Anitas Birthday Party
- 4 years ago
- 24
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The inevitable result of Anita's enthusiasm surfaced the next morning. As usual she was the second person up after Tony. Tony had his morning coffee on the back deck when she came up with a glass of orange juice in her right hand. She actually wasn't wearing one of Tony's shirts but a small green nightie that only went to mid thigh. Her left hand was tucked under her armpit and she had a pained expression on her face.
"Good morning Anita, how are you?" he asked with genuine concern.
"My fingers hurt Tony," Anita said sitting down next to him. She moved to lean against him but he pushed her back upright.
"Wait here," he said. He returned a minute later with a glass of ice-water that he set on the coffee table. He took Anita's left hand and stuck her fingers right into the glass.
"Hold them in there until you can't stand the cold," he instructed.
"Ah, that feels good. How do you guys do it?"
Tony chuckled then held out his left hand, palm flat, facing Anita. "Feel my fingertips."
Anita stuck her right index finger out and ran it across Tony's fingertips. "Wow, they're hard!"
"Yep, every new guitar player goes through what you are going through now. It takes a couple of weeks to toughen up your fingers, and it does hurt a little. Just play as much as you can and each day it will hurt a little less. It won't be long until you don't even feel it."
"Oh, OK, I was wondering if it would be like this all the time."
"Nah, we just got to toughen you up is all. By the time you get home you won't even remember that it hurt the first few times."
"Anita what are you doing?" Rebecca asked coming across the deck. She was wearing only a very short pair of shorts and a thin tank top. She set her glass down and plopped down on Tony's lap and gave him a sloppy kiss.
"Good morning, you're up early," Tony said.
"Yeah, Tina woke me up getting in the shower. I guess she's off early again this morning."
"Yeah, I have to drive her to the college in a little while."
"OK Anita, why is your hand in a glass of ice water? Did you burn yourself on the stove?" she asked.
"My fingers hurt; too much guitar last night. Tony says it'll get better the more I play."
"Yeah, it will. I'm learning too and that first week my fingers hurt then as well."
Tony reached out and tousled Anita's hair with his right hand. He immediately regretted it.
"Tony! Quit treating me like a little kid!"
"Shush Anita, it's been a long time since Tony's had a sister your age."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, oh, um, she doesn't know does she Tony?"
"Nope, and you just volunteered yourself to explain it to her. I need to get a shower before I take Tina in."
Rebecca's early morning appearance wasn't lost at all on Tony. He had no doubt that Tina's shower had awoken her. Since their first encounter the sound of a shower was probably the single non-sexual thing that did the most to get Rebecca's juices flowing. Her scanty attire this morning was aimed squarely at enticing shower time with Tony. Not that she had to work at it. In the absence of Anita he would have gone willingly. Still, there was a small twinge of satisfaction that her gaffe about Tammy might have denied her intentions. Once he felt it, that thought didn't sit well in his mind.
Anita was teary-eyed when he came back up. "None of that little one," Tony said when he saw her, "that's the past, you don't worry about it a bit."
Rebecca emitted a barely audible "hmmph". Tony had a certifiable psychological complex when it came to young girls and their safety and it was all about Tammy. The boy was nuts, but in a good way.
"Stay with Rebecca for now and help her feed Jerry. I'm pretty sure he'll starve otherwise. Then tell him to swab the decks! He'll know what I'm talking about. Tell him you're 'first mate' today and that's an order. Oh, tell him I'll help him when I get back."
It almost brought a smile to Anita's face, but not quite. Jerry, while a bit of a late sleeper, took almost as much pride in Kalliste's appearance as Tony and could always be counted on to spend his mornings washing off the night's salt and grime from her exterior. He wasn't much of a housekeeper below though.
It took Tony only half an hour to drop Tina off and get back to the boat. He was a bit concerned by what he saw there. Rebecca and Anita had their backs to him at the dining room table. Half-eaten breakfast plates were on the table. Jerry and Cheri were on the other side. Jerry actually had his arm around Cheri and was comforting her. That in itself was astounding. Cheri had seemed interested, but the two hadn't even talked as far as Tony knew. "Mr. Winslow called," Jerry said. "He wants to talk to you."
"OK, but why all the long faces? Cheri you aren't going back, ever."
Rebecca crawled across Anita to stand and come into Tony's arms. "She's just scared Tony."
"Relax, I told you the worst thing would be Rebecca's parents have to fly up here. That's probably what he wants. Let me call him"
A few minutes later Tony was on the phone with the child welfare worker. "Mr. Smith, ahh should I say Captain Smith? You are the Captain correct? I think the term is actually Master of the vessel."
"Well Mr. Winslow, if you put it that way those terms apply. We don't talk like that unless we're actually sailing Kalliste."
"Listen Mr. Smith, Scott, Scott Wainright is the lawyer I told you about yesterday. He thinks he has a solution. It's a bit novel, I admit, but we have a hearing today at two. I need you and Miss Harris to appear."
"In court?"
"Yes, well no, nothing like you think. It will be in the judge's chambers, not a real courtroom. I mean you have to dress for it like..."
"What's going to happen Mr. Winslow? I just looked Cheri in the eye and told her she wouldn't have to go back home. Don't make a liar out of me."
"No, that won't happen. The worst is the status quo for a few more days. If this doesn't work there will be nothing lost."
"OK, we'll be there." Tony spent a few more minutes getting the details and a list of things he'd need and hung up.
He turned to the rest of the teens, and Anita, at the table and said, "OK, we have a court appearance at two. Jerry get Gwen and Chrissie here, if Cheri doesn't have what she needs get it for her. Anita and Rebecca come with me, I didn't bring a suit. Mr. Winslow thinks we can resolve this today and he says it can't result in Cheri going back."
Rebecca knew nothing about men's suits but she knew what looked good on Tony. It was dark grey and off the rack from J.C. Penny. Anita nixed the striped tie Tony picked for a solid, deep maroon one.
The teens met up at the courthouse and after inquiries found the correct location. Cheri wore a peasant blouse with a camisole underneath and skirt that was too long to be fashionable but screamed 'conservative'. She was scrubbed clean of any makeup and her slenderness and Asian features conspired to make her look two years younger than her fifteen. Tony knew he could count on Gwen and Chrissie to make the right choices and they had.
They met Mr. Winslow in the hall outside the room number they'd been directed to. With him was a man in his late twenties or early thirties. He was wearing a tailored suit and was immaculately groomed. In short, he looked like a lawyer. "Tony," Mr. Winslow said extending his hand. "This is Scott Wainright. If you agree he's willing to represent you today."
The man offered his hand and Tony took it. "Nice to meet you Captain Smith," he said.
"Please," Tony replied. "Call me Tony."
"For today, we'll use Captain Smith," Scott replied. "It's important."
Tony shrugged, "OK, if you say so."
"Captain Smith if you wish me to represent you in this matter I must be your lawyer in fact. I'll need a small retainer, even if it's only a dollar."
Tony looked at Mr. Winslow, "You recommend this gentleman?"
"Absolutely, he's the best man for these kinds of things in the area," Mr. Winslow replied.
Tony pulled out his wallet. He extracted three hundred-dollar bills and one of his business cards and handed it to the lawyer. "Mr. Wainright we want your best work. I'm certainly willing to pay your standard rates. You can use the address and phone number on the card as a permanent billing address."
Mr. Wainright nodded and with a quizzical look on his face asked, "Tammy's Wheels?"
"It's a charitable organization. We modify wheelchairs for kids in hospitals. My friends and I started it last year."
"Oh this gets better and better, I can definitely use this. Tell me more."
The two talked for several minutes before Mr. Winslow led all of them into the room they were waiting outside. Inside was a spacious, well appointed waiting area with a middle-aged secretary. Mr. Winslow went to her and talked with her briefly. She lifted a telephone receiver and spoke a few words, then looked up. "Mr. Winslow, Mr. Wainright, and Captain Smith, Judge Cauthan will see you now." She motioned to a door behind and to her left.
The chambers of Judge Cauthan were lined with shelves containing, what Tony decided must be, law books. The judge himself sat behind a huge desk that, while cluttered seemed to be somehow organized as well. Many neat stacks of papers and files covered it. It appeared that the judge was a hard working but organized man. "Gentlemen please come in and have a seat," he said as they entered.
The three took seats in front of his desk in plush leather chairs. "Gentlemen this is an informal hearing to determine the temporary status of Cheri Harris, a girl fifteen years of age who apparently left home under less than ideal circumstances. I have a medical report here, Mr. Winslow; please explain what I'm seeing here."
"Your honor," he began, "the medical report is consistent with Ms. Harris' reports of abuse. While we cannot confirm her accounts of psychological and sexual abuse the medical report matches her accounts of physical abuse. Therefore the State is inclined to believe all of her reports of abuse. The State moves that her parents be declared unfit. As is our duty in an emergency situation, we have done so already pending your decision."
The judge scanned the documents for two minutes, shaking his head. "The court so rules."
"Your honor we also request, to ease our proceedings, that your ruling on this matter be retroactive to the time Cheri Harris left home and declare her a ward of the State at that time."
The judge grasped the reasoning immediately. "So granted," he said. "Now, this young man, you have been introduced to the court as Captain Smith. You look awful young to be addressed so. In fact, you are documented here as being seventeen years of age. Could you please explain?"
Before Tony could speak Scott Wainright interrupted. "Your honor, as Captain Smith's counsel if I may speak."
The judge made a hand gesture indicating that the lawyer should proceed.
"We seek that you find, for reasons that will become apparent, that Tony Smith is indeed, for legal purposes, a captain of a commercial sailing vessel of the high seas. I present these documents as evidence." He handed the judge Tony's master's certificate for a vessel over fifty feet and his registration papers for Kalliste.
The judge studied them for several minutes and made an astute observation. "This is a motor yacht as far as I can tell and while Captain Smith does seem to have a commercial license to operate it, I don't see how the vessel can be described as commercial. It's a pleasure craft is it not?"
Tony actually put his hand on the lawyer's arm and spoke up. "Your honor, while Kalliste is mostly a private craft and is currently employed for personal use, she is at times hired for commercial use. It has been done four times since I became her master." Tony described the nature of the cruises he had done for hire for National Pacific.
When he was done the judge pondered and asked a final question. "During these times describe in your own words your responsibilities."
"I was completely responsible for the safe operation of the vessel, her navigation, and the safety of her passengers and crew," Tony replied.
"OK counsel, I'll find fact that Captain Smith here is indeed, under the statutes you have provided, the legitimate captain of a commercial vessel of the high seas. The next question is the current status of Cheri Harris, Mr. Winslow?"
"Yes your honor, it is the state's position that Ms. Harris is now a ward of the State given to Captain Smith's care in loco parentis."
"You'll have to explain that to me. The only precedents I know of for a minor qualifying in loco parentis is for, say, a babysitter. Surely the State didn't hire Captain Smith here as a babysitter."
"No your honor it did not. The State's position at this time is that the state is allowing Cheri Harris to visit a family member, her first cousin Rebecca Harris. Because Rebecca Harris is, herself, covered in loco parentis by Captain Smith it extends to Cheri Harris. It's no different than two children having a sleepover supervised by one babysitter."
"We are getting ahead of ourselves then. We need to establish Rebecca Harris' status then," the judge said.
Scott Wainright spoke up then. "Your honor I think we can establish that Captain Smith is in loco parentis to no less than eight others at this time. This includes Rebecca Harris, his own sister, five other teenagers, and an 11 year old girl. Except for the latter all were placed in that status by their own parents when they allowed them to participate in a voyage on the high seas with Captain Smith. All have been approved by their parents to participate in the voyage either to or from Savannah Georgia on his vessel. The younger girl is a visitor placed in his care by her parents since their arrival."
Tony had to explain the nature of the trip and several other things before the judge would buy off on the argument.
"And this last girl, Anita Breeland, can you explain that Captain Smith?"
"Um, if Your Honor reads the papers, there was a rather sensational article earlier in the week. We met Anita and her family during a mishap at sea."
"Oh, yes, I do recall that," the judge replied. Mr. Wainright was ready and handing a copy of the newspaper article to him. He scanned it briefly. "Impressive, you were actually the one who went after the girl?"
"Yes, Your Honor. The family met us when we arrived and little Anita wanted to stay for a while. We've agreed to drop her off in Virginia Beach on the way home."
"Now I understand her parents would be grateful, but to entrust and 11 year-old girl into the care of a 17 year-old young man sounds a bit odd to me."
"I don't think that was her intention at all Your Honor. As I recall the conversation with Mrs. Breeland it centered more along the lines of the fact that there are five teenage girls in our party which is more than enough supervision for her. I understand I'm ultimately responsible for her, but I have a lot of expert help."
The judge nodded, "I see, in that context it does sound reasonable. OK Mr. Wainright, I'll rule that Captain Smith here is, in fact, a minor in loco parentis to eight others. Where is this going?"
"Given that status Captain Smith, with the approval of the State, has retained myself as counsel for the purposes of establishing temporary custody of Cheri Harris until such a time as permanent guardianship or adoption can be arranged."
"Let me get this straight. You are petitioning this court to grant temporary custody of a fifteen year-old female to a seventeen year-old male?" The judge sounded incredulous.
The lawyer spoke up. "It's not without precedent Your Honor. In cases of siblings an older sibling of that age has often been emancipated and given care of a younger brother or sister when parents die."
"But this young man is not a sibling or even a relative of Ms. Harris is he?"
"No your honor, but he is very close to the family, especially Rebecca Harris."
The judge looked at Tony for an explanation.
"Rebecca Harris is my girlfriend Your Honor. As much as I like to think I'm a caring individual, I would not go to these lengths to help a strange girl I had just met. I consider Cheri Harris family. I'm sure I understand the next question. Independent of Rebecca it is still something I'd do for her family. Her parents are among my closest friends as well."
"Well that's an explanation, but hardly a legal argument. Mr. Wainright?"
"There are numerous precedents, Your Honor, for placing a minor child in the custody of a ship's captain."
The judge's eye's got wide for a minute as he finally realized where the legal argument was going. "Those are some very old laws counsel." The laws in question were used mainly for cabin boys on sailing ships. "Mr. Winslow you have made no objection to this argument. Care to tell the court why?"
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IncestThis is the second part hope you guys enjoy.Please read the first part as it is direct continuation .Its all fantasy just enjoy. Anita woke up and saw her completely nude in the arms of Raj.She recalled the pleasures of last night she felt a mix of happiness and guilt.She looked at Raj he was in deep sleep his face was rested on her breasts he was sleeping like a baby on her. She carefully put her son aside she saw his 9 inch dick which had fucked her for hours last night.she got up her feet...
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Anita at the nudist beach.My sweet wife Ana and I had booked an early summer holiday in the Canary Islands to catch some sun. She liked to sunbathe and swim naked and soon found one of the many nudist beaches. On the sixth day of our holiday we were on the beach at the end of the afternoon and gradually everyone else left until we were alone. We were both stretched out on the sand when a voice suddenly disturbed the quietness. "Good afternoon, I haven't seen you here before." Opening my eyes I...
Anita and the biker One summer evening I returned home from the airport. I had been out of town for almost a complete week and I really wanted to be at home, between my sweet Ana’s arms… I had not told Ana that I was arriving that late night, she expected me home next morning. It was almost midnight when the taxi dropped me at my house. In the darkness I stumbled down and I saw there was a bike in the middle of the driveway. I entered the house, and wandered over to the kitchen, taking a...
I had to attend a boring conference at Reno; so, two days later, my sweet Ana took a flight and joined me to spend together a couple days at Las Vegas.The first whole day we spent in the casino hotel we were staying in. The next day, we rented a car to drive around the city.An adult book store caught Anita’s eye and she asked me if we could go there at night, after dinner. Once we entered the place, we saw some sex books and videos filling the shelves in the walls. In the back was a sign that...
Ana told me her plans for the week end. She would not meet her three young black lovers, because they would be all going out with their sweet girlfriends.But then my sexy wife told me she would meet a new black client that had been recommended to her care by her Boss at the firm.Ana made me laugh when she said she needed a cheerleader outfit because it was a special request by that client for her to wear…I asked her if she could set up her phone cam again; so I could watch her during the...
I told my sweet wife that on Friday night we were invited to meet some office’s mates to have dinner at a local restaurant.Anita happily agreed. I knew she would be in a good mood to dress sexy.But I was wrong; on Friday night she dressed as a slutty bitch…She came down the stairs wearing a tiny black halter top trimmed in gold sleeves, a very short tight black skirt and matching black stiletto heels.When we arrived at the restaurant, my friends were already there. I introduced Anita to them;...
One night, as Anita and I were fucking in our marital bed, I could sense that my sweet wife was hornier than ever…While we were resting there after two hours of good sex; I asked her why she was so horny. Ana smiled and admitted she was so wet and horny because one of her friends, Cecilia, had told her she was dating a black man on the west side of town.I thought Cecilia was happily married; but Ana told me she was going to split up with his husband…She and Ana were close friends and then my...
Anita and the bikerOne summer evening I returned home from the airport. I had been out of town for almost a complete week and I really wanted to be at home, between my sweet Ana’s arms…I had not told Ana that I was arriving that late night; she expected me home next morning.It was almost midnight when the taxi dropped me at my house. In the darkness I stumbled down and I saw there was a bike in the middle of the driveway.I entered the house, and wandered over to the kitchen, taking a glass of...
My sensual wife fucked with me that night like crazy.As we were recovering ourselves on the bed, Ana told me she wanted a new black guy for getting a threesome.As I accepted the deal, Anita admitted that she had a crush on one of her coworkers. His name was Bill, a quiet black married man. It seemed harmless enough to me, since he was married. Anita told me that they just had kissed once in his car, when he drove her to our home during a heavy rain afternoon. My wife swore that it as far as...
I came home early that afternoon, finding Anita naked and stretching out on our bed.My sensual wife smiled at me, saying she was just beginning to touch herself; so she was happy I had come back earlier.I sucked on her heating pussy and fucked her brains out; but, after spending me, my sweet unsatisfied babe said she was still horny, aroused and not truly done after such a fuck.My wild bitch Anita then surprised me, saying she wanted to get a touchup on her little spade tattoo drawn on her...
Anita and I had gone to another not so far town, to visit one of my wife’s nieces. Now on our road trip back home, we both were horny, thinking about some time alone we would spend just the two of us in the motel room we had booked in the middle of the way back home.We had been crammed together with a bunch of other nice relatives while staying at our niece’s house and we were just looking forward to enjoy some loud hot sex."It will be nice to be able to make some noise..." Anita said"I was...
My loving wife had been talking during so much time about one of her office’s mates: a very interesting sixty years old woman called Pam.Anita described her as a very attractive lady. Pam was a long time widow and she looked to be funny and a very nice company.One day I finally had the chance to meet her; when Ana asked me to pick up her after office. My wife was there at the entrance of the building, chatting with a slim beautiful woman, dressed in a very sexy outfit.I knew she was the famous...
During their talking when having sex, Jerome learnt that Anita’s niece, Clara, would be staying with us some days while on college summer break. Jerome then said my wife that he had a nephew that would be in town this week as well and wanted to try and get them to spend some time together. Then my sweet wife knew exactly what that meant, but she said nothing…On Friday afternoon Jerome and his nephew Shaquille came over to visit.The black guy was a good looking young man with excellent manners,...
I came back home after spending the day playing golf and my sexy wife received me just wearing high heels and a black nylon hose. Anita dragged me to our marital bed and we fucked all night long like wild crazy rabbits.When we were both done and recovering the breath she told me:“I arranged a gangbang with two black studs; Jamal’s friends…”Ana admitted she was really horny and needed more than one black cock to calm down. My sensual babe said she had arranged everything with the black guys and...
One week after sharing my lovely wife with her old Boss, the man came again home for dinner and claim the deal I had arranged with him. He could enjoy Ana whenever he wanted; but just in front of me.But this time the envy did surface from me, as Ana offered Christopher her tight asshole.I watched my sensual wife on her hands and knees, as at first she squealed with pain and then her sobs turned to cries of lust as the old Boss impaled her onto his magnificent rod up to the bottom of her tight...
That evening during dinner, my sexy wife told me she wanted to go to an adult book store where she could suck cocks through a glory hole. Anita said she was in the mood for sucking tonight.I offered my own dick; but she laughed, saying she wanted a huge black one to suck tonight.I asked her if she wanted a huge black cock in her sweet wet cunt after sucking it. And she laughed again, saying she would decide later about letting a stranger fuck her tiny cunt…After having a coffee at home, I drove...
That early evening, as I came back home from work, my sweet wife said she had something to tell me…Ana poured me a nice glass of Irish whisky and we sat outside close to the pool. She was wearing a light sun dress so when she crossed her legs I had a perfect view of her long tanned legs and I noticed she was not wearing panties…Anita smiled and pulled the hem up so I could even see her nice shaven mound. Her pussy lips looked swollen and wet…Now she had my full attention, Ana told me she had...
Friday late evening my sweet Ana told me after dinner she was in the mood for some drinks out. I accepted the offer and she went ready in just few minutes. When she came back from the bedroom, she was wearing a sexy black short dress, revealing her long beautiful legs. Before leaving, Ana bent over her waist, to show me she was not wearing a thong. Even her labia seemed to be already wet…I asked her about her plans for the night and she told me she just was horny and wanted to check somebody at...
That Saturday night Anita and I met some friends at the local bar to celebrate their engagement. After a few hours of multiple margarita shots and heavy drinking we decided to head back home by walking.On our way back, my sexy wife was a little bit groggy after those drinks…She begged me to enter an adult theater to sit down, because she was feeling her legs weak. I noticed the adult movie was already in progress, but Anita said it was fine foe her; she just wanted to sit down for a while…We...
Hi friends mera nam vijay hai, mai pune me ek software company me kam karata hu. Ye meri first story hai agar koi galati ho jaye to maf kar dena. Mai apane bare me batata hu, meri age 30 hai, meri height 5ft 7inch hai. Meri average body hai. Mai apani story pe aata hu. Ye story six month pehile ki hai, jab mai kam ke like goa gaya tha. Waha ek 5 star hotel me ruka tha. Muze saturday sunday off tha. Generally say log goa me beach pe date hai ghumne k liye, lekin mai wise hi hotel ke swimming...
Hi everyone thanks for your love and support I thank all the ladies who appreciated my story and motivated to write more.Here the next part of the saga and please feel free to send your criticisms or appreciation I thank a very special person who reviewed this story for me and her input and support was critical.Aunties and Bhabhis please feel free to mail me at Raj opened his eyes it was morning so much had happened in past week.He went out of his room and went to the kitchen he saw his mom...
IncestEk din anita (mere padosi ki larki)ke papa ki tabiyat kharab thi.gaon ka koi sath me hospital nahi gya.sirf mai anita aur uske papa se dikhane ke bad humlog ghar nahi laute kyonki baris ho rahi thi aur wahi hospital me ek kona me so gaye.uske papa ko doctor nind ki sui diya tha to wo nind me thori der bad so gye .anita mere bagal me soi thi.mai dusri taraf muh karke soya tha.rat me karib ek baje anita uthi meri nind khul gai lekin mai soya raha.anita ko pesab lagi thi to o pass me...
I was a bit busy at my office during morning, when my sweet wife called me, saying she would join me for lunch.I was pleased to hear that, since I was sure that Anita would be also busy at her office at this time.Just after noon I had gone outside the building, when I saw my wife pulling at the parking lot, close to my car. So I went to greet her. Anita rolled her window down so I could talk and when I looked in, my jaws just dropped down. My sexy wife was wearing a short skirt and it was...
Anita wanted to purchase some new sexy lingerie at the mall; so she begged me to drive her there and help her with the choice…Once there, we went directly to a store lingerie at the second floor.Ana picked up some stuff she wanted to try and then we went to the back of the store, where my sexy wife entered a changing stall. She asked me to wait outside and I obeyed her, sitting down on a very comfortable couch right there. Five minutes later, I noticed Phillip coming down to the changing...
Bob was between his second and third wife, spending his time by going on blind dates with women he found on various dating websites. It was his habit to get to know women with emails and then invite them on a date to go for a walk. He knew of several places along the way where they could get away with having sex in public. He found Anita on one of the tamer websites. She was an African American female, and he had never dated a black woman. He made contact by sending her an email, which was...
Chris moved carefully and quietly through the darkness, around the edge of the dune fence that separated the small bungalow from the beach house he had been sharing with his friends. It had been a great vacation by the shore, and now that his buddies were gone he was feeling restless. The summer was winding down, and he had a few days left to himself, alone. The partying was over, and he was horny... He had spotted the two girls when they had moved in a month ago - a cute, slim brunette with...
My sweet wife had met a new girlfriend two months ago.Carolynn was an Attorney; a bleached blonde hair wife in her early forties, looking very good and stunning sexy. Killer legs and a perfect round butt.She attracted the looks of every man at the club; even more than Anita.Friday afternoon I finished early with all my paper work at the office and I ran away very quickly from there; I went directly to the tennis club, where Ana was in the middle of a local tournament.After my successful wife...