FirebrandChapter 8: Open-Handed free porn video

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Moralez and the two agents made their way downspin, heading in the direction of the residential quarter, where the ambassadors were housed. The interview with the Broker hadn’t been too productive, but it had given him reason enough to doubt that they had been involved. There was no motive that Moralez could pin on them for sabotaging the meeting, at least none that wasn’t so secretive and convoluted as to be absurd. Perhaps it would be a good idea to pick up the end of that thread again if their subsequent investigations produced no results. As a great detective once said; if you eliminate the impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

“Are you sure you want to skip over the Krell and the Araxie?” Boyd asked as he walked beside him, the artificial breeze rustling the leaves of the trees as they passed by a row of planters. “I agree that the Valbarans can’t have had the time or the contacts to organize something like this, but why not the others?”

“The Araxie have no motive,” Moralez replied. “They haven’t even been members of the Coalition for a year, and their troops have never served against the Betelgeusians.”

“I concur with the Chief,” Lorza added. “The Araxie do not have much political power on Borealis, they have been cozying up to the Elysians for protection from the Rask, and Ambassador Elysiedde made a good case for his defense.”

“I suppose you guys know all about what’s going on with the factions on Borealis?” Moralez asked.

“Da, it is our job to know,” the Polar replied.

“We have a listening station at the planet’s pole,” Boyd added with a conspiratorial grin. “A little favor granted to us by the Polars who used to inhabit the region. It trawls the planet’s comms and sends anything juicy to UNNI.”

“Isn’t that classified or something?” Moralez asked skeptically. “Why would you tell me about that, but refuse to spill any beans on the Brokers?”

“It’s a well-known secret,” Boyd replied with a shrug, “not exactly airtight. If the allied factions know about it, then they don’t pay it much mind. I suppose they figure that if the UNN operates their comms satellites, then we’ll have access to all of their data regardless.”

“The situation on Borealis is volatile,” Lorza continued. “Both the Rask and Elysian territories seek to expand their influence. Elysia through alliances and somewhat aggressive diplomacy, Rask through military conquest. We Polars elected to leave the planet entirely, and our population now resides in Siberia on Earth. The Araxie sought to remain hidden in their dense jungle, as they have for centuries, but Rask incursions forced them to come out of hiding and seek assistance from the Coalition.”

“Incursions?” Moralez asked, “wouldn’t any hostile actions against their neighbors violate their agreements with the UNN?”

“They would,” she replied, “the matter is being investigated. If it is found that the Rask violated the treaty that they signed, then there will be severe consequences. Probably not expulsion from the organization, but certainly sanctions of some form.”

“I get what you’re saying,” Moralez continued, pausing to let a column of marching Marines pass them by. “If the Araxie were going to be assassinating anyone, it would be the Rask. As for the Krell, we all know that they wouldn’t even swat a fly if they could avoid it.”

“What if the Krell think that they’re avoiding future deaths by preventing the Bugs from joining the Coalition?” Boyd suggested, “protective instincts and all that?”

“I can’t imagine that being the case,” Moralez replied with a shake of his head. “Not with all their talk of families and circles. They seemed quite happy to have another member species back at the meeting, they voted in favor.”

“Besides, how would they organize a scheme like this?” Boyd chuckled. “They’re not exactly renowned for their communication skills. ‘Shoot big fire stick at shiny bug, me pay you with wood charm on rope!’”

Lorza began to lick her palm, Boyd dodging out of range and covering his head with his hands protectively.

“Don’t you dare, you oversized housecat!”

“Do not belittle other species, malish.”

“Will you two can it?” Moralez complained, “we’re supposed to be doing a job here.”

The two agents fell into line, sharing angry glances as the trio continued on their way. As they reached the end of the military quarter, near the recreation center, Moralez noticed a group of people who stood out in the crowd. It was only thanks to the subtle curvature of the torus that he could see over the heads of the throngs in front of him, able to pick out black armor in unusual configurations, and the polymer housings of their prosthetic limbs. They were SWAR, no doubt about it. These must be some of the men that Murphy had brought with him to the station at the behest of Admiral Vos.

There were three of them, Moralez watching them step off the street and head for the recreation center’s door. Of course, where else would military men go to relax on the station?

Lorza had noticed them too, her senses were many times more sensitive than his own, and she spared him a concerned look.

“I know what you are thinking, Security Chief,” she said ominously. “But these men are not to be trifled with.”

“What’s that?” Boyd asked. “Did you see someone?”

“It’s about lunchtime,” Moralez said, keeping his gaze fixed on the men as they entered the bar. “Why don’t you two go get something to eat, and we’ll meet up again in an hour or so?”

“I would advise against that, Security Chief,” Lorza replied. “As we say in Russia, do not poke the bear...”

“Besides,” Boyd added, “Vos told us to keep tabs on you.”

“The Admiral wanted you to report my activities to him, am I right? Well, if I’m talking to the SWAR guys, they’ll do your job for you. Or do you think that they won’t report everything that I say to them straight to Murphy?”

“He does have a point,” Lorza said, glancing down at Boyd.

“And I suppose it’s entirely coincidental that you’re agreeing with him when food is involved?” Boyd complained. “You don’t need any more food, you’re so wide that you can barely fit through most of the doors on the station. You ate four full English breakfasts this morning. Four!”

“I need the calories, malish,” she shot back. “I am a very appropriate weight for my species. If you will make fun of my size, then I shall make fun of yours, little bean sprout. If your height were proportionate to your ego, you would be banging your head on the roof of the torus.”

“Oh, very clever. Well you’re so fat that ... hey, where’s the Chief?”

The two of them paused their arguing to look around, but Moralez had already vanished into the crowd.

The familiar smell of cigarette smoke rose to Moralez’s nose as he stepped through the automatic door to the recreation center, the ceiling fans creating swirling vortexes in the haze as they spun lazily. It was midday, and so there weren’t many people at the bar, leaving most of the booths and tables vacant. Even so, the low murmur of conversations blended together, creating a background noise that kept things from becoming too quiet.

The three special forces soldiers were easy enough to pick out. They were huddled around a circular table, drinks clutched in their prosthetic hands and e-cigarettes between their lips. This was one of few places on the station where smoking was permitted, so it was no surprise that there was always a cloud of smog no matter the time of day.

He decided to pretend that he hadn’t noticed them yet, sauntering up to the bar and ordering a drink. The bartender recognized him, but if he thought that seeing the Chief there in the middle of the day was at all strange, he didn’t mention it. Moralez sipped at his glass of brandy for a few minutes, then turned to get a look at the trio of soldiers. They were still at their seats, huddled together conspiratorially.

Moralez hopped down from his bar stool and made his way over to them, their heads turning in his direction as they heard the telltale tap of his prosthetic foot on the wood floor. They didn’t greet him as he approached them, even as he pulled up a nearby chair and joined them at their table. They were much like Murphy in their dress and appearance, wearing plate carriers that were adorned with all manner of pouches and accessories, though these men had foregone their helmets while off-duty.

All three were quadruple amputees, making no effort to hide their prosthetics from view. One of them had rolled up the sleeves of his battle dress, another was wearing a Navy shirt beneath his rig, and the third had no sleeves at all.

Their limbs were not models that Moralez was familiar with, each one was different, customized in some way. One had layers of supplemental ceramic armor built into his arms, blending perfectly with the plating of his BDU, the knuckles of his prosthetic hands sporting studs that seemed designed to make his punches more lethal. An after-market mod, no doubt. No doctor would have consented to manufacturing such a thing. Another had subtle, dark grey patterns that had been etched into his housing, visible only when they caught the light at the right angle. They were like tattoos, hard to make out. The third seemed to have wrapped his prosthetics in a tight covering of Kevlar that was creased at the joints, giving the appearance of fabric.

Their legs were much the same. Two of them had skids for feet, and the third was wearing boots, which suggested that he had opted for more realistic replicas. There were pouches and holsters strapped directly to the housing in many places, all of them wearing shorts of varying lengths, the one with the boots securing the hem tightly around his knee joints to leave only his shins exposed.

What surprised Moralez about them were their faces. Only one of them had any scars, an ugly plasma burn that ran from his cheek to his neck, while the others were as fresh-faced as cadets. After what he had been through to lose three limbs, Moralez looked like a walking piece of hamburger meat. He couldn’t imagine what kind of trauma would cost these men their limbs without leaving other marks. Perhaps they too were covered in scars beneath their clothing, but it seemed unlikely.

As the three of them watched silently, Moralez drew his e-cigar from the breast pocket of his uniform, popping it into his mouth. It could be lit using a heating element, but he wanted to show off, drawing his XMH from the holster on his hip. He ejected the magazine, then turned on the battery, pulling the trigger a few times to send an electric current through the copper-colored coils. They began to warm rapidly, and when they began to glow red, he touched one of the coils against the tip of the cigar. It lit with a flicker of flame, and he took a draw, exhaling a plume of smoke as he returned his weapon to its place.

The three men remained silent, confident, but curious about the intruder.

“I saw you from the bar, and thought that I might introduce myself,” Moralez said. “I’m Security Chief Moralez, but most people just call me the Chief.”

“We know who you are,” the one with the scar replied, taking a drink from a glass of amber-colored liquid. His skin was dark, and he had an odd accent, African Union perhaps.

“I assume that your Lieutenant Commander has told you all about me,” Moralez replied. “You’re SWAR, aren’t you? You rode in with him on the modified Courser.”

“That’s right,” the man replied, eyeing him warily. “Her name is the Black Arrow.”

“Oh, very mysterious,” Moralez replied as he took another puff of his cigar. “You know, I’ve been in the Marines since before the beginning of the war, and I’ve never heard of a Special Warfare and Advanced Recon group until now.”

“We’re relatively new,” the stranger replied, staying tight-lipped. “It’s experimental stuff.”

“I’ll say,” the Chief replied, gesturing to the man’s hand with his lit cigar. “I’ve never seen any prosthetics like that before. I’ve known a few guys who lost a limb or two and decided to customize their gear a little, but these are something else. Are they custom jobs?”

The three men exchanged glances, the scarred one speaking for them.

“What of it?”

“We have something in common if you hadn’t noticed,” Moralez said as he twirled his cigar in his polymer fingers. “Think of it like ... stopping to admire a custom car at a gas station.”

These men were certainly proud of their prosthetics, judging by the work that had been done on them, and the way that they displayed them. It was probably the best way to get them talking. Most amputees took measures to appear as normal as possible, covering their arms with sleeves, and their hands with gloves. They wore long pants and boots, they didn’t want to be defined by their injuries. Moralez was a little different in that regard, he wouldn’t look normal again without a lot of plastic surgery that he wasn’t vain enough to care about, and so covering up his gear was somewhat pointless.

“I have to say,” Moralez continued, “it’s unusual to see someone return to active duty after sustaining such severe injuries. I didn’t,” he added with a shrug, “I took a cushy security position on the station instead. Could have retired, but I think I’d get bored living a civilian life. I don’t have to worry about getting too old to do my job, it’s not like I’ll be getting arthritis, right?”

That got a chuckle from one of the men. Good, he was getting through to them.

“I lost mine on Kruger III,” he continued, taking a drink from his glass as the men listened. “It was early in the campaign, and the roaches had occupied the third planet in the system. They had dug in deep, and so had we, they’d launch assaults on our trenches from their tunnels every few hours. They’d come rolling over those blasted mudflats, popping out of the mist to tangle with us, then disappearing back into their holes. I was tasked with leading a team into the tunnel network to root them out, and things went south pretty quickly. We engaged Betelgeusian Warriors in close quarters, even the Mad Cats didn’t stand a chance, they got torn to pieces. Bayonets, railguns, explosives. Nothing can scratch those things. Someone set off a grenade belt during the chaos, which caused a cave-in, and I got trapped on the wrong side of it. Me and another survivor managed to make it back to the surface, but we were engaged by another Warrior.”

He stuck his leg out from beneath the table so that they could get a look at it, giving it an affectionate tap.

“Lost this one to a Penguin gunship’s ground support cannon, fucker hit me as well as the Bug that it was aiming for while covering our evac. I went down, dropped the grenade that I had been holding, found it minus a pin when I came to a few seconds later. I tried to sift through the mud, but there was no chance of replacing it, and the grenade went off in my hands. Thank God for my chest plate and my helmet, they were the only things that kept me alive. When I woke up again, I was here, on the station. Took weeks of physical therapy to get me back on my feet, but I made it through. How about you guys?” he asked, glancing at each one of them in turn. “What are your stories?”

“That’s classified,” the African replied, swirling the ice cubes in his glass.

“Somehow, I doubt that you were all injured after joining SWAR,” Moralez said as he narrowed his eyes at the man. “Murphy was a quad, you’re all quads. Seems to me like they only recruit quadruple amputees, am I right? Maybe that’s why I wasn’t invited to the party, I’m one card short of a deck.”

They didn’t reply, and Moralez decided to try pressing them a little harder.

“Nobody goes straight into the special forces, you were probably Marines first, right? That’s another thing we have in common. Any injuries that you sustained while serving in the Corps won’t be classified. Will you at least tell me what carriers you served on, what campaigns you fought in? Marine to Marine, amputee to amputee...”

There was a certain sense of fraternity in the Corps, even more so between amputees. Moralez had never encountered a Marine, former or otherwise, who had no war stories to share with his brothers. It came off more than a little rude, but he was increasingly suspicious that all was not as it seemed.

“I served on the UNN Samar,” one of them finally said. This man had a light complexion and an American accent. His hair was shaved, as was common for people who frequently donned helmets. His prosthetic arms were wrapped in Kevlar, which ended at the wrists, leaving his skeletal hands exposed. They were more spartan than Moralez’s, their silver, metal joints gleaming between the black housing that filled out his fingers. “Did three tours, one long-range patrol and two combat missions. The Samar was sent to Kruger to reinforce the Bastogne, I’ve seen Kruger III.”

“The Bastogne was my carrier,” Moralez replied with a smile, “you must have arrived shortly after I left. What did you think of Kruger III? Not exactly an ideal place to found a colony, is it?”

“I’ll say,” the man chuckled, “nothing but mud and dead trees as far as the eye can see. Anyone who tries to make a go of it there is crazier than we were for fighting over it.”

“Gotta uproot the Bugs either way,” one of his friends added, another Australian by the sound of him. They certainly recruited their members from a variety of places.

“Yeah, no doubt,” he replied. “But if it’s any consolation, Security Chief, we killed everything bigger than a mud worm on that planet. Never did find the Queen’s chamber in that maze of tunnels, but we cleared most of ‘em out, starved ‘em of resources. When the Drones stop coming to the surface, you know they’re done. No doubt some future colonist will explore the tunnels and find her emaciated corpse, serves the fuckers right.”

“I hear that,” Moralez replied. “So, did we both leave a few limbs down on the mudflats, or did that happen later?”

“Later,” the man replied, not seeing fit to elaborate further.

“It’s not all bad though, right?” Moralez continued. “There are some benefits to having gear. You can punch a guy and be sure that his jaw is going to break before your hand does, you can swap a melted XMR barrel and not feel a thing, recoil is a distant memory.”

The three soldiers nodded in agreement, they seemed to be warming up to him.

“Better than blood and bone,” the man with the African accent added. “I don’t miss my Mark Is.”

“Mark Is?” Moralez asked.

“Blood and bone,” he repeated, he must be talking about his original limbs.

“Sometimes I just want to hack off my last organic limb and slap a new one on there,” Moralez continued. “Feels a little lop-sided, you know?”

“That would violate the Yellow Sea treaty,” the Australian replied, giving his companions a sideways glance. “I doubt that you could find a doctor who would perform a procedure like that...”

“Indeed,” Moralez said, taking another drag from his cigar. “Some might say that the treaty is obsolete in these trying times. We reconsidered the ban on plasma weapons when the Bug war broke out, so why not take another look at the laws prohibiting augmentation?”

“The LC warned us about you, Moralez,” the African man began. He set his glass down and leaned his imposing prosthetics on the table, the angular layers of supplemental armor giving him an intimidating profile. “He said that you were too curious for your own good, that you would try to pry information out of us.”

“Come on, Ndiaye,” the American muttered. “This dude seems alright.”

He raised a prosthetic hand in response, glaring across the table at Moralez.

“I think we’ve been relaxing for long enough,” he said, rising to his feet. “Let’s get back to work.”

The trio left the table, the American glancing back at Moralez as they filed out of the recreation center on their prosthetic legs. The Chief watched them leave, taking one last puff of his cigar before extinguishing it in an ashtray.

“Wish we could get assignments like this more often,” Boyd muttered, glancing around as they made their way along the torus. This area of the station was more like a shopping mall than a military base, the walls lined with stores and restaurants, a cool breeze ruffling his hair. “It’s been a long time since I visited the Pinwheel, I feel like I’m on vacation.”

“It makes a nice change from what we’re used to,” Lorza replied, a hapless tourist dodging out of her way. “We usually have to go undercover on remote colonies that barely qualify as habitable, or cramped outposts on the edge of nowhere, pizdet. I’m all for trying new things, but rodents roasted over exhaust vents are not one of them.”

“I told you not buy anything from the street vendors on Callisto,” Boyd replied. “You think the Chief is gonna be okay?” he asked, changing the subject. “I’m starting to feel like we shouldn’t have let him slip through our fingers like that.”

“He is willful,” the Polar said with a shrug of her broad shoulders. “Perhaps he will discover something of value. He has more in common with the SWAR operatives than we do, after all. The presence of UNNI agents would likely only serve to seal their lips.”

“I just hope he’s barking up the right tree.”

“The most pressing issue is what we are going to do with our free hour,” Lorza added, grinning down at him.

“Besides eat?” Boyd asked skeptically. “Come on, even I can smell the food from the restaurants, and I know better than to stand between you and a meal.”

“How many times must I tell you that I eat an appropriate amount for my species?” she protested. “A human might be able to subsist on two thousand calories a day, but my people need five times that at least if we are to maintain a healthy weight.”

“You could stand to lose a few pounds is all I’m saying,” he added, looking her up and down pointedly. Lorza began to lick her hand, and he scurried out of her reach.

“Come now, malish, how long has it been since we have had time to relax? Not since our journey to Jarilo to collect the asset, no?”

“I’d hardly call being cooped up in that Courser’s tiny quarters relaxing,” he grumbled.

“It is true that relaxation was perhaps not at the forefront of our minds,” she added with a sly smirk. “We always find ourselves sharing confined spaces, do we not?”

“To be fair, most spaces become confined when you enter them,” he replied. Lorza resisted the urge to chase him, narrowing her blue eyes at him.

“Oh!” she gasped, pointing across the torus. Boyd followed her clawed finger, seeing that she was gesturing to a nearby store. Like all of the buildings on the torus, it had been sculpted from the station’s white hull material, the facade scored to resemble brickwork. It had a colorful awning, and the windows that overlooked the street were packed with mannequins that were modeling clothes. It looked like some kind of department store.

Lorza took him roughly by the hand, steering him through a startled crowd of pedestrians, then through a large door that seemed designed to accommodate aliens. They emerged into a room that was packed with aisles full of clothing. It reminded Boyd of a store that one might find on Earth or one of the more developed colonies, albeit smaller, as the station had a very limited living area. Many of the furnishings inside were scaled up to Borealan proportions, despite the limited floor space, making everything feel stretched. The mirrors on the walls, the height of the shelves, it was all proportioned for someone of around eight feet.

“What the hell are we doing in here?” he asked, Lorza finally releasing her hold on him.

“Malish, do you know how hard it is for me to find clothes that fit?” she asked, her eyes scanning the shelves in awe. She looked like a kid in a candy store, pausing to run her padded fingers over a nearby loom of fabric. There was a fat joke in there somewhere, but Boyd held his tongue.

“What is this, a store for aliens?” he asked as he began to look around. There were clothes in Borealan sizes and styles, from the flowing, gossamer fabric favored by the Elysians to the leather jackets of the Rask. One wall was completely covered in hanging ponchos of the variety worn by the Krell, while another was stacked with underwear in Borealan sizes. There were bras that looked like they could have been used as playground swings, and even revealing, lacy lingerie that would fit the felines. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so surprised. There was a demand for supersized clothing on the station, as it had a large population of aliens, so it was only natural that someone would eventually fill that niche. Still, the concept of a Polar wearing a frilly brassiere was a new one...

Lorza saw what had caught his attention, giving him a nudge with her furry elbow.

“See something that you like, malish?”

“No, I was just imagining using a pair of those panties to parasail.”

“Uhuh,” the Polar replied skeptically. “Come, help me choose some clothes.”

“We’re going shopping?” he asked incredulously. “Really? We’re here on an assignment, what are you going to do, carry the bags around with you while we investigate the assassination?”

“I’m sure that I can have them delivered to our suite,” she replied, her eyes focused on a large woolen sweater that was hanging from a nearby rack. “If you think that I will pass up this opportunity, you are even more boneheaded than I gave you credit for. Who knows when we will be posted on a station or a colony with such accommodations again?”

“Alright,” Boyd sighed, trailing after her as she began to peruse the shelves.

“What about this?” she asked, holding up a gown in the Elysian style. It was made from flowing, translucent fabric in a shade of lime green, so light that it almost floated on the air.

“Isn’t that for hot weather?” Boyd asked.

“This ‘is’ hot weather, kotenok,” she replied. “Humans always set the thermostat too high.”

“I dunno, it’s kind of a revealing getup for a spy,” he muttered as she sized it up.

“You of all people should be able to appreciate the value of seduction and distraction,” she purred, smiling as she watched his cheeks redden beneath his visor. “Come, help me try it on.”

She took him by the hand again, guiding him along one of the aisles towards a row of changing rooms at the back of the store. The cashier watched them pass, Boyd giving her an awkward smile as the Polar manhandled him into one of the booths. She slipped in after him and locked the door, her bulk occupying most of the space, forcing him up against the far wall.

Calling her voluptuous would be an understatement. Her hips were almost as wide as three men standing shoulder to shoulder, giving her an hourglass figure despite her girth. The subtle paunch of her belly was visible where it protruded from beneath her tight-fitting, grey jumpsuit, but he knew from experience that it concealed the core strength of a powerlifter. It was so tight that he could even make out the creases that were formed by the fat on her waist through the fabric. Her thighs were as thick around as his torso, as stout as a pair of tree trunks, the layer of cushiony blubber belying the muscle that was required to move her mammoth body around in the high gravity of her home planet. Her butt was large enough that if he were to wrap his arms around it, they would stand no chance of meeting on the other side. The clinging garment that she wore visibly strained to encompass her chest, each of her breasts so voluminous that it could have filled an average-sized shuttle seat. The fat that he so often teased her about was distributed to all of the right places, giving her the appearance of a fertility Goddess, her every movement sending a ripple through it.

“Now help me out of my suit,” she insisted, turning to face him and almost clocking him in the head with her swinging bosom.

“You really want to do this here?” he whispered. Boyd knew her well enough to recognize one of her ploys, he was intimately familiar with her Polar wiles. It was unprofessional, to the say the least. They worked well together, and he still couldn’t be sure if that was because of their ongoing relationship, or in spite of it. His superiors had to be aware of their entanglement, he worked for an intelligence organization, after all. But if they saw any conflict of interest, then they hadn’t expressed any concerns to either of them. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed by Lorza, not exactly, but she had this uncanny way of melting through his cool persona. She was one of the only people in the Galaxy who could make him flustered, throw him off-kilter, and she reveled in the power that she had over him. Nobody knew him quite as well as she did, he had never allowed anyone to get so close to him before her, and her charms were both a source of discomfort and admiration to him.

“Come on,” she cooed, reaching up and dragging her zipper down just enough that the weight of her ample chest began to part the garment. It spread open, threatening the burst at the seams, exposing her snowy fur and a hint of her deep cleavage. “If we take longer than fifteen minutes, the cashier may become suspicious.”

Same as Firebrand
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Open mind sexy Mom By san I live with my mom for several reasons. I’m 20 and mom lets me have my freedom. I can do just about anything, except drugs and bringing girls home for sex. Otherwise, I have the run of the house. My last reason is; my mom is hot. My mom works in real estate and does some modeling for the local TV shopping channel. She models clothes and jewelry, sometimes makeup. My mom is 40 and petite, with a 38c chest. I think she looks perfect. My father left mom for another woman...

4 years ago
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Master Santino The Arena Reopens

Master Santino-The Arena Reopens: This is a another part of the series. You do not need to read the rest ofthe story to understand it. If the story offends you, don't read it. Male Modificationand enslavement. John Santino died. That is what started the events that changed a number oflives. John was part of our small gay group that met once a week for fun andgames. He owned an old building that was not in use any more called ARENA.Well not in public use. Our group had used it for our parties....

4 years ago
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Mrs Copenhaver

Mrs. Copenhaver's Night Out Judy Copenhaver called to her son Clay. Get the phone son, I'm in the middle of fixing supper. Its for you Mom it' s Sister Sorensen. OK come tend supper while I see what she wants. Hi Emily,whats up? Ooh I need to see you. Well I'm fixing supper,whats up? These two women had been lovers for several years. I need to see you, you know why. I'll meet you at the church house in a few minutes These women used their Custodial assignments for the church as a...

1 year ago
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Are you looking for a free site that offers users an opportunity to upload, share and download whatever kind of content including erotic photos and porn videos? Open Load. may as well be your best or only bet. This site is free allows you to upload unlimited files whether photo thumbnails or videos at remarkable speeds. It's simple, reliable and mobile-friendly. I am sure you are interested to know more about the site so follow through the review, a free content...

Porn Video Hosting Sites
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What can we find at X Openload? If you are not a fucking toddler, then you may have noted that Google is making it harder for people to access porn. That’s exactly why you need a porn tube, a place that gathers and streams tons of XXX videos for your fapping pleasure. Whether it is Blondes, redheads, petite girls, fat women, BDSM, teen, MILF, and what have you are all parting their thighs (and other places) to welcome huge throbbing dongs in their fuckholes in steamy, high-quality...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Who’s up for some Open TGC? I bet you either got a raging boner when I asked that or you’re just utterly fucking confused right now. Hey, I feel you on that. My whole job is looking at Internet porn all day and it took me a good half hour to figure out what OpenTGC even stands for. It’s a deep-niche sexual fetish, so naturally, it’s going to have its own nomenclature, secret codes and in-jokes. It sprang out of Reddit, too, so the neckbeard vibes and insular posturing is doubled; I was scared...

Sex Stories Sites
1 year ago
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a story from a Copenhagen suburb part 2

The dinner had been exquisite. They had briefly discussed how to continue their affair. Ingrid was getting a little tipsy, so it would not be fair. As a compromise, they had agreed to discuss it over breakfast.The Taxi stopped a few hundred meter from his house. The streets were dark and empty. They had walked a few meters, just enough for the taxi to drive off, when she felt something cold around her wrist.“Hey, what is this?” she laughed. “Just give me your other hand, Ingrid...No, behind...

2 years ago
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a story from a copenhagen suburb part 1

They did not know one another; they took the same train every morning from the same suburban station and both got off at the main station. Often they also rode the same train back, but they had never talked. Then, one Friday morning in September, at the peak of rush-hour, as they both were getting off the train, the man had handed her a slip of paper and had disappeared in the crowd, before she could react. The note simply told her to call a telephone-number when she was ready to meet her new...

2 years ago
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Episode 88 Copenhagen Conference

Author’s NoteThis story is part of a mini-series that started with a little girl called Grace going shopping with her Dad for a new black bikini in Episode 83.No characters in this episode are real except for Alia (sorry babe – only a brief mention) and Lola G-spot (who might be able to read it if she ever gets her PC working properly).All events are purely the result of my warped imagination.At the time of writing, I believe that no SexBots are quite as advanced as Suchi – we wait in...

3 years ago
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The Cafeacute Reopening Part 2

I slipped on a pair of old boxers and we returned down to the lounge with Abbey still licking her lips with a smile on her face, she picked up her glass of juice and too a large gulp and I could see the glow on her face as she savoured the taste, “Mmm sir, this tastes so good” she sighed softly as she glanced down at my tatty old boxers letting out a giggle as she realised my cock was visible through the front opening, the button had long gone.“Do I get the job sir?” she asked as she sat back...

4 years ago
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Garys Golf Opener Chapter 8 A Stiff Eye Opener

Gary's Golf "Outing" CHAPTER 8 -- A Stiff Eye Opener After a Hard Night I didn't sleep too well even though I was exhausted mentally and physically from the endless round of transsexual sucking and fucking I had experienced for the past 18 hours or so. I was half awakened several times during the night by being fucked up my ass (or as Kimberly and Christie put it, my TV pussy) by Christie's cock -- oops -- clitoris or pussy pole. Whatever. It must have been hard all night and it kept...

1 year ago
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Jennifer was a pretty and talented 18years old that lives with her very strict parents. Jen is an only daughter and she likes to hang out with her friends, her family and I are neighbors in an apartment. I am a 42 year old male and working at night time in a bar. Me and Jen’s father are close friends, because we are neighbors we share time and drink for sometime. Jen’s mother, Amy, is a really nice woman she cooks well and works during day at their store in the market. Her father is a business...

Adult Humor
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ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE REOPENED by BobH. (c) 2003 For those of you interested in continuity, this story takes place during the first half of the final season of The X- Files. It's a sequel to my story ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE in the sense of being set after that tale and making reference back to it, but you don't need to have read that one to follow this one. MARRIOTT HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND It was her walk as she strode into the main bar that had first...

2 years ago
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NFL Season Opener

Marcus Phillips opened the door of his apartment. The six-feet-three-inch, two-hundred-fifty-pound dark-skinned man looked at the slim boi.“Come inside,” Marcus ordered.The twenty-six year old complied and said, “Yes, sir”It was a Sunday – the second one of September. Marcus had asked the pussyboi to come over before the game. It was the season opener for the New York Giants. They were playing the Dallas Cowboys. The sissy boi switched inside. He was five-feet-six and weighed one-twenty-two. He...

3 years ago
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Season Opener

Hooray! Hockey season has begun and, in case you’ve not read my earlier journal entries, I do not like any sports. Couldn’t care less about them. I am, however, married to a man who loves the Boston Bruins and he goes to as many games as he can. Obviously, I knew in advance that he had tickets for the season’s opener and that allowed me time to prepare myself for it. Put it another way: I had time to plan the fun I’d have while he was at the game.I had so many online options. First question,...

3 years ago
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Janes eye opener

Jane`s eye-opener.This is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, or actual events, is pure concidence.Jane slipped in the door, tired after a long day of work. She happily accepted the glass of red wine from her roomate, Carla, before retiring to her room to change, relax, play on the internet and possibly read. Jane had just started a new romance novel, and was considering knocking off a few more chapters. However, she had barely covered a chapter when she began to feel very...

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The Cafeacute Reopening

My daughter Lisa had now moved out staying with her bestie Lauren which was always going to happen one day but I still saw her quite frequently as she didn’t have a washing machine so would drop their laundry off once a week which had it’s advantages, it always amazed me how two young ladies got through so many pairs of panties in a week but who was I to complain as most weekends I could satisfy my panty fetish.Apart from a few items of clothing and a few personal affects her room was now...

3 years ago
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Caught Panty Handed

Caught Panty Handed!bykebbyman©There I stood, like I had on countless other occasions, hovering over my mother-in-law's open hamper, digging for the silken dirty treasures I knew where hidden among her worn clothes. I spied a hint of bright orange and reached in with trembling fingers to pull out an incredibly sexy pair of full cut briefs that I knew had been snuggled against her sweet mound. As I lifted the stained gusset to my nose and took a long inhale of her sweet aroma, they did not...

3 years ago
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Lindsay Lohan Caught Red Handed

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silver Mercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights and started following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stopping speeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her window down as I...

4 years ago
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Retreat of Love Closeness and Openness

She was wearing a white gown and reading the wedding vows with my son in front of a priest. While he was looking handsome in a black tuxedo, my daughter-in-law was simply exquisite in that shoulderless dress. If only his dad was alive to see him today, I thought to myself. I was supposed to arrive early, but since the flight got delayed had to rush straight from the airport and then back again to the airport directly after the ceremony as had an important work the next day. Although it was...

1 year ago
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Caught Red Handed

” Tring , Tring ” the sound of my mobile phone snapped me out of the orgasmic trance I was in. Just as my eyes closed and ropes after ropes of white fluid landed on the kitchen window panes. I picked up the call to find a familiar voice on the other end. “Hello Beta” She said. I said ” Hello, I will be coming in about 30 mins.” “Ok , Take your time.” came the response. I ended the call and wiped my cum off the window pane and again saw the woman who was the reason for several stains on my...

4 years ago
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Caught Red Handed

When I was married and I returned home to find the house empty, I would endulge in a fetish of mine, which was wearing my wifes sexy thongs. I had always loved to see a sexy pair of panties on a hot girls ass, and wanted to know how it felt wearing them. That´s how it all started, I had picked out a sexy red pair and slipped them on. The feeling of having the thong bit riding tight up the crack of my ass had been such a wonderful feeling that I just couldn´t stop. Before she was due home, I...

1 year ago
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Beaches Reopened A COVD19 Tale

Erick Huffman was tired of the stay-at-home order. He’d been doing his job as Senior Strategic Sourcing Officer for a sizable regional supermarket chain from the house for the past month. It was a long title that the caramel-skinned, incredibly in-shape man simplified to “work in purchasing”. Erick was not a pretentious man. The laid back dude who’d never married, but had three k**s was glad to hear that the governor was reopening the state’s beaches.So the morning after the announcement, Erick...

4 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 23 Tin opener

Jamie felt his head swim with the implications of what Britain's Ambassador had just said. It took him some time before he could marshal his thoughts and respond to the figure he could see on his computer screen. "Let me get this straight, you're saying that the surviving teenagers can just select someone to be the King of Scots and that person would legally be the King? The rest of the world would have to accept it? What kind of powers would such a person have?" he managed to get out at...

1 year ago
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God is Great One door closes then other opens

A woman married to Guy finds life stressful with lack of male companion and all doors closed. Then other door opens. Read along Hello, This is Sushi, or Sushela from Vadodara. I am now 35 and this story happened three years ago. Hope readers would like and enjoy reading my factual story. Let me brief you about me. I hail from Bengaluru, studied there at Jyotinivas college. As all may be knowing this college is famous for too much forward girls hailing from rich families. But my home was nearby...

2 years ago
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The Coctail Cabinet Eye Opener

Many thanks to Jedbeaker for the editing of this story. Nowadays most people believe that using cell phones or computers are the main tools to catch cheaters. But that's hardly the truth for two simple reasons. First because all skilled cheaters know how to avoid leaving electronic clues on such items and for the second reason an average husband or wife usually doesn't suspect his or her spouse of cheating. And therefore, they never have any reason to search for non-existing evidence. I...

1 year ago
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The openings Part 3

Introduction: as before, if young bothers you, dont read it When he had entered high school his parents had bought him a laptop. He had spent the time since then organizing his collection of photos and had hundreds of pictures of the females he had the pleasure of opening. By the time he had turned 16 he had discovered the darknet and was running a booming business with his memorabilia. His off shore account held more cash than he parents made in 10 years. But he was content for the time. The...

3 years ago
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Caught red handed

Now I am not a writer of any sorts so apologise for spelling and grammar in advance, just trying to tell a sexy story as it happened and how i remember it but would appreciate some feedback and comments. Hope you enjoy it I had been working on a high end residential refurbishment project in central London for about six months, the job was due for completion in a couple of weeks but as always in the building game we was behind schedule and had been asked by the clients to do some late nights to...

1 year ago
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Caught Wet Handed

I kick off the side of the deep end of the pool as hard as I can and glide under the water until I come up. I swim as fast as I can across the pool to the shallow end and once I get there, I flip and kick off the wall to start my next lap back. Once I hit the side of the pool where I started I stop and take a drink of water. I slip my goggles off my head so I can pull my swim cap off and let my ponytail down. The pool area is empty, even the lifeguard is off duty and a sign saying "Swim at your...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 3 Openly bisexual

Julie Parker was nineteen and openly bi. She was a slut, just like her twin sister, Linda. Julie loved sex. But, unlike Linda, Julie didn't concentrate only on men. No, she knew the pleasures she could get with female companion. And she still couldn't believe how some girls (like Linda) could live their whole lives without feeling a feminine touch on their hot bodies. They're missing so much! Women bring with them lots of fun that men simply can't provide. It was true, however, that...

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My sister Kay catches me red handed

Please take the time to comment and click to let me know if you liked what Kim and I did. She has watched me type this and won't let me fuck her until I get at least 15 comments and a thousand views!!! Please!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~My sister caught me red-handed and red faced this morning. But I will have to say, I am not complaining!!You see, Kay graduated from college this past spring with a degree in athletic training and dance. In the four months since, she was unable to land a job (go...

3 years ago
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Mom And Son Blackmailed Part 1Caught Red Handed

This story is about how my mom was seduced by my neighbor and me getting involved in seeing them.I was staying in Chennai in a 1 BHK house. I was staying alone and I had an affair with my neighbor’s wife Shruthi. Her husband got to know about this and used it as an advantage to get laid with my mom.I’m 21 years old doing my B.E. I was staying alone and I seduced my neighbor’s wife Shruthi and used to fuck her whenever her husband was out for work. It so happened that my mom Geena wanted to...

2 years ago
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A Stepdaughter Caught Wet Handed

The names have been changed to protect the innocent... Me!Rachel, my new stepdaughter is one of a kind. She's 19, beautiful, sexy, smart and has a thing for me. I'm not exactly sure what I did to create the persistent desire she has for me, but she wouldn't give up, no matter what I did or said. The biggest problem is, she is beyond a doubt the most beautiful young lady I've seen in years. Her face resembled the sexy exotic look of Miss Venezuela, with spectacular sexy eyes. She has long,...

1 year ago
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Mom And Son Blackmailed Part 1Caught Red Handed

Hello, Readers, my name is Anto (). This story is about how my mom was seduced by my neighbor and me getting involved in seeing them. I was staying in Chennai in a 1 BHK house. I was staying alone and I had an affair with my neighbor’s wife Shruthi. Her husband got to know about this and used it as an advantage to get laid with my mom. I’m 21 years old doing my B.E. I was staying alone and I seduced my neighbor’s wife Shruthi and used to fuck her whenever her husband was out for work. It so...

3 years ago
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A window is closed A door opens

Hi readers, This is your one and only JJ back with a bash with a horny lesbian love making session. I am extremely happy by seeing the response some of you have sent the below story is an extension of the previous 3some. Here is a treat to your mind, body and soul by way of a lesbian encounter. Now also I have used the ladies hostel behind Chennai Egmore railway station all about room mates. We are about to encounter a subject as to how a female carves for the womanly sex once again ignoring...

3 years ago
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Caught wet handed

They knew they did not have much time. Heather would only be in class for another forty-five minutes and then she would come back to the room. Tonya didn't care. To her it was all Candy's fault anyway. If she hadn't worn that Catholic School girl outfit to poly sci then she wouldn't have been so fucking horny to start with.Well, to be honest, Candy always looked good. She was five six but with long legs. Her hair was dyed an intense Manic Panic red this week and cut in a long bob. Besides...

3 years ago
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Caught Wet Handed

They knew they did not have much time. Heather would only be in class for another forty-five minutes and then she would come back to the room. Tonya didn't care. To her it was all Candy's fault anyway. If she hadn't worn that Catholic School girl outfit to poly sci then she wouldn't have been so fucking horny to start with.Well, to be honest, Candy always looked good. She was five six but with long legs. Her hair was dyed an intense Manic Panic red this week and cut in a long bob. Besides...

4 years ago
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She opens her legs and the sin begins

She opens her legs and sinsSo my young wife 'sinned' for the first time about two years ago and I must confess I stilll get a hard-on thinking about it, every time! She is 20 years younger so I suppose it was inevitable, but it was still a huge surprise when it happened.. and I'll admit feelings of jealousy and a little anger before my primal instincts took over.I would never have known but for seeing a message on What's App from a former work colleague and it was obvious to me what happened....

2 years ago
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Shy Indian Wife Opens Up part 3

"Do you..." he hesitated, "want me to repay you in kind?""What?" Bela asked, confused."Well, you helped me orgasm. Using your hand. I can do the same....." Chandan offered."No!" Bela firmly interrupted."Can I at least see you fully naked? Get a look at your beautiful cunt?" he asked.And the word "cunt" pushed a button inside Bela. She looked at him, shocked and angry for a few seconds, and then slammed the window shut.Bela says she was upset and guilty the whole night about what she had done....

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Shy Indian Wife Opens Up part 2

BELA'S PRE-MARITAL PASTThe story of her past might again seem too tame and anti-climatic to some of you, but if you consider the town she grew up in, and how conservative her parents were, it is somewhat of a big deal.Right from her c***dhood, Bela was known to be a very attractive girl. Her parents were very old-fashioned, conservative and obviously protective. So when their cute and pretty little daughter hit puberty and started blossoming into an undeniably gorgeous young woman, their...

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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife ndash Part

I was in standard 11 my first terminal Physics and Math paper were out. I was not the topper but for all the problems I had a different approach also since I come from a very poor family I did not have a calculator both my math and physics teacher called out my name and appreciated my approach. That terminal I was the second topper in class.Once the results were out a guy named Ari came to me and extended his hand for friendship, he was a sincere biology student preparing for his medical...

3 years ago
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Brooke Opens Up

The end of spring was making its way into Pennsylvania with summer knocking on the door and I got to enjoy the drive from Pittsburgh to Hershey for a work conference. You know the ones where they stress three days of leadership and team building. This year, the company picked a five-star hotel with its beautiful venue, attractions, and small cottages. It was a nice getaway from the bustle of the office.We all arrived on Tuesday in order to start checking in around four in the afternoon. I had...

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Job Opportunity Opens Up for Girlfriend

A typical morning on a dreary October Monday and I was in the office, nursing my third coffee of the day, skimming e-mails and thinking about whether big Shirley, the part-time Admin would take a cock in her arse... surely, Shirley, I thought... it would be a waste not to... That got me thinking about who else in the office was worth a rattle and I listed them off; Becky - yes, Julie - yes, Morna - yes, Celina - six-pinter,  Davina - nah, Agnes, the cleaner - hmm, maybe, The Guys - probably...

4 years ago
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Caught WhiteHanded

Spotlights chased the sparkling blur of spandex and ponytails tumbling toward the flaming pit below. A split second more and surely the inferno would devour her. A muscular man swung past dangling from a trapeze, and snatched her by the wrists. Applause erupted from the hushed crowd with the ferocity of a raging volcano. The ovation passed through striped tent walls, rumbled over scarecrows guarding neighboring corn fields, and startled a woman up to no good. Alison struck her head against a...

3 years ago
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My Husband Opens My Sexual Mind

I should start by telling you that I'm German. And before I met my husband, with eight lovers and a single orgasm and seventeen years, I was afraid I was both dissatisfied with the sex and qualified to be called a slut. I was feeling depressed. Here I was alone missing the doctor I’d broken up with, while hating the idea of being in any kind of a relationship with him. Life just did not seem to be working out. I felt I needed help.There was a psychotherapist who posted long thoughtful replies...

Group Sex
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Work opens up my mind

My name is Kelly and I am 21 years old. I have never really experimented much when it comes to sex as not long lost my virginity. but my mind was recently opened when I started working for a couple as a cleaner. I was looking for jobs at a local job center when I came across an add looking for a full time cleaner not far from where I lived so it sounded perfect so I took the details and went back home so I could ring and get more info from them. The phone rang for a short period before a female...

2 years ago
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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife 8211 Part 2

Thanks a lot guys for your appreciation to the first part of the narrative. As you have read I did already fuck my friend Ari in his ass all of this because he needed some help on his dissertation. All the while the nude picture of his wife Priya was going on in my mind. I did already send her a friend request once in FB which she did not accept so there was no point in trying and being friends with her. I had her nude pic and videos in my laptop which I got from her husband Ari. I now was...

2 years ago
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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife 8211 Part I

Hey guys thanks a lot for all your comments on my previous stories. My name is Abhi and I work for a reputed MNC. Let’s start the story when I was in standard 11 my first terminal Physics and Math paper were out. I was not the topper but for all the problems I had a different approach also since I come from a very poor family I did not have a calculator both my math and physics teacher called out my name and appreciated my approach. That terminal I was the second topper in class. Once the...

3 years ago
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Bare Handed

I made it to the top of the stairs again. The cardiologist diagnosed me as having a severe atrial arrhythmia which, as far as I could tell, meant that my blood didn't circulate efficiently to my lungs and back. That and weighing three hundred pounds made my future existence pretty bleak. Still, I soldiered on, not having any alternative. I was still huffing and puffing, making my way down the hall to my office door. I was fumbling my keys much worse than normal. I felt like somebody hit me in...

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Caught MILF Handed

The day had barely begun, but already, Kimberly Dane had a feeling that today was going to be pretty sad. She sighed as she looked at her backyard through the glass doors of her kitchen as she took sips of coffee from her mug. She had just gotten back from what was supposed to be a romantic weekend in New York with her husband, Chip, but things didn’t exactly go as planned… at all.Her husband ended up working on his laptop in their hotel room most of the time, leaving her to walk around the...

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