A Balmy SpringChapter 5 free porn video

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"So what are your post-high school plans?" I asked the trio of girls who seemed to be my constant companions from seven-thirty to three, five days a week, while we were walking to first period.

"Sunbathing and shopping," Kristin sang out.

The rest of us laughed. "I meant long-term, after summer."

"I'll probably go to work for my dad," Shawna answered.

"No college?"

She shrugged. "I don't think college is for me. Besides, Dad is already holding a spot for me. He eventually wants me to manage his office so that I can learn everything there is to learn about real estate. He wants me to take over the company someday."

"That's cool," I said. I was much more comfortable discussing future plans now that I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, and the more comfortable I got with Kristin and her two friends, the easier it got for me to accept these developing relationships, for better or worse. "College isn't the only path."

"Yeah, but college is the most fun," Kristin said, directing the conversation back to her. "I'm going to major in partying."

I chuckled. "Seriously, Kris, don't you have any idea about what you want to do?"

"I AM serious," she said, her tone suddenly sounding that way. "I'm going to major in Hospitality and Tourism Management. It's something I've always been interested in. I've wanted to do it ever since Daddy began adding resorts as clients, back when I was, like, five."

Kristin's father was in advertising, and I already knew that she had traveled to resorts all over the Americas with him.

"Sounds interesting," I said. "What about you, Kimmie?"

"Kimmie's going to be a lawyer," chirped Kristin.

I was a little surprised by that, which showed how much I stereotyped cheerleaders. I knew Cassie, for example, was a good student, but I figured she was an exception among cheerleaders, especially since she wasn't one anymore, and never really wanted to be one in the first place. Then I thought about what I'd observed about Kimmie since we started hanging around together, and I realized that thinking about Kimmie in law school really wasn't that much of a stretch. I guess it was time for me to drop the cheerleader stereotype.

"That's cool," I echoed my earlier statement.

Kimmie sighed, "I guess."

"You guess?" I asked, my eyebrow raised, "It doesn't sound like you're too sure."

"No, law school would be great for me," she said, but her heart wasn't in it.

"Let me guess," I said, "Your parents want you to be a lawyer."

"Mostly my mom. Ever since she and Dad got divorced, she's intent on proving she's better off without him or any man. She thinks that being an attorney is a good way for me to get through life on my own. I'm not sure why she wants me to go that route, since Dad's a lawyer, unless it's to prove that a girl can be as successful as a guy."

I felt bad for Kimmie. I actually felt bad for most of the kids whose parents were divorced, especially if it was bitter. It seemed that so many of the kids felt like they were pawns in their parents' power struggle, or maybe they just felt broken, like their homes. I knew a lot of people looked at me and felt bad that my dad died when I was so young, but I can at least always go through life knowing that my parents loved each other until the very end.

"What do you really want to do?" I asked.

She looked at me for a second before her face split in a radiant smile. "Art. I want to be an art teacher."

"Really?" Kristin asked. "I never knew you wanted to be an art teacher. I just always thought it was a hobby."

Kimmie shrugged.

"She's really good, too," Shawna said, making Kimmie blush.

"Then you should do it," I said, then immediately thought that those seemed like bold words from a guy who didn't have a clue what she was going through. "But it's probably not that easy, is it?"

"It's no big deal. I'll always have my art as a hobby."

The early bell rang.

"Gotta go," Kristin said. She stood on her tiptoes and pecked me on the lips. "See you after class!"

She and Shawna headed down one hallway, while Kimmie and I continued the way we were walking, since she and I had first period across the hallway from each other. Mike Vincent appeared through the crowd a moment later and glared at me. I froze.

Mike Vincent, lovingly labeled by me and some of my crew as 'The Walking Dick', had been Kristin's on-again/off-again boyfriend for a couple of years. They'd been off-again when she was sinking her talons into me the previous semester, but that turned into on-again when he caught her trying to impale herself on my dick at a party. She claimed that I was trying to rape her, which also resulted in his fist touching my face in a very unpleasant way. Cassie facilitated a truce when he found out things weren't quite as they seemed. He then returned to treating me like I didn't exist. He'd gotten a new girlfriend over the holidays, so I really hadn't worried about him this whole semester while I'd gotten better acquainted with Kristin.

Now, though, the look in his eyes was enough to make me want to hide. When he started moving in our direction, I actually looked around for a soft place to land when I lost the inevitable fight that I knew was on the way.

"What's wrong?" Kimmie asked, from a few steps in front of me, where she'd stopped when she realized I wasn't beside her anymore. She followed my look. "What, Mike?"

"Uh..." I said, eloquently.

She sighed as she grabbed my elbow and began pulling me with her. "Brody; Mike and Kristin have moved on. He isn't interested in who she's dating."

I wasn't too sure, and as he continued in our direction, my doubts became blaring warnings.

We stopped moving when we were a few feet away from each other. Other kids gave us curious glances as they passed, obviously remembering last semester, but nobody else stopped.

"Hey, Kimmie," Mike grunted. "What's up, Brown?"

Now how do I answer that? Was it a loaded question, just a way to get me to say something about Kristin so he could pummel me?

"Hi, Mike," Kimmie said, and I could see she was obviously wondering if her earlier statement about them moving on was accurate after all.

"Not much," I said, hoping that he was really, truly just wanting to know what was up.

He looked me up and down, as if he was appraising his prey. "You ever thought about going out for football?"

I blinked twice. "Huh?"

"With me and the other guys graduating, there're some holes that need filling. We told Coach we'd look around for some guys who might be up for the job."

I was still so stunned by the unexpected question, that I didn't say anything.

Kimmie looked back and forth between the two of us, then shook her head in frustration.

"Brody's moving in the summer," she said.

Mike's eyebrows rose. "That so?"

I broke from my trance. "Uh, yeah, Arizona."

"Huh. Too bad." He looked me up and down one more time and then shrugged. "Oh, well. Later, Man."

We watched him walk away, then looked at each other. Kimmie smirked at me. It was then that I remembered what she said.

"You said a second ago that Mike doesn't care who Kristin is dating. I'm not dating Kristin."

Kimmie's smirk dropped as her brow furrowed. "You ... you're kidding, right?"

"Kimmie, I have never gone on a date with Kristin."

She rolled her eyes. "Boys are so clueless sometimes. You may not have ever gone out on an 'official' date, but you might as well have. It's common knowledge around the school that you and Kristin are girlfriend/boyfriend."

You could have knocked me over with a feather. Kimmie had to be joking. "Are you serious?"

"Brody, do you not listen to the gazillion rumors that pass through the hallways?"

"Uh, I kind of started ignoring them after what happened in the fall. You know, at the party?"

"Clueless," Kimmie mumbled. She glanced at the wall as if looking for a clock. Then she grabbed my wrist and started pulling me quickly towards our classrooms. "Why did you tense up when Mike came our way?"

"Huh?" I was still blown away by Kimmie's classification of me and Kristin.

"Why did you tense up when Mike came our way? Why did you think he was going to make a scene?"

I thought for a second. "Because I was afraid he thought Kristin and I..." My eyes opened wide. "Oh, shit."

We'd reached our classrooms. Kimmie turned to me as the last trickle of students raced to their classrooms. "Either embrace it, or break it off with Kristin. She may not show it much, but she has feelings, too."

That sounded an awful lot like what Cassie said. The late bell rang, and Kimmie gave me a sad smile before ducking into her classroom.

I slumped. I was such an idiot.

I was feeling particularly emotional that afternoon, but I didn't know the reason. I wondered if this is how girls felt when they got all hormonal during their periods. The whole exchange with Kimmie left me feeling out of sorts, then I saw Cassie holding hands with Brendan on the way to lunch. Danica saw them, too, and I could see the concern in her frown. I wondered if things had cooled off between them, but I saw Danica laughing as she got into Cassie's car after school. Cassie hadn't spoken to me in two days, not since our fight the night I had dinner with the Bartletts. I moped as I drove myself home. I was concerned about Cassie and Brendan, worried about her relationship with Danica, and bummed with the realization that my friendship with Cassie was dead, or at least on life support. I didn't have the energy to be angry at myself or anyone. I was just ... sad and lonely.

Kristin was waiting for me when I got home from school.

"I thought you had cheerleading practice," I said, as I stepped out of the car.

Kristin put on a faux pout. "Wow, try not to sound so excited to see me."

I tried to give her a reassuring smile. "I am ... glad ... to see you." I waited for that pang of guilt I always feel when I lie, except it didn't come. I suddenly realized ... I really was kind of glad to see her. "I was just surprised, that's all."

Her face dimpled as she threw her arms around me and gave me a hearty kiss. I hesitated at first, thinking how much this seemed like a very boyfriend/girlfriend thing to do. She was such a good kisser, though, that I slid my arms around her and returned the kiss. I could sort through all this relationship confusion later.

We were in my bedroom a few minutes later, kissing passionately beside the bed. They were long, slow kisses as our hands languidly explored each other's body. It was when I finally slipped my hand up under her shirt, nearly ten minutes after we started kissing, that I realized this was the longest we'd ever kissed at one time. She hummed happily into my mouth, and another sudden realization hit me and almost made me gasp.

I was treating Kristin like a cherished lover. For the first time, I wasn't just ripping her clothes off or roughly fucking her. Was it because of what Kimmie said, about how others viewed us as a couple? Was it because of what she and Cassie said about Kristin having feelings, too? Was it because I was so lonely? Whatever the reason, I was seeing her as something other than my penance, my punishment for not saving Fuzz.

Mom always said that you either developed intimacy with those you had feelings for, or else you developed feelings for those you were intimate with. I guessed she was right.

I broke the kiss and waited for Kristin to open her eyes. When she did, the pale green seemed to pierce me. I kept my eyes locked on hers as I slowly undressed her. She didn't say anything, just kept her wide eyes trained on mine. Her breathing was almost a pant, but not quite. Her t-shirt came off, followed by her shoes, socks, and jeans. I slid my hands up her bare arms, making her shiver, then coaxed her back onto my bed. She really was gorgeous, especially displayed on my bed in only her bra and panties with her hair fanned out on my pillow. Her expression was a mixture of affection and trepidation, and I was sure she was wondering where this tenderness came from.

"You're beautiful," I reverently said.

A small smile played across her lips as she blushed. She held her arms out to me.

"Make love to me," she said. I'd told her before that we didn't make love, but I didn't correct her this time.

I quickly stripped, then moved onto the bed and into her arms. Our lips met again as she pulled me down onto her. Her lips were soft and moist, and they were hungry for mine. She whimpered when I pulled away, but that turned to a moan as I nipped at her neck and shoulder. I kissed my way to her cleavage, up the slopes of her young breasts, and over the top of her bra, breathing hotly through the lace. She groaned and hunched her crotch up against mine when I caught her hard nipple between my teeth. I slipped my hands under her back and unclasped the unwanted barrier between us. There was nothing in the way when my mouth met the crinkled nub that tipped her breast this time. I paid homage to one breast before moving to the other, and while I suckled that one, I slipped my hand inside her panties and into her humid folds. I rubbed my palm against her swelling clit. She groaned again and pushed her pussy against my hand. Her hands came to my face and pulled mine back to her lips. We then divested her of her panties together. Instinct guided our bodies together, and the tip of my cock nudged her swollen labia apart.

She broke the kiss to look into my eyes again. "Oh, Brody," she sighed. As I ducked to capture her lips again, I let my body sag and my cock slowly sank into her heat. I swallowed the sigh that escaped her lungs as our bodies joined.

I kept the pace languid, taking long deep thrusts into her pussy while our hands and lips roamed. I occasionally paused deep inside her, mashing her clit, and rubbing it with the base of my cock, before slowly pulling out to resume my thrusting. She began to tremble after a few minutes. Her moaning was constant, and I knew she was close, so I moved my lips to her ear, breathing hotly and sucking the lobe.

"So good, Kris," I whispered, "So good. Come for me, Baby."

Her tremble became a quake, and with groan, she thrust her hips up and came.

"Ooo-ungh ... oh, God..." Her hips fell and mine fell with them, driving the head of my cock even deeper. "AAAH!!!" she squealed. I held her down with my hips as she convulsed beneath me, the spasms making her tortured clit rub against me and prolonging her pleasure.

When the tension fled her body, I feasted on her lips again and resumed my thrusting. I wanted to bring her off one more time before I came. She broke the kiss when the signs announced that she was close again.

"Oh, Brody ... I love this ... I love thiiiis..." I dropped my head and clamped my lips around her nipple and sucked hard. Her hips flew off the bed, her back arched, and her whole body seized for several seconds.

"OOOOOH!!!" she shrieked, as her muscles released. Her orgasm crashed through her body, and I sped up my thrusts as she shook in pleasure.

It took only another dozen strokes before I threw my head back and grunted as the soothing pleasure of my spunk raced up my shaft and filled her. I collapsed when the last drop left my body, catching my weight on my elbows. Her lips immediately sought mine and we kissed until my cock softened enough to slip from her in a wash of our fluids.

I rolled off her and onto my back, and she rolled with me, snuggling against my side with her head nestled on my shoulder. We didn't say anything as our breathing returned to normal.

"Amazing," she sighed, after a few minutes. "That was ... beautiful. That may have been the most beautiful thing I've ever been a part of."

I realized that she was right. Making love really was a beautiful thing. I felt closer to Kristin at that moment than I did at any other time. I pulled her tighter to me, and she hummed her satisfaction.

"That was making love, wasn't it, Brody?" she asked, and she sounded so young and unsure at that moment that I rolled onto my side so that our faces were only inches apart. Her eyes were wide and anxious. I pecked her lips with mine.

"Yeah, Kris, that was making love."

She looked into my eyes, as if searching for something.

"No one's ever made love to me like that. Do ... do you love me, Brody?"

I hesitated because I didn't quite know what I felt for Kristin. I didn't love her, not like I loved the other girls in my life. I didn't really know how I would classify it.

"Do you want me to love you?" I asked in return. "I mean REALLY fall in love with you? Could you love me like that in return?"

Now it was her turn to be quiet as she thought of her answer.

"I used to think that's what I wanted," she quietly said. "There's something amazing about the power I feel when boys follow me around like lovesick puppies. But with you ... I don't know. You're not like that. You don't act lovesick, and I'm glad you don't. Do I love you? I ... no, I don't. Not like you mean. I think I've really grown to care about you, though, and I didn't expect that. So, I guess ... no, I don't want you to love me, either." She looked into my eyes again. "But I hope you care about me."

"I do care about you," I honestly said. "I couldn't have made love with you if I didn't."

"Is that why you put the brakes on things at the party last fall, because you didn't have feelings for me?"

I nodded.

"And is that why you didn't want me to call our sex 'making love' before?"

I shook my head this time. "It's kind of complicated. I'm not sure I can really explain it."

She looked mildly disappointed at my non-answer, but she let it go. She wiggled to get a bit more comfortable. "So, what are you doing for spring break?"

The mention of spring break brought Mia and Shay to mind. I didn't want to think about them at that moment.

"We're supposed to go to Texas."

"The Gulf Coast! Fun."

"Not exactly. Some ranch in western Texas."

She wrinkled up her nose. "Interesting choice; friends or family?"

"Uh, family." For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to tell her I was meeting my girlfriends. "What are your plans?"

Her eyes lit up. "Daddy's taking us to a new resort on Barbados that he's hoping to add as a client."

"Cool. Just your family?"

"They'll be other people from the agency going. Some of them have kids that I'm friends with, so I'll have people to hang out with." She stuck her bottom lip out in her classic pout. "I wish you could go with me, though. We'd have sooo much fun." She licked my chest and giggled.

I smiled, but my heart wasn't in it. I was thinking about Mia and Shay. I knew it was a totally jerky thing to do—thinking about other girls when you are with a different one—but Kristin's questions about spring break reminded me that I had a lot of emotional shit to work out and not very much time to do it.

Come to think of it, an island escape sounded great, ... preferably a DESERTED one.

I couldn't get that afternoon out of my head. I'm a fuck up. That's the only way to describe it. I never wanted to have a relationship with Kristin, and when it happened, I never intended for there to be feelings involved. I didn't feel as guilty about things when it was just sex. I mean, Mia and Shay both said they didn't expect us to be exclusive, but along the way I'd somehow developed feelings for Kristin, and I felt like I was cheating. True, my feelings for Kristin were NOTHING like what I felt for my sun-bunnies out west. But they WERE feelings, and I hadn't even told Mia and Shay that Kristin was in the picture at all.

Why didn't I feel the same guilt over Cassie? Was it because Mia and Shay knew about Cassie, and even encouraged our relationship? That was probably part of it. My feelings for Cassie were stronger than my feelings for Kristin, though, and yet I didn't feel a bit of guilt. Maybe it was because Cassie was content to be a friend and our feelings were strongest in that relationship, whereas my relationship with Kristin would be almost entirely romantic. She said she didn't love me, but I wasn't sure there was anywhere else to go if we planned to maintain our relationship. I knew we could fall for each other if we let ourselves, just as I knew she would demand exclusivity if we let things get that far.

Mia, Shay, Cassie, Danica, and Kristin. My head hurt. I was so fucking confused, and to make things worse, I wasn't even sure whether or not Cassie was still my best friend. I pretty much blew that relationship to hell.

"Why are you picking at your food, Brody?"

I glanced up at Mom, then back at the spaghetti I'd been pushing around my plate.

"I'm just not hungry, I guess," I said, shrugging.

Mom put her fork down and wiped her mouth with her napkin. "When are you going to tell me what's really bothering you?"

"Nothing's bothering me, Mom. I said I'm just not hungry."

"Brody, I've been your mother for sixteen years, and I know when something's up. I told myself to give you some space after the accident, give you time to pull out of this funk on your own, but you just seem to be sinking deeper into it."

I was not in the mood to have this conversation. "I'm fine," I curtly said, as I scooped my plate and glass up and carried them to the kitchen counter.

"What are you doing?" Mom evenly asked.

"If I'm not hungry, why waste my time eating? I have plenty of homework."

"Don't walk away from me, Son."

I could hear the mixture of pleading and frustration in her voice, but my emotions got the best of me. I slammed my dishes on the counter hard, not even caring if they broke or not. They didn't.

"There's nothing to talk about!" I snapped at Mom. "Why does everyone keep saying that? What's really starting to piss me off is that people won't BUTT OUT!"

"Brody, please..."

I glared at her as I stormed past.

"I have homework."

I slammed my bedroom door and flopped onto my bed, not bothering to grab my backpack. I lay there, swimming in my anger, counting all the ways I'd been wronged by the world. I wholly expected Mom to follow me, and I was tensed up and ready to fight if she did. I felt myself deflate when the minutes passed and she never came. Why, oh WHY, was I treating her and Cassie like dirt? Why was I shutting them out?

After another fifteen minutes of sinking deeper into my personal hell, I grabbed my science book and tried to study. My thoughts kept seeing the look on Mom's face when I stormed out of the kitchen. She looked ... stricken, hurt, and helpless. Walking out on Mom was probably the most despicable thing I could do. We promised we'd always be there for each other when Dad died, and in my opinion, walking out was like saying I didn't want to have anything to do with her. I owed her an apology, but no matter how many times I told myself that, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was just too emotionally low, stuck twelve feet down in a hole with no idea about how to get out. Besides, what would I say? An apology wouldn't be enough. She'd expect me to be ready to talk about things, and I knew I couldn't do that yet.

I chewed on this for another hour as I struggled through first my science, then my English homework. Finally, after reading the same stupid paragraph in 'All Quiet on the Western Front', I ground to a halt. The guilt was just too much. Thinking of Mom in her own room, hurt and alone, worried about me and at a loss for how to help me, was almost too much to bear. I forced myself off my bed and out of my room. I slowly walked to Mom's room, but hesitated beside the partially open doorway. I figured if she wanted to be left alone, she would have closed her door. I listened for a few minutes and could hear some quiet sniffles. That pricked my heart and steeled my resolve. I'd say I was sorry, and I'd ask Mom to give me some more time. I stepped into the doorway and froze.

Mom was on her knees beside her bed, her elbows bent on the edge, with her forehead resting on her clasped hands. My mind immediately went back to the last time I saw her praying. She was in an almost identical position the night Dad died. She didn't realize I was watching then either, and I could hear words that night. She prayed for strength so she could deal with the pain of being alone, then she prayed that she could be strong for me, to help me deal with losing Dad. I imagined her words were something similar as I watched her this time.

We weren't particularly religious, but I knew that Mom believed in God. If she was resorting to calling on deity, I must have been worse off than I thought. I could feel my throat tighten and my eyes smart, but I held my tears in check. I must have made a sound, because Mom raised her head and looked at me. Her face was streaked with tears, and I felt as low as I'd ever felt. She slowly rose, never taking her eyes off me.

"I'm s-sorry, Mom," I said, my voice breaking. I went on before I could chicken out. "I ... I miss Fuzz."

Her face softened. "Brody..."

My eyes welled with tears again. "It's my fault he's gone, Mom, and I don't think I can live with that." I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting to keep my composure with all my strength.

I didn't want to cry. Dammit, I did not want to cry. I didn't know why I was so afraid to. Maybe I thought I wouldn't stop if I started. Maybe I just didn't want to appear weak. I really didn't know, but I suddenly felt Mom's arms around me.

"It's OK, Brody, it's OK," she soothed. "It's OK, Baby."

She didn't try to tell me it WASN'T my fault he was dead, and I was grateful for that, for some reason. I'd heard people say that too many times, but they weren't there that day; they didn't know what I knew. Mom held me tight, let me rest my face in her neck, and comforted me with her presence. We stood that way for a long time, and I let her love and closeness slowly melt all the tension away. She was gently rubbing my back and rocking me from side to side. Neither of us said anything; we just touched.

I actually felt my eyes getting heavy and my legs getting weak as I stood there. I was absolutely drained.

"Can I..." I croaked. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Can I sleep with you? Please?"

"Of course, Sweetie," she softly said.

We hadn't slept together since the accident. What had become commonplace between us—sleeping together, not sex—hadn't happened in weeks, and I realized I should probably apologize for that, too, since it was my fault. I didn't say anything, though, as Mom moved me next to the bed. She efficiently stripped us down to our underthings, helped me into bed, and crawled in beside me. She gathered me back in her arms, and I curled against her, feeling like I was five years old again. I was drifting in and out of sleep within minutes.

"I love you, Mom," I slurred. "I'm sorry..."

"I love you, too, Brody."

Her whispered words carried me into the blackness.

"Help! Help me!"

I am dragging myself to the Barletts' SUV, hoping I won't be too late.

"Brody, help! The pain ... the pain, help me!"

I hesitate, looking back at Fuzz's car as he calls out for me. I turn back, intent on helping him.

"Please, oh God, please help..." This new voice stops me in my tracks. I look to my left, and there is Shay, naked, looking down at her crotch, which is a white frothy mess. She looks up at me, her eyes pleading. "Brody, why don't you help me?"

Then Mia is beside her, or at least a younger version of Mia, and she has tears in her eyes. "You won't help me, either. He touches me and wants to hurt me, but you won't help."

Another groan of pain—this time to my right. Another car, an old one from my memory.

"Brody," calls a raspy voice. "You're going to let me die..."

My eyes fill with tears. "Dad?" I call out tentatively as I step to the car. My eyes widen when I see him, my dad, his face bruised and bloody.

"Why, Brody?" he rasps, and then coughs, more blood spraying from his lips.

"I'm sorry, Dad," I cry. "I don't know what to do."

"Why, Brody?" Mia and Shay beg.

"Why won't you help me?" Connie Bartlett cries, "Why won't you help my daughter?"

"Why won't you help us?" Fuzz wails.

They repeat themselves over and over.

"I don't know what to do!" I wail.

Their words are a discordant symphony that soon swells to a deafening roar. I collapse to my knees and cover my ears with my hands, trying to block it out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Brody, Brody, wake up."

I was startled awake, and it took me a terrifying second to remember that I was in Mom's bed.

"It's OK, Sweetheart," Mom's soothing voice tried to calm me. "Just a bad dream, Baby, it's OK now."

I let out a shuddering sigh. "I'm OK, Mom. I'm awake."

I felt her body relax, but her hands remained on me, caressing me, soothing me.

"Another bad dream?" she asked.

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Ata diwsa Sundar aila thokun jaycha ani raatri Sundarchi aai mala thokayla yaachi.pudhche 3 aathavde ha nityakram chaaluch raaahila.Mi aaila mhanalo “Aai vel aaliye ki aai-mulala ek mekaanche khare chehre daakhvaaychi!!”aaiine mala dola maarla.Mi Radhaa kakula shanivaari doopari bolavla ani aaine Sundar la tyaach diwshi dupaari 4 chya sumaraas maaglya daarane yaayla saangitla ani bedroom madhe ye asa bolli.Aai ani maavshi tya diwshi dupari 2 laach baaher geli.3 laa radhaa kaku tharlyapramane...

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Dream StateChapter 3

It was a few months after my awakening that I was finally allowed to check out. First, I had been debriefed by the shrinks, who wanted to know what I had remembered. They had been prepared for some amnesia to be present, but unknown to them, my mind had been exercising quite a bit since I came to within my own head. I wondered quite a lot about my "out of body" experiences during the time that I was in the coma. I was hesitant to tell any of the shrinks about them, and Mary never said...

2 years ago
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The Gods of Eroticism

You take your first steps inside the massive structure known as the Temple of eroticism. You have heard legends of this place, a grand monument to the gods of eroticism containing enormous sculpted depictions of each god within the sex pantheon. The stepped forward into the titanic hall, and immediately you confirm that the legends are true. Grand sculptures of stone and marble flank the sides of the long hall, illuminated by orbs of green flame that seemed to materialize in the air for a few...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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Manny Spare Parts

It began in March 2088 with a job interview at Xenotrax, a pharmaceutical giant who had made a huge splash in the twenties with significant advances in molecular technology for medical use, they gave hospitals machines that can run scans and strip people of cancer in a single afternoon, their magic machines can heal tissue damage and keep blood levels consistent eliminating anaemia. They have treated a variety of maladies for billions worldwide. I took the invitation to attend a jobs...

3 years ago
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Sex Competition Of Two Couples

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is how I got lucky with a girl for helping my friend to get her friend. Sounds complex, but let me explain. It is not a real story. So guys, hands on your cock and girls, fingers on your pussy now. I’m a software engineer. It’s quite common to hear about partying, boozing, dating, sex etc from people around me. Once, a close friend of mine and also my colleague was involved in an...

1 year ago
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Driving Daisy CrazyChapter 4

Strange, Daisy thinks, that no sooner does he climax than Randy Buck is out of her and into the pool, swimming laps as though they had not just made love, ignoring her completely. Maybe, she thinks, he knows. Still, she has gotten him off. And herself as well, even though she does not "love" him, does not, in the rutting, bitch-in-heat sense, desire him. Wealthy, older man, young, beautiful girl with nothing, the theme was there, is here. Traditional, acceptable, a trifle trite,...

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THE massage

For those of you that follow my stories, thank you. For this story, I’ll step out of my normal genre of sixteen-year-old girls with an older man. I’m going to try my best to remember the facts.Before leaving for China I filed for divorce. I was angry, confused and overwhelmed. My estranged wife is from mainland China. Her sister’s son lives in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Many countries have regions as opposed to States, Guangxi would be a bit smaller than Michigan.My nephew Sam is not...

3 years ago
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Numchucks The Legend Ch 11

Numchucks, the Legend Chapter 11 Marshall, Texas~ I pulled up in front of Sandra’s house with my truck pulling a sixteen foot flat bed trailer. Numchucks was in the bed of truck wagging his tail for he knew where Shinkers lived. It was March and the weather was nice, spring was in the air. ‘What’s the trailer for?’ Sandra asked as she came out to greet Chucks and I. ‘This is my last trip to Marshall. Your coming back with me.’ I had teased her for the last few trips that I was going to do...

1 year ago
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Just One HourChapter 23

The van pulled all the way up to the broken down entrance to the building. The afternoon heat was in the high eighties, the humid damp air making the approaching evening feel sticky and sensuous. The two girls blinked a little as the back doors opened the large shape of the Boss blocking most of the smog thick daylight. "Where are we?" Stacey asked in a nervous voice. "You don't need to know." He responded pulling at Debbie's arm helping her out. "All you need to remember is do what...

1 year ago
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A friend in dire need

A friend of mine called round the other day. He was feeling a bit low and asked if he could come round. Of course I said yes. I’ve never known for sure if he was gay or not, but I’ve thought he probably is. Not that it bothers me. To each his own, live and let live, and all that. In fact, when I’ve felt like sex and had a good wank, I’ve imagined, a few times, what it might be like with him. He duly arrived and seemed pleased to see me and have some company. He lives alone, as I do, and I’ve...

3 years ago
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There was no other way

Introduction: Get ready for some real fun I dont believe I have chosen to share this with anyone especially here on the internet! This took place about a week ago and finally I decided I needed to tell someone though. Last Friday afternoon, I got a call from my husband. Get a shower before I get home so I can hop in real quick. This was pretty much the scope of that particular conversation as he wouldnt tell me anything else although I asked what were we doing? As I was in our bedroom...

1 year ago
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NubilesUnscripted Gina Valentina Haley Reed Spring Break Lake Powell 2

It’s Spring Break at Lake Powell and there’s a party going on! Kenzie Reeves takes a chance to distract Damon Dice from the game they’re playing by sucking his cock, and Piper Perri takes the same imitative for Bambino. Meanwhile, Haley Reed and Gina Valentina spend time sucking face in the lake before moving to the shallow water for something a bit more substantial. Peeling off one another’s bikini tops, Gina and Haley take turns licking and sucking each other’s...

1 year ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 101

I saw Oliver standing alone at the serving table. He cut off a piece of steak and with it on the point of his knife, put it in his mouth - just as he looked my way. With him watching, I stood and waved, then walked around the tables to where he waited. “Mr. Oliver, that was a super-delicious steak you cooked, and so tender.” “Thank you, Josey. You can thank Helen and Jessica for the tenderness and for the superb taste. They came up with that recipe, and they love sharing it.” “Helen told...

2 years ago
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Spin the Dildo

You share a nervous glance with your best friend, Jake, as you sit down on the floor, forming a circle around a large, purple dildo in the center, the girls giggling madly at you. "Well, you did say you'd do anything to get with me, James," said Erika, smirking at you from across the circle. "Here's your chance!" "I don't particularly like the odds...," you reply, looking around you. Seating in a circle around the dildo are five of your friends and your younger sister. Starting from you, going...

3 years ago
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Karen Holly

Karen sent me a message around 6 PM asking me again to attend one of her special little parties. Ever since I broke up with Todd, my idiot ex-boyfriend she’s been pushing me to join an orgy with her. But I never could imagine myself going to such a thing, but that night, thinking of how Todd cheated on me, I ought to have some fun of my own, maybe even take some pictures and send them to him, that ought to teach that prick a lesson. Even just the thought excited me a lot, I responded to Karen...

4 years ago
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Dirty dream of bil and sister

I just woke up from one of the crazies dreams that i've had in a while. I still catch my brother in law eye balling his sister ass and down blouse views when he can.My dream began with me at work helping to load a truck with supplies. After a while the scene changed around me and I was outside in an empty lot watching my k**s play. A few minutes pasted and the scene changed again. I was still watching my k**s but this time through a window from inside a small white room. The room was filled...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 29

Monday, I woke before the alarm and even before Dawn was whining to get out. That surprised me and I glanced at the clock, noting that it was close enough to that time that I shouldn’t bother going back to sleep. I carefully escaped from the group hug that we’d become overnight and shut off the alarm, going to get a quick shower before I took Dawn out for her morning trip to the backyard. When I got back, Dawn was awake and watching me as I moved around quietly, getting dressed. “Come on,...

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My Angel Ariel

One of my favorite places to go in Miami is the nude section of South Beach, which just so happens to be within walking distance of my apartment. I'll bring an umbrella for shade, a bottle of water and some fruit, plus my laptop and schoolbooks. I like that particular beach because I enjoy being naked in the outdoors, but also because I won't be harassed by unwanted company. You see, among those who hang out there are some very beautiful, very gay Brazilian body builders who know me, and if...

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helpful stepsister

Recently after my parents went their separate ways,I decided to stay with Audrey, my mother because the way she was treated by dad. well mother, a very attractive auburn hair, blue eyes and a athletic body found a man that treats her like a queen and the best part is now I have a step sister Jill, who when in high school was jockey apprentice and rode in some events I remember looking at her in those riding tights and jerking off in the shower, well she went on to college and almost made the...

1 year ago
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A Tight Fit

For a very special friend...thank you for being my first XAs Alan knelt, Mistress stood before him. Dressed in sheer nylons and a tight black leather skirt her nipples round and pert protruding from the top of her tight black corset. Her shaven pussy visible through her tights. ‘Mistress would like you to start at her toes and work your way up.’Alan dutifully bent his head and as his cock ached he began to run his tongue from his mistress’ ankle until he reached her inner thigh. As he showered...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Keralite Milf 8211 Part 2

She took my flaccid cock in her mouth, with a smile started sucking it as if there was no tomorrow. The motion of her tongue concentrated on my glans, especially on the bottom of it. I was in seventh heaven and started moaning. I asked her to suck it deep but she was teasing me, making me hornier. She loved the mushroom glans of my cock and ran her tongue. Standing and getting cock sucked was superb. I can hardly stand because of excitement. I slowly grabbed her head and sat down. Her motion...

1 year ago
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The Haunted Coast

I was wondering where I had gone wrong. I was sure the map said beach front was just at this corner. And by now it was getting dark. Blazes. First time I win something... and this happens. Suddenly ahead of me I saw a path turning to the side... I decided to take it... I hurried down... Yes. I could see beach road nearby. As I drew near... I saw a massive natural structure. A huge rock overhang. Large and thick enough to have trees on it... Impressive... as I looked though... inside......

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 1

I was dead. Really Truly Dead. R.T.D., dead. What did I remember about dying??? The first time I died was the genesis of all the dying I did after that. Once upon a time – in the future, apparently – I was Carl Fleming. Then I died. What did I remember about dying in general, or dying this time? That is a very good question. When you’ve died as many times as I did the causes of all of that dying can become rather confusing. I was pretty sure that I died of natural causes, which was a...

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A King and His QueenChapter 27 First Kiss

"Seventy five dollars?" Raven asked dismayed by the amount of money the driver was charging. "That's right, lady," the taxi driver said pointing at the meter. "That's highway robbery," Raven said. "No. That's what the meter says," the driver replied pointing over at the meter. Raven opened her wallet and looked through it. She only had fifty dollars in cash. There was no way that she was going to be able to pay the fare with cash. "Will you take a check?" "Do I look like a...

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GloryHole Sarah Jessie 12252021

Sarah had one of those nights tossed and turning with her pretty little head filled with naughty thoughts. While dressing for work the next day for her boring old job she noticed she picked out something extra slutty. By the time lunch had rolled around, she was all worked up and not sure what to do about it. The bathroom stall at work would not be able to contain these moans she needed to make. She remembered her GF telling her about the Glory Hole and how a girl could get her needs filled...

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Author's Note: This is my gut reaction to the reports of what's been happening in Central Park the last few days. What the punks are doing to those women is despicable, but - if it's true - what the cops are doing by not stopping the punks is much, much worse. NYPD Pink By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Police Sergeant Jim Pollatti turned off the Squad Room TV in disgust. He was tired of hearing about the women mugged near the entrances to Central Park. "So now they got Internal...

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Jessica stepped out of the car as the garage door closed behind her, followed closely by her husband, Kevin, who proceeded to fumble with his keys as he approached the door. He never saw him...the dark figure slipping from the corner, darting quickly behind his wife, wrapping his muscular arms around her and holding a knife to her pretty neck. "Do exactly what I tell you, pretty boy!" the hooded figure commanded.Kevin froze in his tracks, hypnotized by the dark stranger who was...

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My first time In her sisters bed

About 5 years later I was 16 and I junior in High school. I was pretty popular with the ladies but I was getting sick of the girls from my school, and I was still a virgin at this time. One day I was online and I got a message through myspace and said, ”hey its Anna, you were my first boyfriend, do you remember me?” at this time I was a little puzzled and thinking who it was because I didn’t remember. I started to look at some of her pictures of her and she was HOT, she had dark brown hair,...

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RawAttack Riley Reyes 02152019

Riley just finished up with a super exciting scene where she receives a fat load of cum in her mouth and on her face. Mark Decides to keep the camera rolling and collect some BTS footage. As Riley cleans up she opens up about her life so her fans can get to know her in a different way. Though, she remains naked the whole time so its definitely a bit distracting to say the least. She knows when she has a man excited, which obviously turns a whore like her on as well. Before she knows it another...

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Owned TeacherChapter 5

Lisa went down to the living room and made herself comfortable. She turned on the TV and put the book on the table next to the couch. Mary made her way to the bathroom and cleaned up all the hair and wiped down the sink and counter. She was very frustrated and wanted to finish what she had started but she was afraid of Lisa. Lisa had shown no signs of compassion and Mary did not want to anger her. Her feet were really started to hurt in these ridiculous heels but again she had to wear...

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middlesbrough model escort

this is another old story, so probly somewhere around 20 years ago.so i looked online and found a club/forum on yahoo for escorts working in Middlesbrough/Stockton area, it has closed long time ago now.there was lots of photos of escorts and a few vids.i saw there was a link to a lovely looking 18 year old blonde who had modelled for some professional glamour photographer. looked at his site her photos looked real good, nothing too extreme mainly just topless.sent a message to person on site...

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Rose 5

Rose does dirty decathlon at the deserted blonde beach behind the dunes dooming almost at Amsterdam. I do decribe the second day and all five different disciplines of that cunning competition coming here, heaven.Rose realizes her hot tasty twins help her to win well every erotic encounter with my mighty manhood member.I realize she seems to picture probably her and me: http://xhamster.com/photos/view/7048787-122884021.htmlRose seriously shows in preceding parts she is speedy as athletic, hot as...

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Sharing The Love 2

Following the breakthrough when Luke and his mother came to enjoy watching each other, Luke decided to increase the stakes by telling Andrea about his peeping and voyeurism. Andrea was initially shocked by her son’s admission but as she thought about it and Luke gave her some stories of his past, she got quite interested. They had been careful to exclude Shannon, and waited until she was working away before Andrea agreed to go out one night with Luke. Luke had been watching “his people” for...

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BlacksOnCougars Julia Ann Julia Anns Second Appearance

Dr. Julia Ann loves her job. She’s the head physician for the local University, and she specializes in athletic injuries. She’s a hot, hot cougar, and the main reason she loves her job so much? All the young athletes she gets to check out…both literally and physically! Take Ricky Johnson, for instance. Dr. Julia has had her eye on him for a long time. Ricky’s go shin splints, but that’s not going to stop Dr. Julia from making Ricky strip naked. To his surprise, Dr....

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Herorsquos Origin is Revealed

The Tale of Resh Craig June 4th, 1876 Somewhere on the Morbihan Plains The evening had reached that fine time, the only time between mid-morning to the setting of the harsh sun where the Morbihan became livable. The fire crackled and popped and some chuckslag was slowly simmering in a cast iron pot. The men gathered around the fire were, on the whole, unwashed, unshaven, and nonhuman. The faint sound of conversation could be heard from quite a distance, interspersed with laughs,...

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The Lustful unwind Goa adventures 8211 Part 5

Feedback and suggestions can be sent to as usual. Without delay, let’s jump onto the story : December 24, 2021 Ani’s flight was due to land around 3 pm. Rimi updated her with the hotel address and details. Ani reached the hotel by 5 pm. The day was silent, but the night was just young. With the arrival of Ani, Rimi decided to head for a Christmas Eve outing to taste some local delicacies. Ani hopped along with her. They went to a nearby restaurant and had dinner. They heard of a nearby...

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Katie Alex Part 1

Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled...

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A Brothers Confession Part 9

KieraI had never realized how Bobby made me feel until the moment he kissed me for the first time. He was so gentle, yet aggressive and desperate to get his point across to me - that he loves me. I was so distracted by him and his embrace that I didn't hear my brother enter the house until I heard him shout, "What the fuck?!" With that, I saw his face, fuming with anger, and I was glad that he was angry. I wanted him to endure pain like I had to. Upon Caleb's entry, naturally, we stopped...

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Sibling Rivalry2

"You know what Mel, I don't have time to fight with you about this... So you can't go to Cancun for your spring break big deal... you did something wrong and now you have to deal with the consequences. I have to go to work now. If Heather comes over tell her I'll call her later." Screamed David right back at her. "Yea right you see if I tell Heather anything, you made Rachel leave me and half my friends act as if I don't exist!" Melanie screamed as David shut the door behind...

1 year ago
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An Interesting Evening with a Goddess by thenaug

I was reading, one evening, when my lovely wife walked in wearing her long bathrobe…with spiked heels, no less.  I glanced up, secretively, as she stood at the love seat across from where I was seated on the sofa. She reached into the robe’s pocket, pulled out a small vibrator and placed it next to her planned place of repose. She loosened the sash and allowed the robe to slip, slowly, off of her pale shoulders, past the curve of her hips and onto the floor as if I wasn’t there. Beneath the...

4 years ago
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The Stranger0

Who knows, you might enjoy it as much as I do. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The minute he saw her, he knew he had to have her. He had already seen her quite a few times, and enjoyed watching her. Every day she would come downtown on the train and wander around taking pictures of anything and everything that interested her. She was always alone, and she never seemed to be going anywhere specific. The first thing that caught...

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Agrade Student

The snow fell slowly that afternoon, drifting in flurries over the fields and forests, and settling in large, powdery drifts against the venerable buildings of the university. From his window, looking out over the manicured gardens of St. Stephen's Quad, Professor Lucas Wainwright watched the flakes whirl and settle, and he smiled. This, truly, was his favourite time of year - partly because of the snow, partly because of the imminent arrival of the long Christmas break, and partly because of...

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ProeliatorChapter 1

I went back to hide in my old existence. I worked to repair the damage to my body as the rest of my mind dealt with the automatic functions. I thought of MehrAk most of all. She was part of my family even if it was because KhAvar brought her in. I ventured out when I completed each stage of the healing. My hearing was still poor. I could not see out of one healing eye and the other was not much better. Thankfully I was now able to mumble to the girls that I was healing. The girls and...

1 year ago
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Honey Do

Honey Do By Fringold Sixfingers "All is as planned master." A little imp with a rather large, and disgusting grin, stood before an old man on a throne. The man, dressed in robes of purple with trim of gold and silver, slouched with a staff draped across his lap. The naked imp tried to control his eagerness. His failure led to dance. "I have done as you have instructed. Now, even Gnar, hero of Beleth and hero/warrior of the sorceress Tenre, cannot stop your plan." "Good," the...

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Mat Sullivan2Chapter 14

New Mexico Territory, January, 1895 Christmas with the kids was heaven on earth! Just like last year, we had strung up popcorn ropes and made wreathes; so much of both that they were almost a safety hazard. Not only did the kids get presents from me, but they had also made presents for each other. They had even made a present for me: an Indian-style "medicine bag" for me to wear on a thong around my neck. There was a lot of laughing and crying all round, including me for both. I sure loved...

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My Fate Made Me Lucky As Aunty Fucker

Hi! I am Satya from Pune. This story happened with me when I was in second year of engineering. One day I and my girlfriend (Akansha) visited a lady gynecologist who also owns a fertility clinic for pregnancy test of my girlfriend (about which I will tell you people in another story). There was a long line in that clinic we sat in the waiting area, after some time a couple arrived there. Luckily my girlfriend turned out to be the friend of lady (Seema) in that couple, so my girlfriend and that...

2 years ago
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The Vicar of St Dunstans Ep 04

FUND RAISING Another slice of life at St. Dunstan’s, for background, please consult the previous episodes First in a flock of four. Feedback welcome. We sat around a large table in the Vestry Room just off the Undercroft of St. Dunstan’s Church. The September Vestry meeting had gone an hour and half so far, and Bert Button’s tirade was making it longer. He pounded the table as he spoke at full volume, almost shouting and shook his finger at various members of the council: ‘. . .We have got...

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A time in need

Let me set the scene for you; basically I was 17 and had recently lost my virginity to a girlfriend at the time, and broke up merely days before this happening, so here we go. I was sat in my room, playing a little Xbox after a really long day at work. Working in a school was really difficult but to top it off on that day I had been called into work for my weekend job as a party organiser because the weekday organiser was off ill, so anyway, I was sat playing when my phone began to ring,...

1 year ago
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Private Katty West Enjoys Interracial DP

When it comes to wild nymphomaniacs, Katty West is one of the best around. She may not be the prettiest, but what Katty lacks in looks, she makes up for in filth, and today, she has come to Private Specials, Cheating with Black Cocks 4 to prove it! So enjoy this horny nympho in action in her first interracial scene on www.private.com as she takes on the BBCs of Joachim and Pandemonium in a hardcore gonzo threesome full of epic deepthroat blowjobs, incredible anal and DP, and a climax of a...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 36

Pulling off her light dress – underneath which she was wearing nothing – Samantha stepped toward Serena, who looked up at her somewhat blankly, as if stunned by what had just occurred. Samantha drank in the spectacle of the yoga teacher’s naked body, which she had longed to see for so many months. It had been just after the previous Thanksgiving that Samantha had first visited the local yoga studio and been captivated by what she saw there. And thanks to her faithful attendance at Serena’s...

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Extremely Sexy Office Lady

This is the story about a lady working in a office, how i dealt with her, I love the way she does her job very well. Now for a while let’s through some lines about me to you … Hai to all the ISS Readers…. I am from India. i am Arun (name changed) I am from Karimnagar Telangana . I am good looking tall and my dick size is 7 inches in length. I am 31 years old. Any ladies interested in sex, privacy is assured. Mail me at I love the ISS the way the authors describe their story. I just thought for...

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sue does her boyfriends sonwhile he is in hospita

i dont know why i am writing this.i think its probably to get it off my chest.well lets start.sue and i were married.thats a different song .she always had a thing for jim(her friend)but he was married and i guess she married me because he was already taken.i could go on and tell you how good looking he was and what a great lover he was.i could, but why bother.sue kept telling me all this when we were married.so why should i tell you now.sue was 5`6 long dark hair and boobs to die for.i should...

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Are you my Uncle

You and I have always been close. You understand me more than anyone else in the family and so from a young age we have always had a friendship, a bond. I was devastated when you had to leave due to work but the pain was eased by constant communication on the phone, on line, and in letters.You have returned home now after five years and as you drive to my apartment, me being the first person you see after so long, you wonder how much I have changed. Though we continued to communicate, would it...


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