The CompetitionChapter 10 Experiment Begins
- 3 years ago
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After making love and talking some more, I was too revved up to sleep. Josh wasn't. I watched him sleep and my love for him just kept getting stronger and stronger, and while daydreaming about our future together, I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.
The sun was shining brightly when my eyes opened. Josh wasn't in bed with me. When I ran my hand over the sheet where he'd been, I couldn't feel his body heat. He's been up for a while, I reasoned.
I stretched kicking the sheet away and realized I was feeling wonderful! I probed the townhouse for Josh's presence and found him. He was talking with his sister on the telephone, which didn't surprise me. While she'd been gallivanting around the world, they'd talked most mornings, and the morning talks had become a habit. I'd gleaned this information with my probe, not from conversations.
Josh loved me, but he also loved his sister. I'd tried to determine if he loved me more than Sandy, but the quest proved fruitless. My mom would've said simply, "Love is love, silly. That's just the way it is."
"Thank you, Mom," I said out loud.
I sensed Josh in my mind and let him wander around. I think my probe alerted him that I'd awakened. I was enjoying the feel of the white, satin sheets on my sensitized skin while I continued to stretch when Josh stepped into the room with a cup in one hand and his satellite cell phone in the other.
"I went out early and bought some coffee and a coffee pot, a toothbrush and a few other things I thought you might need. I brewed the coffee, a first for me, but I followed directions. From an attitude check before I went out, I also found out you like sugar and non-dairy creamer in your coffee. I hope it's drinkable."
"Thank you, thank you," I gushed as I took the mug. I sipped and smiled. "Ah, French roast. How did you... ? Never mind. It's good!"
He beamed.
"I've also been on the telephone with Sandy for quite a while. Would you mind talking with her while you have your first cup of coffee?"
"She knows about us, then?"
"Yes, I share everything with her, Nicole. You don't mind, do you?"
I smiled. "No, I know how it is between the two of you. She's your first love, and you'll love her always." He handed me the telephone.
"Hello," I said tentatively.
"Nicole, it's so pleasant to finally hear your voice. I'm so happy for you and Josh!"
"Thank you." I took another sip. "Sandy, I want a nice, long conversation with you, but I just woke up, and..."
She laughed, and I adored the sound of her laughter.
"I understand," she said. "A tinkle, among other things, is in order. Do what you need to do and call me back. Just press..."
"Speed-dial number one on the satellite cell phone."
She laughed again. "Yup, you do know everything down to the minutia. I'll expect your call soon. I'm really looking forward to a nice, long conversation with you, and fortunately this morning is the perfect time. Hand the phone to Josh, please. I want to talk with him some more."
I gave him the phone, a quick kiss and dashed for the bathroom. His thoughts about the way I looked as I scurried away from him pleased me. Later, I was even more pleased when I discovered he'd bought the toothpaste I preferred. My lover pays attention to the detail in my mind, I thought. A hairbrush and comb approaching the kinds I used had been placed next to the other toiletries he'd purchased for me, so I brushed out the tangles and wondered what to wear.
"There's a new terry robe hanging on the door hook," Josh said to my silent query. I pulled it on, once again appreciating Josh's attention to detail. Maybe I wouldn't need to hurry home this morning after all.
He was still talking with Sandy when I exited the bathroom, and he handed the phone to me. "I'll shower while you two talk," he said.
With a chuckle, I said, "Sandy, I guess I won't need to hit speed-dial number one."
"I guess not. Okay, here's the deal, Nicole. I want to meet you face to face, just you without Josh along. Can you take time off your job? If it will cost you, Josh and I will reimburse you, and we've already agreed that we'll cover your expenses for a trip to New York City." She chuckled. "Oh, and Josh insists that you and I go on a shopping spree in Manhattan - on him, he says, and not just for you, for me, too. So you've gotta say yes, Nicole. I do love to shop on Josh's nickel. I don't get the opportunity very often." She laughed again. "In fact, this is my first. Waddaya say?"
"How long?" I asked wondering if Harry had any real need for me over the next few days. There was a closing...
"Let's say a week. A few days with me alone, and if things work out, Josh will fly to New York and join us for the balance of the week."
"This is important to Josh, isn't it?"
"All right, but I can't afford to lose my job over this. I'll need to check with my boss before I commit."
"I understand. Oh, we'll have so much fun, Nicole! I can't wait to meet you. I'll get tickets to a Broadway play, and New York offers a lot of other tourist venues that I've been meaning to visit and haven't. Tell me, what do you do for Olsen Investment Company?"
"I'm an intern. Besides being a go-for for my boss and acting as his hostess when he entertains, I review sale packages being offered to Olsen, run various tests on the numbers regarding the properties being offered, such as internal rates of return, Olsen's method of cap-rate calculation, and others, and then make recommendations whether the opportunity presented in the packages should be pursued or tossed in file thirteen. If Olsen looks deeper into a property, I sometimes perform an inspection visit, utilizing Olsen's checklist for property inspections, and then I write up my findings. I also work on properties we offer for sale, like the apartment complex you and Josh bought the other day. It's a pretty good summer job, and I've been told they like my work and might hire me when I graduate next May."
"Yup, you're perfect for what we need for our business. Would you consider switching jobs and working with Josh? We'll double your salary."
"Whoa, you're movin' way too fast for me, Sandy. I have one more year in college before I graduate, and I won't jeopardize..."
"Nicole, Josh brought up the same point. We promise that the job won't interfere with your education. Will you continue working with Olsen when the new school term starts?"
"No. They only utilize full-time summer help for their intern positions."
"Well, our investment company will hire you part-time while you finish college. You pick your hours, and they can vary from week to week, depending on your class workload. Josh needs a little help. He's going to college, too. He told you about Phoenix College's online program, didn't he?"
"When he graduates, he plans to go on for an MBA with their online program. Are your grades good enough to get into graduate school?"
"Sandy, I'm attending ASU on a full academic scholarship."
"Oh, Josh didn't mention that. Straight A's or close, huh?"
"Would you like to go on and get your MBA?"
"Of course, but..."
"Josh does too - online. The investment company will pick up your tuition and expenses if you want to continue your education online. That way you can work part-time with Josh while you continue your education."
"Oh. I don't know what to say... yes, I do. We'll talk about these issues and more during my visit with you in New York. When would you like me to come?"
"ASAP, according to Josh, but don't let him bully you about it."
"I won't."
"Now, tell me about this shield you taught Josh how to create. Do you really think I can create one?"
"Yes. My father created one, and he isn't telepathic, but with Josh, you'll need two shields, one for your mind and the other a full-body shield."
Sandy chuckled. "Trust Josh to complicate things. You say you can feel it when Josh enters your mind?"
"Yes, if he's probing for an attitude. And he can feel my scans." I huffed a laugh. "What I didn't know was that he could probe for pure emotions and sensations and I couldn't feel his probes. I fixed his wagon, though, with the full-body shield."
Sandy laughed gaily. "Good for you. Why two shields? Why not just a full-body shield?"
"I don't mind if he's feeling what I'm feeling, so the full-body shield isn't necessary unless I want absolute privacy, and from what he's told me, you'll probably end up just using the mind shield like me. I understand that your concern is the possibility of Josh implanting a need that will force you to do something you wouldn't otherwise do."
"In part, yes."
"Josh implants what he calls an attitude. In your case he'd bundle the kinds of needs you fear, and then he'd transfer the bundle into your mind. A mind shield effectively blocks access to your mind, so the transfer couldn't take place. You said, 'In part.' What else bothers you?"
"I understand you know about my past lives. Correct?"
"Yes. Josh didn't tell me, but I uncovered just about everything Josh knows about you during a deep probe last night. For what it's worth, during puberty, besides the onset of my telepathic abilities, I had flashes of memories from what I think was my immediate past life, and since then the memories have become much more complete. So, I understand firsthand that what happened to you can happen."
"That's interesting. Tell me about your memories."
"I was a female, thank goodness, so my past life gender didn't confuse me about my gender in this life, and I lived in England, so I didn't gain a language, like you. I'll be happy to discuss my past life in detail when we meet, and I'd love to hear about yours. My goodness! Over one thousand years, both as a man and a woman in various places around the world! I find your memories even more extraordinary than the paranormal talents Josh and I enjoy. We changed subjects. You were about to tell me what else bothered you about Josh's empathic intrusions."
"My memories of my past lives are in my current memories. I don't want him to know about some of the things I had to do just to survive in some of them, Nicole."
"Oh. Okay, I understand. The mind shield will effectively block him from stumbling across your memories when he scans you for attitudes, as well. Your memories should be perfectly safe, Sandy, although, for the life of me, I don't know what you're worried about. Josh loves you deeply. Nothing you did in any past life will change how he feels about you in this one."
"Are you all right with the way he loves me?"
"Yup. I'm happy for both of you. I learned about unlimited love from my mother sitting at the kitchen table when I was fourteen years old. I've always considered my mom the most remarkable woman I've ever known. After I get to know you better, I might need to alter that judgment. Sandy, from everything I've learned about you from wandering around in your brother's thoughts and memories, I must tell you I think you're as remarkable as my mother, maybe more remarkable."
"Well, thank you, Nicole. You mentioned your father built a shield to keep you out of his mind. Before that, could he feel it when you scanned him?"
"Not for years. He does now and has for some time, but my mom told him about my telepathy before he learned to sense my scans. This upset him, as you can imagine, so I did research about telepathic shields, and passed along the results to my mom, who gave them to Pop. He built a shield lickety-split, and it was a powerful sucker, too, multi-layered, a mirrored surfaced at the outside, a marshmallow shield just behind the mirror to soften the blow of a mental attack, should one occur, and a few other layers just to make sure. He's since dropped all the shields but the impervious mirror he creates."
"He sounds like quite a character."
"Do you know why I want to meet you before being around Josh again?"
I chuckled. "You want to test the shield you create against my telepathic probes."
"You've got it! But there's more. Josh loves you. He's loved before, and unwisely. Not to put any pressure on you, but I care about Josh more than you can imagine. Frankly, Nicole, I want to check you out face to face. If that's too blunt, I'm sorry."
I laughed nervously. "Sandy, if I were you, I'd do the same thing. After all, Josh and I have only known each other for two days. Of course our probes have given us intimate knowledge of each other that often isn't achieved in a long-term relationship. Look, you've been blunt with me, so I'll be blunt with you. Shame on you, Sandy, for putting Josh through so much pain because you didn't trust him to be honest with his empathic abilities."
She didn't speak for a few seconds, and I wondered if I'd gone too far. Fuck it, I thought. She had it coming.
"I didn't respond immediately because what you said brought sudden tears to my eyes. For what it's worth, you can't shame me nearly as much as the shame I've heaped on myself over the last year and a half. I know I hurt him deeply." She sniffed. "I like you, Nicole. That took gumption, and if you love Josh like he thinks you love him..."
"He's my soul mate, Sandy. I love him more than anything, including myself. Fate brought us together. You believe fate made you and Josh brother and sister, so you know what I mean. I've been playing with the idea that fate is bringing the three of us together. I'll firm up my attitude regarding the three of us after the New York trip."
I heard the shower shut down. "Josh is getting out of the shower, Sandy. I'll check with my boss today - I have his home number - and then I'll call you back. We'll talk more then, and if I can get the time off without jeopardizing my job, I'll make arrangements to meet you."
"My travel agent will make the arrangements, Nicole."
"Oh, good. Listen, I do want to talk more with you, but frankly right now I'd rather go help Josh dry off."
Sandy laughed heartily. "Go for it, girl."
I waited impatiently in my dowdy apartment, the apartment I was so proud of in the recent past. Compared to Josh's townhouse, my apartment was a dump.
Earlier, after drying Josh's wet body with a fluffy towel and another hot session in bed, we showered together, and he gave me a tour of his townhouse. It was quite large, a little over two thousand square feet, Josh told me. Besides the master suite, which was beyond sumptuous, the place had a large guestroom with a private bath, a humongous office where Josh worked - with enough space for another desk if I accepted his and Sandy's job offer, Josh pointed out. A small living room was located to the left of the entry foyer, a formal dining room to the right. The grand entry hall moved toward the back of the townhouse to a large family room and kitchen with kitchen eating. The ceilings were high, soaring in places. Oh, there was a hall bath, too, and a hot tub by the patio outside. The townhouse came with a two-car garage.
"Whew!" I gushed. "The rent on this place has to be higher than a cat's back."
Josh laughed, and a quick scan told me he was laughing more about my cat's back expression than anything.
"I don't pay rent," Josh said. "I own the place. It's free and clear, no mortgage. I bought it with cash out of my third real estate deal."
As we continued to tour the townhouse, I noted all the antiques. "Did Sandy help you decorate?"
"Only to the extend that some of the furniture pieces and accessories belong to her. I did my own decorating, Nicole. I get a kick out of fixing a place up."
Which didn't bode well for me. I'd fixed up my dump, but...
Tears stung my eyes, and Josh picked up on my sudden unhappiness immediately. I felt a quick attitude scan.
"Ah, honey, you can fix up our next place. No, we'll do it together. You've got it in you to do as good as job as I've done here."
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The two girls lay on the concrete floor, so badly beaten and abused that they had not even been able to get as far as the bed. They had run out of voice and tears hours before, and now just lay there and whimpered. They were small girls and exact images of each other as they were twins. Their long red hair was matted with blood from their backs. Their green eyes were glazed by pain, and blood obscured many of their freckles where their flesh was not torn or bruised The one girl moaned even...
He stood for a moment at the doorway, watching her breathe, his body stirred by the sight of her. He had never owned a slave before. Now he had two and was constantly amazed at the range of feelings both girls aroused in him. He had been away for several days, longer then expected and was quite glad to be home. He moved to his chair and watched the sunset through the window. It had been a long trip, and he was tired,but the warmth of the fire and the scent of lavender both his girls used in...
I have a sexy little submissive closet slave that I have been training, Slave Jezebeth loves to bow down to me. I treat her to a nice bowl of water with a bit of her master’s spit in it, she drinks it right down. I let her be and come back the next day, the master needs to be serviced. I drag her out by her hair and throw her on the bed like a good sub Jezebeth knows what’s about to happen. I fuck my closet slut real good slapping, choking, and spitting on her as she begs for more....
xmoviesforyouThe night before had been wonderful. In one magical night, Steve found out his mother had a secret life. She put on Webcam shows from her bedroom. He logged on and began to enjoy her show firsthand. He was extremely turned on. As he masturbated to the site of his beautiful mother, he knocked the camera over revealing his identity. What he figured would be a disaster, ultimately became the greatest night of his life. He and his mother spent the entire night making love. He did things he had...
IncestHello handsome guys and pretty girls. I’ll be continuing the story for at least 2 more parts. Vidya felt something fishy with Sandhya turning more obedient in a single night but did not show that. She acted like sleeping just with a closed eye and a leg on Sandhya’s thigh. After 30 minutes, Vidya sensed her feet is back on the cot and Sandhya getting up from the bed. She could feel her smell coming near to check whether they are sleeping and went to the hallway. Sandhya took all 3 mobile phones...
They traipsed through the mud, just as the elder had said, the forests here were thinning out. There were fewer pale trees, the vegetation beneath their boots giving way to reeds and what looked like colorful lilies that thrived in the shallow water. There seemed to be no hard boundaries here, no shores, just a spectrum of mud and water and everything in-between. The going was no easier, the damp earth sucked their feet deeper with every step, and Sleethe had taken to swimming through the...
I'd been sidelined and timed out before Chloe came into my life. Just about ready to head for the backwoods and become a certified hermit. Until I suddenly found out that instead of being all alone in the world I had myself a best friend, a business partner and the girl of my dreams, all wrapped up in one beautiful little package. And the way I figured it, if I was lucky enough to have somebody like Chloe literally fall into my lap out of nowhere, then maybe I lucky enough to turn my business...
IllustratedGloria Carter, in a gray uniform jumpsuit, stuck her head into her manager's office. "Do you have a minute, Boss?" "What's up?" "I have a mission proposal that you'll probably want to turn down." "Come in and tell me what you want to do." Gloria restacked the contents of the least-burdened chair and sat down. "You remember the mission with the equations, the ones that got them off the planet and all the other good stuff?" "The one where you killed that creep with the knife?...
I believe my profile states that I am married, and you’ve read my stories about my friend Kristin. But nothing has been said about about my female FWB. Her name is Dani. I see her several times a month and we have regular sex. I subsidize her rent and phone I don’t write about our time together because for the most part it’s just vanilla sex. However this weekend I was feeling like I wanted a kinky adventure. On Saturday I texted her and ask if she was up for some kinky fun. She said sure and...
Kitten – Part I: Welcome Home Her day had been a good one, but her night would be even better. JP would be home from work soon. There were only a few things that she had left to do to be ready for his arrival. Today, Kitten had chosen to wear pink to welcome him home. He loved to see her in pink lace while she loved to please him. One way that she did that was to dress in tantalizing outfits that she knew would draw him right in. Kitten tilted her head to the side surveying her...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter contemplated his situation. Somehow he had been given the power to control other people’s minds. He knew that there was some kind of moral or ethical problem somewhere in this, but at this moment, with two hot girls sucking his cock and licking his balls, it was kind of hard for him to see it. Besides Tanya, who he had fucked so thoroughly not too long ago, Sara, Tanya’s flat...
May 1991: New York City I was sitting in my favorite café in the city sipping coffee enjoying the Times. Work had been a little grueling so it was great to get out of the office and enjoy the spring warmth. It was a beautiful day and I took it all in. My long flowered skirt fluttered in the slight breeze and I pushed my sunglasses up and began to read the paper. I was immersed in something when I heard a familiar voice. "Beth, is that you?" My heart froze as I looked up and saw...
This experience is from the summer between my graduation from high school and my entry into college. During this time I worked at the sub shop on the edge of town. It wasn't a very well known one, and if you weren't from our town, you never would've heard of it. This caused us to have slow periods, where we would be left to our own devices. Only two people ever worked at a time, and I often found myself working with Chyanne on the 4pm to midnight shift. The uniforms we had to wear were a red...
Straight SexWe'd like to share a little story of what we did last weekend in a hotel room. But before we do, we would like to point out that we are both consenting adults, that do like a little rough sex and dirty talking and we know how to turn each other on. We have a password so that if either of us feels uncomfortable with what is going on we can say and everything stops. Read on:First we got a cracking deal of £10 per person per night at a B&B so the male is well happy already! Then we drank...
I ignored Austin if I ran into him in the halls at school. Harry and I made plans for our date on Saturday night. The Transformers: The Last Knight was playing at the theater in town. That was too much kid stuff for us. Easton’s theater was playing Spider-Man: Homecoming. We considered it. Finally, we found out that Despicable Me 3 was playing at Salisbury’s Regal Cinemas. The opportunity to watch the minions at play was too much to pass up. Harry’s mom was willing to do the forty minute...
When Emilio Ardana pops out of his office he’s already in the mood for a quick cock sucking to relieve his morning stresses and he happens to come upon a pro, Linda Black who always does dick right. Linda is discreet and masterful at getting men off, the perfect combination for a working man in need of afternoon relief. When the curvy assed Columbian Milf saunters up the outdoor stairway in her black dress with her big tits hanging busting out, Emilio and his cock are most excited to meet...
xmoviesforyouGood deeds are seldom performed for personal gain or selfish reasons. People do good deeds in order to help others, and reap only the satisfaction that the other person is better off. Sometimes, however, these two notions can meet, creating the word “opportunity.” For me, I began to understand how the twain shall meet during one nondescript, still summer evening at home. I was in my late teens, and, my older sister, while just beginning her new tax accountant job, had yet to find a suitable...
IncestWorked on lady's house and heard how I reminded her of her late husband. he did in work accident leaving her alone in her early 30's. She was not 40 and very lonely. I did her honey do list as side money for collage. After a while I was invited to dinner after work. To make me comfortable a shower and robe. She washed my clothes, with in a week she had bought me clothes in my exact size. Right down to undershorts and socks. Each day a reason to stop by and pick up something. She rented movie...
Reddit Afrodisiac, aka r/Afrodisiac! Everyone has a specific taste when it comes to women who make our dick hard, and well, if your dick prefers the gorgeous black beauties, how about checking out r/Afrodisiac/. As you can see, they have a fun play on words with aphrodisiac, which stands for something that stimulates sexual desire… and, in this case, it is Afrodisiac, meaning all the black beauties who make your dick rock solid.I love it when subreddits know what the fuck is up, and they name...
Reddit NSFW Listeverything. Like with sex, your first time is usually a little clumsy and awkward, but you still seem to enjoy it, and if you're lucky, the others enjoy it too. Let me start with a little background for you. I’m a big guy, 6 feet tall and about 290 pounds. My wife is only 5’4” and chubby at over 200 pounds herself. She has a great set of 38DD tits that I can’t get enough of. The way they swing when we fuck doggy style drives me crazy. My wife’s mother is about 5’3” and quite a bit...
Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Mommy's Home "Why Equine semen?" Silvia stared at the screen. "What?" Penelope turned away from her whiteboard and looked at Silvia. "Horse semen. He put horse semen in her this time," Silva sighed. "Ok that might not help identify our perpetrator but it adds more data to his signature. As you know, some serial killers like to engage with law enforcement or the media. Needling them or making demands or just boasting,"...
By: DamonX ([email protected]) The Married Woman Part 2 "Okay," I explained. "Just like this." The woman on the bench in front me struggled clumsily to lift the bar from her chest. Normally I'd be staring constantly at her perky tits, and drooling over her spandex covered ass, but my mind was elsewhere. "Good Cindy," I continued. "One more time." The girl struggled out one last rep before I took the bar and placed it back on the rack. "Well that's...
It had not been a good week. I had spent five days back east in my company's Charlotte office cooped up in a windowless room with a tall, gangly summer intern named Ray. I was supposed to be rolling out the new system software, but they were having hardware problems. And what do I know about hardware? Fly me all the way out to Charlotte just so I could watch some technician swapping circuit boards? So Ray and I hung around with our feet up on our little metal desks, and Ray bored me with...
Lilly Ford is enjoying herself to the fullest while dancing in her bedroom with her headphones on. She’s clearly into the music as she sways to it, her movements relatively innocent in the beginning. Eric Masterson, her step-father, arrives home and calls out to his step-daughter to let her know that he’s home. When he doesn’t get a response, he’s curious and concerned, calling out for her again as he goes to investigate. He approaches her bedroom and sees that...