Incredible ChangesChapter 82: State Dinner free porn video

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“Wow! You look fabulous,” mom told Paula as she got into the back seat with me.

Paula thanked her and then said, “Sorry that it is a bit over the top even for the restaurant we are going for dinner, but everything I am wearing was carefully arranged to make specific impressions. The ambassador is expected to be seen in certain company who present an image to pique curiosities within his political circles. Dad and Jane said that it was important that I behave in a very certain way to have people there make incorrect assumptions and conclude, incorrectly, my reason for being present.”

She went on to explain that the people here are complete hypocrites. While they speak out against sixteen year old girls having sex with an adult, they freely go to Asia and other countries to get screw girls who just go their periods, if that sexually developed. Evidently that was expected of the people the Ambassadors dealt with frequently around Samoa. Dad only had to choose to be a gentleman to Paula before he did equally so to Mom to give the impression something was different than reality. I was to just be myself, a fourteen year old boy at a boring dinner with people who think I am below them.

“David I expect that you will be seated between Marlene and her mother. I will be seated between the ambassador and your father. Your mother to his right. An empty seat will be next to Marlene,” Paula explained. “Each of us was investigated thoroughly prior to the invitation being extended. Or least they attempted to do so. I reviewed every bit of data they collected. The three of you were quickly cleared as being of little political value. They found me to be an enigma. I have left carefully engineered breadcrumbs and bits of data over classified and unclassified databases of every government in the world. On the surface I am a straight-A student with a high IQ suffering through the indignity of high school solely for development of proper socialization skills. Digging deeper finds conflicting bits of data that imply there is much, much more to me than what should be possible for a fourteen year old girl. His investigators were given a surprise piece of data that referenced the contract number for the one the report signed where it sits on the top-secret server where I drafted it. The same server I used to have it evaluated for possible loopholes. I allowed them to obtain a heavily redacted copy that provided just enough intimate details to be verified as valid. There were enough smoke and mirrors that they were unable to concretely identify I am the same Paula they found in their other searches. I ensured there was just enough bits and pieces that they couldn’t ignore the likelihood that we were one in the same.”

Ok that seems to be playing with fire here, but Paula is so many times smarter than me, she has to know what she is doing. At least I hope she does.

She saw my look and put it on my level, “David I have allowed them to find enough well placed pieces of things about me that they now too scared to be curious to find out if I am the person their searches found. Finding pictures, recordings and files in places they not only shouldn’t, but had been told could never be tends to shake people up.”

In a whisper she told me that she doctored digital video and hidden camera files to show her at places all over the world where she would never be permitted to access. The access logs were modified to show she was granted authorized access to those places. All of the logs had a special sequence of encrypted letters and numbers the indicated a security level higher than the top people ruling their country was required to access the information. Hints about her were leaked out to some of the other people at the restaurant who had also attempted to find out more about her.

Yeah I would say that would scare the shit out of the people investigating her. If nothing else they would not want to fuck with her if they had no idea who all would get pissed if they did.

Dad made sure he was there to seat Paula first as the ambassador was holding the chair for his wife, then dad held the chair for mom. I was to specifically ignore pulling the chair out for Marlene. Paula knew she was used to being treated with the same respect as a woman by every boy or man in her presence. I wasn’t to be rude, just think of Marlene as an annoying little sister or cousin. I would show perfect manners and respect to everyone else. If there so happened to be other girls around seeing me do it would really turn Marlene’s crank. The goal was to get her to have another of her hissy fits to have her make a huge scene out in public. It seems this particular restaurant happens to have a room where parents, who need to do so, can take their children for a private, sound-proofed talk. Each time Marlene got away with her little outbursts and behaviors, the ambassador was seen as weak both politically and as a parent. A public tantrum resulting in her father taking her to be disciplined and returning having had her attitude adjusted would help his reputation greatly.

Mom surprised us all when she said, “David, if this girl behaves in the manner Paula says, she will go off on you as you are the only available target. She will believe she is safe from reproach by a common high school boy because she is the daughter of an ambassador. Unlike what you have seen with your cousins in the past when they did something to you and were taken off to be punished, you will be involved in the punishment. First allow her father to approach her seat. You must be the one to rise and demand firmly that she get up. She will defy you with a venomous verbal and possibly physical assault. Pull her chair out, point in the direction of the back room before demanding firmly that she go there immediately. She won’t. This is where her father is expected to show his authority, for he is to consider you as merely a male child, not a man. Marlene will not refuse him. Take her hand, firmly, and pull her after you in the direction of the back. Drag her roughly across the floor if you must. A man will appear to escort you to the designated area. When inside you are to pull her dress up, push her over the upholstered bench, pull down her panties and hold her down as her father tears into her bare butt until he decides to stop. As is customary, he will be using a paddle designed to cause very little pain while sounding to anyone listening that he is beating the tar out of her. When it is your turn, you will be presented a paddle much closer to the one we have at home. People will be watching David, even if you can’t locate where they are. I know you aren’t one to take pleasure in causing another pain. As distasteful as it may be, you cannot feel any remorse or have any restraint when you paddle her as hard as you are able. Anything less will give the appearance that this behavior modification was staged. You will continue to paddle her until Marlene gives you a sincere, heart-felt apology, or at least one you believe is as close as she is capable. Right now I can tell you that it will take at least three rounds you paddling her until she will be able to comply. Only then out of fear of more pain.”

After Paula got done asking how mom knew any of this, to which she smiled and teased Paula about knowing some things that Paula didn’t, mom turned back to me.

“David I know that this isn’t how we raised you and that you are not a violent boy in any way. I have no idea how to tell you to get to a place in your head where you can do this, but it is very important you are really paddling her as hard as you are possible,” mom told me. “All observers and those viewing video of it later will expect her butt to be black and blue. If she is able to sit comfortably when you have finished, then they will debate if it was all staged.”

At dinner it was just as she said. We were greeted by the ambassador and taken to a table sort of in the middle. Paula walked right next to dad with a slight grip on his arm. Mom was walking back behind him with me behind her. Paula explained walking in this way implied that mom had less status than Paula. I would be completely ignored, just like Marlene, by the people looking on. We were just the young children who should be seen and not heard.

Like Marlene would ever permit herself to be unseen or unheard.

At the table Marlene was there waiting for someone to pull her chair out. Everyone else was seated but the two of us. I just pulled my chair out, sat down and slid up to the table. Eventually she got tired of standing and did it herself.

“You are supposed to pull the chair out for a lady you buffoon,” she said low enough that her dad didn’t hear her, but her mom did.

I responded with “Duh! Our moms and Paula were already seated, so I sat down.”

Oh that is a nice shade of red she has there on her face. No one will mistake that for blushing.

Her anger wasn’t missed by Paula or the ambassador.

All through dinner I did all I could to frustrate her.

I would ignore her when she asked me to pass her something like the salt and pepper, but immediately passed it to her mom. Everything she would say to me would be snotty and belittling. More than once her father gave her a sharp look, but she ignored him.

Wow! I may have been ignoring everyone, but it seems that I still learned a lot of ways to annoy the shit out of someone.

For my part I would do as I had been told and treated her like an annoying little sibling or cousin I got stuck sitting beside. I promptly answered questions from her mother when asked, but ignored Marlene until she had repeated her question at least twice. When I did answer her I gave brief answers that really didn’t give any substance. She wouldn’t even be bothered to answer any questions I asked her.

I can’t believe what finally made her go off on me was something I didn’t even do on purpose. She was going on and on about something that seemed completely important to her. Maybe it was meant to impress me somehow, I don’t know. All through it she as taking bites of her food.

One piece of something went flying out onto the table and I said automatically, “Gross! Don’t talk with your mouth full.”

I had heard it so many times growing up and when I was around other kids that I said it when an adult wasn’t near enough to us or didn’t see the food go flying.

“Where the fuck does a common unsophisticated stupid boy who attends a government funded public school get the idea he can speak to me about manners? I regularly attend dinners with royalty, presidents and rulers of countries. You would never be permitted to see the inside of a restaurant like this if we hadn’t invited you,” she yelled out at me.

Her father said sternly, “Marlene that is quite enough.”

“It all your fault! You made me come and sit next to this stupid uncivilized fucking dimwitted asshole so you could talk to that slut beside you. It is bad enough I have to put up with all the little brats of people that matter,” she screamed as loud as she could at him. “I don’t have to put up with this shit from him. He didn’t even pull out my chair. What a dumb moronic barbarian!”

You have to be kidding me, right? She didn’t just scream that out as loud as she could, did she? In a place like this? Man doesn’t she have any filters between her brain and mouth?

She stopped when she saw her dad start to stand, so I pretended to wipe off my mouth with my napkin as I whisper taunted her with, “You’re in trouble. You’re in trouble.” in my little kid voice.

Her dad came over just like Mom told me. Marlene flew off in a renewed rant at the top of her lungs when I stood up as well. I demanded her to get up. All that did was make her start going off on me. Her dad pulled back the chair and pulled her to her feet by one arm. I took her hand to pull her behind me. She resisted, of course.

Good to have the shield energy powering my muscles, I just have to be careful to not overdo it and sling her across the room or really do something that hurts her. Is pulling her arm out of the socket too much?

Flatly, and hoping my voice wouldn’t crack, I told her ominously, “I will drag you.”

She still resisted, so I gave her a hard tug. Only my holding her hand kept her from face planting. After I drug her across the floor for a ways she quickly scrambled to her feet. The “discussion room,” as it was marked on the door, was in a hallway outside the kitchens in the opposite direction to the bathrooms. The man I had followed back here unlocked the door, turned on the lights and told us we wouldn’t be disturbed. He politely, with the required snobbish sounding tone, said everything we required was where it was expected.

Before Marlene could even react, I had her dress pulled up to be under her stomach and panties were down around her high heeled shoes. I don’t know where it came from, but I was a different person right now. I made sure she would know there was no use trying to fight back as I pushed her hard down onto the cushions on the bench. After she got her hands slapped by the paddle when she covered her butt, I grabbed her wrists to pull both arms up behind until anymore would actually cause damage.

Man is he really going to town on her. I mean she deserves this and it should have been done long ago, but even I don’t think it should be that much. Not like I am going to stop him!

Marlene had no idea of the protocol and assumed that when he was done, that was it. She made a few obviously fake sniffles and an apology that wouldn’t fool a toddler. When she tried to lift up, she got a surprise.

“Don’t even contemplate it Marlene. It is my duty to discipline you for your insolence and embarrassment you brought on our family in front of my peers,” he told her. “Publically degrading and berating a guest, much less a completely stranger who put your life over their own, just isn’t tolerated in our social circles. David is due full retribution and an honest apology. He will get both.”

Marlene looked back over her shoulder at where I was holding a very well-crafted paddle with holes drilled in it, lifted her pink butt, wiggled it and started to say, “Let me know when you get tired. I doubt I will even feel...”

Ok this was going to be a lot easier than I thought.

I had to hold way back on my strength. The first swat was so hard it knocked her down into the bench and knocked the wind out of her. She looked back in surprise just as the paddle was again swinging at her butt. I can’t say I liked the screams, but anyone listening and watching wouldn’t be able to say she was faking them. I gave her two dozen hard swats in total and her butt was a dark red now.

I pulled her up by her hair, which was probably not what I was supposed to do. Her father told her to apologize for her behavior. What she gave back was filled with stubborn attitude of resistance.

I reached down, unzipped and then pulled her dress completely off her before she could react. She was now just with her panties around her heels as I pushed her back down onto the bench. I gave her another dozen hard swats before pulling using her hair to pull her up for another attempt at an apology. Mom was wrong. It took her five rounds. It would probably have taken even more if not for her father showing her some sort of paddle I was to use next to ensure a change in her attitude. I saw real fear in her eyes as I was handed the paddle. I couldn’t see any difference. Maybe there wasn’t any but something psychological. Whatever it was, she found her voice again. Hear screams sounded like I was slowly pulling off strips of thick plastic that had been super-glued to the inside of her pussy’s inner lips. When I stopped paddling her she dropped to her knees, looked up at me with her red, tear-stained eyes and begged me to forgive her. She would do anything to show how sorry she was, even suck my dick or let me stick in in her anywhere I wanted. Every word she said was dripping with polite sincerity. Her father holding yet another new paddle that appeared to ensure she wasn’t trying to fake anything.

Was this all a mind game then? Her plump butt wasn’t even showing any pain now, just heat. Sure it had would really bruised from when I hit a little too hard. Might as well make her sweat it out a little bit.

I stayed still and silent as I looked down at her. That had to punish her more than anything else. After five minutes she was turning to look at her dad with begging eyes, but not speaking a word.

At ten minutes it was too much and she turned to her father to beg, “Daddy, please. Tell him my permitting him to use my body like that of an incompetent servant is the ultimate humiliation for one in our world. I know not of any other way to show him how truly sorry I am for my behavior towards him and our family.”

I looked him in the eyes and saw what I needed.

I reached down to help her stand, pulled up her panties, got her dress on her, removed the ties in her hair and had her sit on the bench.

I don’t know that this brush has ever been used to brush hair or not, but if it gives her lice or other issues, then she can deal with it. I am sure living in Samoa she has had lice a time or two.

I got on the bench behind her and soon had her long hair brushed out. With a speed I didn’t even know I was capable of, I had her hair braided into something ... well ... I can’t even really describe it. I know it was in a whole different class from what I did early today in my room.

Where did those ribbons and chords come from? They look to be an exact match to her dress. Oh shit!

I quickly had her stand and checked over her dress. I was even more confused now because there was none of it missing, but the ribbons and shiny braided chords I had put in her hair couldn’t have come from anyplace else. I didn’t worry much about it as I turned her around to gently wash her face. All of the makeup someone had put on her was gone now. Other than her puffy red eyes, she looked like a little girl dressed up in a fancy dress with equally fancy hair. Marlene now looked to be closer to what I guessed was her real age of nine or ten, instead of a flat chested twelve or thirteen.

When she saw herself in the mirror it must have really hit her hard. She threw her arms around her father and started crying again, really blubbering away. It took her a few minutes to get herself under control and then we left to return to the table.

On the way back I was walking a half step in front of her father with her now obediently following along behind us like the scolded child she was. It didn’t go unnoticed by any of the people looking on. Mom, dad, and Paula seemed to think that where I was walking was somehow socially important. Marlene’s mom went pale. It definitely wasn’t the “oh my god, what happened to my daughter?” pale look. It was the same, blood completely drained from her face pale I had seen in the cage of orphaned kids when there was the least little sound. I thought it was from the confident look on the Ambassador’s face now. I was way off.

When I looked over at her, the ambassador’s wife seemed to shrink down in her chair a bit. She wouldn’t meet my eyes.

Marlene was definitely, at least for now, visibly changed too. I politely pulled her chair out for her and she thanked me sincerely with a flair I can only guess that they teach princesses and kids who might be in the presence of princesses.

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The Last State is the Best Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - On the evening news Wickenburg, Arizona is no metropolis. But it is large enough to rate bold print on the road atlas. After miles and miles of wide open spaces south of Kingman, pulling into this town signals a return to civilization. Wickenburg is the southern terminus of US 93, coming to an end at US 60. However, if you look at an Arizona road map, it looks like it is US 93 that continues straight toward Phoenix, not US 60. Lois negotiated the tricky traffic circle...

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State of The Union

STATE OF THE UNION by Dale Ribbons Great editing and help from the peerless Steve Zink OUR CAST OF CHARACTERS: Fan Fiction, no copyright violation intended U.N.I.O.N.: The United Nations Intelligence Operatives Network. A covert peacekeeping organization founded in 1949. WILLIAM ?BILLY? WEBSTER: Billy and his brother Thomas were both employed by UNION, Billy in Research & Development, Thomas as a field agent. When Thomas disappeared on an assignment, Billy asked to be...

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The Last State is the Best Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - On a roller coaster Lois was able to freshen up her western style outfit for her trip to the dude ranch with Steve. She came down to meet Steve for breakfast and saw him with Melissa. "Hi Steve. Hi Melissa. Will you be joining us for breakfast?" "Hi Lois. Good to see you again. I'm sorry, but I can't join you. I have to get to work. But you two have a good time together." "Bye Sis. I'll catch you later." "Bye Melissa." "Well, good morning, Lois. You look lovely...

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Back Upstate to the horse Published by blsbls123

Back Upstate to the horse.So our next trip upstate was planned, the first one was when my wife and her sister Peggy had their first horse. This next time was alot better for me. Dont worry I didnt do anything to the horse, just the owners daughter, lol. So Peggy and my wife started where they did last time, topless and stroking the horses cock with the owner. I guess the owner needed to make the horse comfortable enough to get hard, or something. So again watching Peggy and my wife with this 16...

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Fucked At Drunken State

Hey this is your loving Priya once again. After your huge response over my earlier stories I decided to get you know about my present boyfriend and the incidence. This is one of the many incidences of it. Let me also tell you that I have shifted to Singapore and having lots of fun here. Any Kind of review about my stories can be mailed to I’ll be keeping an eye there and would surely love to reply you all. Now I have bored you a lot then let me start off my story so here it goes. I have been...

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Flashing women while driving on the interstate

This is a story about one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had from masturbating. So you can get a good mental picture of what I am about to tell you: I am male, 36, 200lbs., short brown hair and said to be very attractive. I have an athletic job, so I am in pretty good shape too. I like to masturbate. My dick is 7″ long and pretty thick, cut, and has a pretty big head. I know, not huge, but not small either. I came across these archives about six months ago and have masturbated to...

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The Ladies Dinner

The first thing Sarah noticed was how thin Jennifer was; her wide red belt tightly buckled around her waist. Her eyes then made their way up from her belt to her firm breasts, and then to her face. It was the face that stopped her cold. Chiseled, the sort of features that only result from hours in the gym. Finally she reached her eyes. They were deep and brown and would be easy to get lost in. She stared into them for several seconds oblivious to any idea that her gaze was being returned. Then...

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Sea State Six

If there are any sailors out there they will know what I am talking about when I say sea state six. It isn’t the worst state to be sailing in but it is not picnic either. I remember it as if it was yesterday and the moment still brings fear in my heart. I am a radar operator on a warship, which I love doing. Most people can’t handle the overly cold dark room which others on the ship call the mushroom factory. It takes some getting used to not knowing whether it is night or day and the constant...

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State Football Championship Not The Only Highlight

The week was finally here! After months of practices, games, blood, sweat, and tears--we had finally made it to the week of the state football playoffs! Coach Kennedy was on cloud nine. Although he had been super successful as a coach, this was his first trip to the state championship game. Casey, our star quarterback, and I were going to meet with coach this afternoon about some play calling strategies. Casey is super hot! He is ripped and has muscles on top of his muscles. His 6 pack is so...

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How mom made him state champ pt 8

Most of the family hung around the cabin that day, swimming and socializing. In the early afternoon Jacob decided to take the boat out to do some fishing. With five horny pussies floating around him like vultures, there was no fucking chance of him going alone.Any of the women would have jumped at the chance, however, they all knew Michelle was the "alpha-female" so to speak. Jacob was hers, which always gave her first dibs."Hey, handsome, Going fishing?" She asked as Jacob prepared the little...

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How mom made him state champ pt 2

So how did it go with Jacob?" Gail asked her sister."Well, it didn't go exactly the way I thought it would." Michelle answered."Did you show him your tits?" She asked."Well, the deal was, if he won, I'd take off all my clothes." Michelle explained."Holy shit, Michelle, he saw your snatch too?" Gail asked."That was the agreement." Michelle said."I bet he about creamed his pants." Michelle's sister giggled."Well...he did actually." Michelle continued."No sir!" Gail exclaimed."Look, Gail...If I...

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Stolen Chances On A State Bus

My married life is going thru lot of stress recently. I am 35 yrs old, fair, educated & middle-class working woman married to an Accountant 9 yrs ago. Lately, I have been feeling that my husband was spending less time at home due to secret rendezvouses. Like all middle-class women, I was feeling trapped between my values & inner desire. I was feeling lonely & ignored, but my middle-class values were preventing me to stray out of my marriage & start an affair, which could break my family. And...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 28 The AllState Cheer

Can a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl really know what love is? Even in my own overheated and taxed brain, that question haunted me all night. Long after I had dropped Kayla off at her house, sharing another searing kiss full of promise, I was still bothered by what she had told me. In the intervening years since, I have discovered that there have been exceptional children who have known their hearts early on. Joan of Arc was twelve years of age when she first heard the voices that put her...

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The Birthday Dinner

Annie stood before the ‘Action’ section at Suncoast Video with a frown on her face. In her hands were all of the Terminator DVD’s. Looking down at them she muttered to herself, ‘Well, it’s not what I’d want for my birthday, but if this is what Paul wants, then this what Paul gets!’ Its not that Annie didn’t like action movies. She had pretty much been a tomboy while growing up. As a kid, she played basketball and hockey, mostly against boys, and had held her own, too. Heck, she’s probably gone...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 147 Letting It All Hang Out

Did she want to do this or was she pulled down here by her mom and sister to get her so horny she would give me her virginity? I could tell right off that now her sister and mom were gone that she was incredibly nervous while still being very horny. The way she was squirming around I was pretty sure she wanted to feel what the others had felt. I didn’t want to let her do more than she was comfortable with so I took the tension away the best way I could. “It seems your mom and sister are...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 152 Outfitting Housemates

How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 255 Meeting Karens Family

It isn’t what she is expecting. I had Tiffany sitting naked in the empty tub when her dad brought in a glass 1000cc enema syringe with three feet of tubing made to fit on the tip. Her eyes went even wider when she saw it. Her mom popped in with three douche bottles and said, “Who knows what else she has been sticking in there. Then we have the issue that she and her brother are trying to see who can go the longest between showering before someone takes them out back, strips them, and hoses...

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A Fresh StartChapter 147 State of the Union

Tuesday, January 29, 2002 I was right, of course. It was going to get worse, a lot worse! By Sunday night, everybody in the White House, and seemingly half of Congress, knew about ‘The Carl Buckman Experience.’ All week, CBS was running blips and teasers from the interview, and I knew that little segment was going to be a big piece of it. Ari was a little more even on it, surprisingly. Yes, it was going to be a bit embarrassing (A bit? You think?) but was it really that bad a thing to be...

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Guess Whos Coming to Dinner

"I'm home, Mama!" called Eleni. "Hey sweetie, I'm in the kitchen!" came the reply. The raven haired college student dropped her overnight bag in the doorway, tossed her laundry bag down the basement stairs and went to greet her mother. "Mmmm, that smells great!" she said, hugging her mother from behind. "Thanks, baby. I want dinner tonight to be special," she declared. She gave her daughter a peck on the cheek and turned back to the stove top. "What's so special about...

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Preparation for the state titles

The story so far,Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. This was unlike me in those days and I could never work out if I did it for revenge or for some other unidentified reason. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of...

Wife Lovers
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Amys Demise the Decadence of Stateroom M34Chapter 2

AMY'S DEMISE: THE DECADENCE OF STATEROOM M-34 Final Chapter SETTING THE STAGE Separating themselves from the crowd wasn't easy. It had to be negotiated. Amy had no idea what was going on. The ship was going to be docked for seven hours and they were standing on the beach, ready to take an ATV tour with a large group. There must have been fifty or so people in all, two or three of them tour guides. It was very specific where they would go, what they would see. And especially, not getting...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 13 State Committee of the State of Emergency

August 14, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure it’s OK to go to the race on Sunday?” I asked. “I can give my ticket to someone else.” “I think so long as I’m not in labor on Sunday morning at 3:00am it should be OK. Do you think your cell phone will work in Michigan?” “The coverage along the freeways is getting better, but I wouldn’t bet on it working in Brooklyn, Michigan. I can give the ticket away, Babe.” “I think we should,” Kara said. “Both of ours. Kathy and Kurt will take them, I...

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Valentines Day Dinner

There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. * I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. ‘Ok girls, what are you two up to now?’ Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years...

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Husband brings home a friend for dinner

It was Friday and I was just finishing up at the office. As I was about ready to leave the office my husband Jon called me and asked if it was OK to bring a friend home for dinner. It was kind of odd as he had never really done that before. We’d had friends over but usually we would discuss it ahead of time and make plans together. This was different. I asked who the friend was and Jon just said it was someone from work. I thought I knew all his work friends. Not quite sure what was...

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Alexa Chapter 8 Guess Whos Coming to Dinner

Alexa Chapter 8: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The next few weeks saw me adapt to more of the role of Alexa. I started to dress more androgynously in public. Slowly bringing Alexa to the forefront. And it didn't go unnoticed. Not only did both Jenny and Katie make comment on it, but so did the two idiots Brandon and Steve. Walking down the hall one day wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a semi crop top I ran into the two meatheads coming back from class. "Nice look Quinn. What...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 39 Secret Flight to Dinner

"Mr. President, the Swiss Ambassador is calling. Are you free to accept his call, Sir?" "Of course, Mrs. Tompkins. Please put him through, and if possible, will you see that I'm not disturbed? Thank you." Acting President Aaron Bronstein motioned for his ever-present Secret Service minder to leave him alone in the Oval Office, while he answered the telephone. "Jacques, what a pleasure! It was only last week that we enjoyed a lovely evening together! How may I help the Swiss today, my...

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State v Private

Thinking about which experience to tell you all about this time has been difficult. There were so many days, so many single events that stood out, throughout the three months I was away. But eventually I settled on a topic, one that related particularly to my reason for being in Tanzania. I went to Tanzania to teach English, to work along side native teachers to help their education, to give them a first hand experience to a native speaker of the language. The school I was ‘stationed’ in, if...

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Florida State Won and They Didnt Even Play

When I married my wife, my sister-in-law, Tammy, was a gangly college teenager. She favored my wife in many ways, except Liz was slightly less-developed and six years older than her sister. After Liz and I married, we moved to another State, about twelve hours from where her family lived, which was something Liz preferred.We’d visit Liz's family at Christmas and in the summer, but that was about the extinct of our face-to-face contacts. Liz stayed in contact with her family through social media...

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Jock TalesState Champions

Jock Tales---State Champions Well, as you prolly surmised from the title, we won the state championship for Freshman football. First time ever had the Mustangs from Tyler even made it to the playoffs---let alone win. We beat the Tigers, for the third time 21-19. As usual. Me and Cole Parker meet up after the game for his now traditional fuck down—cause he lost. I think he was starting to actually get into my big, now 9” jock cock owning his ass. There seemed to be developing some 'feelings' as...

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My First Out Of State Work Of The Year

I got a contract with Kaduna State Government for the construction of hostel blocks for Community Secondary Zaria in Sabon gari Local Government Area, Kaduna is a Northern State in Nigeria and it is predominantly Muslim. I left for Kaduna at once and when I arrived Zaria, I met with the State Government Deputy Engineer Alhaji Sule Galadima who also will double as my supervisor. After taking me round the site, he took me to a block of flats where I'll be staying for the duration of the project....

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How mom made him state champ pt 7

acob's Grandparents had a beautiful lakeside log cabin tucked in a private little cove. The family met there every year for their annual reunion.It was pretty spacious inside the two-story cabin, with more than enough room for everyone. Jacob slept on an air mattress in his Grandma's sewing room on the second floor. Exhausted from his activities the night before, it was nearly 11am when he finally woke up.After laying there for a little bit, listening to the birds outside chirp, he sensed...

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How mom made him state champ pt 3

"So how was the hand-job?" Gail asked her sister as they spoke on the phone."You mean hand-jobs?" Michelle answered."You got him off more than once?" Gail asked."I got him off twice in the shower, twice in bed last night, once this morning and twice on the car right home. I believe that makes seven if I'm not mistaken." Michelle said proudly."Holy fuck, Michelle. Seven orgasms? Are you serious?" Gail exclaimed."He's like the energizer bunny. He just keep going and going and going." Michelle...

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Medical Test at the State Fair

Our State Fair recently took place and I was surprised at what took place. While looking at all of the booths and activities, I saw a motorhome that had a big sign on it that said “Prostate Cancer”. Being a male in college, I was curious about it. I was greeted by a woman who gave me some literature and told me I could get a free blood test and exam if I filled out a questionnaire. The questionnaire was very easy to fill out, and it asked me a lot of questions about going to the bathroom at...


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