his balls, which hang down for all to see.
We were in the General’s office when his daughter asked, “Daddy, I need a checkup too. David is a boy, but I don’t mind if he sees me without clothes. If he can stay with me and hold my hand, I will let the doctors touch me all over how they need.”
“You need all your shots this year, Jenny,” he said.
“If David can hold me when they do the shots, then I won’t fight like usual,” she told him. “He makes me feel safe, but I can’t explain why.”
“Looks like you are going to be taking my daughter to the doctor,” the General said.
I laughed and told him, “I adopted an eleven-year-old girl, and you’ve met my daughter April. I’ve probably seen more girls and women naked than the doctors here or on the base.”
“How many girls and women are in your two harems,” he joked back.
I took Jenny to the medical section. Paula was sitting naked on an exam table with Jerry right next to her. He was sitting there facing her as he traced over her scars. He would start feeling over a part of her body from time to time, trying to feel where the bones still had the material to fill in the gaps and missing bone sections. They had x-rays of her entire body on monitors made into the wall. It made it look like a single x-ray that they could rotate around to see side to side and front to back. It also allowed them to zoom in on areas. As the doctors checked over Jerry, he would pick a part of Paula’s body, zoom in, and then check that part of her body with his hands.
“She isn’t exaggerating when she says I have seen nearly every inch of her body, inside and out,” I told the doctors in the room with Paula and Jerry. “I have amazing friends too. One of them is Autistic. I sent her pictures of all the bone fragments from Paula’s body and sent them out to who knows how many Autistic people for them to solve the puzzles of what went where. At least when it was time to put the bones back together, the doctors knew where they needed to use the fast-setting artificial bone substrates. From the x-rays, I see that her body is slowly replacing that material with bone again, as designed.”
Jenny went over to check Jerry’s little dick, balls, and the few hairs he had on them before taking my hand to lead me into the exam room the doctors told her to use. She stripped quickly, got me on the exam table, and then got in my lap with her back. Jenny pulled my hands down over her stomach.
She did try hard to let them do their exam, but something about the doctors creeped her out, and it wasn’t their touch.
From the knowledge I learned to put Paula back together, I asked the nurse and doctor to tell me what part of the exam they were doing, and then I did it instead. I ignored that Jenny got very aroused when I did the steps to examine her small buds. I discretely patted her dry as I did the exam of her groin. She whispered a thank you when I blocked the doctor’s view when opening up her pussy to evaluate her level of development. Neither of us was happy when they said I needed to check her uterus size via my finger in her butt.
“The patient is barely Tanner Stage Two. My abdominal examination does not indicate that her uterus has yet begun to increase in volume. If you wish to stick your finger in her anus to attempt to check her uterus, that is your choice. My fingers are larger than yours and would only cause her trauma and discomfort. I won’t do that to her,” I told them.
That is the end of that direction of examination.
Next came blood samples and then shots.
“Here, Jenny, hold these for me,” I said, putting the collection tubes in her hand.
I cheated a bit by pushing a shield into her arm that let me guide the needle into the vein in a way that didn’t cause her any pain. We got that done quickly.
She had five shots to go in her butt.
“Turn over on your stomach, Jenny,” I told her as I helped her turn over.
I smacked her butt cheeks hard enough to sting but not even make them pink. Before she started to complain that it hurt, I had given her all five shots.
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BDSM6 girls answer the questions boys want to know about female masturbationIt seems there’s quite a lot of fascination for the world of female masturbation.Perhaps that’s because girls don’t feel the need to chat about it as they’re enjoying their morning coffee, or perhaps they just don’t feel it’s necessary information to share.For some, it’s just way too personal. And really, what’s the need for others to know what we fantasise about when we finally get a bit of ahem.. alone time?But, scrolling...
It was the last Thursday night of the month and time for another session of Ten Questions. Bill and I were headed for our favorite campus watering hole to find this month's lucky contestants. We walked into 'The White Tiger Tavern' and headed for the bar. The place was not too crowded, but it was still early. We ordered a beer then leaned back to check out the babes. Several potential candidates entered the bar, but unfortunately all were with a date. We hit pay-dirt about twenty minutes...
“Did you mean what you said? I can talk to you about anything. Ask you anything?” He asked evenly. She moved to the corner of the couch, leaning her weight against it. Without noticing, she pulled the light robe she wore a little more tightly around her. “What happened tonight?” she asked softly. He held out his right arm and patted the open space on the sofa beside him. “Sit next to me.” She wasn’t sure why this alarmed her, but it did. Sit? Fuck. Waking her up in the middle of...
It was once we were inside that he revealed that he was aware of what we were doing. "Why?" were his first words once the door closed. "Because I have questions I don't want to ask where others can hear," I stated firmly. I could see Sarah and Fate peeking around the corner from the back room, but guided Commodore Pruitt to a chair and had him sit. Linda clearly had decided that withdrawing might help and vanished into the back for a moment. I could see the man look around and spoke...
I noticed the new comers the day they moved into the house. I lived in a secluded area at the top of a small mountain in the Rockies. The cul-de- sac contained only seven houses, each quite nice, you might even say mansions, if they weren't such rustic designs. I had moved here a few years ago and of course knew all my neighbors. When the Franks moved to the beach, I was surprised, but they were like all of the other residents, older late 50s to mid-60s; the cold weather and snow...
Dear Rob, On my flight out to DC last week, it got kind of interesting, and I think you'll enjoy the details. I had an aisle seat, in the very back row, and after I was seated, the person in the middle seat showed up so I stood to let her in. I didn't catch on at first that the man and young boy coming along behind her were husband and son, who seated themselves in the same row but on the other side of the aisle. Once she and he started talking across the aisle, and she passed a sweatshirt...
Naomi Powers opened the front door to her dingy apartment. She tossed her purse on the table in the hallway and kicked off her shoes allowing them to land where they would. Her neatly ordered world was back to the chaos that it had been that night thirty-one years ago when she was just a baby. An eight month old baby learning to crawl. Through her mother’s blood when she did not answer her cries. They say her father found her there asleep in her mother’s cold arms the next morning when his...
Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...
What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...
Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...
This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
Get down and dirty in a totally new way.Keeping your relationship fun and exciting is crucial if you want something everlasting. It's not just important for making sure that your man stays attracted and faithful, but also for making sure that YOU, yourself, don't get bored! So that's why I want to give you these 33 dirty questions to ask a guy when you want to get him in the mood for some fun sex games.The aim of the questions is for both of you to discover new things and kinks about each other...
.Time seemed to stand still for them as the conversation flowed. Keyes had totally blown off the movie sending his friends the text: Hanging with the future Mrs. Uiara. They had talked about movies, music, TV, comics, manga, games, sports, favorite foods and colors. Their tastes streamed along the same lines. This wasn’t really surprising to either one. She had learned most of his dating stock came from his job as a manager of women’s clothing store. He was also the reason why the store was so...
Love StoriesThese Are the 10 Most Googled Sex Questions, With the Answers You Need!!Happy to help!In this day and age, when we have a pressing question about absolutely anything, we simply type it into Google, and get our answer.How many feet are in a mile? Why are Kansas and Arkansas pronounced differently? Why does caffeine free Mountain Dew exist? No matter your question, Google has the answer.But not all questions are innocuous. Sometimes, we need to know something about sex that our high school sex-ed...
Copyright, [email protected] Another story by Pagan. Questions, questions, questions. Look at you now, was it only four weeks ago I said those same words. Sitting on my big double bed I remember looking in the ornate dressing tablemirror, look at you now Mrs Susan Watts; it was so strange to be called Watts,21 years as Harbert, and for the last month Mrs Rupert Watts. A month of bliss. My mind went back to that lovely honeymoon in the Seychellesand the things a new wife experienced. I...
QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS When she got to work she rushed to the restroom to check if she had gotten her period, thank God she hadn’t, but why was she so wet down there? Through out the day Rose had all of these questions in the back of her head, so mush so that she had a hard time focusing. Why did he want her? She isn’t pretty why is he interested in her? What should she tell her mother and father, no she can’t they will think she was out there looking for a boyfriend! And so this is...
TeenPart VII - Questions and Precautions Suddenly, Holloran was scarce. No pop-in visits to Jocelyn's office, no spur-of-the-moment summonses to his office or even phone calls; all she got was the occasional desultory e-mail. They dealt solely with routine matters - no mention was made of the investigation or of what had appeared in the New York Sun-Tribune over the weekend. He wasn't the only one. Her secretary had called in sick, and any number of people she tried to reach on Monday...
One of the female teachers was in her late forties or early fifties. She asked, “Claudette, who is this with you?” “Delores, he is Eric Sloan, who plays third base for the Sky Sox. He finished the season with the Brewers. He spoke to my current affairs classes this morning. He is also my fiancé.” She looked at me and asked, “Do you live with Claudette?” “Of course not. We’re engaged, not married. How many male roommates have you had in the past and currently?” She sputtered. I said,...
Still Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...
We met beside the creek that runs below Palmers’ Cottage. They do say folks named Palmer actually did live in the cottage, back when, but it was before my day. The shabby old house had stood empty all my life. It was a hot day. I’d sat on the flat gray slab of rock where the Palmers had probably pounded their laundry clean. I’d tucked up my skirt and dangled my 12-year-old feet in the creek to cool them off. ‘What’re you doin’, there?’ The question startled me so, I nearly fell in the water...
Megan’s QuestionsChapter One? ? ? ?In our house, I have an office tucked back in a quiet area of the second floor.? I am a columnist for a local newspaper, writing about politics and current events in our community, and nationally.? I do? contribute to other newspapers with my own byline.? I am lucky as I can work from home on my computer.? There are times when I must make an appearance at the ?salt-mines?, doing my column while in the offices of our newspaper.? ? ? ?One afternoon, just before...
The first thing Sarah noticed was how thin Jennifer was; her wide red belt tightly buckled around her waist. Her eyes then made their way up from her belt to her firm breasts, and then to her face. It was the face that stopped her cold. Chiseled, the sort of features that only result from hours in the gym. Finally she reached her eyes. They were deep and brown and would be easy to get lost in. She stared into them for several seconds oblivious to any idea that her gaze was being returned. Then...