Six Times A DayPart 149: Celebration free porn video

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Susan and Suzanne were upstairs in Susan's bedroom getting dressed. Alan had given them ten minutes to get ready before his big announcement, so they were moving with speed and a sense of purpose. They had conferred briefly over what clothes to change into, and had mutually decided to wear dresses that were regal and fancy, but also sexy and revealing. Fortunately, a lot of Suzanne's clothes had found their way into Susan's closet over the previous two months.

After having decided on their clothes and accessories, they were standing naked when the phone rang. Susan happened to be closer to the phone.

Suzanne immediately said from across the room, "Ignore it!" She knew that putting on clothes wouldn't take long, but then they had to "get pretty" with make-up and other touches, and that would take all the time that Alan had given them. She figured the call couldn't possibly be that important, since the most important people in their lives - Alan, Katherine, and Amy - were elsewhere in the house.

But Susan had been raised to be polite, and she couldn't bear to let the phone ring without picking it up. She managed to restrain herself for four rings, then got the phone right before the call went to the answering machine. "Hello?"

"Hi. It's Glory. Is this Susan?"

"It is."

There was a significant pause before Glory asked nervously, "May I speak to Suzanne please?" She was sitting on her bed, wearing just her underwear.

Susan looked across the room and saw Suzanne busy getting her clothes ready, as if she were losing the race against time. Susan was highly reluctant to bother her. But she heard something urgent and distressed in Glory's voice, so she muffled the receiver and said, "Suzanne. It's for you."

Suzanne spun around and glared at Susan with annoyance.

Susan added, "I really think you should take this. It sounds important."

Suzanne let out a heavy sigh. She put down the dress she was about to put on and she walked across the room. She hastily snatched the phone from Susan's hand and barked into the line, "Hello? What is it?"

Glory detected Suzanne's annoyance right away, and she'd also noticed Susan sounding bothered. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?"

Suzanne growled, "It's a VERY bad time!" She tried to control her emotions. The fact that it was Glory mollified her somewhat. She added with more politeness, "Excuse my rudeness, Glory, but big things are happening here. Very big things! I don't have time to explain. What is it? Can you make it quick?"

Glory deflated. Her voice sounded very sad. "It's ... I'm sorry. It's hard to explain. I'm just ... I need someone to talk to! I was hoping it would be you. I'm kind of emotionally shell-shocked from thinking about what I agreed to with Alan yesterday." She idly fingered her collar, nearly blushing as she considered what it signified. "I felt fine about it all the way through his visit to my place this afternoon, maybe because I didn't let myself really think about it much. But since then I've been ruminating, and ... Ugh! I'm sorry. I don't know anyone I can talk to about this except you!"

Suzanne's annoyance mostly disappeared as she sensed the anguish in Glory's voice. Damn. Of all the people to call, at the worst possible time ... Glory is one of us now. I've gotta do all I can to help her.

She spoke softly and with understanding. "I'm the one who should be sorry, for jumping at you. I get it. This is important to you and the uncertainty is eating away at you. I'm very glad that you turned to me to talk about this, and I'd be delighted to help in any way I can."

Glory sighed with relief. "Thank you!"

Still trying to sound tender, Suzanne continued, "Unfortunately ... not now! I hate having said that but I really meant it: big things are happening here."

She glanced over at Susan and saw that her best friend was too busy getting ready to pay much attention to what could be heard of the phone conversation. But to be extra careful, she whispered very quietly to Glory, "I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that Alan is about to do something special for the four of us here, something very special indeed. Maybe it'll be some kind of ceremony or pronouncement, or maybe he'll give us gifts, like how he gave that ring to you yesterday. Whatever he's planned for us, I just know it's going to be fantastic!" Although Suzanne was known for her worldly sophistication, she spoke like a giddy teenager.

Glory was startled. "OH! Oh, wow! What terrible timing on my part!" She wanted to be more supportive, but hearing that just depressed her that much more. She looked down at the blue sapphire ring on her ring finger and idly fingered the collar she still wore around her neck. She'd considered removing the collar quite a few times in the last few hours, but she seemed unable to do so. At the same time, she rankled at wearing the symbol of a sex slave.

Suzanne returned to her normal speaking voice, while still trying to sound sympathetic. "Yeah, but how could you know? I've got less than five minutes to do a million and one things. My heart is pounding from the time pressure. But I've got an idea. Let me call you back when I get a chance. Your second thoughts are totally legitimate and understandable, and I can help you sort through your feelings, but later? Please? Let me call you later, and we'll work this all out."

Glory replied with even more sadness, "Okay. I feel like I'm slowly turning into a basket case. But I can wait. Please do call me back though?"

"I will. I promise. We're like family now, bound by our love for our man. I'll always be there for you, just like I hope you'll always be there for me."

"Okay. Thanks! Good-bye, and good luck with the ... whatever the special thing is."

"Thanks. Bye!"

Suzanne quickly put the receiver down and rushed to a nearby full-length mirror. She checked her naked body over to boost her confidence. Shit! Just what I need. That took two or three minutes that I didn't have! But I can't ignore her. She's still in a very fragile condition, obviously teetering right on the edge of joining the harem. No matter what happens with my Sweetie tonight, I've got to take some serious time out to deal with her and her problems! But I'll worry about that later. There's too much to do right now!

She looked over to Susan, who was already fully dressed. Susan was putting on some light touches of makeup, which was highly unusual because, unlike Suzanne, Susan almost never wore makeup. Both women were so beautiful that they looked great without any, but Suzanne had gotten used to putting on makeup when she was younger while Susan hadn't.

Suzanne cried out in distress, "Susan. Please! Help me! Our time is running out, and I'm still completely naked!"

Susan tried to be encouraging. "Don't worry; we won't be late. It's not like they'll start without us. And I got the gist of you wanting to help Glory with her doubts about joining the harem. That's a VERY good idea. There's not much that's more important than that!"

Suzanne griped, "I know. But the timing SUCKS! Why couldn't she have called an hour ago, or two hours ago?! Or, better yet, talked about it when I was alone with her at her place this afternoon before Sweetie showed up?"

Susan spun Suzanne around so they were face to face. She looked her friend right in the eyes. After a pause, she asked, "You're nervous, aren't you? Really nervous, I mean."

Suzanne nodded shyly. She hated to ever admit weakness. "Aren't you?"

"Of course I am! This is my whole life! But I have endless confidence in him. Whatever he's planning, it'll be for the best. And he's hinted that he's saving his energy for a lot of fucking with us later, so you know it's gonna be great news." Susan's frown turned into a grin.

Suzanne smiled broadly. She was very grateful to be reminded how Alan was trying to save his energy, since that promised nothing but good things. "That's true."

They shared a brief hug and a French kiss, then went back to getting ready. Since Susan was almost ready, she mostly helped Suzanne get caught up.

As Suzanne scurried around, she thought, Why am I the one falling to pieces all of a sudden? I'm pretty sure he's going to give us our rings - finally! - and that'll be a joyous thing. But then again, it could be nicer collars. Or necklaces. Mmmm, wouldn't it be fitting for him to give us pearl necklaces? We could celebrate by having him give us both kinds! Or it could be bracelets. Or some kind of pledge or promise. Hell, now that I think about it, it could be almost anything!

Whatever it is, it's pretty clear that it's going to be important and emotionally meaningful to us all. Also, Susan's right that it can't be bad news if there's going to be lots of fucking afterward. I'm supposed to be the "strong one" around here. So why do I feel like a quivering wreck?! I've got to get my act together!

In the bathroom a minute later, putting on her makeup, Suzanne had another thought. My heart really goes out to Glory. I can totally imagine how she's feeling right now. She must still be in shock over the whole harem situation, and from fully accepting that she's now truly enslaved sexually to one of her students. Worse, she's all alone. At least I have Susan and everyone else in this house to lean on. What would I do without Susan especially?! I'd really fall to pieces! She thinks that I'm her rock, but she's MY rock too!

I've gotta do whatever it takes to put Glory at ease tonight, once whatever Sweetie is planning happens and I have some free time. And more than that, I've gotta help pull her all the way into the harem. Helping her tonight is essential if I'm to get her there. Sitting on the fence with that six-month trial period of hers is no way to live. In a better world, she should be here with us tonight, taking part in everything we do. Hell, she should be permanently living with us! It's up to ME, more than anyone else, to help make that happen sooner rather than later.

Chapter 2

Susan and Suzanne strolled regally down the stairs right on time.

Katherine and Amy were already in the living room, since they hadn't had an untimely phone call to deal with. They were standing because they were too nervous to sit. Katherine was looking antsier than usual, almost dancing from foot to foot. When they saw their mothers coming, they whistled and clapped in appreciation.

The two busty mothers beamed. Both were very nervous, more so than their daughters, but they felt buoyed by the love and support of the rest of their present family and harem.

Mothers and daughters came together near the foyer, and there were a lot of hugs, kisses, and compliments about the outfits. Each woman seemingly looked more stunning than the next.

But after just a minute of this, Suzanne asked, "Where's our master already?! He's late!"

Amy shrugged. "I guess he's still getting ready."

An annoyed Suzanne complained, "What's taking him so long?! You know him; he dresses in about two seconds flat and then he's done. That's it. Maybe he glances in the mirror. If he were to ever so much as comb that unruly mop top of his, it would be a miracle!"

Katherine shrugged. "Who knows? What does it matter, anyway? He's our master. We're his sex slaves. If we have to wait for an hour or more, that's just how it is. That's kind of the nature of being slaves."

Suzanne was still in a strangely emotionally-vulnerable mood. She usually was "the rock," not just for Susan but for the entire family/harem, so she felt extra pressure that everything should go right tonight. Compounding her worries was the fact that she normally helped direct events, but right now she had no control at all and no idea what was going on. That was downright unsettling for her.

As a result, Katherine's words hit her as if the harem situation were being explained to her for the first time. Suzanne thought, We're slaves! SLAVES! How mind-boggling is THAT?! Not just Glory, or even Susan, but ME too! How did I get myself into this situation?! That was never part of my original grand plan. Calling myself his slave is fine and dandy when it's just sex talk in the middle of a family orgy, but I can't stand it at a time like this, when he holds all the cards and I hold none. He's a good master, and a good man, but he could literally say or do anything and we'd nominally have to obey.

What if I'm wrong and this isn't just a ceremony to give us gifts or something like that?! Things have been going along swimmingly because we all basically want the same things, but what if he wants us to do something that I'd hate?! Would I still accept and obey him as my master then?!

She realized that she was panting heavily with nervousness. She forced her breathing to calm down somewhat. Shit! I'm getting too worked up. I need to trust him. That's a big part of why we're letting him "own" us, because we fully trust him. I DO trust him, and love him. I know I've got nothing to worry about. He'll give us some great gifts or make some kind of stirring promise or pledge, bedlam will ensue, and then we'll fuck the night away. It'll all be good.

She felt her pussy throb and moisten with anticipation, aching with the need to be filled again. Down, girl, she mentally addressed her pussy. You'll get what's coming to you, I promise. You'll be able to gorge yourself on cock and cum tonight!

However, in the back of Suzanne's mind, she remembered the discussion she'd had with Akami on the roof before dinner. Akami had asked her why she was pouring her deepest feelings and worries out to a relative stranger, and had recommended that Suzanne express those feelings to Alan and the rest of her true family. Suzanne had thought a ceremony and its aftermath would be an appropriate time to do that. So that was another reason why she was feeling unusually anxious, because she was having so much trouble expressing her deeper feelings.

There was a prolonged silence after Katherine's comment. Amy noticed Suzanne's strange expression, so she asked her, "Mother, are you feeling okay? You look kinda, I dunno, stressed out."

Suzanne forced a smile. "I'm fine. We're all a little stressed out, aren't we? For one thing, what's taking him so long?"

At that very moment, Alan was in his bedroom, lying on his bed. Suzanne was right that he generally took very little time getting ready. He had a tuxedo in the back of his closet that he'd bought a year earlier for an out-of-town wedding of one of Susan's many sisters. He'd gotten it out and put it on, and was all ready to go in less than five minutes. He'd even wet and combed his hair until it lost its usual untamed look, at least temporarily. Since then, he'd been just lying on his bed, trying to psych himself up while he waited for the ten minutes to pass.

In reality, he was twice as nervous as Suzanne, if not more so. With his eyes closed, he thought, God, man! Damn! Being a harem master is really stressful sometimes. Nobody ever mentioned that in the harem porn I read on the Internet. It's not just about sex; it's about love. And love means trust and commitment and responsibility, and all kinds of "mature" stuff like that. That's the most emotionally-rewarding part, but it's hard. I'm really still just a kid! Yet I'm expected to "own" and "lead" SIX or more totally amazing women?! How did I get into this?! They picked me way more than I picked them!

He suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. It's time I man up! There's only one way forward, and tonight is a big part of it. Backing out isn't even an option. I've wanted this for a long time now. I want it more than anything. I just have to rise to the challenge. I CAN do this! The four of them make me want to be a better man, a mature man. NOW is the time to show that I can fill these "master" shoes they've laid out for me!

He stood up and walked across the room. With that last thought in mind, he realized with some amusement that he wasn't wearing any shoes at all, and wasn't about to put any on. Usually, the only time shoes were worn in the house were when his women were in their high heels. He snickered, Okay, metaphorical shoes then. But still, I'm a man now. They say I'm their motherfucking MASTER!

The four of them love me more than I can possibly imagine, and more than I deserve. There's no need to be nervous. Even if this is one of the most pivotal moments in my life. Maybe the MOST pivotal! Jesus! Don't think that! Come on, let's go!

He considered this such an important occasion that he ended up putting on shoes after all: his shiny black dress shoes, no less, to go with his tuxedo. He was trembling by the time he walked out of his room and started walking down the stairs.

The four ladies had been chatting about inconsequential things to cope with their own nervousness, but the living room fell silent when they heard his tread on the stairs. Then, when his tuxedo came into view, they collectively gasped and held their breaths.

The tuxedo raised the stakes, and everyone knew it. Like many male teenagers, Alan disdained formal clothes. It had to be a very special event just to get him to wear a suit and tie. Therefore, the tuxedo symbolized an even more important event. The only time he'd worn it had been to that wedding, and he'd basically been cajoled into wearing it against his will, whereas this time he was wearing it now all on his own.

He didn't give them much time to think or comment about his clothing, nor did he really take the time to get a good look at the fantastic outfits they were wearing. He needed hugs! He bee-lined to where they were standing as a group in the middle of the living room and immediately wrapped his arms around all four of them as best he could. It wasn't easy to hug four women at once, but he managed.

The women could tell that this was an emotional moment for him, rather than a sexual one. So, for once, there was no groping at his crotch. In fact, he wasn't even tumescent, since he was simply too anxious to be. But they hugged him tightly, silently trying to shower him with their love and care.

He could feel his worries fading away. Aaaah! This is just what I needed! How great is this?! They don't need me to come in here swaggering like John Wayne. They know that in a lot of ways I'm still a scared kid. But they love me anyway. I can feel SO MUCH LOVE from them! My God! And joy! How can I not feel like the king of the world?!

The four women rearranged themselves to press into him from every side. With his eyes closed, he silently added to himself, And boobs! I can definitely feel boobs! God, they're all so incredibly curvy and sexy. I'm not just the king of the world; I'm the luckiest guy in the history of the world! It seems I can literally do no wrong. I think this is going to make them so happy. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces! Let's do this already!

He broke out of their collective embrace and backed up a few steps. His worries were nearly gone, thanks to that group hug. His heart was thumping like a big bass drum.

He beamed a brilliant smile at them, one by one. Then he spoke in a confident voice. "Okay. I'm nervous as hell, but I feel a lot better after that. Thank you. As you can tell, this is a really important night for all of us."

Katherine broke some of the tension by quipping, "It's tuxedo important."

Amy added, "VOLUNTARY tuxedo important, no less!" She giggled.

Alan smiled at that. "It is. And you'll see why when I get to my big announcement in a few minutes. But before that, I want to make a couple of other important announcements, to make sure they don't slip my mind. For starters, I'm not going to hide the fact that I expect to do a LOT of fucking before this night is over. I plan to fuck each of you! But - and I need to make this completely clear now so there won't be any confusion or argument later - when all the fucking is over, I want to spend the night in my room with my lovely mother Suzanne in my arms, where she belongs, and which we've never been able to do before."

Suzanne's eyes bugged out in surprise. She hadn't been expecting that at all.

The other women all stared at her with envy.

She clutched a hand to her breast in the style Susan so often did. "ME?! Why me?!"

He responded, "Lots of reasons. I've generally been sleeping alone because, let's face it, if I didn't, how much sleep would I actually get? Knowing you bunch, probably not that much."

"Darn tootin'!" Amy joked in her attempt at a Daisy Duke southern accent.

"Oh I don't know," Katherine mused melodramatically, rolling her eyes. "You seem to sleep just fine with me." Then she leered, "And I love sleeping with you IN me..."

Suzanne arched an expressive eyebrow. "Really?" She already wanted to try that, and soon.

"Oh yeah," Katherine breathed sexily, "he sleeps like a baby with me."

Not wanting to let Katherine's bed habits take over his announcement, Alan raised his voice to draw their attention back to him. "But tomorrow," he declared, "there's obviously no school for any of us. Furthermore, we know that Eric and Brad are off on some overnight fishing trip, so this is a rare chance for Suzanne to spend the entire night here with me without arousing any suspicions."

Suzanne stepped forward and enveloped him in a hug. "Thank you! That may not seem like a big deal to you, but it's a very big deal for me!"

As he hugged her back, he said, "Oh, believe me, it's a very big deal for me too. Especially because it's the start of a new policy." He shared a short but sizzling French kiss with her.

He let go of Suzanne and waited until she rejoined the semi-circle of the others standing within arm's reach of him. Then he continued, with confident authority, "I'm now the master of an honest-to-god harem! Why should I EVER sleep alone again? From now on, I want to go to sleep with at least one of you in my arms. Every single night. At least one! Sometimes more, I'm sure. And yeah, maybe I won't get quite as much sleep that way. Maybe sometimes I'll have to wake up in the middle of the night and fuck my bed partner some more, but that's just a cross we'll all have to bear." He grinned impishly at that.

The four women were beaming and fidgeting with lusty delight.

Suzanne joked, "I can't wait to 'suffer' through that kind of treatment! In fact, I have a feeling I'm going to be doing a lot of 'suffering' tonight!" She winked at him, just about flooring him with her bedroom eyes.

He added, "I think that, naturally, I'm going to sleep with Mom and/or Sis quite a lot. That makes sense because we're already sleeping a stone's-throw away. And Aims, now that you're an adult and my official girlfriend, you can come here and spend the night, and what can your dad or brother do about it, right?"

"Totally!" Amy exclaimed. Like the other women, she was wearing particularly tall high heels. For even Amy to wear high heels (and some touches of makeup) showed how seriously they all were treating this. But she somehow managed to bounce up and down on her heels anyway.

Alan's smile widened as he basked in Amy's beaming enthusiasm. Then he looked back to Suzanne, who was still smiling from ear to ear as well. "So the main problem is with you, Mother. Until your divorce is fairly far along, you can't just disappear night after night or Eric will get suspicious. So whenever a rare opportunity like this comes along, we should take full advantage. And Aims, you shouldn't be spending lots of nights here either, or that'll cause trouble with them eventually. So you should come next. What I mean is, tomorrow night you and I have a date with Christine planned out already. When that's over, you can join me in my bed and we can celebrate all night long."

"Cool beans! I love it!" Amy leapt forward and enveloped him in a tight hug.

He hugged her back, then they shared a hot French kiss. When that ended, she whispered enticingly in his ear, "Tonight will be super awesome, I'm sure. But I already can't wait until tomorrow night! You'd better rest up and take your vitamins, buster. Then pick a restaurant where Christine and I can take turns sucking your cock under the table. Maybe even together! Then, when we get home, my ass belongs to you! Maybe Christine will watch and masturbate while we show her what anal sex is all about. Maybe she'll even guide Alan Junior in for me!" She moved his hand that had been on the middle of her back and brought it down to her ass cheek.

Unthinkingly, he lifted her short dark-blue dress and squeezed her firm buttocks. That can't happen, right? No way! Christine's not ready for any of that. Aims is just winding me up ... and succeeding! Crap. I'm actually in danger of getting an erection, despite being nervous as all hell. But still, the three of us are gonna have a lot of fun tomorrow. I can't wait either!

But then he disengaged, because he knew this wasn't the moment for such hanky-panky.

Chapter 3

He turned to Katherine. "Now, here's my second big announcement. Sis, in recent weeks, I know that you've felt a little bit left out. And rightly so. It's hard to 'compete' with the likes of Mom and Mother for a variety of reasons that we all know. Amy's got her special official-girlfriend status to help. She and I haven't done much with that yet, but I'm sure in the future Aims and I will be behaving in public in a touchy-feely boyfriend-girlfriend way, and doing things that you and I simply can't do in public. So that really sucks for you. I'm sorry."

Katherine sighed with exasperation. "Tell me about it. That's the story of my life lately."

He nodded. "I know. Which is why you need a special thing too. The mere fact that you're my sister is always going to thrill me sexually, but Amy is now officially my sister too, so that's not enough. That's why I've decided to make Thursday your special day, just like Tuesday is Mom's special day."

"WHAT?!" Katherine's jaw actually hung open in amazement.

He grinned, happy to see her shock. "I know I've kind of suggested that to you in the past, but I've been sort of hesitant about it. The reason is, I figured that if Mom has a day, and you have a day, then why shouldn't Mother and Aims have their own days too? And what about Glory and Brenda? And so on. Let's face it: I have a pretty big harem. I'm a damn lucky guy! But I don't want all spontaneity taken away by formalizing things with everyone having their own day. There aren't THAT many days in the week."

He went on, "That said, Sis, you really do need an equalizer, especially to balance Amy's official-girlfriend status. So I want Thursday to be your day, AND I'm officially declaring that there won't be any other special days. Tuesday for Mom and Thursday for you and that's it. How does that sound to everybody? Is that fair?"

He looked from face to face.

Katherine also stared at the faces of the other women. She clutched her hands together as if praying, and in fact she actually was praying that they would agree.

Before long, all eyes settled on Amy, since if anyone was going to object, it probably would be her.

Amy thought it over for a few seconds, then shrugged. "M'kay. I think that's cool. Right? I mean, it'll be like Mom's Tuesdays, won't it? We all still get to have sexy fun on Tuesdays; it's just that she gets kind of an extra oomph." She looked to Katherine. "It's not like you'll totally monopolize him all day, will you?"

Katherine hastened to explain, "Don't worry! I won't get greedy. It'll be just like Tuesdays. Hell, just the fact that I get my own day will give me wings the entire rest of the week!"

Amy beamed at that. "Cool. No worries from me then." She gave Katherine a quick hug.

Suzanne spoke up. "I have no problem with that either. Of course I'd like my own day too, but I understand the logic of it. Susan and I can be cock hogs at times-"

"'Can be?'" Amy teased.

"'At times?'" a smirking Katherine similarly interjected, almost as quickly. "We might as well call a spade a spade and say 'all the time.'"

Suzanne favored Katherine with a tolerant smile.

Amy leaned towards Katherine and whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, "She isn't denying it!"

Same as Six Times A Day
Part 149: Celebration Videos

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 149

At the National Art Gallery in Dublin, a husband and wife from America were staring at a portrait that had them completely confused. The painting depicted 3 black men totally naked, sitting on a bench. Two of the figures had black penises, but the one in the middle had a pink penis. The curator of the gallery realized that they were having trouble interpreting the painting and offered his personal assessment. He went on for over half an hour explaining how it depicted the sexual...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 149

Thursday was back to the grind at KCC. I had several projects that I had put off for a while and now they needed to come to the front. The East Coast Education Association for Advanced Education was having their annual meeting at KCC this year. I did not know how our college ever got to be host for this event. Usually these kinds of events were held at some big city where parties and play could be had nonstop. There were no casinos, no big night clubs, no strip joints, no beaches, no...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 149

After a tussle, Diana managed to get the Superkitten suit on Billy. She had originally planned to make a devil costume for him, but changed her mind and made the Superkitten suit, instead. The blue material, almost a body suit, covered him down his back to his hips, but was shorter on the underside, stopping well before his groin. Hidden strips of Velcro fasteners closed the outfit. The red cape started on either side of his neck and extended down his back to stop just short of his hips. She...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 149

When Lorrie Barnes called again, a few days later, Laura was so flummoxed by guilt that she could barely even speak. She had not seen Lorrie for six months. During that time, she had broken with Trina, and in addition to her other friends had slept with Bernice, Randi, Shavon, Vondi, and now Vanessa. But the mere thought of Lorrie struck a hot arrow deep into her. Lorrie had called right before Vondi, when Laura's breasts had still be so mutilated from her bout with Karen that she did not...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 149

These are compliments of Fmwarmac Unable to attend the funeral after his Uncle Charlie died, a man who lived far away called his Blonde brother and told him, ‘Do something nice for Uncle Charlie and send me the bill.’ Later, he got a bill for $200.00, which he paid. The next month, he got another bill for $200.00, which he also paid, figuring it was some incidental expense. But when the $200.00 bills kept arriving every month, he finally called his brother again to find out what was going...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 149 Late Night Stroll

Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 149

After seeing my family off, the first thing I did was read the details of all the intel intercepts for the last ten days. While on vacation I was receiving just the summaries. I read part of them then went to the national security briefing on the second floor. There is where I had an unusual awakening. Iran was in worse shape than previously thought. Their military was now getting paid with script and not cash, not even every week but every other week. The script could be deposited and then...

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Double TearsChapter 149

“Girls are the only ones who can really give each other close attention, the kind we equate with being loved. They noticed what we want noticed.” —Emma Cline, The Girls I DIDN’T IGNORE Desi and Brittany. Once we were sure we had shown our senior girlfriends how much we loved them, we left them cradled in each other’s arms and moved to the other bedroom. There, I tried to show the two of them that I loved them just as much as I loved Rachel and Livy. When I could no longer rise to...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 149 Unrealised Potential

***Trigger Warning: Miscarriage*** I sat curled up in a ball, forehead resting on my knees, arms wrapped around my legs, trying not to think or feel – or listen. I could hear my husband just outside the open door, whispering frantically to Alim and Jowan. They were acting like I couldn’t hear them – like I was asleep, or something. Which, if they thought about it, they knew I wasn’t, given I still held the Architect’s mana. I could hear them clearly without trying. Honestly, the door’s even...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 149

It was almost noon when the interview finished. Veronica was pleased with herself when she affixed her name and her agent ID number to the contract. Betsy Hamilton's move had been a foregone conclusion, so much so that Celina had prepared the contract and it was predated. It simply needed Katey's signature and that of a witness. This fresh signing meant something to Veronica. Five Friends had sought her out. They had called her out of the blue, explained what they were doing and asked her...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 19 Pamelas Grand Opening Celebration

On the day of their birthday Pamela and Jeffrey were awakened by mouths on and in every special, now legal, inch of them. Charley had his tongue deep in Pam's pussy while Mark had it in her ass and Larry pumped his cock in her mouth. Cathy in the meantime had Jeff in a 69 and joyously sucked his barely legal cock. After Pam and Jeff had their first official cums as legal adults Pam said, "Is everyone ready for my grand opening celebration on the sun deck, I want you all up there." Cathy...

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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party.It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt like...

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A Family Celebration Ch. 01My name is Kelly, back at College for the last half of my junior year. I'm five feet six inches tall, about 125 pounds, with blue eyes, 36 C tits with hips and ass to match. A brunette, I often wear my hair in a ponytail. Enough about me. My story really began when I went home to Phoenix for Christmas last month.The day after Christmas I slept late. I knew my parents were upset because they had to work that day. Standing to stretch, I felt the cool air on my butt as...

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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party. It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt...

3 years ago
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THE BOSSS SLUT 12 Client Celebration

Mr. Woodburn and I were both attending the celebration at the client’s plant and offices. It was an afternoon off for all employees with a catered buffet, tours of the upgrades, and, of course, speeches from the company extolling the benefits and positive impact for all their futures in their very competitive market. We were not called upon to give a speech or comments, but were identified for our assistance and involvement. After the celebration, we both return home. I put in a short day...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 14 Orgiastic Celebration

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Fourteen: Orgiastic Celebration By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to and WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty: Orgiastic Celebration Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The weight of my promise to the Goddess pressed on my shoulder as I held my sister against me, her body naked, her arms tight around my torso. A door opened and several priests and priestesses of Rithi vanished out of the room. Kora's...

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Badgers celebration

It was Wednesday. The day I always arrange to meet Badger at the allotment. Sometimes I help the old guy with a little bit of digging. “This is the time to do the autumn dig,” he says, “So that the frost can get into it and kill all those pests.” But today, after a good fall of snow, there would be no digging. “But you are still welcome to call, Alex,” he told me on the mobile phone. “I have a good steaming cuppa for you and all the comforts.” How could I resist. Badger’s allotment shed was not...

Gay Male
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Fourth of July celebration

Oh my God, last night was the 4th of July and boy did we have a celebration.  I am so sore today from all the wild things that I did, and I think I can only relate some of what happened here.   Let me tell you a little about myself, I am 56 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder to mid back length, mouth that loves to suck hard cocks and loves the taste, smell, and feel of cum, my breast size is 36D with mouthful size nipples that love...

1 year ago
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Wedding Celebration

I really miss the weddings, especially the desi styles you could see. This was an incident when I had been to my cousin's wedding with my parents. I had the best fuck with one of the milf in the wedding, later I got to know that she's a far relative of mine. I was in the 3rd year of my engineering, born and groomed in Bangalore.I had been invited to my cousin's wedding close to Bangalore called Hassan.It was a wedding celebration to remember, which was in his farm house.Everyone who were...

3 years ago
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Following DoryChapter 13 Celebration

We had scheduled our trip for the Monday following commencement and Dory was ready and champing at the bit when I arrived to pick her up early that morning. Her mother and father were both there to see us off and she obviously had their blessing for this adventure. I had made a reservation for the 8:30 ferry and we made it in plenty of time. It was cloudy, but calm and fairly warm that morning, so it was an easy crossing to Nanaimo. I had checked the long range forecast before we left and it...

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Samhain Night The Lovers Celebration

Samhain Night The night air chills. Northern leaves glow golden and fall with the sun. Our nipples stiffen and touch sensually before our lips join. Our fire-dance is nigh, my sister. The scent of damp and decaying leaves fill the air, as the nights shorten and darkness comes ever earlier. Bodies are fevered with expectation, nipples swollen and lips moist as the greatest night of the Pagan year, draws ever closer, my dearest sister. The fire burns hot in the sylvan glade, warming our naked...

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Bonfire Celebration

The bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...

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Bonfire Celebration

The bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...

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Ana gangbanged on her Birthday celebration

Ana gangbanged on her Birthday celebration My sweet wife Ana wanted something special to celebrate her Birthday.We reserved a suite in a very nice hotel nearby.I brought her some red roses and later we went on our night out. We checked into the hotel first. Ana put on a simple black dress, her shoulders mostly bare, with thin straps holding it on, that went about halfway down her thigh making her legs show up nice atop her high heel shoes. It wasn't too revealing but very sexy, showing off her...

1 year ago
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Birthday Celebration

My boyfriend had been asking me for weeks what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. After a few pleading attempts to at least give him a clue as to what I might like, I finally got up the courage to ask for something that I had been wanting for quite some time. A spanking. I told him that I wanted a birthday spanking, an actual spanking. Not just a few passionate swats during sex. I wanted him to give me an actual punishment. I had only been spanked a handful of times as a kid but for as long as...

2 years ago
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A Proper Celebration

Marcus and Mina watched their parents enter the jetway and waved goodbye. Marin and William waved back and turned to board their plane. As they watched their parents disappear among the crowd, Mina inched closer to her brother until her fingers grazed his. Marcus slipped his hand in hers and squeezed it. Mina sighed.While walking through the airport terminal, Mina pulled her hand from his and looked around with a guilty expression on her face. Marcus took her hand again and threaded their...

2 years ago
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Birthday Celebration

Birthday celebrationTo give you some background, Kate and I married 3 years ago, she is a very sexy 33 year old curvy blond, 5ft 7, looks wise she is stunning and has always had a lot of attention, 38g breasts that create a cleavage to die for and a lovely tight ass She always dresses very smartly and sexy. I am 32, 6ft 2, quite muscular build dark brown hair, I don’t think a lot of my looks but Kate says other wise. We met about eight years ago and a one night stand later here we are, she has...

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Youngsville Part 6 Celebration

A few hours later I was woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other a****ls from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was laying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry.I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

2 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 10 Celebration

December 22nd, last day of school before Christmas vacation John Finn was in the midst of a test in class and was lost in thought. It was just three day away from his son Michael's wedding to Courtney Bollinger. John had just turned 38 and couldn't believe that in just a couple of months he would become a grandfather as well a father-in-law to two amazing people as his beloved daughter Jaimie would marry her fiance Rick Samuels and take Rick's newborn daughter as her own child via...

1 year ago
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Cause for Celebration

It started out like any other night except there was cause for celebration. Tonight was the first night of freedom from a long sad relationship. I was enjoying a beer at the local establishment, very few people filled the seats. The bar was divided into sections with the bar up front and the gaming room in the back. A couple sat next to the bar along with a lone man enjoying the ball game that was on TV above the bar. Looking around I heard the sounds of pool balls clanking from the next...

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Divine Celebration

In a world riddled with pain and suffering, a body of hate, anger, and torture, lives a solitary cancer of joy, a blemish of pleasure and happiness. A solitary cathedral, echoing their religious harmonies, worshiping carnal wants desires. A cult of pleasure, a religion of satisfaction. Every aspect o life here is made for nothing but enjoyment. Many mock their unrealistic views of reality, but they continue on with their faith and worship till the end of time. Many call this cathedral home,...

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After a wedding celebration

We had been invited to a wedding in Dallas that summer day…The poor victim was the son of Sarah, one of Anita’s former office mates and my wife had known the young guy for ages. Her good friend Sarah had moved to Dallas after her retirement.We did not know any other person at the reception; but we sat down at a table with several guests. Anita and I enjoyed the meal and a few drinks.A band was playing music and my sexy babe wanted to dance; but my back was aching and it really was killing me;...

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Steele Part Two The Celebration

Second part of (probably) a trilogy. First part should be read first, but not essential.Two days after the completion of the Cartwright Yard takeover, and initiation of the first phase of the expansion plan had started with a detailed tender for demolition and other remedial work.Mandy Deakin, PA to CEO Benjamin Steele, had written an internal press release for all available employees to attend a celebration event, scheduled for that friday night.Obviously, the trampers (Drivers who slept in...

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Tim And Abbie 61 Matt And Marthas Celebration

Getting off earlier than usual after the positive ending to their meeting, Matt makes one quick stop on his way home to share the news with Martha.  The stop is to get some sparkling grape juice to toast the new job.  With Martha unable to drink as now within days of her due date, sparkling juice will have to do.Arriving home, he takes Martha in his arms and spins her around while kissing her.  She could see the excitement in Matt’s eyes from the moment he walked in the door.  She giggles as he...

2 years ago
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May Celebration

By: AWC In the HONOR of the month of ‘May’ [worldwide known for the Masturbation Celebration month, I offer my true story, which honestly happened on the 5th of May. I hope you enjoy the horny exotic material and join many millions or billions of the men to masturbate and enjoy the most loved activity, even more than the pussy fucking. ************************************************************************* As an exchange student for me, the school was new, the town was new, and the dorm...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 23 The Celebration

At Saxen's clap, the doors were thrust open, and fourteen beautifully decorated chairs were carried in by four persons each. All eighteen of the Explorers would have been present but Yuri had insisted on four remaining onboard the ACs as guards. The chairs were positioned one each in front of the visitors and they were helped into them. The chairs were then hoisted into the air and carried out the doors and into the central plaza outside. It looked like all of the many hundreds of Viggers...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 214 Lilys Sexual Servitude Celebration

Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) I called Lily. "Hi Lily, it's Mark here. It's half an hour later than I thought we'd start, so do you still want to have your sex celebration?" "YES! I outside Julia's now. Very hope you come soon." "Haha. Okay, I'll come now. See you in a few minutes." I hung up, started the car, and sped toward Julia's. I was feeling horny from all the pretty girls at the pipeline date, the cock sucking talk with Kaiya, anticipation of the flying bed fun in a...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 7 Harems Nuptial Celebrations

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Seven: Harem's Nuptial Celebrations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Nineteen: Harem's Nuptial Celebrations Aingeal – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My wings fluttered. Though I was already married to Sven through Zanyia's trickery, which made our marriage even more naughty, I had vowed to be married to all his women. I only said it once, but I repeated it two...

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Tina and Miss Cindys Anniversary Celebration

It was coming up to the very special anniversary for Tina and Miss Cindy. It was now a year since they first met and, since then, the relationship has been one in which the now nineteen-year-old Miss Cindy controlled the now sixty-year-old Tina. Tina never minded being under the disciplinary control a woman so young compared to herself and, in fact, found the need to submit to someone just a third of her own age as something of a turn on.Tina happily carried out all the menial tasks that Miss...

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You Call This an Earth Day Celebration

While online a few nights ago, I happened to run across a thread about the upcoming contest for Earth Day. And I have to admit I was a bit intrigued. As most might have noticed that other than the Survivor contest, I very rarely submit any work to the themed contests. I am embarrassed to admit it but I am terrible about remembering the deadline dates for such contests, so I don't normally bother. But after reading another thread on ideas for said contest, I wondered if I could write such a...

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Wild WoodsChapter 7 Celebration

“They wouldn’t think I’m ... uh ... a bad person?” Nina asked when Gee told her and Karen about the kids’ suggestion. “No, they understand you’ve been through a lot but thought maybe you could just use a friend your age to have fun with,” Gee said. “I don’t know what to do!” “Maybe that’s something a friend could help with,” Karen said. “I’ve worked in the woods with all those kids and if they say they want to be your friend, that’s exactly what they mean.” “Okay.” “Maybe we could invite...

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Mels Celebration

Her brown hair was sticking to her face with sweat and cum. The make-up she’d carefully spent an age applying was smudged and smeared. Her usually sparkling blue eyes were tinged with red and slightly puffy from watering, but the look behind them was one of pure, dirty fulfillment. And she’d definitely been filled.As she regarded herself in the increasingly steamed up mirror of the rented, luxury studio apartment, the mist from the hot shower that was running behind her added to the blur of her...

Group Sex
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Jonathans Birthday Celebration

I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Celebration

AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda  ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...

4 years ago
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Jez Chronicles Landmark Celebration

Jez had started living her purpose in her first year of college. A week after losing her virginity to her loser boyfriend he had dumped her to focus on joining a frat. That was when Jez learned the power her sex held. One by one and sometimes two at a time Jez screwed all of the frat members. Needless to say her ex did not become a brother. She helped celebrate by letting the entire frat gang bang her. The next morning Jez had a sore throat and puss soaked in cum. It was that morning that she...

1 year ago
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Football celebration

New England 3, Dallas 0. That’s how it started. Joy and I had to go out that night to celebrate. So we went down to the local bar to have a few drinks and a laugh with our friends. Joy put on her Pat's top, with no bra, along with a pair of jeans and headed out. Once at the bar she and I started drinking and celebrating like the rest of the city. Halfway through the night our friends left to go to another bar. Joy and I stayed enjoying ourselves in the bar. Joy began to chat to 3 guys at the...

Group Sex
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Sarah Carerra 335 Celebrations

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 35 - Celebrations School on Wednesday felt like torture. After two days in the recording studio, the last thing I wanted to do was to return to class. Even worse, all of the Chorus members kept talking...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 25

Sam sat in silence, allowing him the space to think, and within the silence, he gained perspective and understanding of his own reaction to the sudden suggestion from his business partner. He pondered over the task he would be faced with, and the workload, the overtime needed and its effect on Sam. Julie couldn’t cope with his long hours, and he wondered if Sam could. Now settled in the living room, side by side on the sofa, Sam remained silent, and Aidan knew the depth of self-control she...

2 years ago
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Family Celebrations

We as a family always organised a day or two a month when we could all meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Our family is rather large so getting everyone together is a hell of a big deal.I was 23 at the time and as one of the youngsters in the family get older it becomes our responsibilty to organise the family day and all the associated organising. This particular family day was my baby. I had gone all out to have a massive barbeque, with everyone one of the family members present. My job...

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Family Celebrations

We as a family always organised a day or two a month when we could all meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Our family is rather large so getting everyone together is a hell of a big deal.As the youngsters in the family get older it becomes our responsibilty to organise the family day and all the associated organising. This particular family day was my baby. I had gone all out to have a massive barbeque, with everyone one of the family members present. My job was made easier by the fact that...


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