RestorationChapter 3 free porn video

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I awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee and the sound of the shower running. It’s early, just a little after six. That’s about the time I always wake up. I wondered how long Kelly has been up. That’s a pretty skinny mattress on that hide-a-bed. I doubt if it was very comfortable, even for a little thing like her

I got up and put my robe on. After getting released from prison I quickly returned to my habit of sleeping in the nude. But due to the lack of privacy in a motorhome I wore a pair of running shorts for pajamas last night. I hate the idea of it but I guess I’m going to have to buy some pajamas.

I went out and poured myself a cup of coffee. Kelly has already made her bed back into a sofa. I listened to the water running in the bathroom and found myself wondering with mixed emotions if she has some clothes in the bathroom to put on after her shower. I hope so, because her robe and pajamas are draped over one end of the sofa.

I sat at the table and sipped my coffee. I opened up the road atlas, looking for a good route to take when we leave this morning. Not long after I started looking at the atlas my fears were justified. Kelly came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. If she’s deliberately trying to entice me it’s working much too well.

I gulped loudly, smiled and looked away while she dropped her towel and slipped into her robe. She poured herself a cup of coffee and stood behind me at the table. She rested her hand on my shoulder and asked, “I don’t know if I can make one of those omelets you claim to be world famous for, but can I interest you in plain old bacon and eggs?”

She made a simple but very tasty breakfast. We ate and talked, still working on getting to know each other a little better. Then we cleaned up and hit the road. This time I stayed off the Interstates and drove in a generally northerly direction. My next destination is a town in the Adirondacks called Old Forge. There’s a restaurant there that is so good it’s worthy of being a final destination. My wife and I have stopped at the Old Mill Restaurant twice while on vacation in the area and it’s well worth driving nearly a thousand miles to enjoy the food there.

It took us two leisurely days to get there. We stopped at a couple of campgrounds in Pennsylvania. We relaxed, did some touring on the bike and we met some really nice people in the campgrounds in the evening.

We also stopped in a few boutiques along the way and bought some nice clothes for Kelly, including some pajamas I can’t see through. She found my insistence on that pretty amusing.

I frequently caught Kelly watching me when she thought I wasn’t paying attention to her. I think she’s still trying to decide what to make of me. She probably can’t believe I actually intend to keep my word and I don’t expect repayment in sex for the things I’ve done for her. I didn’t say anything, though. I find her mild consternation pretty amusing. She’s just going to have to learn to accept it.

We took a turn around Old Forge before heading for the campground just outside of town. I’m surprised at how much the town and the surrounding area have grown since I was last there. There are quite a few new and interesting shops and restaurants in town. We’re in no hurry to leave so I intend to visit several of them but my first destination after parking the RV at the campground is a visit to the Old Mill. The food there was just as good as I remembered it.

Kelly and I had spent five days and nights together by the time we arrived in Old Forge. We’re getting to know each other pretty well. We’re really good together, too. We both have the same weird sense of humor. We enjoy a lot of the same things. One major exception is our taste in music.

Most of my music collection is from the sixties through the present, though very little of it is from the present. I buy some of the new stuff. But in keeping with my enjoyment of peace and quiet I prefer soft rock, easy listening, pop, new age and light classical. I’m not into head banging or rap. You’ll notice I didn’t say rap music. It isn’t music. At best it’s nothing but rudimentary and often obscene and offensive poetry set to an equally rudimentary and somewhat immature rhythm.

Kelly enjoys listening to some of my stuff. But now she’s able to afford some of the things she likes to listen to for the first time in her life and she bought dozens of CDs that I knew from the covers I couldn’t listen to. I showed her how to use the computer and bought her an iPod. That way she can listen to her music without giving me a headache.

One of the things that makes traveling with Kelly so much fun for me is watching her reaction as we encounter new and exciting places. She has never before had the chance to travel. She loves seeing new places and things. I bought her a decent Nikon digital camera and a couple of lenses. She quickly became interested in photography. And she is rapidly becoming very good at it. She has a great eye for composing a good photograph.

There’s one other major thing about Kelly that endears her to me. I have an unusual birth defect. Because of it I am all but incapable of passing up a used bookstore. I discovered Kelly and I have reading in common, too. She enjoys the bookstores as much as I do. At the rate we’re beginning to accumulate books it won’t be long before I’ll have to buy a trailer to pull behind the RV.

We also enjoy playing games. In the evening we very often play backgammon, dominoes, scrabble, boggle and a few others when we aren’t sitting outside talking with our neighbors around a campfire.

I have watched Kelly change quickly in a very short time. It’s been fascinating. She’s beginning to relax and feel much more comfortable as she comes to feel safe and protected and she becomes accustomed to eating regular meals. She’s blossoming right before my eyes and it seems to be happening in an instant. That’s hard to imagine since she was pretty much in full bloom right from the beginning. The changes are subtle but they’re noticeable. I get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing I’m, at least in part, responsible for the way she’s growing.

She’s becoming much more self-confident. I’ve watched her interacting with our fellow campers and with the people in the towns we visit. I’ve been really impressed. So have they. She’s becoming so poised that I almost feel the sense of intimidation we men who are mere mortals experience when we cross paths with a beautiful goddess. She even seems to be getting more beautiful. She likes people and they like her. I don’t think she’s even aware of how much she’s changed and that makes her even more beautiful.

People tend to treat us as a couple. We don’t correct them. It would be too hard to explain the truth of our relationship and knowing the way people think it’s unlikely they’d believe Kelly and I are living together in this little motorhome but have a platonic relationship. And anyway, I think we both believe it’s none of their damn business what kind of relationship we have.

I’ve noticed, though, that in some ways we have begun to act more like a couple. It has just sort of evolved. We tend to hold hands when we walk around together. If we’re standing together my arm just seems to naturally come to rest around her shoulders or her waist. I don’t mean to imply that it happens without my knowledge. But it just seemed to evolve naturally. There’s no intent. It just seems to feel right. I know she doesn’t mind. She leans into me and seems quite comfortable with the situation.

I’m aware that my feelings for this beautiful young woman are changing. It’s becoming more difficult to treat her as just a friend and fellow traveler. It doesn’t help that she seems to be going out of her way to make it difficult for me. She dresses fashionably but provocatively and she flirts shamelessly. She has a laugh that warms my heart and when she smiles at me I swear it makes me weak in the knees.

I’m pretty certain she’s all too aware of the effect she’s having on me. I try to react as if her flirting is all in fun. But I’m not as dumb as I often seem. We both know it isn’t just playful teasing. Not entirely. If I’m going to be honest I have to admit I’m falling hard for this girl. Every day we spend together I regret giving her my word I wouldn’t molest her when I invited her to join me in my travels. Every day I regret it a little more, despite the fact that the large gap in our ages still exists and doesn’t seem to be shrinking at all. I know because I do the calculations often.

Yes. I know that falling in love with a woman and developing a warm, loving relationship isn’t the same as molesting her. But every time I think about how much I’d love to hold her in my arms and kiss her I think back to how rough her life has been and I never quite get past worrying that she might respond simply out of gratitude. I couldn’t stand that and I know if I allowed it to happen she would one day come to regret it.

But nothing stays the same forever. Our muddled, unspoken feelings and the growing tension over our unresolved relationship came to a head on our third night in Old Forge. I got up at bedtime to open up the sofa bed for Kelly. She moved between me and the sofa and the look on her face stopped me.

She looked me right in the eye and whispered, “Don’t. Please don’t. Sean, is there something wrong with me? Is there some reason you don’t want to ... be with me?”

She looks like she’s going to cry. I reached out and gently took her into my arms. My mind is racing as I hold her close. I can’t stand to see the emotions written plainly on her face. I hugged her, enjoying the way her body feels when she pressed up against me.

Before I could respond, in a voice choked with emotion she said, “I want to make love to you. I want to sleep with you. We’ve been together for two weeks and we’ve grown so close ... or at least it seems to me we have. This is tearing me up. I knew from day one I was developing feelings for you. You were nice to me from the first moment you saw me, nicer than anyone has ever been before. You’ve done so much for me and you’ve asked nothing in return. That really touched me.

“I may not know much about men, but I know you feel it, too. Why are you doing this? Why are you torturing me like this? I know you feel the same way about me I feel about you. I see it in your eyes all the time.”

I exhaled loudly. How do I respond to that? She knows what my motives are. We’ve talked about it. I’ve made it as clear as I can I’m doing what I think is best for her. Am I being unrealistic? Or am I just afraid of what would happen if I took her into my bed? Would my wife come between us? I have to admit I have that fear.

I wish I were smarter. I wish I knew that if I gave in and did what we both want so very much that I wouldn’t harm her. I think of myself as an honorable person. I try to do what’s right. But lately I find myself lying in my bed in the dark every night, thinking about this sweet young woman, and wanting her.

Young. That’s the operative word. Nothing that has happened in the last two weeks has closed the gap in our ages. Granted, she’s very mature. We seem to have nearly everything in common. And I’m not so stupid that I don’t recognize the signs. I have fallen in love with Kelly.

And she seems to have progressed beyond gratitude to true feelings for me. But she’s still nineteen and I am still thirty-six. Seventeen years is a long time, even in people years.

I held her in my arms for a long time before I said, “Sit down. Let’s talk.”

She groaned and exclaimed, “I don’t want to talk! I want you to make love to me!

“I want that, too. But we need to talk. Please, sit down.”

She reluctantly sat down at the table and I poured us both a glass of wine. I sat down across from her and we looked into each other’s eyes. I see her anguish and it bothers me that I’m responsible for it.

I took a sip of my wine and then reached out to take her hands in mine. We’ve been over this before, more than once, but I brought up the difference in our ages again.

She calmly replied, “I don’t give an upside down flying fuck about the difference in our ages! You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I lay here in my bed at night and imagine holding you and kissing you and making love to you. It’s all I think about now!

“Sean, I love you. I need you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I swear to you, the difference in our ages means nothing. And you can’t tell me you don’t feel the same way about me. I see the way you look at me. I hear what you feel for me in your voice. You love me. Now stop this foolishness! Stop denying what we both know is true. I love you. I love you too much to let you do this to us.”

She’s making sense. Maybe she’s sounds like she’s making sense because she’s saying what I want to hear. But my resolve has been slowly weakening all week. She’s right. Denying what we both know to be true is beyond stupid. I finally gave up. I’m tired of fighting it. I don’t want to fight it. I want her. I want to love her.

I would have swept her off her feet and carried her to the bedroom in the back of the RV but the laws of physics being what they are that isn’t possible. The passageway is much too narrow and I would truly hate to decapitate her in the effort to get her into my bed.

Instead, I got up, pulled her to her feet and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss at first, but not for long. She realized I was giving in and her arms went around my neck. She squealed in excitement and our kiss became passionate in an instant.

Our tongues explored each other’s mouths and our hands moved mindlessly, exploring each other’s bodies. Kelly sobbed quietly as she kissed me. Her emotions have overwhelmed her. I feel the same way. I’m feeling things I never thought I’d experience again. All the doubts are gone now.

I finally pushed her away, gripped her shoulders and looked into her eyes. I intended to ask her if she’s sure about this. But it’s a stupid question and the answer is written all over her beautiful face. I took her hand and led her down the narrow passageway to the bedroom in the back.

As usual, she isn’t wearing much. With her help I quickly removed her t-shirt and shorts and tossed her on the bed in only her hip hugger panties. In the past week I’ve seen her in a lot of revealing clothing. She has done her best to tease me until I couldn’t stand it any longer. I already know she’s beautiful and sexy. But seeing her now in just those panties ... Christ! Her body is even more perfect than I imagined.

Seeing how much like a Playboy Centerfold she is makes me a lot more nervous about undressing and baring my much more mundane body. Don’t get me wrong. I’m in good shape. To stay alive in prison you have to be. I’m muscular and toned. But not like a heavy-duty weightlifter. I suppose I’m best described as sinewy rather than buff.

As I pushed my underwear down and bared my hard cock I felt my self-consciousness grow. My cock is just about dead on average in length. It’s six and a half inches long. Yes, I measured it; or at least my wife did. She was curious. It may be a little fatter than normal. But I haven’t seen that many hard cocks so I can’t be certain about that.

My uncertainty began to dissipate when I saw the look in Kelly’s eyes. From the look on her face I get the impression she’s nearly as pleased with my body as I am with hers. But her approval isn’t my only concern. Will it just be the two of us making love or will my wife make a guest appearance?

I got into bed beside her and took her into my arms. She wrapped her arms around me and quietly, breathlessly exclaimed, “You’re gorgeous!”

I almost laughed. No one has ever said that to me before. But instead I leaned down and gently kissed her soft, full lips. It was more than a little overwhelming. For the first time in about four years a beautiful, nearly naked woman is pressing her firm body against mine and I can taste her sweet lips as our tongues begin to duel and the passion builds.

I finally let myself relax and enjoy her when it became obvious my wife, or at least her memory, isn’t going to turn this into a threesome. That has been one of my major fears whenever I contemplated the possibility of taking our relationship to the next level. When Sara’s face didn’t materialize, when I didn’t feel her presence in the room, I accepted the fact that it would be just Kelly and me.

My hands began to explore her body as we kissed. She seemed to react favorably to everything I did. Every touch turned her on a little more.

I rolled her over onto her back and began to kiss her face. I didn’t miss a spot. I kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, her ears, her chin and then her lips again before I started working my way down her neck.

I don’t think I was this excited when, with the kind assistance of Sandy Garret, I lost my virginity on a blanket in the dunes of the Isle of Palms at the age of sixteen! And Kelly is obviously enjoying it as much as I am. Her body trembled and she moaned in erotic pleasure as my lips began to tease her perfect breasts.

Every sound she made added to my own excitement. I savored her breasts for a long time before I began to kiss and lick my way down her flat stomach. She groaned in frustration when I bypassed her panty covered mound. Judging by the large, dark, wet spot over her sweet young pussy she’s more than ready. But I continued down her long, slender legs to her feet.

I’m aware that she’s much more than ready for the main event. But I can’t resist teasing her. And I have always found that the more the tension builds, the more exciting it is when our bodies finally join and the lovemaking begins in earnest. The buildup, the anticipation, that’s half the fun.

I licked and kissed her toes for a moment before easing her legs apart and kissing my way up the sexy inside curves of her calves, then her thighs until finally I arrived at and started licking the damp spot on her panties. She experienced her first orgasm of the evening when I placed my lips over her mound and gently exhaled a blast of hot air through her underwear and onto her sensitive pussy.

She grabbed double handfuls of my sheets and her butt came right up off the mattress. She cried out and her body trembled as she climaxed with her panty covered pussy glued to my mouth.

I forced myself not to rush it. I want to tear those panties off her and attack her. It’s pretty obvious she wants that, too. But I want this to be perfect. I want to drive her crazy with lust. I have every intention of making this the most exciting sexual experience of her life.

I slowly worked her panties down over her hips and slid them down to her knees. I got up on my knees and skimmed them the rest of the way down and off. I tossed them away and lay back down on my stomach.

When she realized I don’t intend to immediately climb up over her and take her like a caveman she whined wordlessly in frustration. I just smiled and returned to kissing her upper thighs and the area around her vulva.

Her voice was choked with lust when she whispered, “Please! I need you!”

Maybe I’m being just a little bit cruel. But these are things I enjoy doing and it has been so long. I want very much to crawl up over her and slam my cock into her; to take her, to overpower her, to feel the heat of her body enveloping my hard, needy cock. But not yet. I’ve thought of eating her pretty pussy and driving her crazy with my tongue almost since that first night. It has been my intention to hold fast to my principles and never actually do it. But I’m human. As I lay in my bed at night thinking about this wonderful young woman in the other room I couldn’t help imagining how wonderful it would be.

I licked her entire mound, tasting her delicious juices and teasing the hell out of her. She didn’t know what I intended when I gently lifted her legs and started working the tip of my tongue up and down between the cheeks of her sexy ass. She gasped and hissed, “No! What are you ... OH MY GOD!!”

When my tongue entered her back passage she experienced something she never felt before and was shocked to discover how exciting it is. In less than a minute she reached down, wrapped her hands in my hair and screamed through her second orgasm and then her third before I finally lowered her legs and began to devote my attention to her red, swollen, throbbing, soaking wet pussy.

I lapped up the trail of intoxicating juices that have oozed out of her and trickled down between her legs. Then I began to attack the source with my tongue. She began to toss and turn and cry out wordlessly as I explored her tight opening. I lost count of her orgasms. They followed one right after the other as I worshipped her beautiful opening with my mouth. I licked and I sucked and I nibbled while she trembled through one orgasm after another and sobbed helplessly.

I continued until finally I could stand it no longer. I eased my body up over hers. I don’t think she even realized at first that I’m about to take her at last. She opened her eyes just before I did and seemed surprised to see me for just a fraction of a second. Then she smiled, a beautiful, slutty little smile and her arms went around me.

She quietly, but certainly not calmly, demanded, “Fuck me! You cruel bastard! I want you inside of me!”

I drew the head of my hard cock up through her swollen sex and teased her for a moment longer before I slowly entered her hot, wet, welcoming body.

When a man is deprived of sex for a long time I think that he doesn’t really appreciate how wonderful the sensation is in those first fifteen or twenty seconds when his hard cock first enters the body of a loving, welcoming woman. He remembers it’s wonderful and he knows he misses it. But the memory of the intensity of that moment dims with the passage of time. I know that after four years of forced abstinence I was unprepared for how wonderful it felt when my cock entered Kelly’s tight little pussy and the walls of heaven clamped down on me like a tight fist.

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Since it’s been almost a year since you last saw Pristine Edge in action (she cuckolded her man over at Blacks on Blondes’ sister site, Cuckold Sessions), we knew it was just a matter of time. And the time has come. A self-proclaimed “Size Queen”, Pristine asked to get opened up by none other than legendary swordsman Mandingo. As you know, “swordsman” might be an understatement: Mandingo has one of the largest dicks on the face of the planet, and Pristine...

3 years ago
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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 03

Janey sighed heavily as she sat on the edge of her bed to slip out of her knee high boots. She loved the things to death, the tan wool weave moving up her leg, bunching in lines along the way to imitate a set of leg warmers. But they were so warm and getting out of them now was nearly better than sex, the air conditioning swirling between her toes. Getting home had been a bit heinous, she had forgotten how rough the walk up the hill could be. Even worse when you were on the verge of tears and...

2 years ago
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Good Luck Charm

Tammy was having a hard time sitting still. She was sitting in the passenger seat of Carter’s car, a place she had become well acquainted with in the past three months they’d been dating. But this was different. She glanced sideways at him. He kept a complete poker face, staring straight at the road ahead, one hand on the wheel, even remembering to check his mirrors. She, on the other hand, was just hoping no passers-by could see her face through the completely non-tinted windows. She had a...

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A Family Affair

What a difference a day makes Twenty-four little hours Brought the sun and the flowers Where there used to be rain (Lyrics by Renee Olstead) WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES By Ginger Collins I knew that I had to hurry because my dad would be home soon. Although it was a Saturday morning, his workout at the local YMCA only lasted so long. He usually returned shortly before noon. My watch read 11:44. Thus, I reluctantly bid a farewell glance at my image in the...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the neightborhood Part One Introductions

Ellen watched in disbelief as her daughter, Samantha, 'Sam' to her friends, dashed down the stairs. She had ten minutes to get to work and she'd only woken up five minutes ago. Apparently her alarm hadn't rang, but Ellen knew her daughter - more likely she'd forgotten to set it, or completely ignored it. Samantha ducked into the kitchen, offering a quick, "Thanks for waking me! Gotta' go!" while pawing at a slice of toast. A moment later, she was gone, leaving a tutting Ellen in her wake. Her...

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BethChapter 54

August 26, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, When Carol entered the kitchen where Dad and we three girls had started in on a Saturday breakfast, she hugged each of us, then sat. “Thank you, all, for the wonderful night last night. Charlie, your initiation of sex with, first, Rhee and Heather in the back seat, then with all of us in the living room was ... wonderful. Beth, thanks for ensuring Sandy’s participation. All of you got him really worked up. Even with his orgasm before we went to bed, he was...

3 years ago
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Cool Swim lead to hot sex

When I was 15 and my sister was 13 we would holiday with our parents each Summer at a beach resort. One of my sister's class was the daughter of the local minister whose residence had a beach boathouse where the girls (5 in the same class all staying at the resort) could change for swimming. Monica a 14 year old beauty was another of the girls in my sister's girls church school class and the daughter of the school Principal who had all her life been kept away from the opposite sex. She...

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The Barfly ch 2 rewrite

Introduction: Charlie and Natasha meet Karen Prologue I would like to thank those that have read my stories ancommented on them. This is a complete rewrite of the second chapter of my story The Barfly originally posted in the forum. I would like to ask those of you that honor me with negative votes in groups to leave some comments so that I may learn what readers dislike in my stories. I would also like to ask those of you that like my stories to throw a wote my way to keep them in an...

1 year ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 4Chapter 1

I awoke in clothes that felt stiff and damp, blinded by the bright sunlight streaming down on me. "Young Master, this is a most unwise place to take a nap, I must say." Squinting through the glare, I made out the silhouette of a man standing over me. Gradually, my eyes adjusted. The man was dressed garishly, with a wide comical mustache of gray. Looking around, I didn't notice anything familiar. In fact, everything looked entirely too green. The air smelled odd too — cleaner. Sitting...

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Jacks Ladies

CHAPTER 1 It was early fall, best time of the year to be up at the lake, thought Jack Preston. He’d been home for a week after finishing a novel and had decided to take an extended vacation. His mom has just said why didn’t he go up to the lake house and finished off the new bedroom suite that the builders had completed their contract to erect the shell and close it in. ‘Yes Jack,’ said his dad. ‘If you really want a fulsome vacation you’ll have that up at the lake. Beside working on the...

4 years ago
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A Hot Wife In The Making Part Four

Anne slept for almost a day after having her foursome.  Jacob made sure she was okay and continually checked on her.  He loved his wife and hoped when she did wake up that she would be more inclined to let him watch her while she made love.His cock was too small to give her pleasure.  Her body made Jacob hard all the time.  She would let him make love to her but always would read or do her nails.  She never paid attention and never kissed him while they did it.Jacob knew this his dick was not...

Wife Lovers
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Will to SurviveChapter 02

Will’s mind had been working on what he knew of US history when he went to sleep, so it’s natural it’s the first thing on his mind when he wakes up. He remembers a few more historical facts, but a much more important memory is about a National Geographic show on gold mines in the US he saw several days ago in his time-frame. What stuck in his mind was the locations of a few of the mines near him when he watched it, with many along the Colorado River, one over near Phoenix, Pikes Peak in...

4 years ago
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My first anal fun Jane is my tutor

I hadn't seen Julie for about a month, instead preferring to fuck with old flame Jane. Less hassle I felt. One day I was around her flat and we were sucking each other when I felt a finger insert itself into my anus. I tensed, and said, 'What are you doing?' 'Relax' she said, 'Don't get up tight, in fact try and relax so I can try something different, can't just do it the same every time you know!'I conceded to that one, maybe I'd been a little over protective to bottoms, preferring to fuck the...

2 years ago
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Final Decision

Final Request We had been living together for 6 months. Things were great. Our sex life had been wonderful. We were willing to try just about anything. Brittany always was willing to dress as I requested. I loved to have her in 4" heels, garter belt and nylons. A short skirt with a belly shirt to show off her flat tight stomach. At night she always wore sexy lingerie. Brittany is 5"6, 110 pounds, 36C 22 34. Her legs are to die for and her long blond hair finishes the perfect...

2 years ago
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Once with Black Never Look Back

I'm Lisa, a half European brunette of 31 years of age. I'm married to a lovely white guy. But some strange reasons we parted 4 year ago since then I am living with my Boy friend and now I'm working as a marketing consultant, travel a lot around the world. Although I love my boy friend, our sex life is somewhat boring, so I use my short business trips as a way to escape a little and enjoy brief sexual encounters that leave me sexually satisfied but without carrying any complications, guilt or...

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With wife and sister in law

That Friday night, I was feeling a bit down and hence decided to take off of Saturday. I told my wife so. She, however, insisted that I should go to work, since I would be requiring some holiday the next month. I had mentally decided to take off and that night, since my son was out of town, I enjoyed the usual sex with my wife and slept peacefully. Next day morning, when I got up, I found my wife besides me, staring at me. I smiled and started fondling with my member. I asked her to suck me,...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 7

Author's note: Jasmine said that she was ready, so Andy quickly shucked his clothes and jumped into the tub with her. "OK, Jasmine, I need ta wash off. Kin ya he'p me?" Jasmine grinned and began washing the biggest cock that she had ever seen. "Dear Jesus, Massa, ya have sho' got the biggest pecker I ever did see. There wuz some big 'uns at the 'breeding farm, ' but none of the studs had anythin' like ya gots." "Ya gotta stop callin' me 'massa, ' or I'll git in trouble...

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Fantasy cuckold story I sent to a friend

Imagining going to a hotel and telling her you are here to give her a massage. As she lays down on the bed, I reassure you are the best. The night before we watched mfm porn and I used her favorite toy on her as she was giving me head. I wanted the idea fresh in her mind.You rub oil on her back, you notice the wine and smile. I wanted her relaxed for you, I offer you a glass as I add to hers. I notice your hands are moving lower down her back, the idea of where this is going is turning me on. ...

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Saving SisterChapter 10

Kathleen was caught completely unawares. Upset at the way Mark had marched her out of the house in a very uncharacteristic way, his little speech in Julie's kitchen left her almost catatonic. Julie and Kim were upstairs, out of sight. "Kathleen, Honey, you know I love you with all my heart. What I am about to do hurts me more than you can know. Things just have not been going well for you, and I have not been able to do anything to help you. As you must know, Julie has had some of the same...

1 year ago
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Rashmi Ki Jawaani Looted By Three Guys

Hi this is Dev age 22 from Delhi. I have been a regular follower of ISS and I thank all the contributors for making such a wonderful erotic site. The incident which I am going to share happened two years ago when I was in college and it was a group fuck. The girl who I along with my friends fucked was Rashmi, age 23 at that time and she was a senior to us. Rashmi was around 5ft 4, whitish complexion, slim, medium length hair, and a really sexy figure with big boobs and a round curvy ass. I was...

4 years ago
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sisters Hubby

My sister was smart and pretty but I was the sexy one. I had plenty of men and loved sex. My sister was more of a prude as we grew up. I loved to dress sexy and she dressed like an old maid. I tried to get her to wear sexy lingerie and tight clothes but she never would. I am not sure how she nabbed a husband. And her husband was hot and sexy. He was always looking at my half naked tits or ass. And I loved to tease him with an almost look at my tits. The last family dinner I took dishes into the...

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A Very Public Reunion

One early February evening, in the early 'noughties', I left my office in one of London Canary Wharf's more prominent buildings and headed to an old-fashioned style wine bar along the waterside. I was in my early forties, exhausted by a career that I had never really planned but which on the face of it was going quite well: I had to work harder than many because it didn't come naturally to me. I was married to a doctor with three children. Life managing this combination was another source of...

Straight Sex
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The User Ch 02

Ben Sanders sat in his office the next day, thinking about what a delightful sex partner Kathy Walton had turned out to be. As he thought about what he and the young woman had done, the fact that what he’d done with her was a violation of school rules did cross his mind. ‘Those rules were made for fools, by fools,’ he thought. ‘I gave Kathy what she needed. There’s no harm in that.’ There was a time he was a by-the-book, don’t-break-the-rules kind of guy. Then something remarkable happened...

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Top Up

The year is 2119, a time where everyone wears their complete health status on their arm or neck. Mine is on my arm, that way I can cover it up, but most rich people choose to wear it on their neck as an adornment. It shows everything about you, your health, biometrics, cholesterol level, even your sexual satisfaction, or lack of, in most cases. All the pretty lights flicker away and change as the person’s health and wellbeing change. Your status even changes as you speak with someone, so it's...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexandriarsquos First Time

Alexandria’s First TimeIf you recall, we shared with you about the pool party our four couple group threw for our young teenaged babysitters (see The Young Babysitters). At the time our babysitter, Alexandria (Alex for short) was only 15. She was a cute girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She was just starting to develop her womanly figure with a narrow waist and slightly wider hips. I’ll be generous and say at the time she may have been wearing a b-cup, but they fit her well...

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My Fantassy Chapter 3

“A little.” Teena observed sarcastically. Sissy started putting a lunch of cold fried chicken and tater salad on the table asking, “So, who’s hungry?” As we sat eating, Jerry began asking the obvious questions. “Did I hear Teena saying something about wanting more? What was she talking about?” As he sniffed the air suspiciously. “Kinda smells like someone was enjoying themselves. Would I be wrong in saying almost like an orgy?” “No, you wouldn’t be wrong. As a matter of fact, both Teena...

3 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 36

It wasn't long before I was joining Amy in rolling my eyes in disgust, but not at Cindi, Katie and Becky. I was rolling them at the local cops. I was also more than rolling my eyes. I was ready to take them on just like we did the bad guys. I was beginning to wonder what we had gone through all of this for. Look, I'm not naïve. I knew someone had just tried to kidnap or kill the President of the United States and his family. Such things have to be investigated thoroughly. I knew that. But...

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Imagine So Far into Woods part 2

Exhausted, you have long since ceased your struggles. The spanking continues, gentle slaps on tender flesh. Now that resistance has ceased the spanking is gentle again, more symbolic of your utter submission than true punishment. I follow each slap with a tender, erotic caress on your vulnerable pussy. You begin to moan. Soft moans are punctuated with short, sharp gasps as a slap interrupts the caress. Caress... Spank. Moan... Gasp. Louder moans as tension builds, the muscles of your stomach...

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Sissy Miss Debi

Sissy Miss Debi Penned by Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh Johnson One I did not know who to curse, or who to praise for the predicament that I was in. I knew only a couple of things for certain, and my mind and emotions were all addled about everything else. One, this had to be the most erotic experience of my life. Two, there is no way in the world that I should be in this circumstance. It was not explainable. It was totally wrong. It is not justifiable. But I loved what I was...

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TeamSkeetClassics Maya Bijou Car Ride for a Dick Ride

This Team Skeet Classics update features Maya Bijou and Eric John. Originally released on Aug 9th, 2016, this Sis Loves Me scene was and still is a major hit! Maya is in need of a ride so she asks her stepbrother Eric if he could help her out, but Eric doesn’t really want to. Maya begs and pleads with him until she figures out what she must do to get his attention… suck his cock! Another day, Eric takes one of his dad’s dick pills and now he has a raging boner that won’t go away so he asks Maya...

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Chronicles of Succubus High Chapter 1 Window Dressing

1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he'd caught a student nodding off during class.At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to contend with, always some new issue he didn't...

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You Should Try A Cock Ring

What if I told you I had an item that could make your erection harder, make your sexual sessions last longer, make sex feel better for both you and your partner (male or female) and would only cost you about $10 to $25 one time? Would you believe me? You should because it’s true. Let me tell you about the joys of a simple device, the Cock Ring.My adventures with this wonderful toy started with a simple gesture by my girlfriend. She wears about 12 industrial rubber belts around her wrist as...

3 years ago
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Way Beyond ReachChapter 10

It was about 11:30 when Sloan’s cell phone rang. “Hey Sloan, just checking to see if you guys are going to be here in time for lunch?” Spencer asked. “If you can hold lunch for about 30 minutes, we will be.” “Sure, we will wait. You know we have milk pick up today about noon and won’t eat until after that anyway.” “Good we should be there just after noon.” “Annie is so excited to be getting company that she has been cleaning and cooking and I had no idea she was such a domestic Goddess....

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Blackmailed Moka Mora Blackmailed Moka Pays Rent Anally

Petite, brown-eyed Moka Mora hasn’t paid rent in three months, so her landlord blackmails the irresponsible, young girl, threatening eviction if she won’t service him sexually. Natural-breasted, skimpily clad Moka whines, calling him a creep, an asshole, a pervert, a bastard. She’s scared and uncomfortable sucking his big, uncut cock. The creep demands her bald pussy, so Moka fucks him joylessly, her pretty butt bumping. He wants that next. “I can’t believe...

2 years ago
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Horny Dorm room mate

Mike was not k**ding, i tried to plead to my mom to send the money faster but she coudntI wanted to tell her why it was so urgent , but i coudnt say it , it was not something i wanted her to knowhow could i have told herlast mouth I woke up on the first with no money and mike sat on my chest waking me up his fat big black cock in my mouth holding my hands up and pumping in my mouth his big cock repeating to me i should find the money quick or hell be feeding me cock every first of the...

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The Girl Stories Mission 9

Lilly didn't know if people coming there did not know, or did not care, that the whole operation was build on trafficked girls, which were not paid a dime of what they earned, and were kept in cages in the basement. Surely most of the men did not mind forcing themselves on girls, half their ages, that were clearly not there by their own will, and that could not even speak the local language. Lilly realized on the first day, most of the men coming to the brothel even enjoyed this aspect. Many...

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Incestia 5

The morning of the Volka family’s court case for citizenship in Incestia was clear and bright. Young Verity and her sister Cambria were in summer dresses while their younger brother Caci was dressed in a frill-sleeved top and smooth cotton pants and their father Yuri and uncle Avan were in button-down shirts and slacks. Despite their appearance as a wholesome family, for weeks, Yuri had copulated with his daughter with such unbridled lust that it could only be defined as a frenzy of...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 2 Whats Wrong With Your Voice

Elizabeth Grey - Part 02: What's wrong with your voice? by Carmenica Diaz Dinner was a very dull affair and I wasn't certain what I could say in front of Jeremy so I kept silent. Thankfully, Jeremy didn't and he spoke non-stop about movies (he absolutely loved Amadeus) and that new singer Boy George and, seemingly, anything that popped into his head. All the time he spoke, he stole glances at me, deep looks that seemed to cut through him and then he would...

4 years ago
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Wanted her it got him Part 3

With the young man who’s cock I had just tasted and cum I had just swallowed, back outside and waiting for the girls to come back home. I felt a warm glow come over me. Nothing had been more exciting, nothing more erotic. Although I was much older than D, it was still my first time for both of those amazing things. Then again, this had been just a few hours of many, incredible firsts for me. With the taste of his sperm in my mouth and the smell of it on my face, I went upstairs to my room and...

2 years ago
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As is usual with many of my stories, if it’s hardcore graphic detail you want — move on to the next submission, This is about feelings, emotions, inner conflict. Also as usual, please give me feedback — it’s the only way I’ll improve. If you don’t like it — tell me why. If you do like it, then tell me why as well. If you do read on — thanks for making the effort! ++++++++ The second kiss was everything she knew it would be. There was a brief touch of tongues then he slowly moved away from her...

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