Clothesline Leather in Lawnville
- 2 years ago
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Desperately grasping the sides of her bed didn't seem to help Heather stop the room from spinning. On the ride home with Josh, the effects of too much alcohol took their sickly toll on her. On the one hand, she wanted to continue to impress Josh, but on the other, she simply wanted to crawl in a hole (or in her bed) and die. She was greatly relieved when she didn't further embarrass herself by throwing up in Josh' truck.
With great effort, Heather kept up appearances until Josh had kissed her goodnight, promised to call her later, and deposited her in the lobby of her dormitory. The moment Josh disappeared from view Heather grabbed the nearest wall and tried to figure out how to find her way back to her room. The closer she got to her safe haven, the sicker she felt.
If I can just get in bed and sleep it off...
With her dorm room door at last in sight, Heather thought she was home free, but suddenly an imposing figure loomed in front of her.
"Must have been a fine party."
Latasha, the wing director stood, arms folded, between Heather and her destination. Heather tried to clear her head. One more thorough embarrassment seemed somehow a fitting end to an evening unlike any before in Heather's short life.
"You look like hammered shit, girl. You must have found the welcome party all right. Still in possession of your underwear? I won't ask about your honor."
"I... I'm... yes, we found the party."
"Are you ok? They didn't make you do anything against your will... except maybe show some skin... did they?"
"I'm fine, Tasha. I've had a little too much to drink, but I'm fine. And, I met this terrific guy."
"Ok, baby, go sleep it off. I'm glad you didn't get raped or something. Try not to puke in my hallway, ok?"
"Thanks, Latasha. You're the greatest. Thanks for understanding and being a friend."
"Hey, I just hope you can remember who the wonderful guy is after you wake up tomorrow. That's assuming that he can remember you. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt. Next time you might not be so lucky, so let this be a lesson... you are going to have to watch out for yourself from now on, ok... promise?"
"I promise. His name is Josh and he was a perfect gentleman. If I can't remember that tomorrow, please remind me. Now I need to pay a little visit to the bathroom."
Heather hurried away.
"Poor baby. Go hug the porcelain a while and then you'll feel all better."
Indeed, after a long period of unpleasant heaving, Heather did feel better. A quick shower and lengthy teeth brushing made her feel almost human albeit exhausted. Heather looked at her harried image in the mirror, vowed to never do anything like this again, and crawled into her comfy soft bed.
Heather had lost track of the time when her dorm room door noisily opened. One high-pitched "shhhhh" was followed by another low-pitched "shhhhhh."
Heather was immediately awake. A chill ran down her spine. Two pitches meant two people. Kat obviously had not come home alone!
Heather cracked open one eye slightly and found that her suspicions were correct. Kat and a very large guy, both clearly drunk, had entered the room, each noisily trying to keep the other from making noise.
The shock of having a guy in her room, a quite illegal act according to dormitory rules, sobered Heather instantly. As the cobwebs cleared in her mind, she recognized the guy... he was none other than Mr. Blue Jockey Shorts, Hutch, the persuasive team leader with the huge bulge.
Heather didn't know whether to yell and scream until he left the room, call the wing director, simply run, or any of the other 500 alternatives that swept through her mind at once. Finally, she chose to just remain motionless and pretend she was sound asleep.
Kat not-so-quietly closed the door behind them and immediately embraced the hulking male. They dissolved into a long, passionate, sloppy kiss. Heather could barely keep her eyes from popping wide open when Hutch's hands began wandering all over Kat's body. That however did not come close to the shock Heather experienced when Kat reciprocated by placing her hand directly on Hutch's crotch.
"What about... hey... wait a minute, baby... what about her?" Hutch whispered.
Heather felt Hutch gesturing toward her.
"Yeah, what about your roomie there? You know, the third person in this room?"
"No big deal. She was way drunk... too... when she left the party (giggle, giggle) and she is sound sleeper when she's sober. It probably would take a freight train to wake her now. Speaking of freight trains... I seem to have found one right here."
Kat brazenly fondled the guy's cock through his shorts.
"I'll keep that train's whistle quiet, baby," slurred the guy. "But, just as a precaution..."
Hutch picked up Mr. Wiggles, Heather's bear, and put it gently over Heather's eyes. Rather than blocking Heather's view, however, Mr. Wiggles simply gave her a cover to peek through without being detected.
"Hmmm, your roomie has a very nice rack."
Heather felt his eye go directly to her breasts.
"Hey, buster, hands off the roommate. She's not your type."
"Oh, yeah, and what would be my type?"
Kat laughed. "A girl with a rack like this!"
With that, Kat grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it high over her small, firm breasts. Heather stifled a large gasp.
"Like what you see?"
Instead of responding, Hutch reached under Kat's short skirt and grabbed a double handful of her ass. He lifted her easily to his waist and, in an almost gymnastic response; Kat wrapped both her legs and her arms around him.
Now Heather's mind was ablaze. Her ext major shock came quickly and it was a big one. Obviously Kat was not wearing panties now. In the soft light from outside their dorm window, Kat's pussy clearly bulged between Hutch's clutching hands. From her peeping point in bed, Heather had a clear back view right between Kat's legs.
"Hey, tell me your name again," whispered the guy as he placed Kat on her bed.
"I'm kidding... it's Kat, right?"
"Shut up and fuck me," said Kat.
Heather froze in utter amazement.
Oh, my god, they are going to... to do it... do the dirty... right here... in front of me. Oh, shit. Maybe if a make some noise, he'll leave.
Heather was about to roll over and groan loudly when Hutch dramatically unzipped his pants. His now familiar tight blue briefs glowed in the semidarkness. Heather flinched when she felt Hatch's discarded pants fall across the foot of her bed.
A fascinating, bigger bulge protruded between Hutch's legs, a bulge that appeared to throb on its own. An unfamiliar chill swept down Heather's spine.
All at once the two lovers shifted into some sort of passion-driven high gear. Hutch ripped his tee shirt over his head while Kat attacked his blue shorts. In an instant both were gone. Heather's heart seemed to rise into her mouth at the sight of the massive cock standing erect between thick muscular thighs. Its root sprang from a dark patch of hair and its head was large and heart-shaped. Heather began to sweat profusely. She wanted to throw off the covers, but instead she lay watching the miraculous scene unfolding before her.
Kat, without hesitation, lifted the cock with both hands and, after of moment of genuine admiration, she kissed its tender tip. Hutch responded by putting his meaty hands on Kat's head and pulling her toward him. Heather could barely believe her eyes as Hutch forced a huge portion of his cock's length into Kat's open mouth.
Almost unconsciously, Heather slipped her hand inside her own pajamas. In a moment, her fingers on one hand found a hard nipple while the others discovered her stubby clitoris. Guilt and lust gripped Heather while she watched Kat repeatedly engorge herself with the huge cock.
"Hey, baby... if you keep that up, I'm gonna cum," whispered Hutch.
"Don't cum yet, lover. I want to feel this monster inside me," said Kat aloud.
The guy looked over at Heather to see if Kat's outburst had awakened her. Heather froze.
"Your wish is my command," said Hutch. His voice now was raspy with passion.
He pushed Kat back on the bed, but instead of immediately filling her wide spread pussy with his cock, he paused admiringly for a moment and then began to lash her open pussy with his tongue. Heather could see every flick clearly. Kat began to moan and writhe in obvious pleasure.
"Oooo, that feels soooo good! That's the spot, oh shit, that is just the right spot. Don't... stop... oh, yes, right there... harder... arhgggg."
Heather's finger began to dance around her own clitoris in a similar fashion. She felt a desperate need to join Kat in the moaning. Her entire body seemed to catch fire and she started to tremble all over.
"Here comes papa, baby," warned Hutch.
"I don't know if I can take it all," moaned Kat.
Hutch toyed with Kat by rubbing the tip of his cock between the puffy lips of her pussy.
"Oh, god, fuck me... fuck me now... I can't wait."
Hutch pressed the tip into Kat's snatch.
"Come on... don't play with me... give it to me... hard," Kat urged.
Suddenly Hutch forced his cock in up to its hilt in one deep stroke.
Kat began moaning loudly, completely oblivious to Heather who lay only a few feet away. Hutch pressed his hand over Kat's mouth, but her moans grew louder.
Slowly at first, then faster and faster, Hutch forced his cock in and out of Kat. It was the most erotic thing Heather had ever witnessed. The muscles in Hutch's shoulders and legs rippled with each stroke. His tight ass flexed again and again. Heather was sure that she would faint, especially as she felt herself drawing nearer and nearer to an orgasm.
"Baby, I'm not using a rubber," said Hutch.
"I'm on the pill... don't worry... I want your hot cum... inside me," shrieked Kat.
With that, Hutch began to pound Kat furiously. And, young Heather felt herself going over the edge of her own orgasm. Lightening bolts seemed to spring from her fingers. She was dripping with sweat.
Heather groaned aloud, but neither Hutch nor Kat heard her. They were both in the throes of their own climaxes. Hutch finally fell in a very large heap on top of Kat while shutter after shutter coursed through Heather's body. Heather was jolted back to reality when through almost closed eyes she saw Kat sit up on the edge of her bed and grotesquely eject Hutch's cum from her pussy into her hand.
Heather clinched her eyes closed and hoped that all this had been a dream. But, it was not.
Chapter Four
"Hey, Heather, you're looking good on the web."
Heather whirled around to see a guy from her English class grinning obscenely at her. She hardly knew him.
"Your picture from the Welcome Party is posted on a web site. And, you are lookin' go-o-o-o-od."
"My picture?" Heather felt herself shrivel inside. She knew there were pictures taken that night, but she never considered that they might be revealed to everyone via the web. She felt nauseous all the way back to her dorm room.
When she finally found the site and pictures, she felt even worse.
The camera had caught her at just the right, or wrong, angle. Her breasts were completely exposed with nipples hard and erect.
That was not the worst of it, however.
She was on her knees and gazing directly at a huge cock. It looked as if she was about to attack it lustfully. While most of the pictures on the site were long views of many naked and semi-naked faceless people, hers was a dramatic close-up—a cleanly focused shot of a voluptuous young woman passionately, at least it appeared, contemplating a stranger's cock.
Heather was in tears when Kat returned from class. She and Heather had barely spoken since that night. The morning after, Heather had scolded Kat for bringing Hutch to their room. Kat, shocked by the revelation that Heather had been a voyeur and had witnessed her torrid love making, had angrily screamed at Heather. Heather had yelled back and then a cold silence had ensued.
"What's up?" Kat's greeting was very chilly, but Heather's tears drew her genuine concern.
Heather pointed at the computer screen.
"Jesus," muttered Kat. "And you were ragging me about sleeping with... ah... what's-his-name, when all the time, you were sucking cock too that night?"
"I was not!" Heather burst into violent sobs. "I didn't do anything. It just looks that way. This whole thing is so gross. The worst part is that anyone, anyone in the world, can see these pictures... oh shit, what if my mother sees them... she emails me everyday... I'll have to go home... she'll make me leave school."
A loud knock sounded on the door and interrupted Heather remorse. Latasha's face appeared.
"Bad news, ladies. The Dean of Students is pissed about the unofficial Welcome Parties. Some members of the Board of Trustees found some pictures on the web it seems. They started raising hell... after they got their jollies, I imagine. My friend in the Dean's office says that as soon as the campus police can start identifying people in the pictures, they are calling everyone in and handing out probations or expulsions. Bunch of shit, huh."
"That means parents have to become involved to keep you in school, right?" said Kat.
"Yep. My friend said that she took a quick look at the pictures on the site and both of you are there in living color. So is Misty from down the hall, Sarah next door, and all three girls in Room 214. I'm just trying to warn everyone. This could be a real shitty deal."
Both girls sat in shock. Latasha was about to leave when she saw Heather's image on the computer.
"Oh, shit, that's bad. That is very bad. What in the fuck were you doing, Heather?"
"It's not how it looks," Heather pled. "They just caught me at the very worst moment. I was just trying to find my clothes. I didn't do anything bad... well, I guess the whole thing is bad enough, but I swear I did not touch that guy. He just happened to be standing there."
"Nice cock," mused Latasha.
"Not funny."
"True," admitted Latasha sheepishly. "Well, my advice is that you should get rid of that picture ASAP. Maybe if you move quickly you can get it removed from that web site before the Dean of Students discovers who you are."
"Is that possible? Who created the web site? Or, more importantly, who can erase the pictures?" Terror and panic were apparent in Heather's voice, yet here was at least a ray of hope.
Latasha rolled her eyes.
"You know that brother... Marcel?"
"The going rate for removing each picture from my site is $200 per. Take it or leave it."
Marcel's charming demeanor was gone and a cold calculating look had taken its place. He didn't even like being in the same room with the disgusting figure before him.
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On a holiday we had in India there was a family in the chalet next door. We had drinks with the husband and wife and their 2 k**s. We got on really well with them. We found out that the boy was turning 16 while they were there. I got teasing the son asking about girlfriends etc, he didn't have one and soon he admitted that he was still a virgin. While we were shagging one night I told the girlfriend this and she joked that maybe she should help him out for his birthday present. I knew she had...
Since my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
strapon – turned gay – ass fuck – femdom – male anal sex – feminized She came in holding papers I recognized as the one I ripped from my ex’s diary describing our sexual exploits in great detail.She waved them in the air with one hand on her hip, “Why would you keep this from me?” I didn’t respond.After a few awkward moments of silence a smile broke across her face. She wagged her finer at me in mock severity saying, “You’ve been a bad boy (punctuated with a girlish giggle) and I want to know...
Hung stud Tim, has been bound and gagged by raven-haired police Mistress, Karolina Geiman. She makes him squat against the wall with his hands behind his back and starts to strip before she teases her pussy with a jelly dildo. She makes Tim watch intently as she pleasures herself then sets him free to use as her little plaything. Karolina kneels on the floor and starts sucking off her pet then this tattooed slut stands up and gets him to slam her from behind while she is strapped to her...
xmoviesforyouEven as they walked to the bedroom, Charley was kissing Gerri. He closed the door behind them. Carol had already started background music, which she arranged with seeming precognition on what would work. He seated Gerri at the edge of the bed and stood. "Before I do anything else, let me take a really good look and admire you. I saw a picture of you on stage, and I realize that you arranged yourself to look disorganized and vulnerable. I think I see the real Gerri here, precise and...
Natasha Blu keeps crashing over at Silvia Sage‘s house because she doesn‘t have a job or place to live. She does, however, have a extremely sexy body and flowing blond hair. Silvia, who also has a super tight body and tits to die for, feels like Silvia should earn her keep around the house if she‘s going to be staying over often. Silvia wakes Natasha up and drags her to the bathroom where she takes off her robe to reveal a sculpted and sizzling hot body in some slutty panties. They both get...
xmoviesforyouSNAKE VENOM By Lana F. "Drop your pants, man." The leader of Drua women pronounced the last word as though it were an insult. The women pointed their spears at me and Lieutenant Shevet. The seven Drua women all wore trousers, and leather armor over their woven shirts. Their hair was short, like men's. The leader was taller than any of her companions by half a head. "I will not." I held my head up defiantly. "If you want to take us prisoner, you don't have to...
Hi mera naam Rohan hai mai Patna ka rahne wala haun. Meri height 5 fit 10 inch hai.Mera Lora 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch chaura hai. Mai abhi Patna college se BBA kar raha hu aur meri age 20 hogi. Ye kahani real hai aur meri apni hai ye 6 mah pahle ki ghatna hai jab maine Patna college mai addmission liya mai isse pahle delhi mai rehta tha aur june ya july mai mera addmission patna college mai hu hai. Mera home town Chapra hai aur maine addmission ke bad Patna mai hi Kahi room liya hai . Mai...
Dungeon SlutCopyright 2007 W. HunterARRIVALI meet her at the station. It's almost midnight and she's the only one to get off the bus. We know each other from photographs, but have never spoken. She's shortened her hair a bit, probably in anticipation of what's to come. I'd have preferred to cut it myself, but one can never completely understand the mind of another, now, can they?She stands there, looking in my general direction, but not directly at me. She's wearing a simple blue dress...
He hardly looked at me while I was getting dressed. I might as well have been a punching bag. The sonofabitch. That's the trouble with most men; the only thing a woman's any good for is punching their dick into. When they've got their load off, they couldn't care less! I got out of there as fast as I could. My bra wasn't any good without the shoulder straps, and I carried it in my hand. There wasn't anybody in the hall and I just went down it to my apartment. I was inside but hadn't...
"Elizabeth, may I have a word?" I looked up and stood right in front of my desk was Alison Fodder, my assistant. I hadn't heard her enter the office or cross the room. I really was distracted and it wasn't down to the stinging sensation emanating from my, no doubt, blistered bottom alone. I winced as I moved and hoped that Alison hadn't spotted my discomfort, "Of course you can, I'm sorry I didn't notice you coming in," I said and pointed to the chair, "Have a seat." I had a...
In the mid 1970’s I finished my time in the Navy and returned to San Francisco to start my college years. The gay scene was hopping in the Castro but being kind of a shy young man I was not in to the bar scene or social life. My focus was on school and work and being able to afford to live in San Francisco.The first problem was finding a place to live. I had had it with group living and got out of the dorms as quickly as possible. My solution was to rent a small apartment from a couple of...
WARNING: This story contains insulting humor to the Republican party, the current United States President (George W. Bush), the Catholic Church, and the current Pope (Benedict XVI). If you cannot take a joke then please leave, and please let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Otherwise, you Bad Humor Fans, ENJOY!! A not so long time ago, in a political blunder far far away... BLUNDER WARS Episode H: Attack of the Government Ineptness Chapter 1- The evil Repulican Empire for years has...
Non-EroticThe train kept good time and the sun shone so the journey was very pleasant, especially across the Pennines, where the deeper drifted snow had remained after most had melted. I arrived at Manchester and was met by Vivienne as arranged. I wondered if I would know her, but she was waving at me frantically so the problem did not arise. I took some time to get to the end of the platform using one stick (I was very proud of this) and pushing the trolley with my two huge suitcases perched on it,...
Awareness came in pieces. First, there was simply the sense of self. She had emerged from the blackness. Her heart beat strongly in her chest. She was not dead and not in any real discomfort, so she took a moment to relish that and focused on breathing in the damp air, still chilled despite the fact the flicker of torches and lamps teased her eyelids. She could smell the sea, so she knew she was still near where she started on the south side of the city. Next came the acute awareness of her...
By the end of the month, my old house was on the market. I had found the perfect house for myself. Situated just about 10 miles southeast of the city where I was now working. It was just a mile off the interstate and 25 minutes from the ocean. The house was large for just me; having four bedrooms, three baths with an attached two-car garage. Best of all, set off slightly to the side behind the house was a 30 by 60 shop. All of this was on 5 acres. I fell in love with it and used a small...
Love Potion #8 by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1998 All rights reserved It had been a couple years since Ben had died. Not only did I not like being a widow at 35 but even with my job, it was hard to keep up with bills that really took two salaries to cope with. It finally dawned on me to think about getting a room mate to share expenses. Not that it was such a big house, only two bedrooms but plenty large enough for two people, a cat and a dog. I admit that of late I'd been feeling...
As I picked out a tiny yellow sun dress to wear, I heard all kinds of hammering and drilling noises coming from the basement. I bopped halfway down the stairs to see what Uncle Clyde was up to. He was working on some sort of contraption that looked like a rocket launcher, or something. He looked up at me and smiled, enjoying his view up my revealing dress. I asked him what he was making, as I walked over and leaned up against his workbench. He told me it was a work in progress, and he’d...
Hi, this is ilrumjack here again after a long time. I wanted to share an episode that happened recently at my workplace. Hope you find it interesting. All ladies who want to know more can write to me at and we can have some good times. Here it is… My working days are Mon-Fri but sometimes I do land up at work on Saturdays – basically to catch up on pending work. Hence, I was at work last Saturday. Being a non-working day only a few of my colleagues had come in to work. I work on the corporate...
I woke up being hugged by Jenny on one side and Grenaline on the other. I don't remember going to sleep with the daughter of one of my significant others, but they all change places sometimes during the night. Guys are clueless, and this is just another way that proves it. I was looking into Jenny's eyes when I awoke. They were soft brown and looking at me as if in question. When I smiled, her eyes smiled and she softly kissed me. She said, "Gin came over here because she wanted to be...
As I mention from time to time, my Mother was born in The Netherlands where her parents and her sister and her family still live. Over the years we have made an effort to get together every two years, alternating between us going there and them coming here. Now that we are older the participants have changed a bit. The original set of cousins now have jobs and families of their own. This sometimes makes it harder to get away but has also provided more money to fly people back and forth, since...
Fetish2019 That was then; this was now, four years later. A lot had changed in my life since I told Carol Sue Parker goodbye at O’Hare. Of course, a lot would change in any four-year period; it’s just that I ended up measuring that particular span in terms of a young woman I had thought I’d never see again. Life goes on. Walker was now 15; I was 33. I was married, deliciously so, to Vanessa Henderson. Walker had a live-in girlfriend, his second, named Pilar Paloma. I was still doing a daily...
Sophie, 60, is a really lovely mumsy kind of lady who loves, absolutely loves, fucking very young men who have lots of creamy spunk and can keep it up for hours on end. But the young men she really prefers are those who have a very strong granny fixation and want to play with her in every perverted kind of way. Sophie got her longing for granny lovers after she seduced her neighbour’s 15-year-old a year ago and from then has been absolutely horny for more. It got so bad she advertised for...
It was the first week of November, 2020. Dan suppressed the curse that he'd almost vocalized. He checked his six and saw that the rest of his small team was still well concealed. Dan reached around with Don's left hand to ensure that the tether to the towed equipment sled was still straight. What an absolute, total fuck-up! This completely degrades the usefulness of any phrase like "cluster-fuck'!!! Yeah, and what the HELL are we doing here! Just shut the fuck up, Don! We've got...
Introduction: I learn something new! We relax in the tub after our lovemaking. Once again, he wowed me like no other guy. Hes sensitive, sweet, and well, he fucks me like he thinks Im the Goddess of Sex. What more can a girl ask for? Youd be surprised. As we enjoy the bubbles and heat, we sip a bit of smuggled wine. Were not supposed to bring anything in a glass bottle in, but we come here a bit and the girl on dutys pretty nice. As usual, sir, you have made me one very happy girl. Youre a...