A Farmer's LifeChapter 02 free porn video

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James finishes high school in October, several weeks before he turns twenty. Despite having lived in the area since he was seven he has few friends, other than those who live on the neighbouring farms. So his twentieth birthday is a very small gathering at Watt’s Here on the Sunday afternoon nearest his birthday.

While he thinks about what to do for a living James continues to work for Bob after finishing school. He can’t afford to go to university due to the living costs and having no way to pay them, and there’s no point in staying on at the farm. Two of Bob’s grandchildren are interested in the farm as a way of life; their parents aren’t, but they are. Over the years Bob’s children and grandchildren often came to visit or stay at the farm for holidays. Bob enjoyed their visits and he now really enjoys teaching two of them how to be real farmers. There’s no need for James to stay and Bob doesn’t really need the extra help, but neither wants to be first to say so. There’s a strong bond between them from all their years together.

After a few months of talking to people and researching jobs James does a lot of thinking, then he decides to join the Army. It gives him a chance to do something for the country while learning more about the world and picking up some other skills. In October he visits the Army base near Rivers and he learns how to join. One oddity is he has to drive to Canberra to sign up and then he’ll be sent papers to attend the base at Rivers for basic training, because that’s where they do it.

Army Life

James meets the rigours of Army recruit training without complaint because he sees it as an essential part of the job. While other recruits are busy complaining he’s busy studying what he has to learn to be a good soldier. His quiet assurance and willingness to just get on with what he has to do is noticed by those supervising the training and put in his file.

Like all things the training comes to an end and the recruits are sent to various units where they get more training relevant to their duties there. For some reason unknown to James his platoon Sergeant takes a personal liking to him and that, along with his good performance as a soldier, is enough to see James promoted to corporal when they have an open position for one within the platoon.

Just over two years into James’ service his unit is sent to Afghanistan. Soon after arriving there Sergeant Parson has James go with him on a visit to another base in the city they’re in. James is sent in to get the Supply Officer to come out to talk to the Sergeant waiting in the vehicle. James is a bit worried about this, until he sees who is being led to the counter to see him by the private James spoke to at the counter. The Warrant Officer stops and asks, “You want to see me, Corporal?”

James smiles as he says, “No, Sir.” The WO is turning to look at the stunned private when James adds, “My Sergeant does, Sir. He told me to come in here and, I quote ‘get that lazy supply officer to come out and speak to me here,’ end quote. He’s outside while keeping an eye on our truck.” The WO is getting real angry about this until Jim adds, “However, Sir, I think your brother is trying to set us both up.”

The Warrant Officer stops, looks at him and says, “My brother!”

“Yes, Sir, Sergeant David Parson. I don’t know why your names are different, but you look so much like him the relationship is clear.”

Warrant Office Richard Bourne laughs, “Dave isn’t my brother, we’re close first cousins. Our mothers are twins.” With a large smile he adds, “Let’s go see him,” and he walks around the end of the counter.

The two cousins meet and Richard tells Dave about the way James greeted him. They spend the next half an hour in the nearby Sergeants’ Mess catching up on news etc. After that Warrant Officer Bourne takes Parson and James over to a nearby US Army base to see a friend of his in their supply unit. James and Sergeant Parson leave the building with a new US Army issue 9 mm automatic, webbing with shoulder holster, two spare magazines, and a few boxes of ammunition each.

For the next six months James’ unit provides escorts for convoys on supply routes around the countryside without any troubles. The small convoys have two squads as guards while bigger ones have the whole platoon or a couple of platoons to guard them, it varies with the size and contents. But, like all things going well, when trouble starts it’s big.

Corporal Cowley is in charge of a squad of soldiers in the last truck in the convoy while Sergeant Parson commands the detachment from the lead vehicle with another other squad in it. Like all of their runs where the Sergeant is the one in charge he spends time checking the vehicles while unobtrusively securing a package of explosive to its underside and he hands James a radio transmitter to detonate it. Parson calls it a parting gift, if they get taken out in an attack to get the supplies this gift will see they don’t get the trucks or most of the supplies. The trip today is a regular run to villages along a safe route, so no trouble is expected by anyone. Like their company commander often says, “We’re going with the convoys because the orders have all of the convoys go with guards.”

The convoy leaves before dawn and, an hour after their lunch break, it’s almost to its first destination when the lead supply truck suddenly stops. Naturally the rest of the convoy stops behind it and the Sergeant has his vehicle turn around to come back. The driver of the stopped vehicle is out and has the bonnet up like there’s an issue with the motor.

There’s something about the way the driver keeps looking around the area that worries James so he exits his truck while saying, “Right, everyone out and set up about the vehicle. I don’t like this.” In seconds his men are out and spread out on the road around their transport. He’s on the radio informing the Sergeant about his actions and concerns when four rocket propelled grenades fly out of the rocks to the right of the road to slam into the guarding troop carriers, two per truck.

Because Sergeant Parson also has his men out and deployed most of the troops are out of the vehicles when the rockets hit, but the drivers are still in them. Three men are killed and two are wounded in the attack.

Parson is walking back toward the stopped truck to see what’s up with it when the rockets are fired. The blast behind him causes him to stagger forward. The driver of the stopped vehicle turns to run into the field beside the convoy, heading toward where the rockets came from. Parsons brings his rifle up, aims, and fires at the driver. The running man screams when the rounds rip through his lower body while tearing apart his groin and inner thighs. Parson smiles at hitting where he aimed while thinking, No paradise for that treacherous bastard!

The Australian soldiers take up the best defensive positions they can on the ground around their Land Rover troop carriers while they search for targets in the surrounding fields, firing when they find something to shoot at. Two men in the field stand up in a depression to fire two more rockets and are knocked backwards by the soldiers who see their upper bodies and shoot them. One rocket is fired downward at an angle to hit the ground several metres in front of him while the other fires when that man is falling onto his back. This rocket goes straight up until the propellant runs out, then it falls back down a little behind where the man fired from. The rocket explodes when it hits the ground and a few screams are heard from that part of the field to make the soldiers smile.

The situation soon becomes worse when a large number of armed men move across the field from boulder to boulder while shooting at the soldiers as other men shoot from cover to protect the ones moving. The return fire from the soldiers ensures many of the moving men don’t advance any further, due to the soldiers’ bullets renovating their chests.

While this is happening the other local drivers are quick to get down from their trucks and run away across the field on the other side of the convoy while they head away from the attackers. The men aren’t armed and the two damaged Land Rover Perentie series troop carriers stop them from going forwards or backwards so they’re getting away from this as quick as they can, because this is their best option in the situation.

James is careful while moving around to check his men. He moves a couple of them back into the damaged Land Rover because it gives them better cover than lying on the road and it expands their field of fire due to being about a metre higher than lying on the road.

The Land Rover transports are disabled and damaged, so are their long range radios, but the extra ammunition and supplies in them are still OK. Thus they can sustain a long combat, if they have to. One task James does is to pass ammunition from the truck to the men.

All of the Australian troops are worried because this is a small convoy on a route where there’s been no trouble before and they’re now under attack from a very large Taliban force. They know it’s a large force due to the number of enemy they’ve already killed and the number who’re still shooting at them from the field. Both NCOs are worried because the enemy has taken some heavy losses, but they’re continuing the fight.

Several minutes into the fight James is on the left side of the Land Rover loading up a bag with loaded magazines to hand out when shooting starts behind him and he’s hit in the left thigh. Turning while he falls he sees a group of half a dozen men attacking from the previously safe side. He hits the road and he switches from the three shot burst mode to full auto. Holding his rifle level with the road he swings it along the line of attackers, and he smiles because their height differences sees the men being raked across their thighs and groins with his long burst. They all scream while they drop to the ground with blood from their shot up arteries and groins flooding the ground around them.

On hearing some shots from down the road he looks that way while he hits the release to drop the expended magazine. Three attackers are standing up in a roadside ditch about fifteen metres away. Instead of trying to grab a replacement magazine and get his rifle on target James holds it in his left hand while his right hand whips up to the pistol in his shoulder holster. Three well placed shots sees the new attackers fall down with bloody holes in their chests.

The action is so fast a private in the Land Rover is just looking out when James puts his pistol back in its holster. James looks up and says, “Bill, hand out the rest of the ammo.” The private nods yes, and does so.

James rolls over to have a look at his wounded leg. After a quick check he pulls out a field dressing and he ties it down tight to stop the bleeding. When he tries to stand up James is quick to learn he can’t walk, so he’s now reduced to staying still or crawling.

He thinks about how he can continue in the fight while replacing his rifle magazine and loading a round into the breech. Grabbing one of the bags of loaded magazine he drags himself under the damaged truck. He soon sees he has a good view of most of the approaches between the tyres. Moving a bit further under to get a better view out of the sides he finds there’s a fair sized hole in the road. Realising it’s from a bomb set off here he wonders why they weren’t told about that attack. He has no answer to that, but he does move into the hole to get a bit more cover.

The hole is only a bit over a metre by a metre and a half, so he can’t lie down in it but he can curl up and lie on his left side. Because it’s almost a metre deep only his helmeted head is above ground when he sticks it up to look around. After a little moving around in the hole he can see down the road and nearly all of the left side of the road. He’s soon set up to use this impromptu foxhole as his combat point. He has his spare magazines set out ready to grab, with the radio detonator beside them.

After handing out the extra ammunition Private Peter Bill is stunned to find his corporal is missing. He almost jumps out of his skin when he hears James say, “Right, Private Bill, get back to your fire point. Keep an eye on your six, because they’ve now got us surrounded. Pass that to the Sergeant.” Bill climbs into the Land Rover and he hangs his head out to look under the vehicle, he grins on seeing how James is set up. A short talk on the radio lets Sergeant Parson know of the situation at their end and the need to watch both sides now.

For the next fifteen minutes James is firing aimed single shots to take out advancing enemy crossing the fields on the left side while the rest of his squad is doing the same on the main enemy force. James is very worried when Peter Bill mentions someone being wounded or killed. All are stunned when waves of attackers rise from the ground only ten metres from the road on both sides and charge forward.

All of the Australian troops open fire as fast as they can to kill as many attackers as they can. On seeing the large force on the left side Private Bill turns around and opens up on them, inflicting heavy casualties.

Sadly, in combat the courage, skill, and training of the troops doesn’t mean they win the fight. Often, like this time, the sheer numbers make a huge difference. One by one the Australians cease firing when they die. A long burst from the side rips along Private Bill’s body. Because he’s on a knee in the doorway and leaning forward his final muscle convulsions result in him falling forward and out of the door. He lands on the ground beside their troop carrier right in front of James to completely obstruct James’ vision and his line of fire at the enemy.

Sighing, James puts his rifle down and he takes out his pistol again. He knows anyone firing at him will now be too close for him to get the rifle on target. He replaces the magazine with a full one and he waits for them to attack him under the Land Rover. They have to have seen the flashes of his rifle while he was shooting at them.

Within seconds of Bill’s death all firing stops at this end of the column because Private Moore is killed at the same time, leaving only James alive at this end of the convoy. The sounds of combat at the other end of the convoy soon end as well, telling James the rest of the detachment is down. So he picks up the radio detonator and arms it. Holding it in his left hand he waits to press the button to set off the explosives.

Feet move around the truck. James ducks down as low as he can while still letting him see if anyone is looking under the vehicle. All he sees are the ankles and boots of people moving about the carrier, plus a few hands when the Taliban members search the dead. A voice issues orders and many of the feet move off toward the supply trucks.

A moment later there’s no sound of movement around James so he raises his upper body to look down the line of trucks. All he can see is truck wheels in a sea of feet for as much of the convoy he can see. He has a huge grin when he points the detonator toward the supply trucks and he pushes the button. Five loud explosions rip through the air at the same time as the blast shock wave bounces off the road under the trucks.

The Taliban officer leading the attack is very angry with the heavy losses inflicted on them by such a small group of soldiers and how long it took his men to kill them all. Walking in behind his men he wonders how many bullets they fired because the ground is littered with the expended cases. Reaching the men at the back of the convoy he orders them to get in and on the supply trucks so they can drive them away to their new base they’re establishing near here. He takes a moment to walk the length of the five trucks while he checks the supplies in them.

Reaching the front truck the officer orders some men to move the bodies out of the way while he opens the door to climb into the truck and leave. He has one foot up to step into the truck when he’s tossed forward and to the side by an explosion. Lying on his back he looks back along the convoy to see all five of the supply trucks are wrecks and what’s left of the supplies is spread out over a large area. Much of the food in the trucks is now destroyed by the explosions while the rest is thrown out and around. He goes to get up, but he can’t get his right foot under him. He looks down to see why, then he screams when he finds his right leg ends just below the knee and blood is pouring out. While he reaches for a field dressing he faints from the blood loss. Like a lot of his men who survived the battle and are wounded in the explosions the officer dies before anyone who’s able to help him can give him first aid.

Of the one hundred and fifty Taliban members who start the attack on the convoy about fifty of the attackers are killed in the attack with about forty wounded. Many are killed in the bomb explosions while many more are injured and bleed to death before the fit survivors can help them. The defenders and bombs leave only thirty-eight live attackers.

Ten minutes after the explosions the officer who started the day as seventh in command learns he’s now the one in charge and he’s the only properly appointed officer left. He orders the men to check everyone, to collect all of the working weapons, ammunition, and as much of the food they can carry. It takes a while for so few left to check so many dead.

Eighty-five minutes after the attack started the surviving victors walk away from the scene while heavily loaded with only a very small fraction of what they went there to collect by force of arms. They aren’t happy about leaving so many of their dead comrades behind them.


James can hear the enemy talking while they move about, from the tones of what they say he’s sure they aren’t happy with the trucks going bang in their faces. He’s happy because he can see so many of the enemy lying around and not moving. After some time he hears the voices moving away. Lifting up a little he peeks over the edge of his hole. He can see a group of people with heavy loads about a hundred metres into the field, and all are walking away from him. He lies back to rest while they get well away. Being very tired he soon falls asleep.

The sounds of people talking and walking around wakes James, so he rises up to look around him. He sees a group of women and children walking about the road and fields while they collect what they can of the supplies the convoy was carrying. Lying back down he goes back to sleep because he doesn’t know if he can trust them or not and he isn’t ready to take the risk.


Late in the afternoon the radio operator at base realises he hasn’t had a report from the convoy, so he transmits a request for them to call in. Several minutes later the communications duty officer lists the convoy as out of contact and he sends in a request for an aerial check of their line of travel while he also lets Command know of the situation.

At five p.m. an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV: a radio controlled plane with a camera, also called a drone) is circling over the scene of the battle after flying over their travel route from the base. The televised images are being seen by a number of officers while they discuss the situation they’re viewing.

Arrangements are made for a replacement convoy to leave the base in the morning. It’ll have an extra company strength force go with it to investigate and clean up the combat site. The investigating officers going to the scene are briefed and they’re given all of the details of the convoy guards and drivers before they’re finished for the day.

Next Day

The next morning the double convoy departs on time. When they reach the combat area the supply convoy leaves the road to detour around the area by passing on the left of the road, about a hundred metres into the field, but only after it’s checked for explosive devices and other types of booby-traps.

The troops of the investigating force dismount to spread out to check the area while they set up a secure perimeter around the combat zone. With them properly deployed the two investigation specialists dismount to walk over the scene, taking photos and notes while they try to work out what happened at the site.

Being under the damaged troop carrier gives James some protection from the elements, but it was still very cold during the night. Also, in the heat of the battle he failed to properly clean out his wound before he put on the field dressing and the wound became infected by the germs in the dirt he fell on. Now, almost twenty-four hours later, he’s running a high fever and he’s not fully aware of his surroundings.

Thirty minutes into their investigation the officer signals for the troops to collect the dead soldiers and to move the dead enemy to the side so they can clear the road. A platoon doesn’t take long to place all of the convoy dead in body bags and lay them in the back of the truck brought along for this task. When they bag the dead the names of the soldiers are given to one of the investigators.

Captain Harrison checks his list of those in the convoy against the list of the dead. After double checking the lists he orders a private to count the bodies. Everything checks, except they’re short one. He turns to the other investigator to say, “George, ignoring the local drivers we expect to have ran away, we’ve accounted for all of our people except Corporal James Cowley. The soldiers and the distribution team are all here, except Cowley. Should we be concerned about him?”

Captain George Kable, Australian Army, turns to his US counterpart and replies, “I checked all of their files last night. None of our people are a risk, so we should only be concerned about what they’re doing to him, if they got him alive and took him with them.” He glances around the scene and adds, “It looks like they really paid the ferryman. But I do wonder about who blew up the trucks and why they did it. I can’t see the Taliban putting in this much effort unless they were after the trucks and supplies.”

“Yeah! I guess we’ll never know about the destruction of the trucks.”

Kable turns and signals to the troops cleaning up to get to work on clearing the road by loading the damaged vehicles onto flat-bed trucks. A wire cable is attached to the damaged Land Rover and a recovery truck winches it back down the road to load it for taking back to base. If it can’t be properly repaired it can be stripped for parts. When the truck is about three metres back down the road from its original position the hole James is in is now visible and one of the soldiers helping to guide the truck while being reeled in spots the hole and its contents.

The private calls out, “Hold it, we’ve got another one,” and everyone turns to stare at him while he walks over to where the Land Rover was and he looks down at what he’s sure is another body. The feverish James isn’t aware of his surroundings but the removal of his shade lets the hot sun beat down on his hands. His helmet is covering his face but the heat on his hands makes them uncomfortable and he twitches. The private sees the small movement of the fingers so he races closer while shouting, “Medic, he’s still alive!” Two medics and both investigating officers race to the spot to see what they have.

While the medics move James out of the hole Captain Kable is busy taking photos. Captain Harrison looks at the private who found James and orders, “Place someone on each corner of where that truck was.” He raises his camera as he gets ready to take photos while the private puts three others on the right spots and he stands on the fourth. Harrison takes many photos while he says, “Look at all of those casings and magazines, he must have been very busy while under there.”

Kable recovers James’ weapons from where they’re lying in the hole before going over to check his identity. He’s quick to learn who he is.

While still working on James one of the medics looks up and says, “We need Medivac, Sir, and we need it yesterday!“ Kable nods yes and gets on the radio to call for a medical evacuation helicopter to take James to the military hospital back at their main base in the city. The medics continue to check James over, make notes, and treat his symptoms.

James is stabilised by the time the helicopter arrives. He’s loaded up and taken off to the hospital for better treatment. Captain Harrison goes with him to get his report as soon as they can.


Four days later James is waking up from the coma he went into on the way to hospital. The nurse watching him signals for the doctor and also notifies Captain Kable of the change in James’ status. A few minutes later she’s helping James sip ice water while the doctor is making some basic health checks. Twenty minutes later the doctor is happy his patient is alive, going to stay alive, and he hasn’t had any serious mental damage from his ordeal.

Once the doctor gives approval the two Captains sit by James’ bed and Kable asks, “Corporal Cowley, we need you to tell us what went on during your last patrol.”

After looking at the two officers and their recorders James nods yes, takes a sip of water, and gives them a full verbal report - starting just after he had breakfast that morning. It takes a while to tell it all, but they let him get it all out while they take notes, then they spend two hours asking questions to confirm all he said before and to see if they can dig out extra bits of information. They aren’t happy to learn Sergeant Parson set the charges as a routine activity, but they like the damage it did to the enemy troops and the way it denied them the supplies they wanted.

For three days James lies in the hospital while they treat him, and a long line of people visit to speak with him about the combat. At one point they have him write the formal After Action Report on the battle.

Eight days after the combat Harrison walks into his office and he sits down at his desk. Dropping a file on it he says, “Forensic confirms all but a few of the casings from under the Land Rover are from Cowley’s weapons, so it looks like it went down just like he said!” Kable simply nods yes in response because it matches his reading of the corporal.

Six weeks after the combat James is being readied for transport to Australia for rehabilitation of his injured leg. His rifle and equipment are signed in, so he doesn’t have to worry about any of it. Also, the pistol is sent back to the US Army for re-issue by them. James’ kit is brought in and he’s getting ready to put on a uniform for the first time since the fight. The nurse lays out his uniform and James is very surprised to see sergeant’s stripes on it. But it’s his uniform so he puts it on.

Going Home

James is dressed and ready to go, armed with a pair of crutches due to his left leg not being very cooperative yet. Captain Kable walks in and asks, “Ready to go, Sergeant Cowley?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m ready. But I’m not sure how my rank changed.”

“We know you did the best you could on the day, and better than many others could’ve done. But we can’t issue you a medal for it due to the political complications of recognising you using the unapproved explosives on the trucks, so this is the next best thing we can do to recognise what you did.”

“Thank you, Sir. I hope they can get me into the Sergeants’ Course as soon as I can get out of the hospital.”

Kable waves a private over to collect James’ gear while he takes a moment to gather his thought. “Sergeant Cowley, I don’t know how long you’ll be before the doctors clear you as rehabilitated and not in need of hospital or rehabilitative care, but the doctors here tell me once they get you well enough to discharge you from the hospital you’ll also be discharged from the service on medical grounds.” James’ head whips around and up to stare at Kable. “The muscle damage from both the bullets,” on seeing James’ eyes flare he adds, “Didn’t you know you got hit with two bullets in the left thigh?” A head shake is the reply. “Well, two bullet holes, damage to both major sets of thigh muscles, and the further system damage from the infection means you’ve lost too much of the power and control of the left leg. No matter how much you recover you’ll always have a limp from now on so you’re fitness is down and you won’t be passed as combat ready.”

James is very thoughtful while he this all in as he slowly nods in response and he thinks, Now what do I do for a living? Oh well, first is to get as fit as I can!

The plane back to Australia is loaded with troops going home, all of them with someone waiting for them, except Sergeant James Cowley.

For twelve months James is in hospitals and medical facilities in Sydney undergoing rehabilitative training to build up his muscles. Then back to his home unit in time to pack up all of his personal effects and to be discharged fourteen months after being shot.

James isn’t happy at being discharged from the Army after only a few years of service. He knows the Army pension will be enough to live on, but he does want to do something with his life and he now has to re-evaluate what to do for a living.

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I live in a remote area of the U.S. and there's really not much to do but, work. I live on a small farm alone where I have a few animals and grow some veggies (some are special). I made alot of money investing awhile back. My nearest neighber is about 15 miles down the way. Living here does get lonely, so what I do is alot of wackin and such. I really like to eat cum for some reason there's nothing that turns me on more. I like to get up some days and do nothing but, get crazy with myself. Get...

2 years ago
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Farmers DaughterChapter 5

Paula is quiet at lunch, but she tells her farther how well Adam did on the tractor and how much was done. Cindy has made a delicious vegetable soup. Then she tells her parents that she is going to visit her friend Debbie a few farms over and probably won’t be home until late. She glances over at the farm hand after she says this, then she gets up and leaves the room. Adam looks at her as she walks away, her tight jeans molding to her ass. After lunch, Adam goes back to his cabin to rest and...

3 years ago
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Good neighbor ll

It felt funny laying in bed naked. Steve pulled me tight against him and cupped my dick and balls. We should have done this a long time ago, he said softly. The next morning I got up and put on some underwear and went to the kitchen. Steve smiled and said good morning when I walked in. Pulling at my underwear he said, you don't need to wear them here. I was nervous and excited about it as I pulled them off. Rubbing my back now doesn't that feel better, he asked. After breakfast Steve asked what...

3 years ago
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Indiscretions Ch 12

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter twelve Bill Markham wasn’t sure what was going on with Cindy Dillon, the waitress who worked in the diner he and his wife owned. When he arrived at work Sunday morning, Cindy was already inside, behind the counter and didn’t say anything to him. That was odd. Usually, he got a bright smile and pleasant, ‘Hi, Bill.’ He’d been flirting with Cindy ever since he’d hired her to work in the diner. He fantasized constantly about what...

1 year ago
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My Saali Nikki

Hi friends I am Mohith this time i m sharing my experience my sister in law. my wife was working and so was I, my father-in-law suggested to let my sister-in-law stay with us to take care of our daughter. Moreover, she was not getting along with my mother-in-law at all and they would fight almost every day and my house is very close by. My sister-in-law is 5’4″, 56 kgs, has small breasts and the cutest ass you could imagine. She was just a month away from her 22nd birthday. My wife’s family is...

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Sweet Surrender

Surrender to BBCYou catch my attention from across the empty locker room. I am sitting on the bench, tying my shoes you emerge from the shower room. My eyes drift over your dark brown muscular body, glistening under the lights. I feel a stirring inside my belly as I realize that I am staring at you. I try to break my gaze but my eyes are now fixed on your fabulous black cock and balls.Like the rest of you, your cock is quite an eyeful. It is clear, even from a short distance, that you aren’t...

2 years ago
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DeAnns Birthday Trip Part Three

DeAnn's Birthday Trip - Part ThreeWe all boarded the private jet and the pilot and co-pilot came out to welcome us aboard and introduce themselves. Bill and Frank. Very nice looking guys but this trip was strictly a girls party so we all shook hands and said hello, then they went back to the cockpit and fired up the twin jet engines. Eventually we taxied out to the runway and then we were off and away in a rush down the tarmac.Joey came out and asked if we wanted drinks, and everybody did, so...

2 years ago
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Mera pyari sexy wife ki chudai

Anita meri pyari biwi hai or bahut sexy hai. Uski chot bahut bada hai or mere lund chota hai 4 1/2″ka mai uski chot ki pyaas bhuja nahi pata hoon.isileye maine sucha agar koi bada lund bala mujhe miljay ya maloom ho ki uska lund bada hai.use mai apna dost banaker apni pyari biwi ki chot ki pyaas bhujao.anita jabhi jeans or top penthi hai use bahut sexy dikhti hai or koyu nahi uski size bhi kamal ki hai.mera flat ke samne bada rasta or raste ke dono taraf dukan bada market hai. 18 dukan jo hai...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 12 Betrayed

Putting her thoughts on paper was like squeezing a galaxy through the tube of a pen. So many ideas she had, one on the heels of another — and such a short time to get them all out. Angique was working. She crouched on the big rug in the main room of her Club's hideaway. She was wearing her favorite blood-red kimono robe. All around her lay sheets of paper, scrawled with spidery drawings. Every few minutes she added a new one to the pile. Angique didn't often take her work to Villa, but...

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Hug By Belinda I used to be a guy, and always was trying to mix-in and act macho. I mixed in, but bent the rules in my clothes. I did not dress like the dirty guys in the former, grimy, industrial city I lived. I wore vibrant colors, and substituted women's pants for my pants and lingerie. Then, one day, in school I was found out. It was junior high school, 9th grade.. The guys had convinced the macho principle to enroll in girl's gym and girl's classes. The first part of the...

3 years ago
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Maddies Morning Surprise

I wake to a warm ray of sun filtering through the dusty window blinds onto my face and within an instant am struck by the fact that maybe those last couple shots from the previous night were not a good idea. A need for water and aspirin is immediately apparent, but hasty movements are out of the question as well. Better to ease into a hangover. I stretch my body out and that’s when I become aware that I’m not alone in bed, as my foot finds skin behind me. Dammit. Drew. Quickly replaying the end...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Sexy revenge

This is a story which can happen to any one if your mother is sexy and can be open to his lovers and also careless about her affairs. My mom is sexy and has a great body which any one would like to have. She had shown her colors by getting married to my father by doing inter caste love marriage. She ran away with my father and never returned to her parents. She did not leave her habits even after 20 years of her marriage. I have seen her flirting with many people. So this incident happened when...

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Danny Hates Shaving Part 6

Danny Hates Shaving - Part 6 In which Danny starts wearing dresses, gets tattoos, has sex with his mother, and reunites with Aaron. Man, did something strange happen this morning. I had just stepped out of the shower and was reaching for a towel to dry myself off when Mom walked into the bathroom. My first reaction was to try to cover myself up with a towel but I realized that with the clothing I'd been wearing around the house there probably wasn't much on my body that she...

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Daddys Little Girl Part 2Chapter 6

Well rested after their three-day weekend, Gail and Bill picked up their trailer on Tuesday morning and headed east. Agreeing that it was to their benefit to complete the run as quickly as possible, they drove in eight-hour shifts, keeping their layovers to a minimum. They completed their run East in two and a half days; picked up their return load the next morning and made it back to Phoenix on Monday morning. It was a very jubilant couple that left the yard and headed for home. After...

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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 6

Hapsley Hall was a veritable maze of plush lounges, sitting rooms and bedrooms. They were decorated to suit various necessary tastes; those in the deeper recesses of the house were more boudoir like, and it was to one of these he was to be taken. Just having a naked male on a leash in the comfort of her home gave Lady Barbara a deeply erotic thrill. She had been born into luxury, and married off to a boring but wealthy man she was not even acquainted to. Though he was a pleasant enough...

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Old mother in law found in the Net

Old mother in lawI had never thought of my mother-in law in a sexual way, but for some reason on January 28th everything changed. I’m a 36 year old guy, skinny with short brownish hair and green eyes. And I had the most amazing experience. It was on my 36th birthday this happened.As far as I can remember my mother in law was a bit eccentric and forgetful (she was 87years old). But one day I rang her and asked if she needed anything and asked her what she had done that day. She said she had been...

1 year ago
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One Mans Fantasy

The human brain is capable of conjuring both wonderful and terrible ideas. For some time now my brain has conjured a terribly wonderful idea in some detail….watching my wife have sex with another man. I will describe Gwen, my wife, later but what of the man who is to enjoy her body? A handsome, toned, young Adonis? A man of a different race, black skin on white is very erotic. He must, of course, be endowed with a long, thick cock. My choice for the man to fuck my wife is David. We play squash...

2 years ago
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A Night in the Gynarch HotelChapter 13 Breakfast

It was morning. It had been a close decision, whether to take breakfast in their room or whether to enjoy the Gynarch's Breakfast Room. In the end the chance to see and be seen had won out over the idea of being waited on in their suite. They put on their New Opportunity uniforms, short black kilts and tight, white, roll-neck sweaters. Somehow it only seemed right – the Breakfast Room of the Gynarch was where New Order had been founded, so as well as offering what they were sure would be an...

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ExodusChapter 3

Al found them staring at his plane in bewilderment when he made it outside. Laughing he asked “Not what you were expecting huh?” Charles’ head was pivoting between the plane and pilot. Sasha stuttered, “but ... but ... but...” Still smiling, Al said “It’s a 1950 Mallard. The previous owner had it customized to be convertible for cargo or passengers. The maintenance crew here keep it well maintained. The water landings and take-offs can be a bit rough depending on waves, but it’s safe I...

4 years ago
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The VacationChapter 7

Agent Claus Zimmerfaulk was uneasy at first when his former girlfriend, Zenobia Lovelocke, contacted him and asked for a meeting. He was hardly reassured when she claimed their previous relationship had nothing to do with the request but she would like to talk to him about the recent FBI coup off San Francisco. He demurred. When Zenobia explained that she knew who was the anonymous informer who had given the hot information which led to the successful action, he cleared the meeting with...

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DINNER WITH DIANETom and Diane are out to dinner one evening. The place is busy and fully packed. They are at a booth setting across from one another. They had been friends for many years and had never been anything more. They had recently become very close friends and can and do talk about everything and we were talking about our k**s and she asks if it would be OK if she came over and set next to me for a change. I said sure.They are setting there talking and her leg starts rubbing...

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Mixed MessagesChapter 7

We both heard the doorknob rattle. Then there was a light tap on the door. Kelly reached quickly for a tissue and wiped her eyes. She turned away from the door to give herself a chance to compose her features before whoever was there could see that she had been crying. I went to the door and gave a quick glance at Kelly before unlocking the door. At first I was simply relieved that it was not Mom or Dad. Then I was concerned when I saw Penny and what I could tell was a hurt expression on her...

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The Mark of Cernunnos Episode 2 PLUR for Life to PLUR for Dogs part1

I am the mighty Cernunnos, nature god of the old world. I am the lord of all male animals, fertility, and procreation. There was a time when you humans revered me. Then, you decided to worship false gods that you invented. You worship material possessions and worse more, you worship gods like the Christian one. Your kind has forgotten me, but I will be ignored no longer! I have taken one of your most desirable women, now I shall take another. I used a minor version of my spell for the first...

2 years ago
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washing my sisters back

When I was 16, my sister had just gone into the Air force. A few years older than me we had allways got on. I remember her first visit back home after 3 months.Phisicly she had changed she was more toned, and was looking Hot. she wore a short summer dress when we picked her up at the station. It was a hot summers day & our parents drove us back to our house before they were heading off to a evening dinner with friends. Leaving my sister & I at home, we were chatting away catching up on...

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A Gift From The Stars Ch 02

Thomas had noticed the change, the moment he’d boarded the rescue helicopter. Despite the headset the helicopter crew had given him to wear, he could hear voices as if he could hear the crew’s thoughts. For the first day, he thought it was just residual ringing in his ears from the deafening roar of the impact, though it was unsettling that he could hear the voices though wearing headsets that deafened the sound of the chopper. At park headquarters it was worse. Not only was he being asked...

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Forbidden Love

I like my job. First, because I’m good at what I do, and second because my coworkers are amazing. I always had an affinity for them, on and off work, and we regularly go out for drinks. One day, there was an unfamiliar man. His name was Robert. They transferred him, and he was going to work with us. What I didn’t imagine was that something else was going to happen.Robert was a charismatic person. It was easy to be comfortable around him, and I soon found out he was going to work directly with...

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I fuck my boss

My name is Ashish. I’m 26 years old, actually a tall skinny guy, with long brown hair and a short bristle on my face. I liked drinking beer and spending much time with my friends, most of them are designers and computer developers. My story is about my new job, which changed my entire impression about job rules and principles. Been working for the company for about a year doing system administrator support, fulfilling a part time position. Then they told me they needed me in the office full...

1 year ago
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Cousin Under Sheets 8211 Part 2

My mind was a mess. “What the fuck did I do yesterday?” “Did I do something inappropriate?” “Why do I feel like a bad person yet my dick is erect?” “If I did touch her what was her reaction?” I just couldn’t sleep. And I just kept imagining my hands all over her body. I tried to keep my calm. But the wood in my shorts was not helping. It was pretty uncomfortable and to tame it, first I had to unleash it. So that’s what I did. I slid my pants a little to get hold of my dick. She was invisible to...

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The Sex Games instructions and interview with Che

The Sex Games Tournament: instructions and interview with Chelle a contestant and willing sex slaveDaddy has some sport games for you to play. We will have teams of 4 men and 1 girl in each team. As the female team member, you must crawl on hands and knees for 50m and all 4 male team members must fuck you before you can get to the end. It is 10 points if they fuck your ass and 15 if they fuck your pussy. No hands are allowed, all penetrations must be by direct insertion of the penis into the...

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Girls At The Beach Threesome

I kept going past the kitchen to turn off the TV, caught sight of movement on the couch and stopped. I saw my girlfriend's eighteen-year-old daughter Maria, laying on her back, eyes closed, and her blonde friend Anna was on top of her, had pushed up Maria's top and was sucking Maria's firm, perky, B-cup tits. Maria was whispering quietly and making little "mmmm" sounds as Anna worked her mouth over those hard, perky nipples. Both girls were into it and I stayed rooted at the edge of the...

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Helping Siblings

By: AWC Because Bernie had recently changed the job, he was given a nice raise in his salary by his new employer but his annual off days were dropped back to only 10 working days. Now as he came to visit his parents after about 3 years, both parents, his younger sister Brenda and the youngest brother Henry both insisted that he must join them all for the one week vacation they were going to enjoy up in the hills. He was not ready to stay back here for full week because he had left his...

2 years ago
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Krieg bleibt immer gleich

*neuster Edit: Diese Geschichte war meine erste und ich wollte mich erstmal ausprobieren. Viele Entscheidungen und Wege kommen deshalb im Nachhinein betrachtet möglicherweise nicht ganz schlüssig daher* OB DEIN ERLEBNIS ROMANTISCH, SEXUELL, FREUNDSCHAFTLICH ODER KINKY WIRD, HÄNGT ALLEIN VON DEINEN ENTSCHEIDUNGEN AB! SPIELE IM GAME MODE FÜR EIN OPTIMAL REALISTISCHES ERGEBNIS! Die Strahlen der Sonne dringen allmählich durch die Spalten zwischen den Holzlatten deiner Hütte. Es ist kühl, für...

4 years ago
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Corruption Chapter Three

Corruption - Chapter Three "OK Tony. What is it you want from me?" Tom knew he was in trouble the moment Tony popped the tape into the VCR. The first few 'scenes' were of him sucking Sami's veined shaft. He knew what he was watching would be considered perverse and sick by any of his friends or family but such was the level he had sunk to that as he watched himself slide deeper and deeper into depravity he couldn't help but get aroused. He couldn't believe what a turn on it...

1 year ago
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First Experience With Bus Colleague 8211 Part 2

I already described about myself in first part of my story “First experience with bus colleague” but for new readers I am kranthi 28 years with fair colour from andhra Now we will go to the story.As I already told that in bus she used to touch my cock and myself played with her boobs as days are going on as I am govt emplayee she asked me about my leave details how many leaves I have when can apply like…Then I asked y you are asking leave she had a naughty smile on face and told plane one day...

4 years ago
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The Scarecrow

Crows nettled on the two poled wooden fence on the farm. The stared at the scarecrow, then to the freshly plowed dirt with seeds in the lines. One cawed loudly at the unnerving but lifless Scarecrow. One started flying, heading toward the feild. Before it could even land it was cut in half and fell to the ground, it's lower half twitching. The weapon that killed the creature was stuck in the wooden fence.  A rusty sickle with fresh blood dripping from the blade. The rest of the crows took...

3 years ago
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a night with the girlfriend

This must have set her off because she grabbed my shirt and pulled me on top of her. Seconds later we were wildly kissing each other and feeling one another up. She started pulling at the edge of my shirt and I sat back on my legs and let her pull it over my head then I pulled hers off and we were back at it. I let my hand slipped under her bra and feel her hard nipple. Then I reached around and undid the clasp on her bra and let it slip away. Once her breasts came into view my mouth...

2 years ago
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Waiting for Aphrodite

The fire alarm sounded more like a foghorn, a blunt and continuous column of brutal noise. At 2:30 AM, most of the apartment building's residents were asleep, and had to jump up with a start out of bed. Rick, however, had gotten caught up in an intense (and lengthy) online argument about the viability of interstellar colonization, and was looking up material to use in his next salvo when the sudden droning broke into his private thoughts. In truth, this was his usual sleep patterns, staying up...

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Massage Therapy

This is a spin-off storyline from an earlier submission – “Crossing the Line”, with my adopted heroine re-defining her limits.  Alissa, or Ali as she likes to be called, is a modern day enigma, a person hard to understand or explain, inscrutable and definitely mysterious. The public image is one of propriety. At 41 years of age she has been married to her husband, James, for 20 wonderful years and remains as devoted to him now as she ever was. Ali is also the doting mother to her 10 year old...

Wife Lovers
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Boyfriend Ne Mujhe Hotel Mein Choda

Hello friends, mera naam Priti Sharma hai. Main aaj apko apni sex experience bata rahi hu kaise mere boyfriend ne mujhe hotel me choda. Meri kahani kuch din pahle ki hai isliye main sochi ki main apni kahani ap logo ko bhi share karti hu. Main abhi job kar rahi hu aur meri life me kuch akelapan sa tha to main bhi ek boyfriend banana chahti thi. Mujhe office ke kaam ke liye meeting me bhi jana padta hai to bahut sare logo ke beech me kaam karne se main bhi thoda open minded ho gayi. Mujhe bhi ab...

2 years ago
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The manwhore

The manwhore“Look at you.” Sasha says looking into the mirror hanging on her closet door. A wolf with brown fur with white hands and feet looks back at her with a smile only wearing nothing, but a robe “You're one sexy bitch.” She turns around and wags her tail a little. She walks over to the phone on the nightstand, picks it up, and dials the number for a male escort service. “This is Sasha, do you have anyone free for the night and maybe all day tomorrow. Okay. He had better be up to an...

4 years ago
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Swimming in the Jury PoolChapter 16

(Winston’s story sounds ridiculous) In the face of all court room accepted common sense, the defendant’s battery of high-priced lawyers decided they had to risk him testifying to sway at least one member of the jury to vote “not guilty” or possibly cause a situation where the judge would be forced to call for a “mistrial”. I had noticed that his attitude had changed of late. Throughout most of the trial, his demeanor had been stanchly confidant and even bordering on visible boredom as if...

4 years ago
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Parents AwayChapter 5

Bridget and I were asleep, my phone rang, sort of waking I answered. Pam screamed “Get Bridget please. It’s urgent.” I awoke Bridget “Pam needs you and handed her the phone and tried to get back to sleep, “What is the name, O, No, tell him to please wait. Take him to the dining room, He drinks water only. We are coming now.” I look at her. “Dad’s friend has turned looking for him. We need to do there now. Come on get dressed” I put on some shorts and polo shirt and joggers. Bridget dressed...

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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

4 years ago
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My morning with Sharon

This happened a long time ago. I was assistant manager in a fast food restaurant in rural Ohio, Sharon was just one of our hostesses and just of high school. I was maybe 28 years old. We were both unhappy. Our employees were all just kids. Some in high school, others in college, and a few were out of school, working class kids with no skills. Sharon had just started college, but went part time. Most of the kids knew her, having gone to school with her. She was a gawky kid with glasses and a...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore May Thai Sexy Asian May Thai Slammed by Three Cocks to Land the Job

It’s a hot summer day, and hotel owners Kristof, David, and Vince are sitting next to the pool, discussing the pressing need to hire a new, fresh-faced server for their five-star hotel. After speaking with May Thai, a stunning Asian who works at the hotel as a maid, they quickly realize she’s a perfect fit for the position. Next, to get a better idea of May’s physique since she’ll be serving drinks in a bikini by the pool, the bosses ask her to change into a bikini. When she comes back, there’s...

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a reunion at the funeral

After the service our grandfather had invited us all to a small gathering at his house to ‘honour’ our grandmother. That’s where we are now anyway, I’m sat out on my grandfathers porch with my younger brother Ellis, his head on my shoulder as I run my left hand through his soft dark blonde hair, we got that from our dads side. Ellis had taken things a lot harder than I had it seemed as occasionally another stream of tears would begin to fall down his face as I tried my best to comfort him....

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Lupette and The Three Porcelinas

LUPETTE & THE THREE PORCELINAS By C ([email protected])Synopsis:  Lupette pursues some very pretty porcelinas.  Who will outsmart whom?  Who will have a happy ending? F/f+, snuff, forced, humiliation, fantasyOnce upon a time, there were three very pretty porcelina sisters:  Sondra, Cindy, and St. Cloud. Upon the death of their mother, they divided up their inheritance and set out into the Great Big World to seek their fortune. One may imagine them together, strolling hand-in-hand along the...

2 years ago
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ParenthoodChapter 3

Two weeks and several hundred miles later, I was renting an apartment owned by my investment company. Since I was the sole owner of the company, I guess I could say that I owned the building, but I didn't really want to own anything until my divorce was final. I had kept Mina and my sister updated as to my status, but the rest of the family only knew that I had moved north. I'd probably let them know at some point, but I was not in any hurry. I was finally able to admit to myself that it...

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