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With no football practice, I suddenly realized after my last English class of the day that I had an extra two hours of personal time I didn't have before, and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather spend the time with than my daughter.

When I walked in the door, Piper greeted me in her normal fashion with a little squeal of happiness, and a hug and kiss.

"You're home early, Coach," Agnes said.

"Until the track and field season begins, this will be my normal time home from work. I set the date and time for Yvonne's memorial service today. Let's sit down, the three of us, and talk about it."

"Would you like something to drink?" Agnes said.

"I'd love a cup of coffee, Agnes. How about you, pumpkin? What would you like?

"Root beer," she said.

"Coffee will take a minute to perk," Agnes said as she started to pour a root beer for Piper and a glass of iced tea for herself.

"No problem," I said. "I'll tell you what I've set up and what's left to do while it perks. The service will be held at the Open Door Community Church on Center Street at 10:30 in the morning this Friday. A buffet lunch will be served at the Copper Queen at noon. Evah's, a restaurant in the Copper Queen, will supply the food. They'll also supply a cash bar. The trick will be trying to figure out how many people we'll have to feed. I started inviting some folks I know, but Tom, the principal at the school, suggested I put a notice on the bulletin board in the main corridor. So I did that. I suspect some of the teachers I've met and some of players on the football team will attend. I invited Elizabeth, and she told me she'd invite Josh, Lou and Mabel. Danielle and Robyn will come, I'm sure. And I tracked down two of Yvonne's friends here in Ely: Donna Elder and Tara Cowley. They've been invited. Sheriff Ken and his wife will be there, and Orville and Gladys, of course. And guess what, pumpkin?"


"Grandma Jacobs is coming. She and my Aunt Barbara and Uncle George will arrive Wednesday evening. They'll be celebrating Thanksgiving with us here at the house."

Piper clapped her hands. "Yippee!"

"Which means, Agnes, you need to plan a Thanksgiving feast with all the fixings."

She flashed a wide smile and said, "I adore cooking for a crowd."

"I reserved rooms for them at the Copper Queen, but they'll probably spend a lot of time here with us over the weekend, so stock up the larder, Agnes."

"I'll do that, Coach."

"Back to the memorial service and luncheon planning. Pumpkin, did Mommy have some favorite songs?"

"She liked Somewhere my Love and Colors of the Wind, but Somewhere my Love had 'nother name. I don't remember the real name."

"Lara's Theme," Agnes said.

"That's it!" Piper exclaimed. "Thank you, Agnes."

"You're very welcome, sweetheart. Here's your coffee, Coach."

I blew over the rim of the cup and took a sip. "Good coffee, as usual, Agnes. Where was I? I remember. The pastor at the church will open the service with a prayer and preside over the program. I'll speak. I don't remember Yvonne, but I have some nice things to say about her."

"I want to speak, Daddy," Piper said.

"Are you sure, pumpkin?" I said.

"Yes. Agnes says a memorial service is a time to say goodbye. I loved my mommy. I want to say goodbye to her. I miss her, Daddy. I want to tell everyone there what a good mommy she was."

"Oh, Piper, I love you so much," I said with tears stinging my eyes. "Of course you can tell everyone what a good mommy she was and say goodbye to her."

She gave a positive, curt nod to her head, indicating the issue was settled, and took of gulp of root beer, and then wiped excess moisture from her upper lip with the back of her hand.

"Donna Elder might speak. She knew Yvonne, and has some happy memories of her," I said. "And I'll ask my mother to tell everyone about some of her positive memories, as well. In Yvonne's effects, I found a book of poetry. The pages of the book were dog-eared, and..."

"I remember the poetry book, Daddy," Piper said. "Mommy used to read poems to me out of it."

"We'll get it out later, and I'll read some of the poems to you, and you can tell me which ones she liked."


"I'll ask someone to read one of the poems in the service."

"Ask Ms. Gladys," Piper said. "She reads good."

"All right, now let's talk about flowers. Did Mommy have any favorite flowers?"

"Roses," Piper said. "And orchids." She frowned. "And cri—sam—tums, or something like that."

"Chrysanthemums?" Agnes said.

"Yes. Like you said, Agnes," Piper said and grinned. God she was cute.

"Okay, I'll order flowers for the church tomorrow. I don't know what's available in Ely this time of year. A photo album was among Yvonne's effects, and while flipping through the album, I noticed a recent snapshot of her, a portrait. I'll have it blown up and framed and placed appropriately at the church." I groaned. "Another chore for me to do tomorrow."

"I'll order the flowers if you wish, Coach," Agnes said.

"I wish. That would be a big help. That's it. Have I left anything out?"

"You might want to write an obituary for the Ely Times," Agnes said.

I nodded. "I'll do that, but I won't make it an announcement of the memorial service, as well."

"Are you going to have music at the luncheon?" Agnes said.

"I didn't think of music at the luncheon, but it's a good idea, Agnes. I'll look into that tomorrow, too." Shit kicking music, music that I like.

"With Grandma coming, we need to spiff up this place, do some accessorizing, Piper," I said. "Wanna go shopping with your daddy?"

"You betcha," she said.

We bought table settings—two sets of service for eight for everything we bought—everyday dishes we could use at the ranch, serving dishes, flatware, sixteen each of the different sizes of glasses we would use, tablecloths, place mats, in other words, everything I could think of for the table, and everything was color-coordinated. Piper tickled me. She seemed to have an innate sense for good design, and although the choices in Ely were severely limited, I liked what she selected with only a few exceptions. After I explained why her initial selection might not work, she'd give that curt nod of hers that told me she understood, and her next pick would be near perfect.

The ugly, old television set had to go. Piper helped me pick out a flat-screen set that could be hung on the wall. It wasn't the largest TV in the store, but it was close, and it offered higher quality than the largest, which was a good shopping lesson for Piper to learn. We also purchased all the peripheral equipment for the TV set, like a VCR and DVD player and burner, as well as a couple of dozen DVD movies, half of which were for children. At the same store, I bought a digital camera and a photo printer. I wanted to record my daughter's life in living color.

"The house needs pictures, Daddy," Piper said.

"It sure does, but we have pictures—in Mommy's photo album. Let's buy frames, lots of 'em in different sizes, and we'll make a photograph wall in the hall leading to the bedrooms—a memorial wall for your mother. Also, when we take more photographs we can frame them and add them to the wall."

"'Kay, but I want some pictures for my room, too, not photographs, though. Gwen has posters in her bedroom." Gwen Johansen was Piper's best friend at kindergarten. Piper had been to Gwen's house a couple of times, and Gwen had visited ours. No sleep-overs yet, but some would happen, I'm sure.

"Oh, I see what you mean," I said. "Where did she buy the posters?"

"Don't know."

"Ask her, and maybe Agnes would take you out to pick up posters tomorrow."


"Have you noticed we don't have any art hanging on the walls of the house?"

She frowned and shook her head.

From her expression, I guessed that she didn't understand, so I explained. "Pieces of sculpture and paintings by good artists, or limited edition prints, ceramics made by good potters, those sorts of things." My explanation amplified her confusion instead of clearing it up. "I checked the Yellow Pages before we left home. Two stores in Ely sell art. Wanna go look at what they have to offer?"

"You betcha," she said, and off we went.

The selection was severely limited but I found one oil painting by a local artist that was stunning. It was entitled Cave Lake, apparently a lake near Ely. I bought it. And Piper fell in love with a limited edition bronze sculpture of a young girl sitting bareback on a horse, and a baby horse was nursing from the horse on which the girl sat. It was called Lunch Break. I bought the bronze, as well.

"I think I understand what art is now, Daddy," Piper said as we left the store, which for me made the shopping trip priceless.

"When we travel to buy more horses, we'll visit more art galleries to buy more art. Would you like to do that?"

"Uh-huh," she said. "When?"

Her enthusiasm made me chuckle. "Our first buying trip will be during the Christmas break." The break I wanted was from the cold and the snow. We'd travel to warmer climes for our next buying excursion.

She gave me a curt nod of acceptance.

We ate dinner at Evah's, and while we ate, Piper helped me work out the menu for the memorial service buffet with Evah's banquet manager.

"Do you have an estimate for the number of guests yet?" the manager asked.

"I did a rough count in my head, and the number came to around 40," I said. "I think we'll be safe with double that number. Wait. Is there a shelter for the homeless in Ely?"

"No. Why did you ask?"

"I'd up that number to 100, but I wouldn't want the food to go to waste," I said.

"In situations like this, we contact the White Pine County Social Services. We'll box up the excess food into individual servings, and someone from Social Services will pick up the boxes and distribute them according to need."

"Let's go with 100 then," I said.

As it turned out, there wasn't any excess food.

Wednesday evening, Piper and I arrived at the Copper Queen decked out in Western duds to meet my family. I didn't know my mother, but Piper did, and when my daughter spotted her, she took off like a shot, her spindly legs churning. "Grandma! Grandma!" she cried out with joy as she ran.

Carol Jacobs was a handsome woman with kind gray eyes and a full mouth. A few old acne scars marred her otherwise beautiful complexion. She was dressed conservatively in warm clothes. Gray streaked her brown hair, and she was only slightly overweight. She wore sensible shoes.

Granddaughter and grandmother collided, and my mother picked Piper up and hugged her tight. My happy daughter hugged her right back. I wasn't greeted until after about a hundred kisses, mostly administered by my enthusiastic daughter. Then I got a hug and a kiss from my mother. She leaned back from the hug with her arms still around me, looked up at me as if to check out my soul, and said, "You look the same."

I laughed. "I don't have any memories that could prove it, but I bet you look the same, too."

She snorted with disgust. "I most definitely don't look the same. I lost some weight, 20 pounds."

"Good for you. I'm conducting a physical fitness program at the high school for some over-weight and skinny students. I'll tell you about it later. Maybe you'll have some tips for me, and Mother, whether you look the same or not, you look good. I adore your kind gray eyes."

My compliment shocked her, but she recovered quickly. The old John Windom probably didn't compliment his mother very often.

She introduced me to my aunt and uncle as if I'd never met them, which to my mind I hadn't, and Barbara gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. I shook George's pudgy hand.

My Aunt Barbara was more flamboyant than my mother. Her blouse was open one button too many, which displayed excess cleavage, and she wore too much makeup. She was a garrulous and happy person, though, and within minutes of meeting her, I liked her, and my appreciation of her good qualities increased over dinner.

Uncle George was a plump man, one or two inches shorter than his wife, and his comb-over was too obvious. I suspected he was sensitive about his baldness. I found out later I was wrong about that. The comb-over was Aunt Barbara's idea. George could have cared less. He was one of the most unassuming and easy-going men I'd ever met.

"My car is parked in a waiting zone outside. We'll eat dinner at the house tonight," I said.

"We'll need to stop at a grocery store then," my mother said.

"Huh?" I said.

"John, you can't cook," Mother said emphatically, "and I suspect your pantry and refrigerator won't have the ingredients I'll need to prepare a good home-cooked dinner. We'll also have to shop for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow."

I struck my forehead with my hand. I hadn't told my mother about Agnes. But before I told her about my live-in employee, I decided to take advantage of the opening my mother's statement offered to explain some of the changes in my personality and new skill sets that she was certain to notice during the visit.

"Mother, that lightning strike did more than kick my memories somewhere into a dark void in space, it also ripped out all the meanness in me. I'm a changed man. What's really weird is the fact that some skill sets I used to have went to the same void with my memories, the finer points of the game of football, for example. What's even weirder, I'm told I have new skill sets that I didn't have before lighting flashed down from the heavens and knocked me unconscious on the rain-soaked grass under the goalposts of a football field. One of the new skill sets I acquired is cooking. I am now a fair to middling cook."

"Humph, I doubt that," my mother said.

"Daddy's a good cook, Grandma," Piper said with conviction. She looked at me and grinned. "Not as good as Agnes, though."

A perfect segue, I thought. Thank heaven for little girls.

"Agnes?" Mother said.

"Agnes Smith," I said, "my live-in cook, housekeeper, and nanny."

"Oh!" Mother said, obviously shocked.

"Agnes stocks my larder, Mother, and she prepared a scrumptious home-cooked dinner for our reunion."

"Oh, okay then," she said.

I chuckled inwardly. I think she was disappointed.

I said, "If you want, Agnes would probably appreciate some help in the kitchen."

"Some women won't allow anyone in their kitchens," Mother said.

"Agnes will," Piper said. "I help her sometimes. She's helping me learn how to cook."

The new Lincoln sedan was the next revelation.

"Nice wheels, John," George said.

"Thanks. I have a pickup truck, but on occasion a sedan would have come in handy, and Agnes needed a vehicle to do her chores and drive Piper to and from kindergarten."

"The payments must be higher than a cat's back," Mother said, looking worried.

"No payments. I paid cash. As far as I know, I am completely debt free." I opened the front-passenger door for her. "Sit up front with me, Mother. Piper can sit in the back with Barbara and George, and I'll explain my financial situation to you."

As I drove toward the house, I outlined my skill with online Texas hold 'em poker. When I asked Mother if I displayed any talent for poker when I was younger, she told me she didn't know.

"You were a very good bridge player," Barbara said from the back seat.

I laughed. "As far as I know, I've never played the game."

"Shucks. I was looking forward to some rubbers of bridge while we were here," she said.

"Sorry," I said.

"To get back to my financial condition, I play poker online between one and three hours a day about five days a week, usually after I put Piper to bed at night. I've been winning an average of over $3,000 per day. Last night, I played in two tournaments and my net income for the evening was $16,000."

"Jesus!" George huffed. "Do you win consistently?"

"I win more often than I lose. On some nights the cards aren't kind to me, so I do lose on occasion. My average weekly income after deducting the losses has exceeded $15,000 since I started playing after being struck by lightning."

"John, that's over three-quarters of a million dollars a year!" Mother said.

"Thereabouts," I said.

"I've got a question for you, John," Barbara said.

"Ask away."

"If you forgot how to play football, how could you do your coaching job?"

I chuckled. "I had a very good assistant coach, and I turned him loose to run the technical aspects of the game while I concentrated my efforts on motivating the players on the team to not only become better football players but also to become better human beings. At the time of the lightning event, the team had six losses and no wins. We won the next three games, which told me that I must not have been a very good coach before. I've also been told that I was a bully, a know-it-all, and a misogynist before the event. The lightning strike took away my memories but appears to have compensated me for the loss by also taking way the meanness in me and giving me some new skill sets I didn't have before. I have no way of telling, but I believe I'm a better man than I used to be. Aunt Barbara, you knew the before me. You'll be here for a few days. Before you leave, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if you agree or disagree with my assessment of the new me."

"I'll do that, John," she said.

"We're here," I said as I pulled the car onto the driveway of my temporary home.

Agnes was gracious about Mother helping in the kitchen, and the evening meal was soon on the table. We chatted while we ate, getting to know each other. My aunt told some anecdotes about the old me that were humorous. Some of them weren't very flattering, though.

"Mother, Yvonne's effects included a photo album. We've framed a number of them and created the start of a family photograph wall in the hallway leading to the bedroom wing of the house. We'll add to the display as new pictures are taken, but the photo album was Yvonne's not mine, and we don't have any photographs of me when I was younger, and we only have one photograph with you. Do you have some photographs that would flush out our family photograph wall?"

"I sure do, Son. When I get home, I'll go through my albums and send you copies of some of the better photographs." A mischievous look crossed her face. "Do you want a naked picture of you when you were a baby?"

Piper giggled. I shook my head.

"The meal was delicious, as usual," I said to Agnes after I finished eating. "If you don't mind, I'll put off dessert until later." I'd insisted that Agnes eat with us in a family setting, as opposed to entertaining. I considered the meal we'd just finished a family setting. Everyone around the table except Piper voiced a preference for waiting until later for dessert.

Agnes said, "Carol, I'm a good cook, but I'm only a mediocre baker. How are your baking skills?"

"Not to brag, but I bake excellent pies," Mother said.

"How about making some pies for the thanksgiving dinner tomorrow while I clean up the dinner mess?" Agnes said, making my mother a friend of hers for life. I wanted to kiss my cook for understanding my mother's nature.

"I'll help with the dinner mess," Barbara said.

"I'll help Grandma make pies," Piper quipped. She smacked her lips. "I love pies."

"Which means, George," I said, "that we've got to make sure the fire in the fireplace doesn't go out. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it?"

He laughed heartily and we moved to the living room. The fire did indeed need tending. I brought in some firewood from outside, put a couple of pieces on the grate, and soon a crackling fire danced hypnotically behind the folding screen.

"George, I don't drink, but I stock some liquor for guests. Would you like a drink?"

"I'd love a brandy if you have any, John," he said.

I had some. I poured a couple of shots in a snifter and handed the glass to him.

"Are you going to play poker tonight?" he said.

"Maybe later," I said.

"If you don't mind, you can play now, and I'll watch."

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Can I Borrow your wife 3

"Did you sleep well?" "Ya, a little strange sleeping in someone else's bed but I got use to it quick" "Well eat and we will talk about what we are doing today" I sat down next to him and put some eggs on my plate and poured a cup of coffee. "So you got big plans today for my ass?" "You could say that." "So what do you have in store for me?" "Well, today you are going to make me some money. I have set you up to be a prostitute for the day and anyone that comes over...

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Sex with my neighbour

Hi everybody,my self sam yea meri pahli story hai ummid karta hu aaplogo ko pasand aaigi.yea kariban 3 mahinei pahlei k baat hai,meri vacation chal rahi thi n mera room mate ghar gaya tha,mei kisi karanbas nahi ja paya tha..Jaisa ki Bangalore mei,student log ya ta hostel mei rahtei ha nahi ta flat mei,mei v flat mei rahta hu,uss samei meri bagl wali flat to-let thi,phir aachank ek saptei bad uss flat mei 2 ladkiyo ko maine saman shift karte hue dekha,uun dono mei se ek kaphi sexy thi,umar...

2 years ago
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Surprise Visit

I was just returning from a drive one late afternoon and as I came into town I saw the shop of my friend, Dick. Perhaps ‘friend’ is not really the right word. A year or so ago he was my mentor, teaching me about cars and engines, but also teaching me much more than that. He had also seduced me, at first only masturbating but each time something more. His was the first cock I’d sucked, the first cum I’d swallowed and later it was his cock that first entered my virgin ass. Yes, Dick had been much...

Gay Male
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Ausflug ins Nachtleben

Es ist dunkel wie die Nacht in unserem Zimmer. Ich kann flaches Atmen hinter mir hören und ein leises, sanftes Schnarchen von irgendwo vor mir. Ich schiebe mich rückwärts auf das Bett, bis ich gegen einen Körper stoße. Ich fühle, dass sich er sich bewegt und anfängt sich zu drehen. Ich fühle, wie sich ein Arm über meinen Körper legt. Der Arm ist viel größer und stärker als ich es gewohnt bin. Es fühlt sich schwer auf meiner Seite an. Ich spüre, wie die Hand meine rechte Brust berührt und das...

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Pebble BeachChapter 15

Allie and Joey became regular visitors to the beach, Joey took over the role of bus driver. Because Mama had reluctantly given them her approval to sleep together Annie made up the guest room to accommodate them. Allie continued to excel in her accounting course and spent a lot of her free time from college working with Erin and Ed. Along with Joey, the four of them became firm friends and often we would have them all visiting us. This gave me the opportunity to catch up on how the...

2 years ago
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Chance of a Life Time

Anna Maria Menendez spent the second decade of her life as an aspiring Olympian and student athlete and the next decade submitting to others' wants and needs. She did not make the cut for the Olympics as a high school senior. In college, she had taken the minimum hours each semester to maintain athletic eligibility so she could spend more time practicing in order to be more competitive. Even though they won the national championship her senior year at Kansas, she was injured and could not...

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David8217s 24 year old niece

My brother Chris raised her to be respectful, straightforward, and honest. She brought her natural brilliance, vivaciousness and loveliness, making her a very attractive total package. And her hard-working intelligence and intensity brought her success in academia, a bachelors degree, a masters degree and an interest in sociology for which she was studying for her PhD. She had arranged to attend a full week intensive seminar in my town about 600 miles from the village she grew up in, where she...

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Old Dogs New Trick

by anon y mouse "I just think it's terrible," Martha said. "Well, it's just young people these days," Yvonne said. This conversation was taking place near me, but I had not been paying much attention. I didn't really want to be here, but Yvonne was my neighbor and I didn't have an excuse for not showing up for a neighborhood cocktail party. I usually begged off because Yvonne and almost all of her married friends spent too much of their spare time trying to match-make me...

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To Market To Market

    The ringing phone interrupted her train of thought as she reached out and snatched the receiver off the hook.             “Hello?” She wedged the phone into the crook of her neck, freeing her hands to once again dance over the keyboard of her laptop.             “Hey, it’s me.   I heard a rumor that you were thinking of making fried okra for the BBQ tomorrow.   If it’s true I’ll email you a rockin’ recipe and worship you forever.”             “Hmmm, that sounds like an offer I might not...

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Summer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...

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Two Happy Families With One Mom 8211 Part I

Hi Guys ! Let me introduce about the characters of this real story . This is Kousik from Kolkata . Now I am 20 years old college student . Coming to my family back ground . I belongs to a middle class Bengali family that consists of 6 members now , means me , my parents , my little sister and grandfather (Dad’s Uncle ) and grandmother . My father runs his own small business , and he always keep himself busy with that. He has a strict routine of his work . And my grandfather Ananda was a retired...

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Fun at the beach pt15

As the sun rose over the Caribbean Sea and began to light the Puerto Rican sky, a tiny beam sliced through a gap in the curtains and struck the far wall of the luxurious bedroom. As time passed, the little beam slowly inched it’s way down the wall until it finally hit the rumpled comforter on the bed. Ever so slowly it moved across the covers until it lit the cheek of the beautiful latin singer. The thin beam moved across the sl**ping girl’s cheek until it passed over her eyes. The glow was...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 22 Portobello

24 August, 1686 Morning The Maidens Revenge made Portobello just as the sun was rising the following morning. Within easy view by all onboard were Fort Santiago, located on the mainland on the road at the entrance to the town of Portobello, and Fort San Fernando, located across the Bay of Portobello on Drake Island. Both of the forts having been built to protect the entrance into the Bay from pirates and both forts were built in a beautiful green tropical setting. Both forts, especially San...

1 year ago
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Bengali Landlady Bhabhi Became My Whore 8211 Part 5

As we continue from the last story, it was Wednesday. Weeks of fun with my Bengali landlady bhabhi Mouni looked like a lifetime and I planned to enjoy every second of it. After cumming, we cleaned the cum with water and then cleaned each other one by one. After clearing, we kissed like a newlywed couple. Then I came out of the shower, but Mouni wanted to stay for a while. Then I cleaned the water with a towel and put on the bathrobe. I went to my room and changed my clothes and sat on the bed...

3 years ago
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Bridge WorkChapter 4

"You're awake," the voice he knew so well murmured beside him. The crash still rang in his memory. As always when he remembered it, and when did he not? there was the bitter thought that anywhere else on that road, he'd've had time to grab the wheel and kick Steve awake. Cold air brushed his cheeks. A truck roared overhead. He felt a wave of bitter anger and loss and futility. A hand found his thigh and slid around to his cunt. "Let's fuck," the voice drawled lazily, "I'm tired of...

1 year ago
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warehouse sex

A friend of mine had gotten a job through a friend of his families. He was helping to repackage Easter lillies to be delivered to stores by the Easter holiday. Weekdays after school and on the weekends, he was making good spending money. He had called me to let me know I could work there too, if I wanted some extra cash. I decided to go to the warehouse and check it out. I had never done that kind of work before. Most of my money was earned delivering newspapers. Walking into the...

2 years ago
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All For Mr Redman Chapter 5

Introduction: Continuatoin of the series. you might want to read the other four chapters first. All For Mr. Redman Chapter 5 *To understand where we are I strongly suggest you read the previous Chapters first. Thanks to everyone who has read them and taken the time to comment, PM, and rate the stories. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed the experiences that compelled me to write about them.* I crawled over to Peter and said Ready for more Tiger? He...

4 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 5 Unlikely Allies

He lay very still and watched an ugly, rat looking creature scurry across the ground and through tufts of dark, serrated grass. Every few feet, it stopped and reared up on hind legs to test the air for any scent of threat. It moved from shadow to shadow in quick bursts, hunting for food, and unknowingly being hunted in turn. Something stirred in Logan’s mind as he lay watching. Soft leaves brush against my bare cheek and fill my nose with the green scent of Mesquite trees. The grass bends...

2 years ago
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My Number Ch 05

Well, crap! I’d never minded showering with the guys before, and actually I pretty much enjoyed it. It had always been fun to see them getting turned on, especially the ones who’d wanted me but couldn’t have me. But now that I had Dave, all of a sudden I didn’t find the other guys in the shower nearly as exciting. And it turned out not to be three guys, but four! Four girls, with four boyfriends, laughing it up and having a good old time. There were supposedly individual shower stalls in this...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 153

Laura had the most exciting dream of her life. She awoke from it in a hot lather of sexual need, quivering and moaning in her damp sheets. In the dream she had been catfighting with Karen. It had all begun mildly enough. The two of them had been joking, kissing, teasing one another. But Karen had wanted to imprison Laura's breasts in the vise again, the incredible device consisting of two metal bars loosened or tightened by wing nuts at each end, which they had used last time. It was both...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Ronda Strong Tattooed Ronda

Having set up a blind date with curvy, tattooed Ronda Strong, stud/director Nacho Vidal picks her up at the train station. Nacho gropes Ronda’s tits while driving, and the voluptuous vixen gives him road head — a head job in the car. At Nacho’s house, the Spanish madman rims her and eats her pussy, soon stuffing his thick prick into her gash. Intense, spontaneous sex features slick titty fucking, a drooling blowjob, and a steamy, mid-scene masturbation show. Finally, Ronda...

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Fitness By Flash Sherri

Flash: “Miss. Kimbelsen, now that your program is completed, we must plan a schedule of weekly workouts to keep your body in tip top shape. Of course, we should also begin collecting your gym membership fees. We’ll talk about that in a minute. First things first though, do you have a pledge yet?” Sherri: “Yes, I do. Her name is Elena Kane.” Flash: “Well then, give me her particulars.” Sherri: “Well, she also works at the secretarial pool. She’s really short, only about 4’10”. She has dark...

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Mothers LegacyChapter 3

Gloria returned to the office with me. It was six o'clock and everyone had gone home. I drove her to her apartment and headed for my own nest. When I got home I went straight to the shower and cleaned up. I put on some lounging slacks and a robe and grabbed a beer and walked down the hall to mom's room. The door was open so I walked in and was greeted with the naked back of my mother. She was sitting at her make-up table putting some eye cosmetics on. Her black hair was wet and clung to her...

3 years ago
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Was it my luck or her eagerness

Hi ISS readers i have been visiting this site for many days now, but believe me this is true instance which happened with me. Let me describe about my aunt she is a hot chick with two children, and has maintained her body very well, i dont know her exact stats, the story begins like this…i had to come to bangalore due to my job transfer, and i had no place to live, so my aunt told that i can stay with her, her husband also did not object as he was going out for work on a regular basis,...

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Molly and Me

There I was, wandering around the hotel's public rooms, somewhat furtively asking people I vaguely remembered meeting in the previous few days if they'd seen my wife Molly, and at the same time trying not to make it too obvious that I'd completely lost track of her. I'll be honest with you, I was getting more than a little worried; I'd last seen Molly about three hours previously and she'd been in conversation with the very disreputable Gordon Hamster. Hamster wasn't exactly a...

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Strangers Semen Part One

Strangers & Semen Part I ~Lana Lawrence~ Rosa slid her yellow lacy panties down past her knees and let them drop on the motel bathroom floor. She stepped out of them and the little blue eyed duck on the front looked back up at her with a little speech bubble that said "QUACK". Then she rolled up her daisy yellow blouse and dropped it to the floor and unclipped her bra. Rosa stared at her soft brown breasts in the mirror and the hershey kiss colored nipples standing up like...

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my foot fantasy

For as long as I can remember I have always been attracted to a lady's feet. Everything about a woman's body is a work of art sculpted by God. Her feet are no different. The perfect foot to me has high arches, straight toes, wrinkled soles, and smooth skin. I have always had fantasies about worshipping a lovely pair of feet and receiving a footjob from them. The main fantasy I wish to live out begins with my woman (or any woman for that fact) coming home after being on her feet for an extensive...

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HeadacheChapter 18 Quick Visit in Denver

When I woke up at 7 AM it was because we had forgotten to close the curtains. I stumbled into the bathroom and took care of business before closing the curtains and returning to bed. The next thing I knew it was 10 AM and Linda had brought me a cup of coffee. After breakfast the first order of business was for Teresa and me to go get her personal belongings. Linda was going to check in at her office while Virginia went to check on things at the Lab. That meant we were all going different...

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2 Mums bedroom treat

After my sexual encounter in my mothers bathroom, I purposely laid-low for a while and avoided anymore visits. It wasn't that I was ashamed about it all, it was quite the opposite in fact. The problem was that all I could think about was my rude and horny mother every minute of the day; her full curvy figure, her welcoming soft breasts, her long shapely legs and the tender way she had stroked my cock that evening to make me come. I was even trying to imagine what her cunt looked like; hairy or...

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My 11th grade English Teacher is a black cock slut

I was the new k** at school, I was having a difficult timeFitting in, everyone disliked me for no apparent reason.Expect for my 11 grade English teacher Mrs. Glass.She would go out of her way to make me feel comfortableIn my new environment. After a few weeks I lost the name New k** it changed to teachers pet. Mrs. Glass told me to forgetAbout what the other c***dren said about me behind my back.She even sent me a friend request on Facebook. It seemed as ifOutside of school Mrs. Glass had no...

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me and my stepfamily 2

apparently I slept till the next day cuz I woke up to voices. "goddamn Aaron!" one voice said. "you took the words riqht outta my mouth Danny!" another said. I kept my eyes closed, but listened to their conversation. I was almost qoinq in shock cuz Aaron brouqht Danny! I wondered who else of his friends he brouqht over. "hold on quys. you've only seen her with clothes on. lookit this." Aaron said. and with that, he pulled my blanket off me. I pretended like I was qettinq woken up....

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She wants to get Pregnant

“I know you’re sterile. I knew that before we got married.” “But I want a baby and I know you would like to have a kid; we’ve talked about this before.” “Adoption? Sure, maybe, but I want to feel my baby growing inside me, I want to be pregnant.” “Artificial insemination? Artificial insemination takes forever: checkups, tests, lectures, classes, psych reports, and a ton of money.” “Don’t try to talk me into it, ain’t gonna happen, I don’t want to take a chance of getting some...

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Drugged and raped at a party1

When I was a teen I noticed my younger brother and some others guy friends of his get really excited, like they were doing something REALLY naughty, as they were trying really hard to act like they were not up to something. I kept my eyes on them to try to figure out what they were up to. Something REALLY was exciting to them as they kept pointing different ways. After a while one of them switched cups with a girl. Right then, I had a pretty good idea on what they were up to. My first emotion...

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TrueAnother mans wifeI turned her into a G

I was married when I first met Barb.From the moment she started working at the cabinet shop were I worked I so wanted her.I just had a feeling that she would be a good fuck.Barb was not much to look at tho.Around 45 years old back in 1994.She was 5'4" tall.Slender build with b size tit's.Thin blonde hair to her shoulders.A plain jane face.She looked the part of a small town girl living in the western part of New Hampshire along the river in the 80's and 90's.She did how ever have an amazing...

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F45109 Coach

Coach Jim loved the end of practice, when all the mothers, the soccer moms, would show up to pick up their kids. They could often be seen arriving early and standing off to the side watching their kids at practice. This year, Jim's favorite Mom was Cindy. She was Amanda's mother. Amanda was one of the better players on the team, but it was her mother, Cindy, that Jim really cared about. Jim was absolutely proper with the players, they were just 10 year olds, and he taught them well. He was a...

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Chudai Ki Aakhri Haad Taak 8211 Part 1

Hey friends!myself Sangram from Odisha.Well my nike name is Sonu ,age 21,height 5.8″.I am a fair skinned guy and has a athletic figure. I am a student of B.tech in 4th semester in etc Branch.Well friends i read stories of ISS ,but do not write any story or true incident because there is no need to.But a true incident happened with me before 2 months ago. That incedent changed me totally.I want to share this with u.Because it is totally true so now when I am writing this true story my hands are...

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