Sarah Is Humiliated By Megan
- 5 years ago
- 65
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They're trying to kill me with the stink. One of their experiments must have gone haywire. When they switched brains, the person died. That's what happened; that's what I smell. Rotting human flesh. Sickening. The aliens can't smell it. I asked them; they can't smell it. They said I was hallucinating. No way. They must smell different than I smell.
I shouldn't have asked. They stuck me with a needle. Fuckers. I hate that. I'll take their fucking pills, but I don't want their needles. The needles knock me out. While I'm out, they do weird things with me; I know they do. Anal probes, that sort of thing. Or worse. Probably planning to switch bodies again. Next time they knock me out, I'll wake up with a cunt. They'll put my brain in the body of a girl. He sneered. Don't want to be a pathetic, simpering cunt. This weak body is bad enough. A body with a pussy would be worse.
"Aaron, stand up," an alien said.
He stood up. Didn't want the goddamn needle. Didn't want to become a worthless female.
"Walk to the dining hall, Aaron."
He walked, wishing they'd bury that body. How can I fuckin' eat with that stink? I'll throw up.
He giggled. That'd teach them. No, if I threw up, they'd knock me out.
"Sit down, Aaron."
He sat down.
He put a bite of food in his mouth with a fork. Don't gag! Don't...
Vomit spewed all over the table. The fat man next to him threw up next, then the crazy old hag who pretended to hold a baby all the time.
He giggled. Shit happens. Should have buried that rotting body. Or burned it. Yvonne wanted to be cremated when she died. Sick. Stupid cunt.
We sat in a conference room in the administrative offices of the school. Someone was covering my English class; Tom handled that. Robyn Clark had accepted Tom's invitation to the meeting, and also at Tom's request, Sheriff Kenneth Hansen had joined us.
I'm a big man; Sheriff Ken is bigger. In appearance, he looks like a typical redneck, Southern cop, so much so that at first glance, I expected him to refer to me as Boy. Appearances can be deceiving. He was a well-spoken man, polite, logical, and level-headed. He also knew about my memory loss, so I didn't have to deal with that subject.
Robyn Clark was her typical self: stylishly dressed, beautiful, cynical, and aloof.
"Coach, you called this meeting," Tom said.
"I did. Friday, when I landed in Winnemucca for the game, I discovered that two of my first-string players had been suspended for dealing drugs."
"Humph," Robyn snorted. "What do you want? Their suspension lifted?"
I gave her a hard look. "I'm saddened that you have such a low opinion of my character, Robyn. I called this meeting because, with my memory loss, I was unaware of the drug problem in the high school." I slumped back in my chair and sighed. "I'm a football coach. A coach, especially a high school coach, should teach his players how to become better human beings first and better football players second. This afternoon at a team meeting, I planned to announce a zero-tolerance drug policy. If any of the boys on my team are involved with drugs, I want to know about it, not to protect them, but rather to remove them from the football team. However, upon reflection, I realized that a zero-tolerance drug policy has the potential of destroying the life of one of my boys before he can be salvaged. Accordingly, I wanted a discussion with each of you regarding the policy before it's announced this afternoon."
Robyn looked like I'd driven a railroad spike into her head.
I stifled a chuckle and turned to Tom. "From what I was told, the school doesn't have a zero-tolerance policy. You suspend a student the first time the student is caught using drugs on school property. The student isn't expelled until the second time. Correct?"
"That's correct for marijuana," Tom said. "For harder drugs, expulsion is immediate. Currently, other than marijuana, meth is the drug of choice."
"I believe there is a meth lab somewhere in the county," the sheriff said. "I also believe that at least one of the students in this school is a meth dealer. Coach, marijuana is relatively benign when compared to drugs like meth or heroin. We've got some of that, too, although so far, to our knowledge, none of the students in this school is a heroin addict. Cocaine has also filtered down to the students of this school, but it's nowhere near as prevalent as meth."
"What about designer drugs like ecstasy?" I said.
"We had a problem with ecstasy last year. So far, we've been lucky this year," Tom said.
I nodded. "I think I understand. Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless caught in the act on school property, the school turns a blind eye to marijuana use but comes down hard on students involved with harder drugs."
Tom said, "I suppose that's true for drug users, but dealing is another matter entirely. We place marijuana dealers in the same category as students using the harder drugs."
"Then why did you merely suspend Peter and Terry? Why didn't you expel them?" I said to Tom.
"They're innocent until proven guilty," Tom said. "After their day in court, they'll be expelled. Coach, they were caught red-handed, so to speak. They're guilty, no doubt about it, so neither of them will set foot on the school grounds again."
I looked at Robyn. "Have you been able to save anyone?"
My question surprised her, but she recovered quickly and said, "Yes."
"Good," I said. "What about alcohol?"
"What about it?" Tom said.
"It's a drug. It's illegal for students to drink alcohol. Does the school have a policy regarding beer and hard liquor?"
"We treat alcohol like we treat marijuana," Tom said.
"Orville classifies cigarettes as a drug," I said.
"Smoking on school grounds will get a student suspended," Tom said.
I chuckled. "Is that why crowds gather across the street from the school between classes?"
"Yes, and some of the smoke coming from their mouths is from burning marijuana, not cigarettes," Tom said.
I nodded. "Are these policies working?"
"Yes," Tom said.
"No," Robyn said at the same time. All eyes turned toward her. She shrugged and said, "Drug use is increasing, not decreasing."
"That's not a result of school policy, Robyn," Tom said.
She said nothing.
"Do you think our policies should be altered?" Tom said to her.
"I don't know, maybe." She looked at me. "Are you serious about initiating a zero-tolerance drug policy for the football team?"
"I was; I'm not so certain now."
"If you do it, would the policy include alcohol and cigarettes?" she asked.
"No," I said without hesitation. "Alcohol and cigarettes are not illegal substances. Granted they're illegal for teenagers, but not for adults. But I've found that if you treat teenagers as adults, they'll respond accordingly. If you treat them as children, they'll rebel. The zero-tolerance drug policy would include any drug illegal for adult use. I would, of course, stress that the school policy regarding alcohol and cigarettes would still be enforced. If any of my football players is caught drinking booze or smoking cigarettes on school property, which to my mind includes motel rooms during away games, that player would be turned over to Tom for suspension from school. The player would be allowed back on the team at the expiration of his suspension. On the other hand, a player caught using an illegal drug, including marijuana, relatively benign or not, would be kicked off the team permanently, and then turned over to Tom for punishment in accordance with school policy."
Robyn nodded and said, "Do it."
Tom held up his hands, palms out. "Hold it right there," he said. "That policy would decimate the team, Coach. I think marijuana use is more prevalent than you realize."
"What's more important to the school, Tom? Teaching our athletes how to succeed at life or winning football games?" I said. "Condoning drug use, including marijuana, lends tacit acceptance by authority figures to perform illegal acts. I don't believe that's the lesson we want our athletes to learn."
"He's right, Tom," Sheriff Ken said.
Tom slumped in his chair, and said, "Okay, I'll go along with your zero-tolerance drug policy for the football team, Coach."
"Tom, I'm probably going to lose some players for another reason," I said.
He frowned. "What reason?"
"Football players, for the most part, are bigger and stronger than the rest of the students in the school. Some of them tend to be bullies. Orville tells me that in the past before my memory loss, that I protected some bullies on the team. That changes right now. I won't have a bully on my football team."
Tom groaned and said, "Coach, where are you keeping your pod?"
Robyn and I laughed. The sheriff smiled.
I looked at the sheriff. "Sooner or later, do bullies end up in your jail?"
"Yep," he said. "Sooner more often than later, and some of them end up in prison doing hard time."
I said, "The bullies on the team—I have the names of two of them—will be given an opportunity to change their behavior. If they don't learn how to treat others with respect, they won't be welcome on the team. After the team meeting when I'll be announcing my modified zero-tolerance drug policy that will include marijuana use but won't include alcohol and cigarettes, I plan to have a little chat with Cal Jensen and Larry Foreman. It's possible that one or both of them will not be suiting up this afternoon." I turned to Robyn. "Do you know of any other bullies on the team? If so, I'll include them in the conversation I plan for Cal and Larry."
She nodded. "Cory Tidwell is probably a bigger bully than Cal or Larry, although Larry is almost as bad as Cory."
I looked at Tom. "She's got Cory pegged, Coach," he said.
"At least he's second string," I muttered, which elicited some chuckles from around the table.
I tossed a football to Jeff Weaver. "That's the game ball from Friday, Jeff. I've signed it, Orville, too. Perhaps other team members will sign it, as well. You earned it. You stepped up after Terry was suspended for dealing drugs. You gave the game everything you had in you. In fact, you stopped Winnemucca at the goal line seconds before the game ended. I'm proud of you."
Orville started the applause, which quickly morphed into hoots and hollers. Jeff fondled the ball and looked like he could leap tall buildings.
"Okay, settle down," I said. "I have an announcement. Starting today, each member of this football team is subject to a zero-tolerance drug policy. That being said, let me explain the policy in detail." I went on to describe the policy as I'd developed it during my morning meeting with the sheriff, Tom, and Robyn. "If any of you feel that you can't abide by this policy, there's the door."
No one stood up and walked out.
"Any questions about the policy?" I said.
"I have a statement, not a question," Paul Williams said. Paul was our first-string center.
My nod indicated that he should continue. He said, "To my way of thinking, booze is worse than marijuana."
I heard murmurs of agreement.
"Your thinking is probably accurate, but I didn't want to treat any of you as children," I said.
"Huh?" Paul said.
"You might be a teenager and therefore too young to drink, but to my way of thinking, you're a young adult, and that's the way I'll treat you. Adults can legally use alcohol. Adults cannot legally use marijuana. In crafting the drug policy I had to consider whether I would treat you as adults or children. I chose the former. If you don't like the marijuana laws, after you graduate from high school and go out into the world to meet your future, get involved and change the law."
Greg, our quarterback, said, "Will you do random drug testing?"
"No," I said. "What I'm going to do is trust each of you to abide by the policy ... until I can no longer trust one of you. If by your actions you lose my trust, you will also lose the privilege to play on this football team." I looked around the room. "Any other questions or statements?"
The room remained silent. "Okay, go suit up."
By prior agreement, Orville stopped Cal, Larry, and Cory from leaving. Then Orville left the room. Once alone with the three young men, I said, "It has been brought to my attention that the three of you think you are tough guys. Was I misled?"
"Come on, are you tough or not?" I said.
"I'm tough," Cory said.
"Me, too," Larry said.
"What's this about, Coach?" Cal said.
I walked up to Cal and slapped his face, not with brutal force; the blow wouldn't leave a bruise, but he knew he'd been slapped. I watched intense anger fill his eyes.
"That pissed you off, didn't it?" I said.
He was too angry to speak, but he nodded.
"Would it surprise any of you if I said that I'm tougher than you, all three of you, combined?"
They said nothing.
"I am, you know. I'm bigger than any of you, and stronger. I'm also proficient in krav maga, a form of martial arts developed for the Mossad, Israel's equivalent to our CIA. Krav maga is one of the skill sets that survived my memory loss." I had, in fact, studied krav maga for five years when I was Aaron MacDonald. "If the three of you attacked me at the same time, I'd take all three of you. If you don't believe me, you can try. We can go to the mats in the gym right now. Want to try?"
None of them took me up on the offer.
"Cal, did my slapping you show disrespect?" I said.
He nodded, and then said out loud, "Yes."
"Do you believe what I did was wrong? As a moral issue, I mean. Did I do a right thing or a wrong thing?"
"It was wrong."
"How did you feel after I slapped you?"
"Angry. And confused. And I wondered why you did it," he said.
I looked at Larry. "How would you feel if I slapped you?"
He said nothing. I turned to Cory. "What about you, Cory?" Cory remained silent, as well.
"I don't remember what I was like before I tangled with lightning, but I've been told I was a bully," I said. "I have no way of knowing if the characterization was accurate. I do know that the label, accurate or not, disturbed me. Can any of you guess why I was disturbed by the label?"
Cal said, "Because the label made you less of a man, not more of a man."
"Precisely," I said. "I was upset because I also believe that a bully is a coward. I didn't like to think of myself as a cowardly bully. I prefer to think of myself as a good and decent man. Just as important, I'd prefer that others consider me a good and decent man." I sat down on a bench facing the three young men. "I've been told that the three of you are bullies. Would any of you agree with that assessment?"
"I'm not a bully," Larry said.
"Neither am I," Cory said. "I just won't take any shit."
Cal lowered his eyes. He didn't speak, and he wouldn't look directly at me. Cal, I believed, could be salvaged. I wasn't confident the other two were salvageable.
"Since the moment I opened my eyes after getting struck by lightning, I've tried to treat everyone I meet with respect. If I was a bully before, I am a bully no longer. Cal, I apologize for slapping you. I did it to make a point. Will you accept my apology?"
"Yes," he said.
"Here's the deal, men. I won't tolerate druggies, and I won't tolerate bullies, not on my football team. From this moment forward, I want each of you to treat everyone around you with respect. Do not physically or verbally abuse anyone. Got it?"
"Got it, Coach," Cal said.
I looked Larry in the eye. "Yeah, I got it, Coach," he said, but reluctantly.
I switched my gaze to Cory. "I got it, but I still won't take any shit," he said.
I sighed. "Cal, Larry, go suit up."
After they left, I said to Cory, "What do you mean when you say that you won't take any shit?"
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"Where the fuck are we?" asked Boo-Ya in that morose whine of his as he lay prostrate behind me. "I don't know. Quit asking fucking stupid questions." It had been his idea in the first place but now we had actually started to tunnel under the wall, he was getting on my nerves. We knew that Pandora was available tonight. She had managed to slip a note to me using one of the Reform School guards who owed her a favour. But that's Pandora for you, always collecting favours. On the outside...
I was very far inside Dana while she fucked Kara with a strap-on ... and once again, Carlos was balls deep within my ass. Yes, we were all doing anal, too. My dick was buried up Dana’s nice, tight butt, her dildo inside Kara’s thick Lebanese booty, too. Dana’s grunts, groans, and moans ... and whimpers were matched by Kara’s stream of profanity in Arabic, Aramaic, and fifty other languages, or so it felt. Certainly, Carlos cussed a blue streak in Spanish as well as English as he sodomized me,...
Since Jack did all the cooking now, he would make a different meal for himself than for Mikie. Mikie would get a high calorie meal rich in proteins which would enhance her bulking up. Jack would have the opposite. His meals would be high in fat. Dr. Zaaijer wanted Jack to lose muscle weight but become softer and rounder in several areas such as his hips and butt and of course his chest. Jack had no reason to doubt Dr. Zaaijer, after all Jack's pain in his back and shoulders were...
I met her during the summer when I was twenty-four years old. She was nineteen and had just finished her first year of university. She had a job in a lakeside general store, pumping boat gas, selling hamburgers and ice cream, washing floors; doing whatever was needed to be done. At that time I lived and worked about a two and a half hour drive from there and came to that particular lake every weekend, as I had the good fortune of the use of a cabin that friends of my family owned but weren’t...
First TimeThis is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-34 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 35 Moving into Minnesm?rke Palace was not the only distraction for the two these days. There was, of c...
"Oh, it's a lesbian couple, how sexy? A hot light brunette with a pretty dirty blonde," I muttered, pulling up to them. "Thank you for coming," the blonde said, getting in the back first. "You're welcome. I'm Cynthia," I introduced myself as the brunette got in as well. "Cool," the brunette added, before kissing the blonde. "Why are you staring? Do you not like lesbians?" "Oh, no, of course not," I made clear, putting my hands up a bit. "You're both just stunning if that's okay to say," I...
LesbianChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 10 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
Important Notice: On my vacation just now, I found out that I lost some of my fun at writing ever since posting what I created, because I always thought about what would be good for the readers. Something I never did in the years before. I wrote a story just as it came to my mind once again and can tell, that it does far more to relax me than what I did in the last months. As a consequence, I will not post anymore in the foreseeable future and go back to write just to relax without...
The Zadrain Steppes were a harsh place, much harsher than the Shadar River Valley, and so challenging for me! I found almost immediately that there was little flowing water to draw strength from. What little there was was either brief, distant or buried deep beneath the stone and sand of the steppes. Marila was clan leader of the Dry Hills clan of the Zadaru. Some arrangement had been made to foster me among them for a time. How long, still to be determined. For this to happen, I was going...
I had always tied the normalization of seeing things growing to the end of the school year. I felt like it was fitting to feel freed from the shackles of school just as everything started growing again. It was summer’s saving grace to me. Or at least late spring’s. A week to exams. I felt like I may as well have blinked and second semester flew by. If I was any more ignorant, I would have presumed this was what it was like to grow old, on a much smaller scale. It wasn’t that time was getting...
In my last letter, I told you how my husband Tom had made me show off my body in a gas station, a grocery store, a pharmacy, and an adult book store. At the end of that letter, I was in the back seat of a car with Tom (my husband) driving, on my way to a motel, taking turns sucking the huge cocks of my two black friends, Alan and Joseph. Before I had left the bookstore, I’d invited the two customers who were there to come to the motel to fuck me. I’d also told the clerk...
Jack couldn't believe what he was doing. He was the quiet guy, some would even call him shy, but nevertheless, here he was, right in the midst of this erotic toy shop, surrounded by strange looking devices, that he didn't even know the name of, and their sight alone was enough to make him blush. It was his first time in a Sex Shop, but when this one, "The Magic of Sex", opened right next to his apartment, he somehow entered it, although he didn't even remember deciding to do so. It was almost...
Its the 21st century, you live in a small town with your mother and little sister. Your a 20 year old male with brown hair, slim build, 170cm tall and your life is boring. You work at the local library as a desk jockey and spend most of your days filing books on shelfs or sitting behind the checkin desk. You graduated school and never went to college, you were a outsider in school sitting by yourself most days being the "quiet" kid. Living at home with your family hasn't been easy with just the...
BDSMTwo days later, just as Henry was about to order the gangplank raised in preparation for his first training cruise, a car drew up and a woman in an abaya got out, accompanied by a large eunuch. Henry met them at the head of the gangplank. "Master," the eunuch said, "His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever and have many sons, sends this concubine as a gift." Henry paused for only a moment and then said gravely, "My most grateful thanks to His Magnificence, the...
Tina“No show, pal,” said LukeThe stranger stopped and blocked what little path there was, Luke stopped, pulling me to a stop too. Luke then turned to about forty-five degrees and looked behind again. That is when I heard footsteps and the dog from earlier started to sniff around our feet.Luke crouched and stroked the dog under the chin; then I noticed him leaning over the top of it, almost as if he lost balance he put a hand down on the other side of the dog, so he was fully over it, then he...
OutdoorSO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
Like we had for most mornings in the past ten days, I woke with Renee next to me, lying on her back, with her left hand resting on my hip. Her face was peaceful and, as normal, beautiful. There was no hint of the anger or vengefulness I had seen last week. I lay there just looking at her. In the calmness of her face, I could also see the strength and the power I had seen in her the night we left the house to get away from Stan and Helen. Stan and Helen. I lay there thinking about my ex-wife,...
When I was growing up I had a best friend called Dave. Dave and I were always mucking about and finding new things to amuse ourselves. Dave had a younger sister called Emma who was about 5 or 6 years younger than us and when Dave and I were out playing when we were younger Emma would always annoy us.So we all grew up and went our own ways, Dave went to uni and studied and I stayed at home working full-time. We still kept intouch but we didn't see much of each other. It was about 6 months ago...
What’s up, you fantastic freak!? Today, we’re gonna be exploring one of the most timeless porn categories since the birth of the internet! We all know the few categories that have stood the test of time. The one’s that may not be in our top 5 recent porn searches, but if they were mentioned, we’d know exactly what they were and why there were so popular at one time. You’ll know one of those timeless relics of the porn industry as “Bukkake”.That’s right, my friend! I’m talking about those creamy...
Premium Facial Cumshot Porn SitesTHE SWEET ACADEMY - Part 3 By Lisa Lovelace Hampered by my high heels and maid's uniform, I struggled with Mr. St. James in the darkness, trying to keep him from shoving me into the back seat of his car. He was much stronger than me, but he slipped on the gravel driveway and fell to one knee. He swayed slightly. I think he was drunk. I tried to pull free of him, but he kept his grip on my slender wrist. "Help, help!" I cried. A woman's voice cracked like a whip in the darkness....
Hi Vicky again with the continuation of the story, seducing sister Sanju. First things first thank you for the amazing feedback. After the completion of my conference, we started back to our hometown. On the flight, Sanju and I have decided that the amazing days in Delhi will be our little dirty secret and we will fuck whenever our parents are not around or whenever we find time. She told me that she loved me and would follow my orders as instructed. In my mind I started thinking, “What have I...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Ok people, a little thing right quick. There is SOME incest in this part. I still think it goes under this section though. You also gotta realize, all elves are related SOMEHOW, so give me a break on this part. The 3rd will be A LOT better and without incest. Thank you, and now to the story. **** Ok, we left off at the part where they were walking to her parent's tree-house. All during the way they kept on kissing and hugging, never getting enough of...
Lesbian****WARNING: THIS IS A CONSENSUAL RACEPLAY SCENE, ONE THAT CONTAINS STRONG, RACIALLY CHARGED LANGUAGE (REPEATED USE OF THE N WORD). IF SUCH CONTENT OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH****** Jessica’s dad always told her monsters were real. He would tell her about goblins and ogres and manticores….terrifying creatures that would always end up somewhere in her room. The stories would scare her so much. But the scariest ones were the ones her dad talked about the most. Her daddy really...
xmoviesforyouHi everyone, i hope all are doing good.. My name is Raj, and i am a diehard fan of iss, since 5yrs i am following iss.. I have read many stories i feel some are good, but some are fake.. I love to read incest column, in that i like people narrating about their fun time with their aunts.. Because i love to make love with matured women, between 35-45 year old.. If any aunties in Bangalore looking to have nice time or want to make love with me pls do mail me to Com. Now let me narrate you my...
When morning came to the apartment, Nate had left, gone to class for the first time in a week. Melisa and Allison were left to sleep alone without even knowing it. When Nate had vacated the bed earlier that morning, he left a small space between the two girls, but when Melisa had awoken, she found her legs wound around the other girl and her arms around her shoulders. Mel’s dark eyes opened to see the resting eyes of the other girl two inches from her face. She could taste her breath and feel...
NovelsJOHN It wasn't so much that I had a type. Hell, I was attracted to all kinds of women. Young, older, thin, curvy, tall, short, whatever. I didn't have any sort of conscious criteria, but apparently I had a hell of a subconscious one. As I stared at the ceiling and ran though all the girls I'd found attractive ... ok, not all, but lets say all in the last month ... and compared them to the woman I'd dated. There was an obvious bias occurring. I guess I was worried about hurting them? So...