A Balmy SpringChapter 6 free porn video

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"Smooth move, Ex-Lax," Jeff taunted me, as he sent his digital defensive back down the sideline for a touchdown. I just growled as my inept quarterback gave hopeless chase.

"You cheated," I grumbled, when he crossed the goal line.

"Nah, you just suck." Jeff kicked the extra point, then grabbed his A&W and took a drink. "35-13. Com'n, Brown. This is almost laughably easy."

Even while getting my ass handed to me at Madden Football, I enjoyed this opportunity to hang out with Jeff. No girls, no complications, just me and my best guy friend, playing video games, maybe some real live basketball later; just like we'd done for years. And since these were things that never really interested Fuzz, I was able to mentally push his memory to the side for a bit, at least a little bit.

"Because you cheat," I replied, "You punch in some code sequence so your DBs know where I'm throwing the ball."

Jeff rolled his eyes. "No, you're PREDICTABLE, Brody. You've thrown to Fitzgerald virtually every third down. All you're changing is the route. You could use Boldin every now and then."

I frowned. "Grab the controller and kick the damn ball. I need to redeem myself."

"Not likely, especially with Arizona's offense." Jeff shook his head as he grabbed his controller. "You know what your problem is?"

"I'm sure you're going to tell me."

"Sex fog."

I gave him a sideways glance. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Cassie and Kristin have been gone for four days. You haven't seen those two desert foxes in months. The absence of sex has muddled your brain."

"You're an idiot, Jeff. Kick the damn ball."

"Fine, fine."

His kicker booted the ball downfield. I set my returner under it, cradled the ball and headed up the field. I juked to the left to avoid one tackle, and sidestepped to the right to avoid another. That put a hole right in front of me, so I raced towards it. A smile threatened to split my face as a clear field opened in front of me. Just then, Jeff's defender caught my runner's arm and the ball squirted out of his hands, wobbling away across the turf.

"Shit!" I growled.

"Boo-YEAH!" Jeff whooped.

His guy was a step ahead of my guy. Jeff scooped up the ball and took off on another unimpeded romp to the end zone. I threw the controller down in disgust. The sound of the front door drew my attention.

"This fucking game is rigged," I said, as I got out of my chair, grabbing my two empty Mountain Dew cans to toss in the garbage.

"How 'bout we watch the replay of that one?" Jeff said to my retreating back.

"Fuck you, Barker."

"Watch your language, Brody," Mom said, as she closed the door behind her.

"Sorry, Mom."

I redirected over to her and kissed her cheek. She seemed surprised by the unexpected show of affection, and I mentally kicked myself—AGAIN—for completely shutting her out. Pecks on the cheek had been commonplace in our house for years, at least until this spring. I resolved to be less closed off to Mom. I'd resolved to do this at least a dozen times in the last few weeks, so I was hoping that it would have a cumulative effect and actually work this time.

Mom quickly recovered and smiled at me. "Hey, Sweetie." She set her briefcase on the floor and put the mail on the table by the door. She started going through it as she stepped out of her heels.

"Did you have a good last day of work before vacation?" I asked.

I let my eyes wander up and down Mom's body. She looked dynamite in her silk blouse and wide leg slacks. They hugged her just right and showed off her lithe frame. Mom's back was facing me, so I took an extra-long look at her ass. It really was world-class.

"It was good. Busy as usual, what with the move coming up."

She looked over her shoulder and caught me admiring her. I expected her to give me a scolding look, but she actually blushed and gave me a little smile. She glanced over at Jeff, who was busy watching the replay of his fumble recovery. Her smile turned into a saucy grin, and she gave her tush a sexy little shake. It was my turn to blush. She winked at me and turned her attention back to the mail. Damn, it felt good to tease with Mom again. Why had I been on such a downer all spring? Maybe this little break was what I really needed. I went to drop my cans in the kitchen recycling bin.

"You got some mail, Brody!" Mom called from the other room. "It's a ... postcard."

Her voice took on a questioning tone, so I was a little guarded when I came back. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow as she held it out to me.

"Who's Kristin?"

Jeff whipped around in his chair. "Kristin sent you a postcard? Dude..."

"Shut up, Jeff," I growled.


I grabbed the postcard from Mom's hand and tried to contain my blush. "Just a girl from school."

"That's quite a postcard from 'just a girl'."

"Did you read it?" I defensively asked. Mom didn't usually encroach on my privacy, so I was surprised.

The corners of her mouth turned down. "I didn't need to read it."

"You knew it was from Kristin," I accused.

Mom turned to face me, her fists on her hips, her expression hard. "I saw her name when I turned it over to see who it was 'TO'. Why are you so defensive about this girl?"

Embarrassed at my reaction to her, I dropped my eyes and looked at the card. I blushed again. The picture on the card was a silhouette of man lying on top of a woman, kissing her, on the beach with the setting sun casting a soft romantic glow off the ocean behind them. In a flowing script across the top it said: "Island Lovers".

I looked back up at Mom, who was clearly waiting for me to respond.

"You remember that girl who was helping me out at school?" I asked.

Mom's eyes narrowed. "Just how was it she was helping you?" She shut her eyes and held her hand up. "Never mind; I don't think I want to know."

"It's not like I can control what someone sends me in the mail." It was a lame response, but hey ... I was desperate here.

"There has to be SOME reason why she sent that."

"I can't control how she feels about me, either. I told her I had girlfriends and we could only be friends."

Mom glanced at Jeff who was trying his darnedest to look totally engrossed in watching the replay for what must have been the twentieth time. Mom leaned closer to me.

"I know how it is with you and girls who are 'just friends', Brody," she quietly said.


"This had better not be the reason you ditched Mia and Shay."

My jaw clenched. "I didn't ditch Mia and Shay. They understand; I thought you did, too."

"Do they? Do they understand what's going on in your head, because I'm having a hard time figuring it out? Besides, if you recall, I told you that I thought you staying home was a bad idea."

"Because of Kristin?" I snapped. "Mom, she's not even in town for the break. Neither is Cassie."

"They'll be back by the weekend, though, won't they?" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. They were softer, though no less sad, when she opened them. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to argue with you. I told you I would support your decision, but please don't ask me to stop caring about you. My reasons for concern haven't changed from what they were at the beginning, regardless of Cassie, Kristin, or any other girl you might have hidden in your closet or under your bed." She gave me a half-hearted smile, then looked at Jeff. "Would you like to stay for dinner, Jeff? I promise our conversation won't be so ... personal."

Jeff stood up and smiled. "Sure, Mrs. Brown. Just let me call my mom."

"You boys go back to your game. I'll call her before I get started on dinner. I need to ask her to check up on Brody while I'm gone, anyway." Mom shot me a look, daring me to argue with her.

"We can just order pizza, Mom," I said instead. "You don't need to worry about dinner."

"Nonsense," she replied, as she turned away. "You'll likely live off pizza and burgers for a week. The least I can do is to make sure that you eat healthy before I leave."

After she disappeared into the kitchen, I flipped the card over and read Kristin's message. Her handwriting was flowery and bubbly, just like her personality. Little hearts dotted each 'i' and exclamation point.

Hey, Baby! I miss you SOOO much. We have a private pool and beachfront right outside the back door of our cottage! There's a hot tub, sauna and hammock! Mmm ... I can just imagine the creative ways you and I can use them. Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Love, Kristin


In spite of my frustration with the situation, my dick perked up. Traitor. I sighed and turned back to my friend. The shit just kept getting deeper and deeper.

I'm climbing into the SUV, my body bruised and battered. Agonizing pain keeps me from moving too fast.

"Hurry!" Connie pleads from outside the vehicle.

Then I'm putting Cori into her arms. Connie snatches her daughter from my hands and glares at me before turning to trudge up the hill. The cars shift, metal grinds, and Fuzz cries out in pain.

"Ma'am," I call to Connie. "Please get help. We need help."

She doesn't even acknowledge that I spoke.

"Ma'am, please!" I call, but she's out of sight now, having crested the hill.

I struggle over to Fuzz, whose face is nearly unrecognizable because of the bloody wounds and the swelling. I'm too overwhelmed by the sight. I can't help him; it's just too much. He looks at me with eyes that beg for my help, but I stumble back, too afraid to try.

"I ... I'm going to get help, Fuzz."

"No, Brody," Fuzz groans, "You need to help me."

"I can't, I ... I need help." I turn to leave. "I'll be back soon, I promise."

"No! Brody, please!" Fuzz cries.

I'm walking along the street trying to wave cars down as they speed by. One swerves to avoid hitting me, and the driver flips me off. Another honks as it passes.

"Get the hell out of the road, Idiot!" the driver yells.

More cars pass, but no one stops, no matter what I do. No car even slows down. I turn around and I'm in the shopping center close to my house. Lots of people are here, shopping, eating, banking. Normal life for them. I look down at myself, my body covered in bloody cuts and bruises, my clothes torn. Someone will surely want to help.

I see Jeff and his parents and my heart soars. I stagger up to him, and he bumps into me.

"'scuse me," he mutters, and steps around me.

"Jeff, Dude, I need your help. Fuzz needs your help."

They keep walking and melt into the crowd. Mom appears, standing at an ATM.

"Mom!" I cry. "Accident, Fuzz is dying."

The ATM spits out some cash, which Mom grabs and slips into her purse. Then she turns and walks away. Why won't they listen? Why won't they even acknowledge that I'm talking to them? I'm beginning to feel desperate. I run from one person to the next, but it's like I'm not even really there. I can touch them, grab them, but they just shake me off and continue on their way. Desperation is turning to panic. Fuzz needs help. I need to get him help. I hear a flirty giggle and turn. Cassie is hanging onto Brendan, who is sucking her neck like he's a vampire. I can already see a half dozen dark love bites all around her neck.

"Cassie!" I cry. "Please, we need to help Fuzz!"

She giggles again, but doesn't respond to me. I desperately push on Brendan, trying to get him to let loose. He doesn't budge, but he growls and shoves me with his arm. I stumble back, catch my heel on something, and fall to the ground. He and Cassie both look down at me and start laughing, a hateful laugh that crushes my last vestiges of hope.

A shadow passes over me, and a police officer glares down.

"Run along home, Boy. You've bothered enough people today. My shoulders slump in absolute dejection; I've failed. I drag my weary and broken body home. There's nothing I can do, and I'm despondent.

When I open the door to my house, I'm at the cemetery. It's Fuzz's funeral.

"He was a good young man, loved by everyone, and taken—" The preacher sees me at the back of the crowd and stops, mid-sentence.

It takes a second before other people to react, but eyes soon turn in my direction. The Behrs and Barkers are looking at me. Mom, Cassie, and the Bartletts stare in my direction. Friends from school watch me. Not a friendly face in the crowd. I feel a huge weight bearing down on me, trying to crush my soul. My heart tightens, causing pain and making me weak. It's all I can do not to collapse under the horrible strain. The preacher glowers at me and points a bony finger in my direction.

"Loved by everyone, he was, except you!" he accuses. I'm too ashamed to respond, and I drop my eyes to avoid the angry crowd. "You killed him!" the man shouts.

"Killed him!" comes another voice.

"He's dead because of you!" cries a third.

The weight crushes me; the grip on my heart tightens. More and more voices hurl accusations at me, but one becomes a hellish chant.

"It's your fault! It's your fault!"

"Brody ... Brody, Baby..."

Mom's gentle nudging snapped me awake. I gasped for breath, almost shocked when my lungs fill with air. Mom's arms held me tight, and she rocked me for the long minutes until my pulse and breathing slowed. Then after another few minutes of silence, she kissed the top of my head.

"My poor sweet baby," she sighed, "Am I stupid for leaving you for a week?"

I didn't respond, but I shifted a bit so I could hug her back. I tightly held onto her for a long time while she gently caressed me. Her touch soothed me, but as I stared off into the blackness of the night, unable to get back to sleep right away, I had my first real doubts about if I'd EVER be able to overcome this trauma, regardless of whether or not I had help.

The plan was to leave the house in time to get Mom to the airport by noon. She woke me up, but it was nearly impossible to pull myself out of my slumber, and I ached all over when I finally sat up. I was able to get a few hours of sleep after my nightmare, and I slept HARD, so hard that I had a pounding headache that rivaled the one hangover I'd ever had.

Mom was already in the shower when I dragged my sorry butt to her bathroom to empty my bladder. I was tempted to step into the shower with Mom, in spite of everything that was going on—or maybe because of it—but it'd been so long since we'd been physically intimate, that it just seemed too awkward to deal with right then. It was irrelevant, though, because she turned the water off pretty quickly. When I was done draining my tank, I grabbed the ibuprofen out of the medicine cabinet, popped the pills into my mouth, and bent over to drink directly from the faucet to wash them down. I stood up and the view in the mirror was enough to instantly tent my boxers. Mom had opened the curtain and was squeezing water out of her hair. She wasn't looking at me as she concentrated, but I sure as heck was looking at her. Water droplets left tantalizing little trickles down her gloriously nude torso.

It'd been weeks since I'd seen her naked, and I marveled again at what a sexy woman she is. She was nearing forty, but I couldn't imagine that her body ever looked better than at that point in her life. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked at me. She coyly smiled when she saw my expression, and posed with her hand on her hip for another few seconds while I ogled her.

"Will you hand me a towel, Sweetie?" she finally asked. I grabbed the towel and handed it to her. She started drying her body as she stepped out of the tub. "Why don't you grab a shower while I make breakfast?" she said, as she walked past me back into the bedroom.

I turned my head so that my eyes could follow her; I was unable to focus on anything other than her dynamite ass. "I'm on break," I finally said. "Why do I need a shower? I'm dropping you off, then I'm coming home to go back to bed."

She looked at me over her shoulder, and my eyes quickly popped up from her ass to meet hers. I wasn't fast enough, though, because her grin got bigger and she shook that cute butt at me. She obviously missed my attention over the last few weeks. She turned to face me after she shimmied into a pair of black satin panties.

"I'm not gone yet. After today, you won't have to shower until I get back, if you don't want to, though I imagine the kids at school won't appreciate it much on Monday."

"Mooommm," I whined.

She stepped forward and pecked my lips. "For me, Brody?"

I theatrically sighed. "Fine."

"Thanks, Sweetie."

She stepped past me and into the hallway, nude except for those tiny panties. She was going to make breakfast topless?

"Watch out for bacon grease!" I called after her.

Her musical laughter followed me into the shower.

"Tell me again why I'm driving Jeff's mom's minivan?" I asked, as I took the exit for Hartsfield, Atlanta's mind-boggling busy airport. Mom was watching road signs.

"I needed the van to haul my luggage."

"You didn't have THAT much stuff. It could have fit in your car."

"My car is full of stuff for work. This was just easier."

"Well, then, what about my car?"

She gave me a look like I was insane. "I'm not sure your hunk of metal would have even made it out of Macon. That wasn't a risk I was willing to take."

"It's a Charger Rallye, Mom. It's a classic." It didn't sound so pouty when Dad said that.

She ignored my comment. "Take the next right."

"But that's baggage claim." I slowed, but I didn't signal right away in my confusion.

"Just do it!" Mom forcefully said, so I whipped the steering wheel to the right just in time. Another driver honked his horn. Mom gave me an exasperated look.

"Hey, don't look at me," I complained. "You're the one who wants to do it backwards."

Mom's cell phone tinkled. She glanced down at it and smiled. "Perfect," she mumbled.

"What's perfect?"

She was already looking back out the window. "Pull in right ... there."

I signaled and waited for another minivan to pull out before taking its spot next to the curb, then we climbed out of the car. I felt a mixture of emotions as I got out of the van. There was regret that I'd bowed out of this trip. I missed my girls, and I was now really going to miss Mom. That regret was offset by my resolve to erase the doubts I had last night and work through things this week. The distractions would be almost non-existent with the house empty, and Cassie and Kristin out of town. I raised the rear door of the van and looked to see why Mom hadn't joined me to get her luggage. I located her about 15 feet away from the van walking towards the building. I throng of people passed between us, obscuring her from my view. I sighed, but just before I turned back to get the bags, Mom's head and shoulders rose above the crowd. Her face was pure happiness. The crowd parted just then, and I could see a huge pair of arms holding her in the air. They let her down and her arms went tight around John's neck. My jaw hit the floor. What was John doing here? She was supposed to meet him in Texas. Something fishy was going on.

She was giving him a healthy smooch when I noticed Shelly behind them. Mom split away from John and embraced her soon-to-be wife. Their kiss was just as ardent and drew a few stares, some not particularly friendly. I left the luggage and went to stand beside the van. I was going to wait until Mom explained things before I wasted my time unloading her bags. John looked over in my direction and waved before turning his attention back Mom and Shelly, who were talking excitedly. The automatic doors on the building then opened behind them, and every other sight and sound faded away.

The two teens were laughing as they fought with the luggage cart, trying to get it through the door. Mia had her back to me as she pulled the cart through. Her long, dark hair fell in waves down her back, ending where her hips swelled to their widest. Khaki hip-hugger short shorts covered her round butt and topped a pair of shapely legs the color of light brown sugar. Shay was pushing the cart and was only visible to me from the waist up. Her long red hair was tied back in her trademark ponytail, and she wore a cute pale green halter. Because she was facing in my direction, she saw me before Mia. She squealed, darted around the cumbersome cart, and ran towards me. Mia yelled a complaint at her, but when her eyes found me, she, too, took off in a run.

I was too stunned to do anything but stand there. I had just enough time to notice that Shay was wearing denim capris before she launched herself at me.

"Brod-yyyyy!" she squealed.

"Ooof..." I barely got my hands under her little butt to catch her. Not that it would have mattered with the way she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist. Her lips were latched onto mine a microsecond later.

It took me a bit to get over the shock and into the kiss, but it felt so good to have one of my girls in my arms again that I was soon giving as good as I got. I actually felt a lump in my throat.

"Indecent..." an older feminine voice muttered as it passed us.

Shay giggled into my mouth as she ground her crotch against the bulge in my pants.

"Indecent..." Mia's younger, melodic, feminine voice said.

Without breaking the kiss, Shay slipped one hand off my neck for a second, then put it back.

"Is that a proposition?" the voice said. I gathered Shay must have flipped Mia off.

Shay finally broke the lip lock and intensely stared into my eyes. "You better believe it."

"What are you doing here?" I panted.

"Kissing you," she quietly said, "Grinding against your erection." She then put words to action and kissed and grinded again.

"Move your hands, please, Brody," Mia said. I slid my hands up around Shay's lower back, and a moment later a loud smack jolted us.

"OWW!" Shay cried, as she dropped from my arms. She rubbed her ass as she turned to glare at her best friend.

"Slut," Mia muttered, as she stepped past Shay and into my embrace. She looked up into my eyes and held me tight. "Surprise," she softly said, then reached out with her lips. My lips melted against hers as my spirits soared. My girls were here! Since I wouldn't come to them, they came to me! I had been telling myself just moments ago, that being alone this week was for the best, but with first Shay, and now Mia in my arms, I could hear Jeff in my head: "You're an idiot, Brown."

I never wanted to let Mia go. My heart thudded in my chest. My head swirled in bliss. My cock throbbed in anticipation.

Mia giggled and slipped her hand between our molded bodies and gave him a playful squeeze.

"Who's the slut?" Shay whispered into Mia's ear, which made the brunette giggle harder.

"Now, now, don't kill the poor boy in the first few minutes. You've got a whole week to do it."

My heart soared at that news, and Mia and I broke our kiss to face her mother. Shelly glanced down at my obvious reaction to those smoldering kisses and smirked. Then she winked at me before opening her arms for a hug. I released Mia and hugged Shelly. With a sigh she wrapped me tight and ground her pelvis against mine. I practically fainted when she locked lips with me, too. Her kiss was thankfully short, or else I might have shot off in my shorts. Her tongue tickled my lip just before she released me, though, then she stepped back. John was pulling the abandoned luggage cart. He smiled at me and gave me a shoulder to shoulder man hug, for which I was grateful. I would have died if he'd tried to grind against my erection, too.

"Hey, Sport. What say we get these bags in the van and take our ladies out to lunch?"

We ate at the Atlanta Bread Company near the airport. Mom and I were the only ones to have eaten at one before. It wasn't one of my favorites, but Mom loved it and so did Shelly and Mia, as it turned out. Shay and John seemed as indifferent as me. None of the girls had been to Atlanta or Macon before, so John wanted to show them the beautiful campus of the distributor he met with during his business trip in February. The plant was just south of the airport, on the way to Macon, except that we didn't head straight to Macon after we drove by the factory. We took a LONG detour home, heading east to Milledgeville, where Mom grew up, and where she and Dad met when he was in college. She showed us the house she grew up in, Dad's apartment building (which she said was just as rundown then), and Simkins Grocery, which now was a Save-A-Lot. Simkins was where my parents met when Mom was working summers and Dad was doing a college internship.

It was nostalgic, especially since I hadn't been there in years, at least not since Dad died. My mom's parents were older and died when I was young, so we had no reason to visit. It was also nice to see how genuinely interested John and Shelly were in Mom's early life. At one point, when Mom she got choked up as she was talking about how her parents reacted the first time Dad showed up on her family's doorstep. Shelly teared up as well, and both she and John quietly supported Mom until she was able to get it under control. They asked questions about Dad as we drove, like they wanted to get to know him better, and it almost felt as if they were bringing him into their new relationship, as well.

We eventually made it to Macon. We showed them the first house we lived in, as well as some of the other landmarks in our lives. I pointed Cassie's street out to my girls when we passed it as we headed home. That got me some good-natured teasing, including a 'girl-in-every-port' comment from John. We pulled into our driveway early in the evening.

Mia motioned to the back of my car sticking out of the garage as we were getting out of the van. "Is that your beloved 'Charger Rallye'?" Her voice deepened on the last two words, which made Mom laugh.

"It's a classic," I helplessly said as I shot a mean look at the woman who gave me birth.

"It's the same color as my eyes!" Shay exclaimed, as she bounced up to it. She turned and batted her eyelashes at us.

Mia crinkled her nose. "How can you tell?"

"Oh, for crying out loud, it's not THAT rusty!" I huffed.

Mia gave me a pitying look. "Of course it isn't, Dear."

"Be nice," Shelly admonished her daughter, as she passed by with her small overnight bag and headed up the porch steps into the house.

"Mia's being naughty, Brody," Shay said, as she walked by us towards the car. "She might need a spanking."

"Ooo, yes!" Mia sighed, "I need to be spanked."

"That's way too much information," John grumbled, as he followed his wife.

Shelly and John were leaving their larger bags in the van with Mom's. We'd drop them off at the regional airport in the morning, and they'd take a puddle-jumper back to Atlanta for the flight to Texas. I'd then drive the girls back to Atlanta a week later to hook up with the 'rents in time for them all to fly back to Phoenix. I was a bit embarrassed that my change in plans was making things more difficult—and expensive—for everyone else, but nobody seemed to be upset by it. As a matter of fact, we'd been home for less than a half hour, when Mom announced the three adults had some talking to do in the bedroom. That was met with teasing from Shay, and a blush from Mom. Mom pulled me aside just before they left.

"I love you, Brody," she quietly said.

"I know. It's obvious." I nodded towards my girls. "Sneaky."

Mom's face softened. "I know what you said about needing some alone time, but..."

I held my hand up. "I'm glad they're here. You don't need to say anything else."

"Well, I'm not sure that I could have kept them away, anyway. They approached both sets of their parents about coming here the day that you told them. I just helped assuage the parental concerns." She took my hand. "I know this goes without saying, but there are five parents that expect the three of you to act mature and behave yourselves. We'll expect daily check-ins and regular rules to be obeyed."

"Of course, Mom."

Mom sighed. "I love you," she said again.

I nodded towards the hallway. "Go on. Welcome Shelly and John to our home."

She smiled, then pecked my lips and ushered her lovers to her room.

The girls insisted on going for a walk while our parents said hello in the bedroom. We held hands and talked about this and that as we walked. Shay's cell phone rang about 10 minutes after we left.

"Hey, Cassie," she said, as soon as she put it to her ear. I raised an eyebrow, but then it dawned on me. Cassie KNEW the girls were coming here. She fucking knew. No wonder she wouldn't say anything about what they said. "Yep, we're here in the great state of Georgia," Shay continued. "Oh, yeah, he was surprised for sure..." She laughed. "No, there were too many people around to do anything there. It's a busy airport, you know. Tracy pulled John and Shelly into her bedroom as soon as we got home, though, and they're now fucking like bunnies."

Same as A Balmy Spring
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  Once again comments and suggestions welcome.       Marion road out from her family hall towards Sherwood hoping to catch a glimpse of this notorious bandit they called Robin Hood. Anna her handmaid accompanied her as Marion got close to the woods her called " Careful milady lest the bandits snatch you away". Marion heard but ignored the warning riding forwards into the edge of the forest she knew this area well she had oft played here whilst her father had ridden further in to hunt deer...

3 years ago
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The Waking Coma

My name is Bradley. Well, the bag of flesh that currently sits on a hospice bed waiting for a cure to getting hit by a bus is named Bradley. I tend to think of myself now as a free floating consciousness. I can wander here, I can wander there, and more importantly, I can go places I could not before. My mother is here. Helen is her name. She is a pretty young thing, despite being 40, divorced, and completely upset. She's got brilliant green eyes, sandy blonde hair, a thin, barely flabby frame...

3 years ago
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A Joke Change BeginningChapter 2

I was out for a day, and doped up for another, but I later pieced together what happened. I hit a parked car. A woman was walking her dog on the other side of the street and she called 9-1-1 before my car even stopped moving. She wasn't a doctor or even an EMT, but she was a midwife and nurse practitioner ... anyway she knew first aid. She tied her dog's leash to the parked car's bumper and came over to the driver's upside-down door. She could tell that I was unconscious, the airbags...

3 years ago
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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapter 3

Bob and Alisha went home, both really excited and talking a mile a minute on the short drive. When they arrived at the house, Anne had arrived home, so they thought they had might as well, tell her now. Anne had always knew that Alisha would eventually go to the ranch and leave the practice. She had prepared herself for this day so it wasn’t any big deal to her. She told Alisha that since she had expertise with a few “special” patients, she would hope that Alisha would come help her when...

2 years ago
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The Best Christmas Of My Life

I don't know whether it has ever happened to you, but just occasionally I meet a girl who for some reason completely takes your breath away. She has such an effect on you that you can hardly sleep at night and you spend all your spare time just thinking about her and longing to get to know her. This story is just about the way I met the most important woman in my life. It was during the year before that fateful yet wonderful Christmas that I became increasingly aware of Linda. The time I...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Katie Morgan Second Appearance

Chris has brought a few friends, Jason and Jon Jon home from work for his wife to enjoy cause she just can’t get enough. Chris is so excited to see his wife get dicked down hard its hard for these guys to believe it. But when Katie enters looking smoking hot and goes right for the dick they know it’s their lucky day. Katie is quick to take control and get those dicks in her mouth. She sets a tough pace for these guys to follow with her insatiable need for Cock. Before long the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Abella Danger Luna Star The Bachelorette Gets Wet

Bride to be Abella Danger and maid of honor Adriana Chechik are excitedly talking together about Abella’s upcoming wedding. Adriana mentions that she got Abella a special surprise for the big occasion. Mischievous Adriana brought an exotic dancer, Luna Star, to give the girls a private performance! Luna wastes no time when she enters the home and pulls her dress up to reveal her sexy lingerie. Within no time it’s a three-way lesbian showdown! One by one, each of the girls take turns...

3 years ago
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A Present for Momma Chapter Two Reedit

CHAPTER TWO: RE-EDIT People at the home health office began to notice the same kind of changes going on with Momma that I first noticed when she told me about Johnny. Even though she was always fun to be around, they knew the torment that my father had put her through. They knew the divorce was imminent, (all of them hoping she would rape and pillage the miserable prick, but the only thing she wanted was the house, that's it, Daddy could stick the rest in his ass) but this new serene...

1 year ago
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Confession of an exhibitionists Part 2

Angela certainly had fun masturbating herself to three complete strangers in the train last night. She had the best orgasm in months. What next, Angela? Angela talking to herself...Hope Jim doesn't find out...that gets her excited hiding this from her husband, Jim while she does naughty things with other men. She is an exhibitionist. It was a weekend, and she decided to go the shopping centre. Wore a low cut blouse, skirt and high heels. Again, did not wear bra and panties. Jim did not go as he...

3 years ago
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Croaziera de lux

Sprijinita cu ambele brate de balustrada inalta a puntii superioare, urmaream cu emotie desprinderea lenta a mastodontului plutitor de cheul portului. Lucram deja de doi ani pe vase de croaziera, dar acum ma aflam pentru prima oara la bordul unui vapor de asemenea dimensiuni, un adevarat “orasel plutitor”. Era o bijuterie de lux pentru clienti de lux, dotata cu restaurante, baruri, magazine si buticuri, terenuri de sport, piscine, sali de cinema, cazinou, spatii de joaca pentru copii, avea...

4 years ago
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Mourning A Mother and Son Tale

MourningA Mother and Son TaleBy SpectreIt was two days after the funeral that Mom had her worst breakdown. Nobody expected Dad to die, though many of us had long wished he would. He was a mean drunkard who regularly beat us as k**s, although Mom worshiped him. So when he died she was the only one who took it hard."She's not going to make it," Carla was saying to me in the kitchen when Mom walked in, shuffling in her stocking feet, hair a mess, still in her black dress. We fell silent and...

3 years ago
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Yvette Plays at Home Part 1 Applying What She Learnt in Prague to her Home

It had all started in Prague, Yvette thought as she lay in bed. She had been fucked more times on some of her other trips, and sometimes she’d had more people too. But the Prague trip had been special. Having that Swiss family first – watching the father and son cumming on her and Sangeeta’s meals, then the orgy back at Sangeeta’s apartment. Then she had Sangeeta’s sister and her son. She lay there thinking about Sammy’s cock in her pussy, in her mouth, in her ass and between her breasts. It...

3 years ago
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Becoming Abigail

While on vacation, you decide to return to the town where you were born after more than 15 years and on your first night there, you decide to visit Abigail. Abigail was your neighbor, a young woman who found in your mom a mother figure and a great friend. They kept in touch when you moved away, and as you grew up and keeped talking to her, she became one of the people you trusted the most, like a long-distance confidante. A visit to her house was a must. She is tall, her body is very curvy, her...

1 year ago
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The Good Dr Roberts

It started when my wife Kate’s very best friend Sonia came round to see us to tell us that she and her partner Alan had been to see an ‘alternative’ sex therapist. Alan is not the most dynamic of men so I wasn’t amazed at the news and I knew that Sonia would not be able to resist giving Kate all the details later and that Kate would tell me. There was much innuendo and giggling from Sonia and repeated recommendations that we should go and see this Dr Roberts. “Tony, it’s taken our sex life to a...

3 years ago
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Message leads to massage and more 2

Got the young lovely looking lady tied up, standing, spread wide. Full access for some tougher caresses than just tickling her in that position, as I had started. I looked at her hot bums and around the walls of her dungeon for the right thing. I read her mind. Noticed her eyes dreaming for the dressage whip. I knew very well how much she likes to be trained as if she was a horse. And a whore to the whip.She would need to deserve that treat. So I start by simply spanking her. By my bare hands....

2 years ago
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Arab Neighbor Part 5

It was an unusually hot day and I had been mowing lawns and cleaning pools until late in the afternoon. My parents were away visiting some relatives so I was enjoying having the run of the house. I was leisurely swimming some laps to cool off and relax my muscles which were tense from the day's exertion.When I reached the end of the pool, my eyes caught sight of a pair of hairy legs standing on the deck. It was Mustafa.  He had apparently been swimming at Abdullah’s house as he was wearing damp...

Gay Male
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Another sweet sorority story

I just started college at a university over 100 miles away from home. I was put into a dormitory on campus with a returning student as my roommate. He had many friends and did not pay much attention to me, so we basically just shared the room. I did not bring much to campus except for my basic clothing and school stuff. I grew up in a small town with my Mom and sister, Dad was a truck driver which meant we did not spend a lot of time together and we did not have lots of money. Mom...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 28 Wedding

Elaine had to leave to spend the week supporting her brother. His wedding to Patsy was slated for Saturday afternoon. Donna was gone back to Chicago by three. Sora and Whitney each wanted some private time with me before they had to be back in their dorms by team curfew. In exchange, we got Josh, Cassie, Nicki, and Liz added to our tent. We switched the trailer back to the use of the younger girls and Leonard who had finally received permission to join us. The real surprise was when Mom and...

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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter 4 Dinner Etiquette

I take a hot shower as soon as I can. No matter how much I rub and wash them, I can still feel the words on my skin. On my breasts. Tits. They’re called tits. I can feel the letters so clearly, almost like raw skin too sensitive to touch. I could trace them perfectly with my fingers if I wanted to. But I don’t want to. Why would I want to? I don’t want to be a slut or a goddess. I want to be me.I look down at my chest and see the word “slut” written in soap over my right breast, but it’s upside...

Mind Control
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 3 Acceptance

Sunday, May 05th, 1996, Sanford Maine I awoke groggy, sticky, and with bleary eyes. What had happened the night before came crashing back to me with a jolt. I had made out with my baby sister; she had made me cum (twice) by rubbing her hot pussy all over my throbbing cock. She had also made herself cum (a few times) by rubbing herself on my wood like a madwoman (I wonder how it would have felt without our underwear on). I would have said that it all felt like a vivid dream, except that I was...

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The Hogue Dossier

I’m Back! If you haven’t read the other parts of this storyline, it won’t mean much to you. The next installment will be posted two day from this now, in NonConsent. Thanks for your time. Part five. If you chased me through all the categories so far, I admire your persistence. ………………………………………….. Dr. Jillian Parker sat at her desk, head in hand, wondering how she had gotten so far away from the life course she had envisioned. It was a rhetorical question, she could look back and remember...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 22

Edited by tangentjoker. Great job. Thank you. ***** Todd and his girlfriends went upstairs to his room, followed by his parent’s eyes who again were fascinated how this young bunch of four outstandingly beautiful women and one blessed man (their son!!) fit perfectly together. The fivesome exuded such a strong air of closeness, familiarity and nonchalant happiness that it looked like they could have been together their whole lives. There was also the fact they, without any doubt, were...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Brittany Andrews Happy Brittany Is Loving It

Sultry and excited Milf hotwife Brittany is so happy to publicly meet Isiah in person. Isiah was under the impression he would be meeting her husband as well, but he left matters into Brittany’s hands. With no time wasted, back at her house, Isiah has Brittany against the wall with her skirt lifted up as he buries his face into her ass cheeks and pussy for some tasting of her sweet pussy juices. Now on her bed she gets his big black cock deep down her throat before sliding in every inch...

3 years ago
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Swing Set

It all started one Saturday evening when my husband, Jason, and I were taking a short vacation with our best friends, Charles and Caty Grey. We had met Charles and Caty two years previous at a small business owners’ convention and had immediately hit it off. It didn’t hurt that both sets of couples were the only small business owners at the convention who ran comic book shops. They didn’t live real close to us, but they didn’t live ridiculously far away either so we were able to meet up with...

Group Sex
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Danni the Door DollyJordans Surprise part 2

Pulling the car into the secluded private driveway of the small hotel Danni felt much more relaxed, the drive here had been event free,the conversation was dominated by Jordan asking questions and Danni's flustered replies seemed to amuse her. Danni was feeling a little foolish for imagining that someone like Jordan would be interested in her but having her sitting next to her, breathing in the smell off her was getting her so hot that as soon as she got back to Julie's she knew she was going...

2 years ago
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The Vampire the Wife and the CuckoldChapter 6

"You've made my decision extremely difficult," said Rico. It was the next morning and after the women had served another sumptuous breakfast, Rico and Ragonian were sitting at the table, Justine was at the count's side after helping serve the meal. The other four women were standing near Rico. Andre was seated at the far end of the table. He had eaten sparingly, but made it quite evident he wanted nothing to do with either the count or the baron. "And how is that?" asked the...

3 years ago
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Missy Becoming a Mommy Again

Missy was one of those women who remained beautiful, sexy and very desirable even when she slipped into her late 30s and early 40s. She'd been married once before and had two children by her first marriage. That marriage had ended due to domestic abuse by her husband and Missy had gotten a divorce and taken herself and her two children out of the reach of her violent husband. She'd been a single mother for a few years and then she'd met Will, an attractive man a few years younger than her...

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Ways to Enjoy

Introduction: I went to this party, innocently cuddled with a girl when we went to bed there and everything was quite normal until I woke up with a full bladder and my hands tied to the bed … I got to know this girl two weeks ago. We were dancing together in a group. Then it was her birthday and she invited me. It was very nice of her. The party was great and because I came from further away than anyone else, I was offered a place to sleep. She told me that I could share her double size bed...

4 years ago
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This story follows on from: My First Bi- Experience.After my horny session with Jackie and Mark at the party I decided I needed to sleep and subsequently crashed out in the bedroom my friends, our party hosts, had sorted out for me. I stripped off to my underpants and slid between the sheets. I slept very well and with no alarm clock to wake me would probably have still been in the arms of Morpheus well into the Sunday morning. But I was awakened by a body slipping in my bed beside me. Then...

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My Sonu

Hi everybody, this is Raman (name changed) and how did you like my last experience called “how i fucked my black beauty”. This is my another experience with a married woman named sonu who actually was the wife of my uncle’s friend and they came to our house as her husband was about to leave for dubai for work and he would not be back before 2 years.my parents were in south india at that time as they went to visit some temples as part of their vow to get their prayers answered and they too would...

3 years ago
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At Any Cost Ch 05

Derek was considering moving them to the country. After the nightmare last night, the unsettling feeling stayed with him through the morning. With his dismissal from the Runners, nothing really kept him in the city. The country would provide enough amusements for his young wife, he thought. And working with his tenants would offer him a worthy cause. He thought it over during breakfast, which Vivian did not attend, as she was still sleeping upstairs. While leaning against one arm of his...

1 year ago
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To Tessas Relief

Tessa had been obsessed with the female body since she was ten. It had been the she had seen her best friend’s matured body. Four years later, when she was four-teen, she had her first real lesbian kiss. It had been at this guy Kyle’s party. He and his friends had snuck some alcohol from his parents wine cabinet. They had started to play spin the bottle and when she had spun it… it had landed on a girl Sandra. She had crossed the circle as “oohs” and other cat calls were thrown throughout the...

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reluctant wife

At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...

2 years ago
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The Girl Whom I Loved Once

Hey, folks, this sex story is a true incident happened in my life recently. Let me explain about me first; you can call me Chinna, I’m 25 years old now working in an MNC in Germany. I’m 185cms tall with an athletic body. During my college days, I loved a girl named Sindhu (Fake name). She was my school friend and we have a crush on each other but she was not ready to commit since we were young. The only communication was by calling over the phone and she was studying in another city of Andhra...

2 years ago
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All in the Family Then Some Part III

Don’t get me wrong, Patty, my sister, is a great fuck and I love giving it to her as often as possible. However, mom is something special. Since our first time, which was pretty much straight fucking, she has taught me new positions, guided me to her clit, and worked wonders on me using the muscles in her pussy on my cock. Patty and I were pretty lucky that she didn’t end up pregnant, as we did it several times without protection…shit, neither of us knew or really cared about protection after...

1 year ago
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Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen By Rowena Morgan "I'm bored." "School will be out in a couple of months. What do you want to do this summer, Susan?" "Nothing." "Then you aren't bored. You're apathetic." "What's that mean?" "It means you don't care about anything." "Okay, I'm apathetic." "I don't believe that. Want to help me with a project I've been working on? It would involve you eventually anyway. Want to get in on the planning stage?" "Depends. Why would I be involved?" "Do...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury

Hell Hath No Fury Part 1 – The SeductionI had a good job in industry, earning very good money, and used my wealth and position to seduce attractive young women. To me it was a sport. But underneath my smooth exterior, I had always been secretly attracted to dominant women, and particularly dominant cigar smoking women. I had gone out with Carol for a few months, but had become, as was usual, a bit bored with her. She was a very attractive girl when we first met, at the age of 24. She  was very...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Daddy8217s Senior Friend

Hi to all fuckers and suckers once again and this is rocky the fucker back with another encounter with my dad’s friends and thanks for all your mails any chats with me heart’s you all know let start. My dad use to work in middle level management official in some company although, he is based in Bangalore city myself and my mother, moved to ma sis home for a change, some 50 Km from Bangalore city. Although, dad stays at our home in Bangalore city, he was visiting regular intervals. He has failed...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

All the girls liked him. He was physically attractive, sure, but what really got to them was his mind and his power. He was a professor, young compared to his colleagues, just 30 when he started his new job at my college. It was my first semester too and our mutual newness is what first brought us together. We became instant friends, sharing everything from lunches to our deepest secrets. I discovered he was in an unhappy marriage but could not leave because of his daughter. She was six. The...

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A Harry Potter story Chapter I

It was the first week at Hogwarts everything was peace and quiet, or almost everything was peaceful. It had become a habit for Harry, after he had finished his homework for the evening, he would go to his room and pick up his invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map, and set out on a night stroll in the dark corridors at night, here he was left to his own thoughts as the peace of the castle allowed him to somehow think more clearly. How could Dumbledore be so stupid? He had made Snape...

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JoshCubes Dream Crazy woman with a knife Text Fix

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Natalias Fate

Natalia woke up in a dark small room. She was chained to the floor, a shackle around her ankle. How did she get here? The last thing she remembered she was sitting at the bus stop after work. She just finished her shift as a waitress. Natalia then realizes she is no longer wearing her waitress uniform; instead she is in a white simple dress. It comes down about two inches from her panties and a deep V neckline, highlighting her small mounds, her cleavage. It is a spaghetti strap dress that...

3 years ago
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Womans Best Friend

Ch 1Seyla chuffs hot breath through the rag, stuffed inside and duct taped to her mouth. "...face really. It's taped to my face." She thinks, wiggling her cheeks a bit, seeing how much room she has. He was kind enough to Vaseline her lips after tying her, before the tape. Ralph has been unusually kind tonight: helping her remove her jacket, gently undressing her, pulling slowly as he tightened the knots, kissing her after he secured her blindfold. "Starting to freak me the fuck out a little."...

1 year ago
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Dream Mistress Pt2

I awoke in the middle of the night flat on my back and was admittedly having a hard time opening my eyes as there was something crusty covering my eyelids and it wasn't until I remembered the familiar taste of my own cum that I remembered why I was in my little makeshift office naked, covered in dry cum, and the after effects of stretching out my own ass for hopefully my new Mistress. Admittedly I walked a little funny to the bathroom where I took a hot warm shower contemplating what I had...

3 years ago
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A Surprise Gloryhole Visitor

“I’m heading out, Dad, be back sometime after midnight,” I shouted from the front hall.“Where ya headed?” he shouted back. “Going to the movies and probably ice cream after,” I lied.“All right, hon, have fun. Say, can you grab the mail before you go?”I finished tying my boots and opened the front door, poking my head out and lifting the flap on our mail box right under the doorbell. I shut the door behind me and looked through the pile of mostly junk for anything with my name on it. “Anything...

2 years ago
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Sex Last Saturday 09292012 o

So, my husband and I had some really great sex last night, which started as it often does with us talking about sex. This time the subject was nipples. I've almost been brought to orgasm several times by having my nipple kissed and licked and my husband (Jasper) tells me that he gets aroused by having his nipples suckled as well. I have rather large boobs, so he asked me if I'd ever licked my own nipples.It's funny, but it hasn't been since my 20's that I have. I used to masturbate and lick at...

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Angela Part Three Fanny

We had been in Paris for a few days and become lovers. Angela was an amazingly exciting lover and I was on a distinct high when I got home. Cloudsley, my cat, was aloof and distant when I got back. Sir Cloudsley Shovell was one of my Dad’s heroes. He’d managed to sink an entire squadron of ships in 1707 off the Isles of Scilly and, as a result of his misfortune, the race to develop a timepiece that would assist navigators assumed huge importance. OK, so it’s a bit nerdy but the story has always...

3 years ago
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I fuck my wife and sister

 My sister, Joan, lives in a town asbout 5o miles from where my wife, Edna, and I, live. Several years ago Edna was speaking to Joan on the telephone and invited her to spend a few days with us. Joan obtained leave from her employer and duly arrived here. When she did Edna asked her if she would like to go to a beach with us where ladies are allowed to go topless."I don`t know about that Edna. I`ve never been topless on a beach"."Why not give it a try Joan? You may like it"."All right. I`ll...

1 year ago
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Jamie Comes Home

Jamie tossed her suitcase on the white bedspread and smiled to herself. She was home now, home from college. Her degree was tucked solidly away in its leather binding beneath her stacks of jeans and T-shirts. Glancing around at the room about her, her smile became a grin. Each and every thing, from the green-veined wallpaper to the strawberry design on her quilt, the Victorian-style dollhouse in the corner to the warm wood of the aged dresser, remained the same. As her mother had promised in...

4 years ago
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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part One

Jenny Howe dreaded today. The 42 year old mother was going to be given twelve strokes of the cane and that realisation made her shiver with panic. She looked again at the Parent Discipline Slip and the instruction to see Mrs. Denver at the Academy together with her 17 year old daughter Olivia who had gone AWOL the previous week when she had a test. Having been caught Olivia had to pay the penalty by being excluded for 2 days. At least that was the easy part of the penalty. Olivia’s return to...

3 years ago
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Brewing Rage

Veronica thought back to how she first met Pete and what transpired. Veronica, then a beautiful 30-year-old certified accountant with long flowing hair and legs that seemed to go on forever, was assigned to supervise the audit team at Burns & Lowe. Introductions were made to their controller, Pete Prince, and the rest of the employees. Meetings were held and as Pete and Veronica got to work closer together, it was hard not to be impressed by Pete. He was a man of great presence; black...

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Pennys First Day

It was Penny's first day at an exclusive finishing school for sluts. She proudly wore her new uniform and thought it made her look stunning, showing off her pretty cunt and her beautiful bare arse that could be just seen beneath her short pleated skirt. She paraded in front of the mirror admiring her new uniform and anticipating the day ahead with excitement.Her journey here started some time back. She came from a well to do family, her father was a radiologist and her mother was an executive...

2 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 55

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 55 (Thursday - week 8) Back... and forth... and back... and forth. In his dreams, he was once again dressed as a baby... a baby girl of course. Naturally, he was thickly diapered and sucking on a pacifier - mimicking his situation in real life. But that of course wasn't what his dream was about. He was wearing a little-girl style dress - all pink and white lace with ribbons and bows everywhere. The short skirt was puffed out very wide by all...

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Defeat by modesty ENF

You're sitting on a bench in one of the town's squares, off near its suburbs. You lean back against a wooden pole, absentmindedly scratching some dirt from beneath your fingernails, as a woman is standing in the square. She's angrily adressing you, repeatedly, but you've practically tuned it out. She appears to be a knight of sorts, or a warrior. A local warlord maybe? This part of the continent was riddled with petty tyrants ruling over one or a handful of villages, who all think they're the...


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