The Rebirth Of Andrew Bishop - Chapter 13 free porn video

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The week had passed surprisingly quickly for Drew. He found that now he had Dave and Tess's love he also had a renewed love for his farm and the work involved in running it.

Most of all he loved his old farm house again. He had just spent the last two days cleaning it from top to bottom. He did normally keep it clean and neat but once he started cleaning this time he was thorough and wanted it to sparkle.

It all began on Thursday morning when he wanted to get some mud stains off the tiled veranda. He went to the shed and got the pressure cleaner that he usually used to clean down the machinery on the farm and took it over to the house. He connected the water, started the engine and was amazed that the century old terracotta tiles he had known all his life were now brighter and had more detail than he had every seen. It took him two hours to wash the whole of the veranda.

When he had nearly finished with the tiles he accidentally sprayed the jet onto the sandstone blocks that formed the walls of the farmhouse. The patch that was hit by the pressurized water went back to what Drew thought it must have been the original white color. In an instant decades of accumulated dust and staining were removed. He spent the next three hours doing the whole front and left hand side wall, the two surfaces that could be seen from the driveway. Water was going to be precious with summer rolling toward him so he decided to call it quits. He couldn't believe how good the old place looked.

'You would swear the block work was new,' he thought as he stood down the driveway a bit and looked back at the house.

He had taken a lot longer than he would have liked on the outside but was pleased he did. He now cleaned all of the outside of the windows, paying particular attention to the lead light each side and above the front door.

Now he had to start on the inside of the house. He went around and opened every window in the place and left all the doors open.

The fireplace was next. He hadn't relit it since he had been home from the city, it wasn't really cool enough at night now. He wanted to have it burning when Tess and Dave arrived. Tess loved to sit by the fireplace and stare into the flames. He shoveled out all the dead coals and ash into a bucket and swept the hearth.

He cleaned the windows on the inside then swept all the floors. Next he washed the ancient timber floor boards and let them dry while he ate his dinner out on the veranda. He pulled the old floor polisher out of the hall cupboard and with the wax that was the same brand as he'd seen his grandmother use when he was just a little kid, he polished the floors till late into the night.

He closed the house up again, he would have liked to have left it open but was worried the wind might come up and destroy all his good work with dust, and went to bed pleased with his days work.

Then it was Friday, his lovers would be here tonight. He climbed out of bed and gathered the cleaning gear for the bathroom and while he showered naked, scrubbed the glass shower cubicle walls and the base till it shone. He gave the bath and sink a clean then mopped the bathroom floor.

Drew dressed and had breakfast then dusted everything he could lay his hands on.

He stripped the bed and put all the linen into the washing machine. Hot, long wash and lemon scented soap powder was the order of the day. While the machine clunked away he polished the dining table's wooden surface with wax until he could see his reflection in it.

He now opened the windows and doors again, it was a warm spring day so he hung the bed linen on the clothes line to dry in the sun. He refilled the washing machine with every bit of clothing that he had found scattered around his bed room and set it going again.

The interior of the house looked fantastic. Bright and airy and sparkling. It smelled of floor wax and furniture polish. A nice clean smell. He was pleased with his work.

He hung out his clothes to dry and thought. 'Nothing else to do here until later when it's all dry.'

He went back to the bedroom and spotted the picture of himself and Tess and Dave at the rock pool, he smiled, it was a great picture.

He tidied his wardrobe and the six draws of his cabinet to make some space. He had decided the matching cabinet on the opposite wall he would offer to Tess and Dave to use, it had been Dianne's. His mother had helped him clean it out three months after she had died and it had been empty ever since.

He dusted thoroughly and got down the cobwebs he noticed in a corner. The timber floor had been washed and polished the previous day. When the bed was made later it would look nice he thought.

Around four in the afternoon he retrieved his laundry from the clothes hoist and made the bed, and put all his clean clothes away.

'Clean sheets,' he thought to himself, 'They smell like sunshine,'

The bedroom now looked the way he wanted it to for Tess and Dave.

The only chore he had left to do was to get some fire wood chopped and prepare the hearth so he could light it later.

'An hour before they get here so it has a nice glow for them,' he thought.

As he was finishing up the telephone rang.

He picked up the hand piece and heard Tess's voice, "Hi Drew, we are just leaving the garage now."

"Wow, it's still early," Drew replied, noting it was only five pm.

"Yes we both left work early, Dave said we should be there by nine or nine thirty. So we'll see you then."

"Great. Drive carefully, I'll have supper ready when you get here, bye." He said with a bit of excitement in his voice.

Drew was sitting on the veranda, he'd showered and changed into his new jeans, underwear and T-shirt and was sipping a glass of red wine. At 9.15 he saw a set of headlights on the highway, the vehicle slowed as it approached his gate, then turned into his driveway. They were here.

He stood up as Dave's car pulled to a halt at the gate to the house garden and he descended the three steps to the path. Tess stepped out of the passenger seat, she was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a shoulder less top that just covered her bodice. She raised her arms and stretched her tiny body, Drew could see she wasn't wearing a bra.

Now she stepped toward him, their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed passionately for maybe ten or fifteen seconds.

"I could use one of those," he heard Dave say as he walked around the front of the car..

Drew broke free of Tess and now wrapped his arms around Dave and repeated the kiss.

"I am so glad you're here.' said Drew as he put his arm across Dave's shoulders and his other one around Tess's waist.

"What have you done to the house! It positively glowed in the headlights as we came up the drive," asked Tess.

"Just gave it a bit of a spit and polish," replied Drew, very happy they had noticed his hard work.

"Come on, let's get your bags inside, I've cleared some wardrobe space for you both, and I have a casserole in the oven if your hungry," he said.

"Drew I have bought some seedlings to plant, just some daisies, petunias and a few tomato bushes. Where can I leave them for tonight?" asked Tess.

"I'll just leave them on the veranda," said Drew as he hoisted a large carton containing the plants from the trunk of the vehicle.

He ushered them inside and took them down to the bedroom to drop their bags.

"Drew the house looks wonderful, you have been a busy boy," Tess remarked as they all went back towards the living room, "The floors are so shiny!"

Drew went to the kitchen and put the rice he'd cooked earlier into the microwave oven to reheat and got the beef and vegetable casserole out of the oven.

"Dave pour a drink for Tess and yourself, I have one I left on the porch," he said as he served the steaming meal onto the plates.

Dave did as he was instructed and then retrieved Drew's glass for him. They took the meals into the dining area and sat at the large old table that Drew had set with placemats so they could still see the polished timber top.

"Everything is so clean and shiny, it's like a real country squires house," said Tess, "I love it!"

They sat and ate the meal and chatted about what each of them had done the previous week. Tess was a bit concerned when Drew told them he had castrated all the little male lambs.

"It is a necessary evil he told her. Just part of farm life. Otherwise we'd be up to our neck in randy rams that would end up fighting each other and not producing good quality offspring," he told her.

They finished eating and Drew cleared the table and stacked the dish washer while Dave and Tess went and sat by the fireside and unwound after their long drive. He was glad he had lit it for them.

Around 11pm. Dave yawned and said he had to go to bed. He was tired from working long hours and the drive. He wanted to be fresh for whatever they were going to do tomorrow, so he excused himself and left Tess and Drew in the lounge.

Tess stood up from the couch and came across to Drew and sat on his lap with one of her arms across his shoulders. She rested her head into his and kissed his cheek.

" I missed you so much this past couple of days," she said softly, "I kept wanting to ring you just to find out what you were doing."

"I missed you too," Drew replied, "I keep thinking it will get easier to be away from you guys, but it doesn't."

They sat like this for maybe half an hour, staring into the fire and talking softly.

"Take me to bed, Drew," Tess finally said as she slipped off his knee onto her feet.

Drew stood up and put the screen in front of the fire, then took her hand and they quietly walked up the passage to the bedroom.

Dave was sound asleep on the far side of the bed as Tess undid the button and zipper of Drew's jeans. They kissed passionately as she pushed his pants down. Her hand now went to his crotch and she fondled his cock through his silky underpants.

"What are you wearing?" Andrew she asked," You feel so nice."

"I went shopping for new underwear on the way home the other day," he whispered to her.

Tess stepped back and looked at him, she lifted his shirt and looked at the sides and then his back side.

"They look very sexy and feel lovely," Tess whispered back, trying not wake Dave.

"I wanted to feel sexy, they do that for me," he replied.

She lifted his t-shirt over his head and ran her hand across his chest and then kissed his right nipple.

Tess now took of her flimsy top and revealed her pert little breasts to him. She stepped closer and put her arms around him. Drew could feel her hard nipples on his stomach and put his arms around her then kissed her on the forehead.

Tess walked him backwards to the bed and encouraged him to sit on the bed. She then reached down and pulled his pants past his feet and off. She now pushed his shoulders back so that he was laying flat on the bed next to Dave.

Before she climbed onto the bed she lowered her sweat pants and g-string so she was now naked. She crawled across to Drew's groin and pulled his cock out the leg of his underwear. Lowering her head she took him into her mouth and sucked him until he started to harden. Now she licked him the length of his shaft bottom to top. All the while she massaged his balls through the silky material.

"That is so nice," Drew whispered to her.

Tess was now so horny herself she wanted his dick in her. She straddled his hips and guided his now fully erect cock toward her pussy with her hand. She rubbed the head of his cock along her slit a couple of times and up across her clit just once. She now positioned him at the opening of her vagina, then lowered herself onto him fully. Her hands rested over his nipples as she began to grind herself onto him in a rotary motion.

Tess could feel Drew's silky briefs rubbing on her upper thigh as her clitoris was massaging itself on his pelvic bone. She had her full weight more or less pushing down on him and she was extremely stimulated.

Drew could feel he was deep into her. She was very well lubricated, as her pussy rubbed around the base of his cock he could feel her juices allowing her to slide over his skin. The stimulation he was receiving was intense as he lay back and had his dick fully engulfed by her.

Now she started to quietly moan as her gyrations were bringing her to an orgasm.

Drew was close also but he wanted to hold his climax and cum with her. Tess was in her own little world, this wonderful cock buried deep inside her, his nice smooth pubic area, moist from her fluids to rub her clit on and no expectations from her lover. She was free to enjoy her own orgasm. She didn't have to perform for either of her men. They did not expect anything from her but for her to enjoy herself.

She could feel her orgasm building just below her stomach, it spread to her whole pubic area and then it exploded. She gasped as her muscles tightened, her juice gushed a little and she dropped her head to Drew's chest and dug her finger nails into his skin.

As Tess's head came down to his chest Drew knew she was in the midst of her orgasm and he thrust himself into her as deeply as he could. He relaxed his concentration and immediately could feel his own orgasm racing towards him. His cock pulsed once and then he groaned as her released himself into her now still vagina.

Tess lay on Drew's chest for a couple of minutes, she turned her head and looked across at the still sleeping face of her husband. She raised two fingers to her lips and kissed them, then transferred the kiss manually to Dave's lips. Now she kissed Drew on the chest then rolled off him toward the edge of the bed and pulled the quilt up around them. She said nothing to Drew and he said nothing to her. Tess curled up against him and sleep came to her.

Drew woke on Saturday morning, Dave was still asleep next to him. He rolled over, Tess was not there. He quietly got out of bed and visited the toilet. He went to the bathroom and washed his hands and face then brushed his teeth. Returning to the bedroom he pulled on his jeans over the underwear he had slept in. He could smell coffee so went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup. Tess was still no where to be seen.

Looking out the kitchen window he saw her. She was trying to dig a hole in the garden by the fence of the house yard. The ground even at this time of the year had dried out enough to make it a difficult task. She was struggling to break into the soil with a shovel that she must have found in the shed, the handle was taller than she was. Tess was wearing the clothes she had been in when she had stepped out of the car the previous evening. The early morning sun shone through her blond hair and the beautiful skin on her shoulders and arms glowed a honey color. The dog was sitting close by her.

"She must have unchained him," Drew presumed.

Taking his mug out onto the back veranda he pulled on a pair of work boots and took a sip of the coffee.

"Wait up Tess, I'll help you with that," he called out to her.

She turned to the voice and saw Drew, he was in just a pair of jeans and boots, bare chested, his coffee mug in his hand. A lovely smile beaming from his face.

"Good morning Drew," she said, "I just thought I'd get a head start on the day and put my tomato plants in. Isn't it beautiful out here at this time of the morning."

"Yes it's the best part of the day," Drew answered, "But let me help you with the heavy work like that."

I've already dug two holes. Do you think they are deep enough? Tess asked him.

Drew walked over to where she had been working, he looked at the two existing holes and was quite impressed at the depth that she had achieved.

"Yes, plenty deep enough," he said as he took the shovel from her.

He pushed the shovel in to the hard soil and took out a scoop of earth. Then he walked over to the veranda and filled a metal bucket with water from the tap and tipped it into the small hole he had dug.

"We'll give that a minute to soak in and then it will be a bit easier," he informed her.

"I wish I had thought of that," Tess replied, "I think I should have bought a bag of manure too, the label on the plants says to fertilize heavily."

"Come with me," Drew said, as he put the shovel across both of his shoulders and walked out of the gate with his arms draped over it.

Tess followed him, from behind, with his arms over the shovel he looked like he was on a crucifix.

'He is your quintessential farm boy dressed as he is and walking like that,' thought Tess and she felt a bit of a pang in here heart. 'Shit, I love him.'

"Tess we are on a farm, we don't buy a bag of fertilizer," he said as he put the shovel into a wheelbarrow that sat beside the machinery shed.

Tess now caught up with him and they walked behind the machinery sheds, past the hay shed, until they reached the shearing sheds.

"I haven't been down here before. Do you still shear your sheep in here or is it for storing fertilizer?" asked Tess.

"I get them shorn once a year, and what we want is not inside its underneath," he said as he opened a gate to the outside pens and pushed the barrow up to the base of the raised building.

"You now have a pretty well unlimited amount of fertilizer at your disposal," he said pointing to the piles of sheep manure that had accumulated under the building over the years, "Help yourself anytime you like."

Tess looked at Drew and then the dried sheep poo pellets

"When we shear the sheep they are in pens in the shed, the floor has slats so the poo falls through. It dries out and composts a bit, it's better for the garden than anything you can get in bag," he told her.

He started filling the barrow, then said, "If you do come down here and get some more anytime, just be careful of snakes. They like the coolness under the shed in summer."

Tess scanned the ground around her feet and instantly looked worried.

"Don't worry, they are more scared of you, than you are of them. Just make a lot of noise and if you see one just back away and leave it alone. Never try and scare it off or kill it." he advised her.

Drew now began to scoop the manure into the wheelbarrow, stopping when he had about half a load.

"That should be enough to start with," he said as he put the shovel back into the barrow.

They went back across the yard and Drew dug out the third hole for Tess. He then half filled each hole with the fertilizer and put some water in.

"Okay, plant away!" he said, "I have a couple of things to do in the shed. Give me a call if you need anything else."

He went to the shed and hunted out three folding camp chairs in their bags, and old piece of steel plate that had been blackened by many bush barbecues and his trusty campfire coffee percolator. He put the hot plate in a hessian bag with the pot and set them by the door.

Returning to the house yard he found Tess planting petunias along the front of the house, she was quietly singing a song to her self and looked happy working. Drew went inside and washed his hands at the kitchen sink then opened the freezer and selected lamb chops and a pack of sausages to take to the rock pool with them. He heard Dave padding down the hallway and turned to see him come around the corner into the kitchen. He was naked and scratching his head, his normally well groomed hair was a mess. He yawned.

"Man, what a sleep," Dave commented, "I was dizzy I was that tired last night. How are you today? Where's Tess?

"Coffee? I'm great," Drew said as he felt Dave's arms come around his bare chest from behind, "Tess is out working in the garden, happy as a lark."

"Yes please. She has been talking about gardening all week, she's never shown any interest in it before. What time is it now?" Dave asked.

"About nine thirty, I just have to ring Geoff, I want to tell him that you and I are coming over to borrow his quad bike so we can go to the rock pool later. You should be able to handle a long ride solo shouldn't you?"

Dave exclaimed, "You bet, that's what I've been looking forward to, getting back on a quad for a ride. It might be a bit awkward, you, me and Geoff. He knows about us now and he and I had sort of that thing in his car last month, what do you think he will think of me?"

"Don't worry about it, was just a bit of fun to him. He's definitely a no strings attached type of guy. He'll be cool," replied Drew, "I will just ring him, then when you are ready we'll head over."

Dave disappeared back to the bedroom while Drew made the call then went to find a shirt. Both men left the house by the back door and went around the house to tell Tess where they were going. She was still humming to herself and pulling some weeds. The dog was now laying in the shade by her side.

Dave and Drew walked over to the shed, Drew started his quad bikes motor, "Jump on, you can drive," he said to Dave with a grin.

Drew climbed on to the machine behind Dave and felt the bike click into gear, he held onto the bars of the rear rack and braced himself for the initial jerk as the clutch was released.

Dave was becoming fairly proficient handling the bike Drew decided on the ride to Geoff's place and in no time at all they pulled up out the front of the neighbors house.

Geoff appeared in the doorway, "Good day to you both. How's my best mate and my new brother in law doing?" he asked.

"Just about as good as you could get," answered Drew.

'What a fantastic way to consider Dave,' thought Drew.

Dave went across and shook Geoff's hand warmly.

Geoff tossed a key on a ring to Drew. "It's in the shed," he said.

Drew sauntered off to Geoff's machinery shed and left Dave and Geoff by the house.

"It's a long time since I've seen him this happy," Geoff told Dave as they watched him cross the dusty yard, "You and Tess are the best thing that could have happened to him, and I just want to say thanks for that."

They heard the engine start up and saw Drew ride back towards them. He cut the motor and coasted to a halt nearby.

He tossed a helmet to Dave who caught it and said with a grin on his face, "I should have disinfected this for you the other day, but your a doctor, you'll be able to cure most things that you'll catch wearing it."

Dave laughed, but did have a good look at the inside of the helmet, it didn't seem too bad so he put it on and adjusted the chinstrap to fit.

"We'd better get going, don't want to waste to much of this beautiful weather," Drew said to Geoff.

"Hey can you come over one day next week? I could use a hand to service the header," Geoff asked him.

"Would Tuesday be okay, I'm off to the city again Thursday."

"See you then, and don't forget to tell Dave when we want him to start work, that's if he's still interested," Geoff replied.

"Planning to this afternoon, see you later," Drew said.

"See you soon," Dave voiced to Geoff.

They both started the machines they were sitting on and headed back the way they had came.

Tess meanwhile had finished her planting and had watered her seedlings. She went inside and washed her hands and poured herself another coffee. She felt a bit dirty from her efforts in the garden so stripped off the clothes she was wearing. She put them and the few other things of Drew's she found in the hamper into the washing machine and started it running. Then she headed for a nice hot shower to remove the dirt from herself.

As she dried herself she heard the washing machine finish its cycle so slipped on a pair of flip flops and still naked went out into the backyard to hang the wet washing on the clothes hoist.

The sun was becoming quite hot now and she thought, 'It's a great day to be going to the rock pool. Look at me, I love this place. Hanging the washing naked, no one can see me. I can make love to my guys out here if I want to and wouldn't have to worry. This is fantastic.'

Tess went back indoors to the bedroom and opened hers and Dave's suitcases. Drew had told her they could use the empty set of draws, so she put Dave's things in the top two draws and she placed all of hers in the bottom two. The middle two she left for Dave's work clothes when he moved up to work. She hung her jacket and Dave's parka in the wardrobe and put what shoes they had brought with them into the bottom, then closed the doors. Tess took the now empty suitcases into the guest room. Retuning to the main bedroom she made the bed then opened the curtains and the windows to allow the warm breeze into the room. She stood back, still naked and surveyed the room. She spotted the picture of herself, Drew and Dave at the waterhole.

She now felt she belonged in this room and wasn't just a visitor anymore. She had a place for her personal items, she wasn't living here out of a suitcase. It felt more like her home.

Hearing the approach of the two quad bikes she thought she had best get dressed, she wanted to go to the national park as soon as she could get Drew and Dave ready. Jeans, panties for riding the quad, g-strings became very uncomfortable on the quad bike, a sports bra to protect her a bit from the bouncing of the machine and a long sleeved shirt for sun protection were quickly hunted out and put on. Socks and her hiking boots and she was ready.

She looked out the window Dave and Drew were putting some stuff, she couldn't make out what it was, onto one of the quad bikes. Tess went to the kitchen and found some salad vegetables in the bottom of the fridge, cut them up, put them in a plastic container and sealed it up. She had seen that Drew had earlier taken some meat from the freezer. Now she found some cooking utensils, a pair of tongs and an egg slice. In the pantry she found plastic plates and cutlery, she got enough out so they would have a set each.

As Drew came in the back door she asked,"Where is that big box that you took our picnic in last time?"

"I'll get it, would you mind slicing up a couple of onions and a capsicum for me?" Drew responded and headed for the spare room.

"Sure," she said.

He returned in a moment with the box in question and a cooler bag for the still half frozen meat.

He put the meat in another plastic container and placed it into the cooler bag, on top of that he placed four cans of beer and the half a bottle of white wine that Tess had opened last night. He also put a plastic wine glass in for Tess and a flask of milk.. He zipped up the bag and put it into the larger box with Tess's salad added a pack of ground coffee. Half of yesterday's news paper and a loaf of bread. Drew also squeezed three beach towels in and then closed the lid on the box, they were done.

"Ready to go?" he asked her as he lifted the box.

"You bet," she said.

They closed the back door behind them, and crossed to the shed where Dave waited sitting on Drew's bike. Drew strapped the box onto the back of the machine he and Tess would be sharing and then went into the shed and returned with two helmets. He handed one to Tess, she realized that this one would have been Dianne's and she felt a pang of sadness and then got a sense that Drew was beginning to let the memory of his wife go.

'It must be a big decision for Drew,' Tess thought.

Drew called the dog and had to encourage it to get up behind Dave as it wanted to try and ride with Tess.

"If he falls off just stop and call him," Drew told Dave.

With that they set off up the lane to the rear gate.

They had a wonderful ride out through the national park. Drew was kept busy pointing out mobs of kangaroos and emus to Tess as they disturbed them with the noisy machines. They had to stop once to allow an echidna to shuffle off the track. Drew didn't point out the four foot long brown snake that slithered away in front of him, but Tess did see it and held on to him a bit tighter around the waist as they passed it.

It took just over an hour before they reached their destination. Pulling up near the flat slab of granite they dismounted and listened to the quietness of the surrounding bushland.

"It's better than I remember," Tess said.

"Well I'm going to make it a bit more comfortable than last time," said Drew.

He undid the elastic straps holding the camp chairs onto the rack of the quad Dave had ridden and unfolded each of them and lined them up on the sandy river bank in the shade of a big red gum tree.

He now went down half way to the water and with his foot he scraped a rather wide depression into the loose sand. Wandering around he found four melon sized rocks and put them in a square shape to prop up the BBQ hot plate. He asked Dave to help him to collect some fire wood which took them no time. Ten minutes after they arrived he had a fire going.

He now pulled out his hot plate, it was a bit dusty so he put it onto the rock fireplace he had made and heated it up till it was smoking. He then got a couple of sheets of news paper and dipped them in the water and brushed the plate creating a huge hiss and a cloud of steam. A couple of more sheets to wipe it down and it was now sterilized and free of any grit. The news paper went straight into the fire for disposal.

While all this had been happening Tess had opened up the food box and taken the three beach towels one of which she had spread over the middle chair. She now poured herself a glass of wine that was still cold courtesy of the thawing meat and then proceeded to take off all her clothes and sat down and watched the boys.

Dave went and filled the percolator with coffee and water and under Drew's instruction put it on the hot plate to gently simmer away.

It was turning into a hot day, not a cloud in the sky and no breeze to speak of.

"Well I'm all for a swim," said Dave as he pulled off his shirt.

"Me too," agreed Drew.

"Coming in, Tess?"

"Not yet I'm just going to sit her and soak up the sun for a little while, I get cold so quickly. I'll swim later. You guys go ahead," she said.

As she spoke the dog came out of the water from his first swim and sat by her feet.

"Okay don't get sun burnt, there is some sun block in the box, put it on," Dave told her.

Dave and Drew stripped off their clothes, Dave did notice Drew's lingerie and asked him about it. He had never seen underpants like them and seemed pretty keen on acquiring a few pairs for himself.

"They give you an awesome looking butt," were his words.

Together they ran into the water, dived under and swam out to the deepest section of the pool.

"Are we going to jump off the boulder again?" asked Dave as they trod water in the sunshine.

"Yeah, let's go," answered Drew.

They swam to the other side and scrambled up the back of the huge rock.

Standing on the top they checked for any obstacles in the water below them and then on the count of three they took a couple of steps and jumped, hitting the water simultaneously.

"That is great!" said Dave as they surfaced, "Makes you feel like a kid, going again?"

"One more then I'm going to start lunch," answered Drew.

Again they swam to the bottom of the path up behind the Boulder and climbed up. This time when Dave got onto the ledge before the summit he held his hand down to Dave and hoisted him up.

"This is where I fell in love with you last month," he said to Drew as they recovered their breathe a little.

"I remember," Drew answered, "This is where I first wanted to have sex with you. And I still want to have sex with you here."

He slowly went down to his knees and took Dave's soft, wet, cold cock into his mouth and began to suck on him. Drew had never actually had Dave in his mouth completely flaccid, he had always been partially stimulated before Drew had gotten to this stage.

Dave's cock was soft and pliable against his tongue but soon started to harden. Drew now started to caress his scrotum and occasionally run his index finger up and down his ass crack gently as he sucked him to a full erection.

Dave now moved back to lean on the next shelf of rock, he parted his legs slightly to allow Drew access to his ass crack and also to brace him self for the orgasm he had wanted to have for four days now.

Drew was taking Dave slowly and as deep as he could, he didn't gag as much as he did a month ago and was pretty close to deep throating his lover. That was something he wanted to train himself to do and was quickly getting to that point. He now held Dave as deeply as possible and rubbed his tongue along the underside of his penis, all the time tickling his ass with a finger.

Dave pulled his ass cheeks apart with his hands.

"Finger me Drew, just one finger," he asked.

Drew obliged by first placing a big gob of saliva on his index finger and then just running it around his anus. He took his cock back into his mouth and at the same time pushed his finger into Dave's as far as he could manage.

He now upped his rhyme a bit, bobbing his head up and down and pushing and pulling his finger into and out of Dave.

Dave was now in raptures, holding his cheeks apart and letting Drew do wonderful things to his cock and butt. He wanted to cum fairly quickly, and told Drew so. It felt selfish to want to cum so quickly but it soon became apparent that he had no choice as his cock began to swell.

"I'm cumming, Drew, sorry,"

Drew kept taking him deeply, in, out, in, out.

Dave now let go of his cheeks and used his hands to caress the back of Drew's head, not push his head onto himself, just caress him. Drew now found it hard to push in to his ass so just held his finger there and continued to bob and suck on his cock.

Dave was now at the point of no return.

"Agghh," he said as he released his semen into the back of Drew's throat. Two and then a three pumps of his cock had Drew's mouth full of his spunk.

Drew felt him harden, heard him grunt and then felt the warm fluid fill his mouth. He stopped bobbing on him and just held his hard dick with his lips and pushed his tongue upward so Dave's cock had pressure from his tongue and the roof of his mouth, this also allowed him to swallow most of the thick fluid in his mouth.

Dave came down from his orgasm and stroked the back of Drew's head lovingly. He coaxed him up of his knees and wrapped him up with his arms.

"We've come a long way in a month," Dave whispered in his ear.

"I can't believe it," Drew concurred.

"Are you as happy with the way things are going as I am?" Dave asked him.

"I couldn't want any more from this," Drew answered.

"And you are happy with me, I'm mean sex with me, you aren't ashamed or guilty?"

"No Dave. I, we have the most beautiful woman I know here with us, she's naked, and all I've wanted to do all morning is have sex with you. I'd say I'm pretty comfortable," Drew answered.

Dave whispered in Drew's ear "I love you Drew."

"I love you too Dave," was the answer he heard back.

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 15

Tess was restless. Dave was driving and she had been dozing in the passenger seat. They had been on the road for three hours now and still had an hour or so to go until they were home. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed Fiona's number. "Hello, Fiona speaking," "Hi Fiona, it's Tess here, how are you?" Tess asked. "Oh, hi. I was trying to call you earlier but your phone must have been turned off or something," Fiona replied. "No we have been up to Drew's farm for the weekend and there is...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 31

Drew could feel the hot afternoon sun burning the back of his neck as he climbed the steps up to the veranda of the old sandstone farm house. He reached the top step and turned and watched the truck and trailer driven by the builder negotiate the pot hole ridden drive way down to the main road. The construction of the gazebo containing the new hot tub was complete. The builder had done a great job and today had been his last day. Drew had paid the final payment to him moments ago and shaken his...

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The Rebirth Of Andrew Bishop Chapter 26

The telephone rang, and it made Dave jump as he lay in bed listening to Tess and Drew's breathing as they slumbered. He looked at the clock; seven thirty. "Good morning, Drew Bishop's phone," he said, as he picked up the handset. "You guys had better not still be in bed," Geoff's voice said. "No, we're up and about," Dave lied, "Drew is out in the yard, he said he was going to ring you in a minute." Tess and Drew were now stirring."Well, tell Drew that we will meet at ten o'clock up at the...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 28

Monday morning Tess pulled her car to a halt between the two gate posts at the bottom of the dusty drive way. She reached for her hand bag and pulled out a silk scarf which she handed to Evelyn in the passenger seat. "It is such a nice day, we'll put the top down," she said as she pushed a button on the steering column. With a whirr and a clunk, the roof of the sports car folded back and disappeared into the trunk. Tess put on a peaked cap. It didn't match her professional looking work skirt...

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The Rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 3

Drew rose from the bed. His heart was still beating hard. He walked to the wardrobe, selected the newest pair of bikini briefs he owned and pulled them on. Next out came his moleskin trousers. He wanted to dress nicely for Tess. Moving the sheep wouldn't be that dirty a job. A new cotton shirt was pulled over his head and tucked in at the waist. The brown leather belt and his going to town boots. Seeing himself in the mirror he smiled. "That's the image of an Australian farmer," he thought....

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 36

"Good morning," said the receptionist at the front counter of the day spa."We haven't seen you here for a while Ms. Williams. "No, we have moved to the country. We need to get a bit of the evidence of the farm removed," said Tess light heartedly as she held out her unpolished and chipped finger nails for the receptionist. "Oh my goodness," the red head said in mock horror. Tess had booked Evelyn and herself in for three hours of pampering. Evelyn was curious, she had never been to one of these...

1 year ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 37

"Nearly home Tess," said Drew as he gently shook her and turned into Geoff's driveway. Tess had been asleep in the front seat for the last hour. Dave was snoozing in the back."We'll just pick up the dog and say good bye to Geoff. He'll be leaving early in the morning," It was only two in the afternoon, they had made good time on the trip home. It was stinking hot again and the country side was dried out. When they were half way up the drive Drew could see the dog coming down to meet them and...

4 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 6

The next day dawned cold but sunny. Overnight the storm front had passed leaving the paddocks drenched. Drew woke before the others and quickly and quietly dressed. He had to check on the sheep and make sure that the new born lambs had survived the night. He started the quad bike and rode down to the gate with the dog chasing him all the way. They did a circuit of the paddock and all seem to be well as the ewes had sheltered with their babies under a row of trees planted along the fence line....

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 7

Drew looked at the clock. 6.15am it blinked at him. He rolled onto his back and fondled his cock. Thursday at last, he'd been waiting all week for it to arrive. It was still too early to get up. He couldn't drop the dog of at Geoff's place until 8 am. He stopped playing with himself, he didn't want to get hard and have to jerk himself off. He was saving himself for Tess and Dave tonight. He had been all week. He thought back over the past week and how hard the goodbye to Dave and Tess had been,...

2 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 20

Drew and Dave.Dave and Drew stood near the gate to the house yard. They watched as Tess's car made its way down the long driveway to the main road. They saw her stop next to the letter box and then turn right. She was on he way. Her first solo drive home. As she disappeared behind a row of trees at the bend in the road the two men looked at each other. "Do you want to go for a ride on the quad bikes?" Drew asked his partner. "Sure thing, let's get changed," Dave answered. It was just after...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter11

Drew opened his eyes. He instantly knew it was still quite early as the sun was not shining into the bedroom yet. He looked at the clock, 5.55am it told him. He felt refreshed as he lay on his back. Dave was cuddled into his right hand side and Fiona's hand was cupping his cock and balls. He was not really comfortable with her doing that. He thought for a moment and then gently lifted her hand off himself. He sat up and looked down the other end of the bed. Fiona had turned over during the...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 34

It was two days before Christmas and it was swelteringly hot. Tess lay in her hammock in the shade of the back veranda. She was wearing was a skimpy white bikini that was no more than three tiny triangles of cloth that tried to conceal her nipples and pussy. Drew and Dave sat on out door chairs. They were wearing a pair of shorts each and were bare chested. Condensation droplets were forming on the cold bottles of beer that sat on the tiled veranda floor at their feet. Tess took a sip from the...

2 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 38

Tess had just finished planting and watering some herbs in the garden bed next to the front steps of the old sandstone farm house. It was hot and sunny again. She was being a bit daring as she could be seen from the road and she was working topless as usual. Though you would have to stop and really have good eye sight to see her as she was five hundred meters from the highway. She had been unwell. She had picked up a stomach bug on New Year's Day and had spent the next three days most unwell....

1 year ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 23

The melody of the mobile phone's ring tone woke Drew from his slumber. Tess and himself had woken early this Friday morning and gone out to breakfast together. They then walked through every shopping strip that Tess could find. They had arrived back at the apartment in the late afternoon footsore and tired. Tess had laid her head on Drew's lap when he sat on the couch next to her and they had both nodded off to sleep. He gently shifted Tess's arm off his and picked up the noisy hand piece....

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 17

The back seat of Tess's car was a little claustrophobic for Drew. His head brushed the roof lining, and his knees were in the back of the drivers seat. He realized he should have taken his suit coat off before getting in, but it was too late now. He wouldn't be able to remove it in the cramped confines. Fiona sat next to him. The street lights illuminated her for a few seconds as they passed under them. He could see the skin on her knees and a couple of inches of her thighs. Her skin looked so...

2 years ago
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The Rebirth Of Andrew Bishop Chapter 27

Geoff let the hot water run down his wiry body. Jackson's strong arms encircled him from behind. He leaned back against the younger man and relaxed. His back ached. He was finding it hard to sit in the combine harvester for hours on end. A sign of age, he and his best friend Drew had decided jokingly. Geoff was afraid it was true. He felt one of Jackson's hands slip down and grasp his penis. There was fifteen years difference in their ages. He was forty-three and Jackson was twenty-seven. The...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 19

Drew struck the match and touched it to the newspaper. The flame spread rapidly and soon the kindling was crackling. It was just before eight in the morning and the sun on his bare back was warm already. He had come straight from the bedroom out to the spit roaster he had set up on the concrete path that bisected the rear lawn. He had to light the fire early as he would needed a good base of coals to cook a whole sheep thoroughly. He heard the screen door opening behind him and turned to see...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 22

Geoff looked out of the rear window of the taxi as it pulled back out into the traffic. He saw Drew enter the tall apartment block before he and the cab driver were swallowed up in the city bustle. "You guys from the country?" asked the driver. "Yes. We are just in town for the weekend," Geoff answered. "I can set you up with anything you want while you're here. I know all of the places single guys like to visit," said the driver in a sleazy sort of voice. "I'm okay, thanks. Just take me to the...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 16

Drew heard the alarm clock buzz and felt the bed move as Dave rolled over to turn off the offending noise. "Good morning Dave," Drew whispered into his lover's ear. "Hi, I wish I could stay here with you and Tess. I have to go to work though. It is only a couple of weeks until I'm moving up to the farm and I have to organize the surgery," Dave whispered back. He then kissed Drew on the cheek, climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. Drew rolled over and cuddled up to Tess's back. She was...

2 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 30

Tess swiveled in the seat and looked out of the rear window of the F250. Dave was standing in the doorway of the machinery shed waving good bye to her and Drew.The sheep in the trailer were rocking as they bounced down the gravel driveway that had developed some deep ruts courtesy of the heavy truck carting wheat to the silo.It was early Thursday morning and Tess and Drew were leaving for the city. Drew to deliver his sheep and Tess to check in with her staff at the bank.Drew stopped at the...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 32

"Okay, time for you to learn to wrestle sheep," Drew said as he jumped off the quad bike and shut the gate of the pen behind the shearing shed. They had been down to one of the far paddocks and separated maybe thirty five sheep from them main flock. After walking them back to the pens at the rear of the shearing shed they now had to cut twenty of last year's lambs from the breeding ewes. "Right you herd them down the race and I'll work the gate to sort them out," said Drew. "Be careful the dog...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 4

Drew opened his eyes. No it hadn't been a dream. He was lying on his side. Tess was cuddled into his back. Dave was spooning her. He quietly slid off the bed. First he went to the kitchen to put on a fresh pot of coffee. He returned down the hallway to the bathroom. He was about to walk in when he heard the water start to run. Peeking around the corner he saw that Dave was adjusting the temperature of the shower. "He must have got up just as I left the room," Drew thought. "Do I just walk in?...

1 year ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 18

Dave woke with a start. He had been dreaming of the farm but now he was not there. As he regained his senses he realized that Fiona was asleep across his left arm. He was on his back. Tess and Drew were taking turns sucking his cock. His erect cock was throbbing under their lips. He was still a little confused. He had no idea what time it was, although he could tell it was morning as the sun was well and truly up. He now looked toward Tess and Drew and smiled at them. Drew had the head of his...

2 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 8

Drew was woken by the alarm clock the next morning. Dave sat up on the opposite side of the bed and turned it off. He stood up and stretched his arms toward the ceiling. Drew marveled at his physique through half closed eyes. Seeing him in his naked glory stirred his cock into life immediately. Dave turned around, bent down and gave Tess a little shake with his hand on her hip. "Just give me another half an hour," she groaned. Dave turned and went into the bathroom. Drew lifted his head and...

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The Rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 21

Geoff brought his four wheel drive to a stop next to Drew's machinery shed. He climbed out and pulled his overnight bag from the passenger seat. Closing the door he turned and spotted Drew and Dave coming across the yard. Drew was also carrying a bag. "Good morning boys," he called to them. "Hi Geoff. All ready for your weekend?" Dave asked. "You bet, you never know your luck in a big city," he replied with a smile on his face. He tossed his car keys to Dave. "Just in case you have to go to...

1 year ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 12

It was almost 6pm. as Drew turned off the highway into Geoff's driveway. It had taken him longer than he'd thought it would to get home. He had said goodbye to Tess at 8am when she left for work. Then he had driven Dave to his surgery as he had left his car there over the weekend. He now remembered the kiss Dave had given him in the car park. A secretive sort of kiss, he did have a reputation to keep and was worried in case a patient might see them. It made Drew smile that even Dave, a man of...

1 year ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 29

Tess heard the engines of the truck and the tractor as the boys drove into the yard. It was dark outside as she went along the veranda to the end of the house and watched her two men walk across the yard towards the house. "Finished for today?" she asked as they came through the back gate and kicked off their boots at the back door. "Yes Tess," said Drew. "Good. I have cooked dinner, as soon as you have showered we can eat. We have lots to talk about," answered Tess, "You guys don't think you...

2 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 5

Tess woke up on Wednesday morning, alone in the big bed. She could hear a motor running somewhere.'Doesn't anybody sleep in around here?' she thought to herself. She sat up, slid over to the edge of the bed and put her robe on.She visited the lavatory and bathroom. Next stop was the kitchen where she poured herself a large cup of coffee. Taking the coffee cup with her, she stepped through the back door on to the veranda. She turned left and followed it around to the far side of the house so...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishopchapter 35

Tess lay in her hammock in the shade. Christmas lunch was over. The boys had cooked an enormous turkey with all the trimmings. They had waited for Geoff to arrive before they had opened the presents and then had eaten together. She knew she had over eaten and that tomorrow she would ask Dave to accompany her on a long ride on the mountain bikes to try and burn some calories. But now the table had been cleared and the dishes were being washed in the dish washer. Drew and Dave had gone off in a...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 10

Drew and Dave retired to the bedroom. "Thanks for catching on so quickly, Tess really wanted some girl time with Fiona," said Dave. "Yes I noticed, she's quite into her isn't she?" Drew replied. "Get comfortable, I have a DVD. we can watch together, I hope you enjoy it," said Dave, as he went over to the closet, opened the door and slid open the bottom drawer. After rummaging around for a minute he said, "Here it is, I only just bought it recently and I've only flicked through it once but it...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 24

"So you can drop me off to pick up my truck and trailer?" asked Drew into the mobile phone. "Excellent, I'll see you then," he said and then hung up. He was standing in the apartment and staring out at the view of the city skyline. It was eight o'clock Sunday morning and it was shaping out to be a cracker of a day, weather wise. The sun streamed through the huge windows and warmed his naked body. Turning around, he saw Tess wrapped in her silk robe coming from the bedroom. "That was Geoff. He...

2 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 14

Dave and Drew jumped from the top of the boulder into the clear water below for the second time and then swam back towards Tess. Tess watched them as they waded toward her. The two lovers with their athletic bodies strode through the shallows, their cocks and scrotum's swinging as they came towards her. She could feel her pussy becoming moist at the sight of them. She stayed in her chair luxuriating in her nakedness. Her skin shone in the sun with the coating of sun block she had spread on...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 33

It was the Friday before Christmas. Evelyn was packing a suitcase with the clothes that she would be taking to the farm for their short holiday with Drew, Tess and Dave. Henry was out fishing with a friend and would be home shortly. The weather was hot again and as was her way of late she was wearing only a bright orange sarong. It was made from a thin cotton cheese cloth, was cool and made her feel sexy. She never wore underwear around the house now. 'I wonder if I should dress like this with...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 2

Drew woke the next morning and was sure he still had the smile on his face. He quickly dressed himself in work clothes, checked the time, 7:45am, and padded down the hall to the kitchen in his socks. He found the phone directory and wrote down the name, number and address of a smash repair shop and the local dealer for the particular make of car that lay at the bottom of his drive. He wrote a note: "Feel free to use the telephone, I have found the numbers for you. I should be back in an hour or...

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‘Okay, time for you to learn to wrestle sheep,’ Drew said as he jumped off the quad bike and shut the gate of the pen behind the shearing shed. They had been down to one of the far paddocks and separated maybe thirty five sheep from them main flock. After walking them back to the pens at the rear of the shearing shed they now had to cut twenty of last year’s lambs from the breeding ewes. ‘Right you herd them down the race and I’ll work the gate to sort them out,’ said Drew. ‘Be careful the...

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Andrew by Grimbo Andrew slowly woke to the distant sound of a woman's voice. "Well sleepyhead," it said. "I'm glad you have finally awoken. You may be wondering were you are so I'll tell you. You're back inside Shannon's Boutique. You remember my store don't you? You came in here last week with your girlfriend and knocked a lot of the clothes off the rack. If my memory serves me, your comment was 'Let the staff pick them up. After all, that's what they get paid for.' Well,...

2 years ago
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Andrew Loses It

Andrew walked home from the party. No, he didn’t really walked, he stumbled and staggered, legs held as wide apart as he could, nursing an asshole that only a few hours earlier had been the virgin bud of a true stud, and was now gaping obscenely. Even as he walked he felt it throb and pulse… and he felt the warm liquid leaking down along his inner thighs – liquid that could only be Thomas’s cum. His mind kept going back to the party – a party to which he had been specially invited and to which,...

2 years ago
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I met this guy Andrew on a website. He wanted to meet for coffee at the local coffee house. I agreed and met him at 2 in the afternoon. When I got there, he was conducting a meeting with some of his colleagues. I grabbed me an iced tea, then walked towards his table. Andrew pulled me to sit next to him on the booth bench.He wrapped up his meeting, then turned his attention to me. We sat close as we chatted about our likes and dislikes. His hands were all over my legs and arms. I didn't...

3 years ago
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Andrew and James

Andrew helps me put my stuff in my car, then he climbs in the drivers seat, to take me back to his house. Or so I thought. The man drove to the cute little boutique in town. "A Dream for Him" , Andrew lead me through the door with him holding my hand. An older woman built like a brick house stepped out from the back room. "Hi, Louise" Andrew said. Louise came over and kissed Andrew on the cheek and gave him a hug. Andrew introduced me to her and told me to go look around, as the two who...

1 year ago
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Lydia and Andrew Chapter One

Lydia was walking in to the front door of her apartment with the shopping. She held one bag of groceries in her hand, using the other to text her daughter, Sulama. She didn’t even know what had hit her. The shopping fell from her hand, the contents scattering loosely across the floor. She looked up with shock to see a tall, middle aged gentleman wearing a pint striped suit. He was wearing black rimmed glasses, was thin and had a receding hairline, the front of his forehead clearly visible, with...

2 years ago
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Lydia and Andrew Chapter One

Lydia was walking in to the front door of her apartment with the shopping. She held one bag of groceries in her hand, using the other to text her daughter, Sulama. She didn’t even know what had hit her. The shopping fell from her hand, the contents scattering loosely across the floor. She looked up with shock to see a tall, middle aged gentleman wearing a pint striped suit. He was wearing black rimmed glasses, was thin and had a receding hairline, the front of his forehead clearly visible, with...

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