Wild WoodsChapter 7: Celebration free porn video

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“They wouldn’t think I’m ... uh ... a bad person?” Nina asked when Gee told her and Karen about the kids’ suggestion.

“No, they understand you’ve been through a lot but thought maybe you could just use a friend your age to have fun with,” Gee said.

“I don’t know what to do!”

“Maybe that’s something a friend could help with,” Karen said. “I’ve worked in the woods with all those kids and if they say they want to be your friend, that’s exactly what they mean.”


“Maybe we could invite one over this weekend to help decorate for Christmas,” Karen said. Nina’s eyes lit up.


“You like Christmas?” Gee asked.

“Yes. I like candy and cookies,” Nina said. “And no one gets punished on Christmas or um ... used.”

“Do you celebrate Christmas, Karen?” Gee asked.

“I celebrate anything. It’s winter and there is snow and decorations and a roaring fire and a tree. I like it all. What do you like best about the holiday, Gee?”

“I like the ... uh ... I remember ... smells. Pine. Cinnamon. Turkey. I don’t remember anything specific but I remember the smells. Isn’t that funny?”

“It is,” she said, reaching for the little notebook she always had near. “I’m going to write it down as a new memory emerging. Maybe we should introduce a whole bunch of new smells to you and see what they remind you of.”

“An interesting concept,” Gee agreed.

“Um ... Gee? Karen? Can we invite Sister, Brother, and Littlest to have Christmas cookies with us?” Nina asked in a small voice.

“What a wonderful idea!” Gee said. “Let’s make arrangements.”

“I’ll talk to Jude and Laura,” Karen said.

“Jude and Laura?”

“Gee, they’ve fallen in love with the children. The only thing stopping them from asking for custody is the upcoming wedding.”

“Do they have room for children in their home?”

“We have to move across the street soon. They can have this house,” Karen said happily.

“Who’s first?” Gee asked his crew on Thursday. “Nina would like to meet someone.” Jeanie raised her hand. Gee nodded.

“We all thought it might be easiest if the first person she meets was also an orphan,” she said.

“You’ve all been giving this a lot of thought, haven’t you?” There were nods all around.

“Then let’s plan on Sunday. You can join Nina and Karen while I try to control this unruly crowd in the woods,” Gee laughed.

“Hey!” they objected. And then pelted Gee with snowballs.

“What’s your favorite thing about Christmas, Nina?” Jeanie asked. Karen had the two girls in the kitchen mixing flour and eggs for cookies.

“Um ... Sweet things. Candy and cookies. Sir and Madam let me sit at the table and eat whatever I wanted on Christmas,” Nina said. It seemed to be the only happy memory she had.

Karen started to reach for her but Jeanie already had an arm around her new friend. Karen kept the conversation going while the two girls comforted each other.

“Were there guests as well as Sir and Madam?” she asked. “Like we are having the children and Jude and Laura?”

“Yes. Not with the sir and madam I ran away from. But the others. And sometimes there were visitors who brought pets with them, like me ... Girls and boys ... It was...”

“You don’t have to talk about it if it’s painful,” Jeanie said softly. “We can whisper about it later if you want.”

“What is your favorite part about Christmas, Jeanie?” Karen asked.

“Mmm. Gravy! I’ve been at Flor for five years and it’s not like they don’t feed us. I know some kids at Rosebud High who don’t eat as well as we do. But the gravy they make at Christmas is the best! They cook a lot of turkeys to feed two hundred kids and the drippings laced with butter makes the best gravy. They use real cream and flour to thicken it. It’s so yummy my mouth is watering already.” The girls laughed as Jeanie made a slurping noise.

“Maybe you could come help us celebrate this week, too. You could show me how to make that gravy.”

“I ... Really? You’d invite me, too?” Jeanie squeaked.

“Well, Jude and Laura will be here, so Gee and I have an older couple to talk to. The children have each other. There’s no reason Nina couldn’t have a friend with her, too. If you want to invite Jeanie to come to Christmas dinner, Nina, it’s fine to do so,” Karen said.

“Me? Invite?”

“This is your home, Nina. You are free to invite your friend.”

“Jeanie! Would you come to Christmas dinner with us?” she said excitedly.

The girls bounced up and down as Jeanie screamed, “That would be so cool!”

Sharing Traditions

Gee’s crew worked hard Sunday morning but were all too excited about being out of school for the holiday and about Jeanie visiting Nina to stay focused into the afternoon.

“What do you do for Christmas over at Flor, JD?” Leslie asked. She was the youngest of the crew working Sunday but had been the first one to suggest transplanting trees from the Wild Woods to expand the Forest. JD seemed more relaxed and flirtatious around the girls without Jeanie around. He put on a very sad face and looked at the girl from Rosebud High.

“We have an old dead branch one of the kids dug out of the dump last year,” he started the tale. “It still had a little tinsel on it. It had a popcorn strand on it, too, but the rats got that. We’ve kept it hidden all year so the headmaster doesn’t find it. Late Christmas Eve, when the adults are drunk into a stupor, we’ll get the tree out and gather round to sing ‘Silent Night.’ Then we’ll hide it again for next year and hope we live to see it again. Christmas Day, the staff is nice to us. The cook might give us an extra portion of gruel and if we’re very lucky it will be hot.”

“You are so full of shit!” Rebecca said. She threw a snowball at JD and for the next ten minutes, snow was flying all over as the kids lost track of what they were supposed to be doing. Gee laughed at them just before he was pelted with a dozen snowballs.

“I think we’ve accomplished all we’re going to out here,” he said, wiping snow from his hard hat. “Let’s gather up the tools and get back to the office. We won’t be back out until Wednesday. We have Christmas Eve and Christmas before then.” The kids cheered.

“Why don’t you all come over and see,” JD said. “A lot of kids have left for the holiday. You know we’re not all orphans. It’s a boarding school.”

“I’m taking off for home tomorrow morning,” Rebecca said. “I’m taking my roommate with me.”

“Come on, Gee,” JD said. “The invitation includes you.”

“If you’re sure the administration won’t mind you bringing guests,” Gee answered.

“It’s our home,” Trevor said. “We follow the rules, but we live there and can invite friends over. If we have a guest for dinner, the cooks want to know in advance so they can have enough food. Otherwise we’re pretty normal. We’ve been known to raid the fridge in the middle of the night like any other teens.”

“Of course, there’s only cold gruel in the fridge,” JD mourned.

Gee had been to the school when he made his plea for volunteers and had been given a brief tour of the complex of dormitories, classrooms, and facilities. The whole place was now decorated for the holiday and a large tree stood in the cafeteria. There was hot cider on the counter and several kids took advantage of the hot chocolate machine. Other kids filtered in when they heard the chatter of the crew, talking about Christmas traditions.

“I did a report on traditions at Flor del Día,” Rebecca said. “I think everyone does some kind of report about the school during their stay here. It started as a soldiers’ and sailors’ orphanage after the Civil War. Some time around World War II, things started to change here and the school was opened for other boarding. We each get an allowance so we can go into town for ice cream or to the movies. We have a football team but not basketball. Everybody wakes up again in the spring for track and baseball, though.”

“Good afternoon! It’s nice to see some visitors,” Evan Nygard said as he strode up to the table. The headmaster seemed full of holiday spirit as he wore a Santa hat, oblivious to the way JD had described him as a modern Bill Sikes. “Gee, it is always a pleasure to have you visit. Do I see friends from Rosebud High?”

“Yes, Mr. Nygard. I have a good mix of Flor and RHS students on my volunteer forestry crew. We decided to knock off early today and share Christmas traditions,” Gee said, shaking the man’s hand.

“Well, one of our traditions here at Flor del Día is that from Solstice to New Year’s there are always fresh cookies at three o’clock. Enjoy!”

Right on cue, kitchen staff began putting trays of Christmas cookies on the serving tables and more students started wandering in.

“Wow! Every day at three?” Leslie said.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool,” Rebecca said. “We can’t just wander into the kitchen any time for a cookie and milk. The poor cooks would never get meals prepared. But this is like our time for a snack. Maybe it’s a little less spontaneous than you’re used to, but we still get cookies.”

Devil Incarnate

Gee took his leave as the kids enjoyed cookies and made new friends. He headed for the hospital to visit his kids. His kids. He knew he would never be able to adopt the children but he felt a special connection with them that filled his heart. It was the same with the teens on his crew, the same with the children in the library during reading time, the same with Nina. They were his kids and he was their champion.

“Gee!” Sally Ann called as he entered the room. She bounced out of the beanbag chair leaving a book and the three startled children behind as she hugged Gee. She turned to the other three and waved them closer as Gee knelt so he could hug all of them. When he stood, Littlest clung to his neck and he carried her.

“What have you been reading today?” Gee asked.

“We’re reading about Paddington Bear,” Sally said. “We read part of the story and then act out the parts with our animals.”

“What a clever idea,” he said glancing up at Ruth Ann. She shrugged.

“I’m not really needed,” she said. “I just let the children figure it out. And kiss a booboo or hug a child. I guess that’s important, too.”

“It is. I didn’t expect to see you so late this afternoon.”

“Oh, the kids have been having such a good time that I couldn’t see stopping. I have a book as well and have been reading.” Gee glanced at the book she held. Positive Parenting for Autism. He smiled. “The psychologist said it would give a good basic grounding. There was a copy here. I think Laura has been reading it, too.”

“I just thought I’d stop and say hi to the children before dinner,” Gee said. He got down on the floor and began running a toy truck through a mass of building blocks.

“We should put things away that we aren’t playing with,” Sally Ann told the others. “I have to go home now.” The children joined her and soon the books and toys were all put away except the stuffed animal each child held.

“We’ll be back,” Ruth Ann said. “Merry Christmas!”

“We’re taking the children for the holiday tomorrow,” Gee said. “They’ll be back Wednesday afternoon.”

“Oh, that’s good,” Ruth Ann said. “They need to get out of this room more.” After hugging each of the children, Ruth Ann and Sally Ann left.

“And we should get ready for dinner,” Gee said to the children. They immediately began setting their little table, spreading the cloth and putting a small vase of flowers in the center. All without a word. Gee had, however, heard some giggles as the children were playing.

A few minutes later, Grandma Sue arrived with dinner and Gee said goodnight.

Gee walked down the hall of the long-term care unit trying to figure out how he could get the children released to a good home. As he glanced in the rooms he passed, he saw people sleeping, watching television, and reading. One very old man looked up from a vacant-eyed stupor and his eyes focused on Gee.

“George,” rasped the old man. “George.” Gee went into the room and paused by the bed.

“Most folks call me Gee. Do I know you sir?”

“George, we shouldn’t play in the quarry anymore. It’s too dangerous,” he said. “What they’re hiding is none of our business.” He seemed not to really see Gee and was talking to someone else who stood in his stead.

“What is hidden in the quarry?” Gee asked.

“Things they don’t want us to know about. We have to stay away.” The old man shifted his position slightly and said, “I won’t challenge you for the Family leadership, George. It’s yours. You needn’t eat the nut. Don’t eat it, George. Don’t eat it.”

Gee puzzled over this. He’d twice eaten the nut. He didn’t think that was what the old man was talking about. Family leadership? Gee stopped at the door to look at the nametag. ‘August Poltanys.’

“George!” the old man barked once more. Gee turned and this time he was clearly the focus of August’s eyes. “Take care of Jan, George. He wasn’t ready.” He then closed his eyes and soon snored.

August Poltanys. Gee recalled being told that Jan’s father, nearly as old as Ben Roth, had been in care for Alzheimer’s Disease for fifteen years. Gee hadn’t realized the care was here in the hospital.

He was near the end of the hall when he heard sobs from one of the rooms and stopped to look in. The sight was both touching and repulsive. Lying in the bed was a figure Gee recognized. Rena Lynd, the flirtatious checker at the Market who had been addicted to Lustre and then was pushed into the quarry when Karen was kidnapped. She lay silently in her comatose sleep with machines monitoring her vitals.

Next to her, a man held her hand, kissing it repeatedly and crying. “I love you, Rena. I will never deny you. Come back to me. You are the only one who can save me.” Gee started to turn away when the man looked up and he recognized Pastor Lance Beck of Calvary Tabernacle. They held each other’s eyes for a moment before the preacher dropped Rena’s hand and moved toward the door.

“You!” he spat at Gee. “Begone, Lucifer. You cannot have her.”

“How is Rena?” Gee asked softly, trying to avert the preacher’s hatred.

“She wanted only to be loved. To be loved and cherished. You spurned her. Drove her to drugs and into fantasies. And so, she lies here, unable to hear me calling her. Go! You have done all the damage you can.”

“I don’t want to hurt Rena,” Gee explained.

“She is surrounded by my love now. I have confessed it. My love is enough to combat all the minions of hell you send against her. I will not let her die unloved. Begone!”

Gee glanced once more at Rena’s still form and backed away, not wanting a further confrontation with Beck. His last glance back showed the preacher kneeling by Rena’s side, his head bowed over her hand in prayer.

Silent Night

Gee saw the van pull under the porte cochère and stepped outside into the brisk chill to help Jude and Laura with the children.

“You have a perfect car for transporting little ones,” Gee said as he gave Laura a hug and turned to shake Jude’s hand.

“We bought it last week, hoping for a chance like this. We even had car seats professionally installed,” Laura said.

“I’m afraid the kids don’t like it,” Jude said as he opened the side door. “They haven’t moved since I buckled them in.” Gee looked at the children and saw vacant looks scarcely masking their terror. He started into the van and then backed out.

“You buckled them in. You need to let them out so they know you are taking care of them,” Gee said. “Otherwise they might think I’m rescuing them.”

“Oh, no!” Laura breathed.

“It probably has to do with them being confined. They don’t understand it’s to keep them safe,” Gee went on as Jude lifted Brother out and handed him to Laura. Laura immediately cuddled him and cooed over him. He hugged her neck, a slight tremble in his hands. Next, Littlest was handed out to Gee.

“Littlest!” Gee said, hugging her. “You’ve come to visit me on Christmas Eve. You are such a wonderful present.” Littlest gave a slight sob and pointed back at Sister. Jude had the oldest child unbuckled from the car seat and lifted her out. She was not as quick to be comforted by him as the other children.

“It’s okay, Naomi. No one is going to hurt you,” Jude soothed her. “We just wanted you safe as we drove the car. Now we are at Gee and Karen’s house and having a nice adventure. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I would never let anyone hurt you, Sister. You are precious and I will always take care of you.” The girl began to relax in Jude’s arms as he comforted her. They moved into the house, where Karen was waiting at the door.

“Merry Christmas!” she announced as she kissed each of the children.

“You can’t imagine how strange that sounds,” Jude said. “We just need to get used to being multi-cultural.”

“Go on,” Laura said. “You’ve been Merry Christmased by my family for years. There’s no sense pretending you’re unaccustomed.”

“Yes, but ... Karen!” Jude laughed as he helped the children out of their coats.

“Jeanie!” Nina yelled as she pelted down the hall and out the front door to greet her friend. Jeanie had a backpack and heavy coat on as she approached.

“Nina! You don’t have shoes on! You’ll catch pneumonia!” Jeanie yelled as she scooped her new friend up off her feet and carried her to the door.

“Oh! Cold!” Nina giggled as she was set down in the entry. Karen handed her a towel and Nina dried her feet.

“That’s why you have boots for playing in the snow, silly,” Karen laughed. “Hello, Jeanie. Merry Christmas.”

“Thank you, Karen. Merry Christmas to you. Are these the children?” Jeanie asked as they moved to join the others in the sitting room. A huge fire was burning in the fireplace and the three children were mesmerized by it.

“Yes. Brother, Sister, and Littlest,” Gee called their attention. They turned toward him. “This is Jeanie. She is Nina’s friend. You remember Nina when she and Karen visited, don’t you?” Jeanie and Nina got down on their knees, a sign the children now recognized as an invitation to hug.

“They’re like little sisters and a little brother for you, Nina,” Jeanie said. “Wow! Look at all the decorations! Did you see the Christmas tree, Littlest?” Jeanie took the little girl’s hand and led her to the tree she’d helped decorate the day before. She began pointing out different decorations and Nina brought Brother and Sister to join them.

“Jeanie is a natural with the children,” Karen commented as the adults sat watching the them play Candyland.

“I wonder if she’d be interested in becoming a kind of au pair when she’s out of school,” Laura suggested.

“Are you thinking you might become a full-time nanny and need an assistant?” Karen teased.

“Uh ... Karen, as head of the family, maybe you could help us,” Jude said. “We’d ... We’ve been talking. We have all the papers ready to file to request custody. Would you and Gee support our request?”

“Of course we will,” Karen said. “What do you need?”

“We talked to Judge Warren and he said we’d need to be married before he could rule on a custody hearing, but that’s just a week away. And there will have to be inspections of our home and a background check on our criminal records. As if everyone in town wouldn’t know if we’d ever had so much as a speeding ticket,” Jude laughed.

“We don’t have a very big house, but with the record of the children and their care in the hospital, we should only need the two extra rooms. CPS will require a separate room for the boy and the girls, even if they never use it,” Laura said. We could have custody right after we’re married if you support it.” Laura looked at Gee.

“I’ll support it,” Gee answered. “Now tell me about Naomi.” Jude blushed.

“That was a slip. It’s another thing Judge Warren said. The children need names. We’ve tried a couple out and they seem to like them. We call Sister, Naomi, Brother, David, and Littlest, Esther.”

“Those are lovely names,” Karen said.

“Then we should adopt them,” Gee said. “The names, I mean. Everyone should address them by their given names. What did the judge have to say about a last name?”

“There was some talk about giving them yours,” Laura said. “Naomi, David, and Esther Evars. But we didn’t want confusion to arise, either in the minds of the children or the public. We did a lot of thinking and if you approve, we’d like them to have the last name of Woods. Naomi, David, and Esther Woods. Sort of a tribute to where they were found and lived.”

“At least it’s not Quarry,” Gee chuckled. “I agree. Karen?”

“If it is our choice, I think Woods is an appropriate last name. You didn’t want to name them Roth or Lazorack?” Karen asked.

“I don’t think we need to carry on Family names,” Jude said. “In fact ... well, Laura and I asked the judge if we could both change our last names to Woods when we’re married.”

“Oh! That’s wonderful!” Karen squealed, getting a look from the children. As soon as they saw she was happy, they returned to their game. The four adults had a little toast and settled back down. “Now, about your living arrangement,” Karen continued the conversation. “As cozy as your house is, don’t you think it would be a little small for a family of five? Especially a family of five who wants a live-in au pair?” Jude and Laura nodded and sighed.

“We figure our biggest task after the first of the year will be finding a new place to live. We’d like to stay north of the river, but property prices are a lot cheaper down south. We haven’t found anything just right yet, but we’ve been looking around,” Laura said.

“Come with us,” Karen said as she stood. “Nina and Jeanie, we’re touring the house a little. Can you keep an eye on Naomi, David, and Esther? Just call out if you need anything.”


“I’ve never seen your home, you know?” Jude said. “Your grandmother and great-grandmother were never very friendly to Mom.”

“We’re breaking down all kinds of barriers,” Karen said. “It’s about time, too. If we’re a Family, we’ll all be a family. I just wanted to show you how the bedrooms are laid out. We’re only using two of the rooms. This one is Nina’s. You can look through the door, but we don’t go in unless she invites us. It’s the room I gave Gee when he moved in but ... Well, we don’t need it for the two of us anymore. These two smaller bedrooms share a bath and as long as I can remember have never been used. On the other side is our bedroom. It’s a full suite with a sitting room, fireplace, bedroom and bath. If you can believe it, there’s even a dumbwaiter from the kitchen. But it’s nothing compared to the master suite. Great-grandmother moved into it the day her father died, I was told. Prior to that, she’d been in my room. I’ve scarcely opened the door since she passed away, though I know Gee has been in to clean.”

The master suite was nearly twice the size of Karen and Gee’s suite. It included a bedroom, bath, sitting room, and a study with a deck that overlooked the garden in back. Large closets next to the bath still held some of her ancestor’s clothing.

“Good Lord!” Laura said. “It’s bigger than our whole house!”

“This is nothing compared to the mansion across the street,” Karen said. “This house has five bedrooms plus a small maid’s apartment on the first floor off the kitchen. Do you think this would be big enough to raise a family in?” The stunned couple looked at their cousin.

“Karen? Are you saying... ?”

“Family custom says Gee and I have to occupy the monstrosity across the street. That means the cottage here will be empty unless I find a nice young family to rent it. Cheap,” Karen said.

“I thought you’d give this to Jo,” Jude said.

“Jo is still rattling around in a two-bedroom apartment. She doesn’t know what to do with all the room. This place would overwhelm her. Would you two be interested in moving in here with the children and maybe an au pair?”

Laura crushed Karen in a hug.

“They’re so precious,” Laura sighed. The four adults stood at the open door of the children’s room watching the three nestled together asleep.

“Are you sure it’s okay for us to use the master suite?” Jude asked. “We’ll be so far away.”

“Gee and I are right across the hall and we’ll have both doors open,” Karen said. “This will be a good test to see how well they do in their own room without an adult hovering.”

After another fond look at the children, Jude and Laura said goodnight and went to the master suite. Gee and Karen edged down the hall to Nina’s room. Karen pushed at the partially open door to check on the girls. Both seemed fast asleep. Once she nodded that they were decent, Gee looked over her shoulder. He wrapped his arms around Karen and squeezed her to him.

“Our own babies,” he whispered. “Merry Christmas, Darling.”

Holiday Memories

It was possible that the old house had not seen so much excitement and activity on Christmas morning since old Aaron had built it for his daughter after the war. Gee went to the kitchen while Laura and Jude got the children dressed. He found Nina and Jeanie sitting in their pajamas with cookies and cups of hot chocolate in front of them. Nina had a momentary start when she saw Gee.

“Is it ... okay ... sir?” she asked hesitantly. Gee stopped short and turned to the table. He knelt beside it and reached to softy touch Nina’s hair.

“This is you home, Nina. I’m not sir. I’m just Gee and you do not need permission to eat or to share with your friend.” She nodded slowly.

“Told ya so,” Jeanie said, patting her friend’s hand.

“This cookie looks good, though,” Gee said. He broke a corner off one of Nina’s cookies and popped it in his mouth, much to her surprise. “Mmm. I hope you saved one for me. Is yours just as good, Jeanie?” He reached for a corner of her cookie and she snatched the plate away, giggling at him.

“You’re a cookie thief! She squealed. Then she broke off a piece of sugar cookie and pushed it into Gee’s mouth. “We baked lots of cookies Sunday,” she laughed. “Nina made this batch herself.”

“What brilliant teens. Now, where was I? I think I was getting coffee ready for the old folks.” He returned to his task and listened to the two girls talk. Karen came into the kitchen unnoticed by the girls and wrapped her arms around Gee’s waist.

“I just remember always liking Christmas,” Jeanie said. “There was excitement and presents and food. Then after the accident, I got passed around to a bunch of foster homes. Some were nice and some were just a bed in a room where you slept and tried to stay out of everyone’s way. No one wanted to adopt a troubled kid like me. But when I was eleven, someone came to the agency and said Flor had room for me. The staff and other students at Flor del Día make a big deal out of all holidays. And birthdays. The first fall I was here, I found out about Harvest and fell in love with the Forest. The thing is, the longer I’ve been here and the more time that’s passed since I lost my parents—it’s been ten years now—the harder it is to remember them. I have pictures, so I know what they looked like, but mostly I just remember things like being happy at Christmas. I can’t remember an actual conversation, though sometimes I’ll start to do something and remember Mommy said not to or Daddy said brushing my teeth would prevent cavities. I guess you not remembering a mother and father make us a lot alike in some ways.”

“I remember Sir and Madam,” Nina whispered. “As long as I obeyed right away, they didn’t hurt me. If I was slow, I was slapped or spanked. The only time I ever said ‘no’, I was strapped down and beaten with a belt. I drank something they made and learned to behave properly. It wasn’t the only time I was beaten but the only time for being disobedient. But on Christmas, there were no punishments. I could eat all the sweets I wanted. And no one would come to my room at night. There were six Christmases before I was given to the next sir and madam. Eight until I was given to the next. And then I ran away when they said I would be sent to the kennel.”

“God, Nina! That’s terrible. Fourteen years? I’m so glad you found Gee and Karen!”

“Oh, this gravy is very good!” Jude said at the table. “Did you make this, Karen?”

“No. I barely survive in the kitchen. Gee did most of the cooking, assisted by the two young women here,” Karen laughed as they brought more food to the table. “They kept me out of the way by giving me coffee and cookies.”

“Jeanie was responsible for the gravy,” Gee said.

“It was Sarah, really,” Jeanie said. “She’s one of the cooks and is house mom for the older girls’ dormitory. I begged her to give me the recipe Sunday night and instead she took me to the kitchen and got out all the ingredients. Then she had me help make the gravy and packaged it in a plastic container to bring with me.”

“I know it’s made with turkey drippings. How did she manage that before the holiday?” Karen asked.

“Oh, we have turkey a lot,” Jeanie said. “There are two hundred of us to feed at Flor, so we have turkey and chicken often. Sometimes we have ham or pork and about once a week we have beef. It’s not like we sit around and eat steak all the time. They don’t skimp on making sure we have protein but it isn’t luxury cuts.”

Same as Wild Woods
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Fourth of July celebration

Oh my God, last night was the 4th of July and boy did we have a celebration.  I am so sore today from all the wild things that I did, and I think I can only relate some of what happened here.   Let me tell you a little about myself, I am 56 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder to mid back length, mouth that loves to suck hard cocks and loves the taste, smell, and feel of cum, my breast size is 36D with mouthful size nipples that love...

1 year ago
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Wedding Celebration

I really miss the weddings, especially the desi styles you could see. This was an incident when I had been to my cousin's wedding with my parents. I had the best fuck with one of the milf in the wedding, later I got to know that she's a far relative of mine. I was in the 3rd year of my engineering, born and groomed in Bangalore.I had been invited to my cousin's wedding close to Bangalore called Hassan.It was a wedding celebration to remember, which was in his farm house.Everyone who were...

3 years ago
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Following DoryChapter 13 Celebration

We had scheduled our trip for the Monday following commencement and Dory was ready and champing at the bit when I arrived to pick her up early that morning. Her mother and father were both there to see us off and she obviously had their blessing for this adventure. I had made a reservation for the 8:30 ferry and we made it in plenty of time. It was cloudy, but calm and fairly warm that morning, so it was an easy crossing to Nanaimo. I had checked the long range forecast before we left and it...

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Wildcats Short Story One

Wildcats: Terry's Spring Break The Wildcats came to Fictionmania one chapter at a time last year. The new novel, Wildcats, is a rewritten version that's 50% longer and much improved that has just been published on Amazon/Kindle. If you want to sample the story, there are a generous number of free chapters to read on Amazon. Wildcats: A Rock 'n' Roll...

2 years ago
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Samhain Night The Lovers Celebration

Samhain Night The night air chills. Northern leaves glow golden and fall with the sun. Our nipples stiffen and touch sensually before our lips join. Our fire-dance is nigh, my sister. The scent of damp and decaying leaves fill the air, as the nights shorten and darkness comes ever earlier. Bodies are fevered with expectation, nipples swollen and lips moist as the greatest night of the Pagan year, draws ever closer, my dearest sister. The fire burns hot in the sylvan glade, warming our naked...

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Bonfire Celebration

The bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...

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Bonfire Celebration

The bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...

3 years ago
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Ana gangbanged on her Birthday celebration

Ana gangbanged on her Birthday celebration My sweet wife Ana wanted something special to celebrate her Birthday.We reserved a suite in a very nice hotel nearby.I brought her some red roses and later we went on our night out. We checked into the hotel first. Ana put on a simple black dress, her shoulders mostly bare, with thin straps holding it on, that went about halfway down her thigh making her legs show up nice atop her high heel shoes. It wasn't too revealing but very sexy, showing off her...

1 year ago
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Birthday Celebration

My boyfriend had been asking me for weeks what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. After a few pleading attempts to at least give him a clue as to what I might like, I finally got up the courage to ask for something that I had been wanting for quite some time. A spanking. I told him that I wanted a birthday spanking, an actual spanking. Not just a few passionate swats during sex. I wanted him to give me an actual punishment. I had only been spanked a handful of times as a kid but for as long as...

2 years ago
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A Proper Celebration

Marcus and Mina watched their parents enter the jetway and waved goodbye. Marin and William waved back and turned to board their plane. As they watched their parents disappear among the crowd, Mina inched closer to her brother until her fingers grazed his. Marcus slipped his hand in hers and squeezed it. Mina sighed.While walking through the airport terminal, Mina pulled her hand from his and looked around with a guilty expression on her face. Marcus took her hand again and threaded their...

2 years ago
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Birthday Celebration

Birthday celebrationTo give you some background, Kate and I married 3 years ago, she is a very sexy 33 year old curvy blond, 5ft 7, looks wise she is stunning and has always had a lot of attention, 38g breasts that create a cleavage to die for and a lovely tight ass She always dresses very smartly and sexy. I am 32, 6ft 2, quite muscular build dark brown hair, I don’t think a lot of my looks but Kate says other wise. We met about eight years ago and a one night stand later here we are, she has...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6 Celebration

A few hours later I was woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other a****ls from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was laying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry.I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

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Christmas Wedding Part 10 Celebration

December 22nd, last day of school before Christmas vacation John Finn was in the midst of a test in class and was lost in thought. It was just three day away from his son Michael's wedding to Courtney Bollinger. John had just turned 38 and couldn't believe that in just a couple of months he would become a grandfather as well a father-in-law to two amazing people as his beloved daughter Jaimie would marry her fiance Rick Samuels and take Rick's newborn daughter as her own child via...

1 year ago
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Cause for Celebration

It started out like any other night except there was cause for celebration. Tonight was the first night of freedom from a long sad relationship. I was enjoying a beer at the local establishment, very few people filled the seats. The bar was divided into sections with the bar up front and the gaming room in the back. A couple sat next to the bar along with a lone man enjoying the ball game that was on TV above the bar. Looking around I heard the sounds of pool balls clanking from the next...

4 years ago
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Divine Celebration

In a world riddled with pain and suffering, a body of hate, anger, and torture, lives a solitary cancer of joy, a blemish of pleasure and happiness. A solitary cathedral, echoing their religious harmonies, worshiping carnal wants desires. A cult of pleasure, a religion of satisfaction. Every aspect o life here is made for nothing but enjoyment. Many mock their unrealistic views of reality, but they continue on with their faith and worship till the end of time. Many call this cathedral home,...

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After a wedding celebration

We had been invited to a wedding in Dallas that summer day…The poor victim was the son of Sarah, one of Anita’s former office mates and my wife had known the young guy for ages. Her good friend Sarah had moved to Dallas after her retirement.We did not know any other person at the reception; but we sat down at a table with several guests. Anita and I enjoyed the meal and a few drinks.A band was playing music and my sexy babe wanted to dance; but my back was aching and it really was killing me;...

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Steele Part Two The Celebration

Second part of (probably) a trilogy. First part should be read first, but not essential.Two days after the completion of the Cartwright Yard takeover, and initiation of the first phase of the expansion plan had started with a detailed tender for demolition and other remedial work.Mandy Deakin, PA to CEO Benjamin Steele, had written an internal press release for all available employees to attend a celebration event, scheduled for that friday night.Obviously, the trampers (Drivers who slept in...

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Tim And Abbie 61 Matt And Marthas Celebration

Getting off earlier than usual after the positive ending to their meeting, Matt makes one quick stop on his way home to share the news with Martha.  The stop is to get some sparkling grape juice to toast the new job.  With Martha unable to drink as now within days of her due date, sparkling juice will have to do.Arriving home, he takes Martha in his arms and spins her around while kissing her.  She could see the excitement in Matt’s eyes from the moment he walked in the door.  She giggles as he...

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May Celebration

By: AWC In the HONOR of the month of ‘May’ [worldwide known for the Masturbation Celebration month, I offer my true story, which honestly happened on the 5th of May. I hope you enjoy the horny exotic material and join many millions or billions of the men to masturbate and enjoy the most loved activity, even more than the pussy fucking. ************************************************************************* As an exchange student for me, the school was new, the town was new, and the dorm...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 23 The Celebration

At Saxen's clap, the doors were thrust open, and fourteen beautifully decorated chairs were carried in by four persons each. All eighteen of the Explorers would have been present but Yuri had insisted on four remaining onboard the ACs as guards. The chairs were positioned one each in front of the visitors and they were helped into them. The chairs were then hoisted into the air and carried out the doors and into the central plaza outside. It looked like all of the many hundreds of Viggers...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 214 Lilys Sexual Servitude Celebration

Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) I called Lily. "Hi Lily, it's Mark here. It's half an hour later than I thought we'd start, so do you still want to have your sex celebration?" "YES! I outside Julia's now. Very hope you come soon." "Haha. Okay, I'll come now. See you in a few minutes." I hung up, started the car, and sped toward Julia's. I was feeling horny from all the pretty girls at the pipeline date, the cock sucking talk with Kaiya, anticipation of the flying bed fun in a...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 7 Harems Nuptial Celebrations

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Seven: Harem's Nuptial Celebrations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Nineteen: Harem's Nuptial Celebrations Aingeal – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My wings fluttered. Though I was already married to Sven through Zanyia's trickery, which made our marriage even more naughty, I had vowed to be married to all his women. I only said it once, but I repeated it two...

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Wilde Harem Pt 01 Home Sweet Home Ch 01

Onward to the backstory/information dump! My name is Brian Valentine. I recently turned 18 and became a senior at my high school that the author was too lazy to name. Short brown hair, 5'11", 8" dick. I'm not exactly athletic but I keep myself in shape. I've been told I'm attractive but I've never actually had a girlfriend. Yes, I'm still a virgin. My mom had died during childbirth. My father was hit by a drunk driver when I was 13. I currently live with my step-mom Lilith Wilde...

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Tina and Miss Cindys Anniversary Celebration

It was coming up to the very special anniversary for Tina and Miss Cindy. It was now a year since they first met and, since then, the relationship has been one in which the now nineteen-year-old Miss Cindy controlled the now sixty-year-old Tina. Tina never minded being under the disciplinary control a woman so young compared to herself and, in fact, found the need to submit to someone just a third of her own age as something of a turn on.Tina happily carried out all the menial tasks that Miss...

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You Call This an Earth Day Celebration

While online a few nights ago, I happened to run across a thread about the upcoming contest for Earth Day. And I have to admit I was a bit intrigued. As most might have noticed that other than the Survivor contest, I very rarely submit any work to the themed contests. I am embarrassed to admit it but I am terrible about remembering the deadline dates for such contests, so I don't normally bother. But after reading another thread on ideas for said contest, I wondered if I could write such a...

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Mels Celebration

Her brown hair was sticking to her face with sweat and cum. The make-up she’d carefully spent an age applying was smudged and smeared. Her usually sparkling blue eyes were tinged with red and slightly puffy from watering, but the look behind them was one of pure, dirty fulfillment. And she’d definitely been filled.As she regarded herself in the increasingly steamed up mirror of the rented, luxury studio apartment, the mist from the hot shower that was running behind her added to the blur of her...

Group Sex
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Jonathans Birthday Celebration

I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...

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Anniversary Celebration

AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda  ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...

4 years ago
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Jez Chronicles Landmark Celebration

Jez had started living her purpose in her first year of college. A week after losing her virginity to her loser boyfriend he had dumped her to focus on joining a frat. That was when Jez learned the power her sex held. One by one and sometimes two at a time Jez screwed all of the frat members. Needless to say her ex did not become a brother. She helped celebrate by letting the entire frat gang bang her. The next morning Jez had a sore throat and puss soaked in cum. It was that morning that she...

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Six Times A DayPart 149 Celebration

Susan and Suzanne were upstairs in Susan's bedroom getting dressed. Alan had given them ten minutes to get ready before his big announcement, so they were moving with speed and a sense of purpose. They had conferred briefly over what clothes to change into, and had mutually decided to wear dresses that were regal and fancy, but also sexy and revealing. Fortunately, a lot of Suzanne's clothes had found their way into Susan's closet over the previous two months. After having decided on...

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Football celebration

New England 3, Dallas 0. That’s how it started. Joy and I had to go out that night to celebrate. So we went down to the local bar to have a few drinks and a laugh with our friends. Joy put on her Pat's top, with no bra, along with a pair of jeans and headed out. Once at the bar she and I started drinking and celebrating like the rest of the city. Halfway through the night our friends left to go to another bar. Joy and I stayed enjoying ourselves in the bar. Joy began to chat to 3 guys at the...

Group Sex
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Sarah Carerra 335 Celebrations

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 35 - Celebrations School on Wednesday felt like torture. After two days in the recording studio, the last thing I wanted to do was to return to class. Even worse, all of the Chorus members kept talking...

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Family Celebrations

We as a family always organised a day or two a month when we could all meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Our family is rather large so getting everyone together is a hell of a big deal.I was 23 at the time and as one of the youngsters in the family get older it becomes our responsibilty to organise the family day and all the associated organising. This particular family day was my baby. I had gone all out to have a massive barbeque, with everyone one of the family members present. My job...

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Family Celebrations

We as a family always organised a day or two a month when we could all meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Our family is rather large so getting everyone together is a hell of a big deal.As the youngsters in the family get older it becomes our responsibilty to organise the family day and all the associated organising. This particular family day was my baby. I had gone all out to have a massive barbeque, with everyone one of the family members present. My job was made easier by the fact that...

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Stripper Birthday Celebration

This happened to me back in Nov. 2008.   I went out with about 20 guys from the fire dept. to celebrate my birthday.   We went out to dinner, had drinks (lots of drinks), and chatted about various things.   After dinner, some of the guys had to go home because they had to work the next day.   So that left about 12 of us, we decided to continue by going to a local strip club, which was in walking distance.   This was a good thing since none of us was in any condition to drive.   The club we...

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A New Years Celebration

This story is being told by my wife Ann, a county policeman named Matt, and me, Tim. It happened early on in our marriage. My husband Tim and I were at the Under Armor store shopping for Christmas presents when I noticed a county policeman also shopping. He and I were in the women’s section. I looked for my husband and he was unaware of me as he was shopping in the men’s area. I looked up and Matt, the cop, was smiling at me. I smiled back my sexiest smile then looked down to his crotch and...

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Stripper Birthday Celebration

This happened to me back in Nov. 2008.   I went out with about 20 guys from the fire dept. to celebrate my birthday.   We went out to dinner, had drinks (lots of drinks), and chatted about various things.   After dinner, some of the guys had to go home because they had to work the next day.   So that left about 12 of us, we decided to continue by going to a local strip club, which was in walking distance.   This was a good thing since none of us was in any condition to drive.   The club...

Straight Sex
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A New Years Celebration

I Susanwas born on December 30th. She often felt a little bit cheated whenher birthday rolled around. A party squished between Christmas and New YearsEve was always a tough sell. Quite a few of her friends saw no problem withhanding her a Christmas gift only to say "Oh by the way Happy Birthdaytoo."Rogerknew better. They had celebrated their fifth anniversary last year. She stilladored and worshipped him. That would be worship in a quite literal meaning ofthe word. Kneeling naked with her head...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 40 Orgiastic Celebration

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The weight of my promise to the Goddess pressed on my shoulder as I held my sister against me, her body naked, her arms tight around my torso. A door opened and several priests and priestesses of Rithi vanished out of the room. Kora’s lips kissed at my cheeks, so hot and warm, so giddy with delight. We were healed. And ... and ... I had to give her up. I had to let her go. My...

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Second ChancesChapter 3 Celebration

Our love was growing by leaps and bounds but we had not had sex yet. That was something we decided to hold off and wait until the time was just right. Sandy went to the doctor who said that the cancer was all gone and Sandy could resume her normal life. Sandy was happy to get back to school and see all of her friends. I was thrilled that she would not have to go through what happened in the alternate existence. It sure felt good to be back in school with all my friends. My best friend of...

1 year ago
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Moms Celebration

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Tom and I have just turned 18 and I live with my sister Tina 18 and my mother Sue. My mother has been divorced for 10 years. We don’t see much of my dad, and he is not very good about sending support checks to mom for my sister and I. Because of this mom works a full time job and a part time job also, so she does not have much of a social life. She says that she doesn’t mind, because my sister and I are her whole life. We live in a nice...

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Wildfire Part 4

Wildfire Part 4 I should make a note about killing off a few of the X-Men in the last chapter. In the most technical sense, this is obviously an alternate universe from the main one, if you follow the comic books. I will use that as an excuse for the differences in characters, events, and the way time flows. For all I know, I may make this the universe where the X-Men cross- over with Star Trek characters (I cant remember the name of the books, or the authors, but both were...

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Wildfire part 5

Wildfire Part 5 I came around slowly. It took me a few minutes. I was really groggy, so I didn't immediately remember what had happened. But, when I saw that I was laying on the ground, cuffed hands and feet, I did remember. I slowly looked around, hoping not to alert anyone who might be watching. Then I heard a voice that was all too familiar. Cecily said, "You may as well not pretend. One of the telepaths that work for us already sensed it. Oh, don't worry, they couldn't...

2 years ago
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Wilde Stuten mssen gezhmt werden

Nur ein leises Schnauben der Mustangs deutet darauf hin, dass ein Mensch in der Nähe ist. Geduckt bewegt sich der dunkle Schatten zwischen den wenigen Bäumen. Dort wo die Pferde dicht gedrängt zusammen stehen steigt Dampf auf, verursacht vom warmen Atem der Tiere in der Kälte der mondhellen Herbstnacht. Plötzlich fliegt das Lasso. Zielsicher wird ein junger Hengst eingefangen, der sofort beginnt sich zu wehren. Alle anderen Pferde stieben davon. Die dunkle Gestalt kämpft allein mit dem...

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Wild FireChapter 4

While Ty helped Boothe load a packmule with their supplies, Willah and Mejesse closed the window shutters and fastened the door, to keep the varmints out. Within the hour after eating breakfast, they were on their way upstream on Willow Creek. When they came to the clearing where Wild Fire and his herd of horses had killed the wolves, they saw the horses through the trees. “I want to see if he will come to me again,” Willah told them, putting her fingers to her lips. Hearing her whistle,...

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Wild FireChapter 6

The next day, upon the arrival of Mejesse’s mother and father, Mejesse was sitting on the bedside, drinking more of the medicinal slurry. Within a week, she was able to walk to the building site and watch as Ty and Boothe laid out the hearth, then started stacking and mortaring the stone fireplace. They were only able to lay a few layers of stone each day, allowing the sand, mud and grass mortar to set. The next week, Mejesse and Willah began packing for their trip down the mountain. Boothe...

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Wild WoodsChapter 2 Mourning After

Karen and Gee stumbled into Jitterz at eight-thirty. They hadn’t been home yet and weren’t headed there now. It had been a long night, dealing first with the discovery of the body, then the police, and finally, the Family heads. “Oh, my. You two look wrung out. Double Birdie’s Special coming right up. What would you like to eat?” Violet asked as they reached the counter. The contrast of her ginger hair with her light caramel skin never ceased to intrigue Gee. He forgot to answer. “Thank...

3 years ago
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Wild FireChapter 2

Early October, 1841 Shoshone River Valley Wyoming. The giant, flame-red colt known among wrangler camps as Wild Fire, is now 19.5 hands and coming on eighteen months. With hooves hardened and honed by days and miles of gravel, dirt, sand and stone he’s trekked, he’s as surefooted and agile as an antelope. Though his long legs are strong and muscular, he appears tall and awkward, walking a short distance from the herd as he grazes and keeps a close watch for danger... ... Running full...

2 years ago
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Wild FireChapter 5

They were now leading one of the mules with them each morning as they ran their trapline. Most mornings, by the time they reached their leanto, they would have as many as twenty beaver pelts. They would scrape them, fold them fur-to-fur and tie them in bundles before putting the bundles into the pack on the mule. Once they were back at the cabin at the end of the day, they would stretch the pelts and hang them to dry. They brought a large pan with them to leave inside the leanto. Each day,...

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Wild Life

Do you know all those games online that claim to have real adult content and real 3D interactive porn? Do you know how they always end up being complete scams? Well, prepare to have your minds blown cause I’m about to show you an adult game that’s actually an adult game with porn scenes and everything. And no, I’m not talking about those cheap-o 2D anime titles that just give you a few animations and are done with it. Welcome to Wild Life, a real adult action RPG that lets you have the porn...

Free Sex Games
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The Celebration

By Dunchad© This is another installment of the adventures of Samantha and Lawrence. This is a continuation of story and characters from The Payment and Payment the Next Week. This story is taken place almost a year after those two. Please read them to get to know the characters a little better. Samantha sat in my small office. I had just gotten off the phone after making reservations for Friday. I wanted to make a big deal out of the news from Lawrence. His business had just gotten...

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E104 Christmas Celebration

Dorothy and Maude’s train arrives in Birmingham around noon the next day.  On rising, they have time to clean, dress, and pack their things, leaving time to watch some of the southern countryside go by as they approach their destination.Once there, they rent a car, and after a short lunch are on their final lap to Donald and Emma.  It is about a three-hour drive, but they take some back roads to enjoy the country around them, not arriving at the house until almost six o’clock.  They have been...

Love Stories
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A Post Divorce Celebration

So, the time’s right I try to convince myself for the umpteenth time. My divorce is through and I’m a free woman for the first time in twenty three years. It’s time for my celibacy to end, to take a new man into my bed, or his bed or any bed for that matter. The difficulty is that my husband, or now ex-husband is the only man I’ve been with, and to give myself openly to another is a somewhat scary thought. But I’m ready, I tell myself, to be loved again. There is no turning back, for tonight I...

2 years ago
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Kelly begins the Family Celebration

My name is Kelly, back at College for the last half of my junior year. I’m five feet six inches tall, about 125 pounds, with blue eyes, 36-C tits with hips and ass to match. A brunette, I often wear my hair in a ponytail. Enough about me. My story really began when I went home to Phoenix for Christmas last month. The day after Christmas I slept late. I knew my parents were upset because they had to work that day. Standing to stretch, I felt the cool air on my butt as Dad’s old XL...

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