A Riddick Chronicle
- 4 years ago
- 40
- 0
That night after I masturbated for what felt like a dozen times I finally could stop thinking about what I had seen at Hayden’s house. I hadn’t masturbated that much since before Tumblr banned all their porn. I kept picturing those chubby asses and the girls standing there waiting for all those black guys. They didn’t even seem to know all their names and yet they gave them sex all at once.
I used to think of girls as the gatekeepers. They are the ones that have to hide away titties and asses so that guys like me don’t get to see them. They don’t let just anyone touch them and yet Hayden, her sister and mom both seemed to love sex. However, at the same time Hayden seemed reluctant. It was really hard for me to get my head around and only constant masturbation could make me stop thinking about the reasons things were the way they were at their house. I had all this speculation but in truth I had never experienced anything like this as a frame of reference. I had never even read about anything like this.
I knew about gang bangs and stuff from porn but I mean why did the girls do it the way they had? Why had they stood there while the men inspected them? Was it for money? Pleasure? Both?
As I was drifting off to sleep I received a text from Hayden. I didn’t remember even giving her my cell phone number but she may have found me in the student directory. She said she needed thirty five dollars for rent and said she was locked out until she could get it.
I found that hard to believe since I didn’t pay any rent. Who makes their kid pay rent? And why 35 bucks? I played along since I wanted some continued contact with her I gave her my address and said I had forty bucks I could give her. I had two twenties from two different times I visited my grandmother. I didn’t have any real need to buy stuff and anything I really wanted was online.
She didn’t show up for two hours and I had fallen back to sleep. I hurried downstairs to give her the money when she texted me that she was waiting downstairs. She had some people in the car with her and she was wearing the shirt and shorts that her sister had worn earlier that day. She grabbed the money said I was the best and that she would ‘pay me back’ and scampered off to the car.
My mom caught me as I was heading back to my room and point blank asked if I had purchased “Drugs”. It was so awkward.
Naturally, I said no but my adrenalin had kicked in and I was shaking a little nervously from the fear that she would find out I had done all these dirty things with that girl.
I wasn’t used to lying to my mom unless it was a little white lie. I had told her the friend today was a guy because I definitely didn’t want to tell her what had happened and I also didn’t want to give her false hope I had a girlfriend. She would have asked a million questions instead of just a thousand about who the boy was that I met.
“Was the person who came to the door the friend you met today out there trying to get you to buy marijuana with him?” she asked me. I couldn’t look her in the eye. In retrospect, Hayden probably WAS buying marijuana because who has to pay thirty five dollars for rent at 3 am?
I gave my mom some bullshit story that I knew she didn’t believe about buying CSGO skins from my friend and then went back to sleep. She didn’t want to stop arguing but I walked away and that ended it. She even insisted I come back and answer her questions but I told her “Can’t, on drugs! Must sleep” in a joking way and ignored her order.
It was hard for me not to obey my parents but I kind of channeled Hayden with her own mom.
I waited for another text from Hayden but none ever came. I didn’t want to text her to ask her if her mom let her back in or not and seem like a dork.
That next day she said nothing to me at school and for the next few days I got the distinct impression she may have even been avoiding me. However, that may just be my insecurities. I was surprised when one day she walked up to me and said “Like don’t tell anybody about what you saw at my house.”
I nodded that I would never do that. I had actually told my Uncle all about everything in explicit detail. I knew he was writing one of his pervy stories about it. I even read it and told him he writes at about a third grade level but he laughed and said that he didn’t write stories for third graders so it should be fine.
My Uncle is one of the only people I can talk too and I know he looks at a lot of porn too. He probably wrote it all up and posted it to the internet by now (he did) but I told Hayden that naturally I wouldn’t say anything to anybody.
“Cool,” she said and then kept walking.
“Do you have a job or something?” I asked as she walked away.
She turned and said no she didn’t and seemed to wonder why I would ask.
“Well, it’s just that you said you would pay me back. I was wondering like when you got paid if you would have enough for rent or you were going to like you know, pay me back?” I didn’t really care about the money at all. I just wanted to talk to her some more and that was the only reason I could think of to have another conversation with her. She regarded me like I was a money-grubbing parasite and narrowed her eyes at me.
“Fine, like if I fuck you or something would you call it even?” she grunted. I hadn’t expected her to offer sex and I really didn’t care about the money at all. At the same time, I suddenly became insanely aroused that she’d just give me what I really wanted and I didn’t have to talk my way into it at all – I could just forgive a debt. It was too good to pass up.
“Yeah, like that would work,” I stammered and she told me that was cool and started walking home.
I assumed she meant she would fuck me right now then. I started following her and caught up quickly to walk with her. She didn’t tell me now wasn’t a good time and I was too nervous to ask her if that is what we would do. I had a thousand questions I wanted to ask but I didn’t want to seem too eager. I am sure I was like a silly puppy dog following her home nipping at her heels anyway but the last thing I wanted to do was go “So, when you say have sex with me, do you mean like right now here in the bushes? Or at your house? Or like on Saturday night and we have to go parking or something? I really don’t know how sex works, so does it mean like all the way or just I get to touch your boobs?” like some kind of noob who asks how do you get the blue arch to show when using the plunger bomb in Fortnite and everyone is like “Just press the fire button” or “delete system 32!” and knows you are a noob.
Hayden didn’t say anything more as we walked through her neighborhood and to her house. She didn’t talk a lot when she wasn’t around her sister so that made sense. Hayden kept a very brisk pace and it was difficult to keep up with her stride. She unlocked her door and walked past her mother with her nose up.
“This kid again?” Betty regarded me with very little respect.
Waverly was on the couch and she was clearly touching or playing with one of her own tits under her shirt and watching YouTube as I walked in. She was basically masturbating in front of me and she didn’t stop playing with her nipple under her shirt when she saw me! Her sister barely noticed me as Hayden walked me into a bedroom that they apparently shared. She wasn’t lost in masturbation – she just didn’t care if I saw her playing with herself.
There were still Barbie dolls and decorations for girls much younger in the room. The Barbie dolls had this weird smell to them – I can’t describe it other than to say they smelled oily.
She started to undress very mechanically in front of me and I wasn’t sure if I should undress myself until she said that she wasn’t going to do that for me. Hayden had a pretty sexy body and to scale she was perfect. I was so scrawny that she seemed like a Giantess compared to me though.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want too,” I felt obliged to say. I did want sex more than anything but I suddenly felt guilty like I was taking advantage of her.
She sighed and asked if I wanted her or not. It wasn’t “sex” she was offering. She was offering “herself” the way she phrased it and that made me hunger for HER as much as I did for sex!
“Yeah! I do, I want you!” I stammered and undressed.
She smiled an awkward smile as if that made her feel special for a moment and then just nodded “Cool.”
She could see I was already hard and she smiled as she pulled on my cock and let it flop. Her nails were painted purple and she held my manhood delicately as she tried to tell which way it curved and then gave it a squeeze.
“Are you going to pop right away?” Hayden asked me with skepticism on her face. I wasn’t sure if I would cum right away – I hoped not. The look on her face suggested I better not.
Hayden started to jerk me off as if it were very routine and boring to her. She pulled my cock roughly and didn’t even look me in the eye. When I didn’t cum in her hand after thirty seconds she seemed impressed and asked me if I wanted the front or the back. It was like she was testing me to see if I would cum easily or not.
“I can fuck you in the butt?” I asked –thinking by back she meant her asshole.
She scrunched her nose in disgust at me and told me it was not like she got a lid or anything with forty bucks. I didn’t know what that meant but it was clear she didn’t want to give me her ass. I realized after I had requested booty sex that what she really meant was did I want to lay on top of her or fuck her from behind.
I had never had regular sex much like butt sex so I didn’t have a preference at that point other than it seemed like all the really interesting porn on the internet was in the girl’s butt. Now that I had mentioned it though, it was clearly on the table and Hayden seemed inclined to give it to me even if it wasn’t her preference.
She got on her hands and knees on the bed naked. She is a bigger girl but not fat – not really. She had some chubby meat around her belly but otherwise she just had thick thighs and great big boobs that hung down when she was on all fours. Her big body made the bed frame shake and creak.
“You better not be fucking on my bed,” Waverly shouted from the front room. Hayden looked over her shoulder at me and encouraged me to get on top of her while ignoring her sister’s warning.
Hayden reached between her legs and squeezed my cock and then put it up to her asshole. I started to push against it but it was very tight and wouldn’t go in. I couldn’t believe my dick was actually touching a girls asshole. That seemed so taboo and exciting! It also seemed smaller than a button on my shirt and there was no way my dick head was going in that. Her asshole reminded me of the knot of a balloon. I wanted to sit there and look at it and examine it but things were moving fast and I knew Hayden expected me to do something soon!
I couldn’t see her face but I felt like Hayden was rolling her eyes impatiently. I backed up slightly with my hips and then placed the tip of my cock in the extremely wet part of her vagina and suddenly that felt like a much more natural place for me. I buried my cock in her pussy easily and thrust hard in and out.
Hayden seemed to get frustrated with me because when I thought I was about to cum I would stop and wait so that I wouldn’t cum. I know the goal is you are supposed to have an orgasm but in the back of my head I felt like if I finished too quickly I wouldn’t get this opportunity ever again and being between her legs was like no other experience I ever had. It must be the sensation people who use flesh lights feel or else they wouldn’t buy those absurd sex toys. The best description I have is like holding your finger to the inside of your cheek and how slick it feels – except it is on your dick and suddenly you feel like a million nerve endings are sending a signal to your brain “You da man, you da man, well you can tell everybody, you the man, you the man, you the man!!” song going off in your head.
It was absolutely glorious. This white goo was coming out of her pussy as I thrust in and out. I wasn’t sure if that was my cum or her cum or maybe some kind of cream she had in there. It looked frothy and smelled good (at the time). The white stuff smelled like sweat and this sort of sweet parmesan cheese.
I made sure to back up so that I could look at it. Her asshole looked pink and very puffy and her pussy was super slick. She seemed bored almost by how I fucked her but it was heaven to me. I wanted to be rough and do something like those black guys may have done. I slapped her ass cheeks like I had seen in pornos and it made a loud sound – much louder than I thought as her ass jiggled. She didn’t yell at me – she kept grinding her body and gyrating in this semi-circular way with her hips like she was dancing.
Her sister and her mom heard the slap and laughed. One of them shouted “You go! White boy! Get it!”
Hayden looked embarrassed so I didn’t slap her ass again. I wanted too but I was too chicken that Hayden might tell me to stop because I was making too much noise. We both fucked silently without saying anything. In the pornos the girl makes these monkey noises like “ooh-ooh-ooh,” and the guy talks dirty and shit but all I could do was focus on pulling my dick and out of that crease between Hayden’s legs. It was like a purse and as I pulled out a little bit of her pussy insides came out with it and then I would push back in and they would go back in. I kept trying to lean back so that I could watch it and look at her balloon knot style asshole.
“Are you finished yet?” Hayden was definitely annoyed that I had not cum as if she was waiting for that pop even though earlier the way she asked me if I was going to cum it seemed like she would have been annoyed if I came too early. I was confused because I thought by lasting a long time I was doing the right thing but now she seemed to want me off of her quickly. I felt like I was insulting her by not cumming quickly inside of her for some reason.
“How long do I have?” I asked her and she became annoyed at my question and kept vigorously fucking back and forth on my hips. The door opened and I felt a sudden flash of terror as I looked over. If it had been my parents that would be it – game over but her mom knew I was in here so I don’t know why I was so terrified of being caught.
Waverly calmly walked into their bedroom while we were fucking naked on the bed. Hayden glared at her sister but she didn’t stop or tell her to stop looking at us. I would have thought she would freak out about it but she acted like this was totally normal – just rude on her sister’s part.
It was clear Waverly had made an excuse to come in and see us together “Stop fucking on my bed, Hayden!” she shouted.
“No way, bitch, you broke my bed with all your nigger boyfriends” Hayden snarled but it was a playful almost joking way – that really surprised me. I was shocked she said the word nigger. This was a word I was taught white people just can’t ever say even if you are singing along to rap music. You just pause and let that word float past. The ease at which she said it while we were fucking turned me on.
“You are sleeping in HIS wet spot,” Waverly insisted. I didn’t know what a wet spot was but my guess was it was the gross part of the mattress that was already soaked with our juices. Waverly checked me out – looked me up and down from head and toe but didn’t seem entirely impressed with my skinny body. I didn’t blame her for that. I was not much to look at and not very athletic (or athletic at all).
In fact, I was surprised I had managed to keep up the pace I was doing as I thrust in and out of Hayden’s pussy. I didn’t stop just because Waverly was looking at us either and her watching made it even more exciting. At the time, I was nervous but later when I fantasized to recreate this image in my mind this is the part I enjoyed most. Waverly just standing there watching me thrust in and out of her little sister like it was no big deal.
“No, you are sleeping in the wet spot bitch,” Hayden barked at her sister. She seldom talked and was usually soft spoken. It was interesting to hear Hayden get excited. I didn’t think she had that side to her but she was much more animated with her own sister than anyone at school. “If he ever fucking cums!” she complained. That didn’t make me feel like cumming for sure.
“You should be so lucky,” Waverly assured her sister that it was good I could last a long time but Hayden didn’t seem to think so now. I felt like maybe her white-stuff that was coating my dick was drying up and that was the reason she wanted me to finish. I would have been happy to just stop fucking but Hayden seemed intent on waiting until I came and that was good for me – even if she got impatient.
I didn’t know if I’d get a chance to fuck anyone again for a long time and I wanted to make it last as long as I could.
Their mother walked in next like it was totally normal for us all to be in the room together while I fucked Hayden and told Waverly to leave us alone. “Unless you want to get up there and work his balls, I advise you to leave your sister alone,” Betty said to her eldest daughter before telling Hayden not to fuck on Waverly’s bed.
Hayden physically got up and walked me over still connected to her pussy to her own bed and we continued to fuck there right in front of her sister and mother. They could see my asshole the way I was bent over. I knew I had a hairy butt and I was self-conscience about it. I was very embarrassed. I wanted them to stop watching now because they were making commentary about us that wasn’t very flattering to me.
Hayden’s bed did creak and the bar underneath the mattress was clearly broken. Waverly and Betty left once they got bored watching and cackling at us but left the door part way open – I believe intentionally.
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Hayden was up before I was. I had maybe an hour of sleep. She acted like it was perfectly normal to get such little sleep on a school day. Waverly was snoring in her bed naked. “Check this out,” Hayden told me to watch her sister sleep. She pulled Waverly’s large butt cheeks apart and as she snored her asshole puckered and then I kid you not it looked like her asshole blew a kiss in time with her snoring. I actually saw a fart ripple out of her ass while she slept. I had always wondered what...
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I should probably describe my mom and dad a little better to you. Have you ever seen the TV show Modern Family? My parents are often compared to Claire and Phil Dunphy portrayed by Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell. My mom sounds and looks exactly like Claire and can come off a little pushy and aggressive even though she means well. I think it annoys my mom to be compared to Claire and she won’t even watch that show anymore because we laugh at how similar she is to her on screen character. My Dad...
It was about 3am when I heard my phone buzzing. I was receiving a new text from Hayden! “Mom wants to know if you are ready to go again?” she texted. “Right now?” I texted back. I was excited. I had so many questions but I knew texting a wall of text would only make me seem too clingy. “No, like a week from Friday,” she texted back. I could tell that was sarcasm. I checked the time and I knew I had school in the morning. It was way too late but I wanted another chance to redeem myself but...
“We are surrounded by people who want to use us and hurt us, and do you know what we do? We use and hurt them right back,” Betty explained to me quite seriously as if this should be obvious to me. Waverly groaned like she had heard this lecture before but Hayden stood straight with her nose and tits in the corner of their dirty house. “Yes, there are a lot of people who want to fuck us. I can go down to Applebees and catch a dick right now if I felt like it,” Betty said as she sat back with...
Introduction: Bitch and Dicking have strip-tease fun on some lonesome beach. The beach is warm, brilliantly sparkly, and dazzling and gorgeous too. I love and adore being here with my beautifully handsome husband, Jace Dicking. He is seated right here before me, casting and shooting his gaze straight upward in that lazy and effortless way that allows and permits him to relax and loll down in the resplendent sunlight in an awesome and adorable fashion that I cannot help but only marvel and...
There were a whole host of possibilities and my mind was ablaze thinking about what I should do right now and whether or not Betty had set me up to fail. My own insecurities were working double time on me and suggesting that it was better not to get my hopes up that any of her offer was true. At the same time, had I not been invited on a tag-along and got to fuck some millionaire’s wife and her daughter right in the ass? Had I not just spanked Hayden’s ass until she blubbered and cried?...
Following Shadow, Ed walked into the IRS office and stopped at the receptionist. She looked at Ed and then glanced down at the cat. Smiling at Ed, she asked, “Who are you here to see?” “The person in charge,” replied Ed in a very casual manner. Very calmly, she picked up the phone and called security. Looking at Ed with a smile, she said, “Let me let him know you are here.” The sour tone of her voice let Ed know that she was lying to him. He reached in his back pocket as the woman said,...
Ed woke up on the floor of the playroom with Beth, Kelly, and Ling. Beth was spooned against him while Kelly and Ling were sleeping together. The hand moving on his cock suggested that Beth was not asleep. He moaned as his cock erected under her gentle administrations. As a result his moans, she knew that she was having a real effect on Ed. Beth increased the pressure of her grip on his cock. He shifted giving her easier access to it. The noise woke Kelly. Pouting, she came over and said,...
The house was still under construction, but enough of it had been completed to see how it was laid out. Ed walked from where the living room would be to the kitchen and dining room. Trying to construct a mental image as he examined the layout, he decided that he liked it a lot. It would be a very nice house once it was finished. He turned to Mrs. Hayes who was still in the living room and said, “I like it.” With a little smile in his direction, Mrs. Hayes said, “Of all the plans the...
Ling, Kelly, Leroy, Betsy, Linda, Dan, Claire, and the entire staff were waiting for William Redman Carter to return home. Much to everyone’s surprise, he walked into the house and headed directly to Linda without pausing long enough for anyone to hug him. He stopped in front of his mother and, after a pregnant pause, said, “It’s time to get you to the hospital.” “What?” asked Linda as a sudden spasm passed through her abdomen. Her eyes grew large when she realized what he meant. “I told...
So, a couple of weeks had gone by. We again were in the routine of work, social and generally busy life. I had been looking forward to what she had in mind, but since it never happened I had kinda forgot - well at least I had put it out of my mind!However, suddenly as I got home from work on Thursday, she greeted me in with a wet french kiss, and grabbed my balls through my clothes."Go and shower" she said, and then paused, "No I had better make sure nothing happens by accident" she squeezed...
It was a tough decision. I had never had to make any tough decisions. My life had been deciding what class to play in Destiny and how to outfit the best gear for maximum DPS up to this point. Now, a legit offer may have been laid at my feet to fuck a woman and her two daughters. I could say yes and possibly look like a fool when she was just playing me. I could say no and pass up a great opportunity because of my insecurities. I decided that if I turned them down I would go home with no sex...
Cathy could feel her stress level start to decrease as she drove out of town in her dad’s F150 pickup heading into the mountains. Her freshman year of college had sucked in about every way possible with the exception of she had passed all of her classes, and gotten the number of credit hours she needed for both semesters.She was heading for a girl's weekend with Sherry and Janice. They would set up camp tonight, Thursday night, and then they would do some serious hiking in the mountains just...
Monster SexSeit langem suchte ich im Netz eine offene Partnerin.Ich bin sehr devot und habe dies auch zwischen den Zeilen definiert. Aber nicht gradheraus.Eine dicke Frau, sehr dick, schrieb mich an "Du gehörst mir". Ich hatte zwar sigalisiert, dass ich es mollig mag, aber so richtig dick wollte ich es nicht und sie hatte ein Foto ihres Körpers drin, der schon heftig fett war. Aber ich war spitz und machte ein Treffen aus. Wir wohnten auch nah beieinander, keine 15 Km trennen uns. Also was hate ich zu...
Hayden suggested we sleep in her mother’s bed since Betty wouldn’t be using it tonight. Hayden made this suggestion with this excited “Oh my god! We can fuck in a good bed for once! I can’t wait!!!” look on her face and it was hard to resist thinking the same thing. My guest bed at home was pretty comfortable but Betty’s room and her bed definitely seemed like it would be much more pleasurable for tonight! I felt a little strange at first about using it but Hayden’s bed was broken in the...
It was a dark and stormy night. I was reminded of that fact by a beagle glaring down at me, hunched over like a vulture, perched on the porch of my destination. I pulled my raspberry beret down snugly for protection from the bitter New York wind.I glanced at the decaying house before me. The years had not been kind. Whereas it once stood majestically on a hill radiating beauty now it was an eyesore; the real estate equivalent of Kathleen Turner. Still, it was precious to me. Full of wonderful...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 7 ‘Alone Again’ Benita sat at the table in the coffee shop occasionally sipping her coffee, but otherwise staring into nothingness. She felt numb and barely felt anything, either physically or emotionally. The crashing letdown after the emotional high Benita had been on this past week with Stacey left her reeling and not knowing which way was up. For a week, one glorious week, Benita had found the love and acceptance she was looking for, only to find out it wasn’t real. Carmen...
Chapter 4 ‘Sexual Tension’ About a thousand questions raced through Benita’s mind that morning as she got up and out of bed after fucking her best friend. She was still not comfortable with the idea of having a cock and was still very embarrassed about it. Did this one experience mean that they were ‘together?’ Were they ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ or was it ‘girlfriend/girlfriend?’ Was she gay, or did her cock make her not gay? ‘Do you want to shower first or should I?’ Carmen asked as she...
Chapter 11 ‘Candle in the Wind’ ‘GIRLFRIEND?’ Carmen asked in a bit of a snippy tone. ‘YOU have a GIRLFRIEND? I thought you were on that whor . . . well into ‘one-night-stands,’ and not into ‘tying yourself down’,’ she added and had to look away as she calmed down. Intense, burning jealousy burned inside Carmen as she walked beside Benita, yet she kept this disturbing feeling bottled up inside of her. Carmen had not, as yet, told Benita that she was pregnant with their child. Carmen had...
Ed Biggers begins his service to the Two-Sided One and gains balance in his life. Decisions. Hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions are made each and every day, by every person. Shall I sleep five minutes more or not? What shall I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What route shall I take to work? What lane should I be in now? Most of these are minor decisions, of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. That is, the majority of decisions can be made without concern for...
Marguerite and Bob were laughing and dancing the twist when the waiter came in the kitchen. For a full minute, he stared open mouthed at the pair amazed that on the first day of the cooking contest they were dancing fifteen minutes before he was to deliver the meal to the judges. The first three chefs had been working furiously to get everything done on time. She was dancing, the kitchen was clean, and there were two servings of lunch on the table for them. Once that classic song was over,...
Wearing an outfit that looked a lot like a space suite, Ed walked around trying to get used to the feel of the strange outfit. Removing the control from a pocket, he turned down the temperature a couple of degrees. Replacing the control to the pocket, he stood there for a minute waiting for the suit to cool down. He looked over at the man standing next to him and said, “This is pretty nice.” The man answered, “It uses a fusion well to generate heat for the suit. With the built in radio and...
After Claire had dropped them off at the entrance, Kelly, Ling, and Ed walked into the Maria’s Cantina located in Phoenix. They did not expect to find Maria there since she had retired from the day to day operation of the restaurants. She continued to manage what had become a growing chain, but had left inspections and quality control to her sister Rosa. The reason they were at the restaurant was a mystery to everyone. Ed had a feeling that something important was going to happen and asked...
I awoke at the crack of dawn to the sensation of Hayden’s big lips around my cock head lovingly kissing and worshiping my chubby to full hardness like it was a lollipop. I opened my eyes and her Labia was resting gently over my lips and nose hovering as to not disturb me while I slept. I could see the black latex butt plug rim handle resting in the crack of her ass. “Good morning Master, do you mind?” she asked me again. How many times in your life have you woken up like I just did with a...
“Enough gabbing on Master Justin’s dick, we are late for our shift and you bitches got me getting lubed in front of the chat room,” Betty complained once we were done talking about everything. I loved the way they casually said things like they were ‘gabbing on my dick’ instead of talking too much. It was just flirty and fun. Waverly and Betty stripped naked and they turned on the laptop and introduced themselves like two horny, big titted weathergirls. I had apparently passed whatever...
“Oh fuck, do that again please Master Justin!” Betty’s bright blue eyes opened with a radiant sort of ecstasy on her face about the pain she had experienced. She was only out for a second after I shocked her and now she had a big smile on her face but she was sweating, and her pussy was dripping wet. Her tits were leaking milk, and it was dribbling down her chest. Betty had not heard the cars roll up. I assumed it was the police since Waverly said that. “Where dem bitches at? I see your shit...
Hayden endured two hours of ginger root in her ass and an hour in her cunt. Afterwards, Betty asked if her pussy was sore. “Yes Mistress Betty!!” Hayden sobbed. “Good, that will remind you what you did to my car and what happens when you cross Mistress Betty. Use that pain as a lesson in not fucking up and we won’t have to do this so often,” she smiled at her daughter and French kissed her for the camera. “Will you be a good slut tonight for the audience and your new Master?” “Yes...
“I should put you on restriction!” Betty told Waverly that she was now on restriction after the finished laughing about my father’s corny reaction to them and nervous behavior. I walked up to them in their front yard with Hayden by my side. “RESTRICTION! What the fuck for?” Waverly looked surprised and stomped her feet. “You just want to put me on restriction to be a bitch!” “I had eight hundred dollars hidden where Jay would never find it and you gave it to him!” Betty complained to...
When Betty and I walked back into the living room we saw Waverly sitting on Hayden’s head and holding her naked body on the ground. The girls had very sore-cherry red asses from spanking each other all night. They had been taking turns in a little game where Waverly spanked Hayden and then Waverly had to assume the same position and be spanked by Hayden. The girls were clearly very competitive and the only way to conclude it would be if one of them were to surrender and say she had enough....
The Prologue (Chapters One-Eight) Introduce Justin’s story as told by his Uncle Eddie. He was a normal, geeky kid growing up in Middle America Suburbia. He had a crush on a quiet girl who was quirky and wore baggy clothes. He came to discover that she and her mother and sister make their living doing web cams and private shows. This story will feature a lot of exposition and details about those fetish web cams. So you should probably not read if any of that might offend you. I include this...