Fulfilling Our Desires
- 1 year ago
- 41
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With no football practice, I suddenly realized after my last English class of the day that I had an extra two hours of personal time I didn't have before, and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather spend the time with than my daughter.
When I walked in the door, Piper greeted me in her normal fashion with a little squeal of happiness, and a hug and kiss.
"You're home early, Coach," Agnes said.
"Until the track and field season begins, this will be my normal time home from work. I set the date and time for Yvonne's memorial service today. Let's sit down, the three of us, and talk about it."
"Would you like something to drink?" Agnes said.
"I'd love a cup of coffee, Agnes. How about you, pumpkin? What would you like?
"Root beer," she said.
"Coffee will take a minute to perk," Agnes said as she started to pour a root beer for Piper and a glass of iced tea for herself.
"No problem," I said. "I'll tell you what I've set up and what's left to do while it perks. The service will be held at the Open Door Community Church on Center Street at 10:30 in the morning this Friday. A buffet lunch will be served at the Copper Queen at noon. Evah's, a restaurant in the Copper Queen, will supply the food. They'll also supply a cash bar. The trick will be trying to figure out how many people we'll have to feed. I started inviting some folks I know, but Tom, the principal at the school, suggested I put a notice on the bulletin board in the main corridor. So I did that. I suspect some of the teachers I've met and some of players on the football team will attend. I invited Elizabeth, and she told me she'd invite Josh, Lou and Mabel. Danielle and Robyn will come, I'm sure. And I tracked down two of Yvonne's friends here in Ely: Donna Elder and Tara Cowley. They've been invited. Sheriff Ken and his wife will be there, and Orville and Gladys, of course. And guess what, pumpkin?"
"Grandma Jacobs is coming. She and my Aunt Barbara and Uncle George will arrive Wednesday evening. They'll be celebrating Thanksgiving with us here at the house."
Piper clapped her hands. "Yippee!"
"Which means, Agnes, you need to plan a Thanksgiving feast with all the fixings."
She flashed a wide smile and said, "I adore cooking for a crowd."
"I reserved rooms for them at the Copper Queen, but they'll probably spend a lot of time here with us over the weekend, so stock up the larder, Agnes."
"I'll do that, Coach."
"Back to the memorial service and luncheon planning. Pumpkin, did Mommy have some favorite songs?"
"She liked Somewhere my Love and Colors of the Wind, but Somewhere my Love had 'nother name. I don't remember the real name."
"Lara's Theme," Agnes said.
"That's it!" Piper exclaimed. "Thank you, Agnes."
"You're very welcome, sweetheart. Here's your coffee, Coach."
I blew over the rim of the cup and took a sip. "Good coffee, as usual, Agnes. Where was I? I remember. The pastor at the church will open the service with a prayer and preside over the program. I'll speak. I don't remember Yvonne, but I have some nice things to say about her."
"I want to speak, Daddy," Piper said.
"Are you sure, pumpkin?" I said.
"Yes. Agnes says a memorial service is a time to say goodbye. I loved my mommy. I want to say goodbye to her. I miss her, Daddy. I want to tell everyone there what a good mommy she was."
"Oh, Piper, I love you so much," I said with tears stinging my eyes. "Of course you can tell everyone what a good mommy she was and say goodbye to her."
She gave a positive, curt nod to her head, indicating the issue was settled, and took of gulp of root beer, and then wiped excess moisture from her upper lip with the back of her hand.
"Donna Elder might speak. She knew Yvonne, and has some happy memories of her," I said. "And I'll ask my mother to tell everyone about some of her positive memories, as well. In Yvonne's effects, I found a book of poetry. The pages of the book were dog-eared, and..."
"I remember the poetry book, Daddy," Piper said. "Mommy used to read poems to me out of it."
"We'll get it out later, and I'll read some of the poems to you, and you can tell me which ones she liked."
"I'll ask someone to read one of the poems in the service."
"Ask Ms. Gladys," Piper said. "She reads good."
"All right, now let's talk about flowers. Did Mommy have any favorite flowers?"
"Roses," Piper said. "And orchids." She frowned. "And cri—sam—tums, or something like that."
"Chrysanthemums?" Agnes said.
"Yes. Like you said, Agnes," Piper said and grinned. God she was cute.
"Okay, I'll order flowers for the church tomorrow. I don't know what's available in Ely this time of year. A photo album was among Yvonne's effects, and while flipping through the album, I noticed a recent snapshot of her, a portrait. I'll have it blown up and framed and placed appropriately at the church." I groaned. "Another chore for me to do tomorrow."
"I'll order the flowers if you wish, Coach," Agnes said.
"I wish. That would be a big help. That's it. Have I left anything out?"
"You might want to write an obituary for the Ely Times," Agnes said.
I nodded. "I'll do that, but I won't make it an announcement of the memorial service, as well."
"Are you going to have music at the luncheon?" Agnes said.
"I didn't think of music at the luncheon, but it's a good idea, Agnes. I'll look into that tomorrow, too." Shit kicking music, music that I like.
"With Grandma coming, we need to spiff up this place, do some accessorizing, Piper," I said. "Wanna go shopping with your daddy?"
"You betcha," she said.
We bought table settings—two sets of service for eight for everything we bought—everyday dishes we could use at the ranch, serving dishes, flatware, sixteen each of the different sizes of glasses we would use, tablecloths, place mats, in other words, everything I could think of for the table, and everything was color-coordinated. Piper tickled me. She seemed to have an innate sense for good design, and although the choices in Ely were severely limited, I liked what she selected with only a few exceptions. After I explained why her initial selection might not work, she'd give that curt nod of hers that told me she understood, and her next pick would be near perfect.
The ugly, old television set had to go. Piper helped me pick out a flat-screen set that could be hung on the wall. It wasn't the largest TV in the store, but it was close, and it offered higher quality than the largest, which was a good shopping lesson for Piper to learn. We also purchased all the peripheral equipment for the TV set, like a VCR and DVD player and burner, as well as a couple of dozen DVD movies, half of which were for children. At the same store, I bought a digital camera and a photo printer. I wanted to record my daughter's life in living color.
"The house needs pictures, Daddy," Piper said.
"It sure does, but we have pictures—in Mommy's photo album. Let's buy frames, lots of 'em in different sizes, and we'll make a photograph wall in the hall leading to the bedrooms—a memorial wall for your mother. Also, when we take more photographs we can frame them and add them to the wall."
"'Kay, but I want some pictures for my room, too, not photographs, though. Gwen has posters in her bedroom." Gwen Johansen was Piper's best friend at kindergarten. Piper had been to Gwen's house a couple of times, and Gwen had visited ours. No sleep-overs yet, but some would happen, I'm sure.
"Oh, I see what you mean," I said. "Where did she buy the posters?"
"Don't know."
"Ask her, and maybe Agnes would take you out to pick up posters tomorrow."
"Have you noticed we don't have any art hanging on the walls of the house?"
She frowned and shook her head.
From her expression, I guessed that she didn't understand, so I explained. "Pieces of sculpture and paintings by good artists, or limited edition prints, ceramics made by good potters, those sorts of things." My explanation amplified her confusion instead of clearing it up. "I checked the Yellow Pages before we left home. Two stores in Ely sell art. Wanna go look at what they have to offer?"
"You betcha," she said, and off we went.
The selection was severely limited but I found one oil painting by a local artist that was stunning. It was entitled Cave Lake, apparently a lake near Ely. I bought it. And Piper fell in love with a limited edition bronze sculpture of a young girl sitting bareback on a horse, and a baby horse was nursing from the horse on which the girl sat. It was called Lunch Break. I bought the bronze, as well.
"I think I understand what art is now, Daddy," Piper said as we left the store, which for me made the shopping trip priceless.
"When we travel to buy more horses, we'll visit more art galleries to buy more art. Would you like to do that?"
"Uh-huh," she said. "When?"
Her enthusiasm made me chuckle. "Our first buying trip will be during the Christmas break." The break I wanted was from the cold and the snow. We'd travel to warmer climes for our next buying excursion.
She gave me a curt nod of acceptance.
We ate dinner at Evah's, and while we ate, Piper helped me work out the menu for the memorial service buffet with Evah's banquet manager.
"Do you have an estimate for the number of guests yet?" the manager asked.
"I did a rough count in my head, and the number came to around 40," I said. "I think we'll be safe with double that number. Wait. Is there a shelter for the homeless in Ely?"
"No. Why did you ask?"
"I'd up that number to 100, but I wouldn't want the food to go to waste," I said.
"In situations like this, we contact the White Pine County Social Services. We'll box up the excess food into individual servings, and someone from Social Services will pick up the boxes and distribute them according to need."
"Let's go with 100 then," I said.
As it turned out, there wasn't any excess food.
Wednesday evening, Piper and I arrived at the Copper Queen decked out in Western duds to meet my family. I didn't know my mother, but Piper did, and when my daughter spotted her, she took off like a shot, her spindly legs churning. "Grandma! Grandma!" she cried out with joy as she ran.
Carol Jacobs was a handsome woman with kind gray eyes and a full mouth. A few old acne scars marred her otherwise beautiful complexion. She was dressed conservatively in warm clothes. Gray streaked her brown hair, and she was only slightly overweight. She wore sensible shoes.
Granddaughter and grandmother collided, and my mother picked Piper up and hugged her tight. My happy daughter hugged her right back. I wasn't greeted until after about a hundred kisses, mostly administered by my enthusiastic daughter. Then I got a hug and a kiss from my mother. She leaned back from the hug with her arms still around me, looked up at me as if to check out my soul, and said, "You look the same."
I laughed. "I don't have any memories that could prove it, but I bet you look the same, too."
She snorted with disgust. "I most definitely don't look the same. I lost some weight, 20 pounds."
"Good for you. I'm conducting a physical fitness program at the high school for some over-weight and skinny students. I'll tell you about it later. Maybe you'll have some tips for me, and Mother, whether you look the same or not, you look good. I adore your kind gray eyes."
My compliment shocked her, but she recovered quickly. The old John Windom probably didn't compliment his mother very often.
She introduced me to my aunt and uncle as if I'd never met them, which to my mind I hadn't, and Barbara gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. I shook George's pudgy hand.
My Aunt Barbara was more flamboyant than my mother. Her blouse was open one button too many, which displayed excess cleavage, and she wore too much makeup. She was a garrulous and happy person, though, and within minutes of meeting her, I liked her, and my appreciation of her good qualities increased over dinner.
Uncle George was a plump man, one or two inches shorter than his wife, and his comb-over was too obvious. I suspected he was sensitive about his baldness. I found out later I was wrong about that. The comb-over was Aunt Barbara's idea. George could have cared less. He was one of the most unassuming and easy-going men I'd ever met.
"My car is parked in a waiting zone outside. We'll eat dinner at the house tonight," I said.
"We'll need to stop at a grocery store then," my mother said.
"Huh?" I said.
"John, you can't cook," Mother said emphatically, "and I suspect your pantry and refrigerator won't have the ingredients I'll need to prepare a good home-cooked dinner. We'll also have to shop for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow."
I struck my forehead with my hand. I hadn't told my mother about Agnes. But before I told her about my live-in employee, I decided to take advantage of the opening my mother's statement offered to explain some of the changes in my personality and new skill sets that she was certain to notice during the visit.
"Mother, that lightning strike did more than kick my memories somewhere into a dark void in space, it also ripped out all the meanness in me. I'm a changed man. What's really weird is the fact that some skill sets I used to have went to the same void with my memories, the finer points of the game of football, for example. What's even weirder, I'm told I have new skill sets that I didn't have before lighting flashed down from the heavens and knocked me unconscious on the rain-soaked grass under the goalposts of a football field. One of the new skill sets I acquired is cooking. I am now a fair to middling cook."
"Humph, I doubt that," my mother said.
"Daddy's a good cook, Grandma," Piper said with conviction. She looked at me and grinned. "Not as good as Agnes, though."
A perfect segue, I thought. Thank heaven for little girls.
"Agnes?" Mother said.
"Agnes Smith," I said, "my live-in cook, housekeeper, and nanny."
"Oh!" Mother said, obviously shocked.
"Agnes stocks my larder, Mother, and she prepared a scrumptious home-cooked dinner for our reunion."
"Oh, okay then," she said.
I chuckled inwardly. I think she was disappointed.
I said, "If you want, Agnes would probably appreciate some help in the kitchen."
"Some women won't allow anyone in their kitchens," Mother said.
"Agnes will," Piper said. "I help her sometimes. She's helping me learn how to cook."
The new Lincoln sedan was the next revelation.
"Nice wheels, John," George said.
"Thanks. I have a pickup truck, but on occasion a sedan would have come in handy, and Agnes needed a vehicle to do her chores and drive Piper to and from kindergarten."
"The payments must be higher than a cat's back," Mother said, looking worried.
"No payments. I paid cash. As far as I know, I am completely debt free." I opened the front-passenger door for her. "Sit up front with me, Mother. Piper can sit in the back with Barbara and George, and I'll explain my financial situation to you."
As I drove toward the house, I outlined my skill with online Texas hold 'em poker. When I asked Mother if I displayed any talent for poker when I was younger, she told me she didn't know.
"You were a very good bridge player," Barbara said from the back seat.
I laughed. "As far as I know, I've never played the game."
"Shucks. I was looking forward to some rubbers of bridge while we were here," she said.
"Sorry," I said.
"To get back to my financial condition, I play poker online between one and three hours a day about five days a week, usually after I put Piper to bed at night. I've been winning an average of over $3,000 per day. Last night, I played in two tournaments and my net income for the evening was $16,000."
"Jesus!" George huffed. "Do you win consistently?"
"I win more often than I lose. On some nights the cards aren't kind to me, so I do lose on occasion. My average weekly income after deducting the losses has exceeded $15,000 since I started playing after being struck by lightning."
"John, that's over three-quarters of a million dollars a year!" Mother said.
"Thereabouts," I said.
"I've got a question for you, John," Barbara said.
"Ask away."
"If you forgot how to play football, how could you do your coaching job?"
I chuckled. "I had a very good assistant coach, and I turned him loose to run the technical aspects of the game while I concentrated my efforts on motivating the players on the team to not only become better football players but also to become better human beings. At the time of the lightning event, the team had six losses and no wins. We won the next three games, which told me that I must not have been a very good coach before. I've also been told that I was a bully, a know-it-all, and a misogynist before the event. The lightning strike took away my memories but appears to have compensated me for the loss by also taking way the meanness in me and giving me some new skill sets I didn't have before. I have no way of telling, but I believe I'm a better man than I used to be. Aunt Barbara, you knew the before me. You'll be here for a few days. Before you leave, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if you agree or disagree with my assessment of the new me."
"I'll do that, John," she said.
"We're here," I said as I pulled the car onto the driveway of my temporary home.
Agnes was gracious about Mother helping in the kitchen, and the evening meal was soon on the table. We chatted while we ate, getting to know each other. My aunt told some anecdotes about the old me that were humorous. Some of them weren't very flattering, though.
"Mother, Yvonne's effects included a photo album. We've framed a number of them and created the start of a family photograph wall in the hallway leading to the bedroom wing of the house. We'll add to the display as new pictures are taken, but the photo album was Yvonne's not mine, and we don't have any photographs of me when I was younger, and we only have one photograph with you. Do you have some photographs that would flush out our family photograph wall?"
"I sure do, Son. When I get home, I'll go through my albums and send you copies of some of the better photographs." A mischievous look crossed her face. "Do you want a naked picture of you when you were a baby?"
Piper giggled. I shook my head.
"The meal was delicious, as usual," I said to Agnes after I finished eating. "If you don't mind, I'll put off dessert until later." I'd insisted that Agnes eat with us in a family setting, as opposed to entertaining. I considered the meal we'd just finished a family setting. Everyone around the table except Piper voiced a preference for waiting until later for dessert.
Agnes said, "Carol, I'm a good cook, but I'm only a mediocre baker. How are your baking skills?"
"Not to brag, but I bake excellent pies," Mother said.
"How about making some pies for the thanksgiving dinner tomorrow while I clean up the dinner mess?" Agnes said, making my mother a friend of hers for life. I wanted to kiss my cook for understanding my mother's nature.
"I'll help with the dinner mess," Barbara said.
"I'll help Grandma make pies," Piper quipped. She smacked her lips. "I love pies."
"Which means, George," I said, "that we've got to make sure the fire in the fireplace doesn't go out. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it?"
He laughed heartily and we moved to the living room. The fire did indeed need tending. I brought in some firewood from outside, put a couple of pieces on the grate, and soon a crackling fire danced hypnotically behind the folding screen.
"George, I don't drink, but I stock some liquor for guests. Would you like a drink?"
"I'd love a brandy if you have any, John," he said.
I had some. I poured a couple of shots in a snifter and handed the glass to him.
"Are you going to play poker tonight?" he said.
"Maybe later," I said.
"If you don't mind, you can play now, and I'll watch."
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I was shaving my oldest son's prick hair, and my buddies were leaning in to get a close look, trying to help out. My son always hates these shaving parties, but I insist on shaving his pubes and balls and asshole myself. It's not easy to bring up three teenagers on your own, and I insist that my boys are hygienically clean and ethically moral. I have three boys as I said, Dan who is the oldest and the most trouble, Steve, who is going through that awkward stage, and Mike who is the youngest and...
Doris took her time about dressing for dinner. "There'll be a guest," Mabel Williams had told her, and added: "Mrs. Wynton eats at eight." She showered, then relaxed on the bed in her bathrobe, and wondered about the sudden spasm of sexuality that had flooded her body when she was undressing and teased her until she had succumbed to its urging and spread herself on her back on the bed and masturbated to a devastating climax. Bruce! She murmured to herself. No more Bruce! She thought...
Desperately grasping the sides of her bed didn't seem to help Heather stop the room from spinning. On the ride home with Josh, the effects of too much alcohol took their sickly toll on her. On the one hand, she wanted to continue to impress Josh, but on the other, she simply wanted to crawl in a hole (or in her bed) and die. She was greatly relieved when she didn't further embarrass herself by throwing up in Josh' truck. With great effort, Heather kept up appearances until Josh had kissed...
Hey, Everyone, This is JJ and I am a regular reader of ISS for the past 7 years and This is the First experience that I am gonna share so if there are any mistakes kindly adjust. My name is Siddharth and I am from Coimbatore. I am 5’6 ft tall and have a decent 6.5-inch cock. The story is about my Classmate, Her name is Disha and Her stats are 36-32-34. Yeah, she’s a curvy busty girl with muskmelon sized boobs, you can’t have them in one hand. We started talking in the first year casually and we...
Hello there my fellow iss readers, I am N from Bangalore. Currently living in the city, this story is about an experience I had with a working man in Bangalore. Before I begin, I would love to thank you all readers for the love and support you have shown to my previous story. And yes, all aunties, MILFs, shemales, and male bottoms can get in touch with me at Lastly, apologies for any grammatical mistakes appearing in this story and the names and places are not mentioned as well as changed due...
Gay Male"Hellooooo!!!! helloooooo!!!!! anybody hereeeeeeeee!!!!" Jacob screams at the top of his lungs. It felt like days have gone past as Jacob stumbles in the woods, everything looks the same, every turn looks the same, he was sure of his direction a minute ago, but now, it feels like he's going in circles. The sky is starting to darken, as night is drawing near, Jacob is now in panic, he didn't bring any flashlight, and if night comes, he would have to stumble in the dark, "not a very happy...
Group SexHi readers mein Delhi ka rehne wali hoon mein mein aaj aapko ek story sunane ja rahi hoon Mera naam Neha hai or mein 20 saal ki hoon mera rang gora or sharir bhara bhara hai. Mein apne mummy papa ke saath delhi mein rehti hoon. Baat un dino ki hai jab meri graduation ke papar complete hue he the or mein ghar par he thi. Mera rang gora hai or mera badan gudguda hai..mujhe suit salwar pehanna he achcha lagta hai kyonki mujhe jeans thodi tight aati hai or meri jaangho pe red red nishaan pad jaate...
Welcome to the Show Part 1Gonzales leaned back in his chair and looked me in the eyes. The room was hot, even with the Mediterranean sun leaning toward evening. When he sat forward to consider the money on the table before him, an eager grin played across his face. ?Very well,? Gonzales finally said. ?You’re in.? He then turned to the other man in the room, who went by Miguel. ?Our three tourists – the pretty ones. Bring them below and prepare them for the show – that tall one first. Our guests...
Fall 2016. It looks like I could touch the beam of moonlight angling across my room as I watch the tiny dust particles floating through it. I just heard town clock tower chime three times, but I’m not tired yet. I'm afraid this part will be hard for me, but I'm sure my doctors would say I'm making progress if I can talk about it, we'll see. Although, it has been really nice reminiscing! Here's the rest of my story. ###After our relaxing Sunday, Lori went to aerobics Monday, and she even...
CuckoldIn the very early days, buying my dirty mags was not at all easy – in the specialist bookshops they had back in the 60s, it was very nearly always men that served. Even with the rare shops where ladies served, I was still too embarrassed. It was simply that I needed those mags – that was the only way I got my sex pleasure, apart from ‘lucky views’, and I had to have them. It was only a few years later, in the 70s and then the 80s, that buying my dirty mags became one of my greatest joys, if it...
Tom was saddened when he woke to a blaring alarm clock and an empty bed. He had truly hoped that Mia would still be there. He rolled over and caught sight of the note stuck to the pillow. His lips puckered in confusion as he read the rough, childlike scrawl. She had left an address but not a phone number. How decidedly odd. Still, he supposed that it was, at least, an invitation to see her again. He quickly got ready for work and went out the door, only realizing belatedly that he had been...
By : Sultana1999 Hi! Everybody this is Sultan male 37 and I live in an apartment in Jadavpur in Kolkata. I want to share one of my experiences with all of you. If you like the story mail me on or So let me start, my family consists of my father Shiekh Ali, my mom Fatima and me Sultan Ali. My father was a marketing manager of a reputed MNC company. He stayed at home only for 3-4 days a week due to his routine office tour in remote places of Eastern India. He stays home mainly on weekends and...
IncestMy last real life story ended with Roy being the "boss" in his basement. His parents went to the shore and his sister was at a friends house for a sleep over. Roy took control of the situation and received a sloppy wet deep throat blowjob, made me get on all fours as he gaped my asshole and fingered it. He finished by standing up next to his bookshelf and cumming on my used up face. He was the boss, he was in control, and he had planned out this whole night in detail.After finishing in my face...
Owen was masturbating. He was a cute sixteen year old tenth grade boy with a muscular build, blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. After a long day of school there was nothing more that he enjoyed than a nice masturbation session. He was sprawled across his bead naked and jacking off to the porn site on his laptop. He was home alone and he loved the feeling of jacking off with all the doors and windows open. As he continued to jack off and the closer he got to cumming his strokes became...
Gay MaleMy husband has told his part now it is time for me to tell mine. I have been in love with Ben forever. Well, since I have known him. We had been a very happily married couple. I had some friends and he had some of his own. We also had a few friends together. June was one of my friends and I had been a bit jealous of her for a long time. June was one of those girls who looked sexy in anything she wore. I had seen Ben look at her in 'that' way more than once. I had also noticed him looking...
‘It’s cold and gray again, Your body beings to thaw, The color blind your eyes, The flavor dulls your taste of everything, You try to break out, But something just locked the door.’ -‘Burning Skies’, Tones on Tails I was 15 and I thought I was beginning to lose my mind, but I was too afraid to tell anyone in dread of having my fears confirmed. I was just a kid and my perception of madness was as frightening as it was cliché, a myriad of images as thin as paper cut outs of being locked away in...
Early Spring 1980 Just minutes before, a rare thunderstorm had graced Los Angeles. Rain had poured in torrents, leaving puddles and causing reflective glare on the streets. The click of high heels on the wet sidewalk roused the attention of the guys standing outside the pool hall. They all turned to watch as a very attractive young blonde walked by. “Hey babe, wanna taste of big daddy tonight?” Laughing loudly the guys made a spectacle of themselves as they stepped off the pool hall steps...
HardcoreThis is my first attempt at authoring a story on my own. Constructive criticism is invited. I’ve not used an editor this time, as I would like to know what people think of my writing first. Thank you! “Roshan, shut that damn play thing off and come sit down for your prayers young man!” my Aunt Dolly shouted from the living room. “It’s not a play thing, it’s a PlayStation”, I muttered under my breath, but I found myself smiling at her matronly behavior. Grudgingly, I paused the game where I was...
IncestMy first time... I'll start at the very beginning. I'd been with my boyfriend Nigel for several years, though we lived apart. Things between us were great at the start, but over time due to the distance and both of our jobs the relationship strained. We stopped making the effort to get up and down to see one another and phone calls ended up in arguments over the silliest of things. Of course we did still see one another, but it was becoming less frequent and more of an occasion rather than the...
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over in bed looking at the caller ID. In the background I could hear the sound of the shower running. Rob was busy getting ready for work, it was 6:15. I knew without even looking that the only person who would call me at this ungodly hour would be Susan. And sure enough it was. "What's up?" I answered still sounding sleepy. "I hope I woke you," she laughed. "I hate that you get to sleep in and the rest of us all have to get up...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Not the fabric ones that you choose to wear in the street now. No. A different kind. The helmet-type ones with sealed, circular glass eyepieces and a screw-on filter. Rubber ones. The ones transformed from a protection from radioactivity to a legitimate fetishwear.I used to wear masks like that once a week or so. Not for long, for ten minutes at a time. It was a time when being nuked was a real possibility and it was at school – we were ushered into a room with a lot of instructional and...
FetishPrelude: It was a dank night, the rusty old gutters all dripping with the wetness of fresh rain, the only warmth to be found would be in the arms of a lover or the bottom of a stoneware mug. That would be where to find the one of a kind Nine, the bottom of the mug of course. The Misty Warf was a rather shitty tavern on a rather shitty dock in a rather deadly part of town. Nine was sitting at the bar mewing over another mug of shitty ale that he could barely afford. The economy was down again...
Erotic FictionThanks Readers for liking my earlier story “Amit taught me All” and for your feedbacks. If anybody has not read my story I would describe myself again. I am Sunny. Main 22 saal ka hun, height 6ft slim and fair complexion. Around 4 years back I want introduced to the world of GAY sex by my neighbor AMIT. Us aam ke bagh ke incident ke baad amit aur main kafi close aa gaye.Amit mujhse kaafi pyar karta tha.mera both khyaal rakhta tha aur bade hi pyar se sex karta tha.hum log week main atleast ik...
I got served the divorce papers on the following Tuesday. She sued for irreconcilable difference, and we counter sue for infidelity. She got pissed and withheld the kids from me. We ended up going to court so I could get visitation rights for the kids. The divorce didn't go the way Ivy had planned for it to go. I fought her on every turn. We finally ended up in court. We couldn't agree on anything. I had quit my job at Ford, and had financial documents that showed I am cash poor. I had paid...
(Note: This is a follow to Morning Becomes Electric which was short; this is long; sorry. Although the story did not generate that many comments or votes, several people sent messages requesting as one so delicately phrased it, “Nail that operator [chick].” So, tack hammer poised…)“…the operator immediately rang with my wake-up call commenting on the pointlessness of it. Her voice was husky, thick and throaty; she chuckled incongruously as her words came to me with excess breath, and her...
Thode aaraam ke baad raat ko humne pizza mangvaya to bhabi ne fir shaitani ki aur sause me thoda mut diya hamne vo pizza bhi bhar pet Khaya aur bacha sause hum dono ne pi liya aur hamne aise hi sex kiya bhabi raat me bhi muze utha utha kar gand chatwati thi aur mere muh me paad ti thi. Mara muh to ukne liye toilet ka seat hogaya tha, Kabhi bhi bhabhi aati thi aur mere muh pe gand rakhkar baith jati thi aur muze chatne k liye kahti thi aur muze bhi unke gaand k niche rahna accha lag raha tha, wo...
Mum was like a dog in heat as she got ready, she put on a tiny white micro skirt which barely covered her gorgeous little bottom. A sheer white vest top through which her nipples were clearly visible and the tiniest white thong I’d ever seen, coupled with a pair of lace up Roman type sandals, completed her outfit, she looked stunning and I told her so.“I feel so fucking horny darling, that if you touch me now, I’ll explode.”So I didn’t touch her.People looked as we walked out through the hotel...
IncestHi dosto, main phri se ek naye kahani leker harzi hoo. Meri pehali story keo bahut aacha responce mila isliye ab main doseri kahani likh rahi hoo.ager aachi lage to mail jurer kerna. Mera naam Sapan hain our main Jdohpur main rehati hoo. Mere husband baher work kerte han our wo saal main 1-2 bar he ghar aa pate hain. Maine mere gher main mere bhai our meri naned ke sasth rehati hoo. Garmi ki chuti ke kerna bhai ouu naned ghoomen gaye huve tha. Main gher main aakeli the. Ger main aakeli hone ke...
Hi, i am back again. Aj ami abar akta galpo pesh korte elam. Apnara amar galpe amar sundari didibhai rai er kotha porechen. Ar porechen amader yogar teacher rajuda kibhabe didibhai ke barbar blackmail kore chudeche. Aj apnader amon akta ghatana bolbo jeta hobe ami swapneo bhabte pari ni. Ar amar soubhagya je eta dekhte peyechi. Niyomito joga korar jonnoi hok na rajuda ar nijer boyfriend er kache barbar chodon ar tepon khawar jonnoi hok didibhai jeno dindin dasa hoye uthchilo. Sundari sobai...
When mom and I had our wine finished off that we had in our glass's, "We should maybe head back home for now before things get out of hand here.""You know Sarua, I really like this and I don't want it to end.""I know how you feel Sammy, but we must go cause it is getting a bit late.""Okay." then I stood up holding mom's hands and pulled her up into me on her feet then wrapped my arms around her and gave her another French kiss, while rubbing my hands up and down her back from her butt to her...
Passion In James County XIX Family Affairs By D.C. Roi Chapter fifty The orchestra was already playing when the four of them arrived at the big hotel. Matt was excited. The prospect of holding Mary in his arms while they danced had him more than a little stirred up. She slipped her arm in his as they walked into the hotel. That made the young man even giddier. He never dreamed he’d wind up going to the prom with someone as pretty as Mary. He was aware of the jealous looks of several of the...
This started when I was 19. I got home late that night and the rest of the family was asleep. I took my shower and dried off and noticed that my toe nails needed a trim.I got the toe nail clippers out of the medicine cabinet and sat on the closed toilet to trim my nails. As I bent over I noticed a little glow from under the corner of the bathroom door. It looked like a silver coin. As I continued to clip my nails the thing moved and I could see the reflection of the bottom of the door. It was...
It Will Hurt You More Than Me "Trust me, you do not want to do this. It will hurt you more than it will hurt me." Enzo Arndt calmly made the assertion with that cocky-ass smile of his which Kassidy Morrissey hated. Kassidy hated everything about her ex-boyfriend, but how clever he thought he was she hated the most. Even right now, when she had him dressed like the slut he was, that cheating man still was trying to outsmart her. How calm, cool, and collected he lied to her also...